ink FrI rsawi SPSS1 l!r.,a Evl Miwasaa? m tail IP . a nail a HALL Sc SLBDG-E, hsopriktoks. VOL. XIX. -A. ILT E "W S IP 3? IE FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SKPTEMBKR 13. 18SS. TERMS-'-'"11 ANNTM IN ADVANCE. NO 27. 1 t4 A-4 n NKW ADVKUTSIKMKNTS ,TUH,.H,,, ggy JANUARY lit 111?. RUFE. W. DANIEL OHrH'ltRIM, LiqOOHS, FINE WINKS, OIUARX, TOBACCO AC, Ac. laukr on kt. 11. W. DANIKIi, N.i 1(1, Wl. Ave Weldon N. I MANSION 1KH Si: NoKHII.K, VA., M. S. Jam km, l'rniriclri Centrally locatc.l, gnntl accoiumoilatioiis-. mlw reasonable., i-t-tiioilt-lcil, rctiiriii.-licil. Holm- for Noith Carolinian. HMl(ii(l mtl'S til sIlOlV p('lllle. .Ion x A. .Ikskins, cll'lk WHAT IS "ALL THE RAGE?" An excellent f hew, Satisuelioii imran teed. v. ,t. mamim:y a son. Hole iicntH for SciiIhuiiiI and Vicinity. HO. WILLIAMS CO. WIhiK'niIc Tohacfui ists, Norfolk. Yj. CRIDOKUS CO.. COM M I S.S I ON M I) KC 1 1 A N TS, CoaXKR (ill KEN AMI llllill SiKKKTS. 1 Vltstnuillh, Va, Solicit consignments nl' Lumber. Wuod, Kggs, Fowls, ami all kinds of country produce. juno 7 limn. GROCERIES ! W. L I. B. We have just returned to Weldon, N. C, nd now occui the store between EMRY'S 4 ZOLUCOFFER S We nrc rmiviiii: anI uK'tiin a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES We will keep on lun la selected .t x k of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, SuulT, Wooden ami Willow Ware, Crockery, (Hans, Tin Wan1, il o., Ac. ' will K'll at tlie LOWEST PRICES. We also return our sincere tlianks to our many friends anil acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit c niliniiiiiiv of I lie same, with guarantee to please. Very Respectfully, J. L. .11 KKINS V CO., J.n-5-tf. Weldon. N. C. JACKNllX, N. 0. Vf. T. HrXToN, Proprietor. Tciiui moderate. Sia-cial arrangement. with Iirommers. J. 1'. Vancy. W. J. lloshcr YANCY Jt ItOSlll'.lt, Wholesale Dialers In BBTOOODS AND NOTIONS, Hlcliiu ii. d, Va. M. I,. T Davis, II DTIkiiiuw, II C Davis, jr. M. I,. T. DAVIS .Si CO. WHill.KXAI.1.1 IRlKrRLJ lllll.r.SAl.1.1 IKwVKIil. Iron Front, Corner Watci ami Com merce Streets, Norfolk, Va. Ageuta for Orange liille I'owilcr Co. stop AT Til K EXCELSIOR HOUSE, I'nder New Management. Murfreeslwro, N. C J. I,. Harrell, Proprietor. Tiansient Hoard $2 per Jay. Well furnished rcoim, and first clam accommodation. BetvKpccial inducements to regular boarders. Sample rooms for salesmen, and conveyances furnished when desired' NKW ADVKItTISKM KYI'S rrcmifr I- PATENT T-5l7 PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. itTlW& ESTABLISHED 1774. OXJIR IPATE1STT EOLLEB ELOTJIRS :irc inaiMil'a.'liirnl from the CIIOK'KST II..I iinore as u niarkH "l iimI- iiiv.rinin-ni. STIiKNliTM and rXAIMMiOACII. lil.Kl-I.AVI ill I u.j. ..u , ackuuwh-duei'. l'ATAl'SCOSI'I'Klll.ATlV K TATKNT Standi unriiallnl. Of a lieh, Cnainy 1'nli r, it nnkei a livid will .-.nit the I'iisliilioiis. Jisy-..-li jour (ir icer for il l'alapseo Siii. rlalive I'ul. nl, l!i.!ainlo Cli iice I'.il. nt, 1'atai'se.i Family I'atelit, Oialie liimv Kxtl'a. Iiulilwiu Family, Maplelon Family. C. A. i;.Ml!i;ll.l. MANI FAl l'l lil.M! ( ilMI'ANV, -1 I (,'oinnn rce St., Haltiniore, Md. n-ia ly. Yf5i aine's npound IT a OWES Nervoi Prostrition. Nenoui Headache, wV neuralnia, Nervous Weakneaa, Stomfli una Liver IJitcatcs, N heunuitiam, Uyo. rpei)aia,Bnd all ailectiono of tht Kidneys. THE PLAUliTO GET mum t iinienii, AT TliK LOWES T P 11 1 CES, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WEST SIDE WASHINCTON AVE, OFPOSITE R. SHED. Wr E L DO N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. . W-I'RESCRIITION liF.I'AUTMKNT KM.I.KH WirilTHK B1T SKl.ElTbll MATKRIAl..