I'CK ANN I'M IN AI'V '.NTK HALL 5c SLEDGE, i,i.i,.:if.tui:s VOL. XIV. A. NEWSPAPER UTOiR, THE PEOPLE. AVKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1SS3. TEPvMS-- NO. '10. AliVKUTM.-IKVi'S. FOR COUGHSCROUP USE TAYLOR'S mm AUTUMN LEAVTG. i leaves ill . I -1 i M j; .' III. I I- Yeil.-.l i Willi ' .. 'I'll IVIcI III.. Ami ' I- -ii i. I! i . I" i.liril given I uli !'." llllU' 11 illL-S REMEDY SWEET GUM -AND MULLEIN. T, ( i;nm. a ciUi-ml from Itw of lh ihh HIM It.! m .1 .l.n th" mull Hrrnint Id Xhx HoaUma Btaie r . i. i ft tnuUa'-iuK tM"'u'ot jiiirwipU ibal lww tl.i! ;.i.l"jm hikIuh( ll -irly mumlng cuufb. an-1 itltaw UWi Hip cluM to thtnw Hie falw m.-mbraaa in rrnnp ani" liiwin i-ouKh. Wli-u rniiiiiu'''l nh tU hrnliiii muet Utiluout iir.iKii.l-i In -a-ill m i li.l .'f tin' ul.l fit hli. jiM urnlila TiTion'n Ciim.... !:..,( .. Hfrrrflrn ht Miru.iiK fiiM kii -i r !"' r..f IWli-. lioup Wh.N.lni(.(:ii.'li km. I I .... ....... ., ami imlmibU'. iif rtilM lipl-i-M 1 !:- il . nr -lNiriii it far il. rVtea 2So.mii f 1. WALTER A-TAYLOR. Atlanta, 0 Co 1IR. Ullllil.ltS' 111 'Kit Hi Ltli V COHIMAI. fl Wantm-a. Iijoii)ij ail LliiWrtii 'i cat lilUf. ful li b) FOR SALE BY BROWN & SIMMONS, WK1.HON, N. C. uiig -0 ly t.nirui rimi i i An.! " SUNSHINE AND SHADOW. "N'.nv .armie, w.n. Ii w of Spice Mill ill. ninth- r ill. nl tin- !!" I!' mil, my '1' ar ' said 1. s-1 . . j 1 1 ; lulu lln' kit h- u. is completely lii' -d willi the miii'II ami oilier delicious odors. Il day lii'i'ui'i Tiunks-iviiii;, mul il l,v ill- l.i i'li' -n-t.il.Ii-. with tli.. HEADQUARTERS. s.tjf, wlnTf tire yitti .-Liif Witv, we nrewliit.i.Siiuih-sU e t1I v It MF HMlTtf. - ' - j A till wlii.l nri' yell fitip It'K'f Jiiin fi r" . Wfll. t'K't ovi-rj Jliini; Utt i !,--( t. ill ink. WJml th.-u" Tlu-it will -fi't H..11U' cifiiir ilimI h a kiuih' ot IWWnvU W.ll. Ill Rit tno, (i.tiiM.n. Tin- iilmvi' is ih.it in hi arJ I'll lliu htrt'ft tmht till) tillll. TH1STI.K I'llW, M ALT, ItYK ii - miii -n OLD CAIUxNET mi.l till l.-mlliiK l-i-.iii-l r WHISKIES. CliJAKS, SNl'KK, TdllACCl), CNXl:ll MKAT-i. thai Ki lls. l'AKt. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES N,'W Tiililin )M pil in-H.-Kiilntlnn 8lw. .I T. EVANVA OK Wnsli Avr. Wol.l.'ii.M.C. 1 1J t I I. mm 1829 in hi: rlni.i'nij Imtti ill li.-r lii. Im-ily i ut tin'.- ii'i'!' 'K I" mlil I" I lie liiiii'viiioiit Will' 1 1 WHS silllUlt'lillLI (ill till' stilVI'. - N.i, I'll 1,'i'k cut fi.i- tlnil." mid An: sinil'ni'j I'li'ii-iinilv. "1 am liavin;; sili n- ilnl lin k wiili iny c inking; just wis liinv nii-i- my I'riiit-uaki' lnnks, and I'd liko tn luivii j-uii laslc nl' tliis iiiiiicc-iiii'iit and w o if vi hi tli ink il incds ;i little nunn luiilid cider." N.ilnidy liiuili- bi'ttcr pics tliaii mutluT, ami. ul'ciur.se, lii- kin w twicu n well ub I did wlmt Ki-asdiiiii' th.-y ri-uiivd; Ixit 1 'tasti d" just tn ilcasc lit-r, mid sui.':Jcsti.'J that kin- iut in n Just limn- id' clovin, he ciniio I knew lio was doing Ikt best to p i ii, an cxlra pnod Tliankngiving dinner mi my ui cimnt, Inr, jnn sec. 1 was pxpec- 1 ititz t' i m',- 1 1 iiny Carlton tlie next day, an 1 In- was I lie "in' man in nil tile W"t'!d to in III. II. I kissed inntlii r'.s wrinkled ehe-k . and hui iied o(T to my duties as teacher in the iul'lii" siliool. Father wnn only liook ke ii. i- in the mill, and had delicate health h. sid s, so 1 was ohliiiod to do all I ei.nld to Mi'i"Tt lujsell' and "help the family-I iloiiL'." My Viiiee was naturally char and strong, and my parents had denied themselves many conifnrts, that it might he cap-fully trained. I sang in the choir, pive a Ii w music lessons, and, with my school touching, earned quito couiforta-IjV- little salary. Hut my hard work was Boon to he over, l.'i- Harry was coming and wo were In In- married at Christmas. I haven't l"!d y.ai ah"iil Harry, have I? It S'-.'IIIS lis if eV.Th.i.ly kll.'W alinllt hilll . well as I do II1JS.-II; 1Ul that is I'o.ilisll, uf i i.lllse. He was a hig. striillg-hodied. (-hivalrou-s fellow, with a haiidsouie, intelli eiit face, and laughing Wue eyes. lie was proud and sensitive, yet t. n.l. r and , ii- roil" h.-art. d to a fault. To lue, who kn w all his -goodii. s.