a (In l TOP uul 1 jwa-Sfc is;v I4 il ins-6 I I-IA.I-.Xj Sc SLEnDG-H!, riuiviiiKToiis. A. NEVf SPAPBR F O K THE PEOPL E. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, A IK JUST 25, 1S87. TEl-vMS"-'-1'" ANM'M IN AI'VANCK. V OL. XV LI I. NO. i5. i & WW NKW AIH'F.UTISF.MFXTS w i . v I fsupS5nvE SDSTFN1 PATENT (IGAMBRIuMjgCo. PATAPSCO BSTAHLISHBD-1774 I'l'lu- vuli c,l' l-'Lnl'U il.'p.n.lH upon the KSSKNTI AL F.I.KM I-1NTS (IK NT fl'lOX CON TAINF.I) IN Til K liKKAI) IT MAKF.S. Maryland and Virginia ai. I'niiii which our I'ATKNT KOLLF.II FLOCKS arc chiefly manufactured, has L n com-cd.-d tn bo SITKIUOIt to any other, because it has a HKTTKIt COM- gATION OF Cl.l.'TK.N ASH I'llOSI'IIATF.S. This lint in recognized nut (in thin I'niiiitrv, lint in I lie 1 nitc I Niugdiun Kill. 'l I V i: " COM M AN lS m:nilKIH,y MOlii-; MONK "l than any other kan Hour. Ask your grocer mr it. ;M I'atapscn Superlative, Capo Henry Family, Iledford Family, 1'atapsro Family, North I'uint Family, Orange drove Kxtra, l'alapsoo Kxlra. Chesapeake Kxtra. ll.ildvvin Family. C. A. IIAMI'.IIILL MAM'l-'ACTCHIXl COMPANY, li Commerce St., lialtiiuure, Mil. 12 ly. IS. H. HAWES' GOAL ELEVATOR, I RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. w Only Coal levator South! Vrc are seventy two screen in ihe l'uildiiig. i dust tn dirt can pos.sibly get into the Coal as it runs over these screens in pass- Jfvm the Klevatnr into tho carts. usuiimu ts get tlu'ir (Vd dry and Perfectly clean. Jiavi' now, and shall always keep on hand, a large Mock of all kinds of Coal best Id I'nr Foundry, Factory, and Family urn, I'ual selected and ul' left .mdity. Viinpt fdiipmcuts. rders nuliuled. I S. II. HAW K.S, liiclnnund, Va. 9.V -s-u T THE PLACE TO GET mm AT THE LOWESTPRIOES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOIddCOKl'MR'S, ST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. (J. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. klWKHTION PWAtlTSIKNT FII.I.B1 WITH I'URSCIillTIONS COMl'OUNDKn AT ALL IIOIIUH WITH (IliKAT CAHK. il'MKKY, HTATKISKKY, FANX'Y KOA1S, llia SIIF.S, FANCY AliTICT.KS, TDHAL'CO AND CIOAliS. M K II I It R lhlhoily wlcomrlwjiwaltayott ZOLLICOFFER'S. U. BROWN, iUOWN & IRUGGISTS AND HEADQUARTERS FOR PII.KT AHTIC'LKS, rKHFUMKUY, COMBS,' MKUSHKH, PLAIN AND FAATY STATIONAHY, AO. AC. -PRFRO!!PT!(?WS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED.,. V-Opcn on Sunday! 9 to 10:3(1 A. M. V W'0l'llAL.,l lllllllSI Ul 4K1ILITI VniUXM K(il Lift Bxperlfinoa. Remtrkabla and lc oura. Trial Packayaa, Band ,np for aaolad partloulara. Addraaa . WARD at CO. Loulln, Wo. YEAK UKD DEVELOPED iH.,tiil.in niT:liivt.NMu,ii:l,, . :V.Ti7 'hi IhhNi.lUKtnV,'. L I ORKIN( CLASSES TENTIONI' We '' i'fi"i.i tn - . . . ' niniluli all I'liM with em- t t limne. Hi,, uh, ,. f iii Hun', or for fl'arL' iiionu-iiti,. lini.jiifsiiiiw. Unlit .tn! pn- -. .....n. vnufr wx vmiy i'rn imm .i.tt'u'rt'vuutiiK.Rini a nn.utirtiiiliiil .mil fV'-tiiia Kll tlu-ir llii,,. ih bm.ln.ss. Iliys rtrlHi-itrii ncMrlv im iinn-li u. i,...n Th.i Hll "x till, limy ., tlirlraililrtna, ami lent Hie HWi.vrn mkp tlili,ffi.r; To mirh an are lint alulliil wo will mill iH. dollar to pay fur the of wrlllin. riill imrlli-iil.nl an.) ..iillll tree. .....in.., .i,i,i.,.T. I,,,..,,!.,,,.!1!,' i,z "f lj. forUauil, Main, THE FLOURING MILLS. as will, where tin- "I'ATAl'SCO - o lur THE IlKsT KEI.KtTKII HATKKULtt IB. T. SIMIIOITS SIM MONS, PHARMACISTS, and 6 to 7:30 I'. M. llmiilalotj tho tornld liver. n.rfflh t'iilliUlKttTurtilMnH. rvuliilutb nautili, muu mrm uhviihikiw ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial rtUtrlrU fhvlr vlrtnM mrm Mllvl roiUl.itltej' IMM.MMM ea Hliur prtrllM In irMir ihii Hlem from Iiml iMtMon. riKNtlv nuM ooulvtl. ioimiimii. rrirv, kocm. Sold Everywhere Office, 41 Murray HL9 New York Fub S ty