J 'wk HALL & SLEDGE, litoi'itiEToits. VOL. XIX. -A. NEWSPAPER EOR THE PEOPL E. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1888. TERMS-'-'0" 1KR ANNTM IN APYAM , NO. 2!. 5 NKW ADVKKTiSKMKXTS. J..rorRlAi..-. 1 A I kid T C.AGAMBRII.LMijCo. OTJE-PATENT ROLLER ELOURS nr.- tnanufuoiur..l from the CIIOICF.ST WIIHAT OUT A I X A lil.K fir which U dtiuioro as a iii:irkii -land- pre eminent. Th -ir su-i ri nity !'ur INI l'"l Ml.M IT V. STItKNtiTII mid I' N A ITIiOACII A Ul.K 1 UA VOII 1 a-h n-l..'i n m k nowK-.l-i J. The I'ATAl'SCOSl TF.Ill.ATI. K l'ATF.NT Stands un ivalled. Of li h, Cp amy Col. r, il make, n Fieid that will mil I lie Fastidious. curAsk v.ur tir nor fur il Pal-lpsC!! Sop. r'alivo I'adlll, Uolando' t " J 1 ' .it-, I'. Ill lit, I'atapsc Family Patent, I rans Utnvo Fxtra, Baldwin Family, ' Maploton Family. C. A. (iAMUIlII.U MANTFACTI UING COMPANY, 'Jl 1 CullinilTlT St , UallilUITi', Mil. nu g 1 i 1 y. omDouna For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. jail 1! ltv THE PJ.ACE TO GET -AT LO WEST IS AT DR. A. R. ZOEMCOEFKirS, WEST 8IDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E la I) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WI'RKSWtllTION IiEPA KTM KNT KII.l.Hll WITH T11K IlKST HEI.WTK1) MATEKIAI..- l'ltSCKll'TlilXS C'O.Ml'Ot'NIil.l) AT AI L Hoi' US WITH CiliKVT CAKE. rERKU.MK.KY, STATION I'.HY, KAXC'Y SOAPS, l:l;I SIir.S, 9 KAXC'Y AUTICI-K, TOP.ACCO A XI) CTOAKS. BIUIMBKS Uit hearty welcome tlK)'i titslu ;oa m ZOM,ICOFFKirS. Light UunoiDg Uomcstic Scwiiisc Machine .... . tl?- FOR PAl.K MV 1. N. ocl II If ' I; II, LEADER OF Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. DKY ooo ns, HOOTS, SIH IKS, .NOTIONS, II ATS, CAl'S, ltOMIiSTICS, UlilNTS, STAl'I.K HOOliS, CUOCKIUKS, Ami Korylliing that cm be lalU'J fir. HEA'DQUAETEES FOR Qao3 Pistols AND HARDWARE Ths publio is respectfully invited to oot 6 1; otll. . , PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTAHLISHED-1774. A NERVE TONIC. (Vlrry tiwi Corn, 111 ! iron rut in crt'iii, iit-, :in itic l.et ami Wifrrt Nerve imM'V. It . Iri'iiullii'its uii'l j lUi"t5 til'" lllTVllllS CVhU'lll. 'tir1l!L' r:,,i lV..nLm.ku lU.l.ri.! Kl....t,. ii'?(.ni':y, Ac AH ALTERATIVE. It dri1 crout the pnivrmnus himiontrf the U .iinfynn:uhil eiirp li'in: it. illill Ml t.Vl'n-HHlilll,' tilfsC lIlM'UMS ifsiiiiinii lY'.m iiiiinin; or iniiovi,-fch.-l j.:, ,.., A LAXAJiVE. Aim in,-1 il!'llvi.t:(.iirclvf'ntl)pbowel (t rur.'-t I I'.it.iiil n :i.!imli"ti, hii1 jtroi.;. . vyninr Iml'it. ItstrciiKtli ms tin 'i'tto ii. i, ml tii'Is di(it?ujnii. A DIURETIC. hi cm iiii.,s;i!i.-i iV t cm nii'l ni' -t urtu I'.lit'r't'ii.-H'tt ihe Nbttnn Mcdi.'.i nrM ..mttiiii'l-'i'iiiiiii'aHvMUhntii r rlf.rH.' n iu.-li.'. . r .i-. iiWB .,f t he kMni'' It run lie r In .1 on to (jive 'inii'I; relit,'!" nii'l stK'f'ly cur.'. Humlrt'ilmif tfMlinmr.ini ihcrlw"'ii rncf-UM from j'r'!i t lio liai i u . l Dun rnii uli iwttui it)lil ciiuat. tfoiut (.tt'irtuliu,giTin full i.irUi'i'lun. Fr!c $1 C1 laid Draiflitl. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Prop' UL'RMNOTUtf, VT, TI1K - P1MCES, STAIXHACK & CO. LOW PRICES. &6agfti OF ALL KINDS. W. U. BROWN, WeUon, N. 0. r.vin r.D. Tin- ill vt rl-lnok will uii-s tin t-, Tlic l.rt'ct' lh.it tisi'O lo liWw tlit'c. Andrultlij wilh u -n.tl i-iin-cs thy curln of siiiiuy liHir : WIicii the t'nrly w .lr -i nlitL'li i)i Hi,' r...... lln-y ttiirii-t.n Tor t!iy nt-i umii tlio ntn wntk, 1 1 1 y latiKl' t In I he iiir. 