C7 - - - HALL & SLEDGE, I'KOI'KIktors. A. NEWSPAPER IF O IR, THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER S, 1S87. TERMS-I-01 rEK ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XVIII. NO 40. WaGAMBRIILMfgCoJ NKW ADVKKTISKMKNTS THE Premier F our of America. MM )' NOT LOVE THEE. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--1774, Tin' viiliiu nl' ROCK depends iinn tin. KSSKNTIAIi K I, KM KYI'S OK MI TUITION CONTAINKH IN Til K I1I1KAD IT M AKI'.S. Our I 'AT KYI' llol, I.KIt r'l,OI'lW:irotnun'jl'.ictured from ill.' (.'HOICKS ' vVUKVI' obtain il.lc. 1. limi.ro stands pro-eminent in lliis cuuulry as n market for choice wheat wliii-li t:ivcs 11- n (.Mil iiilvun(K in the selection c.l llio IIKST Til AT IS CIIOWN. Tln'SIII'KlilOU ('OMIilNATlON OKUMITKN AND 1'IUISI'II ATKS ilms ull'nnl. .1. i-t.nt.lrH h to ,J;, n the miirk.'t. KUr ! N KQI I A Kl.K 1 I'Olt ITS I'l lilTV AND NKTIll- TIOl'S l'ROI'KKTIKS. This tact is rcoosnicil not only in ibis coiinirv, Imt in Europe w well, when- the. "I'ATAl'Si'O Nlil'KIII.A I'l VH" COMMANDS DKCI 1I',II,Y MOKE MONKY than any other American Hour. A your pueor for 1 ul ii ittco Superlative l'alent, licdl'urd l-'amily, 1'atapsoo Family l'alent, Nurtli IV. int Kamily, Oraiifii'llrovoKslru, Patapsco Extra. C'limajioukp Kxtra. I'aldwiu Kaniilv. ('. A. UAMI1K1M, MAM'KACTI'lll.Nli COMPANY. 211 Commerce St., llalliuiuri'. MJ. miir 11! ly- ' H. BQBBITT & SON, LITTLETON, X. G, I1AVK Jt'ST OPENED THEIR FALL AND WINTKIi STOCK OK GOODS CONSISTING OK Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Bouts anl Shoes, Hardware, Tio ware, t.rocerieii, and (Vifcetiouories, generally, and reaiectlully invite everybody to eome and we thcui be fore making purchases elsewhere. Very Respectfully, V. II. HOIiHITT A SON. sept I'.hf THE PLACE TO GET Iliil $ 11BI6I1BI, AT THE LOWEST PEICES, IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST 8IDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST 8EI.El.TEB MATKIIIAI..-W PRESCItllTIONS COMPOUNDED AT A I.I, IIOll.'S WITH CinF.AT CAIiK. PERFUMEKY, 8TATIOSKUT, FANCY HOAl'S, IIUCSIIKS, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. RIHIMRIR Ibata hearty welcome alwav. awalu jnu it ZOLLICOFFER'S. I limy in love tlieo.hul within my hrart, Win uiiIkIiUuJ dmkiuvtaet my spirit frea, Ami I nil mi ml i frmn the world apart, Tlun- In ulow, deep roii-fl that tell of thee. Tlut vnirt' In itwi'Dt and mournful a the time Of fur .Kollnu niiixlt1 heard in hep, Oi the wild mIrm'f of a -pirll hwnic O'er IiiikIii'J Writer o'il,e midiiltciil deep. I may not !.,velhep,b,it tliy blekii il look l-'iTt-viT limiiiU my ninl whfii Hum nrl far ; II Ifl' tin upward frniti cadi mooiilu i.OM.k, Ami dowimnr i fmni tm,'li brlnht Hint hulyiUir- 'Ti tinnid In cHi'li iinwer thai urtM lm Al tnoriilouri'ft llic -iiiiMillifHtxl I tie ilvw, Aii'l In fiiiij-rloinl tlitu wuml.i hy I'TmtliiK In Iji'inilj-iViT tlui iiiouiituiii L)hu. I tnny iioilnvi' Hi', Imi thy fiitU' wordtt run Klir within my -o il ii. (ontoi unir, Ami wnkiMliiM-cliooCiny tiiri N dtriichonlH l.iku doiiH-MVi'L t mclmly of curly yi'urn. I limy iintlovtLl ,l,ni ii,y Jninj-i! Mecom A IovIiik rmllnnn'ir. my spirit lvcii. For oh! tldtir-- llicv in nil ii,y tln iiuiK OI llllHOHl t'llUll Kill) luti.ill( III llt'KV'll, TELEPHNONINC BYPROXY IhiMKSTH Hl'IIF.MK Til AT UN) 1'RUVK A COMl'I.KTK SICi-KSS. DR. CATLING'S NEW GUN, A WKAIMN VOI.H'K I'SK THAT WlU'LU HKC1MAT8 A Mtill I.V TWO MIM'TKH. THE BULL WON. A UKUIttllA SWAIN M HI CCKSSKLL TO VANyl ISM A KIVAI.. GROCERIES. We keep ou band full lino of grocer ies, cooeUtiiig of sroAit, COFFEE, FLO I'll, 80AF. MOLASSES. Fine Cigaw, Siuulitiii and Cbcwing To