HALL &c SLEDGE, pkoprietors. VOL XVIII. A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPLE. TERMS-'100 PKft ANNUM IN ADVANCE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. NO. 42. , THE 1 raiicr Floor of krk NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "PATENT te'Ky PATAPSCO FL07rING MILLS. Ilrmy ESTABLISHED--1774. Tin' value of FLOCK depends upon tlm KSXENTI , ELF.MENTS OK Nil TltlTM N CilNTAINED IN THE H It 10 A I) IT M Ki:s. Our PATENT lt'oi, ,KH KUH'ltS are in iti'ifucturo.l l'ru:n tho CIlDICM-i I' WIIH I' ohiain il,,.. (u. lionr.' stands pre eminent in this country as 11 market l'.,r wheat whieh iv.' ns n mil advantage in llif sehvlion uf ilii' REST THAT IS GROWN. Th.-SITEIllOlt COM III N ATION OF GLUTEN AND PHOSPHATES ,h,i. alh.rd, ,1. , .,l,l , , .,. n the market, Flour l'NKQL'ALLKI) l''OII I IS 1M1IITY AM) XCTKI THU'S I'ltOI'EKTIES. This tact is rcco.jt1i7.ed n..t only in ibis country, Imt in K,,itM' as will, where tlm "l'ATAl'SCO SI.'PEHL.VriYE' COM MAS I IS HE('. DK1'IV MOKK MONKV than any other American Flour. A-k your i:r.,i-i r for 'atuwu Superlative Patent, Bedford Family, Patapseo l''nuiily Patent, North Point Family. Orange ("! rove Extra, Patapaen Extra, Chesapeake Extra. II ililwiu Family. C. A. 0AMUKILL MANTFACiTlUNG COMPANY, '.il 1 Commerce St., Baltimore, Mil. mi 12 1 J. A CENERAL SALUTATION. fill: NKW TKX VI KIHTOIt UIVKS Ills IIK.tl.Klls TMIKI.Y W.tllNISil. If. H. BOBBITT&SON, LITTLETON, N. C, IIAVK JI'ST OPENED Til KIR FALL AS I) WINTER STOCK OK GOODS CONSISTING OK lln. Goods, Notions, Hats, limit mil Shoes, Hardware, Tin ware, Groceries, ami foatei'iiutierica, generally, anil rennet fully iuvito everybody to come anil doe them lie fore making purchases elsewhere. cry ltoepecllully, W. II. HoHHITT.1t SOX. i',t ":iif Til 15 PLACliTOUET 911Q3 M1BI6I1I1, AT THK LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOU. (COFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L D 0 N. N. V. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. aj-l'KKM'RlrTlUR DKPiKTMKNT FILLED WIIH THK BKHT MK1.WTEU MATKKIAL.-M .KESCRrpTIl'NS OOMl-OUNIiKD AT AM, IIOUIW WITH tilfr.AT CARK. PEIthTMERY, ST.iTIONFUY, FANCY SOAPS, WilWIIRi, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOARH. mailllllihii hearty welcome alwan i.m toii it OLMCOFEER'S. Tint Texas journalist, vi hit hail been summer i'.illnwin-r himself mi u Htui kriini.li for a i'.ui,l,' i,f years, hii . I . l.-i I y assumed 'jtiif.il uf a country weekly, mid in the lirsl ioie alter he struck tlie iiiarler.lcek lie published a small anil unpretentious cud. in nlii. li he N.ii.l : "'I'lie l..r r ...liiiir ..I' tlii.t sheet in .rae tieilty an.l i.iliii,-.illy , ,), ,t the F,.eiill Minii'iM, II i., jii,t m tllou-h, airl a ini-hty i.-it Letter, ui 1 u.u a hiMMiil eliiin' an.) uliti;: one f the in iM e.in-lie an I llu. iileiit iiiilU West nl' llio Jled Uiv. i. 1 have a record beliiml me whielnlneMl'l llee.lu new colli ol' ttliitj w,li every Hin, like ilut other clitr whieli recently ..,iinke I aud ilraw. d out of the fiauie. 'Atptten up ohitiiariiu I'm a tonieil top, and if there's uny hitch in the iro 'ram I can p-n. rally furnish a fresh curwr on ulioit n.i i : , and at the usual slight advance on eost of insertiuti. 