MBJ ' 1 HALL &c SLBIDQ-IEj, VKOl'METORS. 'OL. XVIII. A. 1ST E "W" S 3? A. IP 3H IR FOB THE PEOPL E. WELPON, N. C, THUllSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1SS7. TEEMS--110 VKli ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 23. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS A I LN 1 iMDBIII U,fV. CX7 PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. iIMV ESTABLIS1IED-1774:. The value' of l'l.Ol'll depends upon (ho ESSENTIA I, ELEMENTS (IE Nl' lON CONTAINED IN THE lilt K AD IT MAKES. Maryland and Virginia il'rum wlii.-h our l'ATENT UOLI.HIl FLOCKS an' flii.-fly iitii)iit:i.-tur'l. has wen conceded to li ' SCl'EKIOH In any t her. because it has a HKTTF.K COM TIONOFtil.l'TF.N AND I'lloSI'll ATES. This IVt is ...t-o-iii..I nt this country, but in the United Kingdom us well, where t lie "I'ATM'SCO (HLATIVE" COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MOKE MONEY than any other ean Flour. Ask your groom lor it. Alio for I I'utapsco Superlative, Capo Henry Family, RoJl'orJ Family, I'atapseo Family, North I'uint Family, Orange drove F.jtra, 12 ly. THE PLAGE TO GET -AT THE- LOWESTPKICES, " IS AT i i J 4 J I .A mmQ 4 1RUCGISTS AND PHARMACISTS, WllliH, Hi 8. j HEADQUARTERS FOR JlLET ARTICLKS, PERFUMERY, 4 COMBS, i BRUSHES, I PLAIN AND FAATJY STATIONARY, i .VC. SiC. , PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED.,, f Open oo Sundays 9 tn 10:30 A. M. and 8 to 7:30 P. M. AK U N D EVELOPED 9.'TTut' MHH Vu-.. i-, u ntU-fnyV 't .tin, "b 'it'rn. lh mritnan r t-i j $U.V IM.,,.,,..,,., ftZ V. ,11 t,.-i. i) il t mi V '. 1 f I jl AVE MADE I 1 - AA XV 4. 9 WELDON, N. C, B. JOSEY & CO. 1 SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, gent for the nale of our Ladies' ShoeN, for their respective tcct ions. make on the N. Y. Opera, Acme, dtenphut and Creole lust, the latter diesFine Shoes t out and ii Tory niue. We ue the ty Machine and new with best Bar thread. Eery pair warranted. are nice, neat and stylish. Give ia look when you want i elioe and i till be pleated, , V E. P. REED & CO. P 16 ly Rouhretet.N.Y. THE l'atapsoo Extra, ( hesapoakc Extra. liuldwin Family. C. A. UAMlilULL MANCFACTI lilNti COMPANY. IKJ Commerce St., l'ultimoro, Md. I DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, ! T 6IDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. l I W E L D 0 N. N. C. I STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. J BCR1IT10N DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BUST bKI.KtlKD MATERIAL- i 'jtESCKIPTIONS COMPOUKDHD AT ALL HOCKS WITH GKK.VF CARE. mF.I!Y, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAl'S, IIIilSllF-S, I FANCY AliTIf I.F.S, TOKACCO AND CIGAKS. X M B I R that! Boartr welcome alwayi awaits you it I ZOLLICOFFER'S. $ " T. BBOW1T, " " " B. T. SIIMilMIOISrS. EOWN & SIMMONS, tmau KiUt ui IDIBiU!! VflliliM nai A Llta Eiporionce. Romnrlcablo and qutok cures. Trial Pankairea. Band tamp for waled particular,. Addnwt Dr. WARD A. CO. Loultlana, Mo. this Paper MA V ni: FDI ND ON KII.K AT .K. I. N.w.papr Advrtliaa llnrMH oa rteanea NEW YORK. rearlitlivo t onR4Cra luay luatlu lor K lu Tott's Pills 1lmiiUt th trpi! llTr, trnrlli ImU, s4 M wmmI4 mm mm ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. I malarial 4llrrla tlialr virtu ara rM-aa-MlHril, a lliy mwm ui altar prtrtl la frlg- ihr ytHi trmm thai itliM. t:Uaaatly aufar MU4. DoMMBall rrIca,S3cUu Sold ETerywhre. 001 co, 44 Hurray Ht,, Nnw York. Kuli 3 ly UlwBuula. CutUiU out iid rc lunituu. mill Hi1 will ifiid ytui fr Nimifihhitf of Brent value antl iniwtrtiiiK-c toymi. llmt will fUri you in Uiihi.ttt Hliuli will I'Diik '" luort-iiini.-ev rixlilHWiiy UiHii nytlinur Lm h tliii worm. Any on (n J" iht work ih1 IUo lit liomr. Kilhor trx nil Kf". tiomelhtiix m. flint juit iithiMmuii ty (or tin-worker. Wi-wllUuri ym; mi.iuil not u.Hi.,i Thi. u onfl of the iti'initne. Itnixtruiit ihKmttof Iffclhuo. Thi-w who ambit Unit and f iiUTi.rllm 111 t 'If ly. titina uulflt live. AtLlm. TRLK A IX i., AiiKUMa. WmIiic. ilec I iy. WORKING CLASSES ATTENTION!.! ftinilith ell clrei1 with pluynipMat liome. the whole of the time, or for th. imiMrf iiionivnu. Bu.lueMitf , lijihl prn- fllNhle. IVrwto. ofeitlier mx eeitlly earn from 3tt wtittttiV'W'l'.'revt'ninir, end a proporlioiil flora l.y tV'Voliiig all their tlloe to the biwlni'w. Btyi hoI Hlrlh Hern ueerly m noorh m nea. Thflt ell who ti (lire nuywnd their atldwi, anil