'imi sy ECALL & SLEDO-E, riiOPMETORS. -A- NEWSPAPER FOB THE PEOPL E. TERMS-2.oo per annum in advance. VOL. XIX. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1888. NO. 31. 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ffig&d Premier Flour - of America. C.AGAMERilLM?oCo. OUR PA.TE1SI T ROLLEE FLOURS tiro tiii.ir.ifa. tur. .1 from ihe CHOICEST WHEAT Ol.TAINAlll.F. f. r wliicli llaliinr its a tuarl.t pr.-emin m. Tli ir up -ri aitv l'..r rXll'Olt.MITV. SniKNCTII .,, 1 I'NAI'I'liOACII A I.LK t I.A Vl ill I b, i. in. been acknowlcdg. .!. 1 In1 PATArscosU'F.lll.AiiVE PATENT Stand, unrivale d. 01' ii ii,h, Cr-amy Cl r il nnkei ii l'ro.i.l lli.it will mil tin? Fastidious. tairAsk y ur Cr n lor it. I'atapscoS'ip, r'ulive Paimi, K!:in..i Choice Patent, Palasei Family Patent, llr-inge (liovo Extra, Baldwin Family, Maph-tnn Family. (J. A. liAMMULL MANTFACTI TUMI CO.MPANV, 'Jl 1 Commerce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. THE ONLY Brilliant & Durable Economical Arc Diamond Dyes. Tlmy excel .ill ntVis in Siicnih, I'uriiy ami EiHricss. None others arc ju-t ;is gtKiil. licwaic nf imitation they are made of cheap ami iiifctior matcri.iU an 1 give poor, v. a!;, crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Srntl prtMl for l'e fi.mk. S.imi'le f..r.t, direction (it Cflorinn 1'ht.m., making llir fitio-i Ink or Ilhiiiijf (iu cl. i'iiart), etc. Soi.l I y Ilrti:u..l or l y WELLS. RICHARDSON A CO.. Burlington, Vt. For Gilding or Droiwir.g Fancy Articlei. USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silvar, Uronc, farmer. Only 10 C-rtt,, juu 11 ly THE PLACE TO GET nisi Mioiesss, AT THE L OWES T 1 J K I C E S, IS AT DR. A. R. ZOU.lCOFl- KR'S, WEST 8IDE WASHINGTON AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. W E L 1) 0 N. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WPKEirRttTHiN DEPARTS! KNT Kll.t.KD WITH THE BEST BEI.E'TKf) MATEUI.M..- PUESCUIPTIONS Ci.)MI'OUNIKI) AT AI.I. HOI KS WITH OKK.AT CAKE. PERFUMEKY, BTATIONEKY, FANCY SOAPS, I'.ltl SII l-S, FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CKJAKS. BIMKHBIR thlli heartr weloomealwt)-! ftwftlljijruu At ZOTiLimVFKli'S. IpllBBBiBgPoiiieslickiBslliicliioc FOR A1.E BY P. N. net Ulr 1 n r 1 I 1 It v. LEADER OF LOW PRICES. Corner of 1st street and Wash. Ave. 8DKALKll INo- DUY GOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, NOTIONS, H ATS, TAPS, DOMESTICS, I'ltlNTS, STAP1.U (iOtlDS, OUOCEIUES, And Eerythinj tliat can be talUd fur. HEADQUARTERS FOR AND HARDWARE The puhlie U respoctfullj invited to etlt. oot 6 Ij PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. EST A.BLISIIEID 1774. Paine; JELER'Y ' 1 COMPOUND CURES PROOFS" , , " l -l.ry Coin Neuralgia ...mi ,v no-, ' ii- .'A lir.nljilifi." ' Mr.. I A IVimw., Norvous '" ' Prostration ,KA,S"-.,7tft m t 'ninii 'tin.!, I :.tn tureu it r1i-inn..iis-ii." Rheumatism stMl v 'h V1?0? l r.tiiuli, N. H Kidney . !. 111 any uhir i-irji Diseases -. An,,,, Mmi. ( iiv. I .. ! "''- """V '"" jiMiti.l Ipj-v I rt-ii . firjt All Liver :r'i,.,.,,,!'i,r1l,,,,u ,,m" Disorders v-mamii'mc 1 Mil, Mun liri-, l. STAIXBACK & CO. OF ALL KINDS. W. H. BROWN, Weldon, N. C. ni, COULEUR DE ROSE. I HV KI.1.A WIIKE1.KK WII.C'OX. F r 0 in () ii c v A We e it . I whiiI innif lives in wlili-h to lovu ThU world no full ..r Ivtmly. I WHIit Ip.in-llHyH ttHt.HM llltf WHJ'H I kn.iw tifil .ins tltiif . I n-k 11. 1 urtMUT J"V tiltlll tliiN I Si lllit. ! all) lit. j, 1 iVt'l l. Wfi'-li 1 r. kcIi vL:y In luni till' liilK'-. A:.. I ifin! (iiilh'.- r,l iy ov. i ! Mill, invi.1, M)iy in'nr 1 Oh r ij.ti r' - - nr. m uf I'M- M iy, i(i, J 11 iif. iiiiiiilniK' !i:-r' If nt it -.l.s uli.'ii vnihii.