I? 5 :4 1. Us THE ROANOKE NEWS. Tlll'KSDAV Al'lil ST i. Is.vt. NIIVVS AM M ATT I ".US OF IN TICK K.ST KltO .1 AM. I'AltTS OK Till; COl'NTV, COI I.W TKI AM AltltAX. OKI) KOIt TIIK UOA M)KK NKVYS. J. A. RAMSAY, MANAGER. .W. .futtu'x A, Hamuli, uf Stthntr.l, i thi A'jrni uf th'- h'ninmkr . tr. in .inlJminjituii County, ami in nufhnriznl hi imdr I'mifimh ami nvrire minify fir mhtitisi 1111 11 1 it nuii nuhwrifttion. i'ifnnmitirntiini,i initlrtfml tu him irM mrm jniwtftt ttttmtiuti. The l'j ' Alliance is very pupil- Coliiiiiiiuin is I'mirl lit .l.k-ks-m Mnii-Jay. time in stiuscrilje I'ur t lie N'nw'a the Nkwh. 'I'lii' stiiiiuc market lia- ..pencil iiml the Iiikd isuvfrriiu with it. The litHik aifi'lit lias aaill tnaJe lii" appearance in this mvli-ni. Miss Fannie I'ns, J-.iiiIiuiii(iiii (Miinly, Va., in visilin;; Mr. .1. V. I'uU ill Sealiuanl. The pintractetl inn-tin scasnn will hiioii open ami the f. r.ners lire iur their jiijp mi 1 1 1 It i-v . Watiriiicluii arc very rem" iiml sell Tor I ."i an I 'Z'i e Ms in ilii. inuikei. Tun mucli i'ur (he p-ickcl ut llii scribe. It seems tn lie iilinott impossible, to eleet a uiii'.slial Cur Seali.iaril whit will ijiialil'y. The tnwn lias il,int: wit hunt a uiar-h.il I'ur sixteen nitiiitli. Tutt in lias unly ah lit five nr six weeks in which to mature, but with favorable -leu, tin it e-in pcit'onii Wuielers in that t i in -. It i. luekiii'.' very well in (hi. sec tion. Mis liinlie Tn-piii(r, of Kiirire.. Mmi Me, Vu., who is viMiiuji Miss Uiisa Ste I'lo'iisiin, of Mari;arettsille, in cniiipaiiY with the latter yoiins la ly li"ii"reil our town wit li a brief i. it la-t IYiJ.iv. Mr.i I i D'.'iu li. ileyinr, nllliis i'ace, left town last S.itunlav In visit Mis Waller ('. Clarke ami other friends ami relatives in VVeliton to speii'l seVi-ral Jaw, ami IliiitoD is now eiijiiviiij baiheliir life. Seabeard is Hi tctl fur the plbititry of lu-r yoiiiii: men, Th"re is o ie in jar tieular who never fiels to iiiv bis il-vi ir to any y imit-j holy b-iwe-nthe aesof l.'i iiml 1(1 who visitsthe town ami remains '.' I liours. When you visit Se.ibii.ini be sure to examine llie stuck and prices of Messrs Maddrey tunl Son before making y..ur piireliasc These "eiitlcinen are ufli ri 1 1 v; bargains tli.il will astoniih vmi. Hive tlieui n trial. At the lat uieeiinj of th l -iiii x-r.it. ie club of Seaboard Messrs.!!. T. S.c-plii-nnoii, H ). Ilaneuek and I' I. N. Stephenson were elected an Kxeciiiiie Committee fur llie chili. A better se lection co'iM not have been nude. The senior cli rks of ihe tiruis of Me-sr. W.J. Maddrey and S,.n and .1 T. Mad drey and t'o , have beiu weiiiiii ir.ipe on their Cleveland beav.-rs lor the past week. What can it tiic.ni. We le pe they've not lust any of th.ir I'liemls. Many of our farmer-, have lim-beii their crops mi l a lar'e majority of the rt'iuainder will liuisli working tbei' this week and take a well eanied holiday of a lew weeks. Allh uili their crops are small the must of the farmers in this section are in pood spirits. It certainly takes a Inn while to rceeive u reply to a h Iter mailed in this place loan interior town in the aiijoinini: county of Halifax. Sunlv there iiiu-t bcsoine ihin wrmm iu the postal service for we cunnot attribute the delay oftwooi three weeks to any other source. The many friends of Mi-" Olivia (iravi . who has been in the millinerv buin.-v The Clevi lunJ and I'owle club of Sea board is ordered to meet at l.-oil o'. lock .ai unlay, Au. Ilh., without lailure for the iran.-ai li hi ul iniportaiit business. A lull attclulaliee is desired. liy order of the President.- n .lulls' T. 1'i.VMSAV, secretary. Mariii-d at the residence of tin: bride's parents in Northampton enmity on Thurs- d.iy duly 1 Ith. 1S.-sS. by ibe llev. Jesse I'lythe. ('apt. Ilobt I,, lioune. condiietor on Ihe U. & T. H. K. to Miss VnmAao Allen, only ilaiij;liler of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allen, all of tint county. Thy will make l'i tee.-isi tln ir future home. I'rof. I.C. Collier, asi-t ,-d by his wife Stave an enteit.iiiiiueiit in the Academy Hall in Seaboard Monday evening the ot'tb ulto. 'l'be .erfoi-iiianee. we learn, coiisisieil nl'.-lijjlii of hand tricks etc. Ili ini'liene.' was ipiite small, but nil who at tended were satisli-d and prenouneed it Vcjj' good. An old Democratic veteran, whose snowy locks have neatly nil sue -utubed to the scythe of old falll'-r Time, boated in the presence of a larpo crowd in this place recently that he was as pure a 1 in -ocrat as North Carolina could proline,; - -tb.it be bad never wilbill the past ball century scratched a Democratic, le-kot andtli.it lie was a Cleveland nnd Thur- inan man Iroiu the eml ol histois lo the top ol his bald pale, but that "be could not lake nnv Fowie in bis." That hi- was a bird that be could not stoma -h and tlial lie niueii preterreit to see ".My son Oliver." ill tho (luberniiturial chair Whereupon n bystander informed, the "old Vet that he I win. in we will c ill Jim i b i'l just r.-ccived a comuiunicatioti fr un C'h iirmanS i r Whi'a'.crai J ibat Mr W, therein informed him that be had just p r feeted nrraiioetnetits to carry North Car otin i for the silver tongucd orator with out th.