trim HALL & SLEDGE, 1'Hoi'iilKTuits. VOL XIX. -A. 1TEWSPAPEE IFOIR, THE PEOPL E. WKLDON, N. (J., THURSDAY, Al'OUST i?, 1SSS. TERMS-21 I'M ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 21. NKW ADVKKTS1HMKNTS -.T.,H...M.KU lg67 JANUARY 111 UCt. RUFE. W. DANIEL OltOCKKIKA, UQII0K9, PINK W1VHS, CIUAKH, TOBACCO lc, 1c. iti.RCNeit ,v i:c.i:i.'m I.AGKK liKKH ON ICK. 'it. Yv'. DANIEL, No 10, IVaah. Ave Weldon St. I II1 5K 1-v .MANSION iiorsr. Nolilltl.K, Va., M. S. .Tajiks, riiiprii'triiw. (Ynti'ally loealtil, ix-tuil aremiiiiioilations r.lte.1 I'l'IIKtllialile. 1 jllaljjt'll, I'clllolltll'll, rt-liiim.'-lifil. Hiiint' lor N'oiih Carolinian-. r-iKTUl mil's to show pi iijilt'. John A .Iknkinn, clerk. wiia r is "ALL THE RAGE?" All excellent f hew, Satisfaction Kllarun tce.l. W. .1. M A I ) I ) 1 ; i: V A S(IN. Sole aiti'iita for Sealioaril ami Vicinity. II li, Wil l i MS A i n. Wholesale Tuliai'ciil'isls, Korlolk. Va. BltlDUKIlS &' CO., COMMISSION MKHCIIANTS, CoBNKK (IllKEN AXI limit SlIIKr.lS, l'urt.-uio illi, Va, Solicit coi)-ifrnmi tilM ot'I.unilicr. Wood, Kjljrf, Fowl, ami all kinds of country produce. jtllll1 I Ulnf. GROCERIES I I. L I. L We have just n ltinii'il tu Wcltlon, N ("..ami now oi'i'iipv (Hi- store li,'tcoti EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER'S We are rccciv-iii.; and niit-uiiii: a lull line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will Veen on hail 1 a clcctiil stock of tiiiH'tries, I'ruits, Ciiiili i ii'ini ries. l'ij;arj. Tot.uvo.SiiulT, V,1.-ii and Willow Ware, (Wkery, (!la.s, Tin Ware. ,fv.. Ac. We will mil at the .LOW KST 1' KICKS. We also return our si'icctv thank t our many fri.-n.1s and aeuaint:inees lot (heir kiud, liberal pitro'ia.;,' in the past and . licit a e intinu imv of th" same with guarantee to .loase. Very lui-poctlullv, .1. I.. .11 DKINS & t ()., jun-5-tf. Wel.lon, N. ( H. L. JOYNER, MAIN STItF.F.T, SEABOARD, N. C. llroirr to rail tin flt1ltirni of till- public to Ultfact lliat In lias just oiiemtl, ill llr. Kteilie.siMrfl Store, one f the seleet HttH'ks uf KAM1I.AY (iliiK'KIJIKS, provisions, toiiacii, CKI.UiS, SM1F. ( iiNI KC TUNi:i!ir.S, TINWAliK etc. Kver ottered fur nalc in tliis market, ami most respeetfully solieits the nattolliiKC of hi, friends anil Hie public gem rally. 1 bought these goods to sell, and not lo rust on my aheluw. Call early and examine my stock and w prieen. Very truly your friend, 1I1NTON L. JUVNKIi. llr:h 31 NKW A DVEItTlSK.M KNTH. THE rant PATENT C.AGAMBRILLMfcCo. OUR ZPATEITT ROLLER FLOURS :in' iii;imif:i'liirr, V,.ui i he ( ' 1 1 1 i I ( ' KST V rlylur I . 1 1' t li M 1 1 1 S li! KN't ; I'll n ha lull" Invii ilcUouli',!", ,. Tin' i'AT.i'.-CHri'i:i:i.ATi i-; I'atmnt Siai.,1, tinriviiM. -.1. Of a Ci,.i'iiy Cl, HO"A-k ri.i' hi, l'al:lM-. Family I '.il .ill, li.ililum I'aiuilv, (J. A. riAMISIill.l, mi).' 1J I y. aine's ((ele umpnund i URK3 Nervotn Prpstrttion, Neroiii Heud.iche, jicjiaia, and nil ailectioni of tha jail y THE PLAOJi TO GET w AT T11K LO WEST PliiO.ES, IS AT DR. A. U. ZOLLICOl'FKirS, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON W K K D O STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY WI'llKsrRII'TlDN llKl'.VHTMhSl' Hl.l.KI) ruuscKii'TioNK eoMi'or.Niin) PEKKUMr.uv, station i:i;y, kam y KANC Y RKMKMBKR tint t tiearty weleomualWHVB m "U'$. ! r LEADER OF Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. s-KALKU IN MIY (iOODS, HOOTS, S110KS, NOTIONS, II ATS, CATS, IXIMKSTICS, I'UINTS, STAI'I.K COOPS, CltOl'KISIKS, And Everythini; that ean he called for. HJfl ADQUAETJC1 FOR AND HAUDWAHK The public ia respectfully iuvitel to ootei call, PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHEE--1774. T i l!TA I A III.K Tluir mii- I IN I'l'llll AIM I A ill.K l'I.A (lit r. il iiVm" a lliat Hill mil ( j. in- (Ir t,t for il i:..WI. ( h..u- m, l,.4i,.j.. I , i riv- Ktl:l. Miii.'hm l'.,mily MAM I'M TI KIMi ( iiMI'ANV, -I I I 'nll.llli Tl r St., Mil. WEAK NERVES I'.i'.