teet the bii'lio1., weiuakethiiorler. To auch aa an not well Mtivlled we will eud one dollar to ymj for the trouble of wrtUtif . Full particular, end outm rrve. Addrtta. uioitOKIITimoNAOO., dec J ly. Vortland, llalnt. ft s.muuY 1 Mini llUt Uf WMBIUtl UUJUP BKtl WOMAXS 1.0 iv:. Oh, say not woBiun't. Ua-v U Ujiinlit Willi t vain mid t:nily trciwun ; Oh.Mty unmoiiKin'i henrt In ttiunlit Hy vvvry 11 le ili'iiMin Wht-ii lirt In r Kt iillr Ihimihi kiiou h l.nc' ilami', it wMiiJcrB m vrr ; tK'1'p hi livr hcHrt tin' Hsi'u nlowx : 1m vf flliil Iom-N fotl'YtT. oli.xuy not wotilitii's fillm- Uh fair, 'l li.it llki' thi' Ih'I'kIh! riiUKWi, Silll Hri'kln IImwi'iii iiinri' MWfrt tunl ratt', A' tlrhli' liiiii'j i liiUIKi. tut : thr l.ivc thai lust ciin win in Will li ti'i' Iht Uxnim ni'vcr; Softii-i.ini ii4-Dii i' t-rrBii rlmmi; ln-lnt', hikI nvi!d fortvi-r. THEY CO BY FAVOR. AN 11 Til KM K AKKsn MAW KIVHS THAT A LIST IS ISTKIIKSTINII. There wum an old belief that unless a maiileii was kissed under the mistletoe at Christmas she would not he married dur ing the ensuing year. When Fox was eoiitestina the hard-won seat at Westminister, the beautiful Duch es of Devonshire offered to kiss all who voted for thefireat statesman. In (lie eerenioiii.il of a betrothal a kiss has played an important part in several nalions. A nuptial ki.-n in ehureh, at the eoneliiMon of the mai rini.'e servioo, is sul einnly enjoined l.y Iho York Missal and the Saruiu .Manual. The beautiful Lady (I ordoii, when the ranks of the Scottish roirimenls had been sadly thinned by eruel Badajos and Sala manea, turned recruilin Berpjeant, and, to tempt the gallant lads, placed the rooniit ii'S shilling in her lips, from nhenee each who would might take it with his own. In Finland, according to Bayard Taylor the women resent as an insult a salute up on the lips. A Finnish matron, hearing of our English custom of kissing, declared that did her husband attempt such a liber ty she would trcut him with such a box on the ears that ho should not readily forget. In Wesley 'sjournal, date dime lli, 17." is given the following description of a duel between two officers at Limerick: "Mr. li. proposed firing at twelve yards, but Mr. J. said, 'no, six is enough.' So they kiss one aiiolher (poor farce) and before they were five paces asunder both fired at the iustant." Thceodoof .lustiuiaii lays ''that if a man betrothed a woman by a ki and ei ther parly died befoie marriage I he boils were entitled to half (he donations mid the survivor to the ulber half; but if (he con tract was made without the solemn kiss iho whole of the espousal gifts must bo re stored to the donors and their heirs-at-law." Tho Mohammedans on their pious pil grimage to Mecca, kiss iho sacred black stone and tho four corners of tho kaaba. Tho Itumisli priosl kisses the aspergilliuiu and Palm Sunday the palm. Kissing the Pope 'a toe was a fashion introduced by one of the Loos, who, it is said, had mutilated his right hand and was too vain to expose the slump. In Iceland kissing had deterrent penalties of great suvcrity. For kiss ing another man s wife, with or with out her consent, tho punishment of ex clusion or its pecuniary equivalent was awarded. A man rendered himself liable for kissing an unmarried woman under legal guardianship without her con sent, and even if the ludy consented iho law required that every kiss should be wiped out by a tine of three marks equivalent to 1 10 ells of wadinal a quan tity sufficient to furnish a whole ship's crew with pilot jackcls. In Russia the Eastct salutation is a kiss. Each member of tho family salutes the olher; chance acquaintances on mecl in kis; principals kiss their etnploji'es; the general kiss's his officers; the offioirs kiss iheir soldi, rs; iho Ciar kisses his fam ily, Mimic, conn and attendants, and even his I'tliceis on parade, iho sentinels at the palace gaits and a select parly uf rivate soldiers - probably elaborately prepared ti r his "royal salute." In other pails the poorest serf, meeting a high born dame in the slrect, has but to say, ' Christ is risen," and lie will reeiive a kiss and the reply, "He is risen, truly." Home, in his quaint old "Table Bunk," givus in account of a curious kissing fesli ral held in Ireland: ' Easier Monday several hundred young persons of the town and neighborhood of Polsfciry, county Down, resort, dressed in their best, to a pleasant