3 (In Mil ; B&lll " 6i rjsuKj ms ma m&mB& ITS I 4.'.! IB I f, SI U 1 CI V IT llHl lIL I HALL & SLEDGE, proprietors. ! - iVOL. XVIII. .A. NEWSPAPER EOH THE PEOPLE! TERMS--U l'KB ANNUM IN ADVANCE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1S87. NO. 20. NK W A D V 14 UT - t t Premie ese -ese-hlrir WS JVGAMBfilLLMfcCx PATAPSCO JIN J V ESTABLISHED-1774. Tin' value nf I'LOl'K 1. lx-ii.1.4 inn,, 0 JTION CONTAINED IN TIIK BREAD IT MAKES. Marjtati.l an.l Virpiiiin teat, from which our PATENT ROLLER I'l.OI'ltS nr.- chielty niiunf Mil iiml. ha been conceded to In- SI IP Ell II lit tn imv oilier, because it has a BETTER Cl t.M SATION OK (il.UTKX AMI I'l It IS I'll AT ES. This IWt U mM not in tlits country, tint in tin I'liitcl Kingdom in we'l, where the !' VTXPSCO IpKlM, VTIVE ' COMMANDS DECI DKDLY M OH K MOXKY ilun any other rrieun Flour. Ask Jour grocer for it. Also fur l..t-, ....... ,i.....-l..t;.. I',.,., II I.' :).. i le . i ' i 1 'i ij . ..,f, j i iiiinij , inuior.i rainiiy, Patnpnco Family, Noilh Point Family. ( )ran; I !i .ivo Extra. Palapsco Extra, CliesapoakeXi'rt aldwin Family. ('. A. GA.MHlilLL M A N 1 ' K A (."!' I ' f ! I X 0 COMPANY, liU Commerce St.. Baltimore, Md. 12 ly. THE PLAGE TO GET j oanaa sibisiii I I AT TIIK iLOWESTPEIOES, I IS AT i I 1)11. A. It. ZOLLICOFFUU'S, 1st side washincton avenue, opposite r. shed. J WKL I) 0 N. N. C. I STOCK KEPT COIflPlETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. I SKSCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FlIXKll WiTH TIIK IIKST HK1.KITKD MATERIAI,.-. I'khscriitidns compoundku at am. iioi'hh with (iki.at cauk. u.mkky, 8tati0nkky, fancy soaps, hki shkh, j fancy amu l.es, tobacco and cic1aus. Ill E M B It k tiietaBiMotj welctmeelwaji awaiti, you at 1 pr. BROWN, BEOWN & j t i DRUGGISTS AND MM j HE4DQU4RTERS FOR "pILET ARTICI.KS, . PERFUMERY, I f COMBS. 9 BRUSHES, PLAIN .TOpon Mi Sunday 9 t IMO A. M. EAKUNDEVELOFED i"""""-"' "IT'"", i IdiesFiris Shoes HAYK MADK IF. II ART, WKI.DOX, X. C, IB. JOSKY & CO. SCOTLAND SKCK, N. C, ppmU for (he aale of our LdW Shoes, for their rm) tivc stctions. ft make on the N. Y. Opera, Acmo, 4enphHt tnd Creole lusts, the latter out anil is very nieo. We u.e the "bj Machine and sew with bert Bar- thread. Kvery pair warranted. ( are nice, neat and tylih. Give I s leoV when you want a choc and be pleased. S E.T.REEI)4CO. ?161y Boehfiter.N.r. I S K M K N TS - THE FLOURING MILLS. KSSKXTI A I. k l.KM II X I'S ill.' VI'. ZOLLICOFFEIVS. P. T. SlaVEaVEONS. SIMMONS, PHARMACISTS, AND FAATY STATIONARY, AC 'OUNIDI ami fi lo 7:30 P. M. MKtutbV IKUtil IHIHOS 1M tjEBiun wrtuuJw Deal A Life Ezperlenoe. RomnrkAble nd qulclt cure. Trial Pck&sre. Bend tamp for sealed particular. Address Dr. WARD CO. Louisiana, Mo. This mm may n-nii'Nmv; Hl.K AT UVAK I'. jrVrwapKper AdvrtUiu Bnriii 4 10 M'KUChi t.r"T.': ""h"" UCUf VABs Tutfs Pills rim i ho il I irtti lv rj, mm, rctfiii t v I be btU,udairubHtltH mm mm ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In mttliirliil rfUIHrU llivlr vIHiim r tltifi rt-Atl4l, lhp) oii.ai pr iillNr irr1 lx In I retn(f tttMtm Irani thwl MtMM. llrtrHHIly "Uffr ewwled. IHnm mull. Frlrv, rU. Sold Everywhere. Onicc, 44 Murray St., Kw Vork. Vtl.Sly tftlH' innli Cut thin ntt unci ro turn In hi, unit wo w ill nt'iiit you t'ni'. KMUiiMtiniK iIxrf'Ht value and iimK.rtaiii-f l Yiiii. tht uill trl yon in lniMiifNi wiiii h ui iirniR you in morciui.ii ey rlnln "y t1""' ttyihi"(t I" wrld. A. iv tne cru do the wmk ami live t lumie. Kitlier nex; nil Ntniutliing now, tlmi JnatiHrinw im- oy ftirtliuworlsort". V'cwtlUtivrl you; mpital not iiwli4l. IliiritfloiH of tlie i-iuilne, import ut fhHiirPofH lifetime. Tin who are muMilous iidi-utcrprUiiig ill not delay, (inm. otiiHt trw. Addrt-M, 'i IU K A ai., Aukuh. MhIiip. dti I ly. AV()TKIN(J CLASSES A I I CIM I lUlli .niniHhallrlinr nilli em- lil.ivmt'iil Hi li"Tm. the li.tlo of the lline. it fur IIk'Ii tHiri' moiiit'iiti- Iluiilnciitiiitw, liielil unit prn lltlil.'