1 mere ly throw iIih inn in a feeler to the ii.)o sishun, which I hem- is a nias-iiwit forces in me and my (.aper, and by the freckled ed, bo(;def;eed, cui k eyed gods of war there'll he a power of hih priced opera mii-ic Healing in the air if any of them try toehinh me. If there in enny cortc house ring in lis sweet-scented locality, I'll get on to it. sure a you're a fool hi(:li. If there is to any uiiinkeyioi; with the free born un- trammeled country delegates to the next county convention, I'll be there with tuy washed and uiy hair couibed back of mv ears. 'I've licked many a piod man. aud I've u licked once or twice in uiy vaiicplcd career, but I've always noticed that theiu fellers who whipped me weie not the same unii afterward, and drooped alon for awhile like a sun stru.-k tomato vine, ami dually dropped into the erave with a dull thud, liavini; kinder outlived their useful- GROCERIES. We keep on hati 1 a full line of grocer ies, consisting of FIV.AR, COFFKE, FLOUR, SOAP, MOLASSKS. Fine Cigars, Suiolin". anil Chewing To buoco, c. CONFECTIONERIES. A lull line of Candies, French and Plain, Fruits, Foreign and Uomcetio. Wc arc nreuared to till orders for Cakes Bread, &e.. on short notice for parties. We keeii lor sale I ref-h Bread trom rar own ; BAKERY. I We have iust received a car load of tin-1 BKST WI11TK CORN, and keep on mIi FHKSII MEAL urouod at Cliockayntti mill, whieh is pronouneed by all lo he mi- ; pen. r to any weal to bo Hail in tins market. OUR RESTAURANT i open and our table supplied with all the tiling for the comfort of man. Wi ou no get a giMiu meal at any our. Call sod see lis. NAW li pritNK.LL. june 'J;t Cm MILLIHERY." 1. 1 FRYAR, fiKKR 4 SODA WATKR BOTTLKR, ( n ' ! Wiiul it Ji-tiiH-lly riiuomlit'rtd tliat I'm u f ruin tin- back counties, and ain't to llio cute Hiki't of tin- strawberry bluiule or the uly iludc If 1 mukc any iimcucs it will be wore uu error of tbo bead tbuu tbe heart; but, fur all I hat, 1 propose lo run a jam up, fizzing hot, nifty In lie p;i'r, and umve uloii wiili (be best kind of liai uiuny. Hut if harmony bucks, and tiieh to di anv iliit on me, harmony will have lo L-it off the track and leave nie ;lidc ri;:lit inter tbe eonlidcneo of tbe pnb lie. If ibis journal saya anything out of way aud giievea any tnoltle fueed ten derfoot, remember I'm the man be wants to we about it I There ain't no back stairs or 1 tack window.- to thU sanctum sancto rium. I'm alwava iu. I m ever on ilic tiipud, aud now with those few brief re marks I cordially invito everybody's eo- operation and subscriptions. Tbe tone of the paper will be pure in sentiment, cli.ne iu expresHHin aud typnoraphically bung up aud dcliiiouH " t lalle .,...U011rii.v VAl.l.kl.Mk ofMiillnc ry, t-'uncy (i.Kls, N-'lloim, Ac. enittrRclnK all the luirii nofclilo. Vtm are nuiMTtrnUy inviiei w i-allti'leiiui'lii wyrt'H'k mii pruti , wmn pur chalug MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wcldon, N. C, iprts ly urcAioiiiincuc retmUie market wnliUll IJOTTI-Kt)' GOODS Or ..dr. ...rl... . In hi. linfl r ma simIs wl of everr irll of ll.vor, 7-Jti .ton't bctleTott sits tila u OKUER ANI SEK. Best If aiiim.iI. li:.n.-.ii.n.iM.Mi.)KiJ.i.:vitT7 ni't:i. s ihk n. . . ii I'.ki. . .. .... ...mi.-... .a- T..,.i...nl... ..... "i o..r 0' .--.''. i'"'1' r.ionl.."