A. IT B "W SP APEB FOR THE PEOPL E. VOL. XIX. WKLDON, N. C, TIIUltSDAY, .lUNK 7, 1888. NO. 13. NF.W ADY KKTISKM FNTS. THE n 'Minim 1 IUIIIU F PATENT C AGAMBRILL Mro Co OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are uiaiiiifii"tiireil from the CIIUIlT.ST WIIKAT OliT A I A HI.K Tli, ir iiim ri.rtyf.ir IN'll'OltMl TV. STIIKNii I'll mil IN A 1 1 'Hi ) AC 1 1 A Itl-K FUVOlt liiiH long been acknowledged. The I ' A T A I'S ( '( l S I ' I' K I ! I , A 'I' I V K I ' A TK NT Stands unrivalled. I M" a lich. Cr, auiv Cnh r. it make-. 11 l'rc.nl (lint will mil the Fastidious, lay" A k ya ur (Ir ic. r fur ii. 1'ittapsi-o S ralive I'.itmt, l!...m.lu Choice Patent, l'atase,i Family Patent, Iriiiv't! liinvi! I'Atra. Italdvvin Family. Mapl'tun Family C. A iJAMIir.ll.l, MAM FA II HIM. COMPANY, '.'1 I V.iii rm rce St , Haltiiiwrc, Md. aug Uly. wpaine's (ompound UKES Nervous Prostration, Neuralgia, Stomach and Liver Disease, Rheu- mat ism, Dyspepsia, and all afTcc- liom of the Kidneys. Because because; It T'linliincn the net in iiriivitm'H f Olrry a nit ('or. Iliuu In-nfl iti'ittnie 1 I lie utidui BjMifta. 1 H rtamw Hi" WttoA, ciii'iiiii H dl' t'twH r.itiHoii by iuijmro ur iiiiH.tr bbtttl blixul. QpAliiMp t It n'gntiiloM thi Niweband lidm-s because; It tinolliix wnndrrful (nut f.-M t ti m. I curl nit All liM of Din NtrvtB, I Blund, U.k1h. aiul Kidn). Price f I.OO. M ty dnwuUfi. WELLS.RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietor! BUHLLM.TO.N, VT. jau l!l ly THE PLACE TO GET Illil Slliillil, AT THE- LOWEST PEICES, IS .AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFKR'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L.D 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WPrlBX'RIrTION liKPARTMEXT NIXED Willi Till! HKST KKI.ElTEII MATERIAL PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT A I.I. IIOI'US WITH CHEAT CAKE. PEKrXMKKY, STATIONERY, FANCY HO A PS, Illil'SHIK, FANCY ARTICLES, TOIi.U'C'O AND CKIAKS. EKMKMBKU thai bcarty welcoun-tlwKyi iwaiu jrou tt ZOLLICOFFEU'S. FOR SALE BY P. N. orl 14 lr K II I LEADER OF Comer of 1st street and Wash. Ave. 2 -zSzzDEALKR INS DRY OOOI'W, BOOTS, SIIOKd, iNOTHINS, IIAT8, OAl'S, DO.MKSTKVS, I'll I NTS, ST A PI. K GOODS, OHOCI'.IUKS, Ami KTerytbiog that can be called fur. HEAD QUARTERS FOH On, Pistols AND HARDWARE C The public respoctfullj invited to call. in Aiwa PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTA.BLISH:ED--1774:. Will Color One to Four Pound! Of Dress Goods, 1 Garments, I I Yams, Rags, etc. J "VJ A Child in use them ! Tli PUREST, STRONGEST ami FASTEST rf .ill I'yi-s irr.iiin-.l la 1 lye i Itr- mot Rmsls, sill i, i v m the best color.. l,'i,i-,ii.illed for ttatkiti, A'.-fAoil, nnil .ill l yin.y l'ytin. t'e. Gilding or Bronzing parity Article!, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Cold, Silver, Brome, Copper. Only 10 Centa. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID l llic licst lh:nn in me in mixing lli.ntiui.il Itinti. A but lie, with i ,hi)c I' hair brush, cost hut 10 cents. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUINO I nly 10 cts. for a lucke to mike one ijii-rt t( (he Ust Ilium,. Will n t spot or strr,.k tlid'nici Unit. Ask dnicil (ir I've Hook and Hard, or wnie WELLS, RICHARDSON t CO., Burlington, h. STAINPACK k CO. LOW PRICES. i Gnekriig&Si OF ALL KINDS. W. H. BROWN, Wddon, N. C. XuT Till-: SMARTEST FOLKS. I N i I. V. I t. K V. , Y. ti may notch It on iv pulin's, V.mi mink it in tic twtl, hut -k' lii;;htr uputoad li'Njuinp.i Ik- iiur.h r will kv fall. Ami do crow Uut flytk- auilU's' Am ilr stiniiea' in kroru, And dc l!y il.it mn dv im-iuit' tit'l uiiutirlii-.it in Morn. Iu hrtHiK tint iini h' rdiiillo'i-D' 'halU-r moM upon ilu vnty, And do (Hki dat uindi' Ktillvn' Ar dt1 mv liuvu iiinN tor uy. And ilc roiir-ti-r dut urn yi.uiim-V Am tk-oiii1 dut i row du u.in' And df limn dal am de i nward Alwnys make dt: l.inui'H1 In iml'. And liu tun Hut ' Kiciili'ft' mini lio totoi du IdjtKi s' iitUn It ' Nor mn alio dr fin kmI UIio Wiir .1.