..A nn. 1 I 1 1 IhLL & SLEDGE, proprietors. A. ITEWSFAP'EIi FOB THE PEOPL E. TEBIMIS--'00 ''K11 ANNUM IN ADVANCI i JTOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, Al'lM L 21, 1S87. NO. 4. Imh : 1 h AC AGAMBRILLMrc.CoJ N VAX ADV EltTlSKM ENTS r PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774' f Thovaiue of FLOCK depends upon Hi.- KSSKSTI A I, ELF.MF.N'TS OK Nil TUITION CONTAIN'F.H IN TIIK HHKAD IT MAKES. Marylaud ami Virginia "Win at, from which ur I'ATK.NT liOlXKK FLOCKS are chiefly manufactured, has lo-ig been conceded to ho SITKRIOlt In any cither, because it has a KETTKKCO.M '"JtlJATlON OK liU'TKN ANH PHOSPHATES. This lint i recognized not onl? in tliiii country, hut in tin' I'nit.' I Kiiiaimi a well, where tin- "I'ATAI'SCO 81 l'lll.ATIVK" COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MOl'.K MON EY than any other Auii!rjtau 1'four. Ask your grocer for ii. Al for ' -'I f J ! 1 patupxco Superlative, Capo lli'iiry Family, Itedford Family, -l ; I'alapsto Katuilv, North Point Family, Orange drove Kxtra. I , ' patapsco Extra. Chesapeake Kxtra, lialdwin Family. i ' ' ('. A. (lAMKIULL M ANCFACTCKIN'ti COMPANY, IK Commerce St., l'ollimorr, Mil. 1 ! 12 ly. i Eiw if t LOVK SOXti. iirs iii (fir Af'lil i ' lit III I. ' RAILROAD SCHEDULES. t ATLANTIC COAST LINE, llKTKIt.'illl'rU.i U.VII.K'IAI'. Oiitlviiseu arlHMliile. TKAINS i.iiINi. uU i ll. '5iUe.ISoV.lllU isrti. iMily. Nt.. :ti, nmiy. VOW Jatwvc l'.-uitiui 1 11. i ".in. p.ni. i i" -t p.m. vi- sui.n-y t a I p Imw Hchkdd i 1.13 " rnvc n.-hiou i i. w . i i.ii 4 r..lHii,in IKAlSsi.olSt. Stiitni. No. Li I'.uly. Iwvu Wi-lditii I '7. yw He I in-hi I s. Lajfctve Jartali . f jUgll't: hl'Uietf t' k i t). Arrufivu i'iirK v. Ta.ip.iii, 1'itily. u. in. All trniiiH run miltd Weldon in Wmdiiiiiitou. J. It. KKSI.V, J"IN V. IMVI.NK. Sup t Tmns. i Mi 1 Sup l. T il V In u'l hlwti'llsiT Af'lil AM) IMA.M (. Tlif niooii shilus ntlc in Ihi' Wfsleni sky, I. ike a pi nrl s, t "Vcr a lirow iliul l-hi -ln ; Thi' rv i many n Imnu-Hutd Itinl in the nir, Ah. I Die lu'!i;i'!. ttililt h itll tin- tin ili. h. TIhhihIi my lnvu Ih1 fnrtliiT tiwuy 1'ruiii iih Than tin- Kat Irmi llir t,ur tin- Imy from llu Nik'lit. t liavr luriH-1 my fitiu to li is lui'lliii' plan', Anil 1 l.ld him "n i0(l uik'hl, ' "nouil-niltt " Til on 1 1 lie U-nn I'titi fril my linrryliiir lirrntli 'I tian tlif tri i lli- Mnl ilt it liltoii Its IhhikIi. Vi-t Hiiiri' thf winds incsM iibi rs U, 1 In y HI ln-ar lilui my ki.-i', I tm ' - (1 iiKHiti ' tiliu' liisl mi my lip- uinl l tifii " -In u- on tin- lori'linid (d him I lovi-' llf w ill di. uui Hn liiu.cr tluil an ant 1 w luy II. i- HU(-rvd hit. Liim uhiivi1' And -iiiK. l-lrdf , in lut i-Hrx llic jh My h .irl is sinuiii: Itliin my hnit-t : It w ill thrill hi linulMtiii h itli t'.-Ui-y, And piKi s! li kiiiil w itli re I. Ye ii mi, ( fr.it;raiii'i' id'iurtli mid Udmit, Atid v..! .Mil tiiuhi in M.ty : Wntrli ut'iir him uniil In the KuMuni lii ld Itlo'xiin thu riM id ilay. lliil thoii.o wind ' lay i lunc mi liis lipd Tin' k 1km 'it lliou lint in thy Hiit. And in w 111 stir In hi sleep, and wnke And whisper "My hrarl- k.huI ninht." AFAIEY. ('uiidrtiM'il Mi lirdnlr. l TKAiNH liulN'i I'll J)Led I'ec.M Nt. 4. Hail) . No. to, haily. No, 1J, Unity. Lhe Weidf.il I ArvKoeky M-iunt i.- p. m j 1.1" Arttc Tarlntr.i JyUAYe. Tarli nti f LeM-Vii.vn "- Artive Hi'hnti Ar.l-ayettewlU' Wt'tiol.l,i.ori IM to4V v Miih'iioliH i. I I- p in J II ..-lid m. lX.iJiu.1 I 41- - I I ' ' 1 I M " ) I - I :t 'S H HI. i lili ' SALE. A NEW NATIONAL M. li, iMily. I I" 17 I'luly. 0 p m I ; Mp.m-I T-: "THAIS "PUSH MH;IH. , I I' uly. I tV.'Wilmituii.n U. Id pin htmv Hiirifitw i " ! I Lmvc M'imii'llfv li.'i p ni. i I1 2 1 " ll"4-' Arrive Uoidhuro l. ii " I M -i ' i ii LT-THyttrvilk' I I . ArHvi; Selm Arrive WilM.ii I I n - I LMTf Wilvfti 1 1 ui. I Mi p. tu I 1.' ,1 a.m. Ar.Jt ieky M.-uiit 1 1 l.w " I " Arrive i'ttrtLiro p m. I LiUftre lArd.ir.) till" m in. Amve ft'eldoii - 411' " i Jl.iliin.l :4hih. lWiiiiili Si-iillrtilfi .Nerii Hmih II K.iKil ieao ll-U- tUt (or Se-dlHiiiV Seek nt .KM V. M ltturmii( itMnnc.ilanil t-cn i v wia. m., amiy eirepi Huiul.iy , t'Min leaver ThMkim. N". C, vifl All'Tiuarlc A 8 ilk' li K. U IMily ev ept HintiUy, ii.) P. M , miu dnyfi'H I'. M .nrnve U illiiini..,i, N ('.. r hi I'. ' ty I'. M. Kehiriiinn leaves Willlanislon, S c . ' Dillv 'i-ept Sunday, 'en M Sunday V . M.. Arrive TartxiM, S. t ., 10", a M , M.M A M ' Xtlii"l' Midland S. I'. hrrtin li leaves i..ddslTu, H. '., lially eieipl Sunday. it) I'. M. urnve ' Bwltlitiehi, S ('., 7 I'. M. Kelurililix leeit (mlihiield, N. ('., 7..S A. M, arrive i... hUUir-', S.f ., . 