II.A.LL & SLEDGE, 1'ROPIUETORS. A. NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPL E. TEBMS-2-00 PKR ANNUM IN ADVANCK. VOL. XIX. W.ELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1SS8. NO. 34. 7 lW V4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rA I LN a CAGAMBRIIlMrcCoJ 1111 11 11UU THE AIM) I Ul 111111111 (1 PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS. ESTABLISHED-1774. OTJK PA.TE1TT ROLLER FLOT7RS ire manufactured from tlie CHOICEST WHEAT OBTAIN AM.K f.r which Baltimore as market stands pre-eminent. Their superiority for I'NII'OUMITV, BTKKNUTH and I'NAlTltOACH.WH.K l'LA VOU lias lung been acknowledged. The I'ATAl'SCOSri'ERLATIVE PATENT. Stand unrivalled. Of rich, Criumy Culir, it niakot a Dread (hat will suit the Fastidious. HjrAsk your (Ir ccr fur it. PatapBcoSupirlativo Patent, Rolando Choice Patent, Patasoo Family Patent, Orange (irove Extra, Baldwin Family, Mnpleton Family. C. A. UAMBUIMi MANl'FACTI'RINO COM PAN V, 211 Corumorce St., Baltimore, Md. aug 12 ly. If You Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyipep It, BUkuumw, Blood Humort, Kidney Disease, ConitipalloD, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague, Blceplevucn, Partial 1'aralysls, or Nervous 1tq tration, use falne's Celery Compound and bo cured. In cacti of tbeae the cam U mental or pbjmical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which li to weaken the nervous sys tem, multlnj, In one of these diseases. Remove the cacsi with that treat Nerve Tonic, and the result will disappear. . Paine's Celery Compound Ja. L. Bowkh, flprhiBfleM, Muu , writes: ' Maine's Celery Compuuud caiDOt 1 excelled ai a Nerve Tonic, lu my cae a tingle bottle wrought a art-at cliniige. My nemUKiieMi entirely disappeared, and with It tfS rcMililiijc aiTeetlon of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole Vttie of the ivnteiu was voiulerfullv invigorated. it'll my frirnda, If sick ai 1 have been, 1'auie'i telery Compound Will Cure You! Hold by druiarl'te. II i six for !'. Vreparcd only y blu, tticuAitiieoM ux, uuriuightu, u Jw tbi Aged, Nervous, Debilitated. jun 111 y THE DEAD PAST. Why cherish a hojw thut is ended? Why look, down the vista of years? But to hu flora loiiK-huricd sorrow, To open a wound with new team. 'Tin over, Cornet it as unci ess, No matter how anxious we he, To try to go hack or nnrover, A pearl that is lost in the sea. Why waste precious moment in thinking Of m-eiies that were beau ti hi I then Y Why linger o'er graven t tut hold trwiMirett? They'll never return itimin. Why wish lor our youth anil it glad newt ; When Irom sorrow and care we are tree Whi ti 'tis gone Iroinoiti gr.ip, goueloruvur, a pearl that is lost in the wa ! Why mourn for the hour that luut vanished; li y grieve tor the thiiigH that are lost? Why weep lor the (lowers in summer ; l hut lie ni'alh cold winter's rm't Can we iiiiiketiuicsLiudstill or turn hick- ward '! Or revive the dead rose to the h-a? We might just m well try a go searching l or a (M'Jirl that Is lost in the aa! Warranted to color more goods than any other dyei ever wade, and to give mora brilliant and durable colon. Asfc tut the Vtamtmd, and Uko no other. FOR 10 A Dress Dyed k Coat Colored a i- n I uarmenis nenewea j CENTS. A Child can use them I Uiwquallad lot all Fano antf Art Wortu AI dniffgUtt and MrrrbuilJ. l)ye Book frw. WELLS, RICHARDSON k CO,, Prep,., Barilngtoa, Vt, 1 FRONTIER JOURNALISM. A KKW EXT11ACTS I'UOM TUB k'AMOI.'S "ARIZONA KIl'KKll." LOBELIA FORCAVE HIM. ltll.I.ICIKIl MCSWAT S I'l.KA 111 Nil WAS Mnllt rllAN HUE COTI.U WITHSTAND. HOW SOME KINGS DIED. and CoFpissiofi ,UiictiJUlTSf ROOMS 8 i 9 HAKE lll lLDIStl, NORFOLK, VA. m'XIH'R. THE r",tMPHtT K.Y (UTTUX KXi'HANliK Xi.VAI.I SII1KKT.NKW YORK Mr-Spceiul attention paid to the wile of euttun and liberal advance made on all Cona igniuenta. aug 1 (! 