IgEM ' J HA.LL & SLEDGE, I'Roprietoiis. A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPLE. TEEMS-W PER ANNCM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XVIII. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1888. NO. 52. T h it n II NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. , 'remier -PATENT VCAGAMBRIlLMrcCo. The value of FL0CR depends upon tin- ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS Ol.' VI' T1UT10N CONTAINED IN Till! IIRKAI) IT M A K ES Our I' T EN T ROLLER LOI RS ure manufactured from tlio CHOICEST WHEAT obtaina ble. Baltimore stands pre-eminent in this country as a n,aik,'t for choice wheal which (liven u a great advantage, in the selection of the REST Til T IX CROW The SIU'KKIUK COMBINATION OK CU'TEN AND l-IIOSHIITES U,u Horded, enables us to place on the mark. Flour INEUCALED FOR ITS Pill ITY AND NTTRITIOI S PROPERTIES. Th J, U rocognLd not only in tlm country, but in Eur pe as well, where the "PATAI'SCO 81' 1'ERLATI V V" COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MORE MONEY than any other American Flour Ask your grocer for Putansco Superlative Patent lt..,ll',.r,1 .'.,,;v , Pala s:o Family Patent. 1 atapsco Lxtra, t h.rap.ake Extra, Baldwin Family. C. A. GAMBR1LL MANI FACTI RINti COMPANY, 214 Commerce St , Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. "pine's (joiTipound LU3 Mervoua Prostratloa, Nan out Htadache, Ibvotmuctiiled by iiriifrMintial tudbualuvM Nturalgla, Nimm Witkntii, Stomach "'"l k-ti. for Us fc. aad Liver Dtsaatae, kh.um.ti.m, Dyi- rnce fl.uu, .'old by IruKifuU. 'pPl. U tdactions of the Kidney. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Prop's jan 1!) ly THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PEICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. U-PRB4CSIPTIOM DEPARTMENT FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOCKS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAI"8, UliUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. kEMEMBEI that a bMrtjr welcome tlwan awalu jou at ZOTiTJCOFFER'S. oct Kir 11 I LEADER OF 1, Comer of 1st strest and Wash. S:DEALE1MN 0 DRY GOODS, X , BOOTS, SHOES, 5 NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, DOMESTICS, PKINTS, STAPLE GOODS, GROCERIES, And Everything that can be called for. HEADQUAETEES FOR Qm9 .Pistols . AND HARDWARE OF ALL KIND?. The publio it respectfully invited lo got 6 ly THE Flour PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHEID-1774:. North Point Family', Orange Grove Extra, WEAK NERVES Pisiai ii.ii.r.'..rtii-n la.Nmt Tonic wojeli never Hili. I'ouLiQUjf cicrr ..itt " 1W ,iii,irlul u.r. timul.nli, jl Pelljf euro kll nrryuu. dwtnlan. RHEUMATISM Minj.1. Ittlmtn nut Ihe lartic srid, whirli rau Itlii-uii.stisni, ami rMUtrni the blood link ii ik i.rrtim to a lu-ilth)- o imtjUun. It is the Iruu rtiuwly lor HbciijnaUsia, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS riiHi'B (ti jut rmrotrnpqiiJf klr mtnrm tbe Ititr ami kUuiyn to rlMt lu-kltb. 'Iliis cuMtm. n.cr, .niibiiir( ilh iU uerva tunic, iiikkcx it tba best remedy tut all iidiifj couiflkiuti. DYSPEPSIA Vnsr Ctimx VnuTwnm strnijrthrni the tou.icli, tiid miieti Iti nrrvu of th di tiTtt Qnotim. This Ih wbr It cum eveo the worse I'Mcl of l)"H,.t)iir.lfc, CONSTIPATION I'usk'k fn rr nonporwn'li not cttlitr 'If. It m . liMtivtMpvlnir itcy and iiMuril wllon to thr ixiwrU. lt.f ularity iut.ii fol lows 1U UM-. BUUUXGTOH. VT. WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL. " WTNY.STAINMCK&C(). II, LOW PEICES. A,, iitMiS call, W. H. BROWN, WaJdon, N. 0. A WAR RELICT. Fi-ftlrrithshurg Frte Lance. The following in a copy of a tetter found ou the battlefield at McCoul's farm, tiear Spotxylvania C. II. The paper on which the letter in written ban erowu How from age, aud whore folded has been carefully newc.l together. The (,'eiiuineiieaa of the letter i fully attest' d by veracious people, among them the finder. It in highly intereMini; and emcnated from a youn lady evidently bent on uiarryiug her dear Henry: Mif tintr