'p PS t TO i HALL & SLEIDQ-IE, riiOPiUEToits. VOL. XVIII. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1888. N K V A D V K R'J'IS K M E NTS . THE Ireit r I rn I in i VCAGAMBRILL Mfc.CoJ Tim value nf FLOCK depends upon the ESSENTIAL KLKMKNTS OK NU TRITION CONTA1NKD IN THE HliKAD IT MAKES. Our l'ATKN'T 1IOL LKK FLOCKS arc uiaiiifaclorod from th. CHOICEST WIIKAT obtain ihle. I!a. lioiort' .-(anJn prn-omiin-nt in this couutry an a market fur choice wheal which "ivea us 11 peat advanlaire in (lie schrtion of the BUST Til AT IS (ll'.OWN. TheSUPEltlOlt C'OMIMNATION OK GU TEN AND l'IIOSI'11 ATES thnx afforded, , liable, us to jilire'iii tlf market. Flour 1.'K()IIALLED FOK ITS Pl'HITY AND NUTIil TIOI'S I'KOPKKTIES. This tact is rccognixod not only in this country hut in K.ir.,,. as well, whore the "PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE" COMMANDS DECI DKl'LY MOKH MONEY than any other American Klmir. Ask your grocer Cur Putupsco Superlative I'atont, Bedford Family, Patapseo Family Patent, North Point Family, Orange Grove Extra, Patapsco Extra, CheKapeiike Extra. Baldwin Fauiilv. 0. A. OA MB I! ILL MANFFACTCKING CWl'l'ANY, -1 1 Commerce St., ISalliniore, Md. ojoBBinnos, LITTLETOISr, X. C, HAVE Jl'ST OPENED THEIR FALL AND WIS'TKK STOCK OF GOODS CONSISTING OF Iry Coodn, Notions, Hats, Boota aud SIiik's, Hardware, Tin ware, (Iroecriea, and CodfeetioueriM, generally, and respectfully invite everybody to conic and see them be fore making purchases eliaiwhere. Very Respectfully, Y7. II. 1.0I1I1ITT& SON. k. pt iMtf THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, W E L D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WI'IIB-CRimON DKTARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL'S PRESCRIPTION'S COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOURS WITH GREAT CARE. PKUKi'MERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, llUl'SHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. HXIIIBII tbata hearty wloomiilwyiwlti joutt ZOLLICOFFER'S. IT Lioiitliiiinf Domestic kipaeic "lVlf.STAINBACK&CO. LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. .DEALER IN: UltY GOODS, -, .... BOOTS, shoes'; ;. ... NOTIONS, II ATS, CAPS,". ' ' ' DOMESTICS, PRINTS, STAPLE GOODS, CUOCERIES, And Everything that can be called for. ' - HMDQUAETEES FOR AND "HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Mlio i. reapectfvtll, invited to call. Hour of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED--! m , . t p AdltU l LTlltAi, NOTICM. Mean ui.'ul is 1'ii-ellfiit to make lu lu log are destroying niauy sin Florida. rp Virginia takes the I I iii III i raising of peanuts, llj cortain tint Ilia tods housed now. are properly Hog eli.d. r.. epi'l.'iiiiu in perilous of IV est . irginia. In sheltering I'owis d i n il put too ui iiiv into on.' house. Cows will ielis!i puujiliiiK il' they can - give them n .i. DjtluiU'u:. di-a;ree.iUe work first mid get it outol'tlie aav. Potatoosmust li'kept.liy if they would ki'pt Ionian i w.-ll. Allow no autumn leaves to le wasted. They make .splendid b.'ddiu0'. Mushroom, w i ;iiing seven pjunds are sai 1 tube raise I imho Tvi'o!. A bull who In. u'l ii'dy disposition is unsafe whether homed or not. Butter can hirlly be regarded as unlit for cooking lh.it i unlit for table use. Il time to warm the diink for milch cows. I lie milk will lie bettor for it. The grape villi's should bo pruticd and laid down and covered for the winter, HAD ITS DAY. You have been preaching in the west fur sivcral years, 1 uudi-rsUiud you to siy, did I n it?" "Yes. for thcuHl twenty years," replied (he minister. 