Ti tolm tuntle. Cut thin out mut turn to it!", mid w will m-nil yon IVvo.Hoi.ii'UitiiKOfftn'Ht vuluu mid imirortHiii't' tu you, tlml will htart v.iii in i.ii.Iii.k u hit h utll hrhiir Hill III lUutV Bit til i.v r tat lii mini 1 1. tin kiivthiiiK i-lsf 111 tlim worlil Any 1 'i if (nil do llif wmk noil live at lnuiu'. Kitlicr wx all k". HuiuctliliiK new, that jiiKl coIiih moil t'y rortlioworkcni. W'ewillnUrt ym; rupftiil nnt lU'C.t.'il Tlii Im "lie at Hi K-'imliu', lmtHrUuL (liHiicoftt IllVtime. Tlue who mrv Hinliltltnia aiidi'iit'-riiriliig will not ilrliiy. Uraml outllt rrfe, dec -I ly. M' s Pi lis Tin' iu:ri i!i:i letteks. Ith'IIAKh HI K N Kit Al.I.KN. lli li iih tl fnun llii'nnllliiK ft'lbm or luvo that never it an triii'! 1 H )ull Mijjilr ul tlu mx1 f Dii It-Mcrt 'I lint I now return to jnui' Tlif r('i'tit In HakiiiK fnm sticlnt: Tlic paft in 11 ri'iniiiitlc tin mil, Hul to nu In my uutloiinti wi'i'hiK, lli'W tllH'rl till (irOHVIlt UOUI. Tliv1 ut ami 11m lij' umii' liotirn, Hi itijtliliiinit, mitKiit-lli'ilavii, I.lkc ulrt'i- in tin- lii wrl loivtrn OVr the liiiriiins iiml tlt-itiiiitu wiljs, To tlu- (nisi uru uiy cyin i-vrr IllV-tl, Ol'tliv rt'Keiit I try tn fttrnct; lint tin-1 iast iiml iln ili'iiHirt' iiiivc dritti-J, I-vuvUik only a liilttr ri'urct. Win's it Htiiilf 011 ymir Ki'urnl'ul 1Ih Imvi r; l)r loi.'s a tnr Mnil into your t'je. An yu ri-mlihri.ll l.ivo Utnrsdvcr Ami lliiiik of tlif tltivH K"iit )y. An you sit tlu-re iiiiill ivmliiig '1'llL' Wnrdf tllllt lliriilf 111 J- lirtirt brill, ! you tliink linH 1 hut I h'ii r l is imw iik'- ilin. 1 yiiii,, i rii.slicil in tin itnsl.nt your iW l'.' Ill) y.ll a tin' IrriKhl llailll' tlilsllf! And fiivlf 'n mint tin- wtmls ymi once hiiiil'iI, .1mI lUlllKllt is li'lt Ol tll( l!ISl btlt llvllL'H. Hi It l.it- thill il tl. ii.i Idol ill Villi ' BILL NYE. WILLIAM TH.KS I'll VlH NII MKN. Youn man, what are yuu livin;' fur? If.ivo yuu an ul-jnit ih-ar tu yuu as Hfo, and without tho allainnu'iit ul' whiih yuu I that yuur lilo wuiild have Iktii a widi1, lionli'ss waste, lH'oplt-d by tin; spwlrrs I' doad aniliiliiin ? Yuu ran take yuur huiec in tli: rcat hatlle uf lil'u, whether m hrist'e up and win a deathless name, or be satisfied with seabs and niediuerily. Many ul those who now staud at the head of the nation as statesmen and lui'ieians re unee tiDaiiuwii, uiihuuured and un- nun''. Aow they saw the air ol the halls of Congress, and (heir names are plastered on the teinplo ol' fame. Yuu can wiu suuie laurels too, if you will brace up and secure thetu when they are ripe. Live temperately on $'.l u muiith. That'll the way we gut our start, (let souie true, iiublemiiided young lady uf yuur acquaintance to assist you. Tell her uf yuur trouble and she will gladly ad vise you. Thi n you can marry licr, and she will advise yuu Home more. Yuu needn't lie out of udvicc at nil unions yuu want lo. She, too, will ti ll you when you have made a mistake. She will come tu yuu frankly and acknowledge that yuu have made a jaekass of yourself. As she getH more acquainted with you he will be mure candid with you, and in her unstudied, girlish way, she will poiut uut rrurs, and gradually convince you with an old chair leg and and other arguments, that you were wruie.', and your post life will come up befure you like a panorama and yuu will tell her so, and she will let yuu up again. Life is indeed a mighty struggle. It is busiuess. We can't ull be editors and lounge around all the time, and wear guod clothes, and have our names in the papers, and draw princely alaries. Some one must do the work and drudgery of life, or it won't be dune. Itlll.V IIMMi, A holy life is made up, says Hollar, of a number of small things. Little wurds, not eloquent speeches or sermons; little deeds, not miracles, nur battles, nur one great heroic