-3f, - - v--?niiwe ! m hit HALL & SLEDGE, l'HOl'KlKTOHS. .A. 1TEWSPAPEE FOB THE PEOPL E. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1S88. TERMS-'-''011 vm ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX. NO 2i -.- I NKW A DV KHTSI KM KNTS 1S57 ESTA,,L,S,,EU 1857 JANUARY lit HIT. RUFE. W. DANIEL QHDL'ltKlKB, FINK WINKS, 0IUAH8, TOBACCO AC, Ac. lir.XGM.lt & L.VIJKK 111 Kit ON IVY. K. YV. DANIKIi, No in, H uh. Ave Weldiui N. June '2S 1-v MANSION IIOl SI". NlillHll.K, V. , M. N. ,Jami:h, Piopriclirss. Centrally ltK-:ltiil, i;.miI iifcoininntlntious. rates reasonable. Knhiiir.ul, remodeled, rcliiiiiislu-il. Home I'ni' Nnitlt Carolinians. Special rates to show people. Jims A- .Iknkiss, clerk. WII.U' IS "ALL THE RAGE?" An excellent ( hew, Satisfaction miarati- tced. YV. ,1. MADDHKV SON. Sole agents for Scnlsmi'd anil Y'itinily. II. (i. YVII.I IA.MS& CO. Wholesale Tobaccopi.sls, Norfolk, Vu. BRIDGKKS k CO., COMMISSION MKItCHANTH, Counkr Ghekn ami llhill SlIlKK'lS, Litnio lib, Va. Solicit ponsigniucnts vX Luinber, Vo(hI, h'gti, rowls, and all kind ot country produce. junc 7 3ms. GROCERIES I W. L I. E. We hv just returueJ to WoMon, C, nd Dow occupy the store between N. EMRY'S A ZOLLICOFFER S. We are civinj; and upetiin line of full STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will keep on Land a nelectcd stock of Groceries, Fruits, Confectionerim, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, WmsK n ami Willow Ware, Crockery, (ilass, Tin Ware, it e., e. Wo will acll at the LOWEST HIICES. Wo also return our sinivre thanks to our many friends and aciiiaiutanccs for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a ontiouance of the an with puarantec to please. Very Kcspcclfully, J. h. .11 DKINS & CO., lan-S-tf. Weld.,11. N. 0 H. L. JOYNER, MAIN STREET, EjEASOARD, N.C. Dnirm to rail the attention of the public to the diet that he has just nprncil, ill Dr. Slephinou'a Store, ou of the e lect atockauf FA'MILAY (iltOCEKIES, PROVISIONS, TOIIACCO, CIOARS, SNI FF. CtlNl I'.C TIONERlK's, TINWARE etc., Ever oft'ereil for aale in this market, ami roost respectfully snlieita the patmnage of his friends and the public generally. 1 bouglil these goods to sell, and Dot to tint on my shelves. Call early and examine my stock and price. Very truly yoor friend, HINTOS L. JOYNER. Harsh 31 im. N K W A 1) V K UT 1 " ( THE rn I LN 1 VCAGAMBRIlLMrcCo. DiTiocrn n nnoikir mii i c s.aVv!' TntMrn A i cni j-.fa- OTTIR, PATENT ROLLER FLOTJRS inriiirn'-tiirril IVnm the CIIOICKST WIIKAT OUT A I A lll.lv Tluir supe riorly for I'N I FnlOl IT V. STUKMiTIl has long boon uckuuwli'dgcil. I he I'ATA rscoSII'Klll, Stands unrivalled. 01' it li.h, ('runny Cult r, it inakci n l'roul lliat will suit the ftaTA-k your lir nit lor it 0 Snpi rlativc I 'at. n't , li.l.in.ln Choice I'.iteiit, Fastidious. l'a.a, l'ataseo Family Patent, Iljhliviti l'litnily, V. A. liAMUItILL an- 1 1! O- i m ' Compound URE3 Nervoui Proctrition, Neuralgia, Ly Stomach and Liver Dineases, Rheu- 1 " matiim, Dyspepsia, and all allec- tiontof the Kidneyi. hp..,, t It rnmhlnnn tint artire jvnnclnlnn rf , Kr CAUSE OWyatuH.W thu trunglliuuuitf ; " ( the uerrinu njtsieu. j DFPlllCr t It clfttnMM tho MiWi.fortn all rli , BECAUSE It r!iHttt the TxwUaoU kidnp)8 coring tlittlr disrasiw. because; ( It liiwllii wi'tidrfnl tmr-f-U n bl.