V ill BHB L jf gg HALL & SLEDGE, Hiopkiktoiis. VOL. XVIII. -A. 3ST IE "W" SP APER FOB THE PEOPL E. TEIRMIS --00 1"KR ANNUM IN ADVANCK. WELPON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1888. NO. 46. NEW ADVF,l!TISi;.i:.NT.S I0I CAGAMDRILLMicCo. v v. v. -c . Tin' value iif FLOl'll .-tn ii mi il. KSSKN i'l , KLI'MFNTS OF 'T TUITION roNT.VI.NKI IN THE III: K AD IT MAKES. (ir i'Y.'FNT l;'o l.KIt FI,OTIlSarcniiiri!'.ie!'ir.. ri.iinlli 'CIIUII'K-JI' W II I", AT oln.iin Hal micro (umn pr" cinucni in i in- I'limiirv in n f" m i.l ;rit!iri- In iln K . ti. ii cil'iln. NEST I'llM III NATION OKCLCTKN AMI I' III IS I'll ATMS il,, irr,,., ,,,hl,'.. ,n i !i,vin lli.' market. Flour IN I :i , I' A I . I. ". I I'lll; ITS l'UMTY XI NUTI'I THH'S I'ltOl'KIITIKS. Thi-ta,t i. r,..Lf , v j tIli, ,:,;. , 'in Kiri'pi1 ii w.'ll, where lli" "I'ATAI'SCU sri'HUI.ATIVK" C0 is WTI I'KI'I.V MOliE MONEY than any other American Flour. A-l y.mr j?r nvr li.r I'ulapsco Superlative Patent, lli'.ll'iinl Family, Patapscn Family I'm,. nt. Nnrili I'uim Family, Oniiiui'liriivt! Extra Patspseo Extra, (li,wK,ik. fairs. Ilahiwin Family. ('. A. O.VMlillll.L M AMTAt'TI'UINli COMPANY. -I I Commerce St., Baltimore, Mil, b ' i ' 121y. aines 7 pound HORK- l u K K-i Narvoui Prostritioa, Ner-oui Headache. IW nu:rf ;i t.y pr. f. m, J bumtirH ' Hci rattfia, Ncrvoua Wcakncts, ind Mver Pitcasta, Rheumatism, Pys- l rurc ?l.uu. olit hy 1 niwutv -pna.anJ all ailccl.oni c( tho Kidoea. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO. Prop'$ j m 1!) ly THE PJjACE TO GET nauaa ubbicihbSi AT TIIK LOWEST PEIOES, IS JLT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOKFKR'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, W E L D O X. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. i-l'KrsrKlPTION IIEHAKTMKST KILl.tl) riiEscnirrioNH aiMi'imxiiKD at ai.i, nouns WITH (IKEAT care. l'EUKUMERY, STATIONEIiV, FANCY SOAI'S. liKl'SllKS, FANCY AKTICI.EX, TOBACCO AND CIC.AI1S. REMEMBER tbilt bcartr welcomellwayi iwiu jj it ZOLLICOFFEK'S. it tight Ming 1) F0RO. wt.U ly LEADER OF of 1st street and Wash. Ave, S DliALlilt INS HKY GOODS, BOOTS, SIIOKS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAl'S, DO.MKSTU'S, HUNTS, STAI'I.K (iOOPS, OKOCKHIKS, And Everything that can he oallod for. HEADQUAETEES FOR in, Pistols AND HAimWAKE OF ALL KINDS. Tb public ii reipectfully invited to tall, oct 0 ly THE ' America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHin-n-1 wl unr'set lr choice wheat whirl, Til AT IS llliOWN. JlVi-B IIS II I li,. S I ' I ' I ' I 1 1 1 1 ' WEAK NERVES i'Air.t.'H LI.KUT t :t Mrur ni Ih Ni-rw Tmilo juui'ii ixm-r fail, r-mtfiiiiunr rt'lery atml at Unw wnml.-rtul mrvi htlrnuJant, It iI"tily mn i, nil tu-rvouit atfotdtn-i. RHEUMATISM '"'."'I- Jt ilr.vtrt mt Hi., im-ti,- ft,'.,!, whi.-li urn uiuf-uMii. nun riKK.ri'ninc mix ii. riiik.mr 1,11 ha In altliy f..nil:t:uij. it it Hi.' ijuu niuwl for IJumiiatmui. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS ii vtV 'tti.rrv iMim-xTnil-kiy ivstnr. 1 In.' liv. rami kl-lm j to jvil'it heultU. Thin inrulir. J- ttvr. i'.. 11,1m: it v.itli iln turn. U:n '. in :His it ttu U-nt mini!)' vr all i.'iin') c u.i'iainlji. DYSPEPSIA MNrM( rHnY('oHpnr(MitrffiKiht-iithA r-l 'tiis. h. ui,.l ij'iie'H Uw Bi rvod i'f tlic ili(fwt. tivi- drwuiis. 1 U 11 why it tutvn v.va lLt WoOf (.';tM- f l j.-I flJ4. CONSTIPATION I'inf' 1'nrm' f'lMpitrvn'l n-t ctliir. ' It 1C :l lai.'.tivc. niVl!K. -jpy Slid lUlliril . Us 1 btcmach ml fnr Bl'ltLIXtiTO.V. VT. Willi TIIK BUST 8KI.KITKD MATKRUl..