act or martyrdom, make up llie true Chi ist life. Tho little constant siinls-am, not the lightning; the waters of Siloain, ' that go softly" in their uieck mission of refreshment, imt the waters of the "river, strong and many," rushing lowu in torrents, noise and force, arc the true symbols of a holy life. The avoid auce of little evils, little sins, little iucon istincics, little weaknessts, littje follies, little indiscretions und imprudences, little fiiibles, little indulgences of self and the (1,'sh; the avoidance of such lit tlu things goes farlo make up, at least, the negative beauty of a holy life. Till? WAY TO CONtJl Oil. "I'll n.atLr it, ' --aid hc ax; and liin liluw- frll heavily on I ho iron. Uut I'viry bit 1 w madu hw tdo luun liluut 11 ut il lit- ceased tn htnko. "I.imvo it tu me," ,s:iid I hi' kiw, and with iU reli'titlcM tit-th ho woiknl I'uckward aud forward im iiw Mirface until they wire all worn down und hroken, and lie fell aidt ' Ha, h i!" wiid the hauiiuer. 1 I knew yuli Uu-l'J.i't lU:t;eJ, I II nlloW yoil tin Wily." Hut at (lie tiM tierce Htruko off flew hi licid, uud the iron remained a,s he ft ire. "iShull I try.' aktd the tiuft, Hindi flunie. They :dl dtjiUid the flame, hut he curled eulty round the iron, cu. traced il and uover left it milil it melted under hi irreMtihlo influence. Tli ere are heart.-, hard enough tu renst the foreo of wrath, tho malice uf htmku lion, aud tho fury nfpiide, ho uh to make their acts rceotl un the adverMiiic.", but there U a power M router lliui any of (hose aud hurd indeed is (he heart that can re nUt love. - - - We have a few pairn uf Kvuns hand made low ,uatter slinct on liaitd whieh w offer at luili'eoi-t to clone nut. I1, N. Htaiu back & Co. The girl who fills her csnay with "(he true und benutiful aud the "O.id" may have learned how to make cake, hut we niut rcfuue to believe it. A CURIOUS JOKE. Siiiiiiiiiiili lir.ily Nt-iis. A Savannah attorney is luoking up tin law ill a must peculiar case with the view of pussibly filing the papers in a suit for 81,111111. Tin circumstances are these: A few months ago 11 gentleman met a yuug friend mid i 1 1 j 1 1 i n it about bis family. The young man had been Mice blessed with twins, and he expressed some fear of again being blessed in the same manner at no remote dale. "Well, should it occur, I will give yuu a present uf SI. WW," re marked Mr. lllaiik, jukingly, to the young father. Two bystanders were asked if they heard the promise. They replied that they did, and promised to be witnesses in case they were needed. A few days ugo the young man's family was increased by two new members on the same day. In the exuberance of his hap piness he forgot all abuiit the promise un til reminded of it by one of the witnesses. Mr. Illank has been pivscntnl with a bill fur $1,IMIII, which he declined to p.iy. lie says that the agreement was a mere juke and not in a nature of contract. Another ground of the defense will be that the re mark was in the nature of a bit or wager and therefore illegal and not collectible, ilesides, he says it is ijuite probable that the plaintilf in I lie contemplated suit knew wliereuf be spoke when bo accepted the proposition, and was iberefurc betting on a certainty. That wuuld cuiistilute fiaiid and deception, and under the uuwiiltcii law ol betting the loser is nut coiupellul to pay in such case. Another plea will be that the cuiitract was nut one which I'otild be pel formed within a year and should thei'efuro have been in writing, I'liCur tunately I'ur tlu-defendant the fads in the case will crush this hist plea. The plaintill' contends that no bet was made, and that lie was not belling un a certainly. On the contrary, he claims that there was a clear contract, his part of which bad been fulfilled. MOT HICK'S LAST I.KSSON, A mother lay dying. Her little son nut knowing of the sorrow Cuming tu him went, as was bis cu.