THE ROANOKE NEWS PUBLISH KD EVERY THURSDAY. "W. W. HALL, Pbopbiktobs. J. W. SLEDGE . THURSDAY : AUGUST 9, 1S8S. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOK I-IIKSII.KNT : GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. FOR VK'K l'KKSIIiKNT : ALLEN G. THURMAN. of Ohio. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Fur (iovertiur : DANIEL (i. POWLK, of Wako Coiinlj'. Fur Lieutenant -(loveiiiur : THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance County. For Secretary of Stale : WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake t'uuuly. For Slate Trcasun r : DONALD W. RAIN, of Wake Cuuntv. For Stale Auditor : (iEORGE W. SANDERL1N. of Wayne Uuunty. ForSuperiutenJeiii of 1'uhlic luslruciieii : SIDNEY M. FIN i a-: It. of Catawbn I'uunty For Attnrney-(ic jcral : THEODORE E. DAVIDSON, of lltiiicouihe Cmiiity. For Judges Supreme Court ; JOSEPH J. DAVIS, nf Franklin County. JAMES E. SHEPHERD. nf Beaufort County. AI.PIIONSO C. AVERY, nf Burke County. For Presidential Electors at Lar-ie : ALFRED M. WADDELL, uf New Hanover County. FREDERICK N. ST1U DWICK. of Oraiiie County. CONGRESSION&LCONVENTION. I t - i i l ursuatit tn a renlutinii ul the recent ; Democratic convention of the See-ml j ('on'j;resioiial Dislricl hehl at Welth.n, N. I C, the deleuates to saiil eoiiveiiti'in ate ! hereliy nutilied ami reiiietcil t i me 't at Wilson, N. C, on Friday, Auu-t Dull, 18 IS, at "J'eloi k P. M. In Humiliate aem iliiUte for Coie're I'ot rai l district. I mi. E. WniiiiAiin. W. W. Hall, Chairman. Secretary. GENKRAI. Pllll. SlIKKIHW iliedSlll- Jay last from heart failure, after an ill naas of some weeks. He was fl'fly live years old. The notice of the of young men's Demoeritte cluhs, which we published last week, has hen wiihdiawn and themeiiiu nistponid until the hit ter part of Aumt. The dale will 1 e announced as so m as it is fixed. It tivtiht be better to postpone the iu -'tin j; iiideti nitely. Siniv the above was put in type the committee has designated August L'Hth us the day fur the meeting of the clubs at Morehead City. Delegates will note the fact. TllK Republican Senate has no info tiou, it seems, of pay ing any attention n their party s naliniial plalfniiu but b i- lev its action iu preparing a bill to reduce the tariff flatly ivn the lie to their par ty in conveutiuo assembled. What will the ruiik und file uf the Ri-publiean say when it becuiiies generally known that Republican Senatnrs iire"iird lli ir j wishes as cipressed in cuuventiuii and 1 take away their loinlest tliumhi? A caucus of Republican Sen iters hist week decided to brini: in a tariff bill, but what its principal fcatuns wnuld be was aot (iivi-n out. Senator Allisnn said there would be no difficulty about pass ing it. It w ill rediua the revenue pmba b'y between sixty-live and eighty luilliun , So the Republican Senatnrs lieiiriii-; the mighty il 'm uni of the people fur cheap coessaiieshave determiiied tu ilirc"anl tke phitforui of their parly which d, Biands proleetiuu for pr- te. lion's sake ind hope to fry the Tat nut of the inauii fmlnrers wkii h veil ecu made rich al the eipcuse of the poor. Habvbv N. SllBt'Allli, a pr nniii' nt Republican of Mas-uichusetts aud !'"i many years Aseislaut-Attnrucy General of that State, has led the Republican party, and will support Cleveland and the Democrat ic party. In a speech last week before Democratic meeting ho t aid: "In the issue an presented the Democracy is the champion of freedom anil of the people. waging battle on belia'f of till, I.WIO consumers against trusts and rin s and corrupt combinations. Right and Inic and reason are on mr side." Mr Shep ani's defection is a eii ms blow to the B-publie-H Beiid. this e tha la Hiipuia Major A. D. Tierce, ohaiiman , of th Republiotn committee in the 20th tongreasional district Has declared for Clevelund add Thurman, and tht.t in In diaua JwlgeOresham'a nephew, a lead ing Republican, has joiiusli Democratic club. Tut: poet of the New York Naa .