A 1. HALL & SLEDGE, l-uoi'iiiKToits. A. 1ST B "W S P A P E II IE1 O 12 THE PEOPL E3. TERMS I'M! A SM'JI IN ADVANCE. NO 8. VOL. XIX. WELDOX, N. (?., TIIUluSDAY, MAY 3, 1SSS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 77: hiscofir;i:i iunn:n. JACKSON AND HIS MEN. A WARNINC TO LOVERS. A CARCO OF MONKEYS. KRl'ISEMKNTS, lltf zPlk PlI CH liC IE WM w -PATENT C.AGAMBRIUM,-3 Co. OUR ROLLER FLOURS are muiiur.i 'lured livm the CHOICEST W 1 1 E AT I HIT A I 'A lll.lv Tin ir supo ri. rlv l"..r I NII'OliMI I V. STIlENil I'll mil I N AITWOA I'll Alii. K FLA Vol! Ilaft long been lleklluwleilccd. Tilt' PATAI'SCOSM El'.I.ATIV F, PATENT HI' a li h. ('runny ('"'nr. it make. :i Free! that will Miit the teir- jvur (Ir lor it Stun. In u n : i all-I 1'aStidiollS. Patnpsco S .i raitivo I'.itmt, Choasapeake Est, Orange drove Extra, I'. A. CA.MIillILL aug 1 '.' 1 y. For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jan l'.l ly raines THE PLACE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PIUCES, IS AT DR. A. 11. ZOLMCOI'TKlt'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W K L 1) 0 X. X. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. M-I'mC-WRIlTION DKPAKTMKNT Ktl.t.Kll Willi TIIK HK.-T KKI.KcTKIi MATKItt A !..- rUEFCKUTIOXS CMMI'0t'Xlii:i AT AM. HOCUS WITH (IKK AT CAKE. PERFUMERY, STATION lUiY, FANCY HOAI'S, l;i:CMII S, FANC Y Ain iCI.ES, TOl'.U'CO AND CK1AKS. EEMKMBER tlitll licutj wcliomi ilwuyi :!. you t ' ZOIJ.ICOFFKirS. K(K SAt.K II Y P. X. opt 14 it II, 111 LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. rirzDEALKll IXI! DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, HATS, CATS, HOMKSTH'S, HMNTS, STAl'I.K (iOOHS, CUOCKIUKS, And Ercrytliing lliat fan bo railed for. HEAD QU AETE RS FOR AXD HAltDWAKE Tho public U respectfully invited to 00(8 ly THE Premier Flour of America. PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHBD-1774. t " iLij i-. i 1-".iih ily Pat, nt, liedford l-':iiuilv. lialduin Fainilv, MAM FACTI IHNti (' OMPAN V, 21 I Coinim rco St , l!,ilttm,,re. Mil. A NERVE TONIC, )" It TV Iltlil ( '(KM, Hi'1 JTOIhflU-tlt ill- Kriviinit.i. lire t hi lnt it;ul fi.fot Vno 'toiuc It r.-iii.ifM hi i:v )il.'U t!c II. riH KVSll'lll, I'UI'illff W.'iikiic'j, ilyslt'tia, Herp- AS ALTERATIVE. It ilrUeHolll till' polM.nom llMlldW f tl" l:mnl iiiiril'yiinttiiul eiiriihii:r it, iiml so i)iTi'otniiiv those ill:i.!H-i ri'-.iliii1;; iVtuu iniiiiiro or iiiipmur iKhi 'l 1. 1. .01. A LAXATIVE. A''tine!ii!l.llv1.i:tMirrlv(iiit!!cVowpls it '!irv- ti (.'!!tij(ili'iti, mill l-roi-it t. ;i i viurloihit. it -tr i:aih c:is ttn -:'tiut !i, iJi.l n:ils liit'.-tioti. A DIURETIC. Ill tt4 HlIlwwltiol1 till' ln'St mill m-t i'.'iiiirciii"'. -fill,. Miuvria M ilii u nr.'. ; (tn Urli ilsri.-tililii'iilh uuiiothi r rvnu.ii,-. r.T'll-'HM.Softh.r ki.!iir; ticitiit"' rrtii'd on lo i'ivo iiuit k iflift iui.I i-im1v run:. Hun lri'drtiifti'fi iiin mill" havnliHim n'i'f ifcii froiii ii'Txnnii wli.tiiiifti iib'i! r!n Ti-niil) with n-iiurkililft wn :it. bti'.il lui'tiriuliiiB.Kiuiis full (nrtioul.iti. Pric (1 Ci). Fold by Drmriliti. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop'g O'.T.MNCTON. XT. STAIN HACK & CO. OF ALL KIKDS. call. W. H. BROWN, Wddoa, N. C. C I I JA.MKS WlirmiMH Ull.KV. TIic siioiiiii-r u iinl-. iMiultin' rmunl I lie I mlillti' Ami ;h clover in tin.- ii.i-.lii!'" is it hin iluy f. I he lift' A10I lliry In'il a ill' llolll'V lll).il I -our. I ami mthcly, Tinilti y stitit- r in lln ir I tli.