wW tnVKWMSKMKNTBT I NEW A rv KKT 1 S f?" wnMMCB HALL &c SLEDQE, PIlOPKIETORS. .A. IN" E "W SP APEE FOB THE PEOPL E. TERMS-2'1'" ''K1 ANN TM IN ADVANCK VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2H, 1888. NO. 3. 6 ir 1 1 1 : v nl) f, . J J 1 NKW APVKHTISKMENTS. l, 1 PATENT VCAGAMBRIllMrcCo. OUR PATENT EOLLEE FLOlTES are manufactured from (lie CHOICEST WIIKAT OIITAINABLE. Tlicir supo li .rtv lor I NIKDIIMITV, SI'UKNti I'll an I I'NAITlfO.U'U AHLE ELAVOK has long btru acknowledged. The PATAlSCOSn'Eltl,.TIVK PATENT Hcancln unrivallc KuSlidillUB. Of o rich, Cnnuiy Cohr, ay"Ask I 'at mjihco Supi rlativo I'utrnt, Cli'un:iio:ike Kitra, Orange Grove Extra. C. A. GAMMULL aug 'l 1y. Paine's. compound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jua It) ly THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PEICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, i to EST SIDE WASHINCTON WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rlRBCRIPTION DEPARTMENT FILLED PRESCRIPTIONS COMTOUNDKD FUMEKY, STATIONERY, FANCY FANCY t V I M B I B thin hurt; welcome alwtyi FOR SALE BY P. N. on u ir LEADER OF light Ronning Domestic Scwimc Machine Comer of 1st street and Wash. Ave. 2 DEALER IN DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, CAl'S, DOMKSTIt'S, HUNTS, STAPLE (iOODS, OKOCKRIES, And Everything that can be called for. HEADQUARTERS FOR wtiy.i iris AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. The publio it respectfully invited to ot61 THE! 1 ) a. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISHIED1774:. it male; n liread that will suit the yciur Cr icer for it Patnpsco Eanil l'atmt, Hedl'ord Family. Baldwin .Family, .MAXI'FACTI KING COMPANV, 214 Commerce St , Baltimore, Mil. RERE TONIC. Celery and Cora, tho proniluput In sredieMn, fire the trot and wifi-Rl Nerve Tonic-. It Mtrt'itKtbi'iiii mid itiiftn tlti- liervmui ny-ik'tii, curing NtTvmw WeakueM., Ul'-rU, HU'eji. lemiieiv, Ac. M ALTERATIVE. Itdriveiout the potnonoUM humors of the blood purifying and enriching It. and o overconiiiK those dbeauwe rutultinir from impure or irauuvr lihed blood. uxaw. ArtlnirmlUllvtrtitHurelTnnthebowffli iteureit huhlttiil (-.imtlnatioit, and jroiim'Kaniriilur Imbit. Uttri'iirt the Ktomu b, and aidi dlitetUoii. n- DIURETIC. In Itii ontnTMWtttnn the hcrt and moM aetlvediuretieaof the Materia Meitlru arcroroltiiiediioU-ntitlriillywittiDtlii'r effwtivi; rviuvdliM for dteaws of the kidm'yn It can be if lied on to kIto quirk relief and peedy cure. RaDdmdauf tMtimoniAi ha bwtn rossoivsrl iMMrkkbl batMtlt. ttend for kirc ultra, finug full partwuUn, frlM II M. IU Driffim. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Prop's BURLING TON, VT. AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, WITH THE BEST HKLEITED MATERIAL. "B AT AI.I. HOI KS WITH GREAT CARE. SOAPS, Blil'KHF.8, ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. awaiia you it ZOLLICOFFKR'R. STAINBACK k CO. LOW PRICES. iiiivdiaj otll. 1 1 W. H. BROWN, Weldco,N, C. CASSAMAXCA. One darky lit tit id in the 'Imi'kcr pntih, Wlieiu'u all ihert'Ht had ltd : Wliite mule liet'U, rinds and t?reen worms Hew A hiiiig round his head. Savory,. tout and Muck lidood, A" bum to rule ftirm, Wtiilv K"lSiig luoutb and bulimiK eyttii Be Ui lit.1 (it'll himtlurm. Timt niuleltk'ked hard: he woiildn't Wave 'VnU'to de iMifi Mild o," "lr tltw-," lllll OIIM'ltHI' ltl'llUlligtlt, Ihid (((iin'i)lVlolhi' hlitiw. The durkie yelled : ' Sec Iutu, hoxH. nnyi Mils' I U'ftiiB iiniif ttn "" Jut then the nt whk mi It-it nwny, Andrmli'cralh'd out "Wlinu'" (Mile thick and I'ntti ti 1 1 iiid ol dint Arf'Ketutvard the fky, And filled Uiuilarki:' even am) notic Mke tlmir oil liul.