J L ' HALL & SLEDGE, l'KonilKTous. VOL. XV HI. -A NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPL E. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1S87. TEEMS-W I'Kll ANNUM IN AIiVAXCE NO. 0 NKW ADVKKTISKMKXTS H ? ' ' ' : THE rHILN I .C.AGAMBRIUMfoCqj Tlio value i.l" I'l.Ol'H l. ..nU mi the KSSKNTI A I. ELEMENTS ((!' M'. riUTION CONTAINED IN 'I II K lUIEAP IT M A K ES. Maryland anil VirainU Wheat, 1'r.mi which our PATENT lit M.I.Kit I'LOI'IIS arc; clii.lty n:itui l'al nr. i. lias orifi l-"tt conccilcil to In' SITEltlOK In imy oilier, lioouiiso it lias a IIETTEIt COM- ItlN'ATION (! liLCTKN ANH PHOSPHATES. This l'a,t is ,( ,iz,., nt )iily in this country, but in tin- 1'iiitol Kiuih is well, where the "PATAI'SCO fr'l'KItLA'riVHf COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MOIIE MOXKV than any other ftuioriean l'luur. Ask jour jjrocor for it. Al-o lor I'alaM'ii Su'i'rla(ivo, Capi' lli'ury Kainily, llfill'onl family, . Put,isco Eaiuilr, Xurth I'niiit Family, lraii..iliriivt Kir, I'iit!iwo Extra, ('hisiipoalii' Extra, lialilivin Fninilv. ('. A. liAMIIUILL MAXI FACTI'lilN'ti Cf.MPAN'Y'. ''! Couitnorce Si., Ii.ililmorc, Mil. ! aiiu 12 ly. ! THE PLACE TO GET j AT THE S LOWESTPRICES, ! IS AT ; I Dlt. A. 11. ZOLUCOFFER'S, 1 WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. I W E L D O t I STOCK KEPT COMPLETE B FREQUENT ARRIVALS. A-rKLSCKIFTION DEPARTMENT KIll.EIl WITH THK BKST SKI.KCTKI) MATERIAL .- FKrXCKIPTiONH COMPOUNDED AT AI.T. HOI KS WITH (iliKAT CARE. tfEltFUMF.KY, 8TATIONKUY, FANCY SOAl'S, ItlUSH K.S, I FANCY AHTICLKS, TOBACCO AND CIUAIS. EIUIXBKI thata hearty welcome alw.yi aw.lu you it I 1 ZOLUCOFFER'S. JTitTSrOwST IB. T. SIIMOIETS. IBEO WN & SIM MONS, mm mm DRUGGISTS AND win HEADQUARTERS FOR H TOILET AHTICLKS, I PERFUMERY, I COMBS, BRUSHES, 5 ,; I'LALN AND FA.Yl'Y STATIOXAKY, ff ; 1 . ! : C. AC. ! .PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED., J rOpn on Sundays 9 tn 10:30 A. M. ami IS in ":W '. M. iYEAKUNDEYELOPED T ,1S, t ;'..-Hr Vii.nn , SI.VI,H IP . iT bfr II. M II IV . I II r.s ni . ,. .1, ,.. J."' till. III. tL.-ollUUr.li-H.l...rlIr.lr..''v V "' l.,i....i.l i-... ;,. ... I .''... kn.L.iiy f.i '.n..,,,,,.!!.-. i F. HAVE MADE M. F. II ART. WKI.DON, N. C. TST. B. JOSEY & CO. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, f I (Itor ajieiiU fur tli wl of our LailnV Hue Sliocn, fur Uiuif KrjMwtirt itctiuua. We malic un the X. Y. Opera, Aciue, Wautenplinst and Creole lusts, the latter IS "j ust out and i Tory nice. Vo use the ill Kay Machino and sow ivitli hokt Bar bwir'i thread. Every pair warranU-d. They arc nice, neat and stylish. Give ttjeni a look wlion you want a hIioc and vou will be ileaaid. J K. V. HEED 4 CO. iept 1G ly Roehf rter, N. Y. , linm ica. i lint PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774. iUGIHia. N. N. C. PHARMACISTS, 19 41; I wa N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS bcno PHILADELPHIA t'wr. I keatnut ni Klfcluli HUu BeK AdTertiaemeuu fur this Ppr. EtTIUlTH rrirKriPEB IPUITHI1I rnrr COMHAIUat Lowmi Cuh RatMrf.CC '-AYERS SON'S MANUAL THIS PAPER MAYB"10frON HI.K.VT UYJO. V. Vw.Mpr Adv.rtl.lnff llumau (la Npititcu vSoTS. upw vflRk uwi)' be luiiUc lor It lu llbll I UllfVl Ton's Pills ttt IhcUlifrallv mi-khhu. rrKiilnlvK lb bnU, mu4 mrm Htunll mm mm ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In nmlnrlul ilUlrlrU .hvir trltirar r4UHlttl.HtllW) IOttNVN MM ttllMt- itroftvrtlcit lii Irrf.nK lh tlriu iMMit ttlHt MIIU. lllMtUllY Sold Everywhere OMlco.4 4 Murray HL9 w York. ly trilK' IllUilf. ('Ill till" KUt tll'l It- t'lrn d ii'i'l u nfll mil I yi u fret1. -I'liirMun tl'Kti'ut vulnv uml liitixtTiiiiM o Uivtiii. that will Minn Y'lii iii I'Umu wliii h vf ill 11 lift you ifi in wit tni'ii cy rixhi ) tilth tUiyllung t-Uc in IliW fnnl'l. Ati iii' i it n ilu Hie Uuik iih'l lilt' hi tiMiiit'. Kilhi'i