flp 'ijfji if V HALL &c SLEDGE, l'ltorniETons. -A. NESPAPEB FOB THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1888. TERMS-'iM R ANN I'M IN ADVANCE. VOL XIX. NO. 7. i " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE 11 rrcmier out PATENT w.numnDniLLMiiiu. DiTHnrM ri Annum OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS re manufa.'tured ftom tho CHOICEST WIIKAT 01!TAl.'Altl,K. Their supo riorty for CNIFOKMITY, STRENGTH un l CN AIM'HOAC'I! A ltl,K FLAVOR hu long been acknowledged. The PATAPSCOSl'l'EHt.ATlVE I'ATKXT Stands unrivalliil. Of lich, Cruuny Cohr, it makoi a Ureid (hut will suit tho Fastidious. torTAsk your (it hit for it PatspscoSup. r!ativo 1'iilrnt, I'alapsco Family Patent, Cheasapcake Kxtra, Bedford l'atnily , Orange drove Kxtra. Baldwin Family, 0. A. (JAM BRILL- MANTKACTI RlNli COMPANY, -1 1 CumiUL-rt'c St ., ltaltiniorc, Md. nug 12 ly. wpaine's impound URES Nervous Prostration, Neuralgia, Stomach and Liver Diieasti, Rheu matism, Dyapapala, and all affec tions of tht Kidntya. It fmntiinm the active prinrfnlM nf Celery Coca, thu airoDgt bulling Um oanaui )U)i, IlclftmnMHthit AocA. eorin all di dim tftiiiKxt by itupuru or iuiiwvur- BECJUlscj because; DrrillQF I I rwihtM the Ixnvda and ktdntrii PLIlAUdb t curiua their dueMd. because; is t It huthiitmdrfal four-fold utli, ii ni Mf or inn norrra, iMwalt, and Ktdnura. Price tl.OO. s-iid by dnipwts. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors BUKLLNliTON, VT. JIAHoftlfES Will Color Ono to Four Pounds Of Dress Goods, Garments, I I fj Yarns, Rags, etc. j A Child can use them! The PUREST. STRONGEST and FASTEST of ull llyev Wjrrjuted to Dye III- moil (XkJ, and Rive lha beat colors. Unequalled for irtuktri, ii.nt, and ull tin. .r Ilytlng. For Gliding or Bromine Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronte, Copper. Only 10 Centi. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID l the best thins to use in mixing diamond I'ainH. .A buttle, with cimel'n hair bruili. tout hut to ccr. Is, DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUING Only io eta. for a package in mike one rjun rt u( th--bcil llluint:. Will tvi tpot or itrc.ik the line- t f.il tic. Ak drucgUt (ir lyc Book and Canl, or wntr WELLS, RICHARDSON t CO., Burlifigion, ft now Tin: ciiir.s kiss, jan lit ly THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WA8HINCT0N AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. WELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. arP8ISCRIPTI0M nKPARTHSNT FILLED WITH Till! BUST SELECTED MATERIAL.- PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL HOWS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAl'9, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. IIMCMBIl thata hearty wlcomealwya awaits jou at ZOLLICOFFER'S. The New Yurktflrl bit her Mutely head, An.1 Mhc lite hirr HtylNh IIh Id u firm, hard way, hik! llu-it lets o Id K)iisiMKlic llitle ttiiip". Tht Hilton nirl reni'ivi'tl. In r gpi a Ami fiec.iMli her liici' Willi n smite ; Thou hIip Mii'k.4 out her II p. likt-iitn.pfii bonk ; Ami I'hi'Wt'tli a buim idciiiiwIiIIo. Till1 Ht h Mil nlr mi y h th'ViT H Wnfil, Ainl ytm i lli Ink kIh mm rutlicr tunic, Vlih Inr itui tlml vliwnf Hu- in tatter lii liauil, lint xtit! gi-la tlicro Jiikt th ntm Tht' HiillliiH.iviilrl, tli iirliK-o tht Hntiih, hi Inr i'lliiln iiiul N'Miir.il way, Alwitrl It nil with it yt'itriilul j mni Ah lilitilMti luiiil nf h Tiir ('lid uKiflrl t. a i heru'lf Ah sin' i-Mreliil'y laki h utt her lint ; Tiu-n nil urnlm ii th.' ,n.r in a .'reutetl wny, Like a tt-rrlt-r nlmkinn h rut. Tin' Wnnlihij(titiij(irl, Kciitlv nwuft, l.i:U lu r Hps mud llu-i' liiltii kiM Willi ii mptiminr. wi.ni.t-i. iii.lihe youthful aouU I'luHtiiwrty (in aM'ii itt'i.lit.i. PRESERVING BEAUTY. Siiiue odd-iiiindcd inroalipitur, who hai spent u dual uf iialiunt labor in the noai i ll lur tiif-'iiiM uliin-by wmnvn may prosirvi.' thi'ir k'.niiy, Ii.im libido an iiu Miriiint di.ti'otcry. fays iho l'liica(o Ani., r'iatin to . n wlmai liutallstliu h oi'l-uiiH-l woman li.; ever knew, t in.' wu.s owr iliiny years-. I' mtvn our savant tirst u.a.lc a'-ii'iaintaiuiMwiiii her, but, a h a.s 'its Willi iuiu'ii oiii)Ii,imi, " fri ..I'sixt.vn ever had rosier checks ur blighter eyes, lie made basto to learn li.