-y Hy. , !i-l .ii,V'T its 'l lo' Hi. k. r "ii Hi lltf HiK.s mil 'jwiir- In jc-t j t on Ami r--'A oj- lih l.-ul lu-j- !' tlic 'rosy way lu All'l II. llO! ily i. a lnuin ii hit I t.- U-k f r ir, Ih H Mtlt hlli- ll ,.( r r flil Yon 1 :in h.-,ir Ihf I'l.i' kl lli the l.low Oli ! llic H lo.11; In llii ) r not a t in tii' olIioyqioirTliii tin- r on tin- itii; Unt tlirj r in-annt'!T in i.i- jhv. 11 iih tlit folU r rciktii.sl ami 4:1 Hi ; I- !, and llicy i(iiiirrt-l g 1. h tit, 111 any ollit-r ll.ii. Ainl ii- in'ti m I my t-liot-itn il ti in M.'d.ly ivl, She's nr toll or uil.Mc.itioii a a jiJIcr jai kcrs' tlcvl; Aii'l 11 fi-iv 'hut-, '. fori' dinner, In n the stiii'K n-sluiNiiit rila, SOIT X to killllo HfH'to slllll l('ll Hp a ll'lltT'-i IIJijH! tile ! Tli.-ys h.'iia loapo' r.i.i.i 1 Ami t iiM-l.auls nf the vi 1 a i n . Ami the Moo.ls i ill iIr. ht t lit- nirhoiii t.i-ilay. spt it nil 1 1. 11 r til nor, and the -ni.sn In urcciuT -still ; It limy i.'.iti duiii to an ny. l ot I t think It .Soil),' M).s tin ...s in ruin, il, mid the i-umi'k (llMVU. '-il out, All- i-r tl.u h lii'iit out d.oiht, lillt the kill. I iTnVld' Hl't' will I'i'ii hi i line, willr tliat low never faikil u.- Will l.c on hiiniN on "I niori- at th I let ! le eiHh lonir I'oos the HLod.lvr lark loinplmn, hi he .swims huh 'Uol dry Thr- iii;h the v.ines ol the u u.d and the hlm-.-f the vky : Jt-a-M I he .Uuii Hft up and luetic in a disii( i -i;.ii ( wuy, Kr 1'huw l.i lienil in mIu.i e ai.d if-w ail Hit d tv ' Ir-the- I 01 i - .li i 1 1, til I- Ho i- 1,-,;1UM .shi-uilhu I iI.h he ruu-.' h. 1, lids on- an hi in" Dots in-walk. 1 il thare jii.-t likt1 list d"l;e .- the liuiltt r with the rm U'i 's mil j-iainiit w hen diimli aiiimiil- l.tlll-s "1' v tnt a ii. ..!!.! I.,- IIO'H let lot. UHil all, he c tlitellletl ith L.lir Hie Lu.. 1- hew t! Miiniin; li-it. i'li' Irtns nil ,-nr 1 "r;;i:ii;, 'Hid llio son is ti v Hit the K"'iy ol'ilic V 1 1 -i h uil-li 11 : ;i) ' WhHl-'VlT .( ry d.tiiltt ami t nie mid virruw I'er ir !-t:.t:.i:i. with Prov ideiice fer ( in u, (lj stair orl I i- r ill o rt to muk -iHlMled lull ol t.l t I' 1111. 1 v.. II. AFTER THE REVIVAL. II K WAS CAUKK1 I. Nor T' 1 11! Ki ll. 1 I N -I I ' It K TIIK A f, inlays al, 1 lli-, h'viral km hvit l'ais. n WhaiiL'il'n'JK' l'axt, r iin-t Sam Ji,hihin on tlni Mivi t. "is y r winr tu tik, Sam?" ''Parson Haxt.T, el'atiyb-nly i,tlt-rf to Li.iiul.li' ,.u my nut i-tii kin' yniiiau inaki tnun,.y by takin' Ytu up. Is,, winctu lml, I last to elf tilling lik,- a sml li,-k in tie sj ,i"in o' d,' yeah. Is,- wino to-t-i'la new lilt1 till tie lake when, do wuin i iu IiIht miiiuikIicI is IViz (,1ht wbl Iir tliii k ill,. uub to b ur a train uf ki'ors loailtil will railroad iron,'' addi-d tin' contritr ,lark, y. ''Isi' j;Ia,l to bi'ar yuil talk ill dat strain," said tin; old parson p-avrly. "but kin y, r pass by a yard after dark wbaro drr is I'losu han.'in nut widout h'i-t n' vi-r Irs; olu'r ib' li'iui'?'' "I.ook lii'ab, yrr don't 'spi-cl ill1 tt-r bi'coiu,' a s.iint in less dan two dais, doi-s ye? Isi- a i;usp,-l infant what lias t,r bo lei on bi'li ill.-!, but I ti-ll yrr I'm iuak in' ratlin flood lime on do road tu it Now Jerusalem, wbou ver looks at uiv record ft-r de pas' loali yeah." ' How 'bout i-bii'kens'.'" ''IV niiiht alter 1 had jined de ;.'ospcl band I started I'er huine, an' 1 had ter pass de alley what leads by de back jard ol' Col. Verger's hoii-e. I hadn't tnoab dan pit pas' hi-' yard when I found I was earryiu' one ob his Spani.