J "V 1 1 'f- H-A-LL &c SLEDGE, l'KOl'lUKTORS. VOL. XIX. -A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPL E. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 2G, 1888. TEZRIM:S---oo pkr annum in advance. NO. 20. NKW AIH'KKTISKM KNTS. THE r 1 rAI LN 1 C.AGAMBRILL MrcCoj OUR PATENT ROLLER FLOURS are uiiiiiufiHiiiv.1 from the CIIOICKST WIIKAT OltTAINAlM.lv Their supe riorly lor IX I FOIIM IT V. STIIKXtiTII and IN A Pl'ltOAL'll A 1U-K I'LAVOIl hus long been acknowledged. The I'ATAI'SCCISI'I'KKI.ATIVK I'ATKST fitmids uuriviillnl, )l' 11 lirli, Cr. nitty dtl, r, it m:ikt'4 u 1'iv.iil lliat will suit the FaM idious. wAsk your lir ti lor il I'alitpscii Sup, rlalivc I'nliut, llnlundo Choice l'atcnt, l'utaMcii I'.iutily l'ateiit, Or;ine;e tiiove Ktrn, Baldwin Family, Mapleton I'miily C. A. liAMIlKIM. MAMTAt ITIil.Nti (OMl'ANV, 21 I Co irree Si , It.ilt ituore, Mil. niio VI ly. faine's For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jan l'.l l y THE PLACE TO GET AT TIIK LOWEST PRICES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFKR'S, WEST SIDE "WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W ELD 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. rl'RESt'RIITION DF.F.4RTMKNT FII.1.KD WITH TIIK HKT SEI.E(Ttl) MATERIAL.- . FHESCKIITIONN COMlW.S'nF.n AT ALL HOCliS WITH GKEAT CAHE. PEKFUMEKY, STATIONERY, FANCY SOAl'S, HKCSHKS, FANCY AliTICI.ES, TOIUCCO AND CIOARfi. KKMEMBER thai hearty welcome alway. awalu, you at ZOLU COFFER'S. light RonoiDg UomticScwinsc Machine roR SALE SY P. N. 04l 14 If LEADER OF Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave, 2:pliALi:U IN i3- diiy aoons, HOOTS, RHOK8, NOTIONS, HATS, ('ACS, DOMIvSTICS, I'UINTS, STAI'I.K llOOHS, (JIUICKKIKS, Aoi Kvorjtliiog that ran te called for. HE AD QUARTERS FOR AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. ' The public ii renpeotiull; invited lo call. 9(61 111 Amcricn. Hour o PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774. A NERVE TONIC. (VU-ry mid t (e n, tit" prominent In- irrrilIMlt, IUV till' iK't Ul!'l Sl.lesl N. ri loiiii.' li Mrt'iiKtlu-iw i.i.d '.ill.').-. l.i' nervous :y ti-n, curliifj N;mhw Wi'iikuiiw, llyMrrU, Sleep- IcBMlCiU, iVC. AM ALTERATIVE. It 'lrtvi.'!'iut the poisonous limnon i f tin- Mood pur if In umi cnrichim il. ami mi tiviTi-'imtiiK llmi-e ilisi-iiM-s ri'h'iiuinc from iti.iitirt or iiupou'r- A LAX AT iE. Afliiimildly'-iilsiinlvontlu'txiweU ill'UK'i 1 III. II. ml ConslipUlioll, umi jTni.t.it sunvitlarlml.il. it siniiKt li ens the Momm li. i.ml u.U dUi-tiioii. A DIURETIC. In It composition the t-cst ami imt ,I!ctivi'dinreiir.ot the Materia Mcdicn iirtMomtiinedciintiliialiy tvilhollicr t'rtii'iUi- niiii iiic ri'riiM-iiM'Hif the kll!H'jt It i-nn he relied ii in Kiw 'iiin k n !icf rtml jecdy cure. nnntri'(lM,( teiimi'iiilili.ivol),ii.nrocfiTi'il from intm.hu win. Iiiivn iiwl I liit tviuodj with ntnrkalj) lumolit, Suntl tucuiuUn, (iim)( full pvticulua, met il 00 to 14 b Druiiliti. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop' BUHLINUTOff. VT. STAINBACK & CO. J LOW PRICES. W. H, BROWN, Wtldon, N, 0, THE DYING WIFE. I li:nl fiuirtt'il lionlUi n-tiirnliiK, Hut Hit; dream Is uwr fuiw, For I f -1 tli'-chilliiiK trt'fzt'H Front tin: river fan my Ijrow, O'er my form a chill i creeping As the l)ilow,ri'il altnitv. And I ulniost hear the murmur Of the unbelt.' ilKtiinl sony. From the Minn- tmsh where they ulhereil Dewy rosea, fresh ami white, Fortny simwy hridal ehaplet, t Just une year uho to nt'ht. They will bear the fnu;ant Ii1omoiii On iny silent hreaol tti lay, Kre the n'liet. holy ilawiitu' O! aimlher Satihatlt day. Oh, my Impi'V. Jeyotm l.rtdal ' I, mle .In iimed 1 then ol thtt; While He todk the inws lnt.'etlier, Healed them with Die mart'iaye f, When I -leen within lln- ehiiivhjarl Wlil he Wiiii mioiher tifHl'-f Wtl! he i.am1 1-rlnro the alliir Willi atiolh'T by hi- hiil." Wilt he wander with utioili'-r Where With me he lined tn slnt) lly Ihe l.iiHikli-t in I lie meadow Where the willow hrattelien sway! When the crass t. waving o'er ntn Will snine fairer, hweeter faee, Creet hint from the. me wremheil iloorffay, In my old at etistoineil idaee? Will he tliinSi nf me. I wmider. When the years have ndled unuiml! Will lilf fnidsteps sumeliritis linger My mj lowly, Kvn irrow n mound Must mioiher call him lm-lmn.l When the sods are uYr me piled: Kill my place heiide ihe hearth stutte, lie a iti .ther to my child? Oh. my preeiotis ihul; eved darlitu;! Kor her sal;e I lnt to live; W ho. of all the world eaii love Iht With the love that I would kIm ! Who will Kiddr her. lest her fouUteps In the paths of eill sliay ; (Shield her from the world's templatioii Teach her Lwhy lipp, tu pray If Will thev tell her nf her mother, I f the hue she hum m;ss W ill she lolitf lor my e:ires.es. Fur the lips she m:iv not Uiss? Will some times he'' i hildish fMil-te Serk lite plilCf w li.Tf I -hall -.le. pr Will a little dark ey.-d maiden Kne.d hesidemy crave and wecpr :h' th-' lancles that are tliltmj; Cast my vision ihe day ! Itui 1 call not read the future; 1 can imly trust the way Will he (.'iiided nnd he t-Mim-ded Hy the wise t (Mi" of all; He whncaie, for all Mi-children Know whell e'en llic tiestlli)j,'s fulL 1 1 u -l my feat-; a culm is s.-ttlui Hound me, while J think of Him. Hut it ehill n eieepiiiif o'it me. And nty eyes are growing dim. Can tt be "-Yes. eurtli I- fadiii-.; With its treasiir- s limn my sichL ll.iliy one more Uisv, dear hiisliaml; "Tis my last, my last j'ood nitjht. ( "in A. M'tim, in f'urrtHt. HANK fYkESTOXK. Another Instanco of Dr. Jokyll and Mr. Hyde. IW'llllvIl for tliis I'iiji-t. ; ft X a ihinlv popii. ' ".'-u'i,tl"1"1 1 "y '! Vi iSf'iTi liiV-iB Kenliicky ! wilhi" : M 'ls Hinits sumo nf j the wilile-t of wilil inrMiitc -uoivlwo j;ie;it ineli. tni I of thrill were, su to speak, "heail mnl lioiiMt'iV iiliovc tin- ivst of tho I'ilU ! -VX 9,rnsut w ilisiriH, 1 Hint both of them wore, though in '. witlclv (lilVeirnt ways K'luti'rs of nu'ii. ' Otic uas Hon. Amos Kltriil;u sometimes known as "(icntTal ami nfti'ii calleil J ntl ti" wealthy ami H'clel; a man who hail held an ini ni taut (-oinmiiiiM Mi (lit1 4 oiifeilet uto anny; a mh fe.s-ful lawyer who hutl iiioiv than otico lut'ii t lcctod to tho jmlicial hent-h, and a tniMcd )olilii'i;ui wlut hail rvpri'tii-ntnl fur a full term hi- Conii'ssioiiitl (listrirt at Washing ton. 'J'hiHih haivly lifly yuan of ajjo his life had heeii full of hulioi'S, unit illileed hi -4 iihiUtV dcNervcil all tilt' o'Hiition which It had I'lUvU'cd, Tltt dilier man was Hank Firt'stotio, tliy hold and iiotnttoiis viiijrlcadir of u most ilarino; aiul Nticci's-ful jfa n r ()f liiouiisliiucrs, and tlx- I emu of all I ho ireful nnd lawahldlii; cilizeiis of the count V. Itrsitles hfiiie; prejit in their way both f tlu'se iin-u wi'vc reputed to ho im mensely lieh. tlud' Kldridfjo eer tainly lived in greater style than any other man in Sinithville, the small I'oimtv seat: owned nunc ami better horses tlian any of his neighbors, and laid just about one-half of the entir aniotiut of taxes eolteeieil in the count v. As fur Hank Firestone, hi- wealth could not Very readily be computed, at he paid no taxes. Indeed, that was the Mim-total of Ins wronj; doiujj evading the jciMiient of the whisky tax. Hut i( was known