- STAINBACK&CO. LOW PRICES. & OiC'ltiiiiij VV.H. BROWN, WsWoj.N. C. 1 fiOMK N 117; AT O.VA. Tin ti-'i 11 U nutiful n-iihii in tliu far away pnt All li.t y Mith Miuliiiu. mill iiucr, Aii'l -t.u t-s nsNH. i-l ntiHonpiDf the Mriln, 1.;tinli :iiT,iy ihi bright, hHj'py hours ; 1 1 mi hear Ui-in tin. v,w vvh-Ana Imck, A I watch the Urry Uvm, Ami in.'i.inry Wlli cliiiiH' .11 uiul hm M'-uit. Sweet II -hi.-. Tlicri a t'uiiiliijc M111! 11 K' title Imn-I It-ttu liijlitly iim.ii my 1,1,, vi A lit.vrf.l n id uiul tin mi. i t 1 tin -h t'llll tin- blll d tu Ibr Ih'.uihlul 'U , 'Y" 1 tinlliiT n'lilui h u- t,,,.ri, t,l.ii,iii, i'l tiu wuii h iii.thuif 1 an icin pi nit- to roam, Ati-I n,y hi'.ul llir-a-s tii niu with voi. ejtswi-el. 11 .III.', -iuv ,,.. ill'' Vi ii'i's ..vei lll tlMikl- hl I Ho1 I'Mthtli! "li' '1 l.lliKl'r h'rlith 11 1.1 lulu I1.11..I v tin..' ti lietl I i""' to L-ri'i't in Uiul Itiib ( .a 1 l'.iV.ti,l tin- iiity .t.iiui., Where iiii;'rl H..-fh vu'li'.imt; Umih... mh' I . I Ii 'Hie, BEAUTIFUL SIX MONTHS. IIIHV I UK lll'KIIA'l IllN UK K.NAMF.I.1MI A WOMAN'S ni'B I- I'Klll'illtMKIi. 1'l'H'liliill lllll'.1 lill'l', I Mill' njiiTiltiull (ll UllllIlHllillJ a iin r in S.iiiilmii Sn'riict kiJ: All ih in . 1 rinl- fur tlm uii:iaiiini In in- al haml 1 in,' I'l'i'ialcr h' Liuis In uver- In)' lli.; i-kinul' lii, paii. nt -iti a skin of IiUiihii i'iiiiii,iii. Hi' ii,i!it'sllii'i'iiaincl to lii-r lace an I ihi'll t li, r bust. This maun I i-i:ii-i-.t. i-liUHy uf wliito load cr ar si nil', iiia.l,' intua M-iui liijuiil pitsle. It iviiiiv- a ;;uoJ deal uf kiil to hy it on so 1I1.1I it .-hill he simiolli and not wrinkled, ami two ur three hours, and somctinifs a mueli li'iip-r liuie, ni'i; onii'iniied in mak-in- a f-.ii l j,.h of it. This hein done, liuie jel remain the liui-hiuj; louehes and adjunetsof head and eheek (;ear. Sii down she .-its a;:ain, and he. with I111 I'liuent ol India ink and ,eueil of eaiin-l liair. haints her i vehrowa divinelv. Tin 11 her eh. -uU are inlaid with ''plnui, eis," wldeli sin- hi ins with hei, and whieh est h, r llli. TIh v are made into nails and u.!iin 'il of 11 hard Mihstanec, whieh ei inhin.'.s . ni, .us ilielliieal mate: ials. Altu the eh'--ks are thus made to look like a, (jirl sehtek lliey are earuiiui'd wilh a vegr table liiiiid Majje. laid on with a hare's tu l. The lillale of ihe II:;il.iMl) is the a lju.-liiM iil of I lie tei'lh. whieh, when jiro n'il,V wt, pile Ihe nioiilh a lu.-lre as of "'.lis. The lad)' then eies away with a ehuekli' ol di.'ep nitisfiietin as she thinks ul' ihe eon Uists flu- will make in llieeven in;, in the (.lure of the lauijis, wax candles and gas. She has a bust as white as ala baster, with shoulders and arms lo match, and warranted lo "stand" fur six months. Strange" facts these, but such fantastic tricks, thank heaven, are not nt all com mon in Kiijjiiiid, however they may obtain anion;,' the ladies i,f America. At the siiiiictiuie we leir that our W"iuen are not wholly sans rc r"ehe in the matter. A CHAMPION LIE. Wo have observed several woudcrful stories of late respecting the skill of the ITiiuese exeeiiti'iiiers, who. it is said, can strike ll' the heads of their vktiuis so skillfully that the poor fellows themselves never diseov, r their loss until a moment or two after they are dead. We recall to mind, however, the story of a Herman ex ecutioner who far surpassed the Chinese in professional dexterity. I'pon one oc casion