; i ft V ) r f 5 t it . .1 ' I t I i I u t il ft i i THE ROANOKE NEWS PUBLISHED KVK11Y TIIl'ItSDAY. W. W. HALL. J. W. SLEDGE PBOPKIETOB8. . THURSDAY : : ; AUGl'ST 2, 188H. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR PHESUIKNT : GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT : ALLEN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Ouvernnr : DAMKL (.!. I-'UWI.K, of Wake ('oiinty. For Lieutenant tiivern..r TlltiMAS .M. HOLT, of Alamance County For Secretary of Stale WILLIAM I.. SAIWDKItS. of Wake County. For Stato Treasurer . DONALD W. MAIN, of Wake County. For Statu Aiulitnr : GKOHGK W. SASDF.KI.1N. of Wayne County. ForSuperintendentol'I'uhlie nstrueii. n : SIDXKY M. FlXtiKU. of Catawba County For Attorney-Gc ieral ; THKODOKE F. DAVIDSON', of Iluneouibe County. For Judaea Supreme Court ; JOSKI'II J. DAVIS, of Franklin County. JAMKS K. SHKl'HKHD. of Heaufort County. ALl'HONSO C. AVKHV, of Burke County. For l'renideiitial Kleel.irs al l.arLte . ALFPiK.D M. WADDF.LL. of New Hanover County. FUKDKUICK N. STKI DWH'K. of ranoe Cennty CONGRESSIONALCONVENTION. Pursuant to a resolution of the recent Democratic convention uf the Second Conorcmiional District held it Wel.l.ui. X. 0., the ileleoiitcu t.i said eoiivenlioti ate hereby notified and re nie.ted 1 1 Uie t at Wilson, X. ('.. on Friday, Auii-t Dull, 18 iH, at 2'ehi( k 1. M. to noiuiiiale u e.in didate for Ci.noresii tot said di-triet. .Ixn. I',. Wimli vitn. W. W. Hai.I,. Cliiiinnan. Secretary. The coalition of the Democrats and the Greeuhaekers iu Michigan bids fair to ovetcoine Illalii.- H plurality of -uue thint; overll.lMIlt in ISS-t. Tilts free whiskey pl.ink ol'the liepub i lieanplntforiu is Ji.-.'iistitio to the 1'iohi j billotnsts in Iowa, and lh.it state may lie , r.ckonetl an doubtful in the next Presi denliiil ehctioli. CosintESHMAN W. L. Scott, the mil lion tire representa i e from the twetity eij;ht Pennsylvania district, it is rumored, will decline a re inirjiiuatioii as he wishes to be free to enter I'resideut Cleveland 's next Cabinet. TlIK whito Keiublieans of the Sixth Alabama district have bolted because the convention nominated a colored ttian f r CourefW. They cannot help showing that all the colored man is wauled for is bis vote. After that he can root hoy; or die. Chairman llviistM ol'the National Kxetmlive committee nays he has looked well over the (Sold and is perfectly tutis lied the Democrats will carry New York New Jersey, Connecticut and Indiana, and thinks they will make larue trains iu the North wot. Mr. II irnuni h a poli tician ofcxpetieiieo and sa tacity. A meeting of the Central Labor I n ioo at Indianapolis, the home of the Re publican Presidential candidal.! on the 2Srd uf July, pained resolutions in oppn Mtion to the election of Harrison. The laborinoiuen of Indiana have not forgot ten Harrison's Chincne record nor the po nit ion he took in regard to the railroad striken neveral years in. TlIK laboringmon of the country are leurniiiit oDietliinn of Levi. I1. .Morton, tb Republieau candidate for Vice I'ri dent. He il a milli maire but notwith itanding he employs Chineao and other foreign workmen when he can get them cheaper. He believes in protecting the rich manufacturers, but he favors getting labor wherever it is cheapest. Senator Gouman says that the se- lection f Calrin 8. Briee for chairman of the National Democratic committee is T.ry fortunate for the Djuio ratie party, 4 Mr. Briee haa brains and ubiliiy to do good erioe in the campaign. Some of the Democrats in Congress were ot llie opinion that Mr. Briee lacked the expe rionoe nectwairy for carrying on the cam paigo, but rince bis cndorscincnt by so experirneed I politician ss his