HALL & SLEDGE, prophiktoks. VOL. XVII. .A. NEWSPAPER rOE THE PEOPLE. TEPw2yTS--uu lKli ANN I'M lN ADVANCK NO. 5). WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1887. NKW ADVKHTISKMF.NTS s-t I-PATENT C AGAMBRILLMfcCo. Tin- value of ri.Ol'U il.p.iids n .11 the KSSI'.VI'I A I, KI.IIM i:TS OF NT TUITION' CON TAIN KD IS Till'. llliF.AD IT MAKKS. Jlanlaud ami Vimimu U'h at. fr,.iu which wir PATI'NT KOl.l.KII FLOCKS ar.- )iii-v UMniiOt-lun-ii. ha lo ben conceded to ha SITF.IilOH i,i nnv n'her. I anso it In a HF.Ti'KIl COM- IIINATION OFCHTF.N A Nil Pill ISI'll ATF.S. This fact is rceti.tiizod n,.l . 1 1 1 v in this country, hut in lite Cnitc I Kingdom ns well, where tin' "I'ATAI'SCO SI I'KUI.A Tl VK" COMMANDS DF'IDKHLY MoliK MONF.Y than any uihtT Am riean Flour. Ask your grocer Cr it, Al.o for Pntapsco Superlative, Capo Henry Family, llcill'onl Family, Patapsco Family, North IWt Family, Orange Grove F.xlrn, Patapsco Kttr.i. Chcwipciicc Kxtra. Hililwin Family. c. a. (iA.Minau, MAxri Arn iiiNii company, !W Commerce St., Haltiuinre, Mil. an;; 12 1y. HAII.KOAI) SCHF.PULF.S. ATLAN I IC COAST LlMt, Jyi.ll'oinlH lilt HAI1.K' 'Al'. I'Ollll.'lllllI SH'lll'llUk'. TKAINS i.tilNi; Mil 1 11. lute. I Nov. lull I No, I", I . No. 12. Usui . u. -I (..ill. ii... ' 1I..IU " Mil). I.. , IV I a....iji.ui. I l is ' I I J, III Null I'll. nlii,'.' . IJ.il pill. I.. " I.U " I.'.tti J.ileila I.e..,,- ilei.iill A I nvv U.l.J.iU I..IU. ...' TRAIN UUIS So. I i. I'.toy. i' Weiiloll iHm e ll.lllclil set c J . .nail i Ml: ' i; .-. .lie) I' k j s.j; c IVU-lanur I ill t ..m. I l.l All tr.iiiH run H'llld Wei-lon l.i WimNiiiitt hi, J. i.. M'.M,1 , j.i.I.n ir . in nr ilt I 1 1.ULS . M 1':Mi'.uu, dc-ii'l ..-eiiiKr AaJciii Vr ll'MlAulO.N ik U.IM. K. U. A SO LfiM.St ilf.. t'uitUyiiHfU m-heUuk'. HiiioU 1'oe. NJ. H, I So, 10, No. .Mil) . i."-vj. ) jMiiy. l illy. Leave Uli.i I it 1 1 j.iu. . A i It'H-ky M. mill ...) ' ...h (i. in l.l'i a. in. Arnvo l nrJrTi i i. i.iu l.CtkVU i ill .-JI'U li ,U i ill. t i Arr.ve WjIviii to. p.m. ii.Aiiu. Umv: U ili .n j l.l ' Airu't; .Stl.iui : " I i At. Ir'.iyi-iti ville r I i " Unw a .i.4Imm i i.ii " 7. hi i i 1j..v i- Ji.i.i'iim D M " ft -.t ' l.i'u.' Hut',; tw i TrU '- it 1 u.Vl.SS ,'MMi Ni'ta'il, 1.,' i I .N i. I l.V. WlhuiiiKtoii lUoi,ui h m n.ia. lj-ud M.n-'ftliii 1 1 i.. i i in . . 1 i " t 1' Ainvi' jjiUf-ir.t l.w Kaytlti-ville AlTIVi; I An-Wt wilscm - 1,'iv,' Vil m K.i Ar Km ky Mnunt Arrive T.irt) r I l.i' ivi) Iiirl ir.t j Arrive VV.-Lloii u" ! j IS, p. i.ou ' Ul. 1 I -- l H ill. 1 1.' inn. I i i ir il .S.Mthllhl in t.f .i u m it.. - ifn I T .-f ill unl Si't k mi ' ii I-M ;, tun. m 1 t .lia.i.l N. k ul !i .lii A. M, il iny i v , i Siiii'liy. i'ruiii K-iivt'S Tiirliur t, N (' , AllirniunU' Ai Itth -ioU U lmt-f."p:.!.i i.i iy.i;r M , -in. il tv S 0 i 1. M , iimvi' H .in iiii-ii'ii. .N , Hi i M'.ii.C I'. M. Ki-uiriiiii: l.-n.- illi-m.-t '.,, . , 1 1 1 lit i wpt Mill' 1 1) , M i i iint i) '.' n V. L, AiltVi' I'tiriHiri, N JllO'A M, 11. .11 A M 1 r.ilu uti Mnilnii'! N. l . Iiuiirli Iruw. ..ilun N, '. Ii.iily i-M'ipt Mitiii.iy, . I'. M. iiin SmitltlU-M, N t, :' I'. M iiiliirinii Wi Minlliin-l-l, N. ('., 7 -t A. M. iwrivi-ii .liMt r .N. ('., ','.oi A. M. H miii'iiiiiil train mi WiU iii iin-i Fiiyi'lU'vilK Itmiii li l No. Till. Nuillilx'iiuil In Nil .H'. I r.nn .No. 4'i Kiiiiih Hill Mop uiily lit WiNuii, Ui.i I. ,r.' hii.I Mtii"ll Tniiii No. ii liiHk.f. i liw rnliin'1 Itull ul Wd-l'.ii (o ntl p .tnl .Nurth il.uly. All mil vm hirliiunul. H.i i ! uly i'xi'1'ptMiinliiy vi II" y Line. iraiux imiketi il'we f f. ts. .iim l.ir Bit Jhiilitu N'irtli vUt Kit tmuiinl Hint u.-lnnl'iii. All I'm ins mil .i-l tM.tttn-!i :lmimtt..li hinl WiiNliuiton, mill hv I'liiliimii I'alrtie lf ptm ntltii'li.'il. J. K. KKNI.Y, JOHN V lU VI N F. Stiji I ("mim. i.i iur.il .il' t. T. M. KMKKSUN, tieii'l 1'itMeiiBer A ul. KAl.KUill ANIAMUN KAll.liUAl', j BITkltIN rtMif.M H Utr U t-f KiMgli, N.C.July u, lifttrc Aalik'h Arrive i WdMhII Leave Vt eldmi Arrivw l UHleluh FivrTHHOtuH FtUHi'lT. Vnt ljrtjaaomli. rUl-Ui Arrive l Wtlilntl l.euven elilmi ... Arrives ttl lUlclglt - - - Un XL KkKltillT. 1 envoi Kulelgh ArnveHl W.-lidm l.-ire Welilun ir vt-it al lutein I) 45 A i W I'. 