- I'UKsrmiTioxs coMrocMiKn t am. ihu ijs with iii.'I'at cake. PKliKUMKKY, 8TATI0XKKY, FANCY KOAl'S, HKCSHFS, FANCY AHTICI.IS, TllllACCO AND CIOAKS. RBMXMRCR thalt beArtj wclcomealvark aw.lti tou at ZOLLICOFFER'S. liiiiiiiiiflliidieviiio'lliifliiiif FOR SAJ.K RY V. N. 1 II ly H 110 11 I U lv U LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. z: DEALER IN J dky coons, BOOTS, S1I0KS, NOTIONS, HATS.CAI'S, DOMKSTICS, PU1NTS, STAl'LK GOODS, 0UOCF.IUKS, Aud Kverything that win be called for. HEAD QU AETEES F OH QiiOj Pistols ft GuMlgis, AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. The public is respectfully invited to oalt, wt61; THE Hour i WIIKAT OIITA IX AIII.K f. r which Tlr ir ni. t -i i: v for I'M KOliM IT Y. WEAK NERVES rrii'h(.f.i.Fui I'.'MPorsu im a NTTf Trnl Htii-Ii iiviT fa.'.. fuiituiinu(r I'elrry and (' l. I'lOKJ' i lnt. rfi.l rerie itimtiUnli . (( turi'B til iH-rvcuH itiM-raurt. RHEUMATISM I'AiM-ei i ru.iiY (tmpocNn ruriflu th Mon.l. It tlni i.ul th.' lartic ai id, which vikWM i;h. imiutiFiii, ami ichtniv.t thu j1ih. innkiinf iiKiiiis t.i ii lu ullliv nnnlitioii. Jt it tliv tiu' nuit.lj fur KlituuiatiHoi. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS r.ivK riTiiyi i McncvTiiilclily H-wtoreg tin- l.t k j t i tl 1 1 tualtli. 'ltn nir.ll.V J.1W-, t. nil,;;., (1 with lt I1.TH) 1 nil , i,.. t.M ii ihc tt rviuctly fur all knii.ry c Uii-lulm'. DYSPEPSIA I'MNJ " CrLr-UV I tiMVOCNDMn-IlKth-'im Iho H'-itmcii, ami iiiiicIm tiir urrvfn i f ttioittiren . rifitiia. TIim n why it tLri;4 Ilia l'"i A'ji'i'ei'-ia. C03SriPATI0N l'UM- rrirnvr.'Mrnryn'h not a cathar. It .M.i htdMiMr.vliiK iaf) an.l rainral sM'ti.-n t i ihe tiw. 1. Ji.trulanty minly Ui lowum u.-c. Il'-i-omii,. n ici tiy i.r. r.'inna and bus!ijea in. n. Hi'iitifurtN-.h. Wee $1.0iJ. fold by Unminu. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO. Prop'i UUHMNliTOX, VT. h STAIN RACK 4c CO W. H. BROWN, Weldon, N. C. HE RESTS IN GOD. U il M T II E U K-ll .MAN. "lie rt! in - " i4 MJ1 f rt-ad 'I he ninulili Tinjr rluiu- reveals n ni"if. "ln'.fHl," of othef worti wlial need ' I ItcM' souii Ihc I. road cu riml uli'irc. ii i rhcidi n jili it .;irr; IdnMin-i. A juMiilh'1 . ciiit titN lb- tuoiiiii, Ni ! 1 in tin- jia.c.n..-i K With a i-icy (nl.'.Mi w i-itin i cr..vvntd. And 'h c.m itliin il lcnty tin i-t f timt lul Inn! Iiiik Miiih-hl n liniiif The tiny 1-i'o'nl m iihin tlie ncil I I'-irli". iii1 Mcc i., t'o und, A fi.M .rurtii.l- s livrr, .-mi' v, . r' (lie h-'('i' l ird'iit.i;'- m i; lip nl tlirmiH1, Ok- mhIiics j.'ifi- mi l i l. iir And . Inns tin- dtirk I uiin'ith. .-It rp ( ii. slcfiM.ii, thou (ntNi h'Wt In ail, lit re J'lsliiino star dlup Kohli'ii ill III, I r in ..-very triihicd liioiij-ht tijMri, l-'i'rc-'ticii m iy csrtlil i-idn. lt lh) U'UK rt ' I- wt'ct , Tender and thy nias-y mkI. O! tniveh-r: (ny thy hurrj inn fi ct , S. p H; here "He r-t in (nd." DANCING WITH A CORPSE. llttrials alive are far n-ore coiinuaii iu old o'Uiilri.s. where the burial takes place wiihiii twenty f ur hnurs alu r d-alh, llian they are here, wlinv one p i.-, a, a rule, a week's race. In Spain the Imdy is fni'i' n:ly nnioved to the undertaker's -hop a few Hours alter death. In one c I ihe lar;c.