HALL &s SLEIDG-E, ritoi'iui; ruits. TEBMS-i(,(l I'KK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. -A. 3ST E "W" SP APEB FOE THE 3? IE O I? L E. VOL. XVIII. NO WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1887. ft - PATENT VCAGAMBRILLMfcCo. NKW AIH'KHTISKMKNTS THE Premier Flour of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA33LTSHED--1774. The vain.' ..f I'Lolll depends up..n l KS-.KYfl l. K I. KM KYI'S HI-' T TUITION CONTAINKI' IN Til K l:l!Kl II' MAKES. Maryland ami Vir-im., Wheat, from which our PATENT HOl.LKll FLOI'HS nr.. childly manufactured, has lo-ig Ik'.mi eoneedetl to b- Sl'PEIilOlt In aiiv n:li-r. because it has a liKTTKIl COM 1IINATION OK (11. 1 TEN AM' Pllosl'll ATKS. This f..,t is rceo-nied only in (his conntrv, but in the I'uitc I Kiiijilmii a- well, whim il I'AT I'Sl '( I SITEULATIVK" COMMANDS liKCIDKI'KV MOI'.K MONKV ih,,n any ,,t).,r American Fluur. Ask your grocer l.r il. Abu t". .r I'utapsco Superlative, Cap.: Henry Family, Bedford Fainilv, Paliipsco Family, North Point Family, Oraimc limvc Kxlra. l'at ipsco I'Atra, Chesapeake Kxlra. Baldwin Family. ('. A. OAMIHlILIi MANI TACTl'lUNd COMPANY ",2 Commerce Si . Ilaliiu.oro, MJ. niiS 12 ly. llAILliOAD SCHEDULES. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, JCTKItHIiMi KlII.KllAH I'tiliiletistil sicliciluie. CHAINS l.tii.V., Mil' 1 II. lMtc.l N.'V.lllli Iss... Leave I'.-u rslmra i II I.C'llVC Mull. ) I k l 1 ' l-'ave J..ircils ! lj Leave Item, I 1 i i Arrive VV t l.l.til I I Hail) . il a.m. Uj.iii 1. -.ivc .l-uralls Lctm M..ii,-y I Airi,'..lvi,-ra.i TKAIN'MilllSil N I N.i. II I ""' i.m I ; tni. hi CUl I in s..i " limlj ;i..;.;..in. i. m 'I-I'."' lt I'll . N.. i:, iittiiy. lull). M I 11 1 1 1 ,( All t Ml n.i Mill .ii l- tt.u.liinj;l 'ii. J, U. K KN LY, jntl.S V 1I l.K. f;i(. i Tuiii.- ii.m i aiiji"' T. M KMhi.M),i..'ii I i'.uviiKT Av m MIM.1MN a A i l l' ' - u. A M 111. i.Ni ii (. I'uinlii't il iheilulf. Tli.l.S i.tMM, S-.l I'll. V" I..u .1 i. Uavc Arm,: tt'.l- l.oiivi' ,l Armv ivltn Al l-'.ir l.i iM- i..ltUi-r.. i J.t'.iV (j MillK'lllI 1 .iv. Hur.av Ar Wihniiu'L ill i II . u( in l"pt .ill.- I Ii A I 1.! t ,";;in, . w. i'. I' Iw.l ' . 1)1 I'. M. lUdtiiiiiii . m AIKi -riii.uk' ii nli)', 'i l' M . -in. l.v. rt'lliiiii'ctiiii I ll.Uij'tn j fi -o a.m. I Uw H.iu iw i : ;i " ! M::i..lu i t pin. , i": " 1 l Aiii'Uoi'l-(nr. i I 'i i. " i i l.v. Fv.-t!.-v,iU- j - ! Aimv .--ici,i i i i.' i. ' I Arnv W ;..,i I I I l.mvc tu hi : Ar K.m U Mm. i'il ! ' Amw i..rt. .r.. 1 ) 4 1aM. l.iri- r. I ( t! -i am Arrivi- Wvi.Lm lm " 'I'm in on s, ..il.fi.l n.-. .. . Iir H- ill'iinl N' . ii mi l.-d ! ill.ui't N Hi n Tmiii Ivuvtf T;irl. n. S" K tii.Ii i: K IHHy pi H) 'AIM I' 51 .iiiTivi' nun iiii.-i"ii, . i. M.ll.40 1'. M Uilnriliii'4 l-'-Hvi illi.-iniM..'! , i ., Dally I'X'fpiS'iihly.Mti . M Sun.l '.' 11 V. -M . Arni- l.ini. ni. N C l A M . II. A M Iraiu.-n Mi.li.iit.l N.r. l,mu. a i. a -.i.l r--. N. (".. Ihul) f.l Miu.Uv. v I'. M -iftiw S.nilMifM, N 1" , T m IV M. U.-tiiin'ii l.'.i'. Smltlillvl.l, N. C, ;.A. M, HiiiU't.ul.l.-U-r.., N.I', li.iW A. M. ti .iiMitii.iiu.l Haiti i'ii WiN .li and 1'tivi f.vilu '1 r;.in No. to K..mh will M"p "lily t i.'i: l..:Hir-. ami M-V "l"i t . , , 1 rtt.it No. Ii iin.hi - i ! i'i ill tict 1 i"li ut W i I'l l, for all i .jnU NoMti ilrfilv. Ail mil w lti hiiifiid mt! .l.ily cM'.-i.tMi.hiy vim l-nf. Ir.tnis mukr ' rinunfh"iis 'jr ""it N.irili via Kii'luiioiitt aiiJ u.tsliiut;! ii. All Train run fclil IkIhckii W:lni.'it' n nt.-l W ttl.tiul 'li. liatf rulluiuli VulniK- .:vtjnr "kI'kKNLV. , JOHN K I'lVIM'-. sni'i rrmw. l" "l'ral 1 T. M. KMKIlSiiN, lil-ll 1 I'tnt iii;. r A.;, lit. UAI.I1K.II ANIM.A.-H'N UAII.I.WAK, an-KKivrnsui-M mill ... y r. 7 r. m i u. A. M. 1 U. A M. ft' A. M. 5 V. A. M S i'. C. M Mail Train. lve lUk'Uli Arrive ui ttii.luu l.oat Wfl.l-'ii Arm w tU luk ifcli KasT Tiimu t.H KkhIuHT. iFir ruiismoiiili.) KnU-iKli ATnr ut Hi'lJoii - l4tlWfl.iHI ... AinaU;4i il i laX.a FUKIUHT. Ux RmI.IkIi - Arnvi t tti litoli .it vi t Kalian - Mitil twins make i'uuu-Ufi l'i 11 VI III! -I H1..I KnUll-kv I!-') lP-1'1 H'ul )... I.i in- M,-nu r in lul' ii.i irc, to anil lr.in i..i i.i,.u N,itli. W.-M. ami S-TliivM hi. I visit lvi i C.a;;;w.i vm IVW tvln-rc Hi- lim-it'l "'i-l W .-l.in ;l-i. Ovv. l.mu.l lii'tn all purl X..i: i anl S.-ittixw -i l lU'vitfti with tin' N..nh i tir..li!i:i iia r-.