very well, indeed, thai he lileraUy t'oiud nmncv, for he was principal ow ner and controller of half a hundred stills of no mean eaptcttv. lie wan so rich (and powerful in his wa)and had ui-h a l.ir"e fullowin anions the "poor white" nf that wild di-ti iel that he nnde no -ecret of his huMiie-, and lit- teaius Luleii w ith barrel- of w hi.sky for his ni-iit aloiij; the On io river were seldom niob--ted. Once li detachment of l otted States troops made a raid on some of the stills but ttiey failed to capture Hank or any of his ni"M, nml a few ua.k lnUu- whisky lmsinits- In pastern leiiuicky was us bnk us ever. Hank Firestone, il was currently IT ported, owned leal estate "up North and watt alleged to have a wife nnd family In a iii.ignitUiciit homo in New Ymk City, where rutuor bad it he moved ill the very best of society, of course under some olher'name. Hut then thi whs rumor, ur in other vvopt ll llelloii which tho ulumof of ItL wild and outlawed life called forth anion the not over-ln telliirent citizens of Sinithville and vicinity. Ibiuhilosi ho made considerable money, but how ho client H was- a mystery not Yet solved by rosiiectable people. Ho had often been seen in the mountains and abm tho valleys, riding bin roan mare. Once or Iwico lie had erii walM'd b"ldly along tho main ktrcet of timith yille in broad daylilit, but it was very geidom that lift showed himself in tho (mall town. Not tltat ho was afraid of 1 pupturo at least not afraid of the local iiwnrc! that. I'nclc Sam lioro him no 'cpuil will, hut Ijiclc Sam liail iinviir niailo lint iu: iit iiitus etl''rt to ruin liini ami liis business au ctlnrt. that hail ri'siiltcil in iynoljlu faihuv to L'ui'lc; Sam. Hank FitX'stout! was hmked ujion as a jjiiuil lcal (if a hero round aliout Sniitlivillc, anil only ono man of any acrouiit had ever lu'cu known to sak harshly if tint notorious umon shiner. Thai man was Judi' Eldi id'c. Of I'ourse, wlu'ii In- was on Ihe judicial limu-h, it iM't amo him as tin1 ollicial iulrriircli'i- of law and ordrr to rcsnit and d-ii'i'i'atn the lawless prai tiia; of FinMont' and his crew. Iliit il was not only in iuhli' that lie i'pri'ssi'il his ill-will lowanl tin- i nshiiii'i's. I.on' afli'r his rctiri'nouil fnun pnMic dulii's he slill (dii'i ishi'd a slrono hiiircd for l-'ircstono and his followers, and had aolualli oll'iovd lo pay a thousand dollars to any man or nu-u who would secure Hank Fire-tone's arrest. Now then; were two other persons in Siuithvilie whom it will interest us to know. (Inn was a very beautiful voting lady -an adopted child of Jud'o Ehlridec's"-known as Miss Sadie. Elil ritle ; the other a rising Voun law yer of Siuithvilie, John Tliurher, w ho was known to lie a very warm admirer of the aforesaid Miss Sadie. These two young people were very well satisfied with each oilier, but the Judge most decidedly objected to young lawyer Thiirberns a pro-pective husband for (he adopted daughter whom he thought, indeed, too good for the best man in Kentucky. So when, nun line morning, John Thurber asked the Judge, ill a blunt and straightforward manner, if he knew of any reasons why he, Thiirhcr, should no! marry Miss Sadie at ait early dale, the Judge replied with a grc.tl, big YKs! I . ..1 s s 4 Mo ' , .1"HS III) Illicit, Ki:.i. im:a- 1MKHK AIIK iNs." "Ye-, .lulin Thiirlter, ihrn- are seve r;il reasons, any one nf which is sulli cieut in itself, l ir.-t of all you are not wealthy, neither are you famous in any way. Secondly, I have reason to believe you ure a coward, and 'none but the bravo deserve the fair.' Lastly, though by no means lca-l, you have in a maimer allied oiti sclf with the moonshiners, and that fact alone would forever baryoii from marrying any one, for w hi in I care, with my consent. iofsir; i most distinctly refu.