walk nur thi: town called 'Tho Waller.' Tho avowed object of each pi r son is to mc (ho fun, which consists in the lien kissing the females, without reserve, whether married or single. Th'ia mode of salutation ia quite a matter of coulee; it ia never taken amiaa, uor with much show of coyness. The female must be ordinary indeed who returns home without having received at least a doicn hearty busses." Ladies will hnd relief from their Cos tiveneas. Swiinmiug in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidney Iroublts etc., by taking a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator after dinner or supper, so as to movo the bowels once a day. Mothers will have better health and the babies will grow more robust by using the Regulator If an infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few droi in water for relief. The Genuine has the red Z on front of wrai per. . july liS-l-mo. A man who will stop a ti paper, think ing t ruin the editor, must have moral range of vision equal to the area of pork barrel. 'SETTER" HORSE. It V UN, I, All!'. I heard a good story the other day about a horse, and must tell it to the chil dren. A man had a horse who would sit down whenever he was touched in the dank. Ilo would just squat down on bis hindquarters like u dog. The man hied to break him of it, but ho couldn't and nobody would buy hitn. Ono day a sports man came along and made his acquaint ance, and Ihey took a rido together to limit partridges. When they found a covey the man touched his heels to the horse's Hanks, and he sat down. "What makes your horse do that?" said the sportsman. "Why, he's a setter," said the man. "He sets birds just like a dog. ' So the sportsman thought bo was a most wonderful horse, and he swapped for him and gave !?"ill to boot, and ho got on him, and after n while they catno to a creek that was pretty deep, and us the sportsman held up bis legs lo keep them out of the water his heels touched the horse in the flank and down ho sit iu the water. When ho got him up and out and was all dripping wet, ho was mad us a wet hen, and said, "Well, sir, what made this horse do that way in the water?" "I forgot lo tell you," said the Ulan, "that he sets lish just as well as he does birds." A HUNCRY PLACE. AN ACt'lDENT IIKTIIE ATTdRNKV (H'.NKR AI.'S SUJuritN IN 1IIIM1NV HILL. While Attorney-General Garland was sitting under n tree in his Hominy Hill retreat, says tho Ark inmir Tf'ivrllir, an uld fellow, followed by six or eight dogs, camo along, stopped, looked scarchingty at Mr. Garland, seated himself on a log, ppod a brindle cur and said: "I've boon around hero Hovel al limes but Ibis is Iho first time thai I've colch you at home." Yes, T don't stay here much of the tunc. "Don't try to raise u ciap, it soeirs?" "No." "Did you ever try?" "No." "Do you reckon this old dirt would sprout a black eyed pea?" "Not if the eye were too black." "Ef you wuz to lake away tho crickets, do you believe a woodpecker could make his living on it?" "Don't believe ho could." "I reckon you slay hero till you get hungry an' then go "way?" "Yes" "Is that yore cow that's down and kain't git up over yandor?" "I haven't any cow." "She's anybody's. I reckon she got on your place and fell away so fast that she kain't git off no mu'. Wim that ole boss that died yauder in the thicket the other dav?" No." Them yore sheep slarvin' down yauder iu the bottom?" "No." "Is that yandor your dog that's trvin' lo jump over the fence?" "No." "Look a here, what in the deuce have you got, anyway.' "This farm." "That all?" "About all, I believe." "Whar air they goiu' to bury you?" "Do 1 look like a man that's going to be buried pretty soon?" "Well, no; but ef you ain't got nulhiu' but this 'ear farm you are mighty up' lo drop off at any minit. Whut will you t ike fur this old ' plai-e?" "If it's so poor, what do you want with it? "Wall, you soo, I've got a spite at a fel ler, and I want lo turn his cattle in here. I'm s uti r hungry. Did you fetch a suack with vou? ' N..." Whut air you going lo do for some- than'; You'll starve lo death before you kin git away from In re." iu expecting a friend with a loaf of bread pretty soon." "Wlnil biisincs air you in?" "I m I lie Attorney General el' iho United htales. "What ? Is litis Mr. Garland?" "Ytf." "Wall, Gils, you come over to my house, I've got a hunk of com bread und some orgliuiu molasses over there, and