ii ill 11 easajfJl H-A-LIL. & SLETJG-E, hioi'hiktors. VOL. XVIII. -A- NEWSPAPEB FOR THE PEO PL EL WEEDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 18S7. T'TTi-p.'lvrR I'KU ANN! M IX ADVAM'K. NO. 32. NKW ADYKHTISKMIONTS -PATENT X AGAMBRIlLMfcCo Tin' value lit' I'l.tH'lt depends iipmi tin' TUITION COM'Al.M',1) 1 III K HliKAP IT MAKKS. Maryland and Yirginia Wheat, t'ruin which imr l'ATKNT liOI.I.KIt I'l.OI'llS nr.- chiefly iii.unit.n l if has lo-ig I n i'iiiioihIi'iI to he SITI'.lilOR In anv uili.T. because it has a HKTTI-'lt CUM- 1IINATION (!' lil.I'TKN AMI l'llOSI'll ATIIS. This la. t is rmfiiianl not unlv III this country, but i" tin" I'nitr 1 Kingdom as wo'l, where tin- "l'Tl'SCO srVi:i!i,ATi vr commands iK(.mikmi.v mum, monky than any other American Hour. Ask your grocer fur it. A No fur l'ata i Superlative, Cape Henry Family, Hcdl'ord Family, l'atapsen Family, North I'oin't Family, Orange drove Kxtra, I'atapsoo Kxtra. Chesapeake Hum." llahlwin Family. C. A. liAMHRIIJ, M AMI' AC II I! I Nil COMPANY. ii'.' Commerce St., Rallimuro, Mil. ang 12 1y. W. H. BOBBIIT LITTLETON. N. 0, 1IAVK Jl'STOI'KNKD Til Kill FAI.l, AM) WINTKR STUCK OF ;0 IDS CON. SI ST INC. OF Dry (ioods, Xotiims, Hats, limits ami Shoes, Hardware, Tin ware, llruivrics, ami Co il' i iimieries, generally, ami respectfiilly invite everybody to cnine ami see them lie tele making purchases elsewhere. Very Itcspcclliilly, W. 11. lKUUIITT.V SON. s.piu".ltf THE PLACE TO GET Oaiil 9 UB0XGIHB3, AT Til K LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFKU'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPUKSCRIITION IiKFARTMKNT ril.I.EU WITH THE BUST yKLKCTKU MATERIAL.- I'KESCUIITIONS COMl"OL'NPKI) AT ALL HOl'liS WITH GliEAT CARE. I'KliFUMEKY, KTATIONKIiY, FANCY SOAI'S, Mil'SIIES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOIIACCO AND CIGARS. REMEMBER Ihala hearty welcome llwayi wlu yuu t ZOLEICOFFEU'S. it J. 1ST. BEOWN, B. T. SIMMONS. BROWN & SIMMONS, DRUGGISTS AND Will HEADQUARTERS FOR TOILET AIIT1CI.KS, I'KRFl'MKKY, COM IIS, HIU'SIIKS, WAIN AND KAA'CY STATIONARY, AC. SiC. ""PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED.,, rOicn on SimJays S to 111:311 A. M. ml l" 7.:t I'. M. , KkEtOUV IIAUmI ItUliNIf Hi Itiieiun vriuuJMP ism A Life BxperienoA. Bumarkabl nd quick cures. Trial Pulcasa. Send tup tor Maled pvtloulan. Addraaa Dr. WARD t, CO. Loulina, Wo. WEAKUNDEVELOPED iigSotlh-IH'M N Hi H l V K I . Hi I I'.l l.l'K V Kl, OI'H', SI g ,,U stjl.Klr . . im.li.TTtX l I-,,,. ,1 i,u .1 J., V I1 V()UKIN(J ("LASSES ATTENTION ! ZX IitvmMit tt Imme, Ihf whi.lo nf tin lime, or fr Ji'lr Hr' monu'iiu Hnsim-m new, Unlit mn! 'n "'me. IVnuiiu of either rtily ritni fni -r0 ci'uui to V Oi tMrtrviMiinff , mid it pn-pitrtioiiiil kiiui 'it (Jcvntiiiii nil tln-lr time to tin1 !ii"iiuw. IWy KirlifHrn msiirly sh mucli ah tih-ii. Tlmt nil ho thli mav Pt iii) tlivlr mltlrt-wi, mul tct th I'ltMiiew, wt1 tiixip thiiotTvr: To mich re nol w4i-fl'd wpwill h-ihI onpi,.Ur tu my for the UMubtti uf vrlthif . Full iMniniliin ami Diitllt fnw. . AaJro, UkUUUK HT1NHON 4 CO., C- lj, FurUaud, HUM. kim)i lnu uf miBiunWnuuM mi THE PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774 KSSKNTIAI. 1. 1, KM KN'I'S OK NT PHARMACISTS, Tint's Pills tlmitUtthtlnrplfl tlvor, Ntrenrth n llicditcewt Ivc i-t,ii, rvulul tbo banelH Uii ant uurquuletl mk mu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. n niUrll lllrlrl Ihrlr lrlim are H lilt-ly roirilil. h lliey ivmi Hllnr irOlrllia liilrfv.n lh.''i.ni rrom ibi .iili. l lnuy Kr 4Mlvd. li.inMll. lrtc, UAr.a. Sold Everywhere. Offlcc, 44 Jlurray St, New York. Kb 3 ly in Im mmlc Cut thla out mul turn to us, hihI wo will triiil yen fri',iiiiiiit'iliOiKi'fK'iit vhIhu urnl imp'irtaiiri1 Inynii, tluit w til bUrt yi.ii lii liit.imi w tiu-ii iu niiiiir ye" in ui'ii "i'ii. ....1-1,1 u., ihmi uiivtliliiii i lsi' 111 till, wnrlil Anv nlittl'Htl lie till" Werk llllil lllO Ht lie KltlliT ll UL.I.N S.iiiii til lim lli'W. tllilt limt I'lilltM llldtl. v int llio w.ifker. WewtlUUrt yen; HHnltHl not nisliil. 