-ul fp.in all MiiiibSniit!i aii'l "ttUil. ' :' Iwk-'K'i "' Aiii:nU Air I.MifU'ho.iUMlU, ll.an-k-MUa-luUcl su" JNO. C. WINHKIt, (it'll 1.1 Moi'mi. irT TK. .... UH..S, I S AN1 K. K. II., I'lirwiiumtli, Vn., Julj 1 ', l'"v ) TraliwouthU R..l will iovf I'-iLMiiuutb tltily M.ilTruin '',! u.ti,'uii ihiTOmii rrriitiit ; Wav fn-liilil 'In tti-ckly ni'A. Ji Tmlm Arrive ut HVM.ai daily. M Kuil i,.ii(,. .. , ,.. . . 1 1.' r .Man i nti ii , , , . .I Kl,nn llinmrli Fri-Klil ' ft jj Tr.iiuUI.I lt.l ill l.'iivr WVI.Mi il.HI), ol c,'l t.ii.lajs, ui- l.ill.ii : K"!.'lll"nin.inili Fr. IJil !'. rl,l ai f r I' 'il; ,., .,,.1, .I.Hi) ui,-. ,. I M I) "I"'" b '' A W) Hi.tlil ' '' T,lrt. Arrtvpat I .iiuui.-iilli, 'lli I '-i' I I u';' Ha f.-ll-nvn: Mainr.lli '. VI! v Hat, ii iiin'i'toH i 1 . I' 1, MH I mill Ut all "!'. "I- '' ', !;,",r runlilln M-U'laj" 'l"'-i'l l Mi'lll"!!, I'lriii.nilll Sl.'l llnllllip u.' walrramll li'ionn rin ,,,,.,,, Al.ply m II. Iiaui, ..m -'. '',",'.,:. I. i It III i f I tHli.' fc. MiiaTillli F ... - -- ,1 IllUMAIil.HiRAI.l'll'lHll. 1I.C.0. aiMitt.-rJiiiif I1. 1'. Inl"" '" '" " ail li) the ri lluliin i,," TIMKTAUI.B: AM m, llMTra) ;i'. P.M. i m Tiirlfm. (Arrive 6 IS llarii'llh, 6 ' Warri'li'R. li ..I) 1.IUS' i.'ri-1'k, 6 r.O ll.'llirl, la ItoliiTs nivlllo, 7 IMr.ll'. 8 ut W illianiif.u, ll.r. s itt r.nviUe, 111'.. UmiOon, (Ar.) 7 ia m train fri'ni WiIIKiukMi will r TriaiBi ma m..alli.li:ii j.i'iii!.'r u a mill llio uvraliit train mi Urn . . K. R. ii,,, m iralnfn.n T.r.v.r. o, ' i h 1 ,,. ,! Willla.,i.l..n ..r N rf.ak via V H. k'l lul.'riar'lUle !" "''. al Jamrsullc lie I. iV.IUilr.iaJr.ir Wa.luiiil.ni ami all ' Tabu'-mr bertaiiRMl M any llmm a -andcirouiaaunr'eaniayre.iilliv. C. FAIR. ,1 It A V, Ii'lIN tlllK KNI.KAK WIIITTIKK. T.iik I j ' t oI'mlI N.iVriiiliiT. ulifn inlay HI Win-in. ulrnl isiiiisliinc fills lltf Mky nf ii.. on, Aii'l n n i ii- , tinri .cd lr..(ii H.uif inorii til Juno, Sup-tti' lir-.w it ki-.iv ai.'l tliclt-atlo .pray. on the uul'r.i..t.'d ). 1 tltt- I'llliurd piri.-i " il'"lr Inn sliiiftx n'!i.il..w; il it- smuM rill, .I'-U.i; l 'l 'MMIIll r .III.' td'slllll IIItTSlill, A ui ilv.T. ..m:i lla- hill M-.p-- sUmvs. id,. .rd i.n-is anil tin- hum ufUw, hi Ho- Ih m (ji-iiss t!u- ci irk.'N pipe lln mmv; l'ti "Mil l!n ivl h...trd- hlM w inter un lr .(., lu.i.!.h, ll. riuin lln- U,tK Tm f tc Irt-f. .-.rti lln d ii ki. .-ii h. ml .i ks h hi-pi-r; liittli W. .vi'tli.-ipir I y.d!..wliv; Inn !if-lciw, Wlii-n - llic v, Ipr;'kcr. and L..iuc Inv !n cr.iw, And ; .y. nod h'UhnU h w inli i tliual dt ly. ui. irnn i-.ii tuMiily, . v, r ti. w and i.id 1 I'll -U!i!-,iind - ii;nls .it Milnif. d-ii;iiy d.-nr, v hm lln- I.m MiiiMiinif .ii nt tin' t-loMiitr yenr Ol'-nuw Mown llcliUiind wiivrH n Art tii Id! Cli.sf (.i inj- Ii, art 1 f 1, iui h lovely tiling I In- s.., ft day j ii-I.K and. m.t .l.-c.n,s.i.iU', iin i!n- culm pati.-iicc ..I'lhi: wm.ili I wall K-.v Ic.il'.iml Mi ii,. un w hen hi vex ns spriint. CIIOELTJS C3II?,Ij. A l'AI'IIKTII' 1.ITTI.K STilRV 111' IIUIIK Ml N I.IKK IN NKW VHI1K I.'II'V. Villi us. "Nul ii liit, lie may live till morning, Imt 1 ilinilil ill'' Having .wul fur Aunie ami my tvile. I t;ut liim iulo a eania'.'e ami tii (he nearest lui-it:il. Hy six u'elm li they eame into a tvaiil, Annie was ipiiie while ami very mill. She bent uvrr him ti'inlerly, kiting him, anJ callim; liim her ;' r ilear Many I" nnJ "iliil lie fuller mueh?'' all anxiety fur him , nut mie lln.ulil I'm' lilt: (en ihle empty Culiire he 1'i.re her. Alimit filit u'eluek, lio nigueJ fur iih to lift him up. Annie d'nl Ru, with my help, ami tml his li 1 in her arms Sunn he sai.l feel.ly. "We iliiln't nk miii h uf life JiJ we, Annie, ilea r I .Inst a liitle nii-lie! Only a hare living!" ami after a little "Jo yen rememlier tin I'liuius we hail planneil fur, Annie?'' speak ing as if it were lnne ago, for he was last losing hi grasp upon the worlil. pour lei low. -The little wiinluw will never liolj your fai-e to weleoiiiL' me home!" Ami then, "The Mother Song," Annie; (ho one I luvetl he-t ami lirave little Annie chuk ing liaek her tears, liravely sung : HiH'kmirit. turn tmi'liivitnl. nh time ill J'.iuf llinlit. Muki. in l' a i lnlil iiiiiiii, jul lur lu-lliulil : M.'lli.T, 1'uiiie Imrk I'riuii tin- m-lnili ss sin, re, ink., uii- iiuiiin I.i v.aii li.'iirl as .il t nre: ' Kis- Iran ai- t.ireln'ail llit-luir i.f.'