1 ft -0 i I -SaXjL &c SLEIDGKE, I'IioI'kiktors." A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TEPlvIS KM IKR ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1888. NO. 50. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE America PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISIIED-1774:. 'aipyjSJnvE o IcAGAMBRILLMtgCo. Tin! value of FLO Ml Ifii.-inlst iinuu ( ho KSSKNT1A1, KI.KMI.'V'IV in: vit. TIUTIOX CONTAIN KD IN THE I1UKAD IT M ARKS. 0r I'Yl'KNT KOI I.h'.lt FLOCKS nr.' in-imiPuntiiroJ from the CHOICEST WHEAT obtainable. Hal tiiuoro stands pre-eminent in this country i tnnrki-t for choice wheal which gives us a eri'iu advantage in the solictiun ul' the REST Til AT IS GROWN The Sl'PP lilt ill ('O.MUI.NATION OFGLI'TEN A N I PHOSPHATES thus afforded' enahb's us to place mi the market. Flour I'XEQC A I.LEP Full ITS 1'1'liITV AND N'CTRI TIOI'S PROPERTIES. Thi. lad in r.Tumiim'il n,.t nnly it, this country' but in K ir... as well, where tin' "P.VfAPSCO SUPERLATIVE" COM MAN US HK('. HEHLY MOUK MONEY than any other American Flour. Ask your grocer fur Palapsco Stipirlntivi! Patent, Bedford 1'ntnily, Patapsco Family Patent, North I'oinl Family, Orange Grove Extra l'utapseo Extra. Chesapeake Extra, Baldwin Family C. A. GAMURILL MANTr'ACTl'lllNG COMPANY, 'Jl I Commerce St,, Baltimore, Mi). am.' 12 1y. 'pine's (impound ORE! WEAK NERVES wlut'ta iievcr faila. Uuuta.ntutr Celery iid l.iL- th'' wmidt-rful iime Mtimulauta, It tjvedily cunw uil iwrvoiu diirdcr. RHEUMATISM FAINT'S ('MBT I'OMI-nrND JHirlflil ttM l)liKi.L H dnvi-n out tin- lui-th)fcf.d,wliiih can Kh 'Umatiam, and rMtorw tlio blood. itiikmif nrwiw to a heitltliy condition. It is tlie ti ui rt mody for lLbeumatiani. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Fai's ('hfuy ropouminiiirk!y reatorca tlm Im r intl ki.lii.-j s to pt rt.-tt tiualU.. Tola mratmi jtoiT, .umbir.nt with it ncrvw tonit-n, niaki-H it the beat itmeily for all kidiii') vuuiiilamU, DYSPEPSIA I'Aise'a Ofijiry t"oif pofwn ativiiirtket.1 tha itoiiitt'ti. and iiuk-,! tha nmoa uf the dbtm tivii orifuiiK. Thin in why It turn evuli Uie worwicam-n of UyupuiHia. CONSTIPATION 1'aink'k Cr.i riiYfOMForvo'ia not a eathar. lr, I tin a Utah ve, p vlu iwy and n i oral NEEDED THEM. UK 11M.IKVK1) 'POWERFUL SKlIIl' EFFICIENCY OF I'KAVF.R. IF I WERE A CIRL. 1IY MATTIK MC INTOSIt. ioiv ita u mi'. I ORES Niurilfla, N.rvou. W..knt... Stomach '"' and Liver Diaeaiaa, Rh.umatiam, Dyt- ' ru;e I-Uu- nl1 '-y PrURgUU. rpIi.la, auJ all .ll.ction. of Ilia Kidnaya. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Prop'l jan 11) ly THE PLACE TO GET ISfflfll -AT TIIE- LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVENUE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. W-l'RBSCRIPTIOH DKI'ARTMENT FILLED WITH Tilt BUST SELKCTKI) MATKR1AL.-M PKmCRllTIONS COMTOUNDKI) AT ALL MOVHS WITH (iUKAT CAKE. PEUKUMKBV, 8TAT10NEUV, FANCY SOAl'S, lllil'HHF-S, FAN'CY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAIiS. R t M KM BKB that hearlj walcomcllwayiawalu you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. Arktmsiiw TruvtliT. During tin, revival at Calieo liuck meet iu liuuso, an old l'i !,i , hIiuih no one had iivef lii'furc seen at chiiieh, entile fur Ward and knelt dottii at the inouiner'a heueh. Heneetiud tube so tnueh in earu el that he soon atlraeted the attention of the l.juiliim exhuiteM. The exliurter finds his highest etijojiiieiit in "Wurkinx with" a Inoui ni r who has erusaed the frunlier line of despair. "U'o are I.ul In see you Inr,'," said the exhurter as he gi t down beside the mourn er. ''You have come to the ii;ht place to seek comfort," ':Su Iv'c I, ',iin,"said the earnest uivurner in bluMieriu accents, "Puj'uu feel that you have only one course to puisue, my djin' friend?" "Yas, an' I've tuck this as the last chance.'1 ''When did you f'a'l nndir conviction?'' "1 w.i'u't UMtni t, d a tall. They took u,e up an' snatch,:, I inc hefu' the guv'uient jede;e. but airti r le aiiu' uv the ease the ju ry 'lowed that uiebbe 1 didu't make the whiskey." "You don't undcraluiid nie. Y hen did you lil'M feel that you Were lust?" 