' 'j HALL & SLEDGE, proprietors. A. NEWSPAPER J? OIRj THE PEOPLE. TEH3SCS-2'00 vm ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1887. NO 41. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I- FA I LN I C.AGAMBRIU.Mra.C.i I'l,.?.,.!..,. ItMiWIl ....nnm,. iifi.it. 1 1,., TUITION (H)NTAINKD IN THE BKKAI) IT MAKKS. Our PATENT 11(11, LKIl KLOl'RS are manufactured frnm the ('HOICKS r WIIKAT obtainable. IUI tiourc stands pro-eminent in this country ui market fiirclinicc wheal which itivi u peat advantage in the leleclion of the BKSTTH AT IS (MOWN. Tlii SUl'KK )H COMBINATION OFOIXTEN AND PIlOKI'll ATKS thus afforded, enables us to pines mi the market, Flour I'NKyi'ALLED FOU ITS 1T1UTY AND NUTKI TIOI'S PROPERTIES. This tact in recojiniied not wily in this country hut in Knrope ns well, where the "PATAP8CO SUPERLATIVE" COMMANDS DKCL DUPLY MORE MONEY than toy other American Flour. Ask your grocer for Patapsoo Superlative Patent, Bedford Family, Patiipsco Family Patent, North Poiut Family, Orange Grow Extra, Patapnco Eitra, Cheiiapeake Extra, Baldwin Family. C. A. GAMBIULL MANUFACTUHINO COMPANY, 214 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. wV H. BOBBITT & SON, LITTLETON, K C, HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS CONSISTING OF Dry Gooda, Notioni, Hits, Boot! and Shoe, Hardware, Tin ware, Groceries, and Confectioneries, generally, and respectfully invite everybody to come and see them be fore making purchases elsewhere. Very Respectfully, W. n. BOBBITT & SON. sept 20tf THE PLACE TO GET IBS H1MGI1!!, AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WE8T SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE It. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. -rHE8CRIPT10C DEPARTMENT FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL H0UK8 WITH CHEAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, BRUSHES, RIUIMBII that bjartr waioomealwarsawala you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. GROCERIES. We keep on hand a full line of grocer ies, consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, ';. FLOUR, ' -. , SOAP, MOLASSES. Fine Cigar, 8mokin(r and Chewing To bacco, Ac CONFECTIONERIES. A full tin ofCandic, French and Plain, Fruit, Foreign and Domestic We are prepared to 111 orders for Cake Bread, ic. on short notioe for parties. We keep for sale Freah Bread from our own BAKEBT. We have just received a ear load of the BEST WHITE CORN, and keep on sale FRESH MEAL ground at t'hoekayotte mill, which is pronounced by all to be su rwrioi to anv meal to be had in this market. OUR RESTAURANT is (pen and our table supplied with all the best things fur the comfort of man. MT-Yon can get a good meal at ny hour. Call and ee us. NAW k PURNELL. jnn 23 im J. L FRYAR, BEER k BODA WATER BOTTLER, ! r la Ilia awtat wit la BOTTLED GOOOS 0' nuj varlatr, hcm to eons ta Hi tint. Beit itt aaa&Vata wall f trier tarittref bra. " rwoomiKllavaltglreaiaiaa OktDER AND SEE. lars at kia km to alleca la Ike buaUeas. With ikaaka tor sart bin ha hopes ta autit a coatkHiaao. ffturauMlay MttoMcUoa. IwpocirMir, fcW,WUo,.ft U-t J H THE" Premier Flow if America. PATAP8CO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISH:EE1774. liVhl L VTI 1 I V I I wnv .... WITH TBI BERT 8KLKCTED MATERIAL" FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOARS. MILLINERY. I am dallv rectlvln qit FA I.I. stuck if Hillliic- rj, faaer (hauls, JMIonf, 4c raliiacln ll tilt lauu DiivalUn. lfou art rfMnrlfullf Invited In call aud aitaliM ml Hues aud prim, before pur chasing. MRS. P. A. Lr.YVlB, Weldon, N. C. air II If WORKING CLASSES ATTENTION I JTJlZrWF toraaatMlMSM.Ikahila t "'""' " luUa. FiwM(rfilkM ea"llr fro" kr