i,l l.'H'IMl.-trVT!! i:i; i isi.Mi.Vi.- i HALL &c SLEDO-E, piiophiktors. -A. ItfEWSIP.A.rPEiR, FOB THE PEOPL IE. WKLDON, N. C, TIUJKSDAY, MAY 17, 1888. TIElIMIS----0"' ANNUM IN ADVAKCK. NO 10. VOL. XIX. jsl j t $ 'ft . i as .1 IV I 1 j NKW AITVKUTIKKM KNTS, -PATENT VCAGAMBRIlLMisCo. fcf, PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTJLBLISH:ED1774. OIFR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are luanufa.'tnrod from the CIIOIlT.ST WIIKAT OlITAINAltl.F.. Their sup. , rlvfurrNiroUMITV. SI'KKNtiTIl and IN AI'PliOACIIAHLF, FLAVOIt llllj loll); bri ll ili'l !) Tilt' PATAFSCOSI TKIILATIYK PATKNT Stands un ivallod. Of a li'h. Cn amy Cob r, It make, a llrcid 1 1 1 at will Mill llio Fastidious. In' A-k ymir Cr r fur it 1'utapsco Siipi rutin1 I'at.nl, Itnlaudo Choice Patent, l'alu mw Family Patent, Oi'.uic llinve Kxtra. lUdwIn Family. Mapl"lnn Fimily. C. A. CAMIlltlLL MANI FACTI P.INC COMPAN'V, 211 Comnu roe St , llaltimnrc, Mil. aug 12 ly. II Vy 1 IT. I T Will Color One to Four Pound fc-J ' J Of Dress Goods, 1 ro mpuunu LINKS IIK.I.ATIN.I AN IM'lliKNT OK IIKM. II. K. I.KKX MKMiiKAIil.K IIKVIKW AT ITLPKI'Klt. 1 10 UKES Nervoui Prostration, Neuralgia,; Stomach and Liver Diseases, Rheu- . matism, Dyipepaia, and all arTe$- ' tioniof the Kidneys. f)lfir ... ( It rntnhinM ttw trtrvp prtwiiiWm of : HtCJ JE ',',t"1 n,l Him HtrunglfieninK aw" ( tllB dumuub dhUh. 'Wtimh lhr blV eorlnK all ilit- nditHti ny iiuiuru or iiiiimiVlt- LlUd It riiintti ttiu ami Liiin 1 I curing tliuir iliwMtw. HF CAUSE -"iiH "ll "li""""" ' Nirvi'f, Price l. 00. Si,i'i iv iniKKu. WELLS.RICHARDSON A CO., Proprietors BUKlXSt.TU.N. VT. BEtkJSE 0vz BECUsc Garments, Yarns Rntra Mr. I t j PUNTS A Child can use thwml The PUREST. STRONGEST and FASTEST of .ill 1 ly W'.irruntr.l t Dye mnt gixl, and i;nc llic best colors. I'lieiiuallcd fur J-tathrtt A'.Mw, ami all J am v luting. Fur Gilding or Bronring Fancy Articles, USK DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Brone, Copper. Only 10 Cents. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID s llic Itesf thing in use in mixing t'l.tmun l l'.iinu. A Mtlr. Willi ljiiicI'-. hair lirtisli, c-ls hut to cents. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUING Only 10 cts. for .1 tatlt.it;e t" maLir one iu:iri (if 1 li best lilmiiK' n t x. t strcik I lit lines) ulrn. Ai ilrnist for 1'ye liouk ;mil tjjrd, or vnnr. MLLS, HICHARDSON 4 CO., Burlington, tt. jan 1!" 1- THE PLACE TO GET -AT TIIK- Ihr hMnr tlir ..! All miblii'H of tlii! Army nf Nurl lu rn Virgin ia wi'll ri'iiii'iiibiT a I'.iniuiis icvii'W uf lliat armj lulil by (i.mral II. K. ,w mai Ciilf-i'r Cmirt IImih,'. in Jim,., jnt pri'viuiis In lh, uiaivb inlii I'i iiikjI vania. Tin1 liillnwiiij liips r.'!a:i. an in- i:i'li iit nl' lli.it rev i- v wlii, li, :u lib. MM-mi 'ifllir MeiiiMiial ob.si'i'vauiTH t'NjxH-ial I v, may be fu'.itnl iitt -r.