llrtri I embrace thin here opporchuuity to let you kuimuli as how I had a upell of aler and I does hope thcaae fuc linea may find you enjoying' the name Goda blewin!. Why d.,nt you rite a nweate Hue to till suffering Kathrun all about her awcate IKuny oh llcuny my sweat.' Ilenny my tu'tle dove my pidgin); my deer decrllenny how my poor wile in longing to beer your aweate voyee I Iii'.t 1 1 i tn tinging y.,nlei dudle aa be cornea from hia phtw now Oh lny Ilenny lo come home aud let get married no no more at prcaent but remain your lovin Katuki n AnTii.okn Tu my luntte Jlritny V S part a ikkun Zeek III i.'k has rased a nue house and 'o ly does live an snug she fitca him ionic limes when he gets a little Antony over my sweate Ilenny let us keep house ud if you love mo I wout whip you in- d u..r 1 wout look at any body to I wont. Daddy says I must get maried be cause 1 have i long already. So no uiorc at preset K A T P S part Ihiird My pen in uiiil lay Ink In wtu lay low fur y,l mIiiiII 11,-ver fall f,r Ifeliny b my own true luve My iU!uf tl.ii-k and uinlu.lova K A TlLllEN PSNoty H, ny Mothers dead and Timothy arc got the fever. So uo more at preaen from yourlov'ui K.U'iiui N Ax Noty Ileuy 1 forgot to say as how that air com on my big toe dout hurt as it use to did. so once your wife as it is to be sends 2 kisses and say farewell, yours till death do us part. K AT BEAUTIFUL FATHER. "Tell your mother you've been very go.i.l hoys to day,' said a school teacher to two little new scholars. 0! replied Tommy, 'we haven't any mother. Whotakescare of you?' she asked. Father does. We've got a beautiful father. You ought tn see him !' 'Who takes cart of you when he is at irk?.' 'lie takes all the care bolore be goes off in the morning and after lie comes hack at night. He's a house painter; but there isn't very much work this winter, so he is doing laboring till spring comes. lie leaves us a warm breakfast when h. goes off; and we have bread and milk for dinner, and a good supper when he cornea home. Then he tells us stories and plays on the fife, and cuts out beautiful things with his jack-knife. You ought to see our father and our home, they are both so beautiful !' I!. !' re long the teacher did see that home and that father. The room was an attic, graced with cheap pictures, autumn leaves, and other little trifles that cost nothing. The father, who was preparing the evening meal for his mothetlcss boys, was at first glaneo ouly a rough, begrimed laborer; but before the stranger had been in the place ten minutes the rooaj be came a palace and the man a magician. tlis clulurcu tia 1 uo lUea tuey were poor, nor wore they so with such a hero this to fight til 'ir battles for them This man, whose grateful spirit lulu up the otherwise dark life of his childien wai preaching to all alioiit him more eUcctua'ly than was any man in priestly robe in costly temple. He was a Ulan of patience and sub miwion to God's will, showiug how make homo happy under the most un favorable o.rcumstanees. lie was rear in: hi b ya to bo liyh unu le i ci: liens, to pat their should ?rs I ) bur.l.'U rather than to become burden to society in the the days that are coming. C l'KINO A SICK I'll I I.I). When a child is takeu sick in China the patents believe that one of the soul has wandered away and is lost, so the mother runs to the open door aii'l cries 'Lail la' 'Soul come home I Soul, come home I' and the father hasicus out into the street and eroases the neareat bridg. teaching for the truant spirit. He hears the mother's wail aud ahouta Lack the cheering answer, 'Coming! Coming Then a paper horse is burned in the house fur the soul to ride borne upon. and the mother atill uttering her weird cry begins to search the camera of the floor mud, if she is poor, brick or mar ble if she be rich and the 6rst thing of life she finds is supposed to contain the missing spirit. Often it ia a lea orbeHl When it is secured she givea a great cry of joy, wraps it it paper and places it un der the pillow of the suffering child and expeott aa immediate recovery. NORTH CAROLINA. PRESIDENT K. P. BATTLE TELLS OK ITH ADVANTAGES. Sewn and Observer. I have rarely heard so complete and el oquent a presentation of the natural ad vantages of our State as that made by President Hattle at the recent Fanncra' Convention. It was a capital speech, delivered and well received. It ought to be printed and circulated over the United States and Europe by the oard of Agriculture. I send a brief nd inadequate summary: "Noith Carolina has, as a farming coun try, many extraordinary advantages. 