di(lo SlUielr Uiia Ui the uiuIiimj. Bins aad Bins eera aeanr M ama mmu. -- who m OjU mar ered their eddreet, and the tout am. aiake ltili(.fln Ta auah , ea are Ht well HUiesed i u w . . . .iu.. Full DenlcuUn and ontdl m. Addraak (dWTII -)! CO dae4.ll. rerUaad, Mate. (Hit tfaia (Ml 4Uid r ui wm win wd ru Aanaullli.av al r4U TJu lid aiwtulM to you. . Will BUrt rom In burtiwtf whMk will brim j ou If- AnT on osu do lb work aud lift Kilhu wx-Xwm. SoBwtbli uew, teat wi oolw m uMilsd. Till U on f tin fenulM, lportaB. SU-W Rl!ljfS- Alffia 'fcVif Mi H'ulililn.l By KaiiifSt.l THVE TO THE GRAY. Houthnilrl'i wply to fedprtl ollloer who hid sxldreiMd hr. I cinnot Kiten W your wnrdi, Tho Uml li long tiirlwidc, Co urk mij batppy Nurtbtrit Tok' your luvlug brldu, My hrotbsrt, they wsroMtliJlen- Tb you i m mi nftlifl Uirr Wiiil.n, whIU' HgliUiiliy tljsalttr orgsllsiit Kiuliuhjb Lvc. Thoy IcflhMiiHh t,i, uIH Aflil, (YtniriltW tin: day hstl wuii.i A h'ldltir.puriii'd lilm witld hli foul, Y0UIBllll t)SV LH'tll till) UllL'. My lover wskr (.Idler, He bi'ImiKi-tl Ui (lordon'i Timid ; k sabro pltincd hih Killant lioarl, Yours ulfhi to beuu tliu hand. II rested mid foil hut was not dead, A liorieiDKii spurred his itaeri And tram pled n binding brain, You nlglit Iiatu doiiu thedood. I bold no hatred In my heart NocoldunrlglitcouN pride. Fcr many a gallaut soldier fought Upon the otlit r sld. But still 1 cannot kiss the hand That smote ruv country sore, Nor lore the foes Dint trampled down The colors that she bore, lletweenmy ItuarL mid you in there rolls A deep and crimson tide, My brother's ntid my lorer's blood Forbid me be yuur bride. The girls who loved the "Boys in Gray," Tbv girls to country true. May ns'erln wedlock give their band To those who wore the blue. DISCOVERY OF ALCOHOL. THE DIKTII.LATM.N Of 8T110N0 LIQUORS A COMI'ARATIVKI.Y MODKKN INVENTION. r.ular St irneu isonllil;. Strong liiUorri lire a modern iuveution. The ancients know of nothing more power- il thau liaht fermented wines, and hav ft warnings enough of the abuse of them, Alcohol wss not diiojvered till the Sev enth century, alth"Ugh an older story ex ists of a monk, Marcus, who collected and condensed ill wool the steam of heated white wine, and then prciacd out from the wiol a balram which he applied to the wounds of those who fell at the siege of Kheims, iu the reign of Clovis I. Heal- so ailed the balsam with honey, ahd pro duced a cordial which brought the mori bund back to life. Clovi", however, did not wait for the approach of death before claiming his nhare of the cordial. According lo Dr. Sanford Cliaillc, the distillation of spirits from wino wan not discovered till the Twelfth century, and spirits did not come into common use as drink until the Fifteenth, Sittccnih and Seventeenth centuries. Prufeseor Arnold dus de Villnnova, in the Fourteenth cent ury, made a pauacca of the K;it.T of life, which gave sweet breath, and fortified the memory, besides being good for sore eyes, the toothache and the gout, and having other wonderful properties, Dixtillud spirit came into use in London in 1450, aud had to be prohibited in 140-4. Mich ael Savonarola produced a treatise on mak ing the water of life in the Fifteenth cen tury, which became a standard authority on the subject, and was followed by the work of Malthioli de Sienna. These books gave the start to brandy making in Italy, whence the trade extended to France. About 15a) the Irish uscjuebaugh be gan to acquire reputation in England. Before ltiOl "brand wine" had begun to be distilled in the low countries from ap ples, pears and malt; and i n that year an ordinance was passed at Tournny forbid ding the sale of the liquor except by apoth