-J. li.i'K iid Klnt)a, Price f 1.00. l.y.lrutfwK WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO,, Proprietors KUWLlUTO.,! VT. j.in l!Uy THE PLAUti TO GET -AT LOWES T P J I ICES, IS AT 1)11. A. 11. ZOLLICOFFMR'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON W E L 1) 0 STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY rl'RrSSCRIrTION DKI'A KTM KNT KILLED PRESCRIPTIONS CUMIDUNDHI) PERFUMERY, 8TAT10SKRY, FANCY FANCY RtMIHBIR tli.l. bertj welcomctlwa;. FOR SALE BY P. N. ml II If LEADER OF Light RuBoioglloiiimkiojjieif Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. S1)EALKR IN !tr DUV GOODS, BOOTS, SII0K3, NOTIONS, II ATS, CAPS, DOMKSTll'S, I'lUNTS, STAl'LK GOODS, GUOCKUIKS, And Everything that can be called for. HEADQUAKTEES FOR AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. The publio ii respectfully invited to S 1''. M K N TS . r tcitt i . i t h h-i n t ixcijixliu j ami l'N.ITItO.CIIAl!I.F. FLA VOU ATI VK I 'AT K NT Oraice liinve Ktra. Maplclun Fnuily. MAM l'At Tl lllNtl COMI'AXV, 21 I Commerce St., Baltimore, MJ. JJIAMoxdToyES Will Color Ono to Four Pounds Of Dress Goods, 1 r Garments, I I Q Yarns, Rags, etc. A Child can use them ! Tlir PUREST, STRONGEST n.l FASTEST f.f all liyis Vjrr.iine.l in Iljc the mi'M g-ioili, iind t;ac ll(e bet color., t'nriiuullcu fur tt.itktrt, Kil-biHt, anj all l.in.y Dyti. For Gilding or Dronzinc Fancy Article, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Ccntt. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID K Hie best thins " n': i niixing 1 iinni ! l'itiius. A Id.ule, will) L.um:l'li.iir hnl', dMs Imt io cents, DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUING Only io eta, f t j iMCk.ie i" make one iijm i( i!c bcl l.liitin;, Will n t -.ik-I nr itre.ik t tie linr-t f.il tic, Ask (lriil:i'-i fi.r lye linuk anil l.inJ.oi wme WfiiS, RICHARDSON I CO.. Burlington, Vt. MIBM1IS T1IK AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED, N. N. C. FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WITH THE UK.VT SKI.EiTMJ MATEKlAL.t AT AI.I, llOfliS WITH tiUKAT CARE. SOAPS, IIIJUS1IE8, ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIOAKH. tw.lu jou it ZOLLICOFFKirS. STAIXHACK & CO. ) LOW PRICES. oall. W. H. BB0WN, WeMoo, N. C. LONDON LODGING-HOUSES. Tlio I'Ijkh' Wit fro M my nr K isliknl'a P.iur Find Hlit-IU-r. Tho first svoni! Io which your ntlon tiun a invited h n coinnioit lodging house. Hi-fui'o iho j):is-iuy nf Lord S!in(losliiirv' ift In 1H.7. tho coin nioii lodjiiu houso weru uniting Hid vlltJrit duns of tho inulropolK 'i'ln-y Wi'i'o liot-bedri of n'inif! ami pn.stiliftici). Thej Hdi'o Iho Ki-mu-s of nihily ortrio! ul tin nnia hornulo ni-sr.iii) t ion find Al-iUin- lu wltich ihu vdest scum of ilio city giilhi'ivd toi-ih' r and huU'liud ihmv criincn iiihI iimrri li-d und fought ovi-r the proco'-U nf old ono. In llioj day- llh'nt v;n no limit f lint liuitlinT of gti('-H wtio iniglit ho lvroivol, nml hi llnsn di'iis wtT.i .i ckfil nightly hy u si'i-ihiiig inoh o liltil, Wiililt'il Hint I'hlMl'en, anL lid I'Diisidt'ialiou of lu-alili, I'lcaultiit.H in' di'f 'iii'y wi'iM nl!mrd lo stand in tlio way of tlu prnprintor'H proll s. Tln'so hoiist'S boraini atit-h daj;ui' sjm: s mwh it soiirru .I alMoimn (liiiigi-r to Hid otiiinuiiit', lha! L nrd Sliaf esbui'V oh lainol tho piisdug f an art which Ci)iiin.'lrd owry coiiiiinm lodging liou-it) t i Im ri'glsttM'i' l, and to ho pliierd under polico iDiilatinn and polii-ij in-tpec' inn, Thi! act h,n prnvtid it poHilivo boon to ihn working classi1-. Th" eomnioii h d'in ;-!ioiih,i of to-day is clean ami f;iiily Hiinftirlabli!. lvic!i Ihhisis is H CiMisi'd to ri't't'ive a c'l'iniu nitinbi-r ituly; every man mtist have a b.