pea IH III tlpntMMMM HALL & SLEDC3-E, PROPRIETORS. A. NEWSPAPER FOP, THE PEOPLE. TEEMS-'-'1111 N'V-'"" ,N' VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AP1ML 7, 1887. N'n y 1 riiLn i ACAGAMBRILLMfgCoj NKW ADVERTISEMENTS TPZE Flour of America PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISPZEL--1774- f The value ill' FLOCK U'mii.1s up. ilu' ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OK NT tlMTION CONTAINED IN THE liliEAD IT MAKES. Maryland nn.l Virginia Wheat, from wliii 1 our PATENT HOLLER FLOI'ltS urn chiefly manufactured, has ring boon conceded lo lie SITEltlOH tminv oilier. Ih'i'hii' il bus n BETTER COM BINATION OF GLUTEN ASH PIlOSI'll ATMS. Thin fact is recognized not ijnly in this country, but in the Cuilcl Kimi'loin us well, wln rn lhi "l'ATAI'SCO BIjTKULATIVE" COMMVNDS DEI'I DF.DLY MORE MONEY llian any other American Flour. Ask your grocer fur il. A I -o for K ' Putapsco Superlative, Capo Henry Family, Bedford Family, -i . ; I Pulapseo Family, Nnrlh liiut Family, Oriingollrnvc Exlra, I . i Putapscn Extra. Chesapeake Extra. Baldwin Family. A C. A, IIAMBlilLL MANIFACTlRINfl COMPANY, I!- Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. r.Jt L RAILROAD SCIIKDULKS. ; jf ATLANTIC COAST LINE, i : TjLTKtolll llli K.III.Ki'A ,, T i'ullllcil.cU I fa- '. I'K.WSS IIIIINI Ifcll.'.l Nov. Mill li.oly. isclu-lllllc. HI If I'll. Nil 10, luily. Nu. 18. 1'. i.y. !yfte I'cti r-tiuri; 11. 'l II. I i Iflnvc Slmiry r . i li4J, I k iiavt' Jioivu i la.-ii " f; Wir Ih'iiu'l.l I l.u " . Arrive Uiiiii.u i i.... " - - -1 - Ui.iu. i loC i.iii. I 1. 11 - 11.4 ' I 1I..II ' I I 111. 1. 1 It. 111. I .'..III I'. Ill I l.'l.', lllAlNMiUlNii .SOUTH. N't. I 1 I 'illy. Nil-Inn , l'.i.ui LH' Jiirirtll A ; ' iC M'tJ,.',,' I"t Ail trains niti ai'hi! Welti' S.iii Dally. imily. -M,it.m. I Km. in. I In ttitillilixl 'll. J'li.N 1M i.t: mi. -n 1 siiii t. ILMtNU ION A W hl.l" t I; U. AMI lUiAM llt. t All ir.niiB niti ai f J.. KhM.V, i hin.'iTr I i T. I., ' ' .-. I'M TKA I .N ' 1 N'i ' il "I'll, M.C.PAIR. ALL .1 WAUXIXd TO IIAMIFC, MUX. Iff wit luitiili.' her iichf tin1 stove, A prey t't lninhfiiliii'SM ; To Ikt liu ttK)kt-' no wurln oflitvi', Nor uiinlit Iilt hin id to rt'HH, No mnl'lrii I'vor liml Ihtii wnh'1 My hhu; t In- Ut l wan (ilulti, For llftilly ! Ml iiimI rhrvd TlH'kiiobiijtHn lilsmiio, Nururiiinti In- Hi tin- ci'llliiK Mm, Uiiu'w lily ttltuici' oiil 1 1 Any T- Iut; liit wlti'li Imt vyi'k lir niHt-il Ik' loolifl iiiiotlu'T way. A '1.1 tllllx DM')' Hlll'lll-Ht lill Hill) Silil: "JhIiii, I uiiuhl txMiiti: llitil pa iiihI inn iiiv i iiit lo ti u( Ami ci i n-turii till IhUi. "Now whllr lln-y'rc aliM iit, ioiiuttin.', Iliit iniy tviui'iiilnrtMi.; M liitml ymi iiuiNi not try to iiii'm1, N'nr Mt'itl froiu iuc n kin." At oni'i' tlif knob ttiHt xniri'il IiIh rune .lolin from IiIh mntitli wltlulri'W, Aiil suiil, "1 won't; (Wt Ihiult, 111m Jane, 'Mint I II do tlmt to you !' A ili'i'i-. r lli'iu'i then i-niifil Tliuii lunl prt-vnitnl tu'furu; Jidin vit(oriuly hU,ttiu,' tit'vi.'il. A frown Jamt's viiifa- wore. A i iil thus liu1) Hut till liiiir-ftiihl U'li; Ami when John roM- lt m, Ami imiicJ w liu uilKlit cull ttiiili( Jniio Hinly utinutTciI, "No." HER ISIOIsr. Ni. -i 1 Wl-l.lod i ll. i' :K.'tlv M'.uii! i 'l - iaiive TarlHini l.. p itu l arhuii. U . ti -i ivuWilst.n J l o'. i I AvoWh-mi i t.r ' A tivi-HL-h.irt AKavitu villc MS i'-i.1lll..,r.7i " 1 kvcMiiKiiolu li'U '' t 4 llinmv T.utt AW tllUt ULt-ttl ( .l I I'.l'f. I ' I N". I".', i'all) . I , in U.S. S.,(, luily. ' I WlltillllKti'll 1 II. IH 1' HI i M;, I 'J.,. in. XI Hi I'll. 1 lllll '., I I I 11. -II 111. I 1'' 41 "I)'. I .111.111. liuily. '..I . hi. ,' .ft J'..i,..l,l.r.. 1 o ktf ii'vi'tli-vlllc I r a fiii-s- iiiiti i ;: k lvo Hll.yll v Si' wu.-iii i s .'.a.ui t Ar.Ji..kj' M..1111I I i ial'li'im irSve W. lil'.ii I I ' " i. 'Siiliui.l Sr.atau.t .N.'-'K 11 1 it lOr St'.alait.l N... ut I W-'aSmiUioia fsVckuL a. , l .iil iy. fr.uli Kivp TallMiri. N. H 'B 'nii li H luily i.M'.'in i i a ij.'ioi I'. M .iirriv,- Willi h ' ,i. tu I1. M. Ki'liiriiMin 1. t 1 f V ix.i..lSiii,.uy,Mfll.l T-AT"' I'lrii'T.'