''WW" I ilnf! ItL Hi ill II HA.IL.Ii & SLEDGE, riioi-HiKTOHS. VOL. XIX. -A. NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPL E. TERMS-''-'00 1KU ANNUM IN ADV A M K. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1888. NO 53. y v. X NEW ADVKUTSIKM F.NTS ,TA,U :o 1857 JANUARY lit 1111. RUFE. W. DANIEL OIlllCKKIKK, LIUIIOKM, ITINI WINK. OIUARH, TOBACCO ni.iir.M.K & i.m.i.i.'i- l.AU KH III.F.K ON ICR R. W. KANIF.L, No 10, Wanh. Avn Wrlilnu N.i lmi ; 1-v MANSION not si: Nt.Krol.K, Va.. ,M. S, Jami-is, I'l-opi-ii-tiess. Centrally Iocnt,-il, hko-I .iccoiiiinoil.iiioii-'. ratr rcasonalile. r.ul.iti;tl. rt'iiul-U-ii, r.-luintslifil. Home lor Noilli Carolinians. Special ralt-s to slimv iicn,le. .Inns A .Iiinkixs, clerk. WIIAI' IS "ALL THE RAGE?" An exci-lletil Chew, Katisfaclioii rjuarnn- t.Cll. v. .i. MAiMi;i:v . son. Sole iip-nls lor Seaboard ami V it inily. 11.(1. WILLIAMS & CO. Wholesale Tobacconists, Nnrlulk. Va. HUlIXiKKS cc CO.. COMMISSION Mi:i:CIIANTS, Co'.lNL'lt (IllKEN AMI II Kill StHFCIK I'nrlMUO llll, Vll. Solicit consignments of Lumber. Wood l! 1'owi.s, ami all k nnls ol country produce. june 7 Itins. GROCERIES ! I. K. I. B. We liavr jut returned In Weldon, N C, and uuw occupy tin- Mori; botnivu EMRY'S i ZOLLICOFFER S Wq arc receiving ami openin'r a lull line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will keep on hand a so' .vied slock tiroceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars. Tobacco, Snuff, Wooden ami Willow Wure, ('rookery, (ilass, Tin Wan', ( e., Ac. We will sell al I he LOWEST PRICKS. We also return our sincere thanks I our many Iricuds and aeipiainlaiKv-4 lor their kind, liberal pilroiia'i in the pis and solicit n oiitinu.inec of the satin with guarantee to plea.'. Wry lU'Kpct'll'ullv, .1. L. .11 1UUNS .V ('()., jan 5-tf. Weldon. N. ( H.L JOYNER, main1 sti;i:i:t, SEABOARD, N.C. Desires to call the alleiilimi ol the pulilic to the fact lliat lie has ju it oM iieil, in llr- Htepheoiri Sttire, one ' til the delect utinlHof FAMII.AY (iiioci:nir.s, PROVISIONS, TOILUVO, I'HIAKS, SM I'K, CliNKKC TIONKItlKS, TINWAWK tic, Ever otTerctl lor suit in tlii market, uiul luottt rchiHH:iriily milieitR the patronage oi liU fricnilsanil the public generally. 1 bought these eoo.ls to pell, and not to tust on my shelves. Cull curly ntnl exumino my stock nnil friccs. Very truly your friend, IIINTONL. JOYNER, Marsb 31 im NKW ADVKKT1SKMKNTS. CAGANBRIlLMriCo. OUR 3PA.TE1TT ROLLER FLOURS ;iiy niiiiiulVtuiv.l lr..in iliu CIIOK'KST WIIKAT OliTAINAHI.K Their si,,,,- ri.irty lor I'M Foil M IT Y, STISKXilTII 11 loll'' been UI'lllliittll'ilL'i'll. I'llO r A '1' A I I -o s i i i : 1 1 1 Stands iinriViilliil. ( II a lull. ( r, amy ( 1 Fastidious. Jctf-A-lv PiiLipscu Sup, rlative I'aiini, I'al:isi-,, Family I'ai.-nt, ll.iMuin Family , f. A. liAMIU'.ll.l, l- ly. For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jan 111 ly fine's tilery (Mipound THE PLACE TO (JET mum t siBisnii, AT T1IK LOWEST P1UCES, IS AT DR. A. Ii. ZOLLICOITKR'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON W K L 1) O STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY WPRhXCKllTloN liKl'ARTMKNl' K1I.I.KU PHF-SCKIl'TIONS COMI'llUMiKI) AT PEKKUMEKY, STATIONEUY, FANCY FANCY REMEMBER that f. hearty welcimienlwiiyii 1 li I 1 if It lliiiiiiiiift1)oiiid&iiitliK'liiie ' YOU SAS.K BY P. LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. SI)KALKR Xii iky (ioons, . ' HOOTS, SMOKS, NOTIONS, 11 ATS, CAPS, DO.MKSTU'S, l'I! I NTS, STAl'LK (iOODS, CllOCFKlfiS, Ami Kvcrytliing that can be callcil for. H:EADQUAET1ES for Urns, PIstels ft Oiekligss, AND HAUDiVAKH The publio ii respectfully invited to call. oo(6 1; ' patapsco flouring mills. esta.blish:eidi774. and IN