-d to liiin-t'lf, an I each b l ni'it have -tn niueli space gn.'n lo ii. The dilVer ciii'i! ii. tiiis re!tH!ct in iv ho judg- d fro n the fart I hat in omt 1 0:11111011 lndging-!niun v, ,! uiii:!i I am ae ipiaiuli! 1 a room now licensed fm I'lcven bt U formerly v mtai: ml twen-ty-eighl. M )ieovi'( tlm net compels flcipU'llt ji'lMlbltillgs of III' llnnl' a lid Vthitc- :ihiiigof wallft. and th 1 1 r 1 1 ' - ct cas: of illnc'S must be at one re 1 or led lo the. no ;i rest police si alii m. S'eing the clu'S of Lii-uinet the pro prietor has lo aecoiiimo I ale, vou may iinainl. that 111 ll ours nf 1 he d nniio ries gc' a tcnvlic amount of scinl). Mug, Willi tho I't'sull that lh"y are fw (.leaner and inoiv who!eso:i:o than ihn c:ir puled rooimt of many nior.j preten tious cl.ibliilnnenls, v, here an over Worked heusciuaid treks iho furniture with a duller, liikbs the earpu! with a broom and sweei s the lluff under tho bod. Uojrijc II Sim, in the l'hi'nlcl phm Tim" A Prospective Housekeepor. Clara's I.ili'inleil - Where H C'lava thii eveuine'' 1 iloll't see In A llliont. Tommy feeler Clar:i is out in tlio kilclieii. 'She U ri liiilnitriinis, pooil ciil. Slio will iii.tke a sjilemUil liouso keoier." ".May bii s i; I illllllln." "What 1110 tiny iloiiij In the kitchen?" "They jiro making some cainly tvi!li ttiilnnU in it." "I- Clara ninkiii" it?" 'Shu is hfliiiig a little, that's all." How s..?" ' M.uuuia can't fiiel the nut cracker, so Ciiira has to crack tho walnuts with lief leelh." "Ah, so!" 7ei. Sttmji. BRACELET WATCHES. O (Ul Fvmiuinu Alirionanti Now Hccotnlns l'uiulitr. For tho jtertplo who liko odd things :ind have money enough to buy them. thero Is a ncV oecoiilrieity. I. is tho bracelet watch as n bangle. Now it is sihvr and now it is gold, and again it is platinum. li lt tho mro expen sive ones nro set In tho hotly ot tlm bracelet and surrounded wiihioweU. If the surrounding stones aro tuicj nii-os Iho face of Iho watch will b enameled in blue, of tho a tino lint, with letter anl bauds of gold. (),, if the s dliug is of c moral iho faco of tho watch will bo of gold, with white-enamoled hands and loiters. O.io pretty bangle watch is in tho shape of ;v boeilo. Tli green-enauieled wings, at tin touch if a spring, .show the dial-ptale, Iho yes are omcralds. Tho watcher :um also sol in ring-, but, nilho gh tb 'V ire winuloi fully small spot linens f lime-keep M'S. I hey a im yet too laij:o for a lady lo wear on her linger. It Is a Dial tor of gratification to spj Low iho taste of ladies is improving in regard to j'welry. Out seldom ecs any on tin slrojt now b-ynl a hroio'i, nthl even llial ts often replaced hy a couple of gold pins linked with a chain. Even n! rec 'p'ions, thoiv is no longer thi; display thero use t lo be, and iho necklace is not much worn wilh evening toilets. The jeuelors are feeling llus scriouslv. as ihey are quite free to conf ss and ns the numerous failures in j 'wetry houses of late, can certify. 'I h opal, moon slime, cat's ejo and iho Scotch 'pebbles are nioro to bo desired al present than the pro clous slopes. Vhicti'i) Sew. Profits of Baker. A baker will tom a barrel of ll nil Into a trough. 