- ai I of th ' "old vet," whereupon th - old vet subs led in o n t'l n.'iKs. a id iTias-nu.-u as there was not an a iy. r hole for him to disappear through, hw hastily in l ie his exit by ihe ucansl door and has not been heard to exprs bis senti inents eoneeinin.' Norih Carolina's next tiovernor since. FROM DRAPER'S X ROADS. tub ai.i.! wit. n.'iimiiiiNii --I'lturs IMI'IOIV IMI. Kin runs Ito.v viik i: Nkws: I have the pleasure of inl'iiruiioo your readers that Drapers 1'irm.is' Alliance is in iui'e a il"llli-hin-.: e iiulition. It has soinetltiny 111-lllliels already and ,-i-Veral pplieali ins before it. The otVo.-ers are: I'resident, Samuel Clark; lecturer, 1 1. C. irow.-r; sceretary. Tom lirownin; treas urer. ,loe t'r.iiii-r; chaplain, li. I.cary; loorkeip.-r. Madison Williams. List Siturdiv -i ineuil''rs uvro adiiiilt.il. We bad II,-. tl. Iv M.n thews and I!. I!, liulloek wiih us. The doctor delivered half hour lecture I i th" crowd before the se-siun beean, and all wdio heard him were loud in tlo ir priis-. of bis i H.ul. He sp ike of the Alii nice as a nou partisan oi lmii tz.it inn who-. ' nu-v-ioii w is lo aid the faaue rs ami producers in liettorin;: their eotidilioti. and yrew eloipi.-nt and pathet ic whin he lefernl t,, th.- m, moral, eharil able plim iples of i he urder. Said he, "ours is the plan of fair deliiihiful peace, umvarpeil by party rae to live like brother-." and b said our order was I' uielcd i ii philanthropy and li'so the pod iy: PUBLISHER!! NOTICE. Wp :. n!wi L-littl lo r r..'irl.oMt,:ii..rm iixlu-liltil. -l I'ti 'ul u.ituD'. tilu tt i-v iiinl suil' Itii'iiti ut view oil Ji'itilh I'oin-. i its an- iu il.-tl u!ijc. t nf ci.uri-..i .iiMTi-it'innrv ot iMnii n( llii- Mtt'.r w hn cli-rliiun rt-vj.. .is1iln v f -r t h' uiiiit'iTist'X.riscf i MM' i'f ol l.!ii' mi o'T hiiIv. must l.i' w ntl.MUiti nii.i r. hi uamif writ"riim-tum.m..iiy cmurtlm- j itiLr llic :-licvt time In- lias u (lie I'rii'f f iminT i ' r iiuiiii in ?J.i") in uilvtiiicc. A 1 v i' r l : s f 1 1 ; rntt-s rt'JiNoimlih- aiul imuk' known on Imi'Wvk'm kntsmn thk Stkkkts. I I-)nti:im'ainmhnt To-Mi.trr. I'rol Wi- r(iiiLrr;ituhtc' u!ir 'iii.fns iiml the ! Culiicr will iivc an 'iil"rt:iiiiDn nt at tin t'i'A II CHHniii"ioolS II po til' i?Miri)V( - ni' iiis apparent on uiir i-ircrls. Tlh- -x-c lieiil "in-i-t c'tiiniiin!i'.T, Mr. Iv Clark, liaa alii'ailv mv inui'li i'ui tlit- tuvvn !it- rllti.. i mi- im i f sjiiu e ci'jitiitiiiin n .'tip.ro. In iiuwcriiiK rtilvi-n im un nt.s jdi'iihtf ni million tills P I 'CT , it lifiDhas un. I itiiiiiUroutili ii(iiu'i.rt'Xicii- S1V.'. AiMressHll commiinlt fltliuiH to THK UOANOKK NKWS, . Wke.hun, N. C. 'le 1 11 I.Kle ,-el n.,f li- I.e. li I lleil lleil iiHirylMi I The doctor simke on ihe sime day at On. tils' and made a line ituprc-i-i.-n Tli.it Alii nice also -rows r.t idly no l r the woikin;; . I' ll- -pl.-n.li l j.. si.l. ut . Mr. Crawford Shcarin. secretary S. C. Moore and ollon. Crop are improviii - ,-iiice the rain-, though ih'-y are small. 11. S p ec I A t. N (it ICR. All transient advertisements, of whatever tialuie, must be paid lor in advance, as the publishers eaiiuot afford to in: credit which may be for years and may be forever. Kxpi rieiiee lies fun ed them to hereafter make this tie- invariable rule. Arm sr is here. WmiK siill e.iiiiiiui chute. A must aleealile bop Halifax Tuesday lil-lil the look place K KKV town b te a ) -i mii the with Messis. J. T. Maddrey and Co., ol this place for two season-, will regret to len.n that she has bid her Seaboard friends adieu and relurm 1 to the M ur.1 mental City. Our best wi-h.-s litlend her. Tho excursion season lias opened in earliest. The S. i H. ty ut at thi-pi ice will sell crery Saturday aftern n and Monday morning return tickets to Port uioilth for oil, which nruiioul until Tuesday niornino and inebnlcii n trip to cither Old I'oiul, Ocean Viewer Virgin ia llcach. We ciiHvt to be in Jackson in Moil Jay lu-xl.lhe titli inst.. and hope that nil Kr.sotia who owe us for I lie Seaboard Kriifilnr will meet us "u that day pre jiartsl to settle for their suhseriptions mid also to subscribe for the Uo.lMikk Nl.w We will furnish the Nh'.ws to cash sub ncribers durino the campaign I'ur fifty vnts. We regret that we h ue n it yet been uble Id ascertain the names of the officers uf the Northampton County Farmers' Alliance, recently org,inied at Jackson, ('apt. W. J Uiioers, of Wioeoeanee township, we loam, was elected IVesident Will some member of the order plea, favor Ul with the natiici of all the nth vers', Messrs. W. V. Deal and K. M. Dar Jen, uf Newborns, V , have chartered from the S. A It. road train of liltecn curs nnd will run over that mail on Wed- tltsJay tlicHih ihstalit the exclusion of ihe season. The fine for the round trip from Seaboard and MaroarclUvillc is only (1.25. Northampton will be sure to furnish her quota of excursionists. We are indebted to Senator 11. Vance for copies of ltcprcsentative W. I.. Scott's speech on the Mids bill and other public documents; also the Hon. K. M. Simmons for copy of his remarks made duriiie the closing of the debate on said bill and various other