-t of these, ftablishmeiits in .Madiid, some years no, an exlraurdin:; ry Mjilit was witnessed. A pntleuiaii was hrmi-ht in his 'csnket" one noun, and placed in the Mom set apart for that liranth of llie bu..ines. The I'.oprieior lived over his premises, ami this especial evening was ivin a jirand hall. When the hall was at ils height a i;i iitlctnan in full eveniii"; dress smldeiily jeimd the company, lie danced with the wife of the underlakei-, ami he danced with the undertaker's da:i-hl,i an I scuncd to lie th.irouhly eiij iyin hnu sclf. Tloi uuder.uker ill niirlit he knew his face, hut didn't like to he rude and a-k him his name; hut by and by all the e;ii Ms departed and the stranjre penile man was the only one left. 'Shall 1 send for a cub for you','" said tin; host ill last. "No. thank you," l'epliid the j;cii tli man, "I'iii slaying in the house." Stnviiiir in Tie house!" cxclaiimd the undertaker: ' who ale you, sir'.'" "What, don't you know me? I'm tin; eoipse tint was brouuht in this al'teinuun." The undertaker, horrified, rii-hed to the inottiiaiy loom and found the ec din empty. 1 1 is wife and daughter had been diiiieing with a corpse. An explanation of course, fnllowid. The gcntli man. who had only bun in a trance, had sml d nly recovi red, and heaiino nni.-ie and revelry above, and having a keen si use of hiiinor, had pit out of his cnllin t the Spanish collin closes with a lid which is only Ii eked just picviuus to inleinient) and joined lb" Ictivo parly, lie was iiite pr.scntahle. a-in Spain the dead are oeneially buried in tullevciiiudiess -Tin AV'.,.e. FACTS WORTH KNOWINC. Ketchup is wry li.nli.-h. It works even in hot weather. Lend a di.-hoiiest man money aud you will lilul hilll out sooner or later. He will be out when you tall for the return ol your money. We all rumble at the shindies of lime, hut we should seoin to h ok at tin iiiiiciiniiary who should oiler to cjve us six lnonihs. Don't ask a Woniau over thirty how old she is. Wait until he tells you. and tin it add cbjit. 1'eli't feel sure because you tind that a man doesn't know how to play pokir that he cannot heat you ill a horse trade. Don't use alcohol if you w ant to pre nrve your life. Il dmsu't woik so Weil on men as it docs in z'ass jars on felies. Don't dispise a mall bemuse he is poor. You eau hire him a p od deal chcaior llian you eiiild if he were well to do. Don't look a jiift mule in the In el. If you must know exactly how he is slnd lichiiid, bile an ix iiienei d darkey tu tind out for you. Don't kissaeirhis ihe put says he did. "under ihc silent stars." 'lip hir head hack penily and ki-s lu r about had an inch under the lip of lu r little mull Hose. Don t !aii.-h when you see a wouiati ir'p- !o-(r:ve a ht.r.c. It u...y .-..Hi tunny to you. but think how the o r h irse hi u -1 sulb r. in: i mil on n i in n. ' It is with unl'ci.'nod sotrow and a bleeding heart, Mr. Siuip-oii," said the gill g' liily, "that I am compelled to say thee nay; but 1 love another," and tears of sympathy Welled in her eym. "New d"ii't be m nvcm me, Miss Clara," he said earnestly. "It is really of no great conseipn-nce; I'll be as chip per as a bird in a day or two, and il pains me tu see you thus distressed." Then she dried her eyes and became ipiilo herself again. Jusl received a nice lot of wagons. Viry cheap; call and price them before pur C'iKsing elsewhere. P. N.Stainback &Co. WON LOVE AND MONEY. T1IK RIIMAM'K (IK A I'HINTKH WHO WOUhKli VKAIIS Til IIKIiKKM III.MSKI.K. Seven years api in a ipiiet little c - Iry seat in lit rihwestern Iowa a young man about twenty five yiars of ane was c nployed as foreman in the cilice of the only villain paper, lie was a man of line iihiealioii, a nml printer, a ready and pleasing wiilcr, a h-adi r of the torn peranee society, a chinch member and a Sunday school s linti lnlallt. He h id r -id-d here several years md came t , ihe full i lidelice of llo. people. c waseled d s treasurer of the di-lriit and hail at one lime in his j o--, s i..n ov, r S-'.oiiu. A si t of o'.i-hed scoundrels set to work to ruin the printer and rake in the pot, says Frank Fariel in the St. I.nuis They uiad ' their niipn aches L'r.iduilU. and before the yimn man fairly knew wh it he was almiit he was drinking and paiiiblinti lie won over SI"", heeaine exeitid, went in heavy, slaked ihe Si!, Will of school fund.