ecaries, partly because of the dearuess of corn, and partly because of the drunken- which this ehoap brand wine caused, 'to the great prejudice not alone of homes and lives, but to the extreme danger of the souls of the driukers, many of whom had died without ennfouing." The art of extracting alcohol from other aub-Unces was gradually diwovured, and liquors of various lames came into uso. The trade )(reW great, and the prewnt cen tury has seen a n.' devel 'piu-"it f it in the general application of ih-. ft do"t"riu:,'li'H .r Till': V VI li ('' i out !. rh.-e.iiih s. l'in -r ,i, .a u ru; I will die li will oi .. hen u ltd e.e menu have been pern, or perhasi by the extinction of tha sun, U whom rays ita iisli-ooe is suspended. Ii way die by tha hock ol a celestial txaly which it might meat in its pith, but this eud of the world is the miMt improbable of all. It may die, we say, by the slow absorption of ila leuicnta. In truth, it is probable that lk water and tho air are diminishing. The ocean, liko the atmosphere, appear to have bee much more considerable than al present. The crust of the earth ia pene trated by the waters, which combine chem ically with the rooks. It is almost oer. tain that the interior tempcratui of th globe at ten kilometer (about six miles) of depth reaches the boiling poiot and impede further descent of the waters; but th absorption will eoutioao with th cooling of the globe. The oxygen, nitro gen and carbonic acid, which oompoae our atmosphere, appear to suffer likewise a alow absorption. Just nclvd a haadaom U of but- tia. Vtrt cheap. Look at then befor pnrehaaUtt aUtwhir. P, N. STAIMACK ABB UONfAKTi SHE KNEW. A traveler once put up for tho night with a simple-minded old couple in a lone ly farm house. As he rode up to tho donr he heard the old lady my in atone of deep oouviclion: "Then I I knew souiehody'd come Icl'oro night, for I dropped my fork on the floor this morning and it stuck struight up. Then I dropped the dUli loth at noon another sure sign of com pany. In entering the house the visitor care lessly struok hU foot against the step and came near falling. "All, said the old lady quickly, "which toe did you stub, tho right or left ?" "The right," was tho reply. "That's good; it's a sure sign you're go ing where you are wanted. Pa, shoo that rooster off the fence. If he crows there it will rain before morning." A little boy suddenly ran into the room, crying out: "Oh, grandma, look ! Here's a copper I found on the road." 1 m not a bit surprised. Dual you re member, Tommy, that you dreamed oi finding a nest of hen's eggs lust night ? 1 told you then that you'd find some money before a week." A young woman was washing on porch at the back of the house, and the old lady suddenly ctied out : "There, there, Susan; if you haven't splashed soapsuds oil over the front of your dress I And if you dou't get drunken husband for it, I'm mistaken. I've known that sign to come true often and often. Iiut you can kot-n it from cotuing true by hanging all the clothes on the line wrong side out, and you'd bi tter do it." So Susan did, as the traveler noticed to his great amusement. MAO TIM KM AHKAI). A fanner with a black eye, skinned nose and two or three loose teeth was till ing a policeman at the market how it all happened. "It was yesterday," he said, "and 1 wanted to get some potatoes ready for market. Along came two tramps and ask ed for a bite to eat. "Gents," says I, "how would you like to turn to and dig potatoes for a dollar a day and found?" ";I am on uio way to uie mother's I'uu cral aud can't stop," says one. " 'And I have got to bo in town by noon to see about the Uello Isle bridge,' says the other. With that