TBBMS-"00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE NO. 5, HAXiL Sc SLEDGE, proprietors. -A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPL E. )L. XIX. WEM10N, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1888. -PATENT VCJl&AMBRiaMrc.Ce. new advertisements. " the" IW Hund un PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISH:ED1774. Tin- value of FLOI'R depends upon the ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OK XI'- 1 111 HON COM AIXKD IX Til K ItltKAD IT MAKES. Our I'ATKXT HOI.I.r.li ! I.OI (S are manufactured from tlx- CHOICEST WIIKAT ohtaina tie. Balliinorc stands pre-eminent in this country us a luiirkrt for choice wheat which gives lis a great mltmitauf ill the selection of the BEST THAT IStillOWN, The SUPERIOR COMMXATION OFGU TEN AND PHOSPHITES thus an.ri,d, enables us to place (in the mark, flour I'XKfJt'AI.KD FOR I'M IT lt- iii an.i ll, 1 1 llll ,n I'KUI'KKTIK.S. This fact is rocoirtiui'd nut only in this country, hut in Eur me asw.-ll. wheie the "PATAPSCO SI'PERLATIVE' COMMANDS DECIDEDLY MOKK MOXKY than any other Auierican Flour. ask jour grocer ii r Patapsco Superlative Patent, lied Co d Family, I'atujsio Family l'ateut, North I'uint Family, Orange Grove Extra, i atapsco hxtr. Chesapeake hxtrn. Baldwin ruinily. C. A. GAMBIULL MAXIFAC'ITRING COMPANY, 21 I Commerce St , Baltimore, MJ. sug 12 ly. WEAK NERVES PiimVi ('KLiiT Com roc hd lift Mfrr Tonic whJib nevrr faili. ConUiuinf t'slery fid ('(K.. Uiinh wiiQilTful nervv tliuulanla, II kimtdily curat all oerroua disorders. RHEUMATISM lUiNf.'x cmiiT ConForKD imriflts itw Wood. It ilrivft out tin U'tic fct-iil, ftliiili iBUM'i Hbi'inufttimii. ftul rwtorwtha Wood. tntkltiK i irfkiiH lo heitltliy omiilitiuii. It IN ti truu reuiwly lot iiheumatiani, KIDNEY COMPLAINTS PilXl'S OTLTIT COMFOTOTi tHllcklj matorw tb livrr and kldui ) to lwrltt ui-altu. Una' curative jH'fr, lontblifd with it time tunic, niaktw It the beat remedy fur all kidney cnujfluutff. DYSPEPSIA IiHi"tt TriTHY CoMPomn utrtturthrm th tomaoh. and uuliti the at-nrM of the dtw tive oriranst. Thin U why tt vurta even Uie mutt cmw of Dyiim!. CONSTIPATION riKK' rn t CiFnrwnli not a ithr It ih laxative, (ivioir iwjr and natural action to the Ikjwi Ij. ItvaTulanty mrtlir M Iowa 1U IIM, Narvoua Prottratlaa, Narvoua Htadaeht, Ikconmicudmt h iTofetiMlouftl ttidbuiiueiui Niurtlii, Ntrvom Weaknctn, Stomach , . """I " and Liver Ditt ( Rhfumatiatn, Dy. rriKV I WV' ""u "J '"m""' rPt'. and all afftoioni of tht Kidatyt. WELLS, R! CH ARDSON A CO. Prop'f jan 111 ly THE PLACE TO GET iiiei $ IBBIOllIIi AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFKlt'S, '-4. WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE. OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L I) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. pu khttrtptIOM DEPARTMENT KILLED WITU THE BKST SELECTED MATER1AL.-W PRK3CRIPTI0NH COMPOUNDKD AT ALL 1I0UK8 WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY MAI'S, Mil'SIIES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. IIKIIIBIB lhl i bMrtr wtloome tlx.yi tw.lu jou tt ZOLLI COFFER'S. A MONODY. H Y H E X II Y f . 0 K It . When tempted, lordy tetaplttl.to the wrong, Willi t'Hcli tetuniing day. In Hiich ntrife we nhuuld betruii How ilitrk the wiy ; XIik false tmiMt not absorli the true. The fit t n rt: limy hhli- ft-1 any liourn, Ami floud now rtnrk In' c)iuiif i to Mm, Ami bmllew tteim to truu runt (lowers. We kuow that light huM In our KUUIe, Thuiijfh we may npfin to lose ; A gf in mu Kjilrit niflluw pndf Wlih bcHveoly irfcnti-tl dwi Bo, Itt ui wait, and wut Ii, tnd iiray, t'liBjiuuiurliiu ax (In- prlHuiietl itrfnnm, TUrre in no nl;lit without Uk duy, Nu life wlliioit Iti KUltny dreuuii. Ho hrave- oh hcurt ut'miti -tuA bold, hi mun lik-M trull) be strong; KefuKf tiff'4 ilrt'atii, at re pi Its gold, He meek and sufter long, SuinetinieH from cloud (but wliroud the way Pearly nliuwerH limy drhii'inl, And Kohleii ttunlight crow u lilt's dsy With iierfcet beuuty at ila end. Hduietiiiie ! and atthc hest.nt t loug, Love's loving, lunging lljts will close In measure will as zephyr n song, Or fitlllng dews upon the roue; And theu-uh, then if filth bentrung, Nouuklnd deedB run chill the breast, Hut ernel wordsund torturing wrong (Jive pUee to happiness mi l n.t. TALMACE ON SONC. II K WANTS MOTMKHS 'I II SI Nil FIIK T 11 El H i'MILIIIlKS S IKMlll. THE SOUTH. BY MAYOR HEWITT Of NEW YORK. A STORY FOR HUSBANDS. Light Running UomcsticSewinff Machine Vl, R KAI.K HV P. N. STAINBACK & CO. out 14 ly I 1 L n ! LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. 