9MA. M. ftxiiltboiiiiil triu im WiU.ui and tHyi'ttt-ville Bmit h is N. . Stirttiisiund is S.i ."io. Tr-in No. 4n Sinilh will Slop uuly t WiUon. old-Umi mid Magnolia, i ' trui tl So. 47 intikin vUv lolilKi-lioll t Weldnii ' forall )oliiU North lUily. All md vi Uu Uiiu.iid, thliUily eteept Sunday vi H-y l.lue. 'ffiiliH mukes vliM! I'lilineeUulis tr all HiiUt ' ffuMh vi Kieiimond ifMV-iiia;t.ii. 4H Tmlllk nut mdid belkreti W ihnlnnt.'ii and 1 "Tf (mliliirftoii, tiul I'uJiiatH; l'.ihtt- ,-k-eperp ' 4t.(M'h.-tl ft I - 1 , J, IL KKNLY, .iJUltt F.PIVINK, . 1 Sup't " f (Jinfrl Sup't. F , t.H. KMKKSOS.UHll I'aiwti'iitfer Kgvut. $ -- KALKlt.H ASIHiATuS KAll.KUAU, f KiU-tgU.N.C.Juli 22, J sewing machine, With all the late pruVi lueutH. attaehuietita anil im "Ami that jiath leads '!" "t Hi, uuwhere at all !" atuwereil MauJ It ', hastily so hastily that her (tnian iun let the briille Call iin his linrse'n neck utnl hall' turned in his sail lie, "aiiii" up that narrow, wimlinj; break ill the dark wiodii is if he txjK'cttjii t six some mys terious secret iei'iill! out of it. I!ut Maud had turned her horse's head in the opposite direction, minting with her whip: "S,!e what a e.1 inum view down the hillside; Cou:in Maurice!'' she erii.il. t was lowin' and brilliant aud beau tiful in the sunset, but nut so beautiful, not ball'su brilliant, as the graceful woiuan at his side. When lie atisWirid, ''Suin'th !" Matirlee IK'snionil's eyes were on hir face, and not on the fair valley scene below thoni. IVrli;i h. wnt consciiu of thu fact. Her lovely color peiiuJ, and she ttrui k lift' Imrse smartly with her ridiu-whip, wheeling 1 1 i in round suibK uly to hide the blush. 'Now fr u race huuie !'' she cried, yai- And then, vvln-tli.-r it was the -harp j turn or the sudden Hick of the lash, ir soiiH'tluiig Stirling in the uiidrrrowlh, i h-T horse pluu.'ed, and thu Q.'Xt iustant Maud was lyiti;; oil the road-ide, itli the j lovely colorall Ihd out of lur face. ' It did not eome back licn Maurice! Pesniotid stooped over her, lilting her i head tm his arm, speaking to her, trying 1 tu recall life. j There was no siin of lite. j The young fellow looked around him j ihspiratcly. What should he do'.' Her j home was far away, in the valley too t'ar ! to think uf cry in;; for help, too far to. think clTcavini; her alone till lie should; t;. A. M. i t r. M 8 ml 1'. M. 1 i V. M. 7 utt 1'. il !ui M. ui 1 ,M. UJ 4. U. 'k , J Mill. IlMVi' U.Kiiili Antvts) ,1 Wt-lUau lv Wultliai Arfltui t lult'tali .... i 4 VUJ TllROI'OH 1'HUIoUT. I LH (Kor IVrlMiumllj.) t-v Klelh n A.rlVt)ILlWUIH t AHv4 K.kih - V I j : ' ' UJCAl l KK10HT, : UvfH tiUeifh ; . I 15 i. X , A.iclW,1Juu - 3 4-. I'. M I t o. Wi-Moli ' A. M rvn al Kaleixlk 3 I'. M. L tall Irntim MHkr elir eoliliectluiiii ,1 Weliloli H1 1 iv ScutsHin int Kiuuiokr tuuriHiU Mini iim) V'J SU-taicr, vlit ltllium', k n,l lr..uiHll hihu ft Itli. Went, am! N.iftliwent nl ltll IVtcnUiur, Halk'HUl vim I'vlersliurit Itii-liiiioliil Hint W n.-luiiitliu . l.o. tl, hiiiI Inmi nil luirts Nun!'. 1I1 Nurtliuesl At Bft'eixli with tlif North I Mrulili lulom.l u.tntl 1 fr., ,11 iMiints South anil Sotilliw ..!. Rial Hllh.lhi; Ui,iKll mill AilKllbUt Air t.lttcUt Ksji'tU'Vlllf. Hitlu- i ItLLliMllutU: ami tlif bouth. . Wji.sMITll.Snpl. . Jill. C. WSKIIKK, flrmral Manager. This uiaehint' is made by the New Home Sewing Maeliiue ('uuipiiiiv, with as iiiucli care and extHiise as the New lloine and is e.iually as eood. This machine cau he bought for l'urcliaser payiii): freight. Atltlrtiw KOANOKK NKWS, ' : Wcltlon, X. 0. orrttB Htir'T. 1 KYsM-or-iTiun, SANllKK.lt., 1'iirUmiiulli, Va.. July 1 ISSJ I tntkaou tlill Kiiatl will Ustre tvrtsmiuit tjall; fm.iU(, : t i 4 'i . . mm t : t I'm w. . t i.. A. I MstlTraln - .. . 