tU HA.IL.ILi & SLEDGE, niovniKTons. A. ITESWSFA.P'BI FOB THE 3? E O I? L E. TERMS-f-'1111 I'I'.U A NX CM IN A l AXCF VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SKl'TKMUKll S, 18S7. NO. 27. fc-JSt II lifiif - NKW ADVIilUTSKM liNTS PA 1 PATENT iCAGAMBRILLMfcCo Co. VCf. ' ' cvv vniui' ill' I'l.Ol'K iloticnds ilium (lie IliritlX COX I'AIXKK IN TIIK HltKAD lie.'il, I rum tvhieh our I'A I h I til II, I, Ml I n eolloeiled tfl lu SHl'F.IMOIt tnnnv BXATIOS OF (II.ITKN AND PIIOSPIIATKS. This IVt is reco,ni,,,l not in this (.miitrv, lull in the I nile I rnii",rlnm us well, where t lie "I'TPSCO I'lillhATIYU" COMMANDS lli('IIlilIA' MURK M()X KV il,;,' ay other loiican l'luiir. Ask your grocer lor it. Abo for l'atiipsco Superlative, Capo Henry Family, Tlt.II'onl Family, 1 itapsco l'ainily, Xnrtli I'uint Family, Or;ui;io drove Kxlra, INitapsco F.xtra. Chesapo iko l'Ntra. ltaldwin Family. C. A. CAMlllill.b MANTTAtTI'IIIXd COMPANY, 11- Cuinnicroo St., U.iliiiiiurii, Md. Hi- 12 Iv. S. H. H AWES' COAL ELEVATOR, Richmond, vim; INI A. ti fie Only Coal Elevator South! fl'ln-re are seventy two screens in the llniluin. iln.l nt ilirf l:lll IKiSsihlv ('( itllit llli t'.i.il flu il rillltl ll.,...., ....... ...... '. from the Uovutor into the carls. .insuinincr.s m't their Coal ilry uti-1 Perfectly elean. have now, anil shall always keep on liaml, a lur-e sloek ol all kimls of Coal 1 isl lor Foundry, Factory, uiol Family use. Ml Coal selected ami ol' hest quality, 'rutiipt shipments. Orders solicited. i ! v -s -ni TILE PLACE TO GET AT TIIK LOWEST PR ICE a IS .AT DR. A. R. ZOI.MCOFKKlt'S, EST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. h KKSCRllTIuN DKPARTMKNT NU.LD WITH rUKSCKIrTlONS COMPOUNDED AT RKUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, HIll'SIIES, FANCY K II It M B I It that heartr welcome alwari awalu yon it IT. BROWN, UTROTO & DRUGGISTS AND HEADQUARTERS FOR 'OILKT ARTlCliKS, l'KHKUMKKY, COMBS, I1KFSIIF.S, PLAIN AND FAAX'Y STATIOXAltY, ) -PBFroiDTinM irriiRATFLY COMPOUNDED.. VIII IIWIW f()H'n on 8unday 9 to 10:30 A. M. kHWU lnut llUkttit ill TOIUTI VKUUJW mil I Ufa Bzparienoa. Remarlubl and Wok ouroa. . Trial Packacaa. Band ampfaraaaladparUoulara. Addraaa jr. WARD A CO. Loulln, Wo. t WEAKlUNDEVELOPED .ttiKt),HKV'Kr VORKING CLASSES jmeiitHt hmne.Uu-wht.lo of Oi liuie, or li.r w r iir mmnontx. Hiimikdcw, Mir lit hik! m V'W. lVnioiia ofHthir m-x cnclly enrn from .'.0 f1" w ' iwr ('vcniiiK, nnil a iroorliuuiil sum ivoUiigBli their time U the bnnliu-w. Jttvn f iris'rn iioarljr hn inm-h hk nicn. Tlmt nil ! wetliii nirtv (K'lnl thviradiltvw, aiut Ut tlie y'tWtWenwkc Uiimtirvr: To mirb as re li.tt Jbl of writing. Full imrtieular. mil ouUil tW i Addruit, OfcOHUi; HT1NSUN it iXi., we hlf. fwtimd, MkiM. THE of America PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1 wt. KSS I'A'I'I V I. I.'I I'll 1'V'N i u.' vr. IT M A K KS. Mankind and Virginia ! MM Its are chicllv iii:iniil:i-liir...l lo.s oilier hee-iti.. il I...., lll.'TTl.'li IMWI t S. II. HAWKS, lliehuiond, Va THE BKST SW.KCTKD MATMUAL-Ya ALL HOI KS WITH GREAT CARE. AliTICI.KS, TOI1ACCO AND CIGARS. ZOLLICOFFER'S. 23. T. SIMMONS. SIMMONS, PHARMACISTS, --- -- - wv on.l 6 to 7:30 P. M. ' Tolt's Pills tlmiilnicathe torpid liver. Mreiiffttt cn1hd.Kttlveorit'ftH. reculaUa (too ItuneU, ud nr u a equaled mm mm ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial llirlri (heir vlrtneaaro Billfly reroall.pttllier pomnipte. iillar ,rrtlM lu rrrlua lhMrNliil Iron, (bat mImh. tJitand)- smr ouutvcl li.a auiall. ft'rica, Socta Sold Everywhere. Ofllcc, 44 Murray St., Now York. Kcii sir b,t,ma OtOthl out and n turn to us, mid we will semi you rri.Hnititfdoiiinirvrest vslue mid ImiMiruitee tovoii. tlmt ntll urt you tu Im.niew locn will