1 HALL & SLE3DO-E, hioI'RIKtohs. A. TE'WSFA.P'EK, FOB THE PEOPLE. TEBMS-'-''110 I'Klt ANNUM IN ADVANCE. IVOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AlHJUST 1, 1S87. NO. S2. N E W All V KltTISEM KNTS IUMroC,y patapsco FLOURING MILLS. MrmoV bstablished-iw. I The value of FLol'K dep. aids U tin- KSSKNTI l. El. KM KNTS (IK Nl twins CONTAIN!'',!) IN THE III1KAD IT MAKIIS. Maryland and Virginia 'ioat, from whic h our PATENT liOLLEIl FLOCKS arc chiefly manufactured, lias 1g Ini'n cnucedod to tin SlTEIUOl! In anv other, because il has a IIKTTKIt COM NATION OF (JLIITKN' AND PHOSPHATES. This f.,,t in rccv'.tiiod i h in this country, hut ill the I'liitrd Kiii'oloiii as Hell, whore ihe ' PATA PSCO JPKIiLATIVK" COMMANDS DKCIUKM.Y MOIIF, MONEY than any other fccrieau Flour. A.-k ynur grocer I'm it. AUi IV.r Patapsco Superlative, Patapsco Family, Patapsco Kxlra, C. A. (lAMUKILL ug l'i THE PLACE TO GET wmm aiiiiiiii, I I AT THE I LO WESTPEICES, IS .AT DR. A. It. ZOLMCOFFKli'K, EST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. ! WELDON. N. C. I STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. 'I rt'llHiCRHTlON DKPAKTMKNT ril.l.KH W ITH TIIK BEST SELKITKu MATERIAL. .. l'KKHClitPTIOXS COMTOl'NI'KO AT Al.t, IKH11S WI TH (IKEAT CAKK. jRKUMEltY, BTAT10NKKY, FANCY HOAI'S, 111:1 SIIKS, I FANCY AUTICI.F-S, TOBACCO AND CIOAKS. Remember thuikwii weicoauaiwiys awaits you it j ZOLLlCOFFEll'S. I IT. BROWN, B. T. SIlMOliTS. BEOWN & SIMMONS, mMm I DRUGGISTS AND 1 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR 5 J TOILET ARTICLES, l'ERFUMEUY, COMBS, lmusiiKS, i i PLAIN AND FAAT'Y STATIONARY, j - AC. AC. I ""PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED., J IsS-Open on Sundays 9 to 10:3(1 A. M. and In 7:3" I'. M. WEAKUNDEVELOPED His (r ih-m'nN nonv KM.Mtt.KD.in- 0:1 '? cri'i'. m in.v; i'f,l KSn,t.'r . i mi .i.1.ml:TT 1 '"J"-"', 'iwr - '"t'M"ff"i"" .i ln-mii llinl i U iinvi I nl IinIIi" 'if i:,vg,..T.;:, l.r. iU,. .1- , ,.tlr .! ,r.. I ., iel .1 r i 11 1 I S M,M, H IV , H iS,!" V ..l -l i K.-i ll" I', y l i i K HAVE MADE t 31. F. UART, I WELDON, N. C, 4 K. B. JOSEY k CO., SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, adiesFine Shoes Our agents (or the sale of our Ladies' Fine Shoes, for their reepeetive sections. V, We make on the N. Y. Ucra, Acme, Wukcphait and Creole IumIk, the latter Is just out and is very niuo. We uo the McKay Machine and new with best Bar tour'i thread. Every pair warranted, they are uice, neat and stylish. Give them a h ok when you want a shoe and I will be pleased. E. P. UEED k CO. ' lepl 18 ly Bosttrater, N. Y. Cape Henry Family, Iteill'iinl Family, North Point Family, Orange drove Kxlra, ('lienapeake F.xtra, liahhvili Family. MANI FACTI ItlNti CaMPAN v" '.i'i Commerce St., ltalliiuuro, Mil. PHARMACISTS, iMIIWU lliUnl IttlKMb! 1 A Life Exportonce. Romarkablo and quick curua. Trlul Packaixeu. Send tamp for sealed particular. Address Dr. WARD A CO. Louisiana, Mo. THIS PAPER nrWMpapfr Advrtllia( Burrati HO Sruoctt ucw YORK Tutt's Pills HmnliiffHt Ihi torpid liver, trnrih vii I ill (l11eri, ". r-if nlttr 4Ij lMiula. mud r uueUitl4 a mm AHTi"BiLICu3 mEuiCinEi In niMturlNl illtitrlrls lhJrlrinir niili'ly rvt'uuiilctfil.UMllif) tOMtrH c uMr runrllH lu frvvluc llieni cwulvfl. ItoMi wtuwlle Vrivm- Sold Every wliere. Office, 44 Murray St,, New York Kvb 3 Ijr Mil In hi. mull. Cut this out Slid turn I,, us. Slul we will sntl yon frn. unmMhliitf nl mat value and lui)Hnlire 1UJOH, lust win ur. ,,u in Ihmiicmi allien will uiihk uu in more lunit i'V rltila sunjr tlisn nlivlloiiK Ml tills wnrlil. Any one raa Un tliv work suit lle at home. Killier set- all axis,. Hoaiflloiii,' new. Hist just coins mon ey forth workm. Wcwlllstult you; i'H,itsl not m-leil llii. Is una of llitf Ki-iiuiiie. Important chNiicetnfa lifetime. Th. alio are amtiilloilt ami viiternrlsiliK will not ilelsy. liianil outfit h-eu. AtlUrvaf, '1 Kl t A ell., Augicla. U.lne. liel'llr. WORKINfi CLASSES ATTCktTinKJf N'e n,,w prvjwreil to A I I tll I IUN i fiirnl.a all ile Willi em ployment it horns, the whola of the time, or Tor tlieb siMte moment. IiuhIiicmih'w, Unlit witrt nro tilahle. Persons of either sef easily nam from .Ml cent, to OiisTevenliis, and a proportional