9tf Ffviahl Irl Week!)' - , Trsfps Arrive at Wi'Moii tlally, except Uuuuayi ' . A lolluw,: Mu rrain 1 I' M 5 U.muli ThrollBh Krellht la l A. SI I Wax I ruin J Oil I' ' Tnttts of tliii K.Jiil will leave Wfl.luii Oall) , tl . ceit siiiiiutva, aa luuuw : IM Tram mm V luteiidi ThMiiKh Freight leavea Wehlun tur I'oru- - mown 'tally (clcem Moliilay uiura.) a i,i A. x s Freialil - - fl uo A. M , Ttltkia Arrive at INiruluoulh, rlaily i'xrrl Sunday, - - 'S ai follow, : VtltTnUn I'" t . SwklLih Throlurh I'rriirht . S Hs I' - tAaf IrelnUt . . . ,,lh I'l II 'il&M Tiaiu Blui at all t-tatioim. Kteamfr lvf. ' i'lMtmi, 1'hnosith aiul Ijaditvja M h Uuuk vatar autl t'hnwan nvrra. Apvly to K. U. Etlwanla, Aaeut, Welilolt. or Ui '; 1. T SI V Kits, : n BiiperlnteiiiU'iit of TransHirtsllnQ. I arkf goodl iahing rliiiiuti wis! J lBKSIARLEiRAl.Ell.UR. K.CO. l anil after June Int. issa. trnhia will ruu oa troad by Uie fullowlug avbt'itulv: j TlUItni.K( ,.' ',, Taifc'ro, (UaTM) , t T liOto, (AOiva,) , kattvU'i. i 6 NarreU'a, am-tra, 'Js Warren',, I Litrte t'reek, t :lti I.UlleCrvek, -lrl. t W II- thel. , Kotttrsoiivllle, T l.i Kolieniuttville, K'UMt i, 7 So Kvrri'lt a t II lUiamaton, (Ar.) I ut Wllllamion,(I.T. 'Maudl ' Then, eiiireeiiii lo-i-i II, with a swift obiiiee askance at. Mauiiee Hesliiolid; "Miss Kit", lias she fainted ? Will you brill"; her indoors, and lit me try to help you V Indoors it was as without as rude in terior as exterior; but made beautiful by the fairy touth of the oirl who was soon down on her knees beside the ru-lie In nth on which they bad laid Maud. She bad bi'uuobt a fla.-k of cologne fiuui the innei room a tiny closet; half seen tlirotioh the opening dim r ami she was bathing Maud's wrists and temple. 'She is coining to," she said, after a moment, looking up at llesuiiunl. '''I'b.uiks toyou," liesai 1. 1 aerly. "Vou have lii'cu her good fairy of the wood-. II I had not chanced upon your hotvrr lii-re Hut she Lokeil up at him with a grave smile. "Vou do not know, then, that every one shuns our hut that it has an evil name and all tie country people would go a mile round to avoid it afterdark? Why, Mau l Miss l'tae would tell you " She stopped. Miss line's eyes were opening, and gaz ing straight up into hers. Some one eis'i was gazing now a bent and worn and feeble figure in the doorway, who stood there with his dark looks rive ted upon the group. No one saw, him. The girl upon her knees, the young man stooping toward her. w ith both watching the Hame of life flickering again in Maud's wide opened eyes. They stared up at the fairy little creat ure, bewildered, half dreamy. 'Am I asleep'.'" said Maud, in a slew, contused tone. ' I've often dreauiel Mali came tu ine just so " ' Mab !" the ipieeu of the fairies! the girl on her kte.'cs beside tliee.iu di, looked a very faity-ijiteen to Maurice lle-moiid. I And this was luid.-umtner dav, the fairies' day. She seemed to read bis fancy, and Hash ed hiui up a laughing glance, as she knelt there; theu laid her small, brown hand, upon Maud's white aud jewelled one. 'llu uot talk yet," she said. Ml wa-a.es your slriugth. Aiidbesid.s" this so low as she bout over lit r. tint Maurice 1 cs moiid barely eauglii a word or two "ton might say something you might not choose tu sa afterwards." Hut Maud suddenly raised herself upon her arm. All licr color Hashed hack 10 her checks. "I,i-t, ii ! " sic cried. ''Vou Mali, and you Maurice llc-uioiid 1 1 am ashamed of my cold heart, my eovetoin proud heart. I acknowledge this girl, Mab llao, as my coii'-in. and having ctpial right with me :it Itai burn Hall. I will make grandpapa yes, I can do anythi-g with him, he luvis me so well I shall make grandpapa for give Mali's father, whom h" di-inherited years ago ti.rgive linn, nml hnng hiui home to l!;.- l Hill Hall. Aud Mab shall ; forgive uic for not helietii.g her when she THE LAST TIME. There is a touch of pathos about doing evt li the simple! tbilii: ' lor the last time.' It i not alone ki-ing tin- dead that uivvs you ibis strange pain. Vou feel it wlen you have looked your last lime upon sojie scene joii have loved when you stand in Some Ipliel city street, where V'Ul kll'W that you will tu vcr stand again. The actor playing his pail for the la-l linn , the stlioer whose Voice is tlaiktd hopeh ssly ami who aft, r this once will never stand before the sell of llpl Ol'lled faces displll ilej the plalldils with fle-ll, r Voices all 1 fain r foiiiis; the ui iuist 1 1' who li.,s preached bis last seiuiou these all know the hidden bitteries of these two Wolds" lie V entrain.' How they come to ti.s on our birthdays as we grow older. Never again young al ways nearer aud nearer to the very last the end which is universal, "l he last thing" which shall follow all last things, and ami turn then, let hope, from pain to joys We put away our h iyi.