7 'i 1', 7 ui P. 2 ui A. 1 in A. M U' A. 6 1 A. a 4i r. 6 ! A. i a i r. lil irttliw niHke r9v nmm".Unm til Wehi-'U Willi the .H-iiUnnl uinl Huaimke Kititrmil ami I!m Line su-iiitm um llrtltiiiiore, U ul (miiiAll p 'inu Nonli. W ivl, nut! N.riliw.'tl mul uiih l' l ri'iirn lUllniMii vm lVU'nlnir Ki "liinliil Mini .ifiniiiI'li l iu. lu mi-i Ir.iin mII pirl NitiIi mul N..itliwii A' IU eiicli wilii the Vnli) t Hr.'lm.i li:nwl 1-mihI fr m U mi ii u N hi III Mini S.iutlouf.1. tut-1 with the KmI- k i miuI AdkuUi Air l.lliftuh'M)vUeville,llMlu let, Ctittrloth! Mini Uie b mill. Wm.SMITH, Siipl. JNO. C. W'IMlKii, ielierl MuhMiier. UrmaHcr'T. 1 hts.wiatii, m ami huh. Portinonta, V July It, If 5 Tr.liu on thk Km.1 (ill lii ( rurlamuutli .lull? lwiatiuiiilji) u MluKi; M.ll Twin . . mm A. H HuMfh riiniimb Frlhl - 7 i I'. M Wuy l'n ilil Irl-Wrakly 4 li A. M Tmlia ArrlreM Mikn il.llr. ilil Suudayi m I..II.',. Mall Train 1 -' P. M lulrlah lliruiiah Fnlahl - - 1" Vl.y I mln . . . iw I. H Tmlmoflilil Ki.l will lwve Wrlilun dallr, el ecta suuilay., u fiilln . : M.ll Train . S 11 P M. lul"lali Ihnawh rirlahtlMVfa Wrlilun f'.r h.ru iifiilh ilnlli ii'iivi.. Mmiil.)' luuri.) I ' A. M. ) Inialil . lull- M. Tr.nu Arrltc il hirum.Mlli.iUJI; no"un.liiy., as MIowi: M.ll Train 10 f. M li.lili Tljniiijli mifht' .J M.ll Train il.i. at all XbHInio. Mmnirr li aiM 1'i.nkllli M..IHU). Williil!. and Kn.tata. I"' M. i,i..ii. I'Um.iulh an.l Uu.linir. uii Ilia UlM a- l.-r atul I'hi.a.ii rlvvn. Apply to H. o. Ur.u, Aamil. W. IJ.-n. r Ui I. T MVIJtS. BuwrlliU'Uliul of 1 rali..lli.Uon. jI.BKMAKI.Ki RAI.EIUII R R. t'O. On and atvt Innf !. l Intlna will ran on thta road iijr Uic fillnwliia m'IkIiiU': TIMSTABIS: 1. H. TrtHiro, (Lmtm) ll.rt.iu, H'arrvua, l.lltlf l.Twk, M.lht.1, Ruhorii'mrlttf, li-crvu'.. H HUam.lun, (Ar ) W Tarlioro, (Arrlraa) Ii ll.ntll , ( Jft W arrru ., a An I ,nl.rrik, 4 Ml lli llirl, t l.'i K'.lrmvllle, 7 U Rvi n il a a in V. lUlamaon, (Lr. a m a M I 4 a an 1 m T .'.I ) 0 Tli7Wla in. train rnim Wllturrnli.n will ar rlTetn Tarlninia.a Hit. in .alluwiaa pani'iia..ni to rmin wlili .he oiorutug Irani on Uie H . H . K. R. f ir K K ky U ki in Thi'iaip m Iraln froin T.rtmro ronnwl. with the Initial Willi. tn.Pm fur Norfolk via N a Kail r.d a id liik'nandiale p.lnU: ali al Jaaiwvllle with ihr J. VI. Railroad for WUlu1oU and all pjiala bctow. I bli UM.'niiy h. f h.rit-d al any Uaif aa aa aaai.r audcudunauni-iw ni.y rMiiiir. Malt U.l'k.m.lrtal. SUP t- TPIE ' llllffi'l PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1W4. M. C. FAIR. i GOODS at COST. WINTER BOOTS AT COST. C PAIR, Wiiliint. Aveniie, Vt lilh, S. l. lljllll)' LadiesFino Shoes WK HAVK MAPK M. F. HART, WF.I.I'OX.X. C, K JOSKY & CO.. SCOTLAND NKC'K, N. C, N. Our agents (or the mlo of our Ladies' Fine Shoes, for their rospoelivc aoc!ion". We make on the N. V. Opera, Acme, Heavy h Waukciiphast and Creole Inrta, ihe 'alter is just out and ii very nim. Wo use the McKay Machine and acw with best llar loiir'i' thread. F.vcry lair warranted. They are nice, neat ana slylisli. (live them a look when yon want shue and you will be pleased. K. P. ItKKD k CO. icpt 16 ly Bochcater, N. V. H AM am: w Wvjiry; i-li, wi.iry of ti'ur; W'mry .f hi'jin.u h. s, nii'l weiii y ..fleam ; W. iiry i f inuuiiinjr mul wenry i-fjinin ; tti'iny.Mi wi'iiry, nf lii)itiiK in vniu. Wnny. , i.,i y, (,f ihe Imnlili ' I life ; Wenry ..f luilini; iiml wiury nfMrifr ; ttYiiry of part inn unit wmy f night; Weary, m i we iry, mul liilifiii fur light. Weary, wenry r waiting almie ; W- iry uf aki 111; recel iiK tt stmie ; Wenry fvi a telling, mul weary of jeers ; Wi ;iry, mi weary ni' (ainils ami Miecr, Weary, iT'.-in.li i wenry; l.ut wniie time i .-ly sli rpiitK, lintiih iti. ill rest, I Mti my No inure In knrr.iw, iin more (i Weep ; ttnlv t.i lie ..ttii iitnl.ini.'lly uleep. OISTLY A. GIRL. Ill T -lit; II A II IIKH lln.M WI'K A SKKTCI FrilM MUIIKHN l.ll'K. I was ni'tit to Choln'a oue nioi ninji the lirt snow r.illinz, anil my uinlo hi-jr-nino me to tiilci; my h"uvy OTitcoat, nr I sli.MilJ faith my iloath ami litem I met, fur lli; lirit tiiim, the r wlu mirreil my semen, aroitsi'il my inteie.