bacco, &o. CONFECTIONERIES. A full line of Candies, French and ITain, Fruila, Kuieigu and Doinestic. We re prepared to fill orders for Cakes Bread, Ac, on short notico for parties. We keep for wile Fresh Bread from , our own BAKERY. We have just wived a car load of tin BEST WHITE CORN, ,1Dd keep on sale FKESII MEAL ground at Chockayotk mill, which is prou'iiineed by all tn be su perioi to auy meal to be bad in tin market. OUR RESTAURANT it open and our table supplied with ill the best thinpi for the comfort of man. MrViiu can get (sood meal at any lour. Call and see us. SAW & 1TKNEI.L. juuo 2.'l Cm MILLI1RI. Hnrr Muller, tlut inanufV'tiiriT, luul re turned tVtuu Iih lii'iicvmuon trip.aml al'tcra wt'oli of cnimulti.il h'i in t he lu-w huiiii! lie awuko tn the in-ui-Ktii)- tif altcii'liu' t) hit buMiii'M, un mi uiili n lu'iivy heart hp said po:l-lijr to his liulf wifo and iirum'dt'd to hw otlk'tt, tiiliialfd alioiit a tnilio I'mm the hnuso. The lunp hour uCm'paratitm from the arliifr f hisjdjutnd sorrows were. howevLT,ai'Vere trial to his furtitudi1, and he hit on the expedient f connecting the him.se ami hU place of business hy nieans of a tt'lephtinu wire And nmr swi-i't W'rdn of lendt-K'Nt affection were exchang ed bet Wt i-n the loving couple every hour of the day. A week later the work ufthe office became more uhsorljin, and our manufacturer felt himself obliged to put a atop to (hi waste of time; besides he bepan to iind that litidmillu's cajtkrie8 were r.iwin somewhat tedious and common place. Itut lie would not have his wife suspect llii.s for worlds. Ilia inventive j;e niuM found a way out of the difficulty. There wa.s an old servant of the firm, IKrr Kobes hy umne, almost past work, but re tained to do odd jobs about the place, lie wan a ipieer old bachelor with a red nopo and a rouiautie tura of mind; for he was an ddtpt at whispering soft nothings in the earn of young ludie, and fondly be lieved the whole of I he fair sex were in love with him. llesidtn, the tone of his Voice hud a striking re.se mbla nee to that of liix principal. Ilcrr Mulltr gave this in. in privuto inetruotk.iH, and next limni ing ILrr Kobes was duly i'lt.silled at the 'leph'ine ami engaged iu an am iriius con- veruilion with his iuvitihlc partner, wUV liia priu. ipal w.i-i busy with bin ci rre-pon- enec. Quit.- contri.ry to Muller.s expee- ation. Kti'luiilla appi-nol to lake incieis in' delight in h -r husband' convcrsatiim, and the apparatus was kept constantly go ing. The unntifacturer could now attend to his alVaiis without interruption, while at the ame time his wife had no reason to complain of his ctmluiw. One day, hav ing a business call to make in the neigh borhood of his dwelling house he left the office earlier than usual, quite nbliviousof old Kobcd and th1 ti lephone. aud after he had done bin errand he went straight home, a it was hardly worth while return- to the nftiee at that late lomr. Hut hat was Ins attuiiNhmcnt on entering the room in see hi; wifo hitting onthesifa ltv pi v ftb-orhed in t lt latest novel, arid at tilt; t 'lephnnj busy talking with the gentleman at I ha nffi-.-c Rabelle, the old cook! J. L. FRYAR, BEER & SOPA WATER BOTTLER ! yet in Ui market with hli HOTTI.KI) OOOII.H OfeienrTarielT.seeM'ltonone'" "Is Rw and 8od water of evy vrll-of Haver. If 1 di.u'l believe It ive him an OBDRR AND 813K. AlwinattnapcVloatUultoIhe Isuluees. Wll thanki for put nuorilia hopes to merit coatlnttanoe, uanuiteio( Mtlefai'llec. Reijieclfunr, ;.L.rRYAR,WcMon,K.C. t imiUily rwlvh.Kiiiy FAI.l.M.eV f Ml'llno ry, Km y (itotiN Notl.ma. Ac. cii.hmi ln nil tin In If it imvUltm. Von rt reM'eifully IhyUi'U l call ami eamln my itoek il nrlci. Iiefurt pur M US. 1'. A. LEWIS, Webh.ll, N. C. spris ly WEAKUNDEVELOPED , I . ill . , , 1 ' i i .' 