1. Range of productions the same aa if the State stretched along the sea coast from the Gulf of Mexico to New Y'ork. The climate Our average isother mal is that of South Frauce, Florence, Ycddo. Dakotah's rano of tcuipeialurc 1 (15 degrees F. in summer to 38 de grees below zero; Kansas from US degrees 21 below; Indianapolis from lull de crees to 22 degrees below zero; West Tex- fr.nu 1112 degrees to below zero. In Pennsylvania and New York fanning operations are hindered about five months winter. 3. North Carolina has no blizzards, and the cold waves start from the north" west the telegraph gives our people one two days' notice of their coining. 4. We have pure air and pure water most of the State and therefore good alth. With cistern water the eastern counties are also healthy. North Carolina has comparative freedom from drought. We have 17 in- ln's per annum of ruin , while Dukotah as only "1, and West Texas only IS. At El Paso there were one year only 1 1 j iuches and about one-third of this fell in one month. With deep ploughing and good cultiva tion we need not sutler from drought. C. Grasshoppers (called locusts in the llible) flourish where there is dry land near rich vegetation. They will always infect Kansas, etc., while North Carolina free from them. 7. We have good, orderly population, composed of the beBt blood of England, Germany, France, Highland and Low land Scotch, etc , who have been in the State long enough to become homogene ous. No religious denomination is domi nant. All are represented. 8. Our geographical situation is excel- cnt. J he most civilized nations with 240,0(10,(100 of people, with ten thousand millions of dollars of imports and exports per annum ure clustered around the North Atlantic. North Carolina is ( n the wa ter flout of this great lake of the nations it. As the mountains opposite the south ern Chesapeake have been recently pierced by railroads the building ot a great city somewhere on its waters is in the near future. Hut even if the prediction be not verified, New Y'ork is now the second commercial city in the world. On Man hattan Island alone there were sixty sev en millions of dollars worth of new build' ings last year. Counting Brooklyn, Jer sey City and other places, there arc clus tered here already about two and three piarU'r millions of people, with wealth beyond conception. Between here and New York arc other populous cities, rap idly growing, go that it will not be long before the lauds of North Carolina will be adjacent to forty millions of nun pro duceis. Farms in twenty four hours of New york should now be worth 8100 per acre. 1 liey have not ouly the advantage of a ready market for their productions but they are in close proximity lo the store houses aud manufactories whence they get their supplies. What are the disadvantages of North Corolina? 1. Tho presence of slavery excluded men unaccustomed or averse to that in stitution. After the great civil war the uncertainties of Reconstruction aud the bitterness of party feeling havo retarded the influx of Northern men. It will not long before these disturbing elements wili have passed away. Some unaccustomed to colored la bor do not like to settle where negroea are a large portion of the population. To this th.ro is a nufficicnt answer firat that many counties are larg. ly white and in the eastern counties the negro element is superior to that in the South, because for miny V'sr it hrol "en the eostom to sell to tint region the turbulent and