l iff I Till vrwswSii I HALL & SLEDGE, rnoruiKTOHS. A. ITEWSFAP'EI E O K THE FEOFLE. TBRMS-W" l'KIt ANM'M IN AM AM'K. VOL. XVI II. WELPON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1SS7. NO. 5. 1B NKW APVKIITISEM KST8 Premier floor of America. -PATENT PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774. The value ..I' KUH'K iI.iimIs the tiUTlOX CONTAIN KD IN Til K It II K I IT M AKKS. Maryland and ViruinU Wkaat,lroui which uiir I'ATKNT HUlXKIt I'MlCHS urt i l.i. fly "iii itiiif:i t nr.-.l. ha long bui'ii eouiwli'd to In! SI ! I'KI! IOH In any mln-r. luraiiw it has a II KTTFU COM BINATION OK (11,1'TKN ASH riloSI'H ATKS. This Ian r.xii-ni.i'd nut only In thit ODlnilr, bill in Ihi' I'nitfl KiiMjihini u well, white ihv "I'AT A I'SCtl SUl'Kltl,A'ri:'j C.MHASIS HKCII-KI-I-Y .M-HiK MONKV ih.m anj ..td.-r Atawioau Kloiirj iAA 'jolt jirowr f-r il. Al-o l'..r '! rt fatlpsi'ii Su-r!alivc, I':im- lli-nry Vaiiiilv, Hi-Jfunl I'.unilv, 1 'if, PafctpMW Faiiiilv, Nurth IVint Family, OrniivrH.riiv.' Kxlra, ' . PatauM.'.. Kxlra, Clu'saiii'iiki' Kxtru. ltalduin F.iiuilv. C. A. liAMHHll.I, MANI KACTI KINU COMPANY 1 '! CouiniiTiT St., Italliniun-, Mil. tug 12 ly. THE PLACE TO GET HE.10I $ B113 -AT 1LOWESTPRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WIlT SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. I W E L D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. IrnlBCRimuM DWARTMUKT ril.l.KI) WITH T1IK MOT Shl.KCTKI) MATERIAL.- PfcEMCRIlTIONH COMl'tUINI-EI- AT AI.I. HOI KS WITH (IKK AT CAKE. fERFCMEKY, STATIONICKY, FANCY SOA1S, llliCSHKK, FANCY ((XII1BIE that hearty walcomelwIU It jr: IT. BROWN, IIeOAVN & a .4 DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, 1. TTQ&BOHi H. C, HEADQUARTERS FOR TOILET AHTICLKS, l'ERFl'MKRY, COMBS, BRUSHES, , PLAIN ? '"PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED., farOwo on SunJayi. 9 ti 10:0 A. M. r XKUNDEVELOPED i Hlf-nn- -rr In ri, t.ni.i.i- jliH) Oial 'Imr I mi iii li.li. -jf I.,.ibI..ih 'J.M.'k.AuKV f,i..-r tviiesTine Shoes lit fK HAVE MADE K F. HART, r j WELIK.V,N. C. ...I r, B. JOSKY & CO J SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, iT pMit for the Nile it our iajim' ine Sfcocf, fur their rejiectiv4 .fioBi. ' jW puke un the N. Y. 0ktu, Atmc, faakllihaHt anil (Vih. IumIm tlm lut..-r j(ut tut anil U very nice. We use the K Machine and acw with hint Bnr pr't tlircnil. Efery iair iiut.J. ley Me nice, neat and tylih. (live tu. louk whe you want a shoe anil it. II. lie pleased. .4 i S E. P. REED k 00. jtI61y .. Kocbnter, N. Y. KSSKNTI Al. KI.I'.MKSTS OF NT THE - AUT1CI.ES, TOBACCO AND CIOAKH. you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. B. T. SIILVEnVECOSrS. SIMMONS, ASP FAAt'Y STATIONARY, AC. AC. tud 6 la 7 Sn 1. M. N.V.AYER & SON ADVERTISINQ AGENTS BtYtJo PHILADELPHIA kcl A4Hk3Tau tor Uu ctTtuiTCt fwiriirini iiiiitkiic core UIIMAItAat Lom Cun RatMinCC lU'IYERt SON'S MANUAL THIS PAPER MAYBJ 1 OINDON Hl-K AT .KO. I. HUH'KLL A. t U'V Jtwpmpr Advriiala( Burmu ill) bnucH nTRBFTIi WHKKK A IV VN(IH!KO COlB4CH uuy hv uiftUu lot U ui NEW YORK. Tim's Pills tltunliitM Ik trptl llvr, (rnvth- ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, la Malarial tlatrtHa fbelrvlMnvaara lll r'tHilaUNl,aiha Mraii imr Hilar pntpwritmm Ih I rretuv Ihritj Nlam rin thai tUuw. t'.lwaanilv auyav altd. Iait amall. I'rTca, vacta. Sold Everywhere. OiHcc, 41 Murray St., N w York. mfniTfflf f intf i'l"'!''. t'ot tlti out ant) rc- MllUy ttirnt in-t uill -ii'l y ISllifllll lrt'f."im-ilUK okibI vahitf aii'i lUUllill hi.-Mtuiiit u'l hb,rt y.m in lntMiu-M III Will IttM'tf )ii hi niuN' iiiMi i - ritfht Htty tlmn mitlniiK t-lw ii Him world. Any tnic etui il" llic work Mini live ill Inunt-. Klllivr f i. hII iih'co. oitti tliniK' uv , llmi jul iiiii iiuiti fur Hit worki'n, Wcwlll-UM you, chi-uhI iut uwiUhI. 'tin? in ( Hit Kfiniiiii', iimn.rum ( tiutf n( a hfvtiiuv. 