-hi"; merrily.' "Ills jiranil I'ntlmr's il .11 liu-ec lia hi- lu' nl. Bill Bi'li till Hull u-L lllc-iliiii'. It fil-i hlru tniilnm-li. it- liu s niieliiiiei tiiteli M.-iiil Will! IVMIinllolliH HlMllillElIllt r s lilinc' The Mnrganton ,S7,n- is authority foi tlic .sliitcllicllt that lln linn. Cileries Price ha. expressed his intention nf vo tins; I'm- I'owlc. Mr, Price ha been a leading aiul intiiit'litial Kcpuliliean and could have secured hi parly's tioiiiiita ti u fur liovirn r had he wanted it. Til K hi.-li tariff ii ha enabled capo ili wliii li pric can h" up a hi:h as tli' n de i o. On. .. " t li '1 It -public hi wa . I,i I'.inii iru.-t by .iiiilr.i!!.l an I pat lull -r .'I' tile tr.l-l llo-t is tile cotton ' aLtiiii; iru-l whieli lias p'lt up ilie price '!' liauiiiLi. tin article whi.-li tin S-jiillit-ni t'.u in. r i- bound t' have. III!', Kolllll.till it I'll . ill' St. Loin, have i-.-iiod th.' I'lUiu-in.: eiivnlal" t" their patrons : The I I adian a d I ; pound bageiti.: S until, iv 1" I " ei ill a mid, Vil u- n. eent a year H";e This aine ill Valiiiii!tiiti a -hurt time a 1 1 ... nil knee iii I'utiar. , liei:-.;iii'; the laiill' .if .'i e. nl.- a j aril net here ilneeil In ; el' a trill; II Would .r tiny I lie liiaiiiifacluier and the l,."i"l In li 'I' lahellll ' l.culili i III liluVeil I "pie rlllpl"! They ha' III . ,111.1 We ill N. I, mm. priee tin per e Ivanei'l i'. li il.ii i n I. rui. .1 dial their p ...r lint ihtir vvat iai- l.lheler- lliv 1 "lie null. I.'lt !e Smith. li" the ."l.llllll.lllltl pnnr p.'i.ple raie the'll. are I'.rei .l t li.iv ihl SJ.IIIIII llllll alliance to the manillaelur iim: iii vi) hi i ii n in ii. Chairinall Whilak. r in a letter leei nt- ! ly I'rillteil a eampaiL;!! elnh- are nlVreai -erviee I" the Slate Ei. C'ltive e.ilotllltl Ill'l eall he llla'le mure -n il' iiinler the iinnii 'li. ite ilirei iinii an I cmi tl'nl nl the I'll. liiaian "I" the I'.iliilnitti e hill, lie ayi. il'tlie-e . hlh -hoiil'l hum a ' eparate aiel iii'l' pen.l.'iit Slate nr". mi 1 tinll with it I'WII preiiluit. -eeletary ami lreaiiri r they woiil.l theiely he lak. n awav from the iinniecliate emitr III, I ilirei'liini "t the eh.nniian nl ill" Mate I enilillilltee. tin- vallial'l'' inaeliillelv whieli he ha.- en a le. I taken mil of his hainls, ainl ihere wnulil he two poliiiea! nrualll.all"ll. as It Wire, with Iwu I tllll- iuelll lilli; ihe ihui '. r nt' two aiei i ilirl. renl plan "f I' liU , rk. lln- "lie ci'iiiini: in coniaet wilh tin- . tie r aiel shniilil they W"tk i.iu.'ther it w..uM tie ltate Inn tllll. -Il I' 'I t ip" I'T pi pi nl effective "ik Mr Wintik.r i nj.t. Tm. leal in llli lll-lanee won!. I he W..I-. ill. ill "II" all, I it w.eii I he far Ii. 'NT that ill L eal eltih -h.i'ii.l r an iiu .lir.'.'tly -n!."i'liii.ii j to th" Slate ci.tnuiilt '". Tliel.' ha- il r-uly In i n a ii.i-nii'l' l-tanilin lu t'A .n tin- le nh r !' lln- mm. in. nt I'.rth. I r . in item ..I' th 1 clnli- nl' I h" Si ai - mi" "tie j nr.'tiiaiion, an. I there i plenty "t' r ,,:n f"r innr" It wnal l. in oar "pun ei. . 1 "' 1"''"'r lv s,",u;'1 len .-neh iiru-aiiiat "ii. We can ,e n elen.- i,. 1K, ; H y it. ( luh an I hat- an 1 han ner are excellent lllili: aiel .1" a,i nl nl',. hut after all (he wmk to he .lone hy tie in is nf a In il cli ira 't r an 1 i annul he in.ele ntlurwi-e hy a State nrjatii. iti ai l. t tin in. then, he oi'ani." 1 every wh-r ' .ni l w, irk fur the Detun 'r i'i.- partv In th-ir own Inealilie-. hut let th" n he aim'.a.iry j to I ho Stat ' coaiillillee which i- ill" 1 e O'ui.i-'l agency o!' the p irty to carry t u ; tlleeaiupllu ill the Slil.' Let taell ; work willi lie nth r iii their re-peeiivc ; -pheres sii til il lln re will h. nn r. 1 lap- mi'l pn ih'y. iiii-un h i-t. in linj an 1 j. a!