. lVnims ufi'llhi-'r "Pi eaiilly tmni fmni i-O epiit!. In l"'l.Hr evi'tiliiK, null a proii.itli'iml mm by .Irvi.liuR nil tlilr time lo the biiniiiei. lk mint ifirlH iwni nenrlr an nim-h un Uien. Tlmt isll whu fit tlil iimv eml tlielr hiIiIkum, and fet the tmliieini, we tim'ke tlifBOiVer: To wich are wA well Mtlfifliil we will tend one dollar to pay for Uio tiouble of writing. Tull purtlcnlnri STid ontfll free. AddrCM. 00B08TIN8ON4a., dec I lj. rotlUud, Hiia. i MiunSnuxM0 mil DID XT KSOW .1 WO MAX. lie trli -1 tn M ''H I a ku fnun poiitiiii; An KWtTt m.lI Uir As IV s if.n.i wliii'li tlii' wild 1-iT hipi Tin- ni;t.I, ti ))lir.i, ,l mi I t.yly luniuii ltr lu-nil li mi 1 1 i in. miuy, Aii.ltii.iiii(lii1,-ii, uii.'i iinili il, fnnHieilnonhl.1 Vr in ill lilm iiuy, Nrli..w(-. a.li.ji .i!i:..n l. r.'i-l ' I'll" i !miuv he lni'l ) II. l-ii kn.ir I .Jr.-iv h i I Mr ik.iUny ill.l il.iiil, A u . 1 ln' whs mini. hi I'll-. 'I tii- m iiil -!i s.i i m iii'.ir my iirin, A r. mi it 1 Iter iviii-t I l!ncw It, Ami Hi. 'ii, in it ini'.minn wiy lirtrni, I kisir-il hor i Ti' Milt' liiii'W ft. HIn' iiirew an Hilary nl.mre at iiu1, Hit fiicc grew n .1, mill linn l-li- fiMwiu-l ami miM ; "IM like to see ViHIjukI try lluit ajuiii !' "W liy, vL-il liuly, iwt'i-t m-iiil," I mM. 1 did --oniM 1 lH'ttUnmir Tlilrt tiiiH' KtK'only bliishi-d am! miiil; "Vim niiiftit t'i tc ii-lianiwl !' WHAT SOME MEN EAT. DI'I.IC At IKS l'OlM) IX xmv voi:iv i:i:st u u vMs. Till: Villi sol ' KKITI K llllV Vol BAT Vlll It N'Kliillllim's I.KAVl.NllS-KTIM'K I'iiTS AN II 1IK-IIASI1KII VIi.'T 1AI.S. "Ai to I In; clo.iiitincss of fiiinl, there is lillle ilifl'.'iviH'.; in that ii'sjH'il between n ten i'. nt ha.-h h.in.-o, a liioauway hotel and tale, or an average caterer's cstiihliahtnent. The objective point with saloon men is to inalie their food pay for ail it is wollh. And yoii ask how this is done. Let me HI you. The man who fats nt home and has a cleanly woman for a wife, is fortu n ite, very fortunate. You buy your pro visions and meats in the raw, nnd you know bow hoy lire cooked an 1 what you are eating. Hut saloon life is different. You jrn in there and order pork and beans: you leave some of the beans on your plate, the plate jjma into kitchen and the deans lett hy you are dumped aaiu into the bean pot from whLh other orders SMlis'ion-ntly nerved. All beans lelt over aie s.tvviI lli: sjiuo way. Now catercrn, hoti ls and saloons have on the back of their stoves or ratines lar iron pots that arc known us the stock pots. If yon have a piece of beef, iiiutt'jii, poik. lamb or oth cr kind of meat u;.on your plate, when the pl.Ui) reaches the kitchen the meat is thrown into this stock pot. Chicken head- ami feet unw i-ln d arc thrown into this pit, and meat which has become slihtly tainted. All order is given, 'To rn Ho soup, one;' in the Hock pot );oea the iron l.ulic. out eoluos this conglomerated liquid, poured into a soup plate, in which is thrown some raw tomatoes from a can. and there you arc. t'hicken soup, is or dered; the order comes from the slock pot; thf soup clcrilied, a little barley thrown in and the order is tilled, 'liouillou, one.' Here ii the slicker, but it is surmounted. Out of the same stock pot comes the soup, a little union is added, tlci soup clarilied and through the saloon linns from the kitchen 'H.i'.iiilon. ready.' 