i IIJLLL & SLEDGE, HlOl'ltlKTOKS. A. IN" 33 "W SP APEB FOE THE PEO PL E. TEKlvdS 8- 00 IER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 188S. NO 28. 1 NEW ADVKIll'lSKMKNTS. I ar. atOT-n,M fAILN i C.AGAM8R!LLMr:Co. OTJE 3PA.TE1TT ROLLER lELOURS nr.. manufactured fmni tin- CIIOICF.ST WIIF.AT ()I!TA I V'rt.Vr.K.' f, r whiili ll.-il.i re n-u inur'sot t nl-pr.- tiniii-rit 'I'll' ir -up, rinii y I'uf I X I F01! M ITY. STKI-.NiiTH an-1 I'XAITHOACII A Itl.K ! I. A Volt ha-h ngbcen acknowledged. The 1 l'ATAl'SCOSITFr.l.ATIYF. l'ATF.NT Slniuls uniivall.'d. Dl' n licit, t "r nuiy Cel. r, il tnakiM u l're.ul that will suit tin FaHtidiuuH. HoTA-k y-.nr (!f for il. I'atapso.i Sup r'utirc I'uMi', 1 1 tl.ni-li Choice 1 'atctit, l'atasei Family I'utent, ( raiiiri' 1 1 tovi- I'.xtta, Iluldwin Family. Maplctoii K.iinily C. A. i AM ISM I.I, MAXTF.U Tl lilXti COMI'AXY, '' I I Cuinnierce Si., Bull'minn-, Md. aiift 12 ly. w paine's Compound UKK3 Ncrvoui Prostration, Neuralgia, , Stomach and Liver Diseases, iiheu matism, Dyspepsia, and all affec tions of the Kidneys. BECAUSE I R Il rrnnhinM (lin artirt prim-itilw f C....rv ami IW llm- t n-natl heiiititf ( tlio nenrou i-jhUu. j because BECAUSE ! It rlnxtiM" (hn lilWi.forlri(( (ill ills- i ubod Lluud. I It r"iilnt lb" tiownlstrid luduryti I CUnilK tUnlf dlM'MWM. It hiuttil nriindfrful fnur-fld rttM-i , BliHMl, li..-tp., and KldlM'll. i Bi Price l. 00. Silil liy ilniBBihU. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Proprlotort UUHLISUTON. VT. jilt! HI l.v THE PJVUETOGivr mm $ mnwims, AT TIIIC- LOWEST PHJOES, IS AT mi. A. K. ZOLLH ()F1 "Kli'S, WEST SIDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E I, 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. -PRK.Sl'R!ITl(iN liF.FARTMKVr FI1.I.KU Willi T!iK B!T hKI.K(TKI) MATKKIAL.-fc I'KKSC'KIPTIOSS COMI'Ot'NlH:!! AT AM. HHI HS WITH (IUKAT CAKE. PEKFUMEKY, STATIDNKliV, FANCY SOAPS. i;I'MirS, FANCY AIJTICI.ES, TullACCO AND CIO Aim. BIMIUBIR tint ft hvrtT welronu-alwiiyt twslu yuu it ZOLLICOFFKirS. KOK SALE 15V P. N. net II IT I 11 I LEADER OF Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. r:.I)KALl:U INr duy coons, IKIOTS, S1I0KS. NDTIiiXS. HATS, C.Vl'S, DOMKSTICS, I'lUXTS, STAI'I.K (iOODS, GK0CKK1KS, Ami Evorjtliing (but can bo culk-J fur. HEADQUAETEES F OR Qmii Pistols AND llARDWAllE The public in respectfully invited to et 61; , THE t ; PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED 1774. BlAlfofflDYES Will Color One to Four Pounds Of Dress Goods, 1 "o Garments, I I fj Yarns, Rags, etc. J A Child can use them ! IV PUREST, STRONGEST anil FASTEST i.f ..II lly. Varr:ime.l t llyc ihfl moi gtH.dg. and lli.c Uic beat colors. I'nrnuullcj lor r.iMr,, Kifibvitl, and ..11 ian.y I'yttnf. For Gilding or Hronjing Fonty Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. DIAMOND PAINT LIQUID Is the best (h;nj( in tuf in mixing 1 i..immt I'-iinM, A iKitlle, wuli c.-iniel'iiliAir lirutli.co.ii but 10 cents. DIAMOND LAUNDRY BLUINO Only to CIS. f t a '.ick n;e I . nuLc ime qinit rf il c leM l;iut. Will n t s'H'l ir Mrc.ik ilir tinrvt ;., iii , AsW ilrtit tor 1 ve Hunk and l .ml, nr rite YfEUS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, t STAIN PACK & CO. J LOW PRICES. & Gas tolAgds OF ALL KINDS. cal'. W. H. BEOWN, Wldo, N. C. UN OLD SWEETHEART OF HIKE. 1!V .1AMK.S WIIITi'liVlll 111! .IT. - uitc w In. ri.iif ut i III.. Ill', lit must m, n the fin llilltf I) I.T llll IllliulU III) unlit iiii'llii." Unit 111' l.tlit 1 turn the h'livi'i of ik v till