iiifli-ti.riiii THE ROANOKE NEWS THURSDAY, : : KKliUVARY 1HHK W. W. HALL, ) V Tbopuiktobs. J. W. SLEDGE, J CoNOKKSKHAN HkNDKHSiiX, of tlii State ban reported from the cinuuiitii't.' of the Judiciary a bill to amend the revenue laws. The bill abolishes wh.it are knnvri a, the minimum punishments, anil jivcsi t discretion tu the court 1 1 impure any pui islitueiit fur tin- violation, of I lie interna rcvouuo laws uot exueudin;,' the uiuxiiiiiiui limit authoriz d by statute. It rt-.iiir thit 11 warrant issued by a cotiiuii.sai.ui i or other judicial om r mut be returnaU' before aomo judicial officer residing in th county of arret!, anil it authoriz. th commissioner of Internal Uevcuue to com promise any civil nr crimiiul cases und, the internal revenue laws. It in probable tint the bill Would bi acceptable to the people of thin State :t provisions meet the approval of .Mr. lien deranu, who in familiar with the ui edii ai.d deairea of thuso of our citizens who an Moat uearly aft'ecti'il by tho interna! revc nue system; but it mny le remarked thai the passage of thin bill does not neeessan preclude actiuu upou other oidisnr. a of h -lief from the burdens of the systiui which may hereiiltcreuttit' befote Congress. In addition tu this Mr. Henderson ha submitted to the sub coiuuiitlee ou Inter nal Revenue of the Ways and Meanscoui uiittoe a draft of schedules which he pre pared by invitation as indicating the dciinv of the revenue reformers. This draft ha been accepted by the sub -committee anil will be reported favorably to the full com uiittee on Ways and Mcams. The items which a: e contained in .Mr. Henderson's draft are the total repeal ol the tax on tobacco, including cigars, cigar cites, cheroots aud suutf, which amounts to ;!0.U00,0IM), tho total repeal of the wholesale and retail liquor license tax which is$Hli,oU4.u'!i ou wholtsilcli.e se . und 8 l,587,-t!S.lit ou retail licenses; also the total repeal of the tax ou fruit brandy and on manufactures of stills, amounting to nearly $2,1100,000. Of course, even Mr. Henderson hitus-lf does not cxpett that this programme will be carried out in its entirety, and while his people are in favor of total repeal, he says t'ley will be satisfied with a part. Mr. Henderson ex pects that the Tariff bill to be reported by the Ways and Means Committee to the House will include the repeal of the tax on tobacco, except ou cigars, cigarettes and cuerouii, amounting to $21,0011.1100. A reduction of about one-half, ot SI, 000. 000 of the tax on fruit brandies, a ie,.cal of the license taxes and of tlieassctstuents and penalties ou the same, am uniting al together to about $5.0011.0110. He also expects to see adopted the remedial features of his bill a syuopsis of which is eju'ii above. TtlRKE years ago, it is said, several w -11-tiiowu colored lucn met to consult as to tile best method of relieving their peo ple of khat is considered their desperate cjndition in the S mtlieru Slates, andaftei ctrefii! consideration it was concluded that South America was the land that would give them shelter and a home. Kducated agents wore scut out and their reports are coming ill. In the mean time a s cr. t organization was effected, the head.Uarteis of which