jlJilLW 1 - --J.il! II I pi II ! I I " ly ---'T''''' " " lfta,eiE-i . -JT- - - . . . - '. , Twomnif"ftllt ' m HALL & SLEIDO-Ii, l'ltoPJiiiiToiis. A. IT ID "W SP APEB FOE, THE PBOPL B. TEElSS--"0 lKH ANN I'M IN ADVANCK. VOL. XVI II. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY a, 1S87. NO. . NKW ADVKIiTISK.M KNT.S F PATENT b.nuAMon!LL ITIFC bO. I'hc vai f I'l.ni i; .i. i .11 1, hi iii,' TUITION COM'AIMil) IN Til K I'.KKMi IT MAKKS. Manland 1 Virginia Wheal, from which (inr I'A'IT.M' lit ILLKK I'LUIT, nr.! lii. lly 'in laottircd', tm- long lie mi t-iiin-.'.l .,1 hi n.. SlTKIIloll t iinv otli.'c. I iv.:ihc it lui a I'.KTTKK COM BINATION OK til.fTKN AMI PIIOSI'IIA'IKS. Thi, I';-1 is icc,i,.c,l ic, I euly in this eotinti v, but in the Cuiicl Kin-d,.:u n wc'l, vvliio th,. "I'AT I'SCI I SUl'Kltl.ATIVK 1 COMMANDS IH'.fl DKDLY MOKi; Ml IN KY than any other AiBeiican rionr. AsV ymir ri-m-i-r IV-r il. A 1 I, r lil.ipseu Super! nivc, Capo II, 'iiry Family, llcdlbrd Family, ,; I '.ii.tpsi-o Family. North IVim Family, Oniiic(inivi! Kxira, : ' l'ala,soo Fxlra. ('hcsi,cakc Kxtra. Il.ildivin Family. C. A. Ii MI!lill,l, MAM TACTIT.INi C..MI'ANY', W'l Commerce St., lialiiinnro, .Mil. ' j t ly. :' THE PJAOISTOUET iiiaa $ w&mmwm, ;1 I AT LOAVESTPIMClfiS, IS 1)11. A. It. ZOLLlCOlTEli'S, I' WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. f . W E L I) 0 N. N. C. - .t STOCK KEPT COMPLETE RBSCRIl'TION NKl'AIlTMENT HI I'D WITH IPHESCiMITIOXS COMI'OfM'I'M AT All, HOCUS WITH UliEAT CAKE. KUMERV, STATIONERY, FANCY KOAl'S, l:l:CSIIKS, -"! FANCY AHTUI.KS, TOBACCO AND CK1AKS. ( . JtK M E M B E R tliitahearty wclcoiitcalwayiiiwaltiytiti it i J"J IT. BROWF, BEOWN & i mm DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, j HWqUHRTERS FOR 'a O'OIl-KT ARTIChKS, 1'KnKUMKltV, COMRS, , , ; . rnrrssiinvis'kisx tAon jw-0ii n Sumlajn 0 in Kiiiill A. M. lEAKUNDEVELOPED - p v th-ili"'.l id ii i - :.: nui'i f 1 1 !. I i I N r i I U I S M'.Hf . f r i Mit.-i.-'n -TX I yit thii I'l. I In' B.iinr:v.tlif .i.K.'i iu...-. an- 1 t ...l .1. i,,,,,,.,-.,.,,, ,;.,. ( , -...M ,:,,. ,M,,.M..t!.f-K,!.lf..i.,... t ,Jc V-'t 1IAYK MA DM U. F. HART, WKLPON'.N. C, K, B. JOSEY & CO. J4 SCOTLAND NKCK, N. C, t ln nftentg f(), ( By f ottr J,., I'm SIiovh, for their resiincti lections. We maku on tho N. Y. 0x ra, Acme, ""suVotiiihiuit unJ Creole lasts, tho latter is jst out and in very u'ue. Vc use the 5I;.Kay Maehiue and sew with best l!ar THiiijr'a thread. Krery iiair warranted. Ilitij arc nice, neat and stylish. Give them a look when vou want a shoe uud vou will be pleased. J K. P. HEED i CO. - Sept 16 ly Kochrater, N. Y. 4 rfitaUnir I AUUvnrtitLi iurviruurMULU.T,, THE PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. K.--SKS ri i, ki.kmknt.s ok ,t- THE AT BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. THE BKHT SKI.KCTKD MATF.RIAL.-fca ZOLLICOFFER'S. IB. T. SIMIOITS. SIMMONS, lUU'SIIKS, 1'LAIN AND FAAT'V STATIONAIiY, AC AC. ivri AMnM innr A tml H to 7 :! I'. M. N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS buWo PHILADELPHIA l'r. Clit'sluul and Klhlk ht. Itt'rrlve AdfrrtiiH-iupaU for tliu pK,r. CPTIlllTre rorll WunrrtlMFITIMK LOIinHILOat LowMt Ca.h RtttM FREE h.dinr.l.iyre a cnU'C Mtllllll THiS PAPER MAvn'tMfvno-i t II. K AT .KO. I'. nimi i.i. a h TV.w.)apr Advartlalnff BurMii HO H'KITCtt ciKr.f.n, wnr.iiK All VKHIIHIsa lUMKUIII uuy bo niailu lur K iu NEW YORK. nut's Pills iltmilMf f ha torplsl liver, at rcittrlh vim thi fliirefcHveot-KHiti, rii Hlaimib buHIll, Htlti UtfV UlU'llttUtl MS nu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In miiiHviiti itirfft fhrfr Tlrfitci ar t hi fly rvruKitlaetl. h lh umni.'h ic lillur iriifirllt la Ircvtnv ihMNlm Irom Uiitt iiwInuii. llfwwnllv Nngar iwu(vl. UoMtftiuttll. Frtrv, V3cla. Sold Everywhere. Onh-0,44 Murray HUt Nw York,, 1 1 Ik1 Hindi'. Cut tliiN out Hid IV luni to iif, noil u- will ht'ixl ymi I'rt'f.ioi'iiK'iliiii ofirrctt al in- noil liiiiiorlaint; to you. Unit will tUit von in I'Uftiiuoti vylncti will briiiM you Ui or mon. t-y ro;lit ns tluUi Jijtliiii lUt' n tliw world. .n out1 t-Hii do ihe wuri iiml live at hi-ino. Kitlu-r m; nil ii.'