A ITliOACII A III, 10 l'l.AVOIt . A I' i - K 1 a t i : N T r, ll wake :i Pre id tli.it will mit tin vi.ur lim-cr fur il Kn'jiiJi, Ch ,iiv I . r r t . lli,iti:' lltovc I-aIi.i, Mapl -ton F.inil)' MAM FA ( TI'lilMi UlMI'AS V, l I Cimnm-rcc Si , llaltiinnri', Mil. 4 NERVE TONIC. Ci'lt-ry uinH'tH-u, tl; j r 'V)t::-nt Krcith-nl, hit tin- t-fl :iA l t Ni'iu1 limn s, ll hin niillii'in uiul if'H' l'ir Ili I'MUJI iV-lrlll, 1'IillliK S-iit!:. Uiuliiit-M, ll .tinn, ; AH ALTERATIVE. It itri .i''Miut tlir jfTisoimu'- l.uni'irn'f tin' I.;kh .iiril inn Mul , urii lnm: i, uiul n iit rt'Miiiiiii,' tlmwe (Hmux rfniiltiti!,' fruiLi luijuiru nr liiiH)cr- A UXATiVE. Ai nil- it.iMiC it!i!nlv(-iit!ictM)weU "It-tll'lltf.-n, iil.il iit.ir li.il.it Itch. 1 1 l'I li- it IT' ' i-n. Ih,' .l.ni.t:, A DIURETIC. ii. 1 ii;iin iiiL;i'ii.ii. Ill lti(it;iiMifil.n tl.i' 1ft mi) in. h'-liiT- t.i'M'l Hit' Mai- I l:i ii.l nr. i .nuhin.dH'i. ulilualh v. ali.-lln r v'!,-.'iivi' rein. 'Im I'.-r cm wnt.t li Ll'lli It r;tli lw n H'it on ti KlV'J 'iri' ii n lief i.ii.l -.iK't'dv run.'. Htimln-ilstif ti-tinionia- IipI.i'ii r.-cclvi-l friilil IH'r-Hi- nil" tiMt-il this ri'llli'tly H lltl mniiKrihlliHiiulit. Honil f.trt iruulum, giving lull imfUL'uUn. Frtc tl 00 Soli b DraiiliU. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. Prop'i UL'ltl.l.NUToN. VT. AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. N. N. C. FREQUENT ARRIVALS. Willi UIK lu.-T SW.KITKU M A'i'KK I A 1..- ALL HOVliS WITH lll.'KAT C'AUE. SOAPS, HIU'SII KS, AIJTICI.LS, TOIIACCO AND I'HIAKS. sw,Uu yon St ZOLLICOKFI'.irS. STAINRACK & CO. ) OF ALL KINDS. W. H. BROWN, Weldon, N. C. OF LOWLY BIRTH. Wlint Witrk liiR-Mtii llitvn Dune for Sci ence, Art and LIUtkMii-o. Somo may siiy: "Why tfivo working it!oUi Uino to think? What gom uso t'iiu thrty mako tf it?" Ltt u-t sco what tln-y have Uqh Takn fjoni-ral liti-rat ni-i. Look at I):tiiiol DcVic, tho author n( ' UHhin.-ion 'ni-oi.,M hud of tlio fjieattML wrilois ui proio fiction thM uviti' livmi. lit htiiit lift! in a hos'ii'r, a'lil was lilnmL wholly glf laujiht. William (.'.ihh.Ht, tho ivat lna-'li'i' of l acy S ixon KiiIWIi, wa in rarly lif' a f:rti-r' s hoy, ami afir Wanl-1 a CMinni'Mi soMiiT. Iaak Wal ton, lli'i plcaiu bioLTajilM-r anil "coniihto aulrr." was a IIihmi-t1i'a'i-. Then in srii-urr: Thomas Shnpwon. tlm ilUtinuishi'il tniitln'inalician, wri.uhf, fur thu Lnvaici' imrt uf hit life, as a weaver. Captain Cook, omi of the most scieutitic ot Knlish sail (rs, ami a very pleainj; writer, wu wholly nclf-tanht. Uin father, a pouf peasant, loanicil to ruiul wlm:i ho was lin iK il of rx dMiiy, iu unler that hi iiii'ht lie ahlo to .enisn his sonN vov aes. Arkwiiht, mihseijuputly Sir Hiclianl, tho inventor of thu cotluii Npiiiniii machiiip, was a jumh man, ami comm. Mired lifi3 as a harbr. James Hriutllov, tho author of canal navigation in Knlaml, Dip first who tunneled (jroat. hills, ami brought ships across nnvigabln rivers oQ briilges was a millwright, Ii.M-sehelL, subs, ipti-itily Sir William, originally a musician in a Hanoverian regiment, became a skillful optician ami a great astronomer. To him Campbell ivfon in t Im writ-known lines: lii.v totlie lyrt'of H uvea uhoiIht strtiiR. Then for tho li aris: Chantref was a milk ami butter boy, ami his lirst niouhiings wrro in softer material than marble. Sir Thmiia Lauivnro was tin sou of an inn-keeper, ami wholly self-taught. John O.tie, wan foiiml by llr. Walcoti, working in a saw-pit, William Hogarth, tin; great est master of character that ever di vclopeil his ideas by means of the pen cil, semil his npprentiivship to an ;raving silversmith, ami cm- ineiiceu his professional caivcr by en slaving cujits-nf-aiins ami shop-bills. iiien in poetry: (JilVoiil, i!i lirst editor of the Quarterly, began life a- a poor -nibir buy, and afterward serv ed an apprenticeship to a .shoemaker, liloomlii Id win e his best poem, t ho 'Farmer's Hoy," while he, too, I worked in u garret as a shoemaker. "Hen Joiison," says Fuller, iu his I "Knglish Worthies," "worked for ! soino time as a brieldaver u;id masotu He helped lo l.uiM i!, new structure of LmicIu'h Inn. 