'When 1 (rut down in the bottoms an' couldn't ii ml the way nut. Staid thar two days the best part uv another one, but we Hi.t the eoon all the same, an' had a fijjht that did us a power uv nood." "My friend, my deluded friend, I may say, when did you feel that you must pray?" "Nifiht afore lust wife 'lowed that 17. it couldn't do no harm, it uiout do a power UV .'nod." "Your wife, then, wants you to lead a belter life?" 'ltidu't say iinthin' about that. I live the sort of life that suits her I reckon. I it her a calico coat ever' spring, a pair uv shoos ever' fall, an' divide my tel'backer with her. Ilnii't seo what mo' she could ax fur, an' don't sen why she sbu'd want ine to change my life." 'I!ut you say your wife thought it would he better for you to pray?'1 "las. loll see our steers got away from us two Weeks ago, an' C7. wo have bunted an' s'arched, an' kaint find 'em, wife fhe 'lowed that mebbe pru'r would fetch 'cm." "You cu);ht to he ashamed of yourself," said the disappointed oxhorler. 'Why, jist becazu I want them steers? You folks pray for rain, don't you? Why? Cazc you need it. Wall, I'm prayin' fur them steers, becase I need 'etu. Oh, if you don't want to talk to me all right," and placing his head on the bench he said: "Oh Iiawd, thy servant would like power ful well to have them steers, for he is need in' 'em to haul some apples to the still house." aiui mid Ullage, way," GOOD SERMONS. Bl'PEHSTITIOXS. If I were a girl, I would have an in life. I would set my mark high would not fall short of it. Tho 'Where there is a will there is a is as true as steel. I would imitate the neatness and gentil ity of my mother. I would pride myself on the respeetibil ily of my family. I would keep good company or none at all. I would read good books, such as would eularue my mind and lit me for a higher life. I would be truthful in my actions, us well us in words, I would keep a diary, for it might be useful, as well us a tileusiiie to me, in later ears. I would throw away my silly ways and saucy looks, if I had any. f would show people that being a girl did not keep me from possessing good, eom- juou sense, unu a sound mind. I would never let one of the opposite sex ovcr-reacli me in e, union,' the "Hill ot Science." J would choose for n husband, if I chose any, u man of unblemished character. It should be said, "she has done well." 1 would learn the law of kindness. Twuuld continually seek the companioii- iouship of the three graces Perseverance, Forbearance and Endurance, until I became laimliar Willi cacti ot tlieio, lor a woman having these for armor is well equipped for the journey of life. I would wear the dross of modesty with a neatly fitting cap of discretion. 1 wuuld lace shoes of caution upon my feet, so that I might walk the "Imperial Highway," with womanly dignity. I would encase my hands in gloves of good works, sewed with threads of deftnefs. Over these 1 would throw a wrap ul fatherly Protec tion. Most boys and girls do not like .sermons; they say they are too long for their high ness. Perhaps they may like these short sermons. They will give food to think over, and must not be read too hastily. A Swedish boy fell out of the window nd was badly hurt, but, with clenched lips he kept back the cry of pain. The King, (iustaviia Adolphu.s, who saw him