-nii-i" INTERESTING ITEMS. .VIIIKIlKli Kill HI KVKilV WIIKIIK ITT IS riiNHKXKl I' UtM In KKSV HKAHIXii A lire al Suffolk. Va., uiiin.iiin.' iu an nil war house lat Wcdiicsdiy. hiiiin il in-irly the entire bu-i;.c- pan of ih. tuwn. The los is esliinatei) al fji.m :!,"iil.ililil to Slllll.ilii with iii.-iii.i much below the. am itint- A l u-je number ul dwi llitm- hiiriie.l ami many faniilies arc peiini!ei. Chief .liKtiee Fuller has received hi ei)illiui.-.-i'li and lea-.d a hull-' in Wa-b- ill.'lull but will lint lake th Ith "f uf tiee till Sepi 'inb r. l-dlll It'ihin-on the nld ! h.i.vui an 1 d ;ul Me tiled at In h'.tue 111 fin-in n ili oil lh-' lib in-l , al the a Iv iii'-c.l ae of J. QUININE TAXED AND UNTAXED. i-w V-.rk ll.-ral.I. The l.i,i Itmml says thai iiil-i" when there was a luvMy (m- cent, ml valoreiii duty 11 ipiiiiine, I lnl I7."i .einces were imparl d iuiu lb.- I'niied Si iie. fur whi li ihe price wa about s,; p , ii in-.', and l.i-l year w imp irted icnlv live million inline, fur whi. li we pud foreign tii!iiiufa"tur,r- unly about ei-eu ty -three cents pi r uutiee, 'l'liee lijurc a I ,: ell I'l'lliciy tt j.l'i-uive. Tin iViiinu iuiu siys: 'For the live years, I ST t 7, under Ilie ad valor in duly uf uveiuy per cent, the iuiporlaliuns uf Milphale u!' iiliuine amounted tn 1 ',Ki. IT.'i miiicei an average uf lln l.l'i uiinei s yearly -and the avcraue price was $1 s:l p.-r ounce." The year after ipiinine was put nu the free list wa imported iiH.IUS ounces. The last rpioted journal rem irks that some ailvoeales of liigh tariff are tryin.' to nuike it appear that the decrease ut Ihe priee ol'ipimiiic is due to the increased culture ul cinchona trees. I his t xplan alion taken alone is insufficient. The cultivation of cinchona trees wasnuduubl irrcatly stimulated by the abolition of American duties on quinine and the con sc uent inereasi'd demand for the dru". The great lowering of its priee to the American c ansumcr must therefore be in a very largo degree credited, directly or indirectly, to the fact that il was put on the free list in this country. In any event millions of poor fever-stricken peo ple in Ihe United States have had rea son to be thankful that quinine w,n made freei . ' STATE FEWS.! There nr 1 .H'.i- Kar.u -r Alliance in the State. There are fil'te Oxfurd mi eh trr" n 'ei- 'lit is i nl' iu'.ir.l-.-r. Tllel.' ttl'e mm llilil.livil iiUi't.s .it Vi vin'-vilK" White- Sulphur Spiiirj-. Th I'loliihiii mi'k oi W.tii' uu 1 f nil-f.i-1 ti-11'.iii.'-. haw it iniiti it t'uil v iiiuiy li. k lv A liiviu H''Mi. r-.'ii la-t wr.Ii lnirm-J rnivrty tn tin ahk- A' .;."..'-. All in-.iml nr i.ut!y On tli ."Ul nil .a fin-in Win Inr s: r.vtl vn huii-Iin. I. pari !y t-.-v tTi'tl liv II w i i lt nt.t!. It i ii'iw u tii 1. r-t 1 lli' lnn :i I IV. nmi will lit- an in 1 -K'li l 'in can It i.1'11 t'm r.miv", lnt wiii .ipp -i! ili l n 1 1 in.' !! k t Hiii' lnin In ! anil ixiy lio li nuls ;ir. ai work ID1-ir l.iv- tt-viilo mi tin- Wtl rnintnit .Ahai-imi u!' tlii' Cap-1 l' iii aiul V. i kin Vallry l!ailru,t.. Near Wake E,.r en a ,-i iteai it v eniii" eti 'ie l-t ill-t thre-liiti: wle'.it ciil".",l Wi'itn liic 1W" nn n I kiiiiiu T"hy 1 in-uiu r . il A while in rn in 1 In- -i-i.'r in la v at " in liiauwii. ."iinly jail l'"r innt.l ain I h " tu a u hi'. a 11 . T w II w i - ill, w, in in -llll-h illil l.ll-t wa- the cali-e. IVi-i.lnu' E! I. r 'iinin jiui. -I t le N (". ('"nf, r- u.'e. .-a- the Tliit'l puiv "iln lli i- ill Inn-i "11 "ll t!i fa . "f ip'l h ilt "II: III ... I . I i in i.l hi-k,. ol'-np .- h r." h". n -Inpp. I Ir .m the u 'inn v cull llli- -ea- 'll. and ill"- ' ell ' I : will Ltri ailv exti t! I the in ln-:rv. I . a ly i; ,i 'flic Wmd-"i' . , i ti an i n it- - .1 .inn- I! lain Mi, ire. nl Mirtin f-r Soperinr eolll't .hli.:cill ihelifth ililll.t VI, e .la E. S 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 , T, tu I." ilc'l'd Supi'ciue inn ll .Ill-liee Cap' I! ink-. , f t hne parent re.