'SI frirV'!fi it'kf.'.ii'11'Vi.'ii.1.'-' . ,..J,,'.'.,-r.'',..'r- -"' ''"'at t,l,l. n,,!-.,-,,!. I.,..,-'-.! won KINO (IT, ASSES AT I tIM I IUIV . r,,rii, n , i.. nh ..m- plnvmcnt t himie. the l...le of the lime, or fur their Blre tni.uiems imihii m-w . hi;.,. r... . .,.. fUR..... ..r..itl,.r M-i .-ithilv eiint Iniln Ml eentti. a..UH-reeninK.Hiitl a ,r.il.rlii'iml luro hvitevoliiiaiol Uieir time tit the. biiMiiewi. Hoy. ..... .,.!. n.ytrlv a. mill-h M mi'll. TllSt !! who.ee thin noty leli'l their a-hlreM. stid liit the bu'liieu. wemakethiaolfer: To lu ll s ire not )! saUrfed wo will siia oiiedolUr lo piy troutil of wrlline. Eoll parUral"". and "Otlll fte. Addreak UBOUtiESl lN'" ". ix4 lt- 1'orU.nd. Ualiia. telie made, roltlill rsft and re turn to in, and we Mill w-ud rou fr. ,nu.hilltf llf Brest Vllllie SUd linlHirtam-e loyon, that will start yon in lm,nei wlilen w in i.ii'K yo.. ... i .UIV...... '.",Jk. u.. n.tl.llltf .. M- III this world. Am- one can do the work and live al h.nne. Kiltier Z'. all ae. SMiitlhiiw new, Ihnt jiwl eooiMuon eV iirliu-oorkerj. We will start you: cal.iul not ISncenora liMiuie. th.-sv who o amt.lttuus 1 ud euttrtrlKtrig trill not delay. Grand ou fit fr r. H.J. (jatliug. the inventor of ihe famous gun which heart his tiaine, has invented another instrument of destruc tion which he cults the "polieo gun." It was on exhibition the other day, and an interested group of army officers and news paper men studied its mechanism and lis tened to the inventor's explanation uf its virtues. It is n brass gnu, weighing sev-eutY-eiht pounds, uml is mounted on a tripud, the whole arrangement weighing only I I!) pounds. It is capable of firing 1,IMHI Mints u minute. The general working nineiple of the gun is the same as that of the gun which bears Or. (iatliug's name and is so widely known. The improvement is iu the meth od of feeding. In (ho police gun a maga zine, holding sixty-two caitridges and looking like the hopper of a corn uhellcr, is set up on end at a right angle ou top of the brass barrel. The turning of the han dle by the cannoneer drops the cartridges into six revolving bunds within the can in m. As the barrels revolve a lock with a spiral spring catches each cartridge and a small needle in the lock strikes the percus sion cap, exploding it. The next instant an extractor catches the empty shell, and following a spiral grove, it iu dislodged from the guu. When one magazine is empty another pland ready to take its place. Ah the empty shells fall in a stream from the orilice. it looks for all the world like a country corn shelter with the denuded cols dropping to the floor as ihe farm hand turiif. the crank. By along lev er the cannoneer can with hi" left hand change the range of the gun, shoot up or down or tideways, while with the right hand he turns the crank that puts the stream of cartridges in motion. "We can clear the streets of a m b and housetops as well," said lr. liatling, a peaceful looking old gentleman, with spec tacles and a snowy beard. uThe gun will kill a man a mile otF, though 1 .UiW yards is the best range. We don't want to see our cities overrun by a mob ns was l'iits burg Why, unman would stand in range of that gun. If he did he would be fool ish, to say the least." Xew York Ti thnur. THE JOKER OUtJOKED. PRETTY FEET. A young countryman who had long loved it girl who lived a mile or two from him was nearly in despair about winning her hand, and was on the eve of selling out and leaving the cuuntry, as the girl had refused him three limes, and it was out that she was engaged