-h toys nil li an old headache. We were too old to walk any j longer on our stills too t. ill to play mar- liles on tlie si-lewalk. let there was a pang when we thought that we bad played with our merry thoughts for the lust time, and life's serious grown-up work was wait ing for us. Now we do not want the Inst toys back. Life has other and larger play things for us. May il not lethal these, too, shall seem, in the light ot some far oil day, as the boyish games seem to our man hots, and we shall learn that death is but the opening of the gate into the new land of promise? Wilson Mi'rmr. HOW STORY SAW CHRIST. IIISSTATI K I'l' I II K SAVInI'll l VIlK r'ttl'M SIKMiiKV ill' A VI.-IUX. BAD FOR HUSBANDS. New York Stir . ItnviK, March IT. H-7. -SfryV l-'si s, at no. a Christ, is an origin il ami beautiful conception. The dress i- that ofall Alab, tlie cetoiieth or under garment lieh and full, bound round the waist with a soft sub; iii.d tin' ineil, an upper one, a ininllc. which w.ih the s ainless girinetit we r. ad that our Lord wore. On the h ad is I b kinVh or sctii', hound aroiiu 1 by a fillet, which foiined a soft visor like framim; a hove the brow; the ni ls of this kirlyeh fall over the tdmul'lcn and cover the long hair which vou sec under the shadow of ii- I'oMt. This is lli : iiipkin. as the Kui'.i-li translation of ihe liil.le calls it, which was taken oil', folded and laid b 'side our Lird in llie glare. This costume is most elfee live, for it has lh.' rich deep folds of the ui'i-ntal 'iiiadraiigular mantle, and is prob- diy, my hubby, but I can see through you ably exactly like th; dresf our Saviour I uow. Vou are as tinnsparent as glass to WHAT MATCnMK Til I'ASS II' WnMKN IlK VEI.OI' AS MINI) KKAI'KKS. t'liieliiauti l'.u.iurer. Think ol it! Women as mind readets! Wives r -ading tbeii husbands like open I I- Tlcreby felling on to all our little p -t sell 'Hies. If we allow this thing to go on win re wi'l ii ni I.' Th - wife a mind rc'i'let' 'flic iniioieiit husband lias fixed up a plan beitveen his particular chums to make ill.' most ol nil efeoill.;. si on laving the siipper (able be sty-. MbisiucsH at my desk will keep ine pret ty late, wifcy, dear, i d in't sit up for me, bill go to bed and sleep like an angel." Only to h tve her come back with: "That story might have worked yester- Al' l-.ltl I. J .til VIS L. ill ALSTON. Hilt-ill)? "irelliisi lliikerj aii'l .Hi" il ' now prt pureil to Ho ; "ar M it) . 10 .liiliHiiil f K A f'u'.lirt'll. 1 iu SUPPLY till' tlllliT MAULS f-l I A FALL AND A RISE. 1-t't I If i lh Bit tO HI' Kir . Mi XI. Li DKINKO, A r.trnn'r who lui'l Umi tluin busirirss with mhiic vi on llu- sct'otnl ih t nt" a I.iuMhil.' Diiir llu; marU't yrstci'ihiv. iiiatlc u slip at tiio lni ni' the Mairs ami cainc down in hid'oail o:iL:lt' taliiidt an ! was lur tJie iii'dinnt r-ip!'-ml mnou-t' -imis. Hr wits lak. n intii tin- iilliec ui' u livi ry stahlo I'nr tt tnj ri y cxaiiiinalifiii ami (ii-atmoiit, ami us tli.'y tiiM-iifil liis rout nnJ v-st atpl (linlVil liis IkupIs lie iiia ti. il hi cvi-H ami sai l : ''Itnys, I h.-li. vc I'm doim fnt." ' (Id. mi- -y.iu'll sou n 1." all ri-ht," tiny ri'i'licil. ToyV li- cuiiiiinp il as In' triril tu raisi lip. (.no of y. ni im over nil tin' tnnl tu my 1I woman." Vwiiui-sh..'.'" lier nauif is PiiHi-r. Tin rr" a white liuss to tin- team. You'll I. now tlm w.ilu , tv a lianvl ft' ei'li r in llie bad ml , T!i' n''s also a rn .rk urimll.T. 'Wt'ai'e to f:ml Mi. I'uittr utnl tell litr you ai'i' liurt. ami - " 'On.' i.f tlie liurx.