! I..'i.w.! .h....M mr ..'"j ill .... . I.1 .. In ni. '.. .1il....i. T.ia ':".!r.,J,iSfuli. rrr wm?krrKri n, asses ATTENTION ! Tlf. i..r i.t h...nf. tlieHliolu ..I the llin'. or for r. f u....i.. Iilit .lid nro- HUI.1... IVnieus ..feille-r .' rwil) -earn from . ceiiUUi. uaH.rev.'iili.ir. ml m.nrli..iiitl .uin I.Tilv. .!!.. "11 tlielr liuie t U oo.lnei. B.) mo-girls.Mn iurl u oiii.h u mnn Tlisl ll b,.. we male llil.nlTer: To . ii'H re ' well Htladiil "I" " I"' oil" ..' "J"' 5"JJ? tnjou. of writiuf. ii rrl'" .?,i:.'i'll!5t, ' ' AdiilcT UKl)KliBsriNJilN4l., . aiwiiri itkb post to ftUend to tke btulum. WlUi iluuikii tor put ftivon ht hopes to merit s "".ouij,oce, guammoiiig ssuiTaeuoa, &espectfulljr, .UFBVAR.Welilon.sI.C mm t te lUAtle. CultliiB nut and - fr,,n.iiiiihiit(iirnrrtil . thsii will aLnrl yu in UMotmim which will unu yuu m . . '. M..iui not K.3IJ Thi. li. one of U.e p'ouis., ta"; chain9 of a liiciiuie. ini wbu "-' "r A.a'r I ' TENDER THOUGHTS IIKCACSR TIIFY ('l.t'STEH AtttHlNII I.ITTI.K OIIII.DRKX. THK DEMAflOCl VE, WiUuii kliimi Little (bildren ! Who does not love them ? A Wiht-eyd Imy, oi a rony eh(;eked yr; cold indeed must be the heart that U not drawn to one of these. What is more innocent than tbo cherry countenance of a liitlu child one uerofw whose ruddy liH an unholy word ban never .a- -d ? No uiikiivlncw in that little heart. No treachery. No Kpiteful revenue. It know noibiii of the caicfo Morrows and be irtacht-N of a deceitful world, hconlidi implicitly in its earthly parent and thi teaches the christian a beautiful example of trut in the Heavenly Father. Children are tiod's jewels, pltecd in our kivpiiu; the golden fetters that bold to aether the volume (if wedded blisa. How it moves the heart to love ami higher aspi rations wbeu the rn iu of family goon Imtue from his daily avoeatinn, to see the bright fuceM, either at tbe window or door, wreathed with smiles and joy to welcome bin coming! When they climb upon yi.ur knee, and their tender little bands clasp your neck, and their M't little faces presa against yours in warm affection, and you eau feel the throbbing of their young hearts; what can he more entrancinirly en dearing? Hear their inuocent, merry childish prattle! Parents, tboae who uow enjoy tbe company of little ones love them more. You will never know how much you can love them uutil they are called away. Angels they seem, lilt-sued visi tants from heaven to soothe, calm and al lure your harsher spirits to tbe melodies of that happy land. All over this beautiful land there are desolate hearts that feel as though the pall ofuight were upon them. Kven while these thoughts are being placed on paper, tears are fulling and little araves are open ing to receive tbe eakels of some Ireusure, torn from loving hearts. Vet there .shines a liht upou these little mounds. Iu the sweet promise of tbe espc), the shadows Hue away, and we discern a liue of lory, like a fiinge of gold behind the dark cloud, (iod directs the fall of even a little spai row. and he orders, iu bis own wisdom, the sad event that teara from bleeding heartH the little ones tbey so much love, but ''Of such is the kingdom of heaven,' aud all is well with the children whom lb S ivk.ur ir-ithers home. m: h as l i.ovk. how mii:ki;ais thi: r v pr.it liU'Hgo Journal, lid you evr notice paper? She always or u manure n -tiee logne run. ro'ie UIM12 : ( 11 htw b. -in-. The. u lit ' in ii r,M l,y ... .. h.-r in n- sious o .Vourai ii ; t . ii i A Biiue iroiu tiiu Clnppw .s;' t. n. biide we want U hlue-bl 1- .1, i.ut n t i.-d kinnod, though, as the Irish ir s.id They say the rale Am. rikm- .1.. h. r- i ' A One Day Cireu;' tliai's not i. th.ii.jh it mi-ht well be. 'Au liuporuui 1'r.aiy; nor Obere! 'A Grewsi.me liathennL';' Oh, oo, that's about ceaieteryMip.-riuten.l ents; after all. 'Fashiou Notes The IU gian is the wrap of the passing moment ' Oh, is it? " Well, when any moment passe me wrapped io a radian you bet IT sciie that moment. Here it is at last. 