NVX tilt 111'. Sullil UllliJI IK" V., Itllll iU'U'dlllMIUill vy for the workfO. W'v m ill -.IhiI ymi; cHpittil ii-t nVtiU'l Thi Is one of tin- ni'iiiiim liniirtiiiit i-hitiivw ol a llli'tiine. TliHfi' vim un- amliHinii. ii i id ciili riri-iii'4 u ill u( ilt lxy. irtint oittlil tic. Avlilrc-j!, 'I K I K A. IO., Aii).'itii. Mntne. Kc8 ly. WOR K I NO CL ASSES ATTFWTinW M" "' ""' i''i""i m rii I cm I iui.ftiii,h.iicin- wiih em ilnymt!lit at liemu, Uic w Imlu of ilia lime, nr rr tlieit isiru iiiiiuu'iits. lliiMfiit.iiiieu , lliflit hiii! pp. Iluilili'. IVmiii.. ufeithcr sex ensily emii rnim .'iti tents te .iht I'Vellini;, mill . pre.rtilml sum hjr iloviitintr nil their llnje te the busltii'Kii. Ihiy. .nil (rilli- earn nenrly ks imirli im limn. Tli.t nil ttlni ..ue llifs may seiiil their mWrw, nml Usl the biLliiwc, wc luako lliimiller: 'l u nwl fl tiro nut well stitiitlleil u e n ill maul tide dellar to iuy for tlie Iruuble ol wrlllna. Full luvrticuliiri mid outllt free. AUdrcn, UEOKUKS'iTNKtiNdUU.JH dec-l-lf. IVrtlkad, Milne. soxa. ISY U UV . l'Ef' uTT. ' Tlir very inr- will rim' uinl Mi in rmliBiit cciis-.n. in (lit- nir, N'i slnuluw lull .in itnylhinif, Tin- ri'd nisij n(ini iiNolt ' ninii' fnir, " luiff he hours, li liu- their sum, Wjh'H ,in.: Jscuiiif, when Love h i'iiu. !'.- nty will fnm t-uith mi'l sky, Krtira'ii'e mul m.jik will ltM- llu-ir dnwrr, Tin- Hor.il imlnrt n tl..-t' will l Ant uli tiling tlliior initial liuiir, M'lii-M Mill l In - hr.ill hfills mi mul oil, Ami l,i ivi' h mini, nut) I.mvp jrnni'. BOWSER AND THE BABY. Til K MHTIIKIl HI' I'll K I.HTI.K CIIKHI'll UKI, ATKS SIPMK UK IIKIl THI.VI.it AMI 1' It I It I I..VTKINS. I may have h 'Klnl'.iro in iiilioneil the tact that Mr. II iin.'r an 1 I do nut exactly aj-ree in to how a luliy nhould be limulit up. I think he h a very unreasiinahle lather in various iuslann'S He eauie home one day when haliy was only three m ur.lis old and found him crying. "Mrs. Ilowner, tliat baliy'n (-ot corns!" exclaimed Mr. Biwser, as he hum: up his hat. "t'orns?" "Yes, conn! You art as if you never heard of corns. Put him down while I examine his feet." "The idea! Whoever heard of a baby three mouths old having corns '!" 'There's a good deal in this world you never heard of. Mm. liowscr. I'nt the youni.''iin down." He examined the baby's feet, pulled his toes apart, and of course he didn't find any conn. I knew he wouldn't. "Then what'ia he Iiawlin" about ?'' he persisted. " liabies always ety more or less." 'They do, eh '.' Well, if this one doesn't cry hs ill lind some way to make him! I shall h' Id him rc.-ponill" from this day out." Our baby lias the hives, as every oilier biby has. Mr. Ituwser came home and found me hu!din! the child and mother prej.ariug oiu warm dunk., Hern were ik., I.l ,.-k . --.I ..! L.ll .1 '. ' .we mini lies autj jum lie., IHU oaoy WHMIl CVC1I llVtllllg. "What's the matter with that young monkey now?" demanded Mr. Bjwser, as he caught sight of i lie pimples. "Only the hives, my dear." "Oh! lli.veynu had the doctor?" "Why, no. There is no need of a doctor." "Isn't there I Mis. Bowjcr, that may j bj hives, and it may be small pox ! It i looks more like the latter ill lease to me. ll'that youiig'tm has gone uml brought I the small pox into this lioii-a I waru him ' to look out for himself! I'm a loving i husband and fend taller and all that, Imt -I propose to draw a line with my children. ; I shall draw it at small pox. ! "Mr. Bowser" said my mother, "you I should not get unduly excited. That only a case of ill'- hive.'