J L .r1 fn HALL & SLEIDGJ-E, I'noi'KiKTuns. VOL. XVUI. A. NEWSPAPER IF O IR, THE PEOPL E. TERMS--'1"1 ''KK ANNl'M IN ADVANCE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 1.1, 1S87. NO. 8. fsl tsl 1 NEW ADYEIITISK.MKNTS " I : : the rn I tun 1 .CAGAMBRIlLMrcCoj PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISH:Er31774: i Tim value .it' I'LOIll .le.eiHls upon tin- KSSKVf I A I, KLK.M KNTS Ul' ' 1UTI0N CONTAINKH IN Til K IIIIKAI) 11' M AMIS. .Marylaid ami Vii-iniu Client, from which mir PATENT HOLLER l'l.( IT IIS are cliiclly aiiiil'iii-l nn-.l, ha Hid 1 n ennccil.d Ui In' SIT Kit 11)11 In nn v other. Iieeanc it has a IIKTTKI! COM- IIXATION OK lil.li'TKN AX I' I'lloSI'll ATI'S. Tlii. I'm i pr,VunM imt Bly in tliw rminlrv, lint in llii' l:nilf I KiiiiT'l'iiii n wi-'l, where tin- "1' T I'SCO UI'KltOATIVir COUMANHS IH'.CI MIMA MOItK MONEY than any other MUcricud Flour. AA your jrum fur it. Abi l'T ratapicti Siiporlatne, l'atapsco Family, l'ata.sci Extra. C. A. liAMIiltlLL ii! 12 1y. THE PLACE TO GET 1 D&UQ3 M1BISIHS13, at Tin: L0WESTP1UCES, IS AT I DR. A. It. ZOLUCOEFEIt'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COWPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WrtUWRII-TUiN IllTARTMKNT riLI.EI) WITH TUB UKST sKI.Kt'TKI) MATKUlAl..-$ f " JMlFSCRIlTHlSS COMI'OUSDKI) AT Al l, IIOI US WITH Cia.AT CAKE. PEHH'MF.KY, STATION F.I; Y, FANCY SaVl'S, HMSIirS, ( FANCY AUTU l.E, THI:ACl 0 AND CKiAKS. (UKMBEB ththertTelcouiotwyIu j'.u it ZOLLICOFEEirS. j;ilT. BROWN, 1 BEOAVN & DRUGGISTS AND t I -. -i WipiH, Hi Bi HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 T0ILKT ARTICLKS, rEUFl'MKUY, COMBS, BRUSH KS. i - ' PLAIK AND FAATV S" ATIOXABV, - -4 ; " i J ' : : ft i ir. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED..,,, j HPioti Sumlayn 9 to 111:30 A. M. nod (! tn 7 lln I'. M. t IAKUNDEVELOPED ! f f'.-nir 'tl'iw noin i.'.i.vn.iLt.lhi'H'.ir' f it ( Ith Nti I III Nf I T. , . 'Hi iiH-m-M-i.. J. S'A' f'l I IdiesFine Shoos i ,W;?AVK MACK - J.!.'. HART, i- p 4. s Tf WF,I.D()N', N. C, -4r P t:. K JOSEY k CO. 1 SCOTUXU NKCK, N. C, i yuf f nt for tin wlu of our Ladies' toe 3ioe, for their respective suctions. V. tuake on the N. V. Opera, Acuie. SIV ' inpliast anil Creole lasts, the latter b ji' out nd is very nieo. Wc use the Met Machine and sew with bent Bar our'.? thread. Every pair warranted. Jlioj ro nice, neat and stylish. Give (Ileal i look when you want a shoe and foa Jl be pleased. K. P. HEED & CO, ReeWster, N. Y. wp4 16 I ( ape Henry Family, Hcill'md I'amilv, North Point Family, Oraiuictirovc Hstra, l'licsiieal.o I'.Mra.' Baldwin Family. MANIT.U'TI'ltlNt; CfVMI'AXY. VI ('niiiincrco St., lialtininio, Mil. B. T. SILAIOITS. SIMMONS, PHARMACISTS, N.W.AYER&SOH ADVERTISING AGENTS buVlno PHILACELPHIA t or. t lieMnut and Eihtb Sin. Rorelva AtlvrrliscincBU fur Una rir. ESTIMATES ch Vl. FREE VV-AYERS SON S MANUAL Krwipapr AilvertUlnff Uiircnu ilfi SritucB NEW YORK. Tutfs Pills l Imiilnti M Ihr torpltl liter, HtretiKlh PHM I III' UlVRtI I tf Oft MIINi rt-ICItlHU'Mlb bowvlw. hihI Mr uui'UMlt'd u u ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In mnlnrlnl illslrlcU Iht lr virturaara wt,l.l r ronlit (I. M i tii-t iMf.Hi.iiN ir lliNr)rtrllrH In trrflii I ttvmy hlin Irum HihI ittilNDH. l:lt-uallllv kuasr Muted. Uwm amaU. frlt a, KSila. Sold Everywhere 01I 'c, 11 Murruy St., Sew York. YHIm- ihhiU', 'tn U mil ami rv turu i, :if1 mu will li'iul j- n friv.l i:iiimni; nn-iit Blni' itml luiittrtrtlHt' In von, Hint Kilt bturt you in Iiiimiu'hm hu ll vt ill hrmt: you in more nioii-t-y rinlit huuv tlian iinylliiiii i-Im- in ihiM worM, Any one t-nii do tho work mut live ut limni1. Ktllu-r wx: all h'i h. Niuii'thiiij; in'W, thai jiift t oUiimoii t-v for the worltf-'in. W v w ill start ymi; ranital imt int'ilt'il. I hlfif one of tin- .'iitiitu, liiiinriniit I'lianeri ol'a hfcttim; Thi me ho mv Kiiihnioini mid tMileririshig will not iti-lay. "iiaiu! oiittll Inc. AiWrew, ITU Kit l'u., Aumifta. Mhiik'. ikr-S ly. WOKKINd CLASS MS t I I CIM I IUIX .fnniM, alli-lsKses villi ru pluvmciil si hiimo. tlie w l.i.lo of this liinc. or f .r thi'lT .,Hr,' nuiiiiciils. nusliii.'ssiu'w, light miui pro ntHlilc. IVmoiis ol cither ncx easily 1'nrii from cent to Oil )nt cvi'iiini:. Hinl M iri'Hrlliiiuil mm liy ilfvotli'S utl llicir time o tlie t'Usiiu..'