were at Topeka. Kansas, for the purpose of spreading the news by meal 8 of trustworthy agents throughout the S lUthern States. Important concessions will he made, it isr.pirtcl, by tlu Itraiiliau and Argen tina Governments in the way of lands and iiimilnity From taxation and aid in trans portation to induce these neuroes to settle in those countiies Th 'ir rights and prir i'eg as citii-us are guaranteed, an 1. ow in : 1 1 the mixed blood alrea ly existing iu som : of those countries, their c il n will nit d -bir them from social preterm -ut. Before the end of 1SSS is reached un exodus from th? S nit b rn Stites is ex p.H'ted to conrneiiee tint will carry off mure than a million of lab ir era from the cotton nuiMr an i ri iijius, wiiue tne looaeeo fi 'lds are also expected to yield tluir quota. Tilt; lilair bill i atill beini: discugeil in the Senate. Kir the Northern Sena tors an 1 Congressmen t be willing to ivi away $70,000,000, aud principally to tb, South, and thus put that much money out of reach of their own hands is to say the Vast, suspicious. The protectionist all in favor of appropriating nioii 'j from the treasure and will do so on the sIL'ht- et pretext win. never they have a chanue. It i b.rause they are anxi ms to reduce the surplus without risJiiciug the tariff, iu or ler that popular demand for reduction of taxation may be hushed. Tu K dependent (tension bill is again he- fere Congress. It proposes to give a pen sion to every soldier and sailor of the lnh war who is incapacitated from work and also to pension tho relatives of addiers dc peudent upon iheui lor aupjiort. Should the bill become a law the treasury would puffer to tht tune of about 75,000,000 year. All this money with the other turns now annually paid for pensions would go to the North and West with the exception of a few paltry thousands. Still Ahead. Persona desiring Safe and Cheap Ir.. auranoe will do well to tee an agent of tlu Valley Mutual Life Association of Virgin i U has member in nearly every coun ty fnu thamountaiawto tho sea aad they r oognis-t the fact that they hart reliable a id Mie iiMiirafto and are paying up their nesinUprujpily and willingly. Agent wanted in evert oouiitr Liberal terns of fered to lira ma. Addraa BiRKti.tr ft AfttMLL, Southern Manager!. Ralegh, N. C, STATENEWS. Thrru ure mnetuen uative North Carwli niiuiH in Cou-jjresn. T!ie pwtplo oF Charlotte nit iirrnning t In 11 n bi fair iu that citj iu tho c..'U; iag uutuum At Durham -M unci, tw.i faiK-y l.tt n' tubiit'i'tt --tiltl t'ui tihf v anil mie huii'lri'tl a'lJ tivr tj.iilar.'f ;i (M.un.I, rc-'jvetivt'lv. N'.ttiTtttMiw are pi'ii liu, with iruini of success, I' r th pstahlilum'Di of a re ul ir s(cnii) !iiu' hftw.'i'U Wilmiiiuiuii und the Viwt Indies. Tin- "V'w,' ('cut n;tvir tKin'i," of G rueii-tl.il in i, whirl) h.is cnly horn in uprra tiun ix ui'ii li". h.ixtlire1 Imndivl an fortv-tWf iIif)Mtis aiiiHiuitim to $11,12.'. Thi Siatr iimuirutitin imi'iit n-purt twu t!iuu Hi.I rnnaiiriit st-ttli rs h:iui hi itr it it it Nuriii ('jiniiin.i ihiiin-.' th - p;M ynr Tin niiji'iitv of iluM ar tr-nu lViii)l- YUUIU. A nittmi fa '(t'lv, water w.trk". an iu lartnrv aii a ni iiii." hank, nr.' unnni'j ( i ili 1 11 r pru.