!'. f-nmi'thiiiK lit'W. thut jilct i oni" mon t-v (iir llii' worLi t. We v. ill i-lurl you; I'til-itHl nt iieidoil. 'Hi in is olio of Ihe wmiim', tntimrtHiit eliinuv oi'a lifetime. Tli'W' who hh- Hin)iiiiiiin mid eiil. ri'rMiik Hill nt U'ly. drum nutttt m. Aihlrc!, 'IKt K A I'O., AUKUhU. MhIiip. dw ly. WORKING CLASSES nl i cri 1 1 u im . fril,i, n ,. ,.,. ployuient at hitinp. the whole of Die timr, or Tor lln lr spnrc nioliinllts. lliislnwmn'w, liiflil Mint pnn tluilili'. IVrsoim of eitlu-r flex eHSily earn from all eenlM to V' Oiia'r cvi'iilnt;, flint a ir,,p,irtiniiHl mini hT U-viinx all tlmir time to tli tiusiuivs. lloyH anO sirln 'Sim neiiTly uh iniicli H. men. Tliflt nil win, ttp thla may wnit their aitilrcaa. ainl It-at the bii.tiHim, we make Uiistiilcr: To fliU'h aa ara Hid well BMtltil1i'.l w will aulid ooe dollar to my for tlie trouble ot writimr. full iMrllculanj and outtlt fttl. Adiires. tiiuMlisnKsoNiui,, dec I ly. rorUuit, Uaiae. sorxi) riu: .i i, M 1. U'li- it y.ni inert a frtt'ii'l all mr.iliny, nil,- u !in tYiw t.. jnkc int'l tin M', (in.- w tin -c.'kx i.i l.f i.i'iiMiti; Sumc iii'ii,iiiitJiii('c li a Imt.ili, Vllil U- vtlllh Hit' iin . Til K(ly hu it It.- in cr I. ill- o i II, M. l. il .s i tin I huli.tj -(ii lilty iicli tin- clii-!linl 1 II, Ulii'ii the ilniiniiicr Itrlnw- 1,1s utii'l l Ill) hilo y,, nr l,,n.. All lie cilC II.- ..IK .l:ll. M. ii w Ic, vc In,ii!Iii cf him iK-fi rc : Wh.-ii yi.ii'M- inl, I tihn i. II, I. in vainly, Tlnil l,i y,,ii lie cull ii, ,t M'll, I'll! II,.' iii.il l. r .1,11 ii,rc t it 1 1 . 1 v i,lly I. ,i. Ii lie ,1i,ii,iiI I. II. Win n Hie limn h In, r, .i,K (In. .,ii., 'I'.ikliia cure I'licli iMla- l'i iciiii, Sluil- In ti II ill tli. C,l 4 nr il. l'i"... hi ,ii; . liuu,'' l ull. I ii.,!, y,,i knew j.air ilnly ; All y,,l!' m lil'l.ilj 1 11 : 1'ric Ii Iii in. citi in ) until Hint Itiuiily Cutty (..in Ii the i lii .tniit lu ll. W Ilia i tin' i,,.ii l tun, t,,,iii y.m'ri. t'Diitnina ill, ill: cvi iiiti' , rum,. iiml,,, Scltly wlii- r In til- (il,,ijiih,jr ; "N -InVcstll,-. l lU lllmi l, ' I re -In lias j nu at tlin altar, "I l..rl,,cs,, 1 .,rlli Hi,, knell ; Hr.il, Hie , f; iie uinl il., in, I falter lieiitly cm Ii tin- clj,.it,ii l 11. DON'T DO IT. A haii tiiriictl iiLiriini-iij.li in a imper I havejust laid ilmvii says nniieihiiie; incan about old maids. Why tiny the old maid.-? 1'n'Hiy p, it )iaiau'ra,lici- Hashes his wit nl the ilelV-iiM'ltw iiiaideii well up iu year-. It i.-n't rijiht, and he tmlit In he ashamed ol' liiin.-.ell'. Doji-fjuu! a man, anyhmv, wIid will nuke fun at a woman. Ah, funny man. you little know the sorrow som 'limes concealed beneath the prim exterior of the old maid. Voueanuot ken the blighted hopes, the withered love, the bright dreams uurealined, the apples of a.-hes that fell to Iter lot, and all that made her an old maid. liooti funny hiy; poke youi cheap wit at the dear old girl: tay alleeil humorous thtiiMiluiut her and make her feel bad in her liiiielincss. Some day you may need the old maid, ami ( l! ymi mirth piovokiiisoti-o!'-a-L'iin. may she bo on hand when you want her, with every drop of Christian charity squeezed out of her heart, ami all and Utteriiew iu its place to make it pkas aut for yuu. O! so pk-asaut that you will wi-h you were dead and buried 1,7ml feet under ground before ymi ever poked fun at the old maid. And there is ihe niothei-in-htw, Mister Kiinny Man --ymi poke fun at her too. Some day. -ood fir, you will be married, and it's shekels to dried apples that your wife ttiil have a mother who knows you like a book, am) who, to u.