'i"li. h:,vin2 a ironvl U hand, 'e had a hook in , , ., ,, i u,. .-.,,.. -,..-.,: 1 inoi- m:m -ii1), II i father c mid not write liis nam,', and !,i cros ornnirk still existsin tlie i rd of Siratfni-il- i,n-Aon to alti .-l ill ' fat-'. 'J'h i poet's own education s'etns to have hcu vi'ry liu.ited, and tradition de-crilie-i him ns having lived for a time by very huiulilr cm,loyiiicnts. '1'hell luili we lo t'leoloc. llmliih esi ruitjre of all. Tiei luo Millers, Doelor I-:vae, Il.'an of Carlisle, mid his brother .Liseph, author of the well-kuo-.vn "llisl-r of the Chure'i," he ':iu life as weavers. 1. Prideanv, author of the ' Coiiuci'tioiitM and HUhop of Worcestrr, ot his educa tion by entering Ovford as a kilelion boy. ,hdin lliiuyiiti, the ;reali'st in as ter of Allegory ami antlior of the s -c-oud hi'st hook iu all the world, was a aclf-tnuglil linker. -V. 1' l..il.j:r. MILES OF CANNON. A UetnTiptltih of luitriiiulilu Kuril 1 I1.i1imii or (llirnlliir. Thu groat sight of (i brallar is tho fortilicatious, which are on an im mense scab1, as tho whole circuit of tho t'oek U seven miles. Hut mil all this requires to be ilf-ndrd, for on tho eastern side the clilTis so tremen dous that there is no possibility f scaling it. U Is tearful to stand on the brow, and look down to whero tho waves are dashing mere than a thou sand feet bdow. Tut) only approach must be by land from the north, or from the sea on I lie western or south ern side. The two latter are defend, d by a succession of batteries carried along the soa-wall, and up the side of the rock, so that there is not a spot on which an assailant can set his foot which is not under the tiro of guns. The northern sid- is pierce I by tho great gulleries cut In tho rock, which are tho unique feat ure of (ilbrallar, that distin guishes it abovt ad the other fortresses of ll e world. Tin s were begun morn than a hundred y ais ago, d irmg ihu great siege, which lasted nearly I itir years, when the inhabitants ha I no rest day in r night. After we hao ass d through one tier, perhaps a mile in teiigih, we mount to a second, which rises aU'Ve the other like tint upper deck of an cnormo is Hue-nl-ballle ship. F. lorniotiS indeed it must be, if we can imagine a double-decker a mile !oug! As we trampcl pal these pudh-st ro..s of cannon, It or cm red to tun that iheir nlmullaiU'oiis discharge must be very trying to tlm nerves of tho artilleryman (if he l a any neive-), as the concussion against thu walls of rock is in mil pn titer 1 hmi if they wure lire I iu tho open idr, ami I asked my guide if bo did not dread ItP lie confessed that he did, but added, like the plucky soldier that ho wa-: 'Wu'vo got to stand up to it!'1 interior, -Don't borrow money if it can be. avoid- d. Paying interest is to the average fanner like putting a wcigi jn a drowning man. A Sixteenth street lady w as calling on a K street lady the other day, and the (-mall daughter of tho house kept walking around her and studying her head intently. Finally Ihe caller be came so nervous she took the child in her lap. "Well, Fannie," she said, "what is it? Von seem to be looking for something." "Why why." hesi tattd the child, "I whs looking for your other face." "What do you meanP I don't understand," said the puzzled visitor. "O, innmina said you were