it Happened mat a criminal who was condemned to death had a singular itching to play at nine pins, and he implored per mission to play once more at his favorite iMino before he died. Then, he said, he would submit to his late without a mur mur. The judge, thinking there could he no harm iu humoring him, granted his la.st prayer, and upuo arriving at the place of execution he found everything prepared for the game, the pins heiug set up and the bowls all rcadv. He commenced his favor ite sport with enthusiasm. Alter a while the sheriff observing that he showed no in clination to desist, made a sign to tho ex ecutioner to strike the fatal blow while be stooped for a bowl. The executioner did so, but with such ex.piisite dextetity that the culprit did not notice or feel it. He thought iii'leeil, that a co',,1 lireatli ot air was blowing on his neck, and drawing himself bark with a s'n ug, his head dropped forward into his hands. He naturally supposed thai il was a howl which he had graspeil. and sei.iuu it firmly, rolled it at the pins. All of tle'in fell, and the head was heard to exclaim, us it rebounded from the further wall: "Hurrah! I've won the game " (Voim.ci' Jtu nnl Itt-iucnitier 'I'll In. 1 f you are sick Simmons l.ivcr Regula tor will surely aid nature in making V" ll well. If you are costive or dyspeptic or are suffering from any other of tic numer ous diseases of the l.ivi r, Stomach or Howelr, it is your owu fault il you remain ill, for Simmons Liver Regulator is a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. Take only the genuine, which always has on the wrapper the red , Tiade mark and Signa ture uf J. II Z i'in and Co. A Very Nati rai. Mistake Uncle Mose, enteriug the house of Judge Fi nny buuker. was astounded at bearing a parrot exclaim: "Take off your bat !" He com plied at once, ejaculating with chattering teeth : " 'Sense me, boss ; I mi.-tuck. yo for a bird. I did, suah." VVc are overstocked in clothing aud iu order to rcdtiec stock have put the knikr right into price and will sell all goods in thii line at figures that will astonish you. 1'. N. 6tAIN9A.CS & Co. HOW TO MAKE IT RAIN. Ainmi'i u, Ki.tiTRirnr ahuaniikd to l'ltlllll CK NATI RAI. SHIlWEUS. The remarkable powers and adaptability of ihe electric current to the uses of socie ty have been further demonstrated by an inventi, n which has at leant thf charm of novelly. This is nothing morn imr lea. than 11 ,nteiit to open the window? of heav en at Ihe will of man, an I Michael Cahill. M. 1., of S.iu I'r.nii'i'.c.i, is the invniler. "I exjvet to see the sage brush deserts of Nebraska and Nevada under cultivation and allurdiiig pastor igc for thousands of oat lli i 11 11 few years," bccjin the doctor. 'Should the :ovrniiin.'iit adopt my patent, bv its use there need not heini ai r ' uf waste land 011 the whole continent," 'By what cxtrai r.linaiy mcaim do joti intend to tup the clouds and iiiluifero with the laws of nature?" ipieriod the reporter- "Simply by a eundciiscr or captive bal loon and 1111 electric cable placed wherever the rain is required. I have long believed that rain could he produced by arlilicial means, and 1 have worked at this hobby of mine lor several years ever since I left college, in fact. You see, first of all, vapor, as it asceuds, receives heat from the solar rays, which also impels it upward until re stride! bv the cold. The vesicles, or dew. drops, bciiii; crowded together, become c- hjctrilicd and float on the air