I told 'em to be off or I'd help 'em to go. and what d'ye s'pose they did? " 'Laughed at you?" "Aye ! sir, and reflected on the build of my legs and the baldness of my head! Insulted m sir I, an American citizen, on my own land!" "Then what?" "Then I fell upon 'eiu." "And they fell back?" "They did sir, and iu two minutes I was a licked man. Think of it, sir! What can this country be coming to! Who is safe on his own hearthstone! Why, sir, when a tramp begins to fight back who of our wisest statesmen can tell when it will end? I predict, sir, 1 predict revo . Excuse me madam but those potatoes In that bag are the Early Huso, and worth a dollar a bushel. 1 es, ma am same braud all way down to the bottom." Detroit Free I'mi. WIFE OF A RUSSIAN PRIEST There is only ouc happy woman in Rus sia the priest's wife and it is a common mode of expression to say: "us happy as a priest's wife." The reason why she is so happy is because her husband's position depends upon her. If she dies he is de posed and becomes a mere layman, and his property is taken uway from him nnd dis tributed, half to his children and half to th - Oovernment. This dreadful ennting en makes the ius..iiin priest careful to got Ic'itlthy wile if he eun, and makes him taki xttaxrdinary good care of her after he has s- euMl h r. Hi waits upon er ta ii- oi si aliject way. She niust vol gel ii- r teet Wi t. aod shs is petted ami put in hot blankets if she baa so much a colJ in her head. It ia th greatest possible good fortune for girl to marry t prion iuuYitelv better than to be the wife of a noble. BKl.l.1'4 AT A niChWIKUM nw.i Prom the Artsuaa Howler, M is Sallie McSniffen was rigged out pretty as red and green wagon with two spring seal, and made more mashe thai a few. She had on a blue dross with red Sap at the side and a puffy something or other on the other side. Mia Sua Sharp wore en train rig and eould have knocked Mrs. Langtry silly when it oaue to good looks. Her hair was in outl and her face on powder. She had sixteen rings 00 one finger and braoelet clean to h elbow. Little Birdie Itlooa was "the daintiest darling of all," in white toggery of nome sort, looped up in spot. She or hand-painted glove and dippers and pissynieniry jewelry. Mis Dorrity t re minded one of a double rainbow and wu tha belle of the occasion. It's a cold day when Lisii Alio Dorrity get left at ball, NOT A BOY. Some ono lecturing in Palis about the Algerians, related the following incident, which illustrates the position of womunhood in lands where tho Ilible is unknown: Some of tho Indies seeing our admint. Hon of the Moorish children, surprised us by the visit of a splendidly dressed and lovely little girl of seven or eight. 'The child is as lovely us a rose;' I said to her father. 1 Does she read and write?' 'No,' said he, 'my daughter why she is a oi'iY." 'And because she is a i)7 thou tcaehest her nothing?' ' Nothing, for a woman is happy only when she knows nothing.' 'ilut she cannot read the Korun, which speaks of Allah who made her so beauti ful.' 'So much the better; my daughter has nothing to do with the mysteries of the Koran.' 'But I believe with the great prophet Chris, that she has a soul even as you and I.' . 