-r in.'siiiiiili'es.vret, ami hero is asuin mary of his r rl : .She was naturally a liiie locking woman, but iho atteiili.ni she (jave to mailers of hiieno enhanced and picserved her physical ultraclivcni's. What did she do? Well, aiiionj other .raeliees, she took a sw'e bath every moruine; was lariieular about the venli laiion of her apartments, particularly her sleeping riioin; took long walks whenever sli ! could; ate little meat and much fruit uuu cereal n.uu, aim ill tin K tier culluc without suar aud cream. To preserve the su.p!eness of her figure she practices standing one hour every day, fifteen min utes at a time, with her ban Is on her hips before a lung mirror. In that posi tion she bends the knees ouuvatd and sinks slowly to the floor, ot as near it as pusdble, meanwhile tnnviiig her anus in any direction to their ut'uo t 1. nth, out or up, forward or backward, until she resumes the erect position Willi bands en hips. Ka-h inoveiujnt is repealed, accel erating the apejila little until, at the end of thirteen minutes, it is done my squashed I WEDDING COMMENTS. WHAT YOU MIIIIIT II EAR ATA FASIII1IN AIll.K WEIlHtNll IN CHURCH. Hero she comes ! l'retty, bn't she? Who made her dress? Is it surah silk or Ratio ? Is her veil real lace? .She's as while as the wall ! Wonder how much hc'ti worth ? lil ho give her those diamonds ? He's Beared to death ! Isn't she tliycoolet piece? That train's a honid shape I Isn't her mother a dowdy? Alcn't the bridesmaids homely? That's a handsome usher! Hasn't she a cute little hand ? Wonder what number her gloves are ? They say her shoes are lives. If his hair isn't parted iu the middle! Wonder what on earth she married biiu for? For his money, uf course I 1-n't he handsome? He's ns homely as a hedgehog ! No, he's like a dancing master! (iood enough for her, anyway. She always was a stuck-up thing. She'll be Worse (ban Her uow ! She jilted Ham Somebody, didn't she? No, he never asked her. lie's left town, anyway. There, the ceremony has begun. Isn't he awkward ? White as his collar ! Why don't tiny hurry up? A TRUE STORY. CALIFORNIA CLIMATE. .ey : Piil she say she would ''oli What a precious fool There, they are married ! Doesn't she look happy ? 1'ity if she wouldn't! (Wish I were in her place.) What n handsome couple ! She was always a sweet little thing. How gracefully she walks ! Pear rae. what airs she puts on ! Wouldn't be iu her place, for a farm ! I'll bet those jewels were hired. Well, she's off her father's hands at last ! Doesn't sbo cling tightly to him, though! She has a mortgage on him now ! Hope they'll be happy. They stiy she's awful smart. Too smart for him by a jugful. There, they are getting in the carriage! That magnificent dress will be This is a (rue story about a little girl whom wc will cull Sadie : Sadie had a pleasaut home in the coun try. The fruits mid flowera which sur rounded the house in profusion, were her special delight; and sho took good care that they didn't "waslo their swcclneiw on the desert air." when she was about. Then' was a largo May apple tree just be- hind the kitchen, you could lean out id' I lio window and almost touch the lus cious fruit. The children were forbidden to pull the apples, but any that fell on the ground, they were allowed to eat. Many a visit did Sadie make to this iree, often to come back empty-handed. One day