. I II. 1 MM I In 17 ll .l. Itl.p. 1 -I ,lii. I II in a m. I .l i IHll. I ;o A. i Ki.uil u-m . f iiui I. M. Ki-liitnhiL' M., tlaily crc.l ('., via All, 1 1 1 1 1 1 r. y , Il 11 1 nrlv A . Mil,- ..i'i,..i, n r . hi I'. vi' WIlliniatMli. N i'., M . Xllnlay a II A. M.. M , 1 1. .11 A. .'I i xriiwi on .mi. i mm tu . nrtiui ii ii'h- ..mif.Hin., F, Jt.ii'., iuik vxwi Hniiilay, ,'.;: 1. M. itrnvi S v? !Mi.-l-l. N (', 7'i I. XI. lU'lurtihia h'M ves E , tju.ti. l.l, N. r., ;..w A. M, urrivi'tiuUMtoni, N. C, ? 6 A A. M. f-niiiduiiml tmiu on ViU..u mill Kayittivilli- nnillMltlllO In fto. .to. h hill .-tup only Ml ViUuii, 1 S tl-Utnt oiiil MitKUt'liH. t it.' folnii'i tii'ii tit Nt'Iiluli All rail v til HUlunoiul. All oolnto !ii' Ii U No. it. N..rt r un No. u Hniuh l-Utnt hikI MrtKiii'lh t tin No 47 iimkcK t ?: ' ll ni)U Nttrtli -laily. All rail vl.i HU t 1 j t illy vtr;t SiiUil.i) iMti") Lilly. v. v.uiit nnike r!go lunnvii'.ii! Il nil $ i t:i vim lai-hin.'tud ni,ii u.ili'ii.'ifc ui ir.iiin ihh Mini iiviuoei 1 Eltliul.ui. tinvl iif J'uili; I' 4tilill)!t'll HI. 'I IMhict' Met ji I Tr.tlli k KN LV.. 7 JOHN Y DIVINE, hnii'l rmii.s. (ii-ut-ntl ."Suit t KitKtioN, liili'l l'HuM iiu'or fKA. HA1.KK.1I ANlUiASTON UAlLtlUAl, &LI'KHlMI.NiI.M a OHU H.ilvlli,N.l'.,July ', IKw. Mail Iii&in. i'fKaU-luh 1(1.. ll U HI link-lull .... t .'. F.KTTHHUH.H Flll'tllHT. f -4 (fr Poruuiuuth.) f ii Kalolnh titni .:1..ii - , - ii jlWl4t. - . . . ..- tl'.i"liJ'iiii ' - ; - , ; ' L'AL FmilliKT. , ' 'Mvi, lluU-iith '. Vl A. M i on K M H IM I-. M 7 to I'. SI I OH P. M. 1 vi. A. M, 1 . A. M. A. II, JO.'. - - 6 1 1 A. M . . a I., 1". M .). WrUlon C l.'i A. M J v t KaU inll Hi I'. M Imil train, nuke i lie oiiit' ll..iiH nl W.'l.l.iu s,,T'l llio .".yalMtanl an.) Kiiilm.nt ami lla) - i tut l'Hni.r. la ll.illiii.on', to ...i-l I.01..11II ."llil. 411i. Wl, am! NoittiwrsL anil Willi Yt-rlai!'! Vl-,w,t via ivu-ibIjiiiv Ki. liii...ii.i ami , . , v.... I. ....I V...(.....ul itth with iht? Nnrth ( Hmliuit ltHlriiil Uinuii f.ft i all iMiinui South inul Soiulnut, ami utli the 1 wi.i aiul AiiKU-tu Air l.uu-lo t-tiyvtlfYillf, Hum' 1 ind md rs REE )AL 1 uarlottii ami the is.altli t -1 sMirii.suDt. WINUKK, ( MuiiuKvr. OfL. StT'T. TUV.NStMTAl'lON, S. AMI It It. K. Portsmouth, Va., July l.'i, livhX ;! 3". jfcson tbll t4a vm Ifrife r-rlyfiitli daily t-iTtii V i.-il , : - Ni A. ,'h 'I hn.iinh Frt'ltfht - - 7 iw t'. ii ' Jbia Arriro at Wtllm dnily, except Suiidiyi f 1 foll.iwit; "f f Truin . 1 U P. fi:ti l'hruu)fh Frelxht U l A. fi lruiu - 3 iw V. 4 isofthli K1 will liwve WeMtm dully, ei hi (1 Train - - - - Xt l M S (B 'h 'riiroiiuli KnlKlit li'vt Wchlttti for Ports- 3j ii Uttlly (t-xftitt Moiuliiy inors.) B ) f I iTt lKht a f Jam Arrive nt IVrUmouth, daily uxtrtt Hintly - J lolluw?: Trtn . 6 10 V. AnMit.f, Through PrLlclit - - it to t. Vt KreiKht I K l. ii 1 1!! Tmln flto Ht nit KtHtlnnn. SU-iuntr U'vii r illu M'.nnliiyii WtUuv-Hdnyi wul KrltUti, lur 1 I ai'tn, flvnunnh and l-ainllng utl uie UlMk y Mini ( nowmi nvern. 1 r Jli'ly to K. O. Klwiirlft, Annt, WeMon. or to P i I. T UVKIlsl veil hef 1 ' Y Hie remnrW d gooif 'urnieliiog '"iun. ur.rl.iiM L T M YKKi, BupvriutemJi'nl TnuiKiiurtutiuii. AKLK 4 BALKKil) R. 11. CO. folio L, 1k-:, tru'ni will ruD od Iiik n hudiile: TIUETAULEi, a.m. k 0" Tirtnra (Anlven) S t 1Q lUmll b, It ft Wiirreii'it, (t ( ao LftlloCack, S 6 V) Ht'ihpl, 8 . ? lf Htjht'rsonville, 7 7 ,V KviTctt' 7 05 WlUiamtion,(l.T 7 rain from WUlitinstxm 111 tr i. in.. nHowhni iMMXJiiKoni onilug truinou thu W. W. K. tin from Tarboro cttnmcU with on Tor Norfolk, via i. H. Hall- i n tinU: visit ut Jhiurnvllle ,lroJ fur Wiulilugtoii mill all it'u iuat require. i a. tfLir Heavy Woo OODS at C0S1 WINTER BOOTS AT COST. OE. G- PjtVIR, Vushilij:'oii Aveuiiu, Wi-Mnn, N. (V hf l'J ly WK HAVE MADK M. F. HART, WKUMIN'. N. 0,, N. B. JOSEY k CO.. SCOTLAND NK.CK.N. C, r ' Our nfrotit.' for the mile of our Ladies' Fine Show, for their rcupective sections. We make on the N. V. Opera, Aeiue, Waultcnphant anil Creole lusts, the latter is just out an J is very niee. We uso the McKay Machine and sew with bent Har bour') thread. Every .air wnrrautiJ. They aro nice, neat and stylUli. (Jive tbeui a look when you want a shoe and you will be pleased. E, P, HEED & CO, cptlOly Roobrtter, N. 1', "Oh, dear," said tidy Mrs. Jewett, "there is Williein the parlor agaiu with his muddy hoots, and