-id, ilr,,Hti"d at S.r ui 'inin". .lulv 'J'f'li l"il he wa- -, , far fr ,' steam, T li ine, r in llaniili'in. wa Heel on Sum li ll.' eali.'d Im li' Ip in tha' ll mi" dared In hi- a-i-t imv. i.r. i ii-l. r '.' : II. .n I'ei.'.v r Ii i- . in- si a r ittlm an dr 1- 'li i'i th R pal. lie in h, hv In- v.'-" with th D in r ii- .1 the I- 1, 'Id il lh !' ih" ye-. r .'r I he M -1 I Mr ii W iM-t n ;.,.. .,. , d iv I, i a ,, n', r, ti, i !,w if. hi -- i'i l ill. -il n ii 1 'II. hill it iiil'i uli I., p"iir "i! dilur .l.ean al l "i . e i . :iti! ipp.'.ir He. .11 ii. . .ihl I'li-w 1 'I lie lu i.llitilii ' !'h a ii an I a '1'h Pn- ",, .in, t I hi!, iw , ell .id ajp ar- 1 i I. a li-il f.i. t. 'I'l.i- r ad will he a -pur tre k i.l' lie Wiluiui.t.m and W.'!d ai nf ah et1 tliir v live tin'. . in 1 n :i!i a:i I a ill d ,:i',,le.- pr ,v a alu i 1,1, f,r l I t i tl, W ,V W. i .,,!,... I .li.d W'iliinnj'.'ll. ll wii! put ill ' al'iali!" and a'ni ,-t eh ni-t! ..y-ier bed .if N"'.v lill'T ill e.l-y re. I hill.' .ll-'.ltiee. he-i li -il wi 1 h in 11' lil'l h "l lli ' eiil'll el'.'p nl ill ' i i-I I II e ' mil '- la I ii- r il'e 'e -! hi .ill Jl :l tin 1 Ilnl' i lv I i in I- a- e ill h t'llllll 1. LABORING MA!jSEASY QUESTIONS K.-Imt! II C Ir v. the cm lil.t !' th l,al -r any l'r I'n-iJ nt. u- th.- , (nti.iwinj plain ipu-ii'ii-i 'l'lie c. tn li..:n t.. the . !i- .11 an 1 r- i- n v. r p. r-.-ii a'lve.el . la'ran l w.ii-. an 1 lb. 't- r li 1 aii-rt. r- th- iit. a- hi r. :.l n- will r a . n iM- li 1111 ti. il ., inltiiev!i i-it1 h-t, nii'e- pir'v h miip', ; will va-t In- I'-r "It ! mil an.l ' Thur.u m. j 1 II. iv i'i 1 -eii a V-' h r nl,u i.iila 111 -kel whetli t he ..rkei '.,r a j pri'l'Tt l "i unpiouvte.l tv!ii'! v. 1 V .1 11 - 1 ' Have Veil cv.-r .-cell a lab Wl," i xp 'i t.-d to receive mole w.i ,. pr t '.-led ih.iu an unprotected ll- in a elllp'iuy- lave vnii ever proti.elcd than h - iii inufa, hirer pay huh r wv IS culllpe I il to ihi I Have you ever -cti a vr w firm pay m ire w.14 . than a 111 nl lil.y telv we i!ty 01c .' ."1 Have yuu ever ".ivcii in' re for any thin. ,li 111 y -ni w re re -pure I te' N 1, an 1 liirili i 111 ae if v-1 -!i i.!-l yuil -houl-l call yuiir-elf a fool li. If. tin 11. the lilljTu'. 1 1 t.d 11 aaut'. c j nirci .iy j'.i-t a- hi.di 1.-. and still is a!i!c li 111 ike a pr "Ir. Iiy what m ill nl ul r isilill,: d 1 y ul anlv" al thee tllil-i'UI that the priitecd liianulaeliir, r pais hull-T W.1.'". Ii 'atl.e uf I nt lil'iil' I. A'ld if the pl.'teet d llialltltaelurer il",' ii .I pay lu ae than the unpruleiicd nue, what b e uiie- 1. 1' votir prote -ti in lie uiie-' . l-i y.uir an-w.-r that plot fli-cs all of Wages in all ui ti-.ll-'.' clluli npi !'. If i- it. lh. n, as I iln.r i- mil prut. 'li.d from I'lri-un i-miiir.i i-.n, y.,u tiiihl . f e iir-e imlit'le lh" rai-ing nf all wage- ill ail "outiln . .uu, il Ilnl Hue, then hnw abuiit the p.uipi r ul Ivii ipe. PI. Il'y hi my capital will n .t I, vcsteil linle-s It is prntecleil, llnW do yull exp'aiu the fa -t ihat it is being iuvole.l in tn; ri.lectcd iiidii-lric? II. If pr-1 it ion r -ve it u l' m schiug in fur i.'ii niatkeis, does mi rn-teeti-in make lets w r'l i ist a I of inure. 1- Il lh -re is fit" trade iu labor, and high prol c ive rids fur tin t ihing which latioie.-s must buy. is mi the lab r cr being robbed in-tea-1 of benefited.' PI. If 1 r iteetiiin;ts desire tu pay higk wagis why do they ..1. rays employ tin cheapest la'ier they can und.' 14. If wigea are increised by protec tion, why do those protected nuniifactur era ind- rsc protcetiun and spend large tfnais of money to uphold it? i li. If unprotected industries pay the kqinie wages .is those that are pnteeted, ae they not as valuable, and jf fo. why burden them by making them pay heavy tarfos to the protected ones. Another largo shipment of Lewis1 white lead Lenseed oil etc , just received and will be told at a small advance above ct,t by T. L. Eiury. AURELIAN SPRINGS. 