-, he was a p-rfect idol. I'oiir years hefole he had told me in his straightforward manly way that he loved me. Hut he was puur, and (Iceland himself of the Irishman's opini m that, "if a fellow hadn't anything, ho had n.i busi ness to ask any ttirl to share it willi hiui." Simii after, a remunerative im-ation was olf. n d him in .Tai'im, and he hade me good bye with the words: '-He brave and patient, little woman, and, if wo both live, ina few years wo shall have the happiest linine ill all Connecticut." Now the waiting and uncertainty were nl iiost over, for I had Harry's last letter, dated a good while hack, in my pocket, in which he's.ii.l: ''T shall sail oil the rUi finii .li-h.a and plac.l lioj vases of cut flowers by the fide of every plate. Then 1 ran up stairs to put on my now navy-blue suit Harry liked the color, and it was very h.-eniuiiig to inc. 1 had just linish. il tying the ribbons In my hair when in.ilh.-r came in. 1 turned round and gay ly aski d In r if I was not bcaiilil'ul, belole 1 in it i.-eil her white sad lace. "Oh. inainiie," said I, "you liawi made yourself ill willi hard work." She sMu'.-.'red toward me, and throwing her alius around tnejiviiiblingly exclaimed: "No, mi, darling. I am not ill I li..d In lp you, my poor il.iii-ihter ! Tin- 'Nop lini"' has gone down." 1 li .v.- I. 'en l.'ld that win u a soldo r lil-t receives a bull, t Wollll'l nil the li.llll'' li Id he is iliselislble to pain. Tll.lt is s itu 'llllll.: like lb ' ail'eet tillt -ud.l. II -llo. k of uiv 'ji. al sorrow had up'-ii me. 1 did not we.'p ii..r cry oiti, bul slood like one paralyzed. It is not possible for the soul to pass at once from the smili-dil of h,-.e t.. lie- i dalkness of despair. il will urolie about j fur a little while in the vain hope of re j i '.-ailiiliL' its iialiir.il alinosphi re. ; ; liiil t lii- teililile awak. n'niu """ll ealue, and lin n the l"li- and alni.--l Impeliss slr i'-:l" for sinni.is.-ion I" the in.-i ilable. 1 I n- .1 i.i feel ih.it my siilii'i-iii-.' ild have been more easily b.":,e if I had b.-ell per miil'il lo look upon his dead I'm e or visit , his '.'lave. Win n the wind moaned at iiiglil. mid I llioiigbi of tin- noble form that I had almost worshipped being buf feted bv the cruel Waves, il seemed ns though I should be driven mail. I'm duly remains when hope and love are gone, and I gradually took up the I'ragmeiil i f my broken life and found comfort in con stant unselCsh work. Then u uew trouble came. Father, who had never been strong, took a violent cold, and died of pneumonia. I think the sor row I had homo made ine more tender and considerate for the criefs of others, audi frit a thrill of satisfaction vessel, bound for Australia, whiiln r lo was taken: ii in I, as he had lost all he had when the "Neptune" was lust, he had now to work haul for money euoii-.-h to pay hi- passage ll lie had only arrived ill America that day. and was on his way ti take the eats for I'onliei lieiil, when 1 stumbled into his anus mi the street. Ih li.ro he had answered all my ipn-slioiis, mother reminded lis that our guests were wailing, and that the dinner was spoiling. Wo have now a cozy liltle home of our own, and Hairy is becoming u prosperous business man. SCIENCE AND SHA.MMINC. WAR ON MALE ATTIRE. sl im iiA!iMi:rs nr riYii.iz vrniv hi li il i : I 1 hal I e Is I he i sl f--Orlnlll nl' Al.nlcl'll I'l-iillsi-i's llnu Hie Ha I a hie t iillal Came lulu 111-111.; Ali'-li-lling Hals. The first article to opp.ise is the Vest I III half, at least, of our modern styles it is ' of no earthly use. save an expense, an in cumbrance to the wealcr, and all increas ed profit to the tailor. 'I'lie cutaway coat bullous liver il allog' tli r. and is made to him a perjurer, an kei i, buitoii' d. So does the "I'l ineo Al- ! jury of lh" f al-ily Tn a large factory, in which were em ployed several hundred persons, one of the workmen, in wielding his hammer, carelessly allowed it to slip IVoin his hand. It flew half-way across the room and struck a I'ellnw-wiirkiiian in the left eye. The man claimed that his eye was blind ed by the blow, although a careful exam ination failed to rnveal uny injury, there being not. a scratch visable. He brought a suit in the courts for comieiisali(in for the loss of half his eye sight, and refused nil (ilfers of a eoinproniise- I'lider the law the owner ol'lhe factory was responsible for an injury resulting from an accident of the kind, and although Im ! believed that the man was shamming, he ' had about made up bis