-ts, ami tnucheil my heart, us no oirl in all my extenJeJ ai .iiaiiitance had hilliertu ilotic. I r.uinl In-r in the te!eilioiie iitlice, where 1 went In speak haek to the huuii ami ,-lie had charjre of it ! The lirrt throh "f lir.it love beaten, the next wan at thoulit ul' tint iniiutiibilily of I'ontinuinjr the iii'tjUiiintanei', in tiny thin;.' like the Mitislai tury manner lu which Ihadlieen aeeu-tumeij, in nur uncial rela tions with "nur M't." For my uncle, thnllejl only I'nifly Well nil", vim proud, in toh rant. anil ahiuist u tuiinniniiniae in his niuhiti'iii lor my present welfare ami future prospects. I, the nolo survivor nf his uM laniily, the nole inherit. ir of his prop erty. I knew well i'nnii;;h that no ' lelephotie Kill " could ever enter that tacitly-uiarki'd c'nele, even us cotiituou ucipiaintance, let alulie a 'faviitito" of ltolnrt llillllliil's w, so my un!y sulnce, for the pivn- cut. lay in the stihtcrl'iii; of business, and a cone-pond, ttce, secret as the firaye on my side, on her.-, open as daylight, for I knew that nothing hack of those snapping hla -k eyes, that sturdy little fnriu, those clear rinejiiu tunes, could ultimo the s,!ioit-i-st trace of eouccit or c'llei almetit. Tivoiluuds shaluivcd tho Way. l'ir-t. as to what I sho'iM d.i in the cti-U daily appro.ielrn ; aliou! invilin;! her to Huston and iiilruiliieiii h -r to toy people; and seeutiil, the appeManee un the scene of n tall, stalwart cousin, v. !m, interested in mines out West, "relumed txvadotia ly to ft "c h.iw old Chelsea was loukiiiL';'' n ercat, sltappiiii:. sp'i'trlid I'ell.nv, wh.i sent pins and need!, s an I d ''-ers all tl r..u:h my puey, well lired self at every jar nf hi. miiiih', happy tunes, every shuck of his jnlly. In arty hauli. .ill-t the fellow I'.r Allele! Vet what was I mult- .if? I did not hate him. Ah! who could hat.; Fred lii-cju? lint he seetn al to he so liuht hear.'id and haj.py. and what could make any man happy and liolit-liearted except the security of Adelc's love? M.ueoVir. ihcre sei'incd to he a certain soiiiethiu un derstood betwicn them. Tlley had Home secret I'roni tne. Once 1 caiiL'ht tli-'in conversing in nu extr;niely eotilidential inaimiT, w hich ceased inmiediitcly on my appearance. Vet I knew she was no empiette. Ah ! I fell sure Fred did ml take my little edrl I 'win me ! And so, ill the' midst of the simple, who should walk in nur highly electrical Cupid's bower, one line day, without even the cnsloinnry ' hel!o " of warning, but, uiy uuc!e, who was an ntute mail, and no ihinee ! lie did nut seem very un-ry. I intro duced llietn. Indeed, he was ipi'itc polite and p-nth manly; she self posMsed and ii in -i (H -I as any holy id llicm till could liavcb.t n. Uur hii.-iiiesii doiie, I dinve luck il iwn (own with hiai. llel'oro I had linio In i:i rove llrs fine op0 tuuiiv. as I int. mini. I was ordered out on tho r .ad on my "trial nip" ll.ey s.id as i! I until" agoid s'lo.iin; lli -v iutciiiiid m.ikii..'a uvular inve hr nut of inc. ci ui; liuiet.lin- me i n my gain, so far, in business d ta l. ami l.o; in.' ihe ihatigc ivuiilil be biilelieid In my health. I w is -me jtst ih 're ii dm. Wh n I r lnin.d. Fr -il and Adel.' h id disappear ed ! Tin y tol l il l.i me at Ch. lsea. the lir.-l d iv I w. nt down, mid my . n le tetili. d il n my return, by ns'.iin; il' I reuieuiln r.'il ih. I uie; linle tliiu I li.ul ii.ll."iio ul him lull, it diy in Ch lei. Well, she w,i iiiarti d In that tall, good-looking f. How aim i nun on lu re afiet Ii r, an I liny bail gone We-I to live; adding how he had mil I h .in in a "IT' in llosion, Inning while aim, a lew days In f. re their ih art uie. I presuuiJ I might In h ive fell some compensation in the loving care 1 received llirouuli the terrible illness into which the il.uck tl'.cw me Hut I did not. I cared for n i uiiii 1 had tin desire to live, no ami tiiim In progris, no car" fur business, none wha'evei lor society. I begged tlii tn lo tend me out on the road again, which tiny did. nnd one col 1 day 'he very day ayear on which 1 hid Ricl Adele, I Mailed for Chicago. Anl oh, how I hate I tin Wes' when I got there ! With ila money an l its rush, and ita uller lack nf all those nicniul de lights which make thi very atmosphere of Huston the lectures, the concerts, the music-halls, the picture-galleries I was deathly homesick ! I fuuml a room in a dainty enough li tle Hat, at some distance from the center of the lily an animated and busy little hive to ho sure which might have Well enter tained any l'Jluw lets m rtally hurt than myself. 