mil i oef r HALL &c SLETJG-E, dkopkiktoks. -A. NEWSPAPER EOE, THE PEOPL E. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 188S. TEIlvlS-f--'1" ,:n ANN I'M IN ADVANCE. C NO ft. i VOL. XIX. I K7. 90, :-:.'T .H I ,,4 HI I Premier lor of kerb l p a Plunmil if r. VbJUMfflOMU mm US. mriMnn n niininn EF,TABLISHED--1774. OUR PA.TE2SrT ROLLER FLOURS are manuiafiurcu rrotn me t noit iv-m vtur,Ai oisi a i. aiii.I'.. i heir supe riorly fur CNIFOKMITY, STUKNli I'll and CNAPPUOACll A1SLK FLAVOR hu loug been acknowlcirged. The I' AT A 1 SC( ) S II 'F. 1! L A T I V K V A T K NT 8(nd unrivalled. Of a rich, Criainy Cnhr, it makes a 1' lliut will suit the Fastidious. Jay Ask your llrnn for it. l'atapsco A.ipi rlalivu I'attiit, ltolandu Choice Patent, l'atapsco Family I'ati'iit, Orango (iiovc F.xtrn, Baldwin Family, Mapletnn F.itnily C. A. (JAM It KILL MANTFACTIIUNG COMPANY, 214 Commerce St., Baltimore, JIJ. WEAK NERVES I'AIXK'l ( ELIIIT COMPODHD U ft NfT Tonlfl which noviT fail. CoutaiciLir ttrj and Cik tbiw vDilirful uerrr tiniuUot. it lhlj curen all iitrroua cUiHinitirt. RHEUMATISM l'AJVK'4 Uf.LKRY CoMPOTKD purfflri thfl tilooiL It Jnw (tut the hvlic ar;d, wliu ti mum Ithi'umutiHiii. and m-tonm the blood, tin km oriraVi'.H to healthy cmictiliun. It il the true niuuljr Vt lUiciuutbaui. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS lUiHi'Rm.FAv rru povnTtqiiickirmtnnHi tUo liv.r ami hiiiiit ti-rtt Lualth. This curative i nir, innibm'd with ita ihtvh tniur. make it Lbc beat remedy fur all DYSPEPSIA r.ur' !rjjr.nY rnMporwD atif lytthem tha Unnicli. ami iiiiiets the Lt-rveJ cf the duraa tive nrrai.a. Thi Ik hy it cures ttta tho wurw cftiti uf Uj neHift, CONSTIPATION J'usr'a t'rt rttv rnMpnt-NDft irnt ft ctVtr. '.( It is a lftxat.t. Kiliif cany ftiid natural at'tJotl to the iHtWi la. Kt'tTUlanty Itlirily lol Iowa IU line. UatBS Htnroyt Proilratlojt, Ntrroui Hikdicht, Ilviiii:idii1 by prnftafontl itiJ tmilnow ' Nturalfia, Nervous Wttkneat, Stomach Ji' 1 '' L ad LWtr Dtfttti, Khumatiam, Dya- 'nf w- i'y ini(,i. rppata,u4 all adttuoaa cf tha Kldocya. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's NEW ADVKUTISKMKNTS. THE INTERESTING ITEMS. i'Lpaine,s (SpDund 11ATIIKHEII FROM KVKIIV WIIK.IIE ANIl ITT IN CIlNDKNSKI) Fllll.M full EASV IlKAIllNII. The Kni'lita of Labor are ail to have JeereiiHcd a half million in numbers with- the past two yeari. Anarehit are enai J in gutting iletiiitnitration inChieao to raise a uV I'enee fuml for lli rr Most, The Court in Mobile, Ala . recently (jave a brateman $'5.111111 (lainaje for the loss of a foot. That much per foot for human clay i hi''!i A Jewish Habbi made the lirayer at the opening of the Senate, one dav last weet the second iustauce of the kind the history of the country. A daughter of Senator Hampton lias become u professional niirss in New York, and will return South to practice Ibis profession as soon as her course is tided. jan 19 ly 1. E PLAGE TO GET AT THE LOWEST PKICES, IS A.T DR. A. It. ZOLMCOFFER'S, WEST tIDC WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. aVPEWCRlrTION DKPARTMKNT FIL1.KU WITH Till BEXT 8K1.ECTKD MATEKlAI..