-f t i ny; . Tin1 ibailain incut ixtii il was licv. liin I'aiti r 1. I). I'liniinly uf St . I 1 1 r t . . Wiliiiiiitun, ami lit that lini-' iliailain nf the Third Kii niciit of North Carolina Inlantry, nlio wnre hij Miiilbr during the ri'viow. Wlion thi' ri'piui'iit passi'd lii'ncral l,c.i 'Marsi- KibiTt" ur -Bib." as lie wai-;;lli,-li,inal 'ly calli'd'hy hi mMiits hf ackii'iwirilgi'd its sawti' in a nryuiarkid way. bi. itt,s tn his .suldb' bnw with banal head. Wlh'ti a-k 'd why hr did mi ho H.iid : "I K.iluti' tlici Church ul'thc Liv ing Hud." llllAll.V.M Davkm. Til K IIIIHAT KKVIKW. I. I lu'U , be- H Kriuiil ruvU-vv b,,), feu lliut yiinr urniMiri' r nlil, "Miiim' .,l 'will f.,r,;lvi' a Miubl-y I, at n,'cr ft .hul.l.y liylit. Ami Un,' t,,ilay wi' n- !iiyiini. uikI it-, uotlilni.' I.iil ii r,- lew, Wli.tu,.i I. ill 1 h :1 mi tmuir.iw II I111 v. r,-.il w..rk i'l'l'i, S i 1,,,-k nt ,,ar r.iitink',' l),,.,s. iin,l sir Ihul y,,ar iln- ar,' rli'illl. Klui-ii.l .ir.l in ..r.lcr, l,iy,,n,'t, lit ., la- sl'i ii, Ii H I mil l i f your it. nrc tnll, I ;,l Miurv yniir luiltii' II tv- I' ii. r, r iiiaiiy a li.ir.l rimijmiii ' Marsc ll,,b" Int. i'iiirit-,1 us lliruunh ; Km l-rii.li ii, yuiir.,1,1 ray jai ki-ts, uiiil i,i tli,, lit' y,,ll rim, K,,rli,, l,,u 1,1'limd ill,- imii uin uil n-vs Uiu mil mini. LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. 11. ZOLUCOlTKirs, IDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. I V E L 1 0 N. N. C. WEST STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rPRBt('RIrTION DKrARTMKNT FILLED W1TU Tlllt HKST KKI.KITHI) MATKRIAL- PKESCKIPTIONS COMIHH'NOKI) AT ALL HOl'liS WITH (iliKAT CARE. PEKKUMKKY, STATION EUY, EANt'V SO.U'H, lllil SHF.S, FANCY AUTICI.KS, ToHACCO AND CI0AH8. Iimmil tlittt heart; wdoomoilwiyi nalu yi.a tt ZOLLICOFFKU'R. Light Running UumcsticSewiiiv Machine II. t. mil Cli ij l iiu RClitly, "tilnlliifll.ti.Ml lmlil h rovicw, Thru' un'i vi ry Mimlny uiurtilii, ami Umi hat y hi inn! iln : rri'imiv ymir s..ii!s f ir iii-pwtiun, itinl hi-t- lii.tt oiir lu .iif nrv riylil "Ami i'i-ry mtm iiuiuii yui i-. armed anainst sin to liht, Ui'iiu nil'iT juiir tiaily u Imtii. nrc lln; iiiiit'onn oii enr, Ami iiml will I'urgivf the tnHers if thf love t hnst U iher.'. Fur tin1 lit mIi in ulU-ii wnk Hheu tlio njiitit I: truly willing, t uli w illi hi- iiiuiniiniliuu din foulx we're al wajN fllliini. Ami tli-i" in tlit-eyosi.rilio wurl'l ym nutwanlly may W rlKh'. Wiihoul Hie lui' iij'tlie ."iivionr, you i-au ue in the light Siiliru-.li ii' ynui' iiuifiinii-i well ainl do the heM you van, Forreinciiiherliehiniriii! soldier liotl look- a llic In-art of man.'' III. AD'ltliu.' h ttonl in mum ai, !hi-rli;jilttin tpi.ke 1. tli mil then. And it fell nt by tlio uyide hut inlu the heart of llic men , Ami wh. ii they -.tood t.r iiiftHH'lion hi tlii'Kiaud review, He. in ihe drfcm of hht niliee, stood with hi-rt'ui ini'Utloo, And he tad I "although I honor U) coat of t'n fi'ileralo gray, 1 wenr the full ilrcHi uniform iif a j.ritnt ofiiml to day. Ami tint is my battle Hag tlitl hefuremv iucii I II t,-ar. ' And a-, he toke he showei) them lh lh.k of eotiinioii prayer. Am) vluU In theic recuneiiUilM bektdtf hi, mill he tro.1. A nr.ui-1 urt y head uiu-ovcred, "So the I'liun h of the I.iviiik tjod.'' WISE WORDS. Livi' within your iiirtuiir. Nhvit lit' in mi tinlitti d Inn ry. Think ni'ibiiij: in rv'ndih-t uiiiiiiiiirtatit or indilb nut. Iti iuardi il in disruiir-c. attcnlitT and l,,w In .sii'ak. Maintain dignity uithimt ihr ti i-:tr- Ilm-l, iii'ridi'. It H a I nib' In In' ib al' win n a inliTiT talks, Ni-vi r iH'iiiii'Mv in iiniiKirat ur iorni- cuius nnninns, Avidd as inut'li as piissibb' cillur bur roHin' or b nilin. Wurds are wise nu'ii's euutitcrs. but tbo lllutll-y uf fouls. ManiiiT is niniothiiig with 1'Vi'iybody. and I'Vorythinj; with sotni', Trui h istbi' irnn'r!y uf iiu in dividual, hut is tin- th-asureof all nu n. Truubb's sjiriiiir from idleness, and lievuus tuils from needless ease. A man who is always well satisfied uiib liiiii-i 11' is si Id, in mi with ethers. and others an: as little iib-ased with him The haughtiness uf huuiaiiity is as rent a sin as any oilier fuim uf pride. llninility thruiieh iiide ur sellishness is hyiueii.