sum liyiUv4iiirall Uirir llaie to the btisineis. Hoys ami sir's earn nearly m much as men. That all w lin see this may aenil their aililrem, ami lest ttie hu.ineM, we niake thlana'er Tn fiirh aa are nut will sails-Hell we will aend one dollar to pay for th trouble of wiitfiur. Full partlnulani and ootflt tree, AOilKM, wiuTlNHON&00., OeC-t-l;. rytUWt, ataUM. COVE, GEXTI.E llnl'E. I ImsWl L'I Ll) lluJK.' tllilt WilOlt tllL- lllltl r.ihic!i tfWiflly tu ttic cIhw of day, Smiie voice I'iMiiHiiil tlit; Inr awuy, Will rtimv to ti nml sweetly sny, "IU ymi.1 the (htrklio. there in linlil," And nweet to Iiojk- 1 hat wtiuli ttie tiile Hi'KUin to iijirlL' attiiir fet't, 'I'linl voici' will ivhiiier, clenr itlnl weet, "IViir ii'.tto eiims. I am thy huM".'1 If vvt! eoiil't kumv I lutl hen thi rtiii 1 1 :i pt t V. Itliln tliti ocrldeiit, '1 In- Mimler n Voire h.-uIiImi)' "Well iloiii1," We n.ithl l.. .k t' r;ir.l Willi cimti'tlt: Hut U' t. Mirer;. ti;it ..iir lot hen we hefure the Mn.ler t.llnl, W ill 1)A i'i li. ar tin itlt rit riniuiiniiil, "iK'juiri fr in me, I kuuiv oii nut." ('nine, p utt. H .n', thy nuhuT hriiiif, Aii'l wliisti-vrt i iny Imiely hear', I'ntil I hiitr the un-t 1 Hinjf, Alxl all lhe loiids t -..u!it depart; I itlll I hx)k iKyutnl the ski.-. ThrmtKil r.tilh hi teniul teh-si k Aii'l i-v the il.twii if uiory rise. Ami wateh the tfliii n (.rl(iK ojie. WHO IS PROTECTED. AIITICI.KS MAHK IN TIMS I'lM NTIlV Mll.ll TWICK AM I'llHAI' IM KNIM.ANIl. llViisunita (Fin,) rumiiiort'lnl. 1'illshiiro, l'a., is shipping hhovels to Australia, ami sueeesM'ully enuijieliii; with (he Mitne ooiis el' Fnlih make, l'itts horu makes up lor this by sellin;: ihe very same shuvels to the Ameriean farmer for double the priees it charges the Australian. They are able to do ibis because the tarilT sliiilsoll' eompelilion and creates a mono poly of the home market. Sincere (.'um p.inv sells its American-made scwiu;; ma ehines in I. uidon and l.iyerpojl for one h;ilf llie prices it charges its custuniere in thet'nited States. Dees any one See where the profits to ihe farmer, mechanic, or laboring man come in under our pres ent prohibitory tarill'? The dilTcreiice in juice for which the articles tire sold in the foreign and home maiket does not go ihlo the 1'niti d States Treamry to lessen taxa tion, but into the pocket of the umnufac turer. This tarill' simply legislates I lie money out of the pockets of one and puts it iu the pockets of nnullii r. It is worse than highway robbery. It is legislative robbery and a legaiizd fytciii of pltin- ering the masses of the people tor the ben Tit of the large monopolies and manu facturers. To-day you can buy a sewing machine in London, made iu the I'nited States and exported (here, wi'.h freight Rddcd. for -ll or while the same ma chine, made in the same I'nited States factory, is sold here iu lVnsaeola for 810, and cannot be purchased fur lcm. Who is prelected? TWO DOcfsTORIES. A physician residing in New Hope, N. J , has a favorite dog, which usually meets ! his matter at the railroad on bis return from an excursion. On a recent occasion the doctor did not liud his faithful canine friend at the station. On reaching his house the doctor found the dog awaiting on the porch, with another dog iu his company. As the doctor passed into the house his own dog remained outside, as well bred dogs are taught to do. Hut the strange dog pushed in and overwhelmed ihe doctor with troublesome caresses. When he took a chair llm dog climbed with his breast upon the doctor's knees, and one paw all'eetioiiatcly upon his shoul der. This very demonstrative behavior led to an iuyesiigalion, aud upon examin' iuu' the other paw, a piu was found stick ing iu the (le.-h. It was of course el. traded. It could uot be said in this ease that the doctor's feet was "no great ghakctT for the vibrations of the tail of the pa tient, ' discharged cured," were something to wood, r at, as be Irolledoiil. Il is not remarkable or uneotiiuioii that a dog should' tvliin iu a1n. appeal f.i help, lint that a phy-ici, Hi's dog .-h arid "loot'' for custo mers of hi- own rat . and bliug bis liiastir asubj.ct d r lr.'al" i ol ei riainly is a re tnnikuM : proof of auitiial sagacity. There i- an oilier story of an e.pi.illy in telligent dog, whosi liiilhs have bun; aaius' d a family on Sialrn Is'aud. bile id-fri- tid w, re i-ciis.