Sadie was feeling badly, and her mother had made her a pallet on the floor beside her; while she was lying there she thought how nice it would be to have tin apple, just to "put a good taste in her inonih." Soshesiiid, ''Mamma, mayn't I go see if there's an apple on the ground ?" Her mother said, ' Yes," and away ran Sadie. She was gone so long that her mother began to grow uneasy and was just laying aside her work to search Inr her, win n the little girl came running iu, her bonnet pushed back from her glowing face, an I a large, nice apple clasped iu her chubby hands. ' See mamma, what I'vj g .1 ? ' she exclaimed. holding up the apple. ' Vou didu't pull it, did you, Sadie ?" asked her mother. ' No. mamma, I didn't," replied the little girl earnestly, "(id let it fall." Why, Sadie, what di you mean? ''Well inauiuia when I went out there, there wasn't any apple ou the ground ami I wanted one so bad, I thought maybe if I ask tiod to let one fall he'll do it. So I begged him a long time and didn't nny fall; and I got tired and started to come away, bt 1 thought I'd ask him oue moi'fl time, so 1 went back, and I was so tired, 'cause vou know, mamma, I just bad a chill, t sat down on a stump and begged (lod to give me just oue apple; and d'rectly he let one fall." "What did you say, Sadie, when you nsked hira ?" T just said, (led, please m'sm let one fall, and ho did let it fall, didn't he, mamma ?" A smile and a tear ttruu'irlcd .r tin' mastery in hir mother's eyes sshe drew the little girl toherand kissed the earnest face, saying, "Yes Sadie I think ho did. Ki. Summers mid winters nro so nearly alike that one is puuled to choose between them. There is nn summer day on which the mercury passes SI) degrees Fahrenheit, yet few in winter when il does not teach 70 degrees. The surf that beneath the bright sky and gentle lire. 7,e rolls so lazily in long miles of snowy foam changes its temperature scarcely l degrees from summer to winter. This inukes sen bathing almost an every day possibility, and one may bathe cither iii the surf or on iho still waters of the bay, the two being Hill yaids apart at the bath houses, Upon the higher parts of the peninsula even hoar (rost is uu known, and on the low parts is seen only once or twice in occasional years, and then is gone with tho sunrise. As frost can occur in this section only on perfect ly clear uights, the following day is sure to be bright and warm. At this season, too, the sea breeze has fallen away to n mere breath ol air; so that tho greater part of'tho winter day differs slightly in temperature from the average summer day. (irass, Irees and 11 -wcrs, and even the tropical plants lT'W iu midwinter with u vigor unknown upon in .st of til- low parts of ihe mainland, wh- re the tempi ralure falls too much by night. LADIES AND WOMEN. Light Running DomcsticScwino; Maclnnc ) ll FOR PAKE BY P. N. STAINBACK & CO. set KIT I 11 I rapidly and a hoe color is in her face. She then lies down on a flat c jueh with out a pillow and rests until her breath be comes normal ana regular, as it will in the two minutes left of her fifteen. It is easy to see that her whole body thus re ceives good exercise, which adds to the grace of her form, beautifies her complex ion by conning nature's own means, and makes her strong and healthy. THE OLD MAN. Hill 1 KITES IDEAL. The way she does look at him ! They say she wot.-hips him! Worship! She's only making believe! It's kind o' nice to get married, isn't it? No, it's a dreadful bore. Wasn't it a stupid wedding ? What dowdy dresses ! I'll never go to another! I'm just suffocated I Tired to death 1 (ilad it's over! Oh, dear ! Mill-: lKOIISI'.l SOT TO KISS HIM. for The sad plight of the lady agent ihe sale of "Down the Great Hiver," re minds me of another who a few vcars ago .nan never attains Ins ideal, lie comes nearest it the day he leaves school; all that vear he hovers around it in r ideas- ant proximity. Sometimes I think he PP'J ' St. Louis selling th. "Life of unite attains it on commencement dav. M'1'""1"- 'd a gentleman the other day. ' I uCL n.. ... 