gALL & SLEDGE, Miopiuktoks. VOL XVII. A. NEWSPAPER FOR. THE PEOPLE. TEPIvIS---00 a.nm .m in ah. am i. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. 1SS7. NO. 42. XKW ADVKKTISKMKXTS AT 171 "t VT "N r x IN ii, V UK K Tlii Company") owns nndoper- oper ates throe mills as follows : J I 'alaj wo Mill A; Kllici.ttCitT.MJ.-) Pailv I... M:o n i. ... . . I .J . ......r.-u ..mi n; itatiimorR, Jlil. Capacity PatapscoMillC; Urangetirovc.Md. ) 22UU bills -PATLN 1 CAGAMBRIIL Mrc Co. 1112 1- Tlie value of depends on tlio proportionate quantity iilcn, sumtr and phosphate of lime. MarvlanJ ami V Wheat, tVuin which our PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are mauufacluied, is unequalled for the purity anJ superior filial ity of its nutritions properties. We make l'atupsco Superlative, Cape Henry Family, HeJIWJ Family, I'.tlapsoo Family, Nuith I'oiut Family, Orange (.rove Kxlru, Patapseo Kxtra. Chesapeake Kxtra. litldwin Family. C. A. GAM If It ILL MA.M FACTl'HIXO COMPANY. 32 Commerce St., Ilaltiiuore, MJ. lv. KAll.KOADSCHEDULKS. ATANTIC COAST LINE, ;:tki:shi k i tuiutmn. Ciiiidcnsi'il sfrlu'dule. IHUVS liiilS I Will I'll. .111). N'. , Holy. No. 10, H vlvi,r.l.iir.- II.'..' m' Jiillvli K II. Ill-w. J 1 1.1) a. 1 1 1'. m i r,:t. US :. is ..i.i Mil', in. .IV i -i.ii ... I.l I No. 47. I N.t I .. Il.ily. Daily. I l'.ioy. ii H.ln. x .Ll.iu. I I. Ill s.u i a. 17 '" i S,J " .KM " I ' I I . " I o.l"'. a. in. j.l. a.j - I I ill trams lu.i null. I Wcldim to Vtdi.lllll);t.ll. ,1.1 , juti t. ut i i .sr.. ill, l Irons. Hall 1 .int'l. U. riMr.ui i. inai'l I'.issenaer Aifelil n.Mi.ui'uS vvr.i.n. N . it. AMI illt.iNI iltJi. t'uiidciikcd nclieilule. IKAI.NSCUlNli SUl'lil. Nil. IK. uwly. Mull I I ! i .U .Ulit ..1-1 ' No. , Dally. No. V, Dully. . 1..IU. 1.11 a.iu .1 )).lll. Ii. A JJ 111. j "MAKE MK,U UKHKliK WILMS He took my hand. He dil not even any "He mine, fur I luive loved you muiiy aday. He only ptefwil it in hi lovingly Mi looked ink. my eyes, ami miiil : "Make mi1. A mist came ovrr mine, I eon Id nut nee.' Ami lie repealed : " yuu will, make me.'' Int niyltt I had u d renin, that I wuh (lend; And you were there, love, bending o'er my head. Von held inywuil; mid weeping niw itustain; Vuur team It II on it; it was ptireuKiiiii. Can yon not do it? I will follow you 1'ntil 1 feel that I am formed anew. Prop down upon my eye another tear; lieekon hie onwards, and I will nut fear. .it ii ii' .Vi.ini I 7 AMI I N...4. i lUily. tt.imiiutoii IMUplu ILiuati ' .u' M.iiuhrt Ii. I p in. ir i.-. - i Kayeth'Vlllc u!(".'i tfUiUm ' I ti' ; VlnlllH j W1..TI..I.. I if l.,ir i r v.- lV.-M.ii ! 4i It .li.iilil N it (.Ul.St. NOKiil, I iMily. 'I a.iu. ft p in h.ll y. u s; i umj SIN) In y i tt in. j ij.-i- I,.. " I I'M IMt.n, i- - .i,h ni Ni;ck Hi '.'-OA. M, tlioly t-ci U). - ! ":in' 'I, N. ( . AlU-niinrle A i i; K IMily en- jil S.i ul iv. I' M . ui, i " t M riivo Kihi-iiii.l.'.i. N l , l T. ! I M K'liirniM k'lim H lllnmst-i i , t '., .v.'im-(t Sum. tv.M II A. XI Milnin '.' U A. M., iu 1jM. .in. N. r., lO.'i. A M , II. H A M. i rout mi Mtjiiiiiitl N r hrjiu li li'nwn iilillHr . ' I'.iiiy i-:.iv't Miiitttv, i-ii ' M rrm- . lifiti. .s r, I, m. iiai.rin: h "; l, N C, 7.1 A M. urnvi'd iilh.r.i, S.i. , AM. - nil train mi WiU'tiixni Kn)t-tu.,villt' iii ii , .-.-'ii. Nt.nliU'Umi la Nm.,iI. -i.ii .i in Sunn mil siup uul)- at WiUitn. A Omul kUittii'lift. ..ii ...i. i. iii.. i-n-M.' mhnecliiiit l Wrlilmi ll 'M.t.- N i. rlli iliity. All mil vm Kit liiin-nJ, Juiv . Ai-viti.uiMjy U ii 'j Line, itiiilvcii rhm- e-'imt -U-Jlf fit til t"int. Him i.tihiooifl ni)l Waliiiul u i . t If.i iu ruii K'iMU- ii H:liiiiii't--ti mill i: ii, hiiJ live I'ulituiill I'mIhi u .v Jk is .-.ij. i I'rnii. U KMt.iiSUN.i.eiri JOHN K. I IV INK, !'tift-iijer AKt'til. RALEKjII AMUA'IUN kAlUiOAl), Km 1 uii n. N- ..Juiji a, 15. J i vc Vm, iifh 9 V A. h- VM.t UcliluD " I'- iii a Wi I'. M "auUUiMkIi 7 i 1. il Kakt Thhoi uh Fbdiuht. (F(tr lorumouUi.) luh iKh T P. M 1rt HeM.,11 . . . 2 Hi A. hi. nW . l,,ii - ... 