'Re sult of a Combine.' Queer way to put it. Gracious! that's about siyar. 'A Costly Bliliidel' that's frank, auyhow. 0, that's about registration. "No New Tiial for Them.' 0 new. there will be iu the di vorce court. How .vcr, that's abiut the Anarchist. 'Wife Murder.' Of course. A It.'i.s-i.-l Liver Kills liirl ' Whit a nice tiling to be u woman nowadays! If you many, your husband kills you -if yuu dou't marry your lover will murder you Social Even's.' Here it is at last, 'tl.ild iug and ltriht.' Lovely and accomplished bride. Of course, every bride is that. Nothing said about her two previous en gagements, uroom, prominent citnen. Exactly. Nu mention made of his late divorce, though. Well, newspapers only give news, 1 suppose. The wedding is news but the other facts wouldu't be." THAT ONE-SIDED TRADE. III.U Tlie V A II SI Kits AIIE STIt.l. DEALT WITH IIV TUB ''VANKKKS." Fanners, what control have you over the products of your labor? Do you price your coru or wheat, or tobacco or cotton? Are you not compelled to take just the price whieh others see tit to offer you? Have you any voice in the matter? An old man named Hoiirk lived up in the mountains. lie was a great horse trader, and when, near the close of the war, Stonemiui was making a raid through our western cuunti' Boark eon lud.-d he Would ride out and make a rec.uuoiMUice. Mounting o i fut h..rs lie -i n I, .in I - n . t c i' , oi i ih in i . r .. ..1.1 o .1 . ... .. .. au I .ii.i.iii tint tliue n - w it .t - ...n ! ..i . i lu. - in.- i o .ir-. .uotio. 'duo- vniik.es hois.. "A..w take th ad f. r y ur lion.u, ' said the oihcci '.-ark gait, red his reins aud turned lo the tHccr and said: ' A'tll you please allow me no w .r-i heiore yuu g-.? I've been swap- pin n-.rM's lor uo.mt sixty year, out duru lue el this aint the first time I ever swap ped in all my life and didn't havo a word to say in the trade." "How many of you are playing Boark every day in your business transactions? Get out uf debt, erganite and take care of yourselves and your interests." Senator Vance, in a speech. R.'bliiKtinm (locket. The man who measures hi? chances ol success by his aptitude iu practice of spec trins arts IniN set up the wrong standard. Ho may thrive for a while a long while, it may be. for "the mills of the gods grind slowly." hut. sooner or luter. the enlight ened sense of an honest people will n'iic trute the mask. Render, did you ever not.) the peculiar marks of a demagogue? He is n law-nhiding man, n stickler forthe rights of men and communities, but unless a law suits his own personal ends and ad vancement, be is assiduous in efforts to make it appear as a icculiar hardship on oth crs. I le is a peaeel ul cil izen when it paj; or, if his purposes can be better served, h. will connive at fraud, wink at rascality, condone all follies, and encourage the deiu oraluing devices of the day. He is a pa triot oh, yes, hut it is in the seme that country is for him nut he for country, He is charitable, particularly that "the left hand'' may know what "the right hand" doclh. And public spirited in the same narrow sense that a deed performed now, for tbe benefit of the "dear people," will ndouud ten fold to his advantage iu the future. He is nut necessarily engaged publics -but, all the same, he is a ''pol itician" iilw iv, ever looking out for the main chaiiee aud, learned in one branch of oliey, he is perpetually seeking to map out