A -if 7ry I 8M gS WgMM v. HjlLI-i & SLEDGE, I'Kopkiktuus. VOL. XVIII. A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEO PL E. WEEDON, N. C THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1G, 18S8. TEZRUVTS-S- 00 ''i;R ANXCM IN ADVANCK. NO 451. Vlllf4 fia Iff fr II If NKW ADVKUTISDIKNTS rA I LN I C.AGAMBRIIL Mfg Co. Premie THE PA lerica PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLTSI-IED-1774. "inn 111 iii.' ',.s y . . : itvM in.' vi' II.1 I M I.' I 1 1 I 'I' , 1 1 1 1 1. 1 . . .' ' Tin- vuhiit .if n,unt (h I 111 1 lw.n i u.ni ,u,r,iP,i 1 11 r, till r, . 11 IT MAKI'.S. Our I' TI-'T !!i 11 I, Kit KI.O:itSar..oun'il:rt.ir.'. IV-n 1I1 ' 1 1 1 1 I". I' W I IK AT obtainable. M. liinoro stands priw-miiwiit in llii country a- a 111 ok"! r.rrMn win :( which , great HilviihlnL'i' in I In' n-li etinn of I In I ! I I ' Til AT IS I i (!( I W S Th" SI' PIT II III COMBINATION' OI'lil.lTKN ASH I'lll ISI'II ATKS 1 1, .1- n 1 1. .1 . i , . ! , ,,al,l,', . i plieo nn III" ni.iikoi, I'l.Mir I'NKliI' M.I.KIi I'Uli ITS IM'lilTY AMI M'TIII- TIOl'S PHOPKIITIKS, Tin- l.i.r i,V";:tii.,.l 1 lv j thi- ,.',.' , 'in Pump.: as will. whole tin- PATAPSl'O SI ' I'I'.I! I, ATI V V. " COMM Ni's iT I'KIM.Y MOIIK MoNKY than any oil,, r A m.-ri-)i Hour. Ak jour .poccr IW I'atapsoo Silporl alive I'alonl, lt,-.ilWd Family, l'atapscn Family Paiont. North ',,itn I'.unilv, ( ii-aiicc (j rove Kxlra, l'at.ipscn F.xtra. I iV.-ipcalc hV.ra. ISal.iwin Family. C. A. tiAMllKII.I, MAMT.U'fl KINIi COMPANY, -II Cniniiiirec St., n.illininrc, Md. an'.' 12 1v. pine's A NERVE TONIC. ound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. Celery ami Cora, tin' prominent in-crcdit-ntt. arc the U.-t and si.l'cht Vrw Tunica. It i-treti Athens and IjillvtS Die IHTVIHL1 hVKU-m, nirmtr StTM'w Weak, tie,, Itjsti-rU, SltTji- AN ALTERATIVE. ItdrJveiottt the poisonous htiiiiorinf the I.Iuk! imnfyliiii ami en rich I n,; it, and m. oviTc.ii.hiik tlioHC diwusea ttiiltnitt from impure or imHcr- A LAXATIVE. Ai'llti;'liit!invtnitft!ri-ly on tlic bowel lt'UIV ll.d'lt'inl l'i.ll!i.UtMll. H!ld rri.nti -nr-ii'iliir lial-it ItMn iiKili fiii llif M. mint h, un.i ui-ls littiofi. M UtUHtTW. In Iwctutipofition thf l't ainl in t imhctlinr. i;rs.ifth.' Mnicna Mtilii'n nr.-C'iTiitiiin o!i, utiil alywittiHth.T t'tlW live u liii 'lti's fi.r itiM'fiMiodlm knin. s It un Ik rclivl on to tivu ui. -k rt lit f uihI ft?i-iy i-tiro. nniK ili-iif tntimtnul,litbwurH;'ii!(t fnitii H-riut li'i havn ti-wxl tbin rwuMlf ivmarial Ip Iwuolil, NtuitfoivirkUlAn.giTui full itrtitnUri. frte It 00 Sold by DriUU. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop BURLLNOTON. VT, A LMJACV. It V ) II X (i. tt II I t r 1 K ft.. Krlnul ofniy rimny ycurs ! Wliru lln'utvtl' sifllfi lulls, ill lust, oil mi', I.' t im- not Inivt- to i:tln aiul Mui.lni tln-n A 1111 ihory (il i,-,iM, llllt Iilfilrtlllll tlliill'lllMlloMi1 "I on.' wlo. wits thy rri"inl.-lili hi.11. ,1,1,1 fiiwti Aiitlilrank the uliir J in'jl ii i iti lOfnenl l'"roin Mrrntt of hy f 11, I Ji-ivr i ill, Mid- a m-iii t'l'liau.l, iiilii'hl iih'l i:ai ivji.I. I.-sn -'I'lif miM-ilili o) Uu U Ih to lu-lj, ruling 1H ort 11 xivnl h '.nitn'iic. Tin kni.'.i ! iLv ilmi It no Hiini', A- I'l'i'iu lti i;:irrii."iN..,in. Mn-tiT, 'lulu ('.ilium-.-., timl miv i;!li. lit,.- Miliir which miikr Mill !.';.:ft ii;ih.liitil siu. Tlmi 1 l.ivi- Vt-ti, 1 ,'O.Milirh l'., I to (ill IllO I) With it- i:: ' ll-'ll :(cr ml illt; f i r I'ft I ulliTiiiicf cn! tit tin -iii-rf CARRYING A LUCKY PIECE. ABOUT LOVERS. Wry .-li irt i iiajj uirl a cliaiirii tn liml v.iiiii'j man In ! ". . 1-. rni'iit.