'I liis l one of tlui Keuuliif. Iiiitmrunl iliHiiretnlH lift'liliie. llne wlinaro .1111111 iui and iutnirlslna will nut delay, tlranil oultlt Irea, Aildnim, THUJS4C0., Ainnma, Mulue. dev ly. i:i.ti i:sT sii.r.sci:. A Infer once pondered nu itniori For many a duy, ltl'X..l . il Unit tilt' llilc lll'lli- Jul- ,s,lc,l ii -1 1 . i : . 1 1 . T.-l.t jH IU-.I1 Mil). The It uder.-l ti-nn-ul' the laiiKiiii(i- he smmM, All'l I'OIIIIIll (hflll '.ill U 1 1 tttTl' lllTllllUI'tt UN III.')' KUk'tlt. . "I in t f . tly tvrirtiii lint I 11 wiy ' (n lnmKlu, "fth, w Inn will tin- fiij "' Vi-t. "tniiini-ly t liuiii;li,lieii In- k Hi lt lyhi li.li' Itltlillll'riit-.tit'l.lll TliHl none ..f clHiii'iil h-ii-)iii Ik- lrlc.1 V"iilil i-mujc at hit cull. Ill- IMUtir.tl) tutlKUt' Ct.Hl!! Ml) lllll-. Ill Itl'Nt. II;, i Jiis.r.tvi-ci,-AMi, nmcli unl it kiMi.Itho Tin, Whilv ciit otily )ii in r fiiir frtt-e in IiIm limwl, NiyiliK IHilhini; Hi nil' A DREAM. "Wi-U may el(T r viit n (irtiuim: 1" HI MHkitiK tiioiuciU- H't'lll Willi -ili li ftim-iful roiivifiimis As iniikc lit'.' li.srira drciun." "IU0(1 luck to lull IKiW D.trliy, nnJ Joii't return until vou i lehacli a 'Millie- man or a fool." The almve salute was uttered by oml naturul Haihy llnnan's mother as she liruslml him oll'an.l siarleil hiiu for Huh Ii.,. Mi Hie ll.iuan, as she tvas e.i!l, ,l hy her nekhlnirs, was very proml nf Iter mm Par hy, ami ll.irhy was a very useless speeinien of humanity: he was withal very generous ami always wishing to he a ereat man. y, t never wnuhl do anylhin that Would make him -real, if we exeept, that he ion slanlly roamed over the reen fields of his native pari.-h, prayed and wished ih it he Mil. Ill, hy Millie aa'lley, spililllal or lllllliau. r.-arli ihe aeni" ol his amliilion, whieh was to many a "".real lady." One day he heard nf a reat lord that lived up In Dublin, who had a daughter so handsome that her like, was never seen, an I all the line young gentlemen were dy ne.' about her. but she would not lake any of t Iii-iii . And ho nunc home to his mother and said : "1 shall an to see thisreal lord's daugh ter. Maybe ihe litek will be mine av-ainst all iho.v tin" ynnn- g. nlleuieii that let'e her" (l.i aloii, poor fool," said the lumber; 'liowe.m the pour stand before ihe rich V lint he persisted. -If I die mi ihe mad," he said "I'll try il." As lie starlet! nir to net 1I10 j;reat ladv, his mother jjnvc him the oIHKl Ul.k faulv noted at the opening of ibis story. lie hadn't pine far when he in--t a poor man who asked lira for a trifle for (bid's sike. Sub pive bint sutneihiii out of the trille of ley his m 'titer "..tve hint. no neui on. .viraiu aiiotiier met nun. ml hei."'ed for a tiitle to buy food for ihe sake ol'llod. an.l he ''.tvo him souielhiuir Iso. and went on. "(iive me 11 trifle, lor (bid's sake," eried a vulee. and he saw a third pour man be fore him. ''I have nothing left." said Darby, "but few penee. If 1 :ive ihetu I shall have nuihin:; left for f.nij and must die of hun ger. Hut coin,, with me, and whatever I can biiv with this 1 shall share with ymi." As they were iioiiiL' en to the inn, he told all his story to the beiar man, and how ho wanted to fa to Dublin, and had now no money. So they came to the inn d called for a loaf and a diink of milk. Cut ihe loaf," he said to the henstr, "you i the oldest." I won't said the other, for ho