- Liihllf. You ni mi nl judtfu di kin' on iimii It) d-' llialltliT ob Ills Mrllkill' And dt y nrv in.i tlu unarti'x' I'oIkH Who do do londi-h' tiiiKin'. A REMARKABLE TREE. nil Til STIl AMSKU THAN UrTloX TIIK M I'KIINATI IIAl, IN llliAl FullT L'Hl N l V. Wii.liiiil.iii l'i.i(;rt -h. 1 ii llii ciiiinty alu iit t.'ii mil. s I'rtun Wa.,iiiui,,u, ;,!,(! a. ,1 n tli.iim.v I'niin . ii ' nl llic main inailf. I.'iulin to ih.1 tuwu. in ii li.r'.t .if .ml., lii. li.iry . l ine uml ..lli v mis. i Han. ii -lutvili. M;ii.s a liir;:.' I.iilj-leaf pill.'. It lias lli'Vrl' liei n 1).X. 'J for titrjn-ntiiic. aiiliimi:li ev. ry ntli.T jiin.' 1 l. i' yiill'.iuliilill it li:'S In i ll i hi.n .l (us it in I.Tiiii'.l ) an. I "Ii n l if tor many yiMi. Tliit, t.W'ilirr itli tlie fait that it is v. i v tall ami a lanillnalk i the t.i nf it ) fur many n.i'en urnund tmilic it a r.' ni irkalile tree. Hut tli. r is in. ire than this ah.mt that tree that makes it lemaikahle; ''therehy lianas a tale"- ..lie ih it no dmiht nine tenths uf iheav.rae niin.ls wi.nl.1 ai Ci'jit willi a irreat many urains ufalli.w- atiee. if they ili.l nut alwlutely and at ome ilisholieve ati.l i. n.iimee it a hnax. Hut hat is here rtad.l are laets within our personal knowli dj;.; of the matter ami can he atti sle.l by ilnZiiis of the he.4 ami imist reliable citi.i ns of lli-atif.irt e.ninty. Th ' pine is situat. il on a mull ami sehl'iin used eart path hraii.-liin-j oil fr.iin a n-ihlii'i'h.iod mail leaditn: iuiu (lie Ulaitl road before alluiled to, ah.itlt I ml yards Ir. in the mini nn.l exai tly in the eeulre ol'the eart palh, so that stamliiii; in the read and looking d. wn the earl path the tirst tiling you s.e is this pine, and carts Iravellni; tin- palb have in around it. The tree is sound, heahliy and erl'e.tiy firei-n. eseept Up.-ll the ttbwet s-i.lt- tvh.-re lime is a streak runnim; li'nin the pi-oiiii.l l.i the- extreme p. al...ut nlle fi-i-t wide, that is dead. Tile tr.e is no win re else alle. t.'.l. (Ill the ground near ihe tree tan be se.-n ilainly and di iiuelly the lin mil el a horse's feel, sm-h as a horse would make l.eini; surely I'tihii ned and shies. Thev are eijhl in number nml luinle, as in be plainly seen, by a h -r-e approach- in the ti.-e and siiildtuly shieini: to the' It to avoid it. Theje is nothing in llic tracks ni'iih.-r L'rus.s u r bube-i nor nim- raff, they beins: perfect y elc in and 1 m k as if they had ou'y h cu nude a week or leu days. And this, tin, it) a forest where I here i not an inch of ..-round that is not covered six inch s .1 -ep with pine straw, bushes, i;rass an I th i drop- n.'s fio-ii the vi.rinu-. treis, the ino it self shedding 1 11. .null straw to cover and obliterate tli. 'in in 'H hours, and there they arc, and wonderlul lo n-late. just as lheyh'avebeenfurli.")orTOycars. It issaid eil .m can il" there, fill lh. ru up with ilirt, straw, leaves or any i ther matter at ht,aml reluruiULr in the luoininc it is all gone and the tracks art? as clean ami fresh as ever. This used to be a favorite amusement of seboal children attending a liuhlie seho .1 n -ar there, and one old L'eiitleiiiaii residing near a maa whose word in that seeti in has never been tpies lioned, a meiiiber of the thur.-h, iutelli' ut-nt and oecupviiiji . Iliees of holier, told the writer that liiue ami apiin In done this, and alway- whatever was put ill them al nilit would be remortd in the lie ruinj. The wril. r lit-t saw th. tree Mid tn.eks al out lS'.H. an.ltluii they w. re just as th-y h ive b-en .1. s. nlicd saw them a.jaill ill 1", ti ll yealsal' t rw.ir.ls. when tli'-y hail not limited particle, and I c has s.-- li th. in r.-p. aled Iv kiu.c 188. Ui 1. 