tb'.t nd efficient pr.Klecesor, Senator Gorman, all Deaiooratl t .itis6ed. K have received from lti-jTi nia tivu V, M. i-iniuunis. fur which we are uniler obligations, a copy ol'the tliirteeiilli Volume ofthc tenlli census, relative I" tin' precious metals of i i i . l'nite.l States. ll.V. (liiVKItSnlt A. ti. I'olll'Klt. wh..m llle Keiulllieans expected tu nominate fur tinvermir ut Indiana and upon whom they greatly relieil In carry (hat Slate fur Harrison ami M..rt nr. He a letter la-i week in which he sal 1 lie i- lint a catnli- i dale I'm llie iioiniiiaiion and could u.a a. - i . . . ee,l if It were tendered him. II.. ails. Iiuw. v.ir, that he do all he can toward Kopiibliean .ucec.s... though Ins friends -ay he will to Kurupcand remain .hi iug the eimpaiglt. The lb-publicans have been struck all el a hea. by this let ler an. I things are hcgiiinitm In le.-k s.pially I'.ir the g. n. p in linhaiia. The liiuith annual iei...rt of the civil serv ice ei.millis.il. n has h.-ell plaeeil ill the hands el'llle I'l'esi.lelil. Duliu- the y.arthere wire l.'i,s."ijieis.ins exaniin.d; the names of III. 7 III were plaeeil oil the li-l ot eluil.les. and 1.1 r. c. u e l ap. pointtneiit.. 'I'lie i. j. al ar-i. s a-iin.l ihe .ti ;e.i.iu that appoint iicul . .li .'iid he apporl tuned anion.' cellar, s-ion .1 de tlicK and reeoinineii I. the est. n ion of the elassilied si n U e to ' till. I ;ftv elllploVe. of (lie K.nlway Mail senice, I le-euiplovi . ol the l.al.er atrl Lilian Hunan, .nil the oiaded clerk - in tl v. ral depart uieiiis of the I luarii rui ist. i i i. t.etal'.. ( Mice. TllE Kepllhlleall Senator, are ill a, ipiandary aliutit the laiill'. Sum., want lo report a hill, and lin n u lioiiiii. ..me ! want ton pori. ili-ai-s. ami pass a 1 1 I. : while ethers want to .-imply vote on the i l .11 . I, :n .. . . . . l .1. . 1 1 .. . I ,: i ...1,,.. o, .1. ii .,,--e,i uie iion-e. , a ( Ver-e as these e liiioii- arc. Ihey do i j represenl all ihe factious of the -o ,, j, ' I A majority el" ihe icj-ul.hean Senator. are in favor of pas-im; a substitute !'. r theMillsbill- -inf.nl. a caucus ha. ... decidid hut wle-i the .plcti-n ol' j re pariui; that .ubstilnte is di... u-..,-,l. no two of ihelii think alike. What the out c uie isto he, remains to he -e. n In the mean lime revel tie reform i- man h n- to- war.l victory. TllEltEare eveti ticket, in th" Ibid to be voted for in the eii.iiin I're-t i. mi ai eleeli, ii. as follows Democratic .,tj for Dre.-ident. liruv-.r CI. v, land. . I' X' w Vork for 'iee-l'r.-iih til, Allen I i Tbur j in. m, of Ohio, l'epubiicau party f, ', Dresiilcllt. lieujalnlll 1 1 al lis m. of lieli- ana; 'iee President, Levi P M-utoii. ol I New Vork, Prohibition party Pr-.i j dent, Cliiitnii I!. Fi-k. if V w .1 .-r. y . Vice Pr.sid. nt. John A Hi of j Minun. Lai, .r party Pi. -id in. A. '. J Str.-,t,r.,.f 1 tint. .i-. Vi,-o Pr.-id-ut. v uarie.. i ii n n i ii - ua ill , ol Atau-is I llloli Labol pulv Presid, nt, llolurt II. Cowdr.y. of Ifinoi. VieC. W. II. T U'ak-.'..!, . .f Kan-a. i i, nl , ,.. : trial Hcform ally- Pi -i lent. V.. li.d-toi e. of Cahforiiii; Vi -. I dent, J ihu Cilviu. , f Kau i - lii-his pally - I're-ldet.l, H. Il l Loekwond, of Wa-liinloii, ic 1 d.-iit, Alfted . ,,,ve. of IVim-vlva ,t The Xati mal C.nv. mi-in .1 col.,,. uicii held al In hanapoli. !a-t w, . k pa--ed re.-olitioii. . u ..r-i!io Pieil.'it ( I. ve lall 1 wh i b id pUi u d a hi-a 1 all I 111., r al policy in n-u l in th- oi.i d p. . .pic It was also -tated in ihe hi'-u th ,t. as 8i!" huh. nnu arc aniiiially taken out I of th ' p n-ket-ol' ihe p'oc, ihu-thr at- I enin their prnsperiiy and nu n. i, in., ti nan. ial opcraiiou... the Cnvcnti u iu dor-e l the linaneiil p.,li -y ..fth. D, m., eratiepiity.ini Pre-i I -nt ('lev, land -lues-a 'Cto Cuir. si. The ti. k. t and plat I', nn of ihe Si. I iiui- Couv, nti..ii were inih r-el, and the po-iii -n i ikdi bv the Chlca.'