was ashamed; but l)arhy made him. And mi theheirirar cut the loaf, but tliu' tiny ale, it iiewr f;rcw smaller and though they drank as they liked of the luilk it never ".rcw less. Now," said tlie boj:e;ar man, "you have three times been eond to in 1 to d iy, I'.r tlirico 1 have met you and you It tve niven mo help each time for the sake of (iud. Ve, now 1 can help you also and he a (."lid liii;; to Ruby. "Wherever you place lh.it rue:, and wi ll lot it, piM colic' bright pilil, so lh.it you can never want while vou have it." I'll. -ii I'.iiby pill ihe linj: first in one pocket aul tic 11 in I lie oIIut, until Ins pockets were so heavy with ..!d thai he ml 1 seir.'i ly w.iU; but wli.'ti he turtii'.l to lb ink 'h til tid'V be.' ir. he was L' .ue. So, won h 1 1 ti 1 iii If at all his a I veiitur.'.. he went en umil ut la.-l he came in sihl 0,' the Inr l s p.d.iee, which wa oiaulll'iii 10 s e. II.' ni 11; and boillil tin.' ,1 .tin s an I ma le huusell a. palid as "v ;!?) , Ji 1 t h -n lj w, n; I,., I lly up, ami ihey itiviud In.u in, tVr lltey said ; Surely he is a kin-ssnti." A11.J wit -it ill! diaiiei heir c.itn the I ird's daughter liu'ie l arnn with Dnby and siniied on li i in . And he iliaitk rich wine, and was mil with love; but at la-t th i wiiu ovcrcatu : hi 11, anj ihe s.-rvani. had to carry him to his b d, an I in tro n'; into the Mout ho droppe 1 the liu from from his linger, but he knew it not. Now in lit-' morning the lord's daughter, came by and cast her cyis upon the door of the chamber, uiul there close by it was the ring she had seen him wear. "All, she saui, "1 11 tcaso tntn now about this ring " Hut when Dalby awoke and miiscd the ring his heart was grieved. 'Now, indeed," he said, "my luck gone." And lie inquired of all the servants, and of the lord's daughter, and sho laughed, by which he knew she hail it, hut no coaxing could get it from her. So when n'l wan useless ho went away, anil set out again to reach his old home. And he was very mournful, and threw himself down on the ferns near an old fort while wailiiiL' till night came on; for he leafed to go h um' in the daylight lest peo ple should laugh at him for his folly. And about dusk three cats caineoiit ol'lhe fori talking to each oiler. "Mow long our cook is away," said one. "V hat could have happened to him'.'" a-ked another. And as they were grumbling a fourth cat came up. "What, delayed you?" they all asked an grily. Then he told his story how he had met Darby and had given him the ring. "And I just went to see ihe lord's palace to see how the young man would behave: and I was leaping over the table when the lord's knife struck my tail, and three drops of blood fell upon his plate, but he never saw it, and swallowed them with his meat. So now he has three kitlens inside of hint, and is dying of agony, and can never be cured until he drinks three draughts of the water of the llaplist well." So when Darby hoard the cats talk he sprang up and went and got three buttles full of the water nf the llaplist well. S.i oil he went to Dublin. And all the doctors of Ireland was about the lord, but none of tlioiu cotiM tell what ailed lilui or how to cure him. So they gave him entertain Incut and lod'.'iiigs and wjien he was re freshed he gave of the well water three draughts to his lotdship. when out jumped the three kittens. And there was great re joicing, and they treated Darby like a prince. Hut all the same he could u-.t get the tin- from the lord's daughter. So be set oil' home again, ipiile di-hcartcmd and thought 1,1 himself, "If I could only meet with the man again wha gave me the ring, who knows what luck I might have?" And he sat down to rest in the woods, and saw tin-re, not far olf, three boys lighting under an oak trio. "Shame 011 ye to fight so," ho said. 