HTLXjIj & SLEDGE, VROPRIKTOBA .A. IT 3U "W" SP APER FOE THE PEOPL E. TE!R2VIS-2-00 1,ER ANNUM IN ADVANCK. VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 188S. NO. 44. NEW ADVKRTISKM KNTS Premi Ik paTr.NT IfflPIUBBIII U f PATAPSCO IM ESTJLBLISHEID-1774. Tho value of FLOUR depend upon the KSSKNT1 1, ELKMFNTS OF 'll TIUT10N CONTAINKD IN THE HUEAI) IT MAKES. Our PATENT ItOL 1,10 it KLOCRS are manufactured from the CHOICES T WHEAT obtainable. Bal timore stands prc-nniineiit in this country as a market for choice wheat which civ. us a crcat advantage in the selection of the It EST Til AT IS GROWN. TheSCPKlllOR COMBINATION OK GLI'TKN AND PIIOSPIIATKS rl.n. nffonktl. enables us to place on the market, Flour l.'NK(jl'ALLKI) I'Oll ITS 1'1'IUTY AND NCTltl 'fit M S PROPKRTIKS. This lai-t in rccogniy.ed n..t only in Ibis country l.ut iu Kumpe m well, where lh "PATAPSCO SUl'Klll.ATl VE" COMMANDS DECI DEDLY MORE MONEY than any other American Flour. Ask your grocer for l',.l.,..u,. Hun.,,!,,,;,.,. ...... V Patapsco Family Patent, North I'uicit Family, Orange Grove Extra, Patajisoo Katra, Chesapeake Extra. Baldwin Family. (.'. A. GAMBR1LL MANI FACTI ltINO COMPANY, 21 1 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. tin.' 12 ly, inoiiiiTisii, LITTLETON, N. C, HAVE JTSTOPENKD THEIR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF HOODS CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notion!, Hatti, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, Tin ware, Groceries, and Cou feet ioncries, generally, and resiiootfully invite everybody to come and see them be fore making purchases elsewhere. Very Respectlully, W. II. lKIHBITTA SON. aept 2!Hf THE PLACE TO GET aiii null AT LOWEST PRICES IS JLT DR. A. 11. ZOLUCOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. M-fRKSCRIITION DKPARTMK.NT KILLED WITH THE BBHT SELECTED MATERIAL.- PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOUKH WITH CHEAT CARE. PKKt'UMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY BOM'S, UKCSIIES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, limvill Uuua aearty welcom always awaits you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. light Riiiing Domestic kipacliinc oct.H If WH II I II I UK LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Comer of 1st street and Wash. Ave, SDEALER INS DRY OOOD8, BOOT8, 8HOBS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, DOMESTICS, PRINTS, 8TAPLE GOODS, GROCERIES. Ami Everything that can be called for. HEADQUAETEES FOR Oinoi Pistols ft Garttlisosi AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. TteljU. b r-pectfu.1, ioyited o call. Q THE or Floor of America. FLOURING MILLS Til K '""rS.stainback&co. 1 11 J HALL.iRO OF THE COLORS. A Kfiitlmiina of courtly air, Of old Virginia hi' ; A daiiisi'l from New Jcnwy Statu, Of mutclili wi bounty Klip ; Tlioy uifl us fltree mitrHinjlts The rawm why. thiy My, Her eye were of the Federal blue, And hli, rtiufecluratiipriiy. Tliey entered on n Here1 i HUil-nigu, A 11(1 Whuu the tljlllt tlfl!:iH, It teemed hm thoitli (lit'itutt k lliwl no dPtertnhii.U' plrni. KiN'll Wlltclieil tile OtllLT'MlioVCUH'llU well Wlillo itHiidiiiK tliire nt l.ny iii'.triiti:lhil forth tVdi-ml bluv, One f-ir Cotifi-derMtf uniy. We all looked uu Ith hiuIuiu wyes To mm tlielr fiirce move, A u I liouu could f II uliii-li eoiubiituut At Innt would 1( tor Drove. Tluy iniiridiediiiidroiiitteriiiurelied Willi ki)l, AvoidiiiK Hell tlie Jrny ; Here, lineK wnc necii of l-'fdi'inl liliie, And lliere, i'l.iifidi'rute nmy. At Uit In- uiovi-d IiIh fi.rce hi urn, And Hent Iter Miuiiiunis tUere Tlitit htieidioiild tniiKiit tuttiu hitt- I ' Don couditiniiM fiiir. ' Ah you mtirch forth tlii'tliti-M may II y, TltedriiuiHiuid bugled pUy ; liut yield those eye or Federal bluu To the (VnifediTute gny." "You are lie foe," t.!io answer wilt, "To umtili-iiP ftm-li Hh I : I'll I'uct' you ni th u ilmiiilk'i lieurt, And coiunu'i1 you, or dii;. A tok'U ol the sure result The vnulted .oktus 1 1 -1 . 