- rRKSCRIPTIONS COMTOUNUKD AT ALL 1I01. KS WITH GREAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY 80A1"S, BRL'SHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CI0AR8. ' Illllllll Ihata hearlr waloomealwaiti awtlu you at ZOLLI COFFER'S. Light RuniiingDomesticSewinff Macliiiic rol "ALE BY 1. N. STATNBACK & CO, ct U Xf 1,1, 1 1 LEADER OF LOW PRICES. OOrner of 1st street and Wash. A 8 DEALER INS DBY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOKS, NOTIONS, HATS, CArS, POMKSTICS, 1'KINTS, 8TAPLK GOODS, GROCKKIES, THE WORLD'S NEED. v. AbJ Krfrythiog that can b called fur. HEAD QU AETEES FOR The late Chief Justice Waite was "i when he died. Justice Hradlev is 75; Matthews, 01; Harlan, 5.V,I!latebford, IW; C.rnv.fitl; Field, 7'-'; Miller. T'. and La- ar t'nusually cold weather is reported in Southwestern Virginia, and jjruat dain w to the fruit is feared. lee and heavy frosts are reported fioui Norfolk and sur roundini! county. Architect lluflington, of Minneapolis, as a pet project. He believes bo can build a twenty-einht story buildiui; en- rely of iron, and that capitalists of that city wili iuvest in the scheme. After a ftniL''le of more than a year's bnation the lockout of the granite cut ters in Pirston has ben declared at an end. the manufai'tun r's bavins avreed to ay tin' same bill of prices they were pay ing previous to the lockout. Tliunus Duganaud (.'. A. Iiierd, prom inent hotel pioprictors, of Springfield, Ohio, have been fined S.'iO and costs each aud sentenced to ten days in jail for us ing iile unar'arine on their tables with out tioMing notice in the dinini: rooms. The only woman lawyer iu Georgia. is Mrs Hamilton Douglas, of Atlanta. She is a graduate of the L uv School of the I'niversity of Mil higan, and when she graduated was complimented by- Judge Coolcv on her Ireal att linmeut. It is said that there is a posti.ffice for Very 1,(1(10 men, women aud children in the I'nited States, and that if the ex pense of carrying the malls was paid di rectly by the people pro rata, each citi zen would pay an average of 8") cents a year. The German IJuptists of the I'nited States will hold their annual convention- ncampun-nt on the Tuesday alter Whit-Sunday next year ut Harrisouburg, Va. From 1(1,11011 to 13,000 persons of this deiio uinatioti, repr.v-e iting every State and Terrilmy in the I'nioii, usually attend these gatherings. Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, has written a letter to Judge Ingersoll, of Knoxville, 'Pi mi , in which he says lie is not a candidate for Vice President, will not be, would under no circumstances ac cept a nomination, and would not pcrvc if elected. In other words, Mr. Voor bees prefers hiss 'at in the Senate to pieniding over that body. Perhaps the most curious battalion in any army is the Norwegian corps of ska tors. These chirps are composed of pick ed men aimed with titles, which they use with great preci-ion. The skates used are admirably adapted for traveling ovei rough and broken iiv and fr'-z.-n snow bciug six inches broad aud betwi-eu niun an I ten inches lung. I lie suMi-r-i can be tuamcuvcrc 1 upon the i.-e or over th snow fields of the mountains with rapidity eon il to that of the best train d cavalry. As an nsUinec of lie spec they attain it is stated that a uichsciivc attached to the corps has accoiuplUhei lL'il miles in iigb;eu houri and a hd over a mountain. mis c niutry. (inorgia's color d people are niakin; a good record for thrift and i idmtrv In H7'.l their np rty was tabled ..lM!,.i(IS; I ut hist year the valuation ;!.:, Mi"ung a nam I "inr ci'til. dertiig llie nine year. In the same time the valuation of whin men propeitv has risen fiotu (!l,li77,l3i) to f ."i(.."i,ll, a gain of only 4 I 3-3 y cent, approximately. These figures sim ply prove what the intelligent represent ativis of the negro race have laid about the progress made, and go to illustrate anew that the negroea are working out their own future. The rich, st colored woman in the South, Amanda Knas, who has a anug fortune of $100,000, livn in Atlauta. What the world's need demands of us is not i i U'e eloiUeut preaching, more passionate appeal, more subtle philoso phizing, more originality of thought, but the clear voiced outspeaking of God's Word as it has been apprehended in the deepest experience of our own heart and conscience. Inly let men come face to face with the facts of redemption, and with the thoughts of God as they are in carnated ill Jesus Christ, with their self evidencing light and power, and we may trust G oil for all the rest. This would bring the weary and heavy laden round us, like thirsty travelers round a newly discovered well. It would re.-tore the church's am ieut power of prayer, of re bukiug iniquity, of touching consciences, of winning hearts, and would develop among us a nobler form of life in the beauty of holiuess. And it would ''tell" most powerfully ou all I tie inteiests of humanity. We must oursi Ives be the Ilible to them, and ouf daily lives must be the scruiuu; preached all the week in our daily employments and our social inter course. We must put our soul's truth, our soul's integrity, our Christianity into all we do; the builder into the wall he builds, the artisan into the work be turns out. the manufacturer into bis cloth, the magistrate into his adiniiiisttation of justice, the Member of Parliament into bis law-making, and so ou throughout. It ought tu be no uusafe experiment lor men to lake their idea of Christ from what they see in the Christian church. I!eV. Dr. James CuboM. Mil Til NO II tit III Cltl.tlM." Charles James Fox was in parliament atl'.l. The great Cromwell left tin: l'nivtr,-i- ty uf Cambridge at 1 - . John liright never was at any school a day aftet be was 15 years old. Gladstone was in parliament at 22, aud at twcuiy four was lord of the treas ury. Lord Uncoil graduated at Cambridge when sixteen, and was called to the bar at 2. Peel was in parli iment at 21, and I'alni, r.-ten was Lid nl'lbe admira'.ity at 2X Henry Clay was iu the Senate of the l uitcd States at 29, contrary to the cot.- ititutiou. John Hampton, after giadualing at Oxford, was n student at law iu the In ner Temple at 10. Judge Story was tit Harvard at 15. Congress at 20, and Judge of the Su preme court ot the t utted htates at tin r-tv-two. Gustavus Adolphu ascended the Swelish throne at Hi. before he w in 31 he was one of the great rulers of Ku-rope. Martin Luther had become largely dis tinguisbed at 2 1, and 5ti had readied the topmost round of his world wide fame. QUEER. The pirson of wide experience aud culture is likely to be distinguished by a broad toleration of those whose manner of life may be dill'eronl f rum his own. PerHinalities are the ruin of the best conversation, but many people are driven tu indulgence in them by their convic tion that the people who do or say any thing ont of the common course are very odd. ' F.venbody is ipieer but thee and me, ' said an old 'Friend" to his wile ''ami sometimes I think thee is a little iuecr!" "I don't believe in raflling and that surt of tiling." said a lady who was talk ing over the prospects of a certain church fair, with some iiciiiaintauces, "and yet" she added, laughing, " did indulge in matrimony, aud that they say is a lottery." When her visitors had taken their leave one looked meaningly at the other, and said: "How very Uecr of her to (Uote that! What docs she mean by saying marriage is a lottery? Is she un happy? 