'What is the light about?" Then they told him. "Our father, ' they said, ''In-fore he died, buried tinilei the oak tree a ring, by which you can be iu any place in two minutes if you only wish il; a goblet 1 hat is full when standing, and empty only when 011 ils side; and a harp that plays any tune of itself that you name or wi-h for." "I want (0 divide lite things," said the youngest hoy. "anil let us go and seek our fortunes as we can." 'Hut 1 have aright tu tin.' whole," said the eldest. And I hey went ou fighting, till at length Darby said: "I'll till you how to settle the matter. All of you be hereto morrow, and I'll think the mailer over to-night, and I'll engage you'll have nothing to iguarrcl about wlu-u you come in the morning." So the boys promised to keep good Iricnds till they met in the morning, and then went away. When Darby saw them clear oil' he dug up the ring, the goblet and the harp, and in two minutes he was in the great hall win re the lords and ladies were just sittin.' lowu to dinner; and the harp played the sweetest music, and they were all delight. 1; and he drank out of the goblet which was never empty, and when his head be gan to grow a little light, "it is enough,' In: said, und putting his arm uiotind the waist of the lord's daughter ho took his harp and goblet in the oilier hand and nun inuring. "I wish I were at the fort by the side of the woods" in two itiinutts they were both at the desired spot. Hut his head was heavy with the wine, and he laid dowu the harp beside him and went to sleep. And when she saw him asleep she took the ring nil bis finger and then also the harp ami goblet from the ground and was back home in her father's castle before two minutes hail passed bv. When Darby awoke and I'uiind his prize -"lie, he was mad, indeed, and roamed about the country till he came to an in ch, ird, where he saw a tree covered with bright rosy apples, liiing hungry ami thirsty he plucked one and ute it, but nu s-'i.ner h id he d'-ne it than burns began to sprout from his forehead and grew lar-.-r and loti-.'cr until h knew he looked like a goal, iilil all he eoiibl do lb. J Would In t com-- olt .Now. itidnd. he was dtii n out - I his mill I. and thought Imw all the ii'-igbliiirs would laugh at him, and as he roared and raged villi Miatue, Iui tried another ti"e with apples still brighter, of a rii'blv gold. :ll 1 were to hare til'ty pairs of horns 1 must have one ol'tho.ie," he said, and sei. tug one, ne nan no sooner la-leu it than the Horns tell on, ami lie ti lt that ho was looking stronger and handsomer lhau "Now I have her at last," he exclaimed. "I will put linrns on thetn all, and will never take them off until they give her to me fur my bride before thw whole court Without further d lay he set off to the lord's palace, carrying with him as many of I be apples as he could bring off the two tr r. And when they saw the beauty of the fruit they longed for it, and ho gave them tu all, for at last I bete was not a head tu be Foeii without horns iu the whole din ing room. Then tiny cried out and pray ed to have the horns taken off, but I'arby said, "no; there they shall bo until they have the lord's daughter given to me for my btide, and my two riDgs and my goblet aud my burn all restored to me," And ibis was done before the face of all the lords and ladies, and his treasures were all restored to him, and the lord placid his hand in the hand of his daughter, say ing: "Take her; she is your wife; only free me from the horns." Then Darby brought forth the golden apples and they all ate. and the horns fell oil, and he took his bride and his treas ures, ami was in the act of carrying them home, when is mother called out: "Dar by, what are. you doing there asleep with the sun high in the heavens, and the cows breaking into the rabbage garden?" Dar by rolled himself over, rubbed his eyes and looked greatly disappointed. 