'I'hlee clleci'- ha' I'.lll.vlt-! iek -telV ell the Mar-ll "II lie pienie at Sli al Horn Mill e file M ir-li -waniti Partners A lll'tltl"- 'Jii.l, aiel the ilnl. Allianee ti-ivc ,i iii;iiii;nnii linniwii'k on ii- , Jii.l. aii'l il uai a- p il.if.ililr u- rvcr-p'i"n I .-lil'I'i1'!, with ;iln:'lt .'Vflfy!ivi- rtjllr- ! iiirii ! liaii li.- th.- piMii. 1'lii- Alii an..' 1 ilia ll -uii'-liiu init Jiti.'h. It lu tliiriv I'mr i a'Jm-i i-!it- in-aul'i r ivli.i.irr cnn. -tlv w.iikiiu t'"r ilie mitiit el' tin- I 'Mi J 'fin W. !i. trie tin- : piv-i.-iu an I Mr. .1. K. Iani. I. S.-nvia- ; lv. aiiil tlii-v an' all ViTy unii-li aliv.' in; tip-ir w.-rk. ; "I" h - i .p- i!ir.iih ihi- -ii..n -utr n-'l li -li h ujit mini ilic nilit it ili.' lir-t ) in-! , ai nlmli tnii'' v ltal ,i 1,1. in il-" li ip.- .it a diiv littl.' r.mi wliii'h ; ii-ai!v I'rMVt-il a 1 iiitnri'. wli-in- k'a'y j li.m I- j if pant'tnimi n -t i f n -i III ! I li II J I II it Vlil!.-- W-ri' ill i-l'lrr. i f.,ii i!i ?- r tmi-tal'!i- an- ip.vkin.' ': ' th, ir Hint-an.l il'iiinmj th. ir war paint i pr. i. irat'ii v t.i 'I 'in,' h.illle I'-r tin- I'll . Ilie. i l it really I ihle ' lllll-t tint pr -' iit i FROM ESSEX. V-Mir p.lp.'t' I' lll llo1 miMM nl' I'. ntin i'- Aiii Hi' '- nf lln- cminty. I li I , : hi Id ar l'i nin n- We li v. an the Will AI- ' i f Id h .'I' al-e-lt lH.'llt fne HI' Ill1 L !d rt M i- )!-. l-' il !ID ?'' A:Il iti'-e. ii il W n: Ihil a- - -in.' -'li- lia ivi aiel it i i lln- ..Ijll Win p.lp'M. Tlii' Aill llire is pr.'it --iiir: liurly aiel iinny n'W i xp e (.! 1 j. :n ".n I ;lntik (lie nam.1- (' lie . !ii . r- w -iv in nil n. 1 in tli , i vi nit Mm. ai W.-think it a L'lati I ni- 1 1 i r i in I !' l!i i- anv:li;n' tn ! t f . i th e.'ieliiD'ii "f tin' I'.u in i- In'- linf U 'l'( r -p- in ihi- et 11 I ailiciilatiy cite, ll are .il, Several hn.l-l nl , h iving tin .. Cllipellcl I" " ll .lll St"ke. i, l t ll V i It 1 'll W"l,.i,n!j -le llli III tin :inv I ' iii ii rat e..ll"ii h.-re. leit W" are e the palm In Mr. Wi. e "f i ir old. -I and lim-i aiel a in. d-l lal'liit r. ndoi -c I. 1 1 Wt,l, " l-r eti 'll an 1 d' li I -,'e h "iv "I'I" in-"li f.r ! R. .1-1. I "f D-eils. illld if We , ml I'i I ll"t all'.!' -'lv t" ill le ".i-!.ltllli ive ll I t !'! M ittllcw - IVr "tie illid lie w i L'i .1 1 1 -, 1 : 1 T 1 1 "f tile "th; r. ! Some iiiipi'iii'i iii' iil-iire heiii" niaile in '111' litll ' iHa'e ill th" Way nf lilli! llli" aiel I--pal r I ll Pi.vtx Bull. I 'fh" Nkw- w. ml. 1 like In h ive fur tli r e .iiiieene ati 'ti- ft"iii Pl.t Et'- 1 ..I.. SHORT HORN MILL PICNIC. El'il lull- lI'iAVkt: N I.l 1 had lie-' "I l-it 111 y .eir e-.initv ill th 1 c -i-i-n ..(' lh" pl -nie at Sh it II In M I. in Aii uit :!rl It n in. 11. y tn-i ;-lt t y.'.ir eiiinlv I am nit ft main "! 1 I'i -n-1 ' the y.'titi -: in- n , !' that ( a -: 1 -tl f.T 1 1 . . . r h '-pit.i'llv and km I'.. - fh, r. w r.- al.-eii thr.-. fan Ir- d and tiftv p. .pie pre-, lit an 1 all wa i.- t. ,1 pf n liliillv a" I v. r il I. i-k'-l- ti,-., I alt, r . I h i I ei" n ll h i I I e li aim nn e l ll at l ap. W 11. Ivtchlll an 1 W. A, Ditiili w en i ieldre- lis. p -p! ha: i.l I J :;n ,,,-i.iek Ml.S C M-i-l'e -t it.- I tl, ,i , -y W. ll! 1 ll"! h - pie-elil all 1 ill hi- ;-l I ef .il tniiiTi-rweh a feiv w !! -h- -en riniik imr 'Iii.'-d Dr ii E Mallh- w-. wlm 111 a ii - an eiithtl-iil-tii- -pe eh an 1 wa ll -.My applamlc I I eau -ay in ja-ii"-I i lh" iu an 1-,'T- and lli"-l e-pecial!v .1. (' Mn re and W. II. II iy- ami li A j j i .li en- aiel ' lh r- lh it their iarn-t j an I itVe'.etit rk wi'.l lie I .iil; rem. m- I. Te 1 l'V ill p 'epic uf th. il ... el:. i'i ( 111 in, "W ii b hall 1 lliil-t 1 tm l ihe; h iti.l-,-lii.