vici ous slaves. And lastly, the proportion of the colored must rapidly diminish, be cause they h ive no accessions from im migration. Want o:" schools is urged as an objec tion, but that does not result from hostil ity on the part of our people, but from sparsencss of population and poverty. When settlers come schools will spring up. 3. High railroud freight will disappear when our farmers demand it. The rail road companies will loer their rates froaa policy whenever farm products increase in bulk. 4. All these objections ti North Caro lina aro remediable. We come last to the most serious, via., that our lands are net narurally fertile. Aa to this, President Battle contended that if our lauda are not naturally rich, they are cheap and easily taado rich, to that the total cost will only be one half or one third of the cost of land at the same distance from New York in any other direction. He ..ootid from a let ter from a fii -nd in Kansas City to the effect that tbe land iu western Missouri and eastern Kansis brings thirty to siity bushels of corn to the acre and cost 82. to $"0 per acre. He usked if a North Carolina fanner should put on his land the dilleratico between the cost of land here and there, our lands would not pro duce as much more. OLD BOB. A Till .'INN. I STultr or AN OLD N K.I H.I. Old man Bob was dying. He had always been a quiet man. The artist would not have painted him with regard to any aesthetic tulcbut rather, if he had thought of him at all, as a stupid clowu, with rounded back aud weather beaten fuce, that had bent over the spade and done the rough work of the world. He had 'struck" the town years ago, but he worked hard aud his big heart found means to do charities that tLc world with its cold smile and s-lf obliga tion, would never have seen. No one knew anything of his past his tory; no one cared to ask, and Ins bowed and trembling form at the altar, when God's people w, re called to the Holy Communion was seldom noticed, for his coat was faded und putih.d. He was dying as he had lived un knownbut his love for the (iod that he hud served was of the kind that ' Passclh all understanding," and there was a sih ut glory in his death that gives the lie to the thought iu the fool's heart, "There is no God." A few sympathetic women had gone to the IiuiiiI.Il- collage ou the last mission of love. Death is the common enemy ud hard is the heart that hath uo sym pathy. The sun went down and the soul of old man ISub parted with the body as the fires of evening burned low in the west, flickered and went out. His luiu.l wandered lieforc he died. and the silent watchers knew that he i a boy again, among the hills of old Scotia, but when ho came to the river's bank, there was a glad smile on his face, and he plunged into the cold waters. lie saw on the other shore what is withholdeti from human oyes angelic bands. The world had sneered at his ragged coat and parsed him by, but noiselessly the chariots had come down through avenues of ether, and carried hiui to his home beyond the stars. The good women, brushing the tears from their eyes, saw ouly the deserted tenement. Old nun Bob was a king and wore a crown. THE MOON. Atlanta (.'.institution. Harris Gillette, a well-to-do farmer of Sidney, has the hobby of strictly govern ing all his doiugs by the phases of the moon. Interviewed on the subject, he unf'ldcd his creed as follows : "I alwaysgo by the moon's changes, because then I know I'm right, I see a great deal in the papers about (low to choose a cow, but I can tell you a rule worth all the rest : If a cow is born when the horns of the moon point down, then she will be a good milker; but if born when the horns point up, then she will be nothing but skin and bone. I ulways butcher cattle and hogs iu the new of the moon, and then I have a quarter more meat. 1 always sow and plant in the new of the moon, aud 1 have better crops than my neighbors. I a ways build fences when the herns of the moou point up, and put ou the stakes and riders when the horns point down, for