-, lost it. was home ch ad diiink, and woke up to vt inoiuii:; a mined man, with ihc Iowa peiiitcntii.iy stal ing him in ihe face and t'iniieiiied wiih unavailing remorse and a had headache. Some days aft' r he was mi--iiio. Il was thought al lii.-t he had b. en uiuider cd. search was made far and near, hut his body was not discovered. A month al'ier he leit his books were examined aiid eniiiiries made lliat sbowi d a shoi'tnjie of about g.lMlii. The sheriff rushed wet, L'ut on the trail of an imaginary fu uiiive and follow, d hiiu to Texas, only to lind that he vas cha.-.H'; the wrong man. TI e printer had son,- straight cast and never stopped travelling nor looki d back until he landed in the Slate of Maine. He sought out an inland townofl'the hue of r lilroad. went to work again as foreman of a country priming otlicv at SHI a we. k, give an assumed name and commenced a new life. lie saved every dollar possible for ovc five yeais and then wrote back In his o'd Iowa i niployer proim-ing, to pay up every dollar if he wre not niole-lcl. The bond-incn who had been left in the Inn h by his un 'civinniiinu .h p allure readily con-end''! and by return mail tluie came S-J.iiiiii from Main.' to pay b.n k the lost money. In le.-s than seven years from the lin e he left Iowa he had paid back every dol lar with interest. Then he told themai he had worked f r all tins- yens th st -rv in Iml, b 'gged bis forgiveness fi r the ilee-pti'-n he had been c unpclli d te practice, and further nskul I. is danghli r's hand in inainage. Die reipiest was granted the girl had several thousand dollars in In r own right which she i n trusted, a- Well as her own happin. ,-s, to the man who had proud his Integrity by working siv, n year- to redeem hinisell from di-hi nor. iiicywiro marri'M. anil aloiv pulled out for Dakotah, where the once nouorcii man ami lugiiive I ruin justice has recently bought aud is to-day idiliieg mid publishing under his own name one of the best weekly papers In all South Dakotah. COURACE, MOTHER. Dear up, brave heart. Let peace get hold ul'thy hcart'stiings. Your boy is not yet saved, hut give him over to (iod as guardian for joii, lion keep on pray ing. It took twenty-four years of prayer to get me to the ires.-, but I got there. Mother prayed me. the prodigal, in. I no t a Voit'og man in Atlanta whosii no i h. r had he-n praying for him f. r thiity years, since the day i f his birth. She was put in h..r coffin wiihout teeing her son saved; but one day. from the olh. T side, she Ici.ked doWlloll a sc. in itial broke my lieari f.-r j- y. lb- i.,-.k my liaii'l. lu lu ngbi wl lie he piayc.l I. r f. rgivciiess ami sanation, then said. "Mr i allium, I'll meet my mother in heavi ti " Don't get discolllag. d, III. tier, lie whom you loe may got away 1'i. in ,n. hut he cannot eel away from y.