at an altitude of from !',ooo to fi.noo feet, and all that is required then lo produce tain is to inter cept these vesicles ley arificial means. Wliat I have invented is condenser of peculiar shape and construction, and con nected with the. earth by an electric cable. Vhl'tu'ver the vesicles come iuto contact with the condenser or current, they are broken up and the water forced to tho ground with rer't rapidity. The rain will he produced by the same law that causes condensation ou a window pane. The surface of the glass is covered will) mi elo-ieiipie points, and oil hecoiniug (hilled, the layer of air next to it falls, allowing the vapor to flow on to the points: mid lli. nee to the ground." "You will reipiiie a gigantic balloon fur such a purpose,'" was suggested. "Oh, no. A condenser of about I'oo feet in diameter will bring d iwn something like L'.'i.ooo.oco gallons a day, or as much as would irrigate almost half of California. The volume of water can be preserved or formed into rivers, whichever may be de sired." ABOUT 'OLD CHRISTMAS. Ncwiut Observer. Yesterday was old Christmas the day celebrated as the birthday of Christ for ma ny centuries. When Julius Cui'ur was in power he oound that spring did not come in spring time. The Roman calendar was not rigjit. They had hut Iliil) duys to a year, and cveiy year the calendar worked ahead of the weather fivedays. Cicsardc dermined to get the matter straight. He crowded fourteen months into one year and lengthened the calendar year live and a ipiarter days, and bis calendar was called the Julian Calendar. In order to get in his quarter of a day he added one day ev ery four years, making February have -) days iu "leap" years. He thought he had it all right, but be didn't, lie bud over shot the mark by few minutes, uud as spiing bad before that come too late, now it began to come loo soon. After sixteen hundred years bad passed it was found that spring was elcveu days ahead of the calendar. Pope (Iregory undertook to correct that, as Ciesar had done before him In I Hot) he made a ealcudar, called after him the Orejjorian. As Ciesar bad put in two mouths, (Iregory left out eleven days, and then adjustid hiscalcudact so as to avoid errors. He directed that century years should not ho leap years, except those divisible by loo. So l'Joo will not be a leap year. Christinas had always been on the tith of January; but when he struck out eleven days it fell on lVcomber 25th. That is the difference between the old Christmas and the new. Thj beginning of the year had been in .Mai ill, but ho changed it to January. Iu l"oo l'rotestant countr'us generally beun to conform to the new calendar, and the ve ir was regarded as opening in Janu ary instead of March as Was "the old style." Iu 175- Kuglind, by law, con formed to the new sly la and omit led el en days from that year to get her calendar and the weather straight. The chan took place here in North Carolina at the same timi1. Ji st received a handsome line of bug Lties. Ycrv cheap. Iiook ut them before nun haMtig elsewhere. 