1 I hut a vear awav .mm Rrtuxi . lit mm hi I J ideal nart eolnmnv He sees it driltinn lle eaw: '",0 m! ,,fficC 011 0live "TKl far away from his eacr hands. 1 have, walU'J riKhl UP aD'1 w,iJ ; ., i -o; i , "Now, sir, I want you to stop writ- nursued several fleetim- and more or less anJ look 1,1 ,1,J boult 1 ,,m 8e!linK' ' ncrfect ideals From where 1 now stand "M' J' A 1 ra ""S nJ LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. SI)EALEU IN DRY GOODS, BOOTC, SH0K3, ' NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, DOMKSTIOS, PIUNTS, STAFLK (100DS, GK0CE1UK8, And Everything that can be called for. HEADQUAETEES FOR Oiiii iiittlp ft itiiiiipij -4 AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. at the distautcc polo, lean see the ulajori ty of them scooting under the wire, and I Icel that I am shut out. IMie. 1 can see. is yet iu nearer sight, aud I am Very loth to see it gi t entirely away from iu, I have uiy ideal of physical perfection iu the aged. This is the manner of old man 1 want tu be. I am not a tall man now. 1 do not really have to stand up to look over the back of a car seat. 1 stand up merely because I can see farther Hut as I "row old I want to fat up. 1 wat.t to develop a capacious bay window so thai when in) sun. on r Vesi is haugin; the line it will look like a schooner coining ilown 'wiiil! ami wiiu:. Jinn I cm w.ar n y watih in my fob, wiili uruil bit; sod danjjiu-.' Ir an if like a beil clapp. r. 1 Haul lobe sb.nl in the bread and whein' wh, n 1 climb up siairs, aud puff and pant win u 1 Walk uphill, ani have t" lake two stej s lo crosi the gutter And 1 would w.ar a ilawhamiu. r c.-al Willi wule Iiih'Ib, all the lime, anil ci rry my handkeuhiiT in my hat. I would like my hair lo turn suow white or els fall off, I am not viry particular which I trou'd like my niuMaehc to bleach out until it looked like a slreak of flour acn my lip. I believe this is all. I think that isa photograph of iho kind of an old man 1 would like to ba. Thia is my ideal old man. Cane aud wheeiy laugh, of curse. And I am ju t as o ifident as I am that j will die rich that, as I glow old, I will shrivel up and dry out until I look like a shoestring with clothes on. Shortly after the war closed the uc groes began to call each olh-r "lady" and "gentleman," but in speaking of the whiles they generally called them thai "inuu" and that "woman." An instance occurred a few years ago in which (leu, W. T. Sherman played a part. The General was sitting ill frout of his house one pleasaut evening with some friends. smoking and talking, when a tcllnw as black as the ace of spades sidled up, and addressing the General, said : Is di lady here named Johnson ? No, said the Gen-Tal. Well, -said the darkey, I think (here must be a lady of that name living here, because sho is my wife, and she is working for a woman named Sherman. Wushingtou rilii; NKW ADVKliTlsr.M K.NTS 10 HOUSEHOLD SHOULD EE WITHOUT Sbsssssm RESTLESSNESS- a strictly vtorraoii MULTLIX M.U MIDICINC. PHILADELPHIA. Pricf, ONE Dollar AD ERTISKMENTS. GROCERIES! I I f 1 Wr l':ivi iu..l Mum). ., ami imw niv'-ip)1 lilt1 ilto UVMuu, lnV b.rlWi.'tMi EMRY'3 4 ZOLLICOFFER'S. We are roe, line of iving and opening full The mnjority ot tho Ills of tho human body arlae frmn a UUetiHPtt Liver. Bim mons Liver Regulator lias been tlio means of restoring more pcopla to bculth and happiness by Riving lliem a heiillhy LJverilun any other agency on curili. StETUAT VOU OtT TIIK GKM'INE !'e-H 1V, 1857 i.siTttn.i'siir.K 18 '7 RUFE. W. DANIEL STAPLE AfiD FAKCY GROCERIES- We will ko -p o i h in 1 a selected stock of Groceries, fruits. Ootifeciinn. lies, Cigars, Tobacco. Snuff. Wooden and Willow Ware, Croeki ry, Glass, Tin Ware, ,(,.., &c. the We will LOA'EST We also le ii'ti teir our many il'ieo l- an 1 their kind, liberal p itroii.ii! an, I soli. -it nbh gu .rant.'