-ur pay ers or your llml. dust the other day anoih. r boy. for praying nine teen tear, llo Si irii's il I asked him why he did it tin u. Said he. "I i.iu't stand it to tight against moth, r's pray, rs." Don't g. t your eye on evangelists, pastors, niei lings, or anylhing else, to reaih him. book straight to Jesus, lie is ihe -mighty In save." New Yolk ( thsrrn-r. lliirklrn's Ariiira s;ihe, The llest Salve in ih world for Cuts, I'riii-es, S..rcs.l'lc. is. .Salt It Ileum. Fever S. tes. Tiller, Chapped bauds. Chilblains Corns. and ail -kin i ruptions.aiid positive ly cures Files, or no pay reipiii'ed. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satisfaction, or uioiuy refunded, l'lice -5 cents per box. For sale by druggists at Weldon, Brown AtCarraway, llulilux, Dr. J A, KnBeld. Indians and Chinese pluck Ihe beard out by the rools. WAITED SIXTY YEARS. A ii II o'd faille r. who live- i!i(',.. neciieiit, cauie to Sriei a li-w davs with bis young bride, upon Irs weddiic tour. The old man is eighty live while his wife is ju-t Ki'Veniy year-his jniiii.i. lie h.d an i ruan. lie fioin a Maine stre.t iiiu-ic ,,i.ler a f. w n ol tb- I" I-re 1 wanted some n.u-ie ',.r it The old man -ugge.-ted as a sample. "Wlorc is my l!..y To Nighl? ' He 1,(1 his bride up to the i oiiiii. r and, al'i. r paying for lh.- mu-ie, said, addressing ihe clerk: 'My sou. .-he's my wi!" Ain't he a likely one?" He seemed to relln 'lllhel' soap thing and, stiaivliiening hims If up. -aid: "Young man, I've waitcl I'-r.-ich blood ai H'lWJ in ihelil Veil.- for niei, onl i sixty y. ars row. I kiecwulhcr urand inam and warned h r. but she wouldn't see to it. She man ied n y 1 it-tei"-t enemy ami had a daughter. I that daughter wh. n lor folks wasn't 'round, but .on,ih,w ll-y gi I wind of it and I wa-iii-h d agin Mie Went and got married and had a daugh ter. Say I, '.Jonathan, vou'll meriy this'n, and Isettl.s down gluni like to wait far the yoiniL'si. r I trow up Mar- ilia's lolks watched her i-l n.l I begun to -u.-pect I'd have to wait fir the next family, when they dial - ail of lluui died, and Maiiha was left wiihout no relative- so I popped the .pie-lion and we was iiiatli. d." And picking up th- i ie .Inn placed it under one o1 I is anus, while one of Maltha's siule un der iho other, and thetw.i lovingly walk ul out of the store, completely i n.irant ol'ihe fie; tint they were furiii-li ing aiiri- in ait for the er.iwd. JACKSON'S STATUE. There is oil" cniioiis feature in Si. .lie wall Jackson's stalue that i larely re mirkid by the ea-ual ol-erv. r One , f the butt. ii. on the (ieiical's military coal is ..'one It suggests a Haw in the bronz ' casliii'.-, but it is nothing of the kind. There is a pretty little legem! cmincete.l wiih the button that is worth ihe telling After OI.O of lli- billies, SI go..- l)l -lory. '-Sieiiewall" was approached by a charming young lady and hesough; f-r a trifle I'm a keep-akc. I ic-niiy i Ii 1 ii K I Have aiiMiong oii would care lo take." said the lb II. ral. ' Theii give me a Iml ( . ii IV, m yen coat." she said, with a .-alley smile. The smile was irresi-l ible and lh, ll-Ueral gallantly t. e oil' a billion 1 pres. iite, it to tin- voting lady with a bow. inc coal went mrou-ii that campaign ii, 1 1 1 1 1 a biition, null when the cast for ihe Jackson statu- was made, the sculp lor r, m. nib, red the story, and gave il lasting fame jt, broii.-'. TALKED OTHER THINCS. "Yes." said he, 'lilc is finely. ' ' It is so lonely sometimes" she an swered. "Wouldn't it lie sweet to have a little collage coMTid wild ivy and hole Jsuckle and rose hushes. " "Oh, wouldn't it." "And. when a fellow e, ui.