1 . l ; Fur there above in Fi-denil blue llulow, (.'onfederHte uruy. HIiiiid -lioolinn on eueh Hunk begun, Aiid'uiid iiianoeiivri'S free Tin. rattle of the hiii:tll talk wlllt Bi RmiHiifrepHi'tee, Mixed with the deadly ultmce of eyes Amid the )roud irray, There met hi arm the Federal hluo Ami the -otifedemte gmy. Khuusiled by thu tight itt length They culled a truce to nut ; Wlu-ti lo! unotber foree iiDpeared l't ili h luouiilalu'rt ertst. And hk it euuie the mountain down Aiuld the truii)H:t'ljray, I'nciTlaiii stood Hie Federal bluy And tin- r, hi fcile rite uruy. A eoiwi ol dtout frt-e laiieun ht pound ii)1"!) the Held, Fu'U Mji tulial t'Ufiid in etunuiuiid, Wlm swore they btb must yield; Tin y btilh should imihut: hlli di i-lo '1 Iu- homns of the day : Ami proudly with the Federal blue Marched the Confederate gray. Hi Ii-.miis were fresh, and theirs were worn ; What could they butUKiee That both dhould be the etimiueren, And botlixliouUi captives be? Sulhey pro ten ted khun, because Dun Cupid lield the sway, And joined iu peace the Federal blue With tlie Confederate n--ay. Tm-lve yearu have lied. I pa.wd to-day The fort they built, and saw A tdtfht to strike a bai-hclir With Kpirit-tbrillinKHwe. Deployed n corps of Infantry, Hut less for drill than play ; And some hud eya of Ftrderal blue, And some Confederate pmy. 'TWAS RISKY WOOINC. Tvxiu Sitting.. There is a ltvely girl in Southern Kan sas arouud whom revolves a strange and Hurtling mystery. She has many admirers, and still remains unengaged, for whenever a young fellow makes a proposal to her it is euipha.-ized by the report of a pistol and he is shot from the outside by some un known assassin. Who the mysterious man is, no one knows, net even the young lady. This is very distressing to her and painful to her admircis, teveral of whom are liiup- uiouud in a (battered condition, for the unknown assailant seems content with simply crippling his victim and supposed rival. It must be very distressing to the young lady when lover, ignorant of the risk he is running, drops down on one knee to make an avowal, and she realizing that au UDseen Nemesis is lingeiiug outside prepared to drop him on the other knee, llei agita tion is mistaken for the workings of the tender passion with which he iuspired her, and he presses 011 toward his fate with in creasing ardor. "Dearest," he cries, clinging to her hand, "do but speak the word. Tell me that you will be mine!" "Oh, if you only knew," she gasps, look ing wildly arouud. "Yes, love, I do know. I have seen that vou love me all along. Rut tell wc so, darling. Let those sweet bps breathe to me the words I go long to bear." "Vou don't know the danger you are in," she says in an awful whisjier, putting her hands to her oars instinctively to dead en the sound of the anticipated shot. "For thee I would brave all dangers," he cries vehemently; "your brother's frown, your father's vigorous boot, the dogchaiu ed in the back yard; aye, eve the prospec ire and inevitable mother-in law." "I.eive me as you value jour life," the sobs, wringing her hands frantically. "What islife without thee? Let me be a target "I am afraid you will be," she moans. "Fur jour glances have pierced me through and through. Your sighs are love's bulletin" "There'll be a bullet in shortly," (lie gasps. "Then tell lue, dearest, that you will be mine." "Alas! will he never tumble?" Hang. lie tumbled. JusT received a handsome line of but. iriea. Very cheap. Look at them before purchasing elsewhere. P. N. Staimack AND IOMFANT. Aa old sailor defined lying to be "trying to bide in a fog. If you move about, you an almost certain to bump jour head ag'io the truth; and a aooo at the fog clean up you're om anyhow. A JOKE OF VANCE'S. New York Trlbuue. Senator George, of Mississippi, is one of the most bow-legged men iu Congress, and by the way there are a great many of them, II is one of the traditions of the country where he comes Irotn that his trowscrsare cut with a circular saw. The remit is that these garments are usually conspicuous for a buggy appearance where they are widest. Senator Vance culled the addition a primpa of his colleagues standing in the lobby of liir hotel to this interesting phenomenon and then remark ed: "I never get a rear view of uiy old friend George without tbiuking of the sto ry of an old tnr I I down in North Caroli na who went to the circus foi the first time in his life. After the memorable event he was sitting around the tavern lire one even ing relating hii experience to u group of his cronies and regarding them with an air of superiority, under which they were meekly iunuisitivc. One of them tiiuidlv asked: "Did you see the bar at the circus. I "title .eke?" -Vans,' responded the old man solemnly, 'I done so u the bar.' What sort of a bar was it, I'nele Hoke?' Waal, I uever douo secu a bar afote, but I 'low that itmoughtbe a right smart of a bar.1 'Did you see the lion?' 