fall, prophesied that the boy would make a man for an emergency. And so he did, for he became the famous General llauer. A boy used to eiush the flowers to get their coin)', and painted the white side of his father's cottage in Tyrol with all sorts pictures, which the mountaineers gazed at as wonderful. Ho was the great artist Titian. An old pa1 titer watched a little fellow who amused himself making drawings of his pot and brushes, easel and stool and id : "That boy will beat inn one day." So he did, fur he was Michael Angelo. German boy was reading a blood and thunder novel. Right in the midst of it, he said to himself; "Now, this will nevir do. 1 get too much excited over it, I can't study so well after it. So here goes !" and he flung the book out into tho river, lie was piehter. the great German philos opher. Do you know what these little sermons in -an? Why, simply this, that in boy hood and girlhood are shown tho traits lor good or evil that make the man or woman L'ood or not. I'NC'liK KSIOK'S ISIXIM. m i:s:m i: II ISM. A WILD WKHTBIIM s'l'llltr Oh' AVIATM'll EXl'F.lUMMNTH IN IWCIMIUIIIY. Talk about superrtitiulis ! liadroad nun are as superstitious as they make them," remarked un old engineer as lie was oiling his engine. "I have as much faith iu my machine us I have in a human being, and she acts as crankily sometimes. Oh, yes, she has her snells. Sometimes she steam liken daisy. At other times she wou't steam at all. I can't account for it. There's lots of superstitions among the boys, mid you can bet they believe in them strongly. Take that which gives three accidents following otic another, everybody believes that. "I'll tell you u peculiar circumstance, though. On the Erie they had un old engine years ago known as the She had the reputation of being the worst man killer on the road, and hardly a week passed that she didu't hayo an accident to her record. Tic men became so much afraid of her that they refused to work on her, aud the officials were in a iiaudaty. ,t last in despair, they sent her to the Susquehanna shops, rebuilt her, changed her number and turned her loose on the eastern cud ol too roatl, Mie kept up ttie same capers until she go' us had a r pota tion us she had before. Men refused to work with her, and one day it leaked out that, she was the old UL That settled il, nobody cured for a place on her. A short lime afterwards she was ditched und injured so badly that she was almost iu pieces. No effort was made to put her together again, aud she was consigned to the scrap heap, Her brasses, etc., were gradually used up until the mere shell was left, when she was sold as old iron." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE TOHOUt Tft STAINBACK & CO. oct.U 17 LEADER OF LOW PRICES. of 1st street and Wash. Ave. HOW TO COLLECT A DEBT Ul ii-UA -0 -l) zDEALER IN: DUY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, DOMESTICS, PRINTS, STAPLE GOODS, GKOCKRIKN, And Kvcrythiug that can lie called for. HEADQUARTERS illii ilSlili ft itlMipi AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. Thublit, i. KSpcetfully umted to ell. q ; Q A good many years ago, before the Wil mington and Wcldou llailroad was merged into the Atlantic Coast Liue, Mr. G. was treasurer of the compauy. On oue occa sion an individual who may be called Smith came down to Wilmington from Duplin to get pay for wood or cross-ties he had sold to the railroad company. lie visited Mr. G.'s office, stated his business and was told that us he had not applied at the etid of the previous month he must wait until the end ofthe current month. Smith demur red to ibis. Buying he couldn't well bear the expeuse of coining to town ugain, that, iu fact, he nwded the money badly, not hav