mind that he would ; be compelled to pay the claim. Tin- d;.y "f the trial arrived. and in open j court an eminent oculist, retained by the j defence, examined the all-god injured member, nnd gave it as his .iptninn, that it was as sound as the right eve. I'p-.n the plaiutiir.s loud protest of his inabilily to see with his left eye, til uiist proved I salilied th i court and of his claim. MORALITY. What sort uf morality is that wli a mill in (tic n-.n-payiiicm nVKKTISKMKSTS. ITS. i'i-i im b it.'' or fi ick coal. l3oth extinguish j And how do you suppose he did il? W by j the ve.t c.iupletely. What, then, is this ; mply hy knowing that the colors green i giriin -ut f-.r'.' If for warmth, why not ! and red combined make black. Ho pro- mi.l its thickness lii tlie cunt V If li.r all 1 dilced ll black card on winch il tew peaiaiice, why not have it seen'! The truth is the vest is the rudiment, the last relic of the old-fashioned "waist coat," worn when coats were charged prin cipally willi the duty uf protecting a man's hick and units. The "waistcoat, " was made to protect the chest and slmnuch. ll was cut much longer than at pres--nt. ( Inr lore fathers "pulled down their vests" more than wo do. They had more, vest to pull down. iVe have curtailed the vest and hung ou to it out of custom and sheer stu pidity.. The tailoi says we must have it. So we .'o on wearitii; two coats, one cm when j pletely covering the other. We might with mother stroked my hair in her old fond j eriial reason wear two hats, one inside the wav. and called uic.h.T "sweet comfort." ! other. written in green ink. I hen the planum was ordered to put on a pair uf spectacles with two ililli-reut "lasses, the one for the right eye being red. and the one li.r left j eye consisting of an ordinary gl.i". The j card wits liaiul.il to him, and he was or- ilered to read the writing on il. This he did without hesitation, and the cheat was at once exposed. The sound right eye, fitted willi the red glass, was unable to distinguish the green writing on the black .surface of tin- eardi while the left cye.which was claim- d to be salt debt as long as his . r.-dilor refrain "dunning?' What sort uf morality is licit which s iti lies it-ell' in the. n.oi pi.vut li lt debt hecms ! it U a sin i" ane, .-a trill.-? What sort nl im.rililv H lli.il which call.- the attention of th ' or -dil.il' In :'" uvcreliai'ge bul is silent about an nndei charge? W hal sort of morality is tli.it which seeks lo avoid mis-tin..' bis i-n-ditr let he should be mure plainly reminded uf his lll.li-lileilliess.' j What suit uf ui.rilit..' iJ that which j satisfies itself in the nun pavin til of u j debt because the creditor is pr.siinieil by j the debtor n .i lo u-d what the debt calls for? j What sort of morality is (hat whi.li : salili--s itself ill lln- nun payment uf 1 a .1 bt because of a lailure in fanning or nth t enterprise or un-h-rinking? What sort of morality is that which gets "lleinl' il when asked t i pay a debt j whi.-h the d -Irtiir promised lo pay long before Ihe IIIII ol ilalltllll g. What sort of morality is that which pmi ides for hi.s own wife and children by defrauding tli-i wile and th-' children of another man, dead or alive to whom ho is justly indebted for things which have been used by the debtor's family for their own cnjnynieut ninl prolit? What, sort of morality is that whiel lightens the obligations to pay u just. length ol tun ' v n im mm s ! I 1 a'$JT " 1 V TP VV- i alii i aiivkrtisi;mi:.nts. IstaUished I MONUMENTS, TABLETS. C I'.I.K y u. -it. 1 U"HS, TH2 EE5TTOIJ5H Tills -ni'illi-iiif, C'.inl'iiiins Iron wl'li I'" t..i.i,. i. .'.,. n.iliUv ni-il (-iiint'li'liU- I ( ti'r.-s II. -..'.slu. tHitlji.'-tl."!!, ll 'ali'i' s'-i i liiiiuir- HI...I.I, ,llnljilli.,l Iill.-Hinl IVver., uiel Ni I. i, Ul.l in Ii i-Von.- lie.. "'.::;; tit.- hit - I l-N- lli Diliiilnii ri'ii.i'ily f'T lii itinl Llvtr. .....iw.lu l..r Mm-hm." .,,-! .ill uli. l.-i-l li.n t- ti i ii..-),. Mill (110 I i J I' lo !u- .if y,.mli ryi-iini vi- ir. ' l)'l 1 ll' HI'K'i. VA. lIKMiS'loNKH.'H y.i.Sa: I I;i El I'll! la - 1 jr..-. -I . it Im i I ,1)1:1.1 -IMii'lI'lli'l If ( I i "' .-. hi.,: -h. i.sii.' -.-in .1. .1.I"'1- "' t lint h i n v im j it. 