1'. N. Si'AINHAciK AND CliMl'ANV. The best always the cheapest Save money by pun busing the celebrated l!ay Slate and Zeigler Brothers shoen bought direct from the manufacturers. For sale by I'. X. Stainhauk Si Co. Ciikiii Nkvis! tionn Xkwm!! Sam- I'I.ks at Wiiiii.ksai.k Trick. Major T L. Dinry has opened this week a big lot of samiue notions bought ot Mcssis. lent Wcllcr A Co, iNcw loik, consisting ol n beautiful assortment of kid and jersey gloves, corsets, jerseys, hoods, hose, collars hand bags, pocket books, shirts, half hose and suspenders, also bustles and other ar ticles of female torture, &o., 4o. A atylish lot of scarfs, cravutl and ties, all of which con be bought at prime wholesale cost, AN ELECTRIC NECRO. New Orleaim suteti. A good story cornea from Quitman, Ua. Tun other day a negro came into towu and got drunk and commenced to enliven the streets by whooping and prancing around with a ham uHder his arm. A policeman at attempted to arrest him, when the negro resisted and hit the officer with the ham. This enraged the officer, who lifted hit club and whacked the negro on the head, mid the next instant a popping sound was heard and the negro's wool became nil nbluie and burned fiercely. Such all unusual sight frightened the policeman, and think ing he had struck an eleclrie man he took to his heels, and the negro, iiuagiuiuj; that the policeman had voodooed liiiu with some kind of magic fire atick, alio became frantic with fear and darted ofl'inau oppo site direction, howling like a madman and clutching wildly ut his blazing wool. The citizens of the town were startled by the slrange occurrence, and il was not lill all the negro's wool was consumed, und he hud stopped running, that the cause of ihe con flagration was discovered. It appeals that the negro, as is ipiite common with his rae was in the habit of carrying matches his hair, mid the blow from the policeman's club ignited a parlor match and started lire which liightened a dutiful officer out of his wit- and will render a bibulous ool ored man as hald as a stove lid fur the re mainder of his life. AI.CKItlAX WOMEN', The lives the women lead in Algiers, particularly if they are youtig aud pretty, are simplv terntile. Vy lieu about 11 an Algciiuo girl is married ur rather Bold, for it is scarcely more than a money trans action to a man whom she has probably iicvcrscen. tint who Jrotu that moment possesses absolute authority over hci. If she belongs to the higher classei she is usually restricted, even in her husband's hoiise. to one or two rooms. "If she were allowed to wander up and dowu stairs she might meet a man," the husband says. The windows of the rooms into which she may go, always look intua couityard, not a public street, but for all thai they aic carefully covered with lattice-wrork, so ibat she may have no chance of holding coin municalioti with the outside World. The only amusement she is allowed to indulge in is u weekly isil to the cemetery, where she is supposed to go lo inouru for the (lead. This mourning, I must confess, is performed in a manner peculiar to the country. On Fridays all men having been carefully excluded, the Algerinc la dies (hive, closely veiled to the cemetery. Once inside the gales, they throw a-ide their veils, ami, seating theimcnci upon the tombstones, prepare to wake a day of They also go provided with a substan tial lunche aud they spend the whole lay laughing, chatting, and gossiping wiih their fe'low-inoiirmrs. At sunset, they resume their v, ils, mount iuto their car riages, and are driven hack to their homes whieh they will not .mil until the follow- Kriday. ADVICE TO CIRLS. WHAT Til a vmii. A loud, weak, affected whining, harsh or shl ill tone of voice. Kxtravaganccs in conversitiou such phrases as ''awfully this," -'beastly that," loads of tim ." "don't yuu know," "In to" for "dislike." etc. Sudden exclamations of annoyance, sur