3m. T. J. JARRATT & SON, CO-MHTISSIOIT MERCHANTS, PETERSBURG, VA. COTTON BAGGING and TIES. ILln bouiiht Urv nfu.vii,(( nnrl II. BI'KoRK Tit K RISK we ran 11 tliem chrap. Alllam'ei'ulkiii 111 lnUiif HO i mulv MOI.DKUK 5Q CENTS A "A1,li"i"1 frlK-'l "tilled f)hlpmcnunfctuiiftiiil.lber pnnlut-r hllclu.il. Iligh.t rush prim ululnrd au) prompt rvttini. mailti Auy arrnnjcnieiiU eao ' made llh )rw. W. I.OMI, LillKl.ni, N. C. upotm Henry I of :lutlimy. F.dwurd V I. of a decline. Cliail. M I. on the M iiff.il.l. Richard III. wiik k. i I ltd in battlu. Henry VIII. of iiiilmn ,1cm, fat fury. Ueorif! lit. as Im had lived a mad in,. (iior IV. of gluttony and drunken- IIJ.'S. Ilmry VII. w:isted away, aa a miser ouuht. J ami I of drinkiug and the cfTceta of vice. Charlca II. su IJculy, it is said, of ap oplexy. Edward V. win MrntiEjlcd in the tow er hy hi unele, lliihard III. William liul'us died the death of the ps.r stags which he limited. Henry II of a Irulccn heart, occasion ed by tlio had conduct ol Ins children. (ieorge 1. of drunkenness, which his physicians politely called an apoplectic fit. William III. of consumptive habits of body ami Irom the stumbling of his horse. Kdward III. of dotage, and Richard 11. ol'slarvation the reverse of (Jeorge IV. Henry VI. in prison, hy means known then only to his jailer, and now only known in heaven. William tlio Conrjucror from enorm ous fal, from drink and from tlio violence of his passions. ticorge II. died of a rupture of the heart, which the (periodicals of that day termi'd a visitation of tied. llkhard Cieur de I.ion, like ibe imi iii al from which ho w.is named, died by an arrow from an archer. Kdward II. was barbarously and indc cenlly murdered by ralfians employed by his own wife and hi r paramour. Henry V. is said to have died of a "painful affliction prematurely." This is a courtly term for getting rid of a king. Kdward I. H also said to have died of a "natural sickness" a sickness which world piu.lo all the college physicians to denominate. Heury IV. is said to have died of 4 fits caused by uneasiness," and uneasiness in palaces in those days was a common com plaint. AN EXCITINC TIME. The last issuo of the, .lri;ont Kicker contains the following: A I.IK NAII.KII. Old Mose Taylor that excrescence oil the face of humanity, who has becu licked, rail-ridden, jailed, and bounced from every towu in the Kast is report ing around town that we let up on (leorge the ttouger because he suliscrilicd to the Kli'b r. As there may be some one fool enough to believe the old hycua's yarn we will explain that (Jeorge, who keeps Ihe checkered front saloon, was falsely repre sented to us by a rival iu business, who hoped to drive him out of town. We did wade iuto him for a spell, and even tried to get him lynched, but we were in error. While he has shot three men, they wi re all trying to get the drop on him. (leorge his subscribed for the A'n7ivr because he likes it, aud we have let up on him because he is au enterpris ing eitiien who means to do what WO K. We return our thanks for a buttle of port, sent us yesterday. As for old Mose. we've lift-light the rope with which to hang him within a week if he docsu't leave town. A IIAII, ll.UI MAS. If thiTo is a meaner and inure cor tcnipiible coyote on the face of ihis foot stool than 'Major" Jackson Doty, the old skinflint grocer on the corner of Sit ting Bull avenue aud Cheyenne street. we'll give 8."i) for hn address. We ob ject to personalities in a newspaper, but we must say that of all the low down, doggoin d old gum-La ! 