'I how w In i ntv mntminiB u4t'liTi'rUijij will not ili Uy. l.raiul murtt lr-c. AtLlm. TiH K A t o., AiiKueU. Mnini'. ik't t ly. WORKINO CLASSES ployuu'iit it lioiue.tlif of tlii1 thin-, or Tor tli.lt ,mtv iiiouu-nO'. Itiiiliiftwiiew, Until Hint pro fltalltr. pfrHoim ort illivr ncx vMnlly chmi friu 'ii cnitp to hkt fVt'tilnv, mnl i tn)Mritotil miu by lifT-ttliif all Iheir tinif t" tin luii!o. Hoys nil KirtM t'aru narly cn much h iui-ii That all who w thU may m-n.1 tartr iildrcus. ami tt tlie btiNineftn, wp umki' ttilNoRcr 'lu nuih u Me 8"t wfll mi lifted wo will -t-iid onadctllur to puy &r tlie iruubla of writing. Full tmrtlcuUni antl out! t frt. AdOrcai, UKUKOK 8TINKON 4U, UCJ. fwrtlaod, MalDv. .1 COOl) OLD I! CLE. In juriieiHK lliroiiicli this w..rld ( rat Of MUl.tVll lup. IIIKl Wa-tt'l clmticcs; Willi hII its rniltirvi. tlitiitiLH.HiuI icurit, Ami ever vnryiii);i'irciitiisltiiici'N, "I'm U'st to krci tlift nilf In vtt'w: "Iiu ti)t utl mi. re tUmi yon ran chew Tlir l.ian w h..'- inn jiiMt I.r nit:. lio hus no catllily tlH.nglit bcHul,- W hone j-rwd liurt'nulii'il tosiirli a nirain MpluMilV'iiin-IoliMi'it- Stiiiii'(tiiii'nliy rrHliDK"li !)" tn s t Mny m.Trt'H. h IiIIumIIuI lnl A inl m. wlii'ii it II to. l)i iylil iiml fair, Ami t'trliiiif hh'ihs i.i smile l(-uiniiiy, W lii'ii ...Hirtiiiiitic-. L.itli nirc n. li iin- iitli rnl t-i ymi kiii.lly, Wttilc in. Il.il ni I .1 ty to you: ' Hon t lull- olt tiint.' Hum yi.ii cait chi'M TAIBX OFTHI WAB. tiii: stokv or Tin; ai.iii.- 1 Altl.i: TOI.O HY lll'.IC iH n.in.K. A TlilUl.l.INU KKUKHATB I'l .ST. K t'll'll 11 K A I II V A I'llN (It'KII'KK IIKKuKK I.IHIAM Tho open uioL'titi uI'Liiau '0Htlt U. A. IL, lu.t Mninluy niirlil was mu' of the tiit( inU'ivMm-: tif' the kttiil i-ver Iti'M in tlio L-ity. A minibi'r of i'X-t'uiifitlt:i-aU cIlictTS were jinwtit by invitation, and aiiiDtii: otlu-r plfasmt feature's was tin lvadiii': uf it paper by (.'nl. (iilbert Klliutt, the builtler of tlic rani Albemarle, which can -4 m mudi truuble to thu federal MitKid tmuh iii North Carolina water. This paper Ls of iri'nuitie hist'Tie value, and thu lirfiihluuii is glad of the opportunity to present it aiuoiij: tlie "Tales of the War." St. Liuis ii'ijntt'linin, April Kith. STlMtV OFTIIK ALU KM A Itl.K. Shortly after the coiiiineiiernieut of hos lilitii? in ISfil tin conf't ih-rale authorities fnrtitied Ilatteias itil't liy the eon.-tnution j of Forts Mattera-: and Clark, and works J wen- also erected at ( tvon inl- t. Th re a a I"!!'., narrow Mrip of land extenditiL' almo.-t irotu Cape llenry to Cape Limknut, iIodj the Atlantie ocKiHt, and betwoin this blrip and tlia jnain Lid . in Kastertl Mortb Carolina theieare two lare bodies of wa ters, called Pamlico and Albemare smtudn 1 1 it t r ip and UreL'on inleis afford the only means ot ciilruin i) for lurye vu.-h-U into l'ainlio siiuiul from the ocean, and hence li reiilean efioits Were made todrfend these : important positions. Albemaile Mound Ucuiiueeled with the i'anilKu by u paNi I eilled tliu'Hrn'tts," about one hundred yanU wide and l ading into Croatnn sound which a'hestbesouibirD bi.nndary of Ru anoke I-UdJ, nnd here al furtilication Wi Tv creeled ami troops lt.iUoiuL. Alter (he fall of ILitleras whicli iivc the feder al forees i-.iiitrol of iV.mliro M.utid. lb- eoii federate.i fdiieentr.tted their M relict h at Iloaiioke Wand, and a gallant ren-tattee va. tln re made by both laud and naval fureeri, but the fottuiii" of war were tint with the Southern soldiers and sailor in this event, and the battle of Hoatioku is land has to be counted as a victory for the boys in blue. To how the IVilM.ltTA.VK tit' KMANoKK s,ANl :h a strategic pint I ipiote from the report of the confederate tleii. Henry A. Wise, who was unfortunate enough to have been asMned to the command only a short time before tlie Wand fell: 'Roanoke Uland wa.-thekey to all the roar defences of Norfolk. It unlocked two sounds, AH emarleand Currituck: ciht riv ers, the Northwest, I'asjiiutank, the IV r tjuimaiis, the Little, the Chowan, the Roa noke and the Alligator; four canals, the Albemarle and Chesapeake, the Hismal Swamp, the Northwest canil in 1 th.1 Suf f -Ik; two railroads, .Vter.dnu and Norfolk and th -Seaboar l and K.i.in..k.'. Il !u iid edmoretiiati I'.uir lifih of all NuiToik p.uplies ul corn, p irk and fora.i, and eu the command ol'ieu. linger otr from all its in t etli unt trau-p Ttation. It en dan yer the Milisistciice of hi-i whole armv. thn aietis the navy yar I at ti -p irt, and to j cut off Nri'nlk fr m Iti.