-e any encouragement to Vouiulhis matter." This reply of Judo Kldride's needs some liitle explanation, U'hat he said ill regard to ,lohu Thurber' wealth and fame (or lack of holh) was true noiih. Hi remark in regard to the you n u lawyer's lack of bravery referred to the fact that John had ivfu-ed to en- t in tho Confederate armv, and tho Judue in-Uted always that he joined the North hccaue he saw was p'inj; to he tiie win ning Mile. It sliolihl bo reiiiemberetl that the events recorded in this story k place a jotir or two after the close of the war. Youn Thurber' s con nections with the moonshiners was merely of a professional character. He had defended one of their limnhcr wheu arrested ami Ids tact and elo quence a a lawyer had ;otIen his eli cut oil' scot-free. The Judre, with hi Id dislike for the moonshiners so often and loudly expres-ed, had never over looked this lariito; fault in yotiu riiurber. Tho fact of Ihe matter was, .1 ml-r Kldride had higher aspirations for his daughter's future and intended sunn to take her to Washington and New York. His ohjectiiins to youoj; Thurber were, in the main, those he had lir-t named, but he was glad to have the others. Mm Thurber was much disappointed, nit he did not ''ivc up hope immediate ly. That ni"ht be conceived a bold projeel, which, if be could carry out tuiccessfiiHv, would at one stroke dis perse three of ihe (our ohjoctions raised by ihe Judjjo, c intnlii lumstlf' ndi Uijd tin' ntjttur' of Hunk fi'trrsiuuf .' If he could do this he would win fame, would be able to hurl b o k llie charge of eowaidn-i' and would also he alle to .itow thai he had no personal iupath wilh tlie I u-him rs. 'I he next morning Thin her h-ai ited Ihat .lllde Kidriile had left town to be jniif three or four days, so he thoiihl he could Hot ehoo-c a hellel time than the present for his ta-k, ami miht be ablu lo MirprUu the .lodo on lilf tviui'ii (lolin Tliurher wan r younjj, alhletio iaut and, although called a cowaiil hy Jmle;e Kldridjfo, was ail utler xlrauuer tu fear. He proposed, If n oapturo were pos.sihle, to have all tho credit hiuiielf, and decidetl to make tho attempt tpiito alone. Disguised as a eouiitryiiiau, he vis ited the haunts of the inuoindiiners and In a day or two had learned something of the inoveiiientM of Hank Firestone. He became awaro that the rcdoiihlahlo Hank utis likely to ride alone In n cer tain direction on the evening of the third day of his adventurous no arch. It was a lonely mountain road nloii which Firestone would pass, and at one point he would bo six miles from his friends at either cud. Lufoitiw uatelv the liihl was rendered bright by tiio light of a full moon; but that made no ditlercnco lo John Thurber. Ho know It win a risky business and that Ids chances of scaping with his life were no hotter than bin diatico of cantmlmf UituJt icrUapa iliuimei; but that made no ditl'ci'iMiee, cither. John Thurber w as one of thoso stub born and persi-tent men who, once ha ing resolvi-d on a certain course nf ion. know no "let-up" until they accomplish their purpose or die in their tracks. Si i early in the evening- ho was in hiding. The very loneliness of the place and the wildness of the sur rounding country, rendered weird ami solemn by the bewitching moonlight, was enough to unnerve most men. ltut John Thurber stood his ground, holding in his hand a lariat ready to lie thrown over his intended viclim, while his pisinls were ready cocked in his belt,' lie had not waited very long w hen sure enough a man approached cm horse-back. Closer ho came, and when williiu twenty feet John Hung his rope. 