public doc uments that he has from time to time fa vored us with. These jieiitlcmen will p'ease accept our thanks for the same. Did any of oui readen ever hear of Hn ice house catching 6re and burninir, down " v with its entire contents from sintaneous , , oiiibustion. f There is a gentleman of i .Unr'jettionabIc veracity, who is a eititen - of this place, that positively asserts that he witnessed such a scene during the late war in a small Virginia town. We offer no comments and only give the stite i loeut at related to us. IT ISNOTTRUE. KlUTiUts HiiANhKK NkWS-. Some of our would-be K. iil-lli . li politicians siiilto belong to ihe white race have found a new bugbear with which to fright en the poor iieoro. They sneak anions their black bretbteii 1 reeken its breth ren, for they inus' bear some relation ship as they love daikiiiss rather than liebt bee 1UV! their duds arc evil at l n u 1 1 1 und tell thetu in all seriousucKs that the Fanners' Alliance means slavery for them; and some iicltocs arc readv to swallow that and everything else that shows the white man iu a bid light Now lb -se white men no, these crea tures - calliiie thorns Ives r Sjiect ib!e, will sneak around with a ju of j ui-uu and lickl- lite m-ero l-v oaiubliu- with hiiu and bu.'eiii i him f -r his vol" six nights i i the Week and all day Sunday, nnd then CX0't decent people lo pillule themselves by a-s. ci itino with m-h tn-b. I'hi- rc f. rs lo s line of our ibixtrd tow n i tlice-so.-ker-. an I some of tbeui re-ort to mp.-Ii vile ineans to oain thi'ir ends tb it it re minds lue o! a eood hit 1 saw a t'civ days ajo: lleir.'ia .i b.n kwiods pliilos i pbor. Hill Arp. wis riding al-ui,' and came upon a man with a u'un in bi ll in I and he-king upon a dog lli.tt he bad killed. Arp asked him what ai'ed the do, but the slrau'-r couldn't toil him aiiMhim: but that li" foamed at the mouth. Ah. he was not daunT Us'' said Aip. but he ibs ivis the killine. for it was a clear ia-e ofihe Ineall.-. A dog iu W.i-liine.,il was attacked with il SOine Wei 1,- ;i.-o. Si I think s. .me of our poiilic.il hl.uh er-kitcr- or tilth s'on.- r- an- MifTerinu' ith the - itnedi-oas.. Crops are slowly iinpiovine, he.ilth ol the ucighliorhood good and Lruii-wi -k SteWS beCilOIIIL' )! lit i I 111 The f.irineis of this s-ition have about lai I ly " but theeinps are like the ".-Iuti b-ir-e that is soon curiicj." S one h id 1 1 s'op ploA'in 4 on account of the dry weather aud others wi-h now ibat lin y had June the same. Mr. Jehu I. Kect.-r has b,-. n very hoc with typho malarial lever lor about three weeks but is now gradually unpriviiig. Dr. II. I! l-'iireerson att ml- him 'I'll-- Mar-b Swamp Alliaii'e are to "ive a in i in -ii. it li brnnswick stew near J.T. D,iws,,n's on the first Thursday iu Augu-t Mr T. II. Dickon- has a veri Sabbath scl I near W. C. Daniels" numbering WZ. At ItKI.lAX Sl'lltSiiS, N. f RINGWOOD NEWS. ('apt. V. D. I. 'wis. on - of our most llscllll lili.-'IIS. Who lia.' been . 1.! 1 1 . - . i lj -- ly ill, is sloivlv i. cm line U,i ,,. to see him out no iiu s,, ui. The llev. ,'r. Hold r leichcda most excellent semion iu town Sunday to an intelligent and appreciative anile-iico. The town was alive Saturday wilb patriots anxious to seive their country. Soiiiethine less than a doen orators pro elaiiunl wilh adamantine lungs their be lief in I lauiseii. p..teetiiiii, D.ickcry ,; Co. Aniuiie thein was the old war-horse. J.J. li Iwyn, whose cont..rtioiis and anecdotes would put to shame John Itobiuson's pel clown iu his palmiest days. He mule the s hot' the oc casion and created much merriment by bis inimitable hits. " Hah l'..r I ioodwyu" is the cry. Two patriots became belli eosely inclined ami went for each oth-T with a rush whiih cms d a bnii el head i. t lie dollar added lo the lown i x- cheeouer. This b iuo a hard eider cam paigu ey.-ry other in iu who i'ii nit to the speaking brought a keg of It made of ere. II apples. i :i i i it ereited pallioli-tu and light. The r.i'is ri ecntly have i.nprovcd cr- p some, tlo ugh b .i lly : u iiicriige will be Iliad,' Il le. Our Aii nice me is regularh twice a month and we h-ipe f .i many : Diit i .ni an I iniieh ii!i royein -ut ere l.ug. It is I uillg e!-ewltcie. let lis b mill il here. I learn that a Democratic club wili be I', run d In re next Saturday I., in-on. our clever ll.-gi-ter of I Deed-, i.-iiol Wildoii Saturday. j Mr Spivey. a Very clover ol-l gentle, i man iV-eu Vireini.1. is iu town. ! (IK.M. ! ! FROM BRINKLEYVILLE. Ol II iiior, limits mo looking to a g I trade thi. fail. Tiik diary of an old maid is o iid -if a Mi-, spent hie. -Ii oil.l I'orwanl the j Till-: crop is said to be i this V If t ll.lll at thisliiue 1; much ,-i y.-ir belter Til Kit k have bu n sim i .i1 ca.-i - of sick ness in town for the past two weeks. ('AKK, bread, fried ihickeu and big in -clings will soon be order of the day. Tin; lin.wiiKK X i:vs is iucreasin-j it already large circulation j :, ,jr,. . tiotis. With regard to sparking over the limit gate, ll g I deal can be said u both sides. tioti. and we bear commendations of his activity and z al on all sides? Mr. Clarl. has the approval and 'o.od wishes of every good ciii. nin his clforts to make lb.