-e the vernaeu lur of tho stroi t, ' has it in lor Jon." I hoi sha will j;ive you a regular red paint ra7.lc da.le me boy. uud that she will make you walk the If Kir and groan and curse the day ynu were born. You know that the mother in-law is not all that tdic is painted. Why, what would wo do with out the mother-in law ? Nut me what are ymi siiiilin.' ut ?J The dear, good, kindly old soul who overlooks the faults of her daughter's husband, ami who smooths out the household wrinkles, and keens lhiie.;s straight, and sees that they are started in life properly, ti it. 1 often comes iu handy when there is a bill to pay ami no money to pay it '.vii.it would fel lows do without a iii jther iu law ? Dear nu-! 1 sometimes wish 1 had olio. Hut. ORICIN OF'CALICO." The Chicago Tn'lr tells its readers that the derivation of this word (calico) is very interesting as of such an ancient date is its origin. Mrs. Leniinwciis says in In r "Travels iu India" that ' in tho year I 1!'S, just ten months iiml two days after leaving the port uf l.isb ui, Vasca da (iama landed on the coast of Malabar at Cali.-ut, or more ptvperly Kal.i l!h ala, -('il v of the Dlaek tioddes-.' Calicut was at that p.-riod not only a very ancient seaport, but au cxteti .-ive lenit ry, which, .tieteliing alniig the western coast of southern India, rent hid from It itihay iind tho ailiaeeiit islands ( C.'pe Com. riu. It was at an early pciiod so famous lot i:s weaving ami dveing e, t ton ciotli that its name Incline idtiitili d with the manufactured f..biie. wienie the II itue e ,)ic i. It is Inov o.'iieiiilly admitted that this iu'.et.h':;- art origin iled in India in remote :,g '. nu I from that country found its way into li.ypt It was not uti til the middle of the sev-i lite, nth . in iiry ih.it ealiuo priuiiii'.' was iniro bleed into liiirope. A kaoul'dge of the ait a-:ic-tuirl by Hiiii'i uf iii i nrvanis in the n r viei i,f ihe Dutch I'iatt tnlta Coinpauy and canieil to II, ,11. ml. whence it was in tioluecd in leui, Ion ;n the year lliTtl." It is niipr sing for grow up children, as we'l as our yoiim; folks, lol ,.nii that I'liny iisiarlytis the first century nit ntii ns in his tial oral history ih il there cxi-tclin Kvpt a won lerlul methtd ol dyeing white cotton cloth. Calico cannot be de spised when it beasts i f such utitiipiity. The shoddy makeup of the pnsent day may look down with contempt upon Ihe catiert dress, but ' What kind of a lineage has it?" the calico cau proudly ask. A clergyman relates that on olio occas ion aftei marrying a couple an eiivelor,e was handed biiu which ho supposed of Oourse coulained tho luurriagc fee. Oil opening it he found a slip of paper on which was written: "W'o desire jour prayers." Just received a line of those celebrated IIiit State aud Zeiglor shoes, acknowledged to he tho best goods on the market, P, N. Staiuback & Co. HUMOR ON TOMBSTONES. 1 1 wv i. im iii Mint lion im; it i.i.- ATll l'J M UK'kCI) VA(iS. UAH KHIS'M (IK KllltllHW HKM'Kl'KKII III slUNIH' III Mull IXN'iu k.Vi'K AMI lilMlltAM'K M'lilllKIl UN MAIIIII.K. Time was when epitaphs were elaborate Hcrinons, when eulogies to 'Mind's best gift" went of ninny words; but our modern epiLaphs have so diminished in verbal vol ume that the fame of C.-esar's brevity ii ill imminent dang, r. It is not to be in feri'ed at all lliat rough man loves gentle woman less. but. rather, that he has learn ed to crystalize his sentiments to lit the eoiiliiietcd space of modern tombstones. .lu-t how soiil-l lying, bow difficult this condensation, this boiling down as it were of I he joyous reminiscences in the life of a hen peeked 1'. It n, hi,, of his mil, 1 manner ed Kalherine's gentle curtain talks, s.i smoothly eloquent because of the omission of all commas, must ever more remain a j matter of vague conjecture; bin certain it is that a cursory analysis readily extracts the heart waili and tear-yielding grief of a stricken one like him who wrote : "Here lie- my Hr wife, a slulleni ami slirew ; 11 1 sulil I iinretteil In r l-linl,l lie, t " The poet who wrote of women that "i'lielnn-iiioliyoflli, ir totine liull, Inlo Isnnlae Hi aiiit in too ilili;;iiit ear" was truthful, but it remained for one John Young, iu his anoiiish, to give a prosaic completion to the poet's expression, which ho did when he indited the following cpi-taph.