'li.vf alow,' iamb stew,' million broth, c iiisuinuie, vir- uiicclli, Fate d Italic, uiaeaioui soups all conn; from the stock pot. "Whatever vegetables you may leave on the side dUhes, like beans, succotash, mashed potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, squash, onions, etc., arc ill very tii iuy saloons, am) even lirst-tlass hotels, thrown back aain into their respective kettles upon reaching the kitchen. By this modus operandi very little is lost. I'ieces of beef left by custo mers are chopped up for hash or cut up for a stock pat! Iu sahmns a pir-st is sd dom oivcu Wider in a clean ula-.s, the cooks seldom keep their hands literal'y clean, and the cheap, r price 1 the saloon the lai-ir-r tic aj;rn;4:itc of ditt. More pen pie in this ciiy cal their roci rlii.i peck of diri in Ic-s ii ue lb in in any city last of t'hici.i, i'li I -til! without this cl iss of a looUs inaliy pe iiie wou.d al.u ml starve." . - . SCANDINAVIAN PROVERBS ti.ild .i I hoa i,' .ii'ist uot he tiling away 11,1011 ill hili r l'l. 1. n .: t all siil h'1'..r- th i:l h.l-t tak en full lading on hoard. A is ill i. lh" life's ci' .tin.' ill the heart, world iiiirror.il in il. so Til 1 WaYes of ill i m'a niil ill li.ll I round lllofldi; u of the sh li p-st rn -k. The hand op a fri nl strikes deeper wouads than the hand ufan enemy. B tl' r a -k 1 dinn .T when one is living than to hs mil-' agran l sh i of when one is dead. It is greatly to he fi'ared that the child who, in ang.it, tears the mother's apron, will, when older, break her heart. Is General Debility, Emaciation. Con siiiiip'ion and Wasting in children, Scott's hinulsion ol rure tod l.ivcr . oil witn UvMphophites is a most valuable food and medicine. It creates an apjietite for fund, stronghteus this nervous system, and builds upthobody. l'lcase read: "t tried Scott's Emulsion oa a young man whom physicians at tunes had given up. Since he began Using (he EuiuUion, his Cough has ceased, gaiucd flesh and strength, and from all ap pearances his life has been prolonged many years. I have been in Hosi.itnl Service for the past twenty years, and never have used any preparation, with gro.iter satis faction. ' John Sullivan, Hospital Steward, Reform School, Morgan!!, Fa. juDO-16-lmo. THE LAST STAKE. II V l'l SIIMullE I'A VII'SllV. Ill IfsSa 1 was a pnssciigir on the steamer Star Spangled Banner, from New Orleans to Louisville. She was crowded with people and, nn hour after leaving New Oihans, found perhaps twenty card tables drawn out, and three or four score of the passengers deeply absorbed in "old sledge" euchre, and poker. All that night and the next day it went on. As fortune, however, soon tin gled out and made victims of the poorer, and less skilled players, so the number gradually decreased until the fourth day out. when only one table was running. Old Bob Brasher, u negro trader; young l!cn Sandl'ord, a horse trader: and two planters from l.a Kourche, Mill kept on. Although they had played almost inces santly for days and nights, yet luck had favored neither parly to any great extent. The ''binning" had been principally In tween Brasher nnd Saudfonl, hut hcrc'o- fore thi'y had kept themselves within the "gentleman's liuiil" live hundred dol lars. After leaving Memphis the game was renewed, and the bystanders observed "that big play w is on the foo's," as young Sandl'ord was considerably under the in fluence of liquor, and wheu in (hat condi tion bo was known to be a heavy player. Late at night the two trailers came to gether; both had "belting hands," and Louisnna and Kentucky bank-notes soon covered almost the whole table. The margin of live hundred dollars had been forgotten, and cue, two, three, Ave hundred better! rapidly passed between them. At last Brasher leaned barked frum the table, unbuttoned his veal, and took from around his body a lu ll tilled gold pieces. Laying it down upon I he bank-notes, he exclaimed: "Three thousand bettor!" Sandford became, speechless; his face tinned deadly pale; he called for a glass of