..r.', Sue. .ii In-1 In- f,vt il vrr Ilin n.i. ..in ..I ii i j hair; i m i t my wliur. In r- unr lm IliR walrii ki-i p, I Kni-k inc tuU'i'l'. lu.illn;!, I'lirli me luslfi'ii. Sim stuppeJ, fur his ears were ileafeueJ must aseJ tu She was only a p mr eliorin girl, ami she livej unite alone, without friends, in heraiiie r. i wiii,.s I!, .hurt D.nr. in it,.. I'V the r ing uf the river (hat we n f .1... i . i. ..... i. .. l.'h:e:igu Ittl'i-O.oiii. lie, Harry La ment, I haj known wh.ii mure pruspiuous Imt How he was a liuhe iiian, a pnnr "pen puln r," whose wm-k. In.! hard wurk, bare ly inana-'i'il tu keep the heart healing be neath his threadbare frock rout, for, like all pour g. nllem n, the frnek cnat is the last thing tu go the way of "all portable that geiillt- h.art hid ! beat with his dead, thiunken lips, pre.-s-j ed in a last kiss to her hand, he had sunk lulu sleep. TALE OF TWO BOYS. A Itll.MANl'l; INKKAI. LIKE (IN VIHW IN rituVItiHNCK. prup.-rty," as eniuiiek puts it, and il; BILL NYE'S RAILWAY PASS .1NBS UN KKTI itNINil THE HI.ASTKI) ImC L'MKNT Til THE OHNIAI. (IIVKK. Heavy Woo GOODS at COST WINTER BOOTS AT COST. :mi. c- pair, Wshtn'j'.'.ii Aii'.iiK1, Wcldon. N. i. LadiesFine Shos WK1IAVK MAPK M. V. II ART, wr.i.pox, x. c, N. I. JOSEY k CO., SCOTI AM' Ni'.t'K, X. C, Our ii'.-ents fur the sale uf our Ladies' Fine Sbees, for tin ir risp vlive . sections. We mat on th,) X. Y. Opera, Aenie, Wnuki'iijihast anil Creole lasts, the latter is just out mid is very liiee. We use the McKay Mathiue and sew (villi best Har beur' thread. F.very pair wamnteil. Tliey are nice, neat and stylish. Give tlietu n look when you waul a shoe and yon will be jiliascj. E. P. FiKKl) ii CO. gept 16 ly Rooh(jtw,N.Y ri il'ul double breast, fastened with three old butti'iis and a pin, uflell eoiieeals a laek of wai-t 'euat b m till, 1 b r niornings j wen; spent at lie' th. -aire where she! was i llij'loyed. and h. , evenings wi re, uf ! e air-". o. i upi d. His hours o!' t inpii y-! uieiit were I In.s,- of any woiker on a great ; JuiK.ti ab.illt the nil!;,' ehail"0 they bad j uf s i iiigea -b nth. rwas at lite table d'hote ; into wliieh th y bulb walk, d al nearly the Mime liMir eviiy day. It was al this table .1 hul.' thai my alti iiti'.n was tirst tal!,.l i t i ihriii. and, milling Kan. out iie ni.;l;t afti'i' Wui!;, ovit a plat f ill of steaming frankfurters and a hut .pieeil drink, he tuld m.' the slnry of lb ir iniitaa! att.iehmcnt "1 ha i bun lu Mexieo, ' he said, "fur our o'd piper, and in hopes that the trip mi Jit impiove my health, (hi iny retiiiu I was laid up ail I lay Vt ry si.-k in the very huiis; in whi.-h yuu are now rooii'ing, ; where I ill--ii bad a room, fur over two j uiun'.h-. Of eotiise I euuld do nu w, rk fur my in iiii-y g ive out, and 1 had every ; eh tuee of dying alone and unattended,; w hen she c.un to ill ' and was my good all- ' g I; in short 'nuil.-.l me' mini u lit;?: again," From what h toll m on my! ride uptown I gathered that sleMvas above j (he average ehoriis girl in manners mi l ore ilmg, her tni In r aiel mother havnii bei n lepei'lable people. liilllollt and she hoped to marry some day. and he explain ed "th it as people had begun to t ilk ol their relaiiuus ill lb" buns , I left it and look rooms ebeitlu re, semi t lb hi h ive an;, si .in put on Annie." and added pruiiJly. "inv pu r old 'g itertioi' w;e a high lulled gentleman, and 1 kirn' he wouldn't want me to do the wrung tiling if he were alive to night." I tul I my wife story on arriving home, milling "that the ist ilaees one would look for virtue in I his ivieked world are tin (h"aler and the rinli.ig room, an I yet h i ' . a . a, lips, llil;g all tile aeciuted thi'tuiis,'' l.l,t was ealle.l a brute f u -on pains, and tu bear it -ail lhat "Mr. Iiiiie'iil was a gen ileiiiin. and tb .t sb i, ir ni l '. ka ,w S leli II man," wili- ll shut hie up for the resl of ll.e llibt. We luiW met often. in 1 the fair of us .'.n. rally din d i. g.iln r. -i t.i I as liiiii'ilit bad b."'ti promot-d in ;,n edi'oiiil 1 ill Hi mi I.i- I'.iper, their j ros p ets In l,t .1 1-iii t' r and iheir eh . in - uf !l II pill -. .s til. d .ii IV. Illg II ar. but I,;. innet'-. 'i al h .at w n 1 itisliud of b'tter. in -pit.- el' tb ' it' , ' r a, r vteatie r. all 1 it was too i m. lei, t to lb" imp ni'il i listrver th;'; eoliMt.npti .mi li t I bio, ill its gup. ;oi itb. ii 'lr' etui w is n -t fur ell'. He had ahtavs ii, e thai w.ty -piitali :i. siek- ;.a : puteily b 1 1 ib'lie tbir Welk !i'e r eon-' tin;. live, he did n it r-a'ij hi illlioa. and t liked of the lu- iilre it a ta, to m ike your h.all iek. ' i tl.' At; i si'.v il, b it seeaied to j.i t the ;iioti..bt b bind her. ;. a ;!'