'Ah,' cried ho desperately, 'my ihwyhter it nut a bui'.' llnihun Urmum's Friend. VIIY HE WUI'T. A San Anloniu darkey was ou trial fir stealing money from a house on Solcdad street. Julian Van Slyck, the attorney lor the prisoner, in 'lis address to the jury said: "lientletuen, my client is a poor man. Ho was driven liy hunger and wanttotak the small sum of money. All that ho uited was sufficient money to buy bread or it is in evidence that he did not take the pocket-book containing 8!JHll that was in the same bureau drawer. If ho was a rofcsion:il thief, he would have certainly akeii the pocket book." The eloquent attorney for the accused us interrupted by tho convulsive sols of is client. "Why do you weep?" asked Jud'e soian, who was out he bench. "Itekasc 1 didu't see dat ar poeket-b' ok n de bureau driivcr," was the rei.lv. Everybody laughed except Van Slyck. the attorney f"r the def -nee. a i.i i ri.il i n:. Mind the littlo things. A lie is a little thinir. Ll'-ys, you have loid a lie; just, one linizlo word th.it is not true, but let's fee what elso you have done. First, you have broken the law of Clod. It'itisasiuto break a law made by man. b..w great a sin it niu.u no to brakj u dtv.no law the law ol our Creator. gSecond, you will have to tell many more to maintain that ono. Third, you lose the love and tho friend- ship of your schoolmates. Fourth, if you practice lying, that will lead you to something worse. Lying is the entrance door by which other and greater vices enter the heirt. Thiuk of it! all this from one false saying. Words aro little things, but they ac. complish great things sometimes. A kind word or act might have saved many a boy irl from ruin who is now at the lowest p iiut of degradation. til IN(i HI D TAPi:. (Interview bctweeu a negro and a sen nel a) armory gate, Hichmoud, just after the war): Sentinel Haiti Negro What I gui halt for? Sentinel Xo ono allowed iu there. Negro Iiut I 'bleegcd tor go. I got a note for the boss. Sentinel No one allowed to go in with out a pass. Negro Iiut I tell you I 'hleegisl ter go in; Mr. Aoncrson lie sent me. Sentinel Can't help who sent you, you can t go in. Negro Well, den, you gimme de gun an' you take do note. nir' Bazaar. A Jl MHO DIM ITOH. It is said the corn is bo rank, dark and greeu on the Couuesuugua bottoms that the light Irom tho tircfiics can be aecn flickering through ila somber shade even wheat the sun is high in the beaveus. An old farmer tells a good one about a fellow who lost hi way in one of these vast dark forests of corn, aud was utterly unable to extricate himself. An exploring part v. with hnicrnu, Wtut iu 'tcaitli of Liu. When at last "the lost waa found," he wu diwovered in the top of tall cornstalk a straddle of an ear of corn, where he had been for the last twenty four hours watch ing for the sun to rise. DO TIIKY HKI.IUVR ITf Sylvanus Cobb, the novelist, wisely said in his will: "Let no blackneaa or crape or weeds cast its gloom on my memory. I would that my beloved oues should seek the brightness and fragrance of faith in God, rather than tho gloom which be longs to doubt and unrest." It strange that Christians who believe that death ia but a transition from a world of sin and suffering to the bright presence of God, bedeck themselves with sable garment that indicate the the eternal loss of body and soul. The custom ii entirely at vari ance with Christian faith, and should be Mn'uAc4. Love ahaim Tkiimi'Hant. -Irate father "I tupposa you remember you wanted to marry that boukkecptr of miue about a year ugo?" Daughter "Yes, father." "A pretty sort of man ynu picked out. He has decamped with my whole fortune." "You rotucniW, father, thut you told bun he could not have me until lis got rich, don't you'.'" 