orn'B you in murv ",. ryrlalil away than anytloiiK else in tills yorln. Any one ( nu do llo work and live at limno. Kllher fcox- all nues. K.uuellilliK new. that .lllfl coins mon ey lor Hie woikera. We will start you; caniul uot levied. Till. I. mis of the Kcuulue, Important elisiuvs ol a hulluie. TUouc wlio are ambltloui ami BUlerprlnllil will not delay, (.rand oullll rroe, AdSma, TUlliitt5.,Auiuu, Maine, devlly. ll'.ll.lisllHl IlV Kl''IU'8t. REFLECTIONS ON A LOST HOME. I. He's i:illis rvi'tnl fur iiiiuiy yi'ius, Snnii;lilinH In mirth, 'iiu'lllii In U nm, r-irm'tl'til nft, of im ifit s kIvi'H, iili ,u mill itini t in tattn ol llt iivi'ti. (if WMtMly Kmitt),, xjicut a iitri Tit ilfck my Imnie wllh ('.mt'iiinl cun', I u tin- sitf, my fiilhcr K tlk-1, Aii.i lurftimiNf liiok MiuiiyHiilc. Mt-t iium, iH'ticiith lis ili'iiNiinl liowcrs, I K'lllllt it'tl oil, III cllllrlllOiid'h Intlirs, Ami w Im-ii in uiiiiilitKxl r.mtitl a nif', f U't i'ihu- lu'ii i ii hiippy life. Tin- luullit'i t, my i till.lr. ii lu'iv Tuiiijhi i-iich iiml nil liixl tit rowrvi', Ati-l In mi thl Imiui' iir itrt h-irti nin, Kiintpturi'il rcm lii-il drililer otip. Wt- luvt-.l ilii-trt e, Uir rot-Un, thu lillli, Wcluvf.1 itMtiiiy rlplnic rllln, Wf It.vnl i he hinlf, titHl nuflly fcim 1'ri.m l.ii.iint Im.iiIi, tln ir fWivlcM sux. Wf InvM lis mmi'i.ni.-. hulls in walk, Ami horc ufH.'avn mid carlh to talk, Y InvM the chutiilifr, wIhtc wusk'iit, Wla rt' uft prayed ami soim-tiiurs wi'it, W- Inv M tlichhruhs, w.-ivM tho lliiwcrx Aiul Ml mi hiij.t-r hniiiv than mirs ; Our t hli lol wLli whiilf . r Midi' Tit live and iiif ni stinii siK. 1 in t n Ins : for can h hni u treasure. Mi-itnh wclyh It imt, ii.tr iiu'.iMin', And hut hy l..ss, i uii rtnlic, Tlic richest hntiii hciicath tin kii-. Wo link- tlumdii.liy lin klcs powvr Our h hik' lulnM- in ni' -ln.rt Imur : We'd uuiii- m.iim' di-lant fiit iuU tt m-c Tuy.ci,l A Kurt nfjiil.ilri', And llieri' il mu hy IliVt ililc Wi-.-m-n Mn.U.-diit i v.-nti.h'. Tn KfiHify iii hildi-.!i with In uiir little l.j tu lmlhi!aiid lish, And ntnitl this ree rvatjn, l.itlle dn-anii'd nf jterlurhalii.il. Hut oh : lutvv ilui.ii;ed and .titek as thuiiKht, Wlii-ii wur-h tu wife, like ihe(- were- ImniKlit: liy oih upridim; in hut UnW With mueli fei lin-.hut less taste: Had news ! cum,. t1( y,,(1 1' tinfttld. The siiil.lrsttiiIiMuyt.il untold. My buys ' my buys ti nt I yumlcr waved, 1 feur hne I'-. ui id iintiiuiTy jjmvtn, Nu, ct'ti tl tin) man, (lie hoys are safe, Yuur huine it is that lies n waste - 0' then I'm hk-t. at -nice she cries, I have a h utic beyond the skiei Ami kimw 'tis hcM- for liud hath sai.l it, Whom He loveth-llecuriei telh. Anil may be Im-baml. we have tlumglit 'Wft nun Ii of thlntTM of worldly -urt, Ami tliin-u bk-twiiiK hi disidse. I'll haps wilt Rent to nmke ns wise. It may be best, I then replied, AH idoli, In re, to Ik; denied; ltut not whaleMriii, Is ri;ht, Hut what iod ilue hy urncimw minlit. lie eoiitrols Ix.th miiitt nml mailer, And d.K-s il itft to make ii belter. Ktir hethatbuifcls, below thcskiM, l.ive hut fur earl h, mid fuol hediw. I n re the man limn day to day "l'will make him bojist iite.id of pray, r..rieet the child allhotiKli be cry, Yit he'll uruw better hy nnil hy. If strokiH like thU keep murlals pure, Our hupeM.f Heaven are niaile uiureitiire. tiotl luves us still I cm but feel. And )nw miUnis.-ive to Ills w ill: Hut oh' tin- bliss of this dark hour, Tu feel th.il;ud hiitb (jiveti ttie tiw'r Through a b d nnj;el Ht my Bide, I'o uive up nil, my chiefenl pride, My h niie. my home, my iiunv-ide. A BEAUTIFUL STORY. Culeri.l-e relates a story to tliisj ell'ect. Alexander, during lis mareh into A ft int. eaine to a people dvfellin in peaeel'iil huts who knew neither war nor comment. (lold hiin oirered him, ho refused it, saying that his sole ohjeet was to learn the manners and customs ol'tlie inhabitant. 