Jennie has lingered the woodwork of the piano all over, I see, that I polished so nicely only yesterday. I know the door ol the spare room has been left open, too, for the muslin curtains are pulled ull away, where pussy must have frolicked in the folds: and, dear, dear, there's .lack this minute, w'uli his feet in that stiill'idcliair!" Cmnr, loiiie, mother, I KuiMn't fret," said easj Mr. .lewett: "tho children must put their feet somewhere, and I supposed kittens will be kilteus and tly about where they can liml the most fun." "Oil, yes,' rejoined Mrs. Jewett, ''It's' very easy for you father, to think children j and eats can js where they like and do as they please. I'm not fretting, but it's hard work to sweep and polit-h, and do clear- j tarrhin;r: and men never did know and ! never will know anything alaiut the Work ! of a housekeeper and a mother." So saying, Mrs. .lewett, with her fair,! pretty face all in wrinkles, went out of the I ro.iiu with a worried : j 'Oh, dear I" ! And her hiL-baml looked after hor wilh ! a compassionate : "l'oor mother '." Naturally Mis, Jewett was of a happy dispusitioii, hut like many another fond, faithful mother, .-ho was uneomciou.-ly I'allinfe into the habit of worrying over the inevitable faults and thoiiglitleiicss of her children. She was a scrupulously neat hou-eke. p- er, and as her things had nut come us easi ly us they do lo in my others, tliey ac.iiir ed all the more vuloeand importance in lo r eyes, once they ciine into her possession. Hut I lie usual n sllcSMi.'Ss of hoys and girls, and even poor capering kilty herself, was fast developing iuto Mrs .lewett that irritating trctftiluess and impatience which kills true happ.ncss and comfort in many n hi'tiie, and where the mother's real object is to make alius comfortable and happy as possible. In vain Mr. Jewett hinted things were always going wrong, somehow, and that there was no end of peevishness and fault finding taking root in his family. At such limes Mrs. Jewett would shed teals and declare no one could do more than spend id their time and energies for the welfare of their family, as she did. line morning tboeurlaius were iliseover- d lo have been rolled up all to one side. while ihe summer sun-bine was fhiodiiiL'. with its wholesome light, the. bright pat urn of ihe new Hrussels carpet. Jennie and ('unie had left their school bunks scat tered around on th ; chairs, and Jack's bo-.ts stood in ihe middle ol the ll.ior. Mrs. Jew. tt burst into a tirade of dis pleasure, but llie children weie out of bearing, so instead .f j idi' i.iii-ly and pa tietilly c.illiiu I In-ill in and obliging Mum to put things in their places, she began putling things lo rights lo rself, allowing Mr. Jewell, asfreipu nlly happened, In bear flur brunt uf her displeasure, inul f..r oii'-e hi. g..t'd ir.iUir ' gave w..y, an I he s.ii.l, JWtlislllvt "l declare, wii'. it is a thousand ios there arc any . hi! . n here, to Luther y..u so." Mis. ,1,-nelt made no reply, bin to bet room she silt do -I'll fol' a llioillelll to cotieidci whether or n. t her husband meant what he had just said. Hut by degrees the room faded front lur vi-ion.the houso became itiict terribly iptit the sunlight died out, and shade and stiltRss reigned supremo. There were footsteps heard, but liiolied, creeping, awed. All of active life had ceased; oven the kitty had taken herself off. and wan no where to be seen. Mrs. Jewett aroused herself, and went from kitchiu to dining-room, from dining room to parlor. The invariable order was oppressive. TLo curtain- wt re rolled with eiact even ness; not the iiucst line of sunlight could pierce through crack or crevice of the nice ly adjusted sbutten, Every book was in its place; the chairs as guiltless of dust as if just cleaned, and the tiublurrcd polish of the piano reflected each undisturbed ornuiucut and object in its vicinity. Hut the children! ( )h, the children! A great uppalling throb of apprehension and withering pain shot uiircpressed through the mother's heart at the locution of their name. Where was winsome no lunger wis cbievoua but wilisomu- Willie ? Where piay, were sKjrtive Carrie and lively Jennie ? Where, loo, bounding, lovely little Jack? "Yea," she said, vague