-! tin nut 'ivi' 1 out nnn-h alKiut 1 inal-iai;i'. XitWailay llialrinii'iiy i.l'li n r.'li..v mi i-Kim' unn 1 1 lii'i-U ..I -an i lii r." ihal i U no w.iiiJit our Vi'lliu; i.'i..,' h A.' a Jcul i I'.ail lliink in' In .I i al'li l Hani Tlii'l" an: a tlioll- TJ IE PLAUli rro (J ET AT T1IK LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLIOHTKR'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. AV E L D O N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. irlWlimWI UKI'AllTMKNT PIl.t.KO TIU TUB BKKT SW.WTKII MATERIAL- PRESCKIPTIONS C()M)'OlNni:i AT A I.I. llliUKS WITH CHI'.AT CAKE. l'EKFUMERY, STATIOSKKY, I'AM'Y SOAI'S, I'.ia silKS, KANl'Y AIJTICI.ES, TOBACCO AND CIO AIM. RKMKMBKR lhtthcrtT wolwmn'lwV awalnyuu .t ZOLLI COFFER'S. .viii'l lillif thin.: in .lailv inliTi oiii'.-c of any iliiralimi ulii-h an- ..ti.-t uitly soKinp ih. in. Im.- mi i ii'.is ol' i liaraiili'r: sli.J.I lin y nnn In', Inn v. rv Miiilk'ant. Sunn' tin 1. in ii!J la.ly inu.-t havo an esnut lioin.' r a .'"ill . M iiinir: si..' walks -low, and tvll i Ik siiiit- H .iy man) t im i ; xi'i- linw jour l.'V. l-i-. iii.iii'ls liiins.'H' liml. l ll.iy. Hi: U a-k. .1 1., ivi 1 ,ili. mi l i iln' ln,ini. l iivlr -onii' In ik wliirli In'li.i.- aln :nly ieiu-cil in j'liai '. or suini' mi.-in wlii' li In: is mil il all iiilrn.-inl: w.itih Imii lin n. .N'otiw al.-i.. if In- invaiialily takis lliu nnul oun li itaMi' cliair in tin' loom, ' ni'ViT think in;.' ' to I'H'iT it tu a ..--.-. .it w ho may rut. r liil In- .I .-In: ii alr.'.i.lv -I'at.-.l. Invile liim to i-aivv fur you at t lie tabli:. ir Iii in u Irtt.r to ih"i ill tin- mst olii.-i', ami 111: I i.llt if i! I'VT IraV.'S llial "rave l.i- I'.'rkii. 0 ' ii ami n ail liU favoiiti: iii".v p;i'rr In S'olt' hi! 'rts 11 I'll.llltX' to iln so. Mi-lay liU ci;uir vast-, ''l. isc his i:ano. Sit an-i.hiilly on liis Ii.'W hi .iyu. l'rui.-c an otln r ui.ni's.'iavai. llilii r with him in a faynriU' u.iiiii'ii. l'ut a siuijiiI'u1 of gravy on his ni'al in-leai of his intato. .Vh, you may layli 1 lint jn-t My him in I In m' ways, ami nr Imw In: will winrj for it ij not I lie r.'itt things of this lifo over whi"li wi: mortals Muuihlt:. A rutk we walk anmnil; a mounuiin wo i ross; it is tilt: llllollSl'l'VOll, UIK'Xll!tt(jJ. uiilookiil fur lilllo sti.'ksaml pchlilos wlii.'h cause us to halt on life's jounioy. IIIIW THE CISTOM IS 51 A I NT A I N Kli ItY AI.I. CI.AKSKS. Two la.lios mot mi Woiiilwanl iivi'iiuo. As lin y slnii. "I tu fn'ak inn: of lln lll .lroiii il hi i- iurkilhiii'k ami lli.' iinm.'y in it rolli 'I out on tin: si.lcwalk. "Too ha.l,'' said iho olhor, as sho ussis- l.'.l lll'l' ll'il ll'l III IVstnlV til.' I'llllll ills. "It's mii'Ii li.nl liU'k to ilioi ni;itn'y unli'ss it ho loin.'s to Minn: oil" I'lst'," '1 il'.ii't luin.l,'' answi'i'i'il the mvniT of ihi: iiuiki'tliook. "hi'i'imsi', you soi', I carry a lurky iii'fi:," Thi-hahit of carryiiiji a .'nvo of monoy for In. k Ii is lii'i'i.tni' S'liiii'thiiin iiiot'i: than a s'.in'rslili'iii. sin.'o it is a U'ai:ti.'i: ooin llloll anions all ohl-scs. T woiihln't take illlf..r that .lixpi'iisi'," saiil it slid. I bu-ini is man n ci ntly. 'T foiiml it in my inotln-t's nin' when she. died and I have always k.-jt it as a sou venir.'' He di.l ii'iUay that it limiipht him luek or that he had any superstition connected with it, hut he unconsciously valued it as a charm. There is a piece of hniie that is taken from a li-ll, called a sheep's head, wltieh shows plainly the imprint of the letter"!..'' Theatrical people value this very highly as a lucky piece. It i- iuipo-sililt' tu find a pocki tli"..k that 'hies not have siiine trilling ciianti in it tu hriu; lie-k to its nwmT. It may he a c .in, a stun ', a i hi.-k n's wi-hli ui'', a tir-t tuoih or a smooth sixpeuse. hut it i exp-'eted to acenmplMi some or all of these mis-ions: Keep off disea-e; avert the evil eye; prulect the person carrying it from hoilily harm; hiiiiL' jiriisperity in hus iness, love, courtship and iiiarriap". thwart the evil designs of enemies, insure a safe journey and perform many other apparent miracles. TEA TABLE TALK. Ni:vsii'i:u TKIAl.S. DAUCHTERS Or" EVE. SYMPATHY. F0RR.EN. STAINHACK&CO. Oct 14 tr 1, 1A I I 1 It J 11 LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. oI)EAEER in; DIIY OOOP3, BOOTS, SlloKS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAl'S, liOMKSTtl'S, 1'liINTS, STAI'I.K (lOOl'S, CKOCKUIKS, Au'l Kcrythinj! that can be eallcJ for. HJEADQUAETIC RS FOR l think the hardest thitii; for human nature to hear is lack of sympathy. One can endure privation, poverty, disappoint uietit. ttial. in aluiost any form, if ih.Te i only one loyal human In in;.; tu w hom we can Uirn our tearful even, and say: Imi'i Ihi-hard ? Nor need there he a verbal reply : The s irhti t hand pressure: a ipiiek responsive iia.i.