'Of course the young" "I have just received a dispatidi from hitnat Montreal saying he is rich now, but is pcrleetly willing to marry u pour man I daughter. Til K Ei.ki'TIiin Lawk. Able editor I fear our side has lost. W'riU: au edito rial charging the opposition with the most flagrant aud shameful frauds on tho ballot box. Assistant L guess you nave not seen (ho latest dispatches. What do they say?" "They indicate that our side has wou.'1 "Hello! Well write an editorial cou gratulating tho people that under the pres ent law election frauds aro impossible. Oranha ll'wU. WKJA'OMINII a Mxtr-CuUKR in nm Wkst. The first white baby was born in South Sioux City, Neb., the other day, and eitizeus went wild over the event, The new-comer was serenaded by the in habitants in a body, uud was presented with the freedom of the city and a choice corner lot. 1 he encto hast oilers no such inducements to matrimony. Let babies and corner lots be the motto of the coming man aud woman. Tit K S HAW at the Chum s. "The seats at the circus are getting; narrower every year," remarked a young lady in a horse ear the other evening. "When I whs told where to sit down there was not a sigu of a seat anywhere, only the laps of two gentlemen." 'Did you s'u, down ?" "Why, of course," aud there was a lai'Se in the convevsatton. (IttUCKHI ES, I. till Art I. K Ctuhr' 11 I'-r - p- n ! a -.t- r and ke ps in m et. muio. jr-cell s anil v.it-lahles 11- also lias a bar wll'-r lb--ch-iicest liquors are served iu all styhs Cigars and tobacco of all eraifes. In addi lien he keeps a supply of wooden et'flins eel metallic burial cases, all sizes, at low prices. Orders by mail or telegraph tilled promptly. ! POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, X. ('., Two and a half miles west of (lreensht.ro, N.C. The main line of the K. & 1 1. It. It. passes through the grounds and within 1011 t'ect of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the largest nursery iu tho State and ono ainoug the largest iu the South. The proprietor has for many years vis ited the leading Nurseries North and West and eoirespondisl with those of foreign countriee. gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native antl foreign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that many agents going out from (Jrcensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leavo the impression that they are representing these nurseries. Why do they du it? Let the public au swer. I have in stock growing (and caa show visitors the same) the largest and beBt stock of trees, Ac, ever shown or seen in any two nurseries in North Carolina, con sisting of apple, peuch, pear, cherry, plnm, grape, Japanese persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Kussian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruit: Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, evergreens, shade trees, roses, & (live your order to my authorized agent or order direct troin tho nursery. I or rcspoudenee solicited. Deseriptivo cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. LI.NDLEY, Pomona, Uuilfurd county, N. C. may 5 ly. LIQUORS. 0. SMITH. SEE 1US LIQUORS, SEE I11S CIOARS, SEE II1S GROCERIES. il CtftfiED QOODS. KVKKY DRINK IN SKAHON. M0C. Smith at KvtW old eUml Wunjrto tTDBue. Wddva, N. 0. Wine NEW A D V KKT1SKM KXTS- Is Life Worth Living ? That ile-pentls upon tho Liver, for if tho Livor ia inactive tlis wholo syn tcm is out of order tha breath in had, dilation ioor, heail dull or aching, fimrgy and uoiwfulnens gono, tho Hjiirits aro de pressed, a heavy weight i-xwts after eating, with general despondency and tho bluon. Tho Liver is the housekeeper of tho health; and a harmless, Htmple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, docs not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. I have tested lis virtues personally, and know that for Ilyspelisla, HllUtusness lout Throltltlnit Headache. II Is tilt; lststmn.ll ctne the worltl ovor saw. IUe tried lorly other remedies liefore Simmons Liver IfKUlntor, and nono of them save more Hum temporary relief, but the lleguliilur not only reiicveu "m i-to".. il. 11. JOMIEH, MOOOII, J IV 8 ly. . L Cuthre WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, Vi.'