. This child li yet to go through with mca!e, chicken- pox. whooping-cough and several oilier kindred di-scascs or ailments. "lie has. eh! lie proposes to keep ibis Imuse upset lor the next eight or ten years, does he? Never! Ill lug him out this very night and lay him on some body's doorstep !" Baby was live months old before Mr. Bowser suddenly discovered that he was bald headed. He was holding the child at the time, and he rolled him into the crib and called me from the foot of the stairs : "Mrs. Bowser, for lleaveu's sake come down here as fast as you can !" "What is it?" I a-ked as I huriicd down. "Why. this infernal ymiug'un bald headed !" 'Itth.il all.' Why. I thought yu had dro pwl him !" "Is that all! Isn't that enough? He might as we'l die at on v. Think of lb ' r.diculc that wi 1 he heaped up m IV ehiid fro n the v-'ry hour he is able to to Idle to the door! (irown people will take hi u for some little ol I man who was sawed o f for a dwarf, and children will yell: ".!ilJ h.'il-d Bowser!" at hiiu. Ituigine o ir feelings as w.' hear th i street gamins slio.it: "Old Bowser, wherc's your b.iKl-li.'ad !" And it has euuie to this " : . ' llive tic bihv a eh nice, my dear." ' L'bauog! ChiD'-e ! HaVt u't I given him every po.sible hnw since he was Isirii? I lase 1't he b "ii lhi dir-et and only cause of my li'Mie; til'teen pouinls wei: lit in four nieiuhs ''" "But his hair will com,' out, he'll have a c.ond Inud ot hair win u he n a ye.ir old." "Oh. h i will ! Yes if In-knows what's '.'lod for him he will, lie's my ehiid, of course I h ive got the feeling of a lather, but sjouer than have him grow up a ha!d head, I d aboil n and disiaro him!" One day soon afier I found b ihy'a scalp red and irritated, uml the cook informed me that she saw Mr, Bowser fussing around the crib. I called bun in from the back yard and charged him with sin ister designs, and I know from his guilty manners that he had been trying some of his nostrums warranted to make, hair grow. On auother occasion, when I was giving baby a bath, Mr. B iwser h ipjiened in, and it wasn't a minute before Mr. Bowser had made op his mind that the child's feet were too large. ''Nonsense, Mr. iuffxer! His feet are all riht. See how chubby and healthy they are," 'Yes, and gna uion their size ! 1 tell you, h.i was cut out for a giant ! In two years my bouts won't lit him !" "l'shaw!" ' You may pshaw all you will, but, he's .'oin to be a monstrosity ! It won't be live years before you'll see an advertise ment in the papers reading: "Greatest wonder of the nineteenth century! ''Hi)-Kootel Howaer, aon of Old Man and Old Woman Downer. "Hig Hest Hoofs of any Humau Being in this World I "No. 1 l a don't come within a Mile of KitliiiL' him! Fat, Happv and Me pays the bill. "Yes, that's what you'll see, Mrs. Iluwser. and you'll grin and tickle over it and deadhead your way in every afternoon. I won't ! The disgrace will have put me under the sod. Wash away, Mrs. Bowser, but don't you dare to let that yoiinii un know I'm the sliehtest relation toiiiiu not the slightest ! A III SY CAT UOCTOlt. luillanaM)liii Journal. There is a eat doctor who ruus a drug store in Washington who, it is said, is do ing the most thriving practice of any al leviator of the ills of the feline and canine raees of any man in his profession in the whole country. This physician has the highest class of callers of any professional man in the city, as only the most aristo cratic can afford to have an expert wait up on their pets. At times as many as three or four carriages, owned by the most re fined and wealthy people at the ualioual capital, arc drawn up in front of the drug store and office, and his business is so large that customers with their patients have to wait their turn, like men in barber-shops. It is seldom that a man enters the diug store for the purpose of receiving a professional call from the doctor. Tin y are almost invariably women. The doctor was pliilosopiliiiiug yestir day to some gelillcuieii on the general ails of cuts and dogs, during which he slated that mote trouble came I'ronia lack of fresh air and exercise than anything else. He ;nei'i-jlli' detircciitfi! tlio