--I -it nf y.'Utij hell. . 1 eVel -iw Th - f..!!-,winj e.eaiitles w.-r.- r. pr.-.-iil- - ' - 1 llaila.. El... he. N.,-h. I'talil- lin liiinvillc, liiiiifnrd, B tt e. Mniin,1 I il-' II- all I N .Uli iUipt.'ll. I i lnlli.K. lire, ii.h.-r '. N. (' NOMINATIONS Ei'iii'it llnwi'Ki: Niws I W I- eie d I V !.lt week in .. -I I'--- ii) llii- plan I ti nk up t Vlii ll - -ell!- ;i!wa In b" the i an I in ih ri Jit p'.ici'. ami -p. "f th. . wh . ,1,.-, rve it. I M ' - While " "f the he lw. ; I'M"' ! ik- w.h; -r I! I ! i:..r-, a. ell "f th d. I"gat.- lu M Ii a I I'i y and a- "II" uf the llii-lliln-i'- i I h Y.'iiu Men's D. -me.-ia'ie I'lu'i ,.f tl,i. j l l' c. w, 'Ill'l -lljee-t thai it i-a duty we iiW" 1 1 nor eteiirr,' to -ube riS, in a '" I ..p. r ill ll lliaV keep 11- p .-led ,,, d . 111-11, c l i . ur par:y lu .'lin; thi- We eiillllLit tilld ollc lllnie --nil -ll.!.' ili i the -j iii'l "Id lln. v,.i, k Nkw. whi.h lain-.- lh 1 t;;".t a' iia'i!;' 111 w- a- 1 a ir Iv a- II e ill I 'If A 1 t i"k nn Ihe p ip r I .w th leticr sign 1 .1. ' We most h ar"!y n-rui iiu: i'c and c-n. nt with - .1 in .a' ry w id he sij and a- ii" "I , 'ir y'-iii'g in-ii', Deui .i-ri.ii chile -me. i. 'v h"j-' ili it f, r the iLe .,f the -.tan I ..M patty tii - -'ig-sti ai-1 make wiil 11 .1 I" tiiin eie. d We kn uv ih it W. V. B ,w r il 'ert t'.ie .'liieeol Sh.-lltl and tan p'll ihe I ir-'.-'-t vol, . fativ mm 111 th - ciiiiniy. lie : a 111111 whose 11. uiie will add hen-i to the Democratic party. His chancier i uii-p it. d and a- 1 me as lh" diilied Ml .W up ill lh" Alpille peak. N. xt. M. i- Editors, we 111 .! h 'arli Iv a-r,,e itb iu rccaiiniciiiliiig L ll.- II I T It. gi-terof Deeds. He c.T- 1 ii il'y has given uninril atistaetiuii. lie ha-heeii ii!.il a-by lire and prove I pure g ild ami w lu re can we timl a man 11. suit able for ll.U nlli.c ? lie 1 annul be liuiinl. Ilcia g. nil ni n uf p .lihcd III i.iil is an I regular liabils that ciillllut be di-pule l Til II limk ! lie has Worked ni Jit and d iy In r,mt It. .publicans I'imiii nlri ! 111 He than any other man enuld do -and we will nut lie sal i.-Iieit with any iitlicr man, fur it would be an inju-iice tn ins ai and iurliet injury I i the party. Fur TrciMir r it wmi d be nb.-iiiil and v. ry unwise tu 11. iniiiiate any uilrrthan W. F. Parker. There is nut cue spot up .11 hi-char li ter, but he is ton Well knuwit fur mc tu make tiny euiuiucn.s. 1 will simply add that I think il useless f, r any one tu uppnse him. 1 h ive ihi year travelled over cverv p irii n nf ihi enmity and the slmngest cry is. give u- It .wars I'm Slu liff. Vins ui for Regis - r uf Deed, Parker fu Treas urer. I wuuld say regarding the Legisla tive ticket that we do not object to any of the gentlemen named in your last issue, fur they are all uf tried character. We cannnt a.Tord complimentary votes and should wa make the mistake of mat nominating the gentlemen mentioned it would be very nnfurtunite for tho Dem ocratic parly, (.ive ur Bowers, Vim' 6:1 and Pirkerand in November next we will poll the largest vote ever cast in Halifax county. Enkield, Aug. 5th. B. B. Mr. W. II. M.lriii. in leh.inl, l.i',e t'iu. Fla , lv. u taken wilh a eiere Cnl.l. att-'iiileil wilh a iil-lr,'in Cmii-1i anil ruiiiiiii.' lute t'un-iiiiipMMii in it- lirt ta::es. 1 1 . trieil in my 1 p 'pal ir enih irliiuli' -an 1 -I'Mihlv t.1 u wi r-1. Wa-ivlner l III I'.e.h. lla'f ihlhenlly 111 hit .ilhllej aiel via-'l ta -li t'p f'i iially ui'.'l Dr. Kit u - N w Di-ei. ry t..r ri t'.-i.inpii ai i'! I r.iiei I i'liiie ' ' relief, aiel . iiier uau: ah ut a h ill' tl"Z n I I. - I'.'illi'l him-, 'It w.