'I tiki- i ii i (ili i?r. Illmtt.S I HI ! II- lUlTIHIllIlL, kU li lyr K CLARK. kamii.v i;i:o('I-:i;ii:s, &c. 1 have on hand always, piiecs: at. the lowest debt I 111 lit'.il'.it'tl'ill to tic il li as colli racl ed? In short, what sort of nr.r.ility wlihh ill-l'egal'i!( the c iuiaiau t: ' Tholl shalt not steal?" I hat HUNC FOR BURCLARY. Through the influence of Mr. Mason, our choir leader. I obtained an appfiint liimit in a fashionable New York church, a po-itioii made vacant hy the resignation ol'lhe principal soprano, who was further ing lu r niu-ical studies in Kurupe. Moih.-r and 1 sold our little home, paid all our debts, and moved to the city ill May. wh.'i-e we lived ill a comfortable. . ... ,-, ,,, . ,1 I TWO NKIlll'l TIIIKVIIS KIFrF.ll 111 r. F.A- .-ss, was the one with which the read- rM ii fh .1' uunv We again make uur lew to our ens tinners both old and young, and solicit a share of their patronage uheu making their Kail nnd Winter pur. bases. Our slis'k is not only eomplele, but will bear favorable coinparis..n with any in PRICE AND QUALITY. pilot, way, illil'.isbiutiabl.! street. We formed a few pleasant acipiainta Next the i.antaloons. These are hut pair ut bags for the legs, concealing all j their symmetry. Kvity man is supposed j to huvo a shapely limb from tho knee downward. Our forefathers were proud of their calves. Tin y revealed their con tour by wearing the long stockings. The tuo'li rn trouser came in with the l'l-etich revolution. It was only a modification ol the baggy leg wear uf tho French peasant, lie 'got democracy on the brain, or rather iug had to he done. Thus the fellow was not only foiled in his attempt at blackmail, but In: wis in addition instantly arrested, and, after tiial, sentenced ton long term of imprisonim ut. III' mm BLAINE'S LAST SCHEME. Ill KMllillAI'K Til SIIMF. WF.STKItN STl I K AND F.I.FJT 1IIMSK1.F I'll TIIK SKNATK. Illlinllg our Ill'lgtltinrs. Sollte ol Wllnlll Were "is coot, niaou ui ui-iuimoi.', utu.iu.-i. 1, ly and sorrowful like ouiseK.-s. i the aristocrats wore stockings to tho knee As Thanksgiving approached, mother j He argued Hint stocmngs to the Kiice unit- resolved to h lie them all at our house eated tyranny anil oppression, aim ins mini and "make the day as much like the old I of trousers espial lights li.r all men. times in the country" as possible. I'..r j As we cut nir the heads of those win) several days we were baking pumpkin : clung to stockings, people found it to their interest to cut off stockings and put on trousers. Hence, the lnudeni pantaloon. The fashion has been retained, some say by reason of its -gieatcr com- nictiee. You see in the neivsjiapers occasionally soincihing to the effect that Senator Hale, of Maine, inl-nils to resign so that Mr. Ulaiiie can be eleeted lo fill the vacancy. ClIAItt.inTK, N ('., Iec. It. Nelson Stewart and Anderson Davis, colored, coll uded of binglary. w.-re hau-ged within the jail iitel isure ill ibis city lln-aft. rnuou Th-ilrop l.ll at II o'.Uk. and I Luis' tteel. was broken by the fall As lln- trap wa.t sprung, the noose around Stewart's neck slipped su that the knot rested at the back of his h ad. ami he died from strang ulation. Davis died in tut minutes and Stewart in tell and a half minutes. Hot 1. men mounted the gilluws with steady step and exhibited no emutiuii. They bade ir. Sugar, olfee. Virginia Hams, .M. ai, Cheese, Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Tea, Spi.es. .Mackerel, Herrings. Shot, i'owder, Ctiiifectiouui'ica, and everything that may be wanted. LIQUORS. l,iiiiors of every kind always in stock, and Cheap. MY MAR Is also supplied with the best grades of WIIISKIKH, WINKS, UK AN DIES, &c. pics, stoning raisins, and making a linn dn-il other preparations liu-our little feast, liul great choking lumps kept (-..tiling in my throat, for every thing so vividly re minded me of that other Thanksgiving, two years before, when lh- greatest world ly Imp,-hail been taken out i.fuiy life. 1 .tu the tini-hing ti.ii.-h-. s tn the ar rangement of our c izy Utile apartments and left ninth r to receive o-.ir guests while I attend -d sen ice at the i holvli. 1 will not alleinpt to ull how 1 wa-sustained and soothed hy the lh ,u;hil'ul dis course of the venerable old uiiw-iiir, tvlnj : people were as well satislie.l with the a ,.i f.