-tuin, to lo r chauihei saying: "Flease teaeh me my vi rse, mamma and then kiss me, and bid lot- guod nighlt am very sleepy, but no inn- has heard 111 say my prayeis. "Hush!" said the lady who was watel ing beside her; '-yuur dear iiiulher is tuu ill to hear your prayer to-uigbl," and, cum ing furward. she sought gently to lead him fiuin lite Mum. linger began to sob as if his heart would break. ' I cannot go to bed wilh out saying my prayers indeed, I cannot.' Tho ear of tho living mother eauulit the sound. Although she bad been sensible to everything anuind her. the subs of her darling aroused her from her stupor uud turning lo her friend .-he desired hel lo bring her little sun toller. Her 1 quest was granted and the child's guld. hair and rosy checks ncsllid beside tin cold faccol his dying mother. "My sun, she whispered, "repeat lli verse alter 111c; aim never forget 11: 'Vt Inn my father and mother forsake me til Lord will take me up." ' The child repeated it two or three times, and said bis little prayer. Then be kissed the cold face and went quickly to bed. in the morning be went as usual to bis moth or, but loiind her dead and cold. She had heard her b n's lessun, and be will never forget it. IKISIt I-All! IM. tV. Speaking of ijueer inlian church toins, he cinliiiucd, "it tmninds m What one ol the Italian pastor tout me. Tin y were having a eeltbr.itimi in iln el 1 1 ire h and ihe eoureualimi was woikc up to a pitch uf ohthu-ua-ui. Shouts of ivu desu.' 'Viva Muiia,' 'Viva (luisep pi, 'iva. .Maria MaddHciic, und hi on ran ilinni-jh the church. dust t Ik t. joyous nuiernian wainlereu in aim rever- cntlv lUteued for a while, lie stood it a few minutes until lie e,rasiel the spirit of the occasion, and then evidently thinking the honors not (vpiitably bestowed, called out in stentorian tones: 'Three tlnvri lot (ho Holy Chost. . (ike lln-iu i liHiirt'l That is tn way, your lun-js. Also all ytmr breathing machinery. Very woiohr ful maijiinery it is. Not only the hirmr air j i a usages, but Ihe thousuds of tubes and cat 1 1 Sen leading IVoui (hem. When ihest? urj cl.ii:ed and choked wilh matter which ouht not to he there your hint's cannot half do their work. And bat (hey do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, coU'Ji, cioiip, pniieuionia, catarrh, emisuinpliui. or any of (he family of lli mat and uut-c and bead u'ld tin ol. struclioiis, all an; bail. All ouht to be Hot rid of. There is jut one sure way to get rid of thctu. That i In take lEos lice's (iennaii Suiip, whieh titty drui'uist will sell ymi at 7"i cents a hot lie. Kvcn if ev erylbin' else has failed you, you may de pend upon this for ecilain. It may seem paradoxical, but it is a fact, nevertheless, llut the man who pur sues the eveu tenor of his ways never reU off bis bass. The only time when a woman doesn't object to having it said that she got lur foot iuto it u wheD she U trying on 4 No. 2 dipper. CRAPE CULTURE. NilUTII l-Allnl.m Suit, A.MI I I.UIAIK W KI.I. AIIAI'TKII I'll THIS I'ltlil l'IA III. K INIll STV. I'lipl. S. W, X..I.I,-. The scii-nti-ls have euiiipand Xorlh Carolina with nearly 1 very good plaeu on the face uf I lie earth, liny have said much of its climate, its soil, and ils adaptability in many ways as a grape growing Stale, but it is admitted that it is unlike any oth er grape gruuing euuntry, Yc mut stu dy the peculiar laws which guveru ils cul ture here by the experience ul'uur fanners, and nut from foreign teachers. Xorlh Carolina was declared unlit foi giapo culluru alter many experiments made with foreign grapes, (Yitis Vinni fera). A hundred and twenty varieties carefully selected were planted by one far mer in the hope uf linding one suitable for his