-l "Hay, btiwi !" hii in ntr Cuilee erlwt, ' Kf 'taint nuts' time V gm ' ' Naught hut the i-lntl'Tinx horifn reolled. As the HKlleuule kirktdou. At lust there i-urne. a thundrous crash That ande the earth rcwunul, And when the dual tnul debris jwiss d The mule could nut be fmiiid. That fateful lust terriiic kick 11 ml Hlrui'k imCuili'e'o iit-ud. Ami now, Hie mule, a -h uii-ri'il wreck, lty tar nit Umpand d-al, CUT OFF HIS OWN LEC. WOIWUAN (ll'KHATKS IIH HIMSELF WITH A JAl'KNIKE Tn ESCAPE TIIK WOLVES. From 1 lie Konti du l.ae i Wia.i Keporter. A wooilsumn was raught by a Calling tree ami "lie of hialeH was iiiiiiuneil be tween its heavy trunk ami that uf a brut her iniiiiareh. Tlu te il van helil a is id :i vise, just belnw the knee. The mifurtuiiate man was alone anil ton I'ar I'mm the nearest camp to make bis voice heard. His ax bail been il;i!ieil from bis hanils ami he eouhl not reiwh it, Nifiht was appriiaehin, ami bungiy woKe. wire i-iimmeneiu to bowl about him. lie reeupiiztd that tu remain there was to die. The weather was growing: hitter eold, and he already felt a val uing numbness lie knew that in his condition and situation he cnulil not hVlit the wolves, and the project of becomiii a belplesa victim uf their ravenous at tacks nerved him to desperation. li 'moving bis suspenders aud binding them as tightly as possible ab nit his im piiseiied leg he inserted the blade of his jaeknife and cut away the vlutliiiig and flesh, aud seviied the joiut. The opera tion proved successful, aud he raised himself from the deathly trap, leaving the lower limb as the ghastly evidence of his cool determination to execute desper ate leisures against th .' gtim eertainty nf dissolution that would attend a lack of elTort. He managed to crawl to his hi, with which he cut a sapling aud made a rough crutch. With its aid lie made his way slowly to camp, nearly four miles tan', freiueotly lying down in the snow for rest. It was a long and vcrv ainful journey, anil be hobbled into amp just as his strength was about to give nut. Medical attendance was se cured and the seil'amputatiun was given proper dressing. The man is yet alive, aud the detailed statemeut from his own lips of what he suffered physically and mentally dutiug his experience in that relcntliss tree clasp, and of the thoughts that nerved htm up to carving his owu leg, are of au excep tionally thrilling character. The morn iug following the injured wooiliuau'8 ar rival in camp Rome of his companions. wing his tracks, veiled the spot where he met with his accident. The wolves bad beeu there, torn the covering from the flesh, leaving a clean polish on the bones. PRESENCE OF MIND. Sir James Thornhill, a distinguished painter, was employed in decorating th iuteriur of the dome of St. Paul's Cathe dral. Oue day, to observe the elf et oft certain part of his work, he moved back wards fmm it along the scaffolding, until be hud reached the very edge; anoth step would have dashed hitu to pieces on the pavement below. His attendant at this moment observul hi" danger, and ill an instant tlir w a pot of paint at lie picture. Sir James immediately rushed forward to chastise the man for bis a parently unjustifiable in t, but when the reason was explained, could n-t ive bin sufficient thanks or sulhciciitly admire bis ingenuity. Had the man called out to apprise him of his danger, he would have probably lost bis footing and been killed. The only means nf saving hini was to create a motive for his involunta rlly returning from the edge ol the scaf fold. For this purpose an injury to the painting was a good means. All these calculations, and the act itself, were thu work of an instant, for this attendant possessed the inestimable quality of pres ence of mind. Ilurklen'e Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Soros.l'lcers, Salt llheum.Kcvcr Soiej.Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Coris.and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay nspiirvd. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For ule by druggists it Weldon, Brown & Cirmwiy, Halifax, Dr. J A McOwigan, EDield. NOTA HEN-COOP EDITOR Fred Carrutli, in tho Chicago Ttihuuc, tells the following : "Have you a newspaper hen ?" I asked of a man who came over to where we were camped on the edge of a little I'a kotah town. "Yes, got one; did have two. but the other feller pulled out last week." Didn't it pay?" "Naw, he wan't no good get out the weakest paper you ever situ." ' What was the trouble with it?" "''No news, or at least none to amount tu anything. Course, if something big happened that he couldn't help scein' he'd get it in, but ev'ry week there'd be a lot o spicy things that he'd keep still's mouse about, an' stick in a lot o' pieces on free trade, or protection, or inebby sometimes the tariff. Hut I lie other man wan't that style-no blowin' pieces in liis'n, but all the spicy an' intcrestin' news that happened." "So you fro,e the long editorial man out?" "Had to do it, I tell you he didn't know enough to count sand. Wy lcni uic tell you a little ease : Couple o' months ago I built me a new chicken coop not a very big 'un. 'came I only got six hens and a fightin' rooster but 1 made it very keerful and put in two round roosts an' whitewashed Yin, an' three nests. I ligiired on half the lieu re-tin' an' scratebln' while the other shift was layiu'. an, nailed some slats over a box in one corner to shut up the setters in, an' mate ui iiiit their monkey bus' ness, an' fixed her up in style generally. Pretty soon old Cooper, this man thatV gone, come along, an' J calls him in an' says I : -Jes get on to the new lien house I been abuiMin'.' 'That looks lir-t-rate,' says be. 'Wiggle it,1 says 1. lie wiggled it. 'It 'pears solid,' says he. 'I claim it's the lust b.m house in the city,' says 1. 'Wouldn't wonder.' says ho. Thuti he walked off with bis bead down, atbiiikiu', 1 reckon d, what be should say 'bout it. Somehow 1 didn't manage to see the other feller to t 'II him 'bout it, but liordy, how do you think it come out?" "Haven't any idea. How did it?" "W y. I went over t j Hank (leorge's and borrowed his c ipy of Co .pcr's paper soou's it coiue out llauk hadn't got a look at it yet himself an' took it home ind waded thaough it, but not a line bout my heu-euop! Not a line I Not a wild! Didu't sav notbiu' 'bout it my name wasn't in the paper ! I went so fur as to even read clear through a long piece on 'Our Common School System,' thiukin' mebby that he stuck in some thiii' 'bout my hen house souicwheres. but he didn't. Well, I was mad, and 1 think I had a right to be. I thro wed the paper duwn, an' didn't even take it back to Hank, liut next mornin', when I seen one of the other feller's papers down at the stote, my eyes stuck nut s i you could liang your hat on em. 1 In re it was in his paper 'bout my hen ecu, big's a Mexican dollar! It read like this: 'We bear that I'uile Abmr D.ity his jes' completed a large au' couveuient heu-housc for his line flock of Sbangbis. Itramys, Plymouth Rocks, au' so forth. together with his famous fightin' rooster. lieu Butler. We have not Jet had the pleasure of samplin' any of the eggs laid iu this hen house, but wu know that I nelc Aimer is not the man to long fot get ye editor.' That's the very way he bad it, word for word, name and all. Jes' soon'a I read it went right out an' told e'rybody we couldn't afford to support Ulu looper no longer, cause he was linrlin' the town by net mentioniu' the improvements, an' I jes' kep' up the talk till what little business he did have drop ped off au' nobody wouldu't have oothin' to do with mm, an lies lelt. toll can see yourself that I couldn't very well do anything else, after the way he used me ou that hen-house." I i r li I M iitsi i.t:. "Stop that whistling! Don't you know it is Sunday, and the minister is listen tng to you .' said a young ufliccr to a lilor on board an Kuglish vessel on bicli a Prcshyti'riiin niiiiisit-r was a passenger 1 Noiiseiise!" said the