3DEALER IN3 DRY GOODS, BOOTS, 8H0KS, NOTIONS, 1IAT3,CAPS, DOMESTICS, I'lUXTS, STAPLK GOODS, (iROCKRIES, Ao4 Everything that cto be called for. HEADQUAKTEKS FOR AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. It in nut so much what you formally tench your children an what you niii;; to them. A hymn has wins and can fly everywhither. One huudredaiul fifty yeais after you ue dead, aud "Old Mortality" hua worn out his chisel in cutting out your name on the toiuht"ti, your preat gnnidchihlrt'ti will be sinning the ion; whic h thin afternoon you sin' to your lit tle ones gathered about your knee. Oh, if mothers only knew the power of this sacred spell, how much of'tener would the little ones be gathered, and all our homes wuuld chime with the songs of Jesus! We want seine counleiaeling influence upon our children. 1 tie very moment your child steps into the street he steps into the path of temptutiou. There are foul-moutlied children wlio would like to befoul your little ones. It will not do to keep your boys aud girls in the house to make them house plants; tbey must have fresh ait and recreation, (iod save your hildren from the scathing, blasting, fmioing influence of the streets! I know of do counteracting influence but the power of Christian culture aud ei- uniple. Hold before your little ones the pure life uf Jesus; let that name be the ord that shall exorcise evil from their hearts. Give to your instruction all the fascination of music, morning, uoon and uij;lit; let it be Jesus, the cradle suug. This is important if your children grow up; but perhaps they may not. I heir pathway may be short. Jesus may he wanting that child. Then there will be soundless step iu the dwelling, aud the youthful pulse will begin to flutter and the little hands will be lifted for help. Y ou cannot help. And a great agony will pinch at your heart, and the cradle will be euipty, and the nursery will be empty, and your soul will be empty. Nu little feet standing on the stairs. No toy scattered on the carpet. No strange and wondering questions. No upturned face, wilh laughing blue eyes, come fur a kiss, but only a grave, and a wreath of white blossoms on the top uf it. The heavenly Shepherd will take that lamb safely any how, wbether you have been tail hi ul cr un'aithful; but would it not have been pleusauter if you could have heard from those lips the praises of Christ? I never read nuything more beautiful than this about a child's departure: "She folded her hands, kissed her mother goodbye, susg her hymn, turned her face to the wall, said her little prayer, and then died." Songs in the uight! Songs iu the oibt: forme sick, who uave no oue to turn the hot pillow, do one to put the taper on the stand, no oue to put ice on the t nip'e, or pour out the soothing ano dyne, or utter onu cheerful word yet songs in the night ! For the poor, who fr. etc iu the winter's cold and swelter in the summer's heat, and muuch the hard crust that bleed the s ire gums, and shiver uuder blankets that cannot any longer he pali heil, and tremble because rent day is come and lin y may beset out on the sidewalk. Christ is the everli sting sung. The very best singers oiuetimes get tired; tbe strongest luroits sometimes get weary, and many win nan very sweetly do nol sing Dow, but I hope by the grace of God we will, after a while, go up and sing the praises of Christ where we will never be weary. You know theie are some longs that are especially appropriate for the home circle They stir thesoul.th ttart the