'Mm uitose dropped right over the horseman and in au instant it was tightly drawn and John had his man on the ground, his helpless pris oner. John's first business was to disarm his captive, who was a man of lino, physique, wilh jet black hair and a long heard of the same nature. Then he looked around and, as ho noticed the iior.se, said: "Ah, Mr. Firestone, you are a horse thief as well as a moonshiner! Jt's strange to me if that is not J mlgo Kl drhle's horse." The captured man now spoke for the lirst time. "Jdiot!" lie said; "do you know what, risk you are incurring in coming here? You are right, 1 am Hank Firestone, and iiott can not. take me a hundred -tops, hardly, before un friends will See I oiir life will be quick time as it In a trigger. Ho, fo And if they do siiutl'eil out in as cs to cock and pull , while you have a chance, and don't tamper with Hank Firestone!" "Ah," replied John, coolly enough, you seem lo forget, Mr. Firestone, that just now 1 hold ihe ti iihiji cards in this gauif. 1 know lhe-e mads pretty well, and I think we can get lo Suiithv ille in about three hours without meeting any of your friends. It is just ten miles to town, and we will walk and ride, tut u about. You have just been riding, so I will 'take a rest, and you can lead Ihe horse, (iet up and go ahead. 1 will he Ihe guide and in struct you which way lo turn." Slowly enough, Firestone arose and did as he was lold, while Tliurher, pis tol in hand, mounted the Imrse. It was a queer pruccsoimt, lint Thiirhcr decidedly had the inoi of the inn. After awhile l hey changed oil'; John w;ilke, but he took can1 to have his man well covered and, its he told him. he would have shot him instantly if In liad attempted lo rid ' Ihe horse faster than a walk. All Ihe way to Sinith ville the captured outlaw .-poke never a word. It wa midnight when they reached town, and on their way up the deserted .-trect they pas-ed Judge Kldridgo's Imtise. "Have you any ohjeeiion to stopping here?" asked Ihe moonshiner. "What b.r?" "Oh, I have a fancy 1om-c the Judge. Ma be he u ill arrange for me to haw hotter quarters than one Would get down at the ooui l-housc. " "I don't think he's home, but we'll see. Indeed, I Would just as soon go in, if he is home." "That is his horse," said the outlaw, "and we may as well leave it in lite barn." So Ihe horse was led to the barn, and Tliurher and his prisoner walked up to Ihe house. v V.J.- t Hi " Jw UK 1IH NUT WMIKI l.ltMl. As isofu-ii the ease in country houses, t'speei dU iu the South, no doors we iv fasteneil, and the tyo men entered and walked into a little. v"m near the en tranci , w hit li the .1 udg" u-ed us a li hi ary and i e. Thin ber was famil iar w itlt llie room, and ordered his man to strike a lieht, which ,he did, awk waiilly enough. "Hefore you call the Judge," said l'th'stone, "I would like to ask ou two questions, first, what are oii going to do wilh me; and, second, what brought tin out alter me lo-uight!''' "Kir.si, then," replied Tliurher, "I am going to laud you vafcU iu juil in the care of a lulled Mate Mauh Second, I caine alter yon todoims n gie d turn " "iV ihaps I know more than ou think ,1,, " VM.I (j,. ' YoU Ultllt to marry Sadie Kldridge, ami witli thai a Hinety you woiihlu t care a d whetlier J was in jail or not." John Tliurher stared at bin man. "Well, I don't know how In the devil ou read mv thoughts so well, but itii'ic prelly nearly right, While Thurber was speaking, Hank Firestone bent Ids head down within reach of his hands, which were at short