then tho two pull together, and my fences never fall down. Our school house, con trary to my advice, was roofed in th full of the moon; it leaks badly, and last winter all the children had the measles, I once attended cauip meeting and got converted in the dark of the moon, but 1 soon backslided wonderfully. Since then I got converted iu the light of the moon. and my religion has stuck to me ever since. xri'.Ak iti)ii:iti.v. Justice of the Peace Had you ever aw this man before ? Witness Yen. Had he came before you had went ? No. Is them your eggs what you say v stole? Y'es. Would you have recoguized them if you had teen (hem before they waa brung here. Y es; I would have knowrd them. Speak grammatically young man. It ain't proper to say 'have knowed, you should say have knew. Ktmnantis Liver Regulator is what the name indicates a "Regulator of that most important organ, the Liver. Is your Liver out of order.' llien your whole system deranged, tbe breath offensive, you have headache, tee I Ian gtud, dispirited, and nervous, no appe tite, sleep is troubled and uurefrething Simmons Liver Regulator restores the healthy action of tho lover, nee that you get the genuine, propared by J. II Keilin & Cu. . mar 1-1 to. DANCEROUS BUSINESS. 'Taking up a reproach against a neigh bor,' says the I'nr Mrilmilitl, 'is a dan gerous business. Persons have been killed recently by handling old shells that had been dropped twenty five years ugo, during the war. II' you thould happen to plow up one, you had better bury it again. If people b.ing toyou reproaches against their neij;lil.r, carry them no lurther. II they lay them down at your dour, leave theiii there till they die Positively lef'use to have auythiug to do with them. You take them up at your peril. They are an unclean thing, which we arc not permitted to touch. Scan dulmongers should find no market for their waics at the house of a Christian They may offer to give them to you; but you should spurn all such offers, as you would an offer logive you the small pox or the yellow fever.' Instances might be cited where people in trying to kill others have succeeded in killing themselves The d, vil's mail-bag makes a heavy load for a saint of God to lug about, and it sometimes happens that those who play post-boy for Satau find llicy are most esteemed where they me least known. 'L ml who shall abide in thy tabernacle ? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that back biteth not with his tongue, nor doclh evil to his neighbor, nor laketh up a reproach against his neighbor. Iu whose eyes vile person is condemned, but he honor eth them that fear the Lord.' t'OXSI MPTION SIHH.V Cl'KKI). To Til K Editor. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cast's have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my n-mcdv hike to any of your readers who have cntistnnp linn it they will semi me their express and postothec address. Respectfully. T. A. SLOITM, M. C. 181 Pearl street, New York jlMI fl-l.lll. THE BEST. An English general in reviewing a corps of ealvcry suddenly stopped before spleudid-looking fellow and asked ul - ptly : 'Which is the best horsj iu the rcgi ent?" "Number 40, sir." ''What makes you think it is the best orse ?" He walks, trots and gallops well; is a good juniper; has novice, uo blemish; car ries his head well; is in his prime." And who is the best soldier in the 'uiuient ?"' "Tom Jones, sir." "Why?" "Because he is an honorable man, is obedient, tidy, takes good care of his equipment and horse, and does his duty well." "And who is rider of the best horse ?" "Tom Jones, nr." "And who is Tom Jones?" "I am, sir." The general could not help laughing, but he gave a soveieign to his informant, who received it without moving a muscle. Johu Bull's Army. Ml 11 1 Ahead. Persons desiring Safe and Cheap In surance will do well to sec an agent I the Valley Mutual Life Association of irginia. It has members in nearly ev ery county from the mountains to the sea and they recognize the fact that they have reliable and sate