f HyH Off pT"3 1 HE HALL & SLEDGE, I'lioi'itiETOiis. VOL. XIX. -A- NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPL E. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST !), 1888. TEBMS-'2'011 I'Klt ANNUM IN ADVANCE. NO. 22. 4 1 iff J : I r i. V - I. NEW A D V K UTS I E M E N TS 1357- 1857 JANUARY lit 1111, RUFE. W. DANIEL aUOUIHIM, LIstUOHS, FIN II W1NKH, UIUAR8, ' TOBACCO c, Ac. IIKKGNKH A I.M:l:l.'M LAC Ell l.EEK ON ICE. It. W. DANIEL, No la, Wuh. A.a Weld..!. N. ' )un. 2S l-y mansion norsn Noltlol.K, V. . M. S. A SI KM, lnin'ictriiH!j. Centrally located, good .leeoimuitilatiou, rales reasonable. 1 jitui tl, remodeled, retuinwhcd. Home tor Noith Carolinian.'. Special rah to .show people. Jon X ,V Jknkins, clerk- wiia r is "ALL THE RAGE?" An excellent Chew, Satisfaction guarim- tftil. W. J. MAl)IHiEV& SON. Sole agents for Scalmaiil ami Vu iuit v. II. (i. WILLIAMS A ( d. WhoU'wiK' TolHtfciiiti.sts, Nortolk, Va. BUIDOKRS cV: CO., COMMISSION M KUCHA NTS, CoRNKK CiRKKN AMI Illlill Slums l'ortsrjjoulll, Vn, Solicit cnsie;ntiienls of LiiiiiIiit. Wood, El-ip, Fowls, ami ull kinds ol' country produce. june i GROCERIES I I . L I. B. We have just returned to Wcl.lun, N C, and now occupy tin store between EMRY'S 4 ZOLLICOFFER S We are rcceiviii;r and oticiiiiii; a lull line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will keep on haul a iw'.'etiil stock uf Groceries, Fruits, Confeeiioncriiw, Ci'am, Tobacco, SuulT, Wooden and Willow Ware, Crockery, Glass, Tin Ware, itc, lie. We will iH'll at I lie LOWEST NUCES, 0 also return our sincere thanks to our many friends anil acquaintances tor their kiud, liberal patronage in the past ami sftlicit a continuance ot the u with guarantee to ilcase. Very Respectfully, J. L. ,11 DKINS .V CO., jau-5-tf. Weldon.. C H.L. JOYNER, MAIN HTKKhT, SEABOARD, N. C. EC-iirCS U 111 lui uUm.t.u.l ul lilt, pulilic to the fact that lie has just opened, in llr. Kteiihtmn's Stole, one of the select stocks of FAMH.AY lattK'ta.iKs, riiOVLSIONS, TtHIACCO, t'IGAHS, BSl'FI', (IINI HC TIOXKKIKS, TINWAItK etc., Kver offered for sale in thin market, and most respectfully licil the patronage of his friends and the public generally. I boniiht these Hood? to fell, ami not to rust ouluy ahehes. Call early and examine niy stock and prices. Very truly your friend, HISTON L. JOYNER, Har;b 31 UW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. n 'I I ltlllll -PATENT C AGAMBRHL M; Co. OUR RATElsTT ROLLER FLOURS ire manufactured from ilio CHOICEST riorty lor V N I KO It M IT V . ST 1 1 K X ( I T 1 1 has lull'' turn uckiiowlcili:i'il. J he l'ATAl'SCOSII'EMLATIVEI'ATENT Stands unrivalled. Of a lich, Cn tuny Culcr, Fastidious. MrAsk J'ill:ii Silpi r!:ilivr I .ilinl, 1 'at:i,seo Family I'atctit, lialiltvin Family, C. A. liAMHUILL I ly. w paine's mpound UREa Nervout Prostration, Neuralgia, - Stomach and Liver Diaeasea, Rheu matiim, Dyspepsia, and all urTec tiontof the Kidneys. hriHimai ,t,i',M wntp prinriiiloB III HrCAliSC i ''-lry met I'iica Ilmu Mroiif thmunn th un-uu juluii. DrPAIIOr ( " r'"""'l M'lwVeminfl til DLvAUdt fftiMm t'AUMxl by iui,turuvr iiiiMivcr OrClllcr I ri'fful-ilfM llic IihwpIh and Lulut'jB BECause It li&tltt wnti'ltrfiil foiir-fuld artiDti, Price tl. 00. iy 'lnii;i.'ihi. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Proprietors UUHLL1UIU.1, t 1. jan l'J ly THE PLACE TO GET sanaa mi -AT LOWEST IS AT DR. A. It. ZOLLICOFFEU'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON W E EDO STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY MTKKSCRIITION DKI'AKTMKNT KM.l.KU I'UESCUII'TIONS COMI'OI NDKI) PGUPl'MEKY, STATION KKY, FANCY FANCY BEMXMBKR that ft bearlf welcome ft lwuys FOR SA!.K BY V. N. nel 1 1 1 f Light Runniog UoinesticScwin Alneliine 1A 1 1 U It v I 1 LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. DRY GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, II ATS, CAPS, DOMESTICS, HUNTS, STAPLE ;oolS, (iltOCEKIES, Ami Everything that cau be called for. HEADQUAOTEKS FOR AND HAltDWAllK Tho publio u respectfully iuvited to oot 8 ly o'l, THE 1 i) i (I ul mi ui nun PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED 1774. WHEAT OUT A I N A HI,E. Their sui.c ami I ' N A I ' I ' 1! O AC 1 1 A I ! I , E I' LA V 0 II It tmikci a Hn-.iil tliut will t-uit the v.nr l!rvf fr it. Itolamlo ClioiiT Clint, Or.uii:.' Hum' Extra, Maplcturi Family. MANI T.U IT KINO (O.MI'ANV, 21-1 Commerce Si , ISaltiuioro, MJ. BIAMOITODYES 4k a I Will Color Ono to Four Pounds Of Dress Goods, for Garments. I I Yarns, Rags, etc. j JVf A Child can use them! 1 lie PUREST, STRONOEST ami FASTEST i f a'A I iy.-v Wjrrjiitrl I lye llie mmt grtmlt, und lin e the best color, riiequalkd for J athtri, .Ktfi&ans, anil .ill an.r luting. Fi'f Cilding or Bronzing Fancy Article!, USES DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronxe, Copper. Only 10 Centa. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID !, llie liel ihinn in use in mixing 1 liannnnl I'.imim, A Uitile, Willi cimel'i hair brush, cisis but 10 centa. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUINQ Only 10 Cta. fur j include l-i niakr one iii.hi f tbc best iJlumt:. Will n il ii.t nr iln-.tk (In: line-l I ibijk.. A-V (irtiisl lur Iye IWk mij CnJ.or wme WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Burlington, Vt THE- PIUCES, AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. N. N. C. FREQUENT ARRIVALS. Wtltl THK UhT SKI.KtThl) MATKKIALt AT ALL Hot LS WITH tiliKAT CAKE. SDAl'S, ltKl SJU.S, ALTICLES, ToUACtO AND CIQAIiS. anaiui yuu at ZOI.IJCOFEEirS. STAIXHACK & CO. OF ALL KINDS. W. H. BROWN, WoUon, N. 0. IN A CARPET MILL. How llrimtL himI 1'miHlry Flonr-t'ovor" luffs Art) Vovioi uiifl rrliileil. If Brussels carpet is to he in ule the yarn goes to iho dye-nioin; bul if It is to hu made into laposlry, Ihen it goes to the printer. When dyed, of eourso, each yarn Is o one color thiMu'liout. When printed every yarn is dime color for certain leiiHih, perhaps 1 1 til f an !inch, then nnotlier for perhaps a quar ter of au iueli and soon. The dve-house is n pielures.pte place. It is tilled with clouds of steam llial mil fnnii the eald- roiis, over which half naked men are sloopiiif.', liftinjj ioiit rods covered with hanks of yarn in mid out of the hoilitiff dye. When the worUinan thinks the yarn has ac,iiired the ri'ht, color he suhmils a skein of it to the chief dyer. If he p:i.,se, it the batch of yarn is steamed in order to "set" tin- dye, mid is then washed and dried in another hot room, and Iheu the yarn is at last ready for the loom. A Brussels carpet usually contains live colors. This is iiecoiupli-hed by tilling live "frames" with spools ol yarn, each frame hcin tilled wilh yarn of one color. The threads are carried from each spool through thu "liedille" to the loom. Above, the ",l:ic.iiard," a pari 01 inn maciiiiio ot intricate con. structiou, determines just which thread: are raised at a particul to appear in the patter isl it ,l i.n tlin Ii ltt..fil irrou it.ir tin niagieas the .shuttle Hies back and forth, j 'llaM1" 14 f aii' you don't tax me every pi.rt of the complicated maehi- i l!"l,','h f1' '!" Ir:l,m'' ' I'M nery ofthe b, loving at it. appointed ! " "' '"'' lime and plaee as if inspired with iutol- , A ""'"a" 1 ' arried ascalawag ligence. - discovered thai let bad aliolhcr wife, "The printing process is even more l '"'npil.v got r..l of ,im. W,e wonderful. Imagine a huge drum on ,l'',''"vd that ha I a loal might be 1. which the yarn is wound. Beneath it ! "" l"v:"1- l"" ''all a loafer runs a carriage caning a kind of l.ru-li ! ".""''