minister, "lei hi whistle; it keeps evil thoughts out of hi mini I always auiuircil that saying aud the man that snid it, though I d not know his name. Thai man km something of human na'ure and of the workings of the heart; and he bad a jus an 1 gi-ni Mils idea of the Creator. Like Luther, he believed that "music drives the devil away." MtUl Ahead. Persons desiring Safe and Cheap In surance will do well to Bee an agent the Valley Mutual Life Association Virginia It has members in nearly ev cry county Irum the mountains to the s 'a and they recognue the fact that they have reliable and salo insurance and are paying op their assessments promptly and willingly. Agents wauled in every county. Liberal terms offered ti lu men. Address Berkeley & Arnall. Southern Managers, Raleigh, N, 0. A beautiful line uf eastern front 13 16. 1. N. Staindack li Co. HE HUCCED BOTH. AND THE KMIIttACF. liOST A HAIlVAIlll SENIUM JI HT THIRTY HOLLARS. Wednesday evening, just before mid night, two Harvard College seniors, who had been out on a little "lark." stepped into the doorway of a bake shop on Harvard street, Cambridge, to light their cigars, One was Uoyd McKee (iarri son, of Orange, X, J,, a grandsou of Wil liam Lloyd tiarrisoii. of abolition fame, and the other was Henry Clarke, ol Cambridge. While they waited two girls camo along. "Hello, sissy," cried one of the seniors, The girls giggled. "Say. girls, you are out late and in danger of getting kissed." The girls ice-heed. "If you don't stop laughing I'll hug yon both," said damson. "You can't do it." was the reply. At this (larrison ran out and forcing himself between the girls hugged them both until they cried fur help. Two polieemeu then appeared, aud (larrison seeing I bein relinquished bis bold ami sought to retreat. The officers captured hi in before he had taken many steps. Next day he ajipearcd before a magis trate. The girl.-, who are servants in a Cambridge family, were preseut, all blu-h-ing with confusion. " Was thislbe rnau who assaulted you?" asked the Judge. "We were not assaulted, sir; he did n t hurt us a bit." "liut diil this man hug you?" "Ye-c-s, sir." tlarrison pleaded guilty to the offence, and was lined t'.W and costs. He paid his fine, bowed and Went out. W hen asked about bis adventure (iarrisnn said he was satisfied. SI KSSI KHISSI KX IMCHI.HKNTS hd.Mrl IIF.MAIIKAHLK EXPERIMENTS WITH HI ILIEi'TH IN A HYPNOT IC SLEEP. A distinguished professor, speaking of bis experiments in mesmerism, in the columns of a sci"iiiilic paper, says: In this way a great variety of suggestions .in be produce ), not only in the brain properly so called, but in all the special uses. Presenting to a soinnaiiibuli.-t a leaf of paper perfectly white. I say to him Here is a photogtaph of me." lie im mediately sei's my portrait on that paper sees it so plainly, so truly, that if I -liulUe that partieulur leaf with auyuum- r of leaves exactly like it, he will read ' rcoganlze and pick out the one upon bieh his brain shall, in accordance with my assertion, have impressed my photo graphic image. So, too, with regard to icaiiug or to taste. Wc may cause the somnambulist to hear a concert of har monious sounds where, absolute silence reigns; we can make him drink the bit- rest liquids, which be slinll deem to be lightlul beverage. The sensibility. otll geueral aud special, i- also lulled to p iu soinnauibulisis. at least in those that keep the eyes closed; but win u by finite excitation or suggisiion ihe op erator bus summoned that sensibility to quilt the apparent apathy in which it ia sunk, the awakening in comparable to an explosiou. The subicut's aeiiteness of sight and of healing is extraordinary; he ! will see and hear sights and sounds (hat he could hardly distinguish in the wak ing stale owing to their distance. This supersensibility has given oceasiou to Un belief in the power of somnambulists to see objects at