'Stay with us," said the thief, as long as it pleases thee. )uring this interview with the African chief, two of his subjects brought a case before him for judgment. The dispute was this.' The one had bought n piece of ground which, after the purchase, was found to c ititain treasure, fur which bo felt him self bound to pay. The other refused to receive anything, stating that be sold the ground with what it uiijht bo found to mtain apparent or concealed. " Said the chief, looking at tho one, '-You have a son;" and to the other, "You have a daughter: let them be married, and the treasure aiv.-n th 'in a a dowry." Alex in I t was astonished. "And whit," said the chief, oW(iuhl l ive b.vu ilia decision ill your country?" MYe shaild have dismissed the parties and 8 'i. 'd the 'reasuie for the king's us.'." "An docs tho sun shine in your coiutry; docs the. rain lull there; are there, cattle whi.-h feed upon the herbs and greeu grass?" asked the chi.:f. "Certainly," said Alexander. "Ah," sai l the chief, "it is lor the sake ol'tlus' iu;io..-ut cattle tint thelireit tir ing p rmils t li j sun to shin ', the rain 1 1 fall and the grass tj grjw in our country."' CATCHING COLD. Speaking of colds, I have a theory that no one n.cd have one unlcs. he cboosis; in o'her Wolds, thai it is .elite possible so to train th.- Ua, l!ut wn hif.il miu bi.li is generally looked Uou us the paper m .'upper to our hum in l.audlc, as to render it u .n susceptible tu sud ten chaugua of temp -ralur.' or lit in. spheric uioibliire, win nee col ts C..U.0. And us ibis is exactly tho season to coaiinenee such it system of pellar educa tion, us it has roved ilf etive in many instances wilhin my knowledge, and as it is nilhiu easy reach of every on ' to try, I wiitc il hero. The theory is that n . skin lh.it bus been exposed freely for hall an hour at tlie beginning of a day to a temperature lower than it will encounter during the day, will note small changes or he nfheted tlu rely. A cold in simply a uervous slio.-k, re ceived by tlie myriads of minute nerve terminal that bristle over the surface of tlie human body, transmitted to the cen ters and ho back again to uiucuus mem brane, the peculiar seat of this special ir ritation. Let us then so train tlie.se sen ailive fibre" that they will pass by, un noticed, changes of atmospheric condition, col the matter in aecomplUhed. A PACK OF CARDS. A piivate soldier, by the name of Hic hard I.;o, was taken before the magis trate of (llaseow, Scotland, for playing cards iluring divine service. At the church, thuse who had Illbhst.iok them out: but this soldier had neither liiblo nor eoiiimi.ii prayer I k, and, pulling out a pack of raids, bespread them before him. lie first looked at one card and then at another. The sef.'eant of the company sivv him, ami said: ' Kiehard, put up the cards; this is no place for them." "Never mind that," said UieharJ. When the services wore over, llio con stable took Hichard a prisoner, and brought him before the Mayor. "Well," said the Mayor, "what have you brought the soldier here for?" "l'or . laying carifs in the church. " "Well soldier what have you to say for yourself." "Much, Sir, I hope." "Very go. .d: if not, I will pun'sh you severely." "1 have been," said the soldier, "about six weeks on ihc march. 