IIAXjL & SLETJQ-E, I'iioi-riktors. A. UEWSFlFEK foe the people. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 18S7. TERMS-!-00 l'm ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XVIII. NO 3G. NKW A DV KKTISKMENTS THE lTCBICf VsupiveOI CAGAMBRILLMfcCo., PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1W. Tlif value of KI.Ol'K ili'ii'int upon the ESSKSTIAI, KI.K.M KXTS Oh' MI I'l! IT I ON CONTAINKI) IN TIIK IIIIKAD IT MARKS. Our 1' ATI) NT Hoi, Ml ri.dl'US ar. unci ifeutvl frcn ilnCUOH'mr Will) AT ouiainaMe. Hal- iin,,r.' tniuls pre incul In this country ih n iui.r'"l I'ur cli..ice wheat wliit-li uivi'.s in n real . Ivantnrt in tho aelcctiun of tin- MIST Til AT IS (iliOWN. The SllfT.llIOH l OMIilNATION ortil.l'TKN AMI I'llOSI'll ATMS iImik afforded, enable u to i,uc,' "ii tin- iiinft"t. i'W i;nkqi'ai,i,ki nut ns itiutv and nutim- TIOCS I'ltOI'KKTIKS. This lact is reiwotm -d nut onlv in iIiih L-iumirv, but in Europe as well, where the "l'ATAl'SCO SCPKIIEATI VK" COM MAN US DKCI IM'.I'I.Y MOHK MONKY than any other Ameriean Flour. Ask your gri cer fur I'.itapseo Superlative l'alcnl, Hcilford Family, I'.itapseo Family Patent, North I Vint Family, Orange (irove Kxlra, Patapsco Extra, Chesapeake Kxtra, Baldwin l'uu ily. C. A. OAMMUhL MAMFACTCHINU COMPANY. lil t Commerce St., Kaltiuiure, Md. aug 12 ly. W. H. BOBBITI A S0H9 LITTLETON, N. C, II A VK JI'ST Ol'ENKD TUKIR FALL, AND WINTER STOCK OF flOOIfS CONSISTING OF lry Hoods, Notions. Hats, Hoots and SI100.1. Confectioneries, generally, and resectlully invite everybody to come and see llieru bo lure making puriliiises elsewhere. 'cry Respectfully, W. It. liOlllilTT i SON. seit 1'Hlf THE PLACE TO GET -AT LOWEST IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLUIOFFKK'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L D O N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPRHSCRlPTlOll DKI'ARTMMXT FII.IED WITH TIIK BK.ST 8K1.HI.TKII HATKK1AI..-M PRESCRIPTIONS COMIDUNDK!) AT ALL 1IOUKS WITH CHEAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY HO ATS, liliU.SHLS, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. RXMKMB1R thata heart! welonmcalttsji awlu you it ZOLLICOFFEll'S. IT J.'iDT. BROWIT, . B. T. SIMMOITS. BEOWN & SIMMONS, DRUGGISTS AND fjEtDQUWTERS FOR TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, PLAIN 'PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED..,, "0(Kin on Sund.vn 9 Ui 10:0 A. 51. nn.l fi to 7.: 0 P. M. 1W Tytfc Pills A Lite CxpwleiuM. E.mrtcbl. nd II II IIIU Iliilnlr niinM hilllUH. Bend W tamp for aMladputloulu. dilraaa j Dr. WARD A CO. Loul.lana, Mo. I WEAKUNDEVELOPED Hiunil I.ium ryu m twif iMiiHT, In nu ll Uitn.i mil hi Hi Li. 11. tn iwaf at nn Uu. On iti Flint ran .ih- ilrli.r I il I blll IllHII. ' ;"ltl WORKINO CLASSES rlcTmemtt home, tho whole of the limp, or for Mruimre tnoini'ut. lltulutwinew, llglit u1 pn Ublfl, lVrwnuofi-itlier wx i-iully tni tmn W) ctsntit to tv.O) iKr cvtiiiif. mid a pniK"l',1Jl1 "m tT ilovoiluR all tlieir tiuit to Uia IttiBiiK'ss. ikiyi ad Rirli earn neurly u murh u meti. That all who itve thin may fiirl their a' Uinta, and tint tliu lHiiaca, weiuake clilmfier 1 mch m ate not wrtl laUseM we will nomt mind'llnr to py for IUo trouWe of writing. Full lmnirulirnand outfit fry. M AddwiiJ UJtOiiUKBTlNMON 00 , f'UAU4, JUltt Hardware, Tin ware, Groceries, and TIIK PEICES, PHARMACISTS, AND FAAt'Y STATION Ain AC. MlmuUlMthetorill livor. otronvth. mlhUla-Miivori.-iM., rcKUUItttlb ImU mm4 iav . mI4 aa mm ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial rtlrl-l Ihelr In lip. ar Klill meiriil"l.lii'.T MMml. Hilar urouiirllim I" n lh. JH.in fr..u II..I FOl";. awatad. Uoaaanall. I'rica, Aaeta Sold Everywhere. Ofllcc, 44 Murray 8t, Now York. Fcb31y tills? made. CTulllila ni ai'd I a .11(1 tt. Will M-Ild VI IUH I trvr. surui'lliiiil! "" .' Imiu.rluiiee UiVoll. Hint Mill hUrt yU III IHIHIIIW '" ""' '",,'," ..,,; i.rUilit th" iiytluiw. rim in tUa rid Aiit "e mil dr. Ihe work unit live t hunio. hllher ,.