prise and joy often dangerously approach ing to ''female swearing" as "bother!" racious!" "how jolly!" Yawning when listening to any one. Talking on family matters, even to bo som friends. Attempting any vocal or instrumental piece ot music that you cannot execute wit ll ease. Crossing your letters. Making a shoit, sharp nod with the head, intended to do duly as a bow, WHAT T(ll'l:l.TIVA'lT.. An unaffected, low distant, silverloncd voice. The art ofplca'-iog those around you and seeming pleased with them Hid all they in ay do I, r you. The charm of making little saerilices iuite naturally, as if no account to your self. The babit of making allowance for theopiuiuns, lecliugsor pr 'judices of oth ers. An erect carriage that h, a souud body. A good memory for faces and facts con nected with them, thus avoiding giving offense through not recognizing or bowing to people, or saying to them what had best been left unsaid. The art of listening without impatience to prosy talkers, and smiling to the twice told talk or joke. Disease is often transmitted by the bands through the mouth. Always was the bands on coming out of a sick room. - - $5(15 worth of sample jewelry just open cd. Solid gold and gold plated jewelry ot all kinds, at prima wholesale coat at T. L. Emry's. NKW A l)Y KRTISKM K.NTS- Is Life Worth Living ? That depends uixrn the Liver, for if the Liver is inactive the whole By-stem is out of order the Li'euth is hud, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness . gone, tho spiriU aro de pressed, x. heavy weight fxists af;r eating, with general despondency and tho bluen. Tho Liver is the housekeeper of the health; and a harmless, eirnplo remedy that acta like Nature, docs not constipate afterwards or rerjuiro constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its uso, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. know Hint lor DvsiH'iislu. lUllollsiieftH Hint I have tested Its virtues r n persona It. ana Thrubhing; Hcnduche, It Is the best medi cine Uio world evur saw. Have ti led forly oilier remedies Oelore HIiiiiuoiik Liver Keiiulator, und noiifl of Uiein K"ve more tliuu temporary relief, lint the KcKtiluLor not ouly relieved Out cured. IV 8 ly. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, l'OMONA, N. C, Two and a half miles west of Greensboro, N. C. The main line of the R. & 1). It. 11. passes through the grounds and within Kill feet uf the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to in-pect this the largest i.ursery iu the State and one among the largest in the South. The propiictor has for many years vis ited the leading Nurseries North aud West and col responded with those of foreign countries, gathcrimr every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native and foreign. The reputation of I'uiumia Hill Nurseries is such that many agents going out from (ireensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they are representing these nurseries. Why do they do it? Lot the public au swer. I have in stock growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of trees, Ac, ever shown or seen iu any two nurseries in Nnrth Carolina, con sisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, ,Iapaueso persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Russian apricot mulberry, quinces. Small fruits : Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rlimiarb, asparagus, evergreens, shade trees, roses, Ac. (live your order to my authorized agent or order direct Irom the nuiscry. Cor respondence solicited. Descriptive cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. I.INDLKV, l'ouiomi, lluill'ord comity, N. C. may 5 ly. E. L CuthrelL VELDOX, X. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, yf.(ii:t.iii.ks, MOTORS, CIUARS, SMOKINC AND CHKWINO TOBACCO. I inn now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices (iroccries of all kinds, Wines, Lioiiors, Tobacco. Cigars, Snulf, cic, and will also keeii on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetable of every variety, which will be sold cheap. BufiJL Cjses. I will always keep on band a stock c well made. Metallic Burial Cases and WOODEN COFFINS whirl. I will sell cheap, ami which can be hail at any hour, day or niht, OruVrs hy letter or trltorit,h will n wive prompt attention ami cases i-liippetl ly firht train. IATItONA;.; kolk iti:i, K. A. CtT.IUKl.lj, First Street, WVMou, N. 0. Hi p 1.r !hu LVrATK ft NtHtTll CAIUH.INA. UAurAX roiwrw SUPERIOR COURT. ft'. W.rinalltiui-v.rliinloli l-.UMt unit Ti-mi-ic liHHltiiiii'), iirtiu'm uiuliT tim tirm iihhh' of V iiUtitliim')' it I miijiMii) , hih( 'llii.tims N. Hill. ilithilillH Apt l list imvi.niill hp mUiiiiiiMrntur -r li. II 1U-U. JHid Itcll, 1) A. LoiiR i4lil Cat r if Lm; It in m id'. Mutlit- )MI, J"lin T AIm.ji, Jr, ftlnl Annie Ik-U Also', ttu- lust iihiih'iI lvo In1 lii ill (null' w ithniit h Kiinr itiitu iu North CatMnm. W W Ht-ll, It K Muin lin k AU.I MinnuM' ; iriiiilirti'lE hi wift', aIIciic 1U H, Jwciih W .Iriiki!it1oitti' huMHi's unilcr ihe i,i in umni' ol .loHi jtli V JiiAiiiMiV i'int(ittiij. J J MnUl.'toii uiul .iiilin ) Wi'luiiiH jwtrtue-s ilojng l-ti-itifss uiicliT ttu- linn imim ol J J MMillrleii il i DiiiiHiny. minimi 1 Hi'!! Hint tlic North ( nroliint Itonu- liiMininrf t'onimny, tldt TulHitt;'. A. lioii lor ttirv'lot.nri' ol tniMt H"ii sulc uf Intnl. In piirMiittirf uf an onicrot lh."UH'ri)r i'mr of lUlilftx ('"uniy iiimJp In thin t'ii"M' at l'nlltfnn 1-u.T, tln'ili'fi'Utlnntu h A l.tHK mi l 'nrrii' K lin(t hiit wiic, John T A1kov .Ir.Hinl Auni Hell Alf.p, vt hn r-i'Ip m WHow SitriiiCN.tmM-n rmttttjr, in Hit S.iiifntiio,W VV llcll, vvlmrtsuU i tliet ilyol SMimHli. in Uio HMv of curi:tai, JtiHojih V Jen kin ilniit liu-int'w uikKt tin linn nam) ttf Jwj'li VV JfiiWhin ii foiiiimny, J J Mut.ilttim mid Jolin 1) VYilliaimp iMirtni'i- oing ltii!iiu'Mi niiittr lh- Arm iinmt.of .1 J Hutdtiaon M'.iuipany, who rtfitlv iu the ritv oflHUiniurv. hi (hi' Hltv n MtirvlHinl. uro iuToliv nntt tied t nppcar nml Hiivr.ir ik-tmirti thf t'ontplitint at tin1 ni'Xt ti'riu of thin ("ourl t be lu'ht nt tin- "iirt UmM Ui Uio town uf Hull f) mi thi'L'hfliih MonJiij- iH'fotv ihe llrnt Moiidny in March, VAituc John T (ingory, CIcrL of the Superior Court nt Ihihfrtx rouiity, Nt cilice in Halifax, Uill istti (Uy ni Novfinlwr, w7. JOHN T. ORKtKTRV, Nov 2I.0W t'lvriciuK-riurUjurt, NKW ADVKRTISKMENTP. BIG OPENING. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. DRESS G OODS IN ALL mm n v UiIdehwem tfo urn nninuri 1ST OTIOiNTS HATS, NOBBIEST SHAPES MOST LINE OK MENS,' YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. HOTSFKEKl'INti HOODS OF ALL KINDS. A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SITOKS. Come and Look. ltcspectfully, Sept tl ly. . I. US 1 11 Hi 11 OF E7EEY DESCRIPTION. COME & LOOK. n Biq Vwety of APPROVED STYLUS. IIAMisomk 1 u A We fcleo keep oo Lid J at low micm wewlta ' COFFINS & CASKETS.' " Hi-Orders promptly filled. P.N.STAINBACKtCO ;