.'. -sti -n ol iiie etil on ; tl.oila Iny wife lu d ill" ill tl he ba 1 a-k. d b r itb .a' i:. b-i. lb il sb . ,-.:,! 1 gilt'!,,!' bill' I'l'ill'et S'u li 1 1 b"li a' work ii ui'- a'i ih Mini n r ii.r ill tu .it. --li -u i : a- v. e li it - s'elin . . ,,,;', t.t- li-r-l -p l H ,V I ' '"'!"'" '' an.li- n. -es, " a! I .iilriliiiti I ber Co. g hI lo s tirue to men tai Teliy u"l Km. oat than o.r v.lk Til tlt le.iine at ia-t. The (il t blight ,1-iV we had had lint fall, for fall tv is how upon us. I was abiut to g i uptown to din uer, whi n a pajtitig. p 'gr.iued toy miiii iiiniieil me tu l.atuunl'ji eilie--. I fouinl bun sliL'tehed oat on tb rei 'iter's la'ele. A Jottor ba-tily sum. not! d, was m iking an t'xamin ili in lie knew me mil a-ketl; "A frii-nd of y nirs, Il.ine?" I l.letl. "Well," then lm stooped over hiai and looked intently into the drawn fate. "A pity, too, n line, h inJsonie, young lellow, but if li.' leu mi)' hour or d 'ar ones you'd b tl.rlake Lioi to th in." "No hope, do:toi'f" Ihiuglttlie iiuesliun attmed mo Ivry with (bat tleiitl, white faoo lefu Kriini Hie l'r ivi.li'iice K, L,Ti-lnriou. Twenty-Uve years ago, a family living in (b'orgia inelii h d two stun';! buys, Krank and Sam. respectfully. Tlu-y were very unlike in dispnsiii ui, allbougb similar in features. Frank was the g md boy of the twain and Sain was the tough, lie was such a hind nut that the local clergy pie dieted death upon the gallows tree for him some day or other. The boys grew apace and Frank rose to be I he slar scholar in the Sabbath school, the prid" of the 1'res bvtery. and the envy of angels. Sam went on bn aking tie-sabb'ith lo oflsct Frank's keeping il. an. I after a dark care r of un christian conduct be was t 'h in to fetch ) as :i reporter on the .I'uao ( '. tstlhtt'i. In the mean time Frank h id l f it! the ill ble through live times, bail roiniuitteil tltaptii'sto nu niory aiid plunging headlong into l'n'sbvteriaiiisni, becaii e tlrtwn into I a vortex from whith beiiii.i'ged a deacon I and eiislodi in ufenileeiioiis. ! The lives of the young ncn now undir wciit a uii at chaiiL-e, titid by a freak of fate tb. y ( hanged places, spirit itaily. Sam i was sent tu report a crank evangclitt, Sam Jones, who was making Atlanta Imwl ! about that lime. The assignment saved hissuul. He plodded on ttinaiith the ! preaebers' discourse until lr- found hiuisi lt j interested ill it. lie became converted In fore the ben.'ilieti.,n was ri-acln d. gical- ly to the disgust of llic city cditar, who expected a racy report of ihe revival in ! stead of the tlnlel'ul .lose tli-h, ,1 up by the ' ytvui': man on his return. Sun took to lo.l-iinii's tor a tew weeks, ami tliere iiia liind tb-.p laid plots a.::tin-l the p ace ul Satan, whine mi conduct app, ared in a fa! w..rse light to him mc.r ih in wli-n he nse.i tu bum for bet r and inotk at the ii rv, tit Frank's piety. In the iiieantim 1 IVacim Frank satiated with s illation, through predestination. 1. oked into a Mc(hodi-( ihur.li and laid the fntttiJatinli lor heretical oj it.i eis which j wrecked him rcligieii.-ly and c;et him it- shore on if", .i ns SSi'tiu'i. l 'r nu an ii religion- public, ili. in, Vt ii 'st. c li;, as are t-X- Hi iisciN. Wis. March 311. 1S.7. II'. F. HAiVe, A'sy., Iitiitrnl I AyiHt Al,hit,n, Ti'jirhn mid S'tntti F' H. A'., T"ilot.t Kan. OilAll Sim I inclose herewith annua) pa.-s No. Q lllij for h df ami family over your justly celebrated road during the year 1KST. I also return your photograph and the letters you have written me during the past lit e years, Will you kindly return mine? And this brief iiud bcautifa! experience is to end and each of us mus( go his own way heieafter. Alas! To you this may be easy, but it brings a pang tu my heart which your gentle let ter of the 1st. inst. eanmit wholly alleviate. Whenever hereafter you look upon this tear-speckled pass will you not (biiik of me? Remember lhat you have east me from )oU and tb.it I am wandering across the bleak and wind-swept plains Badly enume rating the tics on my way to eternity. 1 do not say this to reproach you. for I fear that you eaie for another, and so we c nib hot luhappy togciher. I!ul, oh! do yuu pause to fully comprehend the pang it costs me to return this plcasaul-faced litt'e piss with iis conditions on its back? C-inld yuu see me even now, as I write, llie-e lines, turning away ever ami anon, laying aside my trembling p"ti to go and sit by the gnite and shudder and we 'p and pat out the lire with my bitter tears, your heal t would soften and you would say; ' lie turn, ( ) waudi rer, return!" You do not say in your letter 1 have been false to you or that I have evil- crown coll. You do u it charge hie with inti ib liiy or failure lo provide. You simply say that it would be b-tter for each to go his s "Ver.