'I lie liu'i.il. any nil! rs, IIr' uitiiitt'i n l'.il) lt.,t p., Will km-w thy joyous xiniU- i,o iiion-. tlic in nfU hlnit'l uirlni'ii ; I iit'iii llti' tii'l'l roiiip'iuiiln i if i.'nh, ir-.m irlrili r. Ir.imin.', Tioitttit-i li' 1 witli llii ii ctii-iU ".vi ft (liy wnkit v. IM t . Illtilll. I'.tor in-t h. r ' linli tli vu'1'j-iiiu, 'i.' I'lliy .lulling 1 I'pii u. S-ii fr I w ilh uii.'lil 1 i'.t i ' Ii I y ttiifllu- Mtil'iu'-s whi-iv In- Inn ; n-tt'-m iii In Uiilr lit..-iK. U li. n- I'.f n.-y Until Htiii tii;t'tN, I'or tl.v nuy.1 It mi' lilt lnyriMitt t mi tin1 i.IjiIuh of I-'-'-'--' LOVE IN THE MOUNTAINS. The lu st Jay aflrr tlx- n flair at Unr tuii'.i, in TVmii'ww, 1 Wi'iil t i- i'i Au- ilrrvr's I'l ik. hi'veii niili'H away, nii'l wa.i mail.' iu-.il Illy v,..!i".:ii- at. ilu' Iai,',t of tin.- i lit.-,' i-a'iiin. Aii'li-tv-i lia.l a ilan;;li lii' all -Ml t'.vclily y.al'.j iii, :i 1 1 I k i.ii uii'li'i'"'. i"I lliat sin' was t be tuarrii"! in xt ,l:i v. Iii'l.'i-i), 1 1 . - li;i !,y y in;: man ia-i uli til.' t i'. uirl aii'l wailing, lb' . i- a mx I'u il r. .-'i:u a., a li.i lliiirk. an k imI a a i-ail", a'i 1 ilui.l in luvo. Tli" ;:iil Ma., nun- uliy. but iMt In lif i'ln'l' :1 l.y my r.-.v;ic'. Wli.-n 1 oiler ' 1 ill tr nf ilunr th-' yunii iiian, win aii- vi r. I t i the n rue .if U.ivy, ran mil nf ill" In. k. He fill i'i'iil'iiM"l ami em I hit i-eil. ami. I ikinn lii.-i ":it on a ln all "ill iliiiiy iV.-t 1 1" mi tli" h.u-e, lie l.ij Iii-la-.' a-ma -li as .-il,!i' beliit. a fn;' in;r. A'i lii'Wi I'iillnl ,i liiin. ih.n Ml Ai.ilr.:iv, ia!!e I. bill lie j.ut his liii.-i i in hi- mi'u'.li .till w hi: 1 imt c-'iiie. Tli. n his Sn-in wen: mil an 1 sai 1 : ' N.'W. ll.ny. tthal 's ihe selilnniaue ? Ile'nn ln-ii't i" mi e yen-In hurl we'ii"." '1 iiin'l eari M "Th"ii ei.nie ailing in All of lis Hill he i..-han:ul nf ye." "Il -ta bei'lai-h"," h.ii l l'avy, as be lllllU I'.li'k.'' 'Illllll-t?"' "Vis. nri'il linn -1. l'.-i'.s like il 'ul Mmrk! Vnu's ba-hl'iil ! Vmi's al'liii l II II i 'ke I'm a1, tte'llns I t i: he w.ii'l. Ii.ivy. l',.,'s 1 n n lull In ii , I we'r ' I '.iill -. nii'l l:e ,ay il'.- I'i.:ht. Ile'i n I wuii't lal), l'avy." Fur -h r.-?" "Fur snake ihuve. C.iue iii, Pavy." She I'aine leailin biiu by the baiul, ami I iliil uiy best tn lit him at his ease. Ill this I slleee.ileil so well thai after ilinner be tmik me inl.i bis I'niiliileiiee. We Were kin.; uirler a tree, ami 1 bail iveu him the fir-t eiar li- ever saw, when he suibleiily saiil : 'Wniilil you you run away?" "What! I'mni ettin' mull it'll ?" "Ves." "Nn, sir i'-e ! You are a lueky mail lo j:cl sueb a iil as Sui'." Uut folks'l lafl." Let Ytll lalliih.'' 'An I wink nml tiller nml make fun, I'iinh! What of it ?" It's ji.-t nrl'til, bill iinbhe 1 eau il. I've kilh il li'ur.s anil ralllers anj wihlealH, ami I've hail fn.'bu ami rows, hut this skeers me." I him brai'nl ui al'lir an bourV talk, mi l th, n we tni'k a iut through the wonils to Me the law uiliii wliii-h hail hi en i lei tul b r the tibial euiinle was an l.iiuihlitruilure inaile of iules, nitb li, il, i r to the ilm.r ami no sa-b in the win low. The "r -.uinl :.s biatiii own haul lor a tl-o r. there was a ruJe liiejilaee at oiie eu.1, ami a beilsteail b:ul lii'i ll luinle of tulles laiil ill emtehes. P.uy' luutlier h.i'l jjivrn bini a bear skin, ami a kiltie a skillet an 1 j 1 1 r , ami these were I'laet J in a ei i ner. Snsim's i:irent hal ivin Iut an. a kettle, three tin . Sates, tun spoons, o knives 1 folks ami a In tile of Ulou.ir, an l lhe.-e wire 1'1.1'mI in itnoiher eoiuer. That was ilu whole oullil. The iiioutituineirs were my frit-ii'ls. Tin y hiul ooiii. io everv irouble In t.l.li. me, an 1 her ' w in an ,,j vM,inii v In re- I'lile their kiii lne-s. There mow a j.-nu me eoiiulry si n- all H a mil..' u u.tv, mill I i it ri'l of Pivy an I w nl iliani tln re I h.nl u litlie lalk nuh l lie si. ri keeper, uml wrote out a list of lino.