-huiond and bih , Iroiu ratlrotd eonnuutiie.it i 1 1 w iib the South. It lodges the enemy ill a safe harbor from the .tionu of Ilatteias, fives thetu a rendezvous and lare, rich raue of upp!ies an 1 the coin hand of the sea board from Oivm inlet to Cap Henry It should hlfe bell deftiel'd at till ex peine rf'J'i,fmii m n nad ofiumv milliuos of dollora. Hoatioke idand b iviu bten fiurretnleT ed. the confederate fleet, under command of I'l.l officer Ivueh, r. tii d IV MU lilisi belli City on the lapiot iu'i river, wliere 11 Maud was made and a battle fought, but owitii' to tlu ovfrwlfbiini'dy fciTT! -r e piipment of iht' federal mtvy the content wasMoii over Luch command e nsi ' cd of cijiht nunl) tats, while Coainun br U iwali opposed him with twenty war Vi s I b, b i m; 411 amain -nt jf owr tiftv eum A number of which were of iMneh rdibre and only twelve less than thirty pounders Capt. James W. ( mke, a native of Nortli Carolina, coiuiua..ded the con IV derate Iteumer Kllis in the enao.inelit uliJ IHTIMlt lsiIF.il IIIMSKI.K by hi" won lerftil bravery and heroism. After every oue of bis officers and men had ubaiidoiied the ship, throwing them selvoa into (be water, Mvinnninir for their live to the ihon, not very far distant, Cooke roin&inod on the forward deck 1 a! iDg and firtOjr the bow un, unaided and alone. One of th federal vcsfels lore down upnii litrn hi ,1 III ,!: iit:irters. Slit! was commanded by an obi friend of Couke's. who bad sailed with him before the war and seen him crowd on the eaiivas.H when it was blowing a half a 'ale of wind. He knew that Cooke Would stay there, on Ins for wind dck. and tire that (,!)if as life and his ammuni tion lasted, unless overpowered. Itrealh- le.-s with atixioty, lest his old friend should be sent to bis home beyoud the fkiett by one of the nhotrt raining npon the side of the ship, the commander f;uvo the order. "Capture him ! I.ame him; but don't kill Ihui." A bullet sped on lis way and found its lodgement in Cooke's ribt arm, which fell poWerlesMit bis ide, and the battle was over. Cooke was taken aboard his friend's ship and nursed and cared lor with thu utmost tenderness and kindness. Un der skillful Miiip'ical treatment his sbalt -r-ed arm was restored and his love for his old friend ua-j made doubly sincere. The commander took him riht into his own cabin, jave him his own bed, cnt-rtuiued him rather as an honorable guest, than a prisoner of war. These vielorien enabled the federal troops and naval forces to take possession of u lare part of Eastern North Carolina, and later on Norlolk was evacuated and south ern Virginia also abandoned. At. thi time your bumble servant who had burn ed three ouuhoatM ou the stocks at Kliai betli, and only half completed an ironclad at a point ou the Elizabeth river near Norfolk, was constrained to rejoin his reg iment in the field and :ive up pin-bout building as an unpromising euiiloyiiuut. While stationed at Prury's Bluff, howevel, my colonel sent in.! to Richmond on regi mental business and did myself the honor to call on the honorable secretary of the navy, win at once seized upon ine and in sisted upon my returning to North Caro lina to build an ironclad gunboat for the purpose of IlK'lAIMMi. I'HSSIUI.K. tlie control ol that rich section ol country so vitally necessary to tlie support of the army of Northern Virginia. He calmed the fears I expressed of the dauber of los itii: my enmuiisfioti as adjutant of my reg iment, the Seventeenth North Carolina, by iviutL; me a letter to the secretary of war i fat In r by the way. ofnin d:.