-i'iii H.riiYC.iM.Mi-M) iiAN.rvc Ti'tile iii-vi r livl.i. I'onliiLiiiiii! i cliry ami C .a, tit-1.- n-.inl :iit ncru timiilituf , it i-l-ril.l ni nil ull I;i'l Vnisi ilt.-i .Iiiefi RHEUMATISM I'um's wii.ur inMi' rs-;i in:imi thn H"o,i. Hilr.v. s ..ut tit. iar., ac .1, wlm-li i-aufi m Hli. miMt'siii. ami huhi''- I lie M.m.,1. ri;in:::i' u-a: - :l iieuiny i-(iii:;l.nti. It II llxv Uii.- l r !.i:i..:iiiatinLi. KIDNEY COMPLMNTS I'Aivr'tri i 1 1( 'Mi,iifNiMuii'kly ri-ntin-H l!v, l.v rr .1! i. l . lini .:ilth. I l.m i-nr. t;v v . :. . n.t.,;., ,1 ,tii it l ru t '' . :..('- :t I'.u- lent rcinctl f , r til Ik. i.ii i v li I'.jiiiW. DYSPEPSIA J' ' i m ' Cm uv i hmmi'mi! troi:iftli. iixllift I i.ti 'i. ami HUH N tin- in rM , f l(. .Im. liv.- j-:i..s. i 1 wliy it li;h . L-.t:i tllll Wtf-e i-itsi.s . f I J -:- li. COWSTIPATIOM ! : ' - li : I :;i (' Mt..i M 'h it k ratt:r. it .! ; 1 a; ' .-,(. vuitf . . uii. t.iitiirul Ai-t -it I'. t!i.-1. ,v. li. i:.riil-rit khm; t,. uMr-.wIMI.y f..-,.f. .-, tiS; ,1T;,1 mi ti).. iiii fi y- "1 ! r I . i It. . I'rice l.m. mII l.v liniwU WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO. Prop's !!L'IUNliTON, VI'. KiCncy. AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. X. N. C. FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WlillTlIK UEcT KKI.WTHI MATKI!IAl..- at ai.i. ikh i.s wn ii ukkat cahe. shai - s. im.imiis, Al;T!('l.i:s, TdllM'CO AND CIC.AIiS. awutu y.m ,1 ZOIJ.ICOI'TKirS. mm STAIN HACK cS: CO. LOW PRICES. OF AI.I. KINDS. W. II, BROWN, Weldon, N. C. THE FUNNY OLD CLOWN. Oi'ur t-.'iitnry plant. I luvtt lliy liistiiuthnl fiu'ft, 'I'll v jn'uUt'tl hut, and tfrott'stjuc iniititcil sin ilea Tliy il.'iir oltl jokes that Mtli u trailer rrauc Make plaliiUve itniaic fur Uiy antic w iI. h; 1 love ihy Mi.ullinj; mhh. roan'd out of tunc. Tliy licanli .1 il. I c.jiMin.lriMiis, tuihl aiul l-Imd, Tilt' inelluw hcaulv 'if Hie uttenionn 'I'liut years unloltl Uinmr'h all Ihy wit hath hlliliei). Fri' inl of my cliihlhin I. th. ill art in it "i who s;i lliy jnk He liiith hii h. iirl w!i i-tiile; Warm ik I In- t-oul 'hat lie An.l the iriiml I, lllll'. YVIuil lit Il Hie till'- p.! Miit ail uiir inn Hi In- -Ale lint Hie nlilr-t ,..n s , i Hie tlMC tell- il tlif I'l'-t, ' T ' . -1 Are 11.. I Hi" I li i' imU ol all iiei"! h ar' Vh;il tlK-ij The Utile .,, lltee, Alt'l 111 Ilifll' chllill ill 1. clear, The (ililtleinl limi'ht'T ..f ti'V pe:tv.-, wilh -we.'t um lllHI'lltiT I a; ,1111 tu nth r.1 1 1. 1 i.i.i- 111 til 1)1 i)i 'tl.y ji :t.-H irh' .l. Willi -t li." Hiliili lii'W new ii then; Te Su rverv rircim ilnv I nn-U ttiy t.-it, Anil -lnmt to ti. ar Ihv -Here we ;in- n - It ! 1 .1. li-ii.ittt, iii ,a:j- LKUIWIMM AT 1I0MK. Tho Animals in Thoir Wild Stato in British India. Oho or Tliem Vltill u Iln I ti-Himmii Amlir iiear4 on a Veramhi -r.oi itnlly i'n-itltircit 'Mn'if l'uiiiliH'MM for 1)oj;h. Many people spend a prcjil :ut of tlieir lives in ludisi withniil seeing any tiling of the wild bfjisN and Miakes with whieli it ahoiind-. My experience was very diiVeivnt. 