-lciiiu of the eye; an arm slid around the wai-t; an ci Imiii'' siitli: a touch of the s tn the throbhiiii; forehead. lYhat heaven i- in tli.se mule tokens! How they briilun over iheyanuin jiulf of des- llow fair, wlun the (euipest lulls, do they span it with hope's i andowl True, the clouds may reliiin the chill mist the daikne.-.-; but the blight, warm tints have hei n th.te! More than an- lie aie these soul responses. Kternily shall ,-huw il. wh. nlle y over whom the hadows of (:reat trouble fill, till wruiiL' almost sei'tued liht, shall, with these their carth-aviours, nercncly untangle the life web, every fihre of which is spun by the hand of Infinite Love. A kind word! Iloti'l i;rade it. lion 1 say, 'It is a sad ity, tint tlieu It is no concern of mine.' A kind look even. Poii't withhold it. I r. 'member once, when in LTeat trouble, 1 was walking the rowilcl thoroughfare on nunc errand, in that state of litter hopelessm ss which must have told its stul v ell my face, suddcllh encoiintetini: a look IV.. in a manner so lull of couipas-i onale teiidi iness that I who had thought ii'er aain to shed a tear, so stony s etin d my ryes, felt them iiveillowiu.'. I Hi. ti.e in he ami coinage lli.il look navu in.' ! Some day 1 shall know more about it - not here. Th. re aie those Inavi n-ordaiued oin -who .-hid thin li'thtioss an they lide past us; and there arc others so llioty. yet so poli.-li. il wiih .l, that we clasp our hands lightly liver our heart to still its cries, whisperini:, llu-li 1 ii 't there--any where but there! And as they piss us a chill, like that from a newly opened tomb creeps slowly over us, and the last flower of hope droops to the earth beneath it. 1 suppose siicb people have their plaie in the world; but they alway-seem to he like those artificial plants suspend, d in he. put from drawing room windows; nereuial (tilTness.'s, luo. kiie.' our pencil. incapable of ttrowlh or expan.-ioii, without moisture, without fragrance, impervious alike to dew or sunshine St only to cumulate the uriuic and dust of years. The empress uf Austria ii advi-.al to spend the winter in Iv.ypt "ii account of rheumatic troubles. Scarpia aud Justinian are tb : nam "s of Sarah Uemhardt's tivo lions, whi.li she l' ts loose occasionally. One of Sarah's ftienils always briiijs his revolver willi him when he e dls. 'I'wo New Orleans voting ladies who find it necessary to work for a living have opened it dairy and sell milk. They have a little earl, and every morning may be seen diiviii;: behind their bright tin cans and pnils. The preparation of the ttuusseau of the future cniM'ess of China is under full head way, allhoULib the wedding will not be until 18-S!). Thousands, of bauds arc now bu.-y, and it will be the urcatcsl trousseau ever made. The hats are particularly nutnerutis. A bronze ink, that looks as if it had been sanded, is one of the latest things on paper. The admiral's hai did not have u lonj: run b"caiise it made the averaoe woman look like n pry. Prayer books bound in colors to corres spoiid with the eeelesiastieal seasons tire exhibited. Mangles would appear to have h'comc the era..' noaiii. and lines!, silver threads the favolite. Ilookmaikers with slips of paper for eoniuieiils on what is read are a new I'm ton wrinkle. Kur top shoes are seen on the feet these days ol sonic of the extravagant women of Vanity fair. Solid silver paper knives in the form of a Damascus sword have crept iu am. nj; wedding presents. The old water treatment for a beauti ful complexion is said to be "ailiing more converts every day. Not many women have the courage to have their "pieturu taken" iu tobo'jrati dress by r. r.l photographers. Already tlmi- who are popularly sup p.is, .1 to kn ov ev. rythini; are saying inure p 'nple will l'o to Kiirope next sumim r lltati i Vol' before. lleptlted swells "ju.