J rf:r " ("'1 N, fM-n...r.-." mra SSal HALL & SLE-DQ-E, proprietors. VOL. XIX. A- NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPL E. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1888. TERMS-''00 vm ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO 17. (i N E W A D V K RTI -PATENT VCAGAMBRIllMisC.. OUR IF-A-TElsTT ROLLER FLOUES nro manura-lured from the CHOICEST WHEAT OltTAINARUv Tli.'ir supe riorly Tor I'NMI'OIIMITY, STRKNtiTII mi I CN APPROACH Alll.K l'LAYoU him iotij; been acknowledged. TI:o l'ATAl'SCdSri'ElU.ATIVE PATENT Stands unrivalled. Of n lich, Cruitny ('oh r, it tonkin n Urea J that will suit the l'astidious. tarAxk j'niir (ir icit fur ii. 1'uhipHco Supi rlativo Patent, Itnluuilu Choice Patent, Pala son Kumily Patent, Onnize (iinvn Extra, Raldwin Family, Mapleton l'.mily. 0. A. (i AM BUI 1,1 MANd'ACTI RING COMPANY, 21 l Commerce St., lljltiiuore, Mil. au li ly. pine's (&pDUIld For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jan l'J ly THE PLACE TO GET at the LOWEST PEICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W EL D 0 N. -N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. W-PMBCRIPTION DH'ARTMF.NT FII.I.F.D WITH Till! BEKT SKI.K(TKI) MATF.R1AL.-M PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT ALL IIOUKS WITH OKEAT CARE. PERFUMERY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAPS, HKl'SHES, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. RKHRMBBR tints hearty wetconicalwayi twaiu you at ZOLLICOFFER'S. Light Runnino DomestjcSexvino Alachine L FOR SALE BY P. N. net U ly LEADER OF Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. :T)EALER INS: t DIU GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, DOMESTICS, I'HINTS, STAPLE 0OODS, (JHOCEUIES, . I Ami Everything that can ho called for. HEADQUARTERS FOR t . AND HARDWARE Th public ii rcapcvtrull; invttel to cot 6 ly 1 S K MEMS. t THE PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774. A NERVE TONIC. Celery and Corn, th - pronii:irnt in RnMikii(t, lire the 1h-( sird m.U-ti Nerve luinca. It -treiii:tlHiifl nm UM?i (lie nervous syskin, ctiili,f NervDtw U i-ukiit'KH, llysUriu. i'in j) lesMuw, fit". AH ALTERATIVE. It drivituiut the poisonous hutiKirtinf I Lit I .'.mhl tuirilvinu'tilnl enrlchili'.' if . nn.l m ovi-recininic those dihe:iMS n-Miltiiii,' from Impure or impovcr- A LAXATiVE. Arlii'.tinil'ilj'liiitnirflytiiithebowela it (inc. tuluUii! roiiMlpfltioii, uid proueU-Mirc-ruhirhahit. UMrejtKi li en iho donu-i li, urn at tlx dircti.u. A DIURETIC. Ill iMivimpwitinn the lust an inert active dintvtie-. of the Materia MidicM nreeotnMtii'ilsrk'iititleallywltlKitluT I'ltW'tive reint'ilk". fur ciswesnf (he. k lneyB It emi be. relied on to nivu (iiiiek relief and i-nctdy euro. TTunilri'iti i'f loftimntiiah havo Wen reivl ftnui (wrmmtt "bohno u-.-'d tilt mmoil)- with rmirksliKluilt, th'uitfurt;inrulrit,iiiif full iitrticulan. Mm 1 00. BoU k Draiftiti. WELLS, RICHARDSON k CO. Prop's BURUNUTUN. VT. STAINBACK & CO. LOW PRICES. OF ALL KINDS. W. H. SHOWN, Wldoa, N. 0. TO THE END. O frlfinil n mine! Staneli frti lA of mine! Ilokl fust in y huntts in yonr, antl s;ty. Tin! lovo nut-l(!iiiiiifi fnim your tvt-:' Ytu Iiavf Im'cti (rii-nil io nut ulway, tJuil bless you, Ineml of mlrio." , O frienil or tniiM't Firm (rleinl of mine: W pch ilfi-'H hitfrness Jrivo known. Anil haml in hati'l wo both have stood, Ami now I le:ive you hero lUonn Unl IiIiihs you, Irimitl uf miaul O friend of mine! Htrontf frleml of mine! Your lovit Iiiia iiimlt' my lift' Her'm mi?. I ft k.ii-s two HWlft for lave like yaurt You:' arm iitholti mi' to il-ulrt tioil IjIi-hb yuu, friend uf iiilno 1 f friend of mine! y True luciid )if mine! My fe-.