-, an 1 1 -nil etl ihe .ay. nml his toieo ailtiitly tr. iii blii u.- he sai I : ' TrteKe loill uoiiurs! SiraniT, yi' ean't mean it !" Oh. but I ilo " "Ami all a tree ejft to Pave nml Sue? Wall, it Ileal sariiinln! 'Peecl, it beam b'ais ami wi'.leats ! 1'nl il ihar', slran Her! I've svJ sir. in, 'e ihini in my time, but this. I'lulters me !" Thai evening An.lrew.s and bin wife hail 1 1 uver In sit up with a piek neihbiir, li ivin me alone with ihe lev cm. Afler the "sputter" bnlbeeo lihteil Sue saiJ In mo : "You won't keer, will you?" "About what?" "Anl pipmi'lynti w mUn't l.iff nor t'tter." "What at ?'' "Puve an 1 me is gain' to c iiiii." "(io right ah-Mil, my deal jirl. I am very Dear tiglitxl and bard of hearing, ul you needn't be afraid of me.1' They nat ihiwu on the door-.-ill, ami after u ininule Pave ipn lieil : "Hain't nulioily lookin', be tbai-?'1 '(iui'ss not." "Then I'm iin' tul" "No. you hain't!" ' Uut I must 'eause I orler!" lie put his arm ai'onii'1 her waist and lliei'e was h'M sileni.e. Then be said; ' Kin I sitieoi!' yer haul?" "Noap." "lilt I oriel'." 'Well, inihlie." "Ami you hain't kisi.d mi fur an hour." ' P.ivid!" "Ilnl I oiler be ki-sed. And you orter be kissed." "I iMu'l e iniid.'r " "Uut you orter. Nobody '11 see." "Well, uiebby you know best." "Course 1 know list. II iven't 1 killed bar- and wildeats ?" "Sarlin. Iiir 1 st""l their bid 's." "Don't sit way oil' th ir, Susan, Sot I'lu.-ser." 'Mm you oiler. Your pop would say yir orter. Hain't we ui.uit marrie 1 ?" "Well, lu.'bbe 1 oiler." "We's gwiuii to be i-rueknijily liappy." Yes."" ' Neer i:il mad ?" "Nuap." 1 went eft lo bed and left lie 111 tin-re, and 1 ,-!nel! In'l wonder if tln-y put in most of th" nihl at it. At about tin u'eloek next iuornin;r the peojie be'iin to lrp in, and at i b veil the uiarriupi look plaee The oroolil lliid ll weak ispi il, but I I r.ii'i d loin up. and wh. u tli-! filial noose was a Toi-teil and (lie ti.il' .-pruii ': his i emluet w is f..ir to niuiiuiii. After dinm r we foituul in proei.-.-ioii iltlll e-eol'ied llletu to th'-ir new houie. Almost everybody b.i 1 eo:ue laden with il present of .-ollle soi l. In llle ei llll'e I I the eabiii lias my surprise, and no crowd ii! people were ever so diiinfoiind.'d. Mis. Andrews drew ihe articles out, and it took every nue'n breiilli away as she shimlt.l : " lb til tea and coffee and .-alaiMlus ! Ami lo re's eoiti ii eh. lb and pins and ibi'e. el! Ami lure's sueeir and ni"lasse.s nudsuap! And lure's crockery real iTockcrv iiiid knives and forks ami -pool;- an I ' I bit ;i!l I he women were ciyiii,' by I Iut lime, and all the men were tienibliu" with cxiileinent. They laid il into loe. and 1 bad to own up, and theu Audiews culled out . "Y'cre Pave, Sue pt rLdit down yere on yer knei-s and sw'ar to the stiaii i:er thiit you'll pot-luck with him iiu' bis'u as loti"; as j:rass "rows and water rims, and may the Lord never de sert him !" And who could a-k for a greater re ward? M. Quad, in Pelroil Ftrt I'rat. HEAD TO THE NORTH. AX A M KIIK'AN I'll V Sill AN THINKS II' Til K ItliillT WAV Til SI.KKl' Wtl.l.. There is no doubt'in my mind, writes a doctor, that the belief that human be illL's should sleep with their bodies bin": north and smith has its foundation in Irtu scientific fails. F.acli huniiu sysleiu hits uiiieuelie poles one positive and one negative. Now. it is true that some pi r sons have til! p isilivj pole ill the head, and the negative pole in the fed, and vice ver-a. In order that the pcr.