f:iet 4 1 1 t itmse 11 J,uu t,j Id pets were guarded so closely ill the house, and were uot allowed to romp aiound like children. "1 could name," he said, "families in this city that guard as closely their iet cits and dogs us they do their children. Large numbers of them have cribs and ; cradles anil lounges made for their pets anil ! cushioned in the most comfortable mani.er possible. At one place I visited recently I found a tine old Maltese reclining on a I pillow of down. When I asked for il for the purpose of making an examination the ! holy of the houso lifted it as carefully as if j it were a tiny baby. She had delicate . spoons and forceps and a doche to inject ; medicine into the poor thing's ears. Thete was a swab of silk and cotton to cleanse its , throat, as it had had something like diph j theria. and w hen I spoke of a severe medi I cine as the only hope of recovery she threw up In r bauds in that same horror mothers j do when exlrenie nieiiMiies are to be re ' sorted to to save their infants." HOYS ANI Til 101 It MOT 1 1 Kits. Some one has written beautifully to the boys in the following manner; "Of all the love affairs in the world, none can surpass the true love of the big boy for his mother. It is pure love, and uoble mi l honorable in the highest degree to both. I do not mean merely a dutiful affection, I uie.in a love which makes a boy gallant and courteous to his mother, saying to everybody plainly that he is fairly ill love with In r. Next to the love of a husband, nothing s crown a woman's life with honor as this second love, the d Vntiou ot a sou to her. And I uever knew a boy 'turn out' bad who began by falling in love with his mother. Any man in i v fall in love with a fresh faced girl, and the man who is gallant with the girl may eruoliy neglect the worn and weary wife. But the boy who is a lover of his iua In r in her middle age is a true knight, who will love his wife ns much in he sere-leaved autumn as he did in the daisied springtime." Ol lt IMtK-HIS IOItlC CITY. Alu-vllle ( Itiieli. While excavating recently iu the middle of I'allou avenue for the escape pip:' of the fountain, the workmen, wh 'ii several feet under the surface, struck a pavement with re.'iilar cut iilrliiie.', and with cobble-stone piveiii 'iit. Alderman Altur. i llankiii and other, of our old T eiii.Mis say nt within their meiuoiy was work of thai kind dene here, and that the pavein -nt sh.ni! I beex- a tl in ill middle ot the strivts enhance ilu mystery. Il must have been d me when Aslievillo was inhabited by a differ ent race from that which exists today but they evidently possessed inti'lligeihu, en terprise and hsial pride, and foresaw the grand preparations which the future moun tain iiieliopolis would attain. It must have been a people who rcijitired narrow streets an 1 uarro.v si lewalks, ibis sidewalk being alio.it three toct wide. II I lie excavations could be carried further there is no doubt hut th it sum 'thing very interesting would be found. This busy lile, however, will not justify a waste of ti ne and high priced territory to hunt for such hidden treasure, 1 lie city authorities are having the pre historic sidewalk takeu up, but whether to place in our city museum or out has not yet been decided. A HUMOROUS PREACHER. The llev. M. S. Terry, for many years a favorite pastor in the New York M. K Conference, but now l'roftissor of Hebrew Theology in the Wesleyau t'nivcrsityat K vanstoii, III., will attend the meeting ofc n feicnee in April, and then make a trip to Berlin, where he will dig up a few Oreek mots and take a look at some ancient He brew manuscripts. Pr. Terry has much dignity of manner in the pulpit, and treats serious matters ill a serious way; but he dearly loves a good joke, and as dearly loves to tell a good story. Presiding Klders are very careful