-hh- hreiitli Is failing fa-it -Hold rlose, in v hati Is, Uend ilnwn your faoe. Good byt' -yes fiillliful to (Iip 1ml IJotl l)le,H yyil, fneml nf liime ' Atjtrjto.t .'Hi-u ' Yotit'i'M Cmiip inion. A YARN mm THK SB.V. Tho Wondorful Adventuro ol a Ilomnrkablo Woman. W WiTo well into Ilii! (i:ilf cif B.'ii botiu.l fur Miihu-, when ono HKinilni;, just as 11 i rlit was failing Into ilawu, 1 llioiij,'lil I huanl a vuura hail ing ns fiiim 1 In- snifaco uf llio sciu "i'iioto wo sun liinls which crv out tiliiuisl like liuiiian h lugs, niul nlilmtigli I was slanlod hy tlm hall, I ilisini-sscd ii after a few socomls m the en- nf a hint. - (Scarcely had I lnni) so wh.'ii it cam i again, ami this lime I knew it was tin volco of n woman. 'J'licro was no need to hail tho mate on watch, fur ho ha I heard tin cry ns well. Wo wore j 'gging along under o. sy sail, ami ho sei,,'d tho glass and ran ii) tho forerigglng. Thero was a sort of steam rising from tho water, lint the mate had not climhel thirtr f-otwhon ho came down again, anil in one lircalh ordorcd tho ship into the wind, llio caiilaiu aroused and a boat lowered. Wo of tho watch ha I no doubt that tho ship had been hailed by castaways, but the boat was down be fore any of us ma Ic out a lono woman in a sort i f ckiioo craft about two cables' length away on our port bow. ic hail neither paiblle nor oar, anil. her craft was driving with tho wind and sea, while she sal cowering in llio stern. O ir boat v as soon alongside of her crafl, and woman and canoo ivuro soon aboard of the Admiral N d fioo. The watch below had turned up, nod every body was on deck to see what was going on. the woman was white, and, as wo soon ascertained, American. I say white, but broiijsa would be the bettor term, for it was evident that she had long been ex posed lo tropical wealher. She was of medium size, regular teal iircn and about forty yoars of age, and at uuo time had been good-looking. Who is the captain?'1 slio snapped, sin! reai h ol tho deck. 'Here, ma'am," replied our old man, ns lie stepped forwaid. "1 want to talk to yon in your cab in," sho continued, her lingers work ing nervously and her eyes snapping lire. 'ihey had not b;ien gono a quartern! nn hour when both reappeared on deck. I was at the wheel, and there fore heard all that was nald. It. np. peared that the woman, whose name was Mrs. Thomas, owned nod sailed a trading schooner, which had been left h t at her husband's death. It was n strange vocation for a woman, but it seemed slia liked it, and also had a good business head on her. Sho had a crew ol six, her m i'.e bdug an K n -gli-diman and the other Lascars, nod she had been sailing between nearly all the towns on the gulf. Three (lavs before we picked her up iter schooner had left Sumatra bound for tho Indian cons. 'I he crew seemed to be perfect ly quiet an. I colileut, but at ten o'clock of Ih i previous night, headed by tin ma'e. lloiy had su Ideu ly laid violent hands on her and sent her adrif' wiiho.it water, fool or n p-uldle. Too iuteuiio-i was to run iiv;iv with th isciiuo ler and cargo and sell theni. and this pla-i might havo been carried oat hut for her rescue. Mie was the spunkiest little woman 1 over saw. She was so mad alio couldn't stand hIIU for three seconds at a lliuc. What sho wartod was for our ship to go i-i pur-uit. Her schooner was armed wilh iwn brass six pounders, while wo had four twelves, and