-t I'lolll till! olhel side,'' have inlrodiiced a liib bat wholly different froui ilie stovi pip.' now the f.i-h-ion iu America. Parisian damli have tired uf the jjuM knobbed canes, crutch canes and canes with dueks' leaks that have been the ras and are carrying a thick stick with the claw of a crawfish for a handle. The women of Paris have adopted for tic winter sea-oil a wale iu their walk. The art of wa'"jlin;j oraccfully iu fur- is beill tatl;'llt at the best dalleitl schools. The correet waL'ule is described as a short step and an undulatinc; sweep of the hips. It is said to be tinuh more oraceful iltan the maiiish stride that prevailed during the summer. 1IKV. T. IiK WIIT TAI.MAIIK. NKW ADVKItTISKMKNTS' ( Ine of the (;ival tlials of ihe rii' n -p:i) " I profession is I bat ils no'ilib. r are colli ..'ll. it lo si"' more of the .'ham "f ibc woil. I than any other prof'i ion, 'flnoiih every newsji.'iper olliee. day ;i!'l c day. y." all the wrakiies-e- of ilie world all I In Vallilies that wal.l to Ii" pnll'.il, all I lie revetiees that want to be reaped, all the iiiistuk.'S that want to be corrected, all the dull speaki rs that want lo be tholiobt oin iiU'iit. all lie ineaniiess ibat wairs Iu '"! ils wares noticed "rati in tl lilorial c.l- iiniit iu ord. r tus ive the tax of the adi'er tisine. eoluuiii; all the men who want to be set ribt who were never rieht; all the crai ked brain, d philosopher with stoiies as li.n as ib' ii hair and a- cl..tuy a- their linc;er nails in niouiiin:: I ceaiise hen ft if soap all the b.r.s who c.-uie lo -lav live minutes, but talk five hours Tlir..ueh ibe editorial and repirt'-riai rooms nil ihc foliies and shams of the world are seen, day af'er day. alidlhe lelnptati 'li i- lobe reve in itln-r in tied, man lo r w ni;:ii h is no .ui lis t., lie' lie. I in ilos ii'.li si' ii there ine s .me sk. pli.al lie n; I . tily noti-d.-r that tl :w-j.:ip'l- no n 1 e'i -ve anvlhiu. ADVKKTISK.MKN'IS. POMONA HILL NUK SERIES, POMONA, N. C, EL" lli'nic in tier I hi-, ll' vou nr' Mok Siiuiiiitto Ijv.r liiu,,: ttir will Mir Iy iiiitr.ri' in msikiiit: ven well. Ifyoiiaro ctistiv.1 or (lvit)tiy i r iirvsullvriip t rm miy ittlu-r ol' the innnfi nusdirifuf.'.sof'tlh' l.ivcr. Stoni.teh nr I'owi!, it in ymr mvn I'.mlt it u r in:iin ill. J r Siuntjuijs Liver K'l:iiLi( tn is a novi-ri-i-n reii: y in nil siieli t-Miipliilitis. Take utily (lie 0,'nuiiu', uliieli iilway.1 Ii:!.-1 n the wiMpjior tin ml ', TKnli'-iiuik aiil ijiiia ture ill" J. II. Zeilin uixl Co. .11 Utltl ; l n:i( (). AN I M'OIMI N VI I, l- AKXI.lt. "I s'H'.si! y.ui fuller. iiiu't no i:im v j'nU Wan' me tu iii an' lie.it llir init i' suiiii! niMih'y ? ' Sii'hl a hakulu I'Lirnier near wlu)!S0 liiiiise we eauiprd uin: nilil. "Nu," I. ivplie.1. ''I tulil (lie i.il wuman Vnu d'uln't leek U'l tilutili t,i In.- in llial Myle ii' rejilietl ihe (ili.M:rviiiLr aL'i'ii'iiliu- Sli: In Mexieo ovmlnnly ninrriu!, wln tlier y'.puii' or oM. rich nr jioor, handsome or uly; whother their nuirrinu'i' iniriiun eun sists nl' ir,rOi.l fuiciw ( linues ur nther ri-al estat. ). re;uly taleas a Ula.L'si is Sl.tMHI), PURELY VEGETABLE. It ar with xtriordiniry effioicy on lh IVER, liDMFYS. and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FCfl Malaria, llowfl (oinplulntH, i)yHt'tln. Hlilt llt-iulat lip, CotiHtiintlon, IJllloUHitedit, KltJnt-y Arrrtioii(i Jaundice, Mviitul Uf predion, Colic. o Honsehold Should btWItbont It, ami, liyhelnir kept rcudy for linm-'d laic use, will hiLVf iiuuiy hii hour ol tMiltvrinif iiiid liiiniy u (ioMur In tune find lH'U)rn' bills, THERE 13 BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR 8 that you g.t th, gsnuln, with r,d "2" on, front of Wrapper. Propartd only by J.H.ZEILIN 4, CO., Solt Proprietor,, Philidglphii, ft. l ltitt, 1.0V. J e S I v. !a.;;:;:;;.;;r,. :.. ' etx't- i ..ii. j. m I- 'i ii'. I m:-n : . v.. fn til,- I' .;.:, '!'' . Vn ' ' intti' i i' i 111 i'. .!."