.. Hoys hihI Kills mm nearly as lanch as laun. p'loit sit win. see tilts may sfiut pirmlni, s,i, (lie bii.tltcM, wc liiHkelliUlulA' la such H. Hre lint wall satisfied wt: writ semi fcnedotlsr to pay fur (lie Iruuble of vrltluir. Kull iMrliciilsn tint viitnt frve. Addriw, Uh()UUK8TlNSUNi(.U, dec My. Portland, UaliM. THE DEVIL AS I) TIIK LA WiEll. Thi' ilcvil nunc in Hit- ctirth om- ihy, Ami iiii :iniiiili,iiic vi-nnl his wn .In! uk an nitorm-y w itli wry xruvc lin-i-Whj. ir .rri"liiij; in urisMi' (mint in h ( ti.ic. Xinv, a lawjv-r liis miij- -ty never liml i-t-n. For I" tii iIiiiimnImih m-in- evi-r liml Urn : ni In' I- It very curious, tin- r.'UMiii in tinw Why 1 U1 h-.-ii t-.'iii to the nxiniiN 1.eln, . ' Ywn 1 hi- Ullt ..Tills ii-CllK his waj.'-ty thought, V I y tt"tii' nf t lic-ii- liiw viTh had ever heeii cuitjjhi , Aii'l f..r l.j.-.Hii i.VuMitf In- Inula i-in To i' .;ii-- 1. 1 Lin' i-.irih uiul (lie r--u ill iii'iiire, W. II, tlf .iw. r win, r. -f milt iMiyi-s.i'.'Nive, M.1.I1 Dtit In- iio. ht a Luii-mniiiiil,' kimvc; An.ltU.-..M..-il w louliU mmi-i-il ! Jll'llt I!,.- Hit. .rill'V !-"ll.l.ly l!.1J-'-ll, 'p-ak-T li nl li.ie ton (I'M 1' -siim (In li li. iv 1 !y urM'-i". li ill .tl ii I Ik- lii tnl of (It iii.'. -ii .. Ati.lh.-i.-l A' IT H'li' III in 1 illaiti 1 I all no 11 lli. 1st. Tliusthi'y .jiiiirtvli-il.roiiii'inl. (1 mill nrk'tinl in lmtc. I turil lo il.-N-nniiii' (hi-1.11-' lliat uum wroiin, An I ''.iM' iu.l ii ln-'.i li- ar-I i-iio'n,h ol Ihv ,rns," 'Hil Nii-it t'lrm-.l uvmyaiiil xdil. -ij'il llni : "ITall tin y li.iv,' aiil .,fi'.n h oil., 1 lr till", Thi-1.- il ha -un-ly d.H'ii rolibi-il of lii due; I'm Miliiic-il. now, 'tis nl very wi-ll. Tin-- Iayi'i vvoiil'l in in tin in rul.i of hill. -Tin -vim ,u., thet'ii'iri villa In. cavil Aii.l.l'ui lr,-i- too. tlii-v Iiavr jaizl'-il ihi- ilt- il My lU'-nl ;i!v 1 !,. . ! U; ft- lull - H I had tin-in. tln-y l ,-n ili'l ! 111 it i.l my tiiil." THE FEMALE FIREMAN. A V. IM A N s ST. It 1' 1. 1 . i I AH'. I'.M I I'.KS UN A Lin " M 1 ''I 1 ' K I KMII.AVII AMI II Kit ii. TlnTf i.- uiii' lir.ui, li nl' l.ih r that has iinYiT 1 ii'i'ii invailt'l hy wumi'ii to any c x '. Whili' .4.', in swut'li iil'i'iiipliiyini'iit, Wiiitmn a t' liV'i'.ipli iip 'i'.it.ir, t i.-ti . -t 11 -r-' lit , typrwlt, r, lypfwritiT, ( Ink, sal. -wnuiaii aii'l i'Vi 11 lu'W-pap. r clitur aii'l ri'p'irti'r, it has ul v, ays li.'i n : I! ,), .-t i! that -hi: tlrwr aspir.i! to he either an uyiu n or liieiuaii I on 11 loeoniotive. lint liriilu'e port hohls a wo i;an in tiio -111 of llattie Morgan, who lias seen hut twenty-throe yeai, ami who has he, 11 st, let- in Knoiaml ami on-jiii-.-'T 111 a tieiL'ht (Hjiinr in Coiiuei tietit. Sh.. ha.l l.ii.'ht eelor.l. I.,n;...sl hair, lar-e iIii'a ey, .-, aiel, altiloiiih h, r face isWe ith er li' ad 11. .h .' is ,iii:i h ni l-'iue. She i rather ma!" iiliue in appear.ineo and of 11 deti riuiirerl expression of eharaeter. Her s:ory runs as folh.ws :- IN 1,'iVK ti ll AN KNl.lNKKit. Ahoiit live years a.-. while she was liv- j in;,' in London, she I', II in love wilh Tom ' W'innan, an oiyiucer on the "I'hinu S otchman," an expre s train which runs j hetwcii London and I'l.linl.ur-h. She j loV( d him fondly, and was never happy except when he was ii-. ar Ii f . She was anxious to be eon.-tautly with hiui and it was arranoed hdv.'i'en thoin that sho should h.-douie his tireuiaii So sho ar rayed her If in a eoarso suit of men's clothes, and was at oiiee transformed into a liauilsoine yonn fir- iiian. Pay alter day she attended to lo r duties, and the pon derous i neine, no. oii'J, wilh its seven foot ilrii'rs, tisid to do the mile a minute act over the heavy metals. I'oth she ami Tom kept tin it secret well, and she ""' Tom wire to he married. li k: II l.n Kit Kit. t l. II. I lint on ( lie black day Tom was killed liy heiuir run over hy a shunted ear, and j he died in less than an h air uilh his head I in llattie's lap. In her iinuui.