sho expressed her entire willingness to sec her crafl sent to tho hotlton before the mutinous crew should ncuctit by their acts. Captain Who. ler was proliy well along in y ill ', very can fill on tho question ol iii urn ice, and his mind w as not made up until niter breakfast. Then h ' do c ded lo luff up towards tin Andaman Islands in search of the schooner, nml l.e almost promised to give her a taste of our metal if sho should bo sighted unit wnu'd not surreu.lor. Tho li tio woman managed to eat n di 7. n mouthfiils of breakfast nnd then I', t irned lo ihe d. ck lo almost assume contro'. She ordered a man alofl, l.os.cd ilu job of casting lo sj tho giMS an 1 gelling up powibr and shot, and every ten ininii essho was hailing the lookout to k iow if any thing was In "Mit. !. :ck was lu her favor. While we had been Jogging along all niht tho schooner, being f irlher te the east, had been almost h -calmed. We raised her almost dead ahead about l imn, and ns luck woi.l.l have it again we had plenty of wind, while r-he had none until the vessels were not over two miles apart. The sihoonel could have no suspicion that tho wom a i w as almard of us, and we fl nv 11 signal that wo wanted to speak her. Sho at once lay to, nnd as wo ran down to her I saw Mrs. Thomas grit h t teeth, clinch her hands, and show other evidences uf her feelings. She had borrowed tho mate's six-shooter, donned a hat and coat to disguise her self, and ns wo lay to about a cable's length away no cyo could havo made out her sex, "Schooner ahoy!'' called the caplaiu. "Ayo, avo. sir! This Is tho Nancy Ii i, bound from Sumatra to tho main land' "Arc you tho captain?" No, air; ho'i Tory sick In his borlh?" "Rim out thoso guns!" whispered tho old. tuna to us, m down wont tho port sliullers and nut. vent tho big barkers, and such of the crew as wero not at tho guns rested their muskets along tho rail. "I've got your captain hero, and sho' 11 be put aboard of yon!" shouted our captain. "K you attempt any re sistance I'll sink yon!" The Englishman ordered his crew to man ouo of the gnus, but they refused lo obey, every man of them skulking forward nnd disappearing from tho hatch. The fellow ,.fi ihe deck long enough to arm himself wilh a cullnss, and ns ih lowered a b i.u he called out thai ho would spin Ihe head of the lirst man who attempted to b ard the sclioonor. Oil-Ills' mate, the boatswain, and (wo of us foremast bauds went in the boat with Mrs. Thomas, and as wo hooked to the schooner's chains tho boatsiwiiu pulled a revolver and climb ed over in the bows. The mutineer retreated aft, and llieu wo all board ed. The woman had not spoken a word since leaving Ihe ship. Sho was as pale as death, and her eyes glared like a liger's. As she dropped from the rail lo the deck sho cocked tho weapon in her hand, walked aft and right up lo Ihe male, and ns he flour ished his cutlass nnd eoiuniaiidoil her to keep oil', slu shot him ilea I in his tracks. "It's tho law of the sea," she quietly remarked, as she turned to us. "Now to roul out those Lascars." "lint you won't kill them?" said our mate. "Xo, not quite," was her grim nti swer, as she handed him tho smoking revolver. Casting a look at tho dead mutineer, to lie sure that ho was dead, she went forward, took a belaying pin out of tho port rail, and approaching the hatch she called down: "On deck here, every man of you, and bo quick about ii!" They camo up one after another, and ns each man touched tho deck sho gave him acrack over Ihe head which made him see stars. Tncy went down