range on account of his pinioned arms. N it li his hands he rciiiowd hi; dark, long heard and his wig of jet black hair, and, as he raised himself to his full height, he revealed the gray head ami smooth shaven face of Ju fii KhiruUjf ! "1 have played this K!me. success' fully Uv twenty veaiA John lhurber hot you have euchred me at last. I, Amos Kldridge, am also Hank Fire stone -though not one of my men mi iu the mountains have even a suspicion of tho fact. You played n risky ganio to-night, John Tliurher, but you won the trick. am iu your Imnda, ot CvWVSvV mm -mm "s In view of the fact that John Thur ber married, a few weeks later, Sadie Kldridge, and that Ihe highly respected Judge Kidridge was present to enter tain Ihe wedding guests, il is to be pre sumed that Ihe young lawyer showed some clemency to Ihe caplurcd Hank Firestone. It is certain that the rap. tun remained a pr,, found secret iu Ihe tow n of Sinilliville. To this day there are old citizens w ho wonder w hat be came of Ihe hold Hank Firestone, and there are even some who regret the sudden decline, Iweiily years ago, of the illicit whi-ky stills iu the neighbor hood of Slnilhv ille. W. II. S. A I KIN. UN. IliirWIeii's Irnlm c. The Hi st Salve in the w,,ild lor Outs, llruiscs, Sores. I' leers. Sail llheuni.l'ever Sol, s.Teller. Chappi d hau,. Chilblains Corns. and all skin ciupii,,ii-.an, jmsiiive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect saiish.i lion, or money ivl'iuidcd. Price lio cents per box. For sale hy drujgisis at Weldon, l!r,. n itCarraway, llalilax, lr. J A Mctiwigan, Knfiehl. NKW AUV i:i!T l.-KMK.NTS. HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITH OUT N 1 xfXn irt -slfe 1 M A STMICTLV VIOIT.SLI fkULTLf II MMIU MC0ICIHC PHILADELPHIA. Priff. ONE Dollar Tit majority f the llln of tlifl human body arUe from a tlUenspil Liver, Him muiis Liver Hegultitor hasheen the nieun ot rest'irliii- mora icoi'lu to healih uvA linppiness by giving thein a lienltliy U?cp Hum any oilier aiieney on earth. bi:ethat iou hkt tiikoi:m ine. n IIKtlM Vt lUI. I.I.KV ATOK SOU Til! There re seventy I wu screens in the llliililitie. No iltisl nr dirt ntn .,issiltly iot intu llie Cuil us it rillis over I lies,! sereuis ill i:lsiilte I'lulll ille Kleviilur into llie eaHs. Ciiiisiiiuers get Ih.ir Ciiitl ilry anil I'lrl'ietlj ele,,ll. I l,m ,' II,, K . iilel -h ill iiIh ijs keep en li ri , 1 . a !;ii-,' si,,,! iiiel nil knels i f IS allies) suiieil t',,r I'liiinilrv, l'.ieltrv. anil l'liinilv n-e. All 0 'ill Selei led an,) III' lust tii my. tin i li,- in, iii'iiii,! ears run i.ilr, Klevati.r, umi the dial is lunuYil into llu iu there, thus h sseiiinn ihe tout tu the trnile Smith an, I Wist. l'miiiit sliiineiits. OrJera sulieited. S. H. HAWES, OFFICE: lStlnnilCarj Street!. ju.uc 21 3iuo mMo-L'i . f it t ! I Rkstlessnb.ss- f. I ElEVMOR PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'p W MAsuN. ATIOKSIIY ATl.AW, i.AKV.-lll 'Kli, X r 1 in, 'Hi II llie c'.urlH nf NerlluoiiMtai llli'l H,lj',iiiiiig l uiitilii'i', uIm, in Die Kclerul , it-me eiiinlK. el Su w. C lloW h.V. rmniSEY-AT-M w JACKsllV. S ('. I'rHi tii'i's ill Ihe Su,H'rl,r. state uinl KeiliTlll C'-ilirtS Cilll'l le.ii. it .ins nillv. yy INIiollNK.1 llllll., ATTtHIMlYs AT LAW, Mi i:kri:i:-iiiii(ii. x c litlit etliiy. la w In. every M Iy. Itui- lieu III the St He nil. I K,',ler,il I'mirtn. l'rai, mti'iiteiii ImhII Iojsiiii-ss .