.i Cotiyeiilioii was stroii.ly e.itnle. unci by th,. f,,! win.' 1 1 K . I . EO. That we think il lb- a p. x of political illipude for llle li. pllb.l, an party tu expect the colored v., tor. of il i. c lUU'.ry to t ike lb iieulnlpto eii n di claratioii when the co'or. d in ti and wo men in the South as well a-m th-S null, alunst. arc ah.- ilutely barred li-in il,.. uianufaeiori -s which r iv.- th- b n. lie. from lb protective system IHI', VYV. l I I1M I . Col. Polk. S'cr.l.nv of the State Far uieis Alliance, reports 1 .'inn sub allium-, ,. iu the State, all enthu-iitie and iu - 1 workiii.' order. The alliane s wi I aver age ov. r thirty members each, making a total ol'dii.niiil iu, uiher-, all whi'e far mers over Di years uf ag . Il i. th light the organiitiou will iiiiuib, r in a - than 5II.IHII) uietnb. r. by ihe ii ne ot'th meet ing of the State Alliance in Hal, igh nn August 1 lib. Among th. malt, r lobe considered by the Alliane. the priu ipal one will be that (' a Sta'e llo-im - Agency, tlir-muli which it is imsi . t., handle the produce ut'tlie m I,, ,.r, ol'the Alliane. at a minimum c ist and . -, 1 as far n. p is.ihle direct to cim-inii. is. with a view to reali.'no U, iioh,.. ,s. sihle price for ihe pro lue.. The Ali ance dislaiun any I tit -tin. m or , -.ir to anti' o ii. any legitimil t bu-in ss, bu cempltiin th i! they ! 1 1; ,: ra.iw ii, ,MjS' forwhat they mike, and that th iiiani nation in this mid other Slates is s ekiii" to bring nhoiit u fair eliang uf conditions. The N. C. Alliau.e is re pirted to be more ihoroughly organized and in better condition than any other State Alliance. The Malcst elirlnc To have about the house at all times is Simmons Liver llegulator. It will harm no one. It will benefit nil who may have attacks of Itilliousness, Dyspsia, Headache, Constipation, or other uil menln resulting I'roui a disordered Liver urStomich. Keep it always iu the house, and you will have a family physi cian near who will save you many dollars and much suffering. The geuuine al ways has on the wrapper the red SC trade mark and Signature of J. H. Zeilin ar.d Co. jnly 5-1-Bio. STATE ISTEWS.j It ilT chili. i t- iM.'iii'.' in S,iiiii-!iti ; county. 'fill' Ill,l.Utl 11' -II ItilUC. .tlv ile.lp iiu w.nt 1, rfulU Five pre in r- brake Ml iif the jail ai Clinton last week. An Agricultural fair wii Suiwvi!!.- thi I''!!. lie held I 'l'nl.r. ii.i- a cotton factory with I . , ''-'I'll al stuck nt Mllll.lllin. A panther w killed n eir Hla.-k Mountain. N C . la. t week. There are l.iiou enliired Knight, of l.iher in l-ldiri'eoiuhe cennty. The Fanner - State Alliance, will me t in lialok'h on the foinie iith of Aujii-I. The New York, I'a . I. e Maehine e iu piny is ereeiiiio an ice fa. lei v at Dor ham. A ore.it many terrapin, and tuttli. are li.iiio shipp'd fe m the New Dim -.e-i-.n 'I'll, haliilsoin.. i. -id. nc ..I .1 uli in S Call, of I'lllll 1111 is n. alilu cllij !e i..n The in.iiiii!aeiiiriiio corporation- of Chai'loiic p iv taxes on f 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 nun .,rili of pt..p,riy 'I'he Si. ii,. Dh iriu tin.- J ..... iaiion anl the ll .ard ol ' I'l.al lliacy wiil me, ; at i ;..!d-h ..rn on the . in-: . Clos. and Unite have :;.,u Ii. I. J I1 "'hiij. their ap.'..il I, the Sti,reinc Court and arc ini n iw in eii-todv 'pi. re are al pi nt el.iMr. n at 'p a. vile I li i han a-e anl ev.n i 111.- I. Ill lllo-t il.. . i.-ii I . .:, in., n The ele-.-.r 11 !' X. Still l.v: k l.. ,. ratie ar .'e n ho Ii i. he -n ill from in jill le- le vnt'jlYC -ii A whili' I'idai.'