-rhi. tevtiha words: "WVniuir rearat f cleanliness as with cleanliness not know whether Mr. Hale would be will ing to sacriliee hiniscll or out; but this I tin kimw, Mr. Blaine himself would not permit it. Mr. Illiine and Mr. Hale aro fast and linn fli ends and tie-re is no pios pectofaliy breach in ibis ilitilliac). As for Senator l-'rye, Mr. I'laino has not tho same consideration for him that he has for his associate. My own private impression is that if it bid haiiiiened that Mr. l-'rye's The movable shirt collar arose in fraud, j term had expired right after the late Pros- It is a base subterfuge. It came ihus into . idcnii.d elccii ai yioi would have seen the being: Several hundred years ago liu- n spectacle of Mr. lilaiue appealing t-i Maine was a luxury, and but few c.iui-1 afford lii j in send him as one of her r- pr -sentatives In wear il as an under tunic, or .-Inn. As to the Senate. Now, I can tell you an inier clean'iu -ss, the coiiditiult f that part ul - (!stiug hltle bit ol' political gossip which lite ttlnio exoosed abuut the lie, k was lire- I has cscan -d the vigilant, eves and cars of Slimed to show the (iiiiccaliil below it. enlldtluil ol the part Then, as IliilV, snlne 11 satisfied with tin- Mark's Itctined Flint Candy is unsur passed ill ipiality nnd flavor Made ill tiny style and Fine- French Candies and Confectioneries to suit the most 1 eatidious. Fruits, both Foreign mid Doiucstii Or . iiiigis, Lemons,. .Apples, (llajiel, 1'iars, Jtainuias, An.- Cnn. d ( loods. Sardines, Tomatoes, reaches, I'ilie-nppleJ!, Corn, l'eas, iVe. - NI TS OF AM. KINDS. . TOBACCO, SNUFF A" CIGARS A SPECIALTY. FIUI-: (T1ACKF.11S. ur F1UK WOHKS geH In our Toy and Fumy CuxhI 1L partineiit, we have added all the new ile rigns and wo are offering sH-cial induce incuts to the tradV as wo desire to close that pirtion of our business after this sea , Kin (Jiw lis rail bi-foro pnnhasing. S. 11. M AUKS &C0. c v--.1"o') Svenuiore Stnwt. IVu-rsbuw, VA.' ' june251v mav endure for a night, but joy enmeth in the morning." As my voice r..se and swelled ill ill' final anthem, it Was lull, the expression uf my heart, wliii h was utli-f-ing a, sung of thanksgiving thai I had ever been permitted to know and love Harry, although so rudely separated frmii him. "Mis Mori jour voice is developing wonderfully-, I eou.r.ilulatc you," said the leader, as 1 turn ,1 lo leave the .-Imr. li. 1 walked briskly h-une thmu-.h the eii-p frnsiy air. .lust in Irotil ul me w.c a nurse a'-sorh- l in ill nver.s.iti'in of a itself. So they cut off the exposed por tion of the tuuie and replaced it with a movable inie a false collar, in lin t, which could bo changed, daily and replaced with another bit uf clean linen, which was but luncd on to the unclean gaiiiiciil to bear false witness by itsuwu purity that n sim ilar condition existed below. Such is the ori"iu and mission of Ihe movable shirt collar. A a gniuii'tit That is all iiiooiishiue. Of course I do those present fall-well and said they were going to Heaven. They wero attended in the last hours by licv. Father (I loss of the Catholic church. On the night of tho 21st of September last, these two men entered the residence of S. G. Strickland and stole therefrom certain articles of household furniture and wealing apparel. Tho following niorniug they wein captured by detective, having been tracked through the mud in seveial back streets of the city. At tho October term of the Criminal Court they were tried before .fudge Meaies and sentenced to be hanged November "a. On the trial the piisoii. rs broke down, hying to eliminate each iiiher, and confessed the crime, h av- j iug no uruiiiid en which lo make an up-tii-altnlhe S.init-tne Couit. Th.-y were respi-cd tn December II and an appeal to the I i.ivcrnur for clemency was refused. I'nder North Carolina law, murder, arson, rape and burglary are capital crimes. K. CLAUK, Weldun, N. ('. I'ersoiis desiring work in this line will please write fur designs, giving hot of deceased and some limit ns to price. Designs and prices will be forwarded pi ipily live ol postage. All work war ranted to bo 1- I H ST I'L A S S and satisfactory in every particular or No e, I paying all charges. CIIAS. M. WALSH. oet L'n ly eIeItACME penetrative, JfV, ' STUMPS. tuJi--iut,3Upi.frurt.i-iiluslven. bul Is cum iHHiud, liit.-b. If lul in (b mitip anU net. fir to, will bum K, ROOTS AND ALU CREfcNOR DRV. Iri,rt li.t-0 lor enoiiBti I't-iii-iraiive to burn 12 luru-'or IHomalHtunip. hntiBlcll" K'.ir-l,'i"J r money chMilullyi'if lundiil. "" fori.luJl k uttlclrt'uUr.