-ing his wii, on, il iv, il was propos ! I , scud the d"g up s urs for bis ii is.r,' wrap Hot tirsl one of lh li b, s weni up si.iir, l.ii I 'he wrap 0,1 th I'o r. and ml 'l,ii ,.u il wi h I er .-wing. '1 he dog .i s.-ut, mil i(uiikly tiuulthevrp. Vainly lie lugged at it: lirsi mi on,' m le an I lln u on llie other lliscolirill' d. bill l.ot Ji'llllVid. lie paused for a lie ii cut when, uji!en'v making a dive, be w ii d llie selling ill hi- lei th and ran toward ill tire. His opponent, now lt from guard ran alter him In I'tMiie her work. This wa-enough, llie dog drop e I the sewing, ran fr the wiap and bore il in triumph to his luislress. MAM JUNKS' I.ATI.vr Al l 1.(11111 V. "You have heard the expression, 'The naked truth,' and perhaps you dou't kuow how it urigiualcd," said Sam Jones in his lied Hock seruioii yislerday. "1 will tell you. Once uiwii a lime Truth and Em r went in bulbing together. Error came out first, put ou Truth's clothes ami ran away. Aod Error has been trjing to wear the aaine garments ever since. Wh Truth came out of I he water the only clothing it could 6 ud to put on was w hat bolunucd to Error. 'Helen 1 will wear such garmcuts as those,' sai l Truth, will go naked all my life.' Truth has kept ita word, aud goes thiough the world naked, without frill or bang or bustle or anything cW-St. Paul GMe. WITAND HUMOR. A trim creature The milliner. High watermarks Fancy stationery. Always open to conviction The pris oner. How to gain llesh liny a butcher shop. It is the spur of the niomeut that makes lime liy. Man wants but little here below, and he generally gets it. A recent discovery is a telephone talked to death by a barber. The batlies of the union lighting be tween man and wife. Crcniationists do not believe that a lit tle timing is a dangerous thing. An old bachelor says the most difficult part of surgery is to take the jaw out of a woman. The ostler's new wife asked him if they were not to lake a wedding trip, and he took n bridle to her. A child being asked what were the three great feasts of the Jews replied : Break fast, dinner and supper. 'It is rather hard to die in abject pov erty," said one. ''It is harder still to lite in il," was the rejoinder. "Jones must be a very dear frim l ot yours?" 'Vans, he does eoinesprctty high; just lent 1 1 i in a twenty." "Mike, did you ever catch frogs?" "Yes sorr." What did you bate with?" Hate em wid a slick sorr." A minister walked six miles to marry a couple lately, lie said be felt sort af fee. bill like. The groom saw it. An Irish Judge thus sentenced a priso uei: "You are to be banned, aud I bone it will prove a warning to you." When Johnnie's father asked him how lie liked the new horse lie replied, '( )h, papa he's real tame in front but awful w ild behind." 'Docs your mother wear a switch?" asked an impiisitive lady. "Yes," replied little Johnny, "but she always ucs her slipper." A young lady being a.-ked by a rich I bachelor, "If not yourself, who would you rather be? replied sweetly ami modestly "Yours truly Yes, I want my daughter to study rhetoric," said the Vermont mother, "for she can't try pancakes now without smok- the house all up Il seems as if there is a big opening for the genius who invents a male bathing dressing that will not give away the fact lhat the wearer is bow-legged. Distracted niolher "If you children make such a noise I shall go out of my mind." Young ltii - io on, . mother. I ll mind the young mis while you arc ;one." "An enthusiast," says Hillings, "is an individual who believe about four times as much as he eau prove, and who can prove four times as much as auyhody else will believe. Temperance," says an esteemed con temporary, "puis coal on Qre." Away with temperance lor the next four months. then! What we want now is something that puts ice on it. Servant (to Irish labour): "Here's some beer, I'at, if you care tu have it: but I'm afraid it's ipiite dead." I'at "Och, lead is il.' Sure, then, darliant, it's I'm the boy to bury il." King Milan of Scrvia cannot induce yacui Natalie to speak to him or even to opi n ihe letters he writes to her. It' any miserable king thinks he has power tu bos a woman Iu makes a mistake. A pool old rheumatic lady said to her pliv-ieiju, "Oil doctor, doctor, 1 suffer so much Mull my hands and feel!" "Hu ft tieiit. deal madam," he soothingly said, "y.iu'd sutler a great deal more without lb .in." ' It i a sad ibing." said Mia. SpllLins lo her husband, "for a man lu have his will con'.i'sled after he is dead.'' "Colllestcd after li.