1 two v. ar. !!. hih! they arc to day what they were twenty year.va,i;i. I bis the wii'cr bi ns-'lf can cerlify In The tiadili.ui or cxplan.ili. ii of this miracle, as it may be termed, for it seems K.tli I iiLt short uf that, is us follows: About l." or Tt) years n., mi Sunday, all tilt nciohborbood were nut at chur.h near this place and bad tin i r horses ti.d near this Irec. One man. Ji sscKllioll, more wicked and pr.-fatie than the others, proposed a horse race. This was o'lje. ted t) by llic others licvause of its being the Sabbath and their beini; in attendance UHin divine wms'iip. Klliot began tu curse, and swore that he would have race anyway, ni pulling whip to bis horse he started in a run down the cait palh, hi) horse going directly for this pine in the middle of it. When n. ar it lie sud denly shied lo the left, threw Lis rider up tgaiast the tree, bit head striding it nil', knocking li is lirains nut, killing liitn instaiilly. The Iiorso in liioiiig matle the lv;i':ks ami uy liave iviuaiiud ili.'ic in tin; tuidrtt ufu virgin furet fmni th;tt ilny tu this. The tret; on tluiilr wln-re liis lii'iul slruek ilii-J in u siivnk clrnr la tin tnpnuMt bnmi'li uinl has rt'iuuiixtl so t'j this day. 1'y a i'an?l'iil cxatninalinn of tlu; trucks thr cxatt j.u-itiun of the liur.se when lit- threw the man can bo seen. Thi T.i is als i a crusi mark on the trt't1 which it is .siitl cuiild hr mtii r (t hm tiui'', lihxid and iartii'I's uf tln man's hair. It i-s also aid parlies have Hlti'tnj'l ed tu cut thi' tree duwn, but xiinrtliin jd'evi'iited, mid while thin is nnlikr ly, slill llit-re can he nu one found in (h:it Sfi tiou nf ihe cuuiily who will take mi axe and Cell the live. IlitiM I'l'iividi-net! keepil t:ihdin! iht iv as an exauijile and warninir to Salihath break- rs and evil dui rs. We kimw md. but tin re it is and lln re it i 1 rohahly remain, hacks and all, fur a poiiodid' fill years I.iiil" r. It is mic ainuii the lew thinsjH the writer has cvrr seen thaf he could nut aeeount lid, and cmnrs ieihas tiearei- to belli"; a iniraele than aiiuliiiiL' elf', at leiift in (Ids part nf the country. On Thiir-.lay last we interviewed Mi. ('. ('. X. Cull, r, a reliable ciliz u who re sides in the neighborhiiii.l ol'the reinaik alii.-tree, and fr.mi him we gathered the folloniug ail.litioii.il facts : He has s.. u the tree and Iracks a tliuaul limes inul lias repeatedly lilted the tracks wilh tin r and trash ami they have as (.lieu hem cleaned out by some invisible agency. T he tree is ii iw entirely dead an I has been so lor about a year. Mr. Cutler says thai for twelve 111. mt lis he and his broth, r fell hugs nu the trunks and it in nowise ob lil. r.iti.l llieni V. I 1 HEROIC. On thed.iv al't.-r the battle of Hull l!un the chaplain of a Southern re'iinent found a sw.ir 1 engrave. 1 with the naine if tin ollieer who had served gallantly in the war with Mexico. He carried it tu the widow of the ollieer, who lived on a plantation not far from the scene of the battle. When she saw it she trembled violently. "My boy is killed!" she cried, "That is his father's sword. 1 gave it to him when he went into the war. U could net have been taken from hint while he lived!" Several days afterwards, she learned that he had been cut down lighliii..' brave- Iv in lh" front of his regiment. A similar story is told of the gallant Cmmod"ro Smith, wh isesii command ed the frigate Congress, one ol'the I'liion licet lying at anchor in Hampton ll-ia. Is wh. n the Coiife.ler.ile iron-clad Virginia, the old Merriuiae. bore d iwti upon them .1 scattered destruction and death. The report uf the attack flashed all over the country, ami the whole nation, both North and South, waited breathless throughout that stormy March dav to now what the end would lie. The Navy Heparluieut at Wa-liiugtuu was crowded with ulli.vrs ou duty in the cu i tal, among them the Veneiable father nf the commander of the Congress. Kach telci;ruin as it arrived w is read aloud. About noon came the message. "The Congress has surrendered." . 