- sir, ets aud walks better and thereby ClllliUICe ihe oenera! Cotllt'ort. 'l! IlOllli- nate nun tor eoii.nossioiier next year. i A V.VI.l Alll.K liKi IPK If true, and we have no reason to doubt il, the following recipe is worth eousidi ring: To puiily a in -in s-'t a pitcher of wafer iu the apain.iienl: and ill a few hours it will have absorbed all the respired gases j in the ro on. the air ol' which will b.ue become purer, but. the water utterly I lilthy. The colder the water is the greater the ' ill aiity to eonl,tiu the-e g.c-es. At th : ordinary ti uipcrature a pail of w.tttr will absorb a pint ofcalholi- ic acul gas an t scveiai jontsot ammonia. The capie ity is nearly doubled by rcduc iie' tin- water to the temperature of ice. lleiio. w it i- k' pt in ii room fur awhi'c is until for us,.. Dkmhi'K i n 1 1 1: vu i vs, i ii vnov. Tile Deinocralie club al Halifax, wiil. we are iiiioinp il. have a bio pu-nie souu-ti'iie in Auoii-l to w hi . h ail ihe D. mm ratie club- iu tic- canity will b" inviod. .lodge 1'ottle, th- lliinoeralie i amlidate for tiov. rnor nnd other di-tingui-led speakers will address I In-:os 'iiibleil clubs '11 1 1 s will be a gran 1 affair for ! mocracy and we hope that there will be ii large attendance.. Halifax Democrats are am nig the 1 e-t in the euuntrv and we know th it they will make the occasion brilii intly siiecessl'ul in all of its point-. Tb" cili. his of ihe old town knew how to keep up the r.-t u.ati-ni so well einn- d III the days past. Hall tc-iiighl. consisting 'i illusions, llali-follnatiolis and tli'k.- of magic The eutci-iaiiiuieiit will he moral and pi asun giving. The trick- of modern spirit mils ists wiil be cXpo-ci'. Adllli-ioli J5, lo and In c uts. 11.- ceil, iiu to go. NF.W A D KKTISIIM ll.N'l Ml n ! ' Hill lot.', lo .11 111 I ,'l i ll' ll p. i II I I.I I -lllll. III.-!- -II ith-1 III eieloli.. e , . Illlllle T i 1 I ( 1 All, SOLE JQEHT FOR BERGNER & ENCELS EXPORT BEER. x i:w 1 AD Ki: I I.-1. Ml. iS. (iUOC'KUIKS. I have mi lii ml ami always keep family ha-elii-s of the very be-t kind-. an I am ul SHIP I lor H-p-iht A: Kn, II 111V p'.L I ;! I- el's jitin; anil l'('li:ij' icLcivc .niler.i mid staiulanl export laier PROMPTLY. I ilaraiiltv ,lo.. .l -Ailh Iiml it to lii--: xpeeinl lieiit-li il; il il i- li .iii 'lleil uiili 1'ii'f ;mh1 in order aii'.I put ti in clemi nc.it lint tics Iiu i xlr. oniiiiaiy il l innly kepi unlil wanted i'.ir u-c Denlers will r a' I ,iii l.i 'i' to ii ui'i'luist i!i 'Ai- iii it ii tx ol uic as tlu-v an; mil nti lor tlm i.t roll.-lllller t.ile or Hat beer. CONFECTIONERIES. My stock of confectioneries is v.uic and well select, and perfectly fresh. rm iTS! ri;i its! i ki its: f ii i:s il i:vi;uY day to ok no. CAR 1 -SO X ATE D r AT E RS. I also nil ll,,- hr-l , I m . i: l: m i . ili.ni.ilcil walei's usually eallcil t'o -M:-l'M;ll I. A, i i:i:. m. Ib.MilN, olio I cheap -mil. is, I'ruils apples, iu SO oraiiL'.--, an I -ii kept and all ,..id ; 1, propose, as In 'M'tolore, lo ileal slricllv on Hi,- siiiare with i Thankful loi pa-l tivois aiul liopiug to no ril a coiiliniiaiice o 1,'e-l tl'uilv. leiy one. the same, I inly o li:n J. L. FEYAR, Weldon, N. C. CICARS AND TOBACCO. : tin. store X 'iiuty t'ominissioiii is iu regular session eliiletle If it does. Tun Hoard of (', will moot at llalila: next Monday, An' exchange a-ks: -Doe, demand a vest on a hot day '.' it can have ours." Tiik next term "f ihe Inf ri. .1- curt will convene at Halifax on lie ihird Monday in Au.:n-t. Souk one has :.kc! Wh -re do flics go in winter? We don't know, but we wish they would '-o thcr. in suininer. Wt: hive bad reiiiirk.iblyeo ,1 w- ober duiiiig the pa-t month some say tin Co lest U.y ever eV perielleeil ill Jill;,. Tiik ll v. T. II, Kl.vir.k of ilirvs- ; Ion-, i ccupiel the pulpit of the M. 1-1 I Chiiri h Sun lay ni"i niug an 1 prcach-d j mi able seiiiioll. Cilia kkii Cm iiin -M. W. D. I'eti- I- r. who cultivat's M ij .r Kmry's Moore farai. is a good i inner and i- not ham pered tooiumh by obi ideas, bor several yens he has be--1 :-l. intitig a p'-rlion of hi-e.itton i r -j- in i li- cks. Ho did so this y. ar and is . .e.vinn'il that it is the h"s method of col-ll,', lb- .-ays ii will yield more and co-ts l--,-s per acre to cul tivate thai Itoii planted iu dulls. It takes hss hoe Work and is altogether atisfactorv. He thinks lb. M y stock ot'eiv n- an 1 t .'i.i -c i i- Coll-talltly I'cpiclll-lle'l oi'h llle l"'.