1 have neither liible or common prayer book. 1 have nothing but a pack of cards, and I hope to satisfy Your Worship of the purity of uiy intention." Then, spreading the cards before the Mayor, he began with the nee; "When I see the ace it reminds me mat mere is nut one iiod. H hen I sc the douce, it reminds me of the Father and Son. When I see the tray, it re minds me of the Father, Son and Holy tlhost. When I sec the four, it reminds 1110 of the four evangelists that preached Matthew, Mark, I.uke and John. When I seethe li'e it reminds me of tho live wise virgins that trimmed their lamps. There were ten; but live were wise, and five were foolish and were shut out. When I see the six, it reminds me that in six days the l.urd made heaven and earth. When I sec the seven it reminds me that on the seventh day Hod rested from the great w. rk He had made, and hallowed it. When I see the eight it re minds ine of the eight righteous persons tint were save 1 when (iod destroyed (he world; viz: Noah and bis wife, bis limb sons and (heir wives. When I sec the nine it reminds me of the nine lepers that were cleansed bv our Saviour. There we nine out often that never returned thanks. When I see the ten it reminds lue of the ten Commandments which (l..d hatided down to Moses on the tables of stone. When I see the kim; it reminds uie of the great King of heaven, which is (Iod Al mighty. When I seethe .piecii it reminds ine ol the (Jueen of Sheba, who visited Solomon, for she was as wise a woman as he was a man. She brought with her fifty boys and fifty gills, all dressed in boys' apparel, for King Solomon to tell which were boys and which were girls. The King sent for water for them (owa.-h. The girls washed to tic elbows, tho ln.vs to the wrist; so King Solomon tdl.1 bv that." "Well," said the Mayor, "you have described every card in the pack except one." "What is that?" "The knave," said the Mayor. "I will give Your Honor a description of that, too, if you will not be angry." "I will not," said the Major, "if you do not term me to be the knave." "The greatest knave that 1 know of, is the constable that brought me here." "1 do n. t know," said the Mayor, "if he is the greatest knave, but 1 know he is the grcatist fool." "Winn I count how many spots there are in a pack of cards, I find :i.'.."i. as many days as ther.' are in n year. When I count the iiuiiiIk r of cards in a pack, 1 find fifty two the number of weeks in a year. 1 find there are twelve picture cards in a pack, representing th..' number (' months in a year; and, on counting the tricks 1 find thirteen, the niiiub-.r of weeks ill a .ii iii, r. So you see, a pack of cards stv.s fer a liible, an almanac, and eom m ui prayer book." Oltlll lt IN in; t ot n r. It was in Sabin.' couuly Texas, few )e.n.. b -fore lb.' into war. Judge II , was holding court on ihe sr .iel II...... of a building, (In the first flo r it gambling hank w is in full bla-l, and the players annoyed the court very much by th. ir wrangling. Afi,r several iiiell 'd u d attempts by the officer of tin court to i ul'nrcc order, the Judge lel'l bis l.ein h. entered the gambling room an I took a ban 1 in the game. An hour liter he re entered die court room, ami throwing a small s.u k of in mey on his desk, placidly remarked' "This cetirt has got to have order, and I'm going to have il, even if I have to bust the batik again every day." 'flic court had stiict oi.br during the remain. let of the session. The Murphy Hulk-tin says a Murphy man has the following posted in his field : "ll nny man's or woman's cow's or oxen gets in these outs, his or her tail will be cut oil, us the case may he. 1 am a Chris tiau man und pays my taxes; but durn a wan who lets his critters ruu loose." We keep constantly on hand colli us and caskets. I', IN, Btainaack & to. NAMES OF STATES. Alabama The mime is of (I reek in, signifying "Here We Host." Arizona Territory An Indian word, meaning, "Sand Hills." Arkansas French and Italian winds, signifying "How of Smoky Waters," The fictitious name of tlie Stale is "Hear Stale," I'l.nii