1 pa-ed only a few years in the country; hut f hap pened to eoine fre.iieiitly in contact with iu savages deniens, and umoii ollmr advehhire-i 1 had sceral opinir- tuiiities of viewing Ji-opards in their : wild Mate, liefore the heautifui Hitn- , nhiyaii saiiitarinni of Dalhoiisje had increased tu ils prevent piopniiiotis it eotii-ted eliielly of a girdle of hahita- ! tions eln-lerin uroiind the liukrota, ir lower hill, and u few seiittered Iioiim's dotted ahont on the higher , mountain, Terah. One of these latter ! we took for the season hy advertise- ; inent without h;iviiie- seen il; ami I was somewhat dUniayed, on arrixai, to timt liuw lonely and exposed the situa tion was. However, the magnificent ; view of the snowy rane from the ve- J rauda coiisuled mi', and I quickly set I to work to make the hare rooms as hahitaMi! as possible. "I fear few of our friends will take the trouble to j mount up to this eyrie to visit us," j 1 lamented. Hut the very next even- ! iiiLr i! were to have n iitur we little ! desired. In an Indian bungalow even bed- loom has a small ante-room attached in which the important function of bath- 1 inn 's H'i'fnrnietl. T he lli.or i of ee meitt and uu-earpeled, to allow of splahiii":. and round the tubare placed the fftnn-'ii, or eaitheii pois nf water w hieh are re.juired for tin bath. T he : little room has always two doors one opening on the outer air. b admit the ' bliee-ti, with his supply of water; the ; other opi'niii into the bed-room. On the evening in ijiiestion, ju-t as tlu-k was falliuLr, I had lini-hed Ihe unpack- ' inj; of a box in my In d-ioom. aiul was ; nio inp awjiv, when I faio ied I heard a slijrht fouud in the bath-mom. It was i an uiiu-ual hour for the bheeli's vi-it, 1 mi i i ,i i i . . j 'cued Ihi' door, and. tmnv honor ;' , -. , , ., .... , :IW jtl iii iiimii ii nie inr oeailllllll sleek back of a tare.- leopard, which eioiieiiiiiL' on the lloor, and drink ing out of one of the ih'trim. T he mom was so .-mall that I found hivm-Ii ijiiite t Iom' to the leopanl, ittut eoiiht indeed have ton. lied tin spots on its e; coat from where I stood. I was too fi ihteinal tonioveand stood pir feeilv till ; and, fortunately f 'I me, the outer door by which the creature had entered tood slill wide open, and w ilh ii ointe bound it cleared Ihe threshold and ili-.ippeared up the hilNide. Had the door blown io, or been closed from the oiiNid by a sen ant, the animal would have no resouice but to seek an exit by the doorway in which I was .standi no,, and the know lede of mv narrow eeape made us very eaivful about hutine; up early in the afternoon. A few nights later we were aw akened by heariui; the watchman call out loud ly thai there was a leopard in (lie ve randa; and we ran to the window in time to see the waving 'f the branche were the heat had -prunoiil anions the trees The bearer, who was hii: rolled up in his blankets in the -ame veranda, slept soundly nu meanwhile unconscious ((f his proximity to the stealihwtooted erealtire. Tiuse Jeop ards are eowardiy ere;itures, and will never attai-k a Imiuau bein' if they can moid it; their peeial fancy ii for little dop-; and they w ill s i haunt the neigh borhood of any hoo-e were doi's ait kept, lliat the j;ieate-l care i lieee. sary to prevent lh. Ijitle iu.',.li ipc.U falling 1 Mill's to the bl title-. One i-veliili-j We eie nditl' ipliellv hoioe in Ihe shoi t loainiej;, when a Nip' 11 IMUl.ll jumped from the jungle aboe inln the toad eloe la i,,n of ii - mii suiltlv nlon- ihe road for a Ihm I di-ta.iee ami then dKippc.ued. M companion adied thai we Inn Tj a Utile, te our horses winnl mi t.t-, o we (roiled on; and when we eaine In llie spot where we had lol sibt of Ihe letipard, there it w as, u on the outer etle of ihe narrow mount ain inad, its eyes blazing like jjrei n 1 imps in Ihe du-k, and H- body half hidden in Ihe e,ra- and shrubs I was mounted on u -null pon, and e.uibt not help lliinkin that Ihe wild hcat mij-lit spring iihhi us as we had lo pa-s mi ebse to it. ; but it