to another fellow. Our hero had noticed thnt bis rival aud (ho girl would walk in an old meadow U'.'ld nearly every ulternoon, and he grew madly jealous, In his cattle he had a young bull that was always mad with everything but Ins master because he was nu especial pet. Now Dave, ns he called the bull, was to be the object with which to i-iitiate his revenge. He would turn hi in into the meadow, hide himself, and free his rival towed like a foot ball. So one afternoon, culling to Pave, who would follow him like a dog, he repaired to the meadow, let the fence down, and turned (he bull in. He then strolled oft", and walked as misera ble as a man could be who was commit ting nu evil deed. An hour or so later he heard the deep multerings of the bull, and hastening to the meadow fence he saw Dave about hVt iity yards from the couple pawing dirt iui 1 slmking his head. The man was tiding tn get the girl to run. but she was so terrified she could not move. Tin- bull made a daub, and the fellow ran shrieking fur the fence. The bull dashed on after the Hying Iclluw, while our uim'i.u solatc young man, having jumpedlhe fence. ruhed to the girl, as the bull dashed on after the fugitive rival, and catching her iu his arms, told her that such a coward was unworthy of her. As Dave saw his young master he left off pursuing the other man, returned and went to licking his hand, while the indignant girl vowed she would never more speak to a mau that was afraid of a cow. She soon afterward married Dave's boss. A SPECIMEN OF MANKIND. COD WILL TAKE CHARGE. A gentleman was walking along one of the streets of IMiil.i bdphia, was nccot--d by a boy win pi- adi d f-T a penny. The irenlleiiinn w:,s at first inclined to fend him away, but Mum-thin.; in the hi.y's lonk forbade that, so ho u-ked : What do y -ii w nit lo dti with a pen ny .' luy bread." was promptly answered. 'Have yi-tt hud milling local today?" Notlunj, sir.' Uiij, tile "U leblMi nie ihe trillh?" nuked llie g li'lem in, lm iking him ill the face, ' Indeed I am, sir " 'H.i vi? 3 1 .ti a fitbti ?" ipiestiotied the gentieiiini, now iiii.r..ngniy iui.ivu.i m ihe boy. '.N.i, nii'i fill er is d ad." "Where is jour mnther ?" "She died last night, (Vino with me, and I will show you win re my mother is," Taking lh.i bin 1 of the boy, ihe gen- th'iinn follow.-d hi guide down a narrow alley, and 'topped before a miserable place which (he boy called home, rushing open the d.mr, he poinU-d to his dead mother, and naid. "There is my mother, sir." "Who was with your mother when she died?" asked the gentleman, deeply movid. "Nobody but me, air." "Did your mother say anything before she died 7" "Yea, sir; she aaid, 'God will take care of you, my son !' " Sooner than tlua dying mother had dared to hope, God bad honored her faith by sending to her son one whose heart was touched with tendereut pity for bii condi tion. The gen tie ma a was a tonatian, to whom God bad intrusted much of this world's goods, and the little orphan was kindly cared for by aim. Ht. 1'nul Gk-ije. A thrilling though truci rftory Haling to a prominent merchant ut St. Paul, hut who i- now vi.