1 noticed two nr three rather pretty -looking gills going in mid out. They seemed like working-girls of the the nice order, rooming there, possibly. How my heart went nut to Addic ! She was one in a thucmml uuiongt llieui an incident in her independence, llcte liny wire all for money, the rich n.cu's daughtirs ub well as the poor. They loved it for itself, and talked business ns the dear Iloston girls did art and letters. 0, ho! A giitar! And what is she singiic to it ? "Ah, I h ive sighed ronst inc," from Trovati re ! What apiece to sing to guitar accompaniment ! That's the Chicago of it. Hut, 'pen my word, the harmony and modulation are perfect. Kxeclletit. You see, there in lloston we know all about these things in professional detail. Yes, time, tune and harmony tire goi.il. And, oh, the expression of it, tear ing my heart with its passionate pain! Hnw can she know it means that ? Now she is whistling. All, that's like them, the barbarians ! What! A sonata of licethoven's I As I live. And irltist lin; it I And as perfect us perfect can bo. Why, none but alt urlist could learn a so nata like that. Ilitt whistling it ! I And the precision of every little trill and turn of it, I was delighted, enchanted. Theii followed u I' .v ;u no sail little ballads: 'How can I bear In leave thee!" and the pasM. mate appeal of Somuaiubitla to her lover In believe her innocent. What! Ihr voice is breaking ! Oh, my poor girl! What if you have known trouble like mine! wi-h 1 could incut you and cuni for you. I wish I could s;e her. 1 feel now, as if, in this whole dreary waste of sadness, there is one kindred spirit. Next morning I was up betimes, before the foot-fall s lunilcd, and waited, it seem ed an age, for its owner to come nut. 1 must see her when she does. 1 must know her comfort lu-r. At last shecotnes. 11a! She is coining down by the stairs, humming still, and I can hear the jingle of the keys as she tucks them into her belt. She turns the last comer. I strain my eyes 1 strain (Ireat II. ul! Do I dream! A deli! ! Adele ! I tear open the door. With one hound Hub! Th. 'Sci m il time the warm Hood in my mouth the crimson stream liaise my head just a trifle darling, that 1 may have light to tell llietn the rest. Mow yon were true tu in.'. How I In -y duped us. How yon loved me all the while. How, one day, while I was anay on that first trip my unci.' nd- ovir to tell y.'ii, how much better he thought it would be for you to he morn discreet. That il was impu-sible his nephew could do more than ".-poll" with a "111111110111' girl," us he was already engaged to 11 lady Health and culture in this city (irace llartel, did he say? Ah. yes. he wished il so! lie even described ihe house he was giving in. Didn't he. The ariiingn mollis for the wedding, even the date lie was "very kind." you say, iiud seem ed only anxious, to save you from fu ture pain . And so, my brave little girl, partly Uirotigh shock ut llii'doiihlu pirt 1 had been playing, partly that she might not he in the city when "th' wedding" t.sik place, and pattly through her great love fur me. th.it would not brina uic li.n.11 now she knew my uncle's I', clings ma le tin; excuse of Fred s wedding to go West with biai. I. nk s night into my eyes once in re my sweet lillle gill. No, I d .n'thelleve I ear- f ir 11 it. ui a iw yit are n..t th re. I w in I r il' my uu -l; it aati-'icd now ih- old family is gone oxlingui-h-cjby 'ii - in h in I ! Ah, well! lie will he pun -bed en nigh I will spare him my ill will ! 