1 in A. M :n m Kultitjh - , K Ou A. M "t? l:i,i, iKh - 5 M A. M 'u-fu tt.hlfli - S " 1'- M "t ilti.ti . . f A M .ttm iu.kib - - ) u.'i I'- X -lil Iraiiio umke dm rotiiie tl.tu it WVilub X'MUwnl miI ltt!i-k llmlnMil mill tin) :-( "I' MlmH. ui lUllllimrc, UiHlnl Irtiliiiill miiiiU Wil.niHi N..rtliw-M Mini wllh ivt. rl'iir ''FiUti lit iYUTitl ' Kit ilUmlltl Hllli WMhlllliyt'tl iiUiainl in. iu nil iwrU Nurtli iul V rihwrM iU'UU Mitli tla- North t nliim liNlniMtl umu(3 i-.iut s.utli iihI ?i,rtiihi-'. mix! with Hi "111 Mini AiikuU Air l.ilieU.K)ctlfVllk, Haw ,-4ri..iu- UiN.iit(t M . SMITH, Supt. V. WINDKK, UtiitraJ il-iwmvr. Orn Brr'T. TuvsmrATioN, ) S. AM) K H. K., , Purtimouth, July li, ft5 . J 'uuod lliii kit mill Imvc I'nrtonioulh daily vit-eUAuutUyt, at fcUo; 'uiTnin . . . 1000 A. M "fii iiimi.Kri rrelth; 7 1 . rniKhl'Iri-Htrfkly - - I K A. U Arrive at Welti.. n Ufly, ucept Sundayt F'i:iriD . . IHPM llir-iuil, rrtifht . U I A. M ) iruu . r . . i iu k u If uuftfali ki4 will learv )) tfalljr, a ei huiiiuya, a hiiu : fitTrln . IS PM P2TP.r,,'""itli rlTit1avwiWf1.ti .r Pru. Arrive at Purtamnuih, dally eicept Mndaji. at fuUuwi: liTnln . . . i tn l U Thromli Frttalit d I" P M ,im w r. n lmnniiii all HtnttniiK. ruiiicr Uvtt nuii M..iiiUvi U.4liiMt.Li and trlitav. Iitl i ii rituuuui and LaiiUiiiu uu Uit main F'udluftaurivm. My Iw It. U. danla, Arrnt. Wfl4in. (T to L T WVKK-". BuperluU'iHlent f TlmiuirUIioB. nUtUUAKUARALEIOU R. E. CO. tnii irW tin,. 1- ias i-Iki mm hj uiouoiltf atftWlurt: TIMS 1AHI: t. M. A. M M . C . PAIR. .lust Ucci'lvt'it a Full find Ciiiniileto FALL STOCK, "mtistlii(f In nut of o t'ASIIMKKE, almost every col t. Nun Veiling iiml Worsti'il from lj'.jCenUup. (illlXlllllDH fnilll Htol'U'fJllx. PrinU of every tfruile Trum 5 to 7 cents. Hleacliing or every klml. Brown DomextM every width ami IhicknoM frum 5 to 10 cents. W(Miltn and eantiiu tlainwlH. FuMlliie.if (.i.-ee l'ASTS(.iMlS All winiI MiihuirK'Mxhf'irlxiyii miiu. Full Hue of Gentlemen s Fiirnblilnt; o.kU. Shirt fronts mid cuflK for VH-euU. Also all wool undeniliirtu t.'.'iU. tieutleiiien'R and iJidUn Collar, CuITi, Net ktie and Si arfK. Uflli'8 Vetta and Jerseyn, CurncU, Husiiemlem, Hililmii!". llniiilkercliiefii. I'iimanil Needlu. A F ill I. in f'i 'i.tlcnicn uii.l Ulie. Half II i-, H. c,(il ive. Htili,ra,riiibrelldiiliHHh, JtlHiik- oU, r.iuif'irlfl, HimiIji, umh t EVERY STYLE. ZKKiLLR UROS., 1.AIUK.S Silt IKS. . CELElillA lhl Ml ShKh VIII IMS SHOES. BURT & MOODY'S $3 SHOES. Said to be Uia BEST in the liar-el Trunk i, V a lift, t'ruekery, Tin Ware, tn tilery, llanlwure, IUr, Aeeclennr. 4r &e. mc your path nm ' weak, but with you Oh, take my hand. Lead it loitu: Without you 1 strong. Love me as you hive Heaven; and I shall he Worthy to dwell there with you. Oh, make me!" HER STTIOIN". l"nTll, ' J- "l, rn .linn. T.ervir. U 11 t hS 7 K 7 I 00, (ArrlTfs ( IS H.rrTll s i'. mii :f l.ittl.liMk, t : Ih-ilid, 7 ii i.aiwnTHlt, 7 Xt KvrrHts 01 W llliuuol, (Li. 7 rm m ,.. m M-.tu . oi ... L.,,,," Iflri".niEts u'. m. m.t alluwuiK Mjuiirfra U) I it b.. l ".riuoruiug ummoH tat i. m. k. . 1.7V' ""Hat. . I" l. 111 train . T.rlwiiwi M '"lifcl H iliai.iBl.di l..r S,.ri;,lk .la S ft Hall. a), oW '""nuKllate p.MMa. alau it Jaajf.v.11. lllb" n.Kallruad Rir Kaablliftutl aua "I'sr t rbaniH at .dj Uaa aa afl imu.m: of vnocEittM, And muny Itiinip too tiumcn.ns totnentJoii. M.. C- PAIR, WiiitliitiHtDli Avettin-, Weldon, N. '. n.'l'.ily LadiesFine Sk: WK HAVK MADK M. F. HART, WKLK)X,S.C., N. B. J0SEY & CO.. SCOTLAND NECK, S. C, BRANCH & row:, KNFIKLD, NC Our awnta for the sale of our La dm' Fine Shoes, for their respcetiTc tton. ; We mate on the N. Y. Opera, Atw Wsukenphasl tnJ Crwle lwts, Ibe lallef is ju4 out mil bt Tery nice. Wo " ,'ie M,.Kv Maehine and sew with bent Bar bour's thread. Kvenr pair wsiTateJ TheT are niee, nesl tJ tyiiih. Gif" il.m a look when tihj want alio uJ you will be pleated. K. I'. KEED 4 C tept 10 ly Rochester, X. TV "1 altvays knew that I wasn't what you woulil call a htdy," saij Mary Fonton, sor rowfully. "Hut now 1 nut ipiite certain that I ought not to allow you to marry lue." It was hi'h noun, and .Miss Teuton's livision, the must juvenile of nil Madame 1 'in It's scholars, were auibolin.;, and shrieking, and jumping ropo wilJIy in the hadv L'arJens an I secluded lawns, while the slim, pink-ehceked young teacher en joyed a hrief interval of peace unJ ijuiet, so soon, alas ! to be cut short by ''The l uiversil Spollir" and "Primary Arithme tic. Hut there was an Hour, a blessed hour of intermission, and when George Wallace had inquired for Miss Fenton, the iitauaiue, vaguely remembering her own youthful days, had directed him to Recitation ltotnn No. !!, on the ground floor, where