! r-il . . 'O n,r,' - ... III. '. ". "'il' "3 r i . . '- 10 I'wo and a half miles west of (ircenshoro, N. ('. The liii'.ia due of tile K. & II. It. II. passes iI.I.iIIlIi ilie ;.:"U!els and Will, III I oil fia t of the olliee. S.aleui Irains iiniko ii pillar stops twice daily each way. TIiomi inicrislcd in Pruit and 1'ruit prowino are cordially invite. I to in-pect this thclarprt '.ursciy iu the Slate uud one atiioiif; the lare.'.-t iu the Soiiili, I lie pt'oj i ieiof has for many years vis it. il the liadin Niiis. ri. s North aud Wert and eoit'e.-j'iiiifl. d with those of foreign eoiin:rie.-. fr ith, riti" every Ituil that was cal. ill. .led to suit the South, both native :iii'l !"!' o'li 'flic reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that many agents iluin;.' out from (iivcii-buro, represent ino .illiL r iiiir-i ries, try to leave the impression that they are rcpn scniinj; th.se nur-eiies. Why do they do it'.' hot the public an swer. I have iu stock rowin'-r (and can show lisiiors the saine) the largest and best stock of ir i s. Aie.. ever shown or seeu in any two nur-eiies in .V.rtii t'ar.'lina. con-i-iiiej o! ; I'ple. peach, pear. eluiry.!um, .:rije. .lajainse ''r-iuin.in, Jajaucro pin hi. api '.' u-, ii.'ctaiin.'. iiii-st'.n arcoi, n.ii.l.ein . 'p.i:i'-' s. Small fruits : .Straw I'. rry. i. i rv. i hit nits, p.'eans, llnjli-h wainiit-. liiuliarl.'. asparagus, cerreeiis, shad.' lie. -, m.-.-. e. tiive yur ..nf r to my aulhuriz-'d aont or onl' i direct from the iiuisery. Cur-rc.-pondence s..lifitcd. J)cscriptive cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. UNliLKV, Pomona, Guilford county, N. C. may Ti ly. !. 1 Ure mil itmur- s.i r.'-'t ..'. vrj. I i..o.lul. nn' ie.il '..:. In, :.i o ','' Tbi Sarah liiriihardl proposes lo be the Lreatei-t uuitlicr iu-law on record. "I shall put into the part all my heart, all my ait,'' says she. H. r picscuts to the d iuhtcr-in-Iaw bewail with a diamond necklace for 1.0,111111 I mm a uud ran all the way .lowu tu a fur boa. Jenny l.ind win rather sensiiive ou the subject of her rivals. She attend, d, on one occasion, a garden party jriveii hy Lady liurdclt (.'oii'ts. In the course of conver sation a eiilleiuao, speaking of Clirislinc Nilsson, called her the 'Swedish Nightin gale." lu-taully there sprung up from a seat close by an aged, thin woman, who poiuted her linger at the speaker and ex claimed, in a voice quivering with rage, "You are wrong, sir, grossly wrong; I am the 'Swedish Nightingale.' ram Jenny Liml!" WHAT HE DISCOVERED. AND HARDWARE OF ALL KI MDS. The puLHo it respectfully iuvitod to ciU. oct 6 1; V. H. BliOWN, Weldun, N. C. A haiiilsoniely urcs.-cil young woman entered a crowded street car. A long whi-kcieil old fellow, wealing a dingy slouch hat aud a unit of homespun clothes, got ii and said ; "Miss, lake luy scat. 1 duti't look us Well as these hero gentlemen" nodding at several men -"but I've di.-kivercd that I ve got more politeness. The youn woman .-at down without evi ii thanking the "1.1 tellow. ami slyly winking at it woman whom she knew, whispered : "How do y.ui like my gad.inl country hoo.-iei r I I..U l you think In: would t ill ijiiiie a ti .Mire iu a dime museum ?" "Mi-.-," slid the old follow Willi I Mil that eh ally b "to hi- ignorance of the unladylike ridicule, "1 In licvu 1 left my oockel liook t liar on the scat. Will you please ee l up a niinit '!" The young woman go! up The old fe'l iw sat dow n. and stroking his whiskers. remarked : "li leve I'll keep on setting here, Miss. I stood up -o much at the oiuie museum ju.