'Mother," said Darby, "what day is this?" "It is the first of April, of all the days in the year," said his mother. Well, well," said Darby, "if you'd only waited for a few minutes longer, ymi would have had me homo a gentleman, with a great lady for my wife, and now, with your cabbage garden and your cows, you have broke my luck, and here 1 am, and I sup pose always will be an April fool." OUR COUNTRY S CHIEF PERIL Miuiiifiii'turi'i a Kecoril. "Are we a nil ion of gamblers?" This iiicsiiin was asked hy a retired merchant of high chatacter and sidling integrity. His companion, the head of a gleat bank ing house, sadly replied.- "I fear I must answer yes." Tle-y were conversing about the lliiclualions of Wall Street, and about the corners that have been manipulated frcoucutly of late years, "tlh," said the first speaker, "the papers talk about our danger in ease of foreign war, because we have no naval defences, and of the case with which the great ships of even some of the South American Slates could com. pel our seaport cities to pay tribute to them; but perilous as it is to remain in this defenceless conditioti.it does not trou ble me half as much as it docs to sec the deiiioriliatioii of the public mind brought about by the grc.it ganiblcis of tbo coitt. try." There is good reason fur such gloomy fot-i boilings as these. ( i ambling of every degree and kind is an evil, if not a clime. Kvery Stale has laws more or less rcprcs sivo that represent the enlightened public sense i.u this subject, but all these refer to petty things, while iu Wall street and all the other commercial centers ihe evil in et eases, and has rcaclnd a magnitude cx- ling anything this coiinir) has hereto fore known. Railroad corporations, trans portation anil telegraph Companies, and even the food of the people are at the n-y of the men who play for slakes as great almost as the wealth ot the country. it- honest investor nn longer dares to buy slocks and bonds to hold for legitimate income. It is impossible to foresee how lung it will be before the soundest and must valuable prupcrtics will be wrecked. l ot by misfortune or by "visitation of Hod," but by tlit'selli-h operators with more millions than consciences, who euro only for their own aggrondi."tnont, and are ut- telly reckless ol the sufferings of their victims. It is bad enough that the small invest ments in stocks and bunds upon which the widow and the fatherless had depended for support should be made worthless, as they have been lime and again by the nia- nipula ors of Wall street, but it is far worse that it should be in the power of one man, or any combination of men, to force the prices of food and fuel to a point that carries suffering to the laboring mil lions of this country. Tln sc things have been and will be done until the public conscience is aroused, and State and na tional law-makers are compelled to in ike all such evil acts, and crimes punishable by law. It has been said thai this is impos. sihle, tint that is a mistake. I lie same ptinciple that underlies the laws against lotteries, policy shops, and gambling houses. applies with eipial force to these weightier evil. When men conspire together to advance the price of wheat or tuirk, or of any ntlur thing that enters into geiieial consumption, by creating an arlitici.il scar H v, they do an evil thing I hat is easily to be pl'iivcll, and that ought lo he severely