tears, they turn the heart in on itself ami keep sounding after the tune has stopped, like some cathedral bell which, long after the tup of the briuen tongue l.n ceased, keeps tlmbbing on the air. Well, it will be a home i mgin heaven, all the sweeter because those who ang with us in the domestic circle on earth shall joiu that great harmony. Southern lfnuquet Retxirt ill N.vr York Tiiilt".l Mayor Hewitt raised the enthusiasm to the boiling pitch. Said he: "I have heard your fiuht spoken of us the lint cause. It has paid you better than any other cause. The South never knew what it was to live and prosper until it lost its cause. When everything the South held most dear was swept away, and you were weeping in the valley of the shadow of death, you came to the resurrection which is making the South the garden of this land, which is filling it with wealth, wealth won by the labor of freemen and not of slaves, (ileal ap plause You never knew what you had until you lost the trail crop upon which you planted your fortunes. God had tilled your land with every element of wo ill h, but it remaiued undeveloped in the preaeueu of the blight which you neil her understood, nor recognized. Xow you have turned your attention to the re sources which God has given you, and the irrepressible conflict is taking a new shape. It is a coi.flict between tile man ufaeturing States uf the North and of the South, and the victory is already perch ing upon your banner. Great applause In the future production of this country, it will bo registered in successive centuries, in fact before the lapse uf the century, that the Southern States of the I'liion will far outstrip Pennsylvania and the other manufacturing States of the North. It was the North that lust by the out come of the rebellion, not you. The victory of the North was, in reality its defeat, and in the future the greater friend and supporter of Cons'itutiiti.il I'liion. will be the South." A HAPPY COUPLE. A married and experienced friend tells us that a man should ajways be a little bigger than his wife, and a little older, a little bntver, and a little stronger, and a little more iu love with her thau she is with him. A woman should always be a little younger, and a little prettier, and a little more considerate than her husband. He should bestow upon her all his worldly goods, and she should take care of them, lie may owe her every care and tender ness that affection may prompt; but pe cuniary iudebtness to her will become a burden. Hotter live on a crust that he earns than a fortune that she lias brouirht him. Neither must be jealous, or give the other cause for jealousy. Neither must encourage sentimental friendships with the opposite sex. Perfect confidence in nch other, and reticence concerning their mutual affairs, even to members of their own families, is a first Dccessity. A wife should dress herself becomiug- ly whenever she expects to meet her hus band's eye. The man should not grow slovenly even at home. rault hnding. long arguments, or scoldings, cuds the happiness that begins in kisses and love-making. Sisters and brothers may ijuarrel and "make it up." Irfivers arc lovers no longer after such dis turbances occur, and married people who are not lovers are bound by red-hot chains. If a man admires his wife most in striped calico, she is silly not to wear it. THETREE WAS SAVED. IKYOi; HAVE NEVER UIVEN A MORT IIAOE, DON'T IK YOU CAN HELP IT. A farmer asked oue of the visitors in a store about making a loan of $1100. It seems that the man had worked bard all his days, and had bought and paid for a 81,211(1 farm, had taken n wife, furnished a house, aud Uuw, envious of some of hit neighbors, wanted to build a Dull ham. Todotliishu proposed to borrow the cash, giving a mortgage on his farm. Said the store man alter the story was told : "Your farm is clear now?" "Yes, sir." "You love your wife?" "Yes, sir." "Well." said the merchant, "this is what you should do. Go home aud earn the $:iOII first, and then build the barn. If you borrow now you will think each night as you lie in your bed that you are in debt. You will fret and worry; your wife will do the same; sickness aud acci dents may come or a poor crop may le your portion; there will be a SitOO skele ton Iu your house, and leu to one you will fret aud grow peevish and have a quar rel with your wi,'.