. i--II arlv "ill, I Ii ! ar ti.. r- rapi-t- ..-Hi. ir-, d to he liinj. d at Diirhuu haie h.i I their sen. t. nc. . commute I to i -n v.-ar- in i.-n. Itclltl II I emh. : T. , , , j K ;,( )r ;i. I his hein-.. Sett I'artin. h. not v , , j been idelltiti.-l, and it is thou Jit by lu.mv ! Ih.it I. ,o,t I,, be -ii-.-har.-d. lal.c 'I'll 'ii a, in 1 a v i-r I F. i 'lit. Hi lb I -rono-ci I i p S I'UIle 1. it' l-.... b'yheca nth. r di: ciitiiv. I., o t lie' till,.- fro li-'ll ''''I- all'l 'I' liliin 1- Mr dike ll.el'.bnrioti '.,r year, .m active lb p iMicu ,,f Kin-'.,- I'. iiiiiy. -wietcti a card in I aim, em, -. hi-dnw.-l from lb K- publican pun- .m ! pril os t . .up ,.;t th- Dcinocrai-y. W-rk mi tl,. -ti I-r- .ti -, I ,l D lib. mi all 1 N .rib til Ilia i.nl 1- I. .in.. rapidly p i-hi d. and it i, , onii h-tii'v , t I1 v'1 ''"I the entire line ml! hetini-h -d in tune f..i the D lib im 1 .bic.-,, , . ti- I' --a''"" in ' d th :t .1:, . Sp 1 n.u, .,n , . ii'id w l:k n i-;i in,,',.! , ( li.,!, , J . , l in a I re in- th ' ..' i , . .... I'- p lilies ha. li ,t j iie ii -t He I bm a i- tli"'l;:lil lb it H m ,11 b - in ;h- in'.-t .1 of . I -I.e V -I. ,. It i- i p -r', 1 th it all r hi- t. rui a G v ' rn i . ii ! li c,-rn r S , . .: , . I i'.';-!i a b ink in iii ii1. -ro and -,,p r inn ud i - -u-r d b inkiii iei-iii. .. a- it is In- int iiti-.u to lit 1 1 - p. i.n.ineutly ,r m "i ind y "iiitcal life 'I'll'' . ...V i'.'..l-e .1. tilcs I he r oil lint the . -l . ate Joliiiin; th- Faiiii- r - A! i nice Tic A;!i me.. ,, lo.v- ,. y HUH E in. n t.. i .in. The n of ics h v. o- un, ,n . : li nice ..!' their own. but ii h i. ii-. council u ,; h lb.' libit. ' Alb an . ... Dlirh im ,' c, ,, r: A- is the I' ii L nn and Clark-vilie li u'. . , ! i. cm. pi t. d and in r iuiuiu ord-r, ihe man i 1 r- .v;l ut a f i-t ti.uii to run l'i ,iu ita' ijh in Diuh mi. Oxford, Clark-vilie to Iii ''nil .11 I. It i- , spooled that the lo 1.1 Wili h- ti;ii-h. bv t, . IJ,. ,,;' . ,.,, .1. P.. ('arUle.of . ' ' " '''" ! .-r of Ian- ! P h a n , 1. el - I a-i-t nil pi i-t-u - anl A. Paiiiut ui. of P.nk.i--biir.-, W, a , prof or of , hcini-trv f r W,,k I'.r -; noil, ...... Ai,..ih-r ",h,ir will b tide I at th- meet in.' ,.f ih li -ard 111' 'IV l-lccs at K d. ijh ,, ,;i:i,.t ih,, Tth A-b.villc (',','... Cl. Anlnw, in. formed us j -t. r lav thai ihe ".radio.' ,.' th - W.-t ri, North Carolina li.iilr 1 would bceoiiipbicl over and beyond li d Marhl- gap by , r dming the in n'h ( ( t -lu'i r.all.l thai the mad would ci rtainly h ' couipleied to Murphv during ih xt year. M irfree.b t i ., , .- The lab .r , I' this se li ,t Ii , n., I, n .,, ... , ,MV empl y I f.r a numb, i ..f yen Th,. conira t ir t i fiirui-h ."i I'l.iiiiu bri, k f.r enlargin.' the Chowan Hipii-I Feina'e IiMli'iit b i. airea ly liiiru. , nn,. kiln of one hundred th iikiiii! and has anoibci kiln fairly 'indorA iv. It will dnubll s he a source of the gr, at. 4 -..'.io...;,oii I., iii .i-.ui.i-,.i N'orih Caro'ini ins t.i l ain tint a letter has been re -.lived in Hal-ih I'r.iu ex Guver nor Jarris, of dite of June L'Jud. an nouiu'iii; a decided iuiprovi'iiictit in the health of himself and wile. He will ther. 