-h her se cret wa- n vi ahd. She left Knid-nid. whidi had nn more happiness fi-r her, and came to this coun try. She had some money, hut it soon dwindled away and she found that she must do p. inethin. So aain di-eyiisiuj; hetself she applied for a tirciiicti's po.-ition on a locomotive on a Connecticut ltailroad. She served nearly two yens acceptably, and has been civi-n a freight ( iie'uie. As she had a seveiity loiir ini'e run. and -7 was the uiiiulur cf h- r eiieiue,, it i h.'Ii"Vi d that her run w.,s oti the New York iliv i-i ui of ilu New V' r's, Nov llav.nand llarlford Kiihoad. Sh" woikcd very Welt and showed lor skill wil -n h.r cii.in L'"t out of r pair. She was tinally uiveii the d iy i x press to r in, an I while there sh ? killed two in n. One was walking on the track an 1 she blew the whi-lle repeatedly, but II" paid no atteliti oil aod the itijine struek and tuaii elcd lion. Ticoiior in in un l.rio ik to liiv,' his we'on over a orade ir.osinj, an 1 mill I, ' an I hi- horse wire uuitilatid pa-t 1; toeililioll. Tli.se aivid us bri',e llattie Moroni all up, Sh.! was ex ni rati d by the olli cials, .:tt sh" eo i'd ii t si.1 j., aii'l she says ihe nisii c nianily up cured b fore her. km k. t.vsr srttAH . I nstllv sh' was iiiniin: iiuiiij No l:M onl, a I .-t express at ill" rale ol fifty 'nil s ;.u ti' .ill'. l'..r ahead oil ihe Irtiek die saw soalcthin.' whieh she th iiiuht was a piis e nf nevspap r. As she neared it she saw it was a iitll, child la)iiio will, the Jilt and st oi".s. Its little life was cni-lied oil! on th ' in-t.int. Haltie triul In r b't to reverse the i n jine, but in vain. Win ii tho train stopped, the en .inepr al lilist fainted. Tint was her last tiip. The little child haunted her day an 1 ni;rht an-1 .-he had a severe lit of sickness. Then she n suuicd Inr prop, r dress. Sho is now eugaoed to be married to nn engineer who has charge of a sixly-lurso power engine in a large fact try not fr from New lluveii. She hopes tn lur Wedding-tour to visit I'.uglaiul and si ow her huabaud tho ' Flyino Sootchiunn," where she ree, i.ed her lii-t laillosiling, l!ut she can n;vir, she says, ft rget the lives that were crushed out when she stud in the cab and sent the locomotive along at almpit light Ding spccdi A GOOD SERMON. "I'i. io, not they wliu an- In I'-inlt, Wlu'n u!l Hi .' wiii lil sixain wiviik. S11 many nl' us an' apt tn pass nnjnsl st'iitriict! itpuii iIil' ivorhl at lar'i' if mtf litllf faclnr nf it hapn'ii to ciusw nut palli.-, in 11 way unpleasant In us. InJei il tln-re are lint a lew ul' us who are m chnh lie an In helieve that our hest I'lii lnls are plnllin aaiu-t us, il'th.-y Jare lake the liberty nl' iliH'erin I'miu us on any "iihjeet. Aiel unless we eaii have llii.s thinking m live, ihr wnihl li;iiinil ihiwn tn 0111 lit tle f.iiu;:s we prini'iiiiiee it ninj; lu the ha-l Nn this is an unhealthy Mate of mlml, anil is traeeahle in a lai'L'e ile'Tee to s.'lf- i.-huess; ('.r tin? view we ;et 1 1' the wurhl ilepelhl.- nilleli upon the fpi etaeles hnnij;ll whieh we hmlt at it. It' we pu r out at it thrutiuh our hitternes.s, seltUhiiess, or nn eharitahleues we will seem to. see (liene un lovely ijualitieH ill others, while in reality wil are th'i faulty one.s, and notour fellow ereaturep; anil, if, in.steail of eoii'leiuiiino others, wii wouhl look iiiiire iiupaitially into th" eause.s of the unhappy state of allairs, we W011IJ fiii'l that our prutieness to iui pule unworthy motives to others in their actions towanl us lias been at t In; root ul 11 1 nl 1 of the ImiiIiI.'. Oh-' i v atiun has taught me th it the two (hi -f reasons I'm mental misery ava overeuitieness on the p.ut of half of tho wuiM, ami laek of thuiiht, or lael, in the other h ill'. It is those alilieteil with oversen-itive natures who are ipiiek to take offense at all ini aginary slijhts. 'fhev an; forever on the j lookout for siuuethiii to feel injured ahoiit j and invariahly pi isiiaile tlieiiiselves that ll"' n,"liv' s ll;,vu ti il.