-. Don't go iuto the mortgage business! Don't go into debt! Live within your iucoinc, be in dustrious, and when you build your barn and own it, you will be as proud of it as the Englishman is of his castle." For a moment the young farmer hesi tated. On each side were interested spec tators, and all was silent. Gradually the head lowered and the tear rolled down the cheek. The man took pride in his occupation and wanted that barn. At last he said, ' Thank you, sir. To tell the truth, my wife was crying when 1 left I. I T no jie uecausc i was going to mortgage the place. I'll take your advice and go home as I came dowu, and she'll be glad to sec me." ' There," said the merchant, that fellow came to a good, wise conclusion. I have seen lots of misery on account of this mortgage business, lie who gives one, often gives peace, comfort and content ment with it." KISSED EMMA ABBOTT. DRUMMER LARNKIl S RATHER START LINO FREAK AT A THEATRE DRESSINil-Hi 0M. A Harrisburg ( IV) special ssys: "An episode which occurred behind the scenes during the sinking of t he " Bohemian ( i ill ' ky the Emma Abbott Company ou Tues day evening leaked out to day. The pri ma donua and her h adlug people stopped at tin I.m hiel Hotel, where there appear ed ou the register page below their names the autograph of one "William l.iirunl, Jr., of Ronton ." This latter personage wan trim in ap pearance and ipiile a fashionable specimen of the genus drummer. I luring the eve ning he appeared at the opera house, and mauaged to get behind the scenes by rep resenting himself as an old friend f Em ma Abbott. When the star met I.arned she could not recall having sren him be fore, but he protested that she had met him Out of courtesy she endured his chatter a while, thinking it possible that he might have been presented to her at some time or other during her travels. Suddenly, however, her feeling uf tol erance was changed to disgust, for, catch ing hit am, Latmd leaued forward at.d imprinted a kiss upon the white shoul der of the songtross before she divined his intention. Then she screamed and disappeared within her dressing room. Members of the. company hustled the drummer into the street. He was not a whit abashed, aud tauutingly yelled back that he would see the company iu Altoo na, their next stand. WORDS OF WISDOM. A CHOSTLY CROVE. Th public ii respectfully invited to call, W. H. BBOWWaJioq.N, 0. $505 worth of wimple jewelry just opened. Solid gold and gold plated jew elry of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost at T. L. Kmry'b. A tecififul line of castors from S3 In 16. r,N.SniiACK&Co. A gentleman who lives near Augusta tells, in the Atlanta L'tmstititthit, an in tercstiug story about William Henry Uussell. the great English singer, who was all the rage foity years ago. It was in 1848. The coming of Russell had been heralded for wii'ks in advance of his visit, and when he reached Augusta the people were eager to hear him. The hall was crowded. In the audience was Col. R n. Harris, who had come fifteen miles to attend the concert, Russell I'm Afloat," "Ivy Green," and several oilier of his famous songs. Hi success Was overwhelming. His greatest triumph, however, was his singing of 'Woodman, Spare That Tree." When ne nail niiisUedtlie tinril vers; t ol. Harris jumped up and shouted : "I'll bed d if it shall Ik-cut down. I'll give 01 00 out of my own pocket to save il !" Th iuteirupiiiin of course created a sensation I'ol. Hani wan an elegant gcntleniHit lleeoveriug himself, he made an elaborate apology for what he had said and done, hut ho could not conceal his mortifica tion. There w s a short pause. Russell broke the silcnoe. "Ladies mid gentle men," sail he, "I have sung that song in all parts of the civilized world. I