-iting the lake, bus just b ak ed out. The man iu (pwioti bad attend ed a fashionable dinner patty and hud in bibed too froely of champagne, sj much so that on returning tu his office he felt an irrestible impulse tn play on somebody a piactical juke. His ipiiek wit fouu came to hi rescue. Managing to reach his tel ephone he called up an undertaker, and representing hiniM-lf to be ihe (,'oroiior, or dered him to conic immediately and re move a dead man. He te'ephoued to an Olher undertaker the same message, and still another. Not satisfied yet he called a fourth -urging them to hasteo. Ilethiii threw himself on a sofa tu await the fun. He toi-n, however, went to !e p, and when the uu K-rtaker-; cam ; h ; was dozing awav in a liau-uruiiken stupor, iiieun dcria'ters hoou uuK-rsiool the Mtuitiun ami whi'pered a short time among thcin- (elvoe. A few minutes after they w, re s -en hi carry one ot the hoxes into tin- onice, and so -n returned with it, lilting it wit Ii much exertion into the wagon. Win n the man awoke he fuund him-'clf .stark naked ou a marble slab in a di-'ctiii'' room of a prom incut er-tablMiim nt of St. Paul. M.et uic see," said a ihin, gaunt young fellow, who was sh irpeniu.' a sealp- l, "shall we cut out his k-ft lung lirt or his right?" The in toxicated man Itiuan to doubt whether he whs dead or a!ive. The cold sweat be wail to collie nut on his fniehi ad. lie found him-elf unable to n oe a muscle nr tiller a oid 'Oil, it don't make much ditlercuce," answered the pers.iii v Iresse l, a still more gh i-lly looking spe. iin -u, wh was wiping along dieetiu knife mm tin hue! of the doomed man. "We can sevet tin1 ju gular tirt and ihcn decide what to do." As he epoke he put his cold, wet hand on the shoulder of the mun aud held the kuifu as if about to dissect him. The mm admits that the sen-ation was peculiar; (he touch of the hand, however, acted like nu electric sbo k, and with a piercing yell the "dead man" jumped several feel away from his persecutors and reached (he out side of the door, only to bear them roar with laughter as they shouted to him, "Hold up Jim, it's only a practical juke, you kuow; better come back and get your vest on." I. LA WHKKLKR WI i.U'OX MSCL'SSF.S TH K MAI.K F1.IUT IN AN AlU'Ii'l.E ON VI. IK TAT IOX. "The Spani.-li," continued Crispin, "are generally supposed to have the prett'et feet in the world, but I do not think so, although they are eirtainly the smaller. The foot is very slender aud the instep ex traordinarily high- n result i u a large meas ure of the constitutional unlipathy of the people tn walking, as a Spaniard will ride on horseback when he has to beg for a living. The (leitnaiiH have strong, stocky, well developed feet, inclined to he f-hort. but many uf them exceedingly shapely for nil that, The French foot is mialler boned and rounder in outline, a graceful, agile foot, not so slender ns the Spanish, but lunger than the German. It does not lack strength, but is more remarkable for iuickni!$s and agility. All the distin guishing qualities of the nation are em bodied iu its make up. It is no slouch of a foot, I tell you. The Holland' foot is very different from either the Teutonic or Gallic. It is longer than cither and lower. I have seen little thin Holland women, but four feet high, with feet a foot long, as sure as you live. They have the longest, lowest feet of any nation on the globe ex cept, perhaps, the negro, wlne foot ex ceeds the Holland iu length of heel, al though it somewhat resembles it in gem ial makeup. The Mexican foot is a modifi cation of the Spanish. It isa trifle lougi r aud not quite so classical in outline. The Chinese have a pretty foot, short, small boned and quite shapely." MIow about the American pedal ex tremity?" "Ah! that is to a certain extent in for mation, uot fully crystallized into a type. It is a composite fool, lighter aud daintier than the KnglMi or Teuton, more uervous and longer than the French, stronger, aud more developed than the Spanish, fated to be the finest, most uhapely font of the wot Id, and partaking somewhat of the good uualities of all. Of course, sir, there are individual variations upon all these types, but I would bet all I have got that if I had in u room Km) representative, of the lending nations ami could only see their feet I could tell tho nationality of each every time. (!!!