-l tlietii 111 ii certain eour.so of aetioti uiu-t have inllueiiei d theiu hy whom they were oli'elliled. This illeliliatioll to tilt unkind motives upon th r words and deeds of our friends iiud :ieiilaiut.iuees has eausi d us more real hear: n lies than it was ever in ten led we should Mifh r. The motive is. al'tei all. the tiling to he weighed, and il we know that the unkind word whieh wounded was not pretneuitatt d 01 intention al, are we not wron to ourselves and others to invest it with a har-her lneaiiin I and take it to he irt as much as though it ,Vl.ri. s.u.(uiy there is no ,,.. . ,,, in our harrowin-up f.-.i in-s hy imauinary thriKs and stal.s ,,1,, ,);,.,, m mj. Ml.n, Mm w,y, nui0 u, wrj ,,., , (.ar. If, then, the seii-itive part of ihn world sutlers, it is the thoughtless half which is in most instances to blame, for more sor row ',. caused by the carelessly thought less than ever was wrought by the wicked ly heartless; and yet many plead this self same ini.-v hief making, "I did imt think," as an exetiso for their wrong doing. ( lur prayer-books teach us tint "sins of oiui.--sion" rank in cnoiinity with "sins of com mission." No onii who is not iiossisied of 1 e.'it.iin am unit of th uightl'iilin -s or taet call attain to that degree ol porlectioii which en bears her to the h.'art of everyone. In the society wmld it makes the sueee.-s fill hostess. for what iauioroeharuiini: th in to meet together wi.h those whom a nice ihf ciiuiiiuitiou has selected because of coui a tibility of tastes and aciuiri llu ills. The sime ihoiiglitfulness guides the ceiivi rsi tion ft out topics which would prove embar rassing, and invests the hosti. ss wilh the happy facul'y of always saying ihe pleai anUst thing possible aud making her guests satislied with themselves as well as h,r. This is tin atltibute which may be itil tivatcd by those who have gone so far thloiigh life heedless of th" feeling ol others, for llmre will collletillleS win n ibis uniform carele.-sms will testify auainsi iliein ill the absence of tlis it' fast d-part ing fri.ii'K. Hut the exi rcise ofu kind thoughifuliicss is not limiti d in its prov ince to ihe center figures of the s.ui..l circle as the hoine. is, above all places, the i lie in whi, h it should never bo forgotten. Kadi member of the home knows what is the seti-itiw point ofeaih of the otlcis. and reineiclietu-g tins, ami avoiding always llu se r el's of dangi r. the daily interci ursc offami.i:s might he more harmonious than we Ireipi.-nily Iiud it. Hut the most e ire ful Ml -i'tl may at times uneoiisa iotisly touch a hi Ideti spring of sorrow and bit tene s( in anotln r by some light allit-ioii. and it. ino dial"1) -b" W Miiiidul one fcls anger an 1 I'otiti nipt for the speaker, so ijuiikK does she believe thai ail unworthy ni "tiye tujgiste.l the r 'Ui.iil,. Tims, in all the World, tle.'M! two gliefs piav into each oiler s ban lJ. stiiring up stnfe betw.cii t'.e d' lirest fiielids, estraligllio llo'tnenibers of one heiisehobl, iiiiiI making this lovely world, villi its beauty and sweetness, ap pear as wholly unattractive. F.N.inv Lit k. U I. at a truly bcaiitilul world wo live in ! Nature gives usgtatid cur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands ol means ol enjoyment. We cm desire no betUr when in perfect h 'alth: imt how often do the inajonty of people feel giving it up di-hearti lied, dis couraged and worn out with disease, when tl.e.'e is no occasion for this hvhng, as ev ery sufl'erer ean ea-iiv obtain satisfailorv proof, that tirittt's .lions' t'l'itrt will make them free from disease, as when bom. Ilyspepsia and Liver Complaint aie th'1 direct causes uf seventy live per cent, n' such maladies ns Biliousness, In digestion, Sick Headache, Costivcness. Nervous l'roslration, Jlizziness of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other i'istrtssiiij symptoms. Three doses of A n g.isl I'hirer will prove its wonderful effect tlfuipie buttles, 10 ocuts. Try it. SOLDIERS IN THE WAR. what iiiri'iii) rni: south sihii; fai'ts i'iiNri:iiMMi tiik ni Minn K MDN IN TIIK I.ATK Alt. l.yn.liliilln A,li.ilne. The Wat llep.irlnn nt at Washington has pulili.-liid ollielally tln.l the South fur nisheil :!."ill.llilll white volimlei is, and Inn,- llllll eololMl Hoops to the federal armies. This is three-fourths as many as the South was ahle to raise for the ('oufed''rate Army iieeonliii',' In the iilliei.d report of Adju tant llell.'I'.ll Cooper. The Nolllnril Stales furnished H'JU.lHl men. the South liiil.nll -total 2,-!."0. 