THE ROANOKE NSWS THUKSDAY, I'KIIIil'AUV :!, lm-n. Till-'. FA11MI.HS' IlKMINIIS. Til K FARMKltH MAKE A IlRi I.AI1ATIOX or I'lUNril-I.ES. The North Carolina Fanmu' Assncia tiuii at th recent convention held j,, (ireenslmro adopted tile following: 1. That we affirm the principle hereto, fore declared by thin Awociatioo, that the inn-rets of the farmer and of the laborer aie identical, and that we make oust' with all laborers everywhere in (wcuriiijj; for ihciii and ourselves a just recompense for labor and all the right and privileges of American eili7.ens. i. To give dini'y to labor, and to hon or tin1 hand that buhls the plow, we demand that a fair, juat and equitable iiHiitiun liall be entablialicd by iuw between the wage of the laborer una compensations of utlu'cliolilcr. ami prolemiuu il men. it. Wechcroh the principle that oiir i a eoverninent of the people, by the pc.iple. ami that the ballot bm is our best security a:aint prawn! or thrcalcniiu.' evils. 4. It was one id' the principles of thi covcrnuiriit in its orijjiu that ull citizen) and classes of citinciis should enjoy eijnal riirlita and privileges, inalienable and never to be abridged. In the prioress of a cen tury this in UK'ipIn has been obscured it not oliliterateii. e believe it idioiild be re stored in all its simplicity and truth and justice. 3. Agriculture, luanufacturinj: and com merce 'e the three great iulen'sts whieh when combined iu harmony promote the best welfare of tbe ouniiiuliity, Kach of these has its proper oflioa to perform, und like the member of the human body, no one of thcin can well perform the duty of the cither. II. Commerce, with it-t t !aiii.hiM. i:s railroads and telegrjph lines, it-t Hyn li-at"s iu banks and Wanking corporations sus tained by the. government ot the l uited Slates, has towered a'mve cviry other in terest and has laid thcin all pros rite at its feet. I'uIcks we arc piulvzeil by the pre euee of this giant, wu can cheek its prog ress, and t nless wo intend to be slaves we in tut check it. 7. Manufacturing furnishes a market ft r f irm product, gives employment to the people, furnishes home proluets for home consumption, flourMiis most in proximity to agriculture, is a great promoter of agri culture and ought to be fostered aud sus tained 8. For relief fioni linaneial depression we must rely ou ourselves. Hut while we would encourage iudustry, economy and individual Hclf-rcliaucc, and acknowledge all the aid that the Farmers' Club, the (range aud the Alliance can give' wc will not overlook the fact that itulm-trial uccos must depend very uiuih i n legislative en uctment. '.I. That we shall seek legislative relief not through separate p.iry orgatiliution, bat through the two political parties al Dady organized. We shall present to them this dc i n of principle at tin ir nominating eoliventinns anil on tin canvas for votes, and we will suppirl no one who r-fuscs lu support and inUoeate our princ lles. lit. The practice of delivering nmripij id crops to our merchants ai sonti as thev can be gathered to be sent immediately hv them to a distant market in payment for goods or fertilizers is ruinous to the larmer nnd ought to bo stoppsi. 11. The internal revenue system is con trary to the wishes of the paople and ought to be repealed. 12. That we will ask the Legislature at it next session to fii ict a riid iisurv law and reduce I lie rate of interest on all debts to six perornt. 111. Oiir Stale and county governments should be administered on an economical basis, and our taxes greatly reduced. Pat riotism ought not to derive its in-.piiaiini from the pocket-buok; und consideration? other than mercenary ought t" have some iutlueiico in moulding opinion and cunt rill ing conduct. TIIHOWX HV lVIlllll. HISIIK. A NnilTH CAUIH.INA KAMII.V AXNuYKH ii v sTiiNts mtiii'i'iNiiiiN rnr.iH I'll Kill SIX Ru.Kiuil, dan. 27. 1. C. Martin, a prominent gentleman of Caldwell cntinly is hero and gives partic il.irs of s nun very remarkable manifestations st Ii is hous-. Humors of singular oit-urrsnces there were heard a fortnight ago. Martiu says that about two m oil In ago his little granddaughter iufonuel hitu that stones were falling in thu house, l-'roin that time this phenomenon has coutiuued. The stones have becu sjen to (all in the house by various persons, aud thc-y are from ten pounds weight down to one and one-quarter pounds. They fall appircnt ly from the ceiling and d i not iml 'iit the floor as they would do if dropped fr nu that height. In some can's they appear to project themselves from the side ol the room. The first observation if this strange sight was at the old Martin b nise. The family moved about a iuuler of a utile to a new house of Martin's, uud the stunt's fell tlicro. Then they move 1 into auilh ir Iijuso and the fall c iiiununl. Nmiiii nts they fall otiteiile aud appear to com : from a clear sky. Other curious things happen. Tin wahbowls drop o IT a lien eh on which they arc usually kept and fly up as high as the top of the door, tin n go over across the room and fall ou the bed. Martin vouches for this statement aud says scores of bis neighbors will do likewise. Wonderful Cures. V. D. Iloyt Sl Co., wholesale and retail druggists of Rome, (ia., say: We have been selling Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, F.lectric Bitters and Uutkhu's Arnica Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such uni versal satisfaction. There have be 'ii some Wonderful euics etTccled by these medicim-a in this city. Several casus of pronoun -eil Consumption have been cutirely cured by use of few bottles of Dr. Kinir's New Discovery, taken in c iiiucelion with F.les trie Bitters. We guarantee thcin always, Sold by druggists at Welduii, by Ilr.iwu and Carraway, Halifax, and by J. A. Mcfiwigau, Knfield. ( have had nasal catarrh for ten yeata so bad that there were groat sort in my nvse, and one plaoe was caleu through. I P- Kly'a Cream Balm. Two b ttb did the work. My none and head is well. I feel like another man. C. 8. McMillcn, Sibley, Jaokson Co., Mo. Kl.v'8 Cream Balm is the most effective, 0 invenienl and agreeable catarrh remedy, 1 ever used, and I have tried them all. I' ll. Cook, Ileuning, Lauderdale county, Tcnn. Heavy winter clothing if X'w York Ht, M. F. Hart. vwrs ahoi' l' Titr; urns. AN tM NK.IIIO ll!