enormous distances, or through opaque bodies, and the like. The truth is, that in the somnambulist every seuseis exalted, ami the same holds good as to his muscular strength. We have spoken of the strong hold the uug netizer has on I lie subject Well, let the subject he a woman possessing as little strength as may be. Let several persons stand between her and the operator, and t biiu summon her to come to biiu. She will sn uggle with them if they op pose her movement, and in doing mi will display a surprising degree uf strength. Thf I oron.nro. HEROES. V. lull 1.1, Ut. I, lii.do i I . s . . A, 10 Iu the rescue of those in danger on the water, the papers were full of his praise, and justly so; ami so it has been wiih those who show a ihitalric ad in sating life. Wbm Frank Davis, a colored sail or. jumped overboard into the ice cold water, during a storm at sea. and cut loose from a floating mast the daughter of dipt. Patrick and restored her to her father's arms, at the risk of his own life, far out at sea, on a vessel supplied to be sinking, that negro's soul soared tu our highest idea of bravery aud he deserves that some token of respect should I c shown him on his return home, iu appre ciation of his n-jble act. Frank is a citi ten of Southport, and is a man of excel lent character, therefore be is an honor to the State that gave him birth. Y hope the colored people will procure an appr -priate bade t decorate the hero, and we know the white people will assist the:n 111 to doing. Nortb Carolina is ( proud of her heroes, whether white, or I Mick. WiloiiDgtoti AVicj, FLAMINGOES AT HOME. The lli-llli,il I'hiMoiai, or ll, must Kenu llllll ol lro,leiil 110 els. A walk of alioiil an hour brought us to a sinatl clump of trees, from li -hind which we carelullv ivi-onnoiieretl, and there, wiihiu haif a mile, we -aw the birds. Vi-rv lovely tli; pink mass looked In tho bright sunliglil. . Them were three separate el osiers of nesis, every one of which was oeeupied, while l!ie male lij'.l slo .i mcoiiiii1, their Ilea Is l ;ii-e.l high, os they ei. delllly susp-'eted iuiehief. As I eollid not cleiii'ly make out with my glasses Ihe position of tlie legs of the silling birds there wus nothing for it lint a long stalk over the i liter veiling si i!i, n ml With the blazing sun now nlmosi veriieal. Tlio first quarter of a mile wits com. partitivcly easy, us we could creep ou out' hands and kuccx; but then wo came to u point where nothing hut, vermicular motion could avail us ami for real hard work let ine recommend it to those who are content witli very active exercise without ultiiining a a high rale of progression, Tim tropic al son beat down upon us, Imilessas we now wero, from a cloudless sky; but I suppose that our profuse per spiration saved us from any ill cil'eets; the rapid evaporaiion eounterncliiig the sun's heat. It may be that I was too anxious nboiil reaching a fnvor i lile point if ohseivaiioii to iliiuk of it, but 1 can not say that I even siifl'-reil ii ti V inconvenience. At length, having crawled iniilerllie roots of the dwarf mangi ores that covered the "h,n like a network of croquet hoops, we found ourselves at the edge of the 111:11) and w ithin loO yards of the birds, who were still un disturbed. Here, with my glasses, I k mid see every feaiher, noto the color of the eyes, and wnleh every move no'iit. There were, we calculate. 1, bo. twceii seven bundled and a thousand birds, and a continuous, low goo-ie-I ike cackling was kept up. Never did I see a more beautiful muss nf color. The male birds hail now nil got to. get her, standing about live feet high, aud with necks extended and heads erect wore evidently watching events, preserving In the meantime a masier. ly inactivity. Now ami again one would stretch out his great black and scarlet wings, bill the general eff'.