'Yuu know" continued tho Eastern man. "huw we ftjiiictiiueK read of luinisti is in your country IVeiuently haviiiL' to un into the pulpit with a revolver to use ill m:iifitaiuiii ordir in a turbulent connri ea" lion. Is there anything in it?" 'Ob, yes, I have known ministers to do it, but I consider it iinnecaswary." "That was always my ideal, loo." "Ob, yes; yes, nltogeiher unnecessary," returned the preacher, 'dlesides. it id ways scetucd to inc in very poot taste fr a minister of the IumI, preaehing peace on earth and ood will toward men, to go ariiund tied to a hip cannon. Yes, a pun is wholly uncalled fur" continued ( tie pood man, and he took the roll of sermons in his left hand and reached down with his ripht and extracted a fourteen inch knife from his ho itlcji; ''yes, wholly uncalled for; pirn mo this howie in my bootlep and a pood pa r of brass knuckle and a hymnboi'k iu my coat tail pocket au l I will aprcc to carry tho Uospel to any man tliut over looked thruuph a collar! The nhnotinp iivn has had its day as a method ofuvanp elization." Cliieapo Ti I'Aunc. SICNS OF FORTUNE. THE PART THE KEATHEREl) SCMHTKKS HAVE l'l.AVED IN II1ST01IV. Swallows were regarded as a sign of good luck on shore, but the biid nature was strong iu these graceful creatures. A rcp- utatiou for virtue troubled them so liny Weill to work to cultivate an evil name a mong mariners. Cleopatra, on seeing a swallow on tho masthead of her vessel, turned her back upou the ship and llatly refused to sail in her. The wren seems lo have had a more kindly disposition. A Manx author tc'.ls us that the tisherinen ol the Isle of Man will not go to aea without taking one of those birds with tliem. The bird, it seems, must be dead; it is the little corpse that averts the alorui and holds the fair wind blowing. "Their tradition is of a sea spirit that haunted the herring track, attended always by storms, and at last as aunied the figure uf a wren and flow away, so that they think when they have a dead wren with them all ia snug." It is on record that a small land-bird flew on board the Vanguard, Nelson's flag ship, at the battle of tho Nile, and was baiied as a happy omen. W hat sort nl bird this was we are not told. Il might have been a wrm, it certainly waa n it raven. The well kuuwn tili.l t, ' to sec one raven in lucky, 'tis true, but it'a eer tain misfortune to light upon two, and meeting with thro ia the devil," finds con firojalion in Sir Waller Scott's experience who also has sonit'thing to till ua about the uiali.'nant iuflu.'iiioi of the nia'ia Tho great noveli-t was riding in a stage coach with a seaman, who suddenly claimed, "I wish we may have go id 1 on our iournev; there ia a magpie!" Sir Walter asked lnm what he meant, on which he replied that one mngpio bodes ill lack and that three are tho very devil itself; that he nover saw three magpies but twice and once he aearly lost his ship, and alter ward he fell off his horse and was badly hurt. ExehiHfr. Groceries, Liquors, ic Mr. E. A. Cuthrcll has opened a store on