two-faced, but 1 don't ace only one. You haven't got two faccB, have you?" Washington Critic, ADELE AUS DER OHE. One or Ilio I.iiIp Alilo, I.iszl's Most rromlit llitf I'liitlN. When thrco and a half years old Adnle Aus der Oiie lirst gave evidence ol her I'eiiiarknblu talenl. An elder sister was slriiiiiiiiiiin; Arilili's "U baeio" ouo day in tho nursery where tho children tvero al play. When sho had llnlshed, Ihu tiny Adele, crying "Ichl lch!" begged to be placed on tho stool, and to their nstouishiueut repoated tho entire wall., giving correct bass wllh her left hand. ''Mamma! Papa!" cried tho children In chorus, as they threw open the door. ' Come! Come and hear Adelchunl" There was great rejoicing that day in tho family Oha. 11m parents themselves began at once lo Instruct her iu piano-playing. In . her lifih year she became acquainted i Willi the talented musical couple liron salt, who look her to II ins von Uuluw ! for niUie,!. "Let mo lirst look iu her j eyes," l0 Hiiitl; and continued: ' "Yes, llinr , R;lly j9 isc there! ' Ha proposed Unit she bo placed under his iiisii'uclion al Munich, whore lie huh then residing, hut tint fond I parents could not consent lo scpuia lion from so young a child. Adelo was seven years old when Prof. Aus der Oiie moved w ith his family to Ber- , lin. IP re she hiicaino a pupil of Franz j Kullak. mid fcvcral months later of his father, the celelirtiied Dr. Theodoro Kullak, Willi win. i V remained unlil her ihirie.'inli ,;,r. At eight she ' made her lb., pal, lie appearance. t Two years later ,tl. g:iv concerts wllh orchestra at 11 r i i and II mover in ! j liicll she placl 11 eetboveii's "11 llat j major colieerio" woll the Mo-cheles ! 'Cadenza." Stnuilv alter leaving Ivillak she came to Li-z' al Weimar and, barrine; oeeasloaal interruptions, ! in lit 'd Ii v si ve t years of his itl- slrilelioll. Several ., Mi colici l'I tours the 111 -t when ill her fourleentli year I were made clllrinr this perio I ill I (ierniauy. Previous to her American i dcleil she had never plavel outside : her lialive land. Al her last public I appearance there she performed i Tauhert's ''Piano concer:o" iu the f 11;' huntlreittll jiibilee soiree of Hie .-i.yal otili-stia, with that sil i ) erb body id musicians, at the ller'in U , :d Opera-hnu.e. lithe salons of ; the Herman capital Ad.-le Au d.-r (Hie is as great a social as niusical favoril,'. j She enjoyed lite fi ieinl.-hip and eli,-i - oronage ot the lute lament,-1 I'nncess Alma of (' -ralaih-ll -utliiu, a noble woman, distingnishe 1 ,,r her charities and as a patroness of the line arts. I Bl;0 u v ' "I1" I lilace. l i l, ! 'vn'. ly and iu 1 AlH ll.-1 Ole M liir at the imperial 1 has often played l't! c me rK Allele not men lv a gifted musical anisic, bn" a young woman of varied accompli di incut. Besides lu r mot her-tongue, shit speaks and writer I'Yeniii, Italian an I Kiglish; is a sftitleiit in tlie arts and scimices; writes poetry, and is a composer of musie under an asMnvd name. Slip has been rightly taught to believe in the iieeessiiy of a hnad mid liberal I ediicatioii for all wlm aspire above mediocrity in her chosen profession." Century. MOISTURE IN AIR. WUj It nlii Hot, Not 1 All I n .ally to All I'tkrt-i of Do Cuuittijr, We have learned that rain is caused by tho cooling and eomlen:itiiu of the moisture iu tlie :iir, Hearing this in inilld, let lis study ihe Mirf;tre of our country and s.e why the rain does not fall cijnalty on all part- of it, instead of falling very abundantly: tu some places, us iu New Knglaud and some of the ii df S:ate., :md very sparingly in many pari ..f (lie West, as in New Mexico an I Arizona. The winds which blow to this coun try from the Mni.li and the east, being w.H'in Cop . il win!