-pcriive ii.iirVt'Uiruts. May many ni"i' he ullrd tij iIicm1 during thr y..r. Tli ' r.'p rf nf tlir -iuprriniriid 'tit if th. cattrrt) iiaiif a-!'iui at t i'.ld-litil'M. for tMlnri d piii.-it-, th w- ih- aV'-r.iL;.' rhiu hor trratr 1 dmiiu ihi pi-t i-ar to lc 17'.'- and thi'iSi'iii.Hr p.-r raj it J $1 IT. The jail at Tail -mi wa. burn, d u tie Jtii. It is MtpuM.'il Iii have hrru the w.irli of iiK'einliarirs. Tho piisinit'rs. ihir Uvu in iiumljrr, weiv r.'M'iit'd and taken ti Willi;. ui-ton Tin- Ihv nrii:iii it:d in ihr urniuiy wliii. li was ai.n Inirn with t hi etuiii -n and tni'.'k ut tlii tir; couiiany. A i-irun stiH-k r.nttp .nv hai been t-r- gmizrtl iu (iaMon rminty fur the purple of itabli-hiui; an exti n-ivt- knitting fait i ry, to inauiitai'ttire all kuuis nt knit giK'vls. eutlon and woul. Wurk will cotu tueiicti m the lmilditu in the m-xt (liirty days, and wht-n started it exi ei tu) that about four huudri-d hatidn will be t in ployed. H. IV liattle, director nf the State ex periment ntationt and li i a-Utaiit-', I'io-f-ssi'ra Iaui-v anJ Withers, are bmv in aiulyzin various tranils i tertitizer- in aeeoiilance with law. Dr. liattle i euis d tpniiined. as far as pii-vtible. to have a complete analysts published in time f r f trtuers to make judicious selwtion.-t rally the sprinj;. (iraliam eolloze, in Alauiam-L luutity. lirh was established about a yur a.'o uuder the uuspiri'-j nf the rhristian df n tmiuatinii of this State, has mkvi-oUiI O'en bi-ynud expectatiMii, It ts iimw over- r iu with students and the applirati ns are fcu muucroU'- that U win iv.inn: the rarly er."tiou of additi-.ua! build n;jf to aemu . mo late them. AVif.t Ofttu i fcr: A letUr was re ivrd terday from a g'Utlenan jie-t from MatieheMt r, Knlatid. who is uw stopi'in'Mti franklin rountv ami wtu is so favorably impressed with the cimdiliou ol i this Slat .', that he has about decided t i loeate in it. He the irc rutin r tiuite I an e.ten--ivr eol'-nv whieh pi'upo-e in. lie to Aiutriea !'--r settlctinut. He i ieirdiuian uf sniiie iin-an-- and i- read; i for bufiiiev in .-oim' entrrprie. 1 Ualeih YUti-u-: The re'iiain- of t'a i Do'.'a's spit n lid statu- of Wa-liiu:'n, which !touil in th.- eni;re t th- r ttunda j of the o'd eapito', an 1 whieh w,ii de.-Huved by (ire about tlu year Hill wtte removed yesterday from the old ui'.-?rnu! on the capi t'il Mjiiare to th.- State mu-euiu. This tatue was utie of tlu h-A evrr seen ot i he Father of hi-- Country." and we hail with deli.'iu this tnovemrui to preserve tlie rel- ic. I A rect u deriion of the Supreme c-urt J iu a railway rulit of w iy east ha a?tr:o t d suiuf atti'iition. The roil--ou th Uuds for a ceriaiu tli-'taii'T ou eith -r side of their track-, and in th case iu iuetion a man in iurh.uu built u store within ihi line. fti order to make room 'or new lines of railway now in four.