8 in this Territory hi) takes the cake. Hu d cheat a blind woman out of her dead baby's coffin, and he'd lie if ollcrcd 8 1 Od to tell the truth. A CHILD WITH HORNS. BOIIN WITH KOI R TKET1I AND Hl'KAKS, TEI.I ISH TIIK TIMK ot ITS M.A1II. LATER. Major Doty has come in and subscrided for the KUker since the above was in type, and has also contracted for Stil) worth of advertising. We take pleasure in informing our readers that he is a bus iness man of the o'd school, honest, re liable and truthful, and that as a citir.cn his record is above reproach. Long may he wave. A SI Sl'll.'IOl'S CHARACTER. That old superannuated wiud bag who runs the HV.V,(y Shir aud calls himself an editor aud publisher has agaiu been eiilicising the political coursj of the A'li .vr. We invite and can stand criti cism from men of sense, but the idea of an old jail bird breaking the burs in Illi nois, robbing a farmer of his hogs, and comiug West to start a paier with the proceeds and criticise his superiors from week to week is a little too catosh. For the benefit of the ofliceisoflhe law we would say that this old cuss, who goes by the name of Daniels, is about 50 years old, yellow-faced long-nosed, sever al warts on his chin, and has a game leg. He can, no doubt, be tried for a di-i -n different crimes. o did think once of singling him, hut the cost of the shot and powder 6gured more than his car cass is worth. "liilliger McSwat, remove your arm instantly !'' tlreat drops of perspiration broke out on the broad, intellectual brow of tb young man to wliom these words were addressed. "Have I presumed too much on the kiniluess and familiarity with which sh has treated me?" he said lo himself "Have I lost her?'' No! Xu! It cannot tic: It must not be: And lie gave voice to the emotions that lluilled his soul: "Lobelia (irubb," he said, with the yearning, passionate warble of a young poet tendering the first paroxisms of his muse to a red whiskered, cross-eyed litera ry editor, "hear what I have to say first." Clearing las throat with convulsive en ergy he went on: "For the love of heaven, Lobelia, do uot tell me that I have been mistaken iu thiukiug the uniform regard that has marked your conduct towards ni-3 during the l.i.-t six iu intlts to be a warmer scnti merit thau that of mere I'lielidship 1 Do not crush the I. ye that have li.seu In my breast like a Uuv iukeo avenue ten ement house er. etc! on t he contract pluu. He your own guitle, tinder, pitiful self, and" "liilliger MeSwat, remove your arm !" "One moment, Lobelia I Think of he happy, soulful hours we havo uncut ov. r Dante, Urowning and and the hen and a half problem ! Call to mind the enjoyment, the enthusiasm, the er pa tience with which we have attended lec ture after lecture ou art 1 Heiucmber the" "Billiger McSwat, remove your aim'.'' "And listen to the pleading of your own gentle heart wht u I tell you of the sorrow that a hasty decision on your part would cost me now. I could not bear it. From a private letter shown us by gentleman I which ws written by one whom he enns'il.rs oiniii-tioiialile ihority) dated ()-k-sir, Wi ., we obtniu the following remarkable story : Several days ago there came a peddler to the ho'ise of a woman on Eighteenth street, O'knsh, Wis , who olTered lor sale lliblis, prayer books, tracts aud oilier re ligious literature. The woman who re- lused to liny anything ol the poildUr. told him she had rather have a devil in her house than a llible. The pnldliT replied to this remark hy sajing that she would have a devil soon enough, and hl't the house. The woman, a day or two after that, gave birth to a child, which had horns and the appearance of a devil, and having lour teeth. A Mocti r was called in and, up in his suggesting, ou ac count of the hideous deformity of the child, or devil, its dca'h by killing, the ere dure spoke, siyiug: "Vou will uot kill me; I shall live seven yeais and win n 1 die 1 shall take my moih-r wiih inc." W lie her or not the story is true can not be said, but ihe grntlemitt who re ceived tip! letter is firm in the beii d'that the slory is Irue and has wiiltcu to par ties to visit the house and write him more full v. Kx. A BROKEN HEART. I came here this eveniug, lijtielia, oppress ed by the news just received that I have lost my only uncle. In the breast pock et of this co.it U tlu letl :r tint conveys the sad news. It is I rue lie was a man of great wealih. He