liquor, whicli he drank, never oneo taking his eyes from the bell of gold. , Ile -liad exhausted his means ill tin) for mer bets; all his mtiqey lay upon the ta ble. At last a llioiiiJit struck him. "Ben, bete, sir!" he exclaimed. "Yes, massa." And S.millord's lioiy-scrvatil,a fine ath letic darkey, came to his master's side. "tlct up on the table, sir!" Not titling to disubey as he well knew ill that moment oPfrcuzy his young mas ter would scad a bullet through Iih brain did ho refuse hi tremblingly steppeil on the table, crushing the bank-notes and the -;o!d beneath his feet. "For the good Lord's sake, Massa Ben, Im't bet this nigger oil'! What will the uld missus say when you go home? Oh, Massa Ben, please don't!" groaned the boy but in vain. 'Call yon, sir!" shrieked S tudfurd, ut the same time laying down tour queens and all ace. Your hand is no good!" said Brashci, with a sneer. "1 held four king and an acc!" As Brasher leached fot his belt of gold youug S.indfoid fell to the floo', the blood gushing from his mouth, nose, and ears. With one spring the slave leaped from the table, dashed through the thin folding doors of the "Social Hall," out on theboil- r deck, and, with a half uttered prayer for the "old missus," he threw himself headlong into the dark waters of the Mis sissippi, an 1 was seen no more. Heath prevented Brasher chiming his spoils. Ben S in lford for weeks lingered on a sii k bed, but at last rei oVeri d, and forevir renounced the gaming-table. He "made good," h iwev. r, lha nioney-wonh of the negro In bis wiener. - -- - A )iiii i:siNAKi:i A i.t wt in-n t: A I'eKalh street My pnrchrseJ a lump nf crystal ice a few days ago an I placed it in an iee cool r, which was perfectly clean Sh ' add d no water, allowing it to nicll without a-s island'. Some time later she dr. w a glas of the nn hod iee and was lift ing to her lips, when, from the very cen tra liny snake rcarcl ils diamond head it .iiilio,tliiig c)cn mil glistening forked tongue causing a scream of fright to issue from the lady's lips Fortunately she held on to (hi: glass and was thus able to provo to the incredulous fritii Is who answercl her call the absolute truth of this strange story. The snake was almost pure while, measured an inch and a half in length, was fully devolocd and belongs to a species as yet unclassified. How it cune into the io, and h iw it could live and display such a tonishing liveliness in liquid of a temper ature su near congelation is a mystery worthy the attention of our local scientists. Xojristuwn llernlil. t'hildccH O.'tcn need some Safe cathartic and tonic to avert approaching sickness or to relieve colic, headache, nick stomach, indigestion dysentery and the complaints incident to to cbi'ilhoud. Let the children take Sim mons Liver Regulator and keep well. It is purely vegetable, not unpleasant to the tasto and sate to take akitic or in connec tion with oilier medicine. The Genuine has our trade mark "'. ' in red on front of wrapper. J. H, Zeilin k Co., Iliiladel pbia, l'a. juae 9-1 mo. TWINKLES ITlll.M TIIK I'AI'EHS TO LAIHIII OVKll AT I.KISI IIK MiiMKNTS, The last charge at Gettysburg was mudc by ill! hotel keepers. Ln't it strange that a rooster should crow, and a crow should hawk, and a hawk should fly, and a fly should flee? A man wil' lo alimisl anything to iu ir asc the happiness of the woman he loves cjci pt to leave lid when she wants to get lid of hint. The best way to get along in hot Weath er is to believe every fish story that is told. If one is improbable it can be disputed later in the season. Il is saiil that small bills arc scarce. Tlcy certainly are with us. We haven't had a bill presented for months but what was bigger than we wanted to pay. It is reported that Henry Bergh is car rying his