-y. A man sh aild n -Vi r be ashamed tn invn he has been in the mthiil', wliieh is but sayini; in uthi r w ,rd- that he is wi-tr tu dav than he wa- yi stiril.iv. Menial pleasures n, ver el,,y. I'nlike thnse of the bodv. they are iuereased by repelitiiiii. approved uf by lefleetinn, and strengthened by uijoyiin lit. The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one. The essence of fiit ndship is eji- tir tii'Sf . a total Magnanimity and Iru-t. If a man be i;raeious to Htraii'ers it shows he is a eili.eii of the world, and that bia heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a cuntinent that joins APPRECIATED TOO LATE. ARTIFICIAL EYES. A IlKALKII TALKS A III It T MISTAKKN I UKAS UK TIIKsK AIITII'I.KS. The artilieial cyu man in Portland was talking, nml he told Mime ipiecr stories n boiit the business. He said that il very often reipiired all expert to delect an art ilieial eye. "I ul I en havi" a customer conic in here, limit at my artilieial eyes, and talk soiin thiie.' like this: 'Oh, yes, I always had an idea that Mi. Sn ami so Wi.rean artificial eye. Mis is ha.el. jus1 like that one in the corner.' 1 lind, tm chances to one, (hat if llic person reform! In weals a ;.'lass eye at all, my cii-tomer believes ihe natural eye is lass and the jlass eye the une thruu-'h which he ifi ts his vision. I know of a man who lived with his wile a year before he found out she Wore a "lass eye. ( Mi. yes, they tin it just like the human eye, and in a majori ty of instaneis, possess more lire and snap than ihe actual one. It is astonish inj:. Ihe number uf Maine people who wear these i:oods I (it hits of thcin in a week. Ob, no, there is no lain ahuut lining 1 Ii. tn . T'cnple stitnetiuies think iheyare l;ii ; lo be killed, hot II only makes tin in h. I p-l I f,,r a ulass eye, and conic under a ei m 1.1,1 to add to the beau ty of the phy-iu. iii'iny uf my customer ill per cent. I have seen people sit an hour before a limkiiisT jihus nlirr I had lilted th, -in with my uouils. adiniiin their llew eyes." L"wistull .lolirillll. THESNOWDROP. I.K.HKNH ill' KHK WTlli'll IIAIilATKS llti'M Til K AMKIlll'AN D I II. The arrival of snowdiMps In the city iiatdi IIS as the lirst blnssullis nl' ihe plet cut seasiili recalls a Ulatli.-cval b-n.-nil in regard In the miin uf the II ,w. r, Il stales that ;nne day afli r the f.,11 Ke stnod in paradise laini'iitini: the haircn ness uf the earth, which no lniiH,,r ,r,. iluced vc''etali m l ttle r ' no llnweis rew. An an'i'l. pitying Icr sad ei-ndi-lion, cNposed as she wa-to ihe hlimlii stinw which was falling at the time, came dnwii tniarth to try to cnnsole her. "lie listened to her cnniplaiiits. inn1, bciu' innvcd with pily I'm' so uiu. h rief, ti nk in his hand a flake nf the snow, and, breathing upon it, bade it take the form ofall 'Wer and Inn! and blow. He at the same time added that tin- little blos som should