.v ''"thiiig. loaded wilh color. The color is changed j ' ' '"".'":". ' as reipiired by u bov. The operator I - K 'bintm --Bimwii says that yon turns the .hum to a certain point, mid . 'din l". Ibcolev." I) tiii'fy (In. tit a signal the carriage rolls across 1 digit aiitly) . 'I do n,,t owe llmnn a under the drum, painting a narrow ,'''"1' ' ''''' '' 1,1 ''. bul the debt strip of color. T'lietlriiinniin.-ani.icii i nntl the color brush dies back again, doubling the width of the slrip. Tim operator follows the pattern before hint. ami he must follow it neatly. If h makes the strip rtf color too wide, and ; if the col, tr be dark, so thai another i can not be printed oyer it. tint iilioie drum of yarn is spoiled and the blun derer is lined one dollar. j When Ihe i arn has all bent printed It is steamed, washed and dried, and j then reeled. Now, it iiin.-t I -, t'' according to the pattern. This is a process re,uiriiig much patieu, c ami exactness, mul the nimble lingers of ( gir's arn employed to do it. When a pattern is "set," it is rolled on a cilin- tier mnl then each thread must b" bv d i Into its proper place in the loom. Then j the weal ing begins and the carpet com- ' indices to grow, every dot of color coming exactly where it should lo j bring out the pattern ideal ly ami .lis- tinctly. 'Ihe most wonderful Ihing about the loom is the "wire" move- : meiit. The inttchiueri' nu'.N out front a woven earoet, tiliire. armed liitliti blade at its end. This blade cuts the wool, and thus m ikesihe "pile." 'l'heu the wite is pushed back and again thrust into the warp, the whole nine- , . ...i.,,., incut being accomplished w tth light- ning-likc rapidity. The carpet inns! then be tarefuily set'llllltleil by ivonien, who sew up any broken thread-: its surface must be '. sheared .ami brushed by machinery, so 1 as lo make il perfectly even and bright. und then it is ready for the market. Vhiluilc'ihit 'revs. VERMIN ON STOCK. A rrrvriitive and I tire VV hlrh Una Mmtil Ilia 1I uf Twi-ntf Vf.ir. I hin t1 nolii f -ti'vt'ial artii-lcn tin lln' ib'slftlrtiun el Vrfiiiii oil livi'-4tm'li. We nil have :i wav t d ir nii, whieli U nil rilit if li:w I u prn rciiMiu ami rouimmi scum'. Mv vv.iv U In lurk thi liiiin licfoii1 liui hor-sc is slnli'ii. "An cHiicf uf iircvcnliiMi U lii'tlrr than a pi.uiul uf cniv." U :ni nil -ayiti if rii'liily u-cd and aplictl. My In-lii f U lh;i( ni tifi'iM ly lu'altliy tluiu'stic ani mal will cvi'i' hii i il in infi'-.toil vvilli vi'iMiin if pio't'rly ttvattt1! and caret I fur. ami Hunt all .U-ieaSi-s may l' wanleil itVor .re eiitnl liy uin li.nclv rt'iiHMlirs or pivvcntatives. During twenty year! if farm cxoriMici' I u-tl ftotn tiftmi tu twonty-tivr inunil.of -tul-phurovi'ry yuar, wtiieh can l.e htmj;lit fur nix ertil- ter hhiih1 hv the tpiantity. Tu prepare it fur un, tu urn; part sul phur adil twu part; salt, ono part Hue wo-ml :ilu'S, tlu stnunrer the better. I'iace it und-r an open shed if yu liavci it; if not, in the yard, and put a rnver over il, whoru all can h.i ve vv$ when they pleas., ami feed nu other fait. During the lasi twenty vp.uh I have it from one to ten horses constantly, kept and f e 1 him tlrtuls of cattle, Iio;h and sheep, and never lust ly di-ea-e or itherwi-.e oim liuinhed dollars, all told. In talt fee linjj cut lie, 1 j;ivo them a warm utaiile, plenty of fie-h Itetlilin, mid usr the card freely cveijr day. 