-ll ate I has ha'l II" return ul' the 'li- ' I-'-. N" nlher rein-e-U -li .v -' -i m l a lee a,! ul' enre-, a- Dr. kln- N-'a' Di-e'Veiy tm- l'in:--aiiipli ai liii.u.iiitei l t,i ,i" in-l what i- e ' .i I 111 'I h'r It. Tli il h.illle li.e at allV .Ill.j-i.le. ('I. v,!.,n'l l.riv, r- il.iini i- l 'i ! hv aiel Tiiili man li 111- i M I'. Han. All lahin: at ul. atlv r, 'Ilie. il M l '. Hart. i e....r- al 1'.' ei lits t V Hart... pin, All '.."l ailuir." ADVERTISEMENTS. hai , .ai h iii 1 iiu 1 aiw a - keep family , rn of lh" V. ly In -I kilel-. CONFECTIONERIES. Mv -i . id I! ' ..I en:. ti.,n ai," i- van. eli.i. I ml p. i fully hi -h. 1'KI ITS' I'l'.l Haliaiilia-, app!". 'l!nr t'rnii hi -e leap. S' I'KI ITS! i'tali''e-. and all ii k pi and sold CIGARS AND TOBACCO. " My t""k nfci". it- .rn I r.l'.icci "li-talltly , pl-lil-lii'd with 'he In nd 1 a-k an evin in iti ai i- kept t'J I CANNEDliOODS 1. 1 . Ihe- "IV kind all 1 Hi"!.1 hand .Id All -I'I' - an- , CHEAP. III- ( ' 111 I -P- i-tii.ily W'il e u. N. C Kll.l-'.S. NOTICK. I '.I Cnl ,TY. X":rii i i.'"..v.i. i l l Li u: I'. n w i ... i I ill I' II I. Tl.llM. I-. ll. I a ll I:. .1 1.. i.iiu.t-. A J W I .in-, l iny j .e i .11 ,V I . I lay . W s K.l.iiil. in net, r linn , t' W al ll.l.lw.ii n.1,1 W .' .1" 1 ., I him t tt in I'. Maoll T Ir .V Ji ll I l, 1 li'. .11 I a I ,,iV snillli i.l. i u ,11 I a- al. ...1 . Ii 1 r . ,in "f llniitiv ' 1.- i'il. -u Li ' II 11. 11, 1. 1 . a iiei'l -iUiMte.l .ei- .1 N .11)1 ur- l- ! t, llellll ,1 .; Ii ,:n ..M l i li -.11111.1: I'linl- "I a ., iM. r tlr, ' lin Ve k .in-l . . i.i ,.r I. I 1 1.1 He i.lti.c - 11 I c .-I'liy .-I II1;!,'- i i.i. ii j ; I-- 1 Ii 1 i-t- 11 ill I'ullii t I t , s) -ir it r' I -11 I cull . nn r tin- lt I'.'iirt h..ii-e"l' M ,:i l ,, 111 ;.!. ai'-'i -...I.- Hy. iia.l ,1:1.1 111 '1:1! .,1 -.11, 1. 1 il.,11 1 I'-r r e I i, 111.1 l.-iaii 1.1 lie i.lineil a, II ,.. to tin -.1 01 1 I;til. juti s i i.iit.'.iii:, . ur: a ll ll; I . (-".11 . 1 y PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ''Irnn.-- uml U.-uiinl.- tho lutlr i nitiniUsa 11 Imiuiiiit uri'w In. Never Fails to Reator-a Ortyj 1 '.iiia iiiniiM .wH-tnit Imlr fjilllTttrl nur 10 iti Touiniui -L-oior, PARKER 8 CINCER TONIC iDTaliulii-efiTtiHiKli-ii t.lil,Iiiur-J l"iJti,EjlijuirtjAm. ,1 mil ;r " ly CAUTION. It.' .a I1.11..I ii mv leit.i. in. I lln j.rl. v uro -l.t'i;. ! ..M fu t.ill-.ili nil ii v t;.!fiU-4l - t-' t -r. !. iv a..-lit,- f.t. wi.i, h pint.Ti th- wi-ii.-i- ...ini inai, ,.r, ..i lu'.-n-T . iv iia.i...ii.-r..i--i.w l c;::Li:-ie.. nu letn-i.l ).rii'e. "i" '! hi- lin- tin ;n ait my e im,1 'ii -l .n. -.titiii.i .1 u il.,' l..,u, it!, j.iu huh I w :i a- a iraa.l. fx. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. ( IM I I MI Tin' only tliio nt.f :t S-:imleM slim1 hi tin1 worM mmle w it In .'I I (mi'L ir miil.v At ntvliuli nittl ilu rnlv as tli.c tiPitug tir i Hiel It.n ins " tuck1- or iimiU In wvar tin- nt.K tr luiil tlu-ffi-t. limkt'- lli.'tn itn t-omfi iriJt lili-Hh.1 . !l fitlitiK ha H hutni wwiNt ulimf Huy tin- I'-v-t N.hh- k'H tlilie liulc.. -Uliircd Oil txitUnn "W, I. t.i yls i warmii't-l. " W.I. IHI-(JI,AI SHOK. tlu- orluitiiiUixl ..lily hum! wcwt'il writ ft Mhiti', which ii-in- ciiiuui intuli' tilun- C'-liiittfr(mi i to tr. V OI (il.A?J.E0 8IU)K ii (iin-x.-cllcd fur lu'avy wear. V L 101 (JLAS J SHOE tn worn l.v nil llt.j-n, niul it lhlK"t Ht.hmil Hliotj In tlie woilil. All the above jj a:ils madf In n4iit(ri'sH, Btit tort and l,aot Hnil tf hot by your (K-nlur write W. h. HOl'ULA!. HnH-kt-m. Mmm. nm HALK UV ' Wi 1. TILLtilty, July) WUPON, N.C. NKw (iUOCKKIKS. --i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tin. ..i.l, -I ri ii.'ili h i.l Item ll- ,, ni vi r viiri-' A nnirii.'; nf "irtlj ,i I,. .inn, -. V,.r,. c mi nl iv ; u..u, mi. I iiiiin.ii i.c .,i,t wan I ' vv 1,-t -liiui w i irl.t Hlnnii.r ilia-, , I i.nlv In t nn Kuyill i , i'i; wuii i . n. v. IliikniB 1' net 'J!l ly THE . ijj '.--i -' -4, 5itiTr- it 8 ',1 ;.lij.fru' ! 