be a sin and a symb -I to her that the winter was nver, and that the sun ami the summer would m,oii re turn. Oil ral-llli: h r eyes In express her gratitude to the ungel he was no where tf! be seen, but on the place win re lich.ul slond was a siiuw-wliile rin'. which she had no dillieiiliv in reenniziiiL' as composed of siiuw dr,,ps " llosti-n J'llUUlll. Vt- - -it ma If I,:t.iif) yoR SALK HY P. N. STAINI5ACK & CO. i t4 ir I I BRU i U It V J HOW TO CONVERSE. LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. i :S:I)EALKR IN !)- DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SIIOKS, NOTIONS, II ATS, CAPS, OOMKSTICS, HUNTS, STAI'LK (JOODS, (1H0CKUIKS, Aai Krerything (hut CUD be called for. . HEAD QU AETEES FOR Wlu.t n woman should aim at in con- ycr.-aiion is not only to cnM'ii.iin by niv iug her nwii thmiuhis, but at the miuiv time to draw out those ofother.', especial ly the bashful men. Nothing pleases a man so much, nothing iveshim such an idea t bis superiority, ns to allow; him an op- port unity of iinp.nliii iiil'nrinalioli, thniih he may nut have penetration e- iioiiiih to discern that it is the fact uf the woman that unices Ii i lit into talk about what perhaps he knows less than she. I remember Waring it remarked of Mrs. Cleveland that she was a charniin con versationalist, because she always chose topics whiili she knew wi uU interest ol her-, and in this lies the whole merit of the art of conversing. A ceb hrated l'leiich woman who bad n iilur wia'iih, beauty tmr position tn cl ,vne Inr in nni.il i in lea, rose lo l In highest rank amone, theioiiit duiitin the laitci days of myulty, simply by her art of , .1-11,- in h I e, uvels.lt, n llril lull CV in c nversati II is Imt the es-cllll.il e'larait tisue. S one nl' ihe ii. -ist (barm in-lalkirs are ilnllfli; but willy ol I. am.' I. bill ihe put Ii i W" I'Ve t i li, .,! ihi.'Sesp. 'ak who r. 'illy feel whit theysiy. wh i.se wolds are i bona' without biin childish or slangy. We hive to li-teo lo thosu whose purity td stud shines in thcii eonv, rs.ition. and we feel that words are hut the pelsouilieatiou of the beauty within, - l'hiladclphia limn. "We were married thirty seven years," said Mr. (iar.lii 'r Andrews, '-and in all that time my wife n -ter jr.ive m 1 a cross word. Hut I shall never fur.-el the first lime I chilled In r. Il was uu a Sunday mill iiiut:. when we had been married ab, ut two years. 1 found a billion oil my shin, and threw it across the room. Seiv a butt. hi on,' I said, in a brutal Vnice. She was a L- iud Chii-li.iu woman, and was prepariu.' for church, but she pit the button and sewed it on." And what did she say ?" asked a little, bristling wuiuaii with snappinu eyes. She said. 'Forgive me, husband. I I a iircat deal to do yesterday and for got it. but it shall never happen nain.'" 0. ' said the uiiii, fixing his eyes on the picture of his dead wife, ' her gentle words almost broke my heart. I could have gone down on my kuees to ask her forgiveness. She made a different man of Hie and the world has been a different place since she died." There was a silence as he finished speaking, interrupted by a general clear ing uf throats and a confused snullling, as we all had bad colds, and ihe little woman's eyes looked suspiciously dim. MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. ALPHABET OF PROVERBS. A gain of produce is worth a pound of era ft. Ina-ters are cou-iiis to liars. Confession l' a fault makes half a ni'iids. lleiiying a fault doubles it. Knvy shooteth at others and wouiideth hcrscll'. Foolish fears doubles danger. I iod reaches us good things by our ll.lllll.