-ill M ". HunieUioiir neir, Ihnl jnn lr. mull ,vr'..rtl.Tirken.. Wowlllitwl y;w: eMt.l not ui'. ilvd 110" i" "tie ur Uio gi-uiillie, mils ..i.a.iepi uf a lifetime. Hume who lire aim ,u4 "tXSrto not d,ly. Omnd ouUit CQOD-IIYE. Wcsay It r, r an Imur i,r fur years: Wo wtjrtt mnllliiK. my It clinked Willi teiiru; Ml) !)' It Ll.l.tly, ly t WU1I 11 kM: Ami y,t we have, nu other wiml limn this tle, nl-byr. - have n.i dearer v., .1.1 P.ruur henrl K friend, Km- lii 111 wli.i Jimru, yse, ihe Hnrld'M liir end, AwUnirNi.iir soul Willi e"lnil; thus we ssy, As utile him whu Kle-H l.nl r Hie way ll-ssl-Lye. Alii.i' tiillniM' tte hive lllid t'ltleme we luile, W- sny in. ne.re ii i,iniim. ,',i Hies pule, iolilia u l, , ,a,.,, ..tit 1 y,,n, I'Tjirl ti's KtlllK. Wo cry n, I ,ilie n-undcrcr f.,i u ulk'lit;-- 1,., ml iivoi.i ! 1111; 11111:44 (ml HOW M K N s I'llKSKNT IIAII1IKNT UK HOI.- K.M.N IKIIKIIONV WAS llllAIil'AI.I.Y liKVKI.lll'KI). t'.rk Herald. F.very part of the despised lross coat of shape, slit at the is on eaeh Ii i aieasun for iis peculiarity' The uppanntly foolish niek or juiieliire ul' ihe eullar and laciii; aiiit.1 (lilt's f'nuii tlietimu ulicii turn rudi' a grt-at deal, ami (In; eullar must be Ins (iiiMitly turcl up and tin- client liutlciKil elo-ti-ly um iu inwl tho iw-niy ol' mhI'Iui sttiiin-t. A tliii.Hiipii was uiihIi' nil cat'ti ui'tlie enll.ir to n rtnit tliistubt; dw, and the prcsi'iit us -Km slit t!ie survival uf this vi?ry ncull'ul ipicdeuesfior. Nut even the buitmiH which udurn the small of diiu'h back are lucre vain inia. nu'titfi. In about the year 170 it bt-an tt bj tlio custom to L-athtr io at the waist the rt;iek.iike eoat uf ihe mriod. This was done by Iwu buttims sewn on uvt r the hips, which were attached to mt$ K-t on at tho ede of the coat. Then, the waists became a peruinni'iit lashiuii the loops were disused, and the buttons instead of bL'iu diHeauhd, were simply moved a little further buek; here tliey attached to a new u-etuUi'.-is in suppoitinj; the tword belt. Now lint sword belts are no longer worn these two buttons seeui merely a weaning Iet i xereseneo. The very hape ol'tho drss eoat whit h has beni so mueh and so often ridiculed, i-i nut an urbitrury fasliimi, but a natural velopimnt. Siartiif from the ample riijuare kirtel eoat ol the tlost ol tlie sev enteciitli eeutury, itself it developuit'lit, we n.'Xt hud tin; Baino eont Willi the eeruers o!' lhi skirts butLm-'d tincther for the convenience uf ridin:; tlwn the Kline j;ar- iiii nt with the l.ip eorm rs cut oil" instead ofbutli'iud up the swiill-iw tail of ihe early years of the present century; Hnally by a viry slight d.,en',r.t,ini the modem dress eat was I'roou-td. In Uric., and to the 1'uliit. l)ypepsia is dreadful, disordered liver is tmry. ludije.itiuii is a toe u) :ood na ture. The human digestive ujaviratiw is one of tho most complicated and wonderful thiiiL's in existence. It U easily put out of order. (irvasv I't'fd, toujh (mid, sloppy foed, !ad cookery, mental worry, late liour irregular hahits, and many other things which ouuht not to be, have mado the meneau people a nation ot dyspeptics. But tlreeu'a Au-'ttst Kluwerhas done a wonderful work in rclunntii this sad bus iness and makirij: the Am- ricau people so hoidiuy that they cm enjoy their me.il.- and be happy. lleineiaoei: -No happiness without health. Itut (.recti's Auj:ut Klowtr brings health and happine.--. to the dyspep tic. Ack your ill uiruist for buttle. 7") cer Is. Dclicute Clillilrcii. inlnt; Mothers, Overwoiked Mm, ttlut for nil diseases where tissues are wastiii;j away from the inability to diii urJuiary f"ed, or from oxenverk of ill' bnnn or bed v. all such Miould lake Scott's KinuUiou of Pure Cud lavcr(Ml wilh Hypeph,.sphiies. ,lI used the huuiUion on a lady who was delicalp, and ihiuiteiied wilh Hronchilk It put Ikt in Mich i;o..d healih and flc-h that I tnu-t.s.i it is the Ut Kinui-tnii 1 ever usvd ." L. I. Wai.ih.i.i,, l. I' ll u-h's Mills, S. ('. -I have u.-.ed Scott's Ktnulsiuii, au-1 ni'i! say it is the bct prepiiruit-iii ol the Kin t i have ever u-tu and I .rive .mind it Hit very thiu ! r children thit have mat .ism lis." lr. J. K i. iytin, HreW'T I'. O , Mo. Sept 1". 