-tiiij:uifh-ed i i lit It, Jnde Seddol), of the circuit court and the secretary provided me wilh a h ave of ab-euee, oil full pay, too, for two years, probably the Wjest h ave ot ah nee unnted to any ollicer during the War: at lea-t, I have yet to hear of one of nu b duration. Much to my gratification, Capt. Cooke Was tlie oflieet assigned by the navy de partment to MiperviM' the construction of. and afterward command the ironclad lam Albmarie, which I Miccivd in building under my contract with the government at a p iut ou the Roam ke river known as Edwards' ferry, about twenty miles be low the towu of Halifax, t )f course. I li.nl the warm sympathy of the citi, ms of the neibb.irlmod, who rendered me all p-'-H Me assistance, together with the support and uid of the government, ami yet the dilliculties with which 1 had to contend were so jrreat a to seem aluiot insur mountable. However, aftcrtwvlvc niouths unceasing labor with a force uverain;:-"0 men, but few of whom were skilled me chanics but all working with an eye single to the eii'l in view, I bad the pleasure of delivering the ship into Capt. Couke'n hands and she went into commission just in time to take a leading part in the expe dition organized by command of (ieii. I.ee for the recapture of the town of I'iyuiouth and the Miiroundiu coun'ry. THK AI.HKMAUI.K Was l.'t- feet loiir and L'l feet wiile over all. She drew about eijihl feet of water Her armament eonsi.-ted uf two rilled lirooke onus, mounted on pivot carriais. Tin1 shield or house wal octagonal in baH, wiih three pnrt-lioles at eai h end. The shield was limit up with timber ab.iut four teen be lies in tliickne.-s and covered with two coiu.ses of Hat h n two inches thick and eitit lie lic witle, making l ihiccli in ches of wood and iron us protection against shot and shell. She carried a crew of eev-uiity-thv or eighty men. The plan- and specifications weie drawn ttud prepared by Naval Constructor J. L. l'orter, who al so planned tlie eoiiver.-i.-u of the iuau-of-w.ir, Meirim.ic, into the in.ii. lad Virginia at the li.isport navy yard, and as the Yir ini i wa.s ihe first vcst-el ever covered with an ironclad shield, it may truly be said th.it to John L l'orter lafiit 1 Ih'Ious the credit for the revoluli'ili in tlie naval aivhitecture of the wotld, i iumplilied in thu construe- thin of that ship The Albemarle wa built oil the sum c i-iiiet.il idea, but she We- in in led lor an ironclad and built front the keel up for that purpov, w bile the Vir gioia was a frigate. Willi her upp'T work ft cut down or razeed. The town of I'Kuiouih is situated on the South side of the Roanoke river, about liubt miles from its mouth, where il Mown into Albemarle Sound. The riv. r is very mneh like our MisMv-ippi, subject to over flow, and whtii tlnie is a freshet the cur rent runs with j:rcat wifiiics. (In April IK, ISM, tlie Albeinarle dropped down the river stein loriiioii, with a lott chain pa)in out at the how by means of which she was steered, it hcin impractical to pro ceed dowu the stream with th' bow to the Iront owiu; to the rapidity of (he cuiroiit, the freshet at that time briti" THK 11KAVIKST in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Capt Cooki: kindly allowed me to accompa ny him as a volunteer aid .-. Indeed, I took with me a force of men and som ortab'o blacksmith forces, aud we put the Huish imr, touehe on her armor only a few liouis before she went into action. There was a federal battery at Warren's Neck, on a considerable elevation, some three miles a bovc (he town of I'tyuioutb, coinuiuudiiiiz Thoroughfare ap, where the river divides Into two streams, and piles, sunken voxels and other obstructions, with a plunilnl supply of toipcdoes, had been placed lore to prevent our furl her doeetit. .r to nceub crate our possible descent to the bottom of tlie river, hut. thanks tb,. hie.h water Wi floated safely over the obstructions and p issed on down the river, payinir no atten tion to the Warren's NVk fort, although a well directed file was played upon as Ion;.' us we were iu ratine. We were much CO nforted, however, to find that the tdiot and 1 shell did us no harm, and this wasthcc;s- ill all the enraueiiieu ts with the ram. Her shield was built at an atieJe of 15 decrees, ', and iu time of action was well covered with a greasy substance wo called "slush," to facilitate the outward couic of the shot and shell striking against the roof. As a rule, the shot would scoop out a little plat e iu the iron about as lar.L'e. as u tablespoon aud then ricochet over the ship and uo on its way harmless. The Albemarle was struck hundreds and hundreds of times, and yet no one was hurt on her cx.?ept a y mug sailor, who had the curiosity to put h u head out uf a port-bole to s'ie what was L'oiu on outside and was at once shot wiih a pistol froru