insurance and lire paying up their assessments promptly and willingly. Agents wanted in every county. Liberal terms offered to live men. Address Rkiik Kl.HY Si AtlNAl.L, Southern Managers, Raleigh, N. C. COMINC HERE-CONE. Two belated Thespians who found themselves stranded in a Western town with but fill! joint capital and 4,000 miles from home, conceived a plan of increasing the slender fund. They billed the town on Monday with the i-impl. post : "He is comii g Thursday night.' By Wednesday every villager of tho wor.t show town iu the West was agog with cuiiosity, and wheu ou Tliurnda) inoiiiioi; the posters went out: "He is here I there was a rush for the Town Hall, aud half the houso was told. On Thursday uight these twu worthies were on baud one selling tickets in the box office and the other taking them at the door. Thcr. was not even standing room at S o'clock as the partners, dividing the spoils, started for the depot to cutch tho S:l") express for the East. Before going they left word with the stage hands to raise the curtain at 8:30, and lower a specially prepared white miisliu drop. The muslin drop unfolded before the expectant dience. It bore these words : "Ho gone." Brooklyn Kyle. $507) worth of sample jewelry just opened. Solid gold and gold plated jew city of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost at 1. L. l'.MUV H. A beautiful line of castors from $.1 86. P. N.Stainbaok Co. NEW A DV ERTISEM ENTS. at awlasaaJa.aastai wv SS- PURELY VEGETABLE. It sen with tstrsordinsry efloscy on tha tiver, Kidneys, 1 - and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria Bowel Complaints, PyHprprtla, Hitk llt-ulavtict CumtipAtlon, ltUlonHtit-M, Kidney Affections, Jaundice, Heutai Depression, Colic. No Household Stonld be Without It, and, iv beliiR kf-pt rcadv for Immediate use. will iu vi- muny uu hour of Hiilti-rhitc und niuuy u dollar In tluiu und dot-tor' bills. THERE IS BUT ONC SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR 8e that you g.t th gtfiuin. with rtd "Z" ni front of Wrapptr. Proparod only by J.H.ZEILIN i CO.,Sol. Propri.ion, PhilU.lph.i, Pi. I'ttWB, ajt.00. DcjH ly. E.i. G.fall, WELDON, X. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, Y E(i ETA III. ES. LH,l'oilS, CIGARS. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. I am ii"W prepared lo sell at lowest cash prices (iroc i i'-s of all kinds, Wines, Liiiin-rs, Tulueeo. Cigars. Snuff, e.,atid wili also keen on hand a full supply of fre.-h YciMablos uf every variety, w hich will be sold cheap. Burial Cjses. 1 will iiUuv Will Hill'lr Mrl 'i liiiml :i .stick of liuriiil Cnsi's auit AVOODKN ('OFF INS which I will sell cheap, and which can be hud at any hour, d .v or night. Ordcis bv letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt att. nti'.ii an. I cases shipped by first train. IWTUONAtiKSOI.K ITKI). E. A. CI T1IRELL, First Stteet, Wcldoll, N. C. 15 3m. vlP;IIRF 1 W lib FITS! When I nay CrRR I do not mean merely to stop them lor a time, and Un'ii h.tve ilifin re iki rn tttfilin. I MKA A atAI'M All V I. lib. 1 have mad the disease u( FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, AltfetomT stndv. I warrant my remedy to Turk tin worst ruses, lterause others have lalledmio re..non mriioi now receivum ;i cure. Mend at once (or n treatise :nnt a Fhkk IIotti.b of mv Infai.mhlk Ki'MKiiv. (live Kxwess Mid l'ot Office tl costs yon nothing lor a trial, and It will cure you, Address H . G. ROOT. M . C 1 83 PCAtU ST., HewYow I EL? YOUR EYES Y fSlNU YOlXoa CKI.KllltATEII iMi-uovKi) riiinsioi'K; classic LEVI! AN1 SOFT TO TIIK EVK. STIlKMITir KXJSO TO W EAK EVES, for Sl' 111 Oel.l, Sleet, llul.lwr and Celluloid Knoiu-a. HELP TO SAVE U buy I MR Ihe Rreatdwt Iwririli) ever offered hit (KHilUH'NTINti WATCH, Vnryli'H iu l'iii'e Cmm KullTYTOONK III MUlKli KUl.l.AlW Worth neaily double the price. SETS OF JEWELRY Hamliomc in rtfiKn and line in quutlty. A thou SHiiti a nil-rem Piyiee 01 RINi.S riNS, K.R-RIMi, ITKK HI T! 1N8. S IT I'H.i'l 11,1. MIS. I HONS, UUAOu K 8, SI I. V Kit