- s liliml, ami tl.' ul.l wuiiiaii Iia;iit i nil t'ratlier in lu"' !iat. fur lit lp. And tluww.w no house in num. upon i hali that j:ivn tvUu.4 t, lliis ltdp'lv. iimiiiitaiii insi. ,,,: lllV .,. ,, i.,..'1" ii Ladies Fine Shoes WE HAVE MADE 00 Tie 7 00a.ro train from WflllamKtiu will r- -rtT4u Tarborvitv u. ui , allow i in itawenxrs to B&ect with thcmurulug train on the W. W. K. ft. fui Roeky Mount, Hjc 6 ii) p. tu train (torn TarU.ro orninw't witli th .vnU at WiUiaiUHlon rr Nirfdk via N 8. Hail itni a?i(l tnternifdlatf lutii; also at JaDivill -wiibtheJ A W.kailniadfiir Wa.hiiigt.ni aud all .jol'ita bslow. im vmnir mmj ovrnaiifia m any umi m. f. hart, i i ; ; WKLIH)N',N. C. N. B. JOSEY k CO.. SCOTLAND NKCK, N. C, Our agent.' for the aale of our Ladies' Fine Shoes, for their respective wet ion. Wc make on the N. Y. Opera, Acme, Waukenphast aud Creelo lasts, the latter is jtut out and is very uiee. W e use tho McKay Machine and new with best Har bour's thread. Kvery pair warranted. They ro nice, ncut and stylish. Give them a look when you want a shoe and you will be plcaaod. , etwa'.ll aadoffcoiaittneM mar reoulra. sept 16 1; P. BKED i CO Roche iter, N. f. As he cast hit eyes forlornly around, there came to hiui, like an unexpected uu.swer, a faint waver of blue smoke above the low fire ami the aldi rs close at hand. All at once il strmk hiui that merest path, winding through the undergrowth which Maud had told him led nowhere at all. Might there not al least he a wood cut ter's hut some shelter some one to send down to the great h 'Use on a message? lie caught Maud up, geiitlyand swiftly, in his arms. Her fair head drooped upon his shouhhr, lor light form lay, a heavy btirdiu on his heart, which was full of pity for lu r an I dismay. Now mid again putting out one arm to shield her Iroiu the ovirljppiug brandies, he pushed on through the wiuding path into the midst of the ov. rgrown wood into tin! very midst whete, suddenly, he came ui'oii tl o hut he had been looking for. A wood cutter's hut, whose rude walls were c verel with the climbing clematis and iru npel vine, and clustering, coral on. vsii klc: clumps of wild twtntlrial were blooming about the doorstep. "A fairy bower,,' slid llcsuioiid to him aoHi"aii'l--yes.).'i"hris the laity!" ' Skfc cam.! wit un i t lh trailing vims, inking like u Bightiii'Jide, a wild long, which it lo ed the n c.w of the I irtl i flyii g hoim ward in the a it s I Sh sto d in ihe 1 " may, shadim: lor te-willi be r hand fioiu lb" led rays if the Miikin; sun asyph like figure ttoun ed with hair in wl.Ui those lays were gleaming, as if ihey ih lighttd in him ring th.re. At lb'suiJiid's rusliing nio.'e.neut of the branches, she dropped her hand, and looked straight into his eye" across the narrow patch of cleared ground between the hut and the surrounding wood. Straight into his. with llu prtttiest uut hrowu eyes, Mauri'',; IKslilolid ihollght, that he had ever seen', out ol ihe prettiest wild .o face for she wan blushing like any roso under his involuntary mare. Then, when she saw the burden in his arms, she started forward. 'Something has happi'iud !" she cii.d. "An accident 1 Iflcandu anything " fcdio hjoko off sharply, as she came ucari r and cairght a full view of the t'aoe upon hie shoulder. Ikr sobs broke in, aud Mali had pill In r arms about her. "Hindi. Maud deal Maud ! 1'' r you have something to forgive me, too. I thought you cold and hard " A step across the eurtheii floor stopped her. That bent un J hopeless figure had left the doorway and stood among them, hcut "Ves, we know. We that you are hurt, iin,!- A Tttl one of the foie vva"in has gi t two new s liliil' d the man. "Ail right, and we nr.' Wile. N , sir ! Vou ii-t t lilol'ti bi'lli lei;s llti,l foilv nlll I belles ill niv hodv, but net to sell one duriiid tillllee of lh tl butler less'ii tweiuy cents a uuiid. Huttcr has liz. and the old winan sds llieiv cliawiu' iriini and don't know it. are lo tell her wheels ot' the ik-s ill it," lon- to hi n ; t our 'il Icr that I've CAN'T STAND IT ALL. 'Maud," he saitl "Maud, my little brotlnr I'iek's orphan child, you will have to ask foi"iveiic.ss fi r inf. too! --for it was an evil spiiit ofrevitige that made settle In re in this hut utter inv father had rtiuilsetl me these two tiiouths ago here at Hives' ((ati's, aa it were, where from his piond house, he might see the smoke of my cabin above the trees by day, and the light of il through tin in by night. I uieinil to make no public claim, on him. when once he had denied me. bin 1 meant to haunt hiui wiih my wretuheluiss, aud turn all his luxury to hiitcrueM. Hut now. f. r my poor Mali's sake, who has never beeu hitUr and hard '' ' Hut a '.'ood fairy," said llcsuioiid. pul ling out bis band to her. "Cousin Mill t o ueh