on their knees and begged fur their lives, a- d after knocking them about in a liberal way she dually agreed to extend pardon. Under her directions Hie male's body was scarchc I, and, ns she had anllcipatcd, all the in y aboard Ihe schooner was found. She thin ordered the body flung over board, and as it touched the water ono of llio biggest while sharks I over saw seized it and bit It in half. While the Lascars were cleaning the deck the Utile woman ran down into her cabin and brought up a dozen bullies of wine, six boxes of ciga'S and a lot of drlu I frnils for us lo take back to Ihe h Iii . Then she gave each of ma shako of Ihe hand, and as wn entered the yawl she sprang upon tho port rail, held fast to the main shrouds with oiiD hand mid shunted to our caplaiu: "(iood-bvo and I d bless you. Cap tain Wheeler. I've got my craft hack, thanks lo vim, and I'll keep my eyes open lifler lliM" Then she jumped down and went to Ihe w heel and gavu orders to get llio schooner on her course, and in a couple of hours Ihe crafl. was losl sight of behind one of the islands as it Hindu for tho inside of Ihe rout ). Two years later I saw the woman at Singapore, and she still owned tho schooner, and was said to have a coni foriable forluue in bank. A year lalcr I heard that she had sold her schooner, purchased a brig, and put ting In a cargo on her own account, h id sailed for home. Hartford Timet. Use for Brick Waste. According to the statement, of Mr. Miles, a well-known engineer, it is a fuel peculiar to Spanish couii'.ries that ordinary brick-dust made from hard- bur I, finely pulverized bricks, and mixed wilh common lime and sand, Is universally and sucecs-fully em ployed ns a sub tiltito for hydraulic content. Mr. Miles savs that during an engineering experienci of some six years in C.iba his oppor tunities were ample for tising its merits, and lie feiin I it in ail respects superior to tiio best II neudale hydraulic cements for diverts, drains, tanks and cislcrns, and cei f r roofs. In an experiment to lest the slrenglh of lliis product it was found that a I lock of It om-half inch In thickness, wi limit sa :d, and after an immersion in water for four n;o itlis, hero without crushing, crumbling or splitting, a pressure of fll'teeii pounds per square inch. It is thought hat by llio nidilion ol pulvoriz'ng mills to the briek-vanls to 11 il z iho waste and broken bricks, a proliiablo mam . fact m o might be carried on. Chic ty Times. An eagle 11 ivv lurough n'l open window into nn O n.iha business cstab Ihliinont the oih r day and was capt ured by the employes after a vigorous battle. Il was seven feet from tip lo tip of the wing.. - IV ifo-sor K (i. (ireen has In his school, three miles from Vienna, threo ses if twins, two of twin bois and no of twin girl.. Not often do Ihrue lc 3 if twins iccniie instruction from ilu samj source. Suvmnuk At'Ufj. -Ther.i is in Wilmington a man named Aniericai Independence Me Clintock. He Is a machinist, nliout lliirty-llvo years of age, and while be admires the patrio ism I lint Inspired his parents to lln s christen him, lie nover w rites his name in full. His In timates call him "liole." and the di rectory aeU him down as Iudnpend once. Another patriollc falher, who onco lived ill Delaw are, had three sons nnmed Now t'asllc, Kent ami Sussex, after llio tin cu counties. Sussex is a lawyer. Hiirklen'a Arnlra sthe. The lln Bt Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Uruisci. Poros.l'licrs. Suit llheiiin, Fever Soies.Tcttcr, Chn ped hands, Chilblains Corns and all t-kiu iruptions.niitl positive ly curu Piles, or no puy requind. It is guaraitecd t i-ive perfect satislaction, or money refundid. I'liceii") cents per box. For sale by druggists at Woldon, Brown & Ctrraway, Ualilu, Dr. J A McGwigan, Enfield. HE CAME OUT. Iielruit trie I'ress A woman on Lafayette street East ru.