-t and 1 ask an tamiu.ili u. ca.v,;d Conl'S keel THELUMfslUS COMBINATION GIN. THE ONLY GIN! MADE WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHER. i i-i pn. ANNOUNCEMENT llabigh. N ( . July L'I. IViS. Tn TIIK Dk.Mi" ItATII' Cl.l Usui- NiiUTII CauiiI.IV : lu uiakiiio arrauoeiiictits for the Con Velllioll of Dellloclatie eluhs at Morehcad City. I i be hcl 1 Augii-l 1 "n Ii . it already appeal-ill it we will be able to se ur . a considerable reduction ineveu the present low i xciir-ii'ii rates from all parts of the State to Morehend City. Ii is intend d t ) have thise tiekels run lil'lecll days, if possible, so that delegates may i xtelld their stay of duty into a longer one for pleasure, if desired. llediiccd rates uf board have be.n . heer fully neeonleJ by the Atlantic Hotel foi delegate!!, and provision made for as large a number as may attend. Member ul' clubs attending with iln ir delegation will bo entitled to the sain, rates nf railroad fare and li it el boar. I as delegates. The Assembly building at Morehend City has been tendered il free of ib.irgc I'd the meeting of tic Convention. We are indebted for this tu the eoiute.y ul Mr. H (i. llarrell. Secretary of the Teach ers' Assembly Ariiiugemeiits arc pe-ding for a tirand Mass uieelillg during the CollVelilioli I'loiniuciit visitors arc cxp"i ted from all partsof the State and from the country at large Among the novel lentiires uf this celebration will ben torch light pro cession cut to sea and back, by all vessels and yachts in harlmr of Morehcad City and ltcnul'olt. There will also In' a bril liant display of fire-works on the water and a grand illumination uf building dining the procession of vessak Kor the committee: Kb. ('. Smith, chairman, II. C. Hki'kwitii, Secretary. All summer clothinj; al greatly reduced prices. M. Hart. All wujI albatross iu colors at 1!' cents at M. F. Ilart'a. r.Urrli riiiv.l lu-iiUIi and Hvvert bronlli Hccim-d tiv ShUiili's (atttrrti Kemisty. Price Bu cents. NVal Injector tree Kor hale liy I. K. Ilrecn, Wel don, T. I'. Hunter, Harrentoli. Vv ill j-nii snfTiT Willi Pyi.McL anil l.lvi r rom tlallit'. Miil'ih's Viuliner I. Ktmruiili isl tnrure ?mi. Kor ml. by I, K. Vtvtn, VI vtilon, T. I'. Huu-U-r, Wlmutcu. N'OMINAIIIINS K.iK l o! S I V iimrl;-,-li.l'tKTil lIKIlltliAM.KIl. f.lil nuts liii.wuKU Nt:vs:-- In y.eir ! List i u-- we notice a li-t ol mimes to be j taken into consi.b i.iiieu by ihe eoliveli- tl ill lor tloiniuation. Wo woul-l. suljeel to the convention, call their a'tetilioti to a few names. Wbil'we 1 no objee tioll t l those lllcllli .lied ' ae Would like to see the nominees tak, u from ditl-i-rent porii m of lb-' county, which, we think, would give in ire general sati -faction. We. Messrs. Kilters, would be plea-cd to s v any of tb" following named j ''eutlein. h nominated for the l,eoilatuie S. .lobu-ti n. 'I'. I, Kmrv. W. II. Kin-bin; or II S. Harrison. A. ISiiukh-y, John Laughter. A ticket out of these, it seems to Us, Could be selected by thee . ll veiiiion against which the Itcpublicin nominei-s would stand no sh iwiug. Next we would llolice tile ollice ol' sheriff, oueol'tlie most important in the county, and we tannot be too choice as to who o -11 ii' s the po-itio i. Wewoull sugge-t the name of W . I.. 1 over- who was nominated by the convention two years ago nnd iil o'Vcd his nam? to b -used when he kll 'W that it was iiupo-sible for hliu lo be elelted, but was willing to act ill eonluriiiity to thcii wishes f.-i- the good of bis party. We hope that the convention will n it overlook this and turn against men of this stamp noble men. an I well known by our ciii. m. We ask you, then, gentlemen of the eoiiveu lion, to put Mr. Ilow. is on the li k.-t. and we think you wi I have (be applause of every Deuiociat in Halifax eoun'y. Aud we Would like, l.isl but lint least, lo see for l!egi-l. r of Deeds, the name of 1, Yin-oil. the pre ut incumbent i mail who Worked hard in the last election f.,r the par y and ai led in larrvitig a larger Deiliii. ralic Vote th in has been polled before in a number of years. Mr Vinson has made most faithful otli -i i. performing In. d-ity iu every instance, and has given g, ii. i.il satis!',,, tio i. and .ve think u li- is o 't r nouiin mil it will cause great dl--a'i -f o-ii u among the in i-s of the people And this veal of u l Jcir we need the May iie-i li kei w ean Lung out. and we b-'heve Mr in is tin man to bring hi- ii lo the poll. It i.ecnis to us that it w uld ho treating him un ju-tly to nouiin lie anv other man iu bis stea l as he has hardly been in otlice long eiioueh to leiinhurs.. him f ,r hi trouble, slid wo lliiuk it tint duly of every Dclll erat Iii put iu a plea for his reuouiina lion. The hsii1c of Hingwood au-l vicinity will meet on the lib day of August at Kiugwood, lor the purpose of forming a Cleveland and Fnwle club. This is right and we hope to sis-every Democrat iu the township there to net and speak lor himself. There will also he a meeting in Itriukleyvilleon thcHih of August for the same purpose. Come to the meeting, gentlemen, and do not let our township be behind others in working for go id men who ate in favor nflesa taxes and low tariff -those are the things for which we are striving. .1. Sleepless Ilis'lil. Iliil.il' mlscnil.le t.y llisl Korl-I.N- i uuilti. suil.iti n care I. Ihe reiucily lor you. r-.t sale I.J 1 K.llrevll, Wel.toll, 1'. T. Hunter Warn-uton. SUM 1111 .-VI I'Al.l.l-It I- 1, 0 you ne.sl lor ronslipiillou. l oss of Appetite. Illxxoiiss, mid ail Hi iiii'toiiisol lly.S'iia I'ru-i' 111 alel ci'libt p--r linltie. K..r sale l.y I. K lireen. Weliloll. T. I". HioiU-i, Warreiilou. - - i -- Clevelntid beavers and Thurman b in- dann)' fur sale hj M. F. Hart. I'.v Kit V I leiiioeral ill this section of ill. St ile sb .u'd siibsci-ib I i the 1'elA- X"h: N'ttsr; and I p iut'ormel about political niatters, Manv wiil il.iuhtl,....s avail themselves of the cheip rates offered by the Coast Line and lialcigli and il i-o-n Kailnui I to vi-it the vaii.cis laimuicr re- ins. I .li's cut iu b ilvc or ipi irter. and placed near new paint, will absorb the ili-agiccahie smell of the paint. I 'nl .r toiiat. lv. ibe paint d ie- li it ab-orb the lli-.lgl'eeabl.. .