-s home tired from bii-in. to have a nice little wife meet him at the door with a ki-s 7' " Y c-e s." "And thin the summer nights, the window niicn.tho sun set just gii iug. m ugh light in ihe ci.y parlor, and v. .it I mean a wife, at the pian i, singing in the (gloaming. It would be lovely." "I think it would be nice" "And then " At thi- point a cart tv.,ru woman came aro'ind the corner with a pair ol twins in a perambulator. A dead sil. nee fill upon the summer air for a little while. Then they changed the vt mil in-, iiiy in vi mitt. A recent issue ol' the London Figaro says: " Weim n wh i want to get mar ried arc us plentiful in Merlin as in other capitals. A II. rlin merchant lately ad vcrli.c.l f.T a wit'e ami r. ceiled 1177 an swer-. Of these i ighiy-M'Vcn were widows, varying in age from L'.i In "2; forty two of them had no children, and twentyone po-si'ssed fortunes entirely un, hr their own conlrol. Four ladies ! bid b-"n j-in'H f'rera :!;e:r fctu bands also w role to express a desire to try their luck at man lag. a second line, one of th, in for ii third lime. Of lik re maining: I cnly tw gave their age an over thirty; lighlis-n of them pridVssx'd to he just turned IS. Seventy one pho tographs were enclosed, and ihirty-onc of llicin are said to represent remarkably pretty girls. Friinus Jones raised a watermelon on his farm, in H iker county, (la., last yc.r. I hat weighed eighty-live pound-, the largest that was ever laiscj in that Slate. The man who hollows amen the loud est doesn't always mean il lhc must. Another largo shipment of Lewis' white lejid Lcnsccd oil etc , just received and will be sold at i small advance above .i it t is It cost by T. L. Lmry. 11 ADVKIITISK.MKNT-. ?r PURELY VEGETABLE. It arli with flitraordinary ePRcacy on tht I ,VER- Kidneys, - and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FCfl Malaria, UovrM ( nniiliilnti, lYNv:a, hick lli ulActi, tNiimtlpatlon, lliliou-iif nt Hldni-y AttW'llim, dauntllre, Mental Jiciircneion, Colic. Ho Household Should be Without It, ! mid, l.y In itiL'ki'H i-fiidy fur i mined iatfiisp, i will Mtc (nuny un hmr nt Mittt rniii and ninny udullur In tliiicand deU)rs' billy. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR 8. thai you gel Ih. genuin. with r.d "2" on front of Wr.ppar. Prepared only by J.H.ZEILIN 4. CO., Sol. Proprietor., Philiilelphii, P.. 1 lilt t, l.oo. PROFESSIONAL CAf?DS. f' U MA-US', i (:..'..' . r',.tir, ,, Mi -r' '.., s . I'u.cli,-, - :a ;.. ,-, id- -.1 N .ni .1, i. ij atij, ,01111-. .,-,,10,1,' .,;.!-. m Ihc l.-.K-oil iiihI no I'l-cme ...Ills. y' r. m.wt.N. ATTiii:.i:y-AT-i..i ip J A i K-.-S. S 1 . I';.., :ices tn lie s'i;,eri ,r. sne.e me! rV,l, ni! C-llll. r.,i!i-t 11,0.- it s,cciii1tv. IMIHI1NK.V nun, .I ''ll.'.V. l-.s' .I J.. I If, Ml ,; i'::i:i: -u. -. n i Clli.-.' ilny. ;,, Will. ,,11 ,.. M .-,.-,j. 'r,.e ti.- .1, l!i, sin, ,o..l I'V.hi.i! r-,;ir... I'leiioa ulli-iei.'ii t,, I, a. , i ll.'c.'lial, ,1 SPItR W.IIIAKtR,,:,',! I., us. I.tmiis F.;W- '.VHIlnKtR, .'.Il, S. ' . i; '...o ... s. , . yy II 1 1 a i, K p. ,t w ii I i a k 1:1:. -i rrohWKYs a r L.i w ItAI.II AX, N. C. I'rdflii .' in tl;c "it, iiini m.iivuu' lourt.s (' tin- .-l. lie :nid ni tin he li r;il ("illl-s'. mr IS ti' W A. ,,,-NN ATTVl!.:r .1 T I, A If, ; vf, u, n. i . I'm-tict wtii fi vt r!iis -.. iucs aiv re.,;iircd W 111 t.' ltl l!iilliil nil (11- IlIM ..ll.l M cntl-t .Ml-I.dMjr- in eai'h iiiMiiili, Jul! 1. 1--T. .'rMM-s M. VI 1,1 IN. i 1. I. t N A HANI .1 TTOHM-.-ys A T LA II'. WELDON, N. C. li '( in tl:" "iirts (.f ihilifiiN to id N--rt ham i-t-M n:ni in ihr ;Mi'i't i.:t' an. I Kt deiid cmirin. t ul Ifi iii.ns iiiiiu i;i nil iiisn .North t iiroliiiH. ItrHiich ollirc at Halifax, N.i ., n-cii eer Mcii daj . Jim 7 ly I'. II. II1KI K, H. II. Mil I II ji KAIkJoH, . c. MXTI.AM) NK K, N. C V H 11 E E i!b SMITH. Mr K If. nml Mr. It H.SmithJr,, ('mm elo lt li 'Vi li-riiLett a Iliuiti'd mi neri-lii. fT the pnii m e ol law in Halih.x dunty. Mr O .sl- e v dli.tiel.d il.e i .!,!'