place. Most uf tliem were the identical varieties that produced the fa mous I okays, Joliam, (Ian-Is, Micrrtes ind Madcries and were brought from the renowned Luxembourg gardens, together with the Lachryma fbiistas, the wine -rape of Vesuvius. They wuuld uut grow here, and the bright holies of juall'iiig :iice choice wines were diipated. icrs planted the native vines and gave them plenty of room; they grew with a pro fusion of vine, over trees und trellises, yielding an abuiid.Mice of poor fruit that Would not ripen, llenec the verdict, that North Caiiilina was uut the land for grapes. About this time Mr. Lnngimrtb and others were rai-ing grapes tu perfection in (he damp and murky valley uf the Ohio. ut where did he get ihe vines? From the banks uf the Catawba and Cape Fear rivers uf North Carolina. Nearly all of the table grapes that have my excellence at all. unit the grape nuw used and most popular throughout our iiintry, arc scedings of (he Catawba, and Laspcyre, (Yitis Lahrusca) natives of our Slate, and improved here and Iran-portiil to ilill'eri-ut parts of the euuntry by their admirers. Now you see thai North Caro lina has proved to be the Isln-ol uf Ameri- The celebrated Seuppi riimig ( Yilis Yul- pina) and family arc decided by those who know them to he the besl for table or wine of any grape in the known world. Some may dill'ei wilh us, but what you wi.-h to know is the best grape for the Northern market and how to cull mile it. The ob ject sought is tu realize the In st prolits with the least outlay of capital and labor and in the shortest time. (irapc culture in Xorlh Carolina is a settled question, nu longer an experiment ( lur people have been waiting for others to teach llieui and assumed lhat we could not raise grapes, while the Northern Slates have taki n our vims and made a sin cess of them. The grape is otic of tho most luscious, wholsonied and Useful of fruits, it is often-' or referred to in the pi iuu v.il history of m: n than any oilier fruit, saeied by our I. - id as a symbol of our faith in the religious use of wine, and il is destined in a short time to be 1111 important product of North Carolina. LATEST ONTHE DUDE. Trulli. A pretty advanced specimen of this class was paying couit to the daughter of a eleriryuiaii. Ho was invited to dine at the house, and the yung lady assured him that he had heller prepare hiniRelt' to return thanks at the dinner table, as her father always asked hii guets to do to. 'I really cawn'l. I couldn't do il, ye knaw." ' flut you mu t," siiitl his sweeihearl, "or your chalices are L'otie." "Ah, well, I will twy, but I'll make an awl til mess of it, ye knaw." OiuuiT time came, ami (he chi)man politely called ujmii ihe young man lo re turn thanks, as the young lady had tue- dieted. 1 1 e lmvk a ih -pal ing glum e ut his wei ibf.itt, fold his haud and 'aid. "Ah (lure! Awfully jolly spead, Thanks awfull!" There w as no mariiage. Tin: N Ki;l THI Til. ' Vim have heard ihe exprehm, ''Tlie naked Until, " und pohaps )oii do Hot know how it oiii:inatetl," said (ho Rev Sain Jones in his Ited Rock senium yes terday. "I will tell yuu. Once upon u time Truth ami Krror went in bathing to gether. Krror come out first, put Truth's clothes un ami run away. And Krror has been trying lo wear the sunn; garments ev er since. When Trulh came out of (he wudr the only clothing it could find to put 011 was what belonged to Krror. 'Be fore I will wear such garments 11s (hose,' said Tiulh, I will go naked all my life.' Truth has kept its word, and goes through the world naked, without full or bang or anything else." St. Paul d'lU: U is a pity that our neighltors do not kuow as well as we do what is best lot thee). An exchange asks: "Does etiquette de mand a vest on a hot day ?" if it does, it can have ours, . . If you want to go to heaven when you you die you'd best start now. A STRANCE DUEL. IN'-iKAII r' t-1 1 1 1 1 I i N 1 1 1 M il 1 . 