punished. Thus far the South has escaped to a great extent the gambling mania that pre Vails iu ihe Norlh mid Northwest. Her banks, cotton and produce exchanges have neen notaulv conservative in their husiness ideas and methods, llt-r people, like those of all other sections of the I'nion, have suffered from tho clfects of gambling op erations elsewhere, and as industrial devel opment goes forward am) wealth accuniu lutes, they will feel it still more. Tin )luiiiifnctttm-' llrvunl calls upon its read ers to consider this grave subject, and tu use their inltuence tu arouse a public opin ion against it. If this evil continues to increase iu the same ratio il has for the last dirade, it wi'l demuraliie all legitimate business, retard Southern progress, and work untold mischief in all parts of our land. It is the chief peril of the country Let us all join hands to suppress it. We have a few pairs of Kvans' hand made low-quarter shoes on hand which we offer at half cost to close out. 1'. N. Stain back Si Co. wKAKixt; tiii; mtci't hi:n. The moment nf supreme dignity in a boy's life is win 11 he first gets into trousers. I'crhaps the feeling of Iriiimph isilue nunc to bis now having discarded long skirls than to anything els-. This appears from the remark of one observant youth, who, upon the memorable oeci-ion, glance 1 down upon tin1 ftew glories of his person and ex claimed: "Now, I've got two legs, just liko Sam1" Sunll II ibin, when bo had conic to this first turning-point of life, showed himself uii.hr similar eireunistanees more of a gentleman. Arrayed in his new suit, ho was at first speechless with sheer delight, Then at length bis joy found tongue, and he burst out: '-Oh mamma, pants make me feel so grand! Didn't it make you feel grand when " Hut an awful consciousness came over him that this bliss had never been shared by his mother, and ho laid his wee, chubby hand pityingly against her cheek, saying, pathetically; "l'isir mamma! poor mamma!" 1 1 A VI N.I ill our official capacity as incin licrsofthe Plymouth, I'u., Hospital Com mittee, been asked to test ami prove tbo cll'oclivcuess of many ilitl'eient articles to be used as disinfectants in sick-rooms ami as preventives of infectives fevers, report lluit llarlivs I'r.o.bcl n lie l-'loi.l lias been thoroughly tested during the recent Tv- pboiil epidemic in this place. It proved most ctlieaciiitH in staying the spread of the l-'evor. V. II. Armstrong, S. M. Davenport, .1 A. Opp. O. M. banc.-. Tbos. Kerr, James Lee, .lr. Sept 15-1 mo. Ill Uriel', anil In the I'uliil. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good na ture. Tbo human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things iu existence. It is easily put out of order. t ircasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bid cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not lo be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. Hut (irecii's August Klower lias done a wonderful work in reforming this sad bus iness aud making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Itenicuibct: No happiness without health. Hut Cincti's August Klower brings health and happiness to th" dys peptic. Ask your druggist for a bott'e ) cents. '" nkw"a du'IrtisI-'mknts. E. i Cuttoll AVELDOX, X. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, YKCKTAHLKS, LlQl (HIS, CltiAUS, SMOKlNii AND ClIKWINii TOIIACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices tiroccrics of all kinds, YVincs, l.iipiors, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuti', ite., and will al.-o keep on hand a full supply of fresh cgctalilcs of every variety, whiih will be sold cheap. f,hjiLLic BufiJL Cjses. 