'It was odd," her friend conceded, aud they wore that poor little chance remark of au idle moment (jiiite threadbare by discussiell. A very lulrruni public man, who is a joy to bis friend- and a comfort to mere aciiiaintances, s.iys that be never feels called upon to judge his fellow men, since their nii' or oddities are not of the least importance, and if they commit some heinous crime there are always plenty ol people reaily to sit in judgment on iliein. 'If I should see, on my way down town, a man st Hiding on his head in the streit," he declares, "I shouldn't exclaim at bis peculiarity ill choosing that wi lion. I should take it for granted he had excellent reasons for doing it, and merely say "how w11 you keep your bal ance!' Why should I objivt to a Gre cian nose merely because 1 have a Ko man?" And so. in coiloiui'd phrase, be "nei ther uicil'llos nor makes, ami his society is always full ol' rcstfiilness and pbasine. nr. kind to tiic ;i:i).. MR." AND "MRS. NKW ADVKUTISF.M F.NTS. The orutin of Mr. and Mrs. which are flow eonimiiii property, is not wiihnut in-tere,-t, In earlier times the ordinary man was simply William or John; that is to sty, lie bad merely a Christian nan e without am kind of 'handle" hefurc il or surname after it Sonn nie.iti- to dis tinguish one William ol one John linn another William i r aiiothrr.Juhn became uecesnury. N iek nanu s, derived from a man's trade, or from bis dwelling place, or from some peculiarity, were -ked on 'o their Christian nanus, and plain John became John Smith. As yet tin re were no "Mi-tors" in the land. Some John accumulated more wealth than the bulk of his lellows became, perhaps, a land ed proprietor, or an employer of hired la- Then be began to be called in the Norman I'reuch of the day the ' Maistrc" of this place or of that, of these woik- men or of those. In time the "Maistre" or "Maister." as it soon bec'iine. got tuck ed on before his name, and be became Maister Siniih and bis wile was Maistrcs Smith. Hut uraduallv the s, n-e of nt- ion was lost sight of ami the title was conferred upon any man who had attain ed undid distinction of any kind, wbetlur by mire possession of wealth or by hold ing some position of more or Ie;s cou-id- (.ralioii ami importance. II is only with in eompartivcly nioduu times that the term came to be considered an almost in dispensable adjuiiit to evinoiii 's name when mentioned iu ordinary conversa tion or wr iug. Mai.-tres Smith soon became Mistress Smith. K:n tty bow and le n the t, nil got eoiriipied cannot be said. Mai.-tiT Smith, li,,wev r. re mained Maister Smith !..n' ait.r his wife became Mistress Smith - lldhiim 1 1 ,.,:,; I.: 2- PURELY VEGETABLE. Il acli with extraordinary efficacy on the 1IVER? Kidneys, -i and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FCfl Malaria, Uoni l Complaint. IyHHjiila, Mick lli-udai'tio, Constipation, liilionaneHH, Klitfit'y AflVctlons, Jaundice, Ali-ntal Dt'prt-Sr-lon, Colic No Household Should be Without It, iiinl, tiy del iik ki'pt rnwly fur imnii'ilii.trun1, will ;tv many an ln.ur .I f'llli'iiiiii nn-l many u dollar in Mini' ninl .i'l-iY THERE IS PUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR See thai you got the genuine with rod "2" on front of Wrapper. Preoarod only by J.H.ZEILIN & CO., Sol. Proprietor., Philadelphia, Pn. t'lllCJ-:, W.OO. Div.1 I V. tu- Kit isKMKXTS. GROGEHILS! W K T R Til hat ui tJi We have jus' r. turri' d to We', Ion, . and IjiOC oee i,y the si,,,-,. 