-111,11 of ihe unions. Tiik fanner' Alli.i!!--,. i growing iu fiimr iu this part of the Stale as rapidly as in any oth-r s-'cioti. Kv, i y sub alii.iuee in ibis c -ii'iiy and Noiiba.iipton r ives ., w in -nibers at every tn.-ctiug. There ai" at lei-t five bun Ired in -nib.-rs tlow in this comity. I'mus Mkkiim; -Tii ' I'uin m .ot ing of the I! ijiti-t church at Crow.-ll.- la-t Week Wis Is u-ll ll. a slleeess. ', re was good preaching and deep interest The meetings were well attend"!, while on iiu lay tli t e oiigreg.itioii was very large. A number of our p'opl" went down. more poets for a good yi-'ld of t- tt..n ar gener ally better thi yi-ar than lat, the only thing needful boing suitable weather tin ting the remainder of ihe season, Mr. l'linler mi I'rid.iy brought us an el.e.iiit walerm.'loii wbi h h' raised. It i- tin- lir-l l-r .light to I IWII thi- s, a.,,11. Ile s. 1 1 till v and I roiibt to town a bun d il more li s wt i k ov elV killil lil.Vii.-J aii'l inor,' I. villi-.- CHEAP ..l lvalls' ( 'i il n- r. Vcli Ib-spccl fully, C. V. EDUCATIONAL. OKI' I- I. M A 1. ll s Si I N A 1! V. t X 1 i ; I . N, C. .l.i-.' H iil Pi mil. 1-1 II T. 1 1.1 1. SI (I l oll '. l l si. I., le i. Iloi.h r.l. -riui.l l-'lllt: KXTIs-ii! Is II Kit lOiuoililecil ui iiioiiiiil snprnoi-lu .oiy Ion niadu. -vooyj . r..- i; on naii'i. .u -v-w v.i v , i v - ' v,' a ii I ,1jZS-&. 'pi '- '.' -HotSJ I'loi i:,--l'i i .sitv.-.i.lns -.Kill; K.'ciKis il.ld: IVialcl ' "-'''V .'"si--i-.:s -';i cr- 'fe1$.?f I ''" '' -I "l'i i-lyl- '.ins. w 1 fnoc, will, .11 Jsft-j: . -falpj llt-jjfP? ' leip'oiciiiciils, winch 1 am cicrini; out in I. .1. 1 ce-fr j..3,ii i. , - '.t, i. .... . BK." '.'-.s i.oiin,ito.w. A Xk.w Kish .K Ci'TioN The l'av-lt - i;e . e, r sp aks of a ll -w kind ol'i-ctoii which Ins he -n developed : ' in Cunil'i llaii'l ceiintv bp Di. Ji lin Me Coi'iniek. It say- th-' leave- are entirely , ditferciit IVoiu cither cotton or okia. and lb.' Doctor lllillkstlia' il is a cross be ! IW-c'l the TiaVcil'TS silk Wee-1 all I C"t- ; H ton. The lint which was taken from a j boll of this year's growth Was -ll-iwn t" scveiiil pntic iiho proiiouneci! it some- i thing w on Ii rial f o' .-iij. 'rior to our or- : dinary cotton. The I'. tor ;:is tb.it l.i-i year a little Jaughtir of Mr Smith. I ' in cii" ping' out th" eiCtoti, was attrai t. d I to it by the peculiarity of its leif, and , cillcd b- r lathei's attention i.. i', lie ' g b- ing impr ss d with it. eultiv.i'i d it and " ha. thi. v.-ir til s'.ilk,- 1'roiii the eiigind '' plant. It i- clli'licl that i' Is eipialiy a- ' j.r- ilu-. i iv.- as th- or-lin iry eoltoii. i- j not 'b earlier iu - p nii'g, an I that the) silk: II texture ol the lint 1- I..V s'l It ! I i . iily y.-i t i say wb it i; do, but wh ii I h cr ip h is m i: -ir.-l aiol I is g ltll r-'d il cm be lo'd vh- 1 !l- I it will excel the ordinary kin 1. ' A, Jei I. a. I 'n s, ho. M-i-:. W&T. iieeueivoi'venerviev-,-. '-''i,.. .':?.Jir"s!4jafeii' f"'iii'i'-sr..rciirriiiiKiiii t lilt work i xpcrii-iicul i un ,S,-hil l..r circular. liine ilii'lcltMd k in nil its brunt-lies, , N v. . Hi ll. ill. :, .Nil-. I ll :1I V -pet t'l r. ". 111 Mi.-s ,'Cs I', -I. Ife! icssiou ol 'ill H ci-ks, .. II llsliOlL', l.t-e I. lllll FRANKLIN II. LUMMUS, MANAUKR, JUlsTIFEIvl, Q-A. WHLDON, N. C. jnlv . !m d in. I It. 'fili i1 Mi'll l''!1 lilliiili' t .V'lly week " I I lie "(.! iiitf I', r lu . i l 'i i ry. r.i;,,l. . I irni-h. il i ri n i. II ll-i: m:i; U VA , !', ..'kin Mil i if lo-in lln iiu ut: ill t ixf.ir-l. V. Vu SATUJIDAY. JXJisrE 23RD, 1888. I,- 1 I-' (1 11 c N ii 1! (I V Knikk Ci.ka.mnh, There is iioibing l etter for cleaning steel knives than a raw Irish potato, dipped Iu line brick ilut. Cut ort' a slice of the potato so as to leive a raw surface, dip it in linclv beaten briek'lust and rub the knives until tlu-v look blight and ilean It due n I weif out and break the ends of lb blad.-s. and requires no s'reugth at all. KlKi'TluN I ik Ol'KH'Kits -The an inial eleeli 11 of officers of the Scotland Ne k Mounted Kill. men took p'aeo at the in- pmeiit last week and rculti -I iu the clctioli o1' W. II Atitlio-n, Cap t iin;ll. S. White, 1st l.icu'ci.aut. and v . K Spriiul, 'Jn I Lieutenant. .Mr. 1 11. Smith was not re e'ect. d b -eiu-eii was by many be'ievel ib it be w nl 1 not ace. p'. if el. etc I. His III uds regret the iiii-iindcrs andiiig whi, h oecurr d. Dki.k iviks Ki.ki'ikii At a meet ing of the Deinoer ilie Club at Kntbhl on Tbui-diy list the foil. oving were el, -led .1 l-gatc an I litem Oo lo represent lb" eliib at the Convention to be held u lor liecl City on W du . 1 u. tli lo b m-i : D leg-ires. W. C. Th-.rne. S Mey.r. S C I! l ainv. I. T. Wbllaker, D I'.-n l. r. .1 C Davi. Alt rnat -. I-' M. Di.-k.Mis. It ehtr.l Co.',, V I. I'ippin, It WllkilH, l.