I'll be dinged if I II see you go hungry, It don't make no dilfcreuce lo mo it vou air a turnoy general, I'll treat you like a white man. !or lllcketa, Mnrasmus, and Wasting iMRomersoi i iiiiurrii. Scolt's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hvpophosphitcs is uncounted. The rapidity with which chidlren gain flesh and stiength upon it is very wonderful. Read the following: "1 have used Scott's Emul sion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus of long standing, and have Won more than pleased with the results, as in every case be improvement was marked." J. M. Main. M. I), New lots. "1 have used Scoti's Emulsion in several eases of Scrof ula and Debility in Children. Results most eralifying. My little patients take it with pleasure," W.A. Hl KHEKT, M. D., Sulisbury, III. july 28 1-mo. We keep constantly on hand coffins and caskets. P. N. Stainaack k Co. HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. istkiikstinii i'aiiaciuai'iis i.ahv headers. A bit of soda dropped into the cavity of an aching tooth will affoid relief. To take out ink or iron mould Nlaitis, wot Ihem with milk and cover with salt. Coffee stains should bo washed in clear, lukewarm water belore being put in the suds. The juice of h tlf a lemon in a glass of water, without sugar, will frequently cure a sick headache. Equal parts of olive oil and oil of win lorgroen, mixed together, is a good remedy for inflamed joints. A good penwiper for sloel pons is a piece of raw potato. It removes tho ink crust and causes a smooth flow of ink. Cayenne pepper blown into cracks where ants congregate will drive them away. The same remedy is also good for mice. Salt will curdle newiuilk ; hence, in prepar ing milk porridge, gravies, etc., tho sa't should not, bit added till the dish is pre pared. IVael, leaves pounded to a pulp ami applied a Liuiso or Wound from a rusty nail or a siuipl : cut will give immediate relief. To remove tar, rub thoroughly with clean lard, and then wash with soap and warm water. This may be applied to cither the hands or the clothing. Two apphs kept ill the cake box will keep moderately rich cake moist for a great length of time, if the apples aro re newed when withered. If inusluril bo mixed with the white of an egg. instead of water, it is said a plas ter may be made which will draw thorough ly without blistering. i i:i:in T tu i:i to nr.t a y. Teeth are just as easily starved tin stomach says a lecturer. Tho fuet is that you and Jour fathers have from generation to generation been industri ously starving your teeth. In ono way it is a blessing to have boon brn of poor parents. What food the poor give their children is of a variety that goes to make strung bonos and tooth. It is the outside of all the grains of all cereal food that contain the carbonate and phosphate of lime and traces of other earthy salts which nourish the bony tis sues and build the IV, one up. If we do nut furnish to the teeth of tho young that pabulum they require they can not possibly he built up. It is ihe outside of corn, oats, wheat, b.irley and the like, or tho bran, so called, that wo sill away and feed lo the swine, that the teeth actually require for their proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man has proved his folly, shows in every suc ceeding generation of teeth, which become more and more fragile and wiak. III'.I.DIIV mil si:iiiii.u ti;iiii:k. The women of the country should give more lime to rest and relaxation and less to routine housework. They should make fewer pies and less cake and do more sit tiug down in tho rocking chair on the porch. They would bo far mure useful in their families as the years go by. Tho woman who slays at home every day but when she "goes to mooting" ou Sunday, who is always "doing for tho family," will soou uot only have no idea beyond the fatuity circle, but none there to its advan tage. She will bo worn out physically and mentally early in life, and her children will begin to ignore her before they are gone. HOW TO STOI' COUCHING. In a lecture once delivered by tho cele brated Dr. Brown Scquard he gave (be fol lowing directions whiih may prove sei viccahlo to persons troubled with a nervous coiie.li: "Coughing can lie slopped by pros-ing on the nerves of the lips in the neighborhood of the nose. A pressuro (hero may prevent a cough when it is beginning. Sneering may be slopped by iho same