'J'heri be tos.'s Ml Olillds nf W JL'V on lop of It. A ill:lll- llly of yeast la a hied, and thou the Jolly bilker ha ItiK) poinda of dough lo operate on. Tho Hint poinds cost Milt Li tiliiitL older iiiH dougii e tar. tod into "twisl.s," high loaves inn-loaves, and oilier htylcn of iho anio ipiallly. The oven's beat re dncoft iho H Kt pounds ol dough lo "O Oiintls of broad. Tlio baker sells his bread at Hie rate of four cent a pound, r al an a lvalue of SO per cent, over what It cost him. There are 1 40 bakers, great and small, in thin illy, nnd to ihent is committed tho ti vt of supplying bread f r 1.J10D. -00 ) pfii'f-ons. Theri are many bukers hi llos city who inak 1 :f:0 loaves of br -ad per day and sell it f.r from to $106, or nt a net prolil of nhont f la Liule money is lout in the business,' and most bakers do a cash trhde. It N very seldom that bak -is fad. 'Iho business is steady, reliable and al ien led by vory few riska, unVt in coinp'tont worknion. A; Y. JottrtmL Mr. t.lailstoiio is what would b,j callcil in this country a fresh-air critiih'. Ho has a great horror of a biiillj-vutt-tU at fit room and is pretty npt lu ua Blade sUk il be tncakt lu Que. BURDETTE'S ADVICE. Hh Klinl or ritllniilir Wl.loh Mnkas Mt-n lliippy, l.ovknic mill Guiittottoil. 1 turn over iho leaver of an old note book, tlio pages of tvhich I filled half a score ot years ago. On otiu page 1 find this note: "My bonks are all wriiikb'd and filled with crumbs of maple and sumach leaves, with here and there a forgotten forest leaf clinging lo tho printed ono. Ah, well! sninu time 1 may kiss tin wrinkled pite of in v choicest honk, while I think of iho dear, white h iimU lli:it laid the in:iple loaves In hi-dmy or l c hi, anil (h ink i d that the p:ige is wtiitklc l ami the on graving lli-.rnloiiMl." Ami now, w h -uev y I I urn lo thai puge in tho note-honk, do y nil know, my iiov, how glad I :iiu that I wrote Itlmui Hie h'jives at I iim I Here was no slmdow of fiar or ili e:id over my 111 lie imine 1 hen. 1 h re u as no i ea son why 1 hMoiM f. -o Icndorly toward the ler.v.-s and stems thai siaincd ;iu I wrinkloil mv books, and ever k 'pi me from lining them for a week :il a lime, w its there? Ah! in ilood llicrn v ;,;t. lndr-ed there was. lineaiiso lov i b-tler iliau book-, my boy. Iieoaii-o your books, my son, though you croud l he liierarv I reus -uros nf i ho world upon your shelves, can never cr -ep into your heart as your wife will, --nuie d.tv', when you find Hie girl whom Hie gods have do cr.'i d -.luill emu i your homo. 11 e. c:ui-e wo sin a;w ys bold Hi . hearts ih:it love us nearer to ns limn the peliy anno-, me -s and Utile ills of Ihis l.f.t. Ilecan-e Iho quirli, haty word you speak in ill-temper fir mi-".'ontleue-s lo-tlav, mv bo.-, leaves a sling in your heart to rankle half a century away. H cnu-io to-il;iy, if 1 could, I would burn up every book theiv Is in all ibis world 1-nt to IM llie little li:mds lb;,) :ii.t Iho.c leaves in the pa ire where I siid iliey musi Hot go, cbisp 1 lie in solves about my neck for one hour. Hold your lotigue an I your pen. my boy. Every time you arc lempled In ;iy ail llllgeulle word, or write an unkind line, or say a menu, ungracious thing aboiii any b tdy, just slo ; lo di ahea I t w!ily-ti v M-ats, and think Intw it may come b;irk to you th'ii. Lot me It'll von how I wri'o mean loiters jiiid hitter editorial, my boy. : Some lime, when a man has hitched into in1 and 'cut me up rough," ami I waul lo pulveri. him, ami wear hU gory scalp :it my girdle ami bang hi hide mi my f oice, 1 wrile tlie letter or cdilorial (hat is to ilo ih.' L.i-ine---. 