-e Whitlker, S (i. l,iili-l.f. ClIK.VI' Til hTS Til TIIK Si M M I 11 lU.snitrs - l-'roiu now unlit the cud of ll,.. K..,snn r-"l!'. tlin tickets will L: :l..l 1 every Saturday, good until August g"uh. l'i . n Weldon at the following rates: To Wrigbtsiille, $;I7... to A she. ill.', ST IV I.t llliiek Mountain, $7 Db to (ilen Al pine Springs, Stl llll, to lli. korv So To. to Hot Springs Sil.l'H; to Morciu i I City lion, lo Morgant m, $il 15; lo tbd 1'oii, JliSlt; to Itoliml Knob, ?ii Sll, lo Wayne-ville, $S.ll.i. lteluced rales iu proportion will also be sold from other stations. I'kusiin ..-- M ij or T. I, Iv.nry r.-- ('line 1 a d iv or two ;ogo iivm a trip to Wiightsvili" and the lliiiiiuiocks. I Mr. .1, 1! T.lii ry, of this county, has been on a i-it t- Wilmington 1 Mr. mi l Mr-. U J I. wi-. . f Halifax, re'iirn-d froin a isit to Wiigbt-il!e ' s, . ral days ago. . ! Mr. C V. Hill uf Washington. X C , who has been visiting relaiivi s in Scot j land Neck, n lurncd h one Mon lay. I Mi.s l-'.tla Wbit lead, of Se.llaud l Neck, is visjiing ihe family of W. D I'cn ler a! the M Hire Kami, near hero. Mr. I'. M Talker, .lr, ..f Itingivuo I, the ih-vcr repres, trutiic of lii.rrett s in. yard, wa iu town this week. ('apt. A llanbaldl. o I roWe iu town Tue-il.iv. Mrs It S. li.,11 left yesterday r.-lativ-- iu S -ctlaii 1 Neck. Mr. Willi. un Smith, who has been nioiiie in.i'ie. r on ihe IV cr-barg an 1 t Wcld.ii initial .-iace 1 vol . In-, lien i S' .pi no o' ll s a-i , ri gll it li;s p i . to r.-iire froin r .i roa I s- r ie . M S ui-h f -r thi, ti - hr- e uar- r .a lb - p : - cog r tiiin i n ibis r -a 1, a id be i-, p I- j -. tl O o'.ict 1 H" 111 't Ve ellgitl cf I t!i - -I ,1 -.- r.-:.-t-'.iirg vtil 1 1 no, III -IM." I'll! I-UI VKIIIV. '.'l-ellgl. M.-.lli-IHLllllOlll -"" I ! I i o i. t I .U ', .,1 i ll'lio.!. it 11 Im 1 lei ill 1 I K M 1 I. I-: I "1 II' I itt i.i: nt x. x. r N- xt ir!i,iHii' y- I visit hi-in Iioll e 'til lilt1 COM I tie- ll.l III" I Ihe iitii: .clone t li- a .1. licli 1 lemil-!-. UK l.Iy u , ,'., V. Oil llOl-ie ot.it one lio-ti Hire- l o: i ;it.i'..ieu.- ui oiuer no ll lUo I KY j'i:s h .an ... --I I'.oiloliocl ill! I'O Al l.. i'1. HII.l llliti "II iii!', r.M'it. M . 1'resiileitt, l.lMlet hi. N I SEABOARD, H. C. inn si MM 1.1; shK'K is r.ly I g. foils al a .ie line I'oeu the o lccs to face you all.! say tlt.it our pile, this or an v otlo I Ion o near u I ii th. wav ol I.INHII 1)1-, ,. pile ipi.l lug! 1 itt 1 sll.l.l i, ils al .". r i our inspection. We houglit all cotton o a lew- weeks ago, aiul we are ncpuretl i lor manv gooils can't he duplicated in DAVIS SCHOOL. llilitary Boarding School roit Dovs.,.n,i ynrsu Mrs. 1 ill! l-t I. T.ol. li for nm I '.ill. 'no - f ' ' -' IN MEMORIAM. hit ii t li- ! li nn Hi ' ,Uii t, i . ici it. r. .'ii'.i t ..l 11 1' h.i.I K A Mt I 'iM v.n-'-it.'l Im-; it-- i 'v i-x-rth.' hi lli'll tMlr ll.'Mi'iv lit i -litnv you flirty oik' styK'S, riiui;iii: in ti i mi " l lic. to 1 1 1 '2v .er ;iiv!. Out line ul ( ii tili.ims is tiin--il. .mil utii 1 .' I .'i , -it IrM im hi le the Sc.Mcli cpliyr.s, which ure tiw i-l iii'lc itMnhL-litlli'-. OUI llll Stll,-lll, iitchiiHii i lilt! (i.O).1- uhirh ;irc .'iiim k new. Wt lnvc an i-l-iiiulj'ie. per v.inl. A nnv it'ul li tit t'l' i,l an I lic.mtii'ul sli.ttl dl' AUntnif.. at very low oi ii;r.- Coniliiuatioti I e s I ""i i:"i.' t- II -H.,-llllj 1'. Ill-Ill.' I II .-! lit I.-. - 1 mh i ( or- itt-t Mund: I iidei Orckt'Ntrnt II tuiilriii ii r g el) ii a V- 'ui. i i" ..i,i','( ,i,f. (.i. S.' Klra Cluirtr tor I .iTiuauft or St'icm-i', lH'1-.'iHiiifin til .Ml t'n'l I't'iinii- Kit V 1 IIU If ITI. l..r H'HU-'T 1th !:)lt .nt'ii-ut:ti ;i--ilr- COL. C. DAVIS, Supt., 1 A l.HAM. I, . ('. In T.t.-r.il. . iiml july ill I tu II I N iH Ki. F F. M I !: i u . I. F.'t i:, I ll.l ll. I.; till t'l nt .nir- .si in kki lie . ii Hi ili.l ih Hie In irflil inieMliue un il ! Ii-i liv tl' H I il. h..... n,mi. H lieu II ll- MITl 'l -1' . IIH'l till' A (Jnilll TsK FOH Ill.ArKIIKHHIIX-- IMiic'Jierr)' an av ii-h' uf cnti.il cntiitiiiTi-1 but tso litlle nt' the it-uu i m ar tit locim U. hail lb.it it in ot'trn mlultcr-iitt-'l Hinl biinl to r-i't. Ils ini'ilirinul ipi.tlitioH ;tr,! (xu 'Dent miJ it is in iiV miut'l. Vt havo lvn intnniM'tl tb.it during (lie ma-kin I bit bin jut cutl-il tltc vitt y.t at Itingwu.xJ uia-le 5.l)tMl illniis nl' bliu-kU-rr)' wino fVim bt rtten bnit'jbt from tin prut'le living wiiliin u rulitif nl uiiie mile f'mm the viiu'vunl TIhm iutlii'try lw uxwy lirculatinj.' aiactng tlio people. I H. 1. 1 I il.'-m .! il.. i in'- in -I ruh 'i 'lie A -t,' 111. I In .l-.ir f. i r,:i 1 '.If .I'll 11. I Ml li I I.. I lie I VI .Willi In I i lie; ai ll. tunl A full Km' iil " e..iMH'ii ii! -I.i). ft iteiiil-.': Iinl CX.tTlelicetl rivi. !ics iisimlt) lltl 1 i IK- .lllil Tl l l.l ( Cii.int line ot I iH'i' i . ( 'itin'.iii.it inn Ore-'. I 11,41111-!. Iu tit" u.iv ul I Al.h'iHS, In v o ;l lull lit) IVitlci :tii'l we cm s 11 nti (h.. i uitl.iril nt ike ol' prints tin H.';iim at Te ji' i ii I Si iip-m'-. u i!ic .in 1 WiniUn l'i iut eitul.l not lia vt b tii hoii-lit .i -lu.it v. lnle li.it k tin' nmeii le-tt than 7f , hut hi1 got a little insiile l'i!u:. aini Hi' can he.it tiu town on priees. way "I I. Wv I'. TITi:, ic . nur lint' i- kri anil tilt' styles s Hill (.eA li.t'lllhes. wav o: TK'IllNli. in. lii.lin Tort m Laeci ami I1.iiii1)iii-j;h, cm -liiw oii un asui tnii'iil thai wlipsrs Wo hat many Nuwltnw "Aortlt wt-ing I KMAI.I-: CtH.I.I-fllN. I,...' Itt. hi Hie I nil- r.nii).:i ul 1.. UiMi.I.h,.: 1 linteN'.ttH 1 1 nti" 1 M KIlnl'K-i I J )tl) 1" tin mow n mrii- r i i m ai i I'H1i)J III H t-r I... i . iur m i i:i- iiki.