-s. lie has hard ivrnk who has uuthini: tu do. II eosis more lo revenge wiuugs than to bear them. Knavery is ihe worst trade. l.f irriiilur makes a man fit company h r COLD ENOUCH FOR YOU. "Out nfa herdot filly legs." said a llakuta fainii r to a New reporter, 'all but one had their tail.- In ., n oil', while many of their cars had I'alh n victims to the pruning knife of the lill.ati! nils aie also deprived of their hum-, which, rendered brittle by the frost, snip nlflike glass. In laknta you will never lind a hick, n to survive the winter unfrozen. The claws are generally gone, and we have then to provide thcin with sipiare roosts, as they would fall oil' round ones. 1 am in possession of iuforinati, hi that a NKW AllVKICriSKMKNTS KO EuDSEHOLD SHOULD BE VflTHOCl W. na lT ' ? Omii.V ' mi STRICTLY VI0(TBLI ULTL FAMIU MCDICINC. PHILADELPHIA. Price. ONE Dol'ar Kit !!. KM KNTS. SERIES ! W. K. I. B. w, hav, .1 nl just return, ,' necipyllie dm W'elilon, e b 'tween N. Ttio nii)ority .r tliu ills nf the human body urlsu from a .lis.'i.si'il l-lvcr. Mill mulls l.lver KeRUtulor lias I'cetl the Itiflllll of restoring mora peopli. to Leallli met liapplllesj l,y (;lvinu tliein a liealtliy Liver lli.'in any uUi, r aiieney on earlli. BtBTUAT vol) HKT TIIK GK.M'I.NE. PecS Iv. riii.iiii:i 1857 HSI'H V RUFE. W. DANIEL EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER S. We are ree ii in and opening a full line of STAPLE AND FAiO GROCERIES We will kr j u l 11 ill I ;t .s.-lt-i lnl l tuk (iroi-i ii-", l-'ruit-. C..til-t-t -ii ii -. ('io-(rfi) Tnii;H'rn. SlIlllT. U (i'-il. II tit. r.liiiv Wniv. ( 'tu I' i v. ( Tin Wnrr. f.-., .V,.. We Will M'llill ill- i.O'VKsr We? iiKij fi'liiiii nur r- our in my iri ;t 'i t ;i llit'ir kiii'l. hhi'fil jiiir-o anl s.ilu-it ii e Kiii'in me wilh on nut, toe in V.r. i: .1. I.. .11 DK' iiiM.vir Vli I i- IX H '.i iiu1 in.-i- r i P A r!t Rll ! 1 1- 1 I Oil it hiinself. MudeMy is a guard to virtue. Nut to bear conscience is the way to sib nee it. One hour to day is worth two to-morrow. I 'l oud looks make I'uiil w ork in fair j M laces. Otiiel conscience gives ipiicl sleep. Hichcst is he who wants least. Small fault- indulged are little thieves that let in greater. The boughs tha.t bears most bang low est. I pright walking is sure walking. Virtue aud happiness are luothet and daughter. Wise lin n make more opportunities than they lind. Von never lose by doing a good act. Zeal wit bout knowledge is tiro w ith out li'lit. horse froze to death in its stall near my place, which is situated ill the southeast ern station of the teiriiory. "Kverybmly in llakuta expects to be frozen at sopie time or other, although all wear t'elt boots and ti,,in two to four pairs of sicks I, with two uf my buys, went one d iv to Ihana on business. W ithin three miles of in v house 1 W is frozen, and I was brought In uie insensible Oh. it is teriilde. Von lind people with both hand, and legs i ll. lown to ., ru we c.ui-ider the weath, r warui. dit ur In de crocs below z. rn we ."ill it culd." Illlui KI, IKS, LKJIJOIIS, FINK WINKS, CiljARS, TOh.M'l 1 III IU.M tt ,t I.M.I I.' Till'. l t IN "1 culd , III. VIUIIV. In 1) HARDWAllK OF ALL KINDS. 