-M HhIiIjix rt),-l!larv, and iii nii' iMt tin- ct-niiij v h iu ei lnsser. it ar ivijiiittd. net 16 ly. J 1' 0 M AH N. HILL, A Mo nicy at law , HALIFAX. N. I'. l'rai :tci"s m f.tx mid nij uuiiiK ami F. deral and Minreino eniirt. UK. 28 tf. C. '1 It O it N V A Tlt'tiXf.')' A T A.I n; I.M'IKI.n. N. r. I'rai'l'i i- iu tin-courts of HaUrm, and Mdjoliiing comities and in ttn' Mipreine cinrt. 1'i.Hceiii.nN made any alien1 In Ihc Stale, and re tuniH irHintlty imide. r W 11 A L I , AII..1 ney at I. aw, WKl.IlliN, N. n. Srifeiiil ait.' iriven tn ciillccti. .m mul n'mtt; tnnc fi t.reii.plly ina.le. may 1 tt. p I' tt A II Ii T 1' I. A Ii K, Arniui:y at la ir, II AI.II'AX, X. C. Vrnelli-e. wherever hi wrvlcex are required, i oUi ciinii .if i luimt tt ii iriiuiitHii(u(itii. uih il I y yt. J. K H H I K L D8. burgeon Irntiit -it-v -.'' i-x-" v iIstit vonnartetitlv hH'Ht A in Wcldnr., can ba 1 ni'i hj Vis oi .ee in liHiiii l k llrirk ItuildiiiK at aJl ti nt rt'-eul wi-cn Rlfreiit'in pmreii'ital luiniiicsa rur-'fni fct:i.'i-,iiiiu hIm-ii to all lranetie"f the pro-f-n. Virtirs vihitt l at llu-lr home w hen de .sired julyUly. CanlKi Urniid at liti offlce In EnflolJ. Ttit Nltrnu. Oinio (iu thrltlM PatnleaaKltrM HwolTiwiii .Iwir.oB jjt OftlUl. j. K. L. HUNTER Surgeon Drntlat. NI'.W A DV KliTISKM KNTS. HELP 'YOUR EYES JJV f.-IN'i YOI :..'. ri.!.i:i i;. 'I Kit IMPLuVED IKKHCU'lc (iLA--S,.S, . VI; A 1 1 'I t i 'I Ml. M I'. - I i;t.S.,ni 1- -is'- l w I .,K l.i i I' r -Nile iii tinld, M'-il, l:i:l-''p nnd tc'iiiiidd HLLP TO SAVE l'j ijv ;:.i,' tin- i,-. ii1",1;:i'i,( . . r -ft ml ipn (inLOIil NTINti WATCIi, Vai; ) iii I'ricc i"r"iii roii'IY To i ink ill'MiUKIi 1 n UJ.A !!-' W'jMIi n.Tily d.'iil It- tlie i'tiiv. JETS Gf JlWiLFiV 11','',',-' ill 'I' -:l. :,',,! i'he il .lily "''"o:'" ); i-l i tst, i-iss, i',1,. i ix,,-, i i 1 1 , -n, s. "".'f ll'-- I'-' ' ION-- ' I Al 1.1 l.i-. .-.1 IM. -I' I..... ;-,,.Ks ,v ., I,., J,. II A I I.I, . .1 h.i.s. I. !: Ill, li-I.I.-. .1,. Aill.c Inive-i sii,,. ,n,-,. iir.l, rs ..reiionly ui, .i n, 1,-u i.,, J. W. YCUNC, (sn ri.ssiut in ,i t. vni mi A nun.) Pel'-l-lao-j Va .el ! Iv. ii;!,1- - " Kail) l.t.-1 i:,lti ,,; ,t I I'-Ulj X.vjli i i-v - ill' M IPBIU " I i- - "; i j ;;;;;; ' l" M ; 7 CI .... j 7 4S " U 111 " ; j .'i I'.i " i I -n. :;.;""' : t'' " , ; u ;(.." i I N 1 1 Nl 1. i II. m Il, j No ;.: .v., .;r, 'I'Miy (hu,y .jaiiy es. I Minday. IJW'.HM i liil.t , :i i.i (1 m I - " ! il'.:-' ! i h " ! "'"" i " a , ii -ii j ,; . " AM, i;. a: I , - lltAl... I . Mil IS-, I U Ar ie,, kv M oiol. r 'r..H,..r-. Alllvi-KJ. Wll,. Airoe hoi oe lli, , l.'.IM'l.'.M- -,. ,1 ,.',-,-: ,. .. . A.r.. I i.AI.S l.i i.l ,' W ll!;;! n l."0, '-"'l J.i d lils.iW AllllCi.l ll.lMl',1 . , 'ini'i Aw.v-Uds, A t r i ! I rpM 1 1,., Arrive iiiil, n- Leave lt.i!..r.i ! ... Arme vclii -n , .. : a inpm i " I'nily i-M i pi i-uiiihii . 'I I'a in 1 n i 1 1 1 i ii i m i i4 jiraiol. i'.oiid li'iivu. UiililMx .urN-MiUm! N,.el .-.i .i'M inn Kcl-iriintx leiiKss,.,, iN-,k alLKii H. iii ,, ilitliy f.ecpt. Miielay. lr.:iii h.nvi's Turin i-. N t ., via A W.-.-.r. uric iind Lii.i-.h li. I. I'.niy t-M ept Muiih.v ii(:i p.m. ii id;.y "li p in . mrne ilLftiiisfi.n N. io p. m., i. in .'i in. Kt'tiiniiiiy U :t , k iin.-ni;.)