was worth, perhaps, a iiiarter ol a nullum, uud in the letter of which I speak I am informed by his solicitor that am hiss ile heir, but" "liost your only uncle? Oh, I am so sony I Let it be my mission to couifoit you, liilliger 1" tiently, forgivingly the fair maiden beamed upon that sorrowing young man as she laid her beautiful head with its wealth of golden hair tenderly aud con solingly on the breast prckct containing the sad letter. And Rilliger did not remove his arm. One of the inmates of the county jail at Winona, Minn., Iiobert Dillion, died from a broken heart on Sunday evening in the jail building. The story of his fate is n sad oue. He came to Winona 15 years ago, at which time lu was known to he engaged to be married to a very es timable young lady of l'eoria, 111. He was once engaged by William llayef, and afterward by otlurs of Ihe leading business houses as a bookkeeper, and made friends fast, but a jealous rival cir culated malicious stories about him, prejudicing his intended bride against him until he was rejected, lie took to the cup and drank freely, until finally l.e could not do without it. lie started a saloon about two years ago, and last spring was found guilty of selling li.pior to Indians. He was bound over to the fall term of the Tnitt d States Circuit Court hy Commissioner Berry, and in default of bail he was committed to the jail, where he died broken hearted in a sad condiliou, and uumourncd sive hy his friends among the prison inmates. His mother is a highly-respected lady, lives at Xeuia, Ohio, and is in good cir cumstances. Ex. A 1)V EUTISEM KNTS. Is Life Worth Living ? That Je sends upon tho Liver, fur if tlio Liver is inactive tlio whole sys tem is out of order tlia Lreutli ia bail, digestion, poor, head dull orueliing, tnergv and hopefulness pone, tho spirits nro do pressed, i' ho:ivy Weight, cxista a!yi' eating, with potieral il'ispondency and tho blueA The Liver is tho hoiuokccpi'r of tho health ; aid a harmless, pimple ro nedy that acts like Nature, does not constipate afterwards) or require constant taking, does not interfere with business or pleasure dur ing its use, makes Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. I have tested Its virtues personally, and know that for llvsiii'eRia, limoiiHiiesi. mid T'hrtiubhiK lleailiu-he. II Is Hie best meol rlne the world ever saw. llnvp nied forty other relneillel before Simmons Liver Regulator, and non. of them gave more than temporary relief, but the Htfoiliilor not only relieved hut cured. It. U. JoNKS, Maetm. tl Dec 8 ly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "J1 W. MASON, ATIDRSEYATI.AW, IKYSbTKU, N.C. Practices In Hie court, of Northampton and adjoining ciiiiiiliei, also in the Federal and Su preme courts. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ITklF youk eyes JJV USlN'l VOUXO'S CELEBRATED iMri:ovi:i) n-iu.scopic glasses, CLEAR AMI SOFT TO TIIK EYK. HI RENOTII KM.Mt TO WKAK EVLSJ, For Sale In Citild, steel Rubber and Celluloid Flsiui-.. HELP TO SAVE By liuytiiK the Kreaicat Urn-ill) everolTered In a GOLD 111'NTING WATCH, Varying in Price frum FOKTY TO ON K 1U NURKH DOLLAR Worth neaily delink Hie iinct. SETS OF JEWELRY flflnclionip in iI.-hikii and flue In quality. A thou bund dilli-iciitislylcH ol' EA HI SMS PIV STIIiS.ClH.I.AI MI.VKK M'. I'LATEIi i-MXOS, Ct'FF llt'TTONS, 1:1 TI'ONS, hlCACKI.F.TS, -, t OKKs, .V' ,11 OCRS, slllbS. II K IMTCH-U-, ir. Al Hie lowest possible prii-es. Orders promptly HUemh d lo. AY. C. lliitt'EN, ATIVRSRY-AT-LAW JAl KSilX, N C. l'rat'llees in the Suts-rior, suite and Federal Courts. ColleelioiiK u Kpcciulty. INBUHNK4 Bill)., ATTHHSKiS Ari.A ir, MI KFREEslHlltl), N. 1'. oei U Ir fOR HAI.K BY P. N. STA1NBACK it CO. THE PLAGE TO GET AT THK- LOWEST PRICES, IS .AT . DR. A. R. ZOLLICOFFER'S, WIIT SIDE WA8HINCT0N AVE, OPPOSITE R. SHED. f ELDON. N. C. STOCK KEPT COMPLETE BY FREQUENT ARRIVALS. WrMSCW PTIO DEPARTMENT FILLED WITH THE