lay ipiile Mill. When we pased, 1 looked aiixioulv round, and saw It ri-e and walk calmly iulo Ihe undeiwood. My companion assured me the daiiper was not from my inishiiiht of the leopard, but lest tur horses should tako fright and holt with us ahm the narrow path ill tho tiueertain lihl. On another invasion wt were not so fortunate. I had been to a picnic lunch eon with some friends in a pi fide near the lovely valley of Kujiar. We walked back, having our dandis carrricd be himi us; and v. lien du-k bee-'Ui to fall we put the dojs which had aeeompaiiietl us into the dandis, knotting it was no luum safe fuv them to vuubyouvsidc. At iciitli oiif i.t I ho hulics l)t'c:mip tiivil, :ithl ciillrd f..r lifi-.hiiiili, It was lil'.illlll, ;hmI si'l i!u',vu fnf In r I.) filter. Ai it t.Hli lh.'.l tlM) nlUlllllI, tllf lil'llMlo jmiiiit'tl il.iw ii to uelctmi' Iiis ini-lr.-; tint in ;i lii.iiiiiiit his iirellv iramhols j wen-cut hort. l.iki- a ll:ir-li ti jn-at 1 livatmr jn ;in iulo tlic ma. I, aiul n:ip- piii ni r hull- I'l ini, vanilieil with j tin' rapiility of tlmuIit down IIkj i Mecp l.ill.-iilc. W,! f. H, lluuiih l-. i nii ii, and '. .oil for miiiic nioinciit-! j in lioniiied -ii.-iii M down 1 into tlie hnu- Jien- tin' ;!idiii,' foini li:,d distpjx an il; Lut noildno; tt'iiH to lie ii or ..-ard. V.i- . 1 i-!i'.- i tread of l I. fl I track: ami -o noi-ele-l thai we conid not i,-U , slipped at one to the 1 ravine, .r w helliei- it had it pa uhrlh.T it lniMoiu of Ind lln- only a few f bru-hw oid. j tn be the ca- el hi'1-..W US, ih.- I.itler from ihi1 si filled I that fell upon the olhe ; instead of v. liimpering do-S Whi. ll, as hrfoiv and iliipri.-oiiiiirnt, rebelling against their now eowi-rcil, unit. and ternli'.l, in the cu.-hioiis of the several dandis. 1'oorPiitn inu-t have been killed by the lir-t eluteh of Hie eniel claws, for he lieler littered a iiii:b' . IV. We linn ied home, e-i ie ing m it eh over his dreadful fate, and the gentlemen of the party immeilialely returned to tin spoi w ith their rill- - and beater-; but liollliliu' was I hell to be eeu of (he leopard. Shooting pailirs were fi-eipiently or ganized ab. tut ih -; lime; bui they were Hot often sueci f n i jungle that eoei' the iinp(ibiliiy ijiiarry e en when chalice :t for a m spend a itilit in a ..Wlllgtn d the s! of Mb, the dense ope-, and wing lb-' d. The be-t litary -port-man b) tree; but the leop hl in their anls, thon-i, Sll , l jirey under safe eirciini-tai.e s were ; extremely cautious when danger was :il hand, and would generally leave the ' bait untouched near whieh llieir uu : seen enemy lurked. Traps too, were j placed on a low spur toward HuUoh, i which tin y weie known to fre.pietil; ! liut wry few were caught there that ' year. ; I will eouelnde with an exciting ride ; experienced by a young poliee olliper, 1 who, being suddenly summoned to in ; vestigale a ca-e at a village mhiio niile.s 1 from the station, Marled oil' on bis . stout hill-jinny, accompanied by h's . favorite large ivtieer. Alter ".oin j; a slun i distance, he noticed that tliedo, instead of running about as ihu d, w.ii keeping elo-e to the's heels; and from a continuous ru-tle in the vegi tion along the side of the mad, He soon perceived that a leopard was pare witli tin in. Hiving no weapon but a liuntiug erop, he could lal.e no oll'eiisive niea-iires; but railing to the dog, he induced it t i keep elo-e b.'low i the girths nti the -ide farthci'e-t from j ils foe. The d.iLl' -"clued ,;!i to uiidei'sl.iiid the po-iiioit, and never j abau.bmed the .