-hed out the other day and iiifonutil a policeman that she had seen a big dog crawl under a lain, and she believed the animal mad. The oll'uvr went around by way of the alley, accompanied by the usual crowd, and after peeking and peer ing for some time he shot three lullcts tinder the ham to scare the dog out. After the thir l shot a movement was la urd, and presently the long end of a colored man crawled into view. Alter bin king out and hrii-hing the diit out of his eyes, he ad led : 'Was that me you was shooting at?" "1 supposed it was a dug undir tlu-re," replied the olliei r. "Well. Kill, doau't you licbbcr 'spline no mo! It's dangerous." And he showed a bullet hole in his cap and aiiolher in his coat as proofs of the aei iiracy of the i-lliecr's aim. He had crawled under after a rabbit which had escaped from a neighbor. "It's all right," he said as the officir apologized, "but doan't you 'spuse no u:o'! You ji-t keep right down to cole fads. His 'sfiii in' around ar' what giin ussons into si j s iriihle.' A Wish CttincK Lincoln (airl Nellie, 1 cannot imagine why you should refuse to marry that rieli and agreeable young man. Mr. liingby. and then con sent to become the wife of a person like Quiuiliy. "Why can't yon ?" "Mr. liingby is puli-h d and educated, while Mr. Quiuihy, to say the 1 -at, "The finest tir.-t baseman I ever saw, and that settles it. I'i'lt the Casii'aicin. The Hua mikk N'Kwswill be sent to any one send ing us twenty-live cents in advance from July 1st to January 1st. This includes the poliial cauipaign. county. State and National, also the events of interest which must ncces-atily occur after the election and on the meeting of Congress. Just received a nice lot of wagons. Wry cheap; call and pi ice them before pur chasing elsewhere. P. N.Slainhack K Co. N E W A D V E HTISE M ENTS. Tiir: ONLY COM. KI.KVATOK SOUTH! There are sevi my tun s-reens in the lluililing. No dust or diit can possibly get into the Coitl as it runs over these screens in passing fiuitt the I'llevainr into the carts. Consumers get their Coal dry and Perfectly clean. I have How. and shall always keep on baud, a large stock and all kinds if Coal best suited for Foundry, Factory, and Family use. All Coal selected and of best quality. The Railroad cars run alongside the Elevator, and the Coal is Icadid into tin-Hi there, thus lessening tho cost to the trade South and West. Prompt shipment. Orders solicited. S. H. HAWES, OFFICE : ' 18th ami Cary Street. - june 21 3mo 111 M LEVATOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TORPID LIVER Ih known li) IIu'hii miirkt'il piM iilhii lllimt 1. A freliiiKi.r wearl iii-mi: iini I imIiin In II o Illlll.S, ' 2, llii'l bnalli, Inn) invito hi tlio inmith, ami I'll in lunmio, .1. t'nitii:iliiiii, wilh teniiurml iilliickH ol (I l;in lnr.t, 4. lli-udii.-ln-, In tin' fn n I i if th. heit'l: niuiM'ii, tlizlmria mid y. ll.mii.-wH of f kin. R. lieui l Inirii, Ion of npp-i't 1 1 . U. Dhiciilltm o Ihe Ktinnucli uiul Iiowi Ih hy wind. 7, liepivs.