-on -leepino should be in perfect harm, ny with the iiiitim-lie phitiouicua of ihe earth, the head, if it pos-e-.ses ihe posi tive I, should lie to ihe south, or il the le t possesses the positive pole, ibe bead should he to the no! lb. The positive pole should always lie up posiie lo ihe magnetic centre of the coii-liiii-ut and llitis maintain a ma -.ui-lic 0iiiilibriu;u. The p isitive pole of the person draws one way, but the uia .'iieiie pole of the earth draw ,he other Mav. and forees the blood toward the I'd. atl'ects the iron in the system, Ion s up ihe in rves, and makes sleep r. In si in and inii""r.iiiii". lint if ihe pii-ou sle ps the wr ui way an 1 fail- lo bee li:e iiiiioncii.ally en rappoii with the eirlh, lie will lh 'M probably be loo maunelie. an 1 li" will Ii ite a f v, r rcsuliin.' I'r. iu the in i:;u"tie forces workin . too fit', or lie wall u it be iii ie-,1 .lie en hi - li, an I lh r, at strain will cause a feebiu' of lasi Hide, sleep will mil he refr, shin", nml in the moinin he will have in more i-nor-.y lb. Ill there is ill a cake of soap. Soin persons, siy. tbe d i.'t ir, may SV'trat tll'S! ideas, but ihe j;rea,e-t seienlill; men of the world have Hudied ibe subject. Only recently ibe Fu n, Ii A en leiny of Science mad cxpeiim tits up in ibe body of a uilliine.l in in which oo 1 1 prove lint each human sy-tc:n i- in it-elf an cl 'clne baltery, une electrode li- in' represeiiiisl by the h ad. the oilo r by the feet. The body was taken iui'iie diat"ly alter death and placed upon a pivot, to tnuvi) as it miht. A!'ter some vacillation the head poition turn d In ward Ihe north, llic body then remain iu a'alinnary. One of ihe professors tinned il halfway round, but it soon re gained its original position, and the same result w repeatedly obiaiued until or ganie movements finally ceucd. - MARRIACE CH ATECHISM. Ho was vi iy practical, and in order to have i verythino lair and Huaro bcli ie band he said; "Yoii know, darling, 1 proiniscd my inuther that my wife should be li oood bou.-ckecper mil n domestic woman Can you cook?" 'T can," she said, swallowino a fin at hi", lump in her throat. "fan you make oimd bread? That is ihe lumliiuicnliil principle of all hou-e-keepin-." "Yes. I went into a bakery and learn id to make all kinds of bread." She added under her breaih "tuny be." "And you can do your owu ilivs uiakini:? I am comparatively a poor man, love, and dressmakers bills would soon bankrupt tne." - "Yes," .-he said frankly. "1 can make everything I Wear, especially pattern bonnets." "You are a jewel," he cried willi on lliu.-iitsui. ' -come to my arii'V "Wait a minute tin re's no burrv." she said luilly. "It's my turn lo ask a few ipic-tioni. Can you saw wood ami i-iitry in coal? ' "Why, my I.e..'. ! sic uld hire that work dole," 'Can y u ma'.-your coals, ve-l.-, irous ers itiul litte r Wiiiri'i" .tppiil'cl?'' "Hut tie. I i -n't to the purp. se." "Ciin y. ei build a house, di" ihlchis. w. avc c ii'pel- and" "I am not a prnfcis'uiial.'' 'Neither .nu I. Il ha- laki-n lh" most of my life 1 1 aei'iiie the education and iicc'iinob-hiuent- that ntiaehi d you lo itie. Uut a-so.,n as I h ive banfl'd all the t r-i- fe--;oi i,i,i sp..,k id' t will s-nd you my :ard An r. voir. " an 1 -he -iie I a:.y. An 1 the iii-e.it,-,1 ilo yoiin nun went t i llle tieare-t dlll-tole and holl-'ht a tllo. for a ipiarter ,-io.ir wilii which be spcel ii so'il "' d hillis -If. CEESE AND THE COURDS. .Wlanlii .li.tiniul. "Win n I was in Alabama, between I'eltil'.s Cap i.lld Miileniile." said a LI, litlcln in liiili" in Atlanta. "Icani 'ln a cetintiy p'ace where a nun Wii-diivitc: ten or twelve ;.'eesc from a Lr.imdi to a Coll, ill pnl'll. 'Kir ll'iiiui sake,' -aid I "iihat is il you have on th" neck- of those iicesc?' Those lire "'.urd-full nl water. 