1, .iweetl N. EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFERS., full We are receivin line of and opening 185? IT.UU. 1111.11 1857 j .i x r a ;i v tat te r. ?. RUFE. W. DANIEL STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES- We will keep on hand a selected stock of Groceries, l-'iuits. Confection lies, Cigars, Tobacco. Snuff, Wooil-ii and Willow Ware, fro ku-y. Glass. Tin War". ,;.. Ac. We wili sell at the LOWEST PRICES. We also return our sincere thanks to our many triends and itctjuaiutances for th ir kind, li'ocral patronage in the past andsdieit a c iiiiinu nice of the sumo, with guaratnee to please. Virv ltespeetfully, I. li. .11 OK1NS V CO., We,i,. X. (1 AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. TU publio if repotfullj isTited to oU. W.H.BB0VK,WiWo,N.C. Ilurkleii's Ariilea Halte. The llest Salve in the world for Cut, Bruises, Sores.l'ici'rs, Salt ltlieum. Fever Soios.Tctter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns.and all skin erupt ions.and positive ly cures 1 lie, or no pay required. U guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, money refunded., Price 2. cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown i'Carrawsy, UaUlaz.Dr. i A McUwigan, infield. Conde conducted a memorable catu- aign at 17, and at he, and Turoune so, were of 1 he most illu-ttious men of their time. Washington was a distinguished colo nel iu the army at 22, early in public affairs, commander of the forces at I'.' i li J president at 57. Webster was in college at 15. gave eirucst of his great future before ho was ), and at lid was the peer of the ablest man iu Congress. William 11. Seward commenced the practice ot law at 'l. at .11 wasprcsujuil I'a State convention, and at 37 govcrn- of New York. Maurice of S ixony, who at ,'t-, was eoui-vileu to have been one ot the prol'oiindest st itcsiti 'u and one of the ible-t genera!.- which Christendom has seen. Napoleon at 2 eoiiimaiided the army uf It ily. At "! he w.n la ,1 only one of the most ilbistri us generals of ail liui". hut one of the great law giveis of the wor'd. At forty sii he saw Waterloo. The gr L-o X was i o at IIS, in; lini-bed his academic training, he took the olliee of cardinal at IS only twelve months youugei than was Charles amea Fox when be entered parli: uient. The loueliiiess of a.-e ! How few think of this and treat with d le tenderness and consideration those who have outiived their oeneratioti, and whos' early ci pauious and lii 'lid- have been l iken I'r.-in them! C nable to ni.-ase iu rile nctivities of life they are no longer brought into contact and sympathy with those uruiiud them, and no tie of C"!innon interest and mutual dependence binds iheui tngelher. Their views and la.