ing any to pay even his board on the pres ent trip. "Oh," said Mr. G., jocosely, "put up on your friends" "Don't know a soul iu town," was the answer. Finding the treasurer firm, Smith left the office. Wbeu Mr. G. went to dinner, he found the gen tleman from Duplin sitting on the front steps. When Mr. G. entered (ho door Siniih was right behind him. Mr. G. ex plained that it was contrary to the rules of llie company to pay money out except at staled periods. Nnitti sat Hlent and was eiitally silent at the dinner table, but his knife and fork were not. Mr. G. bade hioijgood-bye when he started for his office after dinner, und told him to be sine to come luck the lir-l ofthe next month. tin his return h"tne after the close uf the dav. Mr. G. nuain met Smith at the front door, aud again w.i followed into the bouse. The eVimioK Wuau very ,iliei one; Smith having nothing to suy, and Mr. ti ll it feeling, under the circumstances, much disposed lo talk. Tho guest hud a b and breakfast, und started out with 1 host. "How lung are you going to stay in town, Mr. Smith?" said the treasurer who now bc"an lo suspect sonnthio Smith looked him squurcly iu the eye us he replied, ' I'ntil I get pay for my work." "Walk right down with me, and we'll set tle," said Mr. G. When the treasurer went to dinner, his late visitor did not iippeur. CONSUMPTION Xl'ltlll.V (I It 1. 1). To Tun KlUToit Flense Inform your mulrra that I have a iwsitive remedy for the the above named disease. Ily its timely use thousands ol uih-1" c"""" ,lave b"su V0'" manentlv cured. 1 shall lie glad to send two bottles of my remedy rHKK to ny of your readers who have consumption If they will tend nie their express and postoflioe ad dress. Keapectlully, T. A. BLOCI'M, M. C, 181 Pearl street, New York. jauHmcw, I have heard of men who knew more than they could tell, but I never have met one. If a man has a genuine idea, he can make himself understood. Literature is the diet ol' the common mind, but genius feeds on the unwritten things. You may travel a good ways un whisky, and travel fast while you are going, but you can't get hack when you want to. When you have learned to listen, you have already ucipiired the rudiments of a good education. Faith won't enable a man to lift a ton ill at once, but it will, ten pounds at n time. I never have seen un idea too big for a sentence, but I have read thousands of sentences too big for nn idea. Vanity and jealousy are the two weak est passions in I lie human heart, aud, strange to tell, they are the most conunuu. A Thoroughly neat woman is a joy un- speukable, but doesn't she make it busy for the dust and for the people iu her neighborhood ! My young disciple, diuft hunt for new things, but study to improve upon the old ones; every flat stone, and most of the bowlders, have been turned over already by the uovelty hunters. We find plenty of people who don't average well; they knuw too much fur oue man, and nut quite enough for two. A DO' l ItltlsUI.UVIl.l.i:. A Chicago special says; There is said to be it young woman now lying in a trance at Alamo, Mich., from which only one iiinn, whoso whereabouts are unknown can release h e r. According to ttio story, tho people ot Alamo have been ainusiug themselves with mesmerism this winter, and several persons have be come quite proficient in the art. Among them was a voting man, named Dwiithi T. Holmes, who seemed to be more success ful than any of the others. On the even ing of January fill Holmes and urn tlur young niau were ut the house of A. ,) Hood, when Miss Kitty lloud and another young woman were there. Mcsmcri-m was experimented with und Holmes suc ceeded in influencing Miss Hood so ell'-'ct-ually that she fell into a faint on