-h breed o' ruoslers wid Iiil' eoinbs in each hand. Satan must bah shoved deni fowls in my haul.'' "Sam John-ill;.'. y,u is nivine to tiring tie church inter di-ci-di'. llon't yer kuow Coli li-1 Verier is ,1.' only mnu who raises deni Spani-li breed in Austin? V.r luiisin't yield ter I. uiptaiiniis wid chick, ns what kin be ntilied byihr pnli. ('.'' ' I'.it'i ;v!,.i: ioy an.;,i,n. lu' me. t was title 1 wid rem,. r cs as soon as 1 saw what kind ob poultry iley was. Besides, dem ole rooslers ain't will' li cent ter brile, so I jest went back an' put 'cm riht back whar I pit Vm." "Hrrosa de I-ur ! " said purson liaxtcr ' I put 'em back an' took two youn;5 pnllits what looks like any udd, r chickens an' was just de rijiht sine ter brile." 'Hon't add lyin', Sam Jolm-ing, to ye r udder sins." 'leant tell a lie, parson, hut ef yer believe isii t one on ile lect tusl come hoine wid me and hah soiue oh de breast an' stulhV I'er dinner. 1 kiu smell dem briled pullits now." And this is how Varsou Halter oanic to eat his New Year's dinner with Sain JnhnMII''. ."(ir worth of sample jewelry jusl opened. Solid gold and gold plated jew eliv of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost it t. L. Emmy's. IHvS-WIT- fnilii llu- l.ii,lnii T, li'i;i'ii'li. Ill nioderu tinies iio army ever made belter Use of its leys ll.-t ill retreat, but ill continuous nttmk--tliati the -foot-cavalry" ul'Sloneuall Jackson in ISlil and HtlJ. The I'ollowiiiu' ,h-eiiption of the llliil by whose aid Sl-'ll- wall -laeksoll drove thive federal armies, under lien, r als Shields, Fri'ttiiuil and Hanks each of them stri-ncier uuinciically and infinitely belter armed and found than his own out ol' the Valley of Virginia, in 1HI1, Was writleii from Stetieiiall Jackson's In aihjuailers by an Knjilish eyewitness, who was ai'eompaiii-,1 by Lord, then Col W'ul. cloy : "As we advanced, the road va. thickly crowded by the refluent tide of sick and I'lirlouhcd soldiers. Such ;'aunt. wan, bony, faini-hed skeletons, many of ihoni shoeless and hatlcss, al most all in ra.'S the flaiiin of life hiiint down to th, 'socket. I In- eyes deep-sunken and lii-lrelc-s. th,-hnir inatled and tan gled like a wild beast's, il bad never bien my fortune to encounter before on earth. SiiU'crinj.', huiiL'iy. thirsty and reduced as the poor fellows were, not one faint hearted, timid or coiiipliiitiiii.; word issued from tin ir lips." With men of this stamp Stonewall Jackson held the Valley of Virginia securely inoiith after in, .nth, against armies collectively outiiuinlieriiio his in the ratio of ei.'hl or ten to one. and with thrill he liiiil.'hed over bills and aero-s rivers, by nilit and by day. in. til no Icileral general lay down to si, cp with out a nii.soivin that when to-iiioirow -d.iwu l.iokc Stonewall J.i,k-,-u mi;:lit burst on his 11 ink or centre and strike panic into the hearts ol the invaders of Viiojtiia. With tlieiii Stonewall Jackson d- -ceiii!. d with asloiii-hiii" rapiditv from the liille Kidjre and joined (it iiera! I-ce bel'uiv the seven days battle around llirh lilolld, ill Hii'J. which Hid. .1 in the total dis.'olllliMire of (lell, ral MeClellall How, it wiil be asked, weicStouewad J.o k.