- "I'li'lcr tills stone, u lutui of clay, I les Arals-Hu Yollntf, Willi mi tlie.'llh of Stay .llttKali to Inilil ln,r UiliKiu-," Agiiiii, see the calm resignation of a be reaved husband of Cheshire, who, after the date of her death, had placed on his wife's tombstone this tuuehing epitaph: I'liere was a ureal culm." Next in theliigurbrious procession comes a stricken Welshman, and tho following epitaph to his ' bettor halt" tells of the sweetest spot on earth, and why it is Bo deal: ' llii- -ml iiltlie.H.'t.l.'Sl l vi'Sevll til my life, l'.,r ii raises my (lowers, unit covers my w -1 ft-." Imagine, if you can, the genuine grief of a modern philosopher who epitomized his irreparable loss in this couplet.- "Here lie my X uitipii,', lei her lie: slie II. ,il reji is,' at la-t, an.t so it 1 1.1' And lure is tho pathetic story of the sadla'siii ' oll'of a M.iriht SnJI; ' l'o,,r Mill tliu Snell, lit'i'H s"iie uwuy, ll -r ivoiilu, if she cotiKI, Ian liei euulihrt utiiy; Iter ,1 twoi -re Icrh ami a UuuMl-li eoneh. lint tier li'K- It was Hist i nrrieil tier off.' Now follows the history of the depart ure of a father and throe daughters, the epitaph being taken from the Cheltenham ehurehvard: "Here I lies with Tny llirec iliiiiKliters, All tlirouiil, ilrillkilii: rtiellenliatu waters, If ive ho'l lint -nn k I" K.s.,m sntts, We -liotililn't 11 ive Oeell lilineil 111 lliese liere vaiill-." Witness the eilui resignation of one who lies at I'.iiuitieli. (iloiiecslershire, Kng lati 1 : "My tliueliasfoiuf! my days arr -loin. 1 was fulled avviiy - ,md a.vay I went. The tlUi'uiisoIaLc wiJuvv uf tin l.nlili hui'llonl tluia atlviirtist'd t lie i-uutiiiuumY d1' the (aviTii business on tin' epitaph of her lumcutt'J lmbami : "lit iv HfsiKe landlord of the Lion, He x liurti il lu re in the hupos uf.iou; Hiswifv.ri'sliciU'd to HfdVi'ii's will, t'arriesi mi the husiin-ss s-lill." Hut the (ulluwin t'pitiijiti telln of one who touk iiutliin puil wilii his bun.'S; "Hi-re 11. John liill. a man of -Will. Hi iie wan live times It'll; lie never did Hood, nor ever would, Hud h' lived sn If mritiii." Hut fur liii j-nstrvcil ciil;iih wotihl jmsil ;i;iy ''uiihotinro! ;iii) uii-iuiiii,'' uni! unr.'irttetJ to liii kiii.lrvil dust, poor M.it tliew .MluM as tnlil in the iiillnwini: epi t,ph: ' It relics Mi:t W M idl, li-iil1i did liini no hml: When 'dive he whs ir ud. Now lu-'s nothing hut dirt." Sli plitin, n llliilei, no'.v pme to tlm place 1 1 which all poo I liMler,H are suiil to an 1 whieh is r -potte I full ot them, kept fur yearn thomtiilry il.mrt. a-oirtur tunl kept -onl time with tiit feet; litlt, alas! eoj! I tin' ev.nl hi- own tinio whon it came, for It s epitaph rea I-; MtrplieTi tun! Tina Arv now Imt evrii : MiTdiin h-fli lime, N..w tone l.e.it' tf. hen." Th 1 folio v I nj-C epitaph oariies with i' r i.H l for llin wiiloff' nnu'tiifh, ami he. who reinl it in the eemett ry whi-pm low, li-H it wake him from lm sleip: Hicnd lo tlie iiK'tiuiry f my huslitoid. I'ltcn p: iv f r hlii Koul'it re'ie: hnt rny no loud. He U n il ih-.td, hut lee(elh. No matter what tho ilert-o of kinship, or what the ehurarter of lifj'a pursuit, no c'li-s can I'M'ape the epitaph; tho photo- r.ipher, the iuupT or (lie wou'.lium, to (ucli of them it i;iven a pining shot on the t mh, as follows: Th i poto;;rapher : "Here I lie, tnken from liie." The pauper: ' llw I He ut the rlmncel door: Ht-rel lie hajeuune I'm Jhior. 'I'h.' further iu th'1 in. ire to nay; Here lie I ft warm a they." The woo imali ; "The Inrdaw t'-ioil,I wa.i lonpliiK wool, Anil down fell from H tree; I met with a cheeit and broke my nvrfc, And i denth lopp-d o'.Tnie." All winter at prime co.-t for ci4t lo make room for Bpriug ilock. 