not to indulge in untimely mirth. When they see anything funny they store up the laughs they would have laughed, and when a good joke comes a long in a tood place these old laughs come popping up like minute guns. Terry likes to lasso a drove of these Presiding Klders and touch them off. His Inst story is this: A brother of the Indiana Conference, a very estimable man and able preacher, has an incurable habit of always annexing the pronoun "he" to the name of any person to whom he is alluding. This habit oven follows him into the pulpit, sometimes with ludicrous results. This was particularly the case one Sunday when, before a lurge congregation, he arose and announced his text: "The devil he goeth about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." Looking impressively over his gold-bowed spectacles, he began: "Brethren and sisters, my Bubjeet natu rally divides itself into three heads: First, who the devil he is?" The congregation was slightly startled, but preserved due decorum. "Secondly, my brethren, where the dev il he is going?" An old class-leader put his head down and stoned a bandanna in his mouth. The choir shook, and a little girl in the gallery tittered. "Thirdly, my brethren, what the devil he is about?" This was too much for the congregation, and for once their was a p -ut of laughter in that church. The fpiarti'rly conference discussed the matter at its next meeting, but the pastor still sprinkles his pronouns promiscuously. SHAVED. "Been to the female barber's yet," asked reporter to a eit ileus. "No." ' The touch of that gazelle's hand was light, delicate and soothing. When she laid me back in the filmy recesses of that Oriental chair and latherert my face with K'rfumed whipped cream and rubbed it into my coarse face with her velvety hands, every hair became attuned like the sighing of an ii'diaii harp. Well, I'll admit the razor was a little dull and my face has been a tittle sore since, but then we must have thorns with the rose. "1 shall never forget the great, big, Ireainy hazel eyes that drank iu the depths of my confiding soul when she reached over and pulled my right shoulder-blade up tinder my ear and commenced rasping my back. It's human nature lor a uian to want his back scratched, but I said nothing, hut sawed wood and gritted my teeth. She pulled the wild outgrowth fruminy nostrils, waxed myscant mustm-he a lu Napoleon and milled my eyesbrows to make me look gruffy and manly. Then she tattooed me with an occasional spot of bay rum, squirted a couple of siiuirts of Caroline grease in my hair and rubbed my head" "Kh'cirie baths?" "No. sir!" "And then?" "Well, then, she p iwdered m : until I looked like a Humpiy Dmnpiv, anl iu the sweetest voieothai ever diluted earaiu Is sho said : 'Ncxl !"' "Aud then ?" "Well, my boy, I escaped. ' "Uoiug again?" "God forbid !" NOTA LAWYER. "I'm laying for that fellow, and will get him yet," sai l on angry Washington nu n to his Boston wife. "You shouldn't say 'laying for him,' Harry," corrected his wife. "You should say lying for him," "1 should do nothing of the sort, my dear. I'm no lawyei," he replied, and the lady retired in confusion. K.N.IuV LlKK. What a truly bcuutilul world we live iu ! Nature gives ns grand eui of iiii'iiuiaiiis, glens and oceans, and thousands ot means ol i-iijoyuii-nt. We can desire uo bcttir win n in perfect health; but how ol'len do the luajoiiiy of people feel giving it up disheartened, dis couraged and worn out with disease, when there is no oeeasinn for this feeling, as ev ery sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof, that (Ini'iCi Amjunt 7oici'f, will make them free from disease, as when boi n. I'yspeisia and Liver Complaint uie ttie direct causes of seventy five cent, of such maladies as Biliousness, per In- digi'stioii, Sick Headache, Costivcness, Nervous Prostration, Diziiuess