-et was the most exquisite shade of pink, as the feathers of the breast and baelt are much lighter than those of tho wings. The hens sat 011 the nest, and snmo worn sitting down iu the muddy la goon. I walcbed tbein eai-elillly for nearly au hour, and looked at every nest to see if Ihe legs were extended nlnus tile sole, in no case tint 1 see a leg. I saw tile birds go uu to tho nest and sit clown. I saw them get up and step down from tbo nest. In every Instance the legs were folded under the bird in the usual manner. In my opinion my observation settles tho point as to the 11101)0 of sitting; for even if, as 1 had boon assured, llio birds sit b ilh ways, it is improb 1 1,1 n that among the humlivils then silling not one would have oxieudod its les. Hemeniberiiig tho length of thu flamingo's legs, it is evident tliot on a new nesi, not more than eight inches high, the hen could not sil, nor would even tlio highest nest, allow of the legs being extended while Ihe bird sat upon it. A itukeittli Cent 't ry. A MAN OF MUSCLE. ncr'tllmii Mlrfiijttli ol Ik llnruiuu Who CnlL lllinsrlf IIri- ,iiimiii. A native of H ,.sse-l)arnistailt is now exhibiting his extraordinary muscular powers under the assumed 11:11110 of Samson. Among the most interesting feats are the following: He lakes nil iron ring, throe-eighths of an inch thick, which be slips over his upper arm afler rubbing Ihe latter with oil. Ho then distends the muscle of his arm and the ring assumes an oval form, aud is handed around among tlio spectators to convince them that ":bere is no deception." II' next takes an iron chain, the links of which are oue-eiglitb of an inch iu thickness, and. nfter waving it two or three times iu the air. snaps it asunder with a jerk. The piecs shower around. He afloiward lakes llireo chains one iu the left haul, the second over the neck, the third nroiiml the right wrist. All three are secured to the floor. Suddenly, spring, iug up from a stooping posjtioi, he breaks all three of them, amid tho plaudits of the crowd. Two other in stances of his herculean strength may be of interest. L ist year II -it Sam son entered a faotory where a small engine was at work. II' entered into a wager liial lie cuibl slop it with Ills arms. Kveiy Isidy laughed nl him. However, ho made the attempt and won Ids l,-'l. Not long ago he was taking several ladies Imin.' troni a partv, when lie encountered n group of rowdies who made some ctV.-nsivn remarks. Samson struck four nf the fellows to Ihe ground, and their yells atn-aclcd Ihe police, who, laking him for I ho iiggtvs.oi', proceeded lo b-ind- c'lfT lii'ii. to whirii he quietly sutniiit 1c I. Hill no sooner had ho hern thus secured than be snapped Ihe chain aud put the nllccmcn to flight, ; 1 f I fruitless endeavor lo convince litem of Ihe real slate of Hie ease. i'hnixqd Tribune. Tho Panama hotels have elect rio lights. The lted River Va!l y is said to be Ihe tno-l p'odiH'live giniu growing region iu Ihe I'nilod Stales. Wheal averaged the past season, from 2'2 lo 52 bushels per aero, oats from 40 lo 10.i bushels per ucre. nnil barley !10 to 0-r bushels per aero. Yield for 1S.S7: If if,. 0,'.. H'ifl'f. Pembina County l.iu.ri 1.715.0 0 4U.iwi W'slstl 4S7,I a.iwi.lisj B-.SI.5M drain! Forks ..... ...r,4'l.Olo H.M-.o.t H'Ul.lKUl Trolll WSI.llll SU.VIKI l.'.(,l diss 17(1,111) .7!.rsil HMWI Hli-hlmul 1.I6I.WS l,lins.nvl W.T.1I Total.. ...vs.nas.sss in.iw;,rs 1,6I1,C Tho rabbit plague has appeared iu Florida. Tho nniinals are plnyinaj havoc with the green peas and cab bages in many of. tho Southern, lection- pt that Stat. A QUEER WATCH. While travelling through New York State 1 came across what I consider a tu riosily. The clerk of the Dibble bouse, in Matteawan, X. V., Mr. Charles Sweet, basa watch be purchased from a Herman many years ago, who bought it ill a pawn shop iu I lermauy at a cost of not quite 1, Amciicag iiniiiry. The cm ions part is. it never lias hi en wound lor eight ,-r nine