-oii s "fuot-cavalry" c,iiipi,., ? Not in the same inaiiiier as the racji-h infanirv which, on June IT.l.'T.i, attacked the ran Aineiiian levies p,.. -led on Hunker's Hill, tear I lost on. and canied their works, with trctm-iidous lo-,- to the a -ailuiis. who. aoonrdille; to Mr. Clialle-s los-. the bioojaphor of lend Coniw.illis, "move, I lo the attack in heavy marching i-r-h r, with three days' provisions in their knap sacks, and canied ali-ccihcr a w- ioht , I' 1-5 pounds." liunlicr s 1 1 ill was fought on a fearfully hot day the climax of the t-.niil siiiiiiii, r of Aimiica and lie' Iiiilish leju'ars of those days wur the lentil, r strap or neckcloth which, even in the temperate climate of Kiejatnl, no one would r, oard otherwise than as an instrument or torture. Very dilT, rent was the eiuipmcnt of Stonewall Jackson's nun. A loose jacket, a soft aud umbra oeoiis felt hat, a blanket rolled up and sliino diagonally over the should, r and a tin water buttle such was the prepara tion for battle, for skirnii-hiiiLr, for climb in.H bills and t'ordini: rivers with which the Virginians, North Carolinians. (l,or oians and Alabaiuiaiis who constituted the "Stonewall liripjade" achieved won ders to which few parallels can be found in the hi-tory of war TABLE ETIQUETTE. Never smack the lips while eating. Never pb k your teeth at the table. Never propose a cuniindriiin or whis per at table. Never drum with y, ur lingers on the table. Never put your knife in your mouth. N,ver put your elbows on the table. Never carry fruit or bonbons away from the table. Never scrape your plate or tilt it to get the hist drop of anything It contains; ,,r wipe out with a piece of bread. Never play with your knife and fork or salt cellar, or balance a spoon on your glass. Never watch the dishes u they are uncovered, or make any exclamation when they ar revealed. Never luck your napkin, bib fa-hion, under your shirt collar. I'nfold it and lav it across your lap. N Wl -, or do aliVlhiliu al table that is lialiic in roduee disgust. Never Mu lch your feet under the table so as to touch th.i feel of your vis a vis. Never bite fruit. An apple, pear er peach should he pealed. Persons desiring Safe and Cheap In surance w ill do well to see an agent of the Valley Mutual Life Association of Virginia. It has members in nearly ev ery count v from the iiiouniains to the ea and they recognize th" tint that (hey have r, liable and safe insurance and arc paying up their ass, ssnients promptly and willingly. Aguits wanieil in every county Lib, ral leiini ollcrcd tn live null. Address Bkhkki.ky & Aknau-, Southern Managers, Ualcigh, N C. k beautiful line of castor from $3 to (6. F, N, Stain back i IV. II Kl K t'A.MI'AKiN iV lSG1 11-' (llllli:!) 11 V AN KN'il.lSlI KVK XKSS. hour of mid Still he lingers in the steam- heated hall. 'It is very late," she murmur., half re proachfully as In- squeezes her hand for the tweiity-lifth lime. "Was that nine or ten that struck?" he asks, "It was twelve." "Twelve! And your father is " "Silting up until you e,o, nod I'm afraid lie will be Hilary, lie " "I must j:i. Is it possible that he knows it is so late?" "His watch never varies a second and he is in the habit of consulting it every few minutes when he is waitinj; Cor me to retire. Oh! Lawrence, 1 fear, I dread, I tremble -go sjftly perhaps be will not hear." There wan a sound like that of the drawing of corks, the door softly opened and closed and Lawrence Lonp-top went oul into the night, thesttiiless, tenebiious night. A moment later there was a (lash, a loud repuit, ami wild yell, the hurried patter on (he walk of Hying footsteps and the maiden's tenible conjecture was re alized as she beheld her father enter the ball with a smoking musket in bis hand.!. "Oh ! tallicr." she shrieked in an agony of dread, "You have killed him! You have killed him !" "No, I haven't. It was only peas; he ain't hurt much. It was only peas." "Oh! what wiil his folk- iu l!o.