-hdler tlius f..rmed; i and tliu- the ir,age it a-li t in j safety, though Ih ' leopard, whi, h was ! evident! hungry, only ndiiepii-hed the ; pur-uit when the mud wall- sun-oiuid- ' iiig the little tow ll were adiialU en- ! tered. leu-se and .be: w.-re inn h I fatigued by the b-ng r.iee ;,b,ng tne j steep hill-road, the rider Inning b.'en j afraid to siackeu pace tor a moim-nt lest the leopard should tliu- hae time to maki- a pnn-f. llr a pat lb- was a patient and pcr-i' erin- leopard, and dniilil i ouii'n urn inai in ru. iiioiiLlM not, i i , , , ' r . .. . ' LMad to av, on our ft lend s retrieve mi , , L'ltttiitl' r.s' Jfthi'itnL An Uojolish.ible Diam and. A li it;u'L..b!e uiautoiid i;im hibiied J tit ti recent nieeting of the New York i Academy of sciences by (ieorie V. I Knnt: It was a e impound or multiple j erysird, containing a large number of 1 twinning-. It is of the c!a- termed j "cMl'c dlirile" b- the Kreneh. It t had been cut into the general shape of a brilliant and ils nitiu face or table as then placed on the poll -lung wheel. It la- kept there for 0 ) d t's the uheel revolving at Ihe rati- of -J.s vi r 'olulioii-i 1 1 r minute. The diamond v.'a.s held upon the rotaling -urf iee at a di-taiiee of aboiil l." ineln-- from the center. H i-etl on the-it liun -. a cal culation -bowed that the mrfaec p d oer i the diamond anioiinled to 7.i,i "ut mile-, or nearly three tini"-. the eilcinnfeiau.-e of the earth. Yet it was all futile, as tin- Mmm would noi ae ijiiiie a p "li -h. Tin' ordoi n v weight p aeed on :t d i :'. il n 1 W lob- 0:1 liie wiii'il, isfroni lo '2 j poiimU. Th'S wa- incr. a- d by I ami .o;i;ds w ith. out clbet, and tin. tliy 1" poind- w.-re U-i d. 'I'll.' ubeei W is 1 t 1 1 d am. I .1, I in- diai tion-1 plow in i'-t-i ii and I hrow-in-r si in I ilia I ions in ail direction-. The diamond, -en nu-ler thr-e cudilii-n-, con hi not he :;i en a cniunicrcial poli-h. Tin- wheel hid to iie replaced. - - v . n- fiii.- A, ,V A Skckion Factory. l lie Muml tli hi ,SV..')i v dc-eiihr! n ft..r Midi I. i- f,i;d lo be ih.tirishing at Si. Ib n'- Kraiice. Within its wall hiuu in sh. b ton- are "imide" in the ftdlowing inaiiiicr The lai e- i ooin of the building is lilted with eiioiniotis keltlfs ill hieh Ihe hollc of (lie eoip-es aie boiled till all the llc-h i M'pai ite.l ftoo 'I..-.,. 'f'hr -K.;!!. .ii, prepared m paratelv and in the nio1 eateful m inner. One way of prepar ing Ihe skulU of i hihlreu and ouug ieopb' i- to lill the Indlow where the brains were dhrilcd uiih peas and then let the latter .-well in water, which causes eien the most delicately joined bones to separate w i I bout being in jured. After all the bones have been carefully washed, they are bleat bed either hy chloral or by exposure to the sun, ami are then joined in an other depai tmeiit of the factory mid made llcihb' by means of brass wires. Most of llie coi p-es whose bones are aie said to be brought from ho.-pit;ds, piUnns and disseeti tig rooms and tin- latest liusso-Turkish war is said to have brought much "ma terial " to the faelorv. -"Are oii the head wailei-.11" asked a hotel pairoii of a pompous iudiidu:il who was posing near the dining-room dour. "Well, sir, 1 -serve, in that rapa city; hut tuy otlieial title, if you please, h dining,-room supoi-intcudeut,'1 ItiiHJi ti's i nira S;iUc, Ti;e 11 st Salve in the world Ibi Cuts, lli ui es. S.p-sI 'leers. Salt llheuui.t;ev r Soe.sTelter.tT,app..l band.-. ChilbhlillH ( 'oi i.-.::i,d all L i j erupt ions, and po.-dtive-ly ( uies I'ile.s or nu j ay rcpiind. It is gllaiante. d to -jive p. 1 1'- et -at i-laet Ion , or money relumh d. 1'iiee ',") eenl- p.-r box. liy dnrj'ji-ts nt Weldon. Hrown ('arrawit. HaUlax, I r. J AMiijwigan, KnlicM. NKW A D Kit riSK.M KYI'S. Is Life Worth Living ? Tliat il.'peii'l- uj"Hi tlio LiV'T, lot- ii' lln- l.iv.'l' is inai'tiv,: (ho uh'i,) hvh t,'in i.