-is dead! 'died Spilkins. "Thai is not half so bad aa In have it cuutesled aft. r he ' marritil!" Il has been aked why a cily is called a "she." The answer seems an easy one. There is ahv.iys more or less busllo about a cily. H 'side's a city has outskirts, aud a he could not under any cireumstunces h ive skirls of any kind. "How like ii'n falher it is!" eiclaiined the nurie, on the occasion of the christen ing of a baby whose father was over v enly; ;.nd had married a young wife " cry like, replied a satirical lady, "it hasn't a tooth in its head." A U islon Test First Young Lady - Who are those people you bowed to, Ma mie ? Meeonj 17U10 un, Uon t you know them? That's Mrs, Monlalembert aod her husband. "Have tb.y any children?" Why, llattie, what an ideal No in deed! They are real itylish people." Dostoo 7Vcrin,, THE 'REDRUST, INCOTTON TIIK mscoYKHY V fill i K. ATKINSON UK HI' THE CAI'SE, AND A KKMKIlY full ITS I'HEVKNTIIIN. About two weeks ago the cause of llie so-called "red rust" on cottoii was discov ered by I'rof. Ocorgc F. Atkinson. Since ihcn he has been experimenting on the production of the disease and for a reme dy. Specimens of diseased cotton wt re s.ntby Mr. I'. L. Woodard, of lllack Creek. A "rust" is produced by the growth ol a parasitic fungus upon a plant. The red rust, so called, on eolton, is not a rust at all, but a diseased condition of llie plain pro duced by a mite which sucks thtijuicis from the under side of the leaves, and from f lie bracts at the base of the boll, causing tbein to take on the familiar rusly appear ance, to wither and fall to the ground. There is no fungus in connection with the appearance of the disease. The mites can sc.ucc.ly he seen with the unaided eye. With the aid of a hand lens they can be s:cn running rapidly about, now and then stopping to bite into the tissues and suck out the j-iicc. The mites are about otie sixtieih i ;' an inch lung, of a dull white color with a brown spot on each side. They have four pairs of legs and resemble spiders. The egos are about onc-twuhundretb of an inch iu diameter, white, and glued to the underside of the leaf. They batch in one or two days, when the tnitea begin the work of sapping the juices, and spin a light, irregular web. Iu Iroui three to four days the young mites ate full grown and ready to deposit eggs. Thus it can be seen lhat they multiply with exceeding rap idity. Several experiments were conducted lo prote lhat the niitcs were the cause of the disease. Miles were placed upon cotton showing no sign of rust, and which was en tirely free from mites. In a short time minute blotches appear, caused by inllaiii alion of the tissues where the bite occurs. As the sap is taken, the tissues shrink, be cjme reddened, the baf becomes sickly and falls oft'. The remedy used lo kill the mites was as follows; A slrong infusion of tobacco, mixed with kerosene oil thoroughly emul sified with the use of soap. Tobacco was used so lhat a less ropurtion of kerosene oil might be used than in the common kerosene emulsion, lo iiisute no harm to the cotton from its npplicatiou. The pro portion of kerosene oil was one to oil of water. This I'clroh-n Tobacco emulsion was ap plied in a line spray l'i the under std of the leavisi with the use of a force pump. A tank was drawn on a small sled and the hose bent so as lo throw the stream from below. The sled was kept in ci nslant million and the leaves were ihoroiiubly sprayed, killing nearly all the mites. No injury lo the cotioii resulted. The eggs are not destroyed, so a second spraying should be given in two to three days, bo- lore llie next generation begin lo deposit eggs. A bent non.le could be made so that the spray could easily be applied to llie under surface of the leaves. The I'elroleu Tobacco emulsion is a