. -ir ( i 1 in is i I A THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, : : : : IKTOIIEK 6, 1SW. W. W. HALL, ) V Peoprietobs. J. V. SLEDGE, J Cl!E AND I'.l'I'KCT.i As, aecoidino to organic law, we see in nature arouutl us tlie effect of its it:i lino in all the ilejiarluicnts, v.iru-d tut tltey may be ao, i" the relation we sustain Id the Iwily politic, i;oml citizenship will produce tiooil results, ami ri'ir ivr(i, bad citienhip will re-ult in disorderly rail mischievous on.4eienip. T.ie ohjeet of life should be to Jo wl a we can to promote the health and .tiv,' tone aud eharaeter to the c iiiitninwc.ilili. The (ireat Teacher when h eaui taught to t hit oikI, nayin.it, "llond. -r utile CiKar the ihiinM that are hii, lioveriiiuetit nan alone exi.t where t people believe in the miprcuiucy of Law on 1 its nnvnooane. The Mirier stun 1 fo:th pro-ninim U ly an the greatest of tea! li en and why? Simply, because of ImIi the unselfish character and enin-l.iiu tciidonciel of Ilia toueluuiM. lie limed at the conquest of the worol iu a lar grander scoae tliau that wlnili controlled the actions of Alexander, Julius I'asur, Or Napoleon the 1st. lie aimed at the radical transformation of men, of revolutioniiinii their thorn-lits. and Incline's; at j;iviu human life a tuw character and loftier purpi as of lifting man 0 it of the mud and mire into wlii. li lie had fallen, and brinin,' him into intimate relation to all the ennobling virtues which c'unered and 1 a ig on the eiuera d glow ing branches of II is Ethical tree. How apparently hopeless wai the task' Justice had fallen in the streets. Slavery was of the most de "railed kiud. In proud imperial Home, the offended or capricious patrician could make mince meat uf his bond servant, and easthiin to the fishes human sacrifices smoked ou count less altars. Men of culture, even, were pven up to every conceivable kind of profligacy, and poor suffering woman w;c deraded and brutalized, and yet such was the transforming character uf His teachings, that iu a little while the spirit of reform began to manifest itself, ami its circle widened and deepened, as the people saw and felt its moral power. Moral law manifests its virtue and pow er wherever and whenever any people take hold of it as a monitor and guide iu the direction of obedience to law. As the result of iuitui.'raliou. very of ten bad characters the scum of deuior.ili nation have come to our country un ler the impression that it is a 'Po as yd pleise country," so when the restraints of law have been applied, they have become restless and refractory and the eonse ijuenea has been fruitful of evil. On the other haud, while it is true that many a noble spirit from other lauds has graced our shores and added to the dignity of our national character, yet many of the opposite stamp have contributed to the anarchy and social chaos that disturbs the peac of society, an I threiteui the sul'V-r sion of all good gover nuietit which has for its object the tnaintt nance of law aud order. Here we sec exemplified in a fearful degree "cause ami ctf.'Ct." This oaght not to be, and must not he allowed We call upon all good citizen 1'roiu c ery land and clime, that