-NTKil I I Sl ir lis KS VI: CN THE Uikix's- ll.uill'3. llos.i-)- Until,, i ,j Wi,.11(,t(m Mi sicii", r. It's too oil' fur varmints to move. Why an ole cunnin' conn will lav back in his holler an' near bout starve "fore he'll come uuL No, taim no use er hiintiu' now." Thus oracularly Anion Cherrv. the col ored Conetno eoonist, delivered" himself, while brushing the snow, mud and sleet Iroiu th" rugs in which the lower parts of his lets were incased and warming hiins .f by the stuve in llradlev's grocery! 'Anion, how long can a conn he up with out going out iu ipa-sl of food these cold snowy maps?" queried the scribe. "Well, yer sec it 'p.nds on how fat do ciKH.ii. Kf a conn has had er good run o' luck au' lined li-i kidneys right good an' thick wid fat he kin Stan' a long siege." "I 'members way back one lime when do snow laid on dc gruun' nigh onto er mont' d.-re wus er surtin ole coon I kuow'd bail his den up iu er big gum tree. Well, ever night just afore day I luck my die: an' made er circuit round dat tree an' 1 he did'n come out iu all dat time." "Why, Arden. how do you know In didn't come out and walk on the snow, so your dog couldn't smell his track?" 'I :u, u :r, yer doesn't know nuffin' 'bout dat dog. l'f er coon l shuk a piece o' snow big as er pin pint oll' n his foot, dat dog would er tuck right bold uv it an' a-iirncu mm rigui in a holler, lien, cr- gin, el de win' wus bh-wiu' fiuui do coon to de dog twinildjes bin bis pie." "Hut in dat case, I win ir tolen yer bout, arter 1 had hunted roun'de tree fur er luout biine by jes' 'fore day one mnruiu' dodogopeued on er track un' run it loun'. semetimcs gittiu' closer an' sometimes fur ther fuui tie tree an' when it 'iin-need git tin' sorter light, tie coon struck out fur de tree un' ih-re tie dog treed hitu up dat same ole gttui." 'I lid 1 cut dc tree down? Well, I did, but it till nearly all day to do it, but shore thing, gctublin. de tree did fall dele wusde gre ites' light I ever seed. He win de out lighten-'s' coon to be shore! Sometimes it wus 'I'ige nu' hotnetiitic tie coon. Here dey fo t, ui an' down, roun' un' ronn', nip un' ttik. hip an' thigh, I er Iryin, to help ole Tigo all tie time. Arter er while I got bolt uv dc coon's tail an' by dat time Tigc fotch him er grab by de thole, ib-n I kuow'd it wus all up wid d it coon." "How come de coon ter fight so long? Well, dat's jis what I wus cr lellin' yer. Kase he. wus dat po' bis hip boni s fairly stuck tuit, den tie skin on bis hide wus so much too big fur 'i'.u dat it would slip all rouu' an' de back would cum where tie belly ought ter be an' tie dog could if git er lis tit. lunle sill tiereiiee. IMi ergiu er fat ci'tili runt light, lie breaks down luigbiy quick." "1 tc'l you coon had'n eat iiotbiif in er m ini I lien-s eruutlier w.iv I lias to tc'l. Kase de mil-' gits rank. 1'e po't-r de conn, tl r.uiUr be gels. Tears dc mils' .-wells as de coon giies down. ' Arden, there are few things connected with the history, parentage, aud collateral relat ions of the coon with which you an: not a -quainted. Is that so? Anleu's opHiiiic though N'imrodic chest heaved wilh the pride of prowess. Ho skinned bis upper ihnta's long enough to show the lauibeiit, luminous smile anoint! I he gli-tening ivmy, before he n-pli- d. Then be comun need by saving bis "le Yul ill was ailile, s -vend of his i liiUlvn were complaining he has thirteen in as sorted siz-s that he bad come to town f r sujie castor oil, meat and maybe, a nip of gin if he bad luck selling bis coon skins then he slowly n plied. Well aster dat, I orter know suuiliu bout ciK'iis since I've followed 'e n for forty years 'ginin tie lift. ruth day of next September. I'se kotch 'em wid dogs an' I se found young tins and raised 'em. I s.- watched 'ein and I knows all tlt-y trick mos'." 'Hut dey has got one trick I less I don't understan'." "What is that Arden ?" ' Hat's er trick er 'siieritt-n cr dog When cr coon gits er sartin age, specially ef he's been hunted much, why be kin Hing or dog utl'n de scent an' make him trail hi- sperit when de cm-n, hi-self. is sono-where else. In dein cases tie dog will act right foolish. He'll go to de tree s lur dc sperit led him, an' peara like he'll sorter d-.nlit. lien de sperit 'II take a u -w holt on hitu an' he'll go to barkiif like mad. lie gils so 'cited dat I've seeu s don faiut an' fall down an' waller tell dc spirit turned him loose. De Hex' day he would be so tired an' sure you coiild'n make him git up to git Miiuliu t' eat. Docs 1 b'licvu in sKtriis? Shore thiug I doea. I'se seen 'em wid my own eyes Dey'i been right under de kiver wid me I aiut got time to-day, but 1 11 tell yt 'bout au ole orter I kotch wuimt aif un spent, bill I aim got time to-day." TlIK t'OM'II)i:M'H : lH. A NollTll I-IHUMNA MKltfltAVT liUPF.J) UV A 1'UNlTHr.M'K M AN HI T UP SoPf PlIll.AliKl.l'IIIA. January 2.1 A man citing the name of 'Joseph I.. Peal, aud -t iling that he was a r and 11 uir merchant of Bethel. X. ('.called at the central police station ibis morning and informed Chief of Detectivis Wood lhat he had been duped out of 82111 by a cvtilidcuee man. Peal said that a few weeks ago he received a letter at his home from man iu New York, named J. H Ward, who gave his address as loll Mul berry street, care of It trlicr. The writer informed Peal lhat he had a lot of greenback- which h id been printed frmn stolon f ioveriuueiit plates and which he would sill to Peal al a liberal discount. A cor respondence followed and Wind inliirmed the Bethel merchant lhat bu would uie.t him at tbe Pennsylvania rai'r a.l ataliou iu PbiUtleh'bis. IVal placed J.'itlll in bis iiocket with which to pun ba-c the goods and Irf' home for Plii'adt lpbu nu Sunday. Hum the old familiar conh.l. i c game was played upon him by an aft dec strangir limn Tarhonv C, who knew all about t'eal anil Was ''lad tO HICl'l Uul SO fit from home, look bi:n to dinner at bis hotel, found Ilium li'uu it ctuntably shut of ready cash, and would Mr. Peal oblige, bun till il... V, inks on ned in the morning. Peal him with S2HI. The next mnrn inc be bcnau to think lhat something had and told his storv to the police ....! lfl tor home with the remainder of l.ia monev. Pen! urnfcssed to have no suspicion that the luouey hi propped to purchase might De coumcjieu. Wiikn constipated, take a dose of Lax ador. To suffer from liver diseases when so cheap and sure a remedy as Laxador can be had, it an actual crime agaiust one's own health. Price only twenty-fivecents. It is hard work for tha baby to cut teeth, and it should be assisted by the nsc of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup which ai cool th lDAimed gums, PUBLISHERS NOTICE. U'KHre ftlWllV L'lftil tn riwivpnilmi, nm.m.: n.,ri 0oiitrilMiii,.iiH (.fun iinliisirinl, Hiii-tttioiuil ur hie lonciit iintiir.'