1 drive tins,' pore, into ilmi c ittou patch and keep In in ibcre ail day we. din i out (he colt, n Tin re i no water in the cotton patch, and I have to give them tt.it, I in tin-way lo ke, p them there.' 'Uut lion do they 0,5 water out of those gourds under their necks?' 'They drink out of each otli i's "curds. Ivuh gourd lias an op -niug in the side so that an itlier goine can put his hill into the puii'd and drink. If you will si iy here lone; enough ymi will see it yourself.' 1 wailed theie hail a day lo see the p 'ri'orin ill", anl tiualiy I stw it. The geese did jul what the man said they would Wh n a go. se got thirsty he walked up to his neighbor and coolly drank out of the gourd oil his neck." Tin', t nni'r, (.or M mi. A Uar Harbor letter in the New Y.ak Mill tt.nl .'.'yo'tss e, lltains the full,, wing: A good story is told of a gentleman wi ll known in Ni iv York, who is slop iug not over a hundred mihs IVom the Sin nil. in t'..t!a.'e. He sent his mail to a b.llnr.-llp lo have all lilll-t come lo the li .iise ibe iii xt inotiiing ami shave him. Uiight and early the barb, r nr rivtd, ain I, lineing tbe hell, explained to iht' seivaut who aiisivcrt ,1 it that he had conic lo shave a t- ip-'. and inenlioued the name of the gentleman who bat! sent ftrbi'ii. lie was shown up I,, the gen ll tnan's apattuiiiits. and ttilbout more iulo cult led, anl fiioliiig lh .' gi nllcinan a-lcp iroce, d-d to -I.e.,: hi'i'. Uut thinl.iii'- tint a tied ii.au .in ul i net Complain il the l;Z r del nil :, little he had not ll' U.'l.l his let Mols with loin, so that 1,'ts ,o. in. ',.,is so,,n aioii-cd .in 1 Jar. d al l.i- toi niei.i r Th" bar her II. ,1 or. , ii bat, Iy lioui the lioii-o and it wa- some tune b. lore mi tantiin.: eoii'd be arrived al uml. r; HUM III It I Villi It SVIll (III l( I A Soii'h I'lnd hub' uirl wa, taking -;! r f1 n p'ii;"!!' a !' er fV"::it',, ng i. Alter ihe piter famllias h nl "-aid urn, ." willi due s ilcinniiy the little lw-t-Itirned In In r gie t and a-ked: ' I'o's v oir papi s .y giac at supp-r. Ksli"'.' ' "Nu.'' ri .li, ,1 Katie with ehiiriuing cinder, "bill he say- win, thing else." Thi" an-wer of course nr"U-i ,l the inter.'-! nf lb' eld r p, ism-. ''What does be m?" Has a-kcl the liille vi-it,,r. "lio il I.ord. whil n supper!'' was the sweetly calm r,-p i:-e. Hut kU'll'- Arnlra s-nhe. The Uest Salve in the world f,,r Cuts, Uiuiscs. Sores,! hi r. Salt liheniii, Fever Soies.Ti Iter, Cha pel hands, Chilblains Corns, mid all skin I'riiplions.aiid positive ly cures Pill's, or no pay reipiired. It is guaranteed tu give perfect salislaetion, or money refunded, l'riec '.'."i mils per box. For salu by druggists at W'eldon, Urown & Carraway, llalilal, Dr. J A MuU irigan, Kufiold. AHYKUTlSFMIiNTS. Is Life Worth Living ? That (Icperi'ls upon tlio I.ivr, for if tie' Liver a inactive tlio wliolo pys- ti'lll i.l Otlt of Dl'iliT tllO bl'i'tltll is llild, lltejostion jiuur, lioiol dull or lu lling, I'lioiyv nii'l ii"iofulnep1i loiiio, tho spirits arc! di!- I'lvs.s, ,1, h. iioiivy weiu'lit xi.t.-s ivTvi' eatiitc;, with pTH'i'iil d..'Sioinl''!ii'y ami tho lilum, Tlio Liver i.s tlio liiiUjfko'i"r nf tin; in ill tli ; ami u liarinlessi, pimple roincdy that acts like. Nature, iloes not eoiistipato afterwaril or 9 lvijuiro coiiPtiint taking, ib ics not intoi'fci'c with liu.-iiioss or pleasure ilur itijf it uv, intiki's .Sim mons Liver Looiiliituf a inetlical jierfi'L-Uuii. I have tcsleit Its virtues personally, anil llliow Unit I'.r llvspi'Iislil, liilloli oiesh met '1 tir.il lithj lleililiiehi'. H isllic Lest liie.lt rine Hie llorlil ever saw. Have U leil tol ty ollur relil.'illcs liclolc Sllnlliolis l.iver Keilllliilor, iner none of II, I'lil K'im' 1'loro tluili teiujionirv relict. Out llic I'.i nithitor not only relieved Jan ciinsl. 