not "0 nearly akin as Maud, 1 have a right to ebiiin ymi t in." She did n 't know then what tlaitu l e m ant lo advance; but tu t many weeks alt.r .h" did. I til 1 t'.Vo- this lime Malltic ' Hi's- in onl mid Mab -had iid.li n up frni tl.c Hall, and ' Im ked lle ir horses in the clcltf Meg ot the low ilesertid hut. 1 1, siiu ml leaned forward and laid bis band "ii the little gloved one licit nst. d idly mi t'ue pointnel of her saddle. "Mab, my Midsummer l'airy, do you know what happens when il is given to a uiorlal to sec a fairy on Midsummer' Hoy?' Sh" dropped let eyes, half shyly and half liitst'liii vously. "A fairy gift is granted him," she said . ' W, and I demand it-- nay, 1 beseech it. Mab, my fairy 'iiecn. come touit be my wife !" She did not ipeak. hut 'he small hand nesilcd yet closer undir his. . . All int. r goods at priino coil for cash, to make mom for apring stock. I1, N. Siaiulack i Co. Two Arkansas men engaged in conver Mci.iii : Say. 1'nclc Hiily, ynu live in tr pretty tough neighborho al. 'f n't ycr ?" "I'uliy tough. Sam; putty tight on tber sin k " " lo ycr ever get in lights ';" No tiglns. ' Wliul do yer do when er feller calls ycr a har . "Wall I think that nielibe he knows more cibout it than I do, and jest let th" tliini; rock along." "Ves. and spozen he calls ycr tr thief ?" "Wa'll, t jes think tint niehbe he's better posted than I am." ' Spozen h" calls you a coward?" M w iililn't ar-gy wiih hiui." ' Wa ll spoken he'd say that yer couldn't tell iher age uv cr boss by lisikiu' in his mouth ?" "What ! me not know ther age uv er host? W'y, Sam. ef i r feller wuz ter say that, he'd have me t. r wimp, right lh re. Il' ll't talk ter 111", Sam, di'll'l t ilk ter me. for it makes me mad in ibiuk about it. wor :. The person is that of a young man, tall, thin, but not emaciated. Tlu right hand is extended as if summoning you to ap proach. The left baud rests gently on the drapery of the breast. They are long, slen der, refined, oriental bauds, modeled with feeling and delicacy. The face is siugu larly tender aud noble; handsome, with line brow and beautiful feature. The eyes have a wonderful outlook, spiritual, and as if they saw far beyond mortal gaze. The expres-ion of tho face is united to til it ol the outstretched, pleading, earnest hand. The words "Come unto me, ye who are weary and are heavy laden, and ye shall find rest" seem to b" uttered by the lips, and yt the intense sadues , of the face is as if lie hid little hope that huiualiily Would listen to the call. 1 sat si.me time the other afternoon look ing al ibis impressive statue. Ave Maria sounded, and th" late afternoou shadows 'gathifiil in the stud gave ihe figure of ill siartliiig likeness to life. I spoke, think ilig aloud: "And so lie may have looked." Il oiigbl to link like Ilim, for I have seen llilll," said tile sculptor, illii;tly. 1 stalled, and turned lo know il I had heard (be words or b id dr.'auied them. "Ves." repctit'l Story, calmly, lighting a fie.-li ligarett-: y. s, an ! I will tell you how it was. Ii liappeinil vv Ii it I nan young about Jn. 1 w. is going ill the ' hoiiiiv." as the coach was called that rati in tliusi' days evry hour between Huston onl Canil'iidge. I'.-r it was long li. l'.rethe time ot the omnibus and horse ear. Of course, 1 mean I dreamed I was in (be eo.ieh, It was as all dreams art1, at once sfringe an 1 prosaic. Soon afler 1 got outside tin: coach, and we bad started, 1 sudd n'y bee Hue aw ire that Christ Was seated "titsi le with the driver! My first inipuis was to toil h Ilim. s i I leaned m t and restel my hand mi his garments when I fell sure il was Christ! "tVlieii tic co.teli reach.' 1 the halfway house at C.nnbridg ! irt ever, on got out, and Chr st also. 1 did u it, but s it looking upon Ilim as h walked to an 1 fro. Tie re were or.liu try, u o iu pnpl ' ah ml and the natural pros tie action of such a place going on 1 was aware tliat no one nut myself saw that strange being in otieiital garments, moving villi slately st' ps baik. ward and forward in front of (he busy lit i lo crowd which asseaiUes at a halfway house wheo a sta:J turives. Hut that did not seem str.in :e to ui", n ir was I suipriscd at his t!re-s, so unlike anything 1 bad ever linked on. for at lh it tiui I w is not f.uo ilar willi th' Arab costume, 1 simply thought, 'Th to is Christ,' and every s. n.