Mary was sitting ulune. "It wouldu't d i if it was the graduating class, nor yet Xo. Ii," reasoned the kind hearted instructress of youth. "But Miss Fenton's children are all at recess, and. no body is to know but that he's the piano tuner, or the agetit f ir the new style of slates. I 'ear me, we eun't be young but once, and it seeuis only ycstirday that IVoli was slipping uotes under the window sill where I taught French and (Jcriiian to Mrs. Blit ill's four stupid daughters." "Mary," said George Wallace, "I don't know what you mean. 1 came here to Jay to ask you to fin our wclJing dey ; anJ I don't ni :an to go away from here until it is lixiil. ' Mary turned away her fair head. '1'J like to know why ?" slurJiiy utter ed the young man, lixmg his eyes compos edly on her pale little face. "Couie here, George." Mary had risen, .and loying her hand lightly on his arm, conducted him to the back window, from which one obtained a view of the hack courts and servants buildings of the seminary. At the door a little crowd" of housemaids and waitresses had gathered around a gay gilded van, or square box on wheels, with a wooden seat perehi'd up on top, and a door at the back, which was at moment belching forth calicoes, laces, frills and ribbons. On the side glittered the inscription: Trau'ling I'ry Goods Emporium. By A. Fenton." And a stout, middle-aged woman, iu a bonnet that looked like on in verted coal scuttle, was measuring off ging ham with brisk fingers. Po you see thai woman?" said Mary, in a low lone. 'Yes. I see her," answered George, much woiideringMliat ail this preamble could mean. "Well, that woman is my cousin my adopted mothei, who has paid lor lny- ed ucation, and has done cvervthing for me," announced Mary. Geor.v nettled his elbows critically on the sill, no I took a second and more leng thy suivev. "A nil v, pleasant face she has," said he. "I wouldn't mind lining her for a moth er w iaw iu the least. Or would i'. he I cou-iu-iti 1 law ? ' "George I" Well, I'oliy ?" Do bo in earnest." My darling, I never was to in my life." But alio peJJIes calico 011J dry gooda I ihrouith the wintry. "Will, why shouldn't ahc?" Mary was silent a moment or two. The ..... . i i. tears sparkled into iht eyes, aim uur chocks boeutue as the Michigan rose that blossoiueJ on the wall below them. "We may ns well come to au under standing. George," said she, in a choked voice- "My. cmi-in, Asetialh, has brought uio up, and educated me, although, until this day, 1 never knew exactly where the funds came fron, and I am deeply grate ful to her, though I can't get quite recon til, c to the idea of the travelling dry .oods vans, and the K'lling of yards of muslin and roll? if tape from door to door. But hut I can't drag you down to my level! Here is your ling, George. Kiss me once more, anil we will say farewell " "Will we, though ?" said George Wal lace, who had straightened liiuls.-lf to his full height, and stood calmly looking her in the face. "I rather think I have some thing to say in the matter." "It will be of no use," sighed Mary. "I am determined to adhere to my resolution. There are plenty of girls in your own sta tion in life who will bo glad of your affec tion." "My own station in life, ch?" said George. "But how is a fellow to ascer tain what his own station in life is ?" Mary was silent, but there was a suspi cious quivering of her lips, it Jroop of her eyelashes that were more eloquent than uny wurJs. "Now I ciine to think of it," itilded Mr. Wallace, with imperturbable gravity and in a low voice, and looking at her in tently, "you have heard it. You mean to throw me over." "Heard what, George?" "The secret of my parentage !" ho ex claimed, in tones of sorrow and almost of despair. Mary was all animation now. "George!" she cried, "I don't know what on earth you are talking of!" , "You kn w what my father is doing?" he said, with deep feeling. Horrible visions of Slate prison, ot pen itentiary wards, flitted through Mary's brain. " Breaking stones," George added, mood ily, "on the publie highway. He is old. hut he has lost none of his ambition, and it had been my hope to have provide J home for him where you and I could soothe his declining years. Don't look w tcrrificc', dearest. He isn't a convict,' George went on, observing the pallid tint of Mary's cheek. "He only works like many another poor fellow tor money. 