1 write something thai will drive sleep from his eyes an I p 'ace from his soul for s x weeks, oh. I do hold him ovoi a -low lire ;iud roast him. (i.ill ami aiptaforti drip from my blistering pen. Then, I don't ma I the letter and I don'i print tin; editorial. '1 here's always plenty of linn lo crucify a man. The vilest criminal is entitled to a little reprieve. I put the manuscript awav in a drawer. Next day 1 look at it. 'Urn ink is cold; I read it ov 'i' and say: "I don't know about thi. There's a iron 1 deal of bludgeon ami bouie-kuif- j iuriialim in that. I'll hold it over a day longer." Tin next day 1 road b again. 1 langn, ami sav ' rlianl and I can feel my c' ks gel I in.' a little hot. The f.e es, I am ashamed that 1 ever wiolo it, and 1 hope that uobo ly has s 'en it. anl I liavj half forgotten the arlicle or letiertli.it idled my soul with rage. I haven't hem hnn, I haven't hurl any hodv, and the world g e right along, making iw -nty-fonr hours a dav as usual, and 1 am all the hap pier. Try it, invbiy. P it t.lf your billerreiuarks until to-morrow. Then. when win try to -ay them deiiheraio Iv, you'll Ii id that vou haw forgot-eti them, an 1 ten yours later, ah! how glad you will In that you did! lie goo l-iiatureil, mv boy. Ileloving and geulle wi;h iho world, and you'll b'' a it: , d lo see how dearlv and tender ly the worried, lired. vexed, harrasse I old world lov m you.--It nrd c t; in Vh'.rtt'jt J'inrnith ' Helpful Household Hints. For 'couring steel knives, rub two. common, hard I ricks together, put the duM thus obtained in a b in a handy lac-; you will find nothi ig b'ller. P p a damp cloth lird in --oft so ip, :bei ii line sand lo -c oir I in ware, w a h in hot w ater. when dry rub wiih a -ofi paper dipped in soda, it will look like new. Mix sinvt blacking with vinegar tc lh. con-i-toncv 'of cream, add a pinch of sugar, rob w ilh a bru-di, il will give a leauliful and la-dig polish. It ib l he in -ide of tomato c in, just : f er the fruit ha boon e op ied otil, with a cloih c 'er d ui h soda, it wib brii;iilcii them wonderfully. Ktisejo'T brea-l in a well-butter, d stone j ;r, wanit Hie j ir well in coll weather hefovt pu liag Ihn d nigh in. IS -w carpel rags on Hie machine, ii saves hoin time and labor, f dd Hie same as o sow by hand, run in and out on the h.uuc Hide, New awhile then clip and uA. tlouu lio'tt Zeb Vance'l Great Argument. Scii.dor Wade ll:iuitloo Iclls Ihi lory about Senator "Zeb" Vance's liiM case in the Noith C.irolina Siiprcino t'oiul, and he look gnat pains i'li il, When th ou t came to render a decision the t hief Jus'. ice quoted Vance's argument in full. As ho was proceeding Vance looked proudly around on the oilier lawers and eheeifulU n.bbcd bis bauds. To Ins mind that was the greatest arLrn meul cwr presented lo a toiirt. The com tread Vaiua 's argunieiit through, and then said: 'Kor these reasons wo iilVu ui the decision of the courl below.' Vame was dumbfounded. His own argument was ued as n basis ul a de cision against hi client. A'. 1'. Trib une An iiiiny i.l s, arrows and olh.ir birds itMil a siiiUl. n an I nut In say e fiiliar death in Cincinnati. An ammonia tank vxplniU'.l, lillini! tin air with the fumes of tlu druir, thoro l,y asphyxialiiiK nearly all the sntiill animals in tlio noijrhborlioo.l. topfnlher willi a liono wlilcli roipoiulolO the alarm of lire soul out. IttirMciiN Arniru -iihe. The, Ih st Hr.lvc in the World i'ur f'uts, liruis. s. Sores, riecrs. Salt lliionin.Fovcr Soii'sFeitcr. riiiipprd luiiids, Cliilbliiiim Corns, and all .