. news iinti sltiti'tni'iitN Hi' vfcwi on puMif i'n!!P,.niM arv itivil-d, snt.J.-i t "f nmrhc. to iif il'trretioiiHry mifxTvMi.u ( ih K-lilnn. who Iivl.nm rc;.insil.iliiy fir l lie iinii!iifitxiirt ,!'. Hue .it.. ot Hie jhiht imly, iimt bi- writttMi 011 :nl iviil iifiuic of v. riUT iuunL Hi compnny euiHritjii- I'ricp 'irimftor iortmiiiint Id mivanre. Ailvfrti-hi rtitew rt:iuiimljlc and iuhiIi- known on ipli''nt;..ii. iin' in i uriim-i- riiuHtinitt'B n sinnre. In uiirtwortiiR Hilvt-ni.-ciiicnlji iiIi ukc meiitfon this pa 1 per, it helps un timl in not troulik-sum or cxpi'H live. ' Addrenc all coniniuiilnfttiniiB to THE liOANOKE NKAVfl, Welddn, N. C. S i k t: 1 a 1. X (i t 1 1' p, .All transient advertisements, of whatever natute, must be paid for in advance, as the publishers cannot afford to give credit which may be for years and may be forever. Kxperietiec has forced them to hereafter make this the invariable rule. - 1'l'KMiAV was a beautiful spring day: Til r. days art-growing perceptibly longer. Tim liailroails are beginning to move spring l'rt'iKhts. " 1: have Iu 1 some very tlisagreeble weather of tale. F.asi'kr conies p.irly this year, viz.-on the first ilay of Apiil. Asil Wctln-sdiy falls on li i;,t, 0f February ibis year. 'Iiik Iul'eiior court will convene on the third Mini lay iu February. Fakvinii operations have been much delayed by the bad wrather. TlIK vestioule train is always full f p.isseugt rs and ispiung haiitlsoiuely. Tiiiisb who hive not paid their taxes have until next Monday; on that day the properly of those who have not paid will be sold, as advcrlisd, Fun tlie next commencement exercises tit tin- I'nitersil.v Mr. I'. K. Uunsoni, of N'orth auiit 01, lias lu-en elected chief marshal, anil It. T. I Ireen, of this county, secontf assist ant. As you pile on the c"al and read of another cold wave coming, just remember it will only be two months until the green tfrass aud spring birds will be here. Get ready for a pianic. KxA.MINATItiN. We have been re quested by the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, W. A. Daniel, to state that he wiil examine white applicants for t-ai b, rs' certificates at Halifax on the llih iu-t , aud colored applicants ou the 10th, at the same place. - - . Til K llnl'. A Very pleasant hop was given at the Hall by the young men on Friday night. It was a most pleasant af fair and would btnr repeating. Among those present were several ladies und gen tlemen from Knlield, Halifax and Scotland Nock. T'l OVEKSKKKS til' I'l lll, IC P.ilADS. Wc would advise overseen of public roads to hand in their reports lo the township Supi rii.ors on or before ii'Xt Saturday, as tie se who fail to do so will be subject to the penalties of the law. (Inly three days remain in which these reports can be tiled. l'lKD. Mr. Mareellus Moore, of firven vi'le. died a his home thereon January Jtith. He was at onetime a member of iliefirni of Hiiliird and Moere. of Norfolk, hut was at the time of his death the senior member of the firm of Mooit and Fitzpat- nek. ot l.allimore. .Mr. Moore wan well known in this county, having married Miss lliggs, of the Scotland Neck section. Nkw Hesiuknts It is a pleasure for tbe Kii.Wok'K Nkws to note the fact that Mr. I!. F. liarv nn.1 his family have moved lo WVdon to live. They are quite acquisition to the town in every respect and we welcome ibein cordially. Mr. tiarv is one of the substantial citizens of the county and his ell. inning family will add much to the pleasure of society here. ANNiVEitsAiir h.XKiii'isKS. We are indebted to Mr H. W. Spillman for an iu vilation to attend the hold Anniversary exercises ot the rbilouiatticstan aud hu xeliaii socieii-ts at Wake Forest college on Friday, February 17th next. There w be a public debateorstions nnd a social gathering. It Wuiiitl gives us pleasure there. l.l.l'K I.VKS Tin: iskst. i Here is some reason for tbo admiration generally felt lor tiluo eyes. A connoisseur in eyes -lutes tint nine-tenths ol the railroad men and others who are selected for their k nes.s and correctness of vi-ion have blue yes. Drown eves are Istautiful. (Irav ey.'s usually denote intelligence aud haze yes bespeak a talent lor music. 1 he commonest color of eyes is gray, and the rarest violet. Tiik I.i'NAK F.ei.ii'SB Tin total eclipse ol the moon on Saturday night was a most intcTcaliiig celestial occurrence. I he Bi inning of it was not visible, as the moon entered the eailh's shadow while it was still day light, but wh 'n the total aelipsi oegan atiout .I...IP o clock II was stltllclent ly tlark tor observations. I he moon pre sent h1 a dull red li-ti sppearanee. A I miniit ,'s aft t s-ven o'cl .ck the shadow be uan ti past otf and the brauly of tbc spectacle was eu'i inee I Xt;w Postal Kkuclatiunh. The new regulation as to what may bo written or printed on sc on I, third anil fouith c at" mstl ra-.ttvT h e b""n d'lly mad? lair by the sicnaturo oftbe President and p mulg itetl. Ii makes it permissible to write or I lent almost anvihing wiihin reason ou the wraip -r. provi-letl proper space K it for I he stamp and the a Ml v.. Th, newsiisi er wripp'T can now bear the littl note indicating when tbe Mi'.seiiption e: p;r sand direct 'o:i lotor.varding, deli cry and return us well. . . Likk Insi hani k Paid. The Valli Mutual'e Insurance company has lately liaid the amount ol the insurance win it placed upon the life oftbe lalo W. 1) Coker, ol Northampton. Itwisn