-il ways, forgelling that iny several ways are pas-ing away, passing away. It is all well enough fur you to talk about gtiino your several ways. Y'ou have every j facility for doing so, but with in ; it is dill'-1 erttil. Several years ago a laige North, western cyclone and inyst.ll' tiicd to pass each other on the same track. lieu the wr ckioti crew found me I was in the crotch of a butternut tree, with a broken leg. Since lhat time I have walked with L'rcat dilliciilly. and to go my several ways has been a very serijus matter with me. Hut 1 do not want you to think that I am murmuring. 1 accept my iluoin calm ly , yet wiih a slight tinge of unavailing, re oict. Some lime perhaps, in the middle of llic dark and angry night, when the cold blasts wail through the telegraph wins and the crashing sleet ill-lies with wild ami impetuous fury agaiu-l the windows of your special ear. a- you lb warmly eti-a.-oiieed ill your volnpluou- beith and hear the pilil, s winds with hoarse am! cmupy young features of your pass before fin illy sealing this letter. How sad (o see (he an nual pass cut down in life's young morninii. ere one tourlli of ils race has been run' How toiiehlul to pari from it forever! What a sad year this has been so far! Earthipiakes, fires, storms, railway di-asl-tcrs and death in every form have visited oar country, and now, like the Idling blasts from Siberia, or the nipping; frosts from Manitoba, conies (ho Congressional cut -worm, cutting oil' the early crop of flowering animals just us (hey hud budded to bloom into beauty ami usefulness! I will nnw close ibis sad letter tu gu over intn (he vacant lot, behind (be high board fence, where I can tb in an unfet tered way without slinking the glass out of uiy casement. Yours, with a crock ful of unshed tears on hand, Hi i.l. Xvk. CEN. LEE'S TEMPTATION. SIMON t'VMKIt'iN SAYS TIIATTIIE C'HIHK I'llMUANK III' Till'. I'UllHltAI. Alt MY WAS ut'tT.IUlll TU HIM. Ill the course uf an interview correspondent of the New Yolk itoni isi:xi:.s to re; M is - wh -never the bike I, id ; .ml. run -li ut. i !n ! scent to Hair - siiifulin -s w.i-ca-y, mill Frank A. Small f-nn.clt.tl hnii-,-11' 'a iib 1'ie diam i The two bi'otli "rs will be in rroviiienec ibis w "t k. the whilom bad boy's mi-si. ui l. -iiig to call siniti rs to r-'p.-etaiiee, and tin whilom g..o;l boy's to call Christian to (' .i.bl.iii. Th y are a Frank A. and Sam Soiall, lb liist wi'h Hose Couhiau s Masks and Faces Company which j:, ii' rms Moieaay, I'm sday and Tl.urs.laj' al the l'r..tid.tiee I lp la II. .us , lie' laid r K.ali.Tli-t Sam Small, wh L lb I, is story iii'"Kieiu 'lar to l'ulpii" in the Mu-ie Hall TiusJaj legl.t. THE .CHAMPION OUTLAW. Atlanta r- li-tltiltl !!. W e'll .n W i.e kct j s a no; T iillg h'el'o on 1,1111 'tl Stlet'l tailed al l'oio'e Hea l lt It. IS r-.- ,y to c. no. lain lhat ii e ul1eiei.il 1 bear It r bid -ki; p. tl le r ll ".is', leaving a ! In'! cup, i.i. "HeoWeSllle A.lit ? I". Ull I Wlltlt Will ' e.tll'.'bl." she ,t ble I. " hat kind of a p r.-oll was be '.'" askt tl the s, recant. 'We.l.llieday bel'oie In went away, be olt r-ii lo marry uieto st'ttle llu1 bill. oil em j.id.'e what cl'.eck he has." I "And you re! used?" I "Yes -no -no, 1 didn't," she eselaim i ..1 .... .!.., I. :. !,...! I....I- l.. h,.r ears -I was all s'ltlcd lint we sli niid be htar ried. and lint's oh" r. ison why 1 11 piii'sne him to the ends of the earih. A man who'll jump a board bill ud a niaiiiage e:ig,iaii'm"iit, too, is an outlaw who should he luc'icd up." In oidc- to make room foi Spiiuggo.nl-, ws will ;l nil RixiJs in (.tuck at greatly reduced piicea. 1'. N. Stainback & Co. moans chase each other around in ihe Kan sas haystacks or shriek wildly away as tbev liuhi out for lie ir cbet riiss home in ill-' Had Lands, nil! yen n .i think of me as I grope on blindly through keen and piiiless blasts, stuuibbiiu' ovct cittile cuanls, t'alliiiL' into cuiv, ns mid tiealini: oil' my rare young l-rtins against your ron"b richl of way, will y '.ii not think of me? 1 do tint, ask much of you, but I do a-k this as we separate for. vt-r. A? you whiz by me do not treat me with coiiliim. ly, or throw crackers at me when I have meekly turned oucht to let V'onr baiejlity eb.l train go by. I have al wavs spoken of vou in ihe hii:lust (.mis. and 1 biipe you wili do the same by me. Lib is short at lie In st, an 1 it is tspee iallv su I'ur (hose who have lu walk. Walk in.: has air, , nly shortened my life a L-reat deal, ami I wo;',' in I b- surmized! it ihe oxpo.