in rdiiidowy dcMtft' I lllnl tin- t-inliliK iValiirvs il' ir.lni. uf mi ulil Kwti'tlii'itrt The liililplii-du w t" pliiniiH r with a Hickcr uf A-1 luni it to rot iuo f t)i dazzle in niy Ami I ll.iit iuy iii l' lute u itlt my In! H.llukc. in -ili'th',', hum n hkIi 1 1 at urn, iliii 1 (n viUiUU In the Tin it fr:ii;iiiiit rr-trMi ti-iii, fir ihcjlin int; llinu'lit tli.it tinri Into I t'iii iirt' like i-t-rfumi fr ail the lil.iii m i.l till' limit ; Aii'ltii ilriiiin tin- ulil .In in uwx in u hiMirj ititlin. H'lu-ii my timiil fmu y wiiiuli rs wiili Unit ulil MM'i'tli.'iirl 'ifiiiiin. Tlmuli 1 lu-ttr, lifiK-iilh my .tinly, llki ii ilmt.-r iiiK'if vviiius, Thi' Vi.iu-ott my . l.ildnii timl thu iii..Hii'r ii- hl'Mli-i, ITil' iiM'.un.t f en i-i'ifin t In do y mi itny tin i. i h-. n I'-.rr liii r;i-t tn r nm-h.-r lit the tiarlT (' h it'CHtil. I'.i Ctrl tn r-iH'nk In i iirii. M, 1 I-Uiom it mIiI. n l'u-:'.' tin- pm.i) r tnlli' Mitli il lillh' i!u-t id hunt! ; t t M. l n, lla.'i in mnu'. r s im-llmv ik tin dt'i pi't t.i Unit nld A f.ii v ..I" lily U u ity tind u I ' , t nfii ry i.'ra.'i ii- ir- m tin.' a iilli tit i;l i:. i' ui'.i ft r uf iiurv !ll'"ll.ll! :.kI tin r.t- n ..-( I iiiMii iii.it. .,:r,ly ; timl :.!! i!n lv. i; t.-tiu-.irt hi m: .-It i I l -1 tV-nr - f Im r -I.k.Ut lU-.i tr.h 1 A- Wi' u-', d tu tu;:, I l'l.uin-''l. Winn I lit.iili! k-j, - ii.. lint in w lit,- tin.- leu lmi.-:. t.i. . future wi' li.td :.ii'l w illi liulliin,' rtsr Wln-n m (I.iiuiil ".iw t.iK'cthi'r in a i-.iy little Hid in itli Hi: y ;: iff crr tin ir-1' n s;- .t. Mil ut,.) Hi in- ivvrr iiTnl a i ut till in.' i i li-i'!' t!. it hi w.-r-' dninti k' rt.-.iiiii nut MiiiU' k' ll'lit U-Hli. i li'MVt-li tili tin ntln : Hut, itli.my dr i- l.r- k. n y ii st- j. iinni tin And tin- du..r i- s..aiy ii"ti d iiit'l my il" i.-i .-tuiiiiiiii; tluri', V I itli i Uf. nu-..1' utid nii'turi' nil my viiuiis 1 rt t . luiMu ptv I n- 1 1 - -.1 111 It l.lll Mll'.'t- AN OCEAN CROVE CIRL. She lii p. 1 il. n lu tin: 1'uaui)- lo I' lin- Mil l nu I ran luii-li, M.rraniiii" iilliK a. lin- wali r r.m up nvir lui' tin .". Ami all lin' i-piTl.iturs MniK'il. Ami tla-n slit' rat) ilntvn aiiain anil ilauct-i! i.ti tii- ami tlii'n im tin' iiIiit. imiiI llit-n nil bulb at "iiiv as xln- "nl in all I In- way up In lur aukli'H. 'I'll, tl lu' p'.iii'U.I up II Iht cuurai-. ami as a bi; wavy rullt-tl n sin1 ran to narl il. It II ipp 'il lu r ban; up against ibo n'at'b, kii'icLi'il In r sailnr bat in!u sliapi- lni's, ami. as it ri'r.'iKvl, iln w her out I' slit' bail bi'tn a Wooilrll ball. It was aliiitist tiiu iniK-lt (it it unoil tliiuj. mJ slit- stitiL'j;li'J ami trij:;:lrtl ami plullrrt'il. Anil vbilu she strnu;;liil tu :it a r.mtlioKl ainiibiT wavn si'i.i'tl hrr, iml she lllpp.J t.vi-r iht' ti.p ut' it aslihl as an rhi'll. Uuu k as thuui:ut cairn- it lliinl, mill alio ilanci'd over the tup of that alsn, ami t'ViTy time she trinl tu v mi In-r lii't sin- was lybiskeil luuk. Thi n she ii'iiliziil that she was livunli- t'ull)' Hiiatin out lu at-a. anil slin sent tt it Hcri'ain that startlrtl the balliiTS near her. One uf ihein, Juiiu anil brave ami strung, rushnl fur it as too sliul luw tu fiwiui to her, seiznl her by the sli.iillil.T, but her li'i't w.itilj not ili.wo. I bi-iiij" a vise tln uiihtl'iil liel. be tnwe.l lur lulu sliui'i1. She sianvl -l.ijnl In say lli.,ii'k V'il. ami with I lie reil bluiul ol' lonl'ii-iuii sbiiwiu in be tanneil ebet'ks, rilslieil away lo tllaliire lu r g iruii'ul:. Sin-inilit have esi-aped wilh that lia-1 she iml iinpHrle.l the si eret ul' llie e i-ii'le Ui a IVieinl. Ami III" w ereil was tills.