BEST SELECTED MATERIAL" PRESCRIPTIONS COMPOUNDED AT AIX HOURS WITII GREAT CARE. PERFUMER V, STATIONERY, FANCV SOAPS, BRUSHES, f FANCY ARTICLES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 1 1 M I M 1 1 1 thtu kMitr waumni always awilti yoa at ZOLLICOFFER'S. LOVE LICHTENS TOIL. A straw colored bull pup, an organ grinder with a monkey, an lri-h woman with a ba-ket of bananas, a colored man with bucket of lime on his head, an in ebriattd sailor, a white igirl with a new pair of shoes under her arm, and a coun tryman lua cheap blue suit, with a saeliel aeeuiiugly iuite heavy, were all walking down Maiu street yesterday towards the lallianuc b rrv. J lie hull pun was ahead of the procession. His tail stuck out straight, his eyes gleamed and be walked as though full of business. Sud denly the Irish woman slij ied on a piece of amilo ) el. Her feet Hew out and she dropped ihe basket violently on the monkey. The uioiikey shrieked; the bull pup ar"e a short distance iu the air through astonishment and eicitcuicui. and then swept like flash between the organ grinder's legs. The Italian let go the organ, the crank of which he had been turning as he walked, and the an eient Roman melisly. "Blue Violet,'1 was crushed to earth again. In trying to escape the dog the colored man drop ped hift bucket of liiiio, tho contents d whica were splattered over the sailor, who swore tud flung up his anus, one of them sinking the white girl acrim the nose. She naturally ejaculated. The couiilryuian. likewise alarmed by the dog and the cuiumotioii ahead, dropped his aachel on the animal and began to run. The bull pup bowled and tin country man fell over his sacjiel sprawling, and fur the apace of three uiiuutes Main street was aa animated ai a circus Brooklyn A'uye. Iluralen's Arnica Halve. The Best Salve in the world for Cul, Bruises, Sores, I'leers, Salt Hheuiu, Fever Soiee.Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, mil allskiu erupt: md positive ly cures 1'ilcs, nr no pay required. Il is guaranteed to pit perfect aaliaf action, or money refunded, l'ricc'i.centaperboi. For tale b; druggists at Weldon, Brown k Carnwiy, Halilai, Dr. J A McG wigin, Eoield. How easy it is to work when we arc happy ! How delightful, when we are happy, to work for those we love. A life of constant toil, merely for sub sistence, is very hard and sad. No heart can Ih nr it. The strain will break the courage and sour ihe temper of anybody There must be before the worker some better reward (ban the supply of h mere bhvsieal wants, or ho will become a disisintented being. He must work for love ui ire than for money, or he is miserable. The thought of loving hearts at home nerves the strong arm of the man at lies toil, and -ends the warm IiIim.J singing I broil: his heart. The wife, in her household labor, is happy, thinking of the evening hour, when she may sit down with hi r husband and be rewarded by his lovin companionship for all that, during Ihe day, she accomplishes or endures for hi in and her little ones. She knows nut how hard she works, so long as hc is happy in him. She would, ifci-d were, kill h. rself wiih h trd labor for his sake, and not dream that she was dying. And he, il a true man, would do ihe same for her. For what do warm, fund hearts know of how much they endure for each other '.' " Why," they say, i lio more the better. It is for lovi? for love." What kitchen umh r ground, what baek attic, seven stories high, it dreaiy enough to darken the face of the maiden working to make ready for her love's visit. No ono ever mw a plaoe that could do it. I'mler the excitement love, especially of love requited, wonders of work, otherwise impossible, have been accomplished; and so it will be again, and the worker baldly knows that he has tasked. All wool aergea 36 inches wide at 21 cents. M. r . Hart. Just received a car load of furniture which wo offer at law figures. 