-iire and bunions of the year lss; can ied ui- utl, baring a gap in American literature that will look like a new cellar. Should any of ymr engineers or track men find me froZ 'ii in a cut nest winlt r. win u the gras., gels short and ihe nights I. .nu'. will you kindly ask them to report the brand tu your an liim and instruct liim to allow toy family what he thinks vv.iii'd In- re:'.!.' 1 hale to write to you ill tiiis tl 'i-'eled IllallU T, llllt yell C.lltllot understand haw heavy my h.-arl is to Jay as I pell tln.se lines. I wish you and y eir benv.tiful roul un mitigated success. Il is a good roaj, for I have passed over il anil enjoy, d it, HnW iitVen ut the c. unlry will l. ok lo mo as I n, i bounding from tt- to lie, slowly repott ing ( i myself (be trite remark once tn ade bv the llovern r t Nertti (.aioiiiia i.. the Kxe. ulive of S Hill C.llt lilia! 1 b. pe yen may never know what il is lo pull into the tpiaiut li'.lle city of La .Inula with the dust nf ninny a mile upon you and the ibirsl of of a long, uticveniliil journey in your throat. I hope lhat Con gress will not pass a law ue.tt year which will make it a felony for a railroad man to say "go,-h" with. nit a permit. 1 hope (bat y.nir life will be clunk full of hurrah and hallelujah, even il'iuiii" slioiild always be bleak and joybss. Can I do your toad any good, either at home or abroad? Can 1 bo of service to you over jour right of way, by collecting nuts, bolt's, old iron or other bric-a-brac? I would be gl el lo iiiflu. nee immigration or pull weeds between tracks if you would he willing lo regard me as an employee. I will dow take laat look at the, fair with a (he occasion ofhis S-lib birthday, lien. Siunm Cameron related the following a uumg other war incidents ; "Of all my experiences with public men ami events, none were so interesting as those which brought the country to the settlement of the slavery ipiestien on (In field of battle. There was a great deal af hy-play in the beginning that has not been heard of yet. It is true that (leiicr al Hubert E. Lee was tendered the cum in mil of the l iiiun army It w..s the wish of Mr. Lincoln's administration that us tnaliv lis possible of the Soiilbein ofli ct i's thou in the regular army should re in iin true to th,' milieu which bad cd ti'Mtcd tb 'in. Hubert K Lee and Joseph E. Johnston were then the leading South ern soldiers. Johnston was Quarti'i'mai- tT-lieneral and L ;.i a colon d uf cavalry. "In the moves and counter moves in the game of war and peace then going on. Francis 1'. lll.iir, Sr., was a prominent lig ine. The tender of the command of our forces was made to fien. Lie through him Mr. lllair came to me expressing the opin ion thai (Icncral Lee could be held tu our cause bv the i.tTer of the chief command of our forces. I authorized Mr. illair lo make tbeoll'er. I then dismissed the mat ter from my mind as nearly as 1 could such an important subject, fori supposed, from what Mr. Hlair had said, lhat General Lee would ctrlainly accept. 1 labored tin J. r this imprcssiun up to the lime that his res ignation was received. Whether (ielK-ral Leetver seriously considered t lie matter I do imt personally know. From what Senator lllaii said to me I never bad any doubt at I he time but that be did. My surprise was very great when the resigna tion was tec-ived and (Icncral Lee went South. KAT HlilOUi: VOl DlilNK. llnllalo K.trreis. "A large proporliuu of intemperance in the use of stimulants." philosophiz. d u physician in a tree lectiir" In (lie lintt.i o '.'