-kin i iuptioii,v,aiii poiiive ly ii ires I'ile;-, or no pny re'piii"d. It is guaranteed to give perfect sad-faction, or money rol'undid. Price 'o eeiiis pt r box. I'or wile by druugisis at Wcldoii. Ibuwn Ac Ciirrawiiy, Ualilux, Pr. J A Mctlwigaii, Enfield .NKW AliVhliTlHvMK.YIS. HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITH 001 Von 1 v for i oliM ''Boati Tlio mnjority of tli Ills nf the htimiin body arUf from a ilisi-atpil l.Ivcr. Him limits Liver llesuhllor li.is heeil the ineilliS of rcyorliif! mnro peuplo to tiealth nret h.ipi'iios liy n i -1 1 1 ll.tin u lo.illliy I.lviT Ihan any olher a .etjey i n tarili. 81-:I2T1I.T Vlt l.Kr THKCr.MI.NE. PceS (v. LIQUOR S. i. SMITH. ( si:i: his i.inis. st-:i: ins rt;.i;s. KVKKY DK1NK IN SKASoX. I-J-V. Hiiiiili :it Kvmi.' i.l.l WilJ.'M. X. t i.m I il'int' n .ii'inti' 111 ly. i 11. Tin: om.y co i. i:i.i:vatok SOUTH! Tin 'e are seventy-two Huil.liiij. the No iltisl or dirt elm i.issili!y pot into the ('mil as il runs over these, serei ns in I'asmiii; from I he Klevutor into the carts. I'oiisuiners m't their ('mil ilrv and r.rl'ivtlv il. mil. I have ii. iw liaml, a hii'-'i mul shall al;iv .s keep on Hoek nnil all kinds of Ci al best mileil for and Family use. Fotindrv, Factory, All Co il s. kit. J and i.'li -l iiialily. The l! ii'i'.':..l ears run al'iic Fl. -valor, nnd the Coal is hut tht iii there, thus Icmrnii'f! the the trade South and Wist. ile the ul into cost to l'roinpt hliipiiit'iits. Onhrs solicited. S. H. H.1WES OFFICK : lHth and Cary Streets, juue 21 3uio Ta!il55is 1 lWrfFN'S5-rSr--- ; "KSTLESSNESS. A tTHlCTLT VfOfTABLI ijfj ftULTLtSI FtMtU MCOIClNt. 1' ,Vj EACJ9, 6A. 4' PHILADELPHIA. Wine,Beer,Soda, W. l.'O Mi ELEVATOR II PROFESSIONAL CARDS. V MA-nS, 1 . Armnx 1. I 7 . . I ir, rini, N c. t" tif Nor! haiii ten Hinl i in thu t'cdvral ionl Hii i.AHYS rntclici's hi Hie coi iKlji'iniiit; e utitit- . ul. jiri'ltii' eoiirt-i. W. c. iimvKX, MTdUSKY-M l.. II' JUtuS. e ill llir Siijn ri" .-lull- it ml KfiliTiil I'.'llrl ll l. II ...( lltllV .IUHINK.V mm . .r7'K, r i; . I II. Ml Itl- R l-.K-1: HI' ,. N r, Ulliri- Imi. iu II). '..ii t..v M.,i Hi e III Hi.. -I He I I . r il I'm, i llllt'llli.ll 1. 1 n II 1.'i.iii..,iiimi.i,.. f IT 'l , I., .an. !"l uili'il SPIER W'rttTrtHER. F. W WHITAKLR. ii n a k k n w ii i r a k i;n, ATTOh'Snys A T LAW II ALII AX, N. ('. I'rai lie, tilt; Mill ' in II - .ul HI 11 "rmul Sunreirt! emir's of it . iirts uir if YV. A. II I' N N mti',:i:y .iv y..i i I'mctii' whiTi-v Will in- al Halilii A t.i; III eiii'li in mi Hi, Jitu 1, 17. .in it ! uiL- ri'ijuircil Hit Ni'i'iil'.il Miilltla) .UMI.S W, Ml 1 1 TKI. R. I'AMKL. M' I. I. i. N .li 1) A N 1 I'. L, .1 ' T0h l:lS A T I. A II', WELDON, N. C. Htaelti-f in (lu ('..nil-. "I Itiililax liiioNnrtliump t'Hiiiint iii Hi-' fi!.renu' hikI Kcdernl i-oiirte. I'ol Ifi'ti 'ii-iiiinU' in i;li I'urlf-'.f N'.rtii urohnii. nt'iilielj -Mlit e ill ih'liliih, .S, ( . oecll t.er Mole jioi 7 l R. II. SMITH Ir. v. ii. m -in , ha (.KUiti, n. (. wotla:o),neck,n.c V iy H V. E A SMITH. M: It. .i)li. cni..l Mr, It 11 ymlUi.Jr,, Ciiun si iHt- m him , liiivt- I'iriiiril ii liiuiieil purl ncn to f fir Ha' in,ii!ii'e Ht'liiw in Iluliliix ('tunny. Mr llusln f v, nl ath'iiil the I'lmrtsof liHlifnii nuliiry, mul wili nl- j vif it Uiei 'mnty Ikmovit linbtrii HFe rtquiretl. octlfi ly HO M AS N. HILL, Attorney at l.aw, HALIFAX, S. C. I'racllee. in Hulif.ix nnil nljfltilni; c Kt 'li nil anil Supreme rnnrta. u. 2S If. '1 11 o K N E, .17T".'