1', N. BTAISBACE & Co, TOCRATIFY VANITY. OflVe day" in Wiuu'mi every MitndHy. 1'rac ticii In the Mitt mid Ki'ilvml Courts. I'rempt atieiitlon bialMtLiFttUiKiti'iitriiHlcd to us. Iamui m'K'itiitU'd SPIER WHITAKER, F.'W- WHITAKER, HAI.K:..!!, . ' IIAL1KAX, S. C, II 1 TA K Kit & W II IT A K E R, J. w. (slf'CKSSOn To J. T. oi l i ly. YOUNG, YllUNU BRO.) IVU-rsbiirf, V4 VY"'1 MINI, TON AND WKl.l'ON KAILKOAD AMI JUtA.NCllhS. 'uiiiU'mrd belied ule. TRAINS (iOlMi got Til. I Ne i, I Nn 117, I No I, Dated Jan. Mil IHSH Dully taut nmil I daily lmly. I t'xsun LeHVf Wcld'.n 1 1 'f-I'M (ft 4 (1' M (iriii Ar liucky Muuiil.... ,U7 " V lj. " r THrt.-Tu I Leave Tiirt.iru,....,M liLWASij , . . - ArrivttWilxt.n. . I .mm 7 (w .... I74H " Lciivt' WiImui j "4 10 " j ArrivrSvlina 5 111 Arrive Krtyetievlllc, 7 i. Li:HVeiiiild.slnru 4 W l.i'HVf Wtirstiw I Leave MiiKit"lld ... 1 'i Oi " 8 40 Airivc nitnuiiKteii 7 40 " jI5 THAIN'S (itHNd NORTH Ni , I I daily j rJ0"'M dully No OH iluily ex. Sunday, it 4.' p m i.ovi: A m STAMPS. So, young lady. you've just got married, nd you want to make a show! Vou desire to touviucc your early inuipanions and your resent associates that you have made a good match, and iu order to o this you will diioctly, in your daily mlicy and indirectly in your customary talk, make them believe that he isagieat il "better oil"' than he is. Vou must have marble mantels, and taidry car pets, and you waut a piano, upon which you don't kuow how to play, simply he- cause your old friend Mary Jane has one; and a thousand other costly articles must be obtaiued, all to gratify your vanity. Your poor husband gratifies your de sires to the extent of his abilities, says he cannot do more, and then you become sulky, pout, leave the buttons off his hirt, and let him shirk fur himself 'around the house." Voung lady, you have made a mistake. He content with a little, if it is sufficient to keep vou comfortable. Save what supi I Unities cost, and buy substantiali ties. Never mind what Mary Jane tHisscKsca. Look lo what .Mary yoiirsclt and children may be possessed of two or three years hence if you are prudeut. ATTOltXKVS AT LA W HALIFAX, N.C. rractici in the Superior anil Sujremt! courts of the State mul in Hie Federal oourM. ror 15 tf W. A-"l'NS A TTOllSEY A T LA W, M'uTi.AM' Mt K, H. 1 I'raitiees wliereverln. aerke are required ill tie ul Hullfai eiithe tintt andHeeund Mondays In each mouth, Jau 1, lst7. 6 48 8S4 JAMK5 J4 Ml I.I.KN, 1 L I, t N B M The London (Unlit- says: llerlin wo men have reached au extreme of folly by inveuling this "pestage stamp language." The stamp in the usual place, that is on the top right hand corner of the euvelope, means, when upright, "I desire your frieudsh.pi" across, "Do you lovo nie?" upsldednwu, ' Llou't write again," crook ed, 'Write at once." When the stamp is at tin; bottom corner en the right hand, it means, if upright, ''your love makes nie happy." When it is on the left lop cornel it means if up right, ''I love you;" across, ''.My heart is another's;" up side down, "(io id day, my darling." When it is on the bottom left hand corner; it means, upright, "Fidelity will be rewarded; "across, "Hon jt leave me alone ill my sorrow;" upside down, "Vou have withstood all trials." When the stamp is on the same line as (he surname of the addrtss it means, if upright, "Ac cept my love;" across, "I long to sir you;' upside down, "I am engaged." Slli: WAS WKM. IM'I'.l'AKKIt. WAl.TKR K. DAK1XL. li A N 1 K L. A TTOltXEYS A V LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practice In thociiurUnf llalifai snnNiirlhsmp- Ion atnl in Hip Snprciiif and Federal court. Col lections inailf in slips rtsef Nortli rarolma. Braacb otUee at Halilai, N.C, opea ever; Hon. day. Jo ' PICTURES. A room with picture in it and a room without pictures differ by nearly as much as a ris.ni wiih windows and a n iu will - out windows. Nothing, we think, is more mtlaueholy. particularly to a person who has to pass much tune in