'What sort of a lion was it, I'nele Zekc?' 'Waal, I never done seen a lion afore, but I 'low it moiight be a right smart of a lion.' 'Did you see the camel, I'nele Zekr?' Vans, I done seen the camel.' 'What sort of a camel was it, Uncle Zeke?' 'Waul, I never done seen a camel afore, but I 'low that it mought be a right smart ol a camel. 'Pm you seethe elephant, I'nele Zekc?' 'Yaas, I done seen the elephant,' What sort of an elephant was it?1 Waal, I never done se an elephant afore, an' I low that il niougbl bea right smart of an eUplianl; but it 'peured to me like as if he had a heapo' slack leather about his pants.' " THEIR SONG UNFINISHED. Mis. Grant, one of the holies injured in the recent terrible railroad accident at Chatswurth, 111., tells the following pa luetic moment ot tue disaster. Mie was in the rear car with her husband. In the same car was a merry party of bix persons traveling together, in older that they might sit together Mr. and Mrs. Grant chauged seats with a young man and his bride. Their couitesy saved their lives for theyoung couple were both killed. Mrs. Grant composed herself in her chair and covered her face with her hand kerchief to go to sleep. Nearly every body in the cat was quiet but the jolly party of six. About this time the young bride was requested to sing 'Nearer, my God to Thee.' Something in the desire to sleep and rot recalled the sweel old song. Theyoung woman sang, and all listened while the train sped on. As the little gleam of lire appeared far down the track their voices swelled in : 'Yet in my dreams I'd bo Nearer, my God, to Thee.' The speed of the train increased down the grade. Again the song swelled : The way was already in sight : 'All that thou seudeth me, in mercy given.' And then, with but a moment of life left for each of them, even when poor Ed MeCliutock's hand was giving its last des perate wrench to the throttle of his engine, the singers sang to their God, who seemed not to be holding them in the hollow His hand : 'Angels to beckon me, Nearer my God to Thee.' Enough! It was finished. The engine struck the frail bridge aud it sank. The car containing the singers crushed like bolt of Jove through the two cars in front of it, killiug aud grinding as a foot kills worm. In the same instant auother car crushed through it and the singers were dead. Peoria Ttaiitcript. FLIES. Of course", flies are a great anuoyance to us, but how much we trouble the flies. From the fly's standpoint on the top of a bald head, for instance man was created for his sustenance and diversion. He cau see no oilier use for a man, even with his multifarious eyes. Had wo wings with which we could fly, or wore our feet ao constructed that we could walk on the ceiling, head down at the fly docs, per haps wc might win his respect, but as it it we must be conteut with a low place in the fly a (summon. We give him uo end of vexation an anuuyuuec. lusteau ot sitting still and allowing him to glaze io peace, we fight him continually. Il he visits ns in the early morning we make vicious jabs at him, and sometimes grind our teeth aud iwcar. A fly has to put up with a good deal where a miu is concerned. We never hurt him. to be sure, except it be his feel ings. If wc behave too outrageously he retires more in sorrow than in anger to a commanding position on the head-board and mournfully watches ui aa, half asleep, we smash our own noaea ia vain efforts to annihilate a brother fly. As aooo as quiet ateala over us, why, be steals over us anew A true household Remedy forth cur of Malaria and Fever and Ague. Quinto- eo. Fifty cenU at your dragguiu. HE STEPS DOWN AND OUT. rilEl'ArsES WIlli'H HAVE I.Kit TU THE NEUKo'h HKTlllEMENT KRllM OIlN IIIIKSH. hl!AU'iphlH heeord. The negro has disappeared from Con gress. II llara, ol .Vnth Carolina, ( who was really only a mulatto,) and Smalls of South Carolina, the lust of the Africans, Iroppeil out at the lust election, sad all the men who stood up in awkward squads to be sworn in on Monday had white faces. Martin, of Texas, who knows cnniifh now not to blow out tho gas, held up a black hand, but I guess the skin was while. flic negro is not only out of Cotigtess, be is practically out of politics. Tho one political fear he had, that the Democrats would enslave him