1-wo ll.WINt. in our utfici.il capacity as uieiu h rsol'th-' I'lymouth, la., Ilospiial Com mitte In on u-ked to test ami prove the etr.rtiveitess of many dtlleii nt arliiles to be us d as di.-in' . lants in siek roou s m.d in jr-ieiiliv s of itiH-t livcH lever.J, report (bit Dar'c.M IV-1 hyl.tdie I'luul h;ts b en tlior-mjtlv te-tui itiirini: the recent Ty I1 hoid eiileuiie in tins p'fl'V. Ii irovul IllOnt elll.-liloU II the l-Vvtr. K II ArnMr-.n .1 A. ,,.. Thou. K-ir, S pt Io lih'i .tayiiu the i-pivid ol H M Oiveijort, 0 M. I. l..e. ,Jr liltu I'lieiii a l.'liaHii'l Tli.it is lu b.y, jour lutiii. AUo ull ymir bieatliin maeliiiury. Very wonder I'ul iioieliinery it ii. N'ut only ilio lurer air p,w;it -s, but llm tlmusuil. ot'tub.-M Bil l oaviiiin leiulio IViuii tin in. When lli-" ..r-i elei.' il ami rlioltiil Willi urJtler wl.iell nnslilll.it lob? tie re your Iuiijm cannot hull' uo lli.ir w rk, A:i'i what tlwj d i, Ih IV oallleit il l Well. Call it culil. coiiitb, eiou', piiuiio'iiii, caturrli. ociisuuij.tii.ii or any ol' iIm iiiinily ofihront ami diic anil lieail anJ lunji ol structiuiii', all are bail. All oujjlit to bu got nil ol'. Thore is juit one suro way to got r'nl ut'tlietu. Tint is to into IW.'hw'ii O.Tinaa Syrup, wliicli any drujiint will sell you at 75 contii a bottle. Even if ev erything clmi lia-i failed you, you may de pend upon thin for ceituiu. In order to reduce stock wo offer all good, in stock at greatly reduced pricef, V, N. Stuioback k Co. MAKING WOOD PULP PA1L9. A Itaolcut Wlttiout ITHipflaNn ter Lfnki Nor l-'nlla tti l'lorca. Tlie wtH.td, prefeniMy upruee, alllnninl: any wjft, lihrous wmxmI will an.swcr, U ( lcarel uf tU hark and cut to a li-nth uniiWm w ith tliu ffri mist mi' to be used, generally HI to-l iuolu. It iithen plaeed auainst I ho face of a rapidly revolving Ki'im.Htunc, tliu grain of iho wood Lt'iiiK in a lino with nr parallel with the axiaot tlie hintie, ami u hydraulic or worm wrew pi.st.tn kit'piiijj the W(hhI ronntantly pi'i'ssiil Hf;aiiint the hlone. Tlio rewilt, which is washed oil' the Mono by a nhw er of water, iifler U'iiiK HereemHl of bliverf and Kiwdusl, is o milky wlnto liipiid. W illi i hu watei'Kullieii'tilly extvaetetl this ihi.i is the wood pulp umiI in the uianu fiieturo of jiainT and indurated ribor ware. The pnx'esH uf manufacturo of ware from tin- pulp is i'xcetsiiti).'ly sinijtle, and is suuilar in all the lines made hy the company. In nutkin a pail, for in Ktuuee, the machine for first molding tliu pail iiuin ihopulpisprovidcd with a hollow periiiralcd form of cast iron, shaped like the iiisido'f a pail, and coven-d tirstwith pei lorated liras-. and then with line w ire cloth. This form, worked by a hydraulic piston, is pushed up into a laro cunt iron "hai," which lits over it very tightly. Within this hat is plaeed a tlexihli. rultU'r h:i, and U'tween this and the in-net- 1 1 nut liist inenlioneil is admitted tlie pulp, still in a liquid state. The nolo hein pumped in under pressure, the water immediately U-ins to drain otl throtigh the wire cloth and peiforntioiis, and the rtihU'r )kz swells unlit it tills llw hat. The supply of pulp is then shut nil", and water under liih presume in admit ted withiu the hat and outide the rulUr baf;, thus squeezinp; much of the water from the pulp. After standing soma eiejit to ten minutes the pressure is shut oil", the inner form lowered and tho pulp pail removed. At this st:ij;e the pail is nearly SO per cent, water, but is sullicieutly strong to allow handling. This water is tirst all dried out in dry kilns, and then the pail is turned otf on the outride with a gang of mi'. After sandpnitcriug iiiMde and out tlio pail is ready for the treatment house, where it is charged w ith a water proofing coiiiound which permeates thoroughly the material of which the pail is made. Baking in ovens at a high temperalurt! succeeds ouch dip or treat nieiit. The polish w Inch the goods present is deserilied as iM-ing the result of the final treatment. After this the handles are riveted on tho goods, which are