1 will always keep oil baud a stock of well made Metallic llurial Cases and WOODEN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which can be had at any hour, day or night. Orders by letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention aod ensca shipped by first train. I'ATHONACl! KOMCITKD. K. A. CVTHRKI.L, First, Street, W'cldon, N. C. Bcp 15 3ui A DY Kll'I'lSKM KNTS. A Woman from Austria. Near tlif vilhig'i' nfZillin. iloif, in Lower Austria, lives .Maria II:i:i, ,u:i i.iiclli'.'i'tit ami it n 1 1 1 -it i s i 1 s-i u iiinmii, w luisi' story of jiliy-iral siillViiii"; ami fiii.il relief, as li-Liteil ley herself, is of interest tu Ktii:iisli women. ''I was employed," she nays, "in the work of a larp- farm house. Overwork liroiilit on sick lieailaelie, followeil by a deathly faintiiiL; ami sickness of the stomach, until I wits uiialili! to retain either footl or drink. I was compelled to take to my lied for several weeks. (Jetting a little lietter from rest and quiet, 1 soiioht to do some work, Imt was soon taken w ith a pain in my side, which ill a little while seemed to spread over my u hole Imdv, and throlilieil in my every limli. This was followeil 1 y a eoutrh and shiirtiit -s of lift ath, until finally I could not sew, and I took to my lied fur the second, and, its 1 I hoiioht, for the last time. ,M V friends told tile that. mv tune Inn! iiearly come, aim that I could not live loiijrer than when the trees put on their erfeell once more. Then I happened to g-ct one of the Sei-p-l pamphlets. read it, and mv dear mother l.oiigrht me a l'uttle of Sr.ioKi.'s Svitcr, (Shaker Kxlraet of Knots) whieh I took exactly according; to directions, and I had pot taken the whole of it liefotv I fell a chain'c for the lietter. M My 3.1. last illness lietran .linn lssi, and continued to August !l(h, when 1 lieu-ati to take, tins Syrup. Very mhui I could doa little lioht W"ik. The couu-Ii left me, and 1 was no more tl'ollliled ill I'loathim;. Now I nni perfectly cured ; and oh, Low happy I am! I cannot express L'la'itudc enough for SkioixV. Svtti i (Shaker Ex tract of Hoots). Now I must tell you that the doctors in our district distriiiuti.il handliillsi caiitionitiL' the people, iiirainst the medicine, telling them it would do no good, and many were thet'cliv influenced to de stroy tic Seiu'' 1 pamphlets; lmt limy, whenever one is to lie found, it is kept like n relic. ihe tew preserved are lior rowed t.) read, and I have lent mine for six miles around our district. l'eople have come eighteen miles to get me tolmy the medicine for them, know ing that it cured me, and to he sure to get the right kind. I know tt evoman who was look ing like death, and who told them tht re was no help for lier, that she had consulted several doctors, lmt none could help her. I told her of Seigel'si Syrup, riid wrote the name down for her that she might make no mistake. She took my advice and the Syrup, ami now she is in perfect health, and the people around us are amazed. The medicine has made such progress; in our lieigliliorlit on that people say they don't want the doctor any more, lmt they take the Syrup.' Sufferers from gout who were contined to their lietlsnnd could hardly move a linger have licen cured ley it. There is a girl in our district who caught a cold ley going through some water, and was in Iu d live years with cost iveticss ;u i.' rhcimi.ilicpaiiis, and had to have an attendant to watch Icy her. There was not a doctor in the surrounding district to who'ii her mother had not applied to relieve her child, I'Ut every one crossed thetnselvc ; nil 1 su ! Key collbl not help her. Vi h. :.. '. t t.o little, bell rung, which is r ing in our pluoo when nnyliiidy is uead, wo