sympathies for animals so far that he is cultivating a bald spot on bis h'ad as a pasture for flics. A little girl in the primary school was asked to tell the ihlli n in e between the words "foot and feet." She said: "One feet is a foot, and a whole lot of foots is a feet." Trulls, crushed to earth, will rise It springeth quickly up; again; And those who have tried ihe experiment say It's the same with a barrel hoop. Father of I'air Ouo W'c close up here at 10 o'clock. Brass -headed Beau Thai's a good idea. It keeps fellows nut who don't know en ough to get inside. Connoisseur I tell you what it is, Me Ilaub, those buzzards arc simply superb. You shouldn't paint anything but birds. Artist (disgusted) Those are not buz sards. They are angels. "No, Bobby," said his mother, "one piece of pie is quite enough for you." "It's funny," responded Bobby with an injured air. "You say you are anxious that I should le.irn to cat pi operly, and yet you won't give in- a chance to practice." An Albany girl has had her photograph taken in fouriivn diii'irent attitudes. In order to get them sjK-eilily the photo grapher turned a mouse loose in the room and then employed the instantaneous pro cess. The pictures will make great cigar labels. Thete was a feud between the four-year-old young lady and her aunt, which came at last to declared hostilities. But the lit tle lady knelt down and said her prayers: "Bless papa and bless mama, and "there came an ouiinoii pan' "bless auniie; but ifynu can't bless her it doesn't matter." There is a n"gru preacher at Crawford, da., without legs. But Kogg says there is nothing very wonderful about that, lie knows of a clergyman not a hundred miles from Huston who is without brains. And yet, Kogg says, the man gets along without any trouble whatever. Mr. Trevclyan -1 trust I shall seal you at L ing Branch or Cape May this summer, Miss Oliarmayne ? Miss Charmayne I am afraid I will have to disappoint you, Mr. Trevclyan. "Indeed ! I regret to hear it." "Not more than I do myself. But I have giown so thin I wouldn't dare think of appearing in a bathing suit.'' i iixt'l.l dick it was m:(:i:sahv. A number of years ago, during the grasshopper raids in lbikota and o her parts of the West, Elder Blodgett held a scries of revival meetings in a small place in the southeastern part of the Territory, where the settlement then was chiefly con fined. He had preached a powerful Her mun and had induced about two-thirds of the congregation to conic forward and in dicate their desire to unite with the church. Fearing that sum : iniglil not fully under stand the new duties the step would in volve, began to cupliin what they must do in the future. "You must stop Kin' an' dual in' all' Sabbnih-breakin ," he said, "an if any of you vc been Mealin', you're got to slop Unit, too. An there must be no more covetin' or neighborhood quarrcllin', and n i awearin'- " "Eldct," said a griiil. il old fellow who Was kneeling iu front of the pulpit as he raised his head, "ye say we mustn't swear any more?" "That's it ye must not swear any st all." "Can't we cuss the 'hoppers?" "Xo, sir." "Well, that lets me out, then!" and le rose and started back. "Me too!" put in a dosen others as they began to get up. "Hold on," shouted Ihe elder as the trnitaol his lanor began to ranish, "come back an' I reckon yo can swear 'bout the 'hopicM a little! Cuss 'cm quietly when there ain t nobody round an' then pray thai they won't come next summer. This is the third year they're been here, an' I 'low myself it's 'bout time we backed up our prayers with a little something kinder strong!" Pskota Bill, SOME CURIOUS THINCS. Tin: tin xritv is iti.i, iik tiii:m TltKSK AUK A my. A Kansas man measures s-'ven fc 'I ill hi and a half inches in height. All unknown mini