-r "liiK, "l"n Ji.w.i.. in Wii.l , lun-l.l.T. t. ..-hi i. ;i iI.nMi.i i', w l. l n.,.,1... n, "in'ii Mui-t, :.u'cl nilih., I it utuit n li' iivcu cui:l'! t'lir.it he 11 .It i.iM-Mnyvl itf.tr. 'Illllfltl't' MIC I) Ifl'iril'M f"I I III' VJl1, fiin-li i.t-iinnri dr llu mr . Thu Ni'hM-s reel 1th ull lin y lecl, AlI'lSl-l', H!H I lllAtOHllil llfHT. Tln rc tit, Mit'li vviiysul tl .inn K"1, Km li wtijs nl 1) iu kui'l : Anl lii'inl tiuit'.t nisi mi wtilfri-, fiist ruini I;, nil' uft'Ui), 1 lin.l. r ih, Itivc, slay iiciir ) Tli' iv iii --ac!i i.iya: mii1 kn , Tli. rt- i.i st iMiMi t , fi,rn. ink- s t r Imv.i1 in Nuiii;' ?. Ijk-icI. Ami ii'inaMi'.-'l xiars ln:ni. (io.l l.-tl.-.l bix 1 iy t . i.mkv until, I ilii.ii. I he iii .iks s.:y : I'l '. llVtti V lil'-'ll i.j lull mull nl jTatv -mil' 1 .ri'tu li tiny, di'l w b y lu ni- j Hut "li ' iJ l.uw It.-. I r.t unity , Or Villi' .1 hif fin 1 l'r..iu ijif, dll'- ' 1 1 (. 1: 1 111 .lr II . nil) l,T.' VI' h A hr.-.t UiiH -..ii!.i Ih.. Willi Killeu May.nit-l IiIi!iLoI June. Il'iirrnl 11 iiml tinitr.t 11 .lil, 'llii l re :r uh wi.rM 1.1 ;trf t rc whlrlul, II 1 .li'Ii'iil IP.L liis nlli. t'M'.l'.vc sMyin-ir.i DF.AfH COURTED AND WON. A IM11I IIAUI.V r.AI.I.'lON ASI'ENSION AMI IT I'ATAI, I.NU. Oi;;nv:i. I )ni . .-'.;i: :ii,.t UStli, tix lli.iii-.m 1 u"ii!.;.-l In wit new ill.- Ii.i'I.i. 11 a iisinn i.f I'lui'yssi.r William, nl' Ciii"iii'i ni. an.l Ins iliS '.'iit in a ,nv t i-liiiV, l.iil .xp.n-ti.i.' th.. li'iriUi! siiilit. lln'V WIT" Minn h ,m! t j . ,tl . Ewrv- tliin; v.i r-a Iy an 1 tin; w.irj 1,1 1-t wa. jjivrii, lull tn the nurri' nf cu iy oil.' ii V i'.iiil; man uaiuiil Tlininas Witi !"W h, '; ! ui t,p tin' I'lp.' ninniii ai'uiin.l ill.' I...U..III (T llu: 1. illo .11. a p.. .. on I hi' In. n h an. I IIiiim' mi tli- sj.it tlii.ulii .In- WR ;r -1 ri up a I'cw 1'i-i.t !) Ii)' a i!r..'. I. nt wlion Im hail nuclinl lil'ty i r sixly feet ihe in.wd shiiutnl I'm- j him t.-ti o. a.se his huld. Ihiinh In th, ii-; t'liln ati'.'s, ho held i n an 1 was sum hun dreds of feet ah ive lie ixeid il truwd. Il was evident that hi. stren;;lli mii.t soon fine mit, an'l as he .-Irui-uled t.i draw hiinsell up tn "et his b us thrum-ii the rope the excitement was more than pen can Jcseribi-. Filially, alter a last elli.rt to ;iiiii a slroner ln.bl, his jrip irave way and his descent duHiiward fur a distance of n llu.'U-aud feel l.e.'an. Ilreatlilessly the panic stricken cruw.1 lnuke 1 uu, unwilliiij: wiltie.-st s. For a time bo descended feet fnrcniosi; hen, as if altt iiiplin to help himself ho turned a somersault, after which, until he reached ihe earth, lie lay in a rcelinii!.' position, with ler'3iind anus extended 1 lu fi il ah-mt three hundred yards Ir ui whore ho suriod, Wealing his in-el, arms ami l--"s, while hishuwels protruded ihruiih bis clutlies. The pro fessor, tint aware nl what had hapiciieil, abuul tweii-y see m Is after Winslow had let (.'o his b ii.l b ';.-aii bis decent, which he suoeesslullv aoeu-itpiished. VARIOUS KINDSOFCIRLS. On this ml, resting; ti pie we "ive the llowinii pniiiiers tu our yniug mm aders : A sweet ".irl Carrie .Mel. A very pleasant irl Jenuic Hossity. A siek jirl Sally Vate. A siiiooib (;iil Amelia Ration. A seedy "irl Cora Ander. A luminous "iii E Lucy lViie. A (.'.-oin. Iiical girl Polly (ion, Not a I'illisli.lli il! llellie lludnxy. One uf the best irls Ellatinut. A tluwir j(iri llliinlii lhiidrnii. A musical nirl Sara Nade. A rolounj j;irl .Meta Oiic. A tiininr- pirl -.l.ssie Mine. A muscular ;ir! - Cihie Sthenics. A liv.ly jiirl Innie .iti i:i. An iiiii.