( hmncrttt. N'KW ADY KltTISKM KNTS RO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BEYITO0U1 ' S j RESTLESSNESS- S 3 E a avuicvLv vio.it.bli Ifii E .AULVLISS SAMIU MeOICIHI. h Ih BACOSI, 6 A. PHILADELPHIA. Pricr. ONE DolUr ADVERTISEMENTS. 1857,TA,,,,MMt""i857 JANDART 1.1 IIH. RUFE. W. DANIEL LiqOORS, PJNK WINKH, Tho majority uf tlta Ilia of the ham an body arts from dlaeaaed Lifer. Sim mo us Liver Regulator lias been the menu a ot rest-jrlng mors people to health and happliiOHi by giving thorn a healthy hirer tliuu uuy oilier a;i'Qcy on earth. BEE THAT YOU OLT THE GEM'LNE. Pe.-8 ly. The male flirt who "plays at courtship" is a mo.-t refined and dangerous crenture. He leaves it to his less skillful brother to pay tlui same compliments to each pretty girl he meets, lie knows tho fair sex too well for that. 1 1' all his lady loves meet and com ure nut cs they will find that he hiii never been guilty of repeating himself. He is original and inventive, and suit? his compliment to its recipient. To the y.iung and sympathetic L-irl he talks much about a '-wasted life." and savs he should have been a different man bad hrr sweet sympathy come into hi- life earlier, hut there has never before hem any one lj stir his h,st impulse iud u w it Loo late." To the religious young lady who yearns tor. 'form the world he hints darkly of the sinful past which stauls like au accusing spirit between hi ill and a paradise which has ju-t dawu.d upon him. To lhchiir vi be talks vaguely of bar riers which fate builds between a man's pnd - au 1 his hop -s uf luppiucvs. He plays upon th..- emotions of women as upon Mringe 1 instruments, aud the teu ler strains he draws forth a'tniv- ;iud entertain him. The minor chords arc tuu-ic 1 1 his cms, too, but when they b come dic irdant he drops the instrument, for he duo IM like lo be annoyed. lli standard for women is high, yet he is f r ever tempting her to come down to the plains of fo'ly, and d.wpising her for her w-'.ikness if tdie yields. If crime and heart-aeh.-s follow hit footsteps he do:s tint ho'd him-'elf, but tie: frailty of worn 'n. in fault. The married male flirt is usually the outgrowth of hi- own vanity. He is like the old heathen cods, who required the frerdi s-icrif.ee of a human life ca h day to keep lliein in good humor. The married woman llitt i firt the result of a hus band's t bought Uss neglect it iinltflemiee. X woman travel adniiv.-tioti or apprecia tion as naturally as a fh.wpr craves the siiuli-lit. Il the fl.Av.--r dt es hot receive the :-uu irbt through tin- open window it will strain toward a erevieo in the open wall, even if it waips itself (-uf uf abapc in the effort. If the liuht w.iiiea freely and generously through the window it docs ntt lean toward the ere wee, unless it springs 1 IV,.,.. . ,1,1'., I ,.u.t CoNst Mi'THiN, WaiAtimr diseases, and general debility, Doctors disagree as to the relative value of Cud l.ivir Oil and HypophosphitPK tin: one supplying strength and hV-di; the other giving nerve power, and acting as tuitie to the digestive and entire system, lint in Scott's Kmul hionof'Cud I.'iver Oil with llypophos phites, the two are combined, and the ef fect is wonderful. Thousands who havo derived no permanent beuefit from other pi-'parations have been cured by its use. This is not an assumption, but facts thai, are substantiated by the experience of the past ten years, and the endorsements of thousands of the best phvstoiatis through nut the country. nov 1 0-1 tn. I'ltnmm.Y nu CIGARS, TOBACCO iw;it(.M.H & r.