-Ml ru.U'il ,i us. Luiiiik ,ll,Ue,l SPIER WHITHKER. f. W WHITAKER. HAI.I.I S.e. vi. AX, N. ,' II I 1 A K Kit It W II I i A K KH, ATTUliXEYS .1 r ..I if IIAt.lf.W, N. e. rr.H'tiee in the siil-n,,r iiiel s,i,ifllH' i imrts ,,1' tie, stale mill in thu K-.li ral , ,irl.. inr l.'i tl' a ttui:m:y ,i r la ii, I'm Will I i revi i his serviei x el, llie not mi, t hi lire !',(, i, rei I'llll .Mlll.llflJ , em Hi,: l ', nr'iiui, 1, iv.;. M A'l TUKM-.rs A T LA II WELL'CW, N. C. ttAi.KH.H, N. C. MXn N I. MU;k,H.C L H B E K & SMITH. Mr P. II, 1! ii si.ee riii Mr. R II. Smith,Jr Conn selii Ht Ltiw, liae lnniuii a Innlieil imrtitfrtilUp for the praetiee of Uw In Ilnlitiix county. Mr. Uiihliei Hill altetnl the courtMii llaliiax reRUliirj, mil will alMivlbit Hit eianity wliLaicvcrlUhHurvief ru reiilrt'(l. ()ctl6 ly. 1 H 0 M A 8 N, HILL, Attorney at l-aw, HALIFAX, N. C. Practices fn llHlifiix nml mllof hIuk routitleH anri Fedt-mUud Supn-mc cetiru. atiK. 28 tf. W T It O R N H, -I TTOliXEY AT LA V KNFIKl.lt. N. C. I'mctiecs in theivurls nf Halifax anil a.ljuliiiiiK cimntieti ami nithe supreme court. C'llk'eUuiis mmle anvw here In the State, ami tp- tuniK pnuiiptly nuele. W W II A L I , Atliiniry at l,w, WKLIHlS. N. C. Sns Ul .Ui'titiiiti Kiven Uieellw tiouH .let remit IHii, i s ,r,,iii)illy nmile. (' Ii W A K ll T may 1 tl. (' 1. A UK, .1 TTOHSKY A T LA W. II AI.HWX, N. e. I'rnf tiers ' C,ll,.,.ll,i!l tna :tl ly lierrver 111'- if I'liOllls ill VI ervleev ilh' P-jiiin i. ii priiinpta.ti'ii'iim. I) K. J. E. SHI fcl.DH, nrpenh DflltlsU HaviiiK iNTumiit'iitly liM'at ! in WtUl(ir.,oii ha fo lift hi Ins nilne in linniel h Itnrk HiiiWtiiiK at all line s f xi cpl w Ik li aliselil mi prMlfKMnltHi liUMllltIK ('Hh-ftll KUetttmit 1,'IVeU tu Ml) l-rniirlienn! pro- i - uu. miiifMiiurii at uieir iniiiien w nen ce- In-a jiily i ly. it K. K. I. HUNTER Miirirrun llfiitui. Tan be fetmrl at hi. offlec tu Enfluld, Pur, Nue-n. u.ide da. for tin- esiniLM mine I V ..- n .IW.V. ell H.1,,1 jsn. n t JACKSON, N C. W.T 111 XTuN. rrnliruliir reltus tuiiilerule. Sieelal airilliaenu nta with lliiin, titers. I'- V tliey. W. .1. Hosier YANl'V .V ItOSIII.It, holt-sale ), a'eia In BUY QOODS AKD KOTIOKS Kiel m nil Va. M. I.. 1' Hums, 11 n i ltoinas, II C Uavis, jr. M. I.. T. DAVIS to. liT-iiiii.KSAi.i.1 tun i:nt! V UiiUsaI.Tj IjKlllKKlS, Iiiiii Front, Corner Wutei nml Com nteree Streets, Xurfulk, Ya. Agi'iila fur OruiiKB Kitle I'owilrr Co. KTlll' AT Til B EXCELSIOR HOUSE, I'liilrr New Management Murfnswboro, N. C. J. I., llnrrcll, Proprietor. Tianaient Itoanl fi ier day. Well furnisliert rooma, and Oral claw accommodation!. rirSKs-ial inducement! to regular uounlen. (taninle rnomi for Kileamen, and coaveyruioei furnished nhtn detired' NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. HKLP YOUR EYES BVfs,N, IN'IVOrNll'iil'KI.KIIRATRl) iMi'i;uvi:ii i'khi.scupic glasses CI.KAIt A s; l solT TO TIIK. FY!', STKENHTH KSIMI III V l..K KVKS, K,ir Siile In (inlil, Sleet, Kuhher hkiI KrrtiiuH ell,,, If HELP TO SAVE By I'liyliii; the nn-Hteie Imru'ile ever i.(lent ' Ui II1NTIN'. W W M Vsrvii't! in 1'rii li FolM V UW.M- MI'NIutl . rcl.i.AK- Worllt iiemly flmjMe the pr:ee ? ets of 11,11, ,1st, Ille in ,," ;i'l !ii,e Ml (t'UiiilX MlleH'l.l slvlt s ,'l Itivi;- pi-.-s, t:u:-',l-sTl ,s rut I. : : SII.VKo ,,S Hi ei . r ki , , a in i: . At tlie h,v,t t..,sil l.' ,r Hlli'i,,:., I' I K 111 TT X-. l!i K - ' J. W. Y-U" fsfi ''S. li te.nl i IllllV rii. il,-n W nle fr .mil mi HON. Kl June S :iw Ml' I. BATTLK, President. lLMlXi.TdN aNDWI LDON UA1LROAD f AMI I1HAM llhs I imilt'iisi'il elicdule. THAIN (iolMi SOI TIL i Ne :, , No No il Jail. Mil IhHK.l ituity sl Jimll 1 dully I)nt ItiillV. Leave Wtlili.i. ; 8 .'.i-m i.t''M Ai ky .Mi.uiil.... 1 " Ar TailiuM I Leuw larlmni jlO-tiJAH, . . . ex still 1 lOluui I 7 15. Arrive W iUiii l.eavi W iIm-ii ArnveSeliiiii Arrive Kiiyetteville, Leave lioliUlmri l.eiive VVnrsiiW I.esvc Muttiiuliii . . . Altive W lliiii,e,liii I ) r ii I M 111 " . 