ruechauism. Pressing also ill the neighborhood of I he ear may stop ciughing. Pressing vciy hard on (lie lop of tin mnnih in.ide i n' menus of stopping coughing. And I may say the will has immense jsiwer, tisi. There was a French surgistn who ued lo say, whenever he entered ihe wards of Ihe hospital: ''The 6rst patient who coughs will be deprived of food to day.' It was exceedingly rare that a palient eougliei then." The son of a butcher had great dilliculiy iu fractions, although his teacher did hU very best. "Now lei us suppose," said thr teacher, that a customer comes to your father to buy five pounds of ineul, and he had only four tu Sell what would he do?" "Keep his hand on iho meat while he was weighing it,"was iho candid reply. "0, my friend, there are some spec tacles that a pcr.sou never forgets!" Raid a lecturer after giving a graphic description of a terrible accident he hud witnessed. "I'd like toknow wherethoy sell Vm," remarked an old lady in Iho audience who is always mislaying her glasses. THE BATTLE FLACS. A llt.ANl'K AT THE I'AI'TI ItKli cliNKKIil.il ATE KLAUS WHICH I'AI'SEl1 SI I'll I NIIEA- SONIMI UAUK. New rliWrl,. Carried by an elevator live stories up. under the roof of iho War Department, almost burning in this Washington sum mer weather, the key being turned by iny guide iu the door of an attic room, 1 stood an instant later iu a little space hardly more than ten foot square, nearly within reaching distance on all sides of these haltered me mentos of the war, the very mention of which lias set aliro the hearts of si.xly n ill' h hi of people a few rags saturated Willi the explosive wash ul patnoliMu. Hut the first thought on seeing theui in this pent-up space of attic is of the sniall uess of the cause to the si.o of tho effect. The Hags heaped abont the room appear ut fust sight only u handful at the must, but counted separately there are "otl iu all, over five hundred of them h.'ing Confed erate und the remainder Federal flags re captured Iroiu their captors. Hue-halt of the entire numb -r aro attached to their staves as they were originally taken, the Hags of the two sections being stacked in separate masses against two sides of the room, facing the other half folded nod protruding from pigeon holes on (lie op. posile walls. The sight of the Stars and Strikes keeps ulways familiar, liut the lirst look at tho dark red heap of the buii- noi's of rebellion, pile hero against the site of Iho attic, blots out twenty-live years from the memory and brings back us it were yesterday lb" red years wh 'ti they waved at the head of their regiuienU There is hardly a flag among ihcui all that has not its history recorded iu the book in tho hands of the keeper of the rooui. All nearly aro riddled wilb bullets, and many, like those carried through such bat lies as the Wilderness and the second Bull Run, were shut literally iuto shatter and almost unrecogni. ible sprays ol rug. The contrast in the appearance ol' the Southern und Union standards is signili cunt of tho history of the war. Tho latter aro rigged on clean, polished poles and are of firm, rich material, many of them of silk, showing an abundance iu the North of the fabrics of which Ihey continued to make. The majority of the Confederate Hags are of the wrelehedest shoddy bunt ing, Uiisciuble in eoloi, as iu substance, while great numbers of them are mounted on rude, unliarked gads and saplings, has tily cut from the woods on tho march recalling the blockade and the pinching days when war had fallen on n section without manufactures, and tho intense, desperate purpose of a people forgot so 'in liuoss and absoibod every (bought but the winniuu of their figh(. Many of (ho Hags lying folded in the boxes and takeu out to be exhibited by the guardian ol the room recall still more the narrow straits of rebellion on its last legs, being literally independent of discrimina tion iu color and made of patches from women's dresses and underskirts of nearly every hue and material pitiful reminders of the Spartan poverty and courage that wore still to fail of their end. There arc some exceptions, however, in this store room of battle trophies, to these mementos of the sterner days of the w..r for the South. The atti U'laiit drew from the pig eon holes ou the walls and unfolded for my inspection throe or four magnificent ban -ners of heavy silk, fringed with tassels of gold ami