the number of animals formerly found there. California l'mm Spanish words moan ing "Hot 1'iiniace." The fictitious name is "t Soldi .i Stale." Colorado Spanish word incaniiiL', "Colored."' Connecticut Ail Indian name signify ing "The Long llivcr." Tlie nick-names ' Freest. mo State," "Nutmeg State" 1 "Land of Steady Habits." Hakota Indian word meaning "Al lied." Helawarc Named in honor of Lord IV L't Ware. It is called "The Hia nioiid State,'1 from its small size and in trinsic value, also "lilue lieu Stale." Florida From the Spanish, meaning "Flowery," so called from the abundance of flowers and the day (Master Sunday) upon which it was discovered. From its shape it i. sotu'tiines called the "I'cninsu la State' tleorgii Named in honor of King (Icoigcll. of Kugland. The niek-iianic is "Fmpiie Stale of the South." Illinois An Indian word signifying "Tribe of Men." The sobiiiiiet is "l'rairie State," also "Sucker State." Indiana Ii is so called from (he Indi ans. The origin, meaning of the word Indiana is "river." The tiick-nauied is "lloosiet State." Iowa An Indian word meaning "The Sleepy Ones." The fictitious name is "Ilawkyc State." Kansas An Indian word, signifying "Smoky Water." The sobri.iict is "(inr den of the West." Kentucky An Indian name, signify ing "The Hark and llloody (irouii.l." The nick name is "The Com Crack, r Slate." Louisana Xamed ill honor of King Louis X I V., of Fiance. Tlie xohriiUct is "Creole State." Maine So called from Maine in France. The fictitious name is "The Fine Tree Slate." Mainland -Xaiued in honor of (liieui Henrietta Maria, of l-lnglaud. Massachusetts An Indian wold signi fying "lilue Hills." Tho fanciful name is "The Hay Stale." Minnesota -Fiom Indian words u can ing "Cloudy Water." It is called "The (iophcr State." Mississippi An Indian word fi r" Falt er ol Waters.'" It is nick -named "The liayou State." Missouri An Indian word, meaning "Muddy Water." Michigan An Indian word, inclining. "The Lake Country." It is nicknamed "Tlie Lake State," also "The Wolverine State." Nebraska An Indian word meaning "Shallow llivcr." Nevada-- Spanish, signifying "Snow Clad." The fictitious name is "Sage Hen State." New Hampshire Named from Hatup- hire county. Kugland. The sobri.piet is ;Thc lilanito Stale." New Jersey Named from the Isle of Jersey. The sobrioitct is "Tlie Jelsev Blue." New Mexico Spanish; named from the eountrv of Mexico, meanim: "The ace of Aztec (iod of War." New York Naiu.-d in honor of the I 'uk.' ol York and Albany, it is called file Excelsior State," and the "F.ntpire State." North Carolina Named, with South Carolina, in honor of ( liailes 1., of Km:. 1. The fictitious names are "The Old North State," "The Tar State," mid "The Turpentine Stale." Ohio An Indian word signifying "licauliful." Il is nick named "Tlie lluekeyc State." Oregon Signifies "The liver of the West." I'eniisylvania - IVnn's woodland is the signification. The sobri.piel is "The Key- toliu Stale. Lhode Island Named from the Isle of Kliodesin the Mediterranean. lHio.lea signifies "A Hose." It is niek-nauicd "Little Uhody." South Carolina -Named in the same manner us North Carolina, which see. The Hyiibriijuct is "The l'almclto S(a(c." Tennessee Herived Iro n Indian words siguifying "Itiver ol (be llig liend." It is named " I lie liig llcnd Slate. Texan Spanish; saiillosiguify "Friend" It is uiek-named " The. Line Star State I'tah Xamed from the I'tes or l lah Indians." Vermont From the French, signifying "(Iroen Mountains." It is called "'flic (Ireen Mountain State." Virginia Named for liliztbetli, Ojiecn of lingland. "The Virgin Ouccu." It is nick -named "Tlie Mulhcr of l'rcsidciits;" also "The Old Honiinion." Washington Territory Named for President Washington West Virginia See Virginia. It is nick named "The Fan-Handle State." Wisconsin Named from its principal river, and from the French, meaning "Flowing Westward.'' The fictitious name in "The Uadgcr State." Wyoming Territory An Iudiau term, meaning, "Large l'lains." THE SNOW PLANT. One of the most interesting products of the Sierra Nevada Mountains is the beautiful snow plant. The scientific name for the (lower is "Sarcoles sanguine," meaning, "blooded lle.