1 .1 III " ! T 15 " . h ; r I ll.'l " Hi" 4U " . IIW " I'J.H " II 3.1" Xo OH iliilly ei. SimdHy. ;l 4.', i m 5 " f, ,'rfi " 1 1; ii', I in l(. ' TUAI.YS ilKIMi XuKIH. I S,, 11, NoTS ilHily ilitiiy Leave Wiliuincli u , ijO'oim '.hniam I-eiive Mn;tnim I 'J4 " llo.ii" Lenve W ursiiH j pi .Mi " Arrive liuiilklinm .. j 821 ' li-'m" l.i ne I'liielteville MJll" Arrive .selina j )n Mi" Ariive W iIkhu j ! 11 :)it " l-'iov Wilfuit 18 t;pM I CIS " Arrie Ueeky Mi.unt lis- Airive Urlior. j M.iO " Leave '1'itrl'orn I l..t nl Arrive Wel.lclt 1 ;t" " t (Upm 9 Hi " Itaily i-M ept SimkIhv. 1 raiu ' ti i.iluiiil Neck Brunch Komi teavei llniita fur M'l.iiiind Neck at:iaepm Kctuniini loaves MMlluiel Neck ui y if) a. m,( dully except Sumlay. Truin leaves 1'nrln'M S. ('., via Albemarle and Raleintik. K t mi ly except Smiday ti mi p, m , Mimlay 'i i0 p. in . arrive Williainstnii N. c 10 p. m , ii IU a in ki tiirimiu leiiveh W illiHinthin. N. iao exeepi siiuiuiiy ( in n ui. Miiuiiiv y..l) a. in iirnve liirtmro, N C . M I", a. m 1 1 ::o a. m I miti on Mi tlnn-1 N '. liruncil lea e oul.U- In. ! N ( , ilnily eei pt Miiuitiy fs .tu . m , arrive Mm illiticli), N C'.lKiWH. in. KeliinniiK liuvea SiioilMiehl. N ('.. 10 l.i h, iu.. iirnve tiiildhhur . N . i.' in p. ui, Imiii mi Nashville Branch leave Hockr Minint at 4 ini ii in ..torn cm Mt Nnslivillf 4 4i) it. in , .-print; ILipe ." ): . in. Id liiiniiix 1 urn prin, lli'i'i1 l" ei a. in , Niishvillc l.i u. ui . Rocky Mount ll "i i. in daily except Sninlny. 1 rain on ( liiitoii Hoiiieh leuves Wnruw Tor (Tinl'iii.diiily ee,ipt Miintity, hi ii ( p in. lie- ( u no ii): li'iiii' ( lltiti'iuit k -:i u in (Miiicttintt kl Warsaw uith Nm. liuinl.- .illlilintiuit tntili on W ilnon and Favetteville linuieli is Ni. .d. Niiriiilinuiid Is ;0. Miaily i-k- i pt Sum ay. Irani No'.'T S 'uth ill only Kt. put Wllnon, olilstmroiind Manolm I rani No. iiiMke clune connection at W eldon f..r all points North daily. All rail via Kicliinulid ami daily except sumlay via Uny I.h,,; 1 noitMiittfci's close t'liniii'clioii tor nil noiniM North via iiiehmoiiil ami W:ishiiiKt"ii. All trams run s li-l between WilaoiiRtnn and HshiiiL't' ii and have I'lilliti ui I'hkk-v SleciHTi in rat li. d I H KFSl V J F. idVINF., Snp't Trtuin Oencrul -np't. T. M. F.MF.Hv). to nl P.isscn?er Ay-m. E. A. Guthrell 1 WELDON, N. 0. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKGKTAIII.KS, MorilllS, CUiAHS, 8MOKI.NO ANIICIIKWINO TOHACC0. I am now jin-parcd tn Hell at lowest cash (iiicea (irucirien of all kinds, Wines, I.iiutira, Toliaccu, Cipara, Siiufl, 4o , and will also li,s'i on hand a lull ni,,ly of fresh Vcpiiililra of every variety, which will lie sold t lit ai. f,hfjLLic uUftlL Cases. I will always keep on hand a stock of we'd made Metallic Burial Case and WOODEN COFFINS which I will sell cheap, anil which can bo had at any hour, day or niciht. Orders h) letter or telegraph will re , eive prompt attention and cans aliippvd hy first train. CATltONAOi: SOLICITED. K. A. CUTHBELL, Firel Street, Woldon, N. C. tep 15 3m. TAilji)8ea Womlen Hilt In thmaanila 1 I Cj 1 form., lint are .urraMeti ly lb marvels of Invention. Th(. who .rif la nrat ol iimliUUIe work lli.t ran t dmi. wlillr llvhiv .1 Dtiine .limilil .1 mice wan Ihelraddrtw. to lUllr-tt A li., Funlanil.M.lii.inrl nsspivo Irrf.rnll inliir ni.tiini how rHhenM'B. nf .11 wte., in mrfl lna la to M'. ier (lay .lid upwanh, wherever they Itva. . You ar. raartisi rre Capital not requlrtsl. Hnma hvin.,leovrrMuili.' dt allliU ior AU noma.

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