-e in my bo ly wes alive. Then came the hustle of starling, and then the whole dream ended the vision disappeared! I'or years and years that ap pearance has h muted m '. and over and a g.t'ui I hive triel to give fir.u and sh ipe to that face and person, which 1 saw as plain its i see you now. No woiider, with the vivid memory of lh.it marvelous vision, our celebrated sculp has been able to give lis such a noble scui blanee of the Hivine Master. me. Vou have no intention of going to y.,ur desk nothing of the kind. On the contrary, you have made airatigeiucuts to meet your chums at a poker joint and in dulge in the festive game to a late hour." Or she will give him this: 'Work at your desk until late at night, poor overworked man! How many times you have pulled the wool over my eye by litis night work racket, and I have teen just ehuiiip enough to swallow it all. Hut I am up to your little game now. lean read you now aud I don't need glasses Vou are an open hook in big job type. Vou are going to the theatre to-night and have made arrangenit ut to meet one of the ballet girls and enjoy a supper after the perlornianee. No wonder you will be late. Hadn't you bjlter make a whole uight of il? It will save you the trouble of coming home and lu; ihe au-joyatug af being tlis tuibed. "Hut, hubby, he honest hereafter in The half li 'bts I your dealing with inc. It. will be for . .. . . . : 'O I .1 t: . V"UU .Hessian a youi tiueiest, jiiu n unit uiai lies won l work as in tlui past. Come right out with it and ackiinwl-dge like it little man that you are badly stuck on some ballet girl tin aecouut of her marvelous make-up. Say you are a to il aud want to prove it to oth ers as well as lo the few wh i are lied lo ymi for life. Say you are weak in ihe up p -r story, and anything with a blonde wig and stiitled calve can catch you for all there's in joti, and h"lp you waste the raoiiey that ought to make home happy am! bright." Now whit married man wants I liis kind of a racket played on him? 1 1 won't do. This mind reading business on the part of women must not be. encouraged. If it is we in-'ii will be losers by it. ll.i vou tumble'.' lilt KAK FAST, My table in supplied with all the delicacies the market aflOril,. Am then gnud cigar, lo TOP OFF WITH. Give nie a call and a chance and ynu will be SA.TISFIELD. My lbikery 1 mipplied with everylhiiiK and my tiroeery in uimiirpusrd. All kinds ul' i'likca, Pif ('nickers mid Bread, funned UuodK, Hutlcr, l.liPt'nt, Sunn', Tobaci'u, die, I. M. ALSTON, W a nil hint on Avenue, WVMoii, N.C. dec K, ly LIQUORS. C. SMITH. SKE IirSUQrORS, SEE II1S CIGARS, SEE HIS GROCERIES. V, Wine ft, A NATURAL LAWYER. CtiflED qOODS. Kviuv I. ikk.-- What a truly h.auiilul w. rM wt livo in ! N t.uiv usL'raml- ur i'l moan! tin-. ;:i, it' ami ocean-, anil lit ai-iiit!' ol un. .ii- ol iniowmiit. W i' can lii'Mrc no l-ctiu win n in pfil'ivt health, lull li "lit'ii tloilie majoiity '!' in'.. tile I I'd i:ivin' it up th-liearti m-il, lis- c mraL't'il "ml wuru out wit 1 1 tiitivw. wli- n t'liii1 i no occasion f'r h Icclinj. as t v cry sullWiT ran i';ily ol.taiu s.ilitactory proof, that Ctntn'a .l.oi'.sr' I'lmn r, will mtkc iWm lrv Ir.'in ili asp, as when hum. llvMiriiiii ami l.iver ('ntni'lainl an ihe tliivct caus. s uf Hcv.'iitv livo w t was hi cut. of sa "li mal nliv' as liiliotistios', ln tii jollm, Sick Ilea l p-li.1. t'ostiven.'ss. N.Tv.vis iV'stritinn, Pi .in -sh of the Hoi.), Palpitation ol'tho IKrart. auJ other iliedivsMu.; svoiptoiiic. ThrtMloai's u" An- y'oii' Fvu&t wiil provi! its wonderful clVivt, Siifjili! liouhn. Ii ithN. Try ii. Ilutr to (.alu l-trh and Mlriitbt Vsr after each nieul Scott m Kmol-ion with lIp"pho-pliiu. It is hs palatahlo as tu 1 1 k , ami easily ilmeMnl. ihe rapnli t- with which ilt-licatc people iuuir.ive with its iic im woii'leriul. I'st- it nml try your weight. As a rciinlv lor Cimsuinpimn, Thr i.ii itlh cii di", ami llruti' liilis, it in un i pi il. o1, 1 'lease read : "1 useil Sctl's I'.uiuls'nn in a thihKi'jht tii.iulhsoll with en '1 ri'Milt.i. He L'ni 1 four piinn.)' in :i v.rv sh.rt lime. Tito. Pimm. M. I . Aluhaina. "I avo Seolt'"( Kuiulsiun to a nl It iiki ii to") . years ol.l trouhhU with t'hrunic HroiK Litis, with tip-most exe Ilciil results.",). i