tlieu readv for the market. Kailwav Ueview, Old Time Wtt liH hi Maho . Whit tier has very deftly alluded to the old f-o called witch. "(Joodv t'ule," of Hampton in hi "Wreck of Riu'imouth." In "The Changeling" In- tells unother Hampton story of the old delusion. Too pie H)iot now at this day to lint site ol Ihe grave where CiotH.lv Cole was buried j wilh tin iron har over her head to exor j cise the eul spirit w hich m-u dnith was j not suprosctl to ileslrov. If it aMum-hi us to hear of tuesi U-iK f.s in that old lime, how much more astonishing it is to hear middle aged people now relate the ef fect that this delusion hadonlhcir fathers. One lady (t Us me thut her mother w hen a young l hlipiH'd a darning needle U' tween tlie chair and the gown of a cer tain unhidden guest who so Into as that h'td the unciiviulilo witch taint. The contact of steel was tnppived to ln. wiich the w itch and hold her f;ot from iti-ivement or evil doing. "Mic was riltiug near the (ire," my en tertaining rnconteuso went on naively, "and idle keplcumphuuingand eonijslain ingofthe heat, but the never rose ami moved away until that ncwlle fell!'' Anutht-r htory followed of the lady', grandfather, who, perceiving the ;!pproacl of this tame possessed one, Hung lu hatchet into tho ground before her. The w itch harangued and stormed, hut would not ass on until tho hu toilet was re moved from the path! "(Mi, I don't believtin witchcraft, but it was (pieer, wunii't itf" my L-t(ry teller concluded. Aiilltldlea of Poisonous i'liri.ilrMln, As antidotes of Rome of the poisonous chemical-, ttsoil in various industries, The Moniteiir des I'roduits ChimimieH reeom incnds that for arsenic uml its compounds the suliject use mustard and dial zed iron with mngnp,,ia) and afterward oil, milk or mucilaginous liiptidb: for the ci mi pon nds of huryiitor lend, u?e mustard as emetic with went, water, Epsom Kills or (.lauU r's wills in water; for oxalic acid and it i sails use lime or lime water, and atit rward castor oil; for t lie nitrous funic:; from the manufacture of nitrate of iron or of sulphuric acid take acetic acid, as Htn i:g as can be endured, in small (juautilies at a time; for ammonia, f cm Ut potasa. the silicates and the alkaline hydn'Milphale m1 vinegar, and attcr w.od oil or mill;; t r prur--ic acid ai d its s;il(s, the cyanides of potassium and uieivury, the Miiplhicyiuiidi s, oil of hitter almonds or mlrohonzino, K'ur water eti the palicaTij head or spinal column, put inn -lard plasters on the solo.it f the fed and on the t-tomuch, and do not let the pal tent j,o lohl-ep; fi.r etlier, iH'Uileiun, Unolc, fruit essences and concent rat iil iilcuhol. take slroii"; mustard as an emetic, with much warm water, cold hai in and fresh air, aliio keeping awake. Chicago JeuriiuL Tlio Knull of tlie Itanoluil, In our columna tho other day npixwed ademption over the commercial cable of (.rent llritum largest addition, to her nrmored th-et, just launched, and an nc- count of experiment with thednamite gun, the l.itet.1 and most novel enemy of minor, It in not huproltahle, it is staled in the dispatch, that the day of great Ironclads Is over Just as guiiuwi.cr drove the tr.....-i;.. fcMiti nr of Hvir nitnhniw I lll-!llll'ti.liiil t-.H"lt'tl., HO 1 lie Hlllllel-OUM ur tillerv of i.hIuv. Iiv iiiiiliini; Ilio wiirnliii! of the n v -nt past moru thiiiKi'rous to her crcu tiiiio to urn I'liouiv, win i-uuhc mtlieiil rhaiiiro iu nnvat hIiiiis. Tin: i-tliu;i;li' U'twii'ti kuii mid minor hit-, iiiie Moodily on, t'ticli Kiiin'"K idler- nati' letiitMiini y uitviuiluKin. only to be oorioweriHl by 6llcctiivo inipriivonii'lits In tlie iilher, It M ii'oiiii: mat tlio Dii.'iiinatio dvimudU' itn i, the tlitfcivnt tnnotitM of the loriXHln, nml tho aul inarino cruiiHr8 hnvo rliwoil, or will i-liiii'tlv I'lotio, tho ciiuiiM'tition, Siieixl coiil capnelty, ariitvoitliuute, und rapidity ot handling aro likely to Iw Ihe uiiiiti of the new wursbip. mid tho thiiiiu'ialiull eonipatililc with Uie conditions is ULocon- struetiim most ilestralile. Nuval tights tit noil will HKuin bceoiuc triali. of