. 1MIKES. r. tlm Ilk tu ui'iiti.iiiil Jitwi- '' II til III. K. II I I V M t.l.ll.ICNT sin: knicw sin: was kiijiit. h, hi I hope you will leave me." Now don't refuse me. I must get your subscription." "But uiy dear madam, I have nouion ey anil no time. "I know you are a busy man. You write all day and are to busy to read. Yes, madam, that's just w hat I was going to say. "She grasped my hand and said:" "Bui j ou are going to subscribe." "Why should I? Go into the other offices and try there. You ought to sue coed pretty well." "She arose, coming up closer, pulling one hand upon the back of the chair up- in which I was silling and bending lown with a tender look in her eyes said:" "No, you kuow you w'll subscribe for thishiHik." '1 protested and did wish she would leave me and so 1 that she had gotten ho d of the wrong man." "She replied that she had not, that she meant business, and was going to get my subscription. "I began to get nervous, as I was lone in the office with a pretty woman I begged her to leave that it was be coming embarrassing." "I'll (ell you what I'll do, she remark ed, bringing her face down lo a level with my own, if yoi'll fubseiibo I'll pronii-c not to kiss you before I leave the office.' "I subscribed. St. Louis i.rific. "Is the gentleman of the house in asked. "Yes, sir; he air."' "Can I see liiui a moment?" ' No, sir you caiu't sec a hide nor of 'ini!" "Why can't I, madam? I-would like to speak to him on business." "If you was a dyin, an Jim war the only doctor in D.tkoty, you couldn't sot an eye on him till be gives in an' talks decent. At dinner awhile ajo ho told me to pass 'im Ihe apple sosj, an' I tul ' him it wasn't s. iss but sis, an' he said h; knowed better, it was soss, an' 1 tol' him thai we n he Ink a notion that a little apple sass'd feel soolhiu' to bis stouiack to say so, an' he said he'd li.no I that soss die. Then I told him I'd defend that sass with my life, an' made a break for the shot-gun, aud he made a break through the scull le inter the loft W'en his senses come to him an' he gives in that sass is sass he kin cum down, but if he makes a break afore that, off goes the top of his head. Thar sets the hiss, stranger, an' titer's Jiuiup in the loft, an' (ha('s the way the mutter stands jist now. an' I reckon you'd better money along an' not get mixed inter this row!" As the genii, -man moved away he heard her v.ikv saying: "Jin, w en you git tired ' yer foolin' au' want this sac ;cs' squeal outl" And a gTuffvoh . from the darksome garret responded: "Soss!" BUmarck Trilmnr A physician who had attended a man I during several weeks of illness called one day aud presented his bill. 'T can't pay this," said the ex pa tient. "Why? It's correct." "I don't doubt that, but I haven't :ny money. Had to pay a life insurance assesiuctit this morning, and it took ev eiy cent 1 had?" "What, is your life injured?" "Yes, ami at one lime when I did not expect lo live but a few hours longer 1 told my wile to see that you were paid jut as soon as the company paid the amount of the insurance." "My dear man," the doctor tugges tively replied, "1 wish I had known that. I think I would have gotten my money " Arkansas Tiitrcth-r, alto'IHRIES, urinous, PINE WINKS, ClUARri, TOBACCO r . v- ' ill nil' I'as V lil:tU'l.i!i'e ril Hie Slllrl'.l, ,.,.,s... V.r !. iliiiiy .1. I.. .It .'is I .'- i ., i n-..tf ' .