-ill.iiu (;irl Lva Nescent. A sad girl Kliti (i. A serene gill Mol.ie Fy. A greut bii gill -K lie Pliant. A warlike ;.url Mil'! Tary. The best girl of all Another's. A QUEER CAT STORY. A correspondent of tlie Forest and Stream tells a story about a favorite cat that sjiends a good deal of her time in a cosy old armchair. 1 1 or owner last May put four hen I- into ihe chair by way of teeing what puss would du with them in order to make her bed mure comforta ble. Strange as it may appear, puss took lindly In llieeggs and in due time hatched four line chickens For Wei ls after the chickens were hatched sho licked tin m nil over erery day with her tongue, caressed and fondled with them as much as if they ha 1 been her own kitlen.1 Whenever the chickens strayed fiom the nursery she carried thorn hack in her mouth as il they had been made of the finest of glass, A RED LIGHT AT THE CROSSING. THE APPARITION Til AT CA 1SEII A SCAB ENIIINEE1I T11THIIIIW I P THE Jul). l'lli;,l.rl.!iin 1 1 111. . In C'liicao ii nt ur. ly. lu'uuly Loai Ji'il nun abuul i'l ji'.irs uM uiiil inii' n rhaps ti n yuui's his juiiini' w.Ti' sialyl in tht Canal ;.trvt l iiiiin U.iil'.vay st.ilimi, cvi ili-ntly w.iiiiiii; I'.ir a train. A c ni.li' of lurj;i' nati'hi'li. lay m ill llu in, iii.lii'alin ih.it lliu nnm wtru H"nf s-.iii.- 'li-iaiicc. A ri'i"ihT ri'i iiiiii J tlnnn usa "uMb'' t'tiviin-i-r ami Ii r. in in li i lia l I -ii niil in a i.i-si'il"T train mi llu' Cliiiau. IIiiiliiiL'liiii anil (,liii icy r iail. i', I am u-i rr liiiiiii- I i I . -n -i--vl vaiiiii," ri'i!i -.l ih.-nl jitii'i r. ''anil sti is my liivinan. - hav.i Innl ciinu..'li. '-Al'raiil nf ih n iniii.., an- ymi'" 'Nn, il ain'l that." 'Tliri'.ili ni il hy iho llrullu rliiml?" "Nn. lint wo liavi' lni'ii Iiv sunie ihin cli' iin.l cjnulii 1 il .) .' mil nl' llu- i-min.ry. I tvniiMn't wnrli li"m any ImiL'rr fur iluiil.li' pay. TVll ymi ah.iut il? Pi'Mpli' Wniil.l mily ianli, hut w km.' what wii an- talkinir ah nil j list llu siai" ll.i y hi ran; if I t.'ll, .luhn? Wl'II, it may inlur.'-l s mi .-b ly, I'.r it is lranji!. 'Whi.'ii tin- strike mi ihu '('' t.uk i'ai'o we i'jiih' Ihti' ami wvnt tn w nk. Wf Inn! li ""ii i. Hi- fur 'I'liln a whil", sm-1 mil I'ninili.'.s ha l 1 .'.irm' I what it was t.i ;:n hiiii::ry. 1 il ) tu t hdi. vi' in lakiii',' iinnlli.T man's j ih, hat wli.-n I Inukml at my tliililrm's j in.-lii ii Cue a ai d ..ti.li' (1 i l.illi. s 1 junijivl at llu' ih.inci' t" ;m tu W"rk. For n lime W" mlli ;l a I'ri-iht train ami rwrytliinn wont sni.i'iihly. l!nl uii! nilit n.nifl tliiiit; h ip' tn'il lh.it ma I nif a w:ir-l It was ahull t.n nVh'i'k anil vi rv ilark. 1 nn was I'ulhnu stra.lily, mi l I cmil'l ii'it s.'u far ali 'aj. but 1 was tryin.' In ki' p mi linn'. Wf hail a v. rv heavy train, ami as wo riunUol aliinn' I iic'..-:i.iiili illy jtlaiicfj Wis In h il'i'ViTMliinu was all ri.ulit. 1 lia l a suit ul'.r".s nl nt thai soincthiiiL' was i;u iS i" li'ipp'ii, D-.i.l full uii"i-y. 1 wiijs. llfl fur a r.u l (-r.min;; ja-t ar .iini the curvf. ami whin r l-i I i-li so In it a Hash nf iiuliliiinu' l.r.nilit thin-.:! mil as i-loar as day. A man in a wa ai driving a -pin uf horses was n.-n luo tiaek. ami the animal-hai heeniu unman iL-eable. l sprang from my seat, reversed my en gine, and give her sand. Then I shut iuv eyes. In an in-tanl we struck them, an I I heard the tracking w ind as the wagon was broken into fragments. ' The train was stopped, and as soon as a flauuian had gone ahead I went la. k. The man and both horses had been kilh -.l, and the wagon was only guild I'.r kindling. I held the lantern up to the face id" the unl'i.rtuiiate driver, an ! th.-cnnilii.