1'iHir ni l .11 in ! He thought he was do ing fur the hi; t when h" interested the house, in sending tin' "out of the way. A lillle -e'. is r my d.rling. I can not see you il all! 1 11111 11 1 li ar the "Inllu." Theyare-iiiiing us-oil ' tuylove! My love! Oh- do e niic - put way with in Adel', Ad le I can not leave For he hid lo go alone, and lli; tint" in close the "wcll-briil" eyes, so sadly slraimd with I Dicing, and In soften the terrible blow to the pour, stri.k ti old man, who arriv. il -just "too late" was "(Inly a Telephone (iirl." F. K. T. liullsprilsahle to the Tulle', Daiby's IV phyliu'lii.' Fluid cures chaf ing, eruptions and iiifl.iuiatiotis of all kinds; cur iiitlim.d or sore. eyes, relieves pain from bites or stings ,.f instcts and s.ire feet; destroy all taint of pers'riilion or o'hnsive smell I'roni the I', tor any pari of llit bodv; cleanses an I whit 11 the skin. I'sed as a dcnlifiiec it pniiliel the breath, prcserv. s ihe loelh aud cures tisith.it he; a r.' gums and canker. A little i f the F.uid in the W'aler used in bathing is very reficshing and especially beneficial to the Sick. ' Feb ;'l 1-mo S f l K I X AT I K A I. STO .t 1 ICS. WilliamS Martin, an old citizen of Pittsburg, who died a week ago, predicted the exact hour of his death. Three residents of Kind, t liook, III., say that they met the ghot of a dcceasid neighbor in a lonely road near the village oue night recently and had a long and en tertaining chat with it. A tall, thin ghost has been alarming the people living on the out.kirls of West York, Pa , ami several parlies of young men have been organized to go in search of it, One person says that he tired a heavy charge of buckshot into thu mys terious visitor at short range, but without elicit. A mysterious phantom walks the slreits of Scuttle between the hoars of 10 in the night ami 4 in the morning, and Icrrilies belated ped.slrians. it was supposed to le a man dressed in a light suit of clothing, but one night it pursuid and struck a citi zen, and in the struggle which ensued it was found to be intangible. Shots innu merable have been fired at it ncc, but it still walks the streets unharmed and unim peded. More than thirty years ago a young gill was in the act of placing a pitcher on a post which gland near the Smith Carolina Railway, five miles frutti Aiken, when she was struck deud by lightning. Kvcr since this tragic O'.'currenee the pitcher has n maiiied nn the pnst safe by supfrsiiiimi frutn the touih of negroes, who believe that the aim which touches it will be p.ua'yst'd. Storms and cyclones and earllupiakcs have not ti'spl no I it, although the post which holds it is fast crumllitig with decay. Hairy Fdwards, a young man of Wilkcs barte, Pa., surpiiscd his Client's a year ago by dropping alibis had habits and btgiiiiilug a regular attendance at ibtirih and ptaycr-iucctings. Itcccntly, however, he fell frt-111 grace and relumed to his old way of living. Last week he attended a meeting; uf the Salvation Army and was sculling at the services when he suddenly In eiiiuc totally blind. lie was taken home atul physicians were summoned, but they were powerless to tender aid. The Ilaptist church at Indian fivck. near Carnesville, ia., has been haunted I'.ir yeais by supernatural li-itors. Slraugc noises have been heard n-ar the pulpit during divine s. nice, and by night ghost ly forms have been obs. rved to flit in and out the door. A Hhort lime ago Mr. N. C. I lord. .n, a reputable citi.eti of Curii 'S- ville. was pas-iog the church with his wife when th .y beheld 11 strange In ing sit ting on the doorsteps. He was dressed in snow-white garments (Yum head tu foot, excepting the blood-red gloves which cov ered his hinds, while his Cite had agh.i t ly yellow. Mr. llorduti drove up to the church to investigate, but his hi. rs'i slit ir d viuleiii'y through fright, and in un instant the spectre was gone. LIGHT IN THE EAST. Ivtrott Kr.'e Press. lie I1.1 1 slept quietly all the long si!i 1 1 night, while the family took tut u- in watch ing hesi I; him, h it as day light approached ami the lirst faint rays of the c iming sun rise di-p -lied the dun night shadows, he stirred uneisily. Ilis paiient. loving wile sal by the le! holding in h r the cold, pile hands that lay n Twins 1111 1 almost pulseless beside him. He felt rath r than saw that she was there. Motlnr," hi' aslid riMiilly, "is it light in ihe Fast?" "Yes. David. " she aiiswi ml with tear In! voice, "the lh.li! is