pluck, kuiII, nnd enouraiK'e in- Ktead of liicru txit and kettle eontints, in w-hieh iron nnd steel rount (or morn th.iu bruin and nuiKde. The niilmul 'iiiiloriiiun," wlirthiv flahtini? In wooden niiling el.jp or In n fat steam (iiriarinoit'd) rrtiimir, will aiweit his mi preiliuey aa w lien ho fouirht tinder Oil- bnitiaioil. Nelson, Hull or lleeatur. And vie -ed from tliia fctandiKiint, the United B'.dles lias nothinx to fear from the future of her iwvy, jew Vuw llevtud, Tour Khidi uf PArlaUn lftoirnta. Tho Parisian restaurants may Iw divi ded into four classes. First come the Crenieries," a kind of dairy eatinp house, and chiefly suported hv the lowei clahses; the "KtahliHsemeuts Duval," the restaurants "a lixe prix" and Ihe restau runts "a la carte." To the last class be long, of course, tho fashionable and ex K'iisivo cafes of the great Umlevards, such us tliu A unlaid, the Muison Uoree and the Cafe liiguon. The la-it men tioned, by the way, is in the Champs ElvKees, and its scale of prices is outrage ous, probably due to tlie fact that its pa tronage is almost entirely Knglish and American. A little further down in the scale come a multitudeof restuunnts "a la carte," all good and comparatively rea sonable. The great trouble is that one dining alone must either 1 prepared tc content himself with a very simple din ner, as far as variety is concerned, or else be obliged to order tw ice as much as he can eat at a proportionate addition to his hill. One portion for two people is the almost invariable order in a l'arisian rett tanraiit "a lu carte," and somoof them will even serve a portion for three. Un less one dines there in company w-ith a friend or some accommodating stranger, he willtind that the sav ing, as compared with Dclmonico's in New York, is little or nothing, except, perhaps, in the single item of w ine. The dinners "a fixe prix" vary, of course, in ipialily and variety, according to the price. The table d'hote at six ur eight frillies is far sueiior to anything outside of France, and from that one may dine as low down as a franc and a uarter. Hut the cheap French table d'hote is the wont atrocity that a reckless man can inllict on his long tiulfermg self. Tho service is nlways oor, the room al ways crowded, the table, linen and glass ware always dirty, and the cooking, with but few exceptions, always bad. The only thing that is almost invariably j;ood is the bread, hut then tho restauratitri themselves do not make it, but buy it from tho bakeries, VurisCor. New York World. "FutttoiiiiR" rnmela Fur tho Market. The method by which camels are sud denly "fattened" for the market is thuB described: An incision, a.wt an inch in length, is made in eaeh ear, I pet ween the skin and the flesh. Into this a small tulic is litted and secured by a silk cord. There it re mains, hidden from the observation of all but the initiated and ready for use at any moment. When a merchant who is not acquaint ed wilh the blowing up trick comes to buvaeamel the dealer tabes two tulies, each a yard long, and inserting one end of each in the small tidies just described, through the other ends two Arabs blow w ith all their might, until the animal has attained the requisite degn-e of pluinp- uens. 1 be mllatiug tubes are then with drawn and the air is prevented from cs- apmg by means ot n eoru smeared with itch. The p K.r camel now In comes apprnvnt v (inile lively and frikv, Irving to throw ilself on the ground or to press against n I or a tree, dr whatever other object may lie at hand, so as to get rid of the wind. It is generally too well watched p the 1'a.scally Arab to succeed in accom ilishing its piii juw. Sometimi's. however, it manages to hide his vigilance, and then, if the cork is not very securely fastened, the wind escaM-s with a whistle like that of a steam engine, and the fine looking Uast suddenly collapses into the miserable ol- ject it really is. "Among the Aralw." TiilK IVItl. a Wine l:iirt. "1 Km-h wine yet peaKiek?" tii-ked u re urler uf a rliainpaf;no expert. V-i-tnii.lv it dots. " hennswereil, "and lines