-h." June is its mouth for blooming, and il can now be found growing in secluded spots in the mountains, where the snuw falls deepest in the winter, and where the fall grass grows thickly and casts an unbroken shade. The plant itsell is from four tu ten inches in height, and is of a bright sear L't color, including leaves and flowers, al though the stem is pink and white. The flowers are attached close to the stem, and the leaves curl upward and partially bide the (loweis from view, the whole being in the furiu of a cone. The leaves have a delicate, frosl-liko edge which uiakts them extremely beautiful, livery visiter to this vicinity always manages to secure one of tiles... curiosities to show friends 1k- low. How these plants "i'uw is not known to botanists, as they are neither seed n. r bulb. They arc supposed to be parasil'e mid cannot be propagated. Localities where lln-y are abundant one season may not secure a single specimen the next. A beautiful Indian legend is connected with the origin of this Dower, which is to the cll'ect that once upou a time a lovely Indi an maiden died of a broken heart on ac count of the faithlessness of her lover; that her spirit sought refuge in the dark est nooks ol the forest, where sounds of her subbing and wailing are frequently h 'ard among the trees; that tlie teats she shed are drops of blood, and whenever one ol' these tmi 'lics the earfh there springs up a crims u plant. UMIJ Alt ASSI'.O lilMDIiliHOOM If ever I get married in a church again you may call mj a goat, said a hishful man the other day. What's tlie matter now? Matter enough, lie retorted, and he seemed mad as he thought of it. I was married not loug ago and as my wife's parents were pillars of the chinch, il had to come oil' Micro so tiny thought. Wet', some repairs were being made m the church so the marriage took place in the Sunday school room. There's where the trouble came in. We stood up uear the platform where the superintendent's desk stood, and before the minister got started I ii .tieed a great many people smiling in the audience. I didn't know what to make of it. They all seem to be looking over my h 'ad. 1 never said anything till the thing was done, then I tinned around and look el up. What do you think 1 saw? Otic o!' those coiilounded mottoes hanging over o ir heads, and it sai.l: 'Sulfer little ehil dren to come unto me.' Isn't that enough to make anv man mad? tiki: e tui: ni' ui it i-.i i . Keep a shade on your lamp. Never read by twilight, on cloudy dajs. moonlight, Avoid all sudden ebang and dark in ss. s between licht Never read or sew directly in front of the light of window or door. It is best to let the lidit fall from above obliquely over the left shoulder. I o let IHC I ho eyesight by light so scant that it requires an effort to discriini n ite. Never sleep so that on first awak.uing the eyes shall open on the light of a wii. dow. Never begin to mid, write or s.'W fir several minutes after coming fiom di.rk ncss to light. The moment you are instinctively prompted to rub your eyes that moment stop using Micin. If the eyelids are glued together on waking up do not forcibly open them, but apply saliva with the linger; it is the speed iest dilutant in the world, then wash your eves and face in warm water. We have a few pairs