-i.'i-reeugni,..il him. lie was a ymiug engineer who bad gone out with the strikes, and while idle had been putting the time nn his father's farm near by. We lifted the body into the eabone, and as we started ahead all felt mighty blue. "i he next night on the leluiu trip, lis wo i-au.c to the crns.-ing where the i (fid. lit neeurre.l. I saw a red light and whistled fur brakes, (ietiin g nearer bull the tin-man and I iii tiiiLoiishcd a wagon standing on the track, and in i; was what a pealed to he the man we had klUii! the night before. My hair stood on end as he coolly swung the red light and siguaihd us to stop. I h.nl learnel that it was foolish to besuprrsti li His, but the way he handled that Ian loin showed me that he was an old hand at the business, and wo could not slop too ipiiek to suit mo. Before Ihe con ductor and braki'inan had cuuie forward, horses, wagon, man an 1 lantern bad dis appeared, ami I started up. not wishing to explain and he laugh-, i at. "When wo reached the end of the ditisi n 1 l, trued thai the man we had run our had up to the st . ih o b-'en in charge of the engine that killed him. I wanted In lay offa few days and kind i f I raee up, but ihe company was shnit of help and 1 could not. The next niebi it rain d again and when wo started nut both .l.'bu and 1 were rather innmK We w.re al'raiil lu say anything In tin,.,. we knew, lot ill. y were not our fiieml... I'ho rain In al agaiu-t the cab nimb us tiiid the la adligl t illuminated the ir.u k hut f ra short di-ianee. Soon 1 realized il.,. He vteic iosing tunc. 1 ha! Would nut d ' and 1 opened the throttle. Inn few iiiiniilf. we were rolling th.,t ,jg II uu aluiu st a rale lh.it ma le I In- ears dance. Filially we ne.ir.d the eros-ing and I opened ihe side window and looked out. 1 he ruin splashed in my face and rati down my nocl, hut I did imt tout, I lh.it. Ahead dimly shone the rays of the red light, yet in spite of the fear ih-it il might be a genuine danger ri.Mial wv ill-bed on. There stood the man in ihe wagon, swinging his lantern Inn mo. mi-tit we had crossed the road and win1 d ancing along forty miles an hour. T!i 1 fll lite train dragging as the brakes .... ti I.. . .. O.Ugl.l. WO wen. g iug loo last, uui I lla'l Dnl li.s, tieed it before. John an) 1 were badly seart d. "Sis w ickshitir wo were put on a pawn gcr run. but not a single night hie- passed that wc have n-.t se ined the led light at the ending I am losing my nerve and uui getting afraid lo make tttLC. id you ever kill a man 1 Then you don't Inow how I feel. 1 shall breathe easier when I get utartcd for huuie." FARM NOTES. Il dues nut pay to feed runts. Fetal inure wheat and less cum. SurLtbum is highly reeumruemled fur dairy euws. Chi -ki ns In thrive inu-t huvo pli-iity of strei n fuud. The t-'itu n hay is twioo as nutritious ns III.' tiver r:ie. If ihe In lis ho cared ful while liinull iie;. they will h.',:iii lu lay In lure winter. The h ir-ies ll:il are lust able to "timd hard strains, -ir-lhusi' whii h wmk stead iiv. 1' p't lie I'ullelslui, fat by hi-h 'ediii. I. ttlinii v'l-uw l.uiiy anil niu.r til.tr. Farm-, -always sell im-st readily, and at the highest prices, win re mads are kept In the hf.-l repair. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. Must uf the lluwers uf Muiitana no t'rauraii -f . The iuili'Iiendell'i elared in I III. i.f Te w; do- A (iem-ia j has burne futir erups this h-.'-.iso.j. An infiiiuary I'-r il.itnb iininia'.s is to l.- cstabli lc-,1 in Philadelphia. Iiarbers lived in liroe e in tin; fifth coi.tiiry, an 1 at Koine in ill" thi-.l cen tury. 11. C iil -re are laws tc.'aiiist ll-iti" j rofatle I in'ii:iu'-by ti lepiiune in ail stales except Ci nn-' icut. The lir.-t euihi- iidi ry iita.