another. It is by "specious arts" alone that he expects lu succeed; the world owes him a living Iu auy way he can get it, and relying on his own favorite philosophy as to the gullibility of the public he runs by force of bent and habit slung this line. Hislife is absorbed iu the idea; he dees no thiug except "policy" be in it; he advo cates a priueii.le iiulict underlies his speech; he pushes a public scheme the loven foot'1 sticks out in every crook and turn of his euterprise, Scheming is his study, in which always "self the wavering balance shakes," aud a new scheme is never attempted till first the popular breee is caught. Then stand aside, friends, ni'ir'h i.irs an.l kiiilotk. it ye dare to stem I lie eur- reut in which the pronoun " I" floats. Your cocs.rvatisin, it may be, has reason ou its .ide the demagogue has secured the breize" and can get the laugh on you and is happy; you may claim honesty of opinion and purpose, you can't be heard; yuu may claim au unst'llMi patriotism in your in. .lives, I.ut that is not the sort iu leniaud where the great Ego holds way. thrives best among the masses who are correctly assumed to kn w lenst til.i.ut the arts that are used to turn men's heads. But he is seen often in legislative balls, even in the Congress of the I'uited States. I'nfortunatelv our country's school of poli tics ii largely under the euntrul of slns'r demagogues. The church is nut free from their presence. Of all public chariicl"!, the demagogue pure and simple is the worst. Rkqimrks Pkkskv kkamce "Young man," said a cross old lady on street car "terhaeker smoking tnakes me sick." "It used to make me sick, ton, ma'am,' replied the young man, lighting a fresh oi gar; hut, Lord, you'll get uicd to it after a while." Just received a handnome line of bug gies. Very cheap. Look at them before purchasing elsewhere). P. N. Stainback anp Company, UI'ITK A I HOIlhP.I) MM;, IMll'.l.ll, Froiu lhe fleece. Mil) News. We learu that Luiniin Woodward' log for the old settlers' eabiu is iuitu a marvel iu its way. II. Croasley saya he stretched Upc-!il!0 along it fluui uud to eu. There is a sag or curvature of the spine in the middle that makes a divergence of six feet two inches from a straight liue. The tree was cut by theuwner because it made the oows in the pasture so crow-cyed to look at it that the butter from their milk made the children tonuruc tied. The tree never leafed out till tall, because it took the sap all summer t find its way up to the br inches. When leaium put the lo; o i the fair ground it immediately began to roll all round the premises, being too crook ed 1 1 lie still. They had to whip up the U'anl to get away from it. (iitiirKRiK.s, Licimmii, Ac Mr. E. A. Cuthrcll has opened store on First street and keeps in stock family groceries and vegetable, lie also has a bar where the choicest liquors aro served in all styles. Cigars and tobacco of all grades. In a.ldi lion he keeps t supply of wooden coffins and metallic burial easea, all sii.sj, at I aw prices. Order! by nail or telegraph filled promptly. Mighty is the power of love, and it came near getting a thoologieal student, some weeks ago, into a terrible seraps. His class was undergoing the lust ciatniu atiun. The professor v. bo was c..ndiietin.z the exercise observed this student take something from his breast pocket ev.