-ion of iirlN,ntwl creut meliin I'huly, Willi liOMlnili' nnd u i-.mm loll to leuvcfverytliinir litr tu-inoi row. A nntnnti Haw of Bile from the l.ivpr Ih CHHi'iitlul to k"I health. lieu Hint 1 obstructed It, iL-JSiilU In BILIOUSNESS, wlilch, If net'leeted. rKMni lemN lo Hcrlf.un ilisciisi'M. Siiiiinoii.M l,iver Iteiilritnrt'XcrtH it iiionI iellcilmirt j it fl 1 14-in vi r everv lilnd of billmisni'KN, It reslori-M the Liver to proper working order, rrn lutes the were llon of hilf nn. I puis the (lli;esivi origin In Kiieh eiiiiililioil Hint thev run (lollieir bent work. Afhrtukmi,' t his iiiuiUcimj uu OUC will riiiy, "I Hjii bilious.' "I have turn MilijM-t tosev.-re kjH! of Ton gestion of the Liver, and li;ive Itwn in the habit of t:ikmj from i5tu A)j;r:iiiis of c;di.ini.l whii.ii jjen er.illy hiitl iiic up fur three or four il.is. I..itrly I have lici-ii t.iKiiii; Sinimom J.ivrr Hcutilaior, whith casi; me rdief w iiinnu ,-iny inirrruiiiuu ta htisincss." J. Hei.ii, Midtllejiurt, Ohio. O.V.r U EVM'MY: has our stamp in red on front (if Wrapper J. II. Zellln & Co., I'lllluilclpllla, l . Iec8 ly. 1857 i:simiii.i.iii:i 185? JANUARY 1st 18B7. RUFE. W. DANIEL OKOCEKIEH, LIQUORS, KINK WINKS, CIUAKH, TOBACCO C., tc. HI.IK.M It ,t I.Nf.l l.'S I. AG EH BEEIl ON ICE. R. W. PAXIKL, Nn to, Wash. Ave. Wcldon N.C junp -is 1-y NO. II SYCAMORE STREET, I'LTLKSIU ki, VA. Oiler to the trade of Virginia and Ninth Carolina i'.IIUII liarrelsof Flour of all grades, lilt) Hexes of Hulk Meats of all kinds, J.'i ' of S. C. Hams, Shoulders, and Hi casts, '.'DO Ilarrcls New Oiletnts and P irlo Ril-o Molasses, Jflt) " Syrups of all "raile.i. illlll " l.ake Fish A Hoston Herrings, -tltt t a--es i aimed tioeds, HMIIt Kegs of (). II. ,t- Va. Nails, itlll Harrels Kereseiie Oil of all kinds, lino " Eating ainl Planting Potatoes "ill ' PureCidirYiiiegartbest made.) 'J.'ill Hoxcs and Caddies Green and lllack Teas, Illlll Hags J,agil.ra and llio Colfee, lall Harrels Helined Sugars, 2UIIIMUI Paper Hags of all sizes, 0: ALSO 0 Sloii-ew I'ii-kto Souls Itromrw l'niU Hin-L-etv Slnreb. Ilnoe Twine CiWilor and Shot, and all other goods found in n vt holesale lirocery Mere. All those for sale at the lowest prices DAVIS A- CO. No. II Sycamore Street seplhi ly. (KMahlistn-tl Mi 1 a H UMh 7Z 3 ZZm Z.mwm mmm r VII l'ja sy 1 'A m on k ,s Th' hi: T, J'KTI-H.SIICL'G, VA Steam linkers ami Confectioner aud Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Nuts, Jtc. M Manufactured and Smoking Tobaeco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES Manufacturers uf Marks Celebrated DAVIS ii CO, Steam-Reined Candy, nov 11 lyr. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'p W. MASON', ATToKSF.y-AT II', i.ahvsiii ltd, K r. I'nirlii-i-K iii Hie cotirls uf N-irtliiiiiii ti-a nml inlj.iiiiiii eiiiiiitiit. iiImi ill Uu- rY'k'lu! i.ii.l riil-liri-mi- einilti. c i-.iiwi-;n, .l7"v;.7,'lr-.iv .,i ir J.ll K.-i'X, N r I'm. tires In tin- Snjii-rlnr. sl.il,- nm) J--filrrtil f 1-. l-iillerti.ae II -lui lultl'. Xy INIluUNK HUH., .r"v,'.7 i ,v i n. I ir, Mt HKiii- l'.-iiiiiai. s r (iltli'l-ilii). in W in. on every Mi, ml .)- I'ruc ll'-e III Hie -I He .not l-V.i.T,il I .iiir.s. fn, 1111,1 ilttelltiiill In ill! Iinsiai-.-nilnis'el ., ns. Loiiiis II I,' .IMU--1 SPIER WrllTAKEH, f. W. UIKIToKtR, iiai i::,.ii, y. e. 11 un-.i., s. e yy It I 1 A K K it i w II I T A K 1: 1:, .1 TTUHSEYS AT LA W HALIFAX, N. ('. I'r.u tiei 01 II e .-uji, ri.iruint Siiirea.e (oiirlti ol til-tut.