-e uf eprtioii, he was irdt-rtd to remove it The owner ot the .lor.' nies for d una ;e. and ihe court deeid-s that if th" railway suth-re-i tin house to be built within i - lines the butld er "is entitled to damage f r bettermt'iit. The ijiiestion f having th ; Demtieratie nominating couvtution this year held elsewhere than in Haleiuh is beinir conid erabty agitated. Chirlotu- is purtitu in u bid, a it also tireetisboro. Several rcu-son- are 'wvn and s ime uf them may be considered reasonable. It is contended that there U u-iully too much uutsid prtj-ssure brouuht to rnar u cimventioni held tn liileih. becau- of llu f u--t that what an known u- ully us the ''wirc-puf-ini; element, " uf pirli 'f live ut the rapitj'. Another reason ur-i is that ' turn hIh.ui is fail p!av,' mid that therefore there ur other towns in the Statu nhirh. by their railroad facilities, am entitled occasionally t. the honor. A siuuirfr e:iMi: of n:M oration tu lieu it li is t -parted fro.u (.Jr cn-'mr , uud ii vou Iks! for by men of utidoubt d Temc it y. Several ill illths niuee, n voun mer- chant, oi that city, named K. M. Kendrix. had a sever J attacV of pira'ysis. From thia h recovered, and three weeks he h id another attack w hi -li entirely pros trate I him. He co ild not use a limb, neith'r cuiil I he aee or heir. His rye lids were paralyz 1 1 that lu could ml move them. A few morning since, after a good piht'n rest, he aw feating p r fectly cured. Kvery tr.ee M hii afflicti q has left bin and ho is perfectly restored and attendio ' to his buviuecM w uiual. Ollt KXCII.VNttKS. WIIAT T1IEV BAY (if MKN AND MATTEUS. It aeern to be impossible t,, kerp Thof, J. .larvis' name down as a eainlt'Iate for the I'uii.'d States Senate aaiu-t Senator Kan.tom. The latest plau sp,;ken of by Mr Jams' frieii ls i to run him for io etnor with Col. Thus. Holt for l.iculenaii? Ciovt'rn..r. then semi J n vis to the Senate and let Col. Hull suci.ved hiia as tioVcrnor. Col. Holt will In ill probability have a .-tronj.' following for the fir-t plaee on the State ticket aud wuld be slow to accept thesecond place oven with Jams. Milton ,.7, ll wiiuld be kind, pleasant and altoetb cr :ejree:ib!c to h"liivp. with soine cf tin brethren of thcjui!', that eviun: is deerea inj:, but facts prove the coutrary. Never, witlmi our knowleiL'i-. have tberp b-en vi many murdeis ant cut ti iii; MTaie in N utli Citroliua as within the Kt.-t few wee'i. (iiirti 'ws colii'iiii-- onlv eive a art and yet they e.ivc o jrriMt deal. Thee fuel-m ike u-t believe that the p nitentinrv n I e e to stay, and that we tmidn't do without it. -AV iu-it n Si ,,'. NKVy' ADV KKTSIKM KNTS Y I'MtMsTIt VTuK'S NOTICE. 'I he uiitU'iM'iieil lmviiiK Utin iliiy ijimiillttt bp ;i(ln:iiiUirfltir of l-'miur m s. l'iUiiniu ili-t't'iDtftl, hiTt-Uy nolllj'-s .'.U pent a if lejldiug elHiim iitn'nhl the said Fmm i-s M. t'iUimm in j-rtfcnl them to Uiv dill) iiiitlM.i.lii itlfil on or i. i lore tlit ( 'III diiy of I'evnitei lt-oilK-rH im ilii.-ii.tiit- will if U'Uit III liar(it'i'eeni-ty.;iiii) nil iier-i-m oitlt-'bti-J to tlie miit i-stalc w ill oh ae n -1 k - inoavtliale pay men'. K.r.Mll.AKiN.Attrar. ol KrHueesS. I'ltluiHiolt't iu-t(l Htiliht-i, V i' , hi'eemUT llili. ls7. dec : rw )SSS. 1S&S. Illltt till: Mil ttllltk. S.itil ;i rii!r";i dniii tn im- lo il.tv 1 ti,.t un in ;i Inm lrei! ',' tli i t,,, 'II'1 wlie ti.i, I wi i.t;!re.i,l tr.iin i h i iii - i it -ur.- ,-t'riir i. u-e,l tile Irl'di., s to tin- tr.iin. U'llel Wil.e.i tii-i iiivehtt-! tin- ;iir v.n tun, id i .In tin- i-litnli r uii.li-r : li i. ir when lile i'ii r v;i to tie stepped, :uhI tlie j.r. "-.