1 don't blame you, my dear, fur shrinkiug from such an alliance at that. Good bye." But beforcjie could turn away Mary- had flung hor arms around his neck, "George ! Jear George!" she pleaJeJ "don t siieak so cruelly ! Don t look at me with such reprouehful eyes ! As if trifling circumstance like that could alter my devotion to you ! I'll marry you to morrow if you say so. Only don't, don't misconstrue mc !" "Ami uiv father and your cousin Asc- nath will live with us?" "Your father most certainly "acquiesced Mary. "But cousin Asenath Fenton would not be satisfied to settle tl.wn any where, I am very certain. .She wouldi perhaps come to see us on .Sundays and holidays." "Agreed," said George, jubilantly. "To morrow, then, be it ! Our wedding day '.' "Oh, George, not to-morrow," shrieked Mary. "Yon said to morrow." "But that was only a figure of speech. I must get wedding dress made, you know; and dear, kind ma l.iln must have notice." 'To-morrow week, then ! Come !" "Geoige, how unreasonable you are. One month from to-morrow, that is the very soonest," declared Mary. "Well, then," reluctantly asscuted the bridegroom elcet,"eall iu your Cousin Fen ton. See! She's just locking up the van door, and getting leady to siart. I want this thing fully utiJir.-tooJ." So Cousin Asenath was promptly sum monej to take all in the council of war. She was a sensible, ruddy-faced womau, with plenty of common sense, uud a heart as as her complexion. "Br. aks stones, Joes he?" said she. "l'retly hard work for an elderly man, I should think.' "lie will do it," said George, with a giimaee. "Says he prefers it." "Every one to his likiug," observed Cousin Asenath. "I go my own way, and I'm willing that other folks should go theirs. But I uiusn't stay talking here if I expect tu get to Laketown he'ore dark II vou want uiv blessim;, my dear, H s yours. I'll be back in time for the wed ding, and I hoc the stone breaking gin llemau can make it convenient to attend too. "Oh, I'll answer for that," said George, radiantly. So Madame l'eoli was uotilied, the wed ding was put in hand, and Mary's trou. blvd countenance ouce ruoro assumed Us usual brightness. She looked a little tim idly at her father in law elect when be came down to the wedding, which was to take place in Mudsiue l'eoli's rca'plUM siiUm, niih all the joyful school girls for witnesses. " "This is niT fallier, Jury, said the bridegroom, tt nd. rly. "Ilowdoyoti do, father?" murmured Mary, and put up her rosy Ifps to he kiss ed. "A Very fine looking man," sighed Ma dame 1 Yuli. ' He reminds mc of the por traits of Marquis Lil'ayette." "But surely," whispered Mary, who had confided everything to the kind old school teacher, "his hands look very white and iiuisith fur one whose rrofession is the breaking of atom !" "P. rhaps he breaks them in gloves, suggested uiadame. When the young couple were married Mr. Wallace senoir advanced aud a gi.ld necklace around the bride's throat a necklace from which depended a locket act with diamonds. Cousin Asenath starred. "But surely," hurst out Cousin Ase nath, "those are not imitation stones." The elder Mr. Wallace appeared a little surprised . "Why should thoy be imitation stones?" asked he. Cousin Asenath looked sheepish, "Oh, I don't know," said she; "but I thought I suiiposed that a man agen- luau, I mean who breaks stones for a living could scarcely ulturd a present of diamonds !" Breaks stones !" repeated Mr. Wul- lace. There seems to be a little misunder- standing here," said George, interfering, almiy. "My tlear father, recollect your self; you were breaking stones off a rock not two hours ago, with your pocket hum mer. My father is County Geologist for Staffordshire, Mrs. Fenton, as well as Pro fessor of Geology in Linwood College. He has been breaking stones ever since I can remember him." "George ! George !" cried tho aride, you have been deceiving me !" "Well, I'd like to know how," appealed George, with an injured manner. "I told you he was a stone breaker, and ho is a stone breaker. Is that deceit ?" "My Jear," said the elJer Wallace, com prehending the situation at one, "such n prizi as you are is worth a little manor. vering. AnJ I Jon't blame George." AnJ somehow Mary never regarded this bold stratagem of her lover's with very serious disaprobation. She was mar ried, she de 1 tred, to the best man in the world, and that was the matter of most importance, after all. A SENSATIOlTlN A HOTEL. ADVERTISEMENTS. Family Groceries I have just enlarged my store on tho Corner aud purchased a large and WELL SELECTED CALENDAR OF JT'ltY CAUSES FOB TRIAL AT JANTARY TERM, 187. OF HAL IFAX SCPERIOU COI'RT. IIN II A V, JAXIAItV 10, ltWT. 50 Louis llilliaril & l.'o., vs. Juo. M. Foole. ft als. 11(1 Z. M. llrailley vs. J. O. l,ewi. 71 It. (I. Ilurton, ,lr , vs. YV. S. I'owill. 