-t te w that I'm sorter tired. I've gut a liitle more politeness than these gentlemen hut I've diskivcrcd that I ain't gut so much st u-e.' hardly hiis'iu rut. Have you heeii trouMeil muck hy thdsc kind of t-harjt'Ts ?" I ikel. 'Well, I 'lu-ar to he tlnin' niv sli.nv u' jrtjriiit' ihem. TliuriiV a elmrii nv r in the eoinit thai co-t ine j?.lt lin y jmt lue to urdei ;nlo.t ii uf Yin u tu n I tlieiiLiht 1 was sejnin' a 'ivemeiu tu telUlit-1 iii i::h- hotswhat a ji.h.J thnrti they was. I zt ilSHlll h;iy lake (ait tuthe ham en the :mw hui. Then I had t- jay f"i' i i lit lilitnin1 rods on my liuti1, wlun I thought I only Hnrd lor ne. 'Noiher man et dtmier Inn'avi ine a quart r ft r uu' 1 Mailed a l-i'eit that tinned eiit toln? a eheek Cur 8'l(t in my hank am -nut Nutlier nod hi'ikin le!ler said lie w.is eol- leL-liti' uiitei'rajihs n' r.iiMit nt men. and I shoved mine onlo a blank Tjiwe u qu r. wliieli ho went an' tilh d out as a hill u 8ale lur my hest hss. and ted ihe tuth-r off." 'Tlieli 1 made a thiv' linxjt i-v'tn-r tliat 1 th.tii"ht up all iiivm-II' im. niulit, an' 'huut a immlli alter had to pvu a felh r $1G Vausu he .aid he ut a iiateiil on it 1 ten year a;ji. I jM a (nve well in tin haek y ird that I h ive been iainur -.'i on "htut twiee a year, Tittle are im, or of only last phrase, whkh is another juMverhial fuyiii, U a iu.z!in;,r one lo trati.-late. "Four les in the air,'1 i- the literal render ing ul il. I supi )e il mean.-! ilu wlm hriiii; tu eaeh olhur in wedlock no low, r save their perMins, wliieli, nidred. i. the in (t UMia! uiie iu this eoimtry. Tlie reekle.-s Mexiciins, like to. t many of the people llnl'lll nl the o I ', ramie, rii-h intu inatriiiioiiy without ihe i-hif.t. eare lor (he future or the heur they may hrine into the world. If any colter friend, sm a ohst rvul ih;' way.-' ol' life, should .u iTi si. to an ardeni y'UiiLr e tuple how ii"ees Hiry Koine little prop.Tiy is tt keep the devil nut of the houo, the rnihin:tli , loveis) will only Iaiiv.h and answer : " !! its nii!ji-itiiii." il.id will help u . whii-h simply moans, iu nther winU : '-We ;,re hoth ymniL: and hrimt'ul of pasM-'ii. we like eaeh ether exceedingly and we wiJ tlu our will, (time what may." In sm h eat the Deity is seldom thought of. what i:s Aiti; nut. OfflS 1 CO., No II SVCA.MOUM STltKKT, I'll I i:HSI!l l(i, VA. Pi .Is. Ib.ld Medal and Ib'tu Patent ii". Ilixie I'ateiil and Harvest s WELDOX, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKGKTARLKS, higroits, CKIAKS, SMOKING AND CHKWINO T015ACC0. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices (iroccries of all kinds, Wines, IiiiUors. Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, &c, aud will also keep on band a full supply of fresh Vegetable of every variety, which will be sold cheap. that !e notes at the hank for me tu pay now 1 si'rned when I slapped my uaiue oni suiiic rocermen lati uis ..I a uiowiii uiacbi:i an' wbi h the f. Il. r cut iu two an I 111:11 notes of. Then yesterday number cuss come long with a peitilioii to the begis latur' ag'n high taxes, and 1 sucked my name onto it, an' 11 iw l 111 waitin' to see whether it'll liirn out a uiorleage on the farm or only u common ii".e I'm mighty glad you fellers ain't got n s. heme, eau-e I'd he sine to go in t . it. It is not to sweep the h"iise and make the beds, and darn the sock- and cook the meat, chiefly that a man wauls a wife. If tbi-is all he wants, hin d s. r ants call d that cheaper than a wife. If tbi- is all. when a young mail calls to see a young lady, si ml him into the painry to la.-te the bread and cakes that she has made, or seiid him to see the iicijlcui.rk and bed lnakino, or put a broom iu Iter hands and si ml liim tu witness its us... Such thiu- aiv iuip.-rtant. and tb: wi-c y..ung loan wi'l .piiekly I n k alter them. Hut what the true man most wants of a wile is lu r c"Ili.aui"ll-hii. .