the steamer Miami lyin u lotiL'side, and enirrvjted with us at the time. Vtry early on the tnorniiij: uf the l!Mb day of April, I -ill, the Miami and SomhhVM, lashed together with spars, and wilh chains festooned from their sidon, hove in siobt, an 1 so approached us com in up stream. The design, evidently, was to run the A 1 h'luarle down, but the pilot was cpial to l he occasion, and, at Cooke's command, sig nalled the enirineer to open the throttle valves, and witli all tlie steam the ermines would War and the immense current with wtneli wc were sailiiio. put Ins helm hard down and dashed the prow i or ram, of the Albemarle mo Til K S1HK of the Southliehl, sending her to th,' bot tom of ihe Ko. in. ike river with a sudd tines- that seem aw'f nl to contemplate. The Miami was a fast side-wheeler. There was a brief engagement with her, iu which ht-r commander, Jjeut. I'lusscr, lost hi life. A .-hell tired by hisowu hand sLnn k our ship, exploded, and a fragment re boundinLr, killed that gallant otlicer. The Albemarle was then making ready to ram the Miami it possible, but discretion was eoiiMdei'i d the better part of valor by the eouiinaieliug officer of the Miami aiei be backed his ship d -wu stream for a mile or two. then tin ncd and kept on bis way The Alb-marie follow, d iu pursuit, bin the race was to tlie swift that day aud the chase was soon abandoned. I'iyuiouth fell as the rc-iilt of next day'i. battle, ihe Alhe marle holding the river front and render- iu.: inclinable assistance in the bombtrd- nt of thestro igi f. stili- d town, I -iter on, Mayo, iS(jl,a most m. inora lle cugageiueiit look place iu (he wali of Albemarle Sound, wlx-n for the greater part of a day the Atbeniarle contended with eight heavily armed federal war vessels, some of them carrying HiO-pinmd 1 'air ill guns. Time does Hot crmit me to de scribe this battle at length. Her assailants moved around her in a circle, discharging broadsides as they paH -d Shot and .-hell rained dowu upon her like hail on the roof of a house. Her smoke-stack was riddled with holes aud almost shot away. In con sequence, the Hues would not draw, and no steam could be made. 1'ropellers uuld not Him over, and .die lay like a log on tin w.iter '! In- S.i-acus, a lirge heavy don- ble crider, ran into her and lumped oil her forward deck, hoping to -ink the run with this additional w. i.hf. bm our g.iuii r put our l' iiiu r put , i : i- . i. I a shot tbioiih one of the I I 11IC ; ii tri Sas-acu-t, and she was -lad to li with the steam made by the other Two of the ships :tttenited hy towing a 1 ir'e seine, ttieiitaii t la j ropelh rs, ' but in vain is the net spread in lh Ail ofan hiid." and Capt. Cooke was able to raise a little "team and so mameuuo his ship its to es cape THIS INtlKSIOI S roMntVANCK for her destruction. If the Heine had beeii twisted around her propellers the l wo ships could have towed the run al'oiind at the." ptea-uie and would doubtless have been pleased to land her hard and fast aground. A bold effort was made to throw kegs of gunpowder down her smokestack, but that scheme failed also. Oue uf her two guns was disabled early in the action, the muzzle being shot away. Night put an end to tin1 conflict, and with the aid of a ip.iaiility of lard aud bacon which was u-ed for fuel enough steam was got up to take the ship back to lnT wharf at I'iyuiouth, und comparatively uninjured, although each oue of the other eoiuhalaiitit was si riotidy damaged, ami ttome uf theiu Mink. Capt. Coi'kc wan i cool in action as he was biae and determined. In ihe midst of (his severe naval battle, which has. I suspect, no parallel in history. Capt t ooke nil-sed his oUl straw hat. lie fancied that the engineer had used it for fuel, ae everything combustible was being levied upon, (iuing to the hatchway looking into tlie engine room he called to the engineer, whose name was 1 1 obi net Capt. C.M'ke, like all orheers of the old navy, was Verged in Krctieh and i hoNe to pronounce ihe engineei's name RoLiuay. He said. ' Mr. Ib-binay ! have you burnt up my hat '.'" There was no answer, and the captain repeated the ipicstioii, still using ihe French pronunciation Si ill no aiiswi-r, nml the iM.laii. iniiilinliil I. ..It! :. nitll.T liriTlii.lS til .nil III III Hull ui't, w1.iTiujm,u the iitiswiT eu.. it1 irii.nitly tiui.. tin liravi' and fuillilul oi.utui.Tr, "No, m," ui., I all this li.uc (he l.iltli'ua" rjini; ithuut wilh utulutwl fiervencsK, but Cooke w; s always sell'-poesr.eil, citlm and ! S'lelie. lie. lid . .t know wli.it fear in. 