7U R It. Ilroivning A Sim vs. I'eter lliiies Kl Kit. Shields vs. II !'. Ilrantly. H.'i ,1. K. Timirr vs. J. W. ''tithri-ll. etals. Htl Walton, Whanii & Co., vs. llennctt Alslirook. TI'KHIIAV, JANl'AUV II, 17. K!l .1 iii. V. lleptitistull vs. Jus. A. Funi culi. U." Williams, lllack & Co., vs. Juo. II. Xcal, et als. 02 Juo. A. Moore exr. vs. W. II. Hanip - ton- 'Si Cllas. A. Camp vs. 1'. Kliau l'ittiuall, ex'tx. 111!) Mctiuire Herbert vs. Juo. J. Oar relt. (IS Juo- l(. House, a-ss'ne, vs. J. I.. Shaw. 71 Moore & Kits Patrick vs. M. K. New som mill K. .1. Allen. Ti Moore Kim Patrick vs. M. K. New sum and .Ids. A. House. WKIIXEHUAY, JAXt'AUY 12, 11. IHI W. C. Lewis vs. Zadoc Hawkins. 07 Jos. Smith, it als., vs. Littlelierry Smith, et uls. SO Jos. W. Ctithrcll, ailm'r et als, vs Jane It. Hawkins. 100 Loweuliuris, Heelit A Co., vs. F. Sterne, et als. 101 Kthcriilgc & Brooks vs. Lelanil Jack son. 102 Itoyator & Xasli vs. Juo. Hux, et tils. 1011 Duniel Uiehartlsoii vs. Sttsau lticlmrd- son. ADVERT ISL.M ENTi TUB ANtlt'ISU OF A 1.A1IV llt'BST AND TDK KXC'ITE.MF.NT tlK TDK CI.KIIK. While the blizzald was tearing down Chestnut street at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning a handsome Englishwoman, with blonde hai and large diamonds in hi rears, was sitting in tho breakfast-room of the GirarJ House sipping a cup of coffee. She was dressed in a charming morning-gown, tied loosely at the waist with n thick silken cord, and tassels that dangled when she walked. From underneath the gown. peeped two liny feet in putent-lonther slippers. Suddenly with a startled look the v oin iu be.-koned to the head w; i er. "Where is L son?" she asked excitejly. The waiter didn't know. The woman, getting up quickly from the table, ru-Jicd out to the hotel office, and in a tone of an guish and utter helplessness Ba'J to Clerk Levi : "Leon is lost." "Front !" shuutej the clerk, banging llie knob of the lig silver bell. A bellman poppeJ up at tho counter. "Go look for Leon; he is lost," said the clerk. Then he banged the bell again and hooted : "Front !" and another IkIIih.iii eame forward. "Go look for Leon; he is lust." The bellmen went searching through the corridors, in the smoking-room, reading- room,, una cauic oacK slinking their beads, with long faces. The woman look ed almost distracted. Her bosom heaved eonvul-ivcly with suppressed emotion. "Front 1" yelled Clerk Livi. "Link in the kitchen." The bellman cattle back with a small poodle under his right arm. It had a blue ribbon round its neck and a hell dangling from it. The poodle was licking its chops The meeting was very aff.-cting. The wo man took the dog in her arms and hurry ing to the elevator said covulsively : "Oh ! L'on, Leon, how you frightened mc. " Stock of family groceries, of the very best qualities which 1 will sell Flour of the best graJes, augars of all nineties anJ prices, bacon, coffc, tea, butter, canned go ids. CONFECTIONERIES of all si r.s at bottom prices. Messrs. B. F. Sledge and J . R. Bailey will bo pleased to see their friends and the publie general ly nt all times, cotifident that they can please. SALOON. In the basement nt my old stanj I have openeJ a first-class salooii where can be had WHISKIES. BRANDIES, WINES, BEER, CIGARS, SMOKING ANDCIIEWISG TOBACCO, IX ALL VARIETIES. Choice brands of cigars. Famous old Montecellu Whisky which always keeps up to the mark. JuT.Mr. Ben. Suiter, of Garysburg, lias charge of my saloon and will be glad to sec his many friends. J. T. EVANS, Weldon, N. C. oct. 7 Hiu WORKING ('LASSES ATTENTION fnrnisli all 1'Ihm.i-b with em jil.irmciit Ml h.iine.tliewhil of the time, -r fur tln-ii Mr' ni"im-nl. IlUKfm-iwucw, Hirhl mui pro flwlil. tf either x i-aily t-arn from ".fl cent io$'ipiirevt'iitnK, wnd a proportional aimi hv ilcvi.tiiifl ail their tune to the In in hut. H.y and (firlti turn nearly as mueh as men. That