11. 11. JoNKS, Maeoo, l Dec 8 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. fj W.MA-llN, .1 T'l'tiliSLV-,.auv.-i;i I; I 7-.. I IP, .. N, C. el N .rilneiii ten nml tee I'e.l. ri.l iiiei tn- i'i i. n.ij.ii l.lel.,1 I tile relet- lie:.-, ul-. i! w .i i;,'..i-.i yw..i ir lA, li-"N, ' , . llie Snjiet:. ! 11-01- II -II -tut.' iiial .'.,'(1. ml Colin. l'... W,mi,im;.. .1 ),' M.I : ..I IP, i, N, . i-'uli e.el. M .U.! ul l -..a ii i .i.r: a, eiiti'ii-1, -I t,, I 'otc I ':--., 1 1 . 1 .. I...i,i,- ..ii SPIER iv'KITAiltfl. Ke W- WrtlTAO, 1: 1 1 i i. e. -. . . . n 1 1 o i , s. i . it I t.i k i:i; , w il i t k 1. 1;, .1 TTVltSEYS .1 T ..I IP II AI M A, N. V. 1': ,i ti. in '.! e si.;., l i : ., nl s:i,iem. i ..urls t el I r I'e, i.l l ' la If ATTOllM'A A T LA I M "I I Mi N 1 I'tni i'.i hen 1 1 In m rvii r Wul I'C lit liillll.tVOlltlu Oltiill.lM ill t'lii li iiiHi.lli, J'tll 1, IN-V. ;irc ri-i:m'tl pl Molilli. .UMl M Ml 1 U I t.llill K. nAMkl . A N 1 t I., M I 1. 1. K .1 7 'oA'A7'.')'.s' .1 r ..I It, WELDON, N. C. 1'rai ti. e in UitM'inirtu ol' llaiil'tix iiiiilNnrlliiiliii ton nml in itn- Sui'rt'ini' and l'nl nil rmirm. Ctjl Ift tPiiiv iiuitW- in iilliiiiMif N-ittli Citioliini. Ilruiit li ullii c ul Hiililux. N. '., ok.-ii t-vt-ry Mon d.iy, Jii 1)' K. II, SMITH jr. fcUTLANDNKCK, N. C RALKIOH, N. ('. & s 11 IT II . Mr F. H. HtistiH'nii-l Mr. K lliiiflh.JrCiniM K l'i tit , ll.HI' lofllll ll H llllllUil )l!tIM'rlllI fur tlio pniilin' ol'liivt in lliililax fount)'. Mr litiiii'f will aiti'iiil l in- nini"i Hal i lax regular)', ami w ill uUo viMlUii' cwiiuty w lu-nvver liidwrvit- aru ri'tjiiirr.l. orl 16 ly. O M A 8 N. 11 1 LL, AtliuiK-y ut Law, HALIFAX. S. ( l'racllrt in llulif.is Hiul Hiljoiiilii Fi'dcriil nii'l Suj-rHiu' i-oiirlJi. 'oiiiillcK tu) iir. 2& it. W. ' T 11 () it N 1, A TTti;Xi:Y AT LA 11', i:m ii i i', n. c, 1'notii i' in ihi'iMUit , 'i ll. ilihi mnl n,ji.iniii(.' I'uir.iti. anil in llie .-it'-ii-i'ii' e,,nrl fiillt'ftinitu in.i'lr iiyn Inn in llii' 'Utf, ninlic tiiriit i,ruill inn, I". W W II AM, ttrnf) nt Law, WKI.liuX, N.C. Si-pi Ul mti iitiuti ttivrii to tit i iiniis nnl ri'tnlt niny 1 tl. (Kit. i ir,iiitl nni'ii'. E1 ,1 ll W A K I' i r l. A It K ,i rroixi:v .1 r ir, II Al l I-AX, X. C, llsvtni: tteintniieiilly l.-culetl in W elilnr., enti 1 r.iiui.l nt liis ..tllee in ILooel s llril-k lliiililiiii; null 1 1 II, S , V. t j.l U lie II tl I.S, III "11 ,S. .tl'-.-iiilllll l.llsilll'HS t ttr. fill Htlentli.li linen 1., hI I limtnlii'H.i, tlic J.r.t-f.,-ioii. I'arlit's vimU.I nl llieir liounsitilii'ii ,ie--Iri- l. Jul) li ly. K. L. 11 U N T K K Siirgetm l?utlt Can be ftawd at hli office In EuQoM. Purr Nltroud Oxide Qu for;ihe Painlew Kxtrae U of Teth alwajl OU bud. J1M I l'r,u liit win 11 ut lii m rvl-1 an rrinn d 1 .ill, 1 In n ft Loin" i;iii ii .n'inoiititi iiiinii. nut) il ly J y. J, C 11 1 K L be, hui;t-oii IteiilUl. ,'V NKW APYKUTISKMKNTS. HELP YOUR EYES V I' .-IS i VOI'NO'S CKLEIll'.ATKD IMI'KllYi;il Pl'.I.'ISClll'K.' Cil.ASSKS, I.KAIlANIISI.KI'TO TIIK I.VI-. KNl.No ID WI..IK l.VI. ForSiiU' in linld, steel, l;al.!r mid relluti.iil ! mine. HELP TOSMIE Jly loiyiu;' tlic ui, iitcs' l.iiri;itiii (.'V-T'-diTfl inn OOI.P Hl'NTINli WATCH, Viirj iti ill I'lilL' fl'i-lll ruinv TuoM-: in n:-ui.i i.hi.laiw tETS CF JEWELRY .-.0 .1 .lilie ')!,! , I I.IN',- l i'.-, KAIS-llIM.s I I I K 111 TTl'NS. e 1 1 1' - i n:.!. MIS. iii 1 1 N -. i.:;ai i-.i i;is, si i.V'it: -o.i ,ss. h ii:i;-, ,) i-:s, i'l.A I KIM A- i il..-. il E 1'i'ii ii. 1.1;.