iiol tivovcr from it until it lias laid n iieiiitli undisturbed in ft cellar w here tiie ti'inpcniture iIih-s not vary, hi Wiiiin weather it requires lonirer rest. lliis is why our tirm iniinrts ns little as ossiliio ilunnir, the nuuinier uiuntlis. ro t is also n reat enemy of pure ebani- iiaue. and it is dangerous to inuiort it during very cold weather. When touched hv trust wine bivolnes flaky, 'nnd it often taUes uiuiitlisfur it ton-cover. Tho facili ties li i- irul.eliiiK wine from frost while io transit from lleilns to the ecalituml ::r' vcrv iiuor, even if the wine was not lH'.i-teil liv the vovaire. t'larels und ltiUiiiindicM should re-t a month tn rei-over from tlie cd'ccls of a i v, lyaire. Ithine wine cuunot Le ini- Isirti il at all lu laimmer except iu '.l.iss. .mi I even then it neeii.srcst. bniislinien iiieiine Hint clininpii;;ne is not tit to hiiil. until it becomes melloiv with n;;n and has lost its spniklu. This isan alrsuid idea. In thiscouditiiiii it is rtally a kind of t'hnhlis. Clarets, with rare exeeplions, are unlit to drink utter liecoiniuK ten years old. Inow' lork r.vcning Sun. Tlie rarlrle Coatt HuaniUry. The lV.citic ocean Ummlury of tho United States has u greater extent of const line than the Atlantic shore. Tho llKKi'e:ato of our shore line on the Pacific is Vi.VM miles, wlide on the Atlantic it is 1 1 .tiiiu miles and on tlie Gulf of Mexico n.Kl:!. t'atifornia contains l.luti miles. if tlio coast lino on the Pucilic, while she aJso lias 2,2 null's or island snore und Ult) miles of tide water river shore, making altogether l.C-ld mill's of shore line. Texas has an actual coast lino on the gulf of 1,2011 mill's, while Morula lias 1,141 on the gulf and M3 miles on Iho Atlantic, tm that both exceed t'alifoinlu lu this pnrtlciilur. It was the nnucxutlon of Alaska Hint promoted the acltic const to ii nigiier ligure Hum tlio Atlantic, Alaska having II, 830 niileaof coast line. Tiiese figure- are taken from tho 1 1st survey rciurts. Boston Post. Tli ll.al Hern. 'I never could understand how the Uowsiaicra or geuerul public could an-pluti-t a di-siH-rnilo who iinuotinces his in tention of dyiiif? with 'his boots on,' " re marked 11 physician the other day. "A n'.ll who calndv faces death from nn in curable disease, whUo he goes about his lisinil occupation or is chii'i ful nt home, is the one to udmirv. 1 have such a pa tient now. lie knows llieio Is no hope. yet lie is uluiost indifferent lo his fate. It is flil)icult to fully appreciate such heroic conduct, His eulninetia will have ono good clfccl. 11 wilt servo to prolong his life, H is even its goixl ns medicine for him,'- Philadelphia Cull. A Queer i.iitlo (jr front KI11111. A renl Yahoo girl Is at present tu view in the lianoiiticum (dime museum) at I'olono-on-tlie-l.hine, (Jermunv. It is a little ''Kruo ' gii-1 from Uios, in Sinm, Ucr skin, even thut of the fait', is covered with hair half un inch to an inch iu length, except on the soles of the fivt, the . Ibows, nml insides of the hands. She i;is hie kciituH-liei) jpii thirteen d,nsal yertebnu htsteud vi twelre. In every other fesjiect it Ui like a huniun being with a common Amount of Intelligence mid fivliug. Tlie Kraos arc a Siamese tril', all of them, it aeems, rnaseasiiig Uw tame peculiaritiei H this little girl. ADVKIITISEM KXTS. iVhat is this Diseaso that Is Coming li;an Us? Like a thief nt night it steals in upon us unuwtii'ea. Theia 'ii'iits have pains iiliuut thu liest anil sides, and SDiiii'tiines 11 thu liiick. They feel dull aid sleepy; the mouth has u ad taste, especially in tho iioi ning. A sort ot Htieky slinm olleets aliout the teeth. Tho ippetito is poor. There is a .'wiling like a heavy load on tho -toinach; sometimes a faint, all one sensation at the pit of the .tomach which food does not iitisfy. The eyes are sunken, he hands and lent become cold md clammy. Alter a while a ongh sets 111, at first dry, but itter a few months it is attend ed with a greenish-colored ex pectoration. The patient feels tired all the while, and sleep Iocs not seem to afford any icst. After