-i out nf Krili-i' tho l-nsith is lii.l, t1.:as.tivii "i'v, 1 1. -1 iluM ,,-iii'liiii;;, i-uiTy and li.fiiliH-s3 fj ,nn, tlm fplrils are 1'! il, li",:vv w.-ifjlit i'.i-.!-i iilyf ralill;.', with p ncnil ,k's'r.ii,l.'ii,'V iiii.l th,i l,lu''. Tin) I.ivnr is the lii)ii.'kee'i' of the ln'altli ; mill a hartalc-M, sini,li! 1'i.v.ncily that acts like Nature, loe Hut constipate al'tfi' or reitiiru oiistant takiinr, iloes nut iii'e'rfere with LllsilieSK Of ,!r,lStll',! lllil- iuj its u.-e, makes Siw inotis Liver Kei.-i'.l' a liledieal .'.l'leeti.iii. I have Itntett it viriiu s 'l...l.iilly. uni kiln W Hull I,. I' 1 ,Vsj,.-.M;, I;,'!,. ,1.11' anil 'l'lir..l.l.llii.' Ih''i,,' In,' l -I 1 H- rinc 11..- v.,il.t ev,T Mtw. Iliivi- Inr.l I.n tv Otllrl' ri'llH'.lil'N l.,T.,lt' Sillltllnlis I.IVIT H.'unlali.r, ami' of tln in diivi' ninro than li'liipnriirv n'llfl, I,, it tlif K.''il' not unly rt-lu'v.'il l.ut . nr.'.!. II. II. Ju.vtH, Ma. i, llee-f ly. LIQUORS. SMITH. .VA' .V A ll HI! .V, .vav: ins rii;.ii:s, Win8,Besr,Soia, K i:i!V 1MMNK IN sKASdN. b-H I'- Smiili at KumV I'M Mud Wii-liin-i, i, ,,, i,u. . li n. N. ('. ,l.c HI lv. I Hi: OM.Y (DM. Cl.l.V ATOIS so r Til! TI , M' nr.' (. vi j uv i . ) . r,'i n ill the llliil.lill!'. N.i illi-t ul ililt call i.,-,-ilil.v yi't illln lilt' (iala-. it r'lli-,'l llu'M' f-iTi'i'ii.i ill I'l'-in lii iii tin' I'lli'Vatnr iniu tin-i'arl. CrnMiiiins iii (li.-ii' Ciial ill v iiml rnl'iilU ili-aii. 1 liavi' lluw. aiul liall ;ilw i.yi lvi'i't (in li un I. a laiu'i' Min k an, I all kiinU i t ('. alli. -t Miiiril fur l'',,nn,lrv, I'aiinrv. :ei,l Kiiinilv ni'. All (Val l,it,'il all'l uI'li.M ,iialit'. Tin' llaiir,,a,l rar ran al,,iii:.i,K' tin.1 KlivnliT. iiml tin' Coal is liaiilnl into ill, in tin rr. lliui l.'.vi'iiiii the i',t to tin' ttinli' Smilli ami Wist. l'ruiiiit tliii'tiu'iil.s. OnliTs hulicitcd. S.H.HAWES, iUTTCK : lHih und Vary Stroels. judc 21 3uio COAL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'j' W M.V-uX, . ah i -m i:.;, x. i . I'Mi tl.T. in it,,' c.,.,rt. ,.1 N,.nl,:iiii l.,i. mi. I i,!.,, .'"iii.tii ut.. in 111.' i'V.I.-n.l mill S,l ( . l oUI'.N, MTllllY-M-l.V JAi 'K.-'iX, S iv I'NK'ti. , il, i'.f ll..-rl"r, t.!lf U'i.1 K.'ll.TMl I. !''!:. . li ii f rniilli , iMioKXK.k mm, MI'lllMAS fl ..III', .VI l;KKKI'Jil:u. X r, I. !),., .lay. Il, lli-'li ,!) M.,ii,l,,j. lYnr li.'r ill Hi- M il,- I 1-',.,!,.! ,.,ii ,. 1', ,,,. ..I!.'. 111 . I.; .Ilil 1,11 rlllMI,s,.r. In in. ..,l,? H !,1" I SF1ER WrflTSKER, r. W WHITAKER. i-l' ll. . ' - II U.II A. N. r, y ill i ,i K k i: it w ii it a k i:i:, A TTOUMCYS A T l.A II' IIAI.II'AX, e. 1'r .i la ii, it mi.. ri. ,r mill Sui-ri'iri: i',.r,r!s ,,l Hi" Mi,' i! i,, u i.,-,i, ii i,iti... nil j;, tf w. A- .1 TT0I! SKY .1 T l.A If. K o UMi Ml K , S. ( . 1'ntelii-e.H w lureverliis Nerviiuh un- rciulivd W ill lie ill H!lhl .ill llH-lllSl llll.lM-Clill't .MoIlilll.U in e. h aeailh, .Inn 1 l.-s?, '! Ml I M.S, W 11, l llll K. ANIKL t i, 1, K -X ik D A N I h 1 -I TTcJiWL' IS A TLA II', WELDON, N. C. I'm- P. e in i la-c .in It- IliiliiaMiinlNi.rtlimiijt Loiiiiiid in tin -un;. aie ami l"e.l"iul eourtn. I' i lini' a, ii'U in nil pari ut N-.iiii ( iir.!iim. Mr.ue h ..lli-c Mi, .. C,.. pen t-t ery M.-n-'"' jti i ', i I . II. IIIMil l K. II. SMITH Jr. RAlH,H, S. C. IW'OTL4NI NICK, N. C. i; I' SB K K Ji SMITH. Mr F II I'.ii-he.