&t;. 'm. Aat W anted. jAdclrvM f F.E. FrotsACo. Nw Carlisle, Ohio. oct-H-liin. oet tin ly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. vi. n. hirriiiN, w. A. ui-.mv. liUM V ATTOllNliY, IT f 11 1 N 4 U I' S N , ArVOllXKYS AT ..-111, SCOTI..Nl MX'K, N. C. mar lstr F. II. HI SBFF.. R. II. fVIITII Jr. KAtaa.ai, s. e. sootlaniikkck, n. c. "MET PHILADELPHIA SHiS... Tivkrr, Unfi-i-t, tLrui-1'"!'' Hi-iuiuriK.Mii.lU.ml- F$ rr: im vi-s. wimi ) wii IbUftUb I K 1 A I. ii l.tui' ttn il i-iii. .iittwinnrMMr m th I tht .Hfr: Tin- nuii.f iine, fl'irt.-.l". mil nwl't- laiitckir Iran Purrhtmr lrom im; ? cirrnmr iinu i twiioionlali. J - tit. linnn acq.. B I i- II K K & SMITH. i V... .in .,.i ' ulii h l.ivc Vukiili.iiii'i In tv . .,,,,1 irnntbi,,'. haiuicns. darli.i". eii-1. frnsiy air. Just in fronl . .f me w.,. ' tin. nigh uucleanliness, the lower part w.,.. ly th it on we shall keen Thanksgiving toLeth.-r." a nurse a'-sorh" I in ill nver.s.ili'.n of a imt al.-o ! j -senat I hardlv know how I was able to tea-l. , A i.", l'l--"'"' ''' r ,,,v r' '' ' " " " '" r" '" " ? at all .hat i'av; the happiness 1 IVh must htl'c girl, about ilnee year- old, troll, d j tied of the hat a. ail. lh- Indians for have betrayed itself in ,uv lin e and rung along s,-v r.,1 U-t in adv.,,,.-.-. A, 1 ai the nio-t part wear ,.'. and an .ndtan t in exultant tonea of' u,v vico. Ou v.sl at our i.o i- - an I turn I M ran ,. I is s-hUi I...M al True. Mr Indian .. r,,.i scIkmiI I at, ins J at th.--o. I was-hok'd ios.e lite ,-l.d.l ' 'l! '"' ! I plug given Inn. by li- th'e post-ofTiee, hoping lo g-t w ,,d that dat, out in ,.- -i.t ..:' a lit:!.. .i a in,-, , white nfib r w ar ,t ,ud ' s . ,,-. ,. 'Neptune" had arrived. A group ot ,, ler lie, wa.el- -f a h -a,j-I.M U 1..-.-,- but h- thinks it. .... i-inaiueut. I he l.lue- men were talking earnestlv to-,,-.her. and I van which was passing down .1, - c-.t seh-o' b-.;,, tn I. ul" war no hats herd the name "Ncpi'une" mentioned I sprang In le i' reii. -, and ,., , r ,i ,,r shine li.r fi.ur years, being s, c.. sever d times: so I walked slt.ii ht up to in n.y arm., b it in th -ex. ,1 a. I -tru.-s p-lled hy the ral, s l the I I lor the a gentleman who,,, I knew and asked it -V IV. .g.i.,1 th- curl, ,.. . as I :1 I-..I yens, and ,.- will iioiicell, .. he had heard n.iv bad news. reached ,1," sid -v dk. and -h mid iheir gro.,,1, ol hair seems uncommonly .Nulhin- .1. tii.it"," he replied; ".be fallen violently I . lh iinuii I. h-n lh il I ,ig,,rus and luxuriant. lb" I'ari-ian ship was due two days tig.. ,l .he own- was saved by a p ..r .,. -..'.'Ug aro,- shop a'., 1 wurkmg girl wears cil,"r bat , l, ,l,i , Mvli'vr .el,.i.l.-i.i:eil,-,ib.,,k ,,. I, ', i, -,k day-, and. Ul- of till ers begin to be uneasy, but that is not al ,l ,. i .. ... to c nisei nl'll -si liy 111--., en-" ..nl l, ji s ii. ill, ".lb c m 'ills Is how mile i "" 1 " ' tears. I was lying mi Hi l .au ;e in ,,ui (ir .t,i,.r ,.,. -, ,,,.,s,., ,,,t,. r I, ,ir than Tll'lii'wer ivLim-d ine. I had never siitin-ro nn Harry W h, aiding ov.r ,. , y ,,. I'di-ps had hd any nsil trui.blo, ..d, alihnuah I felt uifi, I lialiug my bin Is. Ho 1 ctilnu .all ,,, itlt.-n.l. si that m-n and w,.in -u grieved and disappointed that the ship m.ii.u -r of l-vmg i iir.l I del 8, ,ld place artificial coverings on ll. ir had not arrived, it never occurred lo me ""' M'" " '"' ' ' nous, sue wouiu nave n-ii in.- u nr .... ibal auilhing serious could have happened . heaven, willi my d'U'ling, V,M m-nli-r aw.tl,.i-. She ellects such re.si.il imw iu J ' .1.1.. ..:l. ,1 1 1. ... . i i ((i was su ii 'rvinisiu.u s pin im-. ii on, uiaiiyciis'S wn-re people anu g"iier.nious Thanksgiving moriiing dawmd clear I in toy la.-e, and llarry was sauug iii .i ii l.f,,re ihein have persisted m keeping and cold an.l our folks ihiiiled lo go to j 1 did nut slop crying be. his he li id eeiue , ,, u.a,, BVer covered. Nature is in church iu the .shigh. The frost and snow J back In in.-, he wo .id ;o right aw n again. 1 ,, to be very nfeonimodaliiig. She often come befure the uoveinor's proila- i and then 1 reali.ed the gr at b i'p u.-s ,.,yS ,-y(M1 dou't want to us - your h lit iiialioii in New Kngl.iiid, you know. I that had . um to me. I d i n it hk lo fr th puipose I intended, why ym staved at home to take care of the house I talk alio it th it s"mi If yn i h ive ever ,. have a iy at all." and the result and finish getting the dinner; besides, I experien.