ly peering about in llio sunless gloom, where ure my precious little childicn ?" She left dining-room and parlor and Went from one child a chamber to another everything in the same depressing order even their little beds were uuriitlled, each smooth pillow looked as if unprcssed by a sunny head, for oh, so long. And, uh, misery! What was that in Willie's room in the porcelain vase? Some white flower tied wilh white sat iu ribbon; and this heart-breaking emblem in Jennie's room? 1 lor picture, swcot child! Wilh a crown of fading flowers en ending; it and here in Carrie's room her picture, the darling, also crowned with im mortelles. Aud Jack's room, forlorn in its tidiness; yes, yes, a funeral wreath in his room, dear loving little Jack. Jlrs. Jewell's lirst impulse was to dis arrange everything; ihe (pi'iet and palling neatness were goading her madness; even kitty had deserted the sunless, childless Inline, but the children oh, ihe children! The mother felt ns if In r brain were afire, and her heart was bui.-iing with its pent grief; she could not endure il another mo ment and she awoke. Thank God! f-lie was sitting direclly in the rare, sweet sunlight which (Jod made to come in, not to shut out of homes. In the garden she heard the sweet, delight some Voices of lur children the blcs-cd children. j Kitty, with fluttering liitle paws, was j clutching with unchecked glee at the tiiswls of ihe muslin curtain, and she noticed I wilh asigh of relief that the in.thog my bu j rcuu, with ils buruished surface, bad been I p.iwcd with fiesh linger marks. Mrs. Jewett arcs,' s'owiy, lockel the dour, thou knelt doivu; after a while she went forth, a uewipiict iu her heart, a n w sinilo on her face. In the tlitiing room she riti.-ed the cur tains, so that the sunlight danced gaily through the room. Jennie catnii ill with a torn apum, and was greet il with a smile of welcome rt nt and all. Willie had been using paste In the din ing loom, and had daubed i fir cloth, deor knob and his blouse, but mamma patiently showed him how to clean Mm spots uwny, and Willie proniisid with great sincerity to be more careful another time. The children had a gloriously happy day. At night, when they were ull n-lcep, their mother went from room to room, giuing with pure thankfulness at each darling lit tle sleeper, so dca" ah, so dear ! She iglied, then smiled at the little p ue, lain vase in Willie's room, lillcd wilh sweet, wild flowers of bis own plucking. Then she went to her own room, mid tearfully told Ihe ''father" her dream. He kissed his wife's fair br .w fondly, and said, soothingly : 'Never mind, dear; we're all right now." And they were. The timely warning was not lost on the mother's heart, for she never terint how terrible it was when in dreams she roamed from one empty, order ly room to ain.ih'T in ijuest of li.-r children and could not ho. I tlieni. Ami tc re solved she would not wait to place whiu. flower, in tb. ii hands when the per fume could uot roach the dulled sense and their fading beauty would only break her bcait; the children .should have the flowers now, nhtle their d. ar eyes were open to be hold them, and their beans slill alive to ull of euith's cnml'orts and delights. And we would that many another wile uinl lumber, wh is drifting into habits of ft et fulness and n. rvmistiess ibroutih undue I'll'.' for ihe children's b-'die rather thin tin ir souls "might dieaoi this lady's dream " MISTAKES IN LANCUACE. The professor of English Literature, at Wellesley College, has prepared the follow ing list of words and phrases to be avoided ill conversation and writing : dues', for 1 suppose or think. Fix, for arrange or prepare. Hide anil drive, interchangeably. Heal, as an abverh, instead of really, aa rent good. Koine, for somewhat; I have studied Home. Some ten days, for about tell days. Storms, for rains. Try mi experiment, for make an expe riment. Singular subject with cotilructcd plural verb, as she don't skate well, Plural pronoun with singular antece dent; every man or woman should do their duly. Expect, for suspect. First-rate, as an adverh. Had rather, for would ratlor. Kight uway, for immediately, l'urty, for person, l'rouiisc, for assure. Posted, for informed. Post graduate, for graduate. Depot, for station. Nice, indiscriminately. Stopping, for staying. Try and do, try to do. Cunning, for small. Cute, for acute. Funny, for odd. Above, for foregoing. Looks good enough, for well enoii'.h. Somebody e!