cue for lluee thousand dollars sent to Mr. W K Daniel, of this place, adjfuiislrat ir of tbe estate. The delay iu payment was caused by tbe fact that there was no one authorized to receive, the money until Mr. Daniel qualihed a month or two This is a staunch, reliable and prompt company. Just received a beautiful line of picture in walnut and gilt frames. The prices are to low that all can invest. P, N, 8TAINBACK li Co. 1'tlVlJ.f. 8mVK.t-thc Iter. I t i Howe, of the I'rimitivo Huplist cbureb. i will preach at the Haptist church in tins place to-night at the usual hour. Thr public is respectfully invited to attend. Mr. Itiiwe is travelling and tilling appoint ments at variutls plaees. Tn PtlOTKl T r.MlllAtIK IRIIM WlUIMS. Wo give the following remedy which un exebaugo stiys is good to protect cabbage from the ravages of the cut worm. It says : "The berry of the China tree is a pre ventive of I In; destruction of the young plants of cabbage anil eollanls by the cut worm in the spring. The nu lhoil of using I lit' berry is to insert one of them iu the earth by the side of the plant, at the lime of transplanting. The cut worm, which is such a pest to a vegetable garden, will not come near enough to the berry lo reach the plants. This is tbe experience, of one who lias repeatedly tried it. Don't Fool, With an Fiutoii Hill Nye says a gnotl many things that are w ise as well as witty. Here is au illustration: Hit Nye says; "Jlon't attempt lo client an etlitor or play him false iu any way. I 'beat the minister, cheat the iloi-tor, cheat any butty ami evcrvhotly, hu( if you have any legal'tl for future i-ollseijliellees ilnli't foul wilh all etlitor. You will he put op for otlice sometime, or want some public, favor for you 1. sell to-some of your Irientls, anil when your luck is at'tingofbeaitty ami a joy forever,' the editor will open llioll you ami knock your air caslles into a cocked bat the first tile. He'll subdue you and then you'll cuss yourself for a thiw-liog idiot, go hire some one to knock you dow n, and then kick you for falling." .Ii htii-ks Sll11lT.11 N'oTIi It. There is a law on tbe statute btsiks of this State which it well for justices ot tbe peace to note, as many of them, ei t her illatl vcrtenly or t brunch negligence, may incur considerable trouble. The first volume of thu Code, seetion illlti, says it shall he thu duty ol each justice of the peace, ou or bclore Monday of every term of the Siiperiorcouit of his county, to furnish tin: clerk of said court with a list of the names and ollV-iist-s of all parties tried and finally disposed of by such justice of the peace, togetherwith the papers in each case in all criminal actions since the last term of the superior court." A failure to discharge the duty mentioned is u niisilnieaiior and punishable by tine or imprisonment. How Til I'sK I'Kltl'l'Ml;. - There are few ladies who resist the pleasure of irting per fumes, and if they are not used in two great tl'iantities they are nut nhjoctiimalc. It is a good plan to use only one kind of perfume, Mich as violet, heliotrope, rose geranium, etc. Instead of saturating the handkerchief use them in the shape of satchet powders, flit them on cotton in small bags of muslin, silk, or satin, ami strew them in every part of the bureau and wardrobe, so that a deli- -ate, flesh almost nameless perfume pervades cVt-rv article ot dress from the bat to the oots. Satcbcts filled with pondered oiris sit w ill give a sweet, w bolcsoiui' odor that : becomes so strong as to be disagreea ble. The use of too strong extracts of per fumery is not considered iu gootl taste. 1'. T.'.m's invN (Int. Mr. 1'. T armim the famous show in m, fnen the fact that, his great story ''My plucky Hoy Tom" ia- proved such an immense success iu The York Family Story Taper, has dt tcr- uiiucd to present to alt subscribers lo that iper, while itis story Fists, a beautiful souvenir in the shape of a l'ortftdio. This l'ort folio contains illustrations of all the wild animals that will appear in his show tbe cotningseason- The New York Family Story iht for four months anil "I'ariitun's Fort- folio," as this beautiful souvenir is called, be sent to any atbhess for the small sum ot $1,011, the regular price oftbe paper. This is certainly an opimrtunity which our read ers should take advantage of. Address. Monroe's Publishing House, 2-1 and ,li Van dcwaler street, New York. SritiiKN Dkath ok Mil. Hamlin It is with sincere sorrow that we announce the sudden death of Mr. Hamlin Allen, which occuircd lure on Saturday alternoou. Mr. Allen had been in feeble health for some time, but still attended to bis duties, and on Saturday was driving a wagon through town to bis resilience when be dropped down from an attack of heart disease and died just as ht was bclug carried into his house. Mr. Allen was in bis seventy-first ; was a native ol litis county, and was one of the oldest residents of this place. lie was an energetic, ham working man, who attended to bis own business without interfering with that ot others, and was an affectionate husbuud, father and friend He leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his loss, and to them the uiiamike N KVi'S offers its sympathies. Mr. Allcu was a consistent member of the Baptist tiurcti and a good citizen, lie was buried at the cemetery on Sunday after noon from the li.iptist church, the Key, . H. Morton omeiating. A largo con course of people attended. Sol xi) MrsiNKss Maxims Action reallv the life of business. Fse every means lo hold on to your home trade. Alwavs keep your designs and bnsiutsis from the knowledge of others. (Irctit bargains can only be secured in any market, by being on the Rmt. It is easy to sell goods if they are well uiteil to your trade and bought right. Avoid litigation as much as laisaible, for lawyers and costs eat up the principal. Have the courage to discharge a debt while you have the money in your pocket. The man w ho Isirrows money ami tin Imrinws Irotlhlu is in sheol sure enough. I'n fer rttnitll prullu uiul tfrtnin n-turiu to luijje priditM iiiut uiieeitiuti Hentinienin. ltillieiillii-H, like tliieven, u It ell tliipeiu .it U;liiliee; tlieletore lllwrtVH litre tl lllltteill- rtiiictttalit)' in money mat tern lumU to )iosM lily and run tide ueu and the lianin uf credit. In Uu v in . study iuret'ully tlie Hiiittn ol yom tritte uud buy with tlut end ultra, u In view. Th' m:m whuuiiiids his own liusincw and constantly attends to it htm all m time em iluel. Come to this market us often or jxwisible, ju a to seeurc sp.