utteinplcil to steal a lightning rod from a house in (iuiiiesvillc Tex. Millcdgi'ville (!a., has a negro turning J white. She has been the possessor of the tallest young man in Georgia. Tin: innst ordinary sombrero In the city of Mexico cost about PI."), while the most expensive ones range iu price from (toll to $liilll. It costs money to be a dude in Mexico. A milage has been distinctly seen by several cili,eiis t I'crhain, Minn. It lasted ten minutes. The picture was Devil's lake, seven miles west. Buildings and farms were recognized. A deacon of Seymour, I ml , has been expelled from the church for declaring his belief that the world is 1,11011,11110 years old and dial it is likely to si and another 1,000,0011 bcfuio the judgment day enmes. Twenty-eight unmarried women rcsid" iu Garfield county, Colo; also 1,000 un married men. Ail the meu can't get a wile from among the twenty-eight, and it probably piuzles the women tsi make a choice from among the 1,000. Albion, i Erie comity, l'a., has a curi osity in the shape of a clock which stands seven feet high, operated by chains and great weights, the dial bearing old Ro man figures, with the entire works made ol boxwood and bearings of pure ivory. It s a perfect time keeper and upward of 100 years old. Louisa county, Va., is excited over the alleged fact that aftira white handker- hief, which had beeu folded four thick ami laid over tle lace ot a dead woman, had been removed, there were four dis tinct pictures of the womau, about the size of a 25 cent piece, plainly printed on the cloth. Spirits of camphor had been applied to the facn belore ihe handkerchief was laid on it. It is said that in Portland, Me., there is a man with a f.iUe nose, a glass eve, but three lingers and one thumb, one ear, false lair, and a cork leg. Kor all this be is the liveliest man in Portland He walks ten miles every day, rain or shine. lie has had three wives, and survives them all, and has refused five chances to get married ain, so he says, siucc he buried his last wife, about a year ago. DECENERACY OF WIVES. A bright, intelligent gill marries the man of her heart, nnd discoveres that he has an appetite. Her husband; who is almost, if not quite, exempt from human failings, has already manifested a profound admiration for pot pies, and has openly expressed his detesta tion to overdone mutton. She accordingly builds up within her a fortress of resolution, in which to guard that sacred treasure of a husband's affec tion. She gives up her music, painting and embroidery, and studies the chemistry of the kitchen. At the end of ten years of matrimony she is a tiresome sort of person, whose whole inc. II. vt is absorbed in at tending to the cares of housekeeping, and in getting stylish drcntCN fur her childreu. Her conversation risot seldom above the level of infant gossip and servants, and the only ideas developoil by lime and ex perience are expressed in her conviction tluit meu are the most unreasonable and selfish of creatures, and women the most abused and self-sacrificing. There is a great evil somewhere, but what is it? The husband acknowledges to himself that he is disapi loiiited iu the wife he has chosen, and yet ho finds difli culiy in pointing oul bis mistake, ami scarcely Sods cause to bis ne her, for i she not s faithful wife, devoted mother and s most frucal nuiiaiier' Ah, there il is; she has allowed herself to degenerate into a mere housekeeper, neglecting all her finer qualities of mind. Kor we need not forsake Ihe upper strata of sentimental thought and ideality the atmosphere of the soul because we know that there is a lower one of routine and small vex itions, in which our feet are told to tread. To breathe in the one is lo receive strength and refreshment for exertion in the other. It