M'OONS. FOliKH, ('., rl.i H'Kh, ri..TKL C.fTHBS, U K 1MTCH KK, &e. At l lie lowest possible ptiees. Order! promptly Niu-m.fo in. J. W. YOUNC. (Sl'OrKSSOR TO J. T. YotNO k HItO.) retem-burg, a, ooll ly. T XT T I? VT T f iV ,lM revolutionized L IN TjI 1 IlJiVhe wnrMdurl.ii the lut nan eeuiury. run .emu anioiiK uie wtm der of inventive procress is a method aud svi- temot work lhat can be performed all over tha country w llhout kciwiraiiiig the workers from their hiwH's. 1'ay liltciai; any one can do the arorv; tuner young or oiu; uo ajMH'iai aioiuy miff-ed Cut thia out and return to uu ana will send you free, somell,imrorroMtliuportanee to rou, that will start you in buslnew, whU-h will bring you in more money right away, than anyvnmg eiseia me worm, umnn omui wee 4ddri True ua w, Auguata, Maine. ADV KltTlSKM KNTS. Davis a co.; NO. 41 SYCAMORE STREET, IMCTKICSItl'iU., VA. 300 bbls Gold Medal and Gem Pat ent Flour; 300 l,hU. Dixie Patent and Harvest O.leeU. 3tio l.lils. Snow Drop and Star Family. 200 1.1,1s. Patapseoan.l Dunlop Patent. 25 boxes Fat Racks and Butts. 10 b'.xes Small Bacon Sides. 2 Inner Break fast Bacon. .Ml barrels and halves New Mackerel. fiOO kegs Nails all sizes and kinds. 300 bas Dr p and Buck Shot. 250 kegs Or.oie Rille Powder. 50 barrels 150, 100 mid 115 Kero sene Oil. 300 caddies Green and Black Tea. 150 crates and tulw Pure Lard. 25 bane!.-. Pure Ci.lar Vinegar. 10 bags Pepper, Spices and (lingers. 50 bags Prime Rio and Laguayra Coffee. 50 barrels Refined Sugars. Also Brooms, Pail, Washboards, Soda, Paper etc. For sale by DAVIS & CO. No. 41 Sycamore Street. Sep 30 ly. POMONA HILL NURSERIES, POMONA, N. C. Two and a half miles west of Greensboro N. C. The main line of the R. & D. R. R. pavscs through the grounds aud within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit aud Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspect this the largest nursery iu the State and one among the largest in the South. The proprietor has for many years visited the leading Nurseries North and West and corresponded with those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the South, both native and foreign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that muny ugents going out from Greensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they nro represent ing those nurseries. Why do they do it? Let the public answer. I have in stock growing (und can show visitors the sniue) tho largest and best stock of tret's, Six., ever shown or seen in any two nurseries in North Carolina con sisting ol apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum. gripe, Japanes: persimmon, Japa nese plum, apricots, nectariue, Russian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits Strawberry, raspberry, currants, pecans, English walnuts, rhubarb, asparagus, evergreen., shade trees, roses, ka. Give your order tj my authorized agent or order direct from the nursery. Correspondence solicited. Descriptive catalogues free to applicants. Add rcss, J. VAN. LINDLEY, Pomoua, Guilford county, X. C. may 5 ly. H. ClSPIERSr Wilot.KsAI.KAN'll I1KIAII. I EAt.EK CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND FRl'lTS. I bavtMiii bund und am receiving one of the largest sbK-ks of (mfert.i merit's and toys ever brought to ih Is miirket.a.id will sell those wish hiti to noil atniu ttt WHOLESALE PRICES. I also have a tremendous slock of more miif nUiitinl K'hkIs at both of my stores, such as fatnl ly (trtiwtes, Crofkerywiini, Tinware, Hardware, laskwaro. Wood aud Willow Ware. Ac. ou hautlMlaUtinieKalarxo bd of stovepipe. el bow k and stove puns of all si sea, and stove COOKING UTENSILS. D n'i fowl the ol tee-Uriel Htore tn tha loi- tom.BL'vcrHl l! niied Htalea fluff alniTc the door. H.C.SHKKH, Welrton, N.( 1 F is 1. HALIFAX, N. C, SALOON, o AND o fflPWM G 11 0 C E It I E S , A full assortment of Family Gtoceriot. TOBACCO, SNUFF,' C1GAR8. CHOICKST LIQUOKS, The public is invited to call on mo. , M9Neit door to Emry't store towards the pottoffioe. mar 10 I jr. r h - ttp 9 "