1 11 1.1; -I II K I I'A NTH r'tnllT TAKANTI I. AS. I'A HTM Particular uf ji .ir:iiiLre duel li iv l:ikei ollt tiil'Mll;:ll tlie illlivii! I'loin ice uf Col. M t it in , a wciiliy eotlei ( limit. IIi'Mivh llie hiirtiiiiiant.s ju-i M.-x itu-r li the duel were St-nor ietoria, a niiuiny; fpeeu lator anl ennr ri'lr;t.a, an extensive .ship owm r. While at a hall a few wcihi au'ii, j;ivcii at Tampini by one of the chief liidiet) of llie Spani.-li euluiiv, the tierilli nii n iUarrellcd in tlie piv nee of llie la dy, aud Victoria challeiiiivt! l'adra.a, As I'udraa limi the choice of wv;iiuhf he ile utauded that ietoiia meet him in a daik room win p; -should be placed a hundred tarantulas of the must poisonous ehurao ter, and that ciudi ylmuld devote his ener gies to killing the tarantulas instead of lihiii his opp )ii ut, and neither tuuL leave llie I'nutu Uliiil all the jiisoioiis spi ders were killed. The dm I wa-i foiijlit in a room as dark as a dunp mi. Tin re were mi Mceonds and no one in T.unpieo sus pected llie truth. When the doors were broken ('pen In. lb nun were found dead surrounded by the horrible spiders, some dead and some alive. Tin; t.oitt.i.oi s minli no. To the naked eye the iuusiuiti) i a speck ol'coloiles.s clay. Iut plact unihr a microscope and see the Veloiis tranformatitii) Mbieh will but one place, book al the delicacy of the mark ings and the jraee and eliUi nee of con tour in llie pn innns uf male and female nioMjuilof s, highly magiiiiii'd, whieh are lowu in llie lieiiiiiitig of this ailicle. The i it ll cobiling of the insects, ImweVi r, cantiHl be jjivcii . ii any b!a k ai.d whili procci. Put a cmnuitin niuHjtiit?) under a microM'iipe. Adju.-t tin; leiises. Now place your eye to the eyepiece. I resin! The liny dirt-cob uvd speck has vain-bed and in its place appears the mufl radiant aud gurgeuus creature which llie mind can emiecive of. Tlie wings are uf pale amlur the legs aud ihorax magenta, llie body dark green, the eyes purpli-h black and glittering like diamonds, the pioboscis -hilling like (bony. Campared wilh the pomp aial maviiiliceticc uf deeoraliuii. lln- brightest and ml vivid of tlie painters pigments are muddy. - -4- l.Al'IKSwill lind iv Hi I fimu their Cos tiveiiess, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Suur Stomach, Headache, Kidney troubhs etc., by taking a dose of SininioiM bivir Uej;ul:i'nr alter dinner or supper, so as lo move ihe bowels unee a day. Mi lhers will have better health ami tlie babies will grow ni r.' ruhust by using the I, emulator If an infant shows siiins of (Vlie, nothing like a few drops in water for relief. Tin; Itinuiue has the red on front of wrap per, july l!S-l im). - - - We keep eoii-lunlly on bam) collinsand cikels. P. N. Stainaack .V Co. .'"or lllckets, lai ioaitnit. a nit Wasting Divoiilers ul t hildi'cu, Seolt's Kunilsioii of Pure Cod l.iver i I with llvptiphtij-philefi uueijiiated. The rajiidity with whieh cbitllren gain flesh and At length upon il is very wonderful. Head ihe fulluwinir ''I have used Scott's Kmul sinii in cast s of Uiekets and Mar.i.-nius uf long -standing, and have been more than pleased with ihe results, us in every ca-.e the im r.iveuieiit was marked."-. M. Main. M. I. N.-w York. ' I have u-ed Scoli's Knnibittii in several cases of Sen if -iila and Mebiliiy in Children. Kcsults most :raliliiig. My little paUciits take it wilh pleasure.'" W. A. Hi ltliKUT, M. I Salisbury, III. july I nm. VK 1IAVK MAI I ; M. V. II ART, WF.LIHIN, X. ('., N. li. JOSIiY k CO.. SCOTI.ANH XF.CK, X. C. Our agents for the sale of our Ladies' Fine Shis-s, for their resp.H-iivc sections. We make on the N. Y. I Ipcra, Acme, Wuuki nphast and Creole lasls, the latter is just out and is very nice. W'c me the McKay Machine and sew with best Bar bour's thread, l-'very pair warranted. They are nice, in-at and stylish, (live them a h ok when y .11 waul a slim- and JO 1 Will be pleased. K. 1'. UKl'.f) k, CO. sept ll! ly ltix-.brsler. N. Y NOTICE. 