years sine,' be has bad it, for two reasons: h'irst, it d ,es not wind with a key. nor is it 11 stem winder, nor is there any other mechanical means to wind it. It winds itself simply by the motion ol the body while walking or natural motion of the body during the day. It has au hour and minute band, also a second hand, is solid silver, aud has an indepen dent second baud that registers the num ber of hours it is wound. It also has n peculiar centrepiece that, when touched, plates tin- ban Is backward or forward at will. No manufacturer's name can be found on the works or iu the case; tho only letters are on the works: "Perpet ual nanometcr.' Dr. Charles L. How ard in New York HorA. Tin: KsiiMucoirs kosi.wck. THE STIIANUi: STORY (IP A TWIN P.ROTF1ER. The :trange story of Emperor AVil liam's remarkable lifebegau with his very iiil'aucy. The Mrict law uf heredity which controls all the relations of dynastic fam ilies makes no provision fur twins, Hence twins arc not allowed. liut nature is e qtial ami ever line tu the averages, even in her freaks. So twills arc sometimes born in the direct line to thrones, though history is as mum as the grave about them. Thus it happened to Frederick William III of Prussia that his wife bore him twiu sons, March '11. 17!)7. It was a characteristic stroke of fortune for this unlucky monarch, being of all things the oue piece of kick which was bad form in a royal palace. The high chamberlains of bis most punctilious court were aghasi at such a dangerous and unheard-of pro cecdiug iu th llobcnzollern line. To In sure there was an elder son. aud little ap parent likelihood that one of these would ever tome to the llironc, but if tin .succession should ever be open to them. who should decide which was which? So prompt uicasures were taken. Tin were two bits of babies just alike. One was kept lor a princa of llohenzollern; the other wa- givcii to a discreet nobb man lo bring up us a gentleman of good family and mvsterious origin. One prince weut on to be the greatest monarch of coutineuta! Europe. Tile other be came a staid (iertuan squiie, his daugh ter licit ro d titi'l migrated to Ohio, uud his grandson is a well-known ptofessor ol music iu the city uf New York, not a little res -mbling bis cousin, the successor to the throne of Germany. Our reader- will look for this story in vain iu the his toric-, but it is truer than hi-torv, and the Euqenr William, whose diath now announced, acknowledged the rela tionship in letters of his own baud, ad dressed to bis neiee iu Ohio, then herself an cUi rl - woman, who had with some lithcii ty s tlved ttte riddle or hi r lather s oii-iu. ,sprini:lielit Kt'in'iittciin. Till'. i Alt!) Dion itiu.l). A good story of old davs in Massa chusetts lias recently ti.ien published, n one ol tic' churches in the eastern part of the Slate a bass viol was procured to help the choir. Oue summer Sunday, while the parson was in the middle of the seriuott. a big bull got out uf bis pas ture and came swaggering down the load, growiing as he came. The minister heard the low bellow, and, looking up towards the singer s seat with a grave face, he said. "I would tlunk the musi cuius n it to tune during service time; it annoys me very luiich. I He choir was surprised, but nothing was said. Pretty soon the bull gave iml'ier grumble, and then the parson was mad. He stopped hIioiI, ami looking dirirtly at the bass v i'd player, said, 'I now particularly ro quest Mr. L that be will not tune his instrument while I am preaching." This was more th in tho fiddler cuuld stand. Popping up in h s seat be snapped out "iiisul n,e. parson, it isn t mo. It 8 that d-d darned old town hull!" MtnraoliK Liter Ueulalor is what the name indicates a '' Regulator' of that most important organ, the Liver. is your Liver out 01 order" j hen is your whole system deranged, tho breath "in nsive. you nave neaiiaelie, loci lan