-eiul b ir iititi ;w they uro oT nvi. Adlit're fltiietly to your liusiiu-w. There niiiy be diilietiltie' toovereome, but yon will surmount them. TbouKUudHot'miM'L'hanU fiiil not trom the alirinkii-je of values, but from crediting un winelyanil tint uiuch. B . politf, prompt, decisive, civil and ohliin to all youremtomr-rs, nnd nue that your clerks d.Wikcine. MiLUINERVat cost at Mrs. P, A- LcwU, to make rot'tu for sptiug stock, V:5v-Te?'lss'Swvi!-sV. L....-LD I ASM lilNAfll.i; 1.1 KK. MAhlllAlli: IN lllllll On Wednesday tvo-iiig, at 7 .'110 o'clock of the LTith inst., h large crowd assembled in the Kpiscopal church to witness the marriage of Mr. W. 11. Pittuian and Miss Caddie Mel.iu, both ol this place. At the appointed hour the bridal party f-itlereil the church and slowly proceeded to the al tar, to the music of the wedding uitirch rendered by Miss Mattie Whitaker. The Ushers and attendants were as follows: Mr. Spier liillauiy and .lis Powell. Mr. .loo Whitaker and Miss Mary Par ker, cream caslunrre ami lace. .Mr. Jonas Cohen Jr., anil Miss Kute liregory. of Crowells; cream brocaded sat in, en train, low corsaou. Mr. Fdwaril Branch and Mist Annie Cohen, cream albatross and luce; low cor sage. Messrs. F.. C. Cohen anil S. (I. Whit field. Then came the bride with her maid of honor, Miss Agnes Cotten, of Farmville. the bride was handsomely attired iu cream mervellicux satin, court Intiu, trimmed wilh lace and pearl bo nis, low corsage, tulle veil confined by lillics of the valley. Miss Cotten in creaiii moire satin and dulled tulle en train; low corsage. The groom and groomsman, Mr. C. W. Hunter, came from the vestry room and met tbe bride at the chancel; Mr. K. C. Cohen giving away the bride, the Key. Dr. A. S. Smith, officiating. After ibe ceremony the bridal party repairetl to the hoine of the bride, where a reception was held until the arrival of the !( o'clock train, when the happy pair left for an extended Northern tour. The writer extends best wishes. As everybody has behaved thonnelvcs this week news items arts scarce, conse quently I haven't anything to write but would like to ask one question before clos ing: "Why is it that the yoiiug mail who goes to Nash in ire returns as suon as ex pected?" P. li. A one-ariin-d boy in Attgu.-ta saved four persons fr, on drowning; but Dr. Hull's Cough S nip has saved its thousands l'mui COIISUIIIpti 01. lint use of hiobly seasoned annua! food and a'cohtilic thinks are the predisposing inustsof gout. When aware of its pres- nee lose no time in procuring Salvation Oil. It kills pain. Price, twcnly-five cents. - - -. . Personal. Mr. X. II. Frohliehstein, of Mobile, Ala , writes: 1 take great pleasure in recom mending Dr. King's New Discovery fur Loiisumrilion, having used it lor a severe ittack ol Bronchitis and ( titarrb. It gav me instant relief and entirely cured m 1 I have not beenalllieted since. I al.-o beg to state that I tried other remedies with no oood result. Have also used Fleetric Bitters ami Dr. King's New Life Pills, bo'h of which I can recommend. Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for Consump tion, coughs and colds, is sold on a posi tive guarantee. Trial bottles free at any drug store. Hucklen's Arnica waive. The l'.'.-t Salve in the world for Cms Bruises. Sores, Fleers. Salt lllicuiu. Fever les, I otter, Chapped hands, Chilblains ins, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no p y re juiiv'l. It is guaranteed to give perlcet satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'iiee 25 cent-per box. Fursale hv drojgisls at Weldun. lirown &, llalil'ts, Ur. J. A. McUwigan, Knlield. llnw to Ciire Ifluuiiiiilism. Miijur. Ii- S. White, of Uariu.ivi!!i, MiirvlumL sutlV ri-il front rhaum:it imii to lht riltt siiuii! 1-r for sixici'it v-"t'. The (liM'u-u was njinplicatftl with in lit.- tiuii unit (Jv! He nnisiiltt-d kmhiI h viiaiif ami ucl v.triuiii' iatcn( in ili- ciiit's witliimt iit'iiintii'iit l'L'lK'I. nuluuvcs fiiuily jmr-Uiitlct.1 him to t ry u eour.t; of S. S. S. As tn tin.! result ho writtn as ful imy. "Afici HMD' six Kir-T tMtdt'H I was ntircly wt'll. The. tuiHliL'inu uot at thu Mot of thi: tli.-. u-foatiii ormlicutcJ it. With ihu ili-ijiiiiisitriiiii-, of tlui tlifnmati.itii uls wrnt tlie iii'JL'itiju uj 1 have iihnll)" itfiitniiiHi h'd S. . S. tn luy Uiiihlnit'ti uuU tuuntrvnicii. U'aiiM! I am Citttviiwril uf iv .ic), it having i-tirod tiriu ajute ol ull jircjuilu-c. lU'V. It. M. I'ii-kt'H.ilto vornTuhh Vm- iih-iit of the Mi'tlnidist I'mtttHiit chnivli uf South Curoliiu, h jiil.' vt-ars w-o was at- tacki1! liy lu'iiraluif rluutnatii'Tii, acmi.ii panied by tryMpt'U. He suil'iri-1 trrt-at pain. His apjti-titc faik'd hitu and I) is heart bt'Cnnit! ufl'tH tt'ti. Thf i'ryipt:!asliriikuout on bU h'lt arm anil liaml. He us-il a nat many kimls of un'iiii-iito, hut not hip; ;:avc reliuf. Finally hi1 was htsuhJ"J to try tin Swift Spt'cittc. Lit a htti-r written fnm (!rtivillo, I'lvsitlt'iit Pii'kenM say.