'I'lio uiiiKTsiunetl Imviiijr on Hie tslli ilay oi' July ISH7 null ill eil iM'fun- the suniTitir ismrt of Hulifnx county ha Kti't'iilor nrtlic last will and toUiiHill of Maria M. Ioiik th cpflncd, hertUy nottilin nil mt bhiih liitvkiiK clalinH HRnlnsI his sultl teMtu'.rik Ut vx hiliil tin? wnuc to hliu by the tni Jny uf Hcittetnltcr lhSH. Wi-Mull, N.C , July 30th, lhS7. J. T. UOoi'H, Kiecutor. LakFrio Af'V KK'I'ISKM KNTS. HE WAS GREATLY M.S i AKEN. A Mrlitiul Cbi-M.-il I. m.,-,1 Willi. ml Piv ttii !; ill llie U Maul .'(mi, ui ni llie 111 ll.ll' neai the ( i!,ii- W.iJmi;.'!.. .1111 spi.-.e.l full llie pi tlie unpute ait l.llll.'IO an I w.ivr ul lhat it i.'1'Mi. P'. ini; naiiii.illv t'l a slmii t misii tiiti 'i). I had fteueiillv Imastcd th.it no 1 lillU an. I t'evi r or other iiKil.iiiuiis cmii'l.iiiit would ever linnble inc. 'I In-, it at my cxpei iem e .mil the tn (lilinii in ui.ii li 1 luuiid iiivell -ix tii"h;!e. agn. I I11M limit e, tli.il I did it.Jl tt-rl mi sjitililly am! vigmoiis as tt.i-; my wont l iln. 1 felt tiled and enervated. Somi I noticed .1 diitim t ami distrosiii bat k ache wuuld in ike ils appt-.trame 111 the iiflcrnuuu, in eic.ii!ig in M-ciity il (he exercise was mure than 11,11. illy violent. 'Hun a sttetrliy feeling with ptutue g-iping made il-. .ippuiam e. Thmi un In-.i.!, alw.i) . 1 h-ar .1- a in-ll. vmi!it kvl lie.u y .Hid 1 beg. Ill In h.u e lli'.ul.K !i The t ulil -Ligc ua-.111.uk 1 .1 v iili i hat tetlhj, ul the teeth, st- ei' tic")i-, p.ied over me, and 110 aniuunt uf 1 Imhing itiuld keep ine waini. The 1I11II h.u suet ceiled in turn by the fever, in rthii h 1 seemed lu be biiruiu up, the 1 mi gcslioti in ni head prutlneetl u,iulcnt pain in !he fronl.il pm limi and a bell ed sen.ttimi uf llie eyelids, with an in dex liliable .n hing uf ihe luvvei liinbs. Nan.iea ami vmiuting ui i nrred with severe rcl hins, and when the jmrux vsiik p. instil 1. it I v V' tin ir( nigl.lv jmos tr.iled by ;t weaklier that was b it m e ei v -a 1 1 uf me. I ill iL:'je.l my vlf- wi:li ipiinine. and iililainetl -.111111 ie! ''(". Hut in) le-pite was of Intel ilmatinn. 1 was nuw m Mil' Ii u-.lin ed that I ruuhl hardly walk m stand ujirihl. ,'y disease suu'i uhniii.ited in a nmiiutied malarial fe- ei wlm li kept 1 k' 1 lnly eunfiiKil f.-r .:!i'Hil a week, .tepi-e-edand lh.it 1 hi-t I lieuin.' exceedingly nielaui huly, sti mm h mi ; e-.t 111 inv wm1;, and, 1) i.iu-d wii.it happeneil indeed, s'j.i lu inc. I Mirin:' . ne. it i.i'.:-.t be 1111 ii" IK .hi t i.n dit .d Ik mu-.t 1 tiweifid I, sti- li a 1'ipr 1 -ir-vah riant a.' uf irua, 'f 11 'la-.-iu 11, t !ih . 1 -1 , 1 . livalin.;:! leim ill Mli.lte til melt tn . ri leuf l.i 1 die Isll. .d.- i'.i'.!i, eiiin Ma 1 i ne. til. 1, eral ulliers. All uU ice uf eminent t hi' I did under tlie physi. ians. It w.if while I w is in this fl' pb r.'.?i' j I'oiiditioii that tin- cl.ums mad fur K.isk , e 1 1 inniitie. as.'t ' ; Tilie fur mil tii.i. w e. e f.s -.1 biuught lu my .itUntiuii. I km i.uiliing uf it:, .alue (u justify my bavin,; .my eunmlem e in il. bill .is c . t!;i:n- eUc bad failed I deemed il ni duty In 1 1 v '.mi I lug ,n its use, ami it-, pimnpt ami radi .il if fects were of ihe nature uf a revelation tome. Many people may think the statement v ueeh eretlible. but it U a f.it ! that alter on', a few days' ue uf K.i-kine a'l llie h ailing symptnms in my 1 ;m' wt'ie det idedly abated or ce.wed altogether; and in a few weu. ; fioin ihe liine 1 tuo.. tlie WiA dose 1 was cured. This was aboi:t the first uf tammy, ;li-d siin e iheii I line exieiieiit ctl m retniieiitenf ihe m.ilaiial si.i;.; -n-in ans fuim. A remedy uf such ex t eptioiud nine ful llie cure uf mal.nia unglit lu be 1 nm .lemled and tinivei sall in. hie ktnmn. I lu e thetefnto ni;:.'