.tyr. ss, ' may be laid to the breakfasts eaten bv uiest people, l'r.'ak'tist is the tu ist important meal of llu- diy, anil stitlicitnt importance is not attached to it in the majority of households. Aft.r the long fast enforced between supper or late dinner ntul 7 er S o't'o k in tin lunruing, a person iu goml health should feel bun. grv. and it is at this hour of the day that the bciiriiest meal may be t-alt n with llic least probability of baj results. The man who starts out in the morning; aftet havii g iiatin a h 'arly I renkfast will seldom, un- I la-, suntriug inuu ciironte luu-igosunn, ex- pciieiice any- of iiiu discomforts whiih might folio a similar tucal at any other time of day. The chances are he will also eiij.iy a h ippy frame t f liiiud ail day; whatevei be his custom, be will find biic sell' with an excellent appetite. Eating creates appetite. The very opposite re sults will follow the other course iu this matter, and the man who has not had a g aid breakfast will not t ujny a gool dii n- f. I have IreiUed a gnod many cases of habitual drunkenness, and in a grea( many of litem I have fouinl (hat (he etil prac tice of lippiing was begun to satisfy a gnawing, faint sensation in the stomach in the morning, wlii-di was nothing more or less than ilisjuis; d hunger. s HiirVlcii-t. ralfit -suite. Tli.' r.esl Salve in ihe world for Cuts, Ilriiises. Sores. I leers, Salt llbcuiu, F. ver S. res, Tetter. Chapped Ham's, Chilblain Corns, and all Skin Kiuptions, and tosi tivtly cures Files, or no pay rotpiirod. It is guaranteed to give perteet satisfaction, or money refunded. Friee L'5 cents per box. For sale by Hmwu A Carraway, H-lilar, X. C. - lndi"ieiisalilc In the Tullcl. Ibirby's l'i'.ipl.ylactic Fluid cures chaf ing, cruplious mid iuflaiuatious of all kinds; cures inflamed or sore eyes; relieves pains from bite or slings of insects aud aorc feet; destroys all taint of persperatiou or offensive smell from the feet or any part of the body; cleanses and whitens the skin Used as a dentifrice it purifies the breath, preserved the taetli and cures toothache; dure gu and canker. A little of the Fluid in the Water used in bathing is very refreshing and especially beneficial to the Hick. eu Zi l-mo Josiiih All. n's children have b"cti brought up to think that sin of any kind is just as bad iu u man as iu a woman; and any place of umusciiieiil that was bud for u wumau to go to was bad for a man. Now, wln-n Thomas Jefferson was a Ut ile fell, r. he was hcwitt-licl to go circuses, and Josiah sai 1. "Belter let him go, S.iiiianlha; il haint no place for wimuuii or girls, but it Won't hurl a boy." Says I. "Josiah All. n, the L .rd m ole Th Unas Jcllersoii wiih jest ,s pure a heart as 'fir.. ill Ann ami no bigger eye. ami ears, ami and if Thomas Jetfers n goes to ihe circus, Tirzih Ann goes loo." That stopped lb ll. And tll-li be was bewitched to get wiih o'll'T buy" that smoked and chewed tobacco, and Josiah wasofjusl that easy turn that he would hava let l.ilil go with tlleiil. Hut sa)S 1 - - "J..s';;ih Allen, if Thomas Jelfcrsoii goes with those hoys an I gets to chowin and suiokin' tobae o, I shall buy Tirzuh Ann a pipe." Aud lhat stopped that. "And about driukin'," says I. "Thomas Jefferson, if it should he. the w ill of Provi dence to change you into a wild hear, 1 will chain you up. and do the best I can by you. Hut if you ever do il your.-ell, turn yourself into a wild beast by diiiikin f will run away; for 1 never could stand it, neur! "Ami." I continued, "if I ever see you haneiu' loiuil Lir rooms and ta. ern door.-, Titv. ih Ann sbali bang to i." Josiah argued with IU '. S ij s he; "It doesn't look sj bad for a boy as. it does fur a girl." Says I, "Customs make the differciue; we are most use to seeing men, Hut." says I, "wheh liijuor goes to work to make a fool and a brute of anybody , it .I-n't stop to ask about sex, it makes a wiid beast and idiot of a man or a woman, and tti look down from litaviu. I guess a man looks as bad layin' dead drunk as a woman dues." Says I, "ThiiiL's look dilfeteiitly from up t'lere than what tb -y do to us it is a more si"lit!y place. An! you talks about m,u,ii, Josiah Allen, I don't go ou el ar looks. I go on principle. Width: Lord say to meat last day, 'Josiah Allen's wife, how is it with the soul of Tirzah Ann ; as for Thomas Jeff Ts ui's soul, be beiu' a boy, it haint of no account '' No ! shall have to give an account to Him for in v ileiiliu's with both of these souls, male ami female. And 1 should feel Ltuiitv if I brought bim up to think that what was i npitre for a woman was pure lor a man. If a man has a "rent desire to do wrong, which I won't dispute," says I, lookiu' kit nly onto Josiah, "hehas greater strength to resist temptation. And so," says 1, in mild accents, but as linn as old Plymouth Hock, "if Thomas Jefferson hangs. Tirzah Ann shall bang too." I have brought Thomas Jefferson up to think that it was just as bad for him to listen