-ry now and then, look at it with fervor, re place it, and then renew his wining with increased ardor. Could he he eopiiiiL.' an swers to the ipiesi ions on the paper? Ai li.njtli th.; examiner ea ii.. up heliin I hi s i. '.1 In- hand mi I I - ii i.i l ' I i v he held in it The s u.l u.. i a i. choice but to comply, deliver .1 the ln .d o object, whieh proved to b" the pli..t-.'.ripii .1' the youn lady who was s ..n lo i.e -ii his bride. He wa- in r. iy ..s u . . age us a means of iiiM.iiaii 'ii t i i;d to i' i vi) i iii-: i.iii ,uii. A sulhn looking man with u h..r- -whip, eiiterela Nebraska newspaper otH.-c an 1 asked the boy where the editor was. The boy "sized him up" and answered ; "Gone to Ohio; won't be hack for six mouths." 'Where's the foreman?" "He's gone to Washington with an in vitation to the President. Won't be back before cold weather. What do yuu want to paralyze 'em ?" "No, no; I owe 81 and thought I'd pay Up',', "That so? hold ou a second; perhaps the editor hasn't started yet." He whistled, a long, dark form crawled out of the wood box and the editor was ready for business. tii:i; tiii:ki; iiki uiii:. Trump Please, sir, give a poor muu a few cents to buy a cup of eoti'ee. Philanthropist You look as if you needed coffee. "I do indeed, sir; I'm feeling very weak and miserable." "Here is a dun.. Now, go into that O'irt'ce-hoiiso aud get yourself a good, strung cup of coffee." Trump takes the money, ami. without thanking the b.'iuvolent goutlcman. starts across the street in the direction of the sa loon. "Hello! Come baek! There is uo coffee over there," exclaimed the philanthropist. 'There aint, oh? That's all you know about it. There is coHVe and cloves in a sauecr on the bar. I've been there before, old hosstly!" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' .... TORPID LIVER In known liy tlii-Mt itiai tieil M)ciillai llivii 1, A firliuif'it'w limit unl juiIns in tlm Ihtilis. 2. Rn! l.n ;Oh, U luMe In II uilll, uinl niin il IntiL'tti', im(iii, Hilli oei'jinl.uml (Otiu-kK ADVERTISEMENTS. 180?" 1B57 J AN DART lit I'M. Ot II 'till. rionl nf Mi" liciul : Ulltl ll'lloWlJlH )f 4. Il'-.M !"lu. In tli liuiisr:'., i!i.,)i'nji Mdn. ft, illlUllilO'll, ll" of Uplift io. 0, luiii'iiiiofi of Un' Ht.-iijiu ii h1 in well liV W 1 1 1 1 1 . 7. h'i. rim of NpirlK toi-l v,rv nu liin (holy, with lfiUul uin! a iIihimIIuu to liiivt'i vi.'ry tliliiK lor to-moi row. A natnriil (low of Itflf fr-iim Uin Uvfir U eosKiillul lu bom. I lii-iiltli. Wlit'U t It lit lnoUtrtK'tt-d IL robuluio BILIOUSNESS, w)il-li, If ncLilei'letl, noon U aiN toKcrlotm rtlrifiisi'H. Knniiioii Liver ItYLMiliilorexerlM u nioiU I'l'liciloiis liilliii'Di-eoti revt'iy If I oil of tilllMiisnesK, It. ri'Htiiren tin' Uvrr lo nriioiT wiiikiiiirortler. n-nlulrfi tlie mvre flini of 1)1 If mill )iit tin- (l iKt-Mi i it oiviiim In such einulttlon Hint they can doiliclr tiCMt Work. After lakniit llii medlctnt! uo one will xit.v, "1 oni hllioua.'1 "I have liecn Milijfjrt to cvcrc spell' of Con gesitoit of (he Liver, und have been i H the habit of uViti (rum I j to gr.iiiifl of calcni' l which gen rrully l.iitl me up f l three or four I .ttcly I have uctn t.ikine Si in mom Liver KcuUlor, wlmh r mc rrlicf midoul any inimupiiuii to bumts "J Hi tjfi, Middlcpori, Ohio o.ri.r tiK.Yi i.irE has our J2j seitnp in red on frynl of Wrapper J. II. y. .lln It Co., Phlladelutila, fa. Te'8 lv. E. A. iirell iit:it(;i:K a i.nci i.'m hAtjIElt BEER ON ICE. K. W. DANIEL, No 10, Wub. Ave. Weldon H. 0 June 28 ! iKsnjblliilH-tl lssu.) OH.V. LKE AT AIM'OMATTOX. While tli.i l.'ti-irs w.tj bd'ig copied, lien, (ir.iut introduced the g -n -r.d otlieerj who bad cut 'red, and ei h uiemlier of ih t.iff. to (i ii. L- , ll .lids .villi liell S Hi i -j.