-loii say?" ' Huston! Was be froiii Boston?" "lie was." "Hang me, if I d a-known that. I Would have loaded with bean-!" COODTO CULTIVATE. 'I he art of not hearing should be cul tivated by all. It is fully us important t i doiiie-lie happiness as a cultivated ear, fur which so much money ami time ar , xp. nd. d. There arc so many things which it is painful to hear, many of which we ought not to hear, very many which, if In aial, will I'.i-turh the temper, corrupt simplicity and modesty, detract iri'in contentment and happiness, lha , veryoiie -hoiihl lie cliu-ateif to take in or shin out sound- according to his ph a-ure. If a man falls ?iito a iolcnt passi, n and calls ii- all manner of names, at the lir-twi-rd we sheiiid shut , nr cars and hear no more. If, iu our ,iiiet voyage of life, we find uur-tlvis caught in one o'lho-e dunes tie whirlwind - ,,f scolding, wo should shut our car- as a sailor furls his sail, and m.ikino aji lijii Scud l-efnlC the gale. It'll hot and le-t'cs lllall In -oin- to inflame our feeling- we should eet.-ider w hat llli-dii.f the-e fu ry spalks may do in our magazine b. low, where our temper is kept, and in-tantly c'use the door. If. as has been remarked, ail the petty thing's said of die by he di, ss , r ill na tilled idlers were lo he 1 r light home lo him. he would lecome a mere walking pincushion, stuck full of sharp remarks. II' we would be happy, when among bad men, shut them out. Il is not worth while to hear what our ncigbors say about , or children, what our livals say about our business, our diess or our affairs. The art ol' not hearitfgf though un taught in our schools, is by no meal h not practioid iu society. We have no tiecd that a w ell bred Woman never hears a vulgar or imp 'rtinent remark. A kind of discreet deafness saves one from many iusiilts, from much blame, from not a little connivance iu dishonorable con versation. 'TOLD YOU SO.' Walter Savage Lamh-r was a reckless man, who. when his hot tcinpci goi the better of him, w hich it frcipicntly did, cared nothing for ihe coiiseijueiiees ol'his acts. Once, while living in an Italian villa, be threw his cook Mil of the win dow. Mr. Lowell, in the February (!cn iury, tells the sKpiel: Mrs. l.mdor remonstrated wilh a ' There, Walli r! I always told you that one day you would do semelhing to be sorry for in these tunes of yours. l'Yw men can be sen ne under mi "I always tobl you so least ot all tneu could Land a. lint lie saw that here was an occasion where, calm is more i ff octive than leuipest. and where a soft answer is more provoking than a hard So he replied mildly: "Well, my dear, 1 am forrv, il that will do y,,u any good. If I had retnein bercd that our best tulip bed was mulct that window. I u have tlung the dog out of l oilier" Hucklt'ti's Arnlra atve. The Host Salve in the world for Cuts, liruiscs. Sores, I 'leers. Salt 1! Ileum, Fever Suios.Tcltor, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures Files, or no pay rcipiiii'd. U is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rcfundi d. Price 25 cents ht