'ic ii respectfully invited to call. W. H, BROWN, Wtldon, N. C. l'er.snns desiring Safe and Cheap In surance will do well to see an agent uf the Valley Mutual Lifo Association of Virginia. It has niciubets in nearly ev ery county from the mountains to the sea and they recognise the fact that they have reliable and sale insurance and are paying up their assessments promptly and willingly. Aguits wanted in every county. Liberal term offered to live nun. Address lihllKKLK.Y & A It N A I.I., Southern Managers, l'.aleigb, N.C, 1MA.IINATIVK Tlllll lillTS liv A NliTKH VtTllTKIl UN A lllillll.V f.iKTH'AI. Til KM K. 'T'.ihaps there is a music uf the spheres, but we call only imagine it, we kuow nothing of it. 1 have sainctimcs thought that if a blind spirit eould be supported in space so as to hear, as this globe rolled by him. the notes that are borne on il the niyiiad vuic.d melody of birds, the sweeping of winds over all the r. .lies, ami ihe sliect of sound, now soiiibi r. now cheerful they waken fmtn the f, rests while ibey stir ihe low, lisp. ing peiiii. nee of the piaecful tva, and. ihiuuoh all, llic thunderous uiellow bass of ill ' s illed oceall, b.'tliillg mi a thous and I utiles of rook that spirit might gllic It W..S .1 U.lhiy ..igali rolling hi. t.iin bed on every key. alive in every stop, and aiouscd by every pedal lo the praise Of (lod. Hut wc can only coiijccluro what the blended voices of this plane may be when h. aid as a whole. Ill the music of na ture, so far ns we hear it in detail, no idea is worked into aud stiugglcH through even its vast vibrations. And it is only when a mighty thought or sentiment rolls through waves of sound, combining tliem s 1 1 toil lin y co op, rate on our heart and unt il, that pure sublimity begins. All else that we call sub'iaii.v is only suprlse of the senses." Thomas Starr King. ' full of T Will al the moon for aiiipson," .-he said in a vuic sw, elness and pneumonia. 'T nev tire ul' ii." "Ah," he responded, "w.mld lh.it I were the man ill il." "Vcs." she assented softly. ' And why, Miss Clara.'" lie asked, getting ready to take her baud. ' lb cause, Mr. Sampsnii," she said, shyly veiling In r eyes with thnr long la-lies, "you would he 1.111111.111111 miles away." A)iu7i. jUllf 2s 1-y lackk m: on in-:. H V. I'AMKL, in. Wasli. Ave Wililmi N. DAVIE I CO., NO. II SVCAMOF.K l!KKT. I'KTI'.KSItl ii, VA. WELDON, N. V. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKUKTAIil.KS. Llol'olis. I'll! A ItS. SMOKINU A N 1 1 C 1 1 K W I N i r TOIIACCO. I am now icp.iri d lo sell at lowest cash piie, s tifoe. ii"- ,-f all kind-.. Wines, l.iiU,,rs. 'I'l.bacco. Cijais. Sniill. c, and will ul i keep on Ii no I a full supply of fre.-li 'i o'ta'Jos uf i -very vaiiety. which Willi,,' s l cheap. iUjJLLlC BuiIJL CSES, 1 will iilwavs keep on hand a stock of well mad,' Metallic llnrial Cases nml WOODKX COFFINS which I will sell chi an. and which can he had at any hour, day or night. Onleis liv leit r or telegraph will re.