- I th ' s idde i j")' of bavin : the B1.,y ftM,n at,y s!,ni, iy in hsiking from should not liko to be away if Harry should ' dead r stored t lib', y-m will understand t, c,ur,.l, gallery down on tho oungrega- happou to come. Lm.king haik upon that : bow t fell, as 1 leaned my he'd on Ham s tijua niwaio of bald and soiui-bald male . . . . ,. , ' , ,, i i. . ... i . . .i. . ........ .,r k;d l ine now. 1 wonder How I couM have i sliau uer ami iisieuea mi uh siuij ui . i rnuia r.' ue from a fragment of the "Neptnn two hours aftar she had gone down. The ship that had saved him, was a clumsy is cscal the politicians. Ii is iiliugetli.T among lb- os-ibilili -s that Mr. IS'aine will Icale Maine and take up his residence clsewheiv. I h ipp. il to know that there are at least two Stales where the lb-publicans are strong enough to return him ns one of their Senators. As a matter of faet, direct overtures have been made to hilll to take this step. Mr. lilaiue has never been Very popular in the Fast. His strength has always been iu the West. The people of that sec tion like his da-h and vim. He. would be if. when the tipper portion ot 1 the ideal Western Senator. I cannot tell I uin-er mi. stums pleasantly, nu t sIiow.hi was no longer til In wear j von nnv thing forth -r about the matter. about the building. A Iter looking through WHAT MADE HER LEAVE. A danesville young huly, wishing to write Suuie liuetrv nil tobtieen, thought it would be a good idea tn g to a warehouse and learn all she could aboiit the culture and cin e if the weed. She did so, and the r, a vouug man. auswere.t all Her I her Mr F II llnsl..i. ami Mr It It. Smith. Jr.. Tnnil .. ;.ts ut Uw . U.ue turinid u loinU'd rtuenliil. . .. ,-,,. ,a I,.,,, in ili.lit.uc c.iiintv. Mr. Inisi,,',' ill .iii.ii.l liu: courts ... Uiillfux. riKulnrly, nn.l i ill itlsn visit llieeiiuiny w lu-iiuler 111. service. nr.- ii ,iur. .1. uli iu iy I MILE ,Visci'i.b rrli.' lundr.t Hiid inu.i I l.rrlnat, .urn. b. herd u-Qin un. u Iwo mills) r.i.i .IM OI DuS-ui- brer.n(r.Bi. .MAS N. II 1 I. I.. Altnrney at I. aw. HALIFAX, N O. rPS rf'-s" c.riii,yj. y- ,. :."fVs y its A " mr p- - r Ut 1 itf r lh! WIlfH. Ihn tatv il ia a. l-ftrl "ij-lt'tii. Uvr. Ut mBii fur 1!L -n-t-Mf-a In tt&niiw. ttrtler bw, mnd apt itur riviitl'trn UlLAOLLl lilA. ftNN A, Pnirtiw in Hillfnt -ml rnl.UiliiHomilii and j atiu. '2 it. T W . MASON', propilet.. f these Siates is California, i h -alth is in a very preen rio-i . c ei litioii. an 1 it is even now a doubt- ltd ipicstii.u whether he will ho able to re turn to Washington this winter. His term of seriice expires iu March, 1SS7. I if, nt ku.w whether Mr. 111. line's Western trip has any thing to do willi this matter or n ,t. bat it would he a very curious faet if he should move away from Maine and enter the S -uaie i'r .in another State. the shed and putting several leaves of cboiec h.nana" in her sitch.-l for fiiiure .. ..ii , I rclcl. nce. Ih.-V came ... Hie oiseiuciii. "Down there." isdl the proprietor, "us the stripping mum. wher, " The what?" said the visitor. 'The stripping ini.in." "Wei!. cXCUse inc." UttolVil tilt! VOllUg lady, and she left the premises n sud.leuly thai the young inau couldn't explain. been so calm. 1 basted the turkey, made au.ee for the puddiugs, arrangid tho gul den pippins itnil pound sweetings in the For piiru whisky Myers' Sunny .South Maltetlliye Whisky Is unrivalled. At W. II. I'u-Fi i Audit's. HE WAS PLEASED. Among ihe crowd at the While House the other day wa- (iu old loan called Dea con Uich.ird Siui h. lie sin, ,k lln' I'n-si-dent's baud b -ariily. and mi I .::: --H -.-r '' ,: , -H -.-i ;:' "l see you." "llow many I'rcsid. uu have y.ui seen, deae,ni'"askcd Mr. CI -veb.n l. 'F.vci'V "ti-- siu'-e Madison, replied the deacon. "Did vou see Washington? asked the Fre-iil.