breaking." "Then it is lime to be up," he said, and .0 f, II asleep. And soi 11 the rul. rosy sun flooded the whole Fiisli tn sky with a radiainf (hut re rlccled itself in 1 he mh w, m.. I lit up that winter scene with an iiiilesiTilmi.le glory. Hut the old tarin house looked rad and lonely. Th ' cattle in lli; bam walling lo hefed. lowed mournfully to each oilnr The old house ti g sit on the stoop and looked into the distune aith pilhetic eyes, aud shivered with dumb instinct. And tbes'.irlv til iriiin.' triin e.niiiu; sr euid the curve 1I1, km. d its speed a the nn 11 leaned for ward to iisk in paiitom inc Ii r tin ir old friend. And they stw ihe bit of fluttoii g bl.o k ih it was loslguil tin 111. and in-1 nit- ly t'Wry Iliad was bil, .1 all I l ownl. So. he was gone, who for mi tnuey V ins hud waved ilu m a the. i!ul . id liiutning that had liisltd tin m all the th.y. Yea. when it aa litht ill the Hast' he was 'up' ami away, liml having pruuded Mime belli r ibiiig for him iu the Morning Land. Ik the Suff'prs from Cnnsunipiiun Scrofula, and lictural IVIulity, will Iry Scott's F.mulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with llvpnph. whites, they will tind iui mediate rebel and a permanent h-nelit. Dr. Ii. 11 llrndnax, Hi. .dual, l,u , says: ' 1 gave Scott's F.inulsi in In Mrs. I ., trou bled with n very severe Hronehial aiT-i-lion Add. d to this a I. nth of a child and sub- ciiuenl illness, she was in a very had con dm. .11. I ordered Scott's Kiniilsioii, which she commenced taking, giving at the same lime sntiie to Ihe baby, wlti, h was very poor. (W'ight throe and one half pounds. ) Since taking Ihe r.iiiulsion, cough is gone. looks fresh, full in the face; flesh firm, good color; baby name, fal ind in Cue condition tub. 17-1 wo. I It A IIS AMI I.O IIS I KItsl. The nppi'iitlagi.i of tho lobster arc peculiarly adapted to its natural wants. The two elnivs or pincers differ the one Fiom tbe other, a fact which always fives them an ungainly appearance. One of the claws has tiscricsofgriiulfrs. and is used as n mill to crush shell. (Mi and other hard substances, while that on the opposite side is provided with a sharp edge which is used for cutting. 'Che lobster propels itself bv lm-uns ul thin plates nttuehed to the body, uiul, to protect them from rocky bottoms, Ihe tail of the nnimal is doubled up under it, completely covering thorn. The crab is n higher order of nuinial than the 1. .lister. The tiddler cruli is so culled from the peculiar sbajm und motion of its claw. It has a set of frinding teeth in the anterior portion of its stomach, and a grinding movement is kept up almost continuously. Tho eye of n crab is very peculiar, consisting of a series of luliea bound together, each lulm rep resenting a single eye. Ho sees Bingly by eombiuiug the inuigeu ufter the man ner of a mosaic. The long feelerBofthe crab nro designed for reaching into crev ices of the rocks after its prey. The giant of till crabs is found in the buy of Yetldo. Its legs nro eleveu feet long, und it has scarcely body enough to bold them together. The hermit IB a queer sort of animal, which takes up its habi tation in shells vacated by other ani mal. If a hermit crab be placed in a tuli of water with several shells, it will examine them all. and then select tho In st adapted to its comfort If two or three crabs are put among the same shells, they will often fight for tho best shell. Tho hermit repeatedly travels iliout in conjunction with a polyp ns tho menus of protection from the octopuv, Che polyp docs Ihe fighting, while ti e o emit curries him about and collects ..I for I mill. A lady traveling on a Western mil road win unnoyed by the expectorations of u fellow behind, mil when the con ductor entered she drew up her dres.i and usked: "Conductor, have you any rulo iu regard to spitting in the car ?" Tbe genial ticket-puncher smiled c:t her atul replied: "X', mn'ani ; you can ..it around auvwhiTe volt like." HIS l.i:i l I lK I A1I.IM1. An eminent cili.e:i called upon an eminent physician the other day to con sult him about his eve,. "They seemed all right up to three or four days ago," soid the eminent citizen, "lutt then I noticed that the left onu was failing." "Do you wear glasses?" asked tl.e physician. "Oh, yes." " Let me see thciu ?" Tlley were passed over, and after a brief inspection the physician burst intu a hearty laugh. "Tlinlroublo is with the left eye, eh ?" he queried. "Yes, sir." "No wonder. I. hiU a' your glasses " The left-baud glass bait beoll lost out. 1.11 11 IN UltAZll. There nro many curious things to he seen nlmut liio. ?v rangers nlwavs visit the lish market, wIiito all sorts of shiny i-eatures are to l.e found, most of llu ni leculiar to the waters of llrtuil. 