-, ca i hold much moisture, and are fill of this invisible vapor of walcr which they have taken up from tlie (iulf of M'ic:) and the ocean. (' cuing lo the cooler land, they graduath U'- oine eonied. Their imdsi lui', tlieiel'or . falls as rain, while they pass o er the land, till, by the time they reach We. in n K immis and Col orado, tin- ik i t ne Leaig goap, no more rain can tad. I'm I the u ind- w Inch come to tl.i- i oiniin finn tin- north and west are colder thaa the l and, and, as liny sweep over i:. to.vard the south and east, (hey gr, idn i'.lv become wann er; sotha iu-tenl' f giving up their moi-tnic iu tiic f 'r e. of rain, they are coiManlly talking no moisture from the earth. It is- for this reason that our n nlh and west winds are dry winds, ami mean fair weather; while the south and cast win It bring rain. Fortius reason, al-o, the LVtern and Sou:beru States hacau abundance of r.iiu; while the Central and Western S:atcs ato often very dry. Ami there is s.iU another point to I rotisiderc I. We alieady h:ie noted the t.i t that at gieat, heights the air is couler. Hence, when a warm wind full of nioi-liire comes, blowing across the country and ( i i k s a mountain range, it bends upward ami rises high in the air to pass over. In so doing il becomes cooled, ghing tip its moist ure, and parses oer t the other side n drv wind ll is f. .r t hi rrnmn that some Mauds, like the Hawaiian Islands iu Ihe P;icilie ( tccan, where tho winds bhnv almost always from the same direction, are subject to almost continuous i ahi on one side, while on the other rain is eceediugly rare. This also shows why California, west of the Sierra Nevada mountains, receives sutli.-ieiil rain ( mako (he soil tit for cultivation; while Nevada, on the cast, is nearly rainlen and barren. The moisture coining limn (he south ami cast Is all condensed by the Allegheny, the Ko.ky and the Walisateh ranges; w hile that from the west is cut ofl by thcSi. rras. ll mce, the great extent of country know n to geologists as I lie (.real ibisin- w h.c'i reaches from Ores gou on I hi north to Mexico on the south, and from Colorado on tho cast to tho sierras on the west, comprising an urea of not less than 'Ht,;oti stpiaro miles, which is nearly equal to tho whole of Frauee receives over a great part of its sin face an annual rainfall of uot over four inches, and is thereforu a desprt,- Utorgt l Me mil, in tt. Itill'lilcii's Aruirii Halve. The I'est Salve in the vvi.rld lor Cuts, llruisis. S.,res.riccis. Salt Hie tnii Fev. r Solcs.Teller. Chapped hands, Chilblains Coins, and ail skin erupt inn, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay rcipiiied. It is guaranti-cil to give pei lVct salishietion. or money refunded. Piicc 'l't cents per box. For sale hydi n-jgisis at Weldon, Brown & Carravviiy, llalilax, Dr. ,1 A Mcliwhun Kiili.-lil. NKW AftYKHTlSKM KNTS. CONSTIPATION IS mil. '. Ihe filth. i ,,t t)s..sr," l.c eiilise llii-ii' in let imiliiiiii lliri)Hi;li Will, ll tllM use mm .10 ll ul 1:i -Ian lie KH. la IIN liV till' lll.xot ll I i.s.IIHHS JUKI'S Ml tlie r.tetlliDtlol ileeiiA e. iiiiiltlli-o. nnilOr In tlie Kl.iinacli ami Ixov. K, It Is i-iotsed l.y uTorplil Liver, ii.'t t uimil;Ii hile titliiic fxei'ile.t In. ill lie- hn... u priKjil.tj NulurtiS i-w n ciil hart ie, nn.l Is m mntlly Heconi.a it nil uilli Mich results it-t Loss of Appetite. Sick Hcadnnhe, Bad Breath, ftc. Tli( treat turn t .if I . irati..ii doi'i not ronsisl im rely in iinlninlni ihe h.iwels. The medicine must mil .ml act a a piowi tlVe.hilt heiltonjeii.swetl.iiii.t lu.l .r.lieH alter Us use ejeuh-r com iem 'l oseetiro n rt'trii I a I hah it ot l y il hnul ehaii(;iuu thu diet. or iliiorauiitit; the system "My allciili.in, ;ifi'T sioTef l r with Crtnstipa li"H I' r hiu'T three r.irs, w.i-.. .iH.'il t.) Siiiiiiiultl l-t-'T I'- ;..l..i. r, ;ii,.t, h.tvn ttn.tl .ilmi.t every tsiii t-: -c, ( ii. In. 1 i 1 1 y it- 1 tir-t Ux.k a ii.' -I;il .,1,'Ull. I vi ..!.:, sr. .1 Ihe lw a 1''..