very cheap and safe remedy for this and inanv oih-r insects. The small amount of kero-eiie oil needed and the abundance of tohairu in the slate ought to justify the manufacture of a I'clr.iteo-Tobaceii Soap, which could le isily dissolved in water and largely and profitably used iu the state and elsewhere, if some chemist will tell us how lo make such so in. The red rut mile, if taken in lime, can h i profitably destroyed, mid every cotton grower in the South should provide him self with the m lausof preventing the dam age caused by oue of the greatest pests of cotton districts. I NIV, ol' N. ('., July l!.'i, 1SS". A'eics inn, (llttit'rvt'r. "And what are we Join j now, Char "?" "Only hugging (he shore, Carrie." "Charley" and she looked at hitn in a fa' away mauiier "Charley. I wish I was a shre." "Why. Carrie dear, you are not reeling ill, are you?" he eielaimcd in a voice of alarm. Then he looked at her again, ami ihoiiubt he discovired a uhost ul a twinkle in her downward eyes and the shimmer of a smile playing around the corner of her mouth He looked mice niorc; he was sure of it. Tin next m nueiit Charley was enacting llie part of the yaclttud, a Carrie was iniersonating the shore. l-'ur Klrkels, Mnrasinus, and Watting llisurders i,C Children, Seotl's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HvHipbosphites is uncipialed. The rapidity with which cbidlren train flesh and at length upon it is viry wonderful. Head (he following: "I have used Scott's Emul sion in cases of Kiekets uud Marasmus of long standing, and have been more (ban pleased with the results, as iu every case the improvement was marked." J. M. Main, M. D, New York. "I have used Seolt'a Emulsion in several cases of Scrof ula and Debility in Children. Results most gratifying. My little patients take it with pleasure." W. A. Ill RliEllT, M. D., Salisbury, III. july lis 1-nio. A tramp called his shoes "corporations" because they had no soles. HE HAD TO WAIT. On the Michigan Central train llie oth er day, as the "butcher ' eauie into ihe ear with a basket of oranges, an old uiau whose wife sat beside him, was very anx ious to buy half a dozen, but she waved the boy off with : "Ilccaiii l have 'cm. He never cats one wit hunt Ihe juice runs dowu on his shirt bosom." "Shoo! but I want two or three. Hau lier," he protested. "You behave yourself! You want lo get cramps and raise a great row, don't yuu?" The boy soon relumed with boxed figs, and the old man beckoned tu him and began lo lick his chops. "I 'ass right on," said the woman lo the buy. "He hain't cat a fig ill thirty years, and I guess he eau go ibiity more." He passed on and returned with peanuts. The old man was ready for him, but the wile pl'otesied. "He can't eat 'em. It's been ten years since be had a tooth iu his head, and he'd have to swallow 'em whole. -No, Kuchen, you let peanuts alone." Twenty minutes later the boy was back with candy packages, in which there were prizes, and the old man exclaimed : "I'll hcv one o' 'em or bust!" "Then you'll bust," she replied, as she motioned the boy lo pass ou. "It's agin the Lord and the law to lake chances, and you wouldn't git nothin' nohow." "Hut I'm goiu' lo buy sumthiu' llan in.r." "Well you wait. You can't have ice cream or lemonade, and if he comes with popcorn or buttermilk, don't you dare lo raise a fuss. Just you wait. We'll be in I otroit at II o'clock, and then if there hap pens lo he a grocery handy by, you can buy six herrings for live cents. Herrings is something to stand by you, Heiiben, and the heads and tails will keep mollis away and are good for warls. We've got too old for gewgaws, lieiiben. What we want is the worth of our money." REMEMBER That aiixicly is easier to le'ar than sor row. Thai talent is soiiieliiiics hid iu napkins, audacity never. That good bruins are nfleti kept in a p,or looking vessel. That an insect has feeling and an aloiu a shadow. That the must brilliant roses bloom among sharpest tin t lis. That Ihe true to bury the hatchei is bi fore blood is lound on it. Thai no man is born iiilu llie world whose work is not born with him. That mistakes arc often bought at a big price and sold al a small une. , That leisure is a very pleasant garment but a bad constant wear. Thai the best way to keep good acta ill memory is to refresh them with new ones. That if it were not for euergies. but lit tle progress would be made iu the world. That it is often better to goagimd wajs round than to take a short tut across lots. That the statement so often made in print that "rest in.ik.