a time he becomes nervous, irritable ami gloomy, and has evil forebodings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirl ing sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. The bow els become costive; the skin is dry ami hot at times ; the blood become thick and stagnant; ! lie whites of tho eyes become tinged with yellow; the urine ; scanty anil high colored, de positing a sediment after stand ng. There is frequently a 'pitting up of the food, some 1 inies with a sour taste and ometimcs with a sweetish uste; this is freiuently at . nded witli palpitation of the i.'iirt; the vision becomes im ; aired, with spots before the yes; there is 11 feeling of great prostration and weakness. All uf these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one-third of our jsipu lation has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that phy sicians have mistaken the cause of this disease. Some have treated it for a liver coir.plaiul, others for kidnev tlis,",ie, etc.. etc., but none of these kinds of treatment have been attended with success; fur it is really constipation anil dyspepsia. It is also loiinit that Miaker hx tract of Uisils or .Mother Sei- gel's Curative S when properly prepared will remove litis disease in all its stages. Care must be taken, however, to secure the genuine article. IT WILL SKLL 11KTTEU THAN COTTON'. Mr. John C. ileinptinstall, of Chulalirmee, C'lebiirn Co., Ala., writes: "My wife has been so much benefited by Shiiker Extract of Knots 01 S"igi'l' Syrup that she says she would rather bo without part of her food than without tlie medicine. It has done hei inure good than the doctors and nil other medicines put together. I would ride twenty miles tc, get it into the hands of any suf ferer if he can get it in no other way. I believe it will soon sell iu this State better than cotton. TESTIMONY FltOM TKXA8. Mrs. S.E. 15ark)ii, of Vanier, liipley Co., Mo., writes that she had been long alllicted with dyspepsia ami disease of the urinary organs and was cured by Shaker Kx tract of Hoots. Rev. J. J. Melinite, merchant, of the same place, who sold Mrs. Barton the medicine, wiya. lie has sold it for four years liud never knew it to fail. BUK WAS ALMOST I1KAD I was so low with dyspep sia that there was not a phy sician to be found who could do anything with nie. I had fluttering of the heart and swimming of the head. One u y 1 lead your pamphlet called "J.if'e Antony tlie Sliid-crs" which described my disease lietter than I could myself. I tried ti. t ..aker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tinsley, Bevier, Miihlenburg Co., Ky. For sale by all Ilruggists, or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limited, 54 Warrctl St, New York. ,tfr A I. E 0 F t. A K It F O It T A K 8 , Un the 14th tiny of Nnvenilwr, nt'it. It Wing Uie Rrat day of the SuperUirOourt, I will wll it public miction it the court limine door In the town of IlrUtlNx.fiir cash, to i"tlfy Bute and. county tuxec for ltutt, 40S anrvt of land tn Faucettt towiuhlp llstedby H. H.Wulel. K. J.I.KWTB.PhtrllT, ByJ. A. Jtihnrton,D,8, ocl 13 id ADVKBTISKMENTS. Is Life Worth Living ? That (lepenils upon tho Liver, fur if tlio Liver is inactivo tlio whole sys tem is out of order the breath is bail, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gono, tho spirits are do- . pressed, a heavy woighl exists afcer eating, with general despondency and the bluer), Tho Liver is the houuekeeiwr of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts liko Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. t havn ImImI IU vlrtuml r know that for l)ynpep.iii, tulliiuHiieiui and 1 per, III It. eraonallr, and lilluinuieHii and Tlirabbllia Headuehc, 11 1, the liest mrslt- ritift tho wnrlrl aver hjaw. Hhvm tried furtV other reined Im liefre Hlmiuuns Liver HetfUlator, And mine of them gve mure ttiaa temporary relief, nut tho Uvgulatur nut ualy ntUevcd but cured. 11. 