1'. N. Sttiuback & Co. A LOVE THAT LASTED. -KI I. M'I'KAI. I "It II KH l.nVKIt' v a Turn woman i l.lltKRATHiN. A Ni:-hville (Teim ) special of the tllh i Kihteen years ut the tl..ors of the State piioii eluseil upon Frank ItitMh, of Maury county, who had been aentenced to life imprisonment for inurdi r'n a (ier nian pt ddli-r. There wen? doubts m to the frnill of lliddl", who reftin to nektn.wl e l-f thi- mum and aecept a term of liftem y-ar.s, insisted upon it plea of not guilty. The trial resulted in hi eoiivietion, and the d-li nd.int appealed to the Supreme Court, which or.mted a new heuritnr. A seemid virdiet against liiddlo was remlen d and he was sent to the penitentiary. Year ii''tiT year parsed. One after another of the eonvic.s died, und Hiddle almost aban doned hope of obtaining bis freedom, While (iovcnior Taylor wan heated in bis olVice to-day woman walked into (he pirlmetit and presented to tho tJovctnur u pt'tilion for executive clemency, signed by the lenses and every otlieer of the prison who stated that Kiddle's Iciilt ineiirceratioii hud HTVed tin; ends o'' ju-ticc. Aceompahyin thi petition was a letter written by the woman who bore it. After the (inventor h id read th documents ihe lady rose and U'l'lri's-int; him, s,iij ; '(jovernur laylr : When tint man was aceiised ol murder 1 was emMed to be man led to liini. I did not believe him jruilty. and did not break tin1 em.'aneiuetit. Ourinj; the two or three years thut the trial was pending I Ktill believed in him. Ourini; tlie eiphtet-n years of his (,'online meut I have stuck to him. 11m pin uts have died. His brothers and sister are all dead ex.-cpt a sister who lives out Yes. The people who were interested iu his rase then hiive furirotten him. 1 am the only friend Id h is in the world. My life has been wrapped up iu him. I Mieve iu him, aud have lovd him through all these lull.', weary years, and 1 want you tn par don him. I do n d ask you to think him au iuno.'cnt liini; but for the sake of two lives that may yet be happy I implore you to set him five." Without waiting to hear the tiovunnr's division she arose and left the nHiue, and the e.ipltol. Wltu the (lovern-ir had clear.-1 hi eyes of tear he said to lIMe-p tiraiili-rry: "Sneli d.voiioii and eoii-'tan-cy I h-ive never ,-eeti, and whatever Kiddle nny have d-served, il dues li.ok a.- if that Wi.iiitii uu'ht t.ih.iveu ebau -e at happi ness." THE LAWSOF HABIT. Ifthe period between 20 and .'10 is the critical on - iu tli formation of intelhvtual an I prof' sM-ual habits, the piri nl b low Ji is m ire important still, fur lln lixini of p -is ui d h ihits, pr.iji -r!y ji -. lib 1, s;i eh as voeali.iti ui and pruuih-iatiof. genire tiiotittii iind addre-s, Hardly .vvr i- a lai -jruae. b'urued after I'll, spoken without a fiiivin accent; hardly ev.-r can a youth tr.in-fuivd to th,' soeietv d his betttr- un'earu the nasality and other vic.-s of spoeeli bred in In m by liie its.v.ieia(ions ol his 'rowiiiir years. Hardly ever, indeed,, no matter how much money there be iu Ins pocket, can he ever learn to dress like a jreiitleinen born. The inerehatils ull'er their wares as eagerly to luiu as the veri est "swell," but he simply can't buy the ribt things. An imi.-ible law. as strung as gravitation, keeps him within his erbit arrayed this year as he was last, aud Imv his nriocratie act plaint a nces contrive lo get the things th -y w ar will be for him a mystery tiil his dying day: Ths great thing, lb ,11, iu all ed icatioti is lo make aiitt'inatie and habitual, early as possible, as many ti-.ef' actiidis as we run, and to gu ir 1 :i'jiiinl ihe gruwin.' into ways that are likely to h disidvaiitagofii- to us, as we should guard agaiit the plague. Tlie more of the details of our daily life we can hau l over to the iufaliiide and ef fortless custody of auloiiiaiMu the more our higher pow. rs of mind will be cet fne for their own proper work. There is no more