-nn.l Mr. II. Stnitti,.Ir Cam eli-r ul I.;us. Inive ti.n. . .1 i noil, il parliiiThliip i..r llu- pimiii-i' ..1 law in ilnliliix County. Mr. in-l,. . .i: i,o, in i ta. eeartj..,! IIhIiImx n-ulury, un 1 w ill al-ii w:t "ihe etnnily w helii-vuriowrvic tir. ri.iiioe.1 out 16 ly HUM A !i N 11 1 LL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX. N. f. 1'rneHe. in Halifax ami mljiitiiiiijiruiiiillcs and Feilenil mi.l suprt-mt L-'iiiri. aiiK- 28 If. W. ' l H u H N K, ATTOHXEY AT LAW, I'meli. c- m t!i,-,'..urts uniuliftiT nml inljolntit i-.nmt-' - iin.t in He- iitpreine curt. ('.,neei(.iis i,,..,,,. ;my!iere In tin- State, ami It1 inriiv pr.ii.ipily mii.le. w W 11 A 1. 1 , Alturney at Law', WKl.M.N, X. C. S,i..'i,il iiit, titi,,ii Kivt'ii In ('"ll-'i tiiniN nml remit I'm, ,' ,r,,iii.l)y inHili-. niay 1 if, J,' li H A It Ii T c 1. A K K, -I rron.xi. Y a t la ir. HALIFAX, X. C. I'm, tins ivIhtdvit tii. scryli i... grtTfipiiri'il. ( ..ll.'i'lliiii ..f i lHiin. Khi'n i-r-.iii tit Hit.-iiti.iu. limy il ly p)U. J. E. 8 11 1 K L U8, Surgeon li-ntlt. wJ:,,!'.;-.'.:.-V.?lk (kit' llnviiii: pennam iith Itieiit -I in Welilor., rnu t fe itt .-.I li;- Vi in 1 s I. nek liiul.lnin mll lll'.i - e- ept llelllll;-lit nil prn!eslnllHl tillMUIIk t 'jtr. fnl rnu t.o,,,, j-iven te. h1 t rM iu-Ii n t i tdt pro- i i. i u:i ; iMien hi uh-IT inaiifk u Hen -ireu jnly 12 ly , , IL K. L. 11 r N T E U Mirgpon lmtlt. Can Im- foiiinl at hia otnee In Kndnld. Far.- Nit roil!. '.Ui.V lian fofthv 1'ailiU'wKltrac ... ,.-... jwiiyi. tm li nn.l. JAl'KS'.i.V, N ('. n I' III mux, I'liipiii'itir. 'IViiii itiiiili'iiiti'. Spt'i'ial miitiiitt.uilitii llilll lltlllllllll't. I. I' nut v. W. .1. Htwlicr V ANCY .V ItOSlll.K, WliiiliMile l, llVit. Ill DSY GOODS AND NOTIONS Uii l in ii d Va. M. I.. T hiti I! U TIiihiuis, II ( liitvin, jr. M 1. T. OA VIS ,S; ( II. H' Mm IA1 1 Rtit'laiLl 11. ,11 AI.I i VJI KU( l'.UlS, I run I 'miil, CorntT Watiu nntl Cvm- nit'tvi' Stvci'tH, Norfolk, Vh. Aitt'iitn fin Oniiiite liitle TohiIit Cu- STIII'ATTIIK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, I'ikUt New Management. Murfreecboro, N. C- J . I. I arrel 1 , Proprietor. Tiaiwirut Hoanl Ji'i ier day. Well furnished ruouu, and first eliisa iicouinmodHtious. fiH?".Sjccial inducement tu regular boarders. Sample rooais fyr wlesmea, and coaveyttQcee rutQU&cd wUeu desired' m;v i KllTISKM K.NTw 1IKLP YOVll KYKS JJY f.-ISI VOIM, H Clil.KIIKATKIl IMI'laiVlM) I'KHISCOI'IC (il.ASSKH, I.KA U AN H - rr TO TIIK KYK. STIIKNO'I II l'.MM. Til HI'.AK MVhS, KarKiili'lina.l.t, Sli',1, an. I i'llul.,lil Kruintn. HELP TO SAVE Hy bnj itiK Hie xrentost tmrydlii cvcreflt-rH in tiniJiIir.NTINOWATCH, Vary 1 1 i)j in i'rru'e from Folt'l V TOUNK lirN)REt IM'I.LAKS Worlti nearly (loiittlu the price. SETS OF JEWELRY I Inn. I... .nu, in i..sliMi anil !!in in .iiallly. A tlinll- mi, in iiineiL'lll siyit ! IllViiS I'INV. KAURIXliS, rfFK BI'TTONS. I I I'S l l.l.l.AHS, III TTIINS, UHACKI.KTH, SIlA I'lll .-IMiixs, FORKS, AC .1 I.IK'KS, 1'I.A'I KII I'ASTnllS. Irt PITCH-hli.-, ii'. At Hi,) lim-iMt 'iHsl!rtn prii't-H. Oj-.teni promptly HUl'lllH'U U). J. W. Y0UNC. (snvKs.snR Tu J. t. vin.'NU St mm.) IVUrnsliurir Vm 18 1 v. JJSIVI'JMTVUF NiHtlH CAROLINA, i IIAI'KL HILL, . C, 1 "he ia 't -.-sM-tn Ihv i us August :',oiIi. Tuillen ilii.e.ll. Si' it liall year I'.ntl' ftinlelit.s lntiv Ve U.ili- Faculty "I' lifti'i'Il IfHeliiTS. 'I'lin-b lull i-uiirn". ul -Hep.' leii.lini: t.i "leifi'.-i'it. Tlirfi! t iin'Oit' tiJiii.ii;',' ' lajdiiiess men u t-. i''iv-i' itiif, nhai umi isLh. Ijhv ki-hi.i.i fully eipiippt-ij. u rile !r eHUloftlie U mj.v Kr-Mi' t. IiArn.K, I'lvkldent. June as :tw ILMINoTtlN ASLWM.lMlN RAII.ltOAU AMI UK A M III IS. ( tciileiisfil ilu-tlule. I i.isa t.tiiM, mm"1 it. I Su SI. . S,, t' Init.ilJua Mil Ijiiily lthi mfl;i ilaily 1 iMily I'm .Mi I'M Leave Welti. m Ar Lui-ky Mnuit . . . . ft'u la ? 