-.iri" wit- i'X, rte-l t l t'ell'f till' I'laki-s lift :eltHt ! the hn-k Uitt at I In' r 'm-hi flay tl t lilakes are In M aeain-t the nhe.'l. .y -I'l lle-. ali'M he air is I ii ;i il in! I vl.iuler-1,. I il-ll Hie I'laLe j llu' liht'ei- a. i 'ii'4 a-i th ' tram is in lu..- lieu it I. ile-ired le -I .i tin- tram ir i- U t i'UI. all'l the -'llll J. apl'lv ill.' i- ami -tup the iraili. Tlie la-t llii lll- ii r pr.ss ire lia-i ere.it Ihe tieill ailval I t, the : braL l 1 e nvii, laue. uvi I the eel ' aj' I'M the M erc ut i.lt.'tv. "When an ui'iiili'iit liapp.-n. to a train one ol'ilu' first 'tle, . ji H apt to have is to ni t ire the air pipes leading' 1'rniii the iir.iiieto the e;,lin,l( t unjer the ears; ami that of it.-eil' -tops the train inMatitly. It is very inipi rtant iiir even 1, oily to un ilei-siiiml this tnatti r, heea'W' a eliilil live y 'aisnlil ean stej, a train in thinv seeemlii ti -in any ear in ihe irain it' he .imply tinders! Illils ho VoUV.il s,.,., if y u look fur it. that th re is sort of rope pre i 'e!iiu IVeui the t i!et ro. m of cv rv ear. Tii t emit,!- wilh the air pip's under the ii lin If y 'ii ea! h I:,.' 1 of it ami e:-i-a iittle j i-i i! Mill slop the tt-iiii lie !' l' it has put,, two luiiidtel nds.' Ill M. Il lll ( II I' I til.. I li. rutiiti,'. Wih Mnri'o Last Slllnl.i' a lilt kiiotsou and pl.tstercr ,.!' Meie.iiifou, j to,,!; ,:cl.;iii.' at .lohli l.atlillo le's InarJilKt holt-.', and vv:'s a-slmi.-d to a fed ill the s,, ottd Ho, r I'unn the nuht. nna.-in-in.j that the tt'n h.w ot' his room Was the t.tu.llnl door ot his d'lniei.e. whieh Was. lait a st.-p I,, ihe around, he touelnded to ; eo out. lie lals, d the loW. r s:..-h and j p ed oil! I lit . I ll.lrllelv h, ll I allie ; d--v. ii 111 li'lle t ' i a', h hi- roat tall and ! haei I! fe-t. l"l,l- III Id Morrow -n-peiid-d i : HI .1 al'e le;t Hot ei ei,( e u! all il llde. W it ll 1 ll i- h e ,, lie- ,li-laliee from ihe 'J.r lUtlll an I hi- hody . Iii le d at i . 1 1 : ! U up the ! side ol llle loll diiu His flies hl'olleht ! 1 a-l-tallfe and h ll ,ls I'ai-i d Up ti'l lie 1 eellld slip ollt of h;. eoat all 1 ll ' 11 1 IV- li' v. d li, in h:.- peiiloiis position without , 1 . tiiiit-dam ie,- ,. himself. l,ut ith fatal ! r -uhs to the I ire window Jass. , ijht of thes, hav ilie p.iid th" p, tl.llty of heilfe ill hi- paid and .lis:nieiii,e Ids way. PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. 'I'll K KF.r I'liSTKIl UN I'lll.tTirS ut.' i ilu- For Tlie M'.W YollK WKKKLV HKKALD liNV I'OI.HK A YKAK. nnl rlieniiissl hanoly Jiniriml in til I liile.l soues. An linmrliiil l-ii(.'mi- K.M II SI ATKs I'Ol.llHAl. MIIVKMFNTH Till-: I'llliKIHN liKPAKTMKNT eoMMLia i a i, e.HLi:s. I" ill, -! I e!i uilor I: i-i. a :- ul' ail I urri-lil Kvt'lils. SI'K'T I. -KATim:.-. If i ei-1 Kim.ii.a. 'I'lo' t.ita rsriiMi,.,.. w,,. moll - U .ii k. V.l.ilil; Si i in. a,.., Th,. H,,i, f u,.r. .e un. t o si. i. a s,,, t, tOnmitieii un nil .-.ii. n , r. A-I.nr.. Jvi. KIN IlKN'SKTT. Nii V. tl. H..t;..iI. . w York i uy. ISTOTICE. salmi cm:di.!.a. HALIFAX ftr. 7T, srrhiuoi: conn. Su-aa I. Hell, )ilHMi!it! hirriinitt I'.ivJ.t H.-I1. 