all ho nee linn niHV semi ineir Htiortna. turn im iv iHtifSH. we make tlilnorter. To i"'h Hi are not well satt.heit we will wml utie dullar to pay for the trouble ot writ I tiff. Full f nrtirulsn and outfit free. AtlilreM, Ut(iKUf. 1 1 vmi. 41 o, dce-My. l'orlland. Maine. HELP YOUR EYES N. C. FISHERIES. IMPROVED l'ERISCOPIC GLASSES, In the early spriug the shad fisheries of the Pamlico Sound are very remunerative. Perhaps no waters fuunJ in this country so prolific with fish of all sorts as are in tho Pamlico sound and its tributa ries lie To esticcially about Hyd.a county. Gill auJ Jutch nets are us.d.but not ex tensively. Angling is a mode of fishing in which the inhabitants indulgo more for sport than profit. However by this means the tables are supplied with cboieo edible fi.h. Those of the Albemarle aection are lar ger and the profits accruing therefrom are greater than elsewhere in the State. How much greater would be the profit di lived from this industry, were attention directed to eligible sites for ti-hcries on these shores of the Pamlico sound ? So far a seine of greater magnitude than could be managed by hand has never been thrown into these waters. The value of exjsirts fmni the fisheries on the Albemarle sound is an important factor in the general exhibit of profits ac cniing from the industrial of the Albe marle section. .Notwithstanding the fact that the greater number of fish caught there first traverse the sound on which Hyde County it situated, there ia no seine fishery in that immediate part of the Al hemarle aection, neither do the inhabitants devote any attention to the fishing industry. It is a well kuown fact B Y I'SINO YOUNU'8 CELEBRATED CLEAR AND SOFT TO THE EYE, STKENGIIEN INli TO WEAK EYES, For tale In Gold, Riwl, Rubber and Celluloid Frami. HELP TO SAVE BTburlng the greatest Bargain ever offered na GOLD HUNTING WATCH, Varrlsg In prlea Una rOKTY TO ONE Hl'NDRlD OLLARf, Worth nearly double the phot. SETS CMEWELRY. nandannie indeftljniand In fine quality. and dltlcruui nylon 01 RISCH. PINS, FARRISCP. Ct'FF BtTTONP. tirriw. mi.i.AKs, m 1 nts, hkai r.i.r.ia, J1A'KK!IKINS, FnKK, AC .('UK Ktf, rLATMlCASTolM. K'E PITCH KK. fcc. At the kiweat pomdhle ptirea. attended to. Order promptly j. w. YOUNC, (SUCCESSOR TO J. T. Y. & BRfl.) Petersburg, Va. ortllr that the fisheries of North Carolina ate " My present, my dear," asid tho father the most important on the South Atlantic inlaw affectionately. coirt. Ex. ZLTOTICE. Hay inn qiwllted beftire the Clerk of the Superior Court f Halifai county on Novemhw "iVd an eiee uloe upon the "UI of K. Anderson, deeeaaM, t hereto Rive n"tiee to all pctwonc having rial mi urmiiit id eaUte to nreaetrt them duly authenti cated on or before the lat 'lay of lieeemher INKH, or thin notice will lie pieaiea in oar 01 rewTwr; aita iillthoar lidehtedtodwUte will mak lnw "i.-payn""'!. B.CCUARIC,K.a.. Deo. 9tb w 103 Win. Johnston vs. Malvina Johnston. Ill T. L. Entry and wilevs If X & V 1' Co. 115 W. 11. l'ontou anil wife vs. It N & W Co. THI USDAY, JANI AUY 13, 18H7. 120 Jno. A. Merritt vs. Jno C. Ktintlolnh. 125 A. M. QtiurloM vs. Jus. V. Jenkins, It Co. 12(1 J. X- Hoseinun Co., vs. V. & W. It. Ii. Co. 127 ilrauch Pope vs. D. C. Thrower, et ills. 128 Josephine U. Branch vs. K. ! Ilrown- mg, et als. 120 saiali llrifl's vs. V. II. llobhilt. LIO I'. X. Stainback & Co., vs. J. W. Ileptinstall. 135 James Adams vs. T. L Ktuiy- 130 W. 11. Hawkius vs. Mary E. Haw kins. HO Itoanokc X. & W. 1'. Co. vs. T. L. Emry mill wile. 141 Jos. T. Evans ami wife vs. Commis sioners of Weldnn. 142 Jns. T. Eviiiisanil wife v. V & W U It Co. FRIDAY. JANUARY 14, 1887. 144 Branch ,ti I'opo vs. E. Harrison. 145 E. U. Whitehead vs. Chos. W. White-heail. 148 W. H. Harrisou and wife vs. . T. Herri n. 149 Theo. Stallings and wife vs. Koscoe YYilkins. 150 State ex rel E. T. Clarke, ailm'r vs. E. T. Ilrsiu-li, et ills. 153 II. K. Held v. J. 11. Whitaker. 150 Alhert O. Aaron and wile vs. Brunch .S: 1'ope, et als. Kill J. F. Hancock vs. E- A. Cuthrell. llll Spier Wliitaher vs- Jus. H. Parker. 102 Spier Whitaker vs. Branch & l'uie. MONDAY. JANUARY 17. 1887. 103 Henderson Funiculi vs. K. C. l.vtlell, 1(111 ii. O. Ilurtiiii, Jr., guard., vs. J. T.' Itooeh, iidiu'r. 107 Xnvassa (iuanoCo., vs. II. L. Ttllery iSi lire. 171 T. P. llruswcll&Co., vs. T. L. Bur gess, et als. 17(1 W. V. (tivathmey & Co., vs. Ettie ritlge & Brooks. 