have cuuie over to our country, to ace to it tli.it stop be put to these evils, for if n it checked it will not be long, ere, the sad and laments ble crisis will be upon us. that befell un ha;ipy Krance, when the lMibespe rn in era dawned upon her. The law must be, and ti.al help u- all tisay shall be, maiuiained in spite of An" arcliy and lawlessness. till.. (.HINT AMI Till. Mil, Kilt: llie noiiiiiiili.ni ot I il. rretl 1 . runt t.,r i Secretary nt Mate ley the Republican ul .N York doen uot seem to please the eilored pwple of tint State il tii eolorcd editots give the facts. The fY.rM.in New Yoik aud the lite and .Lrocifr Washington City, are nil opposed to of ol j his election. They say that he is no friend of the eolored p uple aud th 'y cann it siip. port him and retain tli. ii self-respeet. Ilia eonduel when a ntudent at West l'oint to. wird enlored cadet Smith, of South Caru lina, nhor his oppojition to the raec, an does also his refuial to allow his father's colore 1 e tthuiiB to drive the hearie it Geueral Uraot'a funeral. They limber aay that th "j oppose Itiiu -because we bdiere it bad p.iliey to five the ma prouiinenee on the strength nf his father s luotiey and reputation. In this republic orery tub mitft ataud on iu own bottom ..t ie s. i .t i j . - . , . on ii . oiouei rreu iirauis luu nas any boltu u to itlic has done nothino to how that aueh il the ease." The AVer, m ni aayi "the colured Vetera of New York ahoul l Dot longer be dwvived and impnvd upon by the uiakei.li ills of the Hep i! !i can paHj. They will tain nothinn by it uccem and leu by ita defeat. We are fi-ht ing for principle, aud tho Republican par ty of Now York has h id none of that oommolity aiua) Saoator Cuoklintt waa diaplaood fron ita leadership." CuH)iihhio!ierCoi.iiam aaya the new praoeaa ot making sugar of tor,;huni will revolutioaiie the auir induatry, and in a few years mike the foiled States entirely imiepjutlent ot foreign markota. Aa the work eon'.inuoa at Fort Scott and Uio Orantle the augar cootinuea to improve in quantity an 1 quality, an 1 there aecins to be a i doubt that a genuine aueeeat hat bees achieved. It ii reported that the wivee of the con demned Chicago Amrohiata will kill themtdvai uA th.ir ehildn-q if their htubaaii are etecaUsl. It wouldn't bo a W Met, If the theory of heredity i wr. reet. SKI YORK llllMIK II I I. The Democratic I'oiivenli.ni which met last week had a harmonious ses.-i.tn which it commeneed by kicking out the , r.iiiii zitinu kuown as the Irving Hall Democ racy. The olhccrs to be elected are Se cretary of Slate. Treasurer. Atinrn y ticu C"tl and (Viinji'.r .iter. Inter, st lia- c nttvil in this convention b.'eau-e it w is b -tiev -l that iheie might be a trial el' Mreiuth be tween liowriior Hill and 1'ie-i.l.iii t'l. vc-lari-1 pivli nin.iry to the contest n i ycir. it being thought ih.ii (he lioveni v mUil then be a contestant for the ilde-ation to the National ('.invention lint if so tin intini ttiou was ojveil of it and no ni'.v, uiciit toward th.