- Mie was h prmli'iit irl. wilh a proper n ijaril I'o her Bat'. ty She bail taUn nut the wh.ili h. n. s ul her corset niitl iuln ilue. ii emit stays, nii'l haj put iinnllnT layer ol' cork in her stock inj.'n. She had iniseali-ulateil the i ll 1 1 . only to linj that while ibecork kept her nicely lmo irnter, it ipiito a rftWlunlly preventeil her from jretiin down also. I'illsburi; J'rtu. Ilurllt'tr. Arnica haltc. Tho Host Salve in the world Cur Cuts, hruises, aorei,l leers, aalt lineum.rever Soles, Tetter, 1'happiil bands, ('hilhlaius l orns.anil all kin erupliuns.aml posilivis. ly cures l'iles, or no pay reipiired. It is guaranteed to jrivc perl'eet salistaetioii, or money reluntled. Price J.) cents per box l-'orsalc by dru'triats at Weldon, Brown i l arraway, Ilaltlax, lr. J A Jlcliwiptn Lnbeld. Just received a nice lul uf wapms. Very cheap; call and price, them bclure pur chasing elsewhere. l,N.Stuiubck&Co, REAL FREE WHISKY. A NI'.W STII.I. I 1 IN Till; JIOl'N T UN Ol DM) Tl am h i:, Mil Ak V lll Sl.NKSS CAI i.HT IN AN Kl.imW AtiKNTS UINT1M1 TWO Ml'I.KS AMI Kill 11 MKN A SIT linWN AND KUH'-II' TIMK HKsl l.T UF Til K V'AI.I, ttV A WlSllltuNK.. On the Xiitlh Carolinii side ol' Haiti Mountains, us I tutiii-il aside on,' day at iinoii tu eat my liiiii'lieon, 1 stiimliled upon n new still wliieh the tnoiuilaiueers were brinj;in up. On the day previous several men en borsi li'iek bad pa-sed nie, and I ri iiieiiiliii'id lh.it the family at the cabin where I passed the nilil weined to be restless mnl uneasy. The revenue man bad pit track of the still and had press, d the nmuntainci rs hu closely that they bad bidden it aiium the rucks and liu-bi's at lb.' wayside. That oiillit rep resented the cunbiue 1 cap'nu! of half a dim 'ii mountain -ers. If tiny lust it they Wi mlil lose their all. If I'nclu Sam failed to lay hands on it he would be nu worse oil'. I lonked the outfit over, making a iiute of evi lttliin, ale my dinner, ami had only pit bail to the trail nain when four hor-omen rmlc up. 1 siz -d them up lur revenue men at onec, mid it was plain eunuch ihey were in ill humor. I don't know that I would h ive i;ivcii ilu in any information ha I they li'i n pl' isanl, hut the W'.iy tli y jump id "ii m ' fur a send iiiT boiled me over. ' S 'i' line," said lin- h a i r, a It. glared down at m . "you're ill-' I'ellow we .. i-.v yesti rday li.u k hi ;' in the el howl" -Weil, what .if il .'" " A p 1 1 d.'a! nl ii. We are (i iveru un lit l lli' ials." -'es: I ves .'ui 'em !i 'ture. In fai.-t. I usnl to own one." I, ink out. sir ! 1 can make it very serious fur you. Vuii inii-t know tint a slill lias been biMiiLiht in this iliivetim. The chances are that you have met the men wilh il." 'W,ll?" -Well, we are li re to tin 1 it." -A n 1 hindering you ?'' 'f believe you know all ub.uit il, and I -liiu.ild be jnsiilied in arresting yen." 'Very well; t'll cuiisijer mys'li' your prison' r." Th.'V ilr. '.v apirt an 1 e eif rr -1 1 i."th- r for a few minutes, and then the leader lid : " I'lihaps I was a little ra-h. and 1 up" you'll excuse me. If you would :ivr u- a pointer it wmilil be a "rent favor." What iiili.imatiuii do you want '.'" About thai "till. We kn..w i; pass, ,1 I, ii bain's, tliii-o miles hack. We know hat it has nut passed Harrison's, two idles ahead. It's likely you saw the ni'ii. 'About two li..urs a,'ii?" "Yes." "Had it packed on two luii'ic.s '.'" Thai's it." 