1" .. I. una Hiitl Carrie K. Lout liii" iliillie Hell. .Ittliii 1'. AlM.p. .Ir., mi.l An nip Hell A W'p, Ihe IhsI iiiiiiit'il U Ih-iug iiiliint" nlmut aiiiiuMiHii in S .Mil CahihtiH. W W hell. H. K. Si uiiSnek i,i li rui i. (". t-tiunlmek lu w;l Al'.t-iu' Ut-11 uh.i J.-pli Jviiiii- tietfieUnt-. 11 1 1 1 ION oh mm I K. to par-uiuir-t ot mi Of't'Tof thit emirl lliin da)' iiiH.le. t lit. nun r'-i ti'iit 'lt'f-'!!diit 1) A l.'HiK iiiil 4 'ier if K I 'Hif !i H". Mrtt':i- Hell. J'ltiu T li-'p. Jr ..iiel Aiiiiit- Hell ASop lie rendu m i ll,,v S'lfnik's. in iirrt-u ei-untv. iu thf Stair ot i mi", W W Hell, win. rt"-iiif n iri tin- city ot Hbvuh-'eti-. ei tht Mult- et 'leermn nutt Jt't-opti W JpukiDD tvlie n; I-, in lh.- i ht ( t Iinltiniurc iu thr- stnlf ii!" M:tr Iniitl. nr- hiTfliy nKl;rit-i tu In: Hixl ap)K.r ut ilK-.o'e el'llie i ierk til tlir Miperior t'-niil of ll."l:tii euimiy mi Hie Hr' d-ty ot Fehruiry ltfb Hit ! miMVer i-r 1eiinir t" Ut- pelition. iiaeMix Joliit T i.trpgory, Clerk t-jperio:' ( (nirt t ettiec in 1Ih1i(h; '.Lc lath ly nf licefinher M7, .IOIINT, URWiORY. t ik liiiirior I'-mil. An- iK-ulhliM I "ft.) W.i sri'AUolil-: .S'77iA7.T, VKTVltSliriiU, YA. Steam llak.rs un.l Outifeetioiiers! l)d IVakrs in Kundgn and Douiestie Friiitn. Nuts, .Vc. A hue- line of .al al wholesale ci ifuuuds. I' N i leaks and wra.s for st tu close out this line Sl'AlNHAl'K k I'll. A DVKK I'ISK.M K.NTS. Catarrh n nr i . , lji m la r ippt I j Maiiiifaelureil and Suiiiliinjr Tobacco, I Cii-'ars, Cigarettes and Snulf at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. A DD A V L fll 11 NKW ADVKKi'LSKMENT?. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, BIG OPENING FALL AND WINTER COODS. 'OTJR HOMES- HOW TO beautiftthem; CHRIST ON CVARY," DRESS GOODS IN" ALL STYLES ANU PRICES. UIdeiiwcm tfo n Big Vwejy or "CHRIST BEFORE PILATE," BOANO IvE NEWS, Allforthe Sum ofS3.25. N OTIO JNTS. HANDSOME HATS', NOBBIKST t-HAI'ES MOST APPRO VKD STVI.ES. L1K OF MEN'S.' Vdl'TIIS' AND CHI1.DRKNS t'l.OTIUNIi. Iltil Sr.NM'.r-IM. liUODS OK A I.I, KINDS. A COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Manufacturers of Mails' Steam-II, lined Candy. Celebrated uov Illy. ELY'S REAM BALM JIi..,Har" Irt 'UlfflDr' i ' .,.,-... ,1... V l s.jy r ii ... i . ,i ... ii i in I lie I'assaees, Allays i'ain and InHamnia- lon, K'5ej'i"le''. Uestona the tVi.v 1 -elises in use atlU UiHJ-mell. P0VD Absolutely Pure. 'Phis iMitt'tl-T tfevi-r vane. A nmrvtl of p irity trenir.ii i -l whi.lfwiniut w. trv ti'oii..iulenl ihaii Un-lni.ir kiii't, nit'1 '-:inn .t tie .I1 wttli In- iimlliimlt- .il'li.w te-t, hiiert u:ulil ilmu or iliiiini. iHiwiiei .xiltl mi ly j" iix. iu-ya) HaKiug tWt (Jo , 1 ttnll Si., N. Y. oet J!l ly THE LEADING V ara andar o iligutiiiiia to Seoatoii Vanoe, of tliU State, anj Joenh K. Uruwa, of Gjorit fur c ipiea of their speecaea on the reao.utisaa of the latter in favur of the repeal if the Internal Rere nue law. T. W. WOOD & SONS 10 S. 14th St., RicLmoud,7a. Request all Garilencrs, Farmers and Truckers to send -(or their HEW SEED CATALOGUE for 1888. It cont'.ins descriptions of all new and deMralile varieties of SEEDS MAHTS for the Farm and Garden that are adapted to the Sou tli. 6rasa A Clover Seeds a Specialty. Catalogue mailed free. Sknd for it. Januaiy5 Hmo DMINIHTKATOR'B NOTICK llftTinc '.ualifieilHj a 1miuliitritir xm (he ittla e of the lt CUltjorue Baker, ln'fijrt- J. T. (.nfry Olerk of tlie Hoperior ('.iiti uf Hftl fti coniitjr, North C-atrttliiiN inttie "ith Uy of Junn.irf !.