Cvscin. ltrokcn Airow, Ala mar l I-lino. A voiui woiuan of aNuru.lk, Va.. who .niiii hlitol fntn tataratt, took tin1 iplviee of an ohl tieom wotniin, put a drop of ui'ilaviis in taeh eye ovcry day, ami was cuiupleicly euretl. A man dropped in on a Stockton law yer the other and wanted tu bonow ten dol lars. Wluvfii't got it," naid the lawyer. ' Well, ' rt'.rifMlthe modest tuan, "can't vou borrow it for ine?" M inihl; hut you must pay back that Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C, five iln'hirs you hoirowed from uie a year airo first." He left. Tlioiiext day he came again, and hhitiht the 6ve dollars. "Tliauk you, thank you," uniiled the uoriiiWr of tho har, pocketing the half ea- gle. Thai ain't ihe proper thing lo say. 'thank you' is too tame." -Yes'?" "Yes." ' What should I say, thi n ?" "Why, you ought to ay, 'Come on, old hoy, let us go down and have some- thiii'.' " "Well, then, come on, old boy I" They went down and had something, and the "old hoy" called up all his friends, There was just three dollars and ten cents left out of the half eagle That afternoon the "old boy" dropped in on the lawyer again ' Uow about that ten dollars?" he ask ed. "What ten dollars ? ' Why that ten dollars you were g ling to lend lue if I brought you hack fire. I've come lo get it." "tlreal Cii'sar! Say, just sit dowu over there and go tostudtiuglaw. 1 need in in just lik" you, l ui going to uiako you my partnei." .SVocAV'oi .ViiiV. "Mom's dentifrice. The best cleanser, preserver and beatiti lh r of the teeth. I'repared of harmless ingredient, and can lie us.sl without tin slightest injury to the enamel. It will biautifully whiten the teeth, make healthy gums, ami sweeten Inn breath 1 rice 2o ct. per bottle. For sale by all ist. I Inec tned, you will use KVERY DRINK IN SKASON. tay-O. Smith at F.vans' old stand Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C. ilw IR iv J. L MR. f o-PROPRIETOR OF-o BEER AND POP BOTTLING Establishment ! WELTJOIST, LET. C. I winta to Rtateto the public that I am now prepared tu supply Dealers, Halooui, 6lc, with CarlfouaUil wattra, (iinger Ale, Hanwparilla, Iaeiuun, Soda and Kl raw berry ttavora FRESH BOTTLED. Also Cream Soda, all of which ii a pleasant and healthfu' beverage. BEAR IN MIND, That all dealers in Weldon aud surround ing country towns are keeping the above for their friends and the public. Also tho ltergner ,v Kneel standard proiit L.'ig.r lU'f. lry it aud see lor youraclvoa. Alwayi bottltsl FRESH TO ORDER. drug other. Give nie a trial and see. inch 111 -I mo. Kesnectfullv. J. I. FKYAR. Weldon. K C ranvin-lr Just received a wry cheap. I'. N line of jd uir tobacco; Stiiinbaek & Co. Just rtciived aline uf those celebrated liny State and Ztiglcr ehoes, advoovrlcdged n In' the best good on the market. 1. N. Slainback Si Co. r Tell mu IMalnlv That Simmon Liver llegulator will rid you ot HysH'psia. lltad.tche, Constipation, and Hilltotisiu'ss. It wiil brake up chills and fe ver and prevent tluir return, and isa com plete antidote for all malarial poison yet eutirely free from fpiiiiine or calomel. Try it, and you will he astonished at the good results of the geuuiue Simmons liver Reg ulator, prepared by J. IL !cu"ib & Co. uich 311-ino. HilW TIIK WlfKKIl llRI MMKR YVll.L Do. Scene A lailway train after April ! 5th First clergyman "Did you sell old IVpperandsalt at X?" rvcivnii clergyman 'Waw. I'o you m can live al home, and raakf more money ai wii'it lorui, man ai aimmtta- im ia tills w odd I'npitAl imt iitMled; yvu ar stnrled fm1. Hold urim : all area. Any oneeHHdolhe work. Irtrv eaniinaa aure tnm know, he's the Worst old duffer to ell on deluy. ronb yi noihhir u aend nt your aridr 1 alio mm oui: nvmi are wim you win no au mivm. this rou Stop hero comes the conduc tor. A I w.ajttst renurking, Hrothr Itrown, we had a mwt refreshing season of place at X." Just received a car load of flour from (be wost, which wo offer low for cash. P. li. lfAMJCTT A LU, Portland. Matii. Ot3P-1J. Rend nix renti ft r poatav ft receive frve, a eoaily A prize..:, hix of ffttdtlK w liiili will help ymi to nora'aoirt rixbl away than anylhiui ciae In IhLa world. Ai of 'Utinraei aucoevd Croaa flnit boor. Tbe btt4 itMd to twUdia oNiu 4eiLr -flit Sr wkja, aw auimljf aura, aMwaaaaiawai, ypaQw J Wi ; jahih u.riim,Qfn'i i