box. l'oraide bydruggisUi at Wcldon, Brown i'l'mraway, Halilax.Dr. J AMcUwigan, Enfield. The last stroke of ill liijihl has just sounded near the door with hi A French paper relates a rood story about a merchant in Marseilles w liu wroie to a correspondent on the cousl of Africa asking him to scud at bis convenience two or three inonkiys of ibe rarest and most valuable species. As chance would have it the merchant, in staiino the num ber, wrote the ou i or) between the figures two and three with a very small and a diminutive u. II -v great event- may issue from small causes will appear from tllesc,llel. A lew Mouths passed over when at last a messenger was sent fiom the harbor to inform the merchant that his inanagcric had arrived. 'My 'menag erie !" was the astonished reply. "Yes. 'a menagerie; in fad; a whole cargo, if monkeys have come lor you." The mer chant could not believe the uian until a letter was delivered to him from his friend in Alriea, a person of the most scrupulous exactness, in which he grave ly apologized for his having been unable, notwithstanding till his etl'orts, to procure more than ItiO monkeys instead of 1 or !! as ordered, hut promised to forward the remainder as soon as pos-ible. Iinagim the feelings of the llieiehalil on going down to the porl locotivi himself wiih his own eyes o' the c.i-tence of bis lliU monkeys, which were all comfortably housed and which griinmed at him through the bars of cages. SAYINCS ABOUT WOMEN. I wish Adam had died with all his rib- in him. Ilaueicault. To a gentleman every woman is a lady in right ol' her sex. liuhvcr. A b.iiid-oiue woman is a jewel; a go, d won an a treasure. Saadi. What is woman? Only one of nature's agre 'able blunders. Cowley. A fashionable woman is always :n love with herself I'liichfoueauld. Women dcte-t a servant throiioli pro fessional jealousy. Vietn Hugo. A pa-sioiiatc woman's love is always ovcr-liadowed by her fear. ( leoige Eli ot. Handsome women without religion arc Mowers without perfunn Heine. There was never yet a fair woman but she in ole mouth- ill a glas- Shak, speare. Iietwecti a wonan's")','-" and "no' I would not venture tu si i k a pin Cervantes. Oh, woman! thou wcrl fashion, d o beguile, so have all sages said, ail oeis sung. .lean lngclow. Ideas are like beards men nev, r ba.e any until tiny grow up. and women me e al all. Voltaire. Tru-t not a woman win n she w , for it i- In r natiiie to we. p win n wants her way-. Socrates. a v i l l. vii mi i.i iti in ki:. Vir-t actress The iuipud, nee uf the e liu u i- simply insulting. What do yi u suppose that front r,,w baldhcad scut in, this uioining? Second Actre-s Oh, what was it? Do tell me, ijuick. "A great big floral heart wilh a love teller iu th ' top and a diamond pin in the center. ' "llowtich he must he! Yhat did you d ,'.'" I siuuiuoned a messenger boy instantly. and aftert'ariiigll.e letter into biis.l s.,a -tiTed the pieces over the tlowurs and sent ii back to the fellow. 