- e, n o pi'otni i attention anil cases shipped by first train. YTiio.NACiK soi.k rri.e, K. A. CI Tlll'.KLL, First Slicl, Weldun, N. C, Wk have several second-hand buggiea which we will poll cheap. I1. sN. Stainback Si Co. CEMS. (ienius invents, talent applies: I never have seen an idea too biir for a sentence. Imt have read thousamls of sentences tnu ibig I'or an idea. Vanity and jealousy are two weaken ing passions in the human heart, and very strange to tell, they are the must common. A thoroughly neat woman is a joy un speakable, but doesn't she make it busy for the dust and for the people in her n ighhorboo.l. My young disciple, doit t hunt for new things, but study to improve upon t'lc old ones; every II it stone, and nio-t uf the bowlder-, hive been tinned over al ready by tin- novelty hunters. 'A t .I..NKS seldom his anybody get the stall ofhiiii, but when m Omaha he lt-ked ''cVety In. ill ill his nildielU'e v(:o liadiieversnok.il a cross word to bis wife to stand up," ho w.ia perfectly as toiiuded to soo one stalwart, rotund old fellow rise and face the music. After rcceivim; Sam's praises and connratiibi- lious, he merely remarked a- he sat down that he never had a wife. I nr. II vi.k I-amii. v. ,l,,lm Half, of Westhrook. tia , is evidently a hutuiiist. abhoiioh he has nut yet heenmc known lothn world as such. His lirst baby w; christened Fit.-t ll.dl; the Sci d Half ihe third. Other Half; ami the fourth. Ile-t Half. He has a big siori over his cabin door which reads : "The whole family of John Half lives within A half family is better than imuc. but if you want to see six halves in one hole come iu-idc and see what is left of us. I iod bless ntir home !" Tub Shut er Fish Cai hut itv Al'us'l'I.Ks The ii-b ill ill.- Sea of Ibll ilec have lately been elas-ili.d and prove to belong lo the specie peculiar In the Al'liean hikes, not to the Mcditcralieau kinds, as lli;hcil, beiieVt d. It is thete fore Miggesti'd that the Jordan Vail y ill long pasi ages must have been tilled by a I ike joining the lied Sea. w hich W as then a fre-h-wati r lake, an, I which in its turn may have directly communicated with ihegical lake sy-lciu of Ccntia! Africa. Offer to Iln- trade of Virginia and Ninth Cai'i linn Ilium llarrel.-nf Flour of all grades, Hill Hoxcs of Hulk Meats of all kinds. Jo uf S. C. Ilatiis. Should, rs. and liica.-ts, LMii liairels New Oilcans and IVrtu I'iio Mla-cs. Jim " Svmps ,,(' nil oi.nl, s. linn " Lake Fish lio-loii II. rrinjs. Jllll Ca-e.- Canned tionil-, lllllll Kegs ,,f O. ), ,1' Va. Nails. Jnn Harrels Ki'oseiie Oil nf all kind-. Will " l'atilej and I'lanliiii.' l'l'tatoes. oil u VureCiih r Viiug.ii . best made.) 25H lloxes and Caddies tlreen and lllaek Teas, Jllll Uas Launyra and llio Cofleo, 1 all liarrels lietincd Siiiiars. Jiiniinn 1 .i t .. r I bigs nf all sizes, l.'innn lieanis I'apor all sizes. " A.H.SO "My dear." said a lady to her husband .is she was in.tl.ing over the newspaper, "what are preferred creditors''" "They are the the--the -creditors who never send in their bills. Least way that's the kind that I prffer." Spies. Pickles. I'eii kei-. Starch a i l Mini, and it Whohsale Croc All these for a,- Pirnlllis. Pail Twill,'. I'nWll Oimls folllnl ill u sipdll ly. Hope. I other ry Sinre. !; at toe lowest prices HAMS A CO. No. 1 1 Sycamore Street (Kslalilol.e.l !!' tM MI-THIN M HI 1.1 ( I III II nuralen,i Arnlra Salve. The Heat Salve in the world fur Cuts, llruises. Sores, C leers, Salt Hbciim, Fever Sol es.Teltcr, Chapped hands, Chilblains ( in lis, an, 1 