-1.io-.' i said I t h.no b 'eu iuv -nteil hy ,lehn Duncan r'(;i in I HUl. St Aii'.-n-tin , Fl . is the nldfst town in ihe 1'niied St it.-s, a fort linvintr lin n built tin-re by the Spaniards in l.'tlJ. A San l'i-.iiiei-..'n cuuple who ilesircj tn L'ot inarricil chartered a tu.'. and had the e.-r, uiuiiy porl'nriiu.d whil" the beat wii' in lb - upi-n .-.a. A M-rif.s uf c;.'.th'piaki-.s in liiis.iin Turl.i.slan last year di--lri.yi.il 1 ..'iiill stunc builiiin.'s v.ith.iut si ri-'iisly injurinj; a Wui-dell st rill tore. A g uileii m igaaiuo sayi nut one-tenth of the people of the I'nited States ever ta-tcd an apricot, yet they may bo sue-cos.-1'ully grown wherever p"aehes grow. HUMOR OF THE DAY. 111 a nutshell Sweet meats. lii'iu lo rule- A hnok keepi r. Notes of the da; --Sight drafts. Worth its weight in gold Hold. Paste tli itnoinls are so failed beeaafe people got stuck on tin in so often. When ii physician loses his slill it naturally follows that he is out of prac tice. An imposing filu -A sching brass watch cases at watches. street solid fak.r g'l't Shakespeare advised I llirnw physic t-i lb-,' d-tgs. ahuil cats. s readers He i, si!. Some m.n have a gi ol ii iiieinls. are horn wiity. OtbiiH inoiy and sumo witty ltitenniiiing the weight of jiii eel is all guess w .rk. Vmi nit weigh a ii.-h without scales. Th" sw.'oi girl gr.i'iualo about this limo is getting sour ovu- the kilebeu laugo, learning how In cook. '"i am so ghui your sister enjuyet! her vi-it in us. Mr. Smith." '-Oh. welt, you know, the i the sen ofgiil whu can eu jiiy 0"r eh' any whore, ymi know. I'u nut let y air ovi rwe. tiing modesty ircvtnt yuii .i .un r, curding your own good d . I- A if i. .-late loan lost a loituiic, i u -o tiii iiigu an iiureoori.ed deed. Say s a novi illlirview ho -ti.-. of I -d iy, ih s ribiiig un twein loveis: "Itftwceii tli. in there pa- ltd an ccsUHe kis." Awl n.-il lor of lb-to :L'il it 1 Air, what muff, they must have. he. n. At a uu bis tv In, with a fair lady ly bi-.n . ' lie a-ked fur a i.i-s, but sho these tn th--ny Itnit, "Nut hero," citf-d the hulv. in tones full nl tjuirr.il . "Though 1 have nsit tha slightest ohjee lii n on earih.'' It fklea's An. Ira Halve. The l!o-t Salve in the woild fur Cut-. Uruises, S.ires.lTi-cM. Sail Piheiini.Fevt'T Soies,Teller, t'bap m ban-Is, t'hilblairn V'oriH, iiinl ail skin juptioris.and positivo ly cures 1'iios, t.rnj pav reiui-ed. It is irni,r;,.,to 1 1 i git-: period satisfaction, or i.i.n.. yi i tndt -'. Pr'ce .'i cents per box. Vitrsa'. by d.tigijists at Welilon, Itrowu & Can-away, llalilax, Dr. J A McGffigan, Enfield. AdoiJht largi hlipmont of Iwis' vliitc VmiI LonsitMl oil vie , juat rocoivotl anJ wilt be sold at ttuall aiivunec abovi cost by T. L. Kmry. A DY FHTISE m ENTS. CONSTIPATION s rail. .1 il. - i uii., , i .1S,., i Wllii-ll ills..;,-,, .u.ill, , n-. Ii llu- iiI.m.,! i. .,, tlie I-. U iiIimii i.l ,1 III Ihe sluiuiu-h ,,, 'l I'.v II Tin n. I I. iii r, 1 1 1 i-M-u'.-l ll'lll I'... .Niiliui. ..ii ,i : lu-euiui'.i,, .1 mil, M lluuilKll SI hit III "I IT. 1 1 lunll.T Loss of Appetite, Sick Kctulitchc, Bad lkeath, etc. Tlie In i, hn,. i, i nn u-l i . "I l.i' III- .hriii, in 111.-. I. ill I.. ;i I. n lilti-r II - H i- ru... ii r.K'.u.u I, . ,,i , III..- ilU-l ur ni-ui -s -' 1 "''' ''''' "-'M-ii'lu'l ilu.-s nnl .v.-. fl-V niih Conilipt- ..' -a ( . s mi ! ..ii,.,,-,t i-i.ry. ,1. I '..I I III I II ,, ii , i.. : fcl.'li, . i. W. ,0.. Take only Ike . intuit-, Wl.;,'., (a, Wt-i-.p lb-: rcJ 55 Trjjfc mailt anil Signature of J. II. Zl.TMN & CO Dec 8 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 'J1 W.MA-liS, iTTnni:y-.iTi..i n; tiAKvsi-.rnii, . r. l-iii-lii-,-s in Hie emiris ,.l' .V,rtliiitiiitnii Hint U'ljelliOiK e Ulitii-s, ills" in ll.o l eJerul Hint bin I'l-ciuc i-uurls. A' r. llnvt KN, II . .iyvv;,'.