'Four ui u on twj mules ?" "Ves." "They iiiii-I have left the main trail, r you would have seen them '.'" -Ves." "Hack here about twenty rods there's a ravine to the riht." "That's so; I remember." ' If I bad been on.- of the men 1 hould have lodged iu there with the party "Ceriain. A thousand thankstu you." They wi re olf on the ttallop. and the sonicl ol their Imrscs tctt liail nut yet died away when two uieii dropped out of the rucks and bushes to my left. They were tnouulaini'i'rs and in loiidiiu t,. Iliii h bchl out their hands as I jumped up in alarm, and one of lliein said: Slranir, th u s the whitest Iluin; 1 ever kiinwcil a man to do, an I we ar a which won't for jit it I" lie mt. red a slnill ttln-lle, mil two other men, each leading a mule, broke eoViT front a thicket. That ouitit was picked up an I picked and snapped in live minutes, ami 1 ws invil, d to uu aliinp with llie pirty. We k.'pt the in 'n trail about a mile, and then turn dii'.i a r.iv iue roa I 1 1 thi- rijht. O.ie man was sent o-i an "il as a sc hi, an i as we slow ly pr iuressed the ol Iters a-ke I when- I w.h I'r.iin an 1 what my err. in I was, und, hefire I hid fully expliiii'd. lh let I r, wliosi- uaiiie w.is lltwsiti, said . 'Say. lie's (he Vel'V Idler wi' "nl word abi.iil ! I'ut it ihar, ynunu ti ller, an' rijhl chid we ar' to see you !" We hid proressid ahout a tni'e win u thesi'D'it came back wilh word thai the revenue e.in had taken a half circle and we re c.iiniuj hack to the uiain road by this very pull, .lust here a small ravine run to oiirriht, d vp and dark. The men w.r .- bully rattled for lit uioin. iil, an I see-n -d about to ah in 1 ui the tnuli s an I take flight down the pul ly. when I said : -Can't you all push down there and leiitc il to me apain ?" ' Would you dn it, stranp'r ?" -Of course 1 will." I saw I hem hidden, and then sauntered on for about two hundred feet and sat down on a rock. In fire minutes the revenue men came up. I asked what luck, and they replied that they had mia:d the party altogether. '-Afl"r you went away," I said after a bil, -I saw two in--it anil two mules in llie brush on the left ul' the n ail." - V, ti .lid ?" -Yt.s. Yuli were pine then, ami I of cniirse did nut want to invostiuute alone." "Thine are the urn we want," shouted the four iu chorus, and away they went with a "real clatter. Five minutes later the inu'Ui-hiiie parly were out of the ra vine and laws ui came up tome, grasped my hand ami said : "Men, take a '-mid look at him! You'll all fetch faun-e i wilh me that if ury in. in in those yere hills ever considers to chiller him (slops to ipiestion In. rilit i that ere man has put to die !' 1 After proeeedin about a mile and a half we reached the spm when; the mill was to be located, and a half mile away was Pawson's cabin. His family consis ted of u wife and three children, llie oldest being a harcliint' d, hirelcgocil till uf sixteen. After being ititrndiieed I was left to pass a cnuplc uf hours while ll.iwsnn returned to the men. He had explained to his wife who I was and what had happened, but the children were fu 1 of cuii ..-iiy. As I sat by the il mr smoking th girl, who was called Heb, sat down b -id - nu- and asked: 'Mrnngi-r, il 1 .;." it?" fool) ' Yes " "A mile nr a : M oie'n lh.it llOS." it down?" A limit A 'SOt travel. A At I..