1 111! soldiers. Now this was the immense force the South, di viihd and stripped of a oreat deal ol it: strength had to li-ht. Like tlie Wiliniii toii Slur it is very elear to our mind thai if the soliliers from the South that I'ou-ht av'ain-t the S..111I1 had fought for tin- South that the South would have ttained its in depi ml. 1. ee hefore lite two years had claps, il. It would have had 1 .1.WI.Ii 1 1 men to have fought J.o'.ui.lilil, which would have heeii coaipararativelv an ca-y j-.h. As it was fi'ill.tili'l South, in men nan to Hunt ii-any tliree millions, or near ly live to one. This is very .lartlint;. and yettrile. What chatlee colli 1 a dividid South havit in sm h a .-tnt':;'le. So piaiu is it that the S ailh Would ha'.e triumphed if it had not liecn divided that a writer in the ,W, Ann;hni Htrittr for Nov, inlier says: "Il'tlie l.ir.. !y uiore than I; in. nun in n had never lieell addcil to the li 'Initio (i,riv of the I " ui' ,ll ainiv. hill h:. 1 yi' ldi d to the pres.-ul'e and espoii.-ed ihe cail-e ol the Confederacy, the success of the Federal tioyi'iuiiiciit could hardly have i n hoped for." With lloldniisiu II iiiri-hiiiv; in North Cati'hiia in the midst of war, and tens of thou.-ands ol al'le hodteil 111, II ill the South speculating and lowine; lieh. ii is mar velous that tin. Nmtli was aole to protract I a war lor lour yeais against, such terriid have fought with a coinage ami dash and pertinacity that v.vic ran ly exainpled, or ihe Northern soldi, rs were pn- r, inellieieiit eowaidly slicks. The fact r mains that nearly :i. nun, nun in. n, with iii.-xliausiil.lc resources and a liivat navy to help, to( k four year to compter peace. The wiiti r already iUottd final the A'"i7i .loiecomi Hi ri r says: 'Tl is also worthy of note lliat in the Southern States, there was no draft or conscript, except for the Confederalecau.-e. and no bounties raised for Union volun teers. The total amount of bounty fain! raw d in the New England, Middle and Westirn Si at(S exceeded SL'T."i..")llil. In Massachusetts it was about 81, "ill for each "olilicr, ami in New Yolk it was more than 8HII for each.'' It took millions of in ui .y to ke p up the Northern armies; and no Wonder, for the South had defeated ; ruiy alter army, inllieliiig groat losses ii on them. (Irani losl in eleven lllolilh., at least iM.llllll inure luell than llclicral Lie. who fought him. eoiiiinaii'hd during the entire -trnjele. Hut this is not all that tlie South lost , r contribute I to its own defeat by reason . f the defection of its n itivc sous. It fur nish, d many of the ablest soldier wlo foiieht in the Ni rthcrn armies. In the higher rank there wire (leiieral Scott and Admiral i-'arragiil, the greatest naval e m-I in. inder. Lincoln, himself, wa of South ern blood and birth. In lb" .Y"i,'.'i .l.ur-i'e-i,i A', in n- the fellow list nf Souiherii generals is gin n: "lien, rals Fremont, Bit.-II. Syk", II. no, Newloii, Key Holds, Caiiby, did, ltr.iiui n. Nelson, ('lilt. nd"li. lil.iir, Sand' I-. .1 hll son. Wo. ,1 liulei-l. Tenill, (Irahaiu, lia vidson. Conk, Alesiiider, (Jetlv. French, I'ope. I ! unit r. (iilli.iiu, lirownlow, and Carter (-'nice retired as RearAilmii.il I'. S. Navyl, ami la.-llv. I ut not lea-l. or evin seeoudtoanyfeiler.il general, (leu, H. Thomas. These fads are Worth noting an 1 pre- scning. lint you will never leain all ibis ftotn any .Norih' rn school hi-ti rv that S, nebcin teachits in-' so pri lie I" n-e and South. Ill pan Ills are foeo-l. i mm" h t,, all, ,iv to be lallelll to their el i dn n. Milint's lli'lltll'rlce. Vhat is iioir.' beautiful and c.inif..rliiit: than wi'il prosi rved Iceih '.' Try Miimi's l'i nlil'liec. A p. rfeelly safe preparation. Itv its daih tle the ti'i lb ate i leallsed and beautifully whitened without injury to ihe eiiiiui. l It pr- rvts the ,iu,s, nod sweetens the brent li. Insist upon liavino Minoi's I), ntifriee. I'tiee 'Joe pi r boitlc. For sale by all llruggists. may ."i Iui. Clil'oiiie