'lo juaid aiint liee, take an old tin ImLiho; pMwder can, till alMj.it half full of .lour of sulphur, perforate the -o nr with small hules, tvpUee, und ym uro ready for Itiiiin-. Take your can! in Ivft hand, your pepper box in right; ifet ioi near fiiln of hlet-e ( 'iniinii'iif " at tail and mko the hair toward the head with card, fdloing up with a llhl sprinkling tif Hulphur from your box, from tail to litrns. Then give tho hair a light brush with hand baek and forth, tc work Htilphur riunn into th hair. Hepeat thin and in twoorthroo weeks nlluw tliom nil of the smishinu, hut keep well sheltered from the stm m. Crowd ull of the feed into llieni that they will take and tako clean. Mv won! for it. you will be troubled w ith no liee and will get good leluins for your Iruithlu and fed. tor. Tlolt Mate, 'I he averairn annual death rate of the world in 31 f tf every 1.000 persons. 'Iho tivciagi dca'h rate for the lead Ing cities is '22 iu every 1 OK) persons. Old cities, liko Pari. Vienna and H.-rliu, npproftcli tho world' s average In their death rate. - The best wny lo got rid of Knglltlt sparrow Is to feod tliom with breait moistened In whisky. They will Ik soiHelcs for h few nilntitus, mid can lo picked nu liko npplei nndui a irec. f-ULL OF FUN. 'I say, .liui, if a fellow look sul phuric, acid what would you give him? ' "I'd oivo him up." Uarvnrd L'Uiilnj'iti. A iioii-niusical man describes a duct as a go-ns-you-plc aso race bo Iween two tunes. McrdiuiU Traveler. Scriptural texts have appeared in the panels of ihe I, cars in New York, amid advert isemeuts of champagne, corsets nod patent medicine. Naturalists say that somn birds lire consliiutioiially melancholy. He cause they can niilr take a bird's sigh view of the word, pr.ib ably. ,Si(. '";' "Loife Is a constant sihrugglo against fate," said the Irishman who couldn't Cud a pair of ,1 s big enough for him. "I'.ipa. w lial Is pa'rimony?" "It is what is inherit,. I fr,,m u f ,i,r, my dear." ' Oh. ami then is matrimony something inherited from the moth er?" Life. II the moon was for sale on a bar gain counter half llie women in the world would want to buy it, mnl the on,i who ,!i 1 would spend the rest f herlife wondering what arlh she'd do with U. m u,e''itit tViC. Art I) nler ( leseanting on iho virt- ur moment so us h1" thu picture) -"You will oh II. Thus Itrtts- I ";'"'"' ir' "'' drawing is free, rn .,r,. it.tr likn "''l- Agriclllllll ist "Well, if tl "eeaine ouilaucl last week. A'lynKu Win. will be like he does ought Hot to be I rusted." 'llil-liili. - She -"Vi, Joint! II .fore we were married von wt always wishing you went .f ihe Knight of old, so yon might show voir itvotion; and mm " He. (iivat heavens. Maria, did you 1 1 0- h ,tr of one of ihose old ciiivahl f.dioiis j imping up from his paper to i hop woo l? ' ,.( ,v. - tl -orgie comes iloll ii to l.neikfu-t wi'h a swollen li-ag'. whereupon mamma says lo the tour-year ihl: "( rgie, don't you bid well? Tell mamma n hat llie mailer is." (leorgie, full of i , ll i.e n . t, replies: "No, I don't fe. l wt. Bofc of my eves is Icaliil.', and one of my tiiees don't go." 7t(r-j-.'t''i Ilii:.ttr. - "Wnrecsli ishir,, sauce, stilt?' a-l.ed Ihe atlentile p rospeel ive f ce, in an iti-iuu.'tlitig I., tie. Bit Foodie tir'ghi, u ho had I it lainlveti Icavot. ing for . one time to s, parale a moulh ettk from its eristic .,at-ent fill of stem, answered emphatically: "No; ! haltil i.aws. well sharpened." I " ''" rrfe I ir I THE TRAIN BUTCHER, - ! "e IretntU Ills Ti-i.i.I.Iki Ii. m Nevs.a.r.r ' ii.,., in.,., ii.ini.t,,,,... ! M, friend, tin' train boy-I always ninke friend wilh llie train bo- wlieii I travel--rested hi- i i-ik.