'fur.' not resign his position as Min ister to Hrazil. at least fur for sonic lime. Tlielr lliisinrss Itnouilug Probably no one thing has eausid such a general revival of trade at any drug stnre us their giving away to their customers ot so many i'reo trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Their trade is simply enor mous in this very article from the fact it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Culds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all thro it and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by gelling a trial buttle fti'O, lnrge 'zel. Every bottle wurrniite'l. INTERESTING ITEMS. i i ni:iu:i . mm i: i:i:v m:i;i: .w;. I'l T IN ''"Mi. W:!l I.1I1M 1'OU r-v i:km.i.;. ii""l i-r - ar- reported Iran .el pail, nf I e, t -i.i . Ill llal'ilill cnillily. Illinois, a number of nc-r ic have 1,-l't the l!. piil,!ie..n . ir- Mr. Mollis. II aim. uniec.. that he will ii .t he a candidate f -I' (Vicjross thi - j year. I , ,, , m nuineni to .Mo. 's t eve an I t ie "' ' fulllldrr .if Cleveland, ( Ihin, Was unveiled ill that city on duly I'.'! It i. th .iijli! th it (' .ii-iv..., nl iidleuill le-lore S.-pearnT 111 1 it in e, I- - main iii .c"i"ii until let .!. r. It i- lhoii-hl id it ihe a. lion ,.f i;, ii M ill. ,lo ,s eolllUlittre III I'eter-l.lll'.' lili i. s'i't iii iiniiiii.: ill- .in in repuMi -in f.u tl II- III Vll -;i,ia Tl..- I', in -I i ni, St.ee t ' . .1- i- v a: mi ,n. in e ittec ol of the -J ill! II til il th Si at. i- ,,,-1 t. i lo into 1 1 111 i' 1 llle plill ill! V. The colon l '- i V ..!,. be .Vi il,,' an W'c.ti in III III I-,.--1. l tv-p-li-llile ',, tllC fei- 111 ..-tol. ,-ePi-i , ,., i! ,1 I -ad le al l. n. hbiii-.' a 'I'll, t'.-i tiio.t i i rui. in -ii. -r in San Fi.ni. i-.o th ( '-,'.'- i. .. i; r in. mi y.-n. publican, h.i, .,, ,,, r I.. ( i. v.-'.iii i and l nitf i .-. I u, T i -ii. The nieinber-liip of ihi. S, ml Ii. I n S ., i. t y ef N, iv Y..rk I'lty ha. atlaillel -u h prop .rte-n- lb it ii i .-,e,sci to - vur ' .1 I. i-'ii .liciit pl.ic- ot tiieotin ,. li .V lllii'-lilelld- ill-i-t th.,! ,, licet! ai null lie- :i. i. In, t t'r-,'1.1-, a. dt , i-... l-l by the Si it.- Sell it.- luve-li -at-ti. (V.iiiiiiincc, ha. net ruiiicl hi. pro-p.-ci f-r t'. n 'iiiin iti-n Tii II. ei. U iiiiatn K. t ilad-tone .- ', br ate I the litti, il, aiiuivcr-arv i f hi m in; ace- la-t .-, k and received lii.inv V! t'c--i .11- - :' i .tci in an I t i le it "i i f tb- h , d in which h i- held bv all. : .1 aplll has '."i'l n-'W-p ap. 1. I. lie. ! ..f rui a. I and nun or :'. "nn mil i f i-b, uphill, !- II IV-. I. ii. Il-i.';. rtlitcl- . A .1 ipaii ... i. i .rier co! it d ic. In. t in aliv . a- illlti "hit li klcov. I , ti n- Tb - l:.p;b!i,.,li. of Alkall-as will make n iniiiaii ai f.,r -t.it,- olbccrs 'I'll-' St lie Cutliliillice ha. I . e. .iiiic , , th pn-ij t-i .iipp.irt C. M. Norn-..,,.! f,-r G-v-rn .r II" i- th - I'iiiou l.,b .i- cm. d,-!,!.-. I. .ebiu D. nn. rat- in Mi hi.' an pro I - I" ! ! conlid- ill that Mr. CI. x el.iii.l will I'.Uiy licit Slat.' a- a 1-,-li.c.pl, ice ,.f the !il-i'Ml tint ha. hi ell II,. id. of the I 'U.n i it- and I ire tiuek-r i n a St.,ie ti -1 libit, ips. a ,.e.i , t ,, I,,, v.i,i p 1 iw i w,.ui. n ,,. .irly I,, ,1. aih la.i '" iii Ci-.iviord cunty. Indiana, mi I ' in I'etiiiu t.. of tlieiii ivcre killed all 1 on Woiin l-l, , bad .lal" of afVair.. pte- The lil-.thclh ...1 of F.:,,,cel, is of "'ii-' ii .1 m any way n-p .n-ibic Im ih. -Ii ti Hlole ' .t di- ov, r, d at Chiea .... li pi. . -lit it iv.- nielnb. r. of that I.. dv . .- n -. -iieiij di-.,ppr,.Mi of llie .uitra -li i.'.-' n '- Mr. 'I'll L ll'- exp.-ieiie II .1- II Lli r r.'