the Hour. All efforts to revive her failed, and con vinecd that he had killed her, llo'ui's pledged the, others lo secrecy aud th'd. A doctor pronounced the young lady dead, aud her funeral occurred January l.ith. J bo body bud been lowered into the grave, when the young woman who had been present at the mesmerism went into hysteiics. When she revived she told about Holme's experiment. The pen- rushed into the cemetery aud found the sexton just beginuing to throw the clods upon ttie cotliu. ilia casket was opened and doctors wer.i summoned. They finally concluded that she was alive, but sin' has not uwakeued liom her trance. Various doctors experimented upon her and mesmerists died to restore her, but without uvail. The mesmerists then de bated that only the person who put her iuto the trance could bring her out of it. Efforts are now being made to find 1 lohnes, who has not been heard of since the night of his exploit. One day Death assembled his grisly court and demanded a report from all his terrible ageuts. "Who best has done my work upon mankind ?" demanded the monarch. 1'p mso the Kerosene Limp, but before she could speak the Toy Pistol put her down and stood before the King of Terrors; "I" he began, but was kicked clear out of the presence by the Empty Gun. "I am here, oh king," ho began, but an American Pic choked him iu the net of speaking. "Away, thou sudden d 'alb !" exclaimed a haughty voice, and as tbespcuker strode into view, all the court prostrated II sell with lear, mid even Death made ready to uieuto bis throne "And who ,,rt thou ? ' inked the monarch. "I am a Fire Escup '." Hot with the up- p'uuse that greeted his name a dark shadow fell upon the court, and us a figure of ghatly terror loomed iu view, the court took lo its heels, and Death, gathering his bones t igeiher for a good stall, asked with tt'onibline: laws, "And Hum f "If re plied the new comer, "I am the Hons. 1 am the Lite Moat. Aud with a liorribl, "Illicit Death fled. Hurdelle in Brooklyn Ea'le. MlfHT (IIVH WAV I'Olt 'POSMUM' you A FIENDISH PROPOSAL. ltriiirnilier This. If yon are sick Simmons Liver lieguhv tor will surely aid nature iu making you well. If you are costive or dyspeptic or are suffering from any other of the nutucr ousdiseiises ofthe Liver, Stomach or Itowels, it is your own fault il you remain ill, for Simmons Liver Hegulstor is a sovereigu remedy in all such compluints. Take only the genuine, which always has on the wrapper the red Z Trade-mark and Signa ture of J. II. jcilin and Co. Bid bargain! io overcoats. M. F. Hart. Be miue, dearest Angelina," exclaimed Kolaud I) j Vere, the handsome young dry goods cleik. as he dropped on bis knees at the feet of Angelina St. Clair, "He mine, and make me the happiest lean the world contains," "Are you sure yuu luve mo?" murmured Angelina, as she g 'litly swayed her nine cent fau, and glanced half bashful'', half coquettishly at the ardent youth prone at j her feet. Love you, Angelina! I would do any thing for you. He mine, and I would do your shopping; for you, match your sewing silk " Sir." exclaimed Alleluia, drawing her self up haughtily and fixing upon him a stony glare, "this is proof of your love, is il? This is what yuu w ed l do fur un? lira! Do my shopping. Match my sewing silk!" and sh l.iujicd a for, d. tnoniai-al Liuuh thai nude his U.