-t mi the edge d llie ear feal jmd, pulling tho visor of his cap down over hi- eye-, said: I never :uv Mich a bu (,f chumps on a train in my lif.- af-ue." 'What seems to bj the mat;er?'' 1 aA.d. "Matter? matter enoiiL'h." aiul lie scowl. d in au Kdwin .oihian way and (Miitinuod: "ltaek iu the parbr car a fellow tried to pa!s a punched tpinl'tir on use, an' got mad when I wouldn't lake it. Woman iu the same car wanted a dv. u b tuauasfur hfteen cents. Said ln. cuul 1 buy 'cm by the thousand fur tlmt where she came from. Doggone her, why didn't sho buy 'eni and bring 'em alung w iih her. Au old man wanted a mngazino fur twenly cenlH, and said I wai a rubber when I couldn't give it to him. In Ihe firl M-1-up c ir :i girl wauled mo lo give her a box of h's for a nickel, an pushed her pocket-book deep in the folds of her dress w h u I refus -d. like us if a ft pickoocket. Then a countryman thought 1 wan trying to luineo him when I a-ked tell cents for three oram. Florida oranges, too. ' Mill the worst was here in the smoker, wh u a fellow from Lancaster Comity took my b x ot cigars, passed Vm urutiud to ibr.-ti friends an' took one hiin-elf an' handed me ten cents. When I lold him they was live centers he frotht'd at the mouth an' said ho never paid more th:m two-for-live an thrcatom'.l lo repm t me fur swindling hlin. Sa ! I'm disgusted with ihe biz. I'm going out of it, 1 am. Such people cjvc me a pain in the neck. I don't want a iy morn of this on my plate. I d rather break si one on tho Inrii'pike," And the Iraiiidwy heaved a sigh nntl went Ihrouh tho car will) his ciy : "Sec. :i anna crgar-! V ve-fer-len-cenu! Prime see-gars, sec-gars!' - llttrris'-tu f T V j' ttph. Following butructions. "Ni'.V, J.i!iiiV Wui gi. .'.-l" lo the new boy, "our -tock is tirst-c'uHs in every r.'sp cl; I hero are no flics on it, and neier nill be, and yuii mustn't hi hiiate to ci at k il up to eu-ioniers. " Then J iinci. proioiiiully impressed, wunt to wait on aa o tl lady, w ho pres.'iiily went o.it without buying. What d.d -be waul, Jame-P'' in quired the g'-oeer. Sho todvid me If we had n T fly paper I could reeomn end, an' I said yes, that (here w , s !,o ilos on our tl.' pnper, uu' m vcr wonid bo." .V, 11 Sun. 4 i - A I'liibubdphia sneak thief stole thirly-livc pair of IroiiM'ts the other day ami nearly gut free on the pica that he wanted them for his wife. The judgo happened to be a henpecked husband.- i.oivell ( itizvn. "The penny's mighty," quoted the trump, us he jdea'led for the price of a night's lodging. "Guess the sward will do you lo-night," growled the uu poetie Hobby, ns ho vanished in tho gathering du;l..--itc. Iti.cklcu's .ri.lca sialic. The liest Salve in the world lor Cuts, limi.-cs. Surcs.l leers. Salt Ilheiiiii.l'i ver SoH's.Tetter, Chapped bauds, Chilblains Col us,,;, ul all skin crtiplioiis.tind positive ly cures Files, or no pity reipiired. It is glial antceil to give perleel sati.slactioii. or money nd'undcd. Price '.'.". cents per box. Fur sale by druggists nt Weldoti, Ilinwii li Carraway, llalilaj. Dr. J A Mcdtvigaii, Enfield. NKW A DV KUTISKM KNTS. if TORPID LIVER Is know a hy these nuirknl pncullai tlh-wi 1. A ri't'liiif ol wciu iiU'K', mnl nai jik In tlio linil.s. 2. ItiiU lii'ifilli. l.jt.I tuslf In Hu- iiunilli, mi i ii MMIKIir, 3. l'i.tisii.;, ion, wllli oiTiiioniil altaeks Ol tlllll I llO'll. 4. lliMiliii li.-, iii (!)' lioiit of the hniil ; haiis.a, tliz.liuss, uiul t llowiiip,x ol' skin. ?. H .trlhurn, tu. if up..