-it end has bendi e 'von d As New York is eiilisidcrcil a pivotal Slate ill II lliull.ll elections its .,1 icl.il.ili ill uf h. r principles a ui itter of oni-ril int. n -t. I'll y declare ill It lltl'leee--,ll' l.iwll ill l-'IIIJII-I I.1V1II ill . II 1 if III Ol.l ill l! f 'I l.ii '.i .11 0 b re-lu cii hy a sunt tinl I. " (li in niie hiuiili ,1 mi!. ion- wlii. b i- tic aiuo ml ..I l li ,oiii ill -inpln-, .in.i ui. ( ' ai. i'.-v t. in ik'' ilii- r. i.(. ii. it. .ti -ii ii.' i laif Ii 1 1 1 li'i'1 i ii-i : ! lie 1 "I ill' '' ip!! ll l!i t'-ti '1 .111 1 ' U'll. -'NlpltlV I Ml 'll II III Ml iU-'ih - 'In tax.' Iu h lii I r hi .J i IlloVt' I ,.r lin ' . .ii ;:np.'Hi"l AIhiu u!i ill -i' tli ! i ii - ill II -I, .till I. oufit to tmr w (.'anit'i - uf 1 1 nin n I In nm.'SHarii"t (if ii an I tli pru- l' iiiiiii'in Jail)1 I'luthiiiu it!' ur p; Ho-i-lc! tlh'- tli. it' ti L'lt'i wliit h 1 1 u I t Li' tlnTt'liy liiiiiniliiii' trrn - aid ..I' ill'i s'j.p.trt laXfsail-i r;itirr' aWiV llin-i wliit-h iiiv p'.'fty. iic.'JL-'S :iiii v,',ii i"ii. I lu platform rt'-itrrato t!i ii m of tlie i-ivil s-rvii t' n f-.r:u !.. ,ui 1 PP it t!..u purpo-io fu iipliu'nl i li, -ii. a:.. I .'.ik t: iilijt-i't tiiii' whii-li in'ijlit J. 1 .i ; r-.pri.i! sulimiltt'il t tilt' pnj :i'.tf ::i vi.'rt tin1 railit-al cliaui' in -hIucni-i: ni" in-i' niN wlurli u'r-'W mil :lf . ' . .! -t r:, r-'lnrm law. atil tli- l-'!" r u - ! pini wlitcli t-xt-t in r-laii n t!i r : . I'pMti the liipiuf .pi- -ii n -.1.- W oppH-u; all ."iinnptiiarv law- n-nii. !y i: t'Tl'Till'.' With ill'1 p. l-.'i: rviiNinal'M' li.ilnts .Url , n.'- i,iv i .. ti'iii ul' our i-it i.t-ti. W'- :t tl- it vim- xwviwu-s. liki t'tli' r j r I... .i! r-v runs, ."In.iiM W a pii. J :n I- :i:nj ..t lurliiif. anj t'i tin it .In !! n '. ti tax, tion." Thi.:!iiini?ii ration of i-'V.-rii r Hill un I tliat uf Mr. ClfV.-lan 1 arc !...li . n , d TSi'il aii-l approvnl ami I'm! n nti-lnin' ami support an- p!,,L.,l u, . I lit- other p'Tli 'ii ul tin' pi, it! . nil for primipally to Stat" aHair-, It ul'ptnl willmul opj..iii,.n uii-l with thuiaiii. Tin: k Mt. n r- in i. uhhi in. The regular session ..(' tit.- licii.r.i A.--seuiblv uf Knights ul' l,ab..r m l at Minne apolis oil T'lesday. At the me. ting ..f the Ass blv at Hi. humml l.i.t j.-.tr titer.- were about eight hundred delegates, n-pre-seining nearly a inilli .11 uicuibcr-. At tie lueelitignoiv in e-si unit rr are two bundled anil twiiity-fivo del.gat.-s. The failing 'A! is ascribed to i..lci,t inicrnai .lis.ir.lei- owing. it i. claimed, t" tlie arbitrary higli-ltandc 1 pr icrelings ul' the utive Isiird. Tli. re is ..., ..iii,.n i, present man. igcm. nt and there has lively fighting to secure d'-legates by I'.i.-uon The filling oft' in meiubershi,. as cited in llie decrease uf delegates .in.i ece . the 1 ll each ,1,11 that the order is not as .strong as it and the ilisi-iisii.iis wbich are cii lent further weaken it au I n u ler its in!' less effective. The main cnlr-t wilt I ii e.in-litiitii.n which was pi-.,in the executive bur I i:i .1 one. the executive ..thcers hive bed most absolute power and ile-v h -sitated to use it, it i. , u,j, , jr ititieati -ii ..t' p, r- ti ..! - it . -. t be it al-d il r it , i glVell al- i have liut j f. r I lie i :b toji,.! ry of the ,.r er, I: tbi. ,-. n-: i;: b n i, ratilied tli pre-nt r., ,!! r.iuin .