again if they should get nto power, has disappeared since the Dem ocrats have been in power a dozen years in the Son... aud three years in Washington. He has uo political hopes. He has. there fore, dismissed politics from his mind und .'one to making money. As farmer, plan tar. mechanic, he linds himself better off than he ever was as politician, and be has no hunkering to go back. This is tin: whole secret of the decrease in the negro vote. Hi; is too busy to voto, like many an intelligent, educated, rich white niun North and South. I do not say that this sjrt of thing is right for rich or poor, white or black, North or South, but it is n fact. During the war an attempt was made to recruit Massachusetts regiments among the negroes of South Carolina. Some of the younger darkies on a certain planta tion were disposed to "jine the cavalry," bill before eulisting they sought the advice of I lu; I'nele liomus of the plantation. "What's it all about?" bo uskctl. "Why," said one, "dc Yankees is lightiu' to free us and do Confeds is Ikditin' to keep us slaves." "And It's all about you, is it?" ''Yes." "Well," said I'nele Kemus, "it 'minds me ok two dogs fighlin' ober a bone, liut I tieliei' hearil ob do bono fightiu' and you ile bone." Now that about expresses the idea of the uveruge duikey. HOW A MISER LOSES. The wish to accumulate property is in herent in the human race. It is as in stinctive us the uiixiely uf the squirrel to store up nuts iu September for the winter. The difference between men aud squirrels ill this particular is that all squirrels know how to tun their instinct to the best ad vantage for their own comfort und conven ience, while ou the other hand many men who have the inclination to provide for a rainy day have neither the industry nor the necessary amount of common seme to accomplish their purpose. It must be admitted, however, that the task of the provident squirrels is very sim ple as compared with that of the provident niau. Mull, to succeed iu bis object, must do more tbau hoard. Ile must make his holdiugs yield an increase; he must make them interest bearing. When he merely hoards like the squirrel he shows his stupid ity most conspicuously. We wonder if the miser ever stops to think of the amount he loses by hiding his penuics instead of hav ing them at interest. GuocEHiEs, uits, &c. Mr. K. A Culhrell has ojteucd a store ou First street and keeps in stock family groceries and vegetables. lie also bus a bar where the choicest liquors are served iu all styles, Cigars and tobacco of all grades. Iu addi tiou lie keeps a supply of wooden coffins and metallic burial eases, all sizes, at low prices. Orders by mail or telegraph tilled promptly. J he best always the cheapest .Save money by purchasing the celebrated Bay Mate and .eigler brothers shoes bought direct from the manufacturers. For salo by P. N. St.u.nhack & Co, Gouii News! Gcoti News!! Sam ples at Wholesale Puk e. Major T. hmry has opened tills week a lug lot of sample notions bought of Messis. Tefft. flier & Co., New 1 ork. consisting of beautiful assortment of kid and jersey gloves, corsets, jerseys, hoods, hose, collars hand bags, pocket books, shirts, half hose and auspendcra, also bustles and other tides of female torture, lie., Ac A stylish lot of scarfs, cravats and lien, all of which can be bought at prime wholesale cost. ADVERTISEMENTS. LIQUORS. 0 SMITH. SKE IllSLIQroilS, S'i'A' Ilia CIGARS, KVEttY PUINK IN SEASON. ftC. South it KvW old mod Wubio'oo avenue, Weldon, N. C. fine Beer Soda ADVERTISEMENTS 25T PURELY VEGETABLE. II with avtttordiaary affluoy e th TIVE' Kidneys, 1 and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOJt HtUrla, Bowfll Com plat nta. Uyapepal. Sick Hcadoob, ConktUpattaitt lUUoaii, Kidney Affection!, jBundlM Mental Depression, Colic. lo Household Should bt Without It, I1U, IIJ 1B.-IIISH1H, IftHIT IUI IHIIII.T11010 UBO. will save many an hour of Buffer! na and, many a dollar in time ana doctor mm. THERE 18 BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR that van otl tat atsulst with rtd "Z" ostfront of Wrippsr. Prtpirtd only by J.H.ZEILIN , CO.,iolPropritlors, Fhilietiphit, pi. rtuvit, au.ov. L'e -8 ly. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C, Two aud a half miles west of Greensboro, N.C. The main lino of the It. & D.R.R. pusses through the grounds and within lull feet of the ollice. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit ami Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the lamest Lurscry iu the State and one amun' the hiruest iu the South. The propiietor bus for many years vis ited the leading Nurseries North aud West and corresponded w ith those of foreign countries, gathering every liuit that was calculated to suit the South, both native anil foreign. T bo reputation of 1'omona Hill Nurseries is such that many agiuts going out from Greensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they uro representing these nurseries. i by uo they uo it : Let the public an swer. I have in Block growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of trees, &c, ever shown or seen in uy two nurseries m North Carolina, con sisting ol apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, Japanese porsimiiiou, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Itussian apricot, mulberry, quinces, isuiall trmts : straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparauus, evergreens, ihade trees, roses, A;c. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from the nuisery. Cor respondence solicited. Descriptive cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. LINDI.EY, Pomoiia, Guilford county, N. C. may 5 ly, E. i Cirell, WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VEGETAP.I.ES, MUCOUS, CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TO I!. CCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wines, Liquors, louaeco, I lgars, Snuff, e., aud will al-o keep on hand a lull supply of fresh Vegetable of every variety, which ill be sold cheap. BuriJL Cjses. I will always keep on band a stock of well made .Metallic liunal Cases and WOODEN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which cau be had ut any hour, day or uigbt. Orders by letter or telegrapu will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. l'ATHONAGK KOMCITICD. K. A. CL'THKELL, First Street, Weldon, N. 0. sep 15 !tm CVl AiE lit NOUTU I'AHOI.ISA. HALIFAX VOVXTY, NEW fen BIG OPENING, liiyi'ifiiVsiiT HLTKlllOR CoURTA ' W llall,iiiev.nrle. (i Elliott and Trmole wUiiiiey, riucn, umlcr Hie linn namr w w.uwHtiimty iouiMuiy, Mini 1Iiuujh& n. hiii. pi.itinns IMvl.l IV1I u silmluiMralur"! II. II 11,11, ll.vlj itell. li A. itliKsml Carrie Ixiiik hi. wife, XlKititt Hell, juiin i AiMip. jr, aim Annie Hell Alwp, ine lasi uamcu iwu ueiug iioaio. wiuiom a guar lliail lu North tarolilia. W W Ik'll. II K SUMI lAck aiel Mitmlet' Hnintjat'k hi. wilt, alli'iie lk-11. Jiminli Vt Jviikili doiiif Im.iiH"! under the Arm naiou of Jrm-nb W JrnknuA t'omHUiy, J ) M idilleuu, and John i William, nartm-rs doing Wn.dlt lt.ii mid Joltu l Williams partite- tJoiug liUKiUf under tin1 Arm uanu of J J kf idiUrtoii Cuu.ittiiy, Kuaan I Ba ll and tho nortb Carolina Home iiiKurauco tmwny, tH'h-iniantN. Action hir firtefliamiri'ol truct und mIc nf land lu iHimuBUfe uf an orderofthHuorior Court uf iiauuax roomy uimoe in inn ci"e ai rinicriu 1M7. Ihpdi-lViuUnU I) K l&ut and 'arri li Long hit wtfr, John T AW Jr. and Auui 1U-11 AUud. wbomidtal Yellow Krihani.UrMii itHinU, In the hUWufOhiti.W W IWU , who roitidra to ibv rltvuf Savinnah, hi (he Stale of (leorfiav, Jtm-pli W Jen- kin il il nit buihieM under tut ttriu aaiau of Jaafiib W Jeu Win Jt Company, J J Uiddlvhm and Jubn U Williama iMrtnvn doing buiWietw under th Irm name of J J Middkdou Company, who reaidu in the ciu ofHltiumrt in Uiv PUU of Harvlatid. are hereby notified to appear and autwer or demur to tn eotnitiaiui mi tn neii turiu ot ttili couit held at the Court llnuw in the toft'a of to ne llali - fki on the eltfblh Muiday be fun; tb firt Monday iu Uareli. IMwi lUinw John T Gregory, Clerk of the 8uperlor Court of Halifax eouutv. at ofllce lu Uallnia. lb it iSth day of November, l7. JOHN T. GKKOORY. Not 3l,tv ClwaHuparlutuurt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. iDRESS GOODS IN ALL STYLES AND UIdehwehh hiId NOTIONS. HATS, NOBBIEST SHAPES MOST LINE OF MENS,' YOUTHS' AND CHILDRKN'S CLOTHING.'.ri'i UUOHS Of ALL Come and Look. Respectfully, Sept 22 ly. FALL AND II OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. I COME uf I 1 I 1 I I I ' I ' ; I i PRICES. ij Big Vhiejy or APPROVED STYLES. HANDSOME KINDS. A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. I. & LOOK. Wi also ketp ot haai it Uw fnm Wda . COFFINS & CASKETS. i-:' P. N. 8TAINBACK A CO i "1 '1 i -I till "T ii