-s-li creep. "Do my shopping! Deprive ineofofthe greate-t pleasures of iny life, nay the greatest the solace, the joy of h woman's existence. Fieii 1 !" she hissed, looking majestie iu her w rath, while the eyei first brimful of tenderness emitted Hashes of indignant flame, 'lie id, wretch, demon, begone 1' Goon Nkws! Goon Nkavs ! ! -Sam- IM.KS AT WhoLKSAI.K I'ltlCF.. Major T. L. Emry bus opened this week a big lot of sample notions bought uf Messis. Tefft, neller iV (.V, .New lurk, consisting ol a beautiful asNoitmcnt of kid and jersey gloves. Corsets, jerseys, hoods, hose, collars hand-lag, pocket-books, shirts, half busc and suspenders, also bustles and other nr ticlos of female torture, &e., Ac. A stylish lot of scarfs, cruvats and tics, all of which oau be bought at prime wholesale cost. The best always the cheapest Stive money by purchasing the Celebrated Hay State ana Zeigler Brothers shoes bought direct from the manufacturers. For sale by P. N. Sxainback &Co. Detroit Free I'rcwt. We were driving out one Sunday from Decatur, when we came upon a negro with a club in his hand and a freshly kilied possum on his shoulder. We stopped to I'xaiuine. his priz, and the Colonel said "My liiend, do you know it is Suaday?" "Sartin, boss." "Are you not a religious man' "I ar'. I'zejist on my way home from church." "And what sort of religion have got that permits you to go hunting on day?" "Keligun! Ileligiun! queried I lie man at he held the 'pussinu up with one hand and scratched his head with the other. ' Does yuu specks any black man in Ala bama is gwme to 110 hissell up to any re- lioun dat 'lows a 'possum to walk liirht acoss the road ahead of him an' git away Irec! No, sail, A rehiiuu which wont bend a little when a fat 'possum heads y, off couldn't be 'stahlished round yere ly all dc preachers in do univarse!' AN AC'( DM I' lls.ll 1 .1) SON-IN-LAW "You say you want my daughter," said the manager of a Baltimoru newspaper to a young man who was sitting nervously on the edge of a chair, and wiping his feverish brow with a trembling handkerchief. " Y-yes, sir !" "Have you spuken to her about this matter?" "She referred me to you, sir." Is your affection for her deep and sin cere?" "Sincere!" gasped the young man. 1 pledge you my word I haven't slept a wink nor eaten a mouthful of victuals for six whole weeks for thinking of ber." "George," said the father, after looking at him a uioiiieut reflectively, "1 think yon may come into the family. I need a young of your capabilities to swear to the circulation of the paper.'' in riiiit Jsr,-s. iiy.s t-A fx E jk iTien.T forrM.a Rl C tauLTiiaa famiiv moiiim. Mi j X mtm, if PHILADELPHIA. 's-;3 Price. ONE Dollar ; ' ADVERTISEMENTS. The majority of the Ills uf the human body arlie from a dlaeoaed IJver. Sim mons Llvor Regulator has been the means of restoring mure people to health and napplneu by giving thcin a healthy Liver than uuy other agency on earth. , 8KB TUAT VOU UKT THE GENUINE. Dec 8 ly. jifci i iA'"'ri'11'' "(L;i,'',,i,''"1 nirt. Aftpr I'nrtv yeaiV .Liiimtii'ii of inort in Unu iliimlrud :i, for p.'tu-tiU in id l-'oreiifn cmin- -, ill Mil- M'lf'lHIUO to net. a xnhi'itora 1 1 .t'li'-iiitiik. ctJlJ-r-iiiii'il MhU'm, and KmrlniHi, I'ruioe, uuitur- POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C., Two und a half miles west of Greensboro, N. 0. The main line of the K. & D. K. B. pusses through the grounds and within Hill feet of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing aie cordially invited to inspect this the lurgest ..ursery in the Slute and oue among the lurgest iu the Soulh. The prupiiotor has for muny years vis ited the leading .Nurseries North und West and col responded w ith those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit tho South, both unlive and foreign. Tho reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that muny agents going out from Greensboro, representing other uurseriea, try to leave the impression that they are representing these nurseries. W hy do they do it ? Let the public an swer. I have in stock growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of Irecs, etc., ever shown or seen in any two nurseries iu North Carolina, con sisting of apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, Japuue.se persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, ueeturine, Russian ujricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits: Straw berry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, evergreens, shade trees, roses, &c. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from the nuiscry. Cor respondence solicited. Descriptive cata logues free to applicants. Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, Pomona, Guilford oouuty, N. C. may 0 ly. llHIHII.V J.T.,1 Nil (tOl, T L iu-e is uiiu.iiLk-,1 ami tliuir Luiliti.. r. Unu.'iHL' mid -), ili(;U ion. pv.n,nl und fll.d In tlm ramie Hill, Ml I" T'" reiinttNl,l,.. N, "'" o 'i- ! (.oiiiihi.uon ul uuxl.la lira .vint-s A c n 1 . Inllis H, lf; US '.inHT lie nVi.1 TllC fltlv, Ulitlnrntntii TIim near 1"'' ' i-!imJ .-I P i U'lini.l r'n.nr"nr)H(ad '!.'.Uir.iN,vUiK-i haa . ' H in, ml lIMluMlllmt ,il!:i' I in On iwirld. a iH'iU'Q 0VU17 lutoutua i. y. "iiifctrnlpd v a'lt. L U l- r-iiJtjwr . (itil)- ali (itLtt'i DAVIS I CO., NO It SYCAMORE STREET, IMCTI'.IiSIH KG, VA llotl bbls. Gold Medal aud Gem Patent Flour; lilltl bbls. Dixie Patent and Harvest Queen. 1100 bbls. Snow Drop and Star Family, lit It bbls. Patapsco and Dunlop Patent. "." boxes Fat Backs aud Butts. 1 0 boxes Small Bacon Sides. 2 boxes Break fust Bacon. 011 barrels and halves New Mackerel. 51111 kegs Nails All sizes aud kinds. Hill) bugs Drop and Buck Shot. kegs Orange Rifle Powder, ,,(l barrels 1,'iil, lilt) and 115 Kero sene Oil. "lllll caddies Green and Black Tea. 1,'iU crates ami tubs Pure Lard, J") barrels Pure Cider Vinegar. 1 0 bugs Pepper, Spices and Ginger. 50 bugs Prime Rio und Laguayrti Coffee. 011 barrels Refined Sugars. Also Brooms, Pails, Washboards, Soda, Paper, ic. For Sale by DAVIS & CO. No. 41 Sycamore Street. Sep lilt ly E. L Cuthrell WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, &c, and will also keep on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. I,UjJLLlC BurmL Cjses. I will always keep on hand a Btock of well made Metallic Burial Cases and WOODEN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which can be had at any hour, day or night. Orders by letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. PATKONA.GE SOLICITED. K. A. CUTHUELL, First Street, Weldon, N. C. Sep 1 j 3m CHEAP COFFEE. HOME ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CENTS APOUNl. A devout woman once wrote this : "In my own family I try to be us little iu the way as possible, satisfied with everything, and never to believe fur a moment that any une means unkindly tuward inc. If people are friendly and kind to tne I cujoy it; if they neglect me, or leave nie, I am always happy alone. It ull tends to my one aim, forget I'ulu 'ss of self, in order to please God." Jrs'r r-i'idved a handsome line of bug gies. Very cheap. Look at them before purchasim- elsewhere. P. X. S'l'.WNttACK AMI CoMI'ANV. Whcure 84 FITS! Sol,.! worih of sample jewelry just open id So lid gold and gold plated jiwelry of all kinds, ut prime wholesale cost at T. L. Emuv'k. We arc overstocked iu elothiug and iu Older to reduce stock have put the KMl 1. righl into prices and will sell all goods in this line at figures thai will astonish you. P. N. Stainiiai k & Co A true household Remedy- lor the euro of .Malaria and Fever and Ague. Quinto eo. Fifty eoiits at your druggists. Still Ahead. When I i;lt Cimiliionol mean inertly to Stop I lie iti lor Hltiiti. und I lien liavw them re turn n?:iln. I whan' A HADICAl, ITUE. I have nude tli discaso of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life