urnaiucntod with pictures iu oil und rich otiihroderiugH on a field of bin". These Hags represent the early aud halcyon days of the Lost Cause, when they were made by local ussociutious of ladies nnd presented lo the military organizations which carried iheiu. t Ine of those flags belonged to the Appatachicola Guards, whoso name is stitched in gold letters on its folds above the exultant mottoes: "Tn God is Our Trust'" "Our Rights We Will Maintain'" The finest of ihem all is the banner, "presented by the ladies of Norfolk to the Norfolk Licht Infantry," will) an oil pun rail of Washington in the litre ol its liel'l, the mottoes ou ttio re verse side being the same ns those of I lie flag jiisl described. The days when the Confederates armies could afford such lux ury in ensigns quickly passed away, h w ever, as is cvidcuccdhy ibis collection, rep resenting every person of the war. In tliO bcgillllillg of (lie, rebellion design ol Iho flag carried by tho Southern regi ment was that of Ihe Stars and Bars two red burs and oni white changing at a later s'riisl to a rod Hold with the South ern 'runs, resembling the British Union Jack. A study ol the record kepi by Ihe War Department of the name and capture of each of these flags, though a work of days, would be of intense interest to the veteran soldier. It would reeall to him tho episodes of triumph on half the fields of the rebellion. The sight of the flags themselves would do something more quickening his heart-heats with memories of (lie great nght. 1 hat not a lew of these standards have been the Collin's of deadly personal encounter is evident from the numerous Wood stains Mill traceable upon (hem. The staves, also, of muuy of them are ragged with the gnaw of builds, the lead ill some instance piercing Iheir e tree and remaining imlicddcd in ihe wood F.verylhing, in fact, iu the apiearanoe of the whole collection, as it is piled here in the narrow garret, faded and soiled and tattered, shows that these ae no banners of holiday parade, but have passed through the fire and extremity of actual war the sorrowful weeds blasted and fallen from its wratli NO DIFFERENCE. Robinson- 1 had to discharge voun Blink- ins today, lie was n. . t honest. Brown -Sorry to hear s i. He supports 1 widowed mothi r. t ,e, what was the trou ble'.' It iliiusiiu He found a postage stamp on the Hour and kept it. lie should have turned it over Iu the ulheo Brown ( If course. Hi tjie way it's rain- m-. Ii jI an extra umorella. Robinson You can take my old umbrella. I have u new one. Brown Hello! Where did you get that silky affair? Robinson That! ha! Great joke. You s;e I went into the Stock Exchange to look after a little deal of wheat. A shower came up, and when I was ready to go I just picked this up iu the lobby. Brown I wish 1 hail your luck. And huW llbullt the wheat deal? Roltiusuu Ob, wo skinned 'em alive. Brown, skinned 'em alive. A MEAN ADyANTACE. "Now, gentlemen," said the boisterous man in thi! smoking car, "this thing of eating thirty birds iu thirty days is easy enough tu do, unless you aie lulling you can do it. The idea of having it to do makes it repulsive. Now, foi instance, 1 will bet So that there is not u man in this car thai can take thirty drinks iu thirty -lays: "I will take the bet," said a lull, niw boneil party across the aisle. "All ritlit . sir. Where did you say you were from?'' "I am from t Ii - great Commonwealth of Kentucky; sir.'' "tiiioil! put up your tnuney." ''Ileto is the chink. Now what drink do you name. 'Water," said the boisterous passenger, as ho put up a V. "Water! Water!" screamed the geiitlo inaii from th d irk and bloody ground. 'The money is yuiiin, stranger. Do you 'spuso I would drown myself for live dol lars. Detroit I'm- I'mu. WOMEN CAMBLERS. The Palis gambling hells are rather busy j ust now, more particularly those iu which women play. A police inspector ami bis men made two swoops a few eve nings ago. In one place iu tho Hue do la Tcrrasse lil'tocu women were playing with all their might when tho ageuls of the law outcrcd the room aud seized a sum of about i'-'.rll which was on (ho table, as well as the roulette aud the dU-e. A less inipurtaut seizure was effected iu a home iu the Hue do .laoquemont, where eight een females of the fashionable type were at the tables. Uno of them remarked to the police that she wished they bad put in uu aupearaiice "ii the night before, as