170 The Kaleigh Xat. Hank vs. It. P. Hcr vey, et ills. 1811 J T., trustee, vs. Frank llui " villi-, it als. 182 Miles I'opcvs. Jane Pope. isl W. A- James vs. 1. Levy & Bro. 1.S5 Cusnell Johnson va. (.'aniline Johnson. TI'KSIIAY', JAM AMY 18, '87. Il l 'I lie . stallins and wile vs. Josephine Blanch, el ills. 152 ( lias. A. t'ainii, trustee, vs. P. Klin Pittuian. ex'trix. 154 It- (I Edwards, exr. vs. W. II. Gray, et als. 157 W. H. Brown vs. K. W. Ivey & wile. 100 It. O. Kilwarila, exr., vs. T. O. l ull and wile, et als. 101 Jno. Uregory, roe'r, vs. J. T. Uooelt, et als. Xu iurv cause! w ill be tried after Wcilnes- dav of seeonil week. Cnin will take precialeuce from day to ilnv till ilisiuiseit of. Suitors and witness neeu not attemt be fore the ituv for which their cases arc set. JOHN T. (iUEtidliY, V. H. C. per E. I.. T'KAVLS, I). C. THE MOTION DOCKET will 1 lulled Thursday, Jaliuary 20th, 1887, and iu the following order : Tllt ltSDAY, Jaxi aky 20, '8. 4 11. Allsftrook vs. Wni. Hoilges. e) M. T. WoikI vs. J J. Fletcher. 12 Stute ex rel nsc M. Conigluud vs, H. J. Hvrvcy, et ills. It) J. Hulling et uls, exrs, vs. M. White head, et als. 20 J. W. (Irant, ndtn'r, vs. Jas. T. (iooch ailm'r. 21 J. T. Uregory, ree'r, vs. Jas. T. Uoocb et als. 49 Butler, Clapp & Co., va. P. X. Stain back. 34 Betnv Shields vs. Jas. Cotten. 3l I. liall, adm'r. vs. B. F. Uary, et uls. 66 R. O., exr. va. . II. Sum- metell. et als. 57 K. O. Edwanls, exr. va. W. II. 8um merell, et als. 68 II. O. Edwards, exr. va. W. II. Sum. merell. 60 Joura Ie and others vs. Elisabeth Lea and others. 611 J. H. Lawrence vs. Walter Clark 62 Jaa. Carey A Co., vs. 11. T. Pope et als. 64 A. C. Harris, trustee, va. Isaac II. Nicholson. C7 Kaiu l'erliliter Co., v.. T. L. Burgess aud wile. Ii Branch a Pope va. J. T. Bishop and and wile. FRIDAY, JANUARY 'ii, 87. 81 Kd. Shields vs. (Jeo. Harden et sis. Ili8 W. II. Kitchin vs. H. II. Smith, Jr. et als. 112 B. Tavlor va. Xeritiine Foreman. 1:10 Jno. Pittman aud others vs. Wiley Chern'. et als. 1118 State ex rel Martha Cross va. U. Mc- Mnhon. et ala. lilt) Slate ex rel Oretla Smith vs. M. Mc- Mahoti. et uls. 100 Jas. T- tiooch, ailm'r, vs. heirs of M B. Kpies. 172 W. T. MrMarks v. E. C. Shcarin. 173 Jaa. H. Parker vs. Sarah Allen, et als 174 Stewart, Halph & Co. vs. Grimes and Nelson. 175 lloriitluil at Deiches vs. Grimes and Nelsun. E. I. Browning vs. T. X. Hill, et als, earn. 181 Etheiidge Brooks vs. Paul Gary, et als. 180 Stale ex rel E T. Clark, adm'r, It. H. Peehlni, adm'a, et ala. Branch and IHifie, et ala, va. Adam Cochran aid wife. 188 Ann Browning va. Pnniel Browning JOHN T. UKKOOKY. C. H. C. . vi. per E. L. TRAVIS, D. C. WARD'S WOES. NA(;v.''iA ; .Iitiinnry, I Ml. Fur twelve or ftilirleeii yi'iirs I h ive Ih'ii itrewt !u lie rcr fnun it tt rrlMc i rui of blotid iin'n w lii' h ran into the Kfiipiidnrv mul final ly H whi pmnouii. eud it tertiary rnn. My Inmri, lure mid klmuldeis Iri'i-ame iilmirKL ii niiiMH of form pti on , mi l finnilly the (liM-iiiteroiniiH itf'i-deiitiiit'HWHy my fknll I lii-riinit' ho liorrid'y rrpvlnive ill it for th n-r vetirn I Hhwilulely t fii-ril 1o let i" (l.- mh inc. I uu d hirjte tiimilitlrn ofiiinsit n. t-il hlo-id rruirilfef and H)iptled tuall itisi''!iui ni'Hi mc. hut my condition continued to tfmw w ire, and wii'l I mui't mirely die. My hoiies lieeiline llie m'tit id'nuwl exnin liit liitS in -h is uiiil piiim. my iiiuhlr- were piived in mil cry: I w tn rrdiiei'djin tleuli and and MtviiKtli; my kidney wt-reternhly dt r.iii(ed, and life tieeHiiie a l-urdi'K to m!, I clmiu'cii to mi an advi'rtifs';iiient of II. Ii. II mid Ki nl one dollar to W.C Bin liniore in ( 'o.. hm. ivihiiIh of our place, und they procured one holtle for ire, It Wiiftiised with decided hem-lit, undwlu'ti einiit or ten bottled Imp been used 1 was pronounced si m i id and w ell. llundri'disuf scaiN ran now be fee n on nie, look lug like a mull who hud been burned and ilieii re Htnred. Slyeiise wits well known in thih eouniy and lor the lieiieiil ut'otliern wiio may Ijj uiujilmly alleeled, I lliink it my duly tu ive (In- lacts to the public, and te eKteti'l my lien rt felt thuiikx for so valuable a remedy. 