-l He. . lU-N-nlioii ol Uu- HL.tiiiM-h unit howvls hy wintt. . Hci.rt shiii of r.j.irlls,iiiiil ureal liiclmi clioly, w ith lassiliith' un u .li-io-.nit)ii ninu'.eLrrjiitiiiiJ iur lo-lilornm-. A tintnriil llnw ul ltil from llm I ! In PMHviitlul to k"U hettlth. When IhlH ,st)OMrtK'u ti ii reKuilh in BILIOUSNESS, whli-h. If neuleeled wmn h ints to M-rimi (list usi's. Miiiinotis Liver Hi milalorrxtTlH a iiiohI fflieiioiiN IntlUfiii vrreMTv kiml ol luh-iusai-sK. It ri'Hton-K ihe l,iv-r In proper wocKiiiK trtltT. reutilah t the lit at oi ne a mi i,n i - I In 1 1 L'i. vn orxniiu tnsiirli roinlitioti that tin y eun iloiljelr itesi worK. .Ml. r ink i nu this medicine uuu will sny, "1 am i.iliou-i, ' "I Ins e l.rn Milijcit KrsiKin of tttc l.iVT, ;uul Ul. nn; tniin 15 lo i i n' -ui trri.lt l;ti. iiic iinfi f Hut' even- rf Tfin. e lirrn in l,r li.ilni ( 1 r.d..!.i..luhi1,t:n,. rf.uttl.ivs. jtely t.ikiti) Nmi iur rriici wiMitiut any iitn-rr ujiti J. Hi Mi.l.lk-i.url, Ulii'i, II 19 O.I'M reil oil front of Wrjpper , I'hlla.h lphU, 1 '. J. II. .wlln &. Co Doi-S ly. LIQUORS. C. SMITH. ,S7'.'A' 1IIS IJijCOItS, SKI- IIIS CHJAltS, WinG;Bcer,Scda, EVEIIV IHIINK IN SEASON', fcii I'. Smith nt Kiml.' o!i static Wusliili-ti It itlelille, Wcl.loll. N. ('. lice 111 Iv. 'I 1 Tin: ONLY COAI. i:i.i: AT)H SOUTH! There tire seventy two screens in liiiilijiit". Ilic N'o .lust or ilirt cult possililj uet into the Cot.l as il runs over these screens in uissii.e from the Elevator into the carts. ('oitsutiii rs ct lli.ii Coal .liy ami IVrl'eclK clean. I have mm , tuiil shall always keep on hi.tt. I, a larc stock und nil kiiuls of O al best suited i,r l'oiiii.lrv, Factory, ami Family use. All Coal selected mii. of Lest quality. The liailroiiil cars run nlotiesiih- thc I'.levnlor, ami the Coal is lca.lul into ihciu there, thus lessening the cost to the trade South and West. Prompt sliiillielits. Orilem Bolicitcd. S. H. HAWES, OFFICK : 18th and Carjr Strocts, junc 21 3uio ELEVATOR PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j' W.M.Y-ON, M TtlRMiy-.t 'l ' ..I II', ..AltV.-lll HO, St. I'llH'lici s in tin. 1-niots l.f N,irtlllllll.te!l 1.1 i.l .1, Iji 'i 1 1 i 1 i.t i ''Unties, Ills' , .11 tile KeiliTill Uiul Sit- lH'i liii' in'iits W. ' row i n, I 'W'.-A .') -.( ...) - J.li K-i.. S I'. in llie suinTter, -,ul,. Ml v,i,'. Clots. I'.illi'i te.ns ii si'i inllv. iMti.iisK.y in:. i, ATpiiisnys-.ir ir. Ml IM'KKKslaiHi.. N t "Hi luys in Winsiiiii cvi ti M., let,,), J'rui- li.e ill III,. Mile iiu,l I'Vili'Ml f.iurts. I'mmpl atli-iitii.ti t.i ul) liiisiiii'ss. iitriisli il to us, biiituM lt,'K,,Urtl,,l SPIER WHITAKER, F. W WHITAKEB, HU",". N. e. II II It H, , . W" TAKER A W II 1 T A K Kit. ATTOHSEYS AT L.i W HA I.l FAX, X. V. l'1'.n lin' iii tl.e sii,,rii,riiiul Sii,tvuie courls ul tll-t siiui; ami j tu. Ke....iil eiiuris. Uir 1,', U w A 'f TV It SHY AT LA 1 HI I "M, ti K. N. I'Nu ticcs m InTevei liin nerv n eh are retuiiri'd W ill lie at Hull hi j. on tUelilM mid neei.inl Mt,inlu 111 fit" 1) UK'lltll, J'lll 1, 1N-7. JAMKs M. Ml 1.1. ..N, y I I. L t ,1 J W'Al.Tt.lt K, DANIKL. I) A It I K 1., ATlOltSLYS A T LAW. WELDON, N. C. I'riti in liifeourtK of IhililiiN iiinlNurttiHinp loli uiul in (In- Sipp'ttie illid I'cii'i.ii cnurlh. Cul let linns imi.te in all jmrtMit' North ( Hioiinu. tlraiicli ol!i.