First street and keeps in itock family grocerioa and rejetablca. Ho also has a bar where the choicest liquors are nerved iu all style Cigars and tobacco of all grade. In add! tion he keeps a supply of wooden coff'os and mctallio burial caaea, all aim, at 1 ow prioea. Orders by nail or telegraph filled promptly, HIS ULTIMATUM. "Dalicl!" "Yen, sire." ''What kind "f a lowii in Coluuibua, Ohio? The board of liadu ban invited in to slop (here on our way lit St. Louis.'' ' Well, sire, Il la the capita! ol'Ohio, splendidly laid uiil.Mida live, growing illy. Cuii.T' "-nun Oultiwuiio lives there, The street ere wide and wi ll tnude, and I iin derslaiul llie pavements are rovircd with Npli'llill'l, Hllti4.ll li flag -" "Wlial kind of ati'iie did you say'.'" "l''lai'sioiii'.'' ''Well, just Niiiko Coliiiiihiis from our lint. We won't ai"p there, I'm 1 fi I all of lie' Oliio fle lnisiiiess I want, lie- sides, lli.il man Foraker lives tbeie, don't ho?'1 "Yes, sire " "Thai wltli'a it. I'urak r and I Iid H,i;a are loo iiiiieh for me. ilusi virile Preii i'h nt Hand, ill that on iieeoiiul of pivvi iii urruiicmi'til and all sorts of llun's, yu un lersliiiid, we eiiinit slop. Tell Out h ivaiiu if lie wanfs any more nlliees fur his fiieiids, he knows my po tolliee ad'!rlMl.', "Yes. sire." Tllu black bail I j 'lll waslhi'ii brought from its place of eoncuibiii'iH behind ibe clock, the ctcciiiivc lnm-eli..Kl went into Boir'l ae.sioii, and when ihe doors weic o polled the Senate adjourned.- -Ohio AVite .htmii'il. HE WANTED A CHAW TOO. A low years ao at a repular Wcdiie--day evuiinp prayn mretinp ul'uno of ihe ehiirehes of Uisiuarek, Dak, the pa.lur l!ev. Fitirchild, cntne into ihe chapol and found oiilv nbotit a ilor.cn liulcs prcsi nl, lie loiikcil iii'iiimiiI a iii'iiii'til aii'l said: "Sister Welhcrill, can you tell me I lie cause of this reiiiaikal'le absence of ihe penllcim n who have been iu tho lubil of atU'iidinp our rcpular iiiicliiins "Why, hadn't V"U heaid almnl II?" re plied the lady uddies-i'l. "The Spoil. i'. I'Vout priicerv mlvciliv . In pile I'lec sani plos of a new brand of clii niup lulu this eveiiinp, and ihe pciitlciiien have all pone there." "Ila!" said tl.' wuilhy p.i.lur, as be re moved bis v, -lit. Ics and bullolM'd his coat. "1 hadn't noticed ilia iiuiiuuiice ninnt. Just excusa me a iiioincnl. ladiea, please; 1 must step l..wn lo llie Spoiled. Front myself, I haven t bad a pood i low of I'Hiinp l.'b.u-eo silica 1 h-fi K.upo !" and ho shol out the side door. HE DESIRED TO RETIRE. "I desire to retire," said a Boston puest to the proprietor of a hotel in Arkansas, You which?" answered the daxed man. 'I desire to retire." "You whit?" "I desire to retire." "Well I-I-l ll be durncd if I believe we've got it in tho house, mister." Out what ?" asked the aiiiiu d guest. I didn't ask fur anything. ' "Well, say il again an' see if I kin 'tch on." "It is slr.mge you cannot understand plain r.ngltsh. I simply said I U. -irc to retire, that is, 1 wish to no to uiy risun." Oh aw oh! That's hit. You want to turn in. eh? Wliyn t you say so? e .loti't know nuthin' bout desiriu' to retire hereto Arkansas, we just put oil to bed." And when he came down siiiis he snid to his wife: "If that's the way they Islk liostoo It sin I no wonder lucre s an many I. ids lucre. "1'caire lo retire