-s ru-t" is the vt riest r,t. That the lighdst of labors are burdens 1 1 those who have no motive I'm perform ing them. That tin n often preach from the house tips while ihe devil is crawling into the basellu lit window. That contentment is a good thing u lit 1 it reaches llie point where it Kits in lh shade aud lets the weeds grow. That tears shed iiim.ii a coll'ui will not blot out the stains that may have been cast iu life upou the stilled heart within it. That many a man sets up a carriage only t find less of enjoyment in it than he has had in holding the ribbons from his "one boss shay." - - . I.AIHEswill lind rebel from llieir Cor liveness, Swimming in the Head. Colic, Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidney ininliles etc., by taking a dose of Simmons Liver Ueula'or after dinner or supper, no aa to move the bowels oiicii a day. Mothers will have heller health and llie babies will grow more robust by using llie llegiilnlor If an infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few drops in water lor relief. The liciiuinc lias the red . on front of wrap per, july 28 1 mo. If we work up mi marble, it will perish, if we work uion brass, time will efface it: if we rear temples, they will crumble into dusl; but if we work iiikiu. immortal minds, if we embiie them wilh principles, with the just fear of (iod and love of our fellow men, wo engrave on (hose tablets sumdhing lhat will brighten to all eternity- "Is this your fourth or 6flh marriage?" she asked in a loud voice, of an old woman ou the car. "Hush! Don't speak so loud! This is uiy iilUi, hut he is iu poor health and I may want to marry again." We keep constantly on hand coffins and caskets. 1'. N. Stainaack St Co. WISDOM. Never suffer your to become yoi.r (iod. It is well to think well, it is divine lo act well. Humility kneels iu the dust, but gazes on the skies. lie that hath no bridle on hi. tongue bath no grace iu his heart. Crosses tempt us by irritating our pride and prosperity by Haltering it. j (iive because you love to give as the Howcr pours forth its perfume. Ho the truth you know, and you shall barn the truth you need to know. You cannot repent too soon, bfeause you do not know how soon it may be too late. Faith evermore overlooks the difficulties of the way, and bends her eyes ouly to the end. A man may transgress us truly by hold ing his tongue as by spiakiug unadvisedly with his lips. Du Hot wait for extraordinary opportu nities fe-r good actions, but make use tf common situations. Says Jones: "I bate a fool." "Yes" replied Smith, "hate likes hale." They meet as strangers now. Hope is like the wing of an angel soar ing up to Heaven. heariii(j our prayers to the throne of grace. I lie saints, the more liiimlile tliey aio lu re, the brighter are (hey in glory and the nigher and dearer to (iod. (iod op, -to -lit many hcaits with gentle picklocks, utile with others lleiiscth the crowbar A Mo nature holy sh Th i theli , his lite o It is a up sun a accounts r ,ll e ju lonietlts. - . ud has something of the si ive plant. There is a ,ay from evil. . r; of a uiau's nature which . not purify, no rclaliou tf , it does n, il hallow. se thing lo sic Chii-t with lor alovei your papers t.ud . ;-ir iu, .niing daylight. Th itoo j ioii.-ly and coiiseiintiously di-char."' ill "l-ties !i of I, .4 el, s lus a'ly prosper hi temporal and spiritual b!o.-s- You must I' ve iu order lo understand love. One aei of i baiily will teach is mure of the loi'e i f I Iod than a lhoiiand sermons. Wlinsoev.r would be sii.-l:tiiic. by the hand of (iod. let him constantly lean upon it. wh. sec vi r in uld 1 e deb nded by it, let him pall inly r.prse hiuisill under it. (Jul o!:- n woiks more by the life of the illilir.i!.', st kiug the things which are His. than by llie ability of the learned aeekini! the things that are their own. There is no velvet so soft as a mother 'a lip, no star so lovely as her smile, no mu sic so melodious as her voice, no rose en fragrant as llie memory of her love. lu Hi let. and to llie I'ulnl. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered li"cr is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good na ture. The h iman digestive apparatus is one of ll c iiust complicated and wondirlul thin1, s iu existence. It is easily put out of order. (in as food, tough food, sloppy final, bad uiokiry, menial worry, late hours, irregular hiliils, and many other things whi-h ought not to be, have made llie Aunrican people a nation of dyspeptics. Hill tirccn's August Flower has done a wond, rful work iu reforming (his sad bus iness and making: (he American iieoiile so beiltby that they can enjoy their meals auJ be happy. ltemeinbei: No happiuess without health. Hut (Sreeu's August l'lowir brings health and happiuess lo the dys peptic. Ask your druggist lor a bottle ". eellls. ADVKIITISK.MKNTS. 1857 1857. JANUARY St lilt. RUFE. W. DANIEL QKOCERItS, LIQUORS, FINK WINEK, CIIURS, TOBACCO AO., to. nKRGSr.R KKfil-'.I.'kt LAG Ell HE Ell ON ICE. It. W. DANIEL, Mil. W, Well. 4 TO, Woldoo' H. 0 jwtist-f ADVEH'I I-KMENTS. PUbUN 1NTHE ASht6 M'luit thoi Mt. Lebanon Slmkcrs Found Incident In the His tory of a Quiet Community. Tim Mount Li'bntuin (Xew York) Shaken we a (jtiiet com munity, secluded from the fret iind worry of the outside, world. They nre widely known, how ever, for their lit riot honor and jiroliity in htisiness. The Shakers helieve that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered liy acci dent. Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively neir disease, growing out of the conditions of modem life. It is a joint affection of the digestive organs and of the nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion und nutrition. They reasoned thus: "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, aud stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after the life giving elements of the food have been absorbed, we shall have conijuered Nervous Dys pepsia aud Nervous Exhaust ion, And they were right. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigel's Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolvetl to test it lully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable with perfect Buccess in every instance w here their directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a H'ciiiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the jieople of this country suffer from it both sexes .mil all ages. In no country iu the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. Ita leading symptoms are these : Frequent or continual head ache ; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; bad breath ; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and pungent fluids to the throat ; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach ; flatulence; wake fulness anil loss of sleep; dis gust with hxxl even when weak from the need of it; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, especially on ris ing in the morning; furred and coated tontine; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; const i pat ion; dry or rough i-kin ; inability to fix the mind ou any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive aud sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract (SeigeVs Svrup) removes by its pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion, and assimilation. Those elements of the food that build up and strengthen the sylein are sent uK)ii their mission, while all wasU niath'r. (the ashesof life's fire) which itiireiiioved, poison and kill, are eru'llesl from the body tliruiigh the bowelx, kid neys aud skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned aud tved by the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings and power, returns to tho suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. mJL ... 17 TTLETON HIGH SCHOOL FOR BOYS. N ON-SECTARIAN. The Fall Term bOKliu on Atljrust Sth lsaT, Prep arallen for cotlefre or busiacr. Coramodloui build in. Eipenaw moderate. Water from huiacea and Shaw's Healiif springs free. For eauilnf Uf addrm L.W.BAOLKY, Principal. July Him t imieten,K.C, I.''-'--