1 dldu'l want to ,iiile break his heart, though, so I re tained the pin." Omaha World. ( (-! XI'lllIN Nl 111 1.1 ( I Itl.O To 'I'll K. Eni'iiui l'lease inferiii your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above naiLod disease liy its timely use tluiiisands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to scud two bottles of my remedy Hi K K to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will scud me their express and postothoc address. lcioctfullv, T. A. SLOCf M. M. C , 181 1'carl strict, New York. jail 5-lilll. A Hah Stahi - Husband Marv, I don't see why you allow ihe children to play dominiics ns they arc doing now. What harm can it do? A world ! harm. It will lead in to gambling for money. When 1 was a I oy my parents would as sjon have had my hand cut oil as to see me playing at sin h a ";aiue. "Well, well. VII tell them to slop. Itul why are you so cross to-night? "I've just lost SJ.IMMI in a wheat deaf. 1 ho M onilci-tul llcaliit'; I'riipcrllps of llAt-n.s li''Min Incite l-lniit tn I asr IH' Acriilciits tor Hums, sicat.ls, Tuts, IViuiuds, etc. Its prompt use will invariably relieie pain, promote hulling and prevent Ery sipelas, (iancrenc, or Proud l'lesh. Ow ing to the cleansing and purifying quali' ties of the Fluid the most obstinate Ul cers, Hoils, Carhnnclea, and running sorea are rendered pure and healthy and speed ily, cured, uo other application being necessary. 4 12-lrjJO. NEW A HVE 1ST I SEME. NTS. Is Life Vorth Living ? Tll.'lt ll,',fl,ls IIIIOIl tlll Liv,r, l"i' il' tin' Liver U maetivo fin) vli"lo sys tem i.-i out of order iho IplV.'llll IS llll'l, lllp'Stiotl jioor, liead iltlil oraeliinf, rui-i'fiy ini'l li"l"'fulli'v.i f."itio, tlin sjiint.s tiro iln ,f,',s.si.il, il ln'uvy woig'U exist,-. ulyr catiiiL', with iri'ticral 'It'siioim, ilt'si if nid. iii-y unit tho bluoi, llio Liver i.s the lioujfclWper of tho health; alul a liarmk-s-t, simple! roiiieily that acts like Nature, doea not constipate iifturwarih or reipiiri! constant tukiriif, iluos not interfere with business or pleasure (lur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver lieejiilator a medical perfection. T have tested Us vlrliu-s iii'monall'. . and know Unit lor liyspej-sia. Ililloii-liess uo.l TlirolihUut lleiulaelic, li Is llu- Is'sl inc. 1 1 einc the worl'l ever saw. Have 11 le.l toi ly oilier rein, lies Uelorc saminoiis l.ivcr Hrioilntor, mill none !' litem kuvc morn tlmn Icmponiry rellcl. l-ut llm KrioiUior nolouly rclie. cil lull curd. 11, II. Junes, Macon, Op Hi" 1857 Iv. i mi is-io;d 1857 JANUARY 1 t 1 II li 1. RUFE. W. DANIEL (jito::KKiK.s, l.iyt'OKS, !NK WINES, CIOAKS, t'OBAl'l.O iii.m.M i( .v i.m.i i LAG Ell IlEEli ON ICE. K W. DANIEL, So in, Ws-h. Ave Wcldiili N-C U,1, '.'S 1-V ' 1 v. fllS UADSL'S' FAVORITE rzv" cut c? order; ; r , t itt. your i fur Uruia and " i. If you -H"r)r.t I .ul ouraircnt, write " tr nfnri'it mii'ri'ufl toymi bt lownanied L.i!CAso - -a ir.'OM 6QUAPE.Hi;- DALLAS. ILL. an f.nxci n TEX." l-r-ltS.M- vTr3r'tfl MHniAIICUCC.CA.lJ apiil 12 (Jul iKstaUislicl 1-J.i SlMarMCo. 129 srCAMOIlt: STUKKT, n:n:i;snri;;, va, Steam liakers and Coiifcetioiiers and Dealers in Foreign aud Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Ac. Manufactured and Smoking Tola gars, Cigarettes and SnufT tit the Ci LOWEST FACTORY PRICES Manufacturers of Marks Celebrated Steam-Itefincd Candy. nov 1 1 lvr. INVKNTIOX? rcV"ln'iotiii'il lilt' Mull I illlllllU lust hull fi'litiiiy. o1 U'iist itmoni; Iho v oVl l invt'iitivo i.r.tk'i t"v t h Itii'tho'l utol u h torn ol wnrk iIihv inn bo in rfornu'il nil "V r the rtnintrv uithont wiKirHtimt tlic wrkon fr -m tlifir hu'. ray hl't'tnu any ma- i nn i!. the wur ; oillit-r yoniii; r ol.l; no fpt'i iai iibility re iinln'tl Tut tliin out nnd nlurn lo ut ml wv will hoihI yon (Voc,so;n"ihintr of nf't ltnportnii'p tiiyou.thHi win fiHii you hi iiuuii't-s, v.hion will brins; you in niorv