of Kvans' hand luadc low qllaltir shoes on baud which we oiler at half cost to close out. V. N. Stain back & Co. for lllrkcls, Mnrasiiius, and Wauling Disiil-dtTM at t lilldi-rti, Scott's liuiulsioti of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophospbitcs is uneqiialcd. The rapidity with which ibidlren gain flesh mid sticnglh upon it is very wonderful. Head the following: "I have used Scott's limul sioti in cases of lliekets and Marasmus of long standing, and have been more than pleased with the results, us in every case I In" improvement was marked." J. M. Main. M. lb, New York. . "I have used Scott's limulsion in several cases of Scrof ula and Debility in Children. ltesults most gratifying. My little patients lake it with pleasure." W. A. Ill riik.bt, M. lb, Salisbury, III. july -!S l mo. l.AiUKs will find relief from their Cos tivciiess, Swimming in the Head, Colic, Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidney troubles olo., by taking a dose of Simmons Liver Kegiila'or after dinner or supper, no us to move the bowels oucc a day. Mothers will have belter health and tho babies will grow more robust by using tho Regulator If an infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few drops in water for relief. 'I h ; (jcuuine has the rcil 'L on front of wrip pcr. july ii8-l-mo. A I) V lilt 'IT SUM KNTS. A Woman from Austria. i .ii- llif ilhi.ri' nf Zillnig. ilnrf, in I ,(iwci' AiMi-in, live M.'irin 1 1 ;i.i i,i!' lihgrtil ,-unl iiiiliislri(iiisuin:iii, u In -.!' slmy ol' ilivii-n! MillViiiig: nml lin.'il I'lTn l', ii- ivhih'il li lii'isi ll', i-i (if inlrlv-.l lii 1'" tit i-h uliii'li. '"I U;ts tliiiluvi'i," si' styi, ''in tin' work ul ii 1,-n-o-i' L'lriu-luui-si'. ( ivi-i w ui k lu'oiio'lil mi sick In .'iilni'lic, lolluu i'il by n lli'iltllly l.'lilllillg;' Itllil hirklit-SH of tint :-illl;li'll, until I Vim uimlilu to li'tiiin cilliiT fond or drink. I w.-iH coiiii('llrd to tttki' to my ln'il for ncventl weeks). (ieUiiir; a little belter from rest mid quiet, I sought to do some work, Lilt was soon token with n mill in my side, which in a little while seemed to sjire.'id over my whole Lodv, mid throbbed in my every limb. This was followed by a cough and shortness of breath, until finally I could not sew, and I took to my bed for tlie second, and, as I thought, for tlie last time. My friends told me that in v time had nearly come, and that I could not live longer than when the trees iut on their green once more. Then I happened to get one of the Sei gel pamphlets. I read it, and my dear mother bought ine a bottle of Si:ioi:i.'s Sykit, (Shaker Kxlraet of Hoofs) which 1 took exactly according to direcliiois, and I had not taken the whole of it before 1 felt a change for the better. M hist illness bci'an June 1SS2, and continued to August !lh, when 1 began to take till) Svrup. Y. rv soon I could don little light ' ";k. Tliti cough left me. ;::'.l 1 was no more. twill led is: I . ,ilhii:g. Now I iei'l.'i-l cured ; and oh, inn piT liuw Ii; CXjUVSS Si-:ii:n!. trad id' .j.-. 1 am: 1 cannot gr.-ihludi! enough for S:;ri' (Shaker Extern!-). Now I must tell you that ihe doctors in our district distributed handbills cautioning the piople against the medicine, telling them it would do no good, and many were th 'ti'by iiilluenced to de stroy tic- S.