'ail!, aud it ha- ol'li !i b n said of lllin lint he woiilti -lijht a powder tir'a.itie with a 0 .1 of fire " Tor bis allamiy t'ooKK WAS 1'tH.MnTKH and placed in commaud of the department embtaein all the naval defences in K.t-tem Nortli Carolina, necessiiatiii'; liis frciU nt absence from Plymouth. Auoiln r olbci r was jilaeed in eomiiiaiid of the Albemarle. She lay alouonide of her wharf at I'iyuiouth, and by Cooke cointnaiid a raft of lo-.s lud be n piuCed at'ocml the ship us a precaution against .otack from t.rp.Vo parties, hut Lent. Win I! t u-lnn ol the I'mted Slates i,. ivy wa bold enough and brave eiiou;:h to suecefully contend against all tib.st.n l. s. and ou the niiibt of j October. 1 Hi; I . he left the s.pi.nh..n um lo.r. 1 iii tlie soiiti'I and came up I ti Roanoke in a small torpedo boat r:fciully contracted fur tlie purpose he bad in hand. The imat was very faxt exceed ingly fast - for a mile or so, hainr hire engines and boilers capable of making a L-reat deal of steam, with the exhaust etup l1"- Wilt' l' 1"'"' "1 boat, ther hy preveniiu any noise trom cseapuiL' steam. Mletitly. and will) the speed ol the wind, lie came up the stream, passing un noticed the guards stationed on the sunken wreck of the Southliehl, about half a mile below, aud the lirv iniiuiation the Albemaile's watch bad of the approach of I he enemy was when Cushion rushed his lit tle steamer up against the lo's. With won derful bra wry aud lieroie wlf-sicritiein zeal and reckless exposure of his own per son to the bullets already whistling around his ears, he leaped upon the lo's, and with his nwu bauds managed the torpedo boom or pole, soas tu tret thedeadly charge down under the side of the rani below the water line sumo four or five feet, and then pull iuu the line, exploded his torpedo, and in the tuinUiii!: of an eye the Alhemarle had received her death wound. She slowly sank to tlie bed of the river and her offi cers and crew abandoned her. I'Kuiouth was auaiu evacuated and ojven up to the fcileral forces. The torpedo boat and all her crew were captured with the exception of Cuhiujr, who, when he heard the ex plosion and thereby knew his work was done, thivw himself in the water, dived and swam aci-o-s the river on the bottom, reached the opposite shore ii safety, and. after wanderino iu the swamp, without j food or shelter for two or three days, linal I ly succeeded in finding : A f'VMiK, I and made his way to the hVet. hailed by: ; hi coiiitianioiH with ureal n-v. or 1 u v had given him up as l..-t or d a 1. His ' name will go Mown to Injury as ui.1 ot tlie lined gallant of ihe bold and biave h-'ioes of the war between lie- Stales. And so I have tried :o tell you lo-ni-lit something about two men who dUlingui-lied them selves as brilliant bey .ml word-, and sub limely brave and bold in p Tt'oriuitr.' wii it they coiieeiy. d lo he their duly. All hoi;- Ot to the lUetlloi ies uf .Lltui s W. Cooke and William It. dishing. And you, my hieinls, who Woiv the blue ami uray now j nvrit ihe praise and applause of all gout ; men, for though you were ..nee h..riet en- j emies, now y..u ar. honest fiiends for! all the au.tnoMiies of th war h.ive bei n j blown away and stink iu a river so deep ) that no man shall tin I a line whercwuh to i throw the lead and sound the botto m j I sine Te!y appreciate the compliment I extended me by this body of veteran 1 n- ! ion miMi is. iu y..ur cordial imitation to j addres- you up m ihe toi.i. s I have dis- eu d to-nijht, and thank vm a'l for attellti .11 wilh which Voll have honored j my remarks. I regard tin r W il r dat i oi- which ex ist in this lommuiii'V at ha-l. b tween the survivors of jh" Tniou an,! Cmf. d r ate armies und navies a a happy augury for tlie future of our common eouniry. and as a guarantee during the present l'- dera tion of the immunity of our goodly