his room, than blank walls and nothing on ilietn for pictures are loopholes of escape to tho soul, leading it to oilier scenes and other sphcrm. It is such an incxpri'ssi hie relief to a person engaged in writing, or even reading, ou looking up, n it to have his line of vision chopped sipiare off by an o li m white wall, but to hud his soul escaping, ns it were, through the frame or an exquisite picture, to oilier boaul i'ul and, pirhaps, idyllic scene', where the fancy for a moment may revel, refresh and be delighted. Is it winter in your world ? Perhaps it is summer in the picture. W hat a charming momen tary change and contrast! And thus pictures are consolers of loneliness; they are a sweet flattery to the soul; they aie a relief to ihe jided mind; they are windows to the imprisoned thought; they ire books; they are histories and tonnons which we can rood without the trouble of turning over the leaves. The miuister always fell il hi duty to givo each young couple a little serious advice before he ucrforiM'il Ihe marriage ceremony, and for this purpose he usually took them aside, one at a time, and talked very soberly to each ol them reading the great iuiHrtanee of the step they were lo take and the new responsibilities lin y wire to assume. One day he talked ill his in si earnest manner for several luinnti s to a youn. woman who had conic to be married to a blight loosing young man. "And now," ho added, in closing, "I hope you fully rcalin- the extreme iin portanee of the step you are taking, and hat yoa are prepared for it." "Prepared?" she Said, innocently, "Well, if I aiu't prepared I don't know who is. I ve gut four common iuilti and two nice ones, and lour brand new feathir beds, ten sheets and twelve pairs of pillow-slips, four all linen table cloth: a del n spoons, and a good six quart brass kettle. If I ain't prepared no girl in this country ever was." Indignant Subscriber Bay, is the editor in ? "No. What do vou want?" "I want to amash his darned head that's what I want." "Well, if you'll wait half an hour he'll be heie. Ik s down at the gymnasium teaching his class in boxing and wrestling iust now. "Kr well I euem I can't wait. I'll call again." F. H. alSBKE, I.LB10H, N. C. R. II. SMITH Jr. KvrLiaoNSea.a. c Leave Wilminaten i re. O'-iiu i yim am Leme Millions I J4 SlOaii I 5 Unit- Vwirsuw 1 III Si" .1 Armi lilslH-ru.,,. S2j " I 11 si " IU Leave Fnji-lleville -hail" Airivi- Sellna j lu:0" Airivc Wilson I 1 1 ae " I Li'live W llsoll ill t " IBtapM Arrive Hoi ky Mount I 1 IS " Arrive Turbor UM " Leiive 1 arbor j Ill.siaM Arrive Vu ldm I t i " UtOpili liioly rveept Sulnbiv. Tmin ' li Se.aiioiil Neck Itruueh Koad leaves Ibiiiliit for-e,alsnd Seek at-icopni keturuiny li-avvs Seollioi t Seek lit U :IJ a. Ul., daily except .Sinitiay. Tmin leiive.THrtn.ro N t'.. via Albemarle and Rnleiuli K. It I'lOly exiTpt sinnlsy lino p.m. tuiiiliiy r, ou p hi . arrive Williainsion N. e. s 11' p. in., li lea in Keliinonvc b-tm-i VVilhsmnnin, N. I'., ilslly eeepl Suililay i Ills. io. Sionbiy li;0 a. a, tirrivi- lio-lii ro 1' . y l'i a. in.. 1 1 ;:u a. Di Irtilnou Ml 'liilnl .N :. nr.iiuli leaves l.olils- mi N l: . diiib ei eot Snniiiiv a an a. in , arrive niiOiiii-bl, N r, In on I,. ul. HeluriiiiiR leaves Suotlilield, N. 1.'., Hi la a. In., arrive tioldsboro, N . i'J lop. ill. i Trmn mi NiistivHle Bram-li leaves Rocky Miilllit nit (HI p m , srrlves al Nilsliville i tu p. senna none e isp. in. Krniriniia i.avea i.riiu H.ae lulu a in., Nusliville II l.'i n. Ul., Koi ky Mount II AM, in. daily except Simdsy. 