-. i hereby nive notice t-Hll pt'rwxi iinli'hUHt etuie U wtle the winif Willi me itt o u-e ntt !) Errvtiu who have c'ikiim rtit;inu,i smh! einu- nrt eretty notified au l ri'iirHi tu irwnt thflri limn to me on or l'frt the .'th Jny of Jitu-arr I U or Lhii notice will Iw p'.rt in bar uf thuir recovery. Thii letli day of January JolINU. NKW 8 iM, A drain tartrate? of-CUlhurne baker, da tai.d. T.W. Hawkins, ationit'y rradiar. J 1I Iff HAY-FEVER rilY the Cure. CATAIUIII f llic iuini.ii! meinbiniii-. irpniTdllv nr.i; nulniv 111 Ihe ii't.-,i jm-xiufs rtii.j iiniinUinilit; ll.- slr.-Tinlf.lil in t tu- li.n.l. Fmiii tins iHif nt ll M'tnl- l ,nti ti i..i-li1i.ii!1 virus int.- Ihf hiLi.tafh And Ihr iimh tin- tltiffMn..' -.il-hiih, . .-rrii-tn,u tin- I.I.-.h1 ;tii. 1 iir-lut iiik uiht'r truihU fciMUP mitt tUnui rvnif yi.t).t--f:ii A i.Hrti. lc tir nilit'd ti.to fatli nmtril and i ar.-ililc. Frit-o ; i tui ut driiiotNtit; lij- until. r-i,.-t-n...iMfril HI.Y l:Rnl HKK.U i.reen n,t t . Sew Wik. ft-b 3 ly XKW FIRM. "c lii- tu inivitiii our piuriin, anil jiublie geniT.illy thnt , liuve thin dav ansneiuted ith oni-wlvisi in busiu.--is Mil AI.KX DLI.ANKV. lutflyol the Tanner A Drlanev engine ' nniiviny. of Klchninnd. Va. Mr. IlcUnry is well known aa apructieal machin ist anil skillul nirf-hHiiical engineer, and wa tfl assured that with so valnable an addi tion to onr tirm. we ctn promise complete wtisfiiction to all w ho will favor na with, their orders. The jtyle of the tirm from this date will tie TAI'IMIY, STKlil. & lKI.ANKY. Appreciating the liheral patronai(e with which we have heen tavored, without break or intermission nnder the same management for more than fortj years paat, we ask for a continuation ot the same to our new firm. TAPl'EY 8TF.EI pat- I have this day been admitted to ai tereet to the above firm and solicit tlie ronaee of my frienda. ALEX. PEI.AHKT. Petersburg V. The American Agriculturist is rec ognized authority on all agricultu ral matters the world over. Each number contains nearly 100 origi nal illustrations and original articles on the Farm, Garden, Hearth and Household from over 50 different writers. Monthly; price $1.50. "Our Homes; How to Beautify Them,"beautifullyillustrated, bound in cloth and gold, price $1.00. "Christ on Calvary" and "Christ before Pilate" are exquisite pictures executed by photo-etching and niez-zo-gravure process, on heavy plate paper 22 x 28 inches, from the cele brated Munkacsy, price $1.00 each. The Roanoke News, one of the best weekly papers in the State, price $2.oo. All these can be had for the insig nificant sum of At mm a aw. a t mm VL'tt III AllViaiUE. Present subscribers who wish to take advantage of this offer can do so by forwarding to us the amount they owe and $3.25 in addition. Address Come and Look. Sept ly. Respectfully, A till 111 OF EVERY DESORIf3TIOK 171 1 COME & LOOK T W ilso 1. Pep on hand it few priotn wooii .J.COFFINS & CASKETS. M-Urdera pramptlv filled. P. N. 8TAINBACK 4 CO

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