'Then Tom's dead !" his father sa'd. turning away. He waited tor Ho more tidings. He knew his son. Whenever the Civil War is spoken ol now, such rciuiuisciiiocs as these on both sidi-s usually come to light stoiies of the high faith in the justice of their cause with which men in both armies went nut to battle; of the courage, the grit, the endurance of both the Northern and Southern soldier; of the mothers praying at home in New Kngland and Carolina; of (he pictures of the wife and baby, ol'the little Tistaments buttoned close uuder the blue jacket and the gray. Such liilles as these, humuu and ten der, makes us uudeisiand that, however mistaken we may think our brother to h ive been in the cause for which he fought he was uur trot her; that his blood was as red. his heart as warm ami hi. f-ii'h as high as w. re our uwu 1 H I 'iHlfiaitl'tH. Mtlll .thrill. I'. rsoiis d. siring Safe and Cheap In suralleu Will Jo Well tu sec an ti.'rnl . I the Valley Mutual Life Association ul Virginia. It has members in nearly ev ery county I'roiii the mountains to the sea and they recognize the fact that they have reliable nn.l site insurance and arc paving up tlit ir aisscssmeiils promptly an I willingly. Agiiits wanted in every county Liberal terms utlercil to In 111.-II . Address ISr.HKKi.tr & AttXAi.i., Suuthern Managers, llaleigh, N.C. I'll Hit rru O t. n need some sate cathartic ami tu avert appruaching sickness nr to relieve colic, headache, sick stuiiiach, iudigestiun, tlvseiitery and the eutnplaints incident to cliil.llns.il. Lit the children lake Sim mons Liver Uegulator and keep well, ll is purely vegetable, nut unpleasant tu the taste and safe tu take alone nr in con nection wilh other medicine. The genu ine has uur trade mark "'." in red on front of wrapper. J. II. Zcilin & Co.. Philadelphia, Fa. Buy 17 ltuo. JENNY LIND. A HKMINISI'KNI'K (IK Tilt lillKAT S.l.Nll KTUKSH. licl.loOr.'fciu.l Wi.nmii s Hurt. '1 lie only person 1 have ever met who knew Jenny l.ind in her childhood, was Max llionzden, an old musician. I asked him to till me of her. and the old man's I'uriow.-d face became radiant with a smile. ' licim-mbi r her." said he; "she b. is been the lined ol' my life, the iih-ui-ory of her v. ice was my salvation. She and I were alike mice r. We W ere y.ung and lappy. Hand in hand we usul to w.iml. r in the fields ami ou the hills of old Swiden. She was a little burc-1'out thing in a sluu" dress, and I the blacksmith's son, yet 1 had music in my soul, and I w.usliipped her. Often she would sing, as we wandered through the sweet, cool woods, and the birds would come to listen to her song. She would trill ami sing, and as 1 would pell her wilh wild roses ami butter-cups, she would laugh and ask, ".Mux, which was it Hilled the birds or I .-" In my infatuation I would cry, "Ji tiny; the birds have come tu learn of you ! '' The old man bowed his head and wa sil. -nl. Al my i . ii- .-t he continued his r eiial, but his la. c became sad and he looked old and v aty. Years pas-, f ' said he, "and she drifted from my lile, she became the id-. I uf prin -es and kiius. and from afar I worshipped her, as I would worship a star in yonder heaven. I tried to keep pace Willi h.-r, but failed. I became a victim to strung drink, and with that vile passion, ambition was buried. In s!l I was passing "M.-r .Mujc-ty's Theatre" in London. 1 wa- sober enough to re cognize the clear, ringing trill that hud ihrill-'il me in my boyhood days. I was penniless, but I swore lo enter and hear that voice once more. 1 watched my chane... A crowd of the ermine-clad men ami wuuicu of fashion Were passim: in. I lushed in the throng, evaded the ticket agent and gained entrance. In a shadowed recess I crunched and li-teued. Lucia I'elamiuore was the opera, im-1 she was l.ucia. 1 ;aiv li.