-e's, for somebody's else. Like, for as. Not nil good, for not 60 good. Feel badly, for feel bad. Feel good, for feel Well, lictween seven, for among seven. Seldom or ever, for seldom if ever, or seldom or nevir. Mole than you think for, for more than you think. These kind, for this kind. Nicely, iu reply to inquiring f r health. Healthy, for wholesome. Just as soon, forjust as lief. Kind of, to indicate a moderate degree. The mallei of, instead of the matter with. SHOT AND SHELL. NORTH CAROLINA WAY. Fluai thf' Farmer A ni'tehaiit in (ioidsboro advertises the in rival of one car of bulk meat, one car of mess pork, one cur of lurd, twocars of seed oats, one wir of timothy hay, two cars of flour, one ear of corn, one cai of bran, one car of ship stuff and chops, one car of Ii, lied meal. A on relent in ('un cord informed us recently that seven hun dred and fifly barrels of flour were shipped to that point in one week. Thousands of dollars worth of the above products are shipped 'o Wlii-lnu. The givul bulk of tnese ttiiuits are soul to tanners. 1 he ar gument of the f.iimtr is, that he can buv thciu cheaper than h" can produce them. We have heeii turn pay one tl. ., p,r hundred for hay. who can produce it at home at ri-jhl .i's p, r hundred, and yet those men talk of haul limes. Hai.k rupley aiid ruin uiil as surely au.l incut;. bly follow such a suicidal policy, as nigl.t follows day. To arrest ibis laUl policy ii the gn at gran 1 work of farmers' organiza tions; they should have the earnest and pa triotic support and encouragement of edi tors merchants, professional nifn, and in deed of all citia-'tn who have at heart the well being and happiness of our people. 'HE POPPED. KEEP INC UP APPEARANCE .NnUoIIHI ItC. i' Acreatdi al of the uiis- rv of mod. -in life eoliies I'lolll the tendency to keep up appear;, lues, from trying In seem ricb.r than we ale, (rout aping some clasi. Our social siipi iioth uinl all classes in coiisc ipit nee live beyond their means. Profess ional men, in many ('uses trudesmeii, thus leave no provisiuii for their children aftir having bi. night them up iu habit-s of lux ury. Tins pretense is in ihe nature of lie or sham, and alt honest peopl.i should scum the dishonest appearance of this mode of life. It comes out of the despic able love ofmoaey. We ii'specl the rich and despise the poor. How christians manage to reconcile this attitude of mind with their professed creed it is difficult to my. ()n;i ol'th.'cily otlicia's, whosj office i. on the second fl ioi of tin City Hall, is very cuuti"UJ man. They say that whei lie i.r n 'S.d to a y .uug lady soitieihiii over a year ago he w -ut .it it iu an origi nal manner Tliey w. r.' sitting together iu the parlor, aud Mr. S, began as fol lows ; 'Miss , do I look like uu ape?" 'Why, Mr S., what a fpicsthn! Of c. ur.v you don't.'" "All right 1'iy.iii take me for a jack- a.-s "A jackass? Who do you ask that for? Of course d-iii't." "Very will. You d oi'l consider me a liaitiiu seariiiii, good for n iihing, d- you?" 1 Why, I ucv.-r ihouht of such a thing Why. Mr. S . what pot siirt it.iiinn. into your li.-i.l .'" "Will. Mis, . in is, mi. h - you fin.! . I.-. oi' loose olij.'cii.iu ilile pecu liarities, I have co, ue t..ilie eoiiciii-i' ntliat you led an interest iu me. and 1 want to a.-k vou to b ii-oiiie my wile." Tliey were m trried. Li order to make roomful Spring goods, we will sell nil goods iu stock at greatly reduced prices, 1. N. Stainback & Co. Enjuv I. iff.. What a truly beautiful world we live in ! Nature gives usgranJ eur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means ol enjoyment. We desiro no bctttr when iu perfect health; but how ofteu do the majuiity of people feel giving it up dishi'tirtcniil, dis courared and worn out with disease, when is no occasion for this leelitig, as ev ery sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that 0 rei n's Aittiist 'Yoifci-, will make them free from disease, as when hoin. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint aie the direct caus- s of seventy-five per cent, ol Btu-h maladies as Hiliousness, In digestion, Sick Headache, Costironess, Nervous Prostration, Dizziness of tho Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and olher dislrossiug aymptoms. Three doses of j4ii yiisf Flower will prove its wonderful effect, fcjimplo bottle, 10 cent!. Try it, One who has fought on many a battle Held writes the following thrilling deserlp tioii of the bloody work or a battery of six guns : "Did you ever see u battery take posi tion? It hasn't the thrill of a euviiln charge. Uor the grimness of a line of buyi'iii'l. moving slowly mid ileterinlucdly on: Inn there is a peculiar excitement about il that makes old veterans rise iu their sad dles aud cheer. We have been lighting ill ihe edge of the woods. Every cartridge-box has been emptied once or more, and oiie-lburtb of the brigade has niched away in dead and Wounded aud missing. Not a cheer is heard in the whole Hiigadc. We know that we arc being driven foot by foot, and that wheu we break once more, the line will go to pieces, and the enemy will pour through the gup. Here comes help ! Down ihe crowed highway gallops a battery, withdrawn from some other posi tion to save ours. The lii'ldTeuce is scat tered while you could count thirty, and the guns rush for the hill behind us. Six horses tu a piece three riders to each gun. Over dry ditches, (where a fariiu r would not drive his wagon.) through clumps of bushes, over logs u foot thick, every horse on the gallop, every rider lash ing his team and yelling the sight behind making us forget the foe in front. The gunsjuuip two feet high us the hcav wheels strike rock or log, but not a hoise slackens his pace, not a cannoneer os- s bis seat. Six gun-, six cui-soiis, sixly horses, eighty no'ti, race lor the brow of the hill its if he win. reached il fust Would be knighted. A moment ago ihe battery was a con fused mob. We look again, and the six gnus ure in posilion, the detached horses are hurrying away, the amiiiutiiliou chests open, and along our line runs the com mand: "(live tlieni one more volley and guns." Wc have scarcely nheyed when li-ioin! boom! ..p-is the battery, and jets of lire jump down and scorch ihe green trees undii- which we fought and de spaired. The shattered old IJtigade has a chance to breathe for the first time in three hours, as we form a line and lie down. What giitn, cool fellows thorn cannoneers are! l-'vi ry man is a perfect machine. Bullets splash dust in their faces, but they do no! wince, lliillets sing over and around, but tlmy do not dodge. There goes one to ihe caith, shot ilirouoh the head as he sponged his gun. That machinery loses just one heat, misses just one cog in the wheel, and then Works away again as be fore. Every gun is using short-fuse shell. The ground sbikcs and trembles, the roar shuts nut ull sound fi-otn a line three milts long uu l the shells go shrieking into the swamp to cut trees slnnt oft", to umw great gaps in the bushes, to bunt nut and sliatti r and mangle men until their corpses cannot he rccoguixcil as human. You would think a tornado was bowling through the forest, foilowcd by billows of lire, and yet men live through it aye, press forward In capture the battery we can bear lb. it shouts us tin y form for the rush. Now the shells me changed for grape and canister, and guns areliivd so fast that ull reports blend into one mighty roar. The shriek of u shell is ihe wickedest smind in war. but nothing makes ihe flesh crawl like the demoniacal singing, purring, whi-lliug grape-shot, and the serpent-like hiss of eani'ler. Meu's lens aud head ure torn from bodies, a id bodies cut in two. A round shot or shell takes two men out of the rank as il crashes through. Crape and canister mow a swath and pile the dead en lop of each o'her. Through the smoke we sec a swarm i f men It is not a baitle-iine. but a unibof mill desperate enough n, bathe ilu ir bay onets iu ihe flame of the guns The can nons leap from the ground almost, as they are depressed on the loo, and shrieks and s.