have hecu complimented by the crowned heads of Kuroiic and the potentates of the east. Rut, believe me, I have never received so line a compliment a that just paid me uy the gentleman. Mmmoiit l.lver Keguta'or is what the namo indicates a "Regulator' of that most important organ, the Liver. Is your Mvcr out of order J lien is your whole systora deranged, the breath ottenstve, you have headache, leel Ian guid, dispirited, and nervous, no appe tite, sleep is troubled and unretrcshrog Simmons Liver Regulator restores the healthy action of the Liver. See that you get the genuine, prepared by J. II Zoilio k Co. mat Mm. A singular superstition is agitating the ignorant denizens of the region between the junction of the Oemulges and Ohoo pee rivers, in Tatuall county, Ga. In the center of au old, deserted field, which is almost tin arid waste, stand four trees, one of tliein half demolished from lightiiing stroke. The other three have entertwincd their branches iu such a manner that, when si en from a dis tance, they seem to form three gigantic figures 8. The fourth tree furnishes a figure "1," and all toactbor, when seen from a distance, read "1S88." This cu rious fact was dis overcd by some uegroes while returning from a camp mectiug last year, and their fevered imaginations at ouce construed it to portend that some direful event Would occur durin" the present year war, pestilence or the end of the world. So fixed has this belief become in the minds of both black and white in that part uf the Stale that any unusual disturbance of the elements sets the people to prayiug in a most vigorous aud fervent manner. The news of earth quakes and other dire events is listened to with avidity. In the midst of all this excitement the trees stand together us sentinels in the midst of the deserted field, while the road that pusses near by is seldom used, for the people dread to pass by llieoiueus of evil which stand so grimly together. TAKE CAKK (illtl.S. Every irial adds to our strength. The greatest fool of all is he who fools himself. Drop your bad habits and they cannot lower you. Gratitude preserves old friendship and procures new. Those who go for berries should not retreat from briars. One ungrateful loan docs an injury to all who stand in need of uid. Genius beckons ti man up, anil if he attempts to climb will help him. Prosperity is no just scale; adversity is the only balance to weigh friends. The world is a comedy to those who think; a tragedy to those who feel. Die sooner you cut loose from one who deceives you the better off you will be. Hearts are flowers; they remain open to the softly-falling dew, but shut up in the violent downpour of rain. Do not fret. It only adds to your burden. To work hard is very well; but to work hard and woiry, too, is more than huniau nature can bear. .Nothing good bursts forth nil at once. The lightning mav dart out of a black cloud: but the day sends his bright her- !ds before him to prepare the world for Ins coming. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Is Life Worth Living ? That depends upon the Liver, for if the Liver is inactive the whole sys tem is out of order the breath is bad, digestion poor, head dull or aching, energy and hopefulness gone, the spirits are de pressed, , heavy weight exists ufyr eating, with general despondency and the bluen. The Liver is the houjekeeper of the health; and a harmless, simple remedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur- mg its use, makes bim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. I have tested Its virtues pemonallT, "1 know that fur llyspeiulm lilllomness and Throbbing Headache, It In the liesl meill ef ne the world evr w. Have tried forty other remedies before tsimruoiis l.lver KeKUlauir, il none of Uiem ve more than temporary relief, hot the KeKiilator not only relieved but .cured. 11. 11. JoNKM, Macon, Or De;8 ly. ElOirell, WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES. LIQl'OKS, CIGARS. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wines, Liuunrs, Tobacco. Cigars, Snuff, &c, and will also keen nu hand a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINER' "' ,. I am dailv rpreivinu mv FALL Htock of Mi ry, Kuncy limtdK, Nolioim, 6w. umbntcing aj'a latest novellien. You are rtM;clfully call and examine my nlock and pru't-fc, ,a gf ClUUiUg. a ' JHKS. jf. A. L, -'. aprlMy POMONA HILL NURSb POMONA, N. C. Two and u half miles west of Greens, N. C. The main lino of the R. & i R. R. passes through the grounds and. within lot) feet of the office. Salem ' trains make regular stops twice daily J each way. Those interested in Fruun and Fruit growing are cordially invited to luspcci mis uio largest uuraery in ui: State and one among the largest in the? South. g The proprietor has for many yearf; isited the lending Nurseries North and West and corresponded with thoso "J foreign countries, gathering every 8, that was calculated to suit the -.5 M I f mf both native and foreign. Thttffr f C JJ LLIU of Pouioua Hill Nurseries is m'if" A Burial CjSes, HKKKOITAItY TKICKS. I will always keep on hand a stock of 'II made Metallic llurial rases aud WOODEN COFFINS which 1 will sell cheat), and which can be had at any hour, day or night. Ordets bv letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. I'.VTHONAGK SOLICITED. E. A. Cl'THRELL, First Street, Weldon, N. C. sep 15 !!iu. viniiRF vvim FITS! There are some things a well bred young lauy never dues : She never accepts a valuable present from a gentleman acquaintance unless engaged to him. She never turns uiotiud to look after any one when walking on the street. She does not permit gentlemen to join heron the street unless they are very in timate acquaintances. She does not wear her monogram about her person or stick it over Iht letters or envelopes. She never forgets her ball room en gagements or refuses to dunce with one geutliiuan and immidialely dunes with another. She never accepts a seat from a gentle man in a stn-el car without lliaiiking him. She never takes more than a single glass of wine at a dinner or eutertaiu- nicnt. She never suulw other young ladies. even if they happen to be less popular or well tavored than herself. A cam1 is on record of :i man who pos sessed the habit of sleeping on his hark with the right leg crossed over the left. His daughter, while still an infant in the cradle, cxibitcd the same peculiarity. The possibility of imitation, conscious or unconscious, is here obviously excluded A case has been reported to the writer of a man who had the habit of alternately flexing and extending his great toe whil lying in bed. His grandson developed the same habit, though quite ignorant of his grandfather's peculiarity. Ribot re cords a curious instHuce of a domestic servant who exhibited an incurable vice of loquacity. She talked iucessautly ti auy one who would listen, to animals. ti in, miniate objects, and even to herself. lien upbraided with her folly, she said it was uot her fault, us her father had possessed just the same habit, and had al most driven her nufllier distracted by it. THE STINil KK.MOVLD. When 1 sav Culir I do not msaii msrely to sod llisni lor a Hint, mud then havu them re turn ualn. I ak A RADICAL CI UK. I have wad the dlicase ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A lite tons studv. I wabhimv my remedy to CCBK the worst f-aiM. keeaus others hsvt failed is no reason fur not now recelvtniacure. 8nd at once tor n treatise and a Kuks Hottus nf mv Ink.i.i.ihlr KkmROV. Illve Kxl and Wst omre It cost, you nntlniiK tor a trial, and ll win cure you. auuit. H.C.ROOT.M.C. H3PlMllT.,llwYtf jMimioy juin. manv nizenta troinir out from G' i representing otlrer nurspriesut"" ' the impression that they are, repreuiai,. mg these nurseries. W hy do they ao it? Let the public answer. I have in stock growing (and can llu ' i visitors the same) the larsif "' and heat i i stock of trees, itc., ever shown or seen in .1 ' any two nurseries in North Carolina oar sisting of apple, peach, pour, ch plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, nese plum, apricots, nectarine, Ru apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits i Strawberry, raspberry, currants, pecans, hnglisli walnuts, rbuburb, asparagus evergruens, shade trees, roses, &a. Give your order to my authorized! agent or order direct from the nursery. , Correspondence solicited. Descriptive, catalogues free Iu applicants. ' ' Address, TL J. VAN. LINDLEy.H Pomona, Guilford county, N. C. may a ly. f H. G. SPIERS,7' 3: WHOLESALE AND RKTAII. HBAI.U &i Htill Ahead. Persons desiring Safe and Cheap Iu suranee will do well to see an agent of the Valley Mutual Life Association of irgiinu. Il lias members in nearly ev ery eouqty from the mountains to the sea ami they recoguizu the tact that they have reliable and sate insurance and are paying up their assessments promptly and ulliiigly. Agents want iil in every county. Liberal terms offered to live men. Address Rehkklkto: Arnaix, Southern Managers, Raleigh, N, C, HELP YOUR EYES V CslNti vor NO s celebrated CONFECTIONERIES. TOYS AND FRl'Il I have on IibikI uml mn rvreivtng one "litu j larf et utocki of v mft'rtiitiuTfeti ami toys brought to this nrtrka,antl will sell those ing to sell attain at B IMTKOVKD ra.lSLWIC OLASSK,S, CLEAU AM SOt-T TO T1IK KYK. STKEXUTH' For Hull' luiulJ StFfl, KuMmt atitl Celluloid Kmtut'f. WHOLESALE PRICE. I also have a tremendous shick of tt Btantial Roodi at both of my stores, stQ ly Ururerles, Crockcryware, TlnwarcJt Ulusware. Wood and Willow Ware, On hauilst aUtttnoK slarKC lot of elbows Bud stove piins of all slxftn, n"d He had put oil his hat. started for the iloor, hesitated, eanii' buck, sighed deep Iv. and took the lily white hand in his own and pressed it to his Hps. "Katie,'' he murmured, "I have wail l long oh. how long' for this oppor tunity. Will yon, rvite, will you, tlnn ing, be mine?" Henry, she replied, wilh a look hall of sorrow and hall of determination, "it can never be." Never be! Oh, why have you per mitted me to hope? Why have you en couraged me, only to stauip upon my bleeding heart at last?" I am sorry, Henry; but I oin never be youis. I have other objects in view. "Other objectsf "Yes, Heury; I cannot consent to be long to any man. I intend that you shall be mine. Huston Iratitermt. nurklen's Arnlra Halve. The Bust Salve in the world forCuta, Bruises. Sores.l'leers. Salt Rheum. Fever Soioa,Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns. aud all skin eruptions,and positive ly cure Piles, or no pay required. It il guaranteed to give perfect aatisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown k Carraway, Halifax, Dr. J A McOwigan, Enfield. HELP TO SAVE B billing the ircMi'-t UrBalueviTiiftertdllia GOLDIIl'XTlNGWATCll, VsryliiKlu I'rlee from POIITY TOONE HI'NIiRKI) DOLLARS Worth ueaily double the iirlee. SETS OF JEWELRY COOKING UTE ll iu'l li.rR-ct the ili e-Urlcli Si torn, neveral t'lilled stale Itna Hi II C.MI'IKRH. I.F, it,l I stMk DICKER "m llndme. In dcilpi nnd line In qiisltty. A thou- Mtml aillerent slyive l Rimx TINS, KAR RIVIS, tVTT Bt'TTONS, .ill'llS.COI.LAKS, rtt'TTI INS, BRACELETS, SILVER SPOONS KOKKS. 40.. Cl.'Jl'hS, l'l.ATED CASTORS, ll'B PITCH 1SRS, die. HALIFAX, N. C, SALOOF, o AND o X nit lowest possible nrlees. aiienucu iu. Orders promptly J. W. YOUNC, (SOnCESSOB TO J. T. VIII Nil PRO.) met It. Petersburg, Va. INVKNTIONSSWilrJS i.1mi hJf ifMUiirv. Not leant amort th woa- MwirfvotiTepr"ttrMlH a method and m MU0t that oan do tMtiormea aii 0Ttr tna count? without nejMi rating the worker from their hone- fay literal; any oue ran do lha worV; ettafr young or our. no biwciiu nuiiity .miml Uii out aud return to uh and will send yiKifroe.iomnUilnir of ertt Importance to you, that H ilt ttart you in biulnesi, Willi -will iirin van in innr monav rlirht awav. thau BtHnyUiluK etoeMk the world. lrand outiit dea jUdrew Tru u4 Co., Auyuit, Haiua. ii fa a bj" i ijt s va xv v xj xv i u i i A Masmtnwntof Family Gro j '.." i TOBACCO, 8NUFF, CIGARS.- CHOICEST LIQUOBS, The public it invited to etll on j 10-Ncit r'oor to Kmry's storey the poMomoe. I

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