miserable hutnaii Uing than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision, and for whom the lighting of every cigar, the dunking of every cup, the time of ris ing and going to bed every day, and the beginning of every bit of work, are subject of express vnliiioual deliberation. I1" till half uf the time of such u uiau goes to the deciding or regretting of uiatttr which ought to have been so thoroughly in grained in him as practically not to exist fur bin I'oiiseioiisneaw ,0 nil f th1 re be such daily duties not yet ingrained in uny one of our reader, let him begin thix very day to set the matter right. A Ttth K oV'W.YK.- lie l'aris says that the 'Jernian drummcrsaud trumpeter.1 are praetieing Freneh beats and eails, in order to deceive their enemies in battle. It al- f.t says that in many engagements in the war of 1H70 the command toeea.se firing was often given to the French infantry by German buglers; and that the command to halt sounded by the same bugler often stopped a ehiirga id' Wench cavalry, and placed them iu position where tliuy could hi moved down, New York Sua. "Breddern," said iho parson, "dar am a broad and a narrow way dat leads to h -bbeu, aud dar am a narrow and a broad way dat lends to hell." "In dat cam', pa'sou," cried a befogged limer, "dig niggah take) to de woods." 1iuut,N DeiilllVirc. What is more beautiful aud comforting than well preserved teeth? Try .Miriot H Pentllriee. A lierlecllv sale in par;ihoi. I'y its daily use the teeth are cleansed and beautifully whitened without injury to the enamel. It preserves the gum, and Kwcrtens the breath. Insist upon haviii'' Miuot's Hentilriee. Price tv per bottle. For sab' by all I'ruggi.sts, may 5 1 111 . MAXIMS FOR WIVES. Always r nifiiib 1 that yoti are marriid to 11 man and not to a god: tie prepared f r imperfections. Anticipate the dUeoveiy by y.ur hus band that you ah "only a woman;" if you were not, he would not rare about you. lb member that servants are made f sum? material as you are; a little coarser grained, perhaps but the same in essen tials Itead Something iu the papers beside fashion notes and society columns: have some knowledge of what is going on iu the foreign countries, He 11 companion to your husband, if lie be a wi-e man; and if he is not, try and make him become your companion liaise hi .standard, do not let him lower y oit is, Let your hu.band know more than you do once in a while; it keeps up hi.- self respect and ymi will be none tlie wor.-e for admitting that you tire not actually infallia able. Kespect your husband's prejudices; re spect his relatives, especially hi.s mother she loved him before yuu did. AsTtiNisiMNU srn'Ks;. -It istbeduty of every person who has used WW (I'n inttn Syrup to let its wonderful quali ties he known to their Irienus in curing Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asth ma, Pneumonia, and in fact alt throat and lung diseases. No person can use it with out immediate relief. Three doHes will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Prugiyts to recommend it to thi poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as tio,(HMI dozen bottles were fold last year, and no one cane w here it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the (t'mn-iii Sinift cannot be too wide ly known. A'k your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try. sold at- tell cents KeL'ular :-i,v, To cents. Sold by all dru L'it and dealers, in tlie Cnitol States and Canada. AN AMUSINC MISTAKE. Avery amusing mistake recently i c 0111 red in one of the public schools. The reading class was up. and a bright litll follow was reading away with decided vim. The teacher was listetiiiu with admiration, but presently was startled wle li she leanl: ' And h ' garnished his teeth with rags." 