-.I o sey to llli "I'mne down" il op ur means a half a d:i,'s iiii'ins a day's tramp. l til lead of tl children: HoW, ull Ulis, W; llsl Well it op up lime The girl looked a! me in great surpri-e, :. u I iv-cntly ii-kc 1: "Viiii didn't conic lo shoot pop, 'ciuse if vim bad you'd bev chucked I anidush i d'i biin." '"X i, I cam e t u "' yuu. ' "Mauil nh, main!" she call' d, cnine nut jiie! .list hear lie'un taikin'?'' ' What ilois lie'un say?"' asked the inot'.i. r as she came nut with her pipe and sat iliiwu. lie's honey! i dun t"ld y,r when that widibone fell down lhai li"'uu wa couiin'. Hip! Hain't be. im iiiee, tn:i?'' "He's h .iny fur shore." said the tim llicr al'lcr "i iiicing al inc. "Hut lie'un must ax pup fur y. r. Can I go unliss pop says so. Say, stranger, did ye come to take 1Kb away? hid somebody tell e we wanted in-r to git mir'ed?" "Xu. 1 fell ill wilh your husband and his ftiends on the road and he iiskel me to slop over night. "Hip! And yoii'uu deu't want tu marry iue? " shniited hob. ' I 1 can't, in y child " "Meblu- ynu'un is loiw.irdly i already i jitied?" ipii'ii cd the mother. "Ves." -Hip! And I sot si h store by lie'un," w ailed hi h as she sat down and began to cry. -Xow. heb, you slut!" scolded the uiolher. "If lie'un is forwardly jiinil how can he be jined agiti? Tain t in naliu'. yuu knuw." -lle'uu bad uo call (business) to be jined!" subbed IVb. "IW chile!" sighed the unit her. -hib increased ( very smarl ) fur her aige, stranuer. She's lookin' higher'n iisust gals fur a husband. She doan' keer two twinkles fur nobody 'round yere." "Ob. well, she's smart and good look ing, and she'll tind a nice husband." "Hip! Are ye Irulliin?" txelaiuicd the girl, us she sprang up. "Yes." -Ami I'll git inard?" "Yes" " Ami have a real house?" "Yes." 'And it real dress and bonnet?'1 "Yes." "And a gold lin.-?" ' Y"S." "Oh, man.! hear him! hiai hiiii! Hip' I can't sot still. Just thi"!. ot it, mam!" 1 I in a thinkin', t'j!, -ud I know he's Iruihin'. I, or' bless him fur bis gnod- lle-s In Us pore slllli kli'ss f.'lkses." Whi'ii I w nt away h.iwsoii took me tu tin' main Hail by a sin rt cut, and as we sat d ow ii i n u rni k to have a last sncke tneeih' r be said -I've b n hi tcliin' i woiid, tin" V "What about?" W..!.. , .-.itv y ii ii.iinii up ilic ii.ui thai day b hind u- an' took you fur a "You .lid.'" "An' so ii,' bid llie still an' iho mules. Veil found the still." "Yes." -hid you bev a peeouhar feelin' just then'' ' -Xu.'' "No innibliii' or shakin".'" "No." "1 was hctchin' if Voll did." Why?" - Caii-e two of us lay in the bushes thirty lilt away wilh our lilies pinted light at yer heart. If you'd sung nut when you made the find au' thus showed us you was a spy you'd hev got it plumb center! ' M. Quad in hi lroil Frrr I'rrn. Another large shipment uf I-wi.s white lead l,enseed oil etc., just received mid will be sold at a small advance aliovo coit by T. L, Euiry. AIiVF.liTISK.M F.XTS. HO HOUSEHOLD SHOUtD BEWITHOUl -vr-nvl iTlllCTl.r ViatTABLl VAULTLIlt IAUILT Mt 01 CI Hi PHILADELPHIA. The majority uf the. Ills of lite human body arise from a diseased Liver. Kim mous l.lver ltcgulator tins been tin-means of restoring more pcoplo to beullh nnd happiness by Klvlnir tbeut a lit-ullhy Liver than utiy oilier agency on rarlli. BEBTUAT YUU UET XUEGLMLNE. HeeS ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'j' W M.-i.N, a thium:)' .iy i. a ii; i. Ala -in in;. N i Pne lie.-- le tin- eolol. ut' N .I-Uiiilnl.li.il II ii.iielli.en .-. olli 1 1. s, uisn ill III.' 1'llllilll llt.'l '. lluW h. .177(1, AM- 1 .Pi' JAI K-"e. N C. e- ill llie -up. ri- 1 . slulc iiii s. Colli'.tli. ,1 spi I NUi IU S K .V Iilli .1 . 