is a good plan to pick up needles and pins from the floor; but picking up pins j ought not to be made the chief object of I l :e i -., " vAisiciicc, tor ii we uiovu along witn our heads constantly downward, we most as suredly will see nothing better than pins and needles to the end of our days. Bargains offered in clothing. Must be old regardless of cost to make room for fall stock. V. N. Stainback & Co. Half wool lace bunting, Hie. M. F. Hart. all colors, at , A New York paper declares that "ihe low neck dress must po." Where? Even now it is sometimes mistaken for a carter I n the East. VAItlOCN I'l.ltSONAI. I'AltAMt Vi'll WHAT NKWSI'Al'KIIS KAV (IK I'Knl'I.R WHOM TIIK Wllltl.ll KXtltt'H. Joaquin Miller has sold his log cabin iu Washington for &.YIno, and its new owner has rented it to Mr. Adce, assistant seretary of state. Mis. Cleveland's shoes worn ill the Adi rouilaeks were a pair of No. fis, for whicli she paid i.V At least such is the exceed ingly important statement made by a Wash ington khoc dealer. Sitting Bull is in inournii'gfor the death of his eldest daughter., lie is at Stand ing Rocking agencies, D, T., and endeav oring to show his great grief by slaughter ing all bis old enemies. A score of them were obliged to flee the camp for safely. Mr. Alma Tadcma has ilcsigued a piano of ebony and oak for a citizen of New York, with decorative details nf cedar, boxwood and ivy, with a Inn. low picture of Mr. Poynlcr, R. A., over the kcylward. The cost is sa,d to be 3:i5,OOU. Col. Krcd Grant, lbs eld. si son of the late general, is said to be developing into a man very much like his fatlur, and in proof of this il is told that he is never seeu without a cigar in his mouth. He is a dull looking young man. His eyes have no brightness, his features no characteristics, his oomplexioii no color, and he seems to be sijiply fat and dull. . It is said that it was due directly to Mrs. Grant that the peculations of Charles I,. Webster !c Co;' bookkeeper Were discov ered. Mrs. Grant has an eye, nay, two eyes, to "the main chance." ami her con tract with the publishers btipulatcd that at any time she could send an expert to ex amine the books. This she did frum time to time, and it was her exiert who discov ered the discrepancy during one of his pe riodic examinations. V It is reported that ex-Senator Junes, of Florida, has finally left Detroit. Ho said to lie on his way to Europe, whither Miss Palms has gone before him. There is some surprise expressed in Detroit at his sudden departure, as many of his in vestments in that city are beginning to make large returns. It lias Decn said that .Mrs. I.anglrv was the first woman to take out papers of Amer ican citiz-'iiship. This is a mistake. Mrs. Braokenridge, of Pennsylvania, is a native of Germany. Some years ago she wished to become one of the incorporators of a ferry company. It was decided by legal authority that it was necessary for her to take out papers of citizenship, which she did on December It), 18S2. She heads ihe list. We have a few pairs of Evaus' hand made low-quarter shoes on hand which we oiler ut half cost to close out. P. X. Stain back A Co. Ill Uriel, and to (lie Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good na ture. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and woiidcrtul things iu cxistcuisc. It is easily put out of orih r. I i. easy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to lie, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. Rut Green's August Kiower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bus iness snd making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. . Remember: Xo happiness without health. Hut Green's August Flower brings health snd happiness to the dys peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. 