-l li llec. h.i- be. II ill lb in ii k. I I'.r i w.i y. ar-. with n . lei ,, r li v. i 1 1 t 1 1 st.M.iiMii a y. ar I . k,-, p t: up an I ii . n h is been found wil ing i f., I ' -'"' Th- ,-t.,!e r.ibabK co.l. Mr j Tli'bll . i ' l." I'', bill could be boil-Ill I f I' hall ill it sum. i M r! - Stiti.n i w in v mil, . i '' '' '" In.tii ll.'l, ti i, M an . J ,,,,, . M.i.on, ii,i..ni.;r Vc'eiaii st C- oriver. loliiliiltt. d -Ulcide in a h rii .lc in inner He b uuht a tif v pound l... ..I' gi mi ,,,v 1 r, sit no ii. ail 1 I ".eh d ihe , X I c-ive The 1 -rotfr ua'h i-d up mei.lv pi-uicl- of ll.eb,.i , ,, I, ! A 'I ti v..,- li i I in .1 ud . Walla,,-. I ... . . , ., ..... . "-i " '" in e , llie I iiilel Slat iijiin-t ihe Cliunh ef the II. Iv Tiinity of X. V. for vi.,.iii,i f ,1. law. forbidding th,- iii,p,,riaiimi of con tract labor, the church bavin... ,.,iv,.,l the li-v. K W.,l. ,,. Warren, of' lin... latil tube its reiior. Judge Wallace overrubd the d inuir. roftlieihuri hand dire.t l a p iia'ty of l.ninl tj 1. u,,.,.. i d a gaiu-t ii. An ap oal I. to be taken tu lb I Hit . .1 Si lies Supreme Cunt. FROM BUFFALO SPRINGS. F.hllu'ts lle.tMiKi; Xi:v -Think. in : y .u iu;:'it iil.h t i h u a lin . r Inn Ir ,in tin. . ti .ii I r," t i th it . n I I fh. arc ah ut . v. n: y tivt. i.ti,,r. h.-r,., I ropt -s. Il'inj ah ,e Ii-ai. of lb, I niled Stat. - All keel, ol di-ea.e, are here, hut e-p iiallj is th re the great, -t v.nic. j ty of ki Iu v an I -t .iiui h trouble. To i b -ar lie..' wh , have h .,-ii eiire I hue I t ilk. i"ie Would think they bad been at ..the poo! of 11 .ihs, id, ot'S 'li,,ttu.ll '.im . I t ne company tice sens l i I.e e.u. -po-ed of the h. -t. and iv,ij,.in. -.oinsto vie with the others iii-aying prei! v thin o, 1 haie seen nn one out of t-nip- r -in e 1 b ive hen b -re I believe th.. wat. r uie the ben, and hive mule m ire reiuaikn b!e cures lb in any I ever h 'in J uf II. Ilrarr I i. You are feeling depressed, your aipe lite is p,,i. yu an bothered tiilh Head ache, you are lidgetty, nervous and gm erally out of sorts, ami Want to brace up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spring medicines, or bitters, which have fur their basis vety cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate ymi fur an hour, and then leave you in worse rnuditioti than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your 1 lo id. start healthy action of Liver ami Kidn -js, restor' your vitality and give rem w d heilth and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Kleetric Bitters, anil only "Ml cents n bottle at any drug store. THE THiRD PARTY A MISTAKE. 1 h-,.c Tie I I 1- ..I' !l le I . .. I., I "II" fill - c.llci. i .t i. i i:. .. i..,u .. .; - I. ii .11.' aim .1 .i. .i rXf '11" save 111- v. le h the Tllir.l I'.nn Sun ticket i.i ' -how ill ir e. tie V ill iv ,.j . i: - inU Tie- Tllir.l fall I '- le l ll.leV- i. 1 c! V i inl.r ie! ii ' t a-ts it well III iv v,.e th il j a- an I th it i . l I' ll 1- It Wl-o.' . ! n-t lli.a-me the -tl. I: tl. of l'i. hi!. He n in ,ith. i r Hi .11 t oil tni . IV, 1.1 ' l,iii..io.t. , 1 , ,1, ., I they know lie ir vm- wiil he .,.t - Local ( li.liiin law. as I;ave il . i .1 i ,, ami as olid, mav have ll. :l int. iii all ! we oil -1 ! ( I, j;,r at j i 1 1 ! . 1, al j I h li ai law in N I'll C.ir 'iiaa tivi's il- tli.- ' i i rt unity "I ploVili- I.J a, lllal eS . - i'lie el le t I r diii a. i. hi i. a.o. i i . m.,r.il l . and li'.,,li '.u he . ft m in ,. .jfe. . 1 1 v 1 ci.iiiiiiiini'y. iare or .inall. th ,i d sire. t ' ill- I'l lii.ltlou c in do . by v o! tl io m ij . I llle. r St.it s c in have till -; law. if they want ibein. If we li.nl cv.-rv ollice. Slate and I Nan in!, hi! d v,rh 'l'i. h.bri. ci-;. tj j e -a! 1 ii a ii'ii.icr th- ,- in- auv belt, r j , . n:.c I'r .In1 in ii in . . . i,t r -ii I, - I j In Ii i n i a .. li in I f .1 I ,1-. - pul. ic . - lit llle 1.1 1 1. ,1) V ' .1 - II-. IV . 1 i ' I - . t Ii ! I '--li.li -- all I I. .II-!. .'llle. f, in u, n , an 1 ! ,:.- e, tiitin iii . W'li , u.,i,i I I the lie I fa. ' o! ill '. -iii, .,! or limel-. 1 ii-a In in;: .i P;. .i I-, in in;-t am mil to fit' a- tin pub c '.icd i- con,-, rued' I I 1 1 III.- e. . Ill ilil-l r t ot J), w Weird I l-l! c, 1 b 1- al e,.tl...,n N v In1.