'What's that'.' What did ymi sin?" she ipiickly asked. The answer came in child like siinylii ity: ' lie garni-hod his teeth with raos." The teacher could not re frain from laii.jliing outright when she s iw how her pupil b id distorted the sen tence, "Ho gnashed his teeth with rag ." ---Itiehmoiid .SVoe. t'hrunlr fought and Cuius, And all diseases of the Throat and T,uiii.'s can be cured by the use ol Scott's Kmulsion. iis it contains the healing virtues ol Cod l.iv-er Oil nnd ll vpophosphites in the full est form. Is a beautiful, creamy Kmul sion palatable as milk, easily digested, and can be taken by the most delicate, l'lease read: "I consider Seott's l-liuuUion the remedy par excellence in Tuberculous and Stuiiious Ati'eetitins. to say nolhingof or duiarv colds and throat troubles." W. It. S Council. M l , Manchester. O. '! am n-ing your Kmulsion Cod l.iver Oil with llvpophosphites for an allieiion of my ibr.iar. and the improvements are beotid my cxp, ciaiioti." 1 Taylor M D.Cios awaite. tin. mavH lm. lir,iit varietv ,,f lawn yard M. I', ilari. at 4 and oc pi r Ai KltTlSKMKNTis. LIQUORS. C. SMITH. .S'A'A' Ills l.lQVOHS, ,'A' Ills f''.l.'i'.V, SHE HIS (IliUl'KRIKS. m, mi cjMed qooos. KVKUV DUINK IN 8RAS0N. tefC. Smith at Kvuna' old (land Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C. do in If .. , inc A 1)V Klt'lTSKM KXTS. WHAI AiLi i ri NATION 7 The Avt'nigr- I t Ii of I.ilV I)- crca dug; - Not I'i'sfilciip Niit Kiiiiiiui' -All our II1VII Flltllt. MiiUKIS.V ClKiKlNtl ani Mon- khn Livi.Mi liuvn broutrlit it on. It ruiiii'M iiHiii ii.h unit wiiiis. Tim nitii'iitsi have lllillsi tlllOtlt tilt' t'llt'St flllll filll'H, uinl s'liiirtiiiit's iu the lnnk. 'J'lit'V frt'l dull anil slfepy; the itiuiilli hits 11 Iiml taste, espi'd ally in tlie intiniiiio;. A sort of sticky slime collects ulmut the teeth. The appetite is jhki;'. Tlieie is tt feelini; like a heuvy I0111I nil the sttiniticli ; wiiiietimes it faint, iill-iroiii! seiisittion at the pit uf the stoinach which food does Hot satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands mid feet become cold and feel dummy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, lint after a few months it is at tended with ii greenish colored expectoration. Thu patient feds tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he lie conies nervous, irritable and gloomy, and litis evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensatiou in ihe head when rising up and detily. The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hot at times; tlie blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites if the eyes lu'coiue tinged with .'ellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre iiletitly a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste anil soim-timcs with a sweetish tate; this is fre (iietitly attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; ihe vision be comes impaired, with spots be fore the eyes; there, is a feel ing of great j H ost rat ion and weakness. All of these symti tonis are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied ft in us. Shaker Extract of Uoots (Sei gel's Syrup) ehaiiires the fer iiteiitsof the Digestive organs so astoconvertthe food weeat into a form that will give nourish ment to the feeble body, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous. Millions upon millions of bottles have been sold in this country, anil the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this trie trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of it.- 'iirative properties prove Ins beyond adoulit. bold by druL'gists. .... .. A PMlM-lliATOlt S SOTICK. Tin! iiudi'r.MKiicd Iiavini; lliin day qunliili'd Iu the HujM'rior court of Mult I'm coitiiy hk Adinini. imlor itl'lliet'sUle uf I'.n'nliontiisi Iat, dweawil, lieri'liy notifies 11 I H.