-vniiaihv alnll'e. The I wav o!" life ba-m my dr. ..rv p'.a es iu i:. I and 111 111 uci'i-a c 'iu;.!iion vita bi n. A : man i- semciin- s overtaken with mi f. r- tune: he 111. . ts a fiiilure and .Id'ci. ttials I an I t. m; t.iti .11-be-el him. and Ic 11 i ds to sti'iei iv aii't syiu .1' 111 . 11 n.i .. ... ... 1 1. ... 1;. 1 , .. 01. 1 wilh. -Hemic.-, and wilh .-in; and he need- a woman win., a- he pin-an arm around ii.T. fc. Is tl. al he has M.inethii)'.; lo til.t lur and w id be'p bim tu fg t. who will jut lei lips to bis ear and whisper word- of emu-el. and her baud tu bis heart and iuij art n -w iu-piraii'in. The beat ly llio cheapest Save money by purchasing the celebrated Hay Stale ami Zciglcr Druthers bIiiks bought direct Crura the manufacture!. For ante by P, N. SlAlMIACK & Co, 1()NS( 1I'1I(IN Ml III IA ( t Itl.ll. To Tn t: IlniToit- IMease inlitrm your reait. rs that I have a si-ilive lenieily for the the above name.! ilisease. Iv its timely use llntiisailils ol hopeless cases have Ihs'H ppr mauciitly cuiiit. 1 shall tie glad to sentl two iMiitle of my remedy l'nt:K to any of your remtew who have constllnptioil if they will wild ine their express and KistolVicc ud ilrcss. lirsjMH:tflilly, T. A. KlaK't'M, M. C, 181 l'eavl street. New York. jauu fl mue, 1 tn it i i:i:n misi aki.s. I'lMI.I ilcS Hint 1 0! lly 1. 1. I- II. re, lie n, me loiiitc. ii great niislakos; It ts a great mistake to er up our own standard of tight and wroiiu, and judge people aeeoiditicly; 1 1 measure the enjoy lllent of otlicl by our own; lo expect lllii f ..unity of opinion in this world; In look for judgment and ex i iince in vinilli; to endeavor to mould all di-positious alike, nut to yield to iu11ncl111i.1l trifles; to look for pcifecli.in in our own actions; to worry ourselves and others with what cannot be rem. died; not to alleviate all that needs alleviation as far as lies iu our power; not to make allowances for the infirmities of others; to consider ev, rything impossible that we cannot perform; to believe only what our unite tiuuds can grasp, to expect to be able to understand everything The greatest of mistakes is to live for lime alone when any moment may launch m into oteinity. .Ii I' l"c ive.l gi. s Very 1 h a 1 pun I. i-ino ebew Ii AM' Ci.MI'VW. . h.iu.f-ouic till . I k al lb. re. P Si 'III III" an before AINU M'l S.eiu worth of sample j . welty ju-t open ed. (-olid gold and iruld plated jewelry of all kind, at prime w holesale cost lit T. Ii. Kmuv'h We are overstocked in clothing and in order to reduce slin k have put the knikk ri'jhl into piiei s and will sell all guods iu this line at lignres that will a-toni-h you. P. N. Stainiiack X Co A triiehuiisehold Kemedv fertile cere of Malaiia and Fever and Ague. Quiuto e ). l'il'ty oents at- your druggists. lliiii I'M-. Oik. 11. .'lull b'uls. Snow lb'op and Star Family. Jim bills. Pal:ip-cu and lunl.p I'alctit. Jo boxes Pat Hacks and Hulls. I il boxes Small Haon Sides. J boxes llreaklilst Itaeoll. oil barn 1-and halves New Mackerel, i'linl legs Nails -All sizes and kinds, ".nil hues lln.p and Hu. k Shot. J.'iil kegs Orange liitle Powder. on barrels Ion, hill and 115 Kero sene I ill. llnil c.iddies lirecn and Hlaek Tea. loll crates and tubs Pure hard. J.'i barrels Pure ('id. r Vinegar. Itl b.i";- P.ppcr. Spices and (linger. ."Hi hue- Punic lii i and h.iguayra ('.'lie,'. ,"H barr. Is Helill'd Sugars. Abo P.rooiiis. Pail-, Wabboaid.