they might have hindered her from losing an insignificant matter of tlliin or thereabouts. Iu this place about IM5 was seized, the woJieii having had time .tu thrust a gund deal of the gold and bank liutcs into their pockets. tiivc l'lifiii a t'liaurel That is lo say. your lungs. Also ul' your breathing machinery. Very wonder ful machinery it is. Not only the larger uir-passages, but the thuusuds ol lube und cavities leading from them. When these are clogged anil choked with matter which ought not to be there your liitiii.s cannot ball do tlieir work. And what they do, ihey cannot do well. Cull it cold, cough, croup, pnueuionia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head aud lung ob structions, all aro bad. All ought to lie got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. I hat is to take Hos 'hoe s German Syrup, which any druogist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if ev erything else has failed you, you may de pend upou this for certain. The male wasp never stings. But so long as he and his si-tor are twins and dress exactly alike ibis bit of knowledge aviiilcth nothing to the careless man who docs tiol know it is the lady approaching him. imlil it be that she suiilulh him wilh her bustle. What humanity demands of science in the easu of ihe wasp is the in vention of some prompter method of dis tinguishing between monsieur and mad atnc w nr.zle at forty yards. "John, I wish you would rock tin- ba hy." "What will I rH-t the kiliy lot ?" ' IttHiauseheii uitt very well. And what's more, half of him helutigH to )ou, aod you should not object to rock hitn? ' "Well, don't hall belong to you?" 'Yen." "Well, you cau rock your halt and let my lull' holler. " How much wato.- dot s the human body Cootuin ? It 1 tn bci'it calculated that tlir.-o iUiirUT.s of the tnaSh of the humtui hotly ia made up entirely of wnUT. A man ffeilun eleven Ptone, 154 pounds, bait 111 ponmls of water in his hody, or about fourteen gilloiin. Water m tho most uni tergal tyrant with wilh which ilwchnttwtis aciiaiuted, and food can only afl-rJ nour ishment by being diwolved in it We have h few p:tirs of Kvaw1 hand made lovr-quartor hliei oi htd whidi we offer at half voat to clone out. I. N. Stwo- baek & Co. ADVERTISEM E.N 'IS. Dm ififlSH dilJil iy. A S'fk Man' Wife Disregards the Druggist's Advice iLp.il So Saves Ihe Life ol fit:, Her Husband. I am a v mil ! hi . I v ilo 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Hi..! I , ire, -I-. I, as l c ver ley trade ami II Is write lellel's; Inn nty is iio inure 1 1 1 ri ii rihi ' 111 I let V ill I. an" u iat I ion' lul In,', anil 1 think l ui I Iu III Ivi-t l.'olh slcel'l, west of 1110 il hae liveil I Here (or 111 -t Ul'ee Vacs. lo TO I uC. II . l'i lo the lime I : i iii iiln.nl ii I hail loo n a strung, well u re as ulu ai - tiiul'c or I, ss i Ihe uei ; 's I ... 1 1 1 ..... 1 . Init I had le ,1 esla to lllcllli Uilill. 'I lua!ari:i inil i.-u. iti.it'v iiil' t't'd fniM.it. Il wan t:i 1 I. ul n: ;ilt:uli. Il c;;Ml'i mi ;i- -tirlt :itt:i U- t'nlii tin oily tin. With lh-ailnlir-, lu-!-if ;uintiti- ; i J j -1 :mil)i ti'ili, riii.lv m'H- ili. ill-; it!l si;j:'!i! frvrf iillrfu ;il''U, n ill-' is'liiin tn y.iwn ninl Mivli li, iiii'l so f i'!li. I v:ih nipl-iycd nl tli.tt li ut KilliatH & l.iwth.Ts fm nituiv iniriiifiiri iii'.-i s, in Wis, Mint. 1 iinii tlir.'.ttark U Ml l I Well' oil. :. t :.s it ili.ln't 1 cm-till"d a urll kiiiu u, ii I al-lr :i .i i an in M mt:s :h,'.-;, ! " j..v. i.i Uf ami ni'! ' ii in i! 1 . :ia - :ni ii ihr liu-i f ,ur Jltf! ,i I. .i.I ' c li'.c U'ul'.t "I ni', i-y .!! rlifl' III tin UnUil-i. Orra-d' 'lUI I m ;i ! up fur a day nf I Wu, 1)111 .01 till- Wl.ulr I tn,-k I V work. I k pt takii.ji 'jiiiiMiii'. in l.ir.;i'.- tl Iu iu !nr;u. uni! krpt "ii'II u.-.ut ak ri anil m tu -I-Hk i , hit! Mi,v . il! t on tinir. M t'M'iiil" was h" .wit !. iin. il and it-ti.p;oii u'l'i'r ti':'d ami ri'olaf I iiad d'nnli a-jin- ii il- i.iit tut to, and il m a yr.n!ini; tin d in ,-pif nf all Iliat 1 ( Id ! it ! :. 'ie- ,'r o i itniiihj 'uil nunc t tt liad "'niir ail llii'niili an 1 nr i;r i id iintiiiii: id'li' i iion ii i: 1 .as l:i-t In-iii" IV -liand -Hi- ll. ''it Mai-ll, Sl. I klMick- d-.ll ,. .I' ll and uclil Innr !,. h-d-MM - 'ut l'.. :! !-.'U a'l I n.iild !rt!. I :a ,o rH.ittiM lli.fl 1 -unll I'.c.llil !. w ;dk 'in di-1 'llU'r, 1 j Ucr i .i m Mini Ui ft ii uu in my uu n ii"i i oy l'irad lioMint: uu' up I iy ri'.i i inn Tiio dos.'