- i.i ui i- lltllitl u ii ku. N. C. H 11 llll. I lr.. ;nl- h..) Ii. urn .In. v nine, ttl " lie (ir 111. ). I t.lrti-i Hll H III I'll. .1.1 , m nut i l I'ml in iniirii , HII'I I.. s i- llil.-.l t i-liur. li. l'i -iii,.lv In-" t-'i.-li i.t !i Ilh llll i. v i lnir in III it one.' Iini.in .1. ii fn,-iit, .I'-nr lii .liM r.iuel 'i'ln i . ul I. li.. U.i Ik It'll U- IU' noi nil fur I Ii u ' iiiii! let ii' in l.'Si's-inl iiu- ii'iiiiiiii'ler ol our il ivs- in iirsimriii i-1 in. l li.-i uitli.it limine N- ,icl Ih s.kit-4. Hiel lien u ixli-ill 1 1 five riMi lo-il ilir 4iinii..l lint "Iti-.iiiufiil i.Hi' n'ie ill In1 .tu- ul l in' w Ii 1 1 - i,'li -I -hi iuii.' out's N till liitiK Hti'l liinu fur ii- All' it- ile.-t I. ll.l. Ill HI Hit . !!!', N,. innfi' .ill e:irUi i!, nee II e; Tin liMiiee nmkt" ine Mil riml loin l .i in Ui ,jn li.i v,. K-nii' uli tlu'i- Alel tlioii slmll never iDniv ii'liiru I'.. il e iiii (in rih dink, dieiii y diori1, 'I )ty ilnj mi' irM. Iliy w .irk is .Imii, 'I Inut' eurtlilj iil;i ni)iifc i.i o't-r. -Hi i( W not-'M n Ht u. ."l.l Mill. IV". AnoibiT larjrti sh i jifiirnt nf lii-wi whitH K'inl Li'usi'fJ nil fie. just riTeiviil an ! will bf uuld at a fcaial! ailvanw abovi1 to-t by 1 T. L. Etury. Hie I..IN Ur ne-litiili.iii 1'i'Mins it II7.7i.A:.I ' 7.7'7' lit III. ll iiiK'p"t ii.'ri ii Iv.iiiti," t ,t nitiiieil ui In Furniture, Mnve. tn 1 An. T.ie M'.-rl, .1' tin l.it. ntry I'. niMHK nl - il;vi le.l mtn seven M'li.toN: Mullielimtit s. I.tttlil. Fn iH ll . I ieriinili. Nrtluml S leitee, M-.nil I'll i l..iphy , hikI Ktijiluli l.tlernlure. Tin- t. tiilu ls i:i i Imre of tlu'ce (K'Imii'I'-nrc fi'i'i iMlly iiuiilnU'il Uy their (iri'i'rtrii li-iti niiil exiK-rieiiet. f..r the i.rk riniiiuitte.l to theii eare. The Mut-ic Ii i.irlnieiH i muler Hie care ol t '8i hefh of eiillnre un l reii'tcm.'tit, w ho hnvi utniMitil iwiitiK to quali'y tlirnicuhef f.r tln'ir rtk. Hinl wli.i ure well known to piitrom. it" mini ixipiilur nnd Miercfful . Tin Imlj in i liHrct .fjtu Art li(-Brtiiiiiit Knr luTi'tiliri-time to Ii cr n oik nml Hnints mM nf her Heiitioiif In xfviiriiiK a hlilionnl iiiHtruelluU uii'Iit'Ik IhI iiiii-utc The liK'-Miinti of i k Institute. tu celerlPil tu urefcreii' i' to h-wiiiI ( t Im n, iti mum; rettiioi'ts more clitililr, on meount nf ll cflil-rity foi I t Ml. .,r.l tl,., l,I.ir ..I tl.,. L,.rl f.,r f..rtv yer fully su-tiiinn Iti l reutiHion. It lii'a iif, ieconl ix notmirtHssL(l hy miy hmtitutioii tu Uio sime. ('lisructi ure ier nuKlfrittt.'. I'or cut- lit(ii nr infu ruin tioti. audrcu tr.it Iv on In th. .ni l (' ii In ! ': Kiiiluni.li i ie-i. rtnurifin'-is etc. ii-u pi v ion. eiVm N in this line ali.l iv e aNo h.iu' an i li-.tnt a-ot I in -ut of rinlnni'leivil KuIh-s Iiolii l.'J.'i up to 1 tMI Tli iiil: ni ii finality ul' India Linen al .V'. pr yard. A lawn for He. ami lc per yard. laneii i'ur Uh 1 ."if. 'jn.-. :. 'Xh; ami lk: mt aiil, lid h H pn ( nl the 1 '(-.. I i ualily ul' thi- 1,'oodo that wi ran liny. The lust HI.I'ACMIN'. for-" and l'V. that h.rl.eon nn tin- markrt fur an :!ic ii fan slum uu- An nsiiirtuii'iit n! 1 1 niti v, Nnkwrar, Kadu's' and (iiMtts1 Collars aud ('nth, I landkcn liii t's, Wineii Cursrts at !'Hi'., Silk (ilovi's at Mk.( uml it puu-ial vaiiily nf Nutioii- that will h-.u in-Kctinn. aud wo will take the CTi ite-t ilrlijjht til show ili tile xllili', Wi-i nn "lion nm a l'ii hut nl CI.OTHIM' I'ur p-titi and Ihijh, alwi a liiic 'lock mi 1 1 A IS, iii Straw tiinvU, Stifl't.ixids und I,iht Wt'ight Nn tn.iv l hn luu nl Slh IS, is i-tiiiiplt tt for I, adieu and Cciittetnen, and prictn utu a -htiile loun foi Mum- yiade" A full line ol ' Ijeett'n Shihn tin ladicn in the t.iohiiiiLilile Hh.ipen Thru- mIkm-m area iiH-tiiH iMiuhitialiunuleIejan(-,ltini-lulil v. iiml i-et tunnv uml ly I't-nnme nicrif Imvc ?i Tiff? thf rtTTTttt iridt? spread p 'pulatily. and aie a kiiuw ledrd lo he the best nhoen on tho mar ket. tinrSTOt K it eoiiiphte inevery ri"M-('t, and we wilirit your trade, Uuai.ititei'inn mi the cliitest pi let's. W. J. MADDREY & SON, Leaders of Low Prices. J, B BREW ER. 1. 1111 1 SK IH.IM.II tl., tt. W. l MR. ODENHAL 4 VICAR. FINE CLOTHING, Mt'iis' Furnishing (inotls anil Nuveltien in C'liililiin'i) Wear. Wlul!1" Church St., Nearly Opposite I'unt'll House, Niini'ni.K, V. Urdu's will receive prompt nltentiun. j iiue 7 'im Of Interest to Ladies. VwtllMnH r rftifl SAMPLlef mr wnntortd Hiitelllt tor (fioali' onniplHtiit lo urludr woo wlsbM In txatlUdlllcAer Imfofn iurt-buiau. Hnitd hUttei lor iMUtfu. Baku Sliuitii Cft., ! -ifA IIKS YOf VISIT SKABOAHO.BKBtlRE TO KTUI'ATIIIK 1I0TKI. AHOADE, Wiiln ulrwl.s'citsurd, fC. C. II. J.Madkkey, rraprirtor. rTitWi- ttlwuys nippllril nllh II my lss.1 timi.ls thai can be prmiiml. lie ni-c tojrifi' Uit Arciitlca. IrKl. Mws