-a. lit in Uu-I t-ti rui limits n.f l&tl ATTOUMCY AT LA If, H UI1.AM) All K, N. f. 1'nictiee.i wherevtr his servii'L'U art reiuiirea Will he at lliihtiu i-iiliii. tirtl uiidj.tri.ijd .Mnitjaj ilK'tu ll Hit. II 111, Jan 1, l7. Jam M. MI I.I.KN. waiter k riAKifi. ILL.U ib DANIEL, ATTORXKYSATLAW't WELDON, N. C. Pra ttee In tln ct.nrls of liiilifax HinlNnrlliuniti toiiuiiil in the iSiipreini1 ami Kcdenil c'.nrvit. tlul- loclioiis made- in ttllpumof Nouli t iirulma. Hriuieli criiee ut Hiilifiix. N. V... nni it nv. rv Muti. tHti 7 ly Ft It. IMMILL, H. 11, SMI HI jr. RAlflt-H, tr. c. ;OTLANDNKC1,N.O S II E E & b M I T II . Mr F. II. Iliwlice mid .Mr. It !I.Siiiilh,JrCtimi Inn. at ljtw.lnive formed a limited imrtiitrslilt for tile pniclice iifluw in Halifax duality. Mr. .iisiA-t- wiiiiiui-n.l Hie court nflliilifiix ri-aularv me! w ill tilsn visit tla-enunly whenever ti is iiervtcs are miiilrcil. oetieiy. T H0MA8 N. HILL, Atluriiry at I.aw, HALIFAX, N.C l'raellees in Halifax au-I atlieiiiiaecountleB and Federal aud Supreme cuurui. tag. 28 tf. yy It. T H O K N K, ATTOIlSr.y AT LAW, KNTIKI.Il, N. C. I'rnet ii-es in l!ie curls iflLiliruxiinil iidjoininu ;-eiiiilii-s and in tie- Supreme e.niil. r,illi-i-lii,ii niiidi- iiiivwlu-ri- In Hie stiit.. mid r. turns ii'oinitly ui.-ide. W HALL, Attorney at Law, WELIlON, N. C. Hpecial atteiitinii triven to colleclioiiH and remit tain-ex promi'lty made. may 1 tt. y It W A li 11 T. (' I. A K K, A TTOKXKV A T LA C, HALIFAX, X. V. I'l-aeliees w lierever his services an-reqnir, d. Colleeltoli nfela given I'eaiii.latti-nti.iii. ma-311y J)R. J. K. 8 H 1 K L D 8, Kurgron Dentist. llavinir m rnumi'titlv liiPHtt-rl In Vnl.lr.r foun.1 at bin olliei' in iMiiiel n ltrick IliiildiiiK all Utiles CXt epl W lu'll nliM litxl) prnfeMiiiml I'llhllieHh Careful alteuiiuii yn-vu to till branrtiihuf fif pro- n -.- nil. 1 niun iPiu u iiv lllt .r IH-IUCV lU'tl 6 li R. K. L. Hl'NTKR Can be found at his office In Euflvld. Pur? NilroiiR Oitih Gnu fnr lh I'tniilonu WitIpho JACK.SOX, S. t'. W.l 111 XToV, Prepriitor. Tet ins moderate. Special arrangements with Ilriiiumcrs. .1. I', inncy. W. J. Rosher. YAM Y & HOSIIICIt, Wholesale Dealers In DRY GOODS AND NOTIOKS Kiel m u d, Va. M. I.. T Davis, 1! I) Thomas, II CDavis, jr. M. I.. T. 1UVIS ei (O. WIUll.KSAl.1.1 1RIH-KHQ iKH.i-sAi.rj tiHocKiin, Iron l-'ront, Corner Watet anil Com merce Streets, Norfolk, Va. Agents for Orange Ititie Powder .Co. STOP AT THK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, Cmler New Management. Murfrecsboro, N. C J. 1.. Harroll, Proprietor. Tisasient Ikiiml 'J per day. Well furnished rcoms, and first class accommodations. fc-Hpeciut iudueeuients to regular boarders. Sample rooms for salesmen, and conveyances funished when desired- mm? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ) 0 01 A.T ' . I hive ju-t bm-lit I'r-nn (KK.E3 RRO.-!., their LARGE AND HANDSOME Line of Spring Samples w hicli 1 will sell at Wholesale Cost. In these goods the public can find al most anything want"d, and at prices much less lliau iiiiv.iuiTi-li.int can buy the same goods, r-giilar. Heing samples I get off a DISCOUNT, which enables uie to sell them AT COST. I will he glad to show these goods to any one. Among them can be found Summer Ruggy Ro' es, Ladies Jerseys, Ladies Scarfs, Shoulder Scarfs, Corsets, Beaded nets. Gossamers, I'o.-keis, Parasols, Counterpanes, Tidies, Towels, Hosean-l HaIfII.se, Gents' Scarfs, (!oves. Ladies' Summer Vests. Gents Gauze Shirts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Springs, Table Cloths. Suspenders, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Soliciting an examination uf those goods by the public, I GUARANTEE to please. Respectfully. W n t 1 1 rr:nv M . J . lll.liljl.il WELDON, N. (J. mar Hi I' u NIVliKSITVOFNOKTIU'AKOLlNA, ( IIAI'L'L HILL, A'. C. Tile tiext ces-ii. in heiriiiH Aih-iwI AinU Tnltln ri'du. edt vt h hiiii-yt'iir Pmir stndeuti may pvi' liolf.