-t,s loive natiiially grown apart. I hey share luit little it, common with injurs. The fuliire ol'ibis life has nothing to inspire their ambition or excite their le, pes. What calls fori h the energies of others has no itispira ioii for them. They necessarily, toil great extent, live in a world id' their own, with w lii, b those around tie in arc not familiar. The communings of their hi atts are with the scenes of the past and the compan ions of other years who have b ug ago as.sed away. Lou r and frit nil have been taken from tbeiu. ami tluir ac ijiiaintanee laid iu darkness. The t'oiuis they admired and loved tire one, the eyes that looked into theirs with the tetiderest affection are sightless, and the voice that cheered and stirred th ir souls has long been silent. Their early world of hope anil joy has bccone a desnlaltoii. and they sit in silence contemplating the ruin that has been wrought. They have but little to iutcrest them ill this world They are "Only wililioii tilt ttn- Him down Are il littlo tenner vrown," to pass on to the reunion that awaits them, and the glad greetings of those th 'y love. Who would not do what he ACE OF AN OLD NECRO The old time colored pie i South, tilt se who Were slat e-, li: other method ,,f reckonitie, ditt.s, occur rences, and c-peeially l.irlh- and nominees than to relirtbeiu by ussi.eiaii, n loi eteiits that happened about the t-auie time, nod it is ipiile c, nun, ,n l, g, t fr,.m iln in answers nlmut like the I' 1! wing: "How o!d are j mi. Aunt Miilt?" "Wail, chiie. I know ten ln,,iM loll i f leftist yartlopi.ike iu ., l t a'ii.y.' al , 1 was il li'jlll sllii.rt si.,' .,1 i! II, :. jan-o-tf. E. A. Ou tall ' llM spin all' Weato lot I, II el' -!', ! llif ele Uii-sils. ll.,t - lleil i "How eld are y, .il. I ',-!,. lil.?'' j 'flow , !e I is? I.I mine see. ynll know d r' time il, r -t.,ir fell. well,'s d, r year Miss Mary died, an' nle loessii e'l'l llif I'll' 'oolliilll one ot' Mi-s M. ty's tlre-.-es, an' .-he wared it waitin' ou d, r eoinp'iiy te xt year when ole ma-sa I lung he's scetin' wife home l'l'oin Georgy an bre-s de Lawd! she wur purty." "Hut, Vuelc l!ob, I am no wiser than I tvasbif r, ; you haven't told me how old y ui are." "Well, when dem tings happen tvat 1 was a tellin' you Tout, my ol'e-t gal, Lin tly, was bout der same age cs inas-a's new wife, an" tue an' Inr daddy elnl Inn.togeiln r, in Georgy. same tin c Gin'i l Ltl'iivcito came tor Gusty, an' der sogers all turn out an' beat der drums an' shoot eft it r lug cainons. I'll geily 1 -j e s I'se nigh onter a bunded." )oi,i's i liil'llhixl. can to cheer ttie loneliness ot u-e, to sm ,uih pathway, an 1 comfort them iu their declining years. I! (IXM MPTKIN M 111 I V ( l lll ll Tu Tn K F.niTnu l'b usi' inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease Ivy lis timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall he glad te st ud two bottles ol n.v ti iiiidv IIII.B to any of your renders who hitvi nsuuip t mn il they will send ino their express and postoftico address. ltesKitfully, T. A. SLOCl'M, M. C, 181 Pearl street, New York jan 5-titn. 5ti5 worth uf sample jewelry just op 'oe 1. Solid cold tnd emi plateif jew e'ly of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost it f. L. tMRY 8. THE PEOPLE WE MISS. The causes for which tiilTi r lit per-oiis are missed by their intiuiatis are various strange, and considerable int, rest lit be aroused by a minutely detailed For iustauce, that child who has ever been the gnulcst source of anxiety lo its mother in variably creates the lar gest vacancy in her heart bv its absence. The Iriend whom we are apt occasionally to accuse of boredom