-r appear in the first scene joyous and happy. Kvery pari of (he character the portrayid with heart searching truth. Then came the climax uf her power-, her ultimate ma lnes the ciu-biug of the lie.iri and mini which produced the death scene in the last net. I'm- a moment there was a thrilling si lence, then a tempest of applause that made the house tremble. It was then I forgot all forgot that I was a debased vagabond- 1'urgut tl,0 throng and the lights and all save thai I -aw the' little barefoot girl uf my boyhood's idolatry a iUeeii among nun. I rushed forward and cried, '-Jenny, my little Jenny, 1 told ycui so. 1 said that you would rule the world with that voice. Speak lu me and tell me that y-m remember." "I'ut him uut! put him out!" shouted the multitude, "lie is in id, away with him.'' A strung arui seized inc. and I wuuld have been hurled uut into the darkness, but a sweet voice cried, "Spaie him and let me hear him. What is it. pour man?'' I looked up and like a spirit of light, she slued i'ti the stage above me. "Forgive me, madam.'' I cried. "I was passing and heard your voice. 1 stole lny way in. ll si ,in, J I had a light tu listen Om-e the birds ali i I were y..ur only iiuuiior-. ami ei ivn. n i told you one lay y-iu would be grea'. you seined glad it my praise, though 1 was only Max, the blacksmith's suii." Hetiding over lue he cried. "Max llrunz.li u. mv first and truest friend, stand, and let this va-t thrung look upon you. ll was he," saiil he, addressing the audience, who tirst reated ambition in my beau to hecotne great. My stage was a litchen-cov.-rcd forest log. ami he showered up.ui me wild fli.wirs that I piizcd uu.re than 1 now prize the jewels and rare gifts that arc em blems nf my niumph ibis night, liisc, my friend," said she lu nic, and be w.-rihy uf ihe trust and cuiilid. nec 1 will ever give ji.u in all the future years. 1 have struggled and i..n.U.red all dilliciil lies. It is not ton late. He no I..igi r a vagabond. . you say you are, blll b, man Woiihyu-my fiiinil-hip." -1 cuiil.l scl.-cly speak." said the old lll.lll, but hoar-ely I uttend, "With liud's help I will.' The house had been silent as death, whi n il n...'ily into tiiuuil lunus applause, and the i uit.iin fell. I left that place a new man, with new in spii.niuns and courage, and in all the years since that night, nearly half a cen tury ago, 1 have been a hero and ti con ipieror over sin. I have lived true tu my word !" t'ONI MIM'ION KCIII-.I.V t'!tl'.ll Tu Til r. Knniiii. 1 Mease infurm your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the auuvc iiuineil ihscnst.. tly its timely use ihuusiimls nf hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frm! to any of your readers who have consuuip tinn if ihey will send me their express and postolliee address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCCM, M. C, 181 Pearl itrect, New York. jan 5-Ctn, At (iM)iod ATixt; .m ixm:. II K All.lill'ltXK I'll I1T Sll Til AT AN ill-' I'l'.NIUNil I.AWYF.Hr.VN UK ft Msll- Last week, over in l.nnilv. there a cus ' in tin1 Jusii 'e Court in -abiel: .li ToWIIVtlil ( olll' .1 ill) 1 VV s a Wi'll.ss. , lavvy.-r named Ibirnb en mail' liin ul' Towii'.enir- d. al'ii. ss am! ba.lueied him in every way. Jim st-o 1 ii vviih greii jati' iiee f- r a!. oiil an In nr. when lin,'ll he said, ' May it please (lie C.lirt. I a-k an adjournment. ' What lor'.'" a-k. d tli "Your Hon. r, I won! C -I. I like lh -4.11 1 t O out a-lioiini.il for five minutes uhie an I lick this infernal lawyer." "I was just g -in' out to do i par.l," repli. d the Court, ' l.iu I if won't he over live niiiuit. s I II adjourn." 'fbe eouit was aoj.itmicd, and Jim licked the lawyer, to tli" in! -n-e minis incut of the elovvil, who How waul o link. 