-roUM ImldiiiR cUimi iitftiitiht mud I'Mtidi'. tt )rcHt'iit tliiiii v. 1 1 ton twidvc itmuthi fiuiii tin diiti1 of tliis nut lee or tin1 Numc will tw (iIiHiled In har ttifriMl'. Thin Ainl I Mil, IHS" , W n. WHITKHKMi, Adiu r 1'iH'itlioutan l.ee dfccuml. apr 1 i'iw I. F. eras, HALIFAX, X. 0., SALOON 0 AND 0 G 110 C E It I E'S. A full assortment of Family Groceries, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS. CHOK'KST LiytOIW. The public is invited to call on me. MkrNext door to Kuiry'i atore toward me postottce. mar 10 1 jr. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "y A. 1M . .N , A TThttSEV A T A.I Ii', Si nil. l.Vli . l.t K s. c, l'mclicen In I t'M I Ii is ti n ii i f Kill l.r al lfahfit mi Itiv iii jt in I m llll'lll'll IT j ' 1 1 T ! j , J'lll 1, l'7 toe rr'iiireil. lid .MoinlayH .IAMr M Ml )..N. H Al.ll.lt K. IMMI.L, I' A N I K I- M I I, I, r S J 7 7V A'A'hV AT A.I II', WELDON, N. C. ill lln r-nlirlk 1 r He II fin Oil N".rt lllllll p. J'riictii e in 1 tot) iiml in tin If-! -in!. Ilriiuclt uilti Uny. 11 i.li.iut-.. N.,rui MPdinii, ut ll.ilili.A, N I , i.tn'ii :, ry Mon J o.; ly. . H. HI sm.l., K. II. Mil I II r. hALtai.ii, k. c. M OTLANb Nti It, N. C. H,SBK HAH M I J If, Mr F It 1!m-i i' ni.d Mr K ft.sinitli, Jr Cotiii 1 D'liei'd 11 hunted noHii'ilop "t i.'v. in JliiUt.x cuiiiity. Mr. t tie' 1 (.lu-'s i.i liitliliiA, r K'll'-'iy, Hie t oitJitv rtliiaievel lo s, rvii t'l oetlti ly m h.iMtl Ijiv.. I. in for On; irm !i. liiisl.ee iii ut;, ;, ainl w ill til-i. vij-il are iiMjiiiu'l. J It Aft N. li l 1, Amu nr) at Law, im II .X, S.c. Practice i ciUr:. i.ntl , Kiil.f.ix nnd ndjutiiiii i.iimli'h and W. .1 rriK.i:r at law; i:Tl 1:1.11, N. e. I'racti, ,.. In II,,. enures of Halifaj iiinl Kiljeiinnir colonic.- uinl iii liie .sii,reiiie court. l ollecii,,,,- mini,, iinj ,t ii,rL. , nu. stuu-, mnl re turns iioiii).'v iLii'le. w w- il A L U Att. nifrj al I,a. WM.tittS, N c. SpcelHl Hlti-Iltliilt Kiveu t tHDctn Hoiitplly u.uile. lb nu and remit tuny 1 if. J. E. S II 1 K 1. 1 S, Suij;eciii Driitist, ft?...- Haviiif tiertiHiiit imU lm Htnl In VeIdol'., rati t o rl h llrii'k Itiiildinif ul all riUlidnl hlh-.lli. i' in fi'Oiii'l h tunes cm eiit ulit'DuI'Miit i.n i j liM-iiitul laisiiiiM.- 101 ful mknttoti k!t 11 lo nil hiiiuchi s of tin .'- VSH.1I, I'alllo;, N1U1l III llnir lu.ln.'h ulon lie lr''l. jnly -2 ly. Q R. K. l. II V N T E R, lll Jl'-Mll lit llHO, Can lie f. asid nt htf oiliiv In KnfleM. Pure Nitrous ( Me t. Hi-f.,r ttie I'mi.iw Ktrae Ity ut Ti tli dlu'HVI. nu IihikI. ADVKliTISK.MKXTsS 'niSHI'S INDIAN :: Secura Bealthy action to the L1t ar.drellTallbU- Joua ti-oublna. hailj Titiubli; Ho OiijUj. Frlai at, all Brojftrk UlH'ls ly 4L ii.aa user, ki, i 8 81 '5 .U J - M R' nnn ..i.. -VfPl) i.. i rvir -.piiL- . i ": HFA! 1 H.iii'iVTO; Ult K J YOUTH )) ii.;KiH..,.i V'C w." '''- ' '-' or .11. Ij i 1 I'cri'wi r lilu- iMln mind Jt'iritm Ir-.f t t'ti'f.'iiiiitt l eu- ri. "t c. -ciw.i1 in rm. AH'i i .; d il-Ciw KMC a .1 'i -, Urnoi I'onrr. itfu.f'nnly nriii. i'lim" t'f " i in -1 ,'t-i ( li'i'iis -1 Or. HAPTKP,!; LI1 t'R Oireo.-.nntinii..i,, ei.; uint Ildicbi. eie.i - I . (; a . 'pi 3)3liri i'n r :! .-f t t -. .-.i-io-. o- i v Uf.. r THE DR. HARUR MJCICIHE CO.. ST. LliUiS, MO Feb-ia y IIKLP.YOUIl EYES gT tlSINll yot'KU'8 CK1.KBRATKD IMl'liOVKD PKU1SC0PIC GLASSES, CI.KAR AND SOFT TO THK KVK STRKNUllKH i.sit iu nubbl an, For Hit In Gold, Steel, Rubber ,nj OlUloM r ratiivR. HELP T0 SAVE By Iniylin tli.- iretu-ll Ilarsiln ,yit otTCml n a GOLD llt'XTIXG WATCH, Varj'lnn In price from MKTY TO ONK Hl'MlRKU OLl.ARS, Worth ntiftrty iloulilo the prloe. SETS OFTEWELRY. Haniliome In ilmlgn unil tn fine qnsHty. A thou- land diflereiit klyles of RINH8. PINS, EARRlNdS, ct'FP BCTTON8. HTCHS, COLLARS. HI TTllNS, IlKACKI.rrS. Sll.VI'USI'iliiNS, VllllKS,4('.,l'I)t KS. l'LATKH CASTORS, ICE I'lTCU tlUS. die. M th lowest possible prfepi. Oixlera pnin)ptlr altiiled to. J. W. YOUNG, (8t;rCES0R Tn J. T. T. A BRO.) Petersburg, Va, vi21y A 1 UI I i, box of tfin Kliicli will help you lo mora riobp rii(litHwy Uihii iiytlititft efiK1 in ttili norld. All of either)! niKVttvl from flrtt hour. Tha bh4 rkad (n liiiluual nlwUH rn'fcirthat SrbrlfOTa i at atal aa -! urn i J