75 cents. ADV KKTISK.MKNTS 1857 KKTAHI.IMHKII 1857 uKotar st int. RUFE. W. DANIEL - Dealer In - uaoccKiics. M4COR8, OIUAM, TOBACCO RKRCNBR BNC.EI,1 UUKR BEER ON ICK. R. W. DANIEL, ftesH.Wasa. In, WtMoaf H.c: ttn SI li i- ADVKHTISKMKNTS. WHAl ailSTHE nation? Tlin Avencc Li'titfth of life Div crciidnit Not Pestilence fn.it i'limine All our ; -own Fault. MdDKitN" Cooking and Mod hum liivixa have brought it on. It cumi's upon tin un.'t Willi's. The patients have :tiitx nlioutthc! chest and sides, mid somi'tiiiii'H in the buck. They feel dull ami isleepy; the month has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime, collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a fettling like a heavy load on the stomach ; domet'unes a faint, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes we sunken, the bunds and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after u few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, anil has evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation iu the head when rising up sud- I jlcnly. The liowels become costive; me ssin is ury ana hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant ; the whites of the eyes become tinged with yellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high .col ored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste and sonn'times with a sweetish taste; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symptoms; the vision be comes impaired, with Hpots be fore the eyes; there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness. All of these symp toms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-half of our jMipulatiou hits this dis ease in someof its varied forms. Shaker Extract of Koots (Sei gel's Syrup) changes the fer nientsof the Pigestiveorgans so as to convert the fond we eat into a form that will give nourish ment to the. feeble liody, and good health is the consequence. The effect of this remedy is siniply marvelous. Millions upon millions of lwttles have been sold in this country, and the testimonials in favor of its curative powers are over whelming. Hundreds of so called disencs under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this ono trouble is removed the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. Testimonials from thousands of people speaking highly of it.' .mrative procrties prove this beyond a doubt. Sold by druggists. .. ., 'V1 I '--''T I an k now si Itss' il IUK, emulates eehrea pl.t-.. lOOewarw different l-reeita. prlree tfaef era worth, end where le kwyttiea- nmetieea heTValwIa, ir nd Brdu Ferrrle. Utiled tor I real. Avjet'aMwt Irea Faralekla Uaeae el eB Uade TII V iTim Tliea jmi4 tor tortteeaeMol I- Ufa) ralareeT f. iw reu w si plate I eagre!" klua. ot Wh; fVaenp. ' ereedei hoa tc eepeiiM: oti aatfl lai ee. of eeerl) ell tinae ai ine elMt foi euuluj ene... luj eoaMe, ualuneeaoa ' B heeTeleM'ml )Tl"."l FT . Seat let la feala. per alt tin. V HI eea aeeri the RIMIS lePf'&llH MIHOsi. IVO paerre. I.ltl Hta at re id . 1,-eiaiealkBu eraMUneoi ellfciedate aeewiiu eaiarea isrue, i.e uieeeare ami ituii. iii.i..ii ead the cure. Hftw t" milld end eto.1 ea Aswtv. An about Perr.ee. Pm-M ot all kino btrdii. eec-a. etc Mailed tot lAOfMe. 11m Ti.!. nook. 0 C le. OCITtO CII. trsoatk Klphth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. a atirillv "ELY8 Catarrh CREAM BALM lr-V Gim Krlirf atonei oik Omiti COLD iii HEAD CATARRH, HAY FEVER. mil e I Ktft a Litptid. Shi or I'uirilcT, tW'i from Injurtov: img find Unf si ee odor. A psrticle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Prica 50 cents at Drag gists; by mail, mgistered, 60 cent. 'Cir culars ire. ELY BROS., Druggists, Owego,N. T. ft 3 ly 1

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