11. Junks, Macon, oetiil-ly POMONA HILL NURSERIES, I'O.MOXA, N. e., Two and a half miles west of (ireeiisburo, N.C. The main lin. .,' ,i, . & 1) K 11 passes through lie- t- i.u.i- and witloi, I'M) leit of til" . Die Saleu, trains make regular stu,s t'..i,-. .uiij , .u-ii way. Tin s interested in l'Vuit and Fruit growiug are cordially invited 10 inspect this the largest Lursery in the Slate and one among the largest in the feoulli. The prupiietor has fur many yeais vis ited the leaii'ng Nurseries North and West ami cm responded with those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was caleulnt.d to suit tho South. l,tli native and fureiui. i ho reputation of 1'uniotia Mill N'uls, ris is such that tumiy agents going out from tireen.-biuo. representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they are r-prusentiiig thise nurseries. Why d they do it' Let the public an swer. 1 have in stc k growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of trees, iVi.'., ever shown or seen in any two nurseries in North Carolina, con sisting ui apple, peach, pear, cherry, plttui, grape, Japanese pcfeimuiuu, Japanese plum, aprieuls, ueetariue, Hussiati apricot, mulberry, quinces. Suiull fruita: Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecuus, Knglish walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, evergreens, shade trees, ruses, iVe. (Jive yuur order to uiy authorized agent or order direct from the nuisery. Cor respondence solicited. Dcscriplivo cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. UXDl.KV, l'otuuna, Guilford county, N. C. may 5 I v. GROCERIES. Ve keep on hand a full lino of grocer ies, consisting ul sniAi:, COr'l'T.10, KLOl'K, SOAI', MOb.VSSKS. Fine Cig , Smoking aud haceo, etc. Chewing To- CONFECTIONERIES. A full line of Candies, F'rench and Plain, Fruits, Fuieign and 1'onieslic. AVe are prepared to lill orders for Cake', llread. tVc. on short notice tor parties. We kit p fur sale Fresh Urcad from our own BAKEBY. We have just received a car load of the llKST W'lUTK COltN, nnd keep on sale 1' HKSll .MKAI. ground at Chockayotte mill, whii.'h is proiiouueed by all to lie su perior to any meal to be had iu this market. OUR RESTAURANT is open and our table supplied with all the best tilings lor thu oomlort ol man. or 1 on can get t good mea! at any huur. Call and are us. NAW & rUKNKLL, jutic 211 fun .1 I FRYAR it tutj BKKR 4 SODA. WATKR BOTTLKK, In vt in the rnnrkct with his 1UTTI.K1 iOOOH Of cverj variety, w-coud tonom in Uls line. B lU;or and Si' la watfr tfi'very variety of flavor. you don't bcliuvo it Rive him Ail OttUEK AM) SEE. Alwajm at hti post to attond to th buftlneM. With thanks for put fever he bopet to merit oonUnuaiM. tuinuilt aaUtlactlvii. Boniclfully, J.L.KEVAB, Weldon, N.C, Wt 9 U ADVKKTISKMKNTS. 857 I.HTAHI.IHHtl) 1857 JANUARY at 1 B B T. RUFE. W. Wmu - bualor In 'or . - LIUL'OKS, ClUitlta, TOBACCO lll llt'M Il ilt I M.I I L.MJKll UK Kit ON ICR. R W M VI Kl . No. lu. Wash. Ave WelitonN.e June 2S 1-y 'KnUtillsliud; Islll.) UlhrU rf.Tf.UM.I I. .. 11. Steam H ikers and ( '..ut'. et inner- and lalers in Foreign and Domestic Fruiui. Nuts, &c. iMamifactured and Sinokini' Tobacoo. Cigars, Cigarettes und Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Marks' Celebrated steum-ltulinud Candy. nov 1 1 ly. E ROANOKE NEWS, WELDOU, IT. O. TERMS $2.00 A YE Alt IN ADVAN'CB The Roanoke News was established in 1 Sfiti and is on a firm foundation. It is Pcmocratic in politics nnd is devoted to the advancement of North Carolina, Hali fax county and the town of Weldon in prosperity and wealth. While giving tho news of the State, county aud towu, it does not negleot the literary department, which it ia the object of the Editors to make equal to that of any paper in the State. Now IS TUE TIME TO SUUSCRIBl Aa as advertising medium tho Kuanoke Newa ii UNEXCELLED in Eastern Caiolina, circulating as it doe extensively in some eight or ten oouatiea It is rend by men, women and children, end tn advertisement ia ita columns ia sun to be read and to pay a hundred fold. Terms for advertising low, aad eai to had on application. HALL L SLEDGE, Publishers and Proprietor., A a-latffaiaH fii

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