-ili,-,. a year louger. il r lert-J n. w elliur- will have to be , looted fii,. p,ii,,i,. ui licner.il M.i.,ter W-rkiuui l,....-rl wmt in Jefeat the custitiilinii u thai they inav have an ..pp..riiitiit , i,, ,, lent bun, but il I is hard to ell niVthcr th. y are atrong j euollgh to do this. j Ani.tlicr ipiestion , .f interest i, , he dc. ti-rmiiieil is wheth.-r the ass, mbly shall declare in favor of in., t -1 I. nt noliti. al I aeiiou. I pun tills .1. e. lei-, we mi.,.... , whether the order wi'l g.i intu p,.iiii, s n g ulurly as a party, or will -imply coniiinie to exercise th -ir power as ee a-i..n and I -eality may dictate. Til K M aS.ilehlKells ! pub!;,-ms l:,t, deilared ill favor of I. prote -iive lai 11 I . L . 1 . .: , . . i - i , an. I utr- rc'iui lion ol Hit, rilai revetitie :, x - atioii. They also fi.r n.ii ti.i! m l t ishieuiion. They also lav, ir au itiernw io wages, a mailer ip,.u which ih y will find no opposition. I! it th fail to ,..x f',in h..w ih wsges arc t.. l e or when Tsn.VF.sskk has prohibited prohibition by about l.i.Whl majority, but Florida is giving prohibition majorities in a nuuib.r of counties. I suffered from a very severe cold in my h ud for Mouths and used everything nit oiiinicinlej but could get no relief. Wi a adviaed to use Kly'a Cream Balm. It him worked like magic in its cure. I am tree from nay cold after using the llalui otie week and I believe it is the best remedy known. Feeling giateful for what it has done for me I wild tli in testi monialSamuel J. Harris, Wholesale linear, U!l Front st.. New York. Two Bottlee of Kly' Cream lialra cured the wife of a well known C. 8. A. General and also two army officers in Ari aona of catarrh. to order to n duie itock we 'Jfler all antxln in Hock at grutlr reduoed prioee. KN.Wt.ioWt Ate. : . ... ' We keep oonatintly on han I (offinj and tulteta. P, N. 8tsinaick 4 Co. WHAT TliKV SAY OK V.KN AM' M ! Thlt An C'lunr tuav tvir ulur wi:1i a iv rt iln !,i u-i1 uf ll.ittt riti "T'. r biiuj i"T- t , I llirtll in.lv lAU- lliat ' ndfi-.l ' pri' . ln'iiu im.'i'iiim in:;, or . ipnl.it- mi pr .-j It'll tii.ii :t mi. Mil kni'I ' w. r'k. :ni'l til l! tl.i!trVf- ;l- a rj !i fi Tlii' in ii u h w tu-iL;, in live wai I tli.' p.'ioii- uli -.' pi i; wi'l r i I kii 'A Mli"i - in 1 llnriihui'., II'., . lint iMlir ,r p ii;., (' ir i- lt h!i .hi i ill ' pun h i-i'-l Mith i p.'i but M I ,t iu, aini t ,U I, !lit 'I'll! IIIJ III 111. .-I 11-11- "HI . -I 1 ll ltc I 0 ,,r I,. 0 till, i! . -Mill wl. ''. r l.it-iti . - I III' ,1 Km li: iin- in.it T it in-. ii' in. nt -I (Vv A it-- it Hi. -r. .iu l'.,r. hi -! tin hi .ill- Mate. Mai ,C .1 !,. , t'i,t i:. i. it Hi l. Ii.itcl .in 1 . ii:-ti'' p!e i.!' M- p art y llitlisclf ll: ,1 dcf.n.. I ;- .11! llie , ! ill nl- he .lie .11 , , i-tratf ,,, . I ! 'Hi .1 -K N itlntn: 1 1 in tli ' I .' 1 1. r. .ibid, 'I.. iiict'ea-llu illlernated aetivil.v un pr.-s..,"t. dii-1.- illi l-ri-f ni'"ii .n . lr. an 1 t 1,1 t'H ' i 'i nt ..iir ti irk. ..in. -I ir.id I i I -I ate Al' 1 11 I l.