thought mii ely it was fur her ; 1ml Scigid a Syrup mul I'MIh (Shaker Kxtinet of Roots) saved her life, und now sbo is us hciiHliv us nnvliiiilv. goes to church, und can work even in the tit-Ids. Kverytuulv wan nsitottitdu'd when they wiw lier out, knowing; how ii mu v yi ins she liml been in bed. To-day nbe adds her grati tude to mint' for Uinl's lnereies mul Si'igel'H Syrup. Mama Haas. Shaker Medicines arc now bciiiff Bold in nil pin ts of tho world, nna nro working wonders, us bIiowii in tuu above case. A. J. HUE, i- 61 Warren St., Now York. NOTICE. Hnvlni; this day qimllticd im BiltutiiUtrktor Knttu IUIe, riiYenscci, before the Hiiperlor court UuMfitx CHHinty, lhureby ntKify all personi hold lng clHimi Agilitst tho eittite of my intonUte prtHM-nt them duly uuthtutloatcd by the lint of October 1k8. W. GRKUOttY, adm r. Crowi-lUN.C.,8ept,l 1H87, ept. W 6-w, ADVKHTISKMKNTS. MILLiSERi: f Milline- ilirm iiiK nil the fully JtivIUfl to mil ami uxntuiiio my stock mul jirk-i'S, bol'tiri; 1'iir 'litising. MRS. r. A. l.KWIS, Wcldon, N. C. i;.r is ly LIQUORSr C. SMITH. ski: ins ijq cons, ski-: ins ricMis. si:h iiis anocr.RiES. in seer. (I, cjftiED qooos. KVKRY DRINK IN SKASON. toefC. Smith at Kvans' old sbnd ashington avenue, Wcldon, N. C. Yc have on hand and for sale cheap FAMILY (IKOrKltll-s. CAN NKll illlllt'S, CONKI-I'TIONKRIKS, TllllAi eil, SNl't-T, I'll, AllS, Ac. OKASOK'. l.KMUNS, Al'H.KS. 1IATKS, Nl'TS. KAISIXS, 4e 4c. ALSO FitEsu niiK.in. I'HACKEItS, CAKKS. IMF.", .1 .1 ) : a t o r ji o if iV Orilorn hy mail promptly am-mled to, We rvhiHt-tfully ullrit a share of nubile nairul m:wton l.KK. Wtuh i r ijft on A."'inir. Uvlilmi.N C. iimr U ly V f-' r U .U'.l.r. KI-.AI. V I A I h I.N II A I.I r FAX AND NASH (ill SI IKS, Ity vlrliHf ofaibvTvc of tin- Superior court of Hall. Ih iiiiiuly rrinlervt fall term IrWri. In the1 cane of W, (. Pmiii'l. i-xei utnr uf W W Iinnh-1, ilvctiini'd, axaiiml W. W. Ii.r and tit hem we will mil lo tho liikihol buhliT fun-null at thv Court hniiw d(;r In Ihe town ul Hull lax on M.imlay Uio llth of Nnveni b.-r 17 ti iuirt -layl the fullou Iiir real irslaU- to-wil: I am tlui!) iteuiiiiL' mv I All. sl-ck j I IN k I itiu'.-i ii'ivviuivt. Vmi im- rt-si Wine vnno k)UU ilcc in l v All that lrcl ot laiul lu llalfan county ou w hich tin-Hunt tt . W, itOBier mw reside lying on lg KixhliiK Creek, and on the Ulll'i road, adjoining Ihe bind!" of Mn.Mary ti. Aycook, Abut Kotuter and tithem aud eoniaiiiiitK aoven hundred aeres by ultimatum, exeept the Homeittead allotted therein to wild W. W. Kuaacr.uiiiUiniiiK two hun- ilh-d uud twenty . We acrei which la described In the coinmitisioiieiV report of said HoiQeKtwid. Also one other tMct Iu ttald county known u the linker tract lying on lllU n roaii, alu-iit three uilei from KiiiRWiiod, adjoining the lands uf John R Moore. drecaNH, and oilier eontaluluK about two hundred and twenty-live crest. Alao all of Mid W. . litwMer aud J. 0. Boner, hit wifeVright, title and Interetit in tho trart In aald county known tin tho Hykea' place, adjoin lug the ' landhof T.L. Burge, J. H.Cartlide, and the tract II rut dm riU'd, and lyiiiK ou IIIr Finhing Creek aud contalniiiK a Unit two hundred aud twenty-flta acrett. Almi all (he rlftht, title and Interest of aald W. W. RotwtT and J. O. Itotwcr, his wife, tua ploca or par . eel of laud lying in Nah county routainluK about i. J two hundrci item und adjoining the lands of J. J, Thornton, (ircen L. Conk and J. C- HtiMte. tt r. W. W . HiNwr whonn1in upon the Drat named tract of laud, and whoNcaddrefw Ih Kaniioin'ti Bridge., will gW any .n formation relative to the Lauds. R. 0. BURTON, Jr., J. M.(JItlZZARI, OouimllotierB. UaUfltx, K, C., Ovi Irt. WW. ttla, to day t