-n r.il r tl Wi llsms. win: lad ADVERTISEMENTS. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C, Two and a half miles west of Oreensboro, N. C. The main line of the R. & 1). R. U. passes through the grounds and within Kill feet of tlie otliee. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those iuterestcd in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the largest Lursery iu the State and one auiong the lamest in the South. The propiietor has for maiiy years vis iled the leading Nurseries North aud West and corresponded with those of foreign countries, guiheriui; every liuit that was ealclllat.illos.ll.il)-- .south, both unlive .ml i..r-igu. i .. r.ptiuii-.n . 1 1 ouiona I til .Sur-sn-s is su-n mai miuy snts ' ' llg AYELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, LIOTORS, CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. t am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Suuff, ic, and will also keep on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. .HJaMo v 129 SYCAMORE STREET, PETERSBURG, VA, Steam Bakers and Confectioner, and Dealers in Foreign aud Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Ac. Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes aud Snuff at tho LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Marks' Celebrated Steiiiii-Refiiied Candy. nor 11 ly. HIE x n.'M Hi. I', of It. .Ml -ll l I have in -'oek '"oin n sli w I .i i - ui , . - . r nun, tu u. Parke, j, oai st .f aii .rc.-s-iiu-d to Inoi Park, r was i lu I ol.. . d In .i ui, and i ho reiijuin eniet'.-i' lie S . a io When Gell. Lee saw his sAatlliv leou c he looked at him with au evi 1 n. s'ar- ! surpiise. and his eyes r'sred on him .or several seconds. What was passing iu his mind probably no one ever kuew, but the natural surprise was that heat first mistook Parker for a nogro, an I was strunk with astonishment t i find that the commander of the Uuion uruiio had one of that race on bis personal staff. Loo did not utter a word while the in troductions were going on, except to Seth Williams, with whom he talked nunc, cordially. Williams at one time referred iu rather jocose a li.ann. r to a l ireiiui stance which occurred during their former service together, as if he wauled to say souiethiug in a g.ssl Matured way to break up the fiigidiiy of the conversation, but Lee was in no mode f..f pleasautries, slid he did not unbend or even relax the fixed sternness uf his features. His only re sponse to the a'lusioti was a slight iik-tiua- tion of the head. Gen. Lee now took the initiative again in leading the conversa tion back into business channels Gun Horace Porter in The Ceutury. . .. v. u..iua, con- I wiug oi apple, ieach, pear, cherry, plum, ' graie, Japanese p-Tsimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarini , Russian apricot, j .. .I...U-. rim ..i. . - j . lui ir.-. -. i ,V' Give your .rd r ;.. uiv a.ith .rued s ent or ord. r ilireei Iroui the uuieiy. t or respoudenee suli.