- th- Tinid I'.il'y . inn -l h pc I ' i I ' ' I'- n .11.111. il 111. IV l- r.l ..V. 1 iie -v. r -1 i . n; t . K .-ib'i, h eid.. 'I'll, i Ill 111 I. el - ! th It lit , a- -l.i-i V. 1 , llellcll i I . klc-ii that in , !: i 1 1 ti .- on i hmoii :h ' ol-ani.'ali at el l!i, p. rty and (hey w II ! -ee lo it tl. it in lb publico, vi le the ; Third Par! v li,-!,. t . I-; ,p . :. ,., j,, '.,. ' !.!.-. "That a d -m ona.ni ; th- i i . r with a pi. -c . :! I., , ri I.t- nn nth He ' - .w tic J,., ,i, .; ,,,. I. , l" .,,; i i;,,,' ;n . lb it it w.i. a e-iiciu p; , .- .,( I, , mi,..), ; I ir : r lb m tb ,.;..- he I, , 1, !... opened hi. in. null aie i ora'ib d at the -ha, I. w uml lo.l both siili.taiice and -li.i i ,w.' t i. I" be II ..-d that D tuic fata nil n.,1 . j ... Ia-c.ii,-d Willi the -hade ,v I, .fore ihis I'lnrd Pally In e. in- ii' a- to i.-t 0,1 ;itt, 1..-. the j.j, hi i imiui-: ..,1, .V A eh io .. of aduiiiii-!r it;-. n w.-u'il be a I. s-1 , ai! P th at s i, . Pr-idi nt ev.-r bad lli..c lull i, n -,- m.-r (',njrc.. Ibati Cicv.lni I. ( '. 1 1 mi! y u . one Ii. s i cVcr !.!! lllol-c Hj the C-l I li . 1 - II, e of the public lb. ill he. , I II all ;c of a. Ilni ni-t ra j 11 '" ",,lv ' '' v '!l''-v b ' foil 'W. d bv i .1 Ill -II V line M ii ef it I'll. e I.. ! I ..ill tii ii iiioi) , 'd I i It 'll nl' lo lie,, -! in ! -: l,,t - n, e o - tiitin. e-l ' ' 1 1 -1 1 1 1 ! - !'- !- I I- ', o!' c -l.tld II e U lb -co. iniio nl , in a,, v ne, u- :i!d b the , - lit ill. I i; li .;;'..! Ceieinu ptel, ' ably lht-iiioi th ic v t tie i n-. NKW A!' Lli'l'ISKM FN I S. NOT! CM. IIM.irW i-ni xi y S"i: rn i i ,''. .v.i. Si iu ii ii'ii I 'hi ii i . I' vi i. Ti it n ; 1-' II Wl a il. r A, -i cl 1 li ll.c i-r- !,..:,...! I, Hue. I I . , II I in .1 I ii I.e.'.- A I I -' - ii t ' im I - 11 II I A i e... 'e . ,. .t-- I . 1 1 A ll.c. V, - tr ' le II. 1 .01. .11 ' I I I una ,.r u.n ; - u, i '. t im.-l llillnm I ' I Wc. I1 .-mi ll j I. lam ; in, .1-1 ll:':i II i tl I:.: I: ll.c. I. I'.-l 1 ,.,!. I I: lli.i.t, r a'c! ai!.. i- l!-;i I , crl..iti , . .11 I to-' .a. cv -I il C ; u I II II ...icr l-l Mlliltl.il I -III i ' . . ' ' iir- ll II lli I II cm i !...,!.. Loci- .! , ;' . . 1 Vi. l.c.i o na.-i Mi, I '. In ::- .1" I , Vi- . i.iol I I I I Cci . 'el I I ; 1. ..... Illtiet ',' ali- i i r, .1 I , i,,;,,. ar h! -'',-'! r . , in - - u.l , ..an " l-'"i M m l e. alier Ihe Isl 'I' I -.' l'i. ' - nl leu 1 .-ii r -i .1 car 1 . Hie can. : I i.i.',1 , i ...;.ti I-. it,, :l.,lc l-l :i, ...I. ...,.!,., -.11X1 ..l,l ' . oil . - r. .an -I ll a,, ...mm ' M HMO I . PARKER'S OINOtR TONIC ii .iin, -ii..n. lie Hi mlol.i. I i.ruiu ,.t ti,,. .iSl.ll...-- l-ll,l,., i, lieu ui.t.ie t..r ii-'ii. ' n il.- ii...!,- -. ...1 an j.,,,,. hi a ,n. .t ti. M'.iiimIi i... Is. 'iv. m liutfi;i;la. HINOERCORNS. '. litir ti .l. li.l.Jll t tl,.- 1. 1. , MJ, (llg ,11. U :t) '. iy CAUTION. l'...-iuili -lire -tiuii.... on in. -I. i.v! r. 1, ., in. n.-sr- r. n - - i- H . -I-.; 1. a- mi nam. n. Hi- eric- ,o, I I all lev i:.i,.ti..-.t o- llie la, rv ll In. ll .r..tc I T' io .1 lllten-l ;. r X ! " -I.e. . Ill H i ill- ut my 111 (.ill lolll I. -.I-I-..I .n, II. Mil. 111. e I -:,l- !,. In. , st'ttl,. '1 nl, lie- W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Tliritiily iiui- rir? . -i'nmU- Sin-i,i tt,. wrti imiil'' m iiii.iul l,-i.r nan" A l.-'i ninl ln rahli' n ihw cnMMiir r mil itt.nii: tin liti'ii ir naitei tu vur lite ti IsiiiL' ir Imrt Uie r.-fl. niHk.'. Hi. 