1 s i . i ir, MI'IIFM K-ll'H,'i. N, i iilli.. O il- in H ui-'oi; net) M. ii. in; lice in ll;e -i n,, .hi 1 ,,!, ml i i . 1 1 1 1 s . illlciil .i; I . nil Im-lli. - i lill'i-te.l l.i ii i'nie Ii pt Loans lleotl:le I SPIER WHITAKER, F.I W WHITflKER. H V 1 i e.n. s. e. IIUIIU.V I', I I T A K h II A w II I T a K Kli, .1 ttu:xi: s .i r ir MAI. II A, X. I, nu l-r- lis III l If ill. I'.ll . w. MTi)i:s!:y .1 r ic. l'nii : ie. S H ill li'l I 1 ills si I II 1 Will lie ill llnLfeM.LIIn lil-l ninls Itii-iii Ii m ii lli, Jim I, 1-7 nli'l Mei ilsys 11 mint A N I h I . M1 .1 rrii:.n s .1 11. WELDON, N. C. I'm- tii c .ii i! . i'.. nr. t l 1I.i!i:.i iindN.irllitiinit tfiliund ill ll:- ti-r, u.i' ami I d ml o-urK Cut lei ti 'ii-- inmlr in 1. !l ..irt. t. Ni-rlii ( rtr- liiiu, liraiii h i.ltii i Nt 11 til 1 lui, N. '., uin ti i vi r Mtu day. jti ly V. II. Ht BKi;, K. IL Ml II II Jr. R.lI.KUiH, N. C Rl DTHMl Ski E, M. C a B K K ib SMITH. Mr F H,l.ust'c and Mr H ll.Stnith.Jr,, t'.niti m li.ru at Imw , liitv c l nin it a li,inti-d iartiiiinlii) ft.r the ijirtmu-i1 idluw in Uidifui rounty. Wr. ltnlcf w ill ultciiil thi ci -in 1st. t llalilax riKiilnry, and Hitliilmt visit tlu ('utility wlRtuvrrliiiM'n.-i't arc rrqulred. wl 16 ly. I'llOMAti N. U 1 LL, Alttirni) at I hh, HALIFAX, S. C. I'rfc'llci! In llnlif.tx mi.) Hilj.liiiii: iiiunttin and Ky'derul aud Siiprt-me cuiirta. RiiK- tf. W. C T II U N K. Arroi:xi:Y at i.a ir, KNK1KI.I, . c. Vrm ti.'f!. in lln-c-iurt. .f II; 1 i.ix .iml h-Iji i 111 11; I'oiiulii'pi mnl in tin- Miri int' ci.nrt riillt'rli..ii!. nmdi' an rt hrtv fnllii' t.ili', andrif tunic imintl niadi. Ww II A I. I , Altornc at I. aw . WKI.IH.N, N.r. Isl ait. iili'iii ivi'iit.iciili'ctliitii an.t remit pruuipliy msile. may 1 tl. I i n W A K H T l 1. A R K. .1 rroit.xKY .i r ir, II U M AX, X. I'. . ulii r. iiT hi in uf i-laiin itn nr' rt'iiiin tl, iii(Hitiiai"ii. I. i. IV If ! Y. I I'L?, llaviun ih rir.Hiu-utlv 1.. ruled in Wvldor., can lt fmnd at In. ,li c in lianii I n Hnck Huildiiiit atall lim- rsct'pt w lien tiliM iilnn inilcrv.innHll.u.incii Careful alien tiitti uiven tn all hramdiiniil fit- i'n r ...mi. !MrtiPh viMU'd at lllctr linn I W lien il- sired. jiny n iy. K. L, HINTKU Surgeon Dciitlftt flau be found at his office In Knfleld. Pure Nitrous (Hide (iu fiirjttte Psinlgss Kllrse tl it ot Teeth always os aaad. JIMS I I) fiicwM .,.,.icii:a. iB'. fti H I I ,--o.ii'"" rvj,i I XKW ADV KHTISEM F.XTS. IIKLP YOUUKYES v f - in ; y ul ni, s i i;i.i iii'.A'i Kli lMPH(iVFI) PMMSCtll'lU (H.ASSKr I I.KAU AMisnn'Tll I III'. KVK, sl UKNi. hM.Ni. IiiWI.AK I.Vfcs. ulil. Sin I. I'.ulilii r mil I 1 1 llim. ul I lllllll'K. HELP TO SAVE lt leij ilm llie liieiili sl liiirunlli evi-rullereil ilia (iiii.niii '.vnxti w.viTii, Viiiyllili i FnllTV TO U.N K II I I'riie rii.ni I'MUlKll l'lil.l.AltS Wurtli luuily il.iiil.li. llie price. SETS OF JEWELRY lli'ielsonie in ilcsiini mnl lite' in iiinlilj'. A tliuu san.l iliilcli lil sl.l Its ul KIMIS Piss, KAIi-KIM.s. ( I FF III TTUSs .-'I i ' I is . i ui mi:-, in Tins.-, iu;A'.:i.i:is, Mi.VK.lt ,-l'i HIS.-. l-iillKs, .tl . rl.in KS, I'l.ATFII I A- lulls, ICR I'l l! II hits, te. At Hull,, (si I I'h iii-I 1 Iv. i est piissil.le irici'l. HUeliili il In. Urilcni proiiiplly J. w. suit Tu J. T. YOUNC, vni mi into.) IVIiTsliinf ' V" II.MIMITiiM AMI tt KI.I'I.IN KAII.KOAI ASH iiUAM III..-. I iiiiiieu-eil s..it'ilitie. 1 1 : Al N - ...iiVi s ii in. I V. :. 1 .V. I v.. 1" I'.iUil .lnu. -ill 1-ss . I i iai 1 I la-1 ouiil j u.iiii I.-iin. H.liluii i a .'