city from damieroiis appeals to arm by that element which relics upon iolcine for success, rather than the calm judgment of the H'ople as expressed by the ballot. My confederate friends who are present will i aL'tee with me that we are hi duly hoiio.i Hid il is a ple.iMir 1 and graiilieatioii to be ,ibe to comnieiiioratc th valor and devo- tioti of the br.ne and g.ill.mt so'diers and sailor- with nh we h ive been a-sociated ami I am ure our fri--ml- who f.niL'ht fur th.' Cni n will heani'v -vi thiz with ii iu thi- f. din- Tin- brau- di 1- I our r colife.l- u-i'lant moi. wh -th. r f d- n i rat -s. will forever ad -ru the anuaN of our ouniry 's history, lloih.si.ls could not be ii tori. ii, und yi.u reiiiember Ti ti. I the ul' I'MtiHun t'tJil i'l my, hut Ihe loch lmtli lhal fuiU il imt l.j tlie way 1 1 o to (ialu I'lesti and strength. Cse after each meal Scott's Kmul-ion with Hypophosphite. It is as palatable as milk, and easily digested. The rapidi ty with which delicate people improve with its ii sii i wonderful. I e it and try your weight. As a remedy for Coii-umptioii, Throat affections, and Bronchitis, it is un eijUalcd. I 'lease read: "I used Scott's Kimil-ioii in a child eight mouths old with good results. He gained fair pounds in a very short time ' Tito. I'kim. M. I . Alabama, "I gave Scott'' Emulsion to a iienileiiKin fi years old troubled wilh Chronic Bronchitis, with the most excellent results. .1. C. Cason, Itrokcu Arrow, Ala. mar 21-luio. AsTiiSlsiilvti si ris- .t isthetluty j of every person who ha.- used Il' si lm li' ini'in SirujiU let its Wonderful quali ties he known to their friends in curing Con-umption, severe t .iihs, Croup, Asth ma, l'ticiimoiiia. and in ta. t all throat and lung diseases. No person can ue it with out immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duly ol ail Pnioi-ts to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were fold last year, aud no one case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the timufin Si nip cannot lie too wide ly known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottle to try, sold at ten cents Ucnuiar size. cents. oiu hy nil drug- m, ,,.a,.,., in tlu: l uilnl Statin anil Canuilit. ust riToivi'd m'ui luail of flour from tin! w. st, which o uffiT low for cush. 1'. N. iStaiuhai'k A Co. A 1 1 V KRTISEM KNTS. WHAT AiLS THE NATION? The Avenue Length ofl.ile Do tr.'iiiini; -N.it IVstilfiiff Nut Finning All our own Fault. Ml.UKKN C.KlKIN.J AM) MoI- kkn I.rviNfi lmve l.n.iiL'lit it mi. It ciimi's upon us una wans. Tli" jiutit'iits liuvi; alii( tli. i ln'st ami si.l.-s, anil Ni.iii.'tiiiii'M in the hark. '1 liry fi'.'l .lull and slt'cpy ; tin nmiitli lias a l.ail tast.', especi ally in the muniinif. A sort uf sticky Hliine collects alxmt tlie teeth. The appetite in poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load on the stomach" xoinetinies a faint, all-'one sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands nnd feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a coiiilli sets in, at fust dry, Imt alter a lew months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time lie lie comes nervous, iri-itiil.lt and gloomy, and has evil foivLod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation iu the head when vising up sud denly. The liow.-ls become costive; the skin is dry and hot nl time-; the Mood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites ;.f the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scant v and high col ored, depositing a sediment alter standing. There is fre .'uently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended witli palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with sjnjts be fore the eyes; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease insomeof its varied forms. Shaker Kxtraet of Hoots (Sei gel's Syrup) changes the fer m. iitsof the I ligestive organs so ast. .convert the food weeat into a form that will give nourish lliellt to the feeble 1kj.1v, anil good health i-the conseiU.ilPt'. The effect of this remedy is "imply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold iii this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative j.owers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this t"ie trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they aiv but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of its "til'iitive prot.crtifs prove this t)evoiid a doubt. Sold by druggists. . . . i LIQUORS. C. SMITH. st:i: ins Morons, st:t: ins aa.ms, st:t: his ch'ochiiiKs. cjMed qooos. KVKKY MUSK IN SKASON. tofC. Smith at Evans old at and Wafbiujrton avenue, V el-Jon, N, C. 0ec iii ly mi U PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a i, i s s , ATTOUSKY AT LAW, SI ill I. AMI NKl K, N. r. I'riH tU't'K w !i i. vcr Iii. K'T ii i'i nil- ri-ijii irtd. Will lr. ill Hulil.i. mi tlir liil mi.l m.-i:,iihI M.imiujii JAM r M. Ml 1 I IV A l.il.K V,. DANlfc I.. 'AM h I.. M f 1. I. K N A1T( HM. y.S A T LA II', WELDON, N. C. I'm. ti. v Iii tin conn- ui' Uiilifin Mini N..rllinmn t. annul in tie .-ui. rem.' in,. i (..lo.tt toiirU. i.iA I. el i. iii- n.it.lv in nil 1'iolMif N..rili l HrollliH. hnu.i Ii iiiln t hi Ihililj.x, N ('., i)icu every Moli '' Jim 7 ly. K. H. Ut'SHKK, K. II, Mil I II Jr. KALkltjll, S. C. m OTi.ASlNkCK, H. C. B V H B K B & SMITH, Mr F II. Il.idtice nml Mr. U II smitli, Jr Conn I'.IMIl l.llW.i.mi- h. III. (! H ll.iiil.'-l i.tr rvl.O, d.r the (jmi-hee ul law ui lluliliix .muiiy. Mr. nilH.cc 01 ulli-tK I ... mtirLs ul Hull (in n i n lni 1 1- UllU Will til Ml Vlhil Ll.CCDIIIIly WllllKVlT lllhxrVi.L'B un- r.'ijiorttj. cl ib ly It u M A fj N li ILL, Ationiej at I. aw, Halifax, n. v, I'rnelci In MtihCtX Hint iiAjoiliingCyUllttw U& Ft-ilenil und Suiin t'ourm. aug. it it. ', T H O It N K, ATTOUSKY A T LA V liM lhlJ', N. C. 1'nu'tlt en in ihe courts ul Hulilux mid odluininB cuiiiitieKiiinl in tlie siiprcnic court Ci.lk'cLn.ii! iiiitdi- ioiy.hcre In tin; statt;, mid re turns priiii.(iy ikh.1v. W H il A 1. 1,, Attnrncy at Law, WKl.I.i'iN.N.C. se( la! at tent Ion Riven tu Ci.llci Hull and retiilt Ulict h po.niplly umde. mny j JJR. J. E. B H I ELDS, Kl.rgci.li UcutUU HaviiiK iit-moiiii iilly liK-Hlfd In Veldnn, run t round hi m uilit o in Orinivl k Hrii k lluilUinx X H times psccnt hen Hlwnt on pn.t'eiti.iiiil IhikIih--CarefuUtieiitbui jfiveii tu nil i-nniclieK ui ih- -ro .hmi in , I'ltrllpc visited at ihiMr huuiei w hen de ifi'd. July li ly. TJ R. E. L. It UNTK K, Nurgeoii Deiitlbt. Can hi' r und at his office iu Knlield. Port-Nitn-tm (iidi"ifl-fnr the Faioleat Eitraa tlir oflVflh alu-ayHt.u hand. AIiVKKTISKMKXTS LIVER VSSSTASlSniLS 8ecur EMlthv MtlontothaLlTar 'and raltaTaall bU. 4oua traublM. futv v,g,i,(i,; Htsr.piii. Mh. Uiencilita, ,1,'. IK ly THK ONLY TSUB IRON TONIC il LIVER d KIDNtVa an.t KlMTuiir lll'il'rii .,jvtfi KfToHf tint HEAI.1 OH of YOUTH Ili.i i..W. JKQT TUUTM Iti.iiHiiiI of Atit. In.llMOon.Urkof eirnuKlli and lii4 KmIiiii vuiuwif rurvn: houm. Bin. CM iDQ DrvM mill n lore. iniiniM ib nm na anrpitM nrain row. LADIES HARTTRB IRON TONIC m. Mti,i-iicur. Oin..irl(ir, hllDrciin)liiti, All attWiui'ta ti (ountifilinai onlf itilu l u .-riiu- Ml All l.r ( ,?lM('onitii..lloti Uvii CoamUlnl and fi 1 Hdoh. Mampli Uoa ai.a Draaai Booal mallad on raooltit of tv.i nania In ueitui W THt OR HAHTEB MEDICINE CO., ST. 10UIS, MO. K-liCiy IIKLP YOUR EYES vma Tonto'9 celebrated l.Ml'HUVKli l'KHISCOl'ICGLASSKS, CI.KAK AM. S..KT T.l THF FYE. STKEN'dHEN INHTO WKAK KVKS, For ul la (lull), Sln-1, Kubbu iui ClluluM KnmH. HELP TO SAVE By btiyiriK th great! Hanraln rver uffered na GOLD lU'NTINO WATCH, Vary In d In prW from FORTY TO UNK HI'NUHkD ou.arm. Wurth nearly ilutiMe the prica. SETS OFTeWELRY. lUmUunip Iu ilt-Mlrti anil in fine quality. A tbun Mud 1l1H1-rv.1t ttyle. of RINiiS, FINS, KARUlNilD. CCKK m'TTOSS, S U'IW, .1I1.I.AKS. HCTTONH. HKAl KI.KIH, II.VKKSI1HINS. FORKS, il ,.'UH KH. 1'I.A l Kl.CASTllK', ICE PITCH KRS.r. At the lowt'dt poMdhli- ptit'ca. attended tu. Orden prumpUj j. w. YOUNC, (siTI-ISNlia TJ J. T. T. A BRO.) PeUnburg,TiV nit -My ATIUZE Hend nt mn for i j. ami receive Tree, a ciwut ' Iwixuf iftvMi-i whtrh will liflp you tumor aonvV rljrhtHWHy Uih anytlilniE elte In thli world. Ail tf either kvx aurcewi Iruai tttt hour. The bftatf nti-d to tUtaae vpeua, tWe-Uie Vatk-tn. aoLOUMy hum. A upoa aqgprai imvm m ua. I : hi ,1

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