(.r-.iv-..Mi' JA' K -I IN. N ('. I'lrtetiees ill t!a- Sol'erinr, Mull' 1,11'i T-.-iliTUl t'i'llrts. ('..ilcetniii- ti sjii-i -: -i 1 1 v . yiMSliKNKA Hill)., .iv'A'.v;)-,s--.i7-;..t if, SIC!iFKKI-:imiii, N. i '. lill'n-.-ilsys ill iti-tuii cvi ri Muinliiy. I'rKC lief ill Uu- .-UU' ,01.1 I-V-leu.! ft.'.rts. I'l.-mi'l all.'iili-, t'Hill li!l,ilii-ssei.lflitea ti ns. l,.,iuis ll"H.ill,U.'l SPIER WrilTAKER, F.IW VUh'ITAKEIt. H IM.,.lt. S. e. i, u.n Aili s. e. II I T A K Ii li A, W II I T A K i: II. .1 TTOK.Xh'YS A V I. A W MAI. M AX, .'. 1 . I'm tii-e In Itie ;--.ii.'i,.r nn. I -t.ier.-iae ennrtit of Hie .-une oii.l in tin- so -I. ritl .-..nils. ii. r 1.'. If W. A " ' N x ATTOX.XKr AT ..III', '-i.M. M l'rtti ti.'i-. Mlii-ri vt i liitt firvifi Wilt he til ll'tlllttX I'll till' HIM IlllllM in I'uch m.itiili, Juu 1, 17. it rt- n'quiml I'nii'l Mouduys M' .1 'I TOR .V E YS A T LA II', WELDON, N. C. lrarlii'i ill tin: minis of NalifitX HlHlSnrtlnimp lull un I m tlif S'nin'iin ti'nl F.'iL'nil rtnirts. t'ol lei lions ii.k.W- in rilli.tirts.il Nuiih t iirniiim. Hrmu ti utli. v ut Hull fax. N, ntoti every Moil tiny. jmi 7 ly t. II. Kt MIKK, II. H. SMI III jr. K W.KI'ill, N. C. tW OTLiNUNECI, M. C 1'PJIE K A SMI T H . Mr F 11 HiisNt nii'l Mr K II muh.Jr., Puun "iii.m- iil l.iivv , liavt- I .iiin-.l ti Iniiiu-tl (rtirtncniiiiji for llu' prittiii c nl ln in llalilrix rouuiy. Mr 1.1,5th' uill miiiiil i In' . oiiii.n'1 llhliirti r tfulary, B-..t Mil i ! . visit th" county h lii iit'Vcrtii.M-rvli' ur.- r-'sjuiuil. iM't Ifl ly. J' HO M A d N. 1111, I,, Attorney at l.au, HALIFAX, N. ('. I'm lliYr. ill HilX Hll'l R(! FfilvtKl mid Min;c I'uurU. liiltii.' counties utd HIK 2fi it. T HORN K, -1 TToiXL'Y A T LA W, KNF1KI I'. N Tr.u lid's In tlirmmir. f H n h I'r hihI H.ljoiiiinif rmmtiri. an.l in tin1 Sitpn mc court. ('..lli'cli.ins nimli' miyw here lit Ih state, ami re turn pMmpi.Lv jjnolt. r W MALI, Attorney tt Law, WiaiHN,N.C. Spn liil MU'iiti.'ii itlvt'ii liicillw Unn inii remit', taiiech proiDply matUt. may 1 tt. K1 ' 1- W A K l T t I. A K K, .1 TTURSEY A V l.A If, II VI. II A. N. ('. I'mi-ttri wliifcivr In- t -illiM'tnMl ! rUim K.i m rviri'i ari'r'iiiril. ni priiiipliitiitltt.ii. yi, j. &. $ hi h i. it a, Wur(etn Heiillnt. tlavltippcminiK'ntly loftrt"! In WpMox,, ran le ft.iin.l m hi.t.tV - in l:iiii.'I ulirrck HiiildiiiR at all tl'iii'S flivpt h li.n HliM itl on pniti'.nin!ial lnirjtiu'an i;-r"f.il niciiti.iii nivcii in all liraiirlitnui" thf rt-fp-.ion. l'rtii vimti'il at vltolr liomeawlien dB- hirvii. J"iy w iy- IT X. U HUNTKK Mrfuii Dontlht. Can be fltonfl a kit offlce In Knflold. i) Pnrt- NUruui Oxl.te Oai ftrKtht Pftlnlw SxttrM N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. I1KLP Y()UR EYES JJV f.-lN'noCNT.SCIil.tllUATKI) IMl'IiOVKD PEK1SC0PIC CLASSES, I.KAIl AMI -HIT TO Till' KVK. S I 11KN..TII KNIMI Til WhAK I.VI.S, K,.r sitle In l.uld, su-. l, Ktilils-r toiil Celluloid I lUlUeH. HELP TOSJVE Hy I. iiv inu' llif tfrt iili si l.ii.ri,'niii i.- .-r .ITt n-il i CtOUb HTNTlNd WATCH, Viuyh'E in '''Uu Troiu FOKTYTUONK lifNl'llKU l iI.I.AIi-i Wui'tti mtiily d'Hililc the (irico. CETS OF JEWELRY il:ili(l.i,jHL, in iii-1-.-ii .-oiil tlei' in ijii-iltly. A lll.itl soul .lilli-renl st;. lis ..1 ItlM.S ns., iA I' lil Mi-, I VVV IH-TTllSS, s'll'I'S.i .11 J,M;s, nt i-iiiss, l-.l; At I I-; 1 M. .'it.vKii soi.iiNs nn;Ks. ,v ,i i.u-foi, l-I.ATKIi l -A-rt.liS. U K PITiTi-I-.II-", Ac. At tin; !u,vt-.