.cm j ill' M AT Uol Kj .Melllil .11, . .wiiirl.nr 4",'" . I.iave'l.irbi,ri'.... i lu illAM Anive llsiill. . t:'''.'1''1' i l.i i,ir H li-.ui '4 111" ., n : ve -i.l iu il I f, I'.I " . Ainu- Knj i-tte llie, I 7 ir, " . . I llli i i I.eiiM. Mieiiii.hu . . Airive W !iinili;toii Ti'.AINs I 111: 111 N ; souiit 'liiiily. I lin.V No ilii ly dully ex I SlIll'lllV. im . .1 I., p 111 l.eu , e Wiliiiiiiul .i I em c ,Mi:!i.!iii j I., .iv,. W.ir-i.iv j Arrnei. ol.l-lii.ru ... i l.'..i'.e l iv lli'MHe I A rm c -e'lioi ! .linn U 1I-1I1 j Leave Wil-.li ; ' 1 1 v. 12 I 1 .M I I I"" 1 I. in ky .il. ioil . I.o l..'iH.-'h-rl...iH : ,.r"ii Wfld.'ii I -iMillV t'Ml-i SmidssV. '1 Mill' II M'l.lUllld N.i k ' llnlil.i ..r N..tl:ml Ni-i'k ul 8l"pi' 'ell 11 l.il Lines KclllllilliE 1. ir, 1- ".'..Ham! Nfi k nt ;nd..y 1 1 I E'l II. Ill .liiily cccil I nun U .iM.Trl..m S. V.h Wu I.mU-h-Ii K. l; 1 :ii I y i'xi-1-nt Miii.lay 1.1. . niidi.y ' iMi in , iirnw Villnii,ili.ii S urle mnl 'I p. Ill . p. 111 , to a in K.'liiniin, li-.ivi s illhuiU'ii. S i.,itail i'vi .-jit uintii 7 in 11 tu. Mm. in) !'.ia IU HI I I VI' 'I 111 ! 1.: M, N ( , ,l I 1 a 111,, 1 1 . u a. in T:aai mi Mhihunl N. (- l'-i . in. Ii I. aw 4,..ld I.1.I1 1 S . I ' . iliiiU i-rt pi Minday s a m . nrni' i!iii nlu'lil. N 1 ' , l ni a. m. ill-! 11 nil in Ice vi -111: 1 h!i. -I. I S. f ., Hi I., a. in., ui rn i- i.nldl.i. r , N l ., ).: li'iMii. 'I in. 11 mi Na-lnilU' Miiim li li'iif i.l;y Mi. ni in 1 im m , niTi at Nii-livilli 111 . -crinn ll..t' 1 t:. -. 11! III -- iH 411 (I. 111., l;. . Mmii'-I 1! v, ,i, ,. in. ii Uiiniii ;i-l.Viilf II I Im! . iAtfl.1 n '1 Imt.'U Hratii Ii leaves Whikhw fur .d.ulv ll!l"ll. , lit 11 1.. I Hi hllii; 1 1 II I ' I llDti'll III I-' II II) ni.. With N.w. -" and I'lllMCtll-K 11 1 -in hi... n iid nam mi WiImiIi ami Kavi'llci Hum. Ii i -i. "d. Ni.rtldHiUini is -0. Miailj ilh' ).l -uiiitay. I pi i n Ni.. J": -' ulii ill nuiy stuji at Wil-nn .;itn.i'..ainl Miiuimlia. I luin N.i T miik.- fit ijtt cniini'i-ti'in t W'cldun rail xinil N.irlli dnilv. All rail l in Kli liliinlld ai.d dail ei (il Milidav Via IU; l.iitr, 1 nun junk'- l in! cuiiiii'i'tH'U li.r at ints N'.itli via K"'lmii'ni and Waihiiil.'ii. ll trails rm i"lid bciwccu H llininut'iii and Havlilinrliiii and t.ave rutliiiiili I'altHv ."-lcchi.'i MltUI llt-d J. Ii Kt.M.Y, J V. IHV1NK, Min t Tiiim. lii ticttil u(i't. T M. r.MKUlN.t.in1 iWiiBi-r Ap'til. EsiCiifall, WELDON, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VF.tiETAIil.KS. LUPOUS, CHiAKS. S.MOKIXli AXhCHKWIXli TO II A ('CO. I am now prcpatcil to sell at lowest cash l.i ii-. s liroei ri'-s ol' all kinds, Wines, l.niuors, Tobacco, Cigais. SnuH, lu:, and will also kivp on hand a full mpply ol Ir. sh Veu'i iuliles of every variety, which Will be sold cheap. i-A i itnx vol: solicit i:i. K. A. (T TllliF.1.1 , First Sit.'ii, W.'ld.in, X. C. Sep .'llll. Til K American hetcclivc and litisi nes Association of Chicago, ill., for the detection of crimes and criminals of all natures, and the colleciionof debts, lire desirous ot securing a live man in every town und civ iu the I niled States tu act as their agent. To such a man a golden oppiTiuiiity is open to make a good hv Hi" III Ins town. I Ills Association was established ill 1SU und it has grown ill lie space of eight yours in hi- one of the i. ...iilig deleelllc Associations ol Ameri ca. This is the only As-oeialioii of the kind iu America that does not charge for a inciiiborship. Fur limber particulars address .I0I1X T. JAMES, (icticral Southern