.i.l . ... Lupous, (Li. '.US. SMOKlNtl AND CIIICWINd TOBACCO. I am new prepared to fell at lowest ea:h prices (Irocerie of all kiuds, Winis, Liquors, Tobacco, Cig.irs, Snuff, &c, and will also keep on hand a fresh Vegetables of overy will bo sold cheap. full supply of variety, which f,hfJLLio BufiL Cj$es. I will always keep on band a stock of well made Metallic Burial Cases and WOODEN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which can be had at auy hour, day or night. Orders by letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. I'ATUONACK HOI.K'ITKl). E. A. CimiKELL, First Street, Weldon, N. C. aep 1 5 ;tm 2TATK Or NOKTH CAROLINA. UAJJFAX VOVA tr, SUPERIOR COURT. V. W.Ow!lhmr,ChwlMG. Elliott tod Trmnle UwiUbney, pmnen under th firm nimr of w. n. ttWHUiuef iVaupujr, MM Thorn It tun, ptaiuuui Auk nit lurid Bell u fcliomUlrttor nf li. It li, Ptvid Bt'll, t A. Long nnd trrl Long hit wtff, MhUii nvu. jMnii i sunup, Jr, mo Aitnie ttcu AUO, the Imi mums, two boing liifmiU without guar (Inn to Nonh rtrohnn, YV W IMI, 1 K Min- iwii'k Ultimo (: nUinltti'li hn wife. ilKne Itdl, Jwih W JcnkittK JolitKbtiKiiicw under lh firm iikido ofJoH'tii W Jrnkinitfc )omnr, J i Midillot-ii) mid John D W i'.)itiD uftrtur: doing biitHt iindtr th firm turn' of J 1 MidttMou AUmuiMUijr, mimo 1 Kt'11 and the North Cuoltua uuniv liiHuriincu tximimny, upfrmmnta. Alston tor rorerloturt' ol trust ml uIa itf Uml fit punuinc of an order oftlieHiiperlnr Court of mmm n-uiny mtwB in inn oM mi nil lenn inV, irHHIfri'lKlHim U A li'lUff HD1 "aWTl K lOllf hut w iff. Joint T Aluii Jr. mid Amil" Hell Alavn. who Tvkr hi Yullow Hiiriinit.Uwn county, tit Uit nwiriM vhiiu,ii Bll, W nit rCalUN In U(j CUT Saviiinah. in the Mtatn of iImitwi Jimsx w j- kini dotng bulnM undrUi4 tin name of Jnsrph Wllliun Mrtncn doiuc trtuiiifiM uudur thn lr RtueofJ j MtddtatMi 4.Cupnf. who rnida in the car o' Htiort in Uit HUt of HA-yUad, t hcr)y wllfiMl to ftp" id Mer or demur to UoiigdtJultUioiitt Ura tti Uih Oottrtto be hrid A th CouH Houk ( he lows of Hl( fci Ux oifhUi Maudv U HiM NMKter I I wuaM ioim t untwf, TMt ofth Superior Oourt u( UklidiK county, tt ottice in UaUtiia. tiUl UHii &Ay o( Nor wixr, U87, JOHN T. OHBiOHY. NOV Ut C W Clerk aujutior Owrt, ADVEKTIHKMENT8. L.W1 AUI.IMIl'D lfj'j' 185? JANUARY 1st lilt. RUFE. W. DANIEL QUOCIKIES, LI0.U0R8, F1NI WINES, CIUARS, TOBACCO iii'.rgni:k it i;ngIuL8 LAG EH DEER ON ICE. K. W. DANIEL, It, Wash. Ave Weldon N. 0 iKsUbllslied 119.) 129 SYCAMORE STREET, I'ETEliSBURf, PA. Steam Bakers and Confectioners and Dealers in Foreign and Domestio Fruits, Nuts, Ci ;ir- M did ,"ihi( LOWST FACTORY PR CES. Manufacturers of Marks' Celebrated Steani-Kefined Caudy. nov 11 ly. ROANOKE NEWS, WBLD01T,K C. TERMS 12.00 A Y1AR IN ADVANCB The HoiDoko Ncwi wu efltiltliihed it 1806 and hod i firm foundation. It il Democratic io politics and ia devoied t the advancement of North Carolina, HaH fnx county and the towa of Woldoi hi troapcritj and wealth. While giviig the iewt of the Btatt, count and towa, it doea not DsgUot tha literary departBMt, which it ia the cbjeot of the Kditort to make equal to thai of anj paper ii the State. Now 18 THE TIMS TO 8UHSCR1BX, Aa aa advertising nedium the Reaooke Newt it UNEXCELLED DM I M in Kasiora Cuolina, circulating as ll doe extcniirely iu some eight or In t counties, It is read by av-o- mi ettilaVsn, aad an adrertiaaaacat hi it Coin a M il sure lo he read and to pay a hundred fold. ' Tortus for adratiaing low, aad oaa b had a applioatio. 'i-i HALL A 8LEDGE, PuWUhow tod ProprirtOrt, I If I , - r 4 rr ,w.te- W ii-As 7