!,! , N. i '.. daily . Mvpt Mintl.i) 7 :t ii. u,. huiiilav . (j a, in ,,ime 'l.iiU. rn, N r , ',) t .n. m., 11 Ml ii. ni 1 nun mi Mcwiiid N . r. iH'tiueli icuvi a ls I'l'lM N I , di'ily cccpt :-u inlay S :;n h, ui , arrmi -inHliliel.l. N C.loi'tja. in. Ci-tuuiimi Uus mi, I'd'. eld. N, i , lo I.; a. in., in me )n.l,isl.r.., N t . lop. in lii.iu .ni Nuduille i'.iiiiit h leaves ll'ieky M' litil ill 1 en p ii. , urnu-Mtt Nashvilh- 4 4n p. in . P'"ik li"p'- I", p. in, 1. aM H' pe i" io H. in,, Nn-hvilU: ll l a, ic , Ui.i U Mnuiit il 'ijii. in, d-ily except Sunoay 'I lum un Muilnii llraiu li "leaVth Wiirhiiw fur rliiiicii.diiily e-.tvpt Miuda , ai ii i0 p m. lip tiiiini,i: Ii iiv e i iini, ii i,l s .;, (1 in (nliiitt UiiK at ttiir.-aw Willi N..s. I mid iii, S .uiiil.i.iivi tnniii-ii Wilsi.ii nt.d I'avettrvil.e Hrwn h i N-.. :.. N..rthtj.,niii! is . 'iiaily t-x-e. pi .s-nit uy. Irani No s; mil wilt t.nly i..p at ',V i in iii, '.-hM...n.ii:..i M..tiioliii. 1 .;ii N.i e. nkes t l .se eoniie. lh.n lit Weldon I. l ull p'.nus Nuitli daily. All rail via Kiehliioinl ami daily excfpi xiinliiy via Ittty Line. Trams tnnk.'s,-,,s.. , .ii,!-,,'. iit.ii ,,,r ,HiiHs Ninth vi'i Kiehmimd .ii'-1 Washington. ill trmns run s lid h. iweeii WiimiiiRtun ami V-iisliinrt -ii an i have Pullman riaet' .'-leeia r i'tMeliitl 1 L KI.M.V. .1 1- hlVINK. Vip t 'liai.i. t.eiieral Mjp't. 'I . M. I.M KUsun. i,,,ri 1 Wilder A nt 1. A F.iifUl all aii MljiiiW4ii 7ELDON, X. c. FAMILY GROCERIES, vi:i;kt.1!I,i:s. 1.11,11 (ins. CD I A US. S.M(llvl.(! AND I'll KW1X0 TOUACCO. I am tew prepared to sa-ll at lowest cash piic... tir.'cci'i' of all kinds, Wined, l.'.iiors, Tohacco. Cigiirs. Snuff, Ac , and w iil also k.s-p on hand a full supply of fresh Vegetable of every variety, which will he sold cheap. e.YTKOXAOKSOI.ieiTKI). K. A. Cl'TIUIKIJ., First Slieet, Weldon, X. C. acp 15 3m. Til K Anieritan Detective and Husi ness Association of Chicago, 111., fortho detect ion ol' crimes and criminals of oil nature, an, I ihe collection of debts, are desirous of seeming a live man in every town andestv in lie- I iiited Stall's lo act as their agent. Tu such a man a goMen opportunity is open to nolo a flood liv ing in his town. This Awot'iatioti wiih established in I s-Sil and it baa grown in the space uf eight years In be one of the hading d, IciliVu ArsHiittliuija of Ameri ca. This is the only Association of the kind in America that does not charge for a membership. For lurlluT particulars addrosa .10 1 IN' T. JAMKS, (iiiieral Southern agent, lilfl Main street, Norfolk, Va. C. S. A. 1 ,i 1,1 1 ) Sen WihiiI.t cxlBt In lli.nisntirla I I j I j I of fnrnis, l.tit am suri-tiesi-il liy tin) iiiiirv.-ls ul i.tloii. Tlt.- w in. nrc In lid1.! nl n,.til,' w,,rk ll-.Ht chii I,.- .tone wlolt- ttvlna nl heinc s'l.-nlit tit line". en. 1 Hielrml.lres- to HnJI.'tl ill',,, l'..riliiii'l,iiiiii',aii.l m-t'ive fr.'.'.rii!l infer- n.llli'll, ll.'W eillt.T-1".. of Sll ..lies. Cli II t'lril ri'-ITI I.', to.', n-r .1.1V mid njilVrtnls w l.errvel llo-y live. V"il n-slalti-l free r,iisl retiulrct. Soma hHM- limilei.vur Mfn . alnal d' at MU v" All aneewrt lTtriltrr T IXTinuirev.iliillnillml IN V EN I l'L llie world ilnrl,,, tie- tut lialfcitilllry. N'.it least nmona lliu won- lli-ni'il InvelillVf imwrr-w n. . un..... .. -.- ti'in l work tlisl eati Is- peri"""".! o.'er the canity w llli.cil a.-rnillii llie worker, ftnln llielr lionini.. Psy lilnial; any one can do the w.irv-either young or nl.l: no .ins-lal ability re mitn-l Cut HilH out n"t reluni to 11. mnl n will m-lid yiiiirri-e.mim 'llilliai'flTiNitlliipolniii'e t(, yioi Unit will Btsrl yua in bii.lnewi, whleli will lirliid yon I" '"ore ni'iney rUhl WHy. than anylhias els-ln the world. Urand outtit fro. Addreaa True and U)., AuluUi. Hauw