-rcams and shouts blend iiuo one awful and steady cry. Twenty men out iu ihe battery are down, and the tiring is inter rupted. The foe accept it as a sign nl watering, und come rushing on. They ure not ten feet away when the gnus give t belli a List shot. That discharge picks living men oil' their feet and throws tlieni inlo the swamp, n blackened bloody muss I p now, a., ll.o i lien,) are among the guns ! There is a silence ol ten seconds. und then ihe flash and roar of more than :i,iMiil mukets, and a rii.-h forward with luyoii'ts! For what? Neither on the rulit nor left nor in front of us is a living foe ! There are corpses around us which have been struck by three, four and even six bullets, and nowhere on ibis acre of giotiud i a wounded until. The wheels of the gnus cannot move until the blockade of dead is removed. Mm cannot pass Iroiu caisson to gun without climbing ovir wiurows of d'-ud. Every gnu and wheel is smeared wilh blood; every foot of grass has ils horrible stain. Historians write of the glory of war. Iiurial parties saw murder where historians saw glory I "THANK YOU." We respond to the foil. .wing re. pe st f.r information with the "atisfai "ion of know. L 1 1 j that our an-iv.'t' wiH dou'el l'" lb 111,111111 ol' 'l ' ' ... .1- ill 01 oil - -el. o is and 1 on nt .M- aliiiuity "In r. tiiiiiioo ili.iiks for ut.- I't. r should .iiiy'litli !.'si I,-, .hi . i.iiii.oi in f "Til ink you. " I, .ployed'.'' In answering ibis .pi s:i n, in tin sweiiiig all i. tie rs, tie- p.uiieii'ar lime- and cil'eiliuslatiees lllll-l b I'Otlsid' l'ed lien- erally ' you" is-ufli -i. m. If up r son p uses ymi the I. oiler, it is prop, r for you to my "Thank you." Or if a p. r-ou agrees lo grant any simple rcjucst nf ynurs, it is proper and appropriate to a "Thank you Hut tlieie ure occasions when lid or p'.'ihap-i any other vniba expres-iou would be utineccssiiy, if not absolutely in- exetlsuol.:. If, i.. response to a passionate and c irn e.t uii.cil lo u vutig woman lliil she should illuminate your ili-nial I, 'Holiness, cn'i jiten y.uir bach -lor inexperience, and us-ist y..ur .-notary help!".ssiie.-s by bestow iug her coiilidmg self up it and plac ing let' I'litiir.i happiness in yo'll' '. luriliaii ship, she sh mid say " Yes," ao I you should then say "Thank you," the chan -cs are that she would throw the whole tiling up. Such a reply would knock th" bottom out of Ull Utll'albolliable .-.eutiiii. lit. A mall who would receive a young woman' hand with Ihe saim cxpr'ssioti wilh which he would a.-kowledg.' a butler di-b r the re turn of it hlowu-olf hat, could n. t apprcei ate the real ol'a in s love The pi-op, r response for sin h a priceless gilt is tii.i.le with the eyes, the ui'ii.s. perchance the lips; but wold, ar.- out of p!o .-..'. .'.'-. CEMS FOfTtHOUCHT. A l' I I. i : 'i S. ALSTuH. ;iWiil, puf'hn; tt "ml .ctf of , Jiropiirrd lo IT P P 1. tlif inner w.ijiln nf niun in rvt'iy ji.-juji t b-ili in- Ut lil'Ui. MIXI.l' ItiilNKS. BR KAK CAST, My tal.le i.-Mipi.iif.t with all tho d.'ln-iicit: the mnrket Hffords. And thou uod clKnr to Tni OI'K WITH. lilve me a cull mid a rhitnrt- und yim will S-ATISPTEL. My Hnkery is sn-lii;-l with t.'vc-rthiiiK and my firiKvry lit uiiniri.d. All kind of Ci It I'ieu ('rut 'kern mid lirwni, ('aimed 'ioodh, Uiitler, Cheeso, Snuff, Tobacco, Ar. I. M AlJTOV Wrtshincii'ii Avenue, Wcldi.n, N.C. Aw If. ly LIQUORS. Cloake and Wraps at wholesale cost at P N. Staiubaek k IVs. Clothing at cost at V, N. Slaiuback & Co'. The world deals good-naturedly wilh "nod natured people Asnoh isthat man or woman wbois al ways pri t n ling to something better e p.via!ly richer or ui .t' - fashionable th. u they are e ought ion to look t.a.-K, unless it is to d. rive useful lessons I'mm p;t i rr. rs und foi-ih.'pui-p is 'of profiling by dear bought expei'i, nee. ll'yoit would not h ive ulllii tion to vi-it you twice, li.tcti at mice tu what ii teaches. No I'niiiiiitiii is so -ma.l but whui heav en may be imagined he iu its bosom. (jlullouy is oik- of the uio.-l reprehen sible of VICi'K. I'n.-telillg us il does, pride, laziness, hardlieitrte-ihie-ss. cruelty, and ull other sinful iiialitie.-'. Love, whether newly bom or iirousid from a death like slumber, must alwa'. s create a sunshine, tilling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world. The rose- of pleasure seldom last lent: enough lo adorn the brow of those who pluck them, and they are tb' only r.