ui-tH'v it'll it nwny, tlmn miViliiiii i-lst1 In the wtrld. Ormul oiiltlt frns Aailrou True anri txj A imiitfl . Mpm T Hen Wotnl.TS ojt(t in tlioitRHtirl 1 ' 1 j 1 j 1 ot tornm, ihhhw KiirpnHwo uv lite nmrvi'li of invt'tilimi. TIhhw who tin iu nvvil ol tiniliUblc work that run In- dniia wit tin llvitie t home HhouM Ht once fi-nri tlu-ir mlrtn-Hh to Hn1U U A Co., IVtriland.Miiitieini ryceivi1 froc.fnH itiTor mat Ion how cillicrst'x. oral! hjoh, enn cnrti fnm loH-rdav niirt upwHnlN wlii'rt'vcr llicy live. You are BtArtca fn OKhiUl not mutlrcd. 8tnn hnve made over M lu liutjlt ttoy al thU work I mm w Ij ji i vi -a pi i w. I. . . Wo httVO lVtilllK'l (', (' , .Mht IH.W (iec!t.y Ml'' fin',' I" ' WWW EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER S. i' l'. llt.r HH'I cpclllll litio ol' STAPLE ANO FANCY GROCERIES We will lie li on b ill 1 a selected stock of lirocii,-., I'liiit-. C Tobacco, Snull'.W Ware Cro' -k- li-'ie ri . Cigars, , !, atid '-iilow I a,-. Tin .'p c. W:,l ! . We ttii ai the LO'VMS'l vnu ks. We lU.-o le'in ll our ill my !i i lids their kind, liberal mr mil .T-' tb.iitk.s !o ill'I ;in jU.iitll HHH'- fur p iirtj!i;tr.i in lli1 jmst and solicit a c eitinilatn Willi gllalalllee to pldl.-, v,,,i;,- nl tlii' NlltH, -peelfullv, n nhixs a (., Weldon N jan- ?IvLJ)0N, X. 0. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKDETAIiLES, LK't'oKS. ClilAUS. sMoKINti AND CI! EWINCt TOIiACCO. I am now prepared to sell al lowest ca-h plic s (ii'oc, ri'-s of all kinds, ines, Liouors, Tl,ace,. Cigais. Snull, eie , ynr1 will al-o keep mi hand a full sui ply e" fresh Vcget allies of every variety, which will be sold cheap. EJtLLlC CSES. I wit! iilw.ivs kofp nil liiiii'i ;i el K-k t'l w.'li iii.nl M. i.illii- ISiiri tl Ciim's m 1 t WOODKX (OFFIXS wliich I will sell cluai. and which cau be had at any h. nr. ,1 iy ,.r night Onlois hi Ion T or ! h-gi'.iph will re .' iv" ' i I alt. tui ,n and ea-e- shipped by first train. i tit A(i r: soi,'iciTi:i, E. A. CI TllllELL. First Slleel. Weldoll. .V.Oi sep 1.) ".in. Wliprt t viv Cmr (!o mo' waw inTflv to Mnptliftn tor :t tunc, ainl tlioii ii.ivc Un'in re turn g;ui.. 1 sikan A II AMU Al. ll'KK. 1 liuvti ttiatle tin (lisca-f i jTITS, EPILEPSY or FALLIKG SICKNESS, A life Innc sliitlv. 1 ww.n nt my remedy to t'l'H r tlit wort can's. r.i'c:nivi' nt hers have bh FITS! WW - Uilftt i mio reason lor not now H'ci iviiik a run1.- , BpikI at oni'c for a triMlNc iitui a I'm:; I.oiti.k of my lNKi,t.mi.K Kkvkhv. ;ivc i-aiums and Tost ml'o It i-osis jon noilmiK fur a trial, ami it will curu yon AtUins H.G.ROOT.M.C. t S3 Pearl St., Hew York HELP YOU 11 LYES pv tiSINQYOI NO'S CliLEURATKn IMI'liiiVI'.l) I'l'.lilSCDPIC (iLASSICS, I'I.EAII AM'sul I' ll! TIIK KVK. KTIlKNOTIi KS I M, in WhA K KVKJ., KoiSnlellH .,,,!, St.il, lO.l.lisi Slid (YlhllSid r lauo'H, KELP TO SAVE Ily Liuyiiii: tho fr r nlit litiri'Hiuovprnfl'ercr Jn i COLD HI NTINU WATCH, Vnrytitgin Triio front KoliTY TOOSK Ul'MiUKI) lHil.L.MW Worth iifMily double tho price. SETS OF JEWELRY Handsome In dcsimi met tine tn quality, A ttiou t ia,l (tllVeient slylciot' KIN.W l'lS, KARtttfSllS, (;llK ni'TTOXH, HTI'IIS.('(.lt.l,M!h. 11! THINS, UKAtXt 118, 8II.VKU sI' iiins. K.lltKH, i ..i lail'KH, I'l.ATKIM.'ASTOIIK. lets l'lTl lW 1 HIS, Ar. At tlia luwchtposKllili' nrlecii. Oritpw promntlt tti-n.Uil lo,' J. W. YOUNC, y (HUCOMSOB It) J. T. YOUNll k.MVS , letwi.ur. urti ly. h i 'i ': A V the- i Vi- '. I ' .X ' 9 f '" T