lo a bad story or sonir aa for a pirl or Wi rse for he bad more strength to run awsy, and lhat it was a disgrace for him to talk or listen to any stuff that he would bia-hained to have Tirzah Ann or nie to hear. I have brought him up to think lhat manliness didu'l consist in having a cigar in bis uiouth, mid bis hut on one side, and sweariu' uud shtug phrases, and a knowledge of questionable amusements, but inlayiu' boll of every duty that cornea to him. wiih a brave heart ami a cheerful face; in hclpin' to right (be wrong, and protect (be weak, and makln' the most and ihe besi of the mind and the soul Otd bad given hiui. In short, I have brought him up to think that purity and virtue a e both feiniui lie and masculine, and that (I. si's angels are u-it necessai ily all she on es. St i in i itt ft, i Mini, AH KKTIH.e! I. VIS. L. M. ALSTON. Ilnvintt purrliiiMM, the fir-.wry, ltiMatirimt Itakcry mid one of llic liitin r K. A Cutiin ll, 1 um now pnaircd to SUPPLY the inner waiil -.fmiiii In t-very rchpt-et bojli M to Hi TC. MIXKIUiHINKB. My lahlo ifeitinplitfd Willi nil the dflicnciwi the nnirki't alaoitlii. And tlivn kikhI clfm to TOP- OFF WITH. (jive mi- a ii.Il mid a clinm u and ym w ill be SATISFIED. My liiikery is mipplivd with ,'Vt'rtliiiiK ami my lin-cury in nnsnrp'i.wd. All kiiuis of CakcM, I'ifa rackorx ami Brvml, 1'iiTiiind (it'o-lM, Itutter, rhctie. .mil', Tubaccti, Av. 1, M. Al-ST'iN, Wavhliitjtitn Avcr.uo. Wei-Ion. N.C. dcr 1 Iv LIQUORS. C. SMITH. ski-: in My cons, ski: 111$ CIGARS, SKi: 1IIS GROCERIES. Wine, tor, Sola, CfifiED qOODS. EVERY PR1XK IX SEASON'. toTC. Smith at Evans' old stand Washington avenue, Weldon, X. C. I.L. ma HOS'T J)l.siAlK. W il.i.n Mirror. I'on't despair. All will be well. Even though the clouds of misfortune should throw a gloom over the very ftiulight of existence, and flood it with sh.tdt.ws bolh dark and ravless. Even though your friend, whom you have loved :nd trusted as your nearest and dearest brother, and around whom you entwined the precious garlands of affectionate woi.-hip, should luru away flora you in the hour of your bitterest trial and auan-osc and leave you standing upon the shoals with wiid rush ing billows all around yuu. even theu luok up, and remember that the darkest night balli its elitterin -t ,r of tr-M'b'ing light, that the slurmi t sea ha'.h iw blessed calm, and sweeter still, remember there is ONE who stiekeih closer than a brother, and who will never desert you. How to fiatn Klcsh and Slrrnglh. I'se ufler each meal Scott's Emulsion with Hypo-phosphite. It is as palatahle as milk, and easily digestted. The rapidi ty with which delicate people improve w ith its use is wonderful, line it and try your weight. As a rennsly for Consumption, Throat affections, and Bronchitis, it is un equaled. Please read : "I used Scott's Emulsion in a child eight months old wiih good results. He gained four pounds in a very sLort time." Tilt). Pkim, M. It., Alabama. "I gave Scott's Emulsion to a gentleman 65 years old troubled wiih Chronic Bronchitis, with the most excellent results." J. C.Cason, Broken Arrow, Ala. mar 21-lmo, o PROPRIETOR OF- BEER AND POP BOTTLING WELDOlT, 1ST. C. 1 wimIi u huu- iu Uit i.ui.m- that I am now nrenarv.. to supply Iralers, iSalootm, Ac, with Car.Kinated waU-rn, iiinger Ale, S:iraiurilla, Lciuon, Soda and IStrawbeny flavors FRESH BOTTLED. Also Cream Soda, all of which il pleasant and healthful beverage. BEAR IN MIND, That all dealers in Weld .n and surround ing country towns are keeping iho above for their fiiends and the public. Also the Hergner & Engel standard proof Logcr Beer. Try it r.nd i"-? f"r ynumdvofl. Alwayt botlled FRESH TO ORDER. Give mc a trial and nee. ' Kespect fully, J. L FKYAR. Weldon, K. C an Hvp tt houif. anil mate more tnoner at w-n-k for un, tHii it RiiythinK elus Id Uni Witrld tlHpiul not net ded; you are turled it-4!. lli tli tfit ; U tr. AuT onu run dultio work. Un.11 mnnnii ture iTtB limi ilurl (".iu'ly outfit and Urinh trw. BetUr not rtfiny. PihUi yuu nothinp (oBt-ixt ytmr aridiTM and ilutlmit; It you Hrv w wyou will do to it ooe, U. HALLKrr A CO., Portltd Wnin. Al) l T Tf i Hond Iht cento fttf MtUf X Yli VU and receiTe frm, a euMiy iMtxul pKvb wliiuh will help T' to ritvlitiura Uiui uivlhiiic file in tbai uMlhfriwK buihjw1 fnu fn4 hour. The Bt4 load, to forttD opouti, iNfurt-faVrkef!, atV aobitdyaun. AX auw adalnaa, Yaoii 4 uiti 11 A 1 , 1 TT

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