'Ihe u bole business is puutlueted by nuot on, and the llsh are sold by tho basket to the highest bidder men who have re tail pliiees throughout the city, t r pi ddle them in the street. All varieties of ItHitl are peddled nliont the town, and Iho venders nil met attention by clap ping pieces of wihmI together, and utter ing peculiar cries. There are thinking liooths along the streets, nt which all .sorts ol U'veragos can bo obtained, fi-.iin goat's milk to brandy ; and the native drink, cnlleil "omul, mini.' ol the jiiieo of Ihe sirar cane, ill the regular distillery fashion, is sold by the ! U.-t full. There inn plenty of street ear lines, ami the population ride. The ars aro always crowded, and everybody tead-i. morning uiier as hegis'sdown in n, and an evening paper oil hi way '1. ton. The newspiituM's are more enter orisiiig and newsy than those of oilier S nth American inimliii'S, having pretly In' i cable reports, and them are plenty of 1 111. lllackn. ailing sheet are lillmer n 1, ns there is 110 law of lilicl in the autry. 111; HutLi) iiaiiiiu 111: A MiiHivr. Fur a year John Henry' health bad been wretched uiul the physicians lina'ly told him ho had only one eluiueo in ten of reouvory. Hn was engaged to lie married to a girl iu a New England town where men are source, and ho stopK'tl to see her. She noticed bis paleness, but thought it was only over work aud lul.1 him how glad she was he wu g.'iug to have n it'. "Ah, my dear," bu sighed. "I fear the rest I shall s.sui g I will Is' forever." "Why, what tin yo:i iue.111, John)1" she nsketl in a sturthsl tone. "1 mean, denr. that my case is dam gcrnn. ami one of inv ubjee a in coming lo see yon was In absolve you from our engagement, for tl it not fail to ask V..U bi marry a man whose dentil is prob. able at any niouiciit." "limit tdk that way, John, oh, don t! ' the sobbed, with her head oil lli shoulder. "Mul, tin: ling il l'st for yon that I should, though Hi' ivini Ltlnwfe that 1 do it with a hn ak ng li-nrl." "Oh, Johul Oh. John I I can't give Ti n up! 1 won I give you up I" uiul she clung lo him iMnvnlsivelr. "Think, deart'st, wl.at you are tloinc?. Don I yon know that even if we should lie married, 1 might have only a few short week to renaiiu 011 earth and our married life would onlv b' it sorrow and a cure to you. Think, dearest, of thatl" "I have thought of it, Joliu. I thought of il w It-11 you first mentioned tho subject, and I d ever so much rathor be a young widow than au old maid.' Vlf UlAIlltd nils A kl'.T-TO AT 'BI I'OI.Nl'. Promptly the principal would throw off uniform conts and cups, unsliiigsus pendera, if they w ire them few cadets ever ditl -and then Iho Hoeonds would see to it that rin,j;s were removed from tho fingers. The referee would caution tbe crowd against tbe faintest cheer or noise, and order them to keep well hank if "rough-and tuiulile '' whs decided on, or to form a ring if it worn "stand-up." The former was most iu favor, as being quicker, sooner over among evenly matched men, and loss liable to inter ruption, so "roiigb-ntidtumble" it generally was, nidi si a pair of seientitle boxers were pitted iu the ring. Kick ing, gouging, biting, or striking below the bolt were never permitted nn in stant. The tight was lust to him whose temper might betray liini into such a thing, and no cadet was bound to give him satisfaction in the future. These things were well understood. In three minutes from their aiTivul in the fort the seconds bud their men in readiness; the referee quietly nodded "go abend," tbe men were brought up face to face, nnd, with 110 other formality, lot