.VAT.I r l.A ir, KNl ll I II. N. I'r.n li. I'.h ill ih.'. ..ul. i.ill .lii-.x .mil ji'lj.. H ill ih,'. .... 1 1:. r I . . mil.- .'ll.'.'li, 1. 1.. i hi H:i -lute, ni.-l re l-r i.iii; iiuii: W 11 AM. jttiirne at Law WKl.lHiN, S C. Hnl air !!!:in siven it s pfini'tly imole. tinim nnil remit may 1 it. L.lHK, i W A It H T. .1 TTollXEY .1 1' LA 11'. II AI.I V AX, N, ('. Oris Mhrn-vcr lii scrvfi es are re ul red. i tl. .11 .( rl.imi- Keen I.ri.llietaUetitl.jll. may 11 y J. K. n il I E LDH, Hurgeuii Dfiitlut Urine; p. iiiiHii-iillv loeat t in UVMor., run t f in, I li hiv , -'I),-,- m litiii-1 hnck Kiiil.ln Rlall ti n.' xi t !i ":i :.!-. ul .'ii pr I'l'-.-i'inal LiisiiiCBf. Car- fn) iM'cii'h'!, nit ii In jill lir.mt li.h.il the Jn-f-Mn. 1'iiriirs viMied at Hi. ir lunntHi v. hen i?e iud july u ly. 'Jj R. K. L. HUNTER Stirgcmi Dt-iitibt. Caiibt' found at his office in Enfield. Pur.' Sarins itnide Cns fur the ralnlea Ex true l 'f h wlWHtVti oil llHUil Jin a I JACKSON, N. C- W.T. lit xtox, Tcitns uindcrate w ith liriiuinicr.4- Proprietor. Special arriiiiaeiiirnta j. r. Vani'V. W. J. Hosher. YAM'Y HOSHKIt, Wlioliale Hia'eis In LEY QOODS AND NOTIONS, Kiel in n d. Va. l. 1.. T lin.is, I! n rhiuiiiis, II I' Kavis, jr. M I, T. HAMS ,1 t tl. Hr III .1 I'll I.t I 1 RIKi'.R l'.RC Kill?, y iiui.isAi.rj i I Kill lion I'liiut Curlier Wat and Com liicrcc Slrccts, Xorl'olk, Va. Ajrents for tlriinjie ille Powder Co. STOf AT TH K EXCELSIOR HOUSE, I'mler Now MaiiUKi'iiiciit. Murfreesboro, N. C. J. I,: Ilarrcll, Proprietor. Transient ltonnl $2 per day. Well furnished rooms, anil first class accommodations. farTHpwial indneemeuta to regular boarders. Sample rooms for aalwonn, and couvtynee furuiabed when deeired- ' w. NKW A D V K H T I S K M K NTS. HELP YOU li EYES Bn'f I N'J YOfNCJ'd CELKUKA1 EI) IMPKOVi:!) rKIMSCOIMC (II.ASSKS, l'I.KAHA"'HS(iri TO Tli I-: KYI!, KIIIENIiTII K.MNil III WI.AK 1.1 IK, Kur Sulr Iii iii.1.1, Sl.'i-I. ltiil.l.i'r mul Fliiliir., HELP TO SAVE Hy hu im.' Hit- Kietiu h' luir'iln t vcr i l!vinl in a liOLP III NTINti WATCH, Yurj ii'i: in I'riee fr'm KOHTY TriONi; lll NIiHKli IMH.LARri Woilli n.-ioly 1uijhl tlie i rite . SETS OF JEWELRY I'llll' ill ill .it'll HMl 111',!' I il: i;i"lHIJ'. A lliou- llllM.f hin.'il aiikTi'i. iiim;-; i'is. kau.:!.ni, tff pi ttons, sti ns , ni i ai:s. lifniiNs, hiai-Kt its Sll Vhlt I'"IIS I'UliKs. ,1 I III kc, i i..Ti iM asiih.s. h e mm. t II-, Ar. Al llir 1 UVL'dl Orikrii iKiinlty J. W. YOUNC, (sl'CCK.ssoK To J. ''. YtH'Nfi IlllO.) I'elerhlnirK Va ul 2 Iv. JJXIVhKMTYdr' MUlTH t'AlttiLINA, i .I7.X un.i. .V, r. !e it fii ir-t- o.e tf.-o. "'"'. V- ' fully etjiii.)it'i'. Wrile f r e.ilttlt'Kue lt HuN. KI.Mt' 1'. jinn.' 8s ;lw HATTLK, I'rcKiilent. AY II.MINI.TUN AM. Ml I.DON KAII.KOAD A Ml 111! A M II 1 s. riillilt'lii.t'il ? Iii'dillp. THA1.NS i.lil.M, SIH I II. No II '. N.i HI, i Nil 1.'., ImU'.l J.in. Mil ISSH. li.uly I l.il niiiil ih.il) ll'lllV. V,'1.I.,I. i.,' .M'.lilil.. x Still i ii)m m 7 I;"). i i :. I- l 1 b 1 1 ! M rl...r.i 'I nrlmr.., , Ar: YYiR.ii WUn.ii 7 4 AnufSfhtiit ArriM'KayeiU'VilU', l.'Ul'(i-iiMiiilii 7 I I I' I.i'inc W iiiMtw t,i'ne Mnntiiiliii .... At ri v Wllliillleu TI.AINm ' IM. N Nl ll. ilaih iluiiy ilni ex Miniluy. W 1 1 in j i :ut- 11 i ViiKiii'iiu ; W.llMIW I OoI.Mn. i...... ,1 loo'Ue!le Tltlltt i' iIm.ii I V ns-.ii i- i.m kv M. .mil I i- Url-.ii. I 'AM l m 5 i " IS I ll i " ii ! twi" I 111 Ml" I 11 : " I iSl.