-l ,i-sfl.le loircs. llr,-i..TK Jirouipt'.j' . HUen.i .1 tn, J. W. YOUNC, (.St'CCr:s:i(U TO J. T. Vnl'MI A HRO.) I'fkrslnm Vv, Ml.Mf':Tt' AMt WllI.i'fl.N KAI I.I'.OA 1 M AShitl!.M lih'-. ( OIHll'llsCll o't'lU'llulc. TUAIN i.nlN'. S1 "ill, Ni. XL I S" i;. liiili -1 J Hi. nth ISrt. 1 H 1 1 y fn.-t maH j ImiIv. l.M.VC WcltlnlJ I t -'.I'M i. llV M Ar U..-ky Mtitinl.... A 17 " AT 'l.irfi'T I 'l 1" ! l.uivt lurtH.r.i, I'i o,im'; . . . . Arrhv Wilnn,, . j :i.v v m ; in U'tui- W lis.. ii w III " (Inii y s sun 7 IS . I ' l' .'.'""" sin . i '.ow ill' a'. rtti i la Arrive Kiivellel Hie, l.l'in.-le.l'.i.lierii I.eiil.' Wur-iii'.- I.'-IIIC M,1L-,!,,1,H .... ' I " ! 7 I'l "I Anne W iniiijiirt.iii j 7 lit " a " THAI.NS lldlNi, Nulfl It. I., li, I Nn daily, iluily Nn III! .Iiiiiy i ii.Iiii- I.eni,,, Wi 'III, li ' A M a I.. , r. is '. i Arm,- 'e,lo..lri ru . I.ei,i.- K.ij, ;t,-i ille 111,..' Wtl.-el l.ei.ie Wii-,,1 lie -HUM i i").iii ; '. Anne We 1'ltllV I'Vlt'l'I MIM'll.V Tmni i It f..!l;tn.l .-ck lT-lfcli li. ttt-l lv;i cs I I'i 1 1 In I'.-r -CMiltm.l Nf.'k in o.t p in Kflin iniip l.-iiv ci :-i nl!.ili 1 Ncrk ntn.iu a. la., iluily I'vccpt M.iiljiy 'I riiiii Uiivi'-'larl' 'I'.i X t'., m AlU-mttrlti ami Ktili-its'h K. I; Imily est i pt Siimlny ('.in p, m , , untliiy "li p in . urriM' iliiuiip-lon N, C. Hi in . i 4" ii ill It. turn. in; li :.vi-h W illuiittsttiii. N. C.ilmlv i-xi-.'pi -uit.l.iv 7 .in, iii. .-mi'ltiy .i.um. in mm Tit i'i... r". N . i . w... l ' n i. m T iHin till .Mi'Htirnl N.I' isninrl, Ic-ivcj- (ml. Is I .un i N i ' , ili.ily cn't'iit ! int. tn y s :o a. m . nrnvi' siniililn N r, tin (mi. m. 'u nitiiini; liia.-s MiiUltti.'l.l N. (.'., Ill l. it. t:t., ttnivc i.il.lr.liur.', N Ti'ain on Niislivill" 1.1-RHrli Inivi'H K-rky Mflllll ut 1 mi p in., at river. Ml Ntt.slivtllc ii" p in . -piitiij H.'-i- K p. iii. I;. hiiuiiiK Lines l lii.i 1!. pt- I'i to , m , Su-liviilo 1 1 i.i a. in.. K i-'.y Mi. mil 11 :.;., in. tlmU ci cpi StuuiHy. 1 tain on i liiiton r.nuif h lcnVt Viiiinv f..r clini'.n .1 i iv fi ,ipi Mm, iuv .ni;i.( p. in, i;t- t nritillc N ii r t 1 till' 1) lit I.' il UI (KliMTlll g ill Wnrstivv llli N..s, Hinltei. s.ii!lil.ti!i'l mini on WiIsmti ml FnvctlpvilU' Unui. It in No. .tl, N..ftlil.ouiiil is io. 'Itaily vx tt l .'innliiy. I rain No. .'7 S -nlli u ill ..niy M-.p nt Vi1s.jii. (inl.li-u.tr.iiiii.i Mnviiuliit. rniin No, 'is iniik.-s t'losv t'.iittii'clti.ii al WVMmU f..r.il! p.titn.-. N. rili .Inilv All mil v in Kit -l.n.iutl Mli.i tlttiiy c. cpl iu..liiy vi liny l-ilic. 'I'ruiiis in m lies t loi.' ci in i. crtii tn fi.r nil p..ini North v in H'cliiaoiui tuiti unlmlf-ftiti. Ail iraii'.s inn s H.l Iii iw it-it iltiiii-irU'it it ml WH-litnirl'.ii ami I'HVp I'tilinnti I'dKiiv .-iii' vl ntli.. In -I J.U.KI.N1.V. .1 1 l-l V INK. Sill.'l Tii: ( t'l.flitl Mlji'l. T. M KM KK.-ON, li.-n'l I'nw iipi r Ar' HI- WELDON, X. 0. FAM I LY GROCERIES, V EGETAHI.ES, L!Ol'( HIS, ClllAliS. SMOKIXt; AMM'IIKWIM! TOUAl'CO. 1 am nnw prepared to sell at lowest ca.-h prices (iriiei ri'-s of ail kinds, Wines, l.i.pi. rs, Tube.ccii. Cigais. Snuff. &-.. and will also keep on hand a lull supply of I'nsh Vtgftiihles of every variety, which nil he sold cheap. i'ATKON.v;i:soi.inTi:i. E. A. (T'HIKKl.f , First Snoot. Weldon. N. (' Sep 1 5 lliu. The American lVm-iivc and Kusi- ne.s Assiieintion of Chicago, 111., fur the detection of t-iinu-s and criminals of all natures, and the col'e'iionof debts, arc desirous of seeming a live man in every Inwni.nle tv in ih" I nilt d Slates to act as their t'gent. T,i such a man a gulden oppi nuuity is open to make a good liv ing tn hi' town. This Assoii.itiou was est.iliii.heil in Is-iii and it hs jtntrn in ihe space of eight years lu bo one of the leading detective Associations of Ameri ca. This is the only