fly at each other's headpiece. For two min utes, perhaps, they would make the nil lively with resounding thnds, the blows would be thick and fust, nnd the com batants would dance mound at a lively rate. Then would conn" the clinch, the straining wrestle, and then the hoavy fall to earth, with the seconds bending over and watching every move ; aud the excited crowd muttering not shouting cheer or counsel, the struggle would Inst until the exhaustion of ono partly proved him defeated. Then his seeotnl. not be, could call enough. A blow one instant nfter Hint wan foul ; a word of menace or abuse during Ihe fight was punishable by the referee, and no man dare interfere so long us fair play win ol'served. I never saw more bonset, fair lighting than at iVest Poiut, and id the hundred or more that took place during my four vears of cadet life 1 enu recall onlv two that were not plnekily nnd sturdily fought out to tho bitter end. Then, nnd usually not until then. time and ag.-iu have I heard the offend ing party, whether victor or vanquished, express his regret to the challenger fit Ihe word or deed that had canted th trouble. II K OKI. It. l.l). "Say!" called a a horst? and buggy candidate, "you v tunn who was driving iu the interest of u 11 it in my ward, don't you ?" "Yes," replied the person addressed. "Then get iu ami I'll taku you up t. Ihe polls." "Oil, I guess not." "(Ittcss not! Why, of course yon will." " lint it's two mil" up thorn. "Don't make any dilTereueo. Oct iu here." "I'd rather nut." " Won't you do it to oblige me Won't you go to the pol.s as a special favor to nn old frieti 1 " Why, yes, I .sai i ose ho, but ' "Xu but alsn'.t it. I want you to oblige me." At't'T reaching tho pulling place the driver got out, but tile other remained in the buggy. " Well, aren't you going to rote f" " Why, I vot 'd this morning." "You did? Then what in blazes did yon come up here fur ?" " I didn't want to, but yon auitl ao much ami seeme.l so anxious, that I felt it a Hurt of duty. I'm n an I j to be dr. veu buck now." Hut be didu't go in that buggy, The certainty that life oanuot 13 lonj, ami the probability that it will be much shorter than nature allows, ought to nw.il.eu every man to iho activo proseoii' turn of whatever ho i desirous to per. fuiiii. It is li ne that death may iuteroepl he swiftest career; but he who is out tf iu Ihe midst of tu honest undertak- big has at least Ihe honor of fulling in t rnuk, nnd luva fought Uie battle, eli oe missed victory. ADVKRTISKMKNTS. LIQUORS. C. SMITH. SKK IIIS l.WORS, ski: iiis ciaAKs, SM IIIS (iKOCKHIKS. if; cufflED qooos. KVKUY DKINK I.N SKASON. WC. Smith it Kvan' old lUnd Washington avenue, VYeldoD, N. C. 4m VMr flM Bcci Ah 1 ii'i 1,-1 y 1 vif- W1 BARGAINS. OVERCOATS WINTKIt CLOTHING, AT YOUR OWN Prices. MA. WINTKIt GOODS LOW. I am anxious to reduce my stink. Give me a call. .H. r. 11 All I J. L. FRYAR , o-Pl.OPKIKTOK OF-o BEER AND POP BOTTLING WELDOIST, IT. C. I wish to state to the public that I am now pn-piiml to mtpply lHnlrm. Saloon. Ac-, with .rlHiiiAted water. Ginger Ale, Mirxiniiirilli-t, Lemon, Soda and Strawberry flaron FRESH BOTTLED. Also Cream Soda, all of which is t pleasant and healthful beverage. BEAR IN MIND, That all dealers in Wcldtn and surround ing country town are keeping ihe above for their friend and the public. Also the Itergner A Kegel standard prool Lugcr Beer. Try it and tee for yourselves. Alwtyi hotllcd FRESH TO ORDER. Qive rue a trial and are. Kespectlullr, J. L 1KYAR. W.Mob. N. C. mav YIH ean live nt horn. nd tnitk mnr mnnry i wti-i i.tt ua, ("11 it aiiyinmi turn la Uit worl'l I'upiUl n.H iittMliHi; jfod ir vtarttM fr. IMhirir'. til up- Anr iitirrMiidollie wurk. I Anr Mrnlnfa aura IViira flwl iMjin. Vly outtll tenon free. tWtter nut delay. OimU ynn iHithlllf to B-fn-l II rrmr tildlVM aiiil ftuduut; if you are vtWrou will do to at one. U. HALLKTf A CO., hfftUnd. Mhi. W My. Al) ij f ft Mend alt Mitta fc avauM 1 1j Vu Knd rvreiva tW, a tmi ul fori n hK h w It) help yutl 10 Btorc Ma j riiblay Uiaii anyililnt flaw tn tthU worid. Al of.itbaraei atmoeni thxai Brtt fcixir. Tn bt ad road la (urtaM upaaa. Utun ta," -tm, ak Uawtfava, mt M'al layV4-