I'niiglis and Colds, And all diseases of the Threat and Luii"s can be cured by the use ol Scott's Kiiiulsloti, as it contains the healing virtues ol Cod Liver Oil and llypophosphites in the full est form. Is a bcaulifiil, creamy K11111I siou alatahle as milk, easily digested, and can be taken by the most delicate. Please read: 'T consider Scott's Kuiiilsinn the remedy par excellence in Tuberculous and Sliinioiis Alleetiotis, to say noihtngot or dinary colds ami throat troubles." W. It. S. Council, M. I'., Manchester, O. "1 am Using your Kimilsion Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphiles for an affection of my throat, and the improvements are beyond my expietalioii." I). Taylor M. 1 , Coos awalte, (!a. may 5 lm. All winter gods at prime cost for cash to make room for spring Block. P. N. St liuback Si Co. VOl TIIITT, IHSSII'ATIONS. II It N It V W A II I) II K K (' II K It . "Men are iii'ciisliimeil to look up ui lbs excesses of youth as soin. 'thing that be longs to licit lime. They say lliat of course the young, like little colts uulnidb d. will di-port themselves. There is no barm ill CollS lli.-pi.rtillg till IllSeUl'S, but U .'"It never "els drunk. I do not object to any amount of gay. ly or vivacity that lies within the bounds of reason or of health , but I do reject and abhor, as woithy lo be s'i'jtuali.ed as di-hoiiMt ii le and iiiiinanlv. every such coure in youth as takes away Btn iigih. i i r and nriiy In ui old age. I do mil bcii vo that any man should take the candle of his old age and lLJit it by the vices of bis youth. Kvciy man that transcends nature's ,,ws in youth is taking beforehand those treasures lliat are stored up for his old age; he i taking the food that should have in eii his sustenance in old age. and oxha'i-'ing it in riotous liv ing in youth. Mere gayetv and exhilara tion are wholesome: llu-y violate no law. moral or physical. "I do not object to tui il li orgiyety. but 1 do object to any man's mak'nc' an animal of himself by liiin' f r ihe ciatili '1111011 of ! his own animal pa.-'sions. People li'i-'plelit-ly think that to rcijuire. in the conduct of j youth, that whieh we expect in Kit, r lite, has .',0111. 'thine ,,' I'uriiatiistu in it. Men I have an impression that youth is very much like wine, crude mid insipid until it j has fermented, and thrown down the Ices. and ihe scum ha been diavvti oil, ,he great body between is sound and wholesome, and beautiful. 1 am liot one that thinks so. I think lliat youth is the beginning of the plain life, and that (Very wail ir exeies- eliee is so "'Hell ( nfei hll lllellt ofitsfruil- bearing p ivvi r. 1 do not believe that any man is the better for having leaned the whole care r of druiikeinu ss or of lust, or the dally ings or indulgence that belong to a mi. ibid life. A young 11:011 that has ,,,,. ,,.,,,,, t,K, things rti.iv bo' saved at ' I last; but in after lile he has not the sensi bility, imr ihe purity, nor the moral stami na that he ought to have, lie has gone through an experience but for which his manhood would have bei ii both stroneer and tiobl, r. I thoroughly disbelieve that a 111:111 is any better for hav ing in his youth pas-ed ihioiioh all cxpi ri' liec that devil oped bis animal nut 111 and his lustful a -petites. 1'lxccss in yoiiili. in regard to an imal indulgences, i-bankruptcy ill old age. LOUDER, CABRIEL. One of the best replies ever made is sod to he that of the brilliant but erratic Tom Marshall, of Kentucky, in answer to 0110 who interrupted hiui while he was speak ing to a vast audi lice 111 liullalo, N. V. When Maishall was clo'Hent!y pictiiric the glorious libniy, and each sentence IV 11 from his lips a- ehasie and beautiful as li e in itble block comes fnnu ihe sculptor's h iud.M'iuc political opponent in ihe audi ence cried out : "Louder, hauler !" M; r sh.,1! did 11..I ai lirsi tumble to the trick, hut 011 being inliirupiid again by the same cry. he pius.'d in his 111 igiiitieent lliglll of eloquence and said : "Mr. President : - On ihe last and final day ol' this our mortal earth, win 11 ihe aie.'el ilabriel shall lake his de aitun In in tlie blue domes. if In avn, and placing one foot upon the rolling s,a and theotlur upon th" land, sh ill lift to his lips ihe g iliteii trump 'I and announce 111 his clarion Uot 'Sth.it liai shah be 111 111 ire; when. uu.il the ('boil's, be si: lushing niel. dii s of angi lie ill announce lo the pale forms ofth resiineited d :.d thai the day J i 11 riaiily is at hand, and tho s ails of men sh;,!! rise fi on ilc i.eu'.', I h iv no d 11I.I, sir, b it lliaf .