(.i,i,' LAG Kit UK Kit ON ICE. R. W. DANIKL, No 10, Wash. Ave. We I don v, c (raoUUllHlu'-i ist'i.) Thc following conversation, heard by a repoiter on the street is suggestive: "Are you still tugging away at those gloves of yours?" "Vea, dear." "You know it disgusts mc to sec you walking through the streets making your toilet" "Dies it, dear?" "Why, do you know that I would juM as soon see you pulling on your stock ings in the street as yourglovis." 'Must men would," was all she said, and he had nothing else to sav. E. L Uh, WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, vec; ktaui.es, I.K'I'iH'.S, Clli hh, SMOKI.Nii AND CIIEWINCi TOBACCO. 1 am now i.rqwoil to sell at lowittt cash irii'i's (Iroi-t'tics of all kimls, Wines, Liquors, Tutiateii, Cigars, Snuff, and will alsu koiip on hand a full supply of fr-li VcpctaliK'S of every variety, wliich will lie sold rlieap. 129 SYCAMORE STIIKET, PETERSBURG, VA.. Stenui Bakera and Confoetionera rd Dealers iu Foreign and Domestic! Fruits, Nuts, ie. Manufaeturvd and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes aud Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Marks' Celebrated Steimi-Rotincd Candy. nov 1 1 ly. Okookhiki., I.iqi iiks, 4o. Mr. E. A Cutlirell baa opeued atoro on First streot and kee in stoek family groeeries and vegetables. Ho aba baa a bar where the choicest liquors are served iu ill styles. Cigars and tobacco of all grades. In addi tion he keeps a supply of wooden coflins and metallic, burial cases, all sil is, at 1 ow prices. Orders by mail or telegraph filled promptly. '(1 see you bavea new cashier,' remarked the pruMileut of one bank tu aiiuthcr. "Ves, we set biui to work yesterday." "Had auy uiptiicucc ? ' "Lot's of it." "I'ud-jr heavy bonds, I suppose. Our man is uudcr SI5ll,0UU." "Well, no; we did not require big bonds." "Great heaveos, man, he'll run off in two weeks with tho wh.ite bauk." "Wo have every confidence in hini." "Well, you'll pay dearly cuough for it. He'll be io Canada inside of a month." "I think not. You see, he has just run way from Canadiau bauk with $2U0,0O(). I think he is safe enough." J i st received handsome line of buz- A tarire line of cloaks and wrsna fur l-iea. V.rv rliMn. Trfmlr At them lmfnr. ale at wholesale oust to close out this line purchasing elsewhere. P. N. Stainback of goods. 1'. N, Stainback i Co, I and CourAMT. AUVEUTISK.MK.NTS. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C., Two and a half miles wt st of tireen.-boro, N. C. The main line of the H. & l. K. 11. passes through the grounds and -within llh) feel of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. These interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the largest i.urcry iu the State and one among the largest in the South. The proprietor has lor many years vis ited the leading Nurseries Norih uiid West and cotresponded with those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit (hat was calculated to suit the South, both native aud foreign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that tunny agents going out from (ircensborti, representing oilier nurseries, try to leave the iuiprcssiou that they are representing I bene nurseries. Why do (hey do it? Let ihe public an swer. I L.1VC IU itlotl glowllig (alld UU ftlo.W visitor the same) the largest and best stock of trees, &e.( ever shown or seen io any two nurseries in North Carolina, con sisting of apple, peach, pear, chrrry, plum, grape. Japanese pcr.-iminon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Russian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruit: Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, Kngltah walnuts, rhubarb, usparagus, evergreens, shade trwfl, ronea, kc. (Hve your order to my authorized agent or order direct from the nursery. Cor rrspoudenee solicited. 