Well. I'll bedurned!" I. it Minn: un.. Mr. .lull il Chamberlain has been telling the New Yorkers thai iu order to avoid dyspep.ia they ought to eat more oil. He claims licit after a beany dinner of roasts and ai lo disbea a aula 1 dressed wilh pure olive oil it a poaitivc necessity to aid digii- tion. Ila declares lint English nplo and A merieans have grown up with aversion to salads made with oil bouauae they were French, and (he French mean- log an embodiment uf )t ry aud othor b uiiinaliona to ibeir Puritan en.vitora they have inherited ihni pieju lieca In a larjo oxl 'nt even in ihe rookery Mr- Chamberlain oven goc, an far as lo any the early Puritans wei .' aware licit oil in their ailads waa a prevculive ol dyspepsia, but were never su hippy i when they wore uiieooif.,rt,il.lo mid thinking to gain heaven by expi iiuin lug Ibe l runes ol Die bollonile.vs pit liere, lliey ihiucIuiIciI mat dyspi p-ia waa alu ul the best rci ijie lur me purpose. I)iiN'Thim;ak nidv. "My husband loved me when I waa mere child," aaid one Chicago Inly proud ly at anutlnr. ' Indeed I That is quite romantic." 'Yes, be asked papa for my baud wli I was only 13 years old, and aaid he could have me if I would consent ' And he wailed till ho waa of age?" "Vox."; "Well," said the other spitefully, "I re collect heariug your husband aay the other day that he always did got left when Iii dabbled in futurea. A true household Remedy (or tho cure of Malaria and Fever and Ague. Quints- o. fifty oeoti it jour orugguti, A BLOODLESS MAN. TIIK MOST KKMARKAM.t I'HVKIt'At. P1IE M)M KNON (IN KEI'ORD. Not many miles from Berlin there lives a man who, if what report aays of bira is true, Is certainly one of tho most rciuarka- blu phenomena on record. The papers slate as a positive fact that he has no blood in his veins, and that a couimiltoc of the leading physicians and acicntista have de clared their inability to account for this extraordinary circumstance. The man is a corporal in the Herman unny and poes by ihe name of Olio Schroibcr. Ho him self was ipiite uncotisciou of his bloodies! ditiou until two months ago, when he I'otipht a duel with a fellow soldier. Ilia opponent ran his sword through his body. without, however, drawing any blood, and the "patient" seemed not a hit the worse. The man w.ia so taken by surorisu that 0110 had no trouble in killing him. Since that time llie cuniradea uf the corporal have been careful not to tread on his toes, and on no consideration to accept a chal leii're from him. lie was submitted to a severe test at a medical institute at Berlin. A knife was thrust into his mouth, the point coming out at the back of tho cheek. Not a drop of blood wa spilled, nud Otto felt no I'iii.i during the operation. The gentlemen wlio examined hiiu lire now fully convinced that there are many things 111 h siveii and earth that they never dr. auicd of. Otto Schreiher inteuds i.s s. on as bis time is up (the next year) to show himself iu the principal cities of Eu rope, (.Mil's l TIIK OI'I.N A I It. Mm, like nlbcr niiiinnls, was made to llie Hie greater part ol the lime out of doors. Out ol door uxercisc is essential to vigor ol body, and vigor of body is essen tial lo yoiilhfulucsa of appearance. It is iheiuduor coulini'iucnt of women the c.iii-l ml hrealhing of overheated and vitia ted air mid tho