-: '-I noticed a deciiled improvement while tak ing tlie iirst buttle. I eotitinued it? Ufe until I had taken shout one duzeti bottles, when I ftiund myself sound and w-ll itj;ain, with no si'U of divase left except a Miff nesuinmy hand, a rcMtlt of the While, taking tlie medu ine I paV-d on an arcrae two pound,- of lhh per wetk. 1 think S. S. S. a valuable medicine, and 1 frequently recomim ltd it to my friends" Itrv.O. V. AVinktiold, nfruimi Point. Oa., Hulfert'tl terribly lor twelve yw I'rom artk'iilitr aud Htiatic rlieiiaiattsin. IL1 foii nulleJ nunifioiis ii-ii inns ami ttwvl nil iort ol' meilieine. Kiictlly he lie;nn ImW ini; tin1 Swift Spet ilie h,- u i'-rlorn hope, iiiul hy ils use lit' w:i!i rutin ly resoled Ho wnh i: ' I tet l like a n w iiuti 1 ctiinot attiihuiL' my mii-.toulotiN aiul pt'ifeei i cure to anyliin l.ut ihe w Np'.i:iu.', 1 know it iilouc eureii me, lor iiotliui o'h" Iiiul done tins wn y tvrelve year.', I owe my r.tointiuu and snvo-ili t'orbtbur and nli-:iims duii-'i- ulum to ihi jirund ri'imniy, and j-!:ntly iu;iki this ntutiv uient I'ur the benelil uf all huffeptT-' from thin nnwt turturintr diseao rheiiniati-m." Mr. W F. Duli-v. Advenisiic Aiit tifthi Itruuklyn Klevate l It.iilrojKl, wiiles I Hry rhetim ili-m hwrlled my lep mi l uniiH ti) twice their natural hiy. i, I sufTert'd exeriU'iatini; pniu. Vuur won derful S. S H. madp aeoinplrtc I'ure." Major Siilney Herli rt, alitor of tlie Sfiutliem Cullivalor iiml Dixie Farmer, Atlanla, (la., wiiles: '1 liave fully tested the lirtues of 8il't Sn'citii',S nli m a rli -u-irjatism euro ami a tonic It ilom even in re than its pr iiriet(irn claim fur il ." Treiitiacou IllooJ tun Skin Disease nmileil frue. The Swikt Si-scnui Co., Druwcr 11, Atlanta, On. Winter drcsj goods t whoWiIri make room for Spring piodii. M. V CiWf to . Hart. AU winter M. F. Hart, goods at rcdiicfd pricey. Alif.'l T i-IJiCTIOVf. Wiin, iiloti Slur. This is a Piesidential year. Flections will be held for Congre-s as w.-ll as for State offices and President. Kf-pr.-si nta lives will be elected in all tbe States on Presidential (lay, lilb of Nuvonibt r, exet 1 1 in .Maine. Vermont and Oregon. Maine elects lii r Coiigressuit n on S.-.teti b-er H", Oregon on Julie dih and Vermont i n Sep lenilie'r fib. In all the other Stales, ex cept Alabama, Arkansas, (ieurgia, l.uuisi ana. Maine, ( Ireg'.n, Virginia and Vi ruioiit, elections will be held, generally lor iatc officers and legislators, but in some instances I'm- Legislators alone, on November lilb. Alabama's Stale election o.-ctiis on August (i, A.ikansas'onS.pieinberllril, lieorgi i'si n Oclob.-r I'.rtl, Maine's on September Hub, Oregon's on June -fib, Vermont's on Se- tcniber lib ami I isiana'suu April 17lh. Virginia, Iowa. Kentucky, Maryland, Mi't issippi und Ohio tlo not elect Legislators this year, and Maine, Oregon and Vermont hold I heir State and elec tions ou the some day. A beautiful line of castors from t' to I!. P. X. Stainhack A Co, NKW Al IlllTISIvMF.NTS. iMIfELD'S FPP nn IregTiLATuII A SPECIFIC FOR WOMAN'S UlSEASES IUCH At gainful rofust s: pprciscd rrcgalar uiity nnd MENSTRUATION or ONTHLY SICKNESS. M taken during tlie C1IAMIE OF LIFE, great Sofferill unil ituiitn-r will In' uveiileil tyT'lStiUtl fuf PjOOk " SlliMSAUK 'I'll WllMKN," Illlliltsl rrt'S. IJUUriKLD ItKGULlTua t'O., AtlftUtft, Oft, Feb Id ly MAtLARIA.--TlilBvryfir.hiiitritinfT(ilfl- FEVER AND ACUE.-A mtilia- ir.'KriLJi'' una weui'iuri Hilnifiit. ry til.iNTUL!:o. It ucvur fMilh Lo euro. LIVER DlSEASE.-fil'iNTou-'O is a i'ii n mnt rmlouu-u U-v ull tyiji'auj Uivf t(lil))lltiltcl, BILIOUSNESS. Ti.Mf.-rsnr, Plir. r-l a.r iu Hm world (.it b.tioud disur- iI.tb is (ji;itoi.1'.u. DYSPEPSIA nTid all othir lroi,Ii bi,- (proiniitlv r.'!i.'vd uud (juk-kiyi-nml ly I'lN'I'OI.I-O. A Roilable T::ic. PriiKhiTiy KitK am) Kit IllhAPItHMH. QUINTOLEO- A Oiuieks'.i Era: J 7. l'.I I THV a ( V ItH nn Aiiovk Diskam.s. - QUINTOLEO. t -T ii 1 A1.I, lnri ui.lNTH. J. H.WINKtLMANN & CO. Prowitopi. BALTI MOrtE, MO. 1'liIUK nriY CLNTU l'Klt LorrLB. junu 2!J ly NOTICE. Thi i; t' ciro nt.'i' c i(,:it I lmvt qtmliMi'ti uv ex ii-iituruf tin' lust will uti'l It-tniiit lit t t Mi. suruli II IltuidT di'.'. iis-il, uinl llnil all iHTviiit liAv iuij rltilniHL'HiiiKl f-Hid cKl.tti' nuif! )'r''KI''d !h'in t me mi 'ir lif Wire Um' 1st d;iy id l'-ln it try or Hiis tnili"v u ill Ik.' jiiVudrd 111 Imr uf thidr rrcn cry . All iMT.vniH indcliii'ti tiiftidd i'iuhIu urf rt'ijuiri'il t j m a Imnu'diHU' nivii;(!iiL in nu1. J. 11 II N I KIt, Kxrvuinr. .i.iiuuiy l-tli, ISN. jfin ai.iiw ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. ha i, i '. i x tvi xrr smiiiion cm irr T. li. Kuiiy. Adw'r. jI' C. II- Teai-.-f ti. V. Howell, Virginia I'earnuti. and ntl- Uv vittiu' of mli'Kivf of Hit- Sii)n'iinr Cmirt In 111 is noise, I will m'U til iiuhlic jnnt iti mUh' IiiIi c't l.i'iiliT ul tlif n-lirt llmisi' il'iur ui lliihltix nil Hi.- i.ili d.iy t l-Vliriliiry, tlu- f.-il-m 1114 lundi uf wiin li ('. U I'.'-LisHii died viz-'il: Mio 1 nu! kii'iwn us "thf V. Pi 'arson Hhih Tr.n't." conliiliiiii 'iu iiiTcs udi iihiiii; Hit- t.ilids ol I h-itit(. llnwurs Hinl'itlK-tv. niiftr.nt, konut ilk tin- .lurksuii Inirt ( tpiiliiiiiiiii; um-, uiljuiiHlig tin In m i-. "Mi. w t t-4iili Hint uIIhtn. s ii i Und.-m. Id urc hiil.jecl lu tin- dotr uf Mrn. K. A. IVur.m. J'-Till i'f lllt? Olh h1f CH. ll;l:llli'C ii) twtdvc Hi" ntlis. Tltlr ri'ltfili'd Until nil the I'-in tniM' no nvy i uiid. T. I. KMuV, . liii'mfC li Pi-urion I'm 12 I w 1857 I1 WII.IMII.II 1857 JANUtKY Ut 1 S ST. P.UFE. W. DANIEL- a It ) -KKlKri, 1.1CJUOKS, FINK WlKErt, ClUAM, TOBACCO III.KllM.K .V I.Mll. I.AliKK l.'K i:i;i:k ox K'K. It. W. DAN1KI., S 10, W'liHh. ATfl Welrtun Inn.- .' -r LIQUORS. C. SMITH. n;: ins uq co as, HKK HIS C1GAUS, hi Mi KVKRY D1UNK IN SKASOX. BarC. Smith ut Kvan-i' old elund Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C. dun 16 Ir NKW ADVKHTISK.MFNTS. S-3 i -in. (V"ii p, Anllima, null, liu iDk'iit ('"iunip 111 ll'ItlM.-St l..lllllll,UH etl (ilfltlllli Ur, llnlfn I -ml j- In Ih-um u"lt ftih tymi is . irhiti- trmi'j r. lit ,.-,-isti ....l Irnilr M A hull ittnid in II irr!t,ttl;d )!rV4r .TtfTi; rip Cmtti'in uttel, mm tin.- l'p- , ItiiKlni'.K-, H'l,, t!.K. A. I O 'Im.-HlpIiI tiy All JJl'UUrSIMW. itr NOTICE. NOTK'I-: TO OWNFP.S. MtlliTtJA UUF.S A.l OTIIKIiS. The lollmviiij; lainl- in W'eldoi Tonsbii, llalifav county, will he sold at the Court house thiol in Halifax oil Monday l-'ebrtlaty the lilb Iks- for luxes title for M7. J r taxes ate paiil belort' ilay of sale cost will only be 711 cellls in each case id' laud and do ccols for tow n lots : Name Loi-aliiin Ai-tcm Tax Adams .1. noes llee), t'reek -I !l.i ' MisSallie Near Wehloil J 1 ir, llui lsin Ifev It (i near Midway '.";.". T .'!! ltowser T f lilllls M W llnvtl Sandy New Mope eh. -Ill Near Smiths ch. .lull near Wchlon 1 I lo 1 1 li.", 1 Ii., i n i in ::n 1 hi io :i no Carter Totu near lleeii Creek lti Carpenter V It nr Uar'sonobl sto"!l Cariielitei- M ,1 III1. Carter I, cm Carter Kli. i Clark M Kxr Collins II .1 Collins li I-' near Ileep Creek t lot io Weltlon near New Hope ch 35 ' " '.'"I mi i in 2 H 1 ii Cousin.. 