-nt. "No. sir." said the old man. "Well it is refreshing," said th" I'r-si-d 'ltl. "In see an old cnhus il man who has never s.s-n tieurge Washington. Sure Vuti did not nurse him?" ' No, sar; uebber saw hiiu." The l'nwidctit laughed mt he shook the old man good-bye. As the deacon waa leaving the slm some one asked him: "are you a Democrat or a Republican, deacon?" "1 am a Baptist, sar' a-LEA.isriisrc3-s. Mark Twain is in his olstyesr. Mr. llenlrlks' estate i worth about -lii,iiinl. write ti story about w sini fix ci'titf. fur pofn-M ui rtTi'iVi- rrt'f, tlf i;ht Von t" liH'rv UliHi-fV nulil iimhv ilntii iiiiMhliiif t l-f in tint. W 'orlrt. All ol ciihi i s sin'i'i-vil in. in tlii lumr. Tlio bntutl rmitl tn luniiiii' ujifim U'lcrt; tlm wurlct'ri, ab- ilutt-iv- Hiirt. At i.uce Htnirt!. jRi'JukivO,, Aii;u , Mm tie. frh-h-ly IK.-'U'I.A-S ACIiNT WANTKD IX THIS COUNTY To reprcHcut uur bum u fully ill urst rated iHiiiilj nuiazmc. pL'cul terms aud rcr- iiiinout t'H.i-i:iii''in given 10 mo ngnt ictrlV- Any smart inan or woniau wuo m ;iiiu.-iitii.i1i,'n-nun'..ik'cu.;nin an pnru w:i;n t W(,rL alll h)W tw aliiUtv to DuaU Atuintey at Law GARYFWKO.N.tT, I'mHifin in tlie (Hitirta uf Norlluinmtdn and Rd- li.imn)auuo8, also lu tlie i-'tiU-ifti aud uprt'mtj count., juiu ... 7 ALTER K. D A N 1 K L, Atldi-iit-y at Law, WKLUON, X.C. riiii'ticn In llnlii'tii. and nilj.iiiimit cuunllt -t -iic ui'd I'li'.iii- u'Uinw U li IT ly. M W. II A I. I., , Attorney at Law, WLLIH.N. S C. s i-ii .tt. iitl ... tftv.-iito isilteclloiui and rcmU ir .ii.tl I ic. lasy t If. U LL IN HOOK Altorncy. at Law, HALIFAX, N. C the magazine call secure a splcudid post- n Hon. W rite us tit once uivini; age partic ulars of past work and territory desired. Addrc-ss, LuTTAUK 11KAHTH, LO., uoston, Man. oct-8-lt. 1-rnrtli Kl;i'i"ii ,,rtiii, -i l.i.tri.'t. .' In the ciiniitti'. "f Miilif.ix. N.ir.lismr.t..ii, ! I'm .mil M iron -Iu .lie Sin,ri,ini. is'.iri a, ' I .ntl..- l ,',t, ri.l I ,'iuts -if tin-KjisI. rn t.VilUs'li.nw lumlc lu mi) Mtrt alllii-hniUi. Sunset Cox wil I nikisli !il.'. Neil Dow calls Huston "the paradise of grot; shops and drunkards." Anew pip-r in Cincinnati is called Tim E'irlh. F.very man in Ohio wauls it. Hubert ( arret' new r -sidcnwi near IVtltiuiore. n-iw building', is to cost a cool Jl.tllLl.lliMI, The negro probleui just now is how to lilt a one hundred and li:ty-dollarn.ortL'age from his mule with a forty-dollar bale of cotton and have any mule left. Kx. If those who aro the eneiiiies of inno cent amusement had the direction of the world, they would take aay the spring and youth, the limner fmui tho year, the " let from the hmiian life. an 1 ly jyt. J. K. s it i f. I. ns, Surgeul. Hentfst. ,s. fWKianc, rafchftiiiot, nsinf erim ducnvtrtM, ta- Ttnuoni ana 4tt,u t pnoi !. Ktwv suia- m lllutrati-d with jilen-lt-i nrrtTinir Till futiiKlian !rBialiMft nioITMiiftbiaiicf-.ipni of lformton whiob no iM-rm-n hnuld tx lthotiiK Th popularity of tb trOlKifiulc Amuucji Ul otbr DApan f iu oIm ooml.md. FriM. HH Pr, PtfnmBUt'lubt. Sold hr tt urmdHltt HUNN A VQ . PublibtM. tie. Ill Broad wtf . H T. I'l iiii a a I -api f nta(i. hi HnvitmrH'rmim'iillyliH'iU. d In Wrldnr, can l fi'Uii'i nl liimiilitv in liiiiii l i Hrt.'k liiiil.liiiu t uli iiiiu-n's.vil wlifiinl-iil"ii ifMl','iwitiiml I ui fi new. tm.riiUuviiti..it 1:1 . . ut nil lininvhcK uf tin f -wi.'n. I'urtiri. MiUl ul lli- ir litir.u wlifii de YJK. JL U UUNTKK, 8urgett I r nt tat iv r-a'.'rj.'trgr. I I lib. r)o Hti ft - pmri4 I Imor. th.. On 'ur'""'.J.h',a; I f iaand .pr-llrMiow "n t.nt. I. M. J I B niud lute. na br.l mSjn J f..,..!.. Tra.H.r. Xlw-n.hu. u Mtmrln ta laTntn hrr rlhM J b UPsTta&nr ana 9inn httiib '""" "' nartvl at bort rpIIn and on rtaawaW Uma. lnfomlio tooWaiiligPtuhM ill itn without abne- Hand-booha of .nfnrmitloH Mat frM. Wend trtainfl Caii be fiiutHl at bit afflc In EntWM. Pim'NttnmnOitdeiiifir the I'.iliiiwn) Kxtrac Uur of Tit'th alwHyi on hand, luuu & If Ibnwa-h lluno O- an c4 l th' h"ufi American Ira. iiaadranUfa woll undnrmtood trr all paraoaa wba wa to Aav- itddwaa AtUM 00.. 0 ft AjuaiCAX. SU Uroadwai. N Vora- ii I V nmn' ini.ut'y iliHii ut BiiythltiK t'X M lii taUniiiiH iHju'iff j for tlie Ut kvllii-jt in.-k uuV. lk'LiiuuT huit'wtg aiiilir- N(," fm"' Tt'mi. fit-. lTi-I fn I'.vrtland Mali' tl-OlA ftt iirtwnu givcti ay. Pt-na tT 'a' " " ' 'rll PtWS "' yirti wilt Ki-tlrt'w a imi'knifv tildiMxin nl lurid' vils. tlitU adUiHtl rnu hi vik IIihI u ill at tm briimi vtiu lii mmivy raMurthan auytliliiK flw tn Anirrf vm, A4lUul iliu m inwfilK with aach Ihs. Aup'iitK ftimt-'d vr ln rv.ot elllior wi, uf al. iisit'o. Ir all tin- timti otinmrr Hint tmly , t a m k furU"tiUheirtiwii linititt. rt-rtuiM fr ad ayurk vnniiaoluU'lvaaaimnt. V U), . M. UiUJtit A U.. iVrtlatwl Matna.