-KMK.N'lU POWDER Absolutely Pure. lln.i oet : :i lv Space fs lleserv. d f .r II I'. S w ho h as gene to llilti,r,. l'lol.,.l,ll,i.i an,l ,,t!,cr Northern markets t., iirehas.' a large t.H-k ,.l ,.s. C nleetii ii. ri. s and other Ite r,' substantial goods. -tl.MMIsSIMNKKS I.1M1 Hit liy viltlle of a ileeree intule in tile special pnN-,s-ilni M-nilini; in llie SiiM"rior Court lor Miililiu lamnt v. entilleil II. li. .luues vs. 'flloinas .loiu-s. tlie uinlei'sij.tidl win existse tor cash at public auction to tlie liiglicnt liiiltler, in the town of Wcblon ..ti the 1st 1I11V iifiletolT, 1"7, that lot ..roared of j land silnnle in said town ami IxuiiuIhI as j Inllowa- (In I lie North by the lanil nf .1. T. I Oimm-Ii, on the Ka.t by tile lot of V. U. Hill, on the West by the lot of II. T Pope, mid ! on the Hnnth bv the roiid leadinu rrom Wel j dim tn Rush' mill. The terma nf sale are nne-half eaah, tlie biilanee In Mix months, I the deferred uiyiiieut to be secured by luite lieariuv eixlit per centum interest with ap 1 proved MKiirity, the title to be retained until the whole ol the purchase money it paid. Tbie Aug, ath, 17. K. MANWOM, W. K. DANIEL, pt ltda Commisalonen, 0A m;v .ivi;i;Tiii I':nts LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. I M A I. lK i ; i n t p.. ml - HnV- 1 I U'- li ii ! 1 1 1 ' n; i s i .-r Mir i.i H 'h- -:M)V.iT-:FOR Guns. Pistols jj ... . AMI lI AlinWAKi: 'h i i ; uli in lit i tt ia 1 . ri.i:iiiii tiiu i.t its it hi s llli 111 ilC I- I' - Law Prices, on Reasonable ferns. M.sn 1 INHKAIiMIMi LAM) ! This is a fine opportunity to pur chase land where it will be certain to double in value hi two or three years. Apply by letter or in person to i T.N. MILL, Halifax, N. C. Mr. J. T. Gooch will take pleasure hi i showing the lots and lands to any one wishing to see them. X IIM.n.W fl Ti. vt shl.-.l. A.lmr of M ir) . -!,1. .1, , s.ocl , 1,1.11. 1 rlisrkw tt slill.l. Mlt'l , alien. I AH ll. li , 11 ill M,e Sls Ve.t . lllill, t e.iUW llrtVillK '"'etl !il. -Hint. .1 !o M W lo. el-. lii.uo.lrst. r ol Mar) A slue, U. .1.-. , .we.l, I., r llo 1'iiri-H.c ,.l .,11 itiv u certs. ii irn. t a I net in - .el li t)- of H.Oi lav to lllHli, asseits I r til. ,i)W.et ,kit..Vi. I.) I the srH Olte-I .te III tit,... .r 'I, r .tefltli lh"- p.T- .'.Sj ),n.t.-r1 ..I .ai t file. tat,. ,a. oif Im'.-ii i-(ih isU., ' l,y Die MIKl M. sl.lel.U A'tllOI. Isllalor H- alolC 1 si.i.l 111 ).,oti, . nt .. 1. t.i-,.l sai.l oil.-slati. sii.i 11 j ai-ia-.iriiiu 1 , llie -iill-l.iell. II ..I lln , rt I.) atlelH vi! ttist tli. 'n: -till rcmslti. tine io..1 utitwul ,tet,is ! oriiie-,,,,! lilt, -1st,' lo tin' amnilllt "f ala.ul nvi i,oii,lr.sl it,. Hats, iii .. I ihc nl uf l he Administration mii.1 ttiHt tlicssli-el lan.l will ts msTs-r) to ay s .ill ilel.t-an.l costs ..! ailiiiiio-lrali.nl. ami It lur tlier a)i.cariiiK I., tlie sat i-ia. II, hi ,.f lln' curl Unit tile lU-l. ll.laill l.tlla l.,a lie ,11. ,1 iiutaTl l..H')tl Hr ' lion rest, letitnflhi'SlalenfNurlh.nilliia tail re side III llie town ,,f M.iylii-w. Male uf Uitsissii.i. , and an- infanta Willi. ,ut Kiiar,tian -an t iiiu d, relet . am. James llHlica-k is a null resident uf 111.