of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symptoms. Throe doses of Q'inl Floierr will prove its wonderful effect. iSan-ple bottles, III cents. Try it. A young man in Louisville, Ky , was choked to death while kissing a girl. That girl had evidently not been kissed for ionic time. rm: (DAT. A passenger from Springfield was tell ini of h'n purchase of un overcoat tro i a Hebrew merchant on Smith (Ink sire I. The price was 8!ltt. ''If dot goat donn't suit you, jring it pack right away, an' ve il gif y u yi ml monish pack, subject to all tliii'tiiati. ns in the market. If de goat market goes up. you gets more monish as you paid vi r him, if de goat market go 's down, you lose the difference only, my dear, pesides bavin' d; use of de goat. Ilol't do vay all ce i ness vas done in t'hieago, mine friend, ' Ou these terms the passenger Iroiu Springfield paid over his $:ili for the coat. Next day, having examined the garment more thoroughly, lie didn't want it. and took it back. "Yot I Dot goat not suit you?'' ex claimed the merchant, "Yell, ve take him back. Isaac, put dot goat on de shelluf, an' gif de sheudlemau six d l lars." "But I paid you 3!!'l for the coat, and want my inoucy back." "So, my fiiend, but goats half gone down last night. I guess it vos der war news iroui fcurope. iioats are ttown, an we half marked our whole stock at gust. You only lose de difference, my dear, an' you had de goat all night. Dot's de vay pees iness vos done in Chicago, Chicago Her ald. It.VPIO ICICI'OKTING. KiiKlncerltig, Linalon. Stcno-telegn phy is a system of trans mis i.n invcutclby M. li. A. Cassagues, of l'aris, and by ils means it is possible to transmit a dispatch in short-hand along a s'.ngle wire, and to print it at u distant sta tion in stenographic characters with a rup ipity exceeding that of any telegraphic ap paratus now in use. The fact that a single sign will reptcsent a syllable, which ordina rily requires several signs for each letter, reduces the number of electric iuipuUs perword very greatly, olid permiisof two hundred wolds a minute being sent hy datid, and still more by the automatic pro cess. Any stenographic machine may be employed to translate the' spoken or wi it ten words into signs, but it is the Mich la machine which has been used liitln rto. In this the operator sits before a keyboard of twenty keys, and by pressing them he produces upon a baud of paper a graphic representation of the words he ih-sires lo record, and from this paper they can be read. By the aid of this machine a prac tical operator can report at the rale of L'liO words a luiiiuic that is faster than the most rapid orator can speak, eighty lo 1-0 words a minute being the limits of speed for the most grave and the ni-'st impulsive. In a lortnight one can team to read the printed character, while ii takes six months' practice to become a rapid operator. The object of M. Cassagtii's's invention is to cause the stenographic machine to produce this hand at a distance- it may be ofhiiudreds of miles with the same rap idity as it does when the paper is iu the machine itself. To this end the keyboard a.ud the printing mechanism arc connected by n telegraph wire. - . Minister Uo a hoy, who is digging for worms'). Little boy, don't you know thai it is wrong to Work on Sunday, except in cases o ' necessity ? Buy ( itoing ou with his diunitiii ) This is a case of necessity. A feller can't go ti-liin' 'lliout bait. llucklcn's Arnli-ti Malvc. The Best Salve in the world fur Cuts, Bruises. Sores, I'leers. Salt lllieuni. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns and al' Skin I'li-uphiiic, and jhim nvely cures I'll -n. ..r un piv required It Is uaratlteid In -ive p. rieel salis'.icti'ill. or un.ncv refunded. Price L'.'i its per liox For sale by lir.ovii Carrawav, II lii'-.r AIM l'.Kl'l.fc.Mi;NIS. LIQUORS. C. SMITH. ske ins iiijroits, SEE HIS Ml A US, SEE IIIS (111 OCE HIES. leer. OUUt CfifiED qOODS. KVERY PBINK IX SEASON. MTC. Smith at Evans' old stand Washington avenue, Yeldon. N. C. dec 16 Ij A(ln IIP AllV WlTISr.MllVIS. WHAT KILLS AMERICANS. Fs.l l.ltlnu llrrhlra. I'ml..