1... " 11. " I 7 I "L"" I I , lo.tiAM; .... j , :t-".H I' M I 7imi .... I T l- ut" i is;? ;.i t at Turlnr.. Leave 'I iirl',.....-.. Anh'e W i,ijii. l.-ae WiImhi ni ve Selmn Arrive Kaycttevi tie. I.eue,n..un, Leave Wu--iuv I.e'iM' Magnolia ... H'' " I J " 1 1; u". 1 S 10 I f -III vm fn.-.i n ' inive vt umiiiKioii ,4o "jy.i.'i '1KAINS i.uINt, NuKlH. I No 11, I No 7a tally, ilttily No Htl daily Sinnlay, - :s 4 " p m 16 i " ft r;o " I fi It I.CHYV WibllitiL'ti-11 i IJOoiM 1 !UAM i I 4 lllX. " I ,( .-o e .Viijrin iliu l.-'io ' W urNiw L-ie.e Faj.UeviUc 1 1 oe s.-liiia .. Arrive W il..m I.eii-.e WiImUi .tiie Hoeky Mi un Anne , t..i..e s ;hr' I I - i n-" I - ' ' 12 !' pit i li-ls I I In " hil . I "J " 10-SIHM j ! i in pin ! f rt i- Wel.l. li . 1 l Pitilv eeeil siniitav. I tion li s. .annul .N.-ek Hmneli leavei ll,i htm tm -c lUntl Neelt lit .1 H-1 pin Kelimi illR !--toe.K s. . 1 j i -1 1 Seen at It ;j a. Illiluily tM-l-pt -uioiay. I ri.,11 li in.'' io' r.. X. r , via Alln'marle and llaiiiuli li N i'tiily except Hini.lay i no p.m. iihiliiy 'i "ii p m , irnve illmiiist.m N C. h 10 p. in , lo ii m Kehirnins leuvea WtllamfUiii. N. I'., ilany eve. pt .-uiittay 7 10 a m. Suinlay ii.fl n. in arrive liouon. N C, m.". a. m 11 a. in Tram on Mi'ilmxl N. C. liraiit h leaves Ouhlt, Imip.N i' . liaily eu'ept Siuidiiv H :ia a, in , arnvu Hluielil. N l'. liiooa, m. Iti'lurninir liuvm iiiulii,, ., N. ('., 10 I.' a. iii., arrive (iuldi-bor , X ., l-J iOp. HI. Tiuin on Nu'liville Braucli haws Kocy Muunl Kt I Wl p m , arrived ai Xanlirille 4 40 p. in , prhiK Hojh' S 1 p. m h.-tiinilliK Laves -I riu. Hi..e li'4'i 4. m.. Nmdiville il i.'j b in. It.ieky Mu mil ll .15 a m. daily fxevpt Sutitluv. 1 rain on rint..i Itraneli lewVes Warsaw for Clinton, daily eyapt Sunday, al ti 00 p ni. He- III Mllll len I' I II tll41) Ht r 4i 4 ID I'tHIIIWting at WarsHw wltli ,t. li ami titi S.ilhlMuni train en WilHim anil KnvettevOle Hiiite h is No. .11. Xorthkiuud U cO. Dmlv ex- pi Mimlav. Train N..' J7 S -nth will only atop ut Wilton, ilisliir.aii) Matlolia. Tn.ui No 7s makes 1inc riiiinwllnti ( Wcldmi C-rall nils Noilii tlailv. All rail via Kiehmtnid and .iaiij eeepi Miinltiy via Hay Line. iraitisiuHheelme t-oilliei-t un fnr all m.lnta North via Kietimoii.I ami WiOihiiiKt-'ii. I1 trniiiM run n ltd twoM-eu Wilmington and VVanhmvioii Hitd liave I'ulliuau I'aiaee bluepcra lllIHl tH ll J li. KI'.NLY. J K, DIVINE. supa Tramt i.ent'ml Min t, f M LMKKmiN. iien'I IW'nKi-r Aicenl. E. A. Cuthrsll WELDON, N C. FAMILY GROCERIES, vr.('.i;TAiii.r.s. l.iyrons, CKIAUS, SMOKING AMICHKWINO TOHACCO. I am tii,w iri'parvd lo n-ll at lowest cskIi prirm (iroci rim of ail kiinlx, Wioi, l.iiiuorK, Tulinn-o, (Vara, Snuff, Ac, aud will altui kiH p mi luinil a full aupply of I'rn-li Vi'i t allies ol'i'vi-ry variety, which will lie miltl clicap. itEjJLLlC SuruL Cjses. 1 will always Im'p on hand a rtook of wo'l ninth- Mi'lullic Burial Caw and WOODEN COFFINS which I will soil cheap, and which can be had at any hour, day or ni"ht. Ortlois hy letter or telegraph will re reive prompt attention and eaiica ahipped hy fi i -t train. PATKOXAUK SOLICITED, E. A. CirrHRKLIv First St l oot, Weldon, N. C. aep 16 3m. l.MltV" Woiidni MOn Ihotvantti I M lf il of ftirnii, Itutart mrprd liy th oiHrrt'lj, of invfntioit. Tliuw fcliotre lb nttdot nnil'iulilr wnrk ttit.1 win be tltme whiW llvlnir at htiiiii' ilttHila 1 outt' acini their uttnrtw It. II .llt-lt k Co., Portlni.,Mleiiit1 rtMi-lvfm',fiill loltir Bialiott how elllit-rw-K. of ill un rn Mm frtim s tola, pt-r dNV uitl imwnr.1. whrrpTr ttiftjr live. You Mi' Marled frea Capllal not required. Hon. a b.rti mid, oxt! Hit IS a IIDlU ul l Ihll wnfl 4U (UOowd.

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