all skin eruptions. and positive ly cirm Piles, nr no pay reiuired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price cents per boi. For aalc by druggists at Weldon, Brown & Carraway, Ualitax, Ur. J A Metj wigan, Enfield. Tn Tn n KlirniH ---Please inform your renders thai 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. Hyits timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two untiles of my remedy KRKK to any of your readers who have eonsump- Imu it lliey will semi ine their express and postoflieo nddr.m Hespeetfullv, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl street, New York. jan I) Inn. Wc are overstocked in clothing and in older to reduce stock have put the knikk right into prices and will aell all goods in thin liuo at figures that will astonish you. 1'. N. Staisback & Co. The Wiimterl'iil llcnliug L'r.iiertleK ul' ll!u-hN I'mpliv loetle 'In itl hi t'ase Ot Arrl.lentN. ttir Hums, Mcalils, Cuts, v otimls, etc. Its prompt use will invariably relievo pain, promote hialing and prevent Kry sipelas, Caniircne, or Proud 'Flesh. Ow ing to the ileaiisiiii; and purifying .piali lies of the Fluid the most obstinate Tl ccrs. lieils. Cathunclcs, and running snrcs are reiidered pure and healthy and speed ily, cured, no other application being lie essary. 4 12-lmo. sop 15 : HCUflE FITS! When I sav ("nitr 1 do not mm mprlv to Bt op them lor n time, and then have iliein re turn a;iin. I MKt A KAhh AL t L'UE, I have made the dinoae o( nTS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A llf Inn Murlv. I wahrxnt my remedy to (.'I'RB the worst c:iHrt. llrcansi others have failed i no rriiton for not now reeeivmn a enn. Send at onrefnr a tri'imne ;ihd a "nv. Hoitm of mv Intai i.uti.K Kkmehv. t;tve KnrtHs and )'iHt (tftli'o it roxis you nothing lur a trial, and It will euro ou Address H. C. ROOT. M. C 1 83 Pearl St., NcwYorr f $.ili5 worth of sample jewelry just (K'ned. Solid gold and gold plated jew olty of all kinds, at prime wholeaale cost atT. L. Kmby's. The best always the cheapest Save money liy purchasing the celehratcd Hay State and Zciglcr lirothera shoes bought direct from the manufacturers For aalc by V. N. Staisbac k & Co. SlMarWo. SYCA Mnltt: STHMT, rKTKliSHIlta, VA. Sleahi linkers and Oiinrectiouers and Dealers iii Foreign and lKimestic FruitR, Nuts. &c. Jt Manufactured and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes aud SnulT at tho LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Marks Celebrated .Steatn-ltefiiud Candy. nov 11 lyr. IIFLF YOUR FY KS J1Y UsINU VOI'NU J. Kl.KllHATKIl 1M1M!.I 111) l'KKISIHH'ie (Il.AS.sra, t'i.K..Mt ANtisnn TO TIIK K.YK, NTKENdTH KM NO Tn W KA K KYKX, ilulil, S1...1 , ItnliWr liJ Celluloid KrAini'i, HELP TO SAVE By buyluj? the ret'1 bargain everuflcred In a COLD 11 INTINd WATCH, Yuryinn in 1'rhc from FOliTY TOONK Hl'MtRKIi iHlI-LAItS Worth noHily dmihle Ihe prirc. SETS OF JEWELRY Ifilulstiiiio til ilcitiftl flinl tine In quality. A tboif mini dllVcreiitilrki of UlNns Viva, KAR-Itl MIS', rtTK1 HI TTtlXH, STI IW 11)1.1. ARS. Ill TTIISS, Hit AOKLKIS, HII.VKK KIlKISK. KollKS. r., I I..H K8, i'l.ATKU t'AMT.IItH, 1UK FlttH BKS, 4c. Al the luwpxl p..i.illt! itrleit. 'Onlwfl pront istljr . atleuihll to, J. W. YOUNC, (8UCCES80B Tn J. T. YllltKll t HBO.)" I'ttorsburf Va tet I ly. ! , -Il 'V.. i L J - HBBSS 5.ji