-llnr,l llrlnU. iBIt I''mii M,-,-ii,i ,l Jml.ii.y i'llllll.nl Ainl'ilUii. Vitilf-nl I'milou The Item for .lionn. Till- lllllt'lllill!,' lliii'iise lif fliin roiititi'v is iici'viiiis ilt-liility mill liro-tnttiiit., t pieH umliT lil.'inv liiiliii-H Lut, it is; I'ssi'ii titillv tin miiim i'iniiiniiit. IIi'Siit.'il-i mul jifivnti' inititn limn fif iii'fvuiH juitii-nis m'ii 'l'i.U..'i. 'J'. iVlM'tti!' 'it' lift' ill flu' I'tiiti'd Sluti". is ill-, crt'iisim; every yettr. Sil 1 1 it'll ileiillii from nervous oolliipn' Milium; OH!' lilIMIII'SS, Jlinfl-s.s. inlKll illlil Jilllilii' lni'll life so fl'etii-nt as witively to I'Xeile ri'iimrk. Tlie majority of stti cities, committed without, ap parent feasoiorniiilel'so-called "depression of Htiirits," art really prompted Ly nervous, prost ration, which is n fruitful source of insanity mul crime with all their grief and horror. These facts tire sturtlino,. They threaten the very life of the nation. They assail the springs of its power and pros, pcrity. They wreck manhood'n) ntrcn:th and woman's useful ness and lieauty. Every one should know thu causes. What ure they ( The answer is easy and terribly plain: Our vicious personal lialiits; our careless and lawless etitiiu; and ilriiikinir; the in. tense nie'ttal nitd physical strain arising from our mad race after money, position and influence; the fears and struitiles of pov erty; the use of narcotics mid stimulants; our fashion of turning day into nii:lit and niijlit into day; ami, luietly, our desperate; willingness to pay any price, for an hour's pleasure or success. So we liurti life's candle at Loth ends) and fill the lunatic asylums and the graveyards. The disease from wliicli we suffer and die is, in plain Eng lish, iVeiTO'tx J ' hipqi.iid, as it is seated in tlie Nerves and in the organs of Ingestion, Assim ilation and Nutrition. Healthy digestion I icing impeded or des troyed, the whole hody, nerves' included, i literulh starred; even when there is no emaci ation to tell the sad story. Nervous prostration sends out its warnings; headache in tlie morning; a persistent dull heaviness or aching at the Imseof the Lrain; wakefulness; loss of appetite and disgust with food ; lo-s of mental energy and interest in ordinary duties and business; restlessness and anx iety without tiny assignable reason; eructations; Lad breath; foul mucous on the teeth; occasional giddiness; palpitation of the heart; sal lowness of the skin ; coated tongue and gradual failure of strength and .uulntion The remedy is a total aban donment of the habits and cus toms which cause the disease in each individual case and the use of Sinker I'.xtmd vf Himts (Seigel's Syrup) to cure the mUchief already done. This great remedy, prepared by tlie Shaker (.'omtiumity of Mt. Leb anon, N. V., is especially adapt ed to eradicate Nervous Dys jiepsia. To do this it acts directly and gently but power fully upon the disordered stom ach, liver and kidneys, restor ing their tone and vigor, pro moting the secretion of bile, ex peHing waste matters from the system,.tnd purifying the blood. I ') Km the nervous svstem Slmlf) AVfrncSeigersKynip) acts as a safe and wholesome anodyne without the slightest narcotic effect, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone ami strength through its wonderful influence, upon the function of nutrition. It is safe to sav more nerv Oil.s d o ptics have been re stored by it front the depths of misery to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than by any or all other forms, of treatment combined, t tA t . A . TIMBER FOR