-se-whicb d i imt retain their sweetness af. ler they have lo-t theii beauty. 'I'o the untrue man the wl o'e univcrs is false it shrinks to nothing in bis grasp: and he himself, in us fur us he shows him self in a false light, becomes a shadow, or, illdecj, CeaSoS to oxi-t. Ahvav- say a kin 1 Word if you can, if only it tuaye aue in. perh-ips, w ith sin gular op o!uneu"ss,.'titeriug some mournful in in s darkened room like a beautiful tire tiy, who-e happy coiivohiluins lie cannot but watch, forgetting bis many troubles. lie who is truly brave will not only spring to encounter outward obstacles and to do daring deeds, he will also be hold in attacking wrong and misery whenever thev appear, arid strong in resisting hi-own de sires ami impulses whenever tliey conflict with a higher law. Iliirkleu's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, liruises. Sores, I 'leers, Salt Hlieinu. Fewr N.ros, letter, ( Implied Hands, Chilblains I ortis, and all Mio hru-.itioit-, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay reipiired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rclunilcil. I'nce cents per linx. loir sale by lirown & tairaway, 11 -1HU.X. .V r. Ilnw to Cain Flesh anil Strength. t se ai ler eaeu lucul Mcuit s l-.tnulsion with Hypophosphites. It is as palatable as milk, ami easily iltgestcil. ihe ratiidi ty with which dclteuie pontile improve with ils use is wonderful. 1'se it and try your weoH. As a remedy for Consumption Throat all'cctinns, and Bronchitis, it is nil opiatc'l. riease r. a l .- "1 used Scott s Emulsion in a child eight months old wilh cood results. He gained four siuiuls in t v. iv short i mie. inn Pun:. M. D Alabama. "1 gave Scott's Emulsion to eeiitlcmun 115 years old troubled will; Chronic Bronchitis, wilh the most excellent results. " J. C. CasuN, Broken Arrow Ala. mar -II mo. Minora llcnlU'rlre. The best cleanser, preserver and bcauti fier of the teeth. Prepared of harmless ingredients, and can he used without the slightest injury to the enamel. It will beautifully whiten the teeth, make healthy gums, anil sweeten lite breath. Price J.'i els. per bottle. For wile by all druggists. Unco tried, you wnl use other. inch 31-1-mo. H e TelTjouTMaTiilV- That Simmons Liver Begulator will rid you ol I lyspeiisia, tliauache, Constipation, nn. Billiousnces. It will brake up chills and ft vcr ana prevent tli tr return, and ts com plete antidote for all malarial poison yet entirely tree iroui quinine or calomel. In it, and you will be astonished at the troed results of the genuine Simmons Liver Reg ulator, prepared by J. 11. .cilin & Co. nicnin-i-mo, C. SMITH. si;i: ins i.iycoh's, SK KIIIS ClOAL'S, SKI:' IIIS a IIUI 1:1: IKS. ft DCfT, a. ciflflED qooos. KVEUV DRINK IN SEASON. Smith at Evans' old "ashiiiL'ton avenue, Wcid'Ui, N. C. stand J. L. PRYAR , 0 PROPRIETOR. OF 0 BEER AND POP BOTTLING WELiDOItT, IN". C. I wibh to state to the tmlilic that t nm now iireparc4! to lunnlv Ialer. Suloonn, &c., with I'arU.niited watt-ru, iiiiiRor Ale, Snixijiiirilla, Li'imii), Soda ami Htntwher.jr flavors FRESH BOTTLED. Also Croam RodY all of which U ft pliMKatit aud lii'uUht'ul bevi-rao. BEAR IN MIND, That all dealers in Weldoii ami surround ing country towns are keeping tho above for thi-ir friends and the public. Also tliu llergner Ii l.ngel standard proof Loger Hist. 1 ry It and sec for yourselves. Always bottled FR ESH TO ORDER. Give me a trial and we. Keiiectfullv, J. L. FKYAU, Weldon, N. a Tuny 27-1 y ohu live nt home, und miike! mro money at woMt fonis, thuu Ht nnvthfiuf cltm In UiIm world CupUtil not noodorl; yuu ftr Ntnrti-d frv ltuthgpxo: nil rum. Auv one ruiulo Uu work, ljiiyfi enrningi mire from flrNtsUrl. t'.wtly outfit nnd U'rms fn-c. Bettor not dtbiy. rontu you nothinit Utwitd us your H-hlm aud Hud out; if v..n nn- wine you will do o nt onou. 11. If ALLKTT &. (X)., IVrtUmt, Mjinis. dtW'J-Ir. AT) T f U ft-nd 1 cent ftr pot-tact J. lllj Tj. nd receive freu, a 0"tly box(ifoHls which will help you to more moutr rijthtkway anything viw in thia world. AI 01 frltherkwx niececd from Ural tionr. The bn-4 road to forttma open., beiot -lhi orkr aj aolutely aurt, Atwadda.Ta'' . Jtr te- tW , c a i 1