teng alndv. ! waiiiunt my remedy to Conn llie worst. e.isca. ltecn,m nllteis, Itava falleil i a no reason for no! now receiving a cure. Henil at unee tor a Irealise ami a Kiiks lloni.ai ot inv iNfAitaitl.R ItcMt.ov line LipiesB and I'n.i onlec It eot you nuiiiiug for a trial, anil it will cure you. Aihlrcsa H.C.ROOT.M.C- I83PIilSi.,NewYoh Persons desiring Safe and Cheap In suraneo will do well to see an agent ofthe Valley Mutual Life Association of Virgin ia. It has members in nearly every coun ty from the mountains to the sea and they ns'ognize the fact that they have reliable und safe insurance and are paying up their J assessments promptly and willingly. Agents wanted in every county Liberal terms of fered to live men. Address BeRKELKY & A US ALL, Southern Managers. Ruleigli, N. C. JiiLituiry b iin. I J V VTT 1 1 S I'" n'vulutloiiiHHl I M T 1 a V 11 liH' H'lirul onriui: I Ik' m vi u live vniim 'ht- in n met lion nml ttvUiiir ul work ttiMt t-Hii lie iiL'iloniM'tt nil mtrr Um coiuilrv Willi mil tii'itiinitiiii! Mil- U"iirLcr finm llit'ir 1hiiiiik I'.iv hlh'iitl; Hiiy nut' i "ii tlti (lie work, t'iOuT. yotiiii (it imiMH'i'.H. iibilily re iulrcd. Cut litis out iiutl return to w nml we w Ul sent I ynu fm, KmnrthiiiK uf titvHl inniiirtinu'i' (o yuu, Hint u ill flJUl you hi biiMiii"'K, v, inch w iu l.rmir you iu mure muiii-v dull. Hwtty, lliau iinytliin vhv In Un1 wnrUl. (imnrl oiUlll fri'O. Atl'tivsbi Trui! dint Co .AiiKUot'i, Maitii' 1 I 4 1 1 T V Hi'wimifd rc ilxwt who rotitt V I ' I I IJ L thiwMiiti ilii-n u-t:tlivy will find hiiinnanic i.'mjlityini'iU Unu will imt titkt thorn from Utoir litniM'.s nntl fHiiiiUt. 'liio proiils nio itiieu nml mi it tui i;voi niiliistnous lie rm. mtiuv hiivt uiiiil" nml hit iiiiw milking sovfial lnui'lii'iT ilolltirs a in.iuui. H is cusj lor any niin to tituko nun uiiWiUii- m i,uo na', wint ts will mil: in work Kithoi yoiniK r tii; oniiitiil not iicrtlcd; wu sum you, i.m niniiiL; in-w. to fci'( iiu uiiniy re miiri'.l: vnu roiHlot'. omi do It mi well nn anv oiih Writ1 t'nsiit unt'u lor fui pHrllouliirn, w hivh we man i rot?, rtuurow. puiiwm aim ,:o., I'oviuiiia, ?. TA KM.,1 ) i'fi Wondi-rH tiitlst In thimuandi I 'IjIjI ol forma, tint uro auriMiiwua hy the niHtvt'laol iiivi-nUon. Tluihowhoan- in need of IiuifUubU' wurlt Unit en bo done while ltvinv at iomo ulioulil ut tiiwe solid their miilMiwt Ut HnlU'tt & Co , l'ortlHiid, Witliie.nml rtvelvt freo, full infor- uimioii now eunerttpx, m un apes, mu (writ Iron hi per day mid upward whurever they live You are Hitirtet) free OaptUI notrequtrt-M. HnraB nave ranae inn single oyw urn work. AU auiiuaea, riT CP IN rOUND PACKAGES. Svery Package Contains a Present, io Value from 5 Ccuts to :i.OO. TKAIiKbl'l'l'LlEDBY S0VTI1ERN CHEMICAL 00., Charlotte, N. C. Hay Mention this paper. H. C. SPIERS, WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER -.0: IN ,lk CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS, AND FRUITS. Inive on hand and nm rcoohing une of th larKPM atockn of Confectioner! en and toyi bvof iirnuuh t to this market, and v. ill kcII to thoac wUk- ng to Kll again at WHOLESALE PRICES. t alno have a irtiiuetidouii slK k of luor iulttaw tiul Rootle at both of my atoni, lurb aa Fanil. HnK-eriw, rnK'keryWrtro, iilwware, Tlnwari, Hardware, Woodaiid Willow Ware., Ac, On hstid at all time, a large lot of atorepip, elUuwa and stove mm of alliiiea, and itot t COOKING UTENSILS. Don't foTfct tne plaoa Brick store In Uie toticwa, everal United Statec Bugs above the door. I iiwaiau. a,aaaaL'-'ait 9mnm y.'J'l, SJHKllUCIPW. T mmXakn T,iiSllillili;''fc'' iP1lnHJH ,' iiasf.i- -.'. ' iii mim i"'m nitiii,iifiaanlia mmp J ) r 1

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