-)"" "'ill, - .. r di.-i U.-n., ,.e.-r t-. !, M..-..I. I l.'int-t il.a ii I. ul .li.i.f in-'.. inn. h .1 ihxtl t-.i.linn.il il iM.ul I o,,k tvto I. -ill. -,. Sine- Dim I I'-iv im! f. n. i'.; ;my .i-lfn i.itv. I k'-'- il in iny h ..nl will. I n ,1 t; Will.ml il, ImI Ii ivr in. u - f.r it.it l..ivii.j iiifil in- " itn. W, Sim Avt I It-rk Su.tii. r C-Jiirt, I'-jh Take only the it nine, Whith li.n on the Wrupjier tlm rctl 'i'r.i-le-mark uiul Signature of j. ix, i:ji,in si co IV-S Iv. LIQUORS. c smith. sr.r. his .v '',' , SEE Ills Cr.IA'X, KVr.llY IHUNK IN SI-'.ASOX. 13 ('. Sll.itll at 'asiiiiet:,ii avemt. ilee 111 Iv. ELEVATOR, Tin: iiM.v i iiai, ia.i: atou SOL" Til! Tliere an1 seventy iwu .st-reens in llic llllilllitle. Nil iliisl ur.lirt can N,ssililj- gel into I lir Coal as il runs over llnw serei-ns ill iassini; IVnin llie l-'.li'Hitor inti. llio carts. Cntisiiiiiers i;,-l tln-ir C,i:il ilry ami lVrl'eclh dean. I liave iiuw, ami shall always keep mi liatiil. a liirnc sliH-k tin,) till Ihimls i,f Ci nl best suiicil l',,r I'diinilrv, Faotorj-. ami Family use. All Cual Seidell ami ..l'I..! l.lalily. Tlie l!uilr..a.l cars run aleiii'si.lo lliu Klevalur, ami I lie Ciuil is lim.lnl into tin in tin-re, tlm- lessening tli,. cost I, . tlie Ira.lc Soulli ami Wist. I'nuiit slii.iuciit-s. Onl.-rs solicited. S. H. HAWES, OFFICK : 18th nnil CarjrStreoH. june 21 3mo Wino-Beer Ml I'. Hills (,, sl:lllj U'elili.n, X. C. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'V MA.-liN. i7"vi;.',7:i 17-.. I II, ;, N. c. I' N'irt!iioii t. ii mid I.AKY.SUI la; I'l.atiei s in tli, iris , ailj.aimij; ,-. ll ittcs. litsi, III t pn in,- eiini Is. hVilcnil nii'l il- .1 TT'lHXI'y AT I. A II' j.e K-nN, x i-. s ill tin- siij,eri,-r, stste loiil l-i- . A.-...1.-. ti .n u INIinltSK.v Ilia - IllllV. A rini:i:ys a t 1. 1 ir, V.I llithk.oUl.o. N r. iiili,,-, la), in Win--, ,ii e,-ri M , lii-i- in tli,- si tie im, I l-'i-il, a-nt CMio-is, Htti-lilinn lo nil l,ii.liies.M-iilrils!eil tn 11 lli'Ki.tiil.-.l True lunil.l SPIED WHITAKER, F. W WHITAHtR, li.ii ra.ii, s. . . ii u :j. , 'I OAK K It ,t W II I T A K K 11, A '''(; A' A A' l.S' ,17' .. IC HALIFAX, N. ('. i..Tier.iii(i Sii.i h-tfial c.Hiil.s. :e ee'.iMH nt ii. r h"i If W. A. ll I S N .1 TT'jI!M:Y .1 r A.I II', I'lli-tiie.. 1 Will I..., ,l,,li, III Vll' tl Ulelltll, Ji.ll I, lSi-7. lire reijiiireil e- lel .M,,ii,ly ion:. M, wi I I T! It K. HANI KL. l I I, 1. I, . A 11 A X I 1-. I., ill .1 I ToliMlYS .1 T A.I II', WELD0.4, N. C I'ineli e in ll,e IniiUliil 11, ll- .-I 1, 1 liells ll, ml, - ills el lli'tiiii, iiielNi.rttiiimj, sii,-elia- unit l eileriil euarls. 1 ,1- iiil.i.rt.e'N . i-.li I 'iir, ,1 , nil. al H.ilitiiA, N. I ., i j,t u every Mun juli 7 Ij llriilieti ,,llie lis). f . II. Ill SU1K, II. II. Mi n il ir. RVI.EIi.H, N. C. WOTLAKD NECK, H. C l' s B E E & s M I T il . Mr F. II. !!iist,i-e iiikI Mr. It II. Sinltli.Jr,, I'limi s'-lurs lit Law, liuw li.rnii-,1 u limit,.,! purtm-rhliij, r..r tin- tinietiee ,,fli.w in lluliliix cunly. Mr. HiisWi- Hill iWeiiil llie,-eilltlltiililiixTi;lilMrj- itlel H ill nl-,, , isit tliecmuiiy v, lalievcr liisservio lit', reiniiml. n,., ic ly r 110 M A S N. II I 1. 