- state ' .,r North rarulltia l.ut now rinldcs lit tin1 citv of Orlauda. Htrtteuf Klorlda.and sfler due dllutii cannot Is- found Mint that pentuiial acrvice eantiut bw made on tllelli: Tliervrun on inutioll of ii I,. U) man. attoruer fur the .aitintr, ll is ur.ten'd l,y l) till' curt thst advertisement la' tnnilu in llie "HoASoar Ni ws" a uewsiMiaT imlillshi'd In tlie town ufWe'doii in llrtlif.u isiiiiny once a week for di pircceaslve ei'h. mrtlfyliiK llie said defciidsnl to appear atthcotllcc of the .suarlor (ourl t lerk oflUllfai eoinitr laifon John T. i,rti,.ry, rlerk uf aid court on tir before the third day of Novemher 1KS7, ami show cainie if Miy tii,.y i,aVe why tlie prayer of the Htituiierslisll not la- arantisl JUHN T.i-UKUuHY.C.S.C. i i IVpt. li'ltt', Ml IN I nil" &: Cartridggs, ... j, OF AM, K I I U 1! U1H i N W -M-n. N ('. ) M Ji i.i - : iv tih: tu s ih; w ki.min. ai 1 IMM l TO -2 MILKS aug 1 tf DINING ROOM, I M'.l.v.Vi, ;o.V I 17. A f .. oi'i'iisi ri: y.oi.i.it (in i: it's. II. , I tltl.1,1, M II 111 till ! .rvl.-i-'lln lacit nitt'h MllJiU. .' in toHii fur rcmimr ; ( jtt: I. friu U.. ! hii1 lr.iiitfiill-.inti Kiilir.iH.l kin... A ll'lHt i uli t ,k M hi r. rtii.li.l If miUsIm. J K HAVt'lH K, V4i!iliiti..ii, A v nn W.'ldtiti. J,r. v j.t l.i ;lni LKdAL NOTICIv XORTH (Ah'oUXA. HALIFAX t'ttfxrr. ix Tin; si it.iuou rotitT. TliMHirts H. Tyl..r uml iw rkvW i.iv.n Kui iM..i tl llciijninlM JiiIiiimiii tl.'i i iiM tl Aifiim-t M-irtliaA Witlutnin, J Al. U illimnr. umt T A Wil I in mi It ..'rirituf ti. tin' ..url Hint tl..- ntKivf t-Miilnl rmiw imiiihi'Iioii f,ir tin- l.iriH'iun(il i nnriKHi! mi ri'l t-mntt' lui iilt'il in Hnlilnw c. unity, I hut I fir tlflV'ii-iHuU Miiridn A Will iitiii mni )' 1 1 1 mriif. n- iit ,Hr (Htrtici. titer, tniitnl tlmt lin y .-oi nfi.-r -In.' il.l'.Ki-iii c U- l.-titi-l uitlttii tin- -siiil, tht f iul il.'f.'iniHiiU im' livri'liy ri.jiiiri'! I nin car at Hif r.nirt huim-(11 the town i. IIhHIhi n the l'il) M Ih inter tin lirM M-itnl) u HfiimtM-r 17. mul Hiiwi-f -ir .l.miir u tlif mnitUim of th Iiliintilh whi.'.iw ill Ih; then uii IIiku IUH Hh tlie fit-tit of sii i-oiirt. JUlIN T. l.RKl.llttY B,,.,.... p, ...a. 8. 8. A1bui, ttturiu'y for pUlntiff. 4 1. NUVKMI5KK 1ST, -J XI), 1 MMtwMMmwmmffi Tho Eiijliteenlh I'air will Lu Iteid at Weldon on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of NoveinLer next under low I t-; .' Ad ;Vs V IT. 'rfl V, ... LA. " r- 3.. A' V .,:'' W Ir l . , irj.'-jfj'v.-'-u. -j ,., .f.-.-i i'J, . i l i tJ. and will excel in display and interest any of the preced ing annual exhibitions. a la i;;k imikmh'm list rsr s r. r - ' "v . v i .. .-s i-.-f r-"'tiV. 1 ! fJf. - ------ m$'mi if with numbers of regular and special premiums is now ready and can be had on application to the Secretary. N I- W FKATI ItKS. Senator Wade Hampton is expected to address the old soldiers on Friday. A Grand Military display on Thursday, a mule race, a sack race, and trials of speed every day. - A ball every night with excellent music, and a Theatri' uai euitji Lnuimeni aimng tne entire week. Excursion trains everv dav at suitable hours, on roads at greatly reduced prices. Everybody is coming. T. L. iHl (li 11 it I G Ul :fe1.- ;. t vAv:'vHvl-.' b V :x?a 'ftojK J t til ,. x s Jt" " U it w f it sS t'. ."IS.".' t A ite. t-T.aLtrj l.iftdK1 - .' : - - 'Mil) & -iTfl, C 11 t , i r-Ws...i', jssot 1 V t' h-xiH 1 1 i l & fee T -s r-1 v i if "I wvs ' EMRY, President.