1 t':J 1 fc Airi 'iv IP '1 CojTOfl MAM'EACTI 'RED BV 1A C11 S P.TAVl.OH, SEABiiARD. N. C. ASH-.- S. 1, WlUTKAc HKO.. N'nltl-MI.K. VA W.- l. -ire t i a" I'i-ii" -il i ..t . 4i. .11 i-lnli , t.- i -e ll iv I. . r l.-i IM1KSS. - II-. I..l" in -H.r . i-I, 11,. " .'J'tlM 1'f. " ni I, j.ur aiel r- lUlHil nin-ii inil ti i!v hi 1 1 -1 1 m l 4s m nui . e!l ii- l a -i u ; n t 1 . t . il t nnin.t 1 1: lln- i-iileiiil I'i ill.. . 1' -111.. I it .1 .. tl -II -I -t,-,l'.il , VTi l "I ll N H"l lin l.lel.. j. 111 et el l. I Tin- I'I .ili'lile.l 111 ! - . Hli-l It. I- t- tile ,- I,, ,11 in 11-,. I ile-irc I'i . ,!,k- i- lie- lie I'-r tlit ir nue .lie I U itii -.. rill llll-.- .:- ..n l - i..-i- r I... ililic- l..t 111 1 li..).i 1 . ite -I il sikI 1. .-. ii er ,: iie 1 u ... ai-.. -t it.- Unit - l-l, --, le 1, t 'l ,1,- lliHile . I I tie rsrii.a-. ! 1 . 1 ti, 1 ..uli t. ti- .liitl-U- u 1 -r rn- ' t 'II 11IK I lit kMi. II Ihniyh S" N'iU..i, Hil tie-in ii1) l-Sui t'"r luitle 1 I-ii'. '1 iim l . mi, ,. . 1 J 1, 1.. 1 r.- I, 1. I t. ij!:,r I r I r T t!. 1 w .-u-v i' I- .1 N Ktitici) , A .,l..,,rl . M.: -I -tie t- Una NOTICE. .i.n. .nr i) kins' OLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE, -AT o- THE Tl. TZ. SHED Hernial' meal- every day as paid the 111:11 k 1 1 will all'urd. aW'The i nly IiuiimIup thai l',irni.-licw meals I'm the '.land !l:n trains at n.Vit. Wcldi.n. N. C. apr-iliUm. Tin: Aiiieriiaii Deticiivc aud llusi n. ss Assta iatiun uf Chicatto, HI., fur the d. tret iim uf clinics and criminals uf all rui! lues, an I tlic cullccliun of debt, are dcsirutis uf scenting a live man iu every Ion n mi I i t in ilie l ulled States to sit as tl.cir apMit. To sjch a man a fnldcn opHirtunity is open to inukc a good liv ini: in his town. This Association was est ililislud in 11S0 and it has grown in ll.e space of cieht years tu he one uf the leading detective Associations of Anieri ea. This is the only Association of the kind in America that dues nut charge fur a membership. Vir further particulars address JOHN T..JAMKS, General Southern agent, 109 Main street, Norfolk, y, U. 8. A. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIK REDUCTIONS. w ALL ALL ALL ALL SI M M Kit SI MM l!ll SI M M Elt SI M M 111! StmwHits ut Low cuj SqoES w Cost". SUMMKR CroTIIINd AT COST. HNK I 111 II Kll Till' I'll AKTUN liisf (INK I.KAT1ILII Till' rilAKI'nN i ilT MISSES SHOES FROM Wv a!-i h ive nil lt.uitl ilie uinl two In rc V;iti-, t'ofl'uis uml wotdi u ( alic(s we wiii M'll ai !-W(l prii'i We t !n i t in -tail ii'Tih 'J'Hli St j.ti mil. r t-i ( urt liaM Full Winter jnudit and in t .nl. r Iti tltiee .-ici' mil i' I! arr':iiiiH lur n st ixlv Jaf. CALL AN I) SEE US. njtfji!i2&S I'll lv 1 I w aTjIj the . 1IKN1UKTTAS IN ALL Col.OltS, COM HIN ATION Sl ITINliS, ALllATliossiN ALL SHADES, CASIIMKltKS ALL COI.OI1S AND PItlCKS LACK AND SWISS I'l.OI'NCINliS. ALL PItlCKS AND ALL OVER GOODS TO MATCH. Whit, (.nod, in India Limns, Plain. Sirip,! and , Ham. all priees. ' C0mpl,te A-si.itincnt uf Trimmiii'rs 1 liuttun f,.r Woolen and Cottun Kahrics. GLOTIII1TQ-: Tl,- Prettiest Styles and Ct in town. SIIOEc-5: Ladies' iiiid Mi n's, handsome ,tl,s,, it and .-v. rv pair warraiitul to w.aror ill ui y refunded. A Full Line ol H I) III csl Hats li The Pirn " lS,,il,i,,g.;,,ls and Notions ,.r all kinds. Iluu.-cUepin,. Kv,tl..n- to he f,,d in a Well kept establishment uf ,he kind M v Irietiil-iiii.l if. . I.l;,. i... i . i ,. ... ; , , - . like to have the pleasure of showing my Sept 22 ly, i I ft. til M IDS AT ('(1ST. (KM DS AT COST. HOODS AT COST. HOODS AT COST. Dost, 1 15.11(1 WILL KKI.L Full $I.'I.V(III, ?1 l.'l.llll WILL SKLI. I'ull 8 1 !t."l 1)11. 8 TO 2 AT HALF COST. lay-Orders promptly lillcd. P. N. tiTAINRACK A CO 111 irorEr;riEs. and ,aks ,r uieir IiIhmI palruna...' aliK'k. I wool" M.' F. HART, rELDOI, n, c.

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