--.I,. n . i y EalCnHlV WELDON, N. FAMILY GROCERI rt V lIEKGKI-iK V KXCl.l.'M jiltip '2S 1-v LAG Kit BHEK ON ICE. It W. DANIEL, No IS, Wasli. Avo Wel.lnii N.i VEGETABLES, LKjroilS, C1GA1W. SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO.) 1 am now prepared to sell at lowef cash prices Groceries of all kinds, Wini-fl, Li.U.,rs, Tobacco. Cigars. Snuff, &c, and will also keep on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. The Winnlei-I'til Healing Pri.jicrfles of U.u-hxs l'i-iiihvlaelir i ai ial In ('use or Arriilcnls lor Hums. Scalds, tills, Hounds, etc. Its prompt use will invariably relieve pain, promote hi alitig and prevent Ery- ipelas, daiiereiie, or I roud I'lesh. Ow ing to the cleansing and purifying ipiali- lies ol Ihe I' I ii hi the most nhsimate II ers. Boils, Carbuncles, and running sores are rendered pure and lieabhy and speed ily, cured, no other application bciug necessary. 4 12 lino. Tin: i unit mii' a iii.omm:. ......-MaS' v ' A A -V1": A Ml A writer well-known in Pittsburg some years ago, Albert llhodes, once pointed out the error of the painters that per-isled in giving Christ blue eyes and golden hair. He demonstrated that a blonde iu tho nice of Syrian Jews was unknown. D.'pi'"- nil that has loin said and writt -n to correct the error makers of Sunday m-hiHil hooks display equal inconsistency. Of fourteen books designed for boys and girls of 12 or 11, picked up at random from a collection well advertised, not one revealed the grain of human nature tut we find il. The good were too good, (he bad somehow excited sympathy, and yet wc Halter our selves that we are improving so much iu this main r. liKTi itNKli. A business man of Son -ersct, Ky., wrote to a man in the coun tiy, and on the envelope tint held the letter was the usual "It. turn n ten days lo , Somelct, Ky." A couple of week afterward the letter came back ac companied by a u-ite in which the writer, said "that according to tequ-'st he re turned the letter, though for the life of him he didn't see whv he was so alllired particular about having it sent back." A eeiitlcman was complaining on 'Change that he had invested a rathe large sum of money and lust it all. sympathetic friend asked him wb-'lhei he bad been a bull or a bear. To which he replied, "N"!!h"r; I was a jackal." We aie overstocked in clothing and in older to reduce sleek haveputtlie KNIr'K iclit luto prieis and will sell all goods ill laii line at figures that will astonish yon. 1 . N. Stain back 4; Co. I will always keep nn hand a skock of well made Metallic Burial Cases aiiol.. WOODKN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, and which can be had at any hour, day or night. Orders by letter or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. r.VTUOV YUK SOl.U ITKI. E. A. Cl'TllliELL, Eir-t Siieit, Wcldon, N. C. sep lo ,1m. fllE LACKS' I AVOHITE. i:vrt cur cr order.' Tf v-'i r-''-o tnr.l:r''.:-"-'nC;'T7lnrf machine. ' t i jr r : I DI Titer T '-co lor terms anil 'y-,. If you csiin ,t C".J -or airent, write1 --"t ton."i,yt n.K'rcw to yen nrinwnnmeo ! Ill HOME SEWliiG MACHINE G.CKE,MffiS. i UNION Sqi!AKE,rtX- BALLUj ? ' UTiU'lrttlS1. ; nil QJEBiUB ' U1ICAOO ILU T LOOIB.Ma. april 12 bin (Kslill.llslu'il IU.' ) 1 .HaMarksKo CONSUMPTIOJi M M:I.Y t llll l) The public ia respectfully invited to call. . H. BROWN, Wldon, N. 0. Iliirkleu! Arnlra alvc. The Best Salvo iolho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.l'lcers, Salt Hheuni, Fever The best always Ihe cheapest Save Soies.Teller. Channj hands. Chilblains money by purchasing the celebrated Bay Corns.nnd all skin eruptions.and positive- State and Zeigler Brotheni shoes 1 1. curM ',IW. r D0 Bay required. It is bought direct from the mauufactim'ts. guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or rorsaieDy r. n. citainback .u. money refunded, l'neeuceutaperboi For tale by druggists at V cldon, Brown A beautiful line of caston from .i W I 4 C'amway, Halifax, Dr. J A McUwig.in t6. P. N. Stainbaok & Co. I Enfield. To The Editor. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease lly its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bodies of my remedy FRF.K to any of your readers who have consump Hon i! I hey will m ud me (heir express and postofhee address. Respectfully, T. A.vSLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl street, New York, I jan 5-Cin. , 129 SYCAMORE STltr.ET, i'KTi:i;si:ri:a, ya. Steam Bakers and Confectioner!! and Dealers in Foreign aud Domestic Fruits, Nuts, e. M.inuliicturicl ami Niioking tonacio, Cigars, Cigarettes and SnufT at tho LOWEST FACTORY PRICES totia worth of sample jewelry just opened. Solid gold and gold plated jew eliy of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost tT. L. Emuy's. Persons desiring Safe and Cheap In- auraiice will do well to see nn agent of the Valley Mutual Life Association of irguua. Ii has memhers in nearly ev ery county from the mountains to the sea and they reeognue tho fact that they have reliable and safe insurance and are paying up their assessments promptly and willingly. Aicnui wanted iu every uouniy. Liberal term offered tt live men. Address Bkrkelet & Arhaix, Southern Managers, Raleigh, N. C. Manufacturers Steam .Refined rs of Marks3 lobrale. Candy. bratcd nov 1 1 ly-r. RICHLY When I say Cvnv. 1 do not nif.nn ntwlT to Mop them lor a lime, nntl then liavetliein re- turn ntinin. i nka a mai'ILAli iiKiii. 1 have made tho disease of rrrs, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llf Ions study. I warrant my ivmpdv to I'TTRit the worl ciir-cs. lti'caiis titliera lia0 failed is no rfiison for not now rerpivhwi curr. 8end at unci' lor ;i trt':tli-e ;unl a Kkki- Hotti.B Ot UIV INKAI.LIULE lil.MEDV. iiVf lilire?9 and I'ol ((llt'p. It cost you noihiiiK lor a trial, And it will cure you. Addrt'sa H.G.ROOT.M.C 183 Pearl St., NewYork HELP YOU11EYES JJY UslN3YOrNti SCKI.KDIUTED iMi'iuivF.n rKKiscoric (jlahhi;s, CLKAU ANl-WTTO TIIK KVR, KTUENuTll KM Nil TO WKAK KYEn, ForSuU' In Cold, tttwrl. iuAr and rvilMintA 1 raiuoa. Xhis ami iiit'll fi(-t;tlit'V wiil I' ml honiMiiMpcniplnjnifin thai ill not lakcthfin frttm lln'ir lioiis'8 and lumilivs. Tiiu protitMtirc luritr mul mitp lor t'vt'ry tiidiiMrlcitin person, ihhiiv hHVi- nmil" ami are now makinir B'-vt.i1 liundrfd dill:tr h innmh. It in ency for any oni to mik $i andupwanlhiiH.iu'duy vhn ia willfiifrto wirk. KiliuTx- S, younsr or oM; 1'npiul ii"t nvrdt'd; we fclart ynii. KvtrythiliR in'w. No mh.l ial uliilliy re fiiiirrJ, yrm rfaiKr, can !o it as well a ativ nne Writt touHl once for full piirtifnlririi.wliich w mail trte. AUdrcrB.stinwin Hiul t)o. 1'onlHud U INVENfT(XM the last hall century, Not lanl amoiiK tht) uon di'W ofinrcntive pMKreaa in a method and ivb tfin ol work that can ! rH-rformitd all over tli country without acimrrtting the workera from thsir homii. 1'ay lilHirnl; any one ran do the wor; either younnor old; no apiH'lul ti)ttjf re quired Cut ihia out aud return to hh arid we will tend yiu free, BoniPthiiiBOfareat important? toTou.that will atari ymi In titalnenn, whioh will tningyou In morennmey rliit bwhv, lhan anvthinti elaein the world. (Jmnd ouUit &oe Addreaa True and to., AugueU.Valft , KELP TO SAVE By buying tht; grcuteat bargain evor offered In a GOLD HUNTING WATCH, Varying in 1'riee from KOUTY TOOSK UrSliRfU DO I LARS ' WorUi lU'BiIy dutlblo the prirc. SETS OF JEWELRY rtaudsnmo iu .leslmi nml Hup In ntiHlfty. A thou iii,l Ultlcrculslj-kaor v- ' RINOfl (. KA!t-lM,S-l, CIW m:TTOKS, fi-ri'usi.rou nriTuNi-., miarku:t,j' 8II.VKK sl.,' 1. I-"IllKS, ,..( 11., ICKtt, ' Fl.ATKlltASTOl K. irfc UTi'll-. y HllS, C. ., . .' .. . . ' !J. s'. Al lltOionCBI possioit priiips. wiuBn tlcniteil to. .-' , J. w. (SUOCKHSOIl TO i

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