often fills our thoughts when he cau no longer worry us with his stale jokes or his ridiculous importunities. The quiet individual who silently ce tera llie office as though his feet were al ways encased in rubber sIiiwh, clow1 the door Scully sfter him and as niedtstly seats himself at his desk and bt conns engrossed in his work, is forgntti li a day or two atler bis stool has Ki n filled by anntlu r man; but the noisy, meruirial 'batterer, who does nituo work in five minutes than an other in an hour, who then becomes a perfect nuisance to his plodding Companions by his thoughtless, idle babbling this man is the life of every company he enters, anil is missed more than his friends like to own. Pfcui'U; Wliu W him:. -1 'think the tu, -t tiii.-i cable lu ll or women in the world are llio-e who get in the habit tf whining." said a philosophical gentleman. "They not only make thetiiselvt s misera ble but every one with whom they come in Contact. It's a habit an 1 a very bad oue. The tv, rst of it is the whimrs do nut nalie tli.,t they are ie:i-;,n es or thai, they have falh n into such ways. 'f here at e more whining woaien th in men. because aiunug the latter s-x the snivel ers very often run a ain-t expressions loiieerniiig themselves that op.ti llit ir cyis vtry sinl li uly. Put when a woman fills into the hal it .-he generally wtiitus all h.-r days."- Fx. the j Ktle tliil.-, I.Hil'CKS, KINK t'.'INKs. j Ci'itus, I Ttlit.MlO .V.. it- Ill III. M. II I V-1 I LAGI'.U 1 5 1 ; 1 ; 11 UN 1CK. ,b i li W. I'AMKL, I is ' : N.i !, tji-!i. In, Welfl'ill N-f ot,. Js 1-, iwxesm3i . ''Vi i mml 1 i-JMF h lite h.sw.L.i rnvwniibi s a jo mm Tf yr": -" tn; ,:r, V;; .-;:r--v. machine. H BL1 ur i vt Lt yi.ur I . v I'or tonus and B W -K I U yrn C'-' iint tl- I t ;:rEiye:it, write -ip4i B ! b lmica-,0 - us un;om 6QUARL,r- OALLAi I LI tn riMTu t.o TEX. WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VI'.GKTAIII.i:S. , Llill'UliS, CltlAUS. SMOKING AMI CIIKWINtr TOUACCO. I :r.ii How prepan tl to sell at lowest ca.-n pilots timc ries ii iiii kinils, tt ines, l.iiiiois, Ttiliatco. Cigiiis. Snull. ive., and wiil a!-o ke -p en hautl a foil sul ply of IV, -It Veeei. il.les ol' every variety, which will Irs ,!d el,,.,,p. filETJLLlC r:. BufIJL 1 Cj$ES, 1 will aHv;i kt'iji (in liiind stock of well in ilc M'-ullie Hiirijil ('uses nii-i WOODKX COFFINS w'.iieh I will sell t in no, and which can , be ha I at any hour, day or night. Ord. ts In letter or telegraph will re ceive ? r.oi, i,i attention and cases shipped by first train, I'.V i'lttl.V VCI-; SOLICITICI), F. A. CI TllliKLL, First Sticet, Weldon, N. C apiil l'J lii iK-lalih. S.H.Mark? 4h aiuy. ORE ITS! lill Allt ad. Persons dor-iring Safe and Cheap In Miranco will do wt ll lo sec an agent of the Y alley Mill tial Lii e Association of Yirgiuia. It llilS Iliellihels in ne;r!y t'V cry county from the mountains to the sea ami they rceogni.e the tint that they have reliable and sale insurance ami tuc payinetip their assissuieiils pr,mplly mid willingly. Agents wautid in every county. Liberal terms nlb-rcd to live nun. Address & AllNAt.l , Soiitliern Maitae,rs, lialeigh, N. C. The best always the cheapest Save money by I un baring the celebrated Hay State and Zcigler Hrothers shoes bought direct from (he manufacturers, For sale by V. N. Stainback & Co. The Woiiilcrlul Healing I'ruiierltes nl' llnihts lriiili liii llc l-'luiit in ) tt.i' III ii'i'lileiils lor lliirus, straltts, I ills, W illlllils. etc. Its prompt use will invariably relieve pain, promote lit tiling ami prevent K.rv sipelas, Giiiojvene, or Proud Fltsh. Ow ing to the cleansing nn,l puriltitig quali ties of the Fluid the most obstinate I'l eers, lloils, Carbunv'b s, and running sores tire rendered pure and healthy and speed ily, cured, no other application being nceessary. 