-ited. Descriptive cata logues tree to appheauts. Address, J. VAN". LINDLEY, Pomona, Guilford county, N. C. may 5 ly. ADVt.HTIMMJ PATM. A Giwrgia exchange says that the tirt issue of he "Uroadaxe." in Blakely, eon tained au advertisement: "A Hoy Wanted at this Office." The next issue uf tho Early County " News," published iu Blake ly, comaiued the following: "Rom to Mr. and Mr. W. A. Jordan, i bouncing baby boy." W. A. Jordau is editor of the "Broadaxe." Some people pretend to say that advert iaing doesn't pay; it doea. A true household Remedy for the cure of Malaria and Fever and Ague. Quinto- eo. imy oonti it jam druggists. LIQUORS. C. SMITH. .S'A.'W HIS LIQUORS, SEE HIS CIO ARS, SEE HIS GROCERIES. Wine, h l Mi CJififlED qooos. KVKUV DRINK IN SEASON. Kf-C. Smith at Evans' old stand Washington avenue, Wcldon, N. C. deo It li Burial. I will always lis p ou hand u stock of WOODEN COFFIN which I will Bell cheap, aud which can be bad at any hour, day or night, Orders by letter or telcaraph will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by tirnt train. PATKONACK SOMClTKI. K. A.CIITHRKLL, First Street, Weldon, N. C. Hep 15 Itiij 11 XT K UK SOUTH CAROLINA. HALIFAX COVSTY SVFFUWH VOUKT. V. W liwtUiDicy,f hrlt) Klllnlt tnrt Tmplr Uwaitouur, iwrluvrp ui.itr tbo llriu iim- of n iiwituiiuvr at (.umiMiDy, idu luuiutw n. Hill, pliluuflii pdvfilHaill u lmhiilratrr rtf D B Bell, Diivld IWll, 1 A IajIii tiud Curriij IiOiu till u U, Mtttlitt ut'ii. juiiu i auhp, tr, Hiia a unit iwti Amt xhv I tut UHiiiftl two beliii inftutu witliutil aunr (linn iu Norlli (WiiiniH, W W Hell. 1) K sum tmrk riii Nlinili! (' Hauiilwk liia wiff, Alleiie IWll.Jtwepli W Jviikliiidotitft biininew uiidtr tin nrtn imiue oi joioim jriiiviiu& ( oiiiiujy. j j Uidilk-lmi ttltd John 1 WlMituiH PHrtnrm hitiim buwiueati under the linn uhiuc of J J Midttletou A 1'uiuiMiiy, kumii I Ht'll autl the Kortli Urtiiu Home liiwurnncc ttmpuiy, deli'iiiiuiui. A it ion fur lorwlokjuta ol trtixi ft'id tale nf ItiHl In ininttimx-o of an order of the 8uptTli,r (mrt of llauiwi miuniy uuav lu Uiu wm m fallu.rni HK7, Ihts JofcinUiiU li A Lxif unii ttv K l-onir hla wlfc, John T Alw.p Jr, nt Aiml Ht-ll Alsofi, who rvti'lem Yellow sprlUKi.Uroii county, in thi HUto oDTi to, W W Bull, who ivhhIch iu thw cHt ul HNvitnb, iu thf HOtte uf Utforvi, Jikwph W Jea kinadoiiuf busini'w uiiilitr llif Uroi naiutt uf Jtkwi.h W Jt-nkiiu A Uitupmiy, J J Midilleluti KUti John l WilliHU pArtiKm diiini Ihuiavm under the tra UHiueofJ J NUdtlltiUiD A CotniMiiy. urho rtMldu in the city of Haiti more, fit the Htaw of HaryUixl, re lurvby niiMfh'd to HppMr Mtd uiiweiror demur to uiv cuiuiiim atini' urn Mrti ui hid uiun V Dt held i the Uwrt Hmuw I the. wn uf HtJl fi on thepikjhUi MiHtdky bedtt th Km taiond! In March, tHM. Witnen Juhu T Oreory, Clerk of the Superior Court ofHuJifdx pomily, at ottlvc iu iUllhi, UiU jHth dny uf Nyvi'iuber, ItUS". JOHNT.QRKUOHY, 1 Nov 21, 8 w Uvtk kfupQrior Cyurt, ROANOKE NEWS, tvttsijDO :r, it. c. Tl'IfltW '-. t ' !V 'i'.'.l1". u Th.. ttannV ' N'-w was staViMhcd ' nli -r. .fir. i "o m h-tion. I- is 1 er .tic in t'oliti.s. and is defoted to he advancement of North Carolina, Hall fax county and the town of Weldon in prosperity and wealth. While giving the ncw of tho State, county and town, it docs not neglect th literary department, which il Is the object of the Editors to male equal to that of any paper in tho State. Now .V rim TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. As as advertising medium the Roanoke- New is UNEXCELLED in Esstorn Carolina, circulating a it data extensively in some eight or ten eountiea. It ia read by men, woman) and children, . and an advertisement ia its eolamu ia sure lo be read and to pa; t hundred fold. Tertna for adreitising low, and oao. to bad on application. HALL It SLEDGE, - Publisher) and PioprUtoit, S t .1 I I t 1 i i i 'A i i J i i j

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