SALE. The nndcrsiijned otlVrs for sale the Cypress anil Oak Tinilier staniliii( on "I.ookliin Glass" pluntalion, lioannke Itiver. W. K. CiHAY, Scotland Neck, N. C. mar 31 4w PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. A ' A'nnnsEY a t i. a n; Si oll.AMi m:i k, ,-. (-. I'llirl ill,, HlU I" nl Halifax ill'-ei II lieu, III, i' es lire nijllirell, ul si-ciiiiiI Miuiiliiys II M Ml i.l I .N I I. 1. K N W Al.l l.K I . ),1SIKI.. Kami; j. M A TT( H.SEiS AT LA If, WELDON, N. C. I'll" "'-'' ie II ilttM.f III lili.. iiiI Nnrllmten. Iiilllllul in Mi, su, ,,, ,, r,,,, fl conn, l ol '' ii'iio' iii i.li.M-.. I S.tiIi l i.ri Inn,. I'"""'"" in ilmoi.A. ., l. .uiieii iii-rv Won. '") - jioi 7 ly. 1 II. Ill sill I , It. II. Mill II Jr. KAi.KltiU, N. c. SeoTLiStl NECK, N. C. JJ t SU t K A k SI I 1 II. Mr r II li..,-,. ni Mr It II smith, Jr Cum. .La. in l.iiw,hini. i , hiiiiuil j.nrtii. rrti ip nl III- 1 'I ... I lee ol hm , llnlilux ,.,lUMy, Wr I'l.M.i e W III ,,,.i H,. ,,, 1 1 1 1 11 X . r.-milllrU- sit.l Hill uli.ovi.il lli.-i-oiiiiiy lane verliii.. sen ice. ""'I"m'l. 116 y 'I' HUM AH N. II ILL, Allium at I. aw, HALIFAX, N. C. . ''"'"' J" ll"l fax mi.l mlj.iliilniir. uiillen and Hih-ri.l bud siiit, un- court.. w, '. T II II K N h, .1 TTOItSEY A r A.I it; KM lhl.li, N. c. I'm. II. ,-n in 11,,- ,-ii,i, f II.MHa, mil,,!,,,,,, colinlli- mi.l in ii,.- Mij.r.- lourt. i oll.-rlion, ina.u- M,) H .a. , ,,t. .(, . . lllllil. .r,.ii,lly u tele. w W. II A I. I., Allunii) at law, WKI I'i'N, N (;. SK.IL!t. iiti",iKlv,.,,fc c lleillom id runll- may 1 if. JJK. J. K. SHI E L 1) H, Sliigri.n Denllst. S -Vj 1 11' H-ivliiupeririHiieiillvli'i iiteil lu Wilder., can ho ri'iiiul ul Ins ,,ll' In liiiiii. l uri.-k llinl.liin; ,u .11 tunc; except hi ll uli- cut on ,irf,-s.i,,nl hn.lm-,.. l-aii.fiilaii.-iuio, tiM-i. to nil l.t.nii l,,,. i ihr ,r, eM..ii. I'.irliLh v.slu-tl hi iheir lioi.u-s ulo n ile' lr"'- J..1) ill ly. E. L. HUNT K K, Nurgenn Dentist. Can l. r, inn! hi his oltiee lu Lmleld. Pun- Nltri'inlnide(laf.,r the l'alnlen Kltrao Tn ol Te.-th Iwm. mi limtil. nii t ADY KHTISKMKNTS wmwm mm pills Scour Healthy action to the LI var a.nd relieve all bli. toua troubles. faitly Vtt.ut.ki MtCrijUf. Mm Mi. All DroijWi. iKcts ly THE OHLT TROS IRON TONIC , l i LIVER n.,i KIDNEV8 J w. ie-'in, llhlitftMi J.in'l. oir. n,(in i;, i hihI hinhnuub. ihilutoly (.'iirvil: Uoi.tin, tuu- Ciua itim itervt! nifivu new rorro. t.tihvnn the mtixl I Arnsrcl.'rt:. ;n(.,M Urn in I'owttr. h.iu,.-iwi,.u, , .ne. .,. ,.r. nrannr compinion. All nilwntntti nt t oi.titerfelttim oitty mltiw lo i'c i i.pa. Urilj. li not xii.o imoiit- -et Oitiutv 1 1. anlBiut (V.r' hartcr-s livfr pills V HoidiiL'hr. h.nniMo D-K) md l'iam Book! mailed on ronutiu of iw0 0et.u In jontnutj. F THE PR HARTEH WEDtCIHt CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. H-b i;i y UK LP YOUR EYES JJT I'SINO YOt Nil's CKI.KBRATKD IMl'ltOYKDl'ElilSCOl'lCGLASSES, CLEAR AND SOFT TO THR FYE, STRKNdllEN INli TO WEAK KVKS, For uie lu Gold, steel. Rubber and Celluloid Kntni.'.. HELP TOSaVE I-ybuying tliegrvatctit Br(rnln uvur offerM ni GOT.D HUNTING WATCH, Vrirying Iii price from FOKTY TO O.NE HlNliHtO OLLAkM, Worth nenrly tlmiMe the prlre. SETS OFTeWELRY. HhiiiImjiuc iu ilwiini uml In fine qiiHlity. A thou wfcud (hUt-rvnt mylwt of R1NCS, PINS, KAR-RIWIH, VVYV 1lt"ntN8. KTl'l)S,C(H,l.AKH lU'TTONS, HHArKl.KTH. an.VKK siihns. itRrtsIAr.,riJ0( Ka, I'l.ATKIJCA.'-TDltfi, !CK IMTL'H At the Wert pmwfrile prtfei. atteiuled to. Orders promptly J. W. YOUNC, (sucokssor J. T. y. Sl bro.) . Petersburg, Va, rt21y ApnT7I.i Bond al Cent Tot kUm I f jniid rweivt free, ttnUy tnix ni (ft Kid vi h lcli u 111 help you to more money rinht way limn anything else In this world, Ai) of either tM'x succeed ttoin tn hour. The bftad rood u fbituo open. Iwforft-UieSrorlwn, ivtutelj iur, Ai via tfldWM. tmb k Op-,' A