-..ui" d d tool fnmi Itiifl.di) wiil start up an I ,ry 0111 : "L.uihr. Ilal.'riel. louder '" PBaBanaaBvuK.aai. -s-. ' r-'73iiL2xTr A I) V KliTISKM KNTS. LIQUORS. c. smith. ,S7.7v' . 1.HJ Tolls, sri: ms ; i vs., ,s7.''.' ills ;ii(irrnii:s. OUUI CflED qOODS. KVEIU UlUNK IN SEASON. tir( Smith it Evans' old stand Washington avenue, Weldoo, N. C, dao 16 1 ahvkhttsf.m iints. iO u A FATAL MISTAKE. Tan Clrrclaiiil (Ohio) Vm, tif I'd. rn. a y L'lid, li-is:;, jiuli. Ii-.1. llll Hl'l'lllllll (if !l Itlltll isiirL'ic,.! o..-:iti.)ii wli'n li cnnsi'd II of.'tlt 1 " l!;l:tlii'll lllllllli;; l0'i. ii'til ti ifii !li!'(''i'.',!;tii:l lite whole rouiilfy, l'r. Thayer, tin- must t'lniiii'iit stii'':-,'on in Cli'vclait'l, jiniiioiiiiciii"; it M-.!iiii;i!iin. I; iiijn'..irs th.'it it Mrs. Kin;;; hinl lieell still'i'i ing; I'm' iit.my y."ir. fi'otii si 111 it il'isi'iisc of tlie stieit iii'li, which h:nl ivsisti'il tin ti'i'.'iliiii'iit of till thi' physicians in iitti'lulaiKV. Tim disease ('imimoiict'il with :i sli;;lit. i!c r.'lil'gi'tll' lit of the ili;.',. st:on, with a !0nf :i j j i" t . t c, f.'llowdl ly 11 peculiar index'! ihahlc dis it.'ss nt the s,iol!:;!c!i, it id llll;; that l"is heeii (!,',c;il,e,l a faint -'all !'o!:e'' seiistitioii, ft sticky slime collecting; ;il ou'. ihe teeth, causing; a disagree itlile taste. Tins st nsatiou was not iciiMVed liy loud, 1ml, on ; ';e contrary, it was increased. After it while the hands ami lee! hi came cold 11:1. 1 stichy a cold p.TspTaloin. There was a constant tired and htn .tiiid i't'clin;.'. Tit 'it followed a 1 1 ifii. '.fill li'TY. 'lioness, with 1 ii.omy f. 11! nn lino'-i. rimilly : he J.itii lit v .is uiiuYe. tu l'e i.'iin any foul wdKitevor, 11ml ihefe was coii-.t:i!it i;iin in tin! .iliiliinieli. All iU'escrilied l'elll iilies laili;.'; m t'ive relief, a eolisiilltttio'i was lo'ld, when it was decided ii at tilt: Jiatielit had 11 cancer i:i tii.t stoniach, iiud in order lo save ii.e patient's life an i:icia;i(i:i was justiii iilile. Aeciirdii:.'iy, on tho 22d of Fehruary, ISM."., the ojiera tion was ,,ri'oniied liy Dr. "ance in the pros -nec of Dr. Tiiekiri-.ia'.i, Dr. UerriiT, lr. Anns, Dr. (iiinion. Dr. (.'tijiner, and Dr. llalliwellof the Police ISoard. Thi- oja.i'.:t-.c.:i eousist etl in laying o;.e:i (hi! cavity of (he abdomen and exnsing (he stoniach itli. i biinck Wlien this had li. eii done an examin ation ol ihe o.piiis v.iis liinde, but to tin- ho; rur and dismay of tiie (hu'tois (iu'ie was 1,0 cancer to lie found. The pa tient did not have n cancer. AVIien too late the tncilical inen discovered that they had made a terrible r.iislai.e; but they sewed the parts blether and dressed the wou'e.tl that they hat! made, but (he poor woman sank front , .!i:i:ist':on and died ill a few hours!. How sad it must be f..i'- the husband of (his poor woman to know that his wife (lied from the elTects of a suro'.c:il i;;e!';.iiic.i that Ollgdlt never t,, have been performed. If this woman had taken tllU prop. r leineiiv for Dysjxjpsia and Nervous Prostration (for this was what tin- disease really was), she would have been liv. ing; lo-day. S t .11;;::: 1',xti:.mtof Roots, or Smci l's Cckative Svure, a remedy- made ex pressly for i vs Cjishi or Indi gestion, has rest! red many such eases to perfect health after all other kinds of treatment Lave failed. The evidence of its illicaey in curing; this class of eases is too voluminous) to . published hel i'; but those who l ead the published evidence ill favor of this dyspeptic remedy do not (pie.sti.in its convincing nature, and the article, Las au tensive sal I.T. ODS. I HALIFAX, x. c, SALOON o ANT o (J It 0 C E H I E S. A full assortment uf Family flroceries. TOBACCO, SXUFF, CIGAUS. CHOICKST LIQl'OHS. The public is invited to call on mo. WTNext door to Etnry'i storo towards mr 10 1 yr, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i' i' x n , A TTfllM. y .1 T l.A si Oil. AM, .K( K, S. C. I'r.'elleis V llel't-Vl 1 1( is SlI'VlClS lire M '(lllll'll. VV ill lie at Iti.hlm ,, n. i;,-sr 1;,j h,...,,,t, ..1llJH ill "lu ll lie.iali, Jim 1, 1-S7, MVIt-M Mlli.s. W O.OK r. I1VMKI,. I' I. 1. I. N A I) A N I K 1., -I 77V HSKYS AT l.A WELDON, N. C. I'm. ti. e :n lie i . nil- of t,- aiel Ni.rlliionp- ll'll ,01 I III till II,, UlHl Itlll-h,! IoMMn. l,, liell"!.