-l.M 1 1 IK A i r i Art o 1..U ' l.n.r hill...!.. J lu JMIM J Anue H I'll. ii .1" " i lipm j ti;; ' I'.illy e'i pi siuittny. Truiii ii S ..CiimI Nt-t'k llraiu Ii K'el Uavei lii.hl,. t'.r -i .'ib.int Neck al .tin pin liel.. ruing I.hvi . -e..tlitu i Ni't k al '.i A) a. m daily except sunliiy. 'I nun tciiviTiir!n n X. (., via Alln'inarli' mid Cnl. ivli It K Imilyt V fpt. Sniitlny ii mi p, in , loitln mi j. in , arrive ill illusion N. V. sill 1. in . ii in ii in. Ki liiriiiii)- leaves W illiHUt.-e, N, ('., .Ituly i u . pt uuil:iy 7 lea Ui. Sunday H.'Oa. in. arrive I'tirL-iro, N '..; I.a.nill : e a. m Train mi Mi 'luml N. V Ifranch lcuves i;ldfi Ih r.i N i , tlinly ei ept -uiidiiy s :m in , arrive -milhiirtd, S t . lo on h. iii. lieluriilliK It uvea sihiititiehl. N. C , uu.t a. in., arrive l.uluMjr N (' . ij lop. ui. 'Inon on Naihville Lraiicti leaves Koclty Mount at -1 ui p in., arrives at Nashville 4 4' p. it) . phuK ll.ijte i:p. m keturnitiK faxes s-j.no . Hi ).o lo 40 n. tu.. NuliviWf 11 l.i a. ui., Km ky Mount H ."i5 a.m. daily excepl Sunday. 'I ruin on i I in lun ltraneli leHVfn Wiirnuw fur Cliutoli, daily eo'.tpl Sunday, Hi ti irtj p m. lit'' turiiiiit: inot ( Ilia, n at s !.' a n cuinccting at Wiiriitv with N . 1'. and Wi .-Miithln.iiiitl iniin mi WiImou and rayetttvillo UraiK li ix No. :l. Northbound ia .0. laily ex cept Suiieuy. Tnun Nt. J7 S nil) wilt only iti.p it Wilaon, Ooldi-lHir.atiil MiiKuoha. Train So. 7s m,ike vUmv c niicetioi) Ht Wt'ldon fi'tall pniius N'irtli daily . All ruil via Kichuiuud and daily fefpt Stiuilay via Hay Line. 1 ram uiakeM-li.e I'ohnertiou fi.r all (miIiiU North via Kiehiiuni.1 and Washiuct'.n. a!) inuiiK run n lid iH'tnceii W ilmingtiiii and VHhnil n and have I'ulhuaii I'aiuce Slitcpi'ra attut h. it .1. U KKNLY. J F T'lVlNE, .tiip'l Tratm Oeneial Sup't. T M KMKKon i.eu'l fuss. npT Am' til LiOutWl, WELDON, N. 0. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKdKTAHl.KS, LloroilS, CltiAHS. SMUKIXO ANDCHKWINO TOBACCO. I am now prepared to sell at lowest cash pi ices (.roecriiis of all kiuds, Wines, Liijuors, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, &.e., and will also kivp on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which will be sold cheap. 1'ATltONAU K SOLICITED, K. A. Cl'THBEU, Firsl Sltoet, Wehion, N. C, wp 15 liui. The Amcriciin Detective anil Busi ness Association of Chicago. 111., tor the detection of climes and criminals of all natures, anil tho rol!eeiionof debts, are desirous of siYiirinjr a live msn in every towu mulct,' in i he luitid Statue lo act as their agent. To such a man a golden opp. rl unity is open to Hi ke a good liv ing in his town. Thi Association was established in ltWtl and it has grown in the space of eight years lu be one of the lending deteitive Associations of Ameri ca. This is the only Association of the kind in America that docs not charge for membership. For lurtlier particulars address JOHN T. JAM KS, General Soathern agent, 1119 Main street, Norfolk, V. U. 8. A. mMt ! Wonder, .lift In thouranit. J fj 1 nf t.nu, but are .urnMM.1 1 th aisrvvl, or IiumiiIou. Th. ho an- In nctd ot pruflWIilc work tlmnsin 1 done wlille lljiiwaj , liuiiic .l.imld al .,m....iidtl.elrddrait.llllitt IV, , l'nl.l,Mlii.'i''t nixlvc fr..full liifor null. .11 how filhr-i. ot all w. en esrn from U. . per ll npwsnls wherever tl.ey live Yua are .urtol fn Cill.l not required. Bon have made ov IM la a uf l day a Uia. nrt 411 anocWMl.

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