guid, dispirited, and nervous, no apiie- lilc. sleep is troubled and unrefreshiug. NiuiunuN Liver Kegulator restores th healthy action ol the Liver. See that you get the genuine, prepared by J. II. -nun iX to. mar 1-1 m. $.")li5 worth of sample jewelry just ntwmoil Solid imld end trnbl td..,l !..,- ohy of all kinds, at prime wholesale 'cost at 1. it. r m n v s. " Let's play a gumeof carde," Raid she, "lo pans nwfty no Hour or to, ' ''You'll Bun-.j boat ino, lovetr mid he. " i on Dave buuu wipuutg ways, you Know, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - a PURELY VEGETABLE. H acts with eNtriordimry ffioiey en the IIVER' Kidneys, and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOU s H t Malaria, Bowel Complaints. yMpepia. Kick Ileaclacli Constipation, BlUoaaneie Kidney Affection, JaundlM Mental Depression, Colle No Household Should tie Without It, and, by belnit kept rea.lv for Immediate use, will uve intuiy nn lioiir of mifTerlng ana many u dollar in ilino unci doctors' UlUi. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LITER REGULATOR S. that you get the genuint with red "2" pn front of Wrapper. Prepared only -by J.H.ZEILIN cV CO., Sole Proprietor, Philad.lpliia, Pa. l'RICJS, ajl.oo. Dec 8 ly. HUM WELDON", N C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKiiKTAHLKS. LIIOKS, CltiAUS. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash prices (iroceries of all kinds, Wines, ' Liquors, lobaceo. Cigars, Snuff, &c.,antr will also keen on baud a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. fihjJLLlC y BuftiL Cjses. 1 will alwnvs kep 1 n band 11 stock of wed made Metallic liurial fuses and WOODl.N COFFINS winch I wilt sell eln an. and which car bad at any buiir, day or night. Orders by 1,-tur or telegraph will ecivc prompt iitteution and eases slii.,'. by first train. - I'ATKOX V;KSOi,H'ITi:i. 10. A. CI Til REEL. I'ir-t .Sttcet, Weldon, N, C. 'p lo ,,111. When I sav Ct'RF. 1 do not mean nierptv to stop Itiem Inr a lline, unit then hove ttieni re turn aiiain. I mrav a I: A 1) t( a 1. l Litis. I have uiauo the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or - FALLING SICKNESS, A life lone tni.v. I waiirant inv rempdv to - Cimr ttip worst c;t--os, llrcausc others haa .ailed 1 s no ivav.n fur not now re'ttvinR a cure. Senit at once (oral realise ami ;v Fhkk Botti.B of my 1nfu.ui.lk UkmeifY . ;ive Kxw ml rnt n it roMs yon nothing for a trial, mi It will cure yon. Address H.C.ROOT.M.C. l83PEftflL8T.,HEYo jhim .t ) 0 mil. HKLP YOUlt EYES BV,'s,N, ISS YOt'XH'e- I'KLKBKATKD IMl'liOVI'.It PKUISCOI'IC GLASSES, CLEAR ANli SUIT TO THK EYK, STRENGTH- r..i.ii Minr.AKt.us, For Sale In Hold. Stis l. Rubber and Celluloid j- ratm-a. HELP TO SAVE By huyiim the grcHient lwrKineverofl'crfdin GKl.IMirXTI.VCWATCII, Varying in Price fti.ra FOHTY TdUNK lit Nl.RRll I.ARS , Worth neiulj double the price. SETS OF JEWELRY Handsome In dosiKii anil flnp In quality. A tlinu- nun uiuutt'iu xiyu-M 01 Riviis pis.. ear Rtxus. taiifK M-rmx-a kricuRE j&L FITS! n'I'llS 1 DM. Mis, III TT11SS. UllAi'KI.KlH, HI I.VER SIMONS. KOIIKS, 4c l'.( o'KS, Pl.ATKHCtsTOHH. let PITCH- " Kits, At the lowest possihlu prices. Ordcre promptly J. w. YOUNC, YOUNG i IIRO.) Petersburg, Vft. (SUCCEHSOH To J. T. out sly. ' I N V E X T I ( )N!he TSm 'iniml the UM. halt cpntury. Net vw i-mtnta tin der-of inventive pr vti'M i HHtUml nii1 tm ot wik iliat van he perform-wl ;J ovef iht country without M'1bmi1iir the woikt-n- fr.o their homes. -y IiIhtiU; Aur fine ean tite Wor ': either vouiiii or old- titi tiiw-le.l nmlirv m qulmt Cut tUU out and relnrii to m nnh wc' relnru tu m innrt wc not j-reHt im-urtnee ' & in bu-iiue, n lilt It- win Kiin you iroe,Boiu"Uiimjo iovou. inai wiu mm n will hilunyou In ut NVii. int) rVht avv, ihir uTMniiK eotcni me worm, wrunu (tiittii itf JfUC HUU Ul,, AUglifUt. r j - "V 1

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