-e al liahliix, N. (' ot-t n bvltv Mn- il,.y. jau 7 ly r. 11. insult. H. 11, SMITH Jr. St'OTLiNDKKCK, S. C. K.ll.KIUH, N. c. HBKE Ac H M I T H . Mr F. II llm-hee und Mr, It II. Smittijr,, Cotm M-lors at l,nw.liae fornn il u limited ittrtnerilii) fur llie inutii e of law in Halifax ctmnty. Mr. ttiihU-e wilhiliend Ihe imirtitoi IIhIiI'ux riiculury, Htid w iliiiUi viMlltiufoiiiily whenever liiisserviw Bre reiniiri il. wl X6 iy II U U A d N. HILL, Attorney at Law, HALIFAX, N. V, Practices in Hnlifnx mill H.ljoiiiiny counties and Federal Hiid Siinrume cnuM. au it, tf, AY. 1 T ll O K N F. ATro;xi;y at la if, KNI IKI.Ii. N. C. Fnicticc in lheeoiirts.1)ni,ililimiiiil wljoitiiiiK 'nuinii'M und in Ul,- Minn-ni irt. dteetiolis madi an v lu re in t tie MiUe. And re- turiif. r apll liia. I,' MALI, Attorney at I, aw, WKLIhi.V.N.C. Spe. Ul mt. ntioii uiveti tJU'i.Hections and rci.iit tanres promptly made. nitty 1 tt. li W A It t- T. l' L A H K. a tto;m;y a t la ii vi.irw, . ( . rmcti.'t wlitTi'MT hi M-rvicc- nr.- ri-iiiri'd t'-ill. -i t mil of ehu.it- Kiven prompt aitclilioii. Iliay 1)1 ly I) K. J. K. 8 HI E LU8, tstirf;..li DcutlHt. yr- , VN HivIiik pt rirtHiieiitly l.n-Bt -d Iu Weldon, ran he found Hi 111 i 'Hire in llmni'l s UncL KiilldlllK Hall tlin'i PXi t'pl w lieu utisentoli proh'-ionHl busuiesUt Cart ful MMi-ntioii iven to hII limm lit hol tlie pnt f. -so ou. rariirx visitt-d at their houitw w lien de rcd. july u ly. K. K. I,. II V N T K K sturgeon llrntl.t. Can be found at It in ofRce iu Enfield. t'urv NUnnid Onde lias for .the rautlt-ah KxlrC unifoi i win tiwarit on naiid. jqtia n t JACKSON, N. ( V.T Hi M'nx, Tei in nuiili-iate with I iniiunii is. Pioiuii'lor. S.ecial ai ii.tiKcii.i tits W. .1. Kosher. .1. : Vt, ttitcy. V AM' V .V ItOKHKIt, Whole-ale Dealers In EEY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Kiel III it d, Va. M. I,. T Daiis, 1! DTIii.tnas, li (' Haiis.jr. M. I.. T. HAVIS.v CO. "WT Hi "l.l-.-s A 1 .1.1 1 K..1I IIL2 llliOSAI.ri llRIH KRlS, Iron l iunt, Corner Water and Com merce Streets, Norfolk, Va. Agents for Oriiuicc liitle I'oiv.lcr Co. STOI- AT TIIK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, fi nder New Management. Murfrewlwro, IS. C J. I. I larrell , Proprietor. Ti mwieut Hoard $2 per day. Well ruruifihud rootun, and 6rdt claw accommodations. ITSpecial inducements to rcgtilnr boartlcrn. Sample rooma for salesmen, and convey iiuctf fti rushed when desired- NEW ADVEHTIiSEMENTS. IIKL1 YOUR FYFS BVfs,N"l YOI V-'Si-lXKUKATKb IMPKOVFD PKIMSCOI'IC (.LASSKS, C.KAl!AM-"KTTO TIIK KVK. STllKM-Tir i-.MMi Mo WKAK I.V!..-, st.-.i. liuhh.T hiul Cflhitoid Kraiiieh, HELP TO SAVE By buying the Kreiites. hnrahi I'verolU-rwl ilia (iOLD lll'NTlNti WATCH, Vtiryiiij- In I'rift fnun KOItTYTuOMi III NPRKIl UUbUliS Wtirlli lino ly tlmihte the price. SETS OF JEWELRY lliiltdsuiiK' 111 il. sito. mul tin. In . , ! j t v . A tliuu Silli.l .till. -K iit i.j l,s nf KlMiS l'ls, KIII-HIMIS. (TIT III TT, -' SI I lis r,.l.l,II;s III I'lnNS, lllt.li II KIS SN.yKU si ns. KullK's. .1 I 1,1 K ' i'l.A 1 i:i a- 1 !... in; ith 11. Kits, ,Ve. At llie lowest Jiussilili, j.riei'.. utli tliteil tu. Onlent iiniiiintly J. w. (sriTKssitit 'iii ,1. r. YOUNC, Vol Nil 4 llltll.) I'l'tiTsluirK Vk ...I 1 ly. fJNlVKHsI l VHK Nnllill CAIlill INA, ( IIAI'LI. llll. I,, s. r. 'l lie tn-xl n-din ed to uivi- 11. I.'.-, lull eoinx-! slK.lt II- 'iMti l.t'-ui-. AuiriM IHiili. Tniiioii 1 1 11 loilt y.'iir J'nnr Minlciits iiihv 'at-ioiy il littt-fii li-.i. In is. Tli ret; t sl'idy l..linti I" d.'ur.rs. Tli ico ."''lifi.. tiiiv-ifiai. iiliariiiticisbi. Lmv .)... .1 iraniiiiu ihisiik-h men, fully entiipped. S rile ..i i iiliilomie to "tf.. Ki-.Ml'f. IlATl'LK, I'ri'sidenl, June ft :Jw ' U.Ml-.'t.N AM WK1.IHIN HAIl.KOAD ANhlilCNflUs, I tuiilciiMil i tieilitle. 'iUAlNs t;tiiM, sut nt. I N" i i, j 27, I No I'uit d J in Mli ivuv fjiulj I ial until dully i , . L - I l""l' l.rioi Weld, ill ! !'M ni I ft l.tp M ! KHu in Al Uoeky Mount., Al Tatl...ri LuneM .irhoh. , A nivrWiU..it L-'.Me Wilson .... nivr'eliiin , .. ., 17 ' I . . 