As-o, iiliuii of ihe kind in Aineriea that does not charge for a membership. For further pailiculars address JOHN T. JAMES, General Southern agent, Kill Main street, Norfolk, Va. 1'. S. A. 1 1 1 i I Si-a Wi.iiiliTi csirit In thimantlii 1 9 W I j J of lormit, Imt art' mirimwi'il try tlie marvel, i f Invcminn. I lnc w ho nn- in ih-i nl pro til a M1 work thai i-uti In- (lone w I. Hi. livlnii Hi homo Mlimilit Ht inii i' M'lul their (idilrcs!. to lialiclt Al'n. rtirtlMit.MitlmMiiul rcci'tve frtT.fiiM infur muti'-tt hiu cithcrni'.. of nil hl'ih, ran enrn I'rora lt li.il.' tM-r lnv kikI iipwanlK w iH'irvcr tin y live. Yuil Hn? htarti-ii free Ortiiial not n'qnlritl Kinro havt' niHili'iivcr vhiiu a ninnie nay ai inn won AH UMtH'il. T XT A T I J VT 11 T WThiiK reTi.lutlonliM'il 111 V Till 1 1 Wii the wurhl linriim the la I halt century, pint it'HM Hmtiniftne won rtcra til inventive proRrcrw ia a iiiiHIhmI ami ayi ti.in nt work that can tie iM'rfortned all over Hie i tiiitilty h itlioiit ai'tnratiiit the wnrkera from their hoinea. Pay IiIhthI; any one ran do the wor-: eitner ynung or om; no apeeiai amiuy re atitnil Cut thin nut and return tn un anil we will nt'iiil you frftp'm-tlilngnfirreatitiiiMirtanee to you, that will mart yon In bimlua, which wlllhrim you In morevioney hffht away, than anything elae lit th world. Grand ouUlt fre Addrew True and Co., AuruiU, Matna Li nU NEW ADVERTSIEMENTS FOIiSALR Any one wishing to purchase can get TWO DESIRABLE LOTS On Main Klrct in the town of Welduli mi EASY TERMS. These lots are most eligibly r.ltuatcd f,,i re.-i h noes, being high and naturally limine!. .No belter locations can be had in (lie town. Apply at HOANOKE NEWS OFFICE. Kept 0 t. LipORSr C. SMITH. NEK LlqUOltS, SEK 111S CIGARS, evi:rv drink ix season. tay-C. Smith at Evans' old stand Washington avenue, Weldon, N. C. ib-c Hi iv. li :.i'i i lift l.-S'j) ff .U.MU 121) SYCAMORE STREET, rETERsnuna, va. Steam Hakers and Confectioners and IValers in Foreign and Pouiestie Fruits, Nuts, o. Manufiietund and Smoking Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Snuff at the LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. Manufacturers of Marks Celebrated Steatn-llenti'-d l 'uitly. nov 1 1 lyr. MANSION IIOl'SK Ni'itioi.K, Va., M S. Jamks, Proprielnss. (Vutrally localed. gtsul accoiniuotlatiouH, rates reasonattle. p.nlargcil, remodeled, reliiinislietl. Minne liir Noitli Carolinians. Special rales to show lieople. .Ions A. Jkskiss, elcrk. WHAT IS "ALL THE RAGE?" An excellent Chew, Satisfaction guarau teed. w. J. maiu)1;i;v& ho.n. Stile agents for Sealsmnl ami Vicinity. 11.11. WILLIAMS CO. Wholesale Tobaccouisls, Xorlolk, Va. MUDUERS & CO.. COMMISSION MKKCIIANTH, CtillNKU (iltKKN AMI lllllll StIIEETM, Portsmouth, Xr, Solicit consignments of Lumber. Wood, Eggs, Fowls, ami all kinds of country produce. june 7 3ms. yjwy&'ii si Dm, JACKSON, N. C W. T. Ill XTON, Tcmiis initdtTiite. Willi lliiiiiiiiieis. .1. P. Yancv. Proprietor, SHTial arninrnitnui W. J. liosht'r YANCV & IIOSIIKIC, Wholesale Dealers In SSY QOODS AND NOTIONS, Uichiun.d, Va. M. L. T Pavis, 1! IITlioinat., H C IIotU, jr. M. L. T. DAVIS A CO. WI1lll.KMAI.,1 IRtH'KKlJ Htll.hsALri VJKtX'KUOt Iron Front, Corner WattM and Com' meree Streets, Norrolk, Va. Agents for Orange Iiifte Powder Co. btop AT TIIK EXCELSIOR HOUSE, I'ntlcr New ManajjemnDt. Jlorrrect-horo, K. C. J. L. Ilanell, riupilvlui. Tuwltnt Bimrtl (12 per day. Well furnished rooms, and first clasa aceommotlations. t-Special Indncemeata to regular boarder. Sample rooms for talesmen, and conreyancea furnished when dralntfl- Wine.Beer.Soda, I J mj' ""li f.

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