1 escr ipt i ve cat a logue free to applicant. Address, J. VAN. LINDLKV, Pomona, Guilford couuty, N. C. may & ly. 1TOTICE. Notice li hereby given that 1 ptiall apply to tlit Wllialii-ftoii and Woldon It ail road company to new Not.- of the atockof aald Company which hava been lot. Thii 9ih Novamber. lhS7, E.l). BROWNlKU.adB'r otWiUna Wkltaker, d'4. 1 nor 10-C wecxt. ,hjJLLlC BuriJL Cjses. HE ROANOKE NEWS, WELDON, 2ST. C. TERMS $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE I trill always keep on hand a stock well made Metallic l.urial Cases aud WOOD. :X COFFINS wliii li I will sell cheap, and whieh can be had at any hour, day or niht. Orders by letter nr telegraph will re ceive prompt attention aud eases shipped by fir.-t train. IWTltON AC.K HOMCITHO. e. ..ci:Tiinia,i,, First Street, Woldon, N. C. nop 1 5 llm JTATK OK NUItTII I'AIIOMNA. s NAMPAX corxrr, snwuoii covin. : W fiwallimey.rharlcct! Klliott and Temi-li t.HHthiiit'), HUiucn under thv lirm naine of n iiMHiioiK-y a 1't.uipnny, aud limuiaa ft Hill ilniiilins Affninut Ijarltl lit-ll a aduioilNtrHlnr of D. II ltd 1, David Ut'ii, p a. bonKnud imrru' Iiiik hm ivfft. NuUlf jii-ii. joim i Aifoii, jr. anu Aiuut ik'ii Aiuop, tlu luM Liioiicd wn bi'tiLK iulatitt wltlitml a ttur ttiao iu Nortli Curuliua, W W Hell. K Suiu- ItMflc kil l Miliiiiu (' Uitil-aik hi uift aIIi iu- Itt ll. Jtwph S Jfiikoii'dtiiiieuiiaiiieut undrr the lirm mum- uf JuNcikh W jt'nkiiistfc Coiitiuinv. J J Ml'iillel in mio .l -loi 1 WiUinms nnrtui djiiig imniiirss uiiut'i nn mm iiuqu' ii j j Miuaienni & rompHiiy, hiiMtn 1 Hell anl the North (.'aroliiia noiue iiixuranrv tm)iy, otn naanw. AelUm firrrorovliwurviit trust aid wile of land In iurnunnrt of an order of tin Ku'Hriur Court of it iih mi iiuni) mauc iti una eaM at t-an term tfw7, Ihcd.-fvH.lftiiW 1 A I..jng mid ''arrie E Uiir hisi wife, JotinT AIm-o Jr. and Aiinl hvU Alan. nliu rtittru Vellou Spring, (iret-n romitj , Iu ilic Stale e((liKW W lt-l!, m In. KMiilfv m tliecityof Savannah, in tht-Mnte of Uvtiruia, Jitpoph W Jni km tit 'i in; Imr-tnctw tiudtTttic lirm numi- uf JniMith W Jenkins A Cotnitany.J J Middleton mid John li w HiinniB imruter ooiuk uoioirtM uuacr the Brra nnmcofJ J Middletou & Company, who reaide in the city or nattlmnre. In Uie HtMe of nr land, are lu'rvhy notified U appearand anawer or demur to ine niD'iniuni a mc next terra ot una i jurt tn be held at the Court Houm In th town it lUli- fri x on the uphill MuuOay before the lint Monday In Mamh. HWi. 'ilna ;jiin T Gregory, Clerk or the Buperlor Court of Halifav emnty, at oflioe In llalilax, Uila inn oay oi NOTeraoer. iw. . JOHN T. GREGORY. Kov W,W acrkSuperiyrCourt. The Roanoke News was established in lSlIO and is on a firm foundation. It ii lVmocratic in polities and is devoted to the advancement of North Carolina, Hali fax county and the town of Wcldon in prosperity and wealth. While giving tho news of the State, county and town, it does not neglect the literary department, which it ii the object of the Editors to make equal to that of any paper in tho Slate. Now IS WE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Aa at advertising medium the Roanoke News U UNEXCELLED in Kaatern Carolina, circulating ai it doet extensively in some eight or ten counties. It is road by men, women and children, and an admtiannnir in rta colnmu ia sore to be read and to pay a hundred fold. ' Terms for advertising low, and can be had on application. ' " HALL 4 SLEDGE; " ' Publishers and Piepriitoti if- ' ; T