iieocssary neglect of natural forms of exercise l lull makes their brail ly fade primal urely. It is as natural for iiirls lo niiiip and play iu tho open air as it is for cits lo do so, and llie healih and slren-ib o! (be horse would be vitallv ini piire l by (he hut house hriugiiiL' up whiih the pills have In undergo beforo they alliiin to yens of maturity. I'llii'il1 tip Dt.vi.i luN. "And do you loilllv loll' llie, lieulge?" she asked. Love vol!'' repeated (icurL'e I'irventlv. Wbv, litis- I wis l.iililin" v.iu uood bve ic lurch lasi ni.'ht, dear, the d ig bit large chunk out of my leg, and 1 n 'Vcr noticed il till I ceil li en" I. vc von!" Jrsi received a handsome lino of bu gics. Very cheap. Look at (hem before purchasing elsewhere. 1', N. Stainiiauk AND CllMI'ANV. CiiNsoit'l liiN. WaistiiiL' discuses, nud tfcticral di lulitv- Doctors disaerco as to relative value of Cud Liver Oil and llviophosi. biles the one supplying; strength ami II h; the other giving nerve iwer, ami aciii'g as tunic to Ihe digestive and entire sys'em, Bat iu Scott's Emul sion uf Cod Liver Oil wilh llviioiihos- phites, the Iwo are combined, uud the ef- ct is wuiuleiliil. I liuiis.iiids who have icrived no p riuuiicii! In in lit from other paraiioiis have been cured bv Us use. This is not an av-utnpti n, but fads (hat are sul.-liinu il.-.l by ihe experience of the past ten yi ars, and llie cndursi uients of thousands ol (he best physicians through out llie c.uiiiirv. uov HM-iii, (liinti N r s ! liiHin News ! 1 -Sam-I.KSAT WllnI.EKAI.I. I'iiick. Maior T. L. Entry has open -il this week a big lot of sample notions huu, lit of Mcssis. T'efl'r, Wcllcr k Cu., Niw Ycik, cutisitiii'r of a beauiil'ul ass iit'in iit of kid and j'wy gloves, corsi'ts, jerseys, hoisU, hose, collars hand-bags, pocket boi.ks, shuts, hall luise and suspendeis, also biisil.-s and other ar ticles of female torture, Ac, &c. A stylish lot of scarfs, ciavais and tics, all of which tan he boueht al prune wh'.lesale cost. ADt MUiM'.Mh.Mn. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C, Two and a half miles west of llrcensboro, N. C. The main line of (lie 11. & D. H. It. pasaca through tho grounds and within lllll led ol Ihe ullieo. Salcrn trains make regular slops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fiuit growing are cordially invited to inspect this tho largest uirsery in Ihe Statu and oue among Ihe largest iu the South. The I ri.pi ii'tnr has for many years vis ited the leading Nurscrii'sNurlh and West and eoi rcsiioinifsl wilh tlusw of forcien counlriiis, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native and foreign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that many agents goina: out from Oreensboro, representing oilier nurseries, try to leave tho impression that they are rcproocniiiig these nurseries. Why do they do it r Let the public an swer. I have In stock growing (and can show visitors the same) llie largest and best slock of trees, &o., over shown or seen in any two nurseries in Nurth Carolina, con sisting of applo, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, Japanesu persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Ku.