4 12 lino. i2ii ..Tci. .'. 7. sti;i:i:t, rr.'ir.usi.ruc, ya. Sieam P-.tker- and Confection rs and Deali rs iu Foreign aud Doiucstic l'ruits, Nuts. e. Maiiiif.i.tiin d and Smoking Tobacto, Cigitrs, t'ig.irett' s an 1 Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. When I say CrRF t tl not nipan merely to Mop litem lor n iinie, uini Hint havt thein re- , turn auain. I mk,n A HAIK Al. CLUE. I have iiiade ttic diM'a.e ol FITS, EPILEFSYor FALLING SICKNESS, A life lone t'n1v. I variuxt mv n nietiv to l'im tin' wtirst cases, lU'cauc otliprn have (ailcil i s no reunin or not ii" n-rnvniK a cure.. Hem) at onev for atriMti-ii' anil .1 1- kk.i hot Of IIIV I NFM 1.1 IILK ItFMKDY. dlU KxptPSH and i'it i-ftii'i1 It m' jou ni'tlniiK tor a trial. Ami il will run yon AtUlifv H. C. ROOT. M.C. 183 PearlSt.,NewYork HELP YOUR EYES rjV l.slNriYO .Mi Sl lil.BIIRATKD lMI'litiVI'.li l'I'.lilSCOI'IC CLASSFS, Cl.K.tli AMisulT TO TIIK KYK. HTIIKNUTU r.M.MI It I tt KAK KVfS, M iiiii!'aelurers of Marks steatii lielinetl Can ly. Celebrated ot 11 Ivr. K nine lit ttultl. steel, liul.lwr aud Cillulma Pr.iutn. We aie OTerslockiHl in clothing and in order to reduce stork have put the knife right into prices and will sell all goods in this line at 6riirca that will astonish you. V. N. Stainiack & Co. I V V VT I X"!mr''.! I ll I 1 IS'.ltl,.' Ht.rl-1 -tOtlllK iu.' Ihhi null .-i n; in v.. i i.'iisi iiiiomil; i!i. woii- tl,-r-( itni'iitivi vr-rcw it niinUi'l mil is I. IU ol Ullit i'HM t'f pel li'ttll' il h1 ov. r ihv i'. ii'''ry n .hoit "t'l-iirininir Hit- tturki'm fr--tu tln'ir lioiii-i I'iiy hU mi. tttiy ui' inn il-i (lie wot , ciiht'i yni i: "r iiJ.I. iln spi'riul iilnlih re. tpiirvil l Hi HiiK mil itinl r turn to u Hrv'l wt ill wiitl yoit frti.,,im"iliftiir f rcat imp irtunce will Murt yiiti lii liiisincvt, much will nriti',- in nwrr nnniry'rlulit iihky, tho miviliiuR fisi. in llu' wtrlil. (irual outtit Inn A't'lrisn True and W AiiitU'-u.Mninc I M j I j 1 of fornm, hut tire urtMsMtt) iir the nirirvtU ol' invfnliim. Thow who tire in inert it CMtitnl-U' work tlml fitn t'c done while livfnc ut tune iliuuhl l mice Btnii their nildre. tt HhIMI 4(o, lVrLlMnt,MHlne,U(t rt-eeive ftv-,fntl infor nation how eiltiorsei, omit w. cmii ern Inm Sftto' per diivMit) upwanti- w)arever they live. Yon MO HUrtiii free tapititl not wiuirl. Komt have UKie over iu it slutf UiU work Ail suooeod. HELP TO SAVE By lui:ic Uip Kieu(et ImrgnlnevcrofTert'd Ins (iOL! III NT1X(j WATCH, Vttryiiii; in l'rice from KOliTY TOOSK lll'NDKKl) l'Ol LAKfl Worth ncntly tloiibtc the prie SETS OF JEWELRY IlKiiilsomi' in ilctipi snrl (Iiip In qnslltr. A lllOB'. s mil diltoreiit lj tea of biniw i'is, KAR-itivtis, TKr nriTrtNS,' BTI 1 ftllJ.AUS. Ht II'IIN". IIIIAI'KI.H'18, ' SII.VKK -I' HISS. It IliKS. A1 '.. ' 'l.ta kri, I'l.ATKI) L'ASItlliS, ICS PllllM- ' Mis, 4c. Al tlio lo ct p wliilf Kie.. Onlen promntlf tleaited le. . J. W. YOUNC, (HtlCCKSSOB TO J. T. Tnt'Nfl A BIIO.) itctSft Ml Wtl If. . --- " f TapibuoWripiUUyi - - '!ir"t"y n.M ii-( .1