-t. Kaeillly of tift.4-11 tern-lit-rs. Thrt-j full courM'Hof.-mdy ieiidiiiit I., ileirr in. Threa nou c;iure lor.iu! miuiiiif; at busint'si miMi, eiieherv, iiliysieiaiic. olmrinaiLii. Imw w'h.kd fulU t'ipiipped. rue 1 r e-unhmui' io Hti.S. KKMT I. HATTI.E, Proident. jnne :tw ILMINtiTDN ANDWKI.DON RAILROAD, AM' llliANrilKrs. oimIiiihimI !i l)cdulc. HIM, t?Ol 1 TT: N'i i. No 87, Daily hitt mull I lulv. ".I'm I a 4 ii' M I No is, dally j e Mm I I (Hum 7 If). Hated Jim. Mi IHsh. l.enve Wi'Mon Ai litii liy Mt iniil.. Ar Titrhor.) i lmi" i . LeuvfTiirb'iru .. Iii-iDam Arrive lU n , ! :t V i n I 7 (Hi j7 4H - I Mill" Anive Si'lnitt I A in " ! Arrive r"iiv,le- llle. ; 45 " l.eiieiel.-:...ro " 7 -in ' a'hv War-nw fi .M) " I Leave Miicnitliii .... I li ir " I in Arrive W iMniiiKti.ii 7 in " ;.! TRAINS itoixt) north. H 40 l'J ..4 " 1 11 Jo" No ;:i daily. Uaiiy dally ck, htinday, :i 4 p tn b tn " .vrv WiliuiiitiU'li i heave Miitntha Leate Unr-aw Arrive ioldhoro . , l-MVi' rioeitovllle ArriM' Sehna Arm i Wilson Leavi Wilwi'ii Arrive km ky Mmiut Armr larhitro Lea-1 iHrlxin I" 01 AN yfiOAw lb :it" IU :i " II Ml " k pi wi " I 14 " 1 1 m " iai.')pM w M..t " I .... 1 .... f ipnii)'Ki I Arrive Wi hl'.n -I .d " Paitv teei.t Siuidm . Triiiiu ti M ..tlniid Nrt k llrnneli Kind IravtMl llnlitti t-ir "entiiunl Neck alii toil in (tehiriitnf , iIhIIv 'rrf-ri! Wnt h Senllmiil Neck at H .w a m nutty 0I11 111 illiobc Prices. ::i.ii.i. Train h nvi -Tarlori N, V.. vlrt Alhemarlo and KalelnhK. U htiily I'xeepl Hiinday li HO p. i , t umliiy 'i ui p. in , arrive Wilhml'ii N. ( R II p. tu , ii 10 a in Keliiriitnu leave illiamtttoD. N. ('., dully except Smuhij Uhi. ui. Hundtiy Hid, in arrive Tmi I.om N L., y l' a. iu H Vti a. tu Train on Mi-Maud N.C. llraneh leai iiolrti Imro N (' , daily cu'cpi Miuday riiluii.ro, arrive smillitieiil, N t'.iooya ni. lictiirniiia leavta Siuithiield. X.t;., HH.i a. id., arrive Wold-thorn, N C, 1 In p. in. Train on NashvJlU Itniiich leaves Rooky Mount at 4 ixi p in , arrives al NaahvMIe ' p. m , Spriinj I lope i irp. in. Ritiirntna U ivo sprnu Hope 10411 a ni , Nitshvlllo 11 lit a. IU., LtM'ky Mount It -r. a, ni. dailv except Suiiday. Train on Clinton Itraneh leave' Watmw for Clinton. daily except Sunday. at alt) p. m. Ke lurolntf leave ('Hilton at H 4.'i a m eolinei'tiu at Wanww with N. ir-autltdi, Honthboiiini trainon WUhoii and Fayollpville Branch ii No. AL Northbound la ftO. laily ei cept Hunrtay. Train No. tl Suth w ill only slop at Wllaon, (ioldNlioroiiud Magnolia. Train No. i !imhi.-ii eloae euiuuTtioii at Weidott forallpoitilB Nurth dally, All rati via RichinoiiJ and daily except Sunday vln Buy Line. Traiuiraald'-.rhiw eoiiiiwMoii for all point North via Hfrhmond and Washington, All iralim run i-Hd between Wilniluirton ami WaJiliiiwton and hav Puliuiait Palaea tilcepera atla'-lied. J.R.KKNI.Y. . J r.niVINK, Nup't Trana (ieneral Hup i. T, M. KMKUSON, Ueii'U'MWnger A-jenU Tviji?rti Wimdera tiH In thomandi 1 MjIjI of forma, but are imniaBid by the inarvelK of invention. Tbuaa wlmarp In nwd ot : Eroliublc work that can be dour while hvhiE at omaliould at otim wuid their addrcHfi t')IlalMt A Co., Purtlatid.sliilnuud receive irts'.full iuffw in at Ion how elthttraet, of all uri'S. tan earn fnim $5 tutt'per day and umvardn -lier!er they live.,.; You are Ktarti-d fnH) Capital not rectuirfflV t4ora hare iimde over 0 Id alugU (Uy at tola work All lucceed. , ..

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