1, Attorney at Law, I'lftellei's in Hiilifix nii.l Hlj.,llillK(Mi;illll-sll(.l FeilernUlliI SliprellH' eniirui. uir. a tr. w. T 11 ll K N IC, .1 ttii:xi:y a r i.a ir, en'fiei.i.'n. r. l'raelircs in liieeMiirtsiil ll.ililaxmiil HiljninlliK C.lllilies i.liil 111 Ihe Silj,r.'liii' I'l.url. i '..It, -rii.. ii- iiiaile imvH here In lin- stnu-, ..mire tieiis t-rei i,l iiiiiil,-. w II A I. 1 , fUtoriiry at Law, WKI.lili.X'.N. c. Ss'eiiil h:I, ntiitii uivelil, iHii. t-s ,r.ln,t!y lnii.le. II. liiius eml ri-mit iiiny 1 tl. AH k, p 1 1 W A 11 II .I 'TOA'.YAT .17' A.l II'. HAur.vx, x. c. I'tiiclices v, heiever liis wr ices Hre re.iiiiect. I '.llectliMI ufclnillls givell prulllj. taitellUi.il. in it y :(l ly 1) ll. J. E. s II 1 EL US, Surgeon Unit 1st. s,. HrVvini! in rui.nii lillv l. nt' d ii. W hlnr. enn h fo in-1 hi Ins ..h. in I'l-iin. I s Unck hiiil.iiiit nl nil . Ullllllil x I '.ireful Hi I el It I.' II UlV.'ll In llll htU. riefc.it flC Tt- f-s-oii. I'unirs viMleil Hi ih. ir l..iuw u lien .:e slrett jiil I.' ly. ''1IIIIW il R. K. I 11 t'NTK It P-IH-gfOII Irt'lltint. run U' found hi ..Aire in Enfield. Tur.- Mlr-Mu i"ii,le;nx f..r;tlie I'uliilew EltraC . y 'li ..(, HIWUVHOB hdllii. JACKSON, N. C. V. T. Ill x lux, l'ririi tor. Tc. ins im.ilerate. S.ecial arrangciui'UU Mill) iriiniiucit. .1. I'. Yancj. . .1. lluslicr. VAM Y .V ItOSIIKK, In.li'snlc pealers In my goods and notions, Hid m ii d. V. M. 1.. T iais, II l riioinas, II C Davis, jr. M 1,. T. DAVIS & CO. 1rn.ii.Ksi I,. rim i-:iil2 lluLlsALIi llKIH'KIIO, Iron Trout, Corner Watei mid t'oiu inerce Streets, Noil'olk, Vu. Agents for OraliKc Uille l'owilcr Co. KTOI' AT THE EXCELSIOR HOUSE, Cmler New Management. Murfreetloro, N. C J. Ii. Harndl, rrojirietor. Tionnient Hoard t'i jht day. Well furnished rooms, mid first eluss ftceommmlntione. gnJTSpeoiul iuducemento to regular boarders. Sample rooms forialeumen, and conreyaoces fiirouhed when deired- I NKW A D V KHTISEM KNTS. IlKLP YOUR EYKS Y t'.MN'i VUl Nt.'-SCKI.KIJHA'l I'D i.Mri;iivi:i) 'i;i;iscdiic gla.ssks, CI.KAIl AKIi s'll'T Til 'I NK KYK, STllKXHTH KXINl. I" KAK KVI S, Fer Sale III llelll, SI, -el, llul.lirr Htlll Ci'lluluid Krmiies. HELP TO SftVE By hiiyiiin the rentes' hiirnHin I'VeretlVri il ;1J) IH NTlNd WATCH, Vtiryiim in Price from FOUTV TOONK HI M'HW- I'Ol.LAl.'H Wimli nearly ilmit.te in- price. SETS OF JEWELRY llilll'lsiilni' ill ,!..iL-ii mul tine fh iinitity A tli'iu- t illlieli lit slj !, I!ivi;s ' vs. l'.u;.i,s, t l r lil TTi.N.s, Ml US I ill Ml.- til TTnXS. Iilt.r, t; s, .sl,Vl:t! s-.,s. miKs. ,i .i,i ks, I'l.Alt.lii .-,-lutls. Ii ic I'llcll l it-, Jr. At tlie lewehl (,(.ssitili- ii-teeH. Orikirs nrnniiitly nUemleil lo. J. w. YOUNC, vi.i'Mi 4 mm.) I'et, rslmri Vii (SHTKSNIIIl in .1. T. rj.NIViai.-ITVuK X'lll'l II CAUnl.I-A, ( UM'i.i. im... .. r. Tl .'i:ei-,-.vi,,ii !-Liii Aneust :;.ii; 'J uili- t 1,-iln. ,-it t,, -i'i luiii v.-ur I'-mr .lie-. -, i.. , i;;e Ir.H-.. I a,-u!l el nile.-n tin, im-is. I , ,, lllll ei.lir.l- III ti,y i,- ,iH,;t t-i ,l:-r.e,. l;,lM sti-,1 1 ,-iiir-e- lurtiie truminir nl Iiiimii,'-s i,,,-l.-,,-l,.-is, ,.-.v-i. ians, ,ti,ir,n.u-is.s I,., s flllh ei!liil,t',l. nil tel eumliiKIR- to liliX. kh.MI'1'. llATl'l.l-:, I'ros ileut. june Is ;iw ' I1.M1XI.THX A Mi Wl- l.lHlX KAII. UUAb AXMII1AX. Ill .S. uliilrilscl sschl-iliill'. I KAl.Xs l.lilxn S, l I 11, X-i 117, I I.",, lost lni.il dully halfii .Inn. Mh svi. lnoly I H illy. ex Sun 2- .'.I'M a 11 V M , I im ii iu i I! " I T li. " l'I-"" I I i 1"-".1M . . . I I.e,ive Wi-l.li.il.... Ar Ihicky M hi rit Ai' l ;irt.r.. Leave hirh'.ri. Arrive W iim.h. I..':le Wi1m.ii Aniveyelii.il Allic KtiyelU'ville, Lein . i e ii'i--'!..ri. heme Warsaw I..'UYe Miiylieini Airivc Wuhjiit.,!! TltAIN ! :i.U I'M i N i" INI . T is I ! I S HI ' .. i !:w I y.M 1 11 i" Ni. I'.li dully ex. Mimluy. till". " h ID " : 4n y...t " ii(i NOKIM. I N.i it, I Nu 7.1 dully, dully Leave Wiltiiincleii Leave MnneUti ( I i'-I - I Ut u - h if, s.. I ui i . live h iip-iiw . in .m' .i An A t riie oi.I.Mh r.. ... j JJ". " 11 mi " ) i; " Leave l-iij . ilex lite t Aime fljuti j 111 ;JI" Arrive W iNmi j j II ,'.n ' l-""c Wits.n ;i " 12 l.ij.M I'.