'him M lyor ol I, in ly --Cars in (N.v.,.1 '" CIDDY CIRLS. Yes. it is true that lie l-o are g;i,ly girls in ihe Worhl, and peihaps lliere are niore in this age ihan any since (lie foun dalion of our liepublie. (iiddim ss, or as it may be termed, lack ul seriousness, is nrtura! to the fair sex. Tlmy are as a rule less solid than men. are nioiv easily int-rested, and are more r ptivc, It is natural that th.-y should be, i r they vvuuld not be so fiseinaling or so lova ble. Hut while this is so, an exlreme ul giddiness is a disease, and should 1 I re.it ul as such. Hut who is responsible? The fact is that parents, teachers, and pr, ic hors are responsible for Very much nf the giddi ness uf girls, h'or tliough gid,liiie-s is burn in llicin. it is easy to cntrol it Teach tlii'tn that this is a math r-of-fa-1 world, win-re only those can live who are prepared to face its stern realities. T ach the girls that Nature does n ,t , we them a living, but that ill -v must win il for themselves. Teach tlum that lifeisfull of sciioiisiiess, not that there is no joy. no pleasure, no taught, r. 1ml that there is a time liir mirth, ev.-n as there i- a time for si rioiis lh. , ugltt an 1 earnest work. A giddy girl will make a gidih wife, who w li dress as extravagantly .-is h.-r m.at s will allow; will be always flitting from gaiety In gaiety; alvi ays bright when in society; but who will allow the cobwebs to aceuinii'ale in the house; will ncgi.-ei to sweep uiiib-r ihe bed, because no one will see the dust; and will compel the husband to think lli. re is n j place like home, because ollnr places ure brighter and happier than bis own. A giddy girl will make a giddy mother, and perhaps live to hear her own child curse the gid diness which blighted its life, liewaie uf giddy g.irls. As for giddy men, they are so unnatu ral, so thoroughly out of place, that the lunatic asylum ur a monkey's cage is the only natural r.-i.h ni-.-for the ligareit.-sni- king, toolhpick-i h. wing, c ,el wear ing, giddy dudes, vvho.se ev.ry existence is u libel of manhood. V sSllltTss.tMl. I'.-n't mairy l i bell, r y.-ur lot. d, n't marry for i-onv.-iiiene.., J, n't marry unless the boy god Cupid rc-pouds "aim n" to the vows repeated at Hymen's shrill". (iold cannot buy happiness, and parents wh impel their d iiighiers t i marry t, r tatioii or money commit a giievoiis sin against Immunity and dud. An. I a wo niuu who munies a churl for his wealth will li ll) that she has lll.ele a lell'il bargain that all glitti riugs uf h. aitlcss grandeur ate phosphures.'eut tins ds an.! glittering of heart vvu'ieheilness; that h. r life will be one gild.-d misery, and her old age will be like a crag uii the back side u fa desert mountain but no birds will sing their merry sutigs ul' endearment In gladdeu the passing hours. Ilui-Llcn'ii Ai-uii-a fc,iiw. The llcsl Salve in the w..ild for Cut Hruises, Sores. I'lcers. Salt lihellui.KeVi Sol. .Tetter. Chapped hands, Chilblains Cuius. and nil skin erupiioiis.aii.l positiv !y clii.n 1 n,c, ,.l no puv re.lllle.l. It is glialalitced to give perfect salisla. tion. or money returnhd. i'liee ."i cents ur box. For sale by druggists at Weldoii. Brown Carraway, lluhtux, l'r. J A Mcliwigun. Knfi.ld. Wenic nverstneked in clothing and in oid.-r tu reduce slock have put the KNIKK right iutn prices and will sell nil goods in this line at figures that will astonish yuu. 1'. N. Stainrack Co. $.l5 worth uf sumjile jewelry just opened. Solid guld and gnld plated jew cli v of all kinds, at prime wholesale cost at T. L. F.MIIV S. The best always the cheapest Save muiiiy by purchasing the celebrated Hay State and Zciglcr Hruthers shoes bought direct from the manufacture!' For sale by 1'. N .Staimiack & Co. Wis have several second-hand buggies which we will sell cheap. P. N. Suinbaclc & Co. TRAINS. Vol AH. On III - In I his ('moil i-y In. Ni s Lit'.-.l of l.n'!N1i l:..r A ( 1 from fin;: I' O el' III b; there h. ;e aaliol'.- ". -'.'. i." ' llillli-l-l ll'jiilsoil Ain.T hav e. t!, ri. n -li the lle.'-e no l.i, am. s, limit" Ml l ail i.l- g iiiie.1 lh.