1 no S near Ui cn Creek lo li.inu l l.iviniii lot in Weldun Uii uiy (iiH lot in Wtldoii l.ppx iitrltr.'V li'-ivit I! li' Ih-ep ( reel; T:i Kmini Jar-ksiiii near N M 1, land III i'.ii-iiiliult I, A lot 111 Weldon I'ieliisT.I illinium Major lot in Weliluii Harrison .1 II near New Hope eh lleptin-itiill ,! V (naiiki'V ereek Ml Hill W f lot inWel.lon Holt II ami II near Holla tut I'nli lii) Harriwuii V lot in Weldun Heintmns C I) near New Hope hey Alumni,! lot in W'eliloil JuIimsou Win lot in Weldnii .lone T ' " Kii; Sain near Deep L'ree-k 25 Lewis Mxinn lot in Wtddon Loekliart Mm S M lot in Weldoti I -Ji) J '.'(I 'l it :ti :h :m :j :,7 1 (in 4 w ,"p7 1 '.'II 1 ' 4 )'! ;i ihi Hi ' II) U PI 1 HI 'J 7!) :m ;; m !! M IS H."i (It) in; 1 'Mt r.'it 1 ;iii ill) -l.'ja .lii S f,:, Luiii; London ti ravel Jlraneli .V Lotijj; .1 V iii-ar Midway 10 L(,v.! Win " V?A Maloiie Wm lot in Weldun Manly 1'olly near Xcw llopn IW! Medhn .1 S near Smith ehreh :io-i M'-rrilt llenrv near I'ierees eh Ui Mills Matilda New Hupi-chun-h I " Alex Heep ereek " Wilson " 'in Mitchell Llh-n lot in Weldun M'Hidy .loM-pli uu (uaiikey M loseley Sarah near Midway 111 Mason Kaehel Weldun Nieliols .lint " .p ed, enndv " " M.'plii'!i-M),'hlVV 1'iei; 1', It near Mldwnv M a lpt in W.ilduii t'lHil'iii. Mi H T iieHi r.i'i -JT 'I !i"" " iMyV X lioiid- I :'2 W X mi utnit:! y " -a MiV. - ;, -. .-i 1'i'u-;ii A iii-iir i v Mhh' Mt I! P. i pp. M'- Miirnrt itt-tvu. 11 cftiml .V river iv i'-!i.ird.. W A nfiir Pii'n e elmn ti 77 :kv. K-'olt. Mi- I'rauriH K lieiir Midway 2iO & "it K I! U r in Weldun id l'."v. i lud JireiM reek 117 : si Sl.ort. It,ti 1. tjininkv ip l.'U .-in. in .u- MriM ,l idWfliUvHV n lt.r,( nuiloil!. Mm lieiVe. n l.t in Wi'l'dai -1 mo i:tl!inoit, ,t)cy l-."i ;,t in Weldon .( SNphv. l,t nenr New Untie an 8 - I SliL.11!, Ml. I, A '' Siilllll clinreh 'i I'll Til-mi - hi .1 I! on flioekjiyiith) M S 'i.- 1 11 i ie'i . ii. i'ii. iid lieur li.iy I r mLi4 I'll " in 1 leri e einm n 1 1 e.iih iimr tmy t thv 7 I .Inn inar liet-in reek 'J . U I. Metllll.t .' 111 W.ldoii " I, . - K le iir In; s "i iii .o hiv ri'iid 2 U,,,, '. -in IV I. l ti.fir.1 II w.p-pii ii:1 , s I II I- .llll i l )7.' 18 II t I It llncUU .;:;., i ll'lllfll lieur .1 II UiM.d d1, i!. U. .1. I.I'.WIS, SheritV, liy. LA. .luhiwlun, lieputy, TAX SALES. XOTU'K TO tnVNKKS, M011TGA C.KKS AND OTHKKS. Tl.e I.'MmuIiil' Ii.i.:1- ill llillif.ix loiihliip. II..II U ri. only will l.ehol.1 ..I Hiei ..iirt lluiMe in Unhid i ii M.iinlny. 1 'el'niurjr the iiil) l-st t.r luxeh line 1 1 r 1-7. Illiivej. file mini liel'.iv dav of mill- e I ill only Im' ,u et-uis H.liliUoinil m vneJi cum? i Imiil ii ml p eent lor town loti I.iMeu ! Aeren l.'ll-llttllll. Allen. S,v Mi litie, HIM N'-iir llitliliti " Muhiila Austin, ( iie luilt, Al Mill 1 tlriit.'.W Hmiv uv :!:lnn.i MikM" A . M I uileTt. r. Mrs l.ui y Ihiiii. I. (i II ?r Wllmrt. 11 Dfiiu'iU). loin K.(.e...eo mid iiiiiin-i i Kllu-riiL-i-,i lli'mik Iu-1 l-.Miii. .IT le 1-1 .... 1 . 1,,-lu i;niiiii. .lini i.nry. W II ilillliiin. li Irim 1' iiii'4in-l .1 M Mm I' ' l.linrlny llHI-.liiill , .lili-ltMHl ee lh i-vi-v. II I ilijl .luhll i fa II inrs. .Iiiihih ll,.iw, rli llowiir.l.,1 II llililcm-. Ivcf 1' Ji'hii.'ii. I.iim I l ii im II io 1 ..ii I i- In H'lllfnx lu-ur " i 4U 1.H7 " T.-'.l Uw n lot in Hiilifm i hi Ileiir " tt.ot illng 1 ,ack near 1UU- t in near HitllijT t v town I.iImii Hriir.u :t m ner lliilifux ::V.o lowil lot ui m lieur hiililax .'2 . Mi: irn ynt-r. Mitlie ui. r. .1 li wli. Miv- A ' A l.i 'ivc. Curv MeMiihon M t M in II A 1 Menelitiin. I t! W2 I'urker, MrsW T ' ,. I'rill', Mlell 1 I'ofUoii. Sitrall 9 I '..lie. II T .Vi town lot in tlalffux near tow n li.tin niir H yii'il'l' Hen nie Kolitvii, Mr - I.iiey I . I t Mi i IMiriellu hjii,H'; f iMlire l I t uio r. ll.uiiil Slnvlnj Fanner, Ilr.iwu i Senilis Kntrell.J I' fr Kiimitlek More, I town loth iu I I ''H hale Ml lei II OH I' 8 40 H 4n , Hii linn! . Mi -iirHli .1 Itielmnl-', Oliver lo'l.iTI,-. 111 liiii tc, hiivie '.il " " MlN OtO, II til) I Ut " lU'll.T, .luiie J'i " WmiIp-, AikIi.'H (pt of TH " ' llllfllllh, ,1 III int. i " ' Slniw. Mr Ann K It..l " Shelion. Miicj-ie 1 1 Skinner. II i: " Sinnlienrli, Antlioiiy 1 (own lot In 1 I'm lr, Wm .1 Tillerv, li r Mury A Mo W H i.ii Tyl'T. .Inlia Ann 5 " WVlker. Kiliraini i"4 3 A S.I5 1 HI Vk liiielie(iA,iil I'ontmi livirnT " Karlu-i. .1 11 nenr " MiiisliSvviuiiii nenr llr.m u W II lliiriii-ll. loime iM-t.-r. Willi- i-t i, chrit-tic Mt K M I ln-t-k rlii-iry (.Mil run. .-pier 8 71 I n.j. i.i:wis, sheriir. c 1uMM.MMNKK.S'i.AN!)SAI.E. In i.nrumierof Rihcroi! mmle al tlio May term r. oi un- .-Lip. i im i .iiiri. oi itriiiniv eoimiv. n. In Ihe inlimi Uieielit emliiiu enlitlwl Wonrjre N i-iiiiirn nMiiiHi ,ni!"w iiuirn, me UUUertilfriu'd ei ii.inMiuurs u ill nell nt nnlille auetlon utthir lih-l. bidder, foreiwli. ut ilieeomt house door tn Hall. fa, In wiiii enunly, mi Montlny, tho fth day rei'mary, n, me mim unierwi lo b told Iu whl aeenea".Oiiesi'rtuet msiliiohh. r-i-w t; tliii' dvediind iweiuy aertf ot'tainl In lhp wet end i ne iwiei wnereoii p.iim nuaril iwnied pi ltt lo lier invnaitueMe ruwruuow reniovu. W.K.DANIKL, TOM W HAW KINS, CommiMloiwr;, p&i IMrfPi r'ntiflu (V.lit, II .Il'ulJllnfH, WilUWl'H'M NKW A lV KJETiSKM KNTS. TAX SALEa NOTICIC TO (WNERH, MOItTGA (JKKS ASl) OT1! KUS. '1 In- L ii.." in tt.n-U:ii K.tilit'1.1 imvuslilp, UnlifnJt ci-uiiiv, w iii lif Mild at iltt? f'.uri U'.ue dour Ui llMitin'v on Ni.inli ti-linmry iiUi. inn. fn- liui line If j- l;vV. II lap'f it iv jinul in-Unr in f imir, riisMi hi' utilv '.(I ts ud'fili illtil In tii' li cit-o ft Umts iiiul I'.'irtu ttir i i n lutH. I.ifte'l liy. Aei.'s. I,u'iitfon. Tiik, Al.O.ronk, l.ewln J.'.fi Bi'eeli Swrunp, U - All-li. I.neien I Nenr Kutleld. it I Aliple liite. Hrlivy Huine'-lejid, M A 1 p ulsion, rum K. Hock v Huinp. 