-, Ac. At : l.OVlsl ." s. Holds irotni.tlj YOUNC, Vol Ml ,v llllii.j I', i. isl.nit Vn J. w. oil To J. T. lrcn;: net 2 tv. II.MIVi.TllS l',ll i H KI.i AMi illi.lN' ll I -. nloll'llsi.il M lil'ilnle. I KAi.'s- O'llV . .-'0 I II. , N" 1.. h.lieil i, l.eiile W. sth I'lllll 2 '. i M ot i Al lli.eliy Mi. lint.... llV " j 7 :,. " II l:lll.. l.. i 'I.'-." I ... ) I.i.e.e I n!,.. e " in ... 1 AniieWil-eii . .IV! C M ; e: .... I 7 is ' l eioe 'I ill ' i Ami! .-. lien ; :, i'i " i , Aimel-:,;,!',...!,., ; I, " j I .hi 'e.l.i.l.i.r... Ill " I I'. i - Hi I .-,,. w.o-.oi .... ;. a ' I I" M ..In II,, . .ill, " : S I" " ; '.: , Al I lie I. In iml.-ll 7 I'i " , ',',,'. " 11 :C, ' TII.VI.N." i.l'INO Mil, ill. I No 11. i s, ;.i I X" nil ilu.l). tl....y 'laliy e I . :lie Wi.ii.nim, ti ,1.1, .in mil ,t 111 , . Ill I .lie v.i.ii.. en i.l ; In ... - r, is " I. I'i .n-.oi-.... I" ! i'i Alll'.e i,,,' .i p. . .. ..,11 ,1, " : . g Lime i'.l. IL Mile '-. j .Oi.it .-, "...I . I...H-' 1 All, ,t M Il-. ll II it" i I "'I'..' Wll-.l! .' '' U I i"l '. I- " Alll'.e lieel y M toil 1 It-" - i( 1 " i.i:il"Tt,rl,, ,.'.'.'.'.'.'.". M1I ' I'.i ii .... . I , i Iiiilnl , i ...,.1 l.-HVl- Ir:n.i inr.-i'' r'irii.d -i i, i.-,-ii- niliiii i s.'i k ni : Min.liiy. . Ki-ln tiling i') n in.. i.' i I, -i '., vin Alt, Miirli' i; ii-.i-it i;. i . in,. I. a ''ii I.. Ill , ' i" a liLnni -'i' -iiv-h Ui! ilalh cv i 1 .-i.tiUii'- , tli IP ill'l'.'.i- hlMoT'i, N i '.' I li.iiit'.r Mi '.I.-.;,. I N I l i LuT'i r , .iil ". ii nu Mlillliln ill, N I . ) II ll ll. iHnlitv 'a ii. in , nrnvt in. KiTiiriini Utnts iiuii.ii.'i.i. n. r , I , i: mi. ni. Ti'.iMi ili N.-lc Mniiiil at 1 mi j. pi hi.-i.ni-tfH...- . -J t in- ll..tiv in m lc..rkv M.mi.t ii I N.lll nil ll'il.'l 1 1 a. in., mi mi- '.niiNLur , N lilt- llltlllcll leaves UnlkV . ei piu s nl Na-liviiU- 4 40 . I.", p. in. K' luiniiii,' li a e l. in., Ni-li)lir II l.i it in., it, iii. d. uly f-v, mii v Criihi 11 lea t s W i or Clhit"ii. '! uly r,Mt,t Miiiilay al t iiiiiinu h ii . I lu,ii ii al ! j:. u in t t hiiid t ut U:t-.US w till No-. 1". 'I'. M'Utlili,,niiil Ham i.ti Wi1.miI! mul r.iy. th v ill. Hialn h is .il. NiHllilnuinl 1 0. l'iil!' ex ii"'y. I rain N .. :7 nth w ill only ot'iji Ht Wi1mii, iii-iuMxiiuiuiu .liaiiiiini. '1 ram N,i. iiiiiki-v cl..M' roiitici'linii ut Wcliloii fur all I'oiol' Nuiili tliiily. All rail ia Ifu liinoiul aii'l ilaily iicpl uini)iy vin Hay l.ino. '1 raiii!. itmktx lu-o cniiii. i tii.tl tT nil tM.iulM Nuiili in Kit luiii'iiil uixl usli;m:t")i- vll Irakis run (. Inl lu itti-rii ilnnnti.ti uml ii-hii.i't'fii uml lime rulii.uiii I'nim c :ii'i-ipr llltlil'lo'll .1. K KI.NI.V, J V I'lVIN!;. 0-1 l iaiis lien, rul Mil t. T, M. KM Ki;US,i. ii l .im np r AkviiI. WELDON, N. C, FAMILY GROCERIES, Yi:iii:TAiii,i:s. l.ll'IdUS. CKIAHS. SMOKIN'C ANPCIlKWINli TOUACCO. 1 am itoiv prepared lo sell tit lowest cash plies (tl'oc, l'i"s of all kinds. inis. Lionel's, Tibaceo, finals. Snull, ,e., and will a'-o keep mi hand a full supply ot Ir, sh . .'ciabli's ol' every vaiit tv. which nil! be s,.!. I cheap. I'ATUON V(i i: SOLICIT!'.!). Iv A. CI TllUlil.I., First Sue, I. Wcldoii, N. C scp l.i .'.III. Til K A tin I ii nil nc!s A ociatioii o ,1, let li' ii of i iiin -i nature-, mid the t1 Peicciive and Ilusi ' Chietien. II!., for llic nml eiituiuiils of till ,1'cetion of debts, are ihsiroiis ofs, eiiriiii: a live man in eu ry tov.ii i iiili' ti' in th" I niltd Slates In net as tl eir i g 'nt. To such a matt a g"Lh ii opporiiiinly is opinio mi.ke a good hv iiiir in his town, llus As-nciaiioii was i sl.ibli.hi d in I SSal Hiid it has grown in the space of I'ijiM years lo be one of ilu loading detective Associations of Ameri ca. This is llieoiily As-o ialioiiiif the kind in America that does not charge for i nioiiihtTship. Fir lurihcr particulars adibiss JOHN T. JAMF.S, General Southern ag"nt, lull Main slreet, Norfolk, 'a. I". S. A I 1 1 I.1 1 Sen Woiitli rn oxlsl In ttionsHli'U I "liljl of forms. Imt an1 MiriwsM'U by vv niHrvi l ul nivi'iUhiii. 