1 rannai rllliti.li Krsnell Icsvcs Warsaw rnr linteii. dully eicaia MinilMy, ul li (id p. m. He- tiimniK iiiivc l liioi n ul s tea m eoioieeloig at Whtshm w nli V l i an. I isi. Sonllilioniul Irani on V IIhoii and Fnyettevllle Prinii li is No, 01. NorllilKiuml is W). sliaily ea- ecpi SiiiHiay. I non .so . i, s' lnn iu only nop at mucin, libtMtroioid MiiKiiolla. Tmin No. 7s mukes close isiiniiH-tloli at Weldon rsll i.aiiis Norlti dallv. All mil sin Kieloiinliil ml ilHily exerpt SioiilHy via Hay Line , Tr.,11. iiihLc i bw.e ei.ioieetioa lor all points Nnrtli via Kictiaiouil and IViuitiliiatoil. a tra m ran id between wi mintton ana Washltiatiin aud tiave I'ullman I'aiaea aleetn allaclicd. J. K KF.SI.Y, ) T. IlIVINF.. Sin, I Tram tieneralbupt. T M. KUF.KSON, ouiiT I'aMenaer Aacitt. I'SBKB ik SMITH. Mr K. H. Uiubee aud Mr K Hmilh.Jr Coun m loreat Uw, have f.Tinel a limited ,rtnerthl( r the practice of law in Hal i (ax county. Mr Bu.lee w ill attend the courtaul Halifai refulary, aittt w ill aUu . mil the eouuiy betiwer htawrvtcs are n-quired. ocll ly HOMA8 N. HILL, Attorney at l.tw. H Vl.IKAX. N. T. 1'racifcea in Halifax nod adjoining countls and ...Iap1 I Mttrirvm I'mirfJl aii(. tf. w. THORN K, A TTOHXEY A T LA KNPIKl.I). N. Traetieea in iherourtu of Halifai and adjoining CDuntieaand in the Hiim-me court. llei'iiotiti niinle ativ where In the Mate, and re- til run iMintly niaile. W W HAL1, Attorney at Law, WELMiK.K.C Special atw-ntion riven to eotlct-Uoai and remit; lance proaiptly made. atayllt, 1 II W A R II T. t' I. A R K, ATTOKXKY AT LAW, II AI.IK VX, N. C. l'rnrlleis fflisrcver lib .er.leea are requiri il. ( ,.'.'tv. lion uf.i.nu. Ki.eli prompt aiutlliun. may SI ly ). E. 8 H I It 1.1)8, HurgeoB Dentist. flavin, permanently lorat ed In Welder., can ha f .uii.l at hi, office in lumel s llrlck Riobllna stall timet except when slmenloii profeMbmal bualneaa arefiil altentlun ai.en ui all brancheanf Ibe pro f..sion. Partle, vliiusl at tbclr homes whea da- Hlrod. J"ir 'I- ID K. E. h. HUNTER Hurgeon Dentist. Caa ba fannd at hla offlce la But aWL rani Mltruua Oiute Uaa me taa ralaiaaa lllnc tl or Taata always ua aaiMi, itaaalt El 0. fall, ELDONT, N. C. FAMILY GROCERIES, VKC.KTABI.K3, Llyl'OKS, CU1AUS. bMOKIN'C. AND I'll KWIXGI TOBACCO. I am uow prepared to sell at lowest ash prices I iron ries of all kinds. Wines, Li'iiini's, Tobacco, Cigais, Snuff, &a, and will also keep ou hand a full supply 'of fresh Vegetables of every variety, which ill be sold cheap. l'ATKONAtiKSOUCITKO. K. A. CI TIIIIKLI., First Sueet, Weldon, N. C' sep 153ui. Tin American IVtcclive and Busi ness Association of Chicago, III., for tho detts'iion of erinn-s and criminals of all ' , natures, and tlio collodion of debts, are ' desirous of situring a live msn in every town snde tv in 'he I nilid Statestoact as their rgent. To such a man a roldea opporiuiitty is os'n to make good liv ing in his town. This Association was - establish. d in ISSO and it has grown in Icar, the space of eight years to be one of ttftamine leading detective Associalions of Amen- This is the only Aa'ociation of the kiod in America that does not charge for memlH'tsliip. For further particulars address JOHN T. JAMKS, General Southern agent, 109 Main street, Norfolk, Va. V. 8. A. S.S f DEKl St Wniirtprs eiltt In thontmndi m riimis.r'TrU arc urw--i "j marvels of in Ten ion. l hone who are In need o I iinifltahlr work that ran be done while 'tn "J home shoiilii al ntieewnd their a.lrtrew fci HalleU A ro.Pt'rilan1,Mrilite,aitd TOeel?e frer.niil iiifor m H how eithersei.of all aires, can earn from fS to H'i ar day and it P -var.la whorev-r Ihey live. Yon arealartetl iw ifnii noirvM"""!- ""r-w have madeovcrlMinaslnrcl day tl Uita J au tnionMn. INVRNTIONTlWr, the last hair .vntury. Not le.l aismi. tlii i won der, ofliirenllve pt a bcIIksI and in tern al work that ean be Derfenned all iw er lh emiutry wllhoul wpanillinl ae "Ik rmra their Jii.iae.. Fy ill" ': fSim. work-either yonnt or old: no apeelal ahlllly re quired Cut tbil Tut and reiurn n. u, and w. illlindTinifr."-tlll,l'''f'''l","',,.?rI loyoo.lhal will Mart y.ai In lm.lnr. which will brlnarou In more mooay rlalil aw.r. thao anythlna elMln the worm, urim on IuVlreaiTriiaari4tio. Auuu Katna I 3 ,a 1 a 'I X i I, t -"WaWaJCS-.

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