agent, lil'.l Main street, Norfolk, Vn. 1'. S. A. jiSca Wniident exist In tlmnMiitdn I ' i iii of furuiN, Imtarc Niirt.niwd l.y the marvcli of intention. llnaM.Wiumrc.il tneilul lir.'lltal'lf writ tliat chii W done w Idle Itvinn at hiiiue slmlild al uinr m-h.1 their tiddrt-ss to llnllt tt A i o , I'rtluud,Miiiut',and D'ci tve fre,fiill nfor matioii lii.w eitlier-i'o. nl all au, can cam from to Si"' per dav and upw ar.lt wtierever ttny lie. Von are tartetl fn-e I'Hpital tint Tv-pured. Sttre have miidt-i)ver.Oln a kIiikIo day at ltd work All aiiecoivl I i V FjlN 1 l hthe world during the I ant half century. Nn( leant ami 1111 the woo den' nl inventive progrPtm In a in el hod and vn tcm id wotk iliat van I iHTtnrmed all over Uie country without BciwrnuiiK the work em from their hmnea. I'ay UIhthI; my one can do the wnrh: eittier toiiiik nr old; n.t unecial ahilllv re (ul nil Cut thin nut and return tn uu mid wc will aend ynu free, uomwthitiK of (treat Impnrtanee to you, that will Htart you lu biihluewi, which will britiK you in more money rtirlit WHT than mythlmycltieln th world, (iratnl outfit fre Addrew Trut and Co., Augtutt.Uiln N K W A I) V E RT SI E M E X T8 1857 ,ru,,,M,,:" 1857 JANUARY 1st lilt. RUFE. W. DANIEL llUiil'KKIKS. l.miMIKH, FINK WINKS, OIUAKs, TOBACCO e.. iii.ittiM.tt & i:t.i: I.Aij Kll 1IEICH0N ICE. R. W. DAXIEL, 10, Wssli. Are Weldiui N. c Ni Inns 2S l-v mansion iiorsi; Nuliiui.K, Va., M. S. Jamks, I'loiiriftrcss, Ci iitrally locitcd, com. tn'cnniniodutions, rates rttiisittiahlc. Knhnjrul, rtrmudflcd, ttdiiriii-iluMl. Hutnt' fur North CnrnliimiiM, Special ratt'H to show people. .Imiis A- .1 KN h l N-i, clerk. VII AT IS "ALL THE RAGE?" n excellent ( hew, Satififaetion Kuarau- tml. j. maipi;i:y& son. Sole uyeiitH iur Sealn-iiiil and Vicinity, II. i. WILLIAMS & to. W'holesitle Tohafeiit'isls, Noriolli, Ya. miUH.KP.S cSc (().." COMMISSION Mi:iE( HANTS, C'dHNKW (tltKKN AN1 llllill StKKKTS, I'l-ltMllOUill. Via. Solicit euiiM.'ninents nl' LuniW. Vuul, IIts. I'owU, mii all lindV ul' country proline.1. june 7 Ihiis. GROCERIES I I . L 1. 1 Wc have just returned tu Weldon, N. 0., aud now uccupy the store between EMRY'S & ZOLLICOFFER'S. We are receiving and opening a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES- Wc will keep on baud a selected stuck of Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Wooden and Willow Ware, Crockery, Glass, Tiu Ware, iC'e., ic. We will sell at the LOWEST PRICES. We also return our sincere thanks to our many friends and acquaintances for their kind, liberal patronage in the past and solicit a c intinuance of the same, with guarantee to please. Very Respectfully, ). I.. .11 I KINS & CO., jan-5-tf. Weldon. N. C. JACKSOX, N. C. W.T. Iti xto.v, Proprietor. Tetnis moderate. Special arrancm. nt with Ilruinmcra- J. I'. Vancy. W. J. Hoslicr YANCY .V 1IOS1IKU, Wholesttle healers In DEY QOOES AND NOTIONS, Hii litn it.tl, Va, M L. T Iavis, K DThomns, HCDavis, jr. M. L. T. DAVIS & CO. -lirHOt.KSA! .1.1 --IROCKKCI holksai.Tj Ijr(xkko. lrou I'ront, Corner and Com merce Streets, Norfolk. Vn. Ajjonta for OraiiRe Kitln Powder Co. HTOI AT TMK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, rnder New MuniiKerneiit. Murfrtwtfboro, N- C J. I.. 1 1 arrel I , I 'ruprietor. Tinrwient lioaid 2 per day. Well Atniishetl Kama, nnJ firat t-latw ccominoliitioi. ISperml indinjemenU to rulur boarders. Sample rooms for salesmen, ud couveyuuix-s furninlied wbeu det.ircd MamaTWW 1

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