- ll.lll I. 11, ,.il,,il.,, Soul, Cr,,,,h Uoilii il oil., e at tliiolafc, N f., (,.. i-v ery MoQ ''" Jini'l). K. II. Ul Mil l;, K. 11. vvilill jr. Hit laou, N, c. BeoTl.AM, ski 1, s. 0. I" MU K K i S it 1 TH. Mr K It I'.n.l ei ntiil Mr 11 Il snoili, Jr Cam. - lors 111 1.1, , l,mc term,-, 1 liimi,.,i ,rtM nlilp "l II.-.- i.r.iilne ol 1,1,1 in ll,i,ix ,uiii). Mr. I.nsl" e ill nil, nil 11,,. , ,,nri ,,1 iotlil,i3(,r,Kiiliirly, aril volt His,, visil tliecoiuily wluimcr l,is sei v ices are riiiinreil. H!t Iii ly J 11 O II a s .Y I. L; Atti.iuc) at l.au. Halifax, s. c. . - .., niy.iuiHii. c.un'idii ana tclLTnl uinl si,j,Hii.L- eoum. aiis.'JItf. e. I II (l K N K, w -1 77V.-.VAJ- .1 ' i AW, KM iia.ii, n. c. I'r.iilii e. in It,,. (llils..rii!v Miul uJjoililliK eoiiuliis iiiiiI iiiine supreme couri. i oil.', ii.a.s ii,:,,!.- nii, vie rein it.e state, mel re 10 1 (if ii'-,l,; .lly u.uiie. w w. tl a 1. 1 Aiinriii,, u Law, WKI.lHiN.x.c. ' ; " ' ' 1 nuns mi oi rem iv- OiliilS .n i. . J -1 1 in,.,!, mB, i ,r JH. J. K. t II 1 J lis, billet mi iu nn- ;-s.:',. llaviiiKp'-rniaiuiitlvlociit.-il in WVhlt.r., rnn 1 fi'Uii.l m Intl.. Hi,, in Daniel h Hriek ItnihliriK Ml U lUiic- t"i eja MluiiHiM-m on i-riU-Mvioiml ,ns.ui fk Om Itil atli-ntion tiivfli to uli l.niiu hi-f ol the jno ' "ion, I'aitn-f. vimU.I at then Ih-huh wluu tie' 'r,''i- July 12 ly. D K. K. L. 11 U N T K K, Siiirgcon Dentist, Can l.e f.ainil nl his ortice in Enfield. I'nrc Mlruui. oinl.- (in. for ihe I'tinitai KxtraO rn. - r ''.-ili alwHvHon liand. avian I Al 'K1.T1SKMKXTS 7ESSTASLE FILLS Sacora fiaalthy action to tha Llvar .nd rallaraallbU- 4ous troublaa. hillj TltmUii KlQtltlH. rrlMjSMllBolfrUtl. dn Is ly arctic y'iMrurifv tho BL OOR rnlrtt , t.i L.VEW a, il KIDNEYS nn-1 i l.v.Tom ti-nr.Ai.Tii.in.via. OH yt YOUTH Ii..,. '. .tA oMi.i-cii, Iniiu-fwiutii.I.i.rkof mluU-ljF curi'il: llunw. unit. "tll'th llllll T.rtLvi l i.al na.li. nna nfrrii n i i" new nirr-c. i.niivoti tin- n k nml imi.litM Ilriiin I'd LADIES i ! .itfnrinri frnrti roriili'iiiiiln .. r t..tl t t will lii.il DR. iABTFE'B 1HON lL-MC tnfe, !..! t-iipi. C!tv-i :i ll.r. l-willlif i-i.iiii Ifiiim. All ai U'ln .Ib t i-minif rfnitiiitt nnh iuLU lo l'- opn UHl). D not oii-Briiiit-ni uniitis l. AM Ut.T ( Pf. HARTFR'S LIVFR PILLS V nir Cifiit.)jtlon Livnr m Irtlnt uiii ftcV 1 iln idnchi. 1' itnplo Ume ard 1'i rir.i hot,k. .1 HatlLtl LMl rccjl'.i! of nva ,":itn tn l.mti. .. V THE DR. HAHTtR ftfl t PICl Nf CO., ST lOiliS.MO HELP YOUR EYES r rsiNc, vorx.i's cki.ehrateu IMlT.OYr.D 1'KHlSCOriCGLASsSES, CI EAR AND SMKT TO TH H FVE. STRKXlillEM i.sv, iu tti'.Art rat-s, Far sule In Q.,1.1, Rtwl, RuWht and Celluloid Frames. HELP TCTSUVE ByliiiytiiK tlu-nn-atrai Iinrpuln pvit nfft'ivd Da GOU IUWTINC, WATCH, VHrytnn In price from KOKTY TO ONK Hl'NItREn OUJRS, Worth nBtrlyilmible the price. SETS OMEWELRYi Handatime lu destirii and tn fine quality. A thou- miiu (iiiicrciii myie. 01 WXil. PINS. EAR RINflfl, Cl'FP BrTTONS, STI'IIS. COI.I.yits, lit ' ITOSS. IIIIACKLKTH, BIl.VKItsI NS, KllltKS.Ae .clAH KS, l'LATEUCASTOKS, lCKl'lTCH Kits. Ac. At the lowest possible nrirps. Orders preaiisjy attended to. J. W. YOUNC, (successor to j. t. t. Sl bro.) - Petertbtirf, Vft. ort 2 It A"! I T r f.1 Penrt uli centt for postict I l 1j rj. and rot-eiv freti, a (tnatl? bnX(r.xUH,K which will help yon lo more BoaoV rleht away than tnythlnn eluc tn Utii world. All ofiiUhBrsi'i MiX'i ftom II rat bnur. The bh4 ruad to tVnau opent, bufiiro--thrVarliri, 1 tohiWly lur. Mmo&&nm.TB9Vn.,LTur li. NMm. I IIBBBH 11 W EaHB. irTKE OHLT TRU3 rlRON at- T"JK-.' A. tl