-tian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits ; Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus evergreens, shade trees, rosea, lie. Give- your order to my aulhorixcd agent or order direct from tho nuisery. Cor ropondnnce solicited. Descriptive cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. MNDLKY, Pomona, Guilford oounty, N. C. may IS ly, NEW ADVKkj . . VIS CONL TUITION 1H called tho " Ft, pausn Wwrf I "I Which lllHTllHI' I it mtbythoiiliKi Un. . tho retention . doc in tho KUiiiiailt n by aTorplil I.lvcr. i, cxcri'tt'il from tli; Nfiture'M own r Hi'' ucoom pan It'll Hi Loss of Appc1 Sick TI t'i,i;r.,;W:ir,f(!1 Tho Ironitnoiii ' eonHlit nifrely In i Tlieinodlrln.'iniiRl . MPt-n- tlvr.hiitbonti'i in ftflerliftuKDui tei imi-i, tai'Uitj ftruKUliirluiln if hi f $ IIihmI Vl)4UHlMtf lh6(lU'tordlBt)),;filr ' "My nitent.nn, aftrr lion fur Iwo nr ihrf y . i Liver Ktgtil.uor, ilji.i tiling I'Ke, Lontt td i winejlsis(iil ami at rw tfasDuwiifiil, jih per h 1 1 -found ih.it it h.nl dune cuiithiiicil it mini I ii V i i A iMirtl (.lllUlVBrya I f I flirt leak ..! I Il it I I have not ceneti lm I i- 'ii m my huuie and w. n. i ilxi( lit bltl ha rouse f-ir it.il iH.. i I " W, biMj, Ais'tflcrkbu, . ' ' Take only i t n.hit. Which has on lb Wn, (i M rtl MB I'tito , tuk and Signal rtcf J Fi ll !W A CO Pe; 8 ly. LIQUIRf!. o. s:wn'H. SKt: ins .(,' see ins an. SEE II IS ( Oi'JlrYA,V, Jin a fipf C 41 El) V?5, KVEllY IUUNK ,. vi 'N -C. Smith at Washington avenue, M line in I v E. L imi, i ArELCi)N, V. (1. I FAMILY GR ' t IES, j YEliETAV.LES, , LIQI (1!S, CIGAIIS. S.MOK I i.i.ii I.,., TO II A CCO. . ! . U'.nes "111, U',, UUU 1 nil aupplv of N, Ci ! 1, ' I am now prepai cash prices (irocclits ol Liquors, Tobacco, ' will also keep on I nil i lo fresh Ycgctablcsol' cu will be sold cheap. Bum I "it I will alH8 ks't'p O! I i r! )C well m;i(lc Metallic fi' T ' 1 1 WOODEN' ( ill'1 FINS Wllicll I Will fiC'll pllL'il,., ' ' 1 i. 1 'Il I'' hud at auy hour, ilay Oi Ordt-rs by l-tier jr ir..('U ul k ot'ivu prompt atti-n on .. uliltipsd by lirst train. PATKOXAOK s h.ii'ui k. ;.c ritnm, First Blrei i. K ii'P l"t 'Am rrM K. OF NORTH I HALIFAX cor v ., v. w.awMiimi,r.,Iit'' . l.waUimC), iwuUHTb mi t Ud (iiM llWiit W. W. 'iwiitliuicy & it ' -'ol T'-'limli P lhil.pUimittB Aiming! hnvld Hell 3 adniuilstrntj, , Ht ll.Ji A. Juigmid en , lull, Johu '' A1m- Jr. .,niw lill Alfli. tlit'lAHliiainrtltwnti itf M i k llnmi II IIIhVI diau lit Ninth CnruliiiH ' ' Ittit'k Hit l Mlniilu (' t Itini ' i' JiMcpli W Jmiktmik. tirn imiuc nl joNi-im Miiiill Un ami .mini nil' I toil and .Infill ,, .Mini -i i rroH under itoo i di f m f i J MtitMiMnt. I !11tMlti', SllMIt I li K-'Mf. f Hr-iliiiH hllsilrCMi tV UomiMi A'tioii l..rWn.'Clior.ilti i ii In iitirfciiHti'-o "f un indpro ITa1.ru county liiwla , ISiV, UliHlt fcnilHItl 1) . l,t m Ml 1 t lfl. k Utttn !iii wiio, JolmT -lfO, .tr "U' Ml.- Aliol, -tm Pt-iilili til i'uHiiw Mum x, " MUlt oliHiio, W W tl.'ll, tf! i t i. "I SliVllllllAll, til the MU oi K- ' hlim tluhiK Uusim'w uinl V Jriikiiu. & CumpKny I J M" fut hii.) Jnl,n l Wllhmnt" inrtm-n (loii. ; he 0 nmt (ttH Ah inuiit) "f I .1 MitMlutuii ' IIm- i lly if HiiHiiiiutv, In Un' ' ' hi-folty iiiiiuk'i. Ui t'ciir at t tin-tnti'luliit Rt tbu tic'i lll'lll Ht thv 'ourl V sl: . v .... . ,i fniantlmuiKliiUUub V I 4 itia ftt MwUUlf In Mnrth, l1. WltiH's! John T (Ui Court of Uiiltfitx OiHinly, si ..a IbUi tiny ol NoveinLr, It , Nov 21, 6 V u " ft;: - I Uw- ' Ip V