-ii, Attie K..eky M.iUlil t I I Is" !81 " Anie 'l.ohi.re j I '-1 " I.. ae'l'nrhnr.. ;usi Anne Wel.t-n I .v j i i.,m 1' " 1'iiily ect (.1 siiinliiy. 'I i. mi i I; Si .a unlNecli Uriiiii li HuihI leaven lhiliui fur euihuid Neck tit .1 u i jun Kelurniiig leaves e..lltind Neck al it :w a, m daily exeepl Siiiuiiiy. 'I'm in leavei'larh.m N r , via Alhemarle and ilnleii;li It. I( I'mly except Sunday i. m n, in , . im. Iny 'ii p in . arrive W tlliatnsl. m N. I . n 10 . in , i l a in Ihliinmii; 1 fin en W illtuinstt.ii, N. C, daily evect't snnday 7 Ida. m. Sunday '.Ml a. in arrive I iirl.i.rn, S l , '.M a. in,, 1 1 ::ii a. m IniiiHiu Mi'llaiid N.C llraneli leaves (h.ldh her.. NT, dnily evci t .-umlny S'WUi. m . arrive simtliiicl.l. N c , in in a. tn. Iteiurninir l.aven Mm. iit, . Id. Y 1'., la I., ii. in., arrive i-iuldsUir', N i , i:' h' in. Tram ..n Nusliville llraneli leaven liiaky Men nt at I lo in , ai ri vi b rtt Nasli ville 4 n i. tn , N.riiin H.i.e : id. Ht toruiUK Laws .sjniiu 11. .(.i- in iu h. in., Niihhvilli1 ll la a. in., It.. i ky Mount il r.f. a. m. daily exrejit Sninhiy. Train ti fliiih.ii llraneli leavei. Warsaw fi.r riiiil'.ii, duly i-i .ini Mniday, al tii0 . in. lie itm.iiiK luie Miiiietuil s -I.'. n in coniK'Hutg at W ursiiw . oh Nn h. and i'.. .sentlihouiid Irani u W ilson Hint r'aycltcville Hrioieh Ik N.i. -rd. NurtlilHiinul in ,'SJ. Haily vx cel.l Sunihiv. Tram No. .'7 S- nth wilt uuly Hton at Wilhnn, liildhroind Mammilla Triiin N.. 7s tunkes cl.e eotuweli.-n at Weldon fin nil . mis .Si-nh daily. All no ia Kichmond and dinly eeent Mimluy via May Line. 'IriilliMDakeselnse eniitieelii.n ft.r all points N.Tlli via Ki' lnn.'nd and Walinmt..n. ill imins run n hdheleen W iluilliKli.n uiitl Wiishim;l..n ami have I'ullinan 1'alaee Kheeni aila. In d .1- tt Kl Nl V. J V IMVtN'K, mi. t T rails Oeiicral Mll-'l. T. M I MLUmiN, lirni l'ass,-M)t,T Au-ni. P. A RntUl WELDON", X. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, V Wi FT A lll.FS, i.iyniKS, fill A US. SMUKIXC ANlf IlFAVINfl TOIIACCO. I am now rciared la fs-ll at lowest cash nicci. (iroccri'.'i. of all kiniis, Wioea, l,iiUurs, Toliticcti. Cigars, Snuff, Ac, and will also keep on liaml a lull supply of fresh Vcp'taliloM ol' every variety, which will lie sold cheap. l'ATUONACK SOLICITED. K. A. fl TllHFU,, First Sncet, Weldon, N. C. Sep 15 lllll. The American Deteelivu and Uusi ini Assih tun, m ol' Chicago, 111., lor ihe detection of criiucN and crimiiiuU of nil natures, ami tlie collcclioaof debts, arc desirous of securing n live timn in pve-ry town amlcty in ihe I nilcd Sluloaloact as Iheir up-lit. To sui-li a uiiin a golilen oppi-rlutiity is open to mako n ood lir iiif; in his town. This Association was established in lSSU and it lias (.Town in llic space of i'bt years to be one of the leading detective Association" of Ameri ca. This is the only Asso -ialion of thu kind in America that doe not charge fori membership. For lurther particulars addresa JOHN T. JAMES, General Southern agent, 1(19 Main street, Norfolk, V. U. S. A. TAlTMUl"''. Wowli'H eilrtln thomaivtl I I Ft Fi 1 of form,, lint .re unl W ii.Hr. els ol Invpiillini. 1'lioM who are In misl ol m,r1lutl' work lliat elm be rtolio wlillo llylrnr t hi.mu slum 1.1 t onre 'ml Ihflr KMnw In ll.llrll A Co., I'orlLnn-.MHliieainil rflflve fm'.n.ll Inlor. nation how ellhiTBex. of ll e., ran cm from U to 8", per ilnv.nd unwanl, wherever Hii'j llv. You .re urtpd fr l!ll.l nol n-qiilnsi. Soma h.e rn.de ovr IM In alniui day "l work All auooMd.

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