7 15. . . I ! : I i" i '4 1" " I Arrive Fayettevilie, 7 4," ' I . niMioro i ( ). I 7 . Wars l.vine M;ii;uoiia Airive Wilmington 'I fJAINs j r. u'. u m ri'iNii NoiiTir. No ll. I No :;; ilmly. daily 111 :0 N nr. ditiiy ex. -Sunday. :i f i i in ft ih Leave Wihain-li n l.i-nve Mtiun.iliii l. live tt iimiw Art iv hUhom . . L.io. hii.-Meiille Anive Si-lma Anive tt il-oti ! IJU'uiM ; i J4 i '.I IK- M ! Ul.L'- " I io;i i S2" ltai" i U...i j .... I 1 1 " I i iii i-ipM ; iuh I 1 l" Mtl ' ' l :t " ! l""i! II M I Mpni fXi I I.i'avf WiIm.m K-tiS " Arrive llueky M.-uiit J Arme 'lnrt.oro l.f.iveTi.rhnr,. ; Attivr tteldoli ! I .tu " i'ttllv exet'pl Sntidnv. Train i n Si i.iliind N. i'k Hriinrh Kont h aves lhililu. lor-i'uiLn.d V-i-k Hi.io.j,,,) KcturnniR lev -eit!aiii Neck at It :w u. in., daily exetpl mi in lay. Train lntxei'l arln.ro N. C . via A Itieuiurle and ItaliiiihK. K iiaily i veept Sunday t. i p. in , . iiiida .'.o(, , in nrrot' Willmni-ion N. id i. in , ii 1" a in. Ketnriiiiiu L aves tt liliaiiittnn, N. t '.. daily cci pi Miiidiiy 7 H'n m. Sunday n . n a. ui arrive 1 lo'.-.ro. r . !' r a, in,, n ;:u a. m Train on Mi iLmd N T. Itraiicli lcavts linlds-t.t-ro Nc , ihul erept Mindnv h :to a. ui , arrive Mitliiit 1.1, X i.l" a. m 'lli-tiiriniii! Uav.s iniilili.'l.l, N ('., in I., a. ni , arrive l.oldehnro, N i ' , i" In j.. m. liain mi Sa-hwlle Hi nu ll h-uves Ihw-ky Mount at i tic p in , arnws at Na.-liv ille 4 in p. iu , sprint; Hpe a ir.p ni. htturniiiK Luxes -pnu Ih.pe P' -I" a ia , Nie-liville II 1. a. in., Iloi ky Mi.imi it ii in. thiilyeviept Smiilay. 'I rain on i lii:t.ii Hriini li leaves Wnr;.w for 'liid"ii, daily ec. pi Mimliiy Hl i;n p. in. lie tiinniiK lea w rhnii n at - )." a ui I'onnetliiiK at Warsaw with .. 1 and - sontlihoiind Irani i.ii Wilxnn and Favdtevillc Itniiieli it. No. ..I. NortlilKiiiud it 1,0. Madly ex repl Mtiirlav. Irani No." :7 S 'ihIi will only stop at Wilson, ioldsh.ri.iir,il Magnolia. Train No. 7 muLes close connection at Weldon for all points NoNh dally. All rail via Uuliniond and daily ecepl Sunday via Hay Line. Trains makes close connection for all Huts N..rtli v ia Iticlitiioud and tt asliiniloii, All trains mil lid between ilmilitfloti und WhsIhuuImh atidhae 1'uIIiuhli 1'aiuce hleeiK'ra atttulietl J It Kl Nl.Y. J F. MVINF, Sup'i Trans iJencml sun t. T M. KM KKt IN, t it n l Rtsseiiner Aent LiCuUl, FELDON, X. 0. FAMILY GROCERIES. VEdETAIll.KS, LltJIdllS, till AliS, SMOKINU AND CHKWINU TOHACCO. 1 am now prepared lo sell at lowest cash prices (Iroccritts of all kiutls, Wines, I,iiHors, Tuliam., Cigars, Snuff, &c, and will also k.s'p on haiitl a lull supply of fresh Vcc.ct.il.lcs uf every variety, which will he sold .Tt. tip. ,hjJLLic uUflfL I will always keep ou hsnil a stock of well rutidc Metallic Burial Caws and WOODEN COFFINS which 1 will sell cheap, and which can be had at any hour, day or nifilit. Ordets hy letter or telegraph will re reive prompt attention and cases shipped by first train. PATKONAGH SOLICITED. E. A. CUTIinEM,, First Street, Wcldop, N. C. sep 15 3ui. ml 11 1) Sen Wflnrtpn. exist In thmifluttil jCj! nf Rirra., but RiriMswtbrth. niHrvelR of ItiTi-ntlen, ThuM ultosrc in need il t.f,.rtt,il,le wurk ll.sl iso. ikj OetiP wlilli" llil.ili ftl home Bliou Id l nnoi- wiul their .(lit row Ui Ihilli-lt & Co . l'urll.iiil.MBlm.,,1111 ms'lve fhH.,riill liifur mstlun how cill.ersex. tir.ll Mgr. est. cm frum $A toB-'-rs-rilaysnd ttl.wanls wttcroi-er tlic Ih o. Yt.u .re Mtirtwf free Canity nut required. Snmo h.ve made aver M lo Uie dr .1 Oil. work All luecMd. tllrfii'n'' 't