'in u.fumf..rtrtlh' nn 1 v iiltinit hs a tmml svst )u.k, Huy tin N.ih iii-n Hint' iuili . strtiniril tin bulUiiii 'W I. hn:tclu. Msli'ii' MarrnuKi,. " W I, 'A ', ,SSI MitiK. th-'tniuimiUiiilunlv luiinl M'nt'. wtMt -: ttiui h .nun's i ust.im m it - It- ulntis ciH-tiiiKfrt-in Ut .. W.I.. lHrM.Asi.;fti;iHit:u unovc-Mc f.r lll'IVV ;T W I- hill j At "IKlRU wtmi l'v nil ll.,; Riul in tiie Ik-1 M-li.t-.l bliov in tin' vu.i'lil. All thi ith.tve ft kiU nn1 iiihiIc hi fniiKn Hut t'Himitl Lim-. ii.t if !,( i,Y v.mr Ui'mUt write W. L. HuLiil.Af, HhH'kum. Mua. KnK pAI.K ItV W.n.TILLKKVv (c t-ii ii ..I l-it'. : I ti ,;-;ti ..I ! It"' tin In l i' 1. I- i m: Ir an i. til i . ! ' NFW A DV Kl'i'I'ISKM F.NTS. til Absolutely Pure. i r vti'" A iniiru-l f purilv . m ' iii ii' v.. !w i-..i.min'(il . I.ti-. :l-ii .i!lH"t 'if -,t With l.--'. -t hi mill uhiiti nr i'l "Ji'v In -ins. Koul . Wn.lM . N Y. THE .iiLiuhiA I :j !i' a WUSSL -Vat-. MAM'FACTI IIIID HV U'CirsiTAYLOH. SUA l!i i li D. X. C. AMi- - I S. II, W1IITMA: 15 HO.. j N'oltFol.K. VA. !!',',, h" 1MIESS I - it v I. ..., I a .-. :. .: .i - i at.- cil. 1 1 t,.. In, I,,, ii I tooc A. .it 11 , e, j in I, em. u;l i.-. ,1,11, . j 1 r -mi ." I. i fl i. (urn II liiici-t -lieu, I IT.-.., a ..I il .1... H I I -Il III lo 111- f.Cl -! '. itllle till' II I,! ! iVac I.- nlr.a.li in, I -I I , a- .-it. nl. .1 in .1 it t. net IU ,11, .1 11... I. Ilir .1, I .!-.,. 1.. e . ta- .i,t.i,,- r.a in, ir I mill -,-1 1 1 ill iti,l..r- . i,. r la. lot I I,..,. ,lirolt!le .- I . a- Iiluli.l r.-ee. i..r ,-iu.i I ii iii nl-.. .-Uitc tliat s l.i-lel. it-,r.- iiin.lc , I u Ho u-ri I..-.1 i. mill r. ii.iiiil.lt. il.et'.c 1. r I'l -'if I i'. instil , in. -mi .ttii. i K'" 1"",l 1' . I I. I r -:.- . . tt-e t'.t! .uiiik 1,11 J.i. k.n . V II li-iuli - N IL .VI-1., ,,e i.-.-.l II,. in la.i I .i.l II , -ai XO'I'ICK. I. X. .U'DKINS- OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE, -AT THE 11. IR,. SUED. Itiyulitr iiicitU ccrv ti iv llie in.nkci will atWtl. a1 ytvi IWTlie C l.lj bouse III re that furnishes meals lot llle Uand ih'.W trains at night. Weld, n N . t'. apr L't) .'Im. Tin: Aun riian Deticlive and llusi liens As-oiiatinn nf Cbiiago, III., fur the di teitio.i of iii iics and iiimiiials of nil naiii.es. iiiid the colteelion of debts, ar dis'uuiis of .s'euiing a live mini in every tuwn undc tv in ihe I nitid Stales to act as their agent. To such a man a golden opportunity is npen to make a good liv ing in bis Innn. This Aissoriiition was established in Irtstl and it has grown in the space of eight years to be one nf the lending detective Associations of Ameri ca. This is the only As o i ition of the kiud in America thai does tint charge fur a membership. l'i r furl lit r particular- address .KHI.N T..IAMKS, Oeneral .Southern agent, lU'J Main street, Morfolk, Va, I, S, A. Press IllliW NKW ADVKKT1SKMKNT8. I.i, IIS !1 lUA the novelties. IIKNLIKTIAS IS A LI ( (il.till. , CO.MIIINATION SCl'I'INliS, ALIIATIIOSS IN ALL SIIADKS, CASIIMKKKS ALL CoLol'.S AND PIIK'liS LACK AND SWISS Fl.nl 'NCI MIS. ALLI'llKK'S AND ALL OVER GOODS TO MATCH. W bile GooiL in India Linein', Plain, Siriped mid in Ham. all prices. Assortment i.l'Tiiiiiiiiiiios and lliiltuns for Woolen and Cotton Fabrics. CLOTHINGS-: 'I'he Picltie.-t Styles and tit s in tuvin. SHOES! Ladies' and M,n's, pair warranted to wear or money refunded. lb III. I'llllli.-hili; II, ,1, ;,, Solioli.'of ob Lventliiuo I.i be found iu a well k. i.t establishment l'il. Li,l My friends ami the public have my thanks 'r their liberal i.atr.uia.. I'l"' 1,1 l'i'1''' 'he pleasure of .-howino mv stock. 'I'l --' Iv- fiSS lulillini SPRIHG Ml SUMMER GOODS COM K & IX)OK. Li Colllldet6 liandsuine stvlcf, ifteicelhd lid every A Full Line ol ace. kinds. lions, kicpiii": lionls. and I wotil" I I ill' iM.F.HAET, WELDOf, . C. A We ,u lwp on ,,anJ low prii' " ci "Order promptly tie,l, P. N. STAKNBACK i T 4 J,i - a- 1 V

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