-. i.I iplihllir ivri'r innv;t-i'd 11. i il i..'i n U'-r. .'ii rlii 'imnis nt it -'a r, I'ltn I'ili'.-t- ..f tlii- liv; td-pti- ntihuil.Mi'iu w.i- t- niakr lor iit au! wild. It itntke niv -! all up. and 1 n wnlk.-d tho lit, n.tif -laiiiTrd almttt it. all mjflit lultj.. -caivrU aliir In t :! f ailV lf'HfS uu r en I hi man u i-ili .My Iriupm was lAtjvmrly iiTilalil". A" In food, mi.- ut' my lull' r!ii.!tvn would cat iiiniv 'n a ttira! llian 1 endd in a day, t v. .ui i! mill r fi'ttd and thru turn from il in ili-ru-'- 1 livrd tin ipininr and utiit u -lininlanl- and on nmsilf, like a hrar in wintrr. 'i'lir ipiiniitc srt my hrad in a whirl, and th liipKO' -frivett as :t Hlid.rilir tliadr 111 V aUjUIHCU SO sirk I rioild :i"t td-iatr it. 1 it mj i IV.". pound-- (my proper Wright) lramtnuti to 57 pound-, llir w. illt of a lilil irirl and wus.icafi.Tly belter tlian a -k 1 'ton. il' t i; taken a hatchet awl kihjrki-i .i- ilmvu and let I ltd mc I should ,((' '., u t-it,-r,.f Mining the taitVr part of this period, e:n h in I Mil, my pli -iciaii said: "Miller, tlii'ii'' no ur in my diking liny more money ol' wni. I rau't do you tiny oontl. 1 milit pour pound- of ijui ntiir tli'Wii oitr iliroat and it wouldn't heli ton." On't'ir -tri'tiii'lli of tins I jrave Up tho use of n ui n i in' aiiori Ih r. and niadr tip toy mind lo do nothing ni'Oi and take li ell, Hires. Tlirre erk-; aftiTwai tli - aliout tho last nf Ma 1 1 1 w if-' -aw an udvri'tise inrtit of Kaskiiie iu a New Vot'k paper. Mu told nir of il. 1 said " MttlV and hoti-eti-e! il can't do me any jjnad " liut .-lie Weill to ti dllliftrisl'i, nevevtbo-le-s, o jret it. Tin- dnifjjjist advised her atrain-t Ka-kine: lie said it was not Iii iilT ''Ut uirar: that she onlit not 10 throw awav liei tiioncy on it. vVo. lie said he didii'l keep il. hilt eoithl rt 11 if she itisi-'ed mi having if. Tiivn iiiuwa) to iliul my w ife npuke to our neighbor. Mi. A. (!. Ilcjiewald, who oi her a bottle at it drti store iu Sitll KlellUC. Almost au,tiu-t my will, und without Ihe lea-1 failh. 1 h'ean taking it. In line week 1 w as I letter, 1 U an to deep. I -l.tpp.-d ' -eein ghosts." I Im'hii to ha r an appei ite :tnd lo ain stirii'fth. Thi- wa- now the lirst of June, 1MH), and liv the end of I hot inoulli I was hack at my bench at ('. 1. Smith's srr.dl saw -ing faeUiry ill heel, w here I work nov. Since then 1 hav.' n. ver lost U dav from firk lie. T.ikio'j Ka-kinr oiil, about fort pellels in f..ur upial dosei a dav, 1 eoiitiiiuctl t aiu. Tin ma laria appeared lo be killed III lll syn Jem, and now Me i bark my ulil weight ITo pounds and my old streiiih to labor. 1 am an a-loinsh-Itienl lo in-elf and to in fi-;emls, and it Kaskine did not do thi- I il n't know h: did. The olll greater t IllllVf it could do wold t'r to brim: a dead mau to life. I uno.im k A Mii.i kh. i.: In .;i-t ,.;ili Mit el. New York. ' P S I -o the bdute tl'lllh of ttlft nbove -Viti liulll I referlothe folltiwinjf .uileiiMii, who are poonally tu ipiainleil with the fact-: Mr. Ab'i andei' Weir, il.'ii bVlth M ; Mu. fleorj: Seaman. Kilh sttcet and ('turlhtndi iiM-nue; Mr. A. .Moehu-, l.'i.lh street ami Conn land! aicmtv; .Mr. V. Y. Vaiil. I lth street and Contllnndt nxrtinc; Mr. John l.untn, o.'o K.i-t th -tii-el; Mr. John id n-haw, Ii )''.iih -luret. and man v others. 1 will ttU.. c.'pH to letters t in.pory. e -oinnit thai tin- above astonish In:.!' euro, .oiiehed for as il is by repu table men. i- ih setviny; nf n ihorotiudi antl eaudid inve-liatioii by ihiiikni penple. And we liirlher submit that uheti di tiLiui-ts 1 urn away ru-tomrr b f:d-il inirllie i hararter of a remedy bi-eau-e the, do not happen to have it on hand, they do a great wrong. If Ihis auMirted man had not disregarded the druggist's advice and sent (dse uhrtv bo' the renn ih he would without doiibi lune been in iii- giave. ttlher letters of i similar eharnetor fiom prominent indix idoals, ubicli -lamp Ka-kine a a remedy of tin doubled loeril. will Ih- etit oil appliea lioii. I'tiee, 9I.IHI. or ti bolllns, i.MI. Md h Uru-igisis, oi scut b) limit OH receipt ol pro u. The Ka-kino Company, St., New Vork. 61 Wurrott ll.7.AYER&SC:i ADVEKTISINQ AGENTS BtTiSia PHILADELPHIA Ce. CinUH mm4 Btthtk UU. Beeetv Aelrantaa-aaeate for Una Paper. ESTIMATES uc.Vh"' FREE , ttw IYER f SON'S CASUAL

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