7 11 AlnJ, .hi in- 1 18 MoliiiU'tld, '41 Ifci'-n, StpIoiuoTi l' 8 Itnriil l oiil. 1 ui li4M.ii , Jmne. W. I.rii If... Kv Sum ton, 4 Itii'dli v, ,1 M 'i, Muriel -niinifp, i Itfiliicli. .Inf S. 7 II 'h.e-l. iui. I'l I'i hrott ton. T. H. 1st K-eky s!im., l9 liriin, H It h) Ur, f. in h ai'l iiitnult A I" A To llijfl (tn I ,nk . II. i Hnni. tl, ki'ld.ek I in Kidl.dd. 3.74 HiHitlcv.C. 111 lUri-'itni'-t, P Hmthl', X. P.'l 't MiuKS " i'um.s.W.O. 7 Deep reek. uiiinoti, VV tf. i'i Jiieki't swHiup, V.'ia Dnrlisle, Jn-i. W, lnO Jtm kv Swiiuip. t Id h. uiiel. W. W. fwt, If'tO Jiuket " ft liiiuiel.ii.ll. Mil ' " 1.MI tii-lnule, Kdwiird tiiii IIoniPHtertd, 7.H7 p.'ii.J.r. I H.PTiietileud, 8 01 Jointi.Br. hm llcreJi hMHiup, 1(7.72 Kure, sinrkey Sl- llmin.til, ,f. :I i-'mieetU, S 'K. 4o Little .wniii, Iti.n-t i. liistfi.rt. J 1 111 in y, I'M! ltonte(dend, V Hldin. Hilly. I " ' llaiiimill, I enii, fr? Burnt rout, 1 Hi liepiitpMHll. M C. 1 In hull. Id. ii Tl M..rne..l ,h Hon- lev plaec, 7. U It'iwi-rtoii. hiiiir I in Knlield. ) iluliu. P.itM V lit Kuroi eimp, ,;n llowuid. W It. IIH ili erli Mftiutip, 8 V K inn, Xtniey 1ml " 4 1 n Kin. Penny 4.M " " "t l.'iwr, I'.lnin t NVur Knlield 8 &i l.iuii', Pen 4n pi-nver liiini. "t l.p'w in, 1 1 I'. Amileuhl' h-iii't, HM l.' Kuel!. H M, 4 AlNl.rook iiiu l, i Al Mi luniel,.let-M' Km Hi HVer J'ain, i X Me,inipni'. Henry Jo'.. ll'Piinnteiid, DO Morn-.te-urn.-, t 'S Iteuver iMin . 1 0 NeUHHin, .Iuiik-4 in K.ieky innp, .71 N-.rileei .lpuiii-i I 'a; Mnr-h " W.m t II nr;i , J K Ht. t H.. efli-nrl lu:;.". Purr, Uil 1:1111 1 in Knlield I (I IVItut.p t ft 3 Hut-eli Mvamp hK J'l ii.ier NeN'.n 'i Jinlj;'' lioui .Lit P'ipf fl I. Hutu. iMa ' Mrs. M F. I' . uer Kn.ld .M " .1. -lin II. tfp oi,l pope truet, 1.6'i ' MiU'ellntt i'T Peep Cick $:.' Pnllen. I c. Mi Unriu-r l.ool 'A Priee, -Silly ll.iineMetld Mil Powell .1. I'. Ml Neitr Knlield l,Wt ItV'll, MllIill'Lt Mil il01IMllld i a llvHii. .1 T. t-.'i M'lirlv Irnet .'J Kidd. Mi-h. Mi lloine-l'-ud. 7 til Kiiviiue. .eo A. 4 II .luekel M limp h Krt sii. Hii, Widi. r fs :; ui r, Miiry (J i i tl.iiiieteiid w'hiii,., iuo y -ti Heifh swiuup i';J 'I'.-Vl.-I. S;llll ..I I'.PlllHl- triu t W I i l.-i. un: mi I,MU.' -ttitiup 1 ifl I im-;.t, .1- Ihi I'. I I) 11 M 1 ' .4 1 I'ii'i .' H li H'.rVy SWiiDTU 1 tfl Wiii ;ii,i 1 i' t i' lu 1 t'' 1 h. mer I in i'i 4 :i I. Mi Hi r.-e pen Pnuiell '.i'i , lutiik. r. .lei i y :i P. vu 'l Im.d :' 1 1 " W . rn Nem KnlU'ld i-.t I " ltiiiiiii 1 " " ,;.n " J 11 1 10 Heiieli Hw'iitnp ,'t.Mt " 'i'lionuiM .1 fium iSh w hi i 1, ,V Villey,M T. Y-U MhMi SwHinp 4.10 K.J. UAYlN.hherltr, by it. Boiid I). S. .laiiiiiiry 0 i weeks. NOTICE. SAMC Ol- LAND FOll TAXKS. Till f 'lli'ivitii: limrls in nrinklryvlll ami Kau rclt.s l,,vvnstiiM. lliililnx i-.eiiily. n ill lit,il,l hi ll, r.iiirt llt'iisv ili,.,r in ii.iin ,,f ll.ilil.i., .,n .Muwlnv 111-r.ili di.y ul' lYI.niitry, lv-H, to i.nify tuxes f,'r -T Il tiixi-. un- mill liclup' ilny ut hnlt thu cosls will li'Mi-ily .uei'iii. iiililiiluniil iii cuch cabi-l leMi-4 liy ll'lilllill. lux, A listed, Martha 23 AniiiKlon. W 11 1 IU fi T II) .1 If llll ApiN-rwn K W -Hm Alien, .MV W llniiu li. .1 W 11(1 Itl'iiwlllllSi.JilliilllH) ll.iU-hi-lor, lialiu 111 IIIH'liriilKer. .37 liaiisiiiu's " 4,73 " 2.28 Burnt coat Mar.ih swamp 3.6H 1. -M M 240 1.4(1 .31) 2. H1 .22 lli-aver ilam llonip tra-t llnrnt coat Jack Horse Willie tract Meadows IliiKliu, C H lirvaut M !' :' Manly lillli-Si, T 1. I'lii'i-k, I' ,1 Ilaiiiel. li If 30 Hi 30 l,!iHI aim 4113 H'.t 1'ishinn creek 2H.80 inanity H.lll Wildcat 84(1 Threewitts tract .Ull Hume tract .76 Meadow.i .31 Home trai-t, 5.3:1 Marsh swamp 1.41P Allen tract 1:411 Ilmlson " 4.1!) HiMHit liobert- 0.51 near J T Iiawson Ilisliup Place 3 MO Meadows 18.00 lirinklcyville 1.411 Screws llranch .'Xi ,1 Ilavii, .Julin ,3 liii-k.-ns Mis J A fill KvalH. Win Si-. 17 (iri-i-ii l: I' Sr. Hawkins. W W lliiiwe. 1' l IIui1m.ii. -W II lil.y, Mrs .M W Slltl Key, f 11 l.ailiiiiii, T ,T :ih tin loo mi M f0 112 l.i'iuli, SI 'I' 1,1110 Mattliewn, Min X tl " " riin-bialrJI " "i:ii.alietll 41 Mallliilli- IVter 31) Meadows Mrs M lii M.mii-.', r ! lin Mi-llwiini'. 1-J Ncvilli', liai-lc li l'owill. W. C. 2H " Mrs V. M 7!) I'iltsll l- M MillO Uiilii'rtsoii .1 C 1J3 Kiflmnl.-iiin Asa 73 " llarilv 13 Sicily,', I! 1-' -,li(l Williams, IV SA llHI Walker, J A l: .liint-s .1 1-' 37 Sluaiin .1 flint. U7 l'ailiii. A X iikI Wi Vinson Mrs M A Mil Spiw-v, " S A 113 Shi-ui'iii. " K A 1-I7J llnrnt coat Meadows Sycamore Hear swnmp Home tract 2.70 1.4 3. US .22 .HO 5.24 1.04 Fisliilttf creek 7-U2 linistoe 2.25 falling creek 3.(10 Hack skip. .,27 (Jnutikiti 3.11 Kaitsniils bridge 1 SO Home tract l.DH Hear swamp 1.02 Meadows 2.47 l'oies lirancli 5.54 Mountain tract ,1.18 Tlinewilts " .03 Vi lot taxi of 'S3 1457 J. LEWIS, sherirT, W. ii. Harvey, U. S. Ii jan 12-1 w. I. L I. B. We liave jn-l reliirnnl In Weliluii, X.C., id lii.w oi-i ii.j' the stele h.-tweeu EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER'S. We arc roociviii aud opeuing a full line uf STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. We will keep on hand a selected ftock of lirocerii-s, I-'ruils, Conl'ectioneiien, Cigars, Toliaeco, Snuff, Wooden and Willow Ware, rrnckery. (Hass, Tin Ware, &o , Jtc. Wc will h'H at the LOWEST PRICES GrocericsIGroceries! We also return our cinccro thanks to m-iny frj.-nl fin-I nfiaaintsnccs fct their kind, liberal palronaa in the past and nilicit a continuance or the same, wilh guarantee (o please. Very Respectfully, J. I.. JUDKlNS &CO., Weldon, N. C. jan fifth tf. QMEcl?.5.y,'rAI- RECEMERATOR " NfRVt TONIli rem.ivea all coiiseiiiiencM of f.'ill aiiil hiwi; nnm th. .iinrRy, couriMn anrt vlaor I, HI".'1' ' "",'''' n'lii'l "nil bod,: N.noaa Uehllity. Si.inul Kihauatlnn. IriMit Manhood, .hi. A rw.ilul nervu. iiiviKrBir and rwlorliv. Fartlo. slan (.. UiH KB HUM. CO.. Boi lilt. Hulalo, N. f. I" litl 1.11 . PARKER'S Hair balsam (loanM ami bnuitiaaf tha hall Nwr Fails to Naatoro Or, J iOw-(.aGiUliillMAM,aanii half AUUnn PARKER'S CINCCRTONIO bmaualtlo for Couslu, Ookla, lawara Paita. Uhsvatlott, JamiHry .1 ly uf of tlfll MONTH can bPlimiln PlUlf w lOOr Kurkln ur ii. Ayenia prerern-J who enti ruriiiiili tlirlr ovvh horm and gire intir v rune v nie m xnt Inuliiwia. ojNire iua nieuu uay U- utvtltablf cwplnyed also. A tt.w VAC.iirlca In ti.K n anil riili-i. B F. JOIlKeON St -CO., 1013 NaluU, EidiBiiiid.Ya. . em 1 I . -

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