.l it fiiii.-b, -w nb hke and it i i;. li e ;ll It'll! inn uf 111 v .ii i.t" wli.iin have used it .1 it-suits in every i ase, ill the i-lctct lilca-uie mi l -.inieiiti llial 1 1 i.uiiiiciiil k.i-.Une t.i siili. i.-i- tn. in iii.il.nia eveiyuhcie. Ke-.pi i Ihoi)' nnis, J. Ii. 1 1 inn. li. A., ' wiiliilit el. . nii-l MH.yl.iu.l A i'i.'i.lliiii.l CD. hi-. I'. S. lii.iiM -in one wish to ad- liess inc .is tu the genuineness of the alunc U-lter, I mil i lu-eif-ill) respond. tlthei letleisiil a siinil.u tlialailcr flillll .IUI1CIH ut ii.di ulu il ., whit I) stamp K. isl.no .is a ii-ii.eily uf un ilinililcil incut. i!l be sent uii appli i. Hum. I'n. .- i i ui six buttles, i,.oo. Si'l.l 1 I'im-uisIs, ui bt-iit by mail un rei eipl m pin e. Tlie K.isknrc l uoitMo), j4Yaneu St., New Y.uk, and is Kiii-ingiUm Koad, Loudon. Catarrh elys 1trs313REAMBALM rl-ntAM D: rl 'h-anses ll- u.jjl iiearing. A ipnck nAYrfcVtK t' l't f A i.sllivo -ure. A l-nrticJe In npilittl tiil'i tnch tufrtrll ami Id xcri't'Hlilo, enct' ,1 ccii at hriitrL'iftx : hy inn I r.-Kistcrt'il. iHUvnlit. 1CI. mtUS., New .orkOllii1 Urvi'iiwieh tstrwt. HAY 11! V Kit U an littlaniiHl condition of (he lining lneintirtnie oi iiir imsim, ii'Hr (iiicu anil iiiriud, hium'Uiir tlie Iiiiikk. An aerii) niui'UH In wxtcIiiI, the (Itsohuru' if Hi'e(iiii)Hin ieil w llli a iMirniiiK nciisutiim. Tln-tr art1 7ti'Vcrpniui!-iiiN iifNiuTxiiix, frpiicnt attarlm nt Iii'HiIhcIh!. whUtv and inllnnn-d t-veu. KIv'h Cn-mn Itnlni In a remt'tly Ihati'Hii be tit pctidod ujvou to Vllavs Ititlanumitioii WrEVERlll,als Sores. V I Ucstorm the Smscs -HU'' Ti,-i s,mi1' rciicvi' aioiictj aim fiiro, tab 3 1y NKW A1V KKTISK.M KNTS- w 9 .Ml II SYCA Ml III K STKI'.KT, i'i:Ti:isiti ui;, va., KIM- A I.Ui'iK s fi i K l.f GROCERIES AMI ALL KINDS Ol-' (iOODS Usually Kept in a First-class WHOLESALE HOUSE, And OlT. r llieui at BOTTOM miCES TO TI ::u ly HF.STTKAD1' scp THE COMMON SENSE LIFT AND FORCE PUMP Mut."- ii ( ..nihil ti Fire l. .irtmi'tit fur any MihhI llllli. ul n Ciiunirt lliiiiit' nut ut ii I'.'iniiii i Minill uiM W ntili uny 1 1 a u tu ni i-ut h tu.-. ion) nivl) liionly lul full.. I IhOIL-V lti-Hl lii iii'litiu Ih ntie eifjlilh ol 'ii luiiiiilc. KiH iKt'th' Iiiimiii's iiii-ii w li- j'ivi1 ll itr"inr aUi'iilmii his- Himli'il lu Imiiiilc tlil uuii in eveiy i i I'l'iiiisiUiiniii, ew Jcrwy. viiryninn. Ih-UuHri'. Vtris'inia hu.1 N..nli rnr.li:iH. Hint III In eni,ui ul miirtl-k' it inloiy iMl alnttiiy iHTlliul. CHAS. C. M A X V F BLATCHLEY. A C T I' It K H 111 llli .iel llll.l Sty'.-, uf wihhI I.lllll. uilii-e; .'IN Kll IV 11 , I.I. SIM A ItK. Diahisiu- llroml St Mutton I' K It. l llll.A lll'.l.l'HIA , I'A. iiir 'l-eii w l;;w THIS PAPER may in rnrxD oh J-II.K AT UKO. I. 1IUWKL1. A, t'O'H lVtwapapcr Adrortlalna; Ruram (10 HrRTKiH YMtllMsQ t OMR AO IB M kll YISmIC luay b luado loc H itt llbll I Ull 11 TLANTIC & N. t'. K.tl,lt().l. tliMMi KAT. Ilatly esccbt Snniluy. laily pxivfii Sumluy. Slali.iin-. Artlvp. I.cap. Arrive, 1'. M. lirlrll I. en vp. r. .m. Ml ar J I V. V MM.-., UpT i A M, A. 1U. mild-Intro, lli'W KiiiKtMii, lo IK IWI New Hem :: h' A Mnrt-licHil Cilv, :H 0:41 AtUntlc llnlel, t:H 6:10 (1:11 t: A MurcllCiul IK'Mit, Cimnccb wilh W . A W. trula K"i"K Nt'rlh whieh, leaves .inltltilM.n. l HmOA M , Hint w ild It. A ll., train Went, ultieh h'H ei- (JohMHini id 18 :k f. M. CtiinicitlvattioltiHlKini vlth Kniilh U ill nd tmln of W & . n Mid which arrivt-H al-l ii 1'. M , Mint m lib Kat ImhiihI trafu of K. A ). road anlvlug t 4:St) V. H. 8. L. DILL, tjunfriLtciidtiit,

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