- i.l, a thai vv I ill -l tiucrv to ;;o -' in ll..: sal -li. -l vv i ll n i tiiin a cole a iii'iin Yankees get aeo llleV .'lie till ou.T 'imagine iilleimili, g' Irains hour, ll i v tiav.-t aO-llll it. til" ll.'IV ii Omaha Il'.l'll" HiTIM 1 -I', -uht ii i"M ll run iml ili'ii'i lh: live i- in i;iLl,n.l il, fii-t, an I th-v ir cilher. Whi'ie 1 limitod tiviiiH tV and Kan-is ( : Ell'rlislllrM "-hi Ult .11. 'file ' III. .1 uoniler ol'e llian :l ed if ihe ilv.l Ira n- : inilo a iitiiniif. I -!im 1 1" 1 llo iii a linie- tnlili tinn mile-, tren hum -, s:rt il liutir. '. ni I In (III:, lia, lime, six- i ilv-uae miles :i;i ilielei trains on which evlr.i s elrir lliau furl mill-' an hoiii h. 11 ,Vi-IV York ami 1 'liii-ii'i', and I li" 'fa-il mail' llrit ! ii:! tlio ridiciil't'is lii.ur "i' i;i''!:ti tiiily Hnia -"lie tuiii s a i Eulali 1 lluil-el, p:i c Irtmi fu'! v li 1 I'm ! . e luilc VV .lll.l Chic, 'lit tr I, oil!'. -"an I nir. ami iinlitnlv p.i - ct n fan' mi acctiiint nf Hie sp,-.'.l, Vr. in N i w Vn. k tu Al bany it is 1 VI milos l a sjiliiidid t ;u k. Th.-iv .-no ifit e'i'o IraiiK daily hftwei-u llio-e cities, and tlirir avrra-'e speed is tweiity niue iniies an 1: i -nr. !i tweeu I.ninit'ii ami slh lliol.l, lil'j inilos, tlio liivnt Nnl'llieni i u s liiiie tl'aiiii daily, with an avi-uii' - d id' fmi- Iim- mill'-an Innn. u' I rail iinLos lifly 1 1 i 1 1 an Imnr. ih-tweeii Ni v York and lhi-ln:i (lie aVfiaue -p,.(d is tidily inil. s an limn', and llic f;ites, a train cninpnscd eelnsi r!y of .sleep-in-ears, maki s tliirly-nitie mil s an limn. liclwi'i'ii Lmnion mimI Mam-tii s ter. -"II niilrs, there are hveniy trains daily, wiili an aer:i-' -pi ed nf fnrtv nue iii;h an hiur, and -iine train- making litv. ', ivitii 1,: mlmi and (ilasmv, lI'Mliiie-i. 1 iim e :i re lllirtoeil daily lApiVfit--, and I In ir axerao speed i alimi't fmtv ;iti!e- an hmir, mn' tra'n hein mneli i'.i--; r 1 liau tlii-. All u'i- En-1 nd and N-.dlan 1 e pri'ss irain. u-ni o-ed nf tir-l, seei.nd and thir '-class t arriiiL'o-i. make from thi:ty-tie In fifty mi f - an hmi , win a in Anie' it a a ihii ty-iive-mile I rain i.s called a lruke nf lihtnin.'. '! he fast ct re-iiilai train in Aiuei'ie i niie nn the ltallimu'e ami Oh o, whieh make; tltn forty miles l i lueen 'a-liinottin ;ind ltaltimnie in lif; v niiiitite-. Tln re are three or loin f.i-l t ains lielween New Vor!; and l'liil:uleli!i;a, eo'.ei'in,' forty., i n ile- :ia litiiir. Heiwt-i u crpotd and .Maiiehe-i. i-tliei'e aie l.fly two t1 ains d.aily. nmie of them slower llian fn.t-tie mil''- an ho.ii'. ; nd f. ur of them making li't-oiie an 1 a third miles an liimr. W hen w e o-t t ..iue tuiin- i:k" th 't v, e i an lu-ir'm to talk o: 'fa-t mail- an I 'lliunderiiolt.-.' "- -Ciidijo li ra'd f -&r- PUNQENT PARAGRAPHS. "M-nf p(;plti neglect the eye," Rays a niedn ,il paper. I'len-!' exeept the iri-'-li -rhter. -Tent". '-itUi'jt. Iueen e:irs tin a!m' of tin; T.nim ts ot h iinh ( arnhna lias ni cre:tM'd from ? 7J.iJ K-O.t h hj lo 5d-.1l.- IMHl.OlHt. Some of liu'. ealii'.! new- i- ni ol ly h New Yorker w!m )nit- on Ins oyer mat and t!e n writes le tars tr im an Iri-hinau in I'l-'er, Vi'Wtnrjit !.itni- 4-U: A man never a alues him-elf at so small a linr.' as wliea -ued for Ireaeli of pivniiNi', au l in no n'h r oeea-ioii is In; rale I as hi'u by the oth 'r se.--Ikifttmoir .1 ht-rivtfi. "You are a very larje uian," said an A iMiii" tailor tn a m-iv I V'li'jfi'es'inati, ns lie too!; Iiis niea-iire. "I'uiiik ,v, do you?" replied ihe M. "1 cer tainly do." "Well, yon n. 14.11 t.i se iim wiieti I'm at Inmi H'u-iUiwjijn tVi't'. Tno antliuritative !a:e iit'i1 nf n Ereneh M'ienlL-' I ti.eilVe t laat tlio rt nniii in an will lc I ml I li.