'I Ihim1 v ho hp Iii hi t-) nl iiiuiiial.li' M . irk that ran U- !nn liilt1 liviim at h"tiu' kIiuiiM at Kiicc kciuI their mlilrt'.s to Unlit 11 A i n . I'oiiliiiH'.Miiiiu'.nuil n i'eivr rric.fuH Inl'or- iriiiliuii rii.w cillu'rM'x, of nil av'tw. canoHrn frmn : tu!'- iu r tlav ninl iii-wiiriK wln n-vri llo y live. Y i 1 1 uto sturtt-if fiiv Caiiial not n Uin il. Hitve Dave niiuicdvur Kim u hintfio nay ai hum wort All tllCrfwl T XT A r 1 VT V T i,XThs rcToluH.nli! d I il I jil 1 1 Filllie worLl iliiring th" lal hall ci'iilnrv. Not ttmoiiu I lit w i. il r ofiuvrtitlvf nntun'ss is a nutliotl ami kvr tt'in of work thai can In fwrlornu'ri Bit over llic country m itiiout fsriwrminn nit1 woi ken irom tht'lr homes. Pay liU nil; any one enn tin the wor : ciiimt ynui.K nr oin: nu h'um-mj ninniv re qnlreil rut in in out and roiurn io ua ana ill wiuljoii fnT,Boni"thtn(r of ijreat lmortinre to yon, Hint will utart ymi In biihiuctw, which will )rliii( you lit inurp moiii-y Hcht away, than ttiyminti vise in we woria. uranu uuu r AC4rwirutiavg. AUftiuwiMaun LidntalL NKW ADVKRTSIKMKXTS 1857 ESIAIILIHL:I, 157 JANUARY 1st 18RI. RUFE. W. DANIEL Ul'ilJKUIKS, L1QI10H8, FINK WINKS, OKI A lis, TOBACCO &c, Ac, lllilU.M H I, (, 1,1, 'Si LAiilil! IJI'FUON ICE. R W. PANIKL, No 10, Waslo Av Wcldon H. 0 Inn, tin l.v .MANSION UOlSi: Nolti'i.l.K, Va., M. H. .Tamls, Proprietress, Centrally locateil. gooil afconiinoilatiolis, rates reasonable. Kulargctl, reinoilclerl, rcliiriiisbe.b Home lor North Carolinians, Special rates to show people, John A. Jenkins, clerk. WHAT IS "ALL THE RAGE?" . An excellent rhew, Sill isfact inn guaran lec.l. V. J. MAI)l)l;i:V& SON. Sole ii",-n!.- lbs' Scaboan! ;ynl Vicinity. II. il. WILLIAMS & CO. W holesale I obacc'inisls, Vnrlolk, Va. BUI DOERS CO., COMMISSION MI.UCIIAXTS, CdUNKU CfliKKN AMI IT Kill Sl'KKLTS, I'oitsniotitl), Vn. Soli, it c('iiiL:iuin'ii(s of LumWr. Wood, , ;itul all Iviti'.ls t' country tunc t uUih, GROCERIES ! Wis have just returned to Wchlon, N. ., and now occupy the store between EMRY'S 4 ZOLLICOFFER S. Wc are n'eciving and opening a full line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES- We. will keep ou band a selected Steele of (Iroceiies, Fruits, Confectioneries, Cigars, Tobacco, SnulT, Wooden and Willow Ware. Crockery, Glass, Tiu Ware, il'c, &c. We will sell at tho LOWEST PRICES. Wc also return our sincere t hauls to unr many Irictids and acUaintanees for their kind, liberal palrotiago in the past and solicit a e intiuuinee of the Bamc, willi guarantee tu please. A ery Itcspeclfully, .1. L. .II DKIXS .V t'O., jan 5-tf. Weld.ni. N. C. JAIKSON, X. C. W. T. Ill XTnx, Tel ills moderate. l'ropi ietor. Special arraiigenioibi with llruiuiucrs. .1. 1'. Yancy. W. J. lloshcr YANCY & HOSHKlt, Wholesale Pealcrs In LEY C CODS AND NOTIONS, liicl iiioi.d, Va. M. b. T Davis, 1! I Thomas, H C Davis, jr. M. I,. T. DAVIS & CO., -rillil.lAII.1 -IRnrKRO W ltdLl.sAl.rj U BOl'KKOt Iron Front, Comer Watel nml Com merce Streets, Norfolk, Vn. Agents for Orange liille Powder Co. STOP AT THK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, CnikrNcw ManiiRciurnt. Mnrfrerehoro, N- C J. I Hurrell, l'topi Ietor. Tiansieot lloaid (2 per (lay. Well fnmialwd norm, and first class accommoilationfl. "Special inducements to rogiilnr boarilcrs. Sample rooms for salesmen, and COlivofaucea furnished wbcu dtsiifd' iT '"iii nail iVsM.. .... imm