-. Soda. Paper, Ac. Per Sale 1,V l'AVIS ,v CO. N... 1 1 Sycamore Street. sen :iil lv viniiRF VVIIh FITS! Whpn I Kav Cimit T do not niftflil nifilv to otop (hem lor a time, Hint thru have tlim re turn again. I mran A KAhlCAL ll'KE. 1 have made tlie disea-se of TITS, EPILEPSY op FALLING SICKNESS, AllfclonRntudv. T watiiunt my rnnwly to I'VRB thf worst f-ci. lU'cmiHi others have Ul led 1 s 110 rf anon for nol now rorrivliifi a cure. Head at mire for a treittino and a Vuv.v. Hottlb Of HIV I N K A 1 .UltLK It KM KOV , (live KlpresS mid 1'nU ortlco. It coxis you nolliiuK fur a trial, and It will cute you. Address H . G. ROOT. M. C. 1 83 Peml St., NewYoiK .T:imi.;:j' Ts 'im. mri.irrr t r ,,,is rrvoiiti(li,i?i'fi FiiN I l ll Uu- wi.ild.luriiitfilu' hthl hull r'itliiry. Nut li'M-t urn out; 1 tu- nnhi of in vt Mm- ptMu-N" 11 int'tlioilinul hju-leiiis of ork tli id 1'to 1 I", iii'il'oritii'd nil o( r lie- cmiiilry v il limit K-'(iiinitiiiu the Wni'teis I'khh their hollies, 1'nj liln'itil, imy ili,' i"n do (he work, chluM' yoiu;)i u'r ulil im sfie'eiJil iihihtv re itiir'-'i. Cut llud'oiii uud n i ui 11 to ii" mid we ill M-ml ymi free, soiiit'ihiiit; ol uri'Hl iiiii"riitin-c in you, i nai will sunt ymi nt tuisiiu".-. v hn It i'tirnr vou iu lii'tre uioin'v ritiiit iiwiy, tl'ko unythiiu; in I lie world, i.riiml ill 1 ll 1 tic. Ail.lit'fss True anil 1 u , AukusUi, Mum. 1)1111 r R.mvmM.mI are th. win. rend M I V 1 I I j 1 ni'-iU'.li!,,- BufIJL &$ES. 1 will always keep on hand a Rtoel of well made .Metallic Hurial Cases and WOOD EX COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which can ho had at any hot", .lay or night. Orders by , 1 i or telegraph will re ceive prompt u tentioii and cases shipped by first train. PATRON WOK SOLICITED. ii. a. (ttiiuku,, First Street, Weldon, N. C. Sep 15 Urn CHEAP coffee; HOME ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CENTS A POI ND. ITT IT IN POUNH PACKAGES. Kv.t'v l'ackic'i! C.inlains a Present, in Value from 5 Cults to 8:!.(M). Bit) bargains in overcoats. M. F. Habt. tlitoii Nkws! (Judti News!'- Sam pi.r.s at Wiioi.r.sAi.K Vviw. Major T. Ij. llinry ha- upen'il this Week a hi lot of sample imtnins honht ul .Mois. lelit, NVeller & l'o., NeW Yolk, eullsiMillji of il heautiful assottuiont u' kit! and jm'V ,nve. t'orfets, jerseys, Iiuods, hu, collar liitiiii poukot hook, .-hirts, half huso and snspcndeTf, also hustles and other ar tudoH of female tutltuv, Atv, &c. A htyfish lot ofst-arfs, cravum and litw, all of which cau be bought at irimc wholesnlt cost. IV. nil II. i n hmee IhwhihI -.no Im Imw mm.- .nd n doilttrx ii mmiiti. Hi. S v ill find i.'iu llnil win not l,0:n tlicin u ,t) lninilii". Tin- irni!lH im very imlui-infuis porM.ni. many imw nnikitu: S'-vt-ml hninln-d t is oiw-y f"i tiu onrt t-i luaki' lie day, w Im is w illiht.' to urk Killn-r t-ex. v-nniK or old: enpilnl li 'I m-nl.-d; to M-iri ymi. 1a en linen iifi . No spccinl nudity re lOiircd. ymi h'H'I.t, en ! it nt well tin tutv one. niv to'iisiii oiico l-ir fn 1 1 I'.irliciilios, H lili'li we iiinil Iroi'. Addn'Ns Siiu?Mit ami Co., .'urtliiiid, Me. 1 1. "I ) Sen Womtcm exist Iti tliti)Hiiiidi 1 "IjIjI of forms, hut are Mirpwed hy Ih' i!iar'lsor tiionHOii. TlittH'i wliti arc in need of prolilahli' Work that end Im- done while lit ill; al (iu ine hlmuld -il once m ix! their RiMrofts to IhilleU A Co , I'orlltmd. MtdiK',nnd roe oivw fn-e, fiill Infor in ill foil Imw either ns . of all hic'B, ('-an i-nrn from fto'i por day mid upwards wtiewver they live. You kn Ktarted free Cupilal n il n'tiuir-'d. Soiui hne miidoorvi tf tiln a biukIq da al this work, AU naum'il. TKAIiKanl'l.fKli BY SOTTliKKN CHKMltvAL CO., Charlotte, N. C. fiiTaV'Mentioti ihi- paper. H. C. SPIERS, WHOLKSALK & 11KTATL DKALEtt ;0; IS ft CON KKC'TIOX Kill KS, TOYS, AN D FUUITS. I Iihvo on Imiid and am rrculvuijr otio of the lariat BtocVs of Confoetlonorleti and toys evrr brouiiht to Hill market, and will tel. to OiomwIhIi ih to Kelt ii sain at WHOLESALE PRICES. 1 also have a trcmeudoutt uiov.k of mora tutwtan litl whhU at both of my ninrei, unrli as Family lii-i-eerlea, Crirkirywnre, titnwore, Tinware, Hardware, Wooditiid W(tKw Wi.ro,e, On hand at all timet! a large lot of itovfplpe, eltxiws and alove pans of all sine, aud ftove COOKING UTENSILS. tont forget Uio plaoo Hrick niore In th? bottom, I -vctal United Statei flags aboro the door. .

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