-igi-l pamphlets; but now, m hriii ver one is to be found, it is kept like a relic. Tin' fi w pivst rved are Imr l'owcil t read, and I have lent mine for six miles around our district. People have, coini! eighteen miles to get n to to buy the medicine for thcin, know ing that it cured me, and lo be sure to get the right kind. I know ii ivomaii who was look ing like death, and who told tin mm thi re was no help for her, that she had eousttlled several doctors, but none could help her. 1 told her of Scigel's Syrup, i-nd wrote the name) dow n i'o" her that she might make no mi-duke. She took my advice and the Syrup, and now she is in pcrfuct health, .and the people around us arc aiiia.e.l. The medicine has tnaile sucli progress in our nei ;hborhi mi that people, say they don't .vant the doctor any more, but they take the Syrup. Sufferers ft : mi gout who were, confined to their bed sand could hardly move a linger have been cured by il. There is a girl in our district v. ho caught a cold by going through sonii! water, and was in bid live years with cost ivciie-s and i heui.iatic pains, and had to have ait attendant to watch by her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding district to whom her mother had not applied to relieve her child, but every one crossed tlieiuselvi' i aiul said they cnllbl nut belli lo r Whom M'l' tho little bell rung, which is "rung in out- jducn when ntiylui.ly is dead, wo thought Hinelv it was fur her; but Soigid Syrup nml Pills iSbnkcr lixtrnct of Hoots) saved her life, and now kIio is us heii'lliy us anybody, goes to church, nml can work even in the fields. F.vci-yluidy was astonished when they saw her out, knowing; how lutaiv yi ai's she luul litu'n in bed. 'l'u-ibiv she adds her priiti ttnlc to liiino for (iod's nu'reicH ftlul Heigel's Syrup. Maiua Haas. Shaker Medicines are now being Hold in all i. nits nf tho win Id. anil live working wim.lcrs, us shown in tho uuovo cine A. J. White, 61 W iirrt ii St., New York. NOTICE. The underalitTied having on the lnth day of July 1KH7 quail Hod before the Superior court of Halifax county ai KxvfUtorof thp last will and UtUnicnt uf Maria H. Iaiiir dvreaiwil, hereby notifies all per stum having claims agalnxt lit aaid testatrix to ex hibit the same to him by the tint Any of September Wcldou, N. C, JuV? IDUi, 1887. J T. CiOOt'H, Executor. uj 4 flff NKW AUVKllTlSKMIiXTS' DM S I CO., No II SYCAMoiilisTliliKT, I'KTDItSltl KO, VA., KKi:r ,i t.tioiK GROCERIES AXI) ALL KINDS Ol'" GOODS Usually Kept in a First-class WHOLESALE HOUSE, And Offer them at BOTTOM TRICES TO TIIK ItHST TUAIHi. III! ly Sep THE COMMON SENSE LIFT AND FORCE PUMP Mtiki-f n roiniiMi' Kin' Iti'imriuii'iil for Any f'minlfj lliiinc ontof Hcommoii wihmI pump, ul n vit) Mituii diM. norm riny iimei hm n you iiml II lo pill nut litv, and ctt'i'iiicly tiHiidy fur lolvof utbiT thnitc. Kcmly for action tn nue-riwhlh mi mlmile. KiiiTKOlle biiKltii'nn ini'ii wlm will tfive It proper ftlteiilioii ire wmitcil to liuiidk thin pMluji tn every lon i-t .viniylvHiiln, New .icrney. Miirjltniil, th-UMnro VtivmU inh r--! , Blir! will bil rji'i orded cuiurul uf KuliHble territory not already CCllpU'U, CHAS. C. BLATCHLEY. M A N l' FA C T V 11 Ii 11 :. or atlUuettind Sty'm idwiHrd pumps. (HVu n: 'it N. K. iTTY H l,I, SlJI AltK, Opposite HroHd St fSUitti.n IV K. K. rHIl.Ai'KLrillA.I'A. npr -H-co w-13w THIS PAPER ll may nr Fot-vn U.K. AT 4.KO. . IVWKLLACO'H Ntwapapr AdvvrtUlng Bintn (10 ttPBUCM nrHKKTIa wHFKK Al VI-IRlIrtlSO CONTRACT may bu iuuUo Jur It in I KEY YORK. N. C. lUILKOAD. (So! Ml KANT, Daily except Sunday, Priily except Sunday, Kla(ioiu. Arrl vc. I reave. A rri vo. Leave. I'. M. 1. it, A M, A. il. 4:V (loldNhoro, II: Hi 6:09 0:11 KiiiMoii, lo iy 10 Jt 7:HH 'r.H few Ih-rn H:w (tli V:t WiifJ Moivliead City, K:U 6:H U-41 V: l AUanlio Hotel, 6;Jtt :I0 Worehead IH'iMit, 0: t " Comu'ctM with W.4W, train Koing North wldch. Ipavw Uoldsl.ro ul 11; A W, and with K. ii U,, train WW, uiiich leaven (hddfburuHt AMV. M. (J nnii'Clsat i'ihtirlroro h I th Ht.uth bound train uf W. A W. nd which arrive 44:1'-1. M , and with Ka.t Oouud train uK.di I. luwi viiviiitf at iO V. U. B. Ii. MIX, Siipsrlr-lcnOerit, T . M I.