1 have been well over twelve months, aud ho return of the disease haHOccmruiJ. KoliKKT WAUI. Maxey'S, Ga., January, p-HiJ.We the uiidciii;ii' ed, know Mr. iioliert Wurd, and lake pleasure in say i ii"; that the liicts above stati.'d by hi in are irue, and that his huh one of the woiHt (iikci of Mood 1'ulson weever knew In our eoiinly uud that lie has been cured by the ue of li. It. It. Hauncie Itlood Itxlm. A. T. HiiK.irrw'Kl.l., Kerehaiit. W. c, Itiitt-iiMoiti-: d Co.; Merchants. J. 11 HiuoinwtvLL, M.U. John T. Hakt. V. Ii (.ah iicll. A SENSATION. Why Is it that three bolilen of H. II 11. are sold in All'ii.iii to our i.l uny oilier bbriid remedy, mul iw iro ii much I'oiiH'imed in the jlate of Ueoi-Kia tin any othei prepanilion'.' No one need Uke our v,oil, but simi.lyHsk tiie drut'm'iB. mx Iioiim-m in Ailtiina are tuiyiiiK H B, li. m live and ten urof-K lots, mid (tome ofilicui biiyamitteu iih every two iiioiilliti. w hy thene uupre udeiited sulci, hire at home w ith ho 1 1 1 lie advcMiiiiiK-.' Moihhtv forbids us ti akingil reply ""d M H H been Ik-lure the public a iiiiiir UT or half Would m.t be nrrrn-aiy to hi-Ixilhtrred Up with irulcliiK ol piie advertise meutk now. Meiit will eoiipiur and down money. ?l.ii0VOl!Tll i?.vin.(in. Kur four yrarn I havr been a an lit rcr from a trrrl ble form ut KlieuiiiMtism. winch reluir mew. low tlint all hope -f reioviiy vi:s gam up. I lime milU-red ttie Hiut.tei.erue utii irpii i- day umt night, and oiuu hiie wr ilmnt in ngouy Imve w islinl I roiild dir. 1 have tried t-vei) lliiiij mmwu for tlo t dihUMhc, buiuotliliiK did niu nin K""d. and buu hud soiue ui llie linunt pliyvleiiinn of the Mate to W'-rk on me, but to uoethi t 1 bave tpt nt over 00 without tlndiiiK relief. Inm now pn udUitstiy that ufter upIiuc only one bottle of It It. B. 1 inn 1 1 aided to walk around aud arteiid to hu;niewi, ami I woulil iittuki' S im f--r the benefit rercivut from nelUKle boitleof It K li. 1 refer to all men tiniitl and buiuer) men of thin iowii. YuiirH, most truly, E.O.fiAKA. Waverv, Wulkcr county, Texa. A HOOK OF WONPKKS, FKKK. All who dc ire full information about the cuinn and cure i, lilood I'.iisoiis, scr d'uln fin I i-erohil. i:H Swi'lhiiif. I IccrN.Korei-. itlicuministu, Ki'lney t n piiiiuls. i .ulurrli. i tr . ran srrlirc by intiil. It v, a ropv of cur a putfe lll'istriilcd IVi-k of Woii.l. m, lllleil with tin- tii.wt wond. rhil and uriliiu; pr f e it before known. Addrew, IIUKU) HAI.M (H., Allulita, (iH. Danger! A iieli'cteilcol.i oroouRli may iead lo rneunmnbi.f ont.mnpt ton or other final disease. Btronir's Pectoral Pi is will cut e a eoldaa hv inrniir. Kt itmm tT .y.Hrwta.iii diueHtiou, sick headache tl'uuMuaa testily. THIS PAPER NEW YORK. MAY Ut: FOrNDOS Ml.K AT .KO. I'. ItOWKhl, & t O'S IVewapapar AdTertlatnff Buremu (10 tSPHUCH r-rHKKTt WHMIK .All VI KIIKI0 ( IIMRCIH may hu uuuiu lor It lu I j. i. ma 1 o PR0PKIET0K OF o BEER AND POP BOTTLING wel:do:lt, 1ST. o. I wish to state to the public that I am now prt-puicd t supply DeiilcRi, Saloons, &c-, will) Carbonated waters, Gloicer Ale, Sarsaiuirili, Lemon, Swla and Klrawberry navors FRESH BOTTLED. Also Cream Soda, all of which is pleasant and healthful heverogc. BEAR IN MIND, That all dealers in Wold'-n and surround ini country towns arc kecpin;: tho above for their friends and the public. Also the Bergncr & Kngel standard proof Lnger Beer. Try it and sec for yourselves. Alwayi lotlled FRESH TO ORDER. Give me t trial and sue. KMpeetfiillT, J. I. l-KYAK, WeWon. N. C. mnv U1 v WEAKUNDEVELOPED f ut rs.'fVdrltA- nm y t'vii.Mti.bii.iil vki, p'-r'.l'. f.'.'u..Ni. i ii ? 'V' IK .in Qll.-M-MUi.. .X -inin-in inn r'.ti ' cmr wr-f in vi I,' o 0( cl-!-. will i lint Mi-rw . tin I'M'h-ti. n of luitniiu Imn' thm. in I tin fftiiriiii, t Kh nirt t t hit "iy l"""l,' f '"--wnT" win live at home, ami make m- ti mnm y at wo'k fur ua, than at anHtttiur erne In thU world Capital not needed: yuu m urted free. Koth aeiif : all aptw. Any one cjmi dolhi' orb. Ijirite eu-nttigi aiiw fhm II ml tar ' ontftt and trrm free, lietter i ot delay. Ooain vim nothing to aeirrt ua four a'tdti at aud Und oi'U it vu are w Im you w tll do mi -t one. 11. HaLLETf & Lt)., KirtUuii V I tu. avnd Ab entf for pfUx ' and retielTv tree, a ilf help I'm 10 n ra tOMer Ujii Uita vrrld. All clUieract auoooe.1 from flrat hour. The hratd mul to fhruu upmH befot uie v era art, a to 4aM APHIZKJ tnaaTaiiuila ulil. li will fa rMtawav than aii,t,.liia v ot ciu I I '. T - t'"'" JAM E H. mm', Uea'l. Sop t. J TT