-l'ore hn re:lehi'S the a.'e nf twenty, indnate' that early inr.ivu r ill !. fa-lii-eiahle in the fit in-i. - W'rct'k t S' .1 rtrniK .Ehli:e--"I1 ie ymi any tiling to say before the en art pi--'H seuteiiet upon vou? i-mier -" eil, ail I ve trt to saj is, I hope ymir hoii'ii 'll cnti-ider the extreme voiith of mv lawer, an' let me otrea-y''- Eiiv-ieian (t. Mrs. Colon. d lllnnd nf KuiiMn'ky) "II w ditl yniiv hu-lt: id pa-s tim nijrlit, Mrs. Hlividi'"' Mrs. lllnnd "Me seemed quite comfth table, sir, and asktul for water sexer.il limes." l'llV-leinll (with it L'l'rtW' hink) -"illll till Highly." -.ire. Crandfalher I'olter (to i :r wife) "I w;i- a It Uiu' Ihe miiii-ter i-tmilay, Miraudv , that. oii 11 In- niuet v-lwu cars old t'l-moiier " tir.in I'linlher 'I'ollei (indi-ninuiU 1 "Wi ll e had mi rijhl In - iv im - cli lhiu;r, .lohn lotler I'll nuU Ii' niueii-one. e mii:ht In lie mn. e keerful " .V. )'. Suit. lluniane cnthu-inst phii not 'ieor upon Ihe inethnd- nf niliino; eriuv hials to 4ha'h. What i- u.imed snnui pMilh1, lender meih d which won't intliei pain imr jar on : mur derer's feeling-. Ilo tnmt lie treale. as ine;iMly an a yeiU'Unjj haho and hi eharueter inu-t imt receive a stain. -Detroit Fne Vrnrn. His was HSai-ting her on wilh her jrlove. It had already taken liim iivo minutes and he was tremblint; in evury limb. "IN'rhaps, Mr. Smith," dio sujf- jfested, "if I should reinnvo my enpajje- nient rin vou w.nill inul less dim culty." This proved, indeed, to ho tlio case, nnd Mr. Smith's trembling limb resumed their normal ncrvv condition. Pic it; nee has tinno wonder- for nieloofolny. For instance, it lias "ar aphrased the old wiving "Hills ch ar, rain near," into: "The presence of a wcde-sliKped nreiv of hitfli proisura accomnanieii by creal titmospliuiii) visibility, Ih likely lo Iw succeeded by the advanco tf a Uislurlmnert witli pluvial accompnuimcnts nnd southerly winds." FAST RAILWAY nkw ai'Vi:i:tisi.mi:nts. COKbTIPATiON Is .-.ill. il l.i I In r i I i cam lla i- I", I, .s 111 I'. null e s. Sh in s ''e.s, s in li' Iniillel I 1 .-ansi-.l il.. l.eiiii; .io.,,eu neiuliy 1 lla' V I. l o aeeolnl'alia ,! , .11. Ma laa Loss of Apnclitc, Sick Hoadnchc, Br.d Breath, etc. iln" Imt l. iU I'lH, uir. f 1 1 i H IV-nlili' lllC UKl i Ii 'ISP IT tft jst ru ry- 1 Hot lank a I i'i" iI.m ma i . li iinail. 1 , . 1 On, I .. .-....- IL' '"I . . 1 ki-- i.il in ! il, 1,111 l,.IK ar Calirl, Iliad I'l Take only thi tunuiiic, M'lii. ll lais an llic 'r.,i.,er lla: red '1'raJe. mark and Signature of J. ii. zi:ii.in tt co He 's ly. 1857 l l AIO.ISIII II 185T J A N C A K Y 1st UUT. RUFE. W. DANIEL QltOCEKIKH, LlQi:0H8, FINE WINES, CIUAHS, TOIiACl O 4C, III. III. M It .4, IM.l l: I.A.ilill llKKIi OX U'K. 11. W. IUNlia, I", :i'!i. Ave Wclilun H.C. jlln. .'S 1-y Ml. II SVCA.Mtir.l-: STKI'.I'.T, IM'.TI r.sltl ,!i, V A. Off, i- to lh. tra,!. X irguna ami . ..it li Car. lina llnii H:u ri '.- of Flour of al! grid.s, l.lll li. v-s of lu.lk Meats ul ah kinds, ul' S. C. llama, Sh iuld. rs, and lheusts. .''lu Hair. N.vv Orleans and I ! : o Itico Mobis-es, , Svrnps ui'a'i! gla l.s. I.'ike l-'i-hA- Host. ni Hearings, Canned (in,,,!-', - old, ll ,1 Va. a's. !- K, ' s, lie I III ol' aii kinds. IvOing anil I'iiinling Potatoes, 'are t'i-l. r 'iu g ir ; best made.) . , el Ca I !i s t;,e, n and lliaek 'I'":,-. lull !llll Case imiii Ke !'l I tan in.i 'ill g-.,n liov 2mi llig- I. v.-iuim an I l!io Colic.-, l.-.ii H in. I- li- lin. d Sugars. UiiiMMiii Ca).. r Hag- of ail